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Blog Update #2 Summaries and Index

Alter Native


This entry provides short summaries and a character index of previous chapters of my Skyrim story blog "Of Blood and Pleasure".


Story Overview




















Baroness Nora Karlov
Age: 407 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: White






Short description:
She is a nord vampire and the Baroness of a smaller vampire realm in Skyrim. Nora is about 400 years old and the main character of this blog. She embraces and enjoys being the vampire she is and is mostly driven by her own selfish motives and cares little about others, except for those who mean a lot to her.
Since she doesn't believe in the very concept of (human) morality as we know it she has no problems to do things considered evil by others. She will manipulate, lie, kill and betray people and do whatever is needed to get what she wants.



Long description:
Parts of her biography and origin story are shown in section 1 & 2 of chapter 2 and the following lines are a short summery of the events.
She was born in Skyrim in a small village near Falkreath more than 400 years ago as the daughter of the village chief. As a young woman she agreed to an arranged marriage negotiated by her father to a man she didn't love in order to advance her family's politics.
During the wedding night she realizes the impact of this decision on herself and her future. Her doubts turn into an argument with her finance which lead to a fight during which she kills her finance in an affect. She flees from her village and seeks shelter in a nearby cave which is home to an ancient and powerful vampire.
Instead of killing her the vampire offers her to turn her into a vampire which she accepted.
All of this means of course that she is not a pureblood vampire and she has no special relation to Molag Bal. Like most vampires she believes in Molag Bal as the father of vampires and the only true god without being deeply religious. She draws strength out of her believe in order to wield her blood magic that she uses in combat in addition to one or two one handed sword. Nora is well aware of her influence on others and uses it to seduce and manipulate others. Even for a vampire her senses are very sharp which lets her be aware of the current emotions of others and she knows very well how to take advantage of this. She cares little about rules herself but recognizes them as a powerful tool to control others.
During the events of chapter 4 Nora was named Baroness by the will Queen Isabella.

After killing the former Baron Eric Beauvais she now is the Baroness of Blackrock.







Amelie of Clan Cruel-Sea
Age: 21 - Human
Dialogue Color: Light Green
Introduced: Chapter 2





Short Description:
Born as Amelie of Clan Cruel-Sea in Windhelm she was kidnapped by some of Vasil's man as lust object for their master. When she meets Nora the two start a BDSM relation and Amelie falls for the vampire and her new Mistress. Since than she works for Nora as a maid.


Long description:
Amelie was born as a daughter of Clan Cruel Sea, one of the noble families in Windhelm. Unlike most sons of Skyrim she was taught reading and writing in a young age and was raised to represent her clan
and her future husband's one. Thus, she is very well-mannered.
At the time she meets Nora she is relatively sexually inexperienced and under the influence of the vampire her captivity turns into an erotic advantage.
She develops strong feelings for her Mistress and is willing to do everything to please Nora to gain the sexual attention she desires.
While knowing that Nora is a vampire she is to this point unable to see more than her erotic side of her. Partially so because Nora carefully chooses the information given to Amelie and the behavior
shown to her submissive.
While not having really strong feelings for Amelie, she is more than a servant or toy for Nora and she early recognizes the usefulness of the human girl which lets her stress her relationship to Vasil and some of his friends at the end of chapter 2 to save Amelie's life.

After Nora killed Baron Eric Beauvais and claimed his castle for herself, Amelie moved to her Mistress' new castle and continues to serve her there. Besides taking care of Nora's private rooms she is also responsible for her wardrobe, hair and body hygiene.




Thomas Valec
Age: ~400 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Green-Blue
Introduced: Chapter 6





Short Description
After the events of Chapter 7 Thomas becomes Nora's boyfriend. He's an agent of Queen Isabella, taking care of business the official governmental body has no legitimization dealing with.


Long Description

Thomas was born about 400 years ago in Morrowind (mainland) and became orphan at a very young age living alone in the streets of his home town. A smaller branch of the Camonna Tong (Vvardenfell's organized crime syndicate) on the main land eventually took care of the boy and other orphans and started using them for their criminal activities.

Thomas proved to be very talented and loyal and with coming to age he raised in the ranks of the local syndicate which became his second family.

Eventually he became the right hand of the leader and being charged with the most challenging and important tasks. This leader turned out to be a vampire that eventually offered Thomas another way to further increase his skills and abilities in exchange for his life.

Thomas accepted and got turned into a vampire, running the guild as right hand of his father.

After centuries and an escalating fight between him, his younger (vampire) sister and his father he found his way towards the realm of vampire Queen Isabella where he now serves in a similar position.



Count Vasil Vondrack
Age: 1216 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Orange
Introduced: Chapter 2







Short Description:
Vasil Vondrack is an old friend of Nora and is one of the Vampire counts in Skyrim and so he rules over castle Stensia in the east of Skyrim and is Lord of a couple of human servants as well as other vampires in his service.


Long(er) Description:
Being one of the vampire counts of Skyrim, he is well aware of the responsibilities that come with his position for both humans and vampires. Holding this countship for several centuries led to him being less impulsive than most other vampires and more calculated. Nora and Vasil have met a couple of times within their lifetime without ever developing more than a lose friendship. Partially because Nora is constantly signalizing for more in order to take advantage of a friend who is looking for more.
With the vampire community he is most known for the Treva slaughter that caused a big diplomatic crisis with the High King of Skyrim.








Queen Isabella
Age:  ~2500 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Pink
Introduced: Chapter 4





Short Description:

The Queen of the vampire realm Nora is living in. She is one of the oldest and most powerful vampires in Tamriel.


Long(er) Description:

Queen Isabella is one of three vampiric Rulers of Tamriel. Her realm consists of the provinces of High Rock, Hammerfell and Skyrim. While being Queen of the realm she is Duchess of her allod High Rock. She is one of the oldest living vampires in Tamriel and got turned by Molag Bal himself which makes her a pure blood vampire. She excels at diplomacy, manipulation and plotting.
Unlike other rulers she is not trying to promote members of her own, royal bloodline to position of power, but instead she excels at recognizing promising vampires in her realm and promoting them into positions of power. 
This way most rulers in her realm own their title in one way or the other to her. She has thus created a uniquely stable realm with loyal vessels that strive to impress her instead of plotting against her.
She is also known for never showing her face in public and instead hides it behind a veil. 






Viscountess Lenora Cheyne
Age:  ~650 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Grey-Blue
Introduced: Chapter 4




Short Description:

The Viscountess in the realm of Queen Isabella and friend of Nora.


Long(er) Description:

Lenora Cheyne holds the rank of a Viscountess which makes her first in the order of succession in case one of the Counts of the realm fells into disfavour. She is kept closely to the Queen in order to get to know the realm, it's politics and members.
On one hand the position of a Viscountess prevents the plotting of less powerful members of the realm such as Barons from plotting against their respective Counts and members of the High Council. On the other hand it promotes plotting of the Viscountess herself as she is next in the order of succession.
To that end she looking for allies in all ranks of the realm that are willing to support her.
Nora met her during one of the meetings of the small council and it didn't take long until Lenora recognized the aspiring Baroness as a potential ally and friend.






Age: 24 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Dark-Green
Introduced: Chapter 6






Short Description:

Hannah is a young vampire living at Nora's court, recently turned against her will by Kristoff, Nora's thrallmaster.


Long Description:
Before Hannah got turned into a vampire, she was a 23 year old human girl and huntress. She grew up around Falkreath in humble homes. Her extraordinary beauty attracted many admirers from a young age on, only to turn them all down and instead got togaether with Jasper, a boy she still knew from her childhood days.
During the beginnings of chapter 6 of this story she and Jasper end up as guests in Nora's castle anaware of the Baroness' true nature. Nora makes her watch how she seduces Jasper with her vampiric powers and decides to have them both served as food at an upcoming dinner party. 
Dring that time she's taken care of by Kristoff, Nora's thrallmaster. In an attempt to escape this situation she starts to give herselves and her body to Kristoff.
During the party Jasper ends up as food on the dinner table whereas Hannah's blood is served during the rest of the evening where she gets killed by Thomas and Nora.
Later, Kristoff, Nora's thrallmaster finds her dead body and decides on turning Hannah mislead by her phony actions earlier.
After turning her, he realizes that her actions weren't truthful and fearing Nora's wrath of turning a thrall into a vampire he keeps hiding/imprisoning his new daughter. Nora eventually finds out after a hint from Fina and despite being mad at Kristoff's actions she welcomes Hannah as a member of her household.
Nora seperates her from Kristoff, asks Valentina, her stuart, to educate Hannah and makes her participate in an religious ritual to make her a full vampire.

However Hannah is still struggling with her new undead life, her spite against vampirism and her father, the loss of Jasper, the wish to return back to her old life and undo things, but also her desire to live on and fit into the new vampire world, that is calling for her with blood, pleasure, luxury and freedom to live life on her own terms. 








Duchess Maerwynn
Age: ~2400 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Light-Green
Introduced: Chapter 7






Short Description

Duchess Maerwynn is the ruler of the vampires Hammerfell and one of the most important political figures of the realm. She holds the position of a judicator which makes her responsible for judging and enforcing the laws on a higher level. The local figures (Barons and Counts) enforce it locally and she is responsible for everything beyond that, such as fights, crimes or disputes within the nobility.





Lady Yvonne Fiano
Age: ~350 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Light-Green
Introduced: Chapter 6



Short Description
Yvonne is a good friend of Nora, whose origin story is told in Chapter 6. As a vampire she partially owns and runs the Euphoria, one of the finest noble brothels of the Imperial City and is the main reason for Nora's wealth.



Long Description
(Spoiler of Chapter 6) Yvonne used to be a prostitute in the Euphoria, one of the finest noble brothels of the Imperial City. She was lured into the brothel as a young girl living in the harbor for non-sexual services such as cleaning and ended up as a prostitute when she came of age. To bear the side effects of her job she started to take the Felldew drug and became strongly addicted.
After meeting and falling in love with Nora she tries to convince Nora to turn her into a vampire and escape her live that way. One night she commits suicide in the believe Nora would turn her. Instead, Nora gives up on Yvonne as she is not willing to give up on huge parts of her own power to turn Yvonne.
Instead, Ethan, another vampire living together with Nora turns the human. 
Decades after a conciliation with Nora she agrees to run the Euphoria that is now owned by Nora, where she was previously employed and exploited in exchange for parts of the ownership and the profits of the Euphoria. She marries her vampire father Ethan and lives a fairly calm live in the Imperial City, enjoying art and culture of the vampire society of the Imperial City. 










Baron Eric Beauvais

Age:  813 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Grey-Blue
Introduced: Chapter 5









Short Description:

The former Baron of Nora's realm as well as a former friend and lover of Nora. She killed him during the events of Chapter 5 in order to rule his realm.


Long Description:

Eric Beauvais is the former Baron of Nora's Castle Blackrock. Nora met him a couple of years after she was turned into a vampire. Eric found her as a roaming vampire in his realm, killing humans and causing chaos. Instead of exiling her from his realm, he took her into his mentorship.
During that time the baron introduced her to the high society of vampires and the world of luxury that was previously unknown to her (Chapter 5 Section 1-3).
Shortly after getting to know Nora Eric falls for the young vampire, starting an affair with her despite being married to an aged human wife. Despite already having the attention she desired, Nora forces Eric's human servant to kill his human wife in order to live her relationship with Eric openly. 
Despite their contradicting attitudes towards humans and drinking their blood, Nora and Eric spend more then twenty years together. During this time Eric turns the young, outcast vampire into a part of the vampire society and the person she is today. 
Eric himself was raised as the youngest son in a small village near Dawnstar in Skyrim and is destined to become a fishermen like his family. A couple of month after his marriage his wife started to become absent during night and shortly after he discovered that she was got turned. Against Erics will she forces her vampirism upon him. 
Despite being terrified by his new existents he understood that accepting his new form is the only way to stay together with his undead wife that turned him into a vampire.
Centuries later and despite opposing a lot of the vampire ideals, vampire Queen Isabella made him one of the Barons of Skyrim. His discipline and unwillingness to drink blood and to give in to the lust and hedonism of other vampires made him the perfect candidate for a realm that desperately needed a strong ruler to restore law and order.
This quality of his became more and more problematic for the realm, as he was barely supportive of the Queen's rule and he withdrew more and more from all vampire affairs not directly concerning him. 
Nora's successful ritual of rebirth of Chapter 2, and the implied favor by the vampire god Molag Bal, brings Nora to the Queen's attention and she decides to give her a chance to claim one of the realms for herself.
She allows her to challenge Eric in a fight for Eric's realm, testing both Nora's loyalty and her strength. Despite her pain to kill her old lover, friend and Mentor she stabs him after a lost sword fight (Chapter 5 Section 4). 





Count Ahtar Sertki
Age: ~500 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Green-Blue
Introduced: Chapter 4




Short Description:

Ahtar Sertki is one of the realms Counts and just recently Isabella bestowed the title upon him. 


Long(er) Description:

Ahtar and Nora shared a long lasting love for each other, when Nora was in service of the Queen and spend time at the court of the human King of Hammerfell.
Together the two vampires controlled and influenced the politics of the human Hammerfell in the will of the vampire Queen and took action wherever they saw need. 








Count Azarik Sertki

Age: ~1800 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Yellow-Brown
Introduced: Chapter 9







Short Description
Azarik is the father of Ahtar Sertki and in the flashback series he rules over Sentinel as a count. He is one of the most influencial figures in Hammerfell's politics and in opposition to the Duchess of Hammerfell.





Llaila and Amir Sehat
Age: ~1800 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Light Green/Dark Brown
Introduced: Chapter 8




Short Description:

Llaila and Amir Sehat own the largest trading and caravan business in Hammerfell and are an important political force within Hammerfell.


Long(er) Description:

Llaila and Amir Sehat own the largest trading and caravan business in Hammerfell. The city of Al-Mahan serves as central trading hub of the province and is center of the web of trade routes that span the whole continent. 
Despite trading with all sorts of goods, they specialize on slaves and blood for the noble vampire families all over Tamriel and it is said that at least half the noble families are owning money to the Sehats, but especially Isabella's realm.
They are deeply entwinded with many of the local rulers of Hammerfell and posses substantial political power despite lacking any direct polical power themselves, just by means of a web of underlings, favors and connections. They oppose the Duchess' rule over Hamerfell and are an important ally of Count Azarik Sertki (the father of Ahatar) and together they pose a serious threat to the Duchess rule.





Damon Maerwynn

Age:  ~700 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Blue-Grey
Introduced: Chapter 8







Short Description:

Damon is one of the (vampire) sons of Duchess Maerwynn, ruler of Hammerfell.


Long(er) Description:

Damon is one of the (vampire) sons of the Duchess of Hammerfell. He's typically not getting involved in the politics of the realm and his mothers ruling. Instead he found found renown in battle and as a beastslayer. 
One of his most famours accomplishments is striking down... that even for old vampires pose a serious threat.
Damon meets Nora the first time she visits Al Mahan, a hidden Oasis City in Hammerfell that is the political center of vampire Hammerfell. 




Kristoff Enor

Age:  58 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Orange
Introduced: Chapter 5




Short Description:

Kristoff is an employed vampire of Nora and serves her as a thrallmaster. He is thus responsible for the human thralls and feeding the vampires of Nora's castle.


Long Description:

Kristoff is the Thrallmaster at Nora's Court, which makes him responsible for Thrall management. A thrallmaster takes care of the needs of the human thralls (= humans to be fed on (typically similar to slaves), unlike servants, which are just humans that work in a vampire castle). This task also includes managing the blood pool of each thrall, to ensure no thralls are overfeed (to soon). In larger vampire castles the thrallmaster has thus to be able to stand up against the majority of nobles and deny them their wishes for a specific thrall or race if necessary. Sometimes thralls are used for more than just their blood, which makes the thrallmaster is responsible for their well being and hygiene. Those thralls are typically kept separated from the rest. 
Moreover it is the task of the thrallmaster to find replacement for killed and overfeed thralls. Despite the somewhat low reputation as somone who takes care of the daily needs of the thralls all of these responsibilities make the thrallmaster one of the most important position in a vampire castle as he or she is responsible for blood of all vampires. 
As a human Kristoff used to be a soldier in the imperial army and got turned about twenty years before Nora took realm in Blackrock.





Valentina Verro

Age:  34 - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Light Orange
Introduced: Chapter 5




Short Description:

Valentina is an employed vampire of Nora and serves her as a stuart of her castle and property.


Long Description:

Valentian Verro is the stuart of Nora's castle, she is thus responsible for the castle property and takes care of some of Nora's finances. She is also the person to turn to for the humans in the surrounding villages in case they want to address the Baroness. She also negotiates and organizes the dues of the humans. 
For most of her life Valentina lived in Anvil in Cyrodiil. She stared working the local office of the East empire Trading Company and learned about finances, bookkeeping and management. Eager to rise in the company she put in the extra hours in order to rise in the ranks of the company and often times worked hard until late at night.
One night a dark clothed women entered her already closed office and asked Valentina to arrange the shipment of a large wooden crate to the Summerset Islands for the next morning.
After explaining numerous times that she was not allowed to do such a transaction. The women approached her quietly, looking deep into her mortal eyes. Minutes later Valentina found herself signing the necessary papers and instructions. There was just no possibility for her to withstand the wishes of the strange women with the magical glare in her eyes and for the first time during her work she had disobeyed a rule during work. 

The women was about to leave her office, when Valentina asked her out to one of taverns in town. With a secretive smile the dark women accepted. This night Valentina understood why she was never felt attracted to men and the vampire and Valentina started met every night. 

One morning Valentina awoke after a night with the vampire, but instead of finding her lying next to her she found two new long teeth in her mouth. It was the last time Valentina had seen her. Since then she went looking for her a traveled throughout Tamriel in search for her. 

After many years of search without results she met Baron Eric Beauvais in Solitude who offered her a place to stay in his castle, as he realized that she was lost and wearily from her long search and in need for rest a comfort.






Age:  24 - Human
Dialogue Color: Grey-Blue
Introduced: Chapter 5





Short Description:

One of Nora's servants, responsible for the stables and her household.


Long Description:

Stan is one of Nora's servants and takes care of the stables and the horses. Shortly after Nora became Baroness she went to one of the nearby villages looking for possible servants. For the lack of choice she decided to give Stan a chance, despite not being fully convinced of the young nord. Stan lived his whole live in the small village Nora found him in and one of the reasons to ask Nora for the job was his fear of being forced to become a soldier in the civil war, pressed by the Stormcloaks.










Age:  26 - Human
Dialogue Color: Light Pink
Introduced: Chapter 5



Short Description:

One of Nora's servants, responsible for cooking and household.


Long Description:

Fina is one of Nora's servants and takes care of the household of Castle Blackrock. Her tasks range from cooking for the human servants to cleaning the castles rooms and hallways, with the exception of Nora's room which is handled by Amelie only. 
Fina served at the human court of Bruma in Cyrodiil when she had to flee due to coup during which the human countess she was serving was killed. She went north to Skyrim where she was captured by a group of bandits. 
Weeks later she was freed by Nora while the Baroness was helping the humans in the villages around her castle (Chapter 5 Section 7). Fina asked her for a place to stay and some work. As she was already serving in a human court Nora accepted.
During this Fina also learned about her pregnancy from one of the bandits as Nora's vampire senses let her hear another, second weaker heart inside Fina.










Race: Panther
Introduced: Chapter 4



Midnight is Nora's panther, that was a gift from the vampire Queen Isabella after killing Eric and becoming Baroness in Blackrock. 



Nora's Father
Age: Unkown - Vampire
Dialogue Color: Red
Introduced: Chapter 2









Nora knows very little of her (vampire) father. She only lived a couple of months with him before he sent her away. During that time she learned very little about this old being and she never dared to return to her father.
She later learned about the ancient and once powerful Karlov bloodline who is rumored to be still alive and scattered across Tamriel.
She happily adopted the meaningful and powerful family name assuming her father was one of them.














Background Informations


Vampires in this story
The vampire pictures is a mixture of the vampires in Skyrim and a lot of the classic traits you'd expect from vampires.
There are some noteworthy differences to the skyrim lore. For example vampires actually burn in sunlight and die once exposed to too much sunlight. Besides that vampirism is not curable and they are actually died a real death before they could become a vampire.
Vampires consider themselves superior to the humans race which draws them to excessive luxury and decadence. On top of that they conclude the right to hold human thralls as a food and entertainment.
They drink blood not just for the need of survival but mostly just for the pleasure and out of appetite. By drinking blood all physical wounds are healed and they enter a state of wild abandon. In combination with the sexual arousal that comes with drinking blood a lot of vampires loose themselves and so parties mostly end in debauchery decadent excesses as well as sexual orgies. These blood rushes are not just accepted as part of their nature but actively sought out and to find some change from the boring daily life that comes after a couple of centuries.
All this led to a culture with very little restraints concerning sexual practices so that homosexuality and ever-changing sexual partners are both common and promoted.




Human Vampire Relationship
It is an open secret to most people in Skyrim that not just vampires exist but they also span a web of vampire realms of counties across the provinces of Tamriel.
There are countless contracts that secure the vampires influence on the human governments without actually ruling them, even though they were capable of doing so if they wanted to.
They mostly keep out of human affairs simply for a lack of interest and the problems that come with such a step. Nevertheless, they influence human politics whenever they see need and their own interests are threatened.
Besides captured humans as thralls there are many humans who willingly work for vampires. Some do it for money and the social status that come with working for an important person, while others do it mostly for the pure thrill of erotic and danger. A vampire has very little interest to kill or lose a loyal human servant that fulfills important roles in their everyday life or their castle.
Even vampires have clean, wash or govern their property.




The Realm
The realm is ruled by Queen Isabella and the small Council which is an assembly of all Dukes and Counts of the realm and assembles once a year. 
The vampire kingdom is characterized by a strict hierarchies of Dukes, Counts and Barons.
When necessary the monarch is able to call for the large Council which includes the members of the small council and the aristocracy of the kingdom.
Equally to the mortal counterpart Orsinium is not recognized as an own province, but instead a part of High Rock. Nevertheless orcish vampires have a special position within the realm as only they can become members of the royal guard.












Here's a list of mods that played a key role in the creation of this story and this blog as a whole. This list is far from complete as technically every mod in my load order deserves credit. I also started working on this blog over four years ago and lots and mods in my mod list came and went. However this an attempt at giving most of them the credit they deserve.
The mods are sorted by categories and not ordered.

All mods are for Oldrim

(Some of these followers are heavily edited by me and/or turned into vampries)


Chapter 1-3

Jonas                       -    Skjarn, Cuyima Int. NPCs by Cuyima       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92893
Amelie                     -    Vivace    by rxkx22                                  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68976/
Vasil                         -    The Karlov Brood by kavula                   https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66095/ 


Chapter 4
Queen Isabella          -    Zoya by VRDaphni                       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58759
Duchess Marewynn  -    Dina (2017 Version) by Marmotte           https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71844
Shila                         -    Legend of 1001 Nights by Marmotte       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75626
Lenora Cheyne    -    Miria the Seeker by Wanako               http://mod.dysintropi.me/wanako-works/
Harkon            -    Pandorable NPC Dawnguard by Pandorable   https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94863
Serana            -    Seranaholic by rxkx22                   https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38326/
Ahtar            -    Ahtar - The Executioner by highonsunday   https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33173                          
Vlad            -    Vlad by scotaiel                       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29019


Chapter 5    
Eric            -    HolsterFollower Axcel                   https://hookersgreen.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-178.html
Kristoff        -    Nord Brothers by VRDaphni               https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70593/
Valentina        -    Varros Siblings by JetRock                https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70595/
Fina            -    Siobhan by Plooshy                        https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75538/
Stan            -    Goldir, Males of Skyrim    by Aberin       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61937      


Chapter 6
Hannah            -    Giselle by Noirslate                   https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82119/?
Jasper            -    Cosnach, Males of Skyrim by Aberin       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61937      
Yvonne            -    Vex, Bijin NPCs by rxkx22               https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71054/
Thomas            -    Vero Darke by Guilaster                   https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83443
William            -    Vilkas, Males of Skyrim by Aberin       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61937  


Chapter 7
Eran            -    Nelthas Dareathys by Liadys               https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65830/


Chapter 8
Master Jaten    -    Shandar by Oaristys                       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42714/
Llaila Sehat    -    Seren, Pandorable NPCs by Pandorable   https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92527?tab=files
Amir Sehat        -    Sayid by DeltaWulf                       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53530/
Damon            -    Vaughn, Cuyima Int. NPCs by Cuyima       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92893



Chapter 1

Nora's House    -    Hill House (Edited)                     Removed from Nexusmods
Ritual Place    -    Weathertop (Edited) by Argon098           https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65274      


Chapter 2
Cavern            -    Beastess Lairs (Edited) by Vivi           https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1503-beastess-lairs/
Guest Room        -    Hassildor by Elianora                   https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52057
Vasil's Room    -    Ravenholm by Elianora                   https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65528
Stensia Room     -    Raven Castle (Edited) by Cirena           https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59231

Chapter 3
Stemsia Castle    -    Raven Castle (Edited) by Cirena           https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59231

Chapter 4
Castle Ely        -    Raven Castle (Edited) by Cirena           https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59231
Nora's House    -    Esterah (Edited)    by morganmarz       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63595
Nora's House    -    Khun (Edited) by Elianora               https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59227

Chapter 6
Euphoria        -    White River Cottage (E.) by gentester   https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54479
Vampire Lair    -    The Lucky Skeever (Edited) by sa547       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52254




Edited by Alter Native


Recommended Comments

Very good, this helped me to refresh my mind on Nora and her past thanks to her.

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I agree with Swiftstep ; it's a sort of world character sheet in fact. Liked the consistency/exoticism of the vampire world, the attention to details and characters, the atmosphere of the images, and...


the dividers ! love.gif


I just need to add one of those in my next character sheets now. :D

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Thanks guys.


I agree with Swiftstep ; it's a sort of world character sheet in fact. Liked the consistency/exoticism of the vampire world, the attention to details and characters, the atmosphere of the images, and...

the dividers ! love.gif


I just need to add one of those in my next character sheets now. :D


Feel free to use mine.

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On 6/9/2017 at 10:56 PM, Swiftstep said:

Very well structured, invites the eye and the mind. Thanks very much.

It's exactly what I wanted to write. It's inviting and seducing.

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16 hours ago, marmotte said:

It's exactly what I wanted to write. It's inviting and seducing.

Thank you very much. :) 

I was just updating this page yesterday with the characters and events of chapter 5. 

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Wov, even Stan, Fina, Midnight and Valentina obtained their place ! ^^ With this multiple clickable graphical menus, the universe's background, the characters' descriptions, and the chapters summaries this is a complete story sheet ; while still respecting overall baroque aesthetics, We can also see an evolution btw, with Nora's traits subtly evolving since chapter 1 till 5 I'd say.


Anyway, a minor typo on Thomas' description here :


A smaller branch of the Camonna Tong (Vvardenfell's organized crime syndicate) on the main land eventually took care of the boy and other orphans and started using them for their criminal activities.

But compliments for the sheet & maintenance again. Smiley_jap_HFR.gif




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10 hours ago, Tirloque said:

Wov, even Stan, Fina, Midnight and Valentina obtained their place ! ^^

Actually I think especially the smaller characters should get one. This is mostly intended to be an index for people to look up characters they may don't know but appear in the story. Someone like Amelie, Nora or Thomas got much more screen time then Stan for example, so people might be more familiar with the main characters already and don't need the index.


10 hours ago, Tirloque said:

With this multiple clickable graphical menus, the universe's background, the characters' descriptions, and the chapters summaries this is a complete story sheet ; while still respecting overall baroque aesthetics, We can also see an evolution btw, with Nora's traits subtly evolving since chapter 1 till 5 I'd say.

Thanks! I don't think red haired Nora has much character development at all, which is typically considered a bad thing. The problem is, that she's 400 years old so she is very unlikely to change within a timeframe of 1-2 years. So we see more of the character reveled as she gets put into different situations, but we don't see actual character development. Within the flashback and in between them I want to show some character development.

10 hours ago, Tirloque said:

Anyway, a minor typo on Thomas' description here :

  Reveal hidden contents

A smaller branch of the Camonna Tong (Vvardenfell's organized crime syndicate) on the main land eventually took care of the boy and other orphans and started using them for their criminal activities.

But compliments for the sheet & maintenance again. Smiley_jap_HFR.gif

Thanks for the comment, it's fixed.

At least one person is reading these character summaries. ;) 

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Is it possible to include a mod list that you use.

Just wanna know.

And maybe include a Nora racemenu preset file if you can.

Nora looks good for a vampire preset.

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2 hours ago, greninja95 said:

Is it possible to include a mod list that you use.

Just wanna know.

I'm not sure what you would get from a modlist, it's mostly outfits, characters/followers and locations. There are zero gameplay mods or anything in that direction included.

Furthermore I change the mods I use all the time as I'm always close to the 255 .esp limit.

Besides everything listed here, you find more mods I use for my stories on this page:


That covers about 60 % of the list, the rest is just random outfits.

If you see something in my stories you'd like to have you can always ask for the mods used :) 


2 hours ago, greninja95 said:

And maybe include a Nora racemenu preset file if you can.

Nora looks good for a vampire preset.

I'm not giving her preset away. 

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17 hours ago, Alter Native said:

I'm not sure what you would get from a modlist, it's mostly outfits, characters/followers and locations. There are zero gameplay mods or anything in that direction included.

Furthermore I change the mods I use all the time as I'm always close to the 255 .esp limit.

Besides everything listed here, you find more mods I use for my stories on this page:


That covers about 60 % of the list, the rest is just random outfits.

If you see something in my stories you'd like to have you can always ask for the mods used :) 


I'm not giving her preset away. 

Ok thx for answering.

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Hello, where can I download Baroness Nora Karlov, there is a house but she is not there, without her the house seems unfinished. Thanks for the answer.

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5 minutes ago, .Damon. said:

Hello, where can I download Baroness Nora Karlov, there is a house but she is not there, without her the house seems unfinished. Thanks for the answer.

She's not available for public download, but she kindly granted you living rights in her house ;) . 

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Thank you for your answer, but the house is really empty without her, Nora is needed as a follower, author's mod. I hope you will listen, respectfully Damon.

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9 minutes ago, SpyVsPie said:



The first four and a half pages of the blog section?




Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
For some reason when you edit a blog entry Loverslab republishes it with the current date. It didn't used to be like this.
All I did was update my menu.

If I burried one of your entries just edit and republish.



Edited by Alter Native
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14 minutes ago, SpyVsPie said:

You just have to untick the publish immediately box if it's ticked. You can also enter whatever date and time you want in the publish time box if you want to try to fix the order of your blog




Yes I am aware and I did that in the past, but it looks like this for me whenever I edit.
I have to manually type the date.


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19 minutes ago, SpyVsPie said:

Nice job with the date edits. peace returns to the blog section ??


Yes, but it's still a LL software fuck up...

This only happend to entries older than half a year probably due to some update.

The newer entries had their original publication date saved.
So from now on, every time someone edits an entry older than 6 month or so it'll pop up as a new blog entry. 

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Interesting. I had assumed it was just random why some entries had the publish immediately box checked and some didn't but you're right about the dates.


I just tested it out on an older entry and it seems like unchecking the immediately box and leaving the date blank does keep the original publication date so that's something at least.








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