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Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework v1.62 - UPDATED Jun 3rd 2016
By Ashal
Skyrim SexLab (SSL) v1.62
An adult animation framework
This version of SexLab is for LE Edition ONLY
For the newer SE / AE version, click here
----- Description --------------------------------------------------------------
Skyrim SexLab, is intended to serve as a unifying resource for modders to pull animations from to aid them in development of adult themed mods, without having to going through the complex scripting work it takes by themselves. A modder is provided with a wealth of tools and functions they can call that will aid them in creating their own mod.
As it is intended as a resource mod that other mods can pull from to use for adult animations. This mod does NOTHING by itself, and requires a separate mod to make use of the resources provided.
----- Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------------------------
----- Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------
Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) REQUIRES SKSE 1.7.3 OR NEWER
Fores New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS) REQUIRES FNIS 5.4.2 OR NEWER
FNIS Creature Pack version 5.2 or newer is required only if you want creature animation support in SexLab, otherwise it is not required. If you get a warning in game about not having 5.2 installed despite having installed it. You have without exception, installed it incorrectly. You can either ignore the warning and keep using SexLab like normal if everything working anyway, or do the smart thing and figure out what's wrong with your FNIS install so the warning will leave you alone.
If you dislike SkyUI for some reason, you can also install SkyUI-Away on top of it. It may work fine with older versions if you refuse to upgrade to 5.0 for whatever reason. You do so at your own risk.
An actor skeleton mod such as XPMSE2 or XPMSE3
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch OR the individual applicable patches Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire Unofficial Patch
This is not a hard requirement and can be skipped, it has been known to fix some problems people have had related to SexLab however and there is little to no reason to not be using them anyway. If you choose to not use the Unofficial Patches for whatever reason, expect to be browbeat about not having them when posting your load order in the troubleshooting section.
----- Basic Installation Procedure ------------------------------------------
After properly installing SKSE, SkyUI, and FNIS as listed above, follow these steps.
Download the latest full framework pack & install it using your mod manager of choice (Mod Organizer highly preferred.) Run the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe tool. If you have a custom animation skeleton installed (very likely, if you don't you should. See: XPMSE2 or XPMSE3) make sure you check the "Skeleton arm fix" patch. Click the big button that reads "Update FNIS Behavior" You should see a line that says "Reading SexLab ..." if not you've done something wrong. DO NOT ignore any warnings or errors you see in the FNIS window. Activate the SexLab.esm file in your list of active mods. Load or start a new save game in Skyrim and navigate to the Mod Configuration menu titled "SexLab" Check that you meet the requirements on the left pane and then click the Install option in the top right. NOTE: Some of the checks you'll see there are only soft dependencies, or can be a false-negative. If the Install button is clickable for you, just go ahead and continue. [*]Close all menus and stand still until the install finishes, it can take a few minutes.
----- Basic Update Procedure -------------------------------------------------
Download the latest full framework archive, if you are using a version older than 1.60, you will need the full archive, otherwise you will only need the update patch. Extract the updated framework/patch into your Skyrim's data folder, or if using Mod Organizer (like you should be) then merge the files ontop of an existing MO mod install for SexLab Framework. (optional, but recommended for safest upgrade) Disable ALL SexLab related mods except for SexLab.esm and any that are absolutely required or disabling will mean losing progress on in some way. Navigate to your Skyrim's data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users folder and run the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe utility. If you have a custom animation skeleton installed (if you dont, you should) make sure you check the "Skeleton arm fix" patch. Click the big button that reads "Update FNIS Behavior" You should see a line that says "Reading SexLab ..." if not you've done something wrong. Load your save game and you should see a notification that SexLab is updating and/or installing, it will then go through the update process. If you were using a version of SexLab such as 1.59c or older, you will not get this notification and will instead need to go into the SexLab MCM and click the Install button. [*]Wait 1-2 minutes, until you see a notification that says SexLab has finished updating and/or installing [*]Wait another 30 seconds or so and then perform a quick test animation either via the SexLab MatchMaker mod or by starting one via the animation editor. [*]Assuming the test animation was successful, save your game with the update now fully applied, you should see the appropriate version number listed on the last page of the SexLab MCM. [*](optional, but recommended for safest upgrade) if you followed step 3, you should now reinstall all the SexLab mods you disabled, ensuring you are using the latest version of each. For best results reinstall them one at a time and make sure they are functional with the new version of SexLab before reinstalling the next one.
----- Creature Use Instructions -----------------------------------------
If you want to use creature animations, you will need to follow some extra installation instructions.
Install the latest FNIS and the latest FNIS Creature Pack if you have not yet, both of which are available on the FNIS Download page Run GenerateFNISforUsers and click the big "Update FNIS Behavior" button. After it finishes patching, you should see 2 lines, "Create Creature Behaviors ..." and BELOW that "Reading SexLabCreature ..." Load your Skyrim save Navigate to the SexLab Mod Configuration menu and go to the first available settings page, "Animation Settings" Check the box for "Allow Creature Animation" so that it is in a toggled on state (the box is filled instead of empty) You will need to install mod that lets you start animations with creatures, as SexLab Framework does not start any animations by itself. SexLab MatchMaker works with creatures, and is the more straight forward of means to start creature animations. For others, look through the download page for SexLab mods with creature support
----- Suggestions -----------------------------------------------------------------
Since SexLab is largely a sex animation mod, you will likely want nude male and female bodies.
While the mod does come with a nudesuit option to use in place of installing actual nude body mods, that remains an imperfect solution and is provided only for the sake of completeness. It's use is actually strongly discouraged. I would remove the feature entirely if I didn't know a handful of people who throw a fit.
There are many body mods to choose from, personally I use and suggest UUNP / CBBE Bodyslide and Schlongs of Skyrim Default/Average for males. If for some weird reason you absolutely refuse to use a real body replacer and insist on using the horrible nudesuits option instead, you can enable the option in SexLab's MCM settings and then install the default meshes and textures for it here: SexLab Default NudeSuit
SexLab is a very script heavy mod, if you come across an issue in-game related directly to SexLab, the very first place you should look is unquestionably the Papyrus debug log, with just the tiniest amount of modding know how you should be able to track down the culprit from just glancing over the log, if you can't decipher it than it should be unquestionably the first thing you are posting in a request for help.
A BBP enabled skeleton is also useful, as many of the animations include BBP support, though it is optional it is STRONGLY recommended. I'd suggest XPMSE2 or XPMSE3
There is support for other strapons for females to use, but you will need to download and install them separately and run the "Rebuild Strapon List" option from the menu's Rebuild page if you install or remove any after loading the mod. The supported strapon mods are aeonflux88's strapon, Horker Tusk, Futa Equippable, Cozy & Rebels Equippable TG, & SOS Equipable Schlong
If you want First Person animations, I highly recommend using the Immersive First Person View mod by h38fh2mf
Stop using Nexus Mod Manager or no manager at all and start using Mod Organizer.
In the likely event that you run more than just a handful of different mods, install and run LOOT when installing and updating mods.
----- Uninstalling ----------------------------------------------------------------
To cleanly uninstall the mod, perform the following steps.
With your current installation, go into MCM and select the "Rebuild & Clean" page. Click on the row that says "Clean System" You will be prompted to close all your current menus, do so. After closing your menus and being told the system clean is complete, save your game. Perform the uninstall procedure for any 3rd party SexLab mods you have installed. Quit the game. Disable SexLab.esm and any SexLab mods you have enabled in your load order
----- Changelog ----------------------------------------------------------------
More detailed changelog at
User Relevant Changes / Additions:
Increased install limit of animations to 500 (up from 375) Added option to entirely remove any use of scaling applied to actors anywhere in the sexlab. May cause or fix some graphical glitches for some people or prevent the occasional scaling related CTD. [*]Holding Shift+End while outside of a sexlab animation will now forcibly end all active sexlab animations being done by NPCs.
Functionally the same as opening the SexLab MCM and clicking the debug option to stop all scenes, but with the bonus of not having to navigate through the MCM to do it. [*]Added an enable toggle to the animation editor in the MCM
The animation editor in the MCM will default to showing the currently playing animation for player Makes it easier to disable an animation you don't like without having to find what it's name is and hunt it down in the MCM. [*]Added a count of how many character animations, creature animations, voices, and expressions sexlab has registered so far.
In the MCM debug/rebuild page. Lets you see how close you are to approaching the limit of 500. [*]Added Dragonborn and Dawnguard beds to sexlabs list of automatically detected beds when starting an animation. [*]When setting the player or NPC's voice setting in the MCM, any currently playing animations involving them will automatically update to use their newly set voice.
Makes it much easier to test/sample various voices and find one you like. [*]The name of the animation being played is now only sent to your notifications if you have debug mode enabled. It is otherwise only shown in your console. [*]Creatures and Characters can no longer have the other's voice applies to them. Werewolves can only use the werewolf voice type if they are currently a werewolf. [*]SexLab no longer checks for a creature pack install, since they are no longer separate downloads. [*]Various other major and minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Mod Creator Relevant Changes / Additions:
Added a method of registering animations via JSON files (similar to SLAL) See /SKSE/Plugins/SexLab/Animations for details A tool to generate the JSON files based of an animator's hkx files was originally planned, unsure if I'll get to it now or not though. [*]Added functions for adding custom bed forms to sexlabs bed list, including defining custom offsets to use for aligning to that bed and/or defining whether or not it's a bedroll, double, or single bed.
Intended for beds in name, but could easily be used for helping define animation alignment for furniture other than beds as well. [*]Added modevent "SexLabActorGenderChange(form actorform, int gender)" that gets sent whenever an actor has their gender/futa-ness overridden or override/futa-ness removed. [*]Added some requested config property accessors to the main API script related to creatures. [*]Fixed some bugs related to making an actor silent during a scene.
FIXED: Animation starting a few feet floating in the air. FIXED: Actors "jittering" during animation FIXED: Player being stuck while trying to move the scene FIXED: Free camera being disabled when changing animations during the 1st stage NEW: Export/Import settings now also includes your customizations in the Strip Editor.
NEW: Toggle to enable actors walking to the location of the scene instead of instantly teleport NEW: Support for creature voices + some default creature voices for the basic creature types NEW: The cum texture from animation can now double up on a single location. If a character already has the vaginal cum texture applied, the 2nd time it's applied it'll apply a messier more cum filled version NEW: A toggle option to set whether or not newly encountered NPC's will have their sex stats seeded or initialized as empty NEW: Can now set your targeted actor's forced gender from the SexLab MCM as well NEW: When swapping between actors to adjust the location for in an animation, the newly selected one will glow briefly to indicate which you now have selected NEW: Option to fully disable the use bed prompt / disable only when player is victim / always ask NEW: Frostfall 3.0 support, exposure will automatically pause during animation so you don't freeze to death. NEW: Added support for NiOverride High Heels under the same toggle that previously handled only HDT High Heels. ALTERED: AP animations are now disabled by default ALTERED: Creature animations are no longer a separate pack, because I'm tired of dealing with people who can't figure it out API: Further documentation and guides added to SexLabFramework.psc for modders API: Lots of new API additions for modders, most of which were requested by various modders at some point. Sorry if I forgot the one you requested - remind me again FIXED: Aggressive scenes wrongly getting non-aggressive animations or not being tagged as aggressive internally FIXED: Poor default positioning for various animations when played on a bed FIXED: Lip Sync has been heavily altered and is now more compatible with expressions FIXED: Various other bugs users have reported that I can't fully remember right now FIXED: Orgasm triggering instantly when scene starts and separate orgasms are enabled FIXED: Various issues related to async animations not starting properly, with some actors not playing their animation while others do FIXED: Lots of other stuff
v1.60.2 hotfix 2:
Added back in a copy of MfgConsoleFunc and reverted expression functions to use them instead of SKSE's native functions. Added a message in the MCM strip options to inform you what item you currently have equipped in a slot when you hover it Added a message in the MCM strip editor to inform you what slot masks an item uses when you hover over it. Raised the number of possible animations in a single scene from 100 to 125 Fixed an issue with character scale not being reset properly at the start of and during animation. Fixed an issue with weapons getting re-equipped in the wrong hand after animation. Fixed an issue with orgasm effects not triggering properly under certain conditions. Fixed an issue that caused items flagged in the strip editor as always/never strip to not be treated property during stripping. Fixed an issue with PapyrusUtil 3.0 that sometimes caused CTD during save load Fixed a bug with aggressive animation selection (thanks to user Random of Amber) Expanded the install fatal error to be more clear and provide some suggestions. Some misc performance improvements throughout the MCM and animation startup.
v1.60.1 hotfix 1:
Set actor storage preloading to no longer hold up the install process, and only occur once Added a check for if sexlab's files/quest have been overridden and prevent attempts to install with an error message Added a new schlong adjusting hotkey. Defaults to the 'C' key.
The SKSE requirement has been bumped up to 1.7.3 beta (or newer if available by the time you're reading this) is now required. The FNIS requirement has been bumped up to 5.5 or newer On new or old installs, you must now manually start SexLab's install process from the SexLab MCM install page. If you wish to use creature animations, the creature animations are now in a separate archive and is no longer included by default. If you for some crazy reason insist on using the nudesuit's option, the meshes and textures for it have also been removed from the default archive. You can find a link to these meshes and textures in the main post, or by clicking here Animation, creature animation, voices, and expressions are all now capable of registering up to 350 unique items each - can be easily expanding in the future if we ever bump up against the limit again. 14+ new animations by various authors such as Leito, 4uDIK, 3jiou, Mitos, & Arrok. These are animations previous in the NSAP pack, more to be carried over to the default pack in future updates. New item strip editor in MCM. Select items you or a target actor have in their inventory that should always or never be stripped at the start of a scene, regardless of other strip settings. Creature animation scan now have specific genders defined for their creature roles. By default all genders are considered the same gender, this can be toggled via the new creature gender option in the MCM. The player and NPCs can now optionally have separate, multiple, orgasms as their enjoyment stat builds up over the course of an animation. This is an optional effect enabled in addition to the traditional orgasm effect on the last stage of animation that has been in previous versions. A new animation setting option in the MCM to forcibly filter out non gay or lesbian animations in a scene when appropriate. So for example, 2 females in a scene will generally not play a regular animation with strapon if other animations are available to them. Can toggle the players override gender directly from the SexLab animation settings MCM page, so players can easily set them selves as transgender, with "female" player characters being treated as "male" in the eyes of SexLab, or vice versa. You can now toggle the default behavior of the adjustment hotkeys between adjusting all stages (default) or only the currently stage being played. Whichever you set it to will flip the modifier ctrl modifier hotkey to perform the opposite when held in combination. When targeting an actor and viewing their stats in the SexLab Diary/Journal, you can press the reset stats button once to complete zero all their skills, and then when pressed a second time while all stats are still zero in order to re-seed their starting stats. A new "limited strip" option (disabled by default) that will cause the actors in a scene to default to using the foreplay/limited strip options you have set, if ALL animations in the scene being played consist of only oral and foreplay animations. HDT Hight Heel effects detected and disabled after character strip to remove the height offset. Automatically enabled if you have HDT HighHeels installed, but can be turned off in the MCM if you prefer actors to keep their height offset during SexLab animation. Pressing the Realign actors hotkey is now more forceful, making all actors completely reset their animation, re-calculate their positions, and start the current stage's timer over from the start. Holding down the rotate scene hotkey will now continually rotate the actors until let go, just as the other adjustment hotkeys have done for a few versions now. Much improved (in my experience) syncing between separate actor animations. Many, many bug fixes and performance improvements than I could possibly remember or even attempt to name. TONS of things not listed here intended for modders to do new things with, will be more clear once the updated API documentation is released.
----- Modder's Guide -------------------------------------------------------------
A modders guide to using the API can be partially found in scripts/sources/SexLabFramework.psc as well as here:
WARNING: The API docs are currently fairly outdated in some spots for v1.60. It should be fine in most spots, but if you have any questions feel free to private message me or ask somewhere else and I'll answer soon as I'm able. Updating them is my top priority right now.
If you are a mod developer looking to develop a mod using SexLab, feel free to contact me via private message and I will do everything I can to help you along and if possible upgrade the framework to fit your needs.
----- Future Plans ----------------------------------------------------------------
See dedicated development thread
----- Credits -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Scripting & Project Owner:
SKSE Plugin:
kapaer - Mfg Console
Unknown Modders -
Arrok - BBP Animations
JoshNZ - Animated Prostitution
Athstai - Dark Investigations
3jiou -
Mitos -
Leito86 -
4uDIK -аnimations-for-sexlab/
FalloutBoy2 -
Lovers with PK
Calyp - Strapon
oli3d - Bukkake Shaders
4uDIK1 - Male Nudesuit
Dimon99 - Female Nudesuit
Vacaliga - Stacking cum textures
aravis7 - French
CGi - German
mswind - Chinese
anonymous - Japanese
fedim - Russian
sh1ny - Russian
holtof55 - Russian
Huili - Russian
RockMic - Italian
NOTE: If you have an updated translation file or would like to translate or update one of the existing translations; send it to me or let me know if you have any questions about how.
----- Permissions -----------------------------------------------------------------
You must ask my permission before distributing this base framework on any site other than
The animations themselves belong to the individual modders who made them, I am using them solely by their permission and/or stated open use policy. If you wish to repurpose them else where it is there permission you need and not mine.
Unless you are contributing to the Git repository development branch, you are not allowed to edit any of the included scripts and resources except to translate the mod into another language.
If you wish to translate the framework into another language, go right ahead, no need to ask. If you need it, I will provide you with as much support as I can to assist you with the translation process. Afterwards if you want to send me the translated file and I will package it with the releases, or you are free to release the translation file, and the translation file alone, however you wish.
----- Contacting Me --------------------------------------------------------------
I will provide direct support to people via email and private message ONLY if you are a modder using the framework in your mod. People seeking support for using the mod contacting me this way will be, without hesitation, completely ignored. If you need support for the framework, use the thread or support section, I will answer such questions there and only there.
- sexlab
- sexlab framework
- (and 3 more)
Billyy's SLAL Animations (2025-2-4)
By Billyy
These are my collections of animations for Skyrim. All the files are packed into 2 fomod install packages for both LE and SE. There is also a separate pack for my 'original' old animations. Make sure to pick the correct version for your game. From there during the installation fomod, you can select which pack types of animations you want to install. Refer to the below lists for the specific contents of each pack/option. If you enjoy my works please consider supporting me on Pixiv Fanbox or SubscribeStar.
***New in SLAL_Billyy_Animations v8.7***
Creature Animations
Contained animations Creature Beasts Pack:
Bear: 6
Boar w/Rider: 9
Canine: 27
Horse: 12
Sabrecat: 4
Skeever: 21
Contained animations Creature Constructs Pack:
Atronach Flame: 4
Atronach Frost: 3
Atronach Storm: 5
Dwarven Ballista: 2
Dwarven Centurion: 2
Dwarven Sphere: 6
Dwarven Spider: 4
Spriggan: 6
Contained animations Creature Humanoids Pack:
Draugr: 26
Dragon Priest: 3
Falmer: 29
Riekling: 28
Vampire Lord: 2
Contained animations Creature HumanoidsLarge Pack:
Gargoyle: 7
Giant: 6
Lurker: 3
Seeker: 6
Troll: 15
Werewolf: 27
Contained animations Creature Insects Pack:
Ash Hopper: 10
Chaurus: 15
Chaurus Reaper: 7
Chaurus Hunter: 10
Spider Small: 7
Spider Large: 5
Spider Giant: 4
Contained animations Creature Misc Pack:
Deer: 4
Dragon: 3
Fox: 3
Goat: 2
Hag Raven: 1
Horker: 4
Ice Wraith: 2
Mammoth: 3
Rabbit: 2
Slaughterfish: 2
Blog Post
Contained animations Creature Furniture Pack:
Canine: 5
Chaurus: 1
Gargoyle: 1
Horse: 2
Skeever: 1
Blog Link
Contained animations Creature Invisible Furniture Pack:
Canine: 8
Blog Link
Contained animations Original Creature Pack:
Bear: 4
Chaurus: 10
Chaurus Reaper: 4
Dragon Priest: 3
Draugr: 13
Falmer: 20
Gargoyle: 7
Giant: 2
Goat: 2
Horker: 2
Horse: 6
Netch: 3
Sabrecat: 5
Skeever: 16
Troll: 15
Werewolf: 14
Chaurus: 3
Draugr: 3
Falmer: 7
Sabrecat: 1
Legacy Boars:
Boar w/Rider: 10
Legacy Dwarven Centurion:
Dwarven Centurion: 3
Blog Link
Human Animations
Contained animations Human Pack:
Solo 1p: 7
Pair 2p: 72
Group FMM: 15
Group FMMM: 10
Group FMMMM: 5
Blog post
Contained animations Human Orgy Pack:
Group FFM: 10
Group FFMM: 2
Group FFFM: 2
Group FFFFM: 2
Contained animations Human Lesbian Pack:
Lesbian 2p: 22
Lesbian 3p: 6
Lesbian 4p: 1
Blog post
Contained animations Human Furniture Pack:
Chair: 1
FuroTub: 2
GloryholeShack: 4
Pillory: 1
Stockade Fuck Machine: 1
Tilted Wheel: 5
X-Cross: 3
Workstations: 2
Blog post
Contained animations Human Invisible Furniture Pack:
Bed: 8
Chair: 10
Counter: 4
Table: 7
Wall: 7
Blog post
Contained animations Human Bondage Devices Pack:
Armbinder: 9
Chastity Belt: 1
Cuffs: 17
Yoke: 18
Blog post
Contained animations Human Lesbian Bondage Devices Pack:
Armbinder: 4
Cuffs: 4
Yoke: 4
Contained animations Human Furniture DD Devices Pack:
DD Contraptions Gallows Upside-down: 3
DD Contraptions Gallows Wooden Horse: 1
DD Contraptions Gallows Strappedo: 1
DD Contraptions Gallows Overhead: 1
DD Contraptions Pillory: 1
DD Contraptions XCross: 1
Contained animations Human Futa Pack (futa on futa):
Futa 1p: 5
Futa 2p: 13
Futa 3p: 7
Sexlab Framework
Sexlab Animation Loader
Required for For Creatures, otherwise don't need:
More Nasty Critters SLAL Edition
Animated Beast's Cocks(ABC) For users
SexLab MatchMaker
FootIK OFF Spell
1. Download and copy files from each individual folder you want into skyrim data, or use a mod manager to install and then tick the boxes for which packs you want in the fomod upon installation (don't forget to tick the 'animobjects' option if you want objects).
2. Run FNIS
3. Register animations in SLAL's MCM menu
It should be safe to update packs mid save with no adverse effects.
1. Uninstall old pack(s) from mod manager (all animations are included in each update, you only ever need the latest version of a pack to have all the animations)
2. Download and install new packs with a mod manager
3. Run FNIS and that’s it usually
4. Go in-game and open the SLAL MCM menu, then choose the animations and ‘register’ them.
---On rare occasion I will update an existing animation registration names (shorten them to decrease fnis stress). In these cases if you already have the renamed animations registered in SLAL in an active save file you’ll want to do a clean animation registration. You’ll know if you may need to do this step if you encounter a specific animation where both actors don’t animate, but all others seem to be okay. Otherwise it won’t negatively affect anything and this step can be skipped. If you’re starting a fresh save/SLAL registration then this won't be an issue either.
4b. Go into the SLAL MCM > General Options > Disable All > Rebuild Sexlab Anim Registry > Wait, then re-enable and register all the animations you want again as you normally would when first setting up.
***Note: Please don't message me directly for basic troubleshooting, I usually won't respond if it's a question that's been asked multiple times before in the thread.***
Q: I need version X.Y for this modlist, can you upload for me?
A: No, sirs or madems. I get too many of these messages theses days. In terms of compatibility in your modlist you should see no difference between using an old or new version of the mod. It doesn't talk to any other mods, and are no running scripts that affect the game, they're just animation files and an on-board into allow SLAL to register them that other mods can call on. In theory all you're doing by using an older version is getting less animations.
Q: My characters breasts stretch during some animations.
A: You'll want to make sure you're using a recent version of XP32 skeleton. Make sure the skeleton .nifs are also not being overwritten by other mods. Factoryclose added some bones into the new versions that in theory improve the experience and give animators more bones to utilize. Not ever animator uses them, hense why it may just be my animations you're expeirencing issues with. It could also be caused by odd/old physics setup.
Q: I can’t start 3p+ animations with MatchMaker.
A: You’re probably using MassMatchMaker, which doesn’t support 3p+ with most creatures. Use SexLab MatchMaker instead for on-demand sex.
Q: Some creature’s size increases during sex causing animation to misalign (Chauruses, Frostbite Spiders, Deer, Horker, etc.).
A: Install latest More Nasty Critters SLAL Edition, and also turning on scaling in sexlab mcm might help unless you aren’t using a recent version of MNCSLAL, then scaling will produce bad results.
Q: X creature is missing dick during sex.
A: Install latest More Nasty Critters SLAL Edition, and then re-register mods in creature framework mcm.
Q: I have an animation named with an affix '2' (Draugr Kneeling Faceufuck 2 for example), but I don't have '1'?
A: Earlier variants of those positions will be in the 'Original Creatures' packs. No relation between them aside from being a different take on same position, and better quality. I add affixes as Sexlab doesn't like it if you have animations sharing the same name.
Q: X creature's dick isn't animating during sex.
A: You'll need to have Factoryclose's Animated Beast Cocks (ABC) mod for it to work. Make sure to follow install instructions and have it overwrite everything.
Q: Can’t start animation with specific creature (usually newer creatures, Canines, Dwemer bots, Dragon Priest, Chaurus Hunter, specific Spiders).
A: Make sure you have latest More Nasty Critters SLAL Edition installed, and then in the SLAL MCM, disable all animations, then “rebuild sexlab animation registry”, and then enable all your animations again and click “register animations”.
Q: Creatures get stuck in sex animation after it ends (Spiders, Slaughterfish, Rabbit).
A: Some king of bug with custom behaviors perhaps. I believe Ed86 found a solution for at least the spiders, which you can find download and instructions here. For any other creatures you’ll be stuck with the tedious manual work-around: open up console with ~ > select the bugged creature > type “disable” then enter > type “enable” then enter. This more or less re-spawns the creature back in a mobile state.
Q: I CTD on load after installing mod.
A: Most likely case is your save is hitting the string limit. Unfortunately just because FNIS lets you install all those animations, doesn't mean your game can handle them. You can try removing animations, or try installing this mod; Animation Loading Fix.
You can also manually edit the SLAL source files to manually remove animations you don't want.
Sexlab Animation loader Guide
Q: Can you make animations for Mudcrabs?
A: To the extent of my knowledge mudcrabs will frequently break out of their sex animation to play an idle and then never return to the sexing. So mudcrabs are very impractical with all the issues they have.
Q: Can you convert X creature animation to work with Y creature.
A: No. Some creature skeletons may look similar, but often they are shaped differently, so it is by no means an effortless process.
Q: What is the 'Invisible Furniture Pack'?
A: Not to be confused with the regular 'Furniture Pack', it's a separate pack with different animations that are designed with specific objects in mind (IE a bed, or a wall), but they don't spawn an object. It's up to player to somewhat preemptively choose to use one of these animations and align your actor accordingly. It's a bit more tedious, but is more flexible in fitting into your scene. Objects can have different collisions, so not all objects will give same mileage. However they're intended to work by directly facing the object when the sex scene is starting and it should align itself more or less with the object.
There are also some other mods that add some furniture detection to sexlab that might make these work too, but I’ve not really tested them out.
Q: No animobject appears for the furniture DD pack?
A: It requires having the resources from Devious Devices isntalled, but the esp/esms don't need to be active.
Q: How do I use Gloryhole animations?
A: They start like any other animation. Fomod has 3 options to use for the gloryhole shack with different door variations. They’re just big animobjects that popup during animations, not a special object to find in sitting around in Skyrim.
Q: What is the difference between and 'SLAL_Billyy_Animations' 'SLAL_Billyy_OriginalAnimations'. The 'OriginalAnimations' (see mod details for list) includes my older animations formerly know as 'creatures1' and also my legacy wolf pack. It was separated to save bandwidth as I never add to those packs so no reason to constantly redownload + keeps file size lower to allow for hosting on here. The standard 'Animations' pack includes all my more recent work that continues to be updated. They can be installed together if you want both sets of animations. No conflicts.
Ashal - Sexlab Framework
Factoryclose - Animated Beast Cocks
Orxx - Sexlab Animation Loader
Dentarr - More Nasty Critters
MadMansGun - More Nasty Critters SLAL Edition and assets/animobjects + Support god and sanity saver extraordinaire
Pornphile – Rigs
Powerofthree – Rune Animobjects
Leito – Rigs,Creature assets, Animobjects
AnubiSs2167 – Rigs
SirNibbles – 3ds Max Guide
Kimy and Devious Device Team - Animobjects
Shocky – Bone Table, Chaurus cage, WoodenPony, Creature Dildo Objects
Stroti – Outhouse assets
Xaz, Zaz – Furniture objects
Wenderer – fomod Creation Tool
Changelog 2025-2-4:
SLAL_Billyy_Animations v8.7
Creature Humanoids Pack
- Riekling 3p Doggy Spit
Creature Humanoids Large Pack
- Fixed bad loop for stage 3 of Troll Cowgirl 3
Creature Furniture Invis
- Canine Bed Standing
Creature Insects Invis
- Spider Large Doggy
Human Pack
- Doggy Facefuck
Human DD Pack
- Cuffed 3p Doggy DP
Human Furniture Invisible Pack
- Chair Standing
Previous Versions:
Ersatz Horse
Full head ponyplay mask for female caracter, made from Shadowmere's spareparts.
8 colors with 2 additional variations for each.
Can be fitted with unicorn horn.
Requires Bodyslide.
Use AdditemMenu to get.
Traducción al español (spanish) de Thief 1.7 - Dogma
By mia753
En fin, tomé este mod cómo un conejillos de indias porque posee más de 30.000 líneas a traducir. Descubrí una manera de realizar traducciones en unos instantes y sin usar ninguna API de traducción. Además de que descubrí el modo de realizar correcciones cómodamente una vez traducida. Todo por un cursito de programación que he tomado.
La calidad es superior a una API pública, porque usé el traductor web de google, además de que me tomé el tiempo de solucionar algunos errores ortográficos.
Pero peor es nada
Adjunto el archivo .sst de la traducción. Si alguien decide mejorarlo, no necesitará empezar de cero.
(SST) Dogma - Thief_english_spanish.7z
Clams of Skyrim (COSIO) - Fixed Legs Patch
This was a request I fulfilled for @CGi. The knees on the COSIO body had a bit of issues with the legs looking crazy in extreme bending positions and the knee area winds up looking sharp and can clip on certain shapes. I followed the concept from Fusion Girl's body base and thickened the knees up a bit to help reduce issues with the legs bending and looking a bit crazy in kneeling positions. I also played a little with rigging to smooth out the leg weights. It's not perfection incarnate and may still have issues in more extreme poses, but this should look a little better than original COSIO body.
As an extra I also noticed the feet for base CBBE and COSIO had a lot of rigging problems and model troubles. As an experiment I ported the feet model from Fusion Girl (FO4) and the results looked pretty good. I haven't tested the feet edit in game cause I don't have a full Skyrim LE setup, so they're a bit experimental. Let me know how it goes.
Bodyslide wise - Build COSIO-HD-Fixed and Cosio-HD-NewFeet for the improvements.
As far as anything's concerned. This is a modder's resource. No outfits are offered on this base and clothing will need to be converted to this body and feet as needed for the fixes to be applied and visible on armor. Feel free to make conversions or whatever. I have not much interest in Skyrim as is and I did this as a request for a friend. No Skyrim SE version is available, convert yourself if you want it that bad.
Leito86 & Vioxsis:
- Base Meshes for Fusion Girl's feet
Scivirus (Name?)
- Base COSIO HD Work
Skyrim Chain Beasts
Skyrim Chain Beasts v0.9.3
NSFW, Creatures and Mounts, Metal Bondage, Nudity, Quests and Gameplay, Sex (does not contain sex with creatures).
New: SE version has moved to it's own page. Material relevant for both version like documentation and sound files can still be found here.
Requirements & Installation
Available Documentation
Mod Content: What is it/how does it work.
Latest changes
Misc; tips, workarounds, plans, permissions & credit.
- chainbeast
- zap
- (and 1 more)
Naked Defeat LE
By Nymra
A fast and immersive Defeat Mod (NPC defeats Player centered) focussing on continuation and immersion.
Full Customization Options from "kinky gameplay interuptions" to "fucked and bound nonstop"
Please consider supporting me if you like my mods.
While in the past I thought I can literally make this full time, the end of the corona lockdowns tought me otherwise.
If you become a patreon you support my work and guarantee I can continue development of this.
(current workload - 2024 - roughly 2-4 hours a day).
Patreon features already implemented (and also constantly beeing worked at):
- Outcame: "Wake up at an Inn"
- better follower handling
The next new feature will get a vote soon on my patreon
❤️ ❤️
Future Plans:
- local slavery (somewhere between Peril and SD+) with mini games and actual slave stuff to do.
- fucked to death outcome & executions (with Pamas Deadly furnitures, FunnyBiz Death animations and my own stuff)
- post death scenarios that bring you into short afterlife quests where you have to escape from and get back to life
- voiced comments
- interaction with the aggressors via a new "Interaction hotkey" (insult them, plead for mercy or tease them)
- elaborate equipment and outfit save and load system to make beeing stripped naked more fun without beeing totally unable to play the game
- and many more...
For Special Edition (SE) Users:
The mod has now a dedicated Special Edition Download (internal LL link) to have its own Support Section and better overview for me and for users.
| ----Installation --- |
- Install as any other mod.
- Mod Organizer 2 HIGHLY recommended. Everything else is crap IMO
- Let it overwrite Zap Animation Pack (it comes with some Animation Replacements for the hogtie places)
- Activate Mod in MCM / System / Mod Enabled [x]
- save & reload your game
- Install EXTRA downloads as you please (they are independent of the mod version)
--> 2k or 4k versions of textures (1k versions are included)
--> Bodyslide files for FuckingBelts (UNP standard included) only required if you do NOT have "The Amazing World of Bikini Armor" installed
--> DDe Outfits if you want DD support via DDequip mod
--> Golden Showers Mini SLAL if you like ... golden showers ^^
| ---- Updating --- |
I try to make Naked Defeat new versions as update friendly as possible. That means that they should not require a new game AND not require a clean save either.
If a new game or clean save is required I will give that info in big red lines in the changelog.
Updating from Full Version to new Full Version:
- remove all patches and old version
- install new version
- load your savegame
- go into Naked Defeat MCM / System ---> untick: Mod Enabled [ ]
- save and reload
- enable the mod: System: Mod Enabled [x]
- save and reload
- get fucked
I usually give a hint in the changelog if running FNIS is required or not.
Updating with Patches:
Patches require a previous full version usually (they will not work on their own)
- just overwrite the matching full version with the patch
- remove older patches (if not told otherwise in the changelog)
Not recommended:
It is usually NOT required to make a clean save for any update (full or patch)
It is also NOT necessary to: uninstall mod in Mod Organizer, load game, save, exit, install new version.
Why Patches?
Because that allows me to release updates faster. Full versions just take more time.
| ---- Uninstalling --- |
For LE: disable Mod in MCM/System. Save & Reload & Save.
Uninstall in your Mod Manager.
Reload -> play
Can Clean Script but afaik it should not be necessary.
This mod uses Form 43. Removing it from a save can lead to corrupted Saves.
I recommend testing Naked Defeat on a new game or a copied profile.
OR just untick the mod in the MCM, save & reload. Naked Defeat will do NOTHING then but reserve an ESP slot.
On SE/AE you should have plenty
| ---- Hard Requirements --- |
Zaz Animation Pack 8+ (older versions will not show some of the furnitures. I cannot advise to use ANY old version of ZAP with this mod at the moment)
Sexlab Aroused (any version will do, including SLAX)
Dragonborn DLC
Dawnguard DLC
| ---- Soft Requirements --- |
Crosshair-Reference Script Hang Fix --------- highly recommended for SE users. For LE users try MCM / System / LagFix [x]
Simple Slavery --------- for Simple Slavery outcome of Defeat obviously
Devious Devices Equip --------- required for "Captivity DDe Chance" to equip Devious Devices
My DDe Custom Outfits from the Download Section
The Amazing World of Bikini Armor (must overwrite Naked Defeat) -> for Fuckbelts) -> if you dont want this mod you can use Naked Defeats internal version, bodyslide for UUNP is in downloads)
For whip marks and slow fading out of the same:
Slave Tattoos
Rape Tattoos
Fade Tattoos
Rape Tattoos Tweak by Monoman
My Rape Hands from the Download Section
My Whipmarks from the Download Section
Important note for Rapehands (and possibly also WhipMarks?
to make them work you need to go into RapeTats MCM, search RapeHands and WhipMarks entries and check if they are (Excluded)
If they are excluded (and only then), change it to (Unassigned) instead.
| ---- Recommended Mods & Guides ---- |
Spank that Ass --------- by the inglorious monoman1 perfect for getting slapped while in the furniture (you can set the "furniture spank chance" in the MCM) -> small problem with followers tho
ZAP - No Collision Furnitures --------- really improves the furniture experience by alot, can't recommend it enough
ZAP - Faster in and out of furnitures --------- really improves the furniture experience by alot, can't recommend it enough
Sexlab Defeat - does the same thing (I m working on a compatibility bridge mod tho)
Sexlab Submit - does the same thing
Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life - does the same thing -> might work if you play around with the settings - will add a guide later (a user had some ideas!)
Peril - does the same thing
Dragonborn in Distress - does the same thing
Possible fixes for compatibiltiy:
- tick "Remove Player Essential Flag" in MCM
- Set "Defeat Chance (Bleedout) to 0% in MCM
Customize your Combat Options in MCM. Now Naked Defeat can only start via critical hits or surrender. On Bleedout other mods can trigger.
If possible, disable other mods that trigger on Hits (Estrus Spider and Chaurus Spit attacks for example) since they can lead to double starts and broken animations.
Cursed Loot -> disable combat defeat feature - most likely it is not compatible with mine.
Ultimate Combat -> breaks Whipping for all mods. I suggest using Active Combat or other mods instead - no workaround or solution possible
Interactive BDSM -> locks the PC in furniture on its own way. I did not test it but it seems to lead to some... problems. I can only advise for now not to use the mod alongside Naked Defeat.
Problematic MCM Settings (should be no more issue in NADE 3.2 and later)
Zap Animation Pack (any version) -> disable "Overwrite Bound Animations" in its MCM (Sexlab or PlayerControl Center) -> might lead to problems with Shout like a Virgin
Sexlab with Sexlab Utility Plus -> disable Zaz Animation filter
Sexlab with Sexlab Utility Plus-> if you have strange trouble with furnitures, look here and in doubt tweak or disable SLU+ furniture options (might be 100% compatible tho, please share your experiences)
Guides worth looking at
Conglomerate 01 - by donttouchmethere -> how to install your stuff
Conglomerate 02 - by donttouchmethere -> how to install your kinky stuff
Conglomerate 03 - by donttouchmethere -> how to merge your stuff
Skyrim LE Stability Guide - by mrsrt -> how to not blow your stuff up
| ---- Walkthrough ---- |
This is meant to give you an overview of the mod content and primary features.
Chapter 1: 3 Ways (?) to Defeat
1. Bleedout Defeat:
Triggers on 0 HP.
You can set in "MCM > Naked Defeat > Defeat > Kill Player on Bleedout to basically disable this (but well,... you will die instead (and be forced to reload).
2. Critical Defeat:
This can be set in
MCM > Naked Defeat > Extras > Combat Strip
Basically it adds a chance to every hit you receive to knock you down and start the Defeat Scenario, no matter how much HP you have left.
3. Surrender:
This stops combat and makes you willingly start the Defeat Scenario via Hotkey ("K").
Chapter 2: Defeat Rape
This is a classical rape scenario.
Your PC and Followers will be raped 1-3 times by humans and creatures with all available anims (support for 2P, 3P, 4P and 5P for all races).
There are also scenarios which can trigger which change the course of the Defeat Rape to center around a certain topic like a piece of bondage (yoke, cuffs) or some special action (rodeo -> PC is whipped while playing cowgirl and standing animations).
Chapter 3: Aftermath
After the rape alot of things can happen, based on your settings.
Most will lead to other mods (Slavery Chance ->SD+ or SS++), to a nearby Inn (Rescue Chance), leave you robbed of your possesions (with a chance to get them back from your captor).
Or they will simply let you go, soaked in cum and broken.
But the central part of Naked Defeat is the Local Captivity Event that will add another outcome after the rape which is currently unique among loverslab:
Chapter 4: Escape Game ?
This is basically an Aftermath, but a special one so I call it chapter 4.
For the Escape game your PC is tied to a ZAP furnture or with a chain (based on the scenario types from the Defeat Rape).
There is a chance to be whipped into submission (just because they like to see you struggle) and then you get the chance to escape.
All you have to do for this is pressing the escape hotkey (space by default) to start the "struggle mini game".
This has some random outcomes based on your difficulty settings (escape chance) and on the punishment types you want (see MCM -> Library)
It can lead to more whipping, to another round of Rape, equipping of devices, a unique fucking belt and I will continously add more punishments too.
There is a random difficulty to the escape game. I recommend setting the base difficulty to as low as 1%.
If your captors not suck you can raise this chance up to 15-20%.
In addition to that, each time you struggle it becomes easier to escape, so when you struggled 5 times in painfully tight restraints you have a 6% chance to escape on the next try.
If you break free, your captors will turn aggressive again and try to chase you, so be quick to run away.
Hint: when you broke loose you can wait "in furniture" pretending to still be bound. Your captors will not see that and you can wait for a good moment to make your escape.
| ---- Hotkeys and Shortcuts ---- |
This is the main hotkey of Naked Defeat and offers different functionality based on the situation, queststage and other things.
I want to keep the number of required hotkeys as low as possible, hence this "workaround".
K is the Action Key by default and if you change it, ofc the shortcuts here are also meant to be the changed key....
While Defeated (always, no matter if bound, fucked, whipped etc.)
Abort everything (CHEAT) -------> CTRL + ALT + K
Should abort all SexScenes and the Defeat Scenario and set the player free.
Careful, enemies might become hostile immediatly.
This is a cheat meant for debugging or unwanted situations.
While Defeated & told to "Find a good spot"
Stop Crawling -------> K
This is meant to allow the player to find a good place for the scene to start.
Other Defeat mods usually just start where the player was defeated or where the attackers stand.
That leads to bad clipping with the floor or even floating animations, half buried in furniture etc.
Keep in mind that your followers need room too, they will always be placed roughly 2 metres in front and left and right of the player at 45°.
Spawn flat ground -------> Shift+K
Sometimes the ground nearby is just ugly or steep or whatnot. With this you can spawn generic grey flat ground for the sexscenes to look better.
Works only for a short period of time after "Prepare for your fate" message.
While Defeated & captured (in furniture/yoke/cuffs etc.) "Try to wiggle free"
Remove Punishment Gear -------> K
Removes all gear equiped for fun. Gags, Fuckbelts, Ropes, blindfolds.
Meant for debugging or when ppl do not like this.
Wiggle Free -------> SPACE
DONT SPAM. does not help...
This will also restore the furniture animation if your character broke it somehow.
Starts the small "wiggle free" game. When you press space your PC will try to wiggle free. This can lead to certain scenarios and punishments.
Each time you wiggle, the chance to break free is increased by some %.
Worst case (bound tight) you have a 1% escape chance and each time you wiggle increases it by 1%.
Just press SPACE again when you read "Your bindings are still too tight" or when your punishment or break is over...
Accept slavery -------> SHIFT + K
You give up on escaping and accept your fate.
Starts the Simple Slavery Auction.
Meant for Roleplay and also for hopeless situations, where your enemies are too strong and always down you when you try to escape.
Break Free (CHEAT) -------> ALT + K
Stops the capture scenario and releases the player.
If you get bored or stuff breaks or is broken.
After Defeat & when escaping "Crawl away now cunt"
Stop Crawling/Stand up -------> K
Releases the PC, enables Controls but also turns enemies hostile again.
Use this when you think you are far enough away and save...
While FREE
Change Hairstyle -------> K
Changes the saved hairstyle to another one at random.
Also has some debugging hidden inside, so if you think something from Naked Defeat did not "clean up" correctly, try this hotkey.
Wash yourself -------> SHIFT+K
Starts a set of washing animations and sends a ModEvent to Bathing in Skyrim to clean the PC.
Does not require water (its for roleplaying).
Wash regularly or Naked Defeat will punish you for it!
Teleportation Ritual (enable Fast Travel) -------> ALT+K
When you ticked "Naked Travel" in the MCM Extras, you can use this shortcut to start the "Teleportation Scenario".
Expect Mishaps... also try to be in a nice open and flat area...
Public Punishment ON/OFF (CHEAT) -------> CTRL+ALT+K
Fast Enable/Disable of Public Punishment Feature. Sometimes necessary for Quests or debugging.
While in Combat
Surrender -------> K
You surrender to your enemies. Your followers too.
Recommended for Roleplay or playtesting. Will get more features in the future.
| ---- FAQ ---- |
My Screen gets all blurry!
This is intentional and meant as a fade between scenes and to cover up ugly gaps like from sexlab etc.
The blur is meant for ENB users. Will add a blackfade too later.
MCM/System/Disable Blur [x] if you dont like it.
If the blur does not go away, press CTRL+ALT+K and report to the support thread.
I get CTD from X or Y
Most likely not from this mod. Check your installation. CTD is usually caused by bad meshes or heavy scriptload from too many mods.
If you come to the support thread, please upload a papyrus.log too... I will at least TRY to help.
Sex does not start
Try to increase search radius (I recommend 5000 min.)
See if you disabled something somewhere.
See if you have suitable SLAL packs installed.
When reporting to support, upload papyrus log please.
My PC is invulnerable
open console, type TGM
My PC is invulnerable
open console, type TGM
Integration into Acheron Framework?
I will not rewrite Naked Defeat for that, but I will still try to work with Scrab to make this happen...
SL Defeat/Babo Defeat/Bane Defeat
See "Recommended Mods & Guides" further above.
SD+ Integration?
Already there. Check the MCM "Aftermath" Options.
No further integration will happen. Ever.
Corrupted Save?
See "Uninstalling" further above.
Corrupted Save?
See "Uninstalling"
The scenario does not progress!
- See "Hotkeys & Shortcuts"
- See "Recommended Mods"
- try ticking "LagFix" in MCM System (before Naked Defeat starts!)
- Try open the console for some seconds
My follower...
yeah, there are bugs... I m working on followers again soon.
My quest items have been robbed!
Working on it. no promises
My XYZ item has been robbed!
Try setting it to "do not remove" in Sexlab MCM "Strip Options".
If that does not work, report to support thread.
Mod XYZ starts when I am defeated
Nothing I can do
Just remove the mod in question.
I could make patches, but new mod versions of the said mod would require me to update my patches too.
Furniture does not show up
Wrong Version of ZAZ animation pack (you should use ZAP 8+)
Compatible with ZAP 9.X?
Should... check if Zap 9 says its backwards compatible or ask in the support thread.
Feel free to report your findings, I had no time to work with Zap 9 yet...
| ---- Debugging / Repairing Stuff ---- |
Special Thanks to
- galahad_69 for making Naked Dungeons (without this mod I would ve quit Skyrim by now I think) on which this mod is based on
- donttouchmethere for naked testing and feedback
- orgs1n for helping out with scripting and basically kickstarting all this by making me look into the scripts for the first time
- Hawk for refining and improving my code (sad to see you go)
- tenri for helping with my annoying coding questions
- Nazzzgul666 for testing and feedback
- GunSlicer for his awesome pose mod (you see 3 of his idles as human surrender poses)
- the various creators of SLAL packs, all this would not be possible without you (Billyy, Anubs, Proxy, Milky, NCK30, Leito, etc. etc.)
- zaz for creating zap framework which is one of the key resources for me in skyrim because of the awesome and plenty furniture, struggle and bound animations
- BakaFactory for his Animations and for allowing me to use them
- Proxy for ther animations and for allowing me to use them
Old Changelogs
- combat sex
- defeat
- (and 3 more)
Anime Music Battle Replacer Skyrim AE
Made for 1.1170 Skyrim AE
What's New in Version 1.0.1
+14 song
47 for normal enemy, 28 for dragon
uninstall/delet old and replace
1. No one even myself can earn money with this mod, even donation, some of those file are under copyright, i have made it for fun, and only for fun, except the .esp i have made nothing else, nothing in this mod can earn money to anyone in any way
if you want to upload it on another site, no problem for me, i don't care you credit me, just copy paste this message
2. I didn't did anything except choose the song and manually edit it some people helped me choose some song but i can't remember their nickname due to nexus strike on my mod(something personal they striked after 1year)
If you encounter a problem making the mod work, ask me
3. Made with Skyrim 1.1170 on CK, can MAYBE work version below, i can't test, would love to know if it works version below
4. Might break immersion, if you are hard roleplay player, do not use this, you will dislike some music and get frustration, not every music have the same power decibel output but it's ok to me
Final release version, no update, no more music added
No need new save
record edited:
MUSCombat (normal enemy)
MUSCombatBoss (dragon)
here are some example of what kind of music is in it, total 62 song, 45 for normal enemy, 17 for dragon, compacted xwm
youtube channel:
TheTrueAura Channel
BreakingCopyright — Royalty Free Music
SLUTS Redux 2
By Hex Bolt
Ever hankered for a career in the cargo industry? Well, now is your chance!
The carriage drivers of Skyrim have banded together to form the Skyrim Licensed Universal Transport Service, and they're recruiting! The pay is good, and you get your own cart and even a smart uniform to wear. The job isn't without risk, of course, but then what job is? Talk to a carriage driver, a steward, or an innkeeper to get started.
This is a ponygirl mod. You get locked into a yoke, hooked up to a cart, and told to pull it to another city -- for which you get paid. That is, unless too many bandits have their way with you on your trip. If that happens, they'll pilfer from the cart as well, and you can end up owing money to the Company. But that's not a problem! They'll just send you on another run until you can pay off your debt. You can volunteer for the job, accept the work as "rehabilitation" in exchange for clearing your bounty, or be bought from Simple Slavery for indentured employment.
If the title wasn't a big enough giveaway, the treatment of women in this mod is very sexist; don't use it if you're not okay with that. Unfortunately, male characters are not supported, because most of the equipment pieces used by this mod are just not set up for them. There is no bestiality (I'm not opposed to it, but the mod doesn't need it). That said, depending on your other mods, animals might still assault you while you're working.
Regarding Skyrim SE
SLUTS Redux 2 is just an update of SLUTS Redux. I'm providing it because there's no longer a recent version of SLUTS for LE players (SE players have SLUTS Resume). Some SE players have reported that Redux 2 works for them if they just delete the BSA file (which only contains the logo image for the MCM). This mod is not intended to compete with SLUTS Resume, but if you really want to use it on SE, feel free, though there are no guarantees.
XPMSE Skeleton, SexLab, SexLab Aroused, Zaz Animation Pack, Devious Devices 4 or higher (5 is recommended).
New Features
A choice of 4 carts, selectable through the MCM.
New configuration settings for a more challenging experience.
Devious Devices 5's fast functions are used where possible, but it will fall back to DD 4 functions if DD 5 is not found.
Various enhancements, optimizations, polishing, and fixes.
Updating From SLUTS Redux 1.x
You can update to SLUTS Redux 2 in an existing game (treat it as a normal version update) but do NOT update during a cargo run. After updating, look over your MCM settings. Most settings will carry forward, but some are new or different. If the hoof gloves look wrong, rerun BodySlide. I optimized the mesh so that it no longer overwrites the body.
Any mods that that remove or replace the vanilla carriage drivers.
Known Issues
- The cart has glitchy physics. Saving, exiting the game completely, and reloading should settle it down.
- Removing conflicting devices can be slow, even with DD 5. Don't show up for work wearing an armbinder or yoke and you won't have to wait.
MrEsturk for his great work on SLUTS Redux with its many features and enhancements.
DocClox for creating the original mod, without which this one wouldn't exist.
El Duderino for the ponygirl mittens.
Rob_J for the custom S.L.U.T.S. cart texture, the smaller cargo cart, and the rehab fix.
slvsaris for work on the smaller cargo cart.
Talishira for the cargo version of the classic passenger cart.
- Do not upload to another site, except for language translation versions that make no other change and that are offered for free. You don't need permission to offer a language translation (please consider making your translation available here on LoversLab).
- Otherwise, do not mirror this mod on another site, even for free, without explicit permission.
- Do not claim this mod as your own work or offer a modified version for pay or as an exclusive benefit for subscribers or patrons (no "pay walls").
- If you use scripts from this mod in another mod, you must provide the source code with your project.
- The art assets (meshes & textures) are not mine. If you wish to use them, please contact the people who created them.
- ponygirl
- s.l.u.t.s.
- (and 2 more)
SexLab Dragons
By MadMansGun
SexLab Dragons
made by Blaze69 & MadMansGun
follower scripts based on yousukeve's Alduin follower Mod
what this mod does:
adds dialogue to start sexy fun time with Paarthurnax, Odahviing, Alduin, and Sinding (the Werewolf from Met by Moonlight).
Odahviing and Alduin* (after he is defeated) have full follower support.
the Call Dragon shout has extra functionality when Odahviing is following:
if he was told to wait somewhere shouting will call him back to the player (note: in real time),
but Shouting when he is not a follower calls him with his usual "air support" AI as in the vanilla game.
if you have a Alteration skill level of 75 Alduin will have a "extra option".
using the "bend will" shout on random/unnamed dragons when naked will (or should**) activate sex dialogues***.
there are also random dialogue scenes between Paarthurnax and Odahviing
*as of v3 Alduin does not automatically get spawned, you need to ask Arngeir "Is Alduin really dead?"
**it seems to only work right on the first shout, so that means you can only have sex with that dragon once.
i don't know how to fix this yet.
***a extra option will show up if you have Odahviing/Alduin as a follower when you use it on the random/unnamed dragons.
(please don't spam "E" if you do select it, the dialogue box needs to stay open for the script to run correctly)
if your having a problem with the dialogue not showing up just save your game and quit to desktop, then re-launch the game and load your save. The dialog options should now be there.
This is a known issue with dialogues and "Start Enabled Quests" (quests that start/run as soon as the game loads). You need to save the game with the mod active, exit to desktop, and then open the game again so that Skyrim can properly register and initialize the dialogues.
Mod Requirements:
Horny Creatures of Skyrim
Billyy's SLAL Animations
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Submissive Lola: The Resubmission LE/SE
By Hex Bolt
A highly updated version of the original Submissive Lola mod by alexvkj. The mod was rebooted as The Resubmission by MrEsturk and Hex Bolt. When MrEsturk became unavailable, I created this page to continue updates & support. Same mod, with a new page to conveniently get updates.
What Does It Do?
The mod lets you turn a follower into a dominant personality in a consensual master-slave relationship (though there are optional non-consensual features, and you can even start by being bought as a slave). You can optionally have a contract time to fulfill.
At the heart of the mod is submissiveness. It's in the title. "Lola" will either enter enslavement knowing that she's submissive, or it will be revealed to her. Not suited for characters who don't fit that description.
Any playable race follower can become your owner, though custom followers with specialized frameworks (like Serana and Inigo) will probably not work. Male and female player characters are supported. Some content is exclusively for female player characters, but most is not. You may specify your gender preference and play a gay or lesbian character.
Your progress in the relationship is measured with a submission score. Initially only basic events are available, but as the score increases more and more events open up. At the highest score level, the events can be inconvenient (if you act like a submissive doormat, you get treated like one), so you might choose to avoid reaching the max score 100.
Your dominant follower "owner" will call you Lola, regardless of your character's gender (there's a book with lore about that). There is an automated process (described below) to change that name if you can use xEdit. You can change your owner's title in the MCM if you don't care for Master or Mistress.
Your owner rules you with a firm hand but is often playful and teasing. When you're made to do humiliating things, it's said that it's to help you admit your darkest desires, or to help you learn obedience, all for your own good. You're like a valued pet. And a sex slave. Your owner understands the value of fantasy and imagination and will sometimes suggest things that will never actually be done to you. Above all, your owner wants your submission and obedience, not your gold. Gold CAN play a large role in your relationship if you enable those features, or it can have no part of it.
This is fantasy! It is not a modern-day consensual, caring, dominant-submissive relationship. There are no safe words or red lines. Your owner treats you like an actual slave, refers to you as property, and doesn't hesitate to use a shock collar to force your obedience. Although this mod will never cause your character to be raped, disfigured, or permanently harmed, your character can be forced into prostitution (there's a setting to turn that off), ordered to have sex with strangers, required to be naked at times, and be exposed to public humiliation. This is fantasy. It's left to you to interpret your character's experiences as a dream come true, a fantasy turned nightmare, or perhaps a forceful education in your character's secret desires. Your owner likes to keep you guessing and is often playful. It is left for you to decide whether your owner is toying with you or working hard to fulfill your darkest desires.
- The main download SubmissiveLolaResubmission is required. EsturkBooze is optional (details below).
- The downloads work for LE, SE, and AE. No conversions needed.
- This mod replaces any other Submissive Lola. Do not install two versions.
- Players should have at least one spanking animation, or the spanking scenes will be generic sex. I recommend "Rydin Overlap Spanking". LE version is here. SE version is here. Another good option is the Devious Followers Spank SLAL mini pack (LE and SE), which also adds just a handful of animations. You can install the animations without installing Devious Followers.
File links:
Devious Devices LE or SE.
Zaz (choose one) SE (ZAP 8 is halfway down the page). For LE, ZAP 8 or 8Plus.
- MCM with extensive customization options.
- Requires and uses Devious Devices, though if you're wearing a ZAP device the mod will recognize it.
- Support for custom collar and gag meshes & textures. Or just use the collar of your choice from another mod.
- If you have multiple followers, you can change which one is your owner at any time.
- Prostitution events that use Radiant Prostitution if you have it (WraithSlayer, Gigolo, and RMCW versions all work), or a basic form provided by the mod.
- Although TDF Prostitution is not supported, if you've installed it (or even just installed its animations), this mod will use the TDF dances.
- Gold sharing system. Highly configurable. Automatically split gold with your owner. Pay your owner, or have your owner pay you!
- Select a second follower to be your playmate. Your owner might have your playmate spank, whip, or do other things to you.
- Have your owner confiscate your keys, and some or all of your lockpicks.
- You can ask your owner to help unlock devices on you, the owner, or playmate.
- Soft integration with Simple Slavery++. Have a follower buy you and become your owner -- or buy you again if already your owner.
- Spanking and whipping as punishment, or as reward!
- When your owner spanks you, a mod event is sent to Spank That Ass (if installed).
- City-specific events. Be displayed at the Riften slave market. Have 3-way sex with a priestess in the Temple of Dibella. Perform at the Bards College. Naked.
- Make embarrassing admissions (some of which might even be true) to strangers. Get punished if you don't say it right.
- Make deliveries as a pony girl, with your choice of outfit color.
How Do I Start?
3-Way Sex
For sex scenes with 3 actors, this mod tries to use a gender-appropriate animation. It will require the FFF or MMM tag for lesbian or gay 3-way sex, MFF or FFM for two females and one male, and so on. Billyy's Animations has some good FFF animations.
Suggested Mods
Take Notes (LE | SE)
Immersive Torture Sounds (just sound files, works for any game version, female only)
Ride Sharing (LE | SE)
For sweeping enthusiasts, Sweeping Organizes Stuff (SE) or Broom Sweeping (LE)
Recommended SexLab Aroused Settings
Installing Extra Animations
Optional Download Files
Changing "Lola"
For Modders
alexvkj: Creator of the original Submissive Lola mod.
MrEsturk: Rebooted the mod as The Resubmission, adding the MCM, new events, and the brown leather texture.
t.ara for Zaz Animation Pack, and Pfiffy for the SE conversion.
skyrimfet: Pony girl amulet texture from Devious Training, used with permission.
Roggvir: EFF compatibility scripts for owner's "inventory" versus "container".
Halo's Mods ( for the riding crop assets.
Frayed: Collar and runic circle effects from Runic Collar.
RatchetthelastLombax: Broom model asset in Mother's Broom.
- bdsm
- submission
- (and 6 more)
By Delzaron
A gore/Sweeny Todd/Dolcett themed mod for Skyrim (you're warmed : don't drunk it if it's not your cup of tea!)
Dependences :
SexLab ZAZ 8.0 : Fuz Ro Doh Dawnguard Pama deadly furnitures and all it requirements :
Recommanded :
Simple Slavery (I use Simple Slavery Plus Plus) Any vampire face fix, like this one :
Authors : BoomGoblin, AqqH, myself.
Want to support me? Visit my Patreon ! (i got back my account):
Resume :
The abandonned fort Naemir near Riften is again occupied... some rumors says by a Daedroth. Hired by Maya, a Vigilant of Stendarr, you will discover what is in the darkness...
Mod Tag : a1R
Current State : finished (work will continue on SE version, due to Pama new stuff SE specifity).
Rep Quests guide :
Waitress : serve the requested meal to the client. Waitress special request : the client wants a specific meal (player death chance : 50%). Bath : Mistress is taking her bath, and need some extra lotion (player death chance : 50% + sex scene). Puppy Bath : Mistress is bathing her puppy, but requires some extra lotion (sex scene). Armina cloning service : Armina can create a clone of a npc or the player, each 5 game hours. Customer complaint : a customer is complaining about the meat quality. Carnificina will demonstrate the contrary (player death chance : 50%). Champions's meal : player, as customer, can request a meal. delivery : you'll need to ddeliver some meatpies to the external clients (player death chance : 1/14). Diet experiment : Mistress want to check if a change of nutrition can impact the meat taste. You are the test subject. exhibition : player will be exposed inside the restaurant (player death chance : 50%). experimental spell : Misstress want to see how beheading can impact meat quality (player death chance : 50%, and you can get a powerful spell if you survive). Puppy's hunt : fetch a specific meatgirl with puppy. Filling the meat cellar : butcher some meatgirls and fill the meat cellar (if meat stocked is too low, player death chance : 100 %). Special meat request : your clone meat is requested (player death chance : 50%). Namira day festival : Mistress is invited to a party in honor to Namira. You are one of the sacrifices (player death chance : 100 %). Namira day festival (clone) : Mistress is invited to a party in honor to Namira. You're also invited. Working at the restaurant : the quest managing the waitress quests. Slaves selling : Tipo Marjebi wants to buy a meatgirl. Enslaved in a restaurant : quest managing player as employee. needed to trigger all the other rep quests. Butchering a meat girl : being set as meatgirl, and butchered (player death chance : 100 %). Tenderize a meat girl : have your meat quality being upgraded (sex scene) VIP service : spit roast : serve the VIP, as waitress, or a meatgirl (player death chance : around 20 %). VIP service : impalement : serve the VIP, as waitress, or a meatgirl (player death chance : around 20 %). Being a VIP : as client, be treated like a VIP.
more rep quests will come (at least one with the zap, and one with the oven).
Credits :
- Pama for Pama deadly furnitures
- Gatti for Gatti Jewels
- Dorabella and Killer905 for Lady Ritual armor
Permissions :
You're allowed to use this mod code as you want. You're not allowed to upload this mod on another platform. Assets belongs to their original authors.
Devious Sounds V 1.2
By AndrewLRG
New in 1.2: Follower support and localisation. Your followers can moan too. Can be updated from 1.1 without new game.
Adds new sound to Devious Devices. Player will occasionally make sounds while wearing certain Devices. Sound volume and frequency (how often will they be played) can be adjusted in Devious Sound MCM. Some Devices have several sound types from which to choose. Audio is taken from various adult-oriented videos and differs is quality. To prevent overlapping sounds won't play during SexLab scenes, while Player is bleeding and in some other cases.
Supported Devices:
Gags - gagged moan;
Gasmasks - heavy breathing;
Other Devices - Chain rattle.
Gags are divided into 2 categories - Ball and Ring gags. Ball Gags include balls, pony bits and closed panel gags; Ring gags - rings and open panel gags. Each category can be customized separately in MCM. Additionally, player can select different sounds to be played while PC is aroused.
Cuffs, armbinders, collars and other Devices can make chain rattling sounds while player is walking, sprinting or jumping. Chain rattle can attract enemies.
MCM Settings:
Gag Page:
Idle Settings - Default settings that will be used in normal conditions.
Arousal Settings - When PC is aroused these sound and settings will be used.
Unequipping Sound - A special sound will be played when PC removes her gag.
On Hit Settings - "On hit" sounds are played when PC is wearing a gag and being hit by actors or creatures. Does not play if PC is hit by various whips from ZAZ Animation Pack or Deviously Cursed Loot (got something else in mind for that)
Gasmask Page:
Gasmask Settings - Default settings that will be used in normal conditions.
Enable Exhaustion - Enable/Disable Exhaustion effect. PC will play faster breathing sounds while sprinting or being low on stamina.
Chains Page:
Heavy Bondage, Collar, etc. - Choose which Device types can play chain rattling noises.
Disable - Disable chain noises for this Device type;
Allow preselected - only Devices hand picked by mod author can make noises. (I've tried to pick Devices that have some visible chains, buckles or moving metallic parts, something that realistically should make noises).
Allow All - All Devices of this type will make noises.
Enable Heavy Chains - Allow chain rattle noise ONLY for Devices with long visible chains. Only a handful Devices have chains like this (mostly created by Heretic).
Follower Pages:
Each follower has their own customization page. Settings are similar to Players. Alert Enemies mechanic does not work for Followers - it would be too annoying.
Alert Enemies Page:
Detection Range - From how afar can hostile NPCs hear player made noises.
Alert enemies on Gag sounds - Hostile NPC will react on player gag moans.
Alert enemies on Chain sounds - Hostile NPC will react on chain rattle.
Localisation Page:
If you are using a non-English version of Devious Devices or DD-depended mod you can select your localisation language. This will allow Devious Sounds to detect worn Devices properly. Devious Sounds checks for worn Devices names to determine what type of gag is equipped. If Device has the word "Ball" in its name then it is defined as "Ball Gag" and according sounds will be played. Selecting localisation language will allow this mod to check for non-English words in Devices. For example, selecting German will make mod search for words "Rope" and "Seil" in Device name to detect rope Devices. Currently supports German and Russian.
2) SexLab
3) Devious Devices 5.0 and higher
Changes in 1.0:
1) Adds 2 new gagged moan variations, making it 5 total.
2) Decreased Exhaustion Effects last stage base duration from 30 to 15 seconds.
3) In addition to time limit, Exhaustion Effects last stage will stop if player fully recovers stamina.
Changes in 1.1:
1) Added Chain Rattling sounds to various Devices. Customizable in MCM.
2) Added "Alert Enemies" mechanic, similar to Devious Training. Hostile NPCs might hear your moans or chain rattle. Can be turned off in MCM.
3) Added Sound Randomizer for Gag sounds. You can select several Sound Types to pick moans from.
4) Fixed vanilla "OnHit" sounds that won't play while Player wears a Devious Gag. This should prevent sounds overlapping when mods "On Hit" option is enabled.
4) Fixed an issue with mod being unable to calculate players arousal for SE users.
Troubles of Heroine
Warning: Disgusting, sexist, humiliating and violent content!
First of all, I apologize for my English - it's not my first language. Skyrim version of my Fallout 4 mod Problems of Survivor and Starfield mod Issues of Spacefarer. The mod adds NPCs and events that make female PC life in Skyrim more ungrateful and humiliating.
If you want to remove the default bow from followers, download the followerswithouthbow file.
Use code set AAASqueamishGlobal to 1/0 to disable/enable most of the nasty content.
Use the code set AAANoSexistFaction to 1/0 to disable/enable automatic sexism for Companions and the Civil War factions.
Some content is disabled by default. To enable them again, use MCM or the code set AAACutContent to 1.
If you want to do female quests for male: Go to the Riverwood Trader, type "tcl" into the console, go through the wall behind the counter and take the "Troubles of Hero" item from the chest. Or you can use console commands, AddItemMenu mod or MCM, but in that case you can drop it. Dialogs will still be for women.
The readme contains quest ids, perks, and update descriptions.
Lines of dialogs: 17144.
Don't know where to start? Start with the questlines of the mod:
Content for straight male PCs:
Dragonborn DLC Add-on:
This add-on changes the vanilla quests!
Dawnguard DLC Add-on:
Hearthfire DLC add-on:
More details:
51's xVASynth Voice Packs:
Voice Bella voice packs for Dragonborn Voice Over:
Repacked TOH 2.8.2 with fixed True English Patch and KS Hairdos for NPC:
2.8.2 RUS:
Dragonborn Voice Over:
Cum Amalgamator:
KS Hairdos for Troubles of Heroine:
Strange mannequin's body:
Robbery Additions:
This little mod changes merchant Virtruula's outfit into Dark Seducer armor (None helm):
Possible problems:
Future plans:
More dialogs; More quests; More situations; More followers; More filth.
Do what you want with the mod.
- sexlab
- companions
- (and 2 more)
Voiceover collection (ElevenLabs)
By AndrewLRG
New: Update for voiceover for S.L.U.T.S. Resume to version 4.1. Added 20 voices for Special Deliveries. See notes below for details.
Collection of partial voiceovers for different adult-oriented mods using ElevenLabs ( artificial voice generator (a.k.a. AI Voice). These voiceovers should be considered partial (incomplete) as not all dialogue topics are voiced in all available voices. Voices themselves were meant to sound like vanilla characters. Female voices in general turnout in higher quality. Should be compatible with both LE and SE/AE mod versions.
Available voiceovers
SL Defeat 5.3.5 - compatible with Defeat V5.3.6 Bane Edition
Devious Followers - Continued 2.14.4 - Glinda (non-Skyrim voice) and FemaleYoungEager
Comes in 2 versions: Glinda and FemaleYoungEager.
Glinda makes your followers use a new voice not found in the game.
FemaleYoungEager - works only on followers with this voice type. You may need to change your follower voice to use this voiceover. FemaleYoungEager voice type was slightly edited to make followers sound more assertive and seductive (check out .7z with examples bellow).
Only some jarls, merchants and innkeepers are voiced. Guards are voiced in 5 variants. NPCs during "tavern scenes" don't have voice lines.
Examples Devious Followers.7z
Devious Lore 3.0.2
Shout Like a Virgin 9.22
Skyrim Chain Beasts 0.8.4
S.L.U.T.S. Resume 4.1
Partial voiceover. I wasn't able to voice carriage drivers (and Velasco) in their original voice - Male Commoner Accented - voice quality was not very good, it was too monotone and rarely expressed any emotions. These NPCs will be using Male Even Toned instead. This voice type does not fully match Velasco's attitude, so it might change once he receives more unique dialogue options in mod future updates.
Special Deliveries (bringing a package to a specific NPC instead of another carriage drive) are voiced in 20 voice type (10 male + 10 female). More will need to be added later.
"Voice S.L.U.T.S. Resume - vanilla CarriageDriver - MaleEvenToned v1.0" is an optional download that re-voices carriage drivers vanilla lines to Male Even Toned to match S.L.U.T.S. voices. It's recommended if you want carriage drivers using the same voice for both vanilla and added dialogues.
The Sisterhood of Dibella
SexLab Solutions - Revisited 1.1.5
Partial voiceover. Argonians and Khajits are not voiced. Also skipped some rarely used voices, like MaleBandit, MaleSolder, Male/Female Coward and Rieklings.
Previous updates:
New: Added partial voiceover for Sexlab Solutions - Revisited 1.1.5 for LE and SE/AE. Argonians and Khajits are not voiced. Also skipped some rarely used voices, like MaleBandit, MaleSolder, Male/Female Coward and Rieklings.
From the deeps (new version)
By Delzaron
FROM THE DEEPS (new version) : A Lovecraftian adventure for Skyrim.
Want to support me? Visit my Patreon !
The first point
A lovecraft like story, with a large Inquiry part, and two way to finish it : joining the cult, or destroying it. An ambition to make a thief like mod, centered about his story. Very few but harsh fights. It's a massive rewrite of the actual From The Deeps mod, and it will replace it in time. Most player choices will lead to consequences (include the sex scenes, almost all avoidable, but with consequences) Female players designed mod
TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE WITH FROM THE DEEPS redone ! (that version will be deleted soon as FTD new version will advance !)
Dependendies :
SexLab Dragonborn ZAZ XPMS skeleton.
More Nasty critters (sex scene with Lurkers, seekers, and rieklings) Billy's animation pack (contains everything you need !)
Optionnal :
Sunken city of Ryelh : improves Apocrypha look, make it less library and more city. Some tatoos for Nuai and player if they follow the Riekling path in chapter3 (grine tatoos)
Some of players actions consequences are the change of metrics.
Perversion (sexual acts) Corruption (willing to serve evil) sanity (chapter 2) some global variables (register player choices)
Permissions :
Use the mod assets as you want. Original assets belongs to their authors. You're not allowed to upload that mod in other places than LL or Nexus, whithout the authors permission.
Ressources and other mods used :
- Comvex Hermaus Mora Armor :
- DixiePig for the tentacle armor.
- PS1 games Doom I and Nightmare creatures I for musics.
- Garry Chang, for the Storm of the centurie ost
- screenshots of Necronicon pages by Zarono (I bought two for my call of cthulhu rpg parties. It"s letter format, but the look is quite good) :
Simple Slavery Plus Plus
By Hex Bolt
"The entire sold on a platform experience."
Simple Slavery is a player slave auction mod, a gateway to other player enslavement mods. (You are sold as a slave; you do not get to buy or sell slaves.) Defeat mods and other peril mods can send you here to be sold in a slave auction. You must have at least one enslavement mod installed and selected in this mod's MCM or you'll just be released after the auction.
This is an update to Simple Slavery Plus. I had some fixes and enhancements, and since Lozeak has moved on, jfraser encouraged me to publish them as an official release. This version does not use Devious Framework (not to be confused with Devious Devices). I won't be supporting Devious Framework.
Read about how it all began!
How Does It Work?
Combat defeat mods like SL Defeat or Death Alternative can send you here when you lose in battle. Other peril or sexual assault mods might send you here as well. You will be placed in a holding cell. Speak to the Slavemaster in front of the cage and you will find yourself on the auction block, where people will bid on you. You will then be sent to one of the many enslavement (or slave-like) mods provided by the talented modders of LoversLab.
What Do I Get With Plus Plus?
No ZAP Version
Unless stated otherwise, you can update mid-game, no clean save required.
Narrative Description
Enslavement Mods
Have at least one installed and enabled in this mod's MCM or you'll simply be released after the auction.
Where Is the Slave Market?
You don't need to visit the slave market on your own, but if you want to, the entrance is inside Riften, outside Mistveil Keep next to the guard barracks ground entrance.
For Mod Authors
Credit & Thanks
Cum Addiction Begging Addon LE/SE
By jib_buttkiss
A small addon for the cum addiction system in Cum Swallow Needs or Sexlab Survival.
At high cum-hunger levels, you'll be forced to beg any man you meet for his hot, sticky spunk. At lower levels, a dialogue option is available instead, so you can at least ask.
Cum Swallow Needs and Sexlab Survival have four levels of cum-hunger: Peckish, Hungry, Starving, and Ravenous.
-At Peckish or Hungry, a dialogue option appears with every man, where you can ask him for cum. Since you're the one asking, he'll probably make you pay him!
-At Starving, you'll be forced to beg men for their cum, once an hour. Again, you'll have to pay for it- but even more than if you were Peckish or Hungry.
-At Ravenous, your thirst for cum overwhelms you. The only interaction you can have with men is to beg to suck their cock, and you can't refuse their demands- no matter how outlandish they are!
The demands men can have at Ravenous level are:
The weighting of each outcome can be configured in the MCM. Want men to ask for gold most of the time, but sometimes steal your clothes instead? Give gold a high weight, clothes a low weight, and disable the others!
Each NPC has a 24-hour cooldown between begs. Once you've begged someone (whether successfully or not) they'll refuse to let you beg them again for a day. Of course, if you're feeling Ravenous that won't stop you trying...
There's also a small chance that a man will just take your payment, and tell you to push off! Can you blame them for taking advantage of an addled, desperate, cum addict?
An optional feature is blocking interaction with women as well as men at Ravenous. This is turned off by default- since women can't give you what you need, you can get completely stuck if you need to talk to one! Alternatively, there's a Futa mode that just disables all gender checks and lets you beg women as normal. This mod does not provide the Futa dicks. If you enable Futa mode without Futa women, then the dialogue will result in you sucking a strapon, and gaining no cum satiation.
The mod is also fully functional for a male player, if you like begging to give gay blowjobs.
The following options are available in the MCM:
-Bimbos of Skyrim: Any begging will add bimbo corruption. Peckish/Hungry level begs add a tiny amount, and Starving/Ravenous level ones add a bit more. The exact values are customisable in the MCM.
-Sexlab Sexual Fame Reloaded: Begging and paying to suck a dick will make you gain fame as a Slut. If you beg and pay to give a blowjob but your target just takes the money and denies you, you'll gain Airhead fame instead.
Known Issues:
Requires Cum Swallow Needs OR Sexlab Survival.
If you're using Cum Swallow Needs, get the version labelled Cum Swallow Needs. If you're using Survival, get the version labelled Survival. The in-game MCM also displays which version you've downloaded. If it doesn't work, and you come ask me why, and it's because you've got the wrong version, I will make fun of you.
Skyrim LE, SE, AE, doesn't matter. The mod is just some basic scripts and dialogue, so it will work with any Skyrim version.
Completely incompatible with my Vampiric Cum Addiction mod! That mod is actually a fork of this one, reusing all the same forms, scripts, and IDs. If you try to run them together, either one or both will break completely.
- @forpyor for requesting this addon!
- @Dasha117 for making Cum Swallow Needs.
- The ghost of @Monoman1 for making Sexlab Survival.
-matortheeternal's Automation Tools for TES5Edit, which I use to swap all references from CSN to Survival out in the .esp before uploading that version. Turned a 60 minute job into a 6 minute one!
- Anyone and everyone who's tipped me with my Ko-Fi tip jar!
Failure Mode Effects Analysis in Skyrim (FMEA)
By Bane Master
Has it ever bothered you that rather than going off adventuring and risking your life you can get rich in Tamriel using an alchemy lab in an inn and a few septims worth of Garlic and Salt? Do you wonder why people lock valuable items in chests or in rooms but hardly ever use magic or poison to deter thieves? Are you amazed that at level one you know the name of every useful alchemy ingredient and how to harvest it safely?
FMEA is designed to provide additional risks and failure effects to non-combat skills and resource harvesting. Since many of the consequences are based around sex and slavery FMEA has been written with the female adventurer in mind, however FMEA works perfectly well for male adventurers there are just fewer outcomes available.
The current release includes plugins for Lockpicking, Alchemy, Enchanting, Mining and Harvesting potion ingredients. Each plugin is highly configurable with its own MCM page and any or all of the plugins can be enabled or disabled as required.
Whilst disenchanting an item there is a risk that you may lose control of the Magicka flow as you destroy the item The risk of losing control when disenchanting is dependent on the magnitude of the enchantments and the skill of the enchanter Whilst enchanting an item there is a risk that you may lose control of the Magicka flow from the Soulgem as you complete the enchantment Whilst recharging an item there is a risk you may lose control of the Magicka flow and fail to charge the item, or worse! The risk of losing control when enchanting or charging is dependent on the level of Soulgem used and the skill of the enchanter Uncontrolled Soulgem flows can result in dimensional anomalies or allow the imprisoned soul to use its psychic energy to lash out seeking revenge An uncontrolled release of Soulgem Magicka may attract an interdimensional parasite Uncontrolled Soulgem flows will render the enchanting workbench dangerously unstable and unusable until they dissipate Endangering the lives of innocent bystanders as a result of recklessly allowing uncontrolled Magicka flows is a serious crime
Any locked door or container might now be trapped Traps can be set to either rearm or be cleared when triggered Traps may have tamper detection built in – just inserting a lock pick might trigger the trap, also, the longer you take picking the lock the more likely it is that the trap will trigger There is a chance you may spot a trap before you trigger it, or you may THINK you spot one Traps are persistent in the world – as is their individual level of difficulty. Maybe you should come back to that dangerous looking chest with the master level lock when you’ve got a bit more skill? Setting off a trap can result in a range of consequences including audible alarms, darts & gas traps There is also an option to add an Alteration skill based Open Locks spell to the world The level of magicka control required means the Open Locks spell has a very short range, take care not to trigger any traps! The risk of a trap being triggered (if one is present) by the Open Locks spell increases with each failed attempt The tome required to learn Open Locks can be bought from specialist merchants selling rare Alteration spells, it might also be found as loot
Any attempt to make a potion may fail based on the Alchemists skill and their experience at making that particular formula Alchemical research is particularly risky even when successful , if unsuccessful it’s downright dangerous When an Alchemist fails to make a potion the resulting mixture may be unstable, if they are lucky it will result in some fumes and a bad smell, or they could be unlucky… Reckless use of alchemy workbenches in inns and shops poses a risk to innocent bystanders, endangering the public is a crime Alchemical failures tend to be noisy and smelly and are likely to attract the attention of anyone (or anything) nearby
Plant and fungal ingredient sources will be renamed to “Plant” or “Fungus” until the one of the ingredients magic effects is learned. Optionally harvesting of plants and fungi can be blocked until an effect is learned Insects and other activator type ingredients can be blocked from harvesting until an effect of the ingredient is learned When an ingredient is harvested there is a risk of adverse effect, due to allergy, poisoning or something taking offence at having its friends torn to pieces… The risk of an event is based on the number of unknown effects on an ingredient. Once all the effects are known the ingredient is safe to harvest
Any attempt to mine may fail based on the difficulty of the ore vein and the skill of the miner Miners may lose track of an ore vein as they dig Pickaxes may break if used incorrectly Inexperienced miners may find the "Ore" they have mined is in fact just useless rubble Sparks from the pick may ignite a pocket of flammable gas, injuring innocent bystanders is a crime Miners may encounter things that were best left buried Ore veins may contain pockets of noxious gas Poor mining technique may result in injury
Skyrim Legendary Edition / SE
Sexlab 1.62+ / Sexlab SE 1.63 Beta9
SkyUI 5.1+ / SkyUi SE 5.2
powerofthree's Papyrus Extender SE / LE
Follower Slavery Mod V1.320+
SLDefeat V5.3.6 Bane 18112023+ (Should be compatible with other SLDefeat versions but not tested)
Estrus Chaurus+ 4.390+
Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (November 2021)+
Simple Slavery 4.6+
Devious Followers 1.72+
Prison Overhaul Patched V3.59+
Learn Alchemy From Recipes - so you don’t have to eat ingredients to learn them!
SexLab Parasites - Kyne's Blessing (November 2021)+ for the FMEA Dimensional Parasite & Flowering Spriggan effects
Install using NMM or ModOrganiser – make a save first so you can go back if you don’t like the mod or it makes the world explode!
You should see an MCM initialisation message when you load the game. Once the MCM is initialised you need to install the plugins from the FMEA menu.
Updates can be installed over an existing save. A clean save is not required.
If there’s sufficient interest I plan on developing a FMEA Plugin for Smithing, along with more effects & outcomes for the current plugins. Suggestions welcome!
If a plugin is not working as intended try disabling it in the MCM, waiting a few minutes and then reactivating it.
Under no circumstance can this mod or any of its parts be posted outside of LL without my permission. You may not use the code as part of a for-profit project.
SexLab Parasites - Kyne's Blessing (January 2025)
By DeepBlueFrog
This is the Legendary Edition version of the mod.
There is now a dedicated page for the Special Edition / Anniversary Edition version - you can find it here.
In a nutshell, this mod will add several types of parasites as complements to Skyrim diseases.
Each will come with their own mesh, trigger, healing method and side effects.
I am also working on a questline to unify them during gameplay.
For example (included in this first release), sex with Spiders will come with a chance of vaginal infection by spider eggs.
You will have to figure out a way to cure that infection (no side effect yet except for increased arousal during sex and inflated belly).
I will eventually add lore, quests and dialogues to seek help in removing the parasites (or using them strategically).
Help - Walkthrough:
Parasites FAQ Lore behind the story About the Chaurus Queen effects Quest walkthrough SexLab Parasites manual (PDF)
Parasites included
- Spider eggs (vaginal) / sex with spiders / chance of detached spider penis in addition to eggs
- Chaurus worms (anal and vaginal) / sex with chaurus
- Estrus Tentacle attacks / harvesting chaurus eggs / EC+ required
- Tentacle Monster armor / chance of infection when attacked by Estrus Tentacle
- Estrus Slime or Ooze attacks / harvesting creepy clusters / EC+ required
- Living Armor armor / chance of infection when attacked by Estrus Slime or Ooze
- 'hip' and 'facial' Face hugger / sleep naked in Blackreach, caves or ruins
- Skin spores (barnacles) / sleep naked in Blackreach, caves or ruins
The Living Armor and Tentacle Monster cannot be removed in-game at the moment, but you can use the menu to roleplay removal when you want to.
See this post for more details about the parasites ( )
Skyrim Legendary Edition (Vanilla + 2 main DLCs - Dawnguard, Dragonborn)
SexLab V1.62+ and its requirements:
SKSE (V1.7.3) SkyUI (latest) FNIS - Fores New Idles in Skyrim (Latest version. The spells add-on is not required.)
Devious Devices 5.1 or later.
Both Devious Devices Integration and Devious Devices Assets Zaz animation pack V7.0 or later SexLab Aroused (original or Redux)
NiOverride (included in Racemenu) is needed if you want proper inflation of breasts and belly during infections, but it is not required for the mod to operate.
If you want to go that way, you will also need an advanced skeleton like XPMS+
You will have to install Estrus Chaurus + if you want to see actual tentacle and slime/ooze attacks when you harvest certain items (chaurus egg mounds, creepy clusters). You can still be infected by their related parasite if you don't have EC+ but the full effect relies on EC+ being available.
The Flying option of the Queen of Chaurus armor relies on one of these three mods:
Animated Wings Ultimate (prefered option) Real Flying Animated Dragon Wings
I designed this mod to fit in with my other mods:
SexLab Stories - The Brood Maiden story will be playing a role in the upcoming quest from Parasites. The Stories Devious side of the mod handles the lactation effect when the player wears a Tentacle Monster or Living Armor parasites SexLab Hormones - I added an option in Hormones' menu to better manage the max values of node scales when using NetImmerse Override. When you check that option, the max values of nodes (for mods I manage) are scaled back depending on which effect is currently active (pregnancy, hormones scaling, parasites, lactation). This should prevent abusive growth of belly and breasts especially. Sanguine Debauchery + - Enslavement to Falmers, Spiders or Chaurus provides a good way to experience Parasites since they make these creatures more likely to have sex with you. SD+ enslavement to Falmers and Chaurus will also play a part in the upcoming main quest of Parasites.
This mod includes assets from the following mods (with permission)
Various assets from TERA armors and Modder's Resource Pack - The Witcher Extension Blackreach spores / barnacles / Chaurus Queen armor pieces - from Falmer Bikini 'hip' Facehugger - from Facehugger by Daemonic 'facial' Facehugger - tweaked by Kakabishan and Nosdregamon Tentacle Monster armor - from Tentacle parasite by DixiePig and The Matrix Prime Living armor by Aradia Chaurus worm model from Summon Animated Larvae Queen of Chaurus Armor assets from Queen of Blades (Kerrigan) Queen of Chaurus Full Body assets from Wicked Blade Armor Dwemer Explorer Armor - Male meshes from TERA armors and Female meshes from the Starcraft 2 Ghost Armor . and custom meshes provided by @MystOfDawn just for this mod Spriggan Mask by by MyFirstPony
Full change log on Github
Skyrim Immersion Patch (January 2025)
By DeepBlueFrog
This is the Legendary Edition version of the mod.
There is now a dedicated page for the Special Edition / Anniversary Edition version - you can find it here.
[For many years now, I had this small non-sexlab mod hosted only on Nexus. It is time to change that and host it here with my other mods as well.]
Have you ever wondered how the Greybeards keep themselves warm? or those bandits in that tower above Riverwood? How do they prepare food in those inns?
And what about beggars...where do they sleep?
Years ago, mods like 'Cutting Room Floor' or 'Unofficial Skyrim Patch' inspired me to get started with that dreaded CK editor and give back a little to the Skyrim community.
This mod is not earth-shattering but it provides some useful immersive changes where it makes sense.
The mod itself is kept as simple as possible, using only Vanilla resources so far.
Optional esp files:
Legendary addon - brings assets from the DLCs into Skyrim's mainland (heavy snow trees, dead and broken trees, hints of Morrowind where it makes sense). ESO add-on - adds landmarks from the Elder Scrolls Onlines back into Skyrim Seasonal weather - overrides the weather with seasonal weather patterns in addition to regional ones from the game. Use this console command to set the number of days in a year (you don't have anything to do if you are using Family Ties, the mod will adjust to the duration of a year from Family Ties automatically)
set _SIP_GV_DaysInYear to <number of days in a year>
FrostFall is not required although many changes in this Immersion Patch were added with Frostfall in mind. Compatibility is extended only through the addition of campfires and other heat sources.
This mod covers the following kinds of changes:
- Heat sources in places that make sense (such as where NPCs work all day long in cold weather)
- User accessible bedrolls in some public places (beggars beds for example)
- Extra NPCs where you would expect them (such as a Vigilant of Stendarr helping out with daedric curses in them Temple of Kynareth or guarding various Shrines of Stendarr)
- Small details that were originally missed (for example, Reyda's clothes folded on the shore in Ivarstead)
- Small updates to vendors and other loot lists (Firewood, torch, linen wraps added to Misc Merchant Items).
- Cooking Spit added to inns without kitchens (can be disabled by talking to innkeepers)
There will be more changes in the future as I come across them. Feel free to post suggestions in the discussion area. I will be happy to include them if they are doable with minimal resources.
Look into the Readme section of the downloaded file (or here on Github) for a full list of the changes so far...
Future plans
Here are a few things I plan on adding at some point:
- how do they transport wood? -> floating wood trunks down the rivers, carts outside of sawmills
- where is the trash? -> add clutter in streams and sewers, puddles of dirty water
- how do they keep clean? -> custom items to wash clothes and hang them to dry, people bathing, at least one bath house (like in Kingdom Com Deliverance)
- how to they make food? -> a few smokers for dried meat and fish, a couple of places with pelts drying off to make leather
Let me know in the discussion threads if you have ideas.
This is not meant for a huge overhaul but instead fixing little things that make so sense in the original game.
Family ties (January 2025)
By DeepBlueFrog
This is the Legendary Edition version of the mod.
There is now a dedicated page for the Special Edition / Anniversary Edition version - you can find it here.
Introducing Family Ties - a series of small background mods that will make the player character the relative of a family from Vanilla Skyrim.
The mods feature:
- Relationships (mother/child, grandparent, aunt.. ) between the player and NPCs from the family.
- A key and night-time access to the family home.
- Family NPCs are renamed to Mother, Father, Grandpa etc… names of siblings are preserved.
- I made small adjustments to houses to give the player a bedroll and a safe storage with starting clothing.
- I also added map markers to your home town and family house.
- There is no proper quest yet - just the basic minimum to access a family home so far.
My goal here is to put together small mods (script free if possible) as templates for others to make their own and share them back. Eventually we could even envision small quests around family secrets.
Families already implemented:
- Imperial - start as the son or daughter of Adrianne Avenicci in Whiterun.
- Imperial - start as the son or daughter of Carlotta Valentia in Whiterun.
- Nord - start with Birna in Winterhold as a mother and Ranmir, your uncle.
- Nord - start with Lemkil in Rorikstead as a father, with two sisters and a childhood friend (Erik)
- Breton or Reguard - start in the Lylvieve family Dragon Bridge. Since the father is Reguard and the mother Breton, it can fit a Redguard start as well.
- Altmer - start as a sibling of Taarie and Endarie in the Radiant Raiments store
- Any race - start as a former orphan from the Riften orphanage
- The Belethor start was provided through the forum and hasn't been tested yet [REMOVED FOR NOW - I need to test it first]
I didn't make any racial check to keep things simple and script free. Up to you to role play the starts the way you want.
Obviously, you should only activate one module at a time (unless you want to have multiple parents in different places).
The mods will not make you start at your home though, so you are free to use Live Another Life or other start mods on top of these.
I am releasing these Family Ties modules as plain Skyrim mods - not SexLab - as it may be of interest for anyone interested in role play.
None (see below for companion mods).
Q: What does the main FamilyTies.esp mod and script do?
FamilyTies.esp is an optional file and scripts. This mod will grant you treats as you age. This is a complement and it is not required for the other family esps to work.
The optional esp is loosely based on the Growing in Skyrim mod from Nexus. I tweaked it and changed it so much over time that it doesn't have much left from the original and should be treated as a new mod instead.
What you can expect in this mod:
- a script to handle aging. The minimum age is hard coded as 16. The default age is 18. A configurable 'birthday' parameter will count days until the next birthday and will grant you new perk points once you have a birthday. The scale of your character will also change from 0.96 to 1.0 between the ages of 16 and 20 (so it should exclude you from sex scenes if you are too young/short).
- an MCM menu for easier configuration of anniversaries and aging
- a custom race for 'teens' (age 16 to 20) in case you want a different body type. This is still experimental at this stage.
Note: you don't have to use the experimental teen races to use ages lower than 20. You can use your normal race as well. The teen races are there only if you want to use a different body type.
Q: What about Incest (since this is LoversLab).
I made a list of potential NPCs and their families broken down by race and activity (noble, mill worker, innkeeper, etc) that I may cover eventually. There is quite some potential for families with the player in the game.
Q: Why multiple mods instead of a single file?
Relationships between NPCs are hard coded as form IDs in the ESP file. I can't create new ones on the fly or turn them off.
Also, to give access to an NPC house at night, I had to edit the cell to make it public and give the place a key to the house. Editing the public flag of a cell is also not doable dynamically and keeping track of all keys would be a mess in a combined mod.
The only solution I could think of is to create these little modules individually.
Q: Why are you working on yet another instead of finishing SD+, Parasites, Hormones, Alicia, etc
I start a lot of new characters to test development of my other mods. It’s a tedious and boring task, and I need some diversity to keep things interesting. Mods like this one help a lot.
That and … procrastination and distractions are more fun than working on the hard tasks ahead with these mods.
SexLab Mind Control (January 2025)
By DeepBlueFrog
This is the Legendary Edition version of the mod.
There is now a dedicated page for the Special Edition / Anniversary Edition version - you can find it here.
Once upon a time, a disgruntled and misunderstood student from the College of Winterhold had a crush on one of the professors.
She searched archives and ruins for a device that would give her what she wanted - total control over the object of her desires.
The device she eventually found was inactive.
Activating it turned out to be trickier than expected...
Read more about the mod in the main thread:
Adds a mind control circlet somewhere in the game (see below for spoilers) Slip the circlet in the NPC inventory to control them The NPC is usually submissive (with a chance to be dominant) The NPC becomes a follower instantly, with an option for marriage New dialogue options will allow you to interact with your slave Removing the circlet from the NPC comes at a cost depending how long the NPC is your slave - the circlet has no effect if worn by the Player Wearing Ysra's necklace as the Player will give you a spell to scan for potential victims and a boost in Speechcraft - the necklace has no effect if worn by NPCs. The circlet will want to return back to you if the NPC bleeds out too much or dies. Your slave will become essential after wearing the circlet long enough.
Getting started
You will find the circlet on the shore, somewhere between Dawnstar and Winterhold
Known Issues
Forcing NPCs to be followers may come with side effects depending on the follower (essential NPCs, quest givers..). Save often in case you have to backtrack. If something goes wrong, you can try to reset the NPC:
- Remove the circlet from their inventory to dismiss them
- Open the console and click on the NPC
- Type 'resurrect' in the console to reset them
If that doesn't work, you may have to reload from an earlier save game (before you tried to dominate that NPC).
Some NPCs will not have the full range of follower options. I did my best to make them follow you anyway but I can't promise it will work for every possible NPCs. Children and guards are especially problematic - stay away from them
There is no way to force the disposition of NPCs if they are essential. This means a coward NPC will flee combat after being enslaved (I added a Courage spell to the circlet but it doesn't seem to work yet).
I haven't tested the mod in every possible configurations. Enhanced follower mods will need testing especially (AFT, EFF or UFO).
Enslaving a new NPC will dismiss your current follower. This is by design, to allow management of multiple followers to kick in if you are using an enhanced follower mod (in theory... I haven't tested that aspect yet).
The spell to scan for victims will highlight NPCs that are not essential / not children / not guards / not employed by Jarls and with a confidence high enough to help in combat. This is usually a good indication of a 'useful' follower but it is now always the case. This means it is possible some good NPCs will not be highlighted while useless NPCs will be highlighted.
It is also possible that an NPC will not follow you because it is running an AI package with higher priority (such as being in the middle of a discussion with another NPC, or someone with a very limited or fixed route).
- SexLab framework (
- Zaz Animation Pack ( )
- Compatibility with Puppet Master through a personal patch ( available on SexLab Hormones download page).
Recommendations to add the circlet to an NPC
- Pickpocket. The easiest way assuming you don't get caught.
- Give gifts to anyone in Skyrim - for a simple way to add the circlet to an NPC inventory ( )
- SexLab Defeat - for a way to force the item on a reluctant NPC - use the grapple / rob option ( )
- Aetherial Crown Replacer - for the circlet model ( )
Full change log
- submission
- mind control
- (and 3 more)
SexLab Stories (January 2025)
By DeepBlueFrog
This is the Legendary Edition version of the mod.
There is now a dedicated page for the Special Edition / Anniversary Edition version - you can find it here.
This mod is a collections of sexy stories and easter eggs that presented themselves as I am troubleshooting issues with other mods. (Yeah.. I know.. I have Skyrim modding ADHD).
It includes...
A Fetish system linked to Standing Stone signs
- Arousal is increased depending on the perk in your sign. Now you have another reason to find the right standing stone for you.
- No fetish - Default
- The Apprentice Stone - Crafting / Hitting / Being a Dom - In progress
- The Atronach Stone - Killing monsters - In progress
- The Lady Stone - Wearing Jewelry - Done
- The Lord Stone - Wearing Armor - Done
- The Lover Stone - Being Nude / Sex - Done
- The Mage Stone - Using magic - In progress
- The Ritual Stone - Specific NPC / spouse - In progress
- The Serpent Stone - Killing animals - In progress
- The Shadow Stone - Killing humans - In progress
- The Steed Stone - Bestiality - In progress
- The Thief Stone - Stealing- In progress
- The Tower Stone - Wearing leather / being hit / Being a sub - In progress
- The Warrior Stone - Using weapons - Done
- A victim to the Old Gods ('King in Yellow' easter egg)
- Cannibalism victims in Eola's feast
- Encounter with a warlock after an unfortunate ritual
- Naked hunters in a hot spring
Stories (see the map in downloads)
- E.L.L.E the SexBot (in Stories) - talk to some vendors in Whiterun - In progress
- The BroodMaiden - in the falmer cave of Chillwind Depths - Done for now
- The Children - in Cradle Stone Tower - Done for now
- The Twins - in Heartwood mill - In progress (barely started)
- The Living Wonder - somewhere in Windhelm (find a flyer for a clue) - Done for now
- The Red Wave - Solitude docks - In progress
- Smaller stories and tweaks to NPCs relationships (Whiterun, Dragonsbridge)
Devious Stories
- Milk Farm - south of Riften - In progress
- The Pet - in Rimerock Burrow cave - Done for now
This mod is about augmenting the world of Skyrim with atmospheric details worthy of SexLab and as such, needs several mods to run properly.
SexLab 1.62 or above (
SexLab Aroused (
Zaz Animation Pack 7.0 or above ( )
An advanced skeleton like XP32 Maximum skeleton ( )
Optional but strongly recommended:
- Fuz Ro D-oh ( )
The mod comes in two parts
:: SexLab Stories - requires SexLab Aroused and Zaz animation Pack only
:: SexLab Devious Stories - also Devious Devices 5.1 or later.
Both Devious Devices Integration and Devious Devices Assets Zaz animation pack V7.0 or later SexLab Aroused (original or Redux)
You have to install SexLab Stories if you want SexLab Devious Stories to run properly.
In other words, 'Stories' is always needed and 'Devious Stories' is optional.
These stories start as small standalone scenes, sometimes with an open ended quest.
They are not finished in any way and will be improved in the future.
Recommended background mods
Check these mods out if you want to complement SexLab Stories with similar atmospheric content.
I will not spend much time re-creating content that is already available in these mods.
- hydragorgon slave girls ( )
- Immersive wenches ( )
- Prostitutes of Skyrim ( )
:: E.L.L.E - Sexy Transparent Zipsuit by nakrulz, Dwemer Cyborg BBP by Edhildil, Animated Dwarven head gear by mahty
:: Cow Harness and milk bottle - Milk Economy by Oli3d (and other sources) / Updates by Haarbald
:: Antlers head gear - Character Mod resource Pack by nuska
:: Living Wonder body ( ACBBE - Androgynous_CBBEv3_V3.2 by otmotm )
:: Lactating breast texture by fair5210
:: Sword for Giants (Frost Giants by exray catt)
:: Freezer room throne (Ayleid Building Kit by ImperialSociety)
:: Divine Cheese (Cutting the Cheese by treguld33)
:: Knight of Order and Grummites (Vicn Creature Pack by Vicn)
:: Daggerfall Sheogorath Outfit by Bobjohnson99
:: Fine Long Iron (Golf Club of Vengeance by kotobus870)
:: Old God model by Milhail on Nexus
Change history
Full change log on Github
SexLab Hormones (January 2025)
By DeepBlueFrog
This is the Legendary Edition version of the mod.
There is now a dedicated page for the Special Edition / Anniversary Edition version - you can find it here.
What if your body could evolve and change according to your activity in Skyrim?
SexLab Hormones is a relatively simple mod that tracks how frequently sex acts are happening to the Player and affects the shape of the player character accordingly (in the same way of Estrus Chaurus pregnancies or Pumping Iron with combat).
The idea being a character having sex all the time would have hormone shaping his/her body accordingly (ok.. not biologically correct but this is SexLab we are talking about ).
Similarly, a lack of activity for a while returns the body to a less voluptuous stage.
In short, the main idea of this mod is 'sex makes you sexier' (or amplifies your curves in sexual ways to make you more appealing and augment your teasing powers).
Based on forum thread:
- Tracks sexual stats (number of orgasms total, number of daily orgasms, number of daily oral, anal, vaginal, and total number of acts/orgasms)
- The number of sex acts in a day affects the rate of changes (increasing, stable, decreasing), as well as overall weight adjustments
- Repeated orgasms affects the color of your skin, lips, eye-liner and cheeks (warmer with sexual activity, colder without). In theory, the changes should be race independent. They are relative to your default skin color and mask.
- If supported by your shape/skeleton, breasts, butt and belly of female PC (belly a tiny bit, not enough to look pregnant) are adjusted as well to improve sensual curves.
- SexLab arousal aware (early stages... not fully tested yet).
- A masturbation spell with some unique animations (Thanks Zaz!)
- Basic perks to health, stamina and magicka based on activity (less sex means more focus for magic, more sex means more health and stamina)
- Dirty talk and cat calls as your body changes.
- Chance of assault if sex in public.
- Awareness of Estrus Chaurus and Beeing Female pregnancy states
- Compatibility of Hormone's Succubus quest with PSQ Succubus and SexLab Deadly Drain
- Side quests to become a succubus, a bimbo and change your gender in the process (with support for transgender if you want to).
Hormones can change your body shape in two ways.
- using the default Weight value, which independent of any body mesh
- and using scales on certain nodes of the skeleton, which is also independent of any body mesh
What is important here is the choice of a skeleton, not a body type.
I usually recommend XP32 Maximum Skeleton ( but there are others out there.
Stats are captured after each sexual action.
Updates to the body happen once a day - at the midnight mark since detection is time based for each day.
- If you have no sexual encounter in a day, body weight will start decreasing and skin color will turn colder (more blue in the skin)
- If you have between 1 and 5 sexual encounters, you will be stable. You weight will not change and your skin color will gradually return to your initial skin color (captured when you started the mod)
- If you have more than 5 sexual encounters in a day, body weight will increase and skin color will turn warmer (more red in the skin)
- Skin changes are triggered by orgasms (or lack there of)
- Body weight changes are triggered by number of sexual acts
- Body morphs changes are triggered by type of sexual acts (oral boosts breasts, anal boosts the butt area and vaginal boosts the belly area)
In addition, sexual activity impacts health, stamina and magicka.
- No sex gives you focus: magicka gets a boost, health and stamina are penalized
- Moderate activity gives you balance: all three get a small boost
- High sexual activity makes you sensual: magicka is penalized, health and stamina are increased
Since the mod is still in testing stages, a number of things may happen:
- Colors may not change a lot. I need to test the range of color changes to make sure it is noticeable and yet realistic and race independent.
- Body morphs could spiral out of control depending on your base body shape. I put some safeguards in place but I had to eyeball them, so I could be off.
That said, I released it because it seems playable at this time, so hopefully the effects above will be minimal.
Note that the new Bimbo / SexChange / TG quest is still very experimental.
- A clean save is required for this version. Make sure to clean your save game with a save game cleaner before installing it again.
- Remember to enable the new options in the Hormones menu
- You will have to enable the new UNP Hormones Schlong addon to get the transgender effect during sex change (if you want to use that)
- Using Racemenu and especially, saving presets for your current character is highly recommended.
- ConsoleUtil is a requirement to perform a sex change:
- The latest version of Schlongs of Skyrim (SoS) beta is also required for the Transgender option to work:
- To get started with the bimbo quest, travel to one of the island in the middle of the lake west of Riverwood (north of Falkreath) or have sex with Sanguine, one of the Dremora Outcasts or any other Dremora NPC.
- This mod should be compatible with other weight changing mods such as Pumping Iron or SexLab RND . It will just try to compete with any weight gain or loss from these other mods. For example, getting sex starved will have this mod lower your weight... but eating a lot with SexLab RND will restore lost weight. It's all a matter of proportions
- The only compatibility issue I can think of is with anything that affects the weight or the appearance of the character: SexLab RND, Estrus Chaurus, Hentai Pregnancy... that kind of thing.
For example, I am expecting starting the mod in the middle of a pregnancy will lock in your pregnancy shape as your default shape. So be careful with that
Having pregnancy after the mod is started should be ok - it will only amplify or reduce the visual effect of the pregnancy.
To help reduce interference from other body change mods, use the 'Shape override' option in the menu to let other mods decide to refresh the shape at regular intervals.
- An optional patch adds compatibility with Puppet Master using PapyrusUtil.
If you are playing Hormones in Succubus mode, Puppet Master spells will be unlocked automatically at high levels of libido.
The download section also includes a copy of the Bodyslide settings I used for the screenshots.
They are meant for CBBE Pregnant Scaling Body and should provide a nice range of shapes from petite to mature.
I can share the nif files if needed.
- An advanced skeleton like XP32 Maximum Skeleton (
- SkyUI, for the MCM menu ( )
- SexLab framework - works with 1.62 and above (
- SexLab Aroused ( )
- PapyrusUtil 1.8 or later ( )
- NetImmerse Override SKSE plugin ( )
:: Included in RaceMenu 2.0
- RaceMenu 2.0 or above is highly recommended (especially if you plan to do the Bimbo quest)
- ConsoleUtil is required if you want to do the sexchange part of the Bimbo quest:
- The latest version of Schlongs of Skyrim (SoS) beta is also required for the Transgender option to work:
The Flying option of the Succubus Essence armor relies on one of these three mods:
Animated Wings Ultimate (prefered option) Real Flying Animated Dragon Wings
Read more about requirements and notes at this link:
Adding support for SlaveTats
Thanks to @Weird, you can now augment the Bimbo experience with tats that will come back automatically every few days while you are a bimbo (if you manage to get rid of them that is).
To enable SlaveTats support, you need to:
1- Have SlaveTats installed and running of course
2- Install @weird's new SlaveTat Mod event bridge ( )
That's it... at the end of each day, you will receive a new layer of tats along with the usual perks of being a Bimbo.
Adding support for Immersive Hair Growth and Styling
Immersive Hair Growth and Styling is automatically detected and replaces certain options from Hormones such as hair shaving, hair coloring or hair styling. I highly recommend it if you want to play with the Bimbo curse!
:: Succubus shape by Total13
- body modification
- dynamic changes
- (and 2 more)