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Adoring Fangirl for Starfield
By Reigor
Hello! What this PC/Xbox Creation does is turn Starfield's Adoring Fan companion into an adorable (but still annoying) fangirl with a new female voice. Her appearance is fully customizable via the Enhance menu and the trait "Hero Worshiped" was also changed to reflect the gender change. The trait and companion can be added to an existing save, check out the player's room in the Lodge (see below).
In all other respects she SHOULD behave exactly as the original Adoring Fan. This means in order to have her as a companion, the player must have the Hero Worshiped trait and have joined Constellation. If those two things are true, the Adoring Fangirl will spawn and seek out the player near the New Atlantis spaceport or MAST Metro.
This mod's voice was created by using ElevenLab's AI driven text to speech generator.
NEW! In-game way of modifying the Adoring Fangirl skills!
As a dialogue option you can talk to the Adoring Fangirl about what role you want her to be on your spaceship. She'll respond with a menu of choices. One for a primary (up to rank 4) starship systems skill like Pilot or Payload and a secondary (up to rank 3) weapon system skill like missles. These two skills can be changed at any time by repeating the dialogue option.
NEW! In-game way of adding the Trait
Any time after joining Constellation, go to your room in the Lodge. On the table opposite of the table is a note. Pick it up and your character will be given the Hero Worshiped trait and her quest will start. Go to the MAST metro and head for the Spaceport. Along the way you should meet her.
NEW! In-game way of customizing her appearance
When talking to the Adoring Fangirl, the player should see a new option “I want to talk to you about something.” This will be where all of this Creation’s future content will be accessed.
There will be the option “I want to change your look”. Selecting this will open up the Enhance menu with the Adoring Fangirl avatar loaded. Change her however you like!
Save your work with YOUR character’s name and pronouns, otherwise it will change your character’s name and pronouns. If possible, I’ll try to fix this in a future update.
If you experience a crash or other error, trying stripping your player character's gear off first, then use the appearance change option. Custom clothing and accessories can sometimes cause the Enhance menu to crash.
Load Order and Requirements:
Load her after any crew or companion creations. There are no other requirements.
There is an OPTIONAL voice pack with a different AI voice.
This is my first creation, so appreciate any feedback and bug reports, especially if she uses the male voice or no voice at all. I know some lines, like her initial greeting sound a bit off, I'll try to fix those in the future.
Some users, especially on Xbox, have reported her showing up with no head, male voice, etc…this is most likely because the archive files did not load properly for some reason or the creation is being overwritten by another creation.
Try deleting the creation from your load order and Make a save without it. Then redownload the Creation.
If you are using another audio replacer, the two creations might conflict. Try disabling other audio replacers and see what happens. If Adoring Fangirl starts working, well I can't fix that. Its a BGS issue.
Move the creation to the end of the load order. You might have to go back to an old save or start a new game. I HIGHLY recommend SSK Fast Start for testing.
With SSK Fast Start is a great creation one can use to test mods by quickly starting a new game. Choose 2, 1, and whatever starting gear when starting a new game. Get the trait from the note if you don’t already have it, fast travel to some other part of the planet, then back to the lodge, then head to the spaceport.
Recommended Mods:
CRT Body MeshVBB (Voluptuous Body for Beauties)
STARQUEEN - enhanced vanilla female skin
Peko's Eyelash
Fancy Teeth
The Eyes of Beauty - Starfield Edition
Crew and Companion Overhaul (with patch)
Tools used:
Starfield Creation Kit
WinHex - To switch back and forth between esp and esm for editing.
ElevenLabs "Freya" voice
MediaHuman Audio Converter
This guide was very helpful in creating the fangirl's voice.
A step-by-step guide on AI voice modding at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (
NPC Enhancer Gun
By Reigor
Introducing, the NPC Enhancer Gun!
Hello! This mod will, upon loading a game, add the Enhancer Gun, based on the Novablaster, to the player’s inventory. Firing this gun at a non-crowd/child NPC will bring up a menu of choices for modifying the NPC:
Open the Enhance interface that enables players to change the NPC’s appearance. Open a new set of menus to change a crew member or companion’s skills. Remove equipped items such as armor and weapons. Open the NPC’s inventory.
The Gun does no damage and firing it is flagged in the Creation Kit as a non-hostile act.
The Gun will only work on non-crowd NPC’s and adults. The Enhancer Gun is zero weight and value. It uses heavy fuse ammo. The Gun and some ammo are added to the player’s inventory when the mod is first installed or the start of a new game.
If lost, a replacement Gun can be found in a weapon’s case in the Den inside the Trade Authority. Look down on the floor to the right just as you enter the TA kiosk.
Change NPC Appearance:
In Starfield, the Enhance interface only works for the player, so it can’t be used for an NPC. However, one can copy an appearance from one actor to another in papyrus. This work-around in the code is what the Gun uses to change an NPC’s appearance through the Enhance interface. First, the Gun’s script copies the player's appearance onto an invisible dummy NPC to save it.
It then copies the gun target NPC's appearance to the player and opens the Enhance menu. The player changes the appearance of the avatar to what they want the NPC to look like and saves using their character's name and pronouns.
(On PC, you can hit the ESC key to autofill the player’s info)
The script then copies the new appearance from the player to the NPC and finally restores the player’s old appearance by copying it from the Dummy NPC.
Due to limitations with the Enhance interface and the Creation Kit, the Gun does not work on crowd NPCs, children, nor the player's parents if they have the Kid's Stuff trait. If you change the NPC's gender, they could lose lip sync or talk in the opposite gender's voice.
If you want to gender flip a character, for now it has to be done by directly editing the actor entry in the Creation Kit and providing new voice files. If you want some guidance on how this is done, see my Adoring Fangirl mod.
Also, the Gun doesn't work well with custom clothing or accessories and can cause crashes if used with them. Take anything but vanilla clothing off the player character and the target NPC before using the gun if you run into problems.
Non-vanilla hair and other cosmetics MIGHT work. I know some do, but don’t have any compatibility information. Please share your successes!
You can use mods like Biometric ID at Enhance (link below) to use preset appearances. Doing so will load up a random biometric ID instead of the NPC's appearance which will be ID 1.
I've noticed that sometimes NPC's will "disappear" after the gun is used to change appearance only to have respawned in a different location. For example, when using the gun on Sam at the Lodge he will disappear and respawn in the upstairs bar area.
Change NPC skills:
Choosing this option will bring up a series of menus that will enable the player to change a companion or crew’s skills using the addperk and removeperk functions in papyrus. The player can add or remove skills as they like, but there are limitations. Some skills do not have a full 4 ranks, but 3 or fewer. The Gun will not add any ranks that do not exist in the player’s game.
The Gun should play nice with other mods that modify crew skills and add ranks to them but will not be able to change any NEW skills that those mods add. That will require a patch.
The Gun cannot remove skills that are a part of the actor’s entry in the Creation Kit. For example, you will not be able to remove Andreja’s Theft skill. That will require directly editing the Actor’s entry via the Creation Kit or something like SFEdit.
Unequip NPC:
This selection will strip an NPC of any equipment they are carrying or wearing. Yes, this makes them naked depending on your appearance mods. Note, I could not find a method of reversing this in Starfield papyrus. So NPC’s will stay stripped unless they are one whose inventory you can control, like a companion. Use with caution!
Open NPC Inventory:
This selection will bring up the NPC’s inventory. You can take from the NPC’s inventory and into yours and the reverse. Sometimes, this is considered stealing! Again, unless you have full control of an NPC inventory, you won’t be able to force equip items. I might be able to enable this in the future, but only if there is a way in the vanilla papyrus to do so.
There are no requirements other than the base game.
Recommended Mods:
Biometric ID at Enhance
SKK Fast Start New Game (Starfield)
Beauty mods of your choice
(Possibly) Incompatible Mods:
Souls of Cities - SFSE - May have some odd interactions when the gun is used on Crowd NPCs. Use with caution.
Scared of Shootings - NPCs react to shootings - This and similar mods may cause a hostile reaction to the gun shooting someone.
Screen stays Black or the Mod crashes when changing NPC appearance: This is possibly because of interference with another mod, especially custom clothing. Try stripping your player of any clothing and gear first before using the gun.
The Gun does not work. Shots pass through NPCs: If this bug happens, try modifying the Gun at a workbench and try again.
If the above fix actions don’t work, go back to a previous save without the gun installed. Make a new save. Load that saves with no mods enabled except the Enhancer Gun. Try it and see what happens. If there is still an error. Try deleting, downloading the last updated version, and reinstalling the mod. Changing your Load Order might help as well. Try moving the mod at the end of the load order and test.
You can also use SSK Fast Start to make a new test game with just fast start and the gun installed, then add one mod at a time until you find the incompatible mod. If you do, please report it.
Tools Used:
Starfield Creation Kit
NAF Seduce
By Gray User
NAF Seduce (v0.3 Beta - released 1/31/2025)
(v0.3 is bugfix version to solve problem with sex on ships and problem with stage repeat always resetting to 1 repeat. Also changed default stage loops to 1/3/3, but user can edit this in aaseducecell. Old v0.2 is still up until users confirm that v0.3 work)
Snapdragon (NAF, Technical help), Hiro (my ex, for translation help)
This is a mod that triggers 2 person sexual NAF animations in response to dialogue. It has parameters user can set to change scene length and if having sex with companions changes their affinity and reduces their anger with you.
Native Animation Framework
User Animation Pack (v 0.2 or higher for new animations)
Playable NPC Clothings (This will make most default NPC outfits so you can see/remove them from NPC inventories)
Naked bodies for male and female actors (otherwise they will have vanilla underwears during sex)
(mod tested with BBL female and Robert S male, others should work, animations are based on skeleton, so there may be gaps or clippings depending on body and body morphs)
Features (status):
3 Positions (Bridge, Eagle, Down Dog) + 2 Custom slots
This version has 3 finished positions (each is 3 stages, stage length is user configurable). There are also two custom positions for users to add additional options if other modders make sex animations. All positions are called through dialogue. By default 'custom' positions are just bridge, but users can replace the custom01x and custom02x glb files in the animation pack with other glb files to get other animations.
Triggers sex scene from dialogue (You need to use the Seduction Pheromone drug to enable to dialogue option, see below)
**Seduction Pheromone: I made the dialogue options conditional on the player taking a custom drug, so that it doesn't spam into all of your conversations. To get the drug, you can make it from organic hallucinogen and hippolyta at a pharm crafting station. You can also get it from the debug terminal (see below).
Note: Some NPCs with mandatory dialogue (vendors and some quest givers) do not show seduce dialogue. This is probably not fixable, but I think it is not serious.
Actor Stripping: (This version has 3 methods for stripping actors)
Method 1 Strip/Register method(default):
The script will unequip items from slots 3 (body) and 35 (spacesuit) and saves those item IDs to a variable in the script, after the sex scene, it will requip them based on their IDs. Internal testing is that this works good, but we will see how it works for users.
Method 2 Force Unequip:
This is a backup method. If enabled, it will run the unequip() function on all item slots. This method does not re equip after sex. You can tell companions to re equip clothing, but for others you will need to use 'resetinventory' command in console (or maybe after a long time their AI package will tell them to put clothes back on?)
Method 3 Dialogue:
There is an option in the seduce dialogue to help NPC with their clothings. You can use this to equip or remove clothings for companions. For other NPCs it is probably only able to remove clothings. You may need a mod that makes NPC outfits 'playable' (outfits not marked 'playable' cannot be seen when the player looks in an NPC inventory). If you do not have a mod that does this, you can use Playable NPC Clothings which is a minimal mod I made to alter those clothing records.
Version detector and updator: (Works, I think)
This should compare the script version against the version in your save, and if they are different it should restart the main animation handling script.
Debug/QA Terminal and Room
If you coc 'aaSeduceCell' you go to a debug room with a terminal. This terminal can give you Seduce Pheromone.
You can also use the terminal to change parameters (actor stripping, how many times each sex stage loops, turn affinity and anger changes on/off or change the amount of affinity increase) and also use it to force the mod to stop/restart the quest that has the dialogue stages and animations, in case of problems.
Please watch for save game bloat or other weird things. Things I worry about:
That sex participants may become permanent actors, so if you sex all of the leveled UC actors or something, they may just be there forever. Running a force update from the debug terminal in the debug room may fix this if it happens.
That the update structure may cause the manager quest to try to run many times. This should not happen, but with duct tape mod and unknown dumb behaviors from game engine, who knows.
Future Features (status):
(This is still waiting on guide for how to make new Wwise events that link to a sound. Right now all tutorials I know of are for dialogue or to replace existing sound events. If you know of tutorial to make new sound events using WWise and CK that works, please PM or post).
Facial expressions during sex
(maybe? I have expressions in dialogue but they go away. I need to find example of expressions that are called and held by scripts)
More animations, strap-on option, other extras (low priority)
Copy the contents of this mod to your Starfield directory (the contents of the 'data' folder should go into your 'data' folder). You must enable NAFSeduce.esm (or the esp if you use optional esp version). I think this works with mod managers but I do not use them (the animation pack must be copied manually).
The files in this mod can be deleted/uninstalled without any special precautions. It should not alter any vanilla records or change/add to any vanilla quests or things. Naked NPCs will probably stay naked though.
You may use this files as base for your own mods, but you may not charge for anything that uses these files. Donations is fine as long as it is totally optional and users get the same functionality without giving money. Please do not repost these files elsewhere (unless LL is shut down and I am unable to put them back up on whatever replaces it). Please do not post mods that use these files to Nexus or Creations. That amount of publicity is bad for adult modding.
The Auction House
By Wolfe6900
About This File
Welcome to The Auction House!
This mod was created to bring a mod from the days of Skyrim to a modern tone. It's based off the concept of 'SimpleSlavery Plus Plus' by JFraser.
What does this mod do?
This mod creates two quests for the player to be enslaved; the Auction House Neon and The Auction House Akila. The player can do two of the following:
a) Play along with the house rules
b) Go to the Auction
- This is supposed to serve as a half-way point between defeat mods, etc. and slavery mods but does have 1 integrated quest currently (AH Apartment) until other modders push out mods and I find a way to link them.
- This mod will load 3 quests on start (Auction House Neon, Auction House Akila & AH Apartment). You'll need to complete Auction House Neon or Akila before loading into the Apartment (unless you coc yourself there).
Future Plans:
- Create MCM Menu (once a UI mod is created for Starfield)
- Create/find a handcuff mod
- Remove Debug & Item Removal Messages
- Create different branches of dialogue dependent on the outcome of the purchase (pending new mods to come)
Some issues that I'm aware of:
- Saving while this mod is loaded might break any script with a tracking function if done while the quests are running. This prevents you from advancing the stage and etc.. There are work arounds on this but your base game should run fine.
Neon Descent (Loverslab):
KZ Aggregation of Scraps (Nexus):
User Animation Pack (Loverslab):
Native Animation Framework SF (NAFSF) (Loverslab):
Gray Animations:
Moods of Andromas:
Address Library for SFSE Plugins:
Starqueen - Female Skin Textures (Nexus)
How to start:
Talk to Velia at the Neon City Core by the entrance of the Mining League (coc CityNeonCore) OR talk to Tessa at the Akila Consulate. Both will lead you to separate AuctionHouses that both have the same result of sending you to the AH Apartment.
KryoZet - KZ Aggregation of Scraps
Gray User - NAF Seduce & User Animation Pack
ag12 - Neon Descent
I don't care at all what you do with the mod. Have fun, learn from it, use it's resources, whatever. No need to notify me; I'm here to make Starfield a funner game.
The Last Nova Backrooms (Preview)
By BadSquirrel
This is currently only a preview to collect feedback.
The actual sex scenes are not yet implemented (waiting for a sex framework to be developed).
Welcome to The Last Nova Backrooms, where the rather prude atmosphere of the Last Nova gets a little more… lively. Deep down in the Key, you’ll find Cain Vortega’s brothel. This is where all the fun happens, with new characters and a place to… unwind.
What’s in the Mod?
Five unique, fully voiced hookers in the Last Nova. You can fully customize the hookers’ outfits using the mannequin behind Vortega’s counter. Dress them up (or down) at your discretion. The Backrooms: A swanky brothel deep down in the Key, accessible through the Last Nova.
A Note on Traitors
If you sided with SysDef at the end of the Crimson Fleet questline… well, congrats on being a traitor! (Just kidding... kind of.) The mod will automatically disable itself when you attack the Key because, let’s face it, the Backrooms probably wouldn’t survive a military invasion.
Future Plans
Here’s what’s cooking for future updates:
Sex scenes (once a proper sex framework is available). Customizable outfits for the hookers. (Added in v1.1.0) Custom dialogue for Vortega. Let the player become the owner of the Backrooms. Spruce up the Backrooms to make it more atmospheric and immersive. And more...
Install it like any other mod. (Use a mod manager.)
If something breaks with the mod, you can reset it using Vortega’s computer (located behind his counter in the Backrooms).
If that doesn’t help, try the following:
Load your save without the mod enabled. Save the game and quit. Re-enable the mod and load your fresh, clean save.
This is my first mod, so any constructive feedback is greatly appreciated.
NAF Surrender
By Gray User
NAF Surrender (v0.1 alpha test uploaded 12/12/2024)
This is a mod that triggers 2 person sexual NAF animations in response to defeat in combat.
Snapdragon (NAF, Technical help), Hiroshi (my ex, for translation help)
Native Animation Framework
User Animation Pack (version 0.3 or higher)
Features (status):
Defeat Sex Scene:
Triggers sex scene when PC is hit in combat, PC hit points drop below threshold (configurable, default is 30%), and attacker is valid race (only humans right now).
Combat Stopping:
This part is tricky because AI does not do what it is told to by scripts or spells. Right now, mod has 3 combat stoppers.
First is to use script to stop combat on NPC and player, to add player to captivefaction (which is supposed to have no hostile factions), and to make player and NPC sheathe weapon.
Second is to trigger a calm/disarm spell around player (default duration is 120 seconds, but this can be changed with terminal).
Third is to trigger message box when scene starts (so you can use console to type tcai and turn off combat) and message box when scene ends (so you can tcai to turn combat back on). This option can be turned on or off with terminal.
(If you turn it off, sometimes NPCs will not stop combat and NPC attacker will sometimes re equip weapon because game will ignore first two combat stoppers)
Actor Stripping:
This version has 2 methods for stripping actors: (Default is to strip and register both actors, but only to re equip clothings and armors for the NPC)
Method 1 Strip/Register method(default): The script will unequip items from slots 3 (body) and 35 (spacesuit) and saves those item IDs to a variable in the script, after the sex scene, it will requip them based on their IDs. Internal testing is that this works good, but we will see how it works for users.
Method 2 Force Unequip: This is a backup method. If enabled, it will run the unequip() function on all item slots. This method does not re equip after sex. You can tell companions to re equip clothing, but for others you will need to use 'resetinventory' command in console (or maybe after a long time their AI package will tell them to put clothes back on?)
Version detector and updator: (Works, I think)
This should compare the script version against the version in your save, and if they are different it should restart the main animation handling script.
Right now, this should cause up to 4 companions to adopt a 'hands up' animation and to not do anything until sex scene is over.
Debug/QA Terminal and Room
If you coc 'aaSurrenderCell' you go to a debug room with a terminal. This terminal will let you set most mod options like health threshold and animation length and turn on or off stripping and combat stopping options.
You can also use the terminal to change parameters (actor stripping, how many times each sex stage loops, turn affinity and anger changes on/off or change the amount of affinity increase) and also use it to force the mod to stop/restart the quest that has the dialogue stages and animations, in case of problems.
Please watch for save game bloat or other weird things. Things I worry about:
That sex participants may become permanent actors. Running a force update from the debug terminal in the debug room may fix this if it happens.
That the update structure may cause the manager quest to try to run many times. This should not happen, but with duct tape mod and unknown dumb behaviors from game engine, who knows.
If surrender is not starting any more, try force update or reset quest on terminal.
Future Features (status):
Robbing PC (plan to make option for NPC to take PC equipments and you have to get them back)
Distress/Captive outcomes (plan to make optional bondage and bad end outcomes)
Sound (This is still waiting on guide for how to make new Wwise events that link to a sound. Right now all tutorials I know of are for dialogue or to replace existing sound events. If you know of tutorial to make new sound events using WWise and CK that works, please PM or post).
Facial expressions during sex (maybe? I have expressions in dialogue but they go away. I need to find example of expressions that are called and held by scripts)
More animations, strap-on option, other extras
Probably I will not add options to include companions or multiple NPC enemies in sex scenes (because I do not think I can do that and keep script reliable)
Probably I will not add option to trigger sex with defeated NPCs (because I think that will cause game bloat and lag, and I have other mod things to do first)
If someone wants these, they can use this mod as example and make own mod that does them. (Or you could use tcai to stop combat and NAF Seduce to have sex with NPC)
Copy the contents of this mod to your Starfield directory (the contents of the 'data' folder should go into your 'data' folder). You must enable NAFSurrender.
**There is an optional esp version. This is replacer for data file only (you can use esp instead of esm). You still need all scripts from main download or nothing will work.
The files in this mod can be deleted without any special precautions. It should not alter any vanilla records or change/add to any vanilla quests or things.
You may use this files as base for your own mods, but you may not charge for anything that uses these files. Donations is fine as long as it is totally optional and users get the same functionality without giving money. Please do not repost these files elsewhere (unless LL is shut down and I am unable to put them back up on whatever replaces it). Please do not post mods that use these files to Nexus or Creations. That amount of publicity is bad for adult modding.
User Animation Pack
By Gray User
NAF User Animation Pack (v0.3 released 12/12/2024)
Snapdragon (NAF, Technical help), Hiroshi (my ex, for translation help)
This is a pack of NAF animations for my Starfield mods. If used by itself, all it will do is let you call the individual animations using NAF.
Version 0.3 include 2 animations needed for NAF Surrender, and I changed the defaults for the custom01x and custom02x to be Eagle and Downdog (So that the random picker in Surrender does not just run Bridge every time). Users can change this if you want to.
Copy the contents of this mod to your Starfield directory (the contents of the 'data' folder should go into your 'data' folder). Because these are not a native Starfield file type, mod managers like Vortex, etc are unlikley to recognize the files and will probably not install them correctly.
NAF (Native Animation Framework)
Naked body mods.
Vanilla bodies have underwears. To have naked bodies you will need to download and install from Nexus or another site.
If you use a male body that has both erect and flaccid mesh, you will need to use that mod's way to make male body mesh erect (for Robert S mod, it is with console). Or, in you data folder you can copy the erect mesh and paste it over the normal naked body mesh. This will work easy if you have correct file paths, but will make all make bodies erect.
The files in this mod can be deleted without any special precautions. All it will do is remove those animations from the available NAF animation files.
All paired animations are 20 seconds long at each stage and have 3 stages for each actor involved. (Note: animations are 480 frames, supposedly, the animations play at 24 frames/second, but in game they do not quite take 20 seconds so that may not be accurate. Setting to 19 seconds is much closer.)
The naming convention is: (animation)(stage)(position) so 'bridge01top' is the animation for the top actor in the first stage of the bridge animation pair.
Paired animations will work with any gender in either position. They were made using an M or F model in the top position and an F model in the bottom position, but alignment is vague about which orifice is being penetrated for the bottom actor, so if you want these to be pegging, they can be pegging.
There are two sets of 'custom' animations (custom01x and custom02x) these are for projects like NAF Seduce, so that if a user wants to put an animation from another modder in their Seduce dialogue, they can just replace the custom01x files with the glb files for that animation.
There are sometimes problems with vertical aligning. Mostly this is a problem on not level ground, but I think it is about the collision detecting in the game engine. I am looking at it, but it may not be able to be fixed.
You may use these files to make your own mods, but you may not charge for anything that depends on these files. Donations is fine as long as it is totally optional and users get the same functionality without giving money. Please do not repost these files elsewhere (unless LL is shut down and I am unable to put them back up on whatever replaces it). Please do not post mods that use these files to Nexus or Creations. That amount of publicity is bad for adult modding.
Vanilla Landing Animations
By azvampyre
Tricks the engine into thinking every landing is the first landing so the animation will play once again.
This will disable fast travel to landing zones
Playable NPC Clothings
By Gray User
This is simple mod to make all NPC clothings marked 'playable' so they show in inventories and can be removed. It will also make default companion outfits show in inventories so they can be removed or re equipped by opening companion inventories. It is to go with mods like NAF Seduce that let you inside NPC inventories, but BGS made many of the clothings 'non-playable' so they can not be seen by player.
All clothings I changed are marked 'NPC' in the clothing name. I do not know if it will cause problems to wear them as PC.
I think it has all outfits that show up for normal NPCs but were not 'playable.' It has no crowd NPCs clothings (not human race I think) and no child NPCs clothings (which are illegal to make with no clothings).
There are both esm and esp versions to download. They can be enabled or disabled without messing up anything else I think.
Chattel In The Settled Systems_1_0_0.7z
By mdc4211
Add a trait turning the character into chattel with forced nudity, but also buffs when the character is exposed. Spacesuits are allowed since they are required for large parts of the game play. CitSS can optionally turn a lot of the crowd actors into chattel. This can be played as a standalone mod by selecting the Chattel trait during character creation, or as an outcome by an alternate death/enslavement mod (i.e. it could be an outcome for the recent "auction" mod). It also provides a simple actor value interface for other mods to enforce player actions (reducing the "Chattel_Compliance" actor value causes the character to lose buffs and stats to be penalized). See the player and modder HowTo below.
CitSS has two components. The first is "Chattel.esm" which implements the player effects, and, except for inevitable bugs, it is finished. The second part of the mod is "ChattelCrowds.esm" which is intended to strip a lot of the crowd actors (i.e. the "Citizen" actors) so that cities are populated by NPCs (non-player-chattel?) and it is working well, up to a point. The stripping is done by adding new clothing to the appropriate item leveled lists, but I have not figured out how match the skin tones between the face and body. I think the actors are getting the correct distribution of skin tones, but the face and body aren't in sync. If you are willing to accept that (visually jarring) problem, ChattelCrowds.esm works fine.
Here are some burning questions:
1) How are the actor face and body skin tones set?
2) How should the face and body skin tones be kept in sync? Can it be done without changing all of the actor records?
3) Where is the distribution of skin tones controlled?
This only depends on the base game. I suggest using "Hide Spacesuit in Breathable Areas" (, or "Naked Spacesuits" to hide the spacesuit. ChattelCrowds.esm needs to have BetterCrowdCitizens.esm upstream in the load order, or it doesn't do anything (goof on my part, but I think it will end up using BetterCrowdCitizens.esm as a master).
The panic to leave a dying Earth led to many people being transported under harsh terms of indenture, which eventually lead, under certain circumstances, to humans becoming mere possessions. Starting in the early to mid twenty-third, those convicted of significant crimes, in particular property crimes, those who had broken terms of indenture, or had been "repossessed" for failure to pay a debt secured by their body, found themselves receiving a implant making them chattel and being sold on the open market. It is well known that pirates will sell their kidnap victims as chattel if a ransom is not paid, and for this reason, the usual penalty for piracy is to receive a chattel implant. While the status is never inherited, by the early twenty-fourth century, a significant part of the human population exist as chattel.
Chattel hold a legal status similar to other forms of livestock, and the treatment of chattel is covered by the same laws that prevent the inhumane treatment of animals. Chattel have fewer rights than a companion animal, but more rights to humane treatment than a non-sentient robot. The laws directly addressing chattel aim to remove their basic humanity by forcing them to be treated as less than fully human. This is achieved through a standardized implant interface. For instance, all implants prevent chattel from wearing clothing, and will severely punish chattel that disobey citizens and other people. Another aspect is that the owner may make purchases using the chattel as a mobile credstik.
Chattel are unable own anything, including their body and thoughts, with all ownership rights held by the title holder, or the local authorities if the title is ambiguous. As with non-human livestock, chattel have no say in how they are handled, how they are housed, when and if they are bred, or any other aspect of their existence. A chattel cannot be the victim of a crime, but, in some situations, the owner may sue for civil damages. Healthy chattel are commonly used for labor, community pleasure, or breeding, and there is a strong market for chattel with specific traits.
The chattel implant cannot be removed without causing severe brain damage and it significantly alters the individual, so receiving an implant is considered equivalent to death, and a death certificate will be issued. Depending on the circumstances, previous possessions are inherited by next-of-kin, or sold at auction. In the case of kidnapping, this leads tragic circumstances where, even if recovered, the antecedent victim is declared dead, leaving a chattel who will be sold as repossessed contraband. It is especially cruel when the chattel is recovered near the home world of the antecedent, since they will be sold in full view of their family and previous associates, no matter their original standing in society.
While many chattel will continued to be called by the name of their dead antecedent, or other convenient moniker, chattel have no legal name and are identified by a serial number contained in the implant.
The Settled Systems, and in particular the main factions, seem a little clean and friendly for a civilization that is only two centuries away from near extinction where billions of people died because they were abandoned on Earth. The chaos and guilt would be overwhelming, leaving deep wounds on society, and we see some of that in the prevalence of pirates and spacers. During the collapse of the Earths biosphere, people would have done anything to save themselves and their families, including entering into indentured bondage, and selling their labor when they could not pay for transportation. Starfield takes place in expansive multiverse. In at least some, the harsh conditions that followed the collapse of Earth meant the original terms of indenture would morph into humans being property. First as a punishment which didn't waste valuable resources, and, later, as a way to collect debts that had been secured through a person's body.
This mod implements a simple mechanism to simulate control over characters who have become property. Namely, a chattel implant perk that will harshly punish rebellious chattel that are not directly controlled by their owner.
From a player point of view, this implements a new trait. If the trait is chosen, the PC is denied clothing, and must wear a special neuroamp (the chattel inhibitor). Without meeting those conditions, the PC stats are significantly reduced (e.g. max health is reduced by 90%). If the implant is properly inhibited, the PC will receive increased resistances, as well as enhanced persuasion and stealth. On the other hand, a player is not forced to comply with the chattel implant requirements. Spacesuits are allowed because the game is unplayable without them.
Make sure that the Chattel.esm file is enabled. If you want to strip some of the crowd actors, also enable ChattelCrowds.esm (but, see the WIP note above).
If you are directly using this, you will need to add the inhibitor to your inventory. You probably what the Chattel01 version and can get the formid using
help Chattel 4 ARMO
player.additem <formid-here>
There are four different styles of inhibitor. The Clothes_Chattel01 is the nominal inhibitor, while Clothes_Chattel02 adds a poncho. The other two (Clothes_Chattel03 and Clothes_Chattel04) are SFW versions (who might be watching you play, you might want them). You can also add the Trait_Chattel_Implant trait by doing
help Chattel 4 PERK
player.addperk <formid-here>
This mod provides a possible outcome for a alternate death, or slavery mod. On it's own, no quests are provided, and it simply turns the PC into chattel with enforced nudity and penalties for not complying with nudity requirements. It defines a new actor value "Chattel_Compliance" to record how compliant the player behavior has been. This starts with a default value of 100 (fully compliant) and can be modified using modav. If Chattel_Compliance drops too much, the character will lose bonuses and the player stats will be reduced. While the range of compliance values is not limited, the Chattel mod assumes that it will have a value between zero (non-compliant, and harshly punished), and 100 (fully compliant and buffed). Even with a Chattel_Compliance of below zero, the Chattel mod will not kill the player character, but it will make the game very difficult.
To turn a player into chattel, you will need to add the Trait_Chattel_Implant perk, and then add at least one of the the inhibitor clothing items (e.g. Clothes_Chattel). If you are cruel, you can add the perk and then force the player to find/equip the inhibitor on their own. Use "help Chattel" to find the form ids, or check with xEdit.
LICENSE: Please use and reuse Chattel as you will, and there is no need to give credit, but, as a courtesy to players, consider changing the name if you make incompatible changes. All the usual caveats about game assets apply.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This mod was created using (the amazing) xEdit. None of this would be possible without the fantastic team at Bethesda.
Unity Framework - Framework that allow modders to inject new variants into NG+ handler
By Djlegends
Its been over a year now and I've noticed that many people were disappointed how BGS handled scenarios and how they were implemented. I was even more disappointed when I looked under the hood and saw how many safety checks that were that caps how many scenarios you have. So I'd decided to changes some things.
Restructure the New Game Plus script within the Quest Manager so that its properly compatible with modding. As a result of the above modders have the ability to inject New Scenarios and create their own "Universe".
How do I start using this mod?
If you’re using a mod that has this as a requirement, just install it! No configuration or special steps necessary. If you want to use this to create your own Scenario, see the articles tab and check the optional files for an example plugin.
Is this compatible with Shutdown Constellation and Trigger NG by SKK?
Simple answer:
Long Answer: Yes its compatible with SKK Trigger NG but no because you won't be able to choose mod added NG+ Scenarios and only the vanilla versions. Hopefully I can talk with SKK so that people can choose their own NG+ scenarios as well instead of relying on RNGesus
Where can I get mods that use this?
At the moment currently no mod exists :(. Beyond that, if a mod requires this framework, the author will likely tell people.
I don’t use anything that requires this mod, why should I bother with it?
I you don't have any mods that requires it this is fine just do know that if you ever find a mod that add new Scenarios BGS made a soft cap limit which this mods removes. Also, if you install the example plugin, you can occasionally find a scenario with a special surprise.
Naked Spacesuit
By DocClox
It's increasingly obvious that I'm not going to find the time for this any time soon. Sad fact is I'm good at starting projects, but not so good at seeing them through to theend.
Accordingly, I hereby open the mod under a Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC-SA. Which means that you can do what you like with it so long as you share the modifications under the same terms and you don't make any money from it. And give me a mention in the credits as the original creator.
I may be back to do more with this in the future - I had plenty of ideas, but I can't see that happening any time soon.
Thank you all for your patience.
I've uploaded a fixed version of the mod. Hopefully it works for everyone. My thanks to everyone offering fixes and apolgies for taking so long to post the damn thing.
The above CC licence still applies.
This mod provides a version of the Constellation spacesuit which leaves the wearer apart from cuffs, boots and helmet. I'm aiming for a classic '50s pulp S/F feel. The suit functions in all ways as a spacesuit - the wearer just looks naked. Think of it as generating a force-field for protection. There are also skin tight latex-like bodysuits for those who want to reserve a modicum of dignity while nevertheless leaving nothing to the imagination.
In keeping with the pulp S/F vibe, there are three fishbowl style helmets included. One of them keeps the flight cap from the constellation helm and will stop long hair from clipping through the helmet. There is also a "no cowl" helmet that shows your character's hair inside the bowl. The third option is a half-cowl which is intended to provide a collar but no hood. Unfortunately I still can't get edited meshes to import correctly, so this option still doesn't work. In particular, this means that the bodysuits have deep, square cut necklines. I'm sure we can all cope for the time being.
The suit uses whatever body mesh and textures you have installed. So you'll need a nude mod, unless you want to explore space in your undies.
A nude mod. This mod doesn't provide a naked body, but uses whatever you have installed. I've tested this against CRT - BODY MESH + CRT - SKINS, but anything should work. Alternatively, if you want to run around through space wearing a thong or a bikini, any undies backed into the body mesh should also show up.
Install normally. MO2 recommended, but however you normally install your mods.
For now, you'll need to console add the items. Use player.additem and one of the numbers from this list. Remember to change the 02 at the start of the number with the mod index for your modlist.
Or type "help NSS 4 armo" into the console and get a list of IDs that way.
The "Va'ruun Dominatrix Edition" is temporarily unavailable, as are Sarah and Andreja's suits.
Just remove the mod. There are no scripts and the worst that is going to happen is that your character's spacesuit will vanish,for real. You might want to make sure you're in a safe place with a breathable atmosphere first.
Upgrading from 0.04a
Just remove naked_spacesuit.esp and activate NSS.esm. Your naked_spacesuit suits will vanish as a result, so as for uninstallation, you might want to do that when you're in a safe place, atmosphere wise.
To Do
This is very much a work in progress. There's a few things I don't know how to do yet. Things I want to do:
Provide a version that keeps the naked texture, but adds a glow shader to the body to represent a force field. Nishina Emissive Blue is pretty close, if a bit too glowy. Work in progress. Recipes so you can craft the suits. And modify them. I'm thinking about a cut-down boost pack. Any one will do, and the Constellation one works nicely, but it could be maybe 30% smaller. And maybe some straps or some sort of harness, maybe combine that with a belt of some sort. At some point I want a capture version of the suit which functions like a set of cuffs. And probably a slaved boost pack. At some point high heels and cute little gloves. I'd like this to look fashionable and impractical. Or I might just stick with the bronze cuffs. Variants for other spacesuits with better stats. Legendary versions. Starborn versions. I'm thinking about keeping the Starborn rags that come with the suit, but dialing the alpha way up if I can manage it.
There are currently no male versions. That should be rectified with the next release. The suit uses the default Constellation suit's resistances, which may be a bit lacking in protection for high level characters. Feel free to crack open the esm with SF1Edit and adjust the numbers to meet your needs. The "clear" suit has slightly better protection for lore reasons. Or to encourage people to run around the galaxy glossy and naked. "White" and "Clear" are a bit too similar. The white could be a bit less transparent, and the black probably a touch more so.1,555 downloads
By zaira
Player Slavery and Prostitution
German voiced version
The sex scenes are very very rudimentary and the actor adjustment is a paint in the eye - I have to figure out how to adjust objects in Starfield since the coordinate system is different from Skyrim where I gathered years of experiences - and some of the Papyrus positioning functions are broken.
But I am sure that now, where I opened pandoras box, more modder will come on board to turn Starfield into an adult adventure.
I wanted to continue my modding adventure with Cyberpunk 2077 since this is absolutely my preferred setting but quest modding is still almost impossible.
Then I saw @ag12 Neon Sub-Core and this inspired my to give Starfield modding a try.
All credit goes to the modding pioneers whose assets I use. Due to the complete lack of documentation, the complex modding of Starfield is a real challenge.
And of course to Bethesda. Their decision to open up Starfield so widely to modders cannot be appreciated enough, especially when you see how little other companies care about modding.
KZ outfits - Eit Clothiers Plus - NAF - Robert S Male Body Replacer - Neon Sub-Core - Grey Animations - Skimpy Leather -
Quest 1:
Ask Bill in the Neon Subcore Brothel for a Job
Scenes in this quest:
prostitution in the fuck container public strip dancing naked hooking in the restroom of the astral lounge sleep hogtied in a sleeping crate the slave gets sold to CrimsonFleet (end of quest)
Quest 2:
Whore job quest - a john is spawned and approach you to ask for sex.
If Maria is nearby, she will negotiate for you and also take the payment
Installing the enslaved hotkeys:
Add bUseConsoleHotkeys=1 to the [Menu] section of your StarfieldCustom.ini Copy the downloaded StarfieldConsole.ini to the same location as StarfieldCustom.ini (or merge the content with your existing one)
The default hotkey configuration:
Numpad 0 = Toggle Submissive kneeling Numpad 1 = Toggle Sleeping on the ground Numpad 2 = Toggle Sweeping Numpad 3 = Toggle Surrender Numpad 4 = Toggle Dancing Numpad 9 = Masturbate Numpad * = Toggle Fly Cam (you should be in 3rd person view first!) Numpad + = Equip invisible handcuffs Numpad - = Unequip invisible handcuffs Numpad / = Triggers a whore job quest
Apart from fixing issues and polish and clean-up stuff I have the following plans
Flying courtesan - do you remember Inara Serra from the TV series FireFly? I want to turn my ship into a flying brothel. You hear rumours from the Fuckbox beside yours about a family tragedy. If you manage to escape from the Neon brothel you try to rescue the family of your whoring college. Her sister was sold as sex slave to pirates. You become a slave of your follower - in memory of the good old days with Maria Eden in Skyrim. Nothing special but some humiliating jobs and obviously prostitution. You get locked into the brig of your (former) own ship... And of course some BDSM stuff when more assets are available
- prostitution
- slavery
- (and 1 more)
Leave No Witnesses - Player Space Bounties Reworked
By EgoBallistic
Reworks player bounties so that killing all witnesses to a crime you commit in space removes the bounties incurred while committing that crime.
Mod Features
Starfield has a really simple "kill the last witness" mechanism that will clear the bounty for your most recent crime if you kill the last witness within 30 seconds. This mod expands on that mechanism, so that it is now possible to commit piracy or outright murder against ships in space and suffer no bounty - as long as you leave no witnesses.
This makes piracy much more viable as a career, since you can avoid the massive bounties from destroying ships and killing their crews. It also makes bounty hunting Crimson Fleet ships possible if you are a member of the Crimson Fleet yourself.
How it works:
When you commit a crime against a ship, the mod begins tracking your bounty with that ship's faction. Any ships in the area that belong to the victim's shared crime faction, including the victim ship itself, become witnesses. Destroying any withess ship, or boarding a witness ship and killing its crew, removes the ship from the witness list. Once you have eliminated all witnesses, the bounty for the original crime and any additional bounties incurred while eliminating witnesses are removed. If you leave the area before eliminating all the witnesses, e.g. by landing on a planet or grav jumping away, the witnesses will have time to report your crimes and killing them will no longer remove that bounty. Things this does not do:
Pre-existing bounties are not affected. If you start out with 15,000 bounty against the UC, then attack and destroy some UC ships, your bounty won't increase, but it won't be cleared either. Crimes committed on planets or in cities are not affected. This only affects bounties in space. Companion and follower reactions are not affected, so your goody-two-shoes crew will still hate you for murdering civilians and Mathis will still become angry if you attack Crimson Fleet ships. Requirements
Starfield Version 1.13.61 or later. Cassiopeia Papyrus Extender - optional but recommended. If this is installed, faction names will be displayed in bounty notifications. Otherwise notifications will simply say "Bounty removed" but not from which faction.
Use your favorite mod manager to install.
Everything was built with the Creation Kit. The mod plugin is a full master ESM file. Source for the script is included.
Bethesda for Starfield and the CK.
Females People Of Starfield
By Barbituric
Hi everybody,
This is the female version of my other mod, "Males People Of Starfield"
This mod change all crowd and dead corpse npcs to female...
Now, with it, you only see girls walking arround in town.
New Esm files
Females people of starfield.esm
Sextreme Statues (Update 22-08-2024)
By azmodan22
Sextreme Statues
Starfield Edition
This mods ads a variety of statues to the Decoration Panel in you Ship, Home or Outpost (Interior). They come with theyr own custom menu (currently has issues, see Curent issues bellow) to help you find the one you want. Each status comes in 4 different materials and a mirrored version for each material. Curently there are 4 unique statues so that results in 32 different statues to choose from.
Collision Meshes
All the statues have collition meshes from a vanilla obgect so you can't walk through them. I tryed to pick one as tight as possible but for some statues some legs or arms might stick out. So if you are hidimg behind them during a shoot out remember to duck, the upper half of the head is not covered. And no you can't shoot between the statues legs. Yet.
Custom Menu Icons
Allthough the menu names are still nuked, all the menus and statues have their own custom icon so you can get an idea of what the statues in each menu look like.
Different Materials
All statues come in 4 different materials with their own menu: (currently does not work, see the curent issues part)
Marble White Gold
Marble White Blue
Marble Black
All of them require 2 pieces of Copper and one Structual object to make, except the Gold, that requires Gold. Obviously.
The textures and the materials might change in the future. The initial idea was that each material would have its own requirements, but I could'nt find any materials suitable for 4 different types of marble, hence the copper. I am also not super delighted with the Gold one and I think that the Marble Black one might be a bit too black. We will play around with them a while and we will see.
Mirrored Versions
All the statues have a mirrored version. You can find them in the categories with the Mr suffix (at least that part works.)
The name of mirrored statues have the same name with the 'norma' one plus the 'Mr' at the end.
Install Instructions:
It is best if you download the mod and install it with a mod manager.
If you want to install it manually simply extract the file in you data folder. You will also need to enable it in your loading list ingame in the creations manu.
Current Issues:
You can download and use this mod for your game. You do not have permision to reupload this mod ANYWARE , in part, as a whole, or edited !
Issues of Spacefarer
Warning: Disguising, sexist, humiliation and violent content.
Starfield's version of my Skyrim mod - Troubles of Heroine and Fallout 4 mod - Problems of Survivor. Adds NPCs, quests, and events to make being a woman (pronouns: she or they) in the space age more cruel and degrading.
Quest ids and global values in the readme.
If you want to play female content as a male, change global value AAAiamsissy to 1.
The mod’s test cell: AAAIOSSpecialCell.
Lines of dialog: 785.
- Your Dignity system;
- Per Degradatio ad Astra: Dominant male follower Brute in UC Security Office in New Atlantis. The ultimate degenerate, taking the worst of all the degenerates I've created. Can insult, can boldly demand, can fuck, can beat, can exchange internal fluids, can play, can roleplay, can joke.
- Nasty Beggar: Find Stinky in Neon, near the garbage container. He will have a small quest for compassionate women + whoring for a special currency with which you can buy special boxes of loot;
- Slave in The Key;
- Nasty Potions;
- Very Cultural Books.
Possible problems:
- Force greets not works as intended;
- Boxes of loot do not work.
Do what you want with the mod.
Future plans:
- Dominant and submissive female followers;
- Dominant NTR and raceplay follower;
- Prison ship (The Chronicles of Riddick's Butcher Bay and Mass Effect's Purgatory): Prisoners are mining an asteroid where the prison facility is located. After leaving a punishment room, a guard calls you to humiliate, taunt, molest, and establish dominance. Then you go to the common shower room where the prisoners do the same. A true space-age utopia. Or a backwater star station where misogynistic men rebelled against female command;
- Terrormorph!
- More dialogues;
- More quests;
- More encounters;
- More followers;
- More filth.
- humiliation
- encounters
- (and 2 more)
Males People of Starfield...
By Barbituric
Hi everybody,
this is my first mod, I've tried it, and it looks like working.
This mod turn all the spawed womens crowd and dead corpse to males, I didn't change the hair and outfit.
Now with it, in town, you'll have only guys, walking arround.
Sexplicit textures for SF
By LM_Khrill
Hi LL users,
It's my fisrt mod here
I modified many textures such as ads, posters, storefronts, etc... I haven't finished my work yet, but a large part is done, the rest will come later.
I think I did what I wanted, most of the posters are modified, and a lot of little extras too. I tried to preserve the sense of the original texture as best as possible (advertising for example).
Looking back, I realize that was a lot of work (thanks to the buggy quests without fixes for the moment ^^)
If you don't want to see full nudes, sex scenes, cum and more, don't dowload it!
Install :
Drop Data folder to "Documents\my games\Starfield\"
You must have a StarfieldCustom.ini file in Starfield directory (right next to the StarfieldPrefs.ini)
It should contain the lines :
Neon Descent - Preview
By ag12
This is a preview version to get some feedback. There is no quests or vendors, it's just a preview.
I. Introduction
Neon Descent is a city expansion mod that aims to deliver, at least a little bit, on the original promise of the "Pleasure City" of Neon. As the name suggests, the mod will be focusing on the levels below the Core - where light is scarce and the less fortunate eek out a living amongst the upper classes' garbage. These lower levels are obviously well suited for all sorts of shady activity and you should be wary of where you step. The Subcore is frequented by tourists and locals alike, offering bars, brothels and shops offering goods and services too unclean for the more prestigious upper levels of the platform city. Here you can indulge freely while still being relatively safe. But even further into the belly of Neon's steel intestines is where rarely outsiders venture, and if they do even less frequently return from.
II. Installation, Requirements & Compatibility
Install per usual, any mod manager.
No requirements.
Compatible with Neon Vertigo.
It is only a preview and I won't bother about compatibility for now.
III. Philosophy
Clearly the people of LoversLab got excited when Neon was first announced, followed by a collective sigh of disappointment when the city turned out to be just as PG as the rest of this incredibely mellow world that Bethesda built. I'm trying to rectify this. The idea of this mod is to be a hub, a decently crafted addition to the city that houses all kinds of NSFW activities and can get expanded on by me and others over time.
I'm going to include plenty of load doors and such for other people to claim and use to lead into their little story dens or shops, or whatever else you'd like - please reach out if you're interested. The reason why I'm attempting to do this is simple: the Core is already super crowded and there surely will be quite a few Neon overhauls from the SFW side of things, so I figured it'd be good to have a dedicated addition that we control and that keeps conflict down.
IV. Content
Currently included is the Neon Subcore, which is essentially a grimy redlight district under Neon's Core.
There are multiple shops, a bar, a brothel, a couple load doors, etc. Some of the stuff (like the Slave Market) have been outlined and are awaiting the release of respective mods in order to know what kind of layout would be appropriate. Pretty much everything will get more detail over time.
The Subcore can be accessed via a door next to the Enhance! in Neon Core as well as a door off to one end of Ebbside.
V. Disclaimer & Permissions
You do not have permission to reupload or make your own version of the mod itself.
If you'd like to add your own content behind a door, please reach out. I will include a persistent reference for 'your' door and not touch that anymore going forward, etc.
This mod will be a long-term project and I expect the first full release (including vendors and basic mechanics for the stuff directly included) in a couple of months.
Hopefully by then some spicy things have been made that I can implement here.
Skill Challenges Removed
By Puff3r
Just as the name says. This ESM will remove all of the challenges required to upgrade a vanilla skill in the game. This does not remove any other preexisting requirements, only the silly challenges required to level up the skill.
Make with CK2, this mod removes all challenges from the vanilla skills in the game. It does not remove any other requirements, so you cannot get the skills out of order. I have seen this done a few ways here on the Nexus now, but none with the new CK. So, here we go. I have tested it a few times and found no issues. If you find one, please let me know and I will gladly take a look.
Not liable for this deleting your save, crashing your Tesla, or any other tomfoolery that may happen.
Made by me and shared here for those that choose to avoid that other place.
Install with you mod manager of choice or drop in the Starfield\Data directory.
By ag12
(& Lovers Utility Library)
Disclaimer: the CK has only been out for a short time and thus everyone is still trying to figure out how to do things and package mods properly. I've given it my best shot. There is a small library (only containing some time-keeping functions and a small workaround for removing the player's home ship) which is a full master, and the actual mod which is a "small" master. No idea if this will work. Please let me know. Fyi: the reason why I made that separate library is because I'm working on a different mod that needed the exact same functions, so I figured I might as well try to be smart and not have code duplication.
I. Concept & Introduction
GalBank+ is a mod that aims to flesh out the financial side of the game. GalBank is a very present entity, but has barely any interactions apart from some debt collector quests. However, you should note that this mod is not the "invest your money and make money" kind of bank mod, quite the opposite. While there are some upsides to using GalBank+, it mostly makes your game harder. It's a money sink and made a little in the spirit of something akin to SexLab Survival (or other "license"-type mods). Of course, a lot of the consequences and such aren't really there, but I figured why not make a proof-of-concept and get the heavy lifting done, so that I have an easier time integrating it with the fun kind of mods later.
II. Requirements & Installation
- Lovers Utility Library (LUL) (packaged with mod - load before GB+)
Use your mod manager or unpack directly. Nothing special. You do not need to start a new game, but I recommend it. I also think this mod makes more sense with a Survival mod added to your game. Please be aware that this is very early stuff - and so you should not put this mod on your main savegame and then do a bunch of progression. I'm not guaranteeing anything here...
III. Features & Mechanics
-ATMs & Managers: You can speak to a GalBank manager in New Atlantis or Akila City to discuss your account. The ATMs around Starfield are now interactable. Ignore the "crime" symbol, I decided to go the non-intrusive route for now and just replace the activation entry. Bring your GalCard.
-Bank Account: GalBank+ adds a fully functional bank account to Starfield. It offers multiple tiers (Basic, Pink, Green, Gold, Platinum) with different rates, fees, upsides and downsides. The credits you see in your inventory are, going forward, treated as CredSticks - so basically futuristic, but physical currency. Money in your bank account is purely digital - and subject to a lot of regulations. One of the most important things will be that if you lose to enemies and they rob you, they won't be able to steal your banked money, only what you carry on you. That doesn't matter for now, but will come in handy (I assume).
-Digital Purchases: When interacting with Vendors, you have access to a certain amount of additional Credits from your bank account. This is based on your account tier and daily allowance. When you purchase things, it will always use your physical currency first. You must have your GalCard with you!
- Sales Tax: When you sell goods to Vendors in any of the major controlled areas, the controlling faction will levy a sales tax. The sales tax is based off the actual monetary value of the transaction, so if you e.g. sell goods worth 2000 but also buy goods worth 1500, it will only apply the sales tax to the 500 differene.
- Spaceport Fees: When you land at a Spaceport controlled by one of the major factions, they will charge you fees per hour you occupy the pad. You can pay your bill with the Spaceport Services person. If you forget to pay your bill, they will send you an invoice after you launch - but charge an extra 15% remote transaction fee!
- Ship Mortgage: you can talk to the GalBank representative and ask for a mortgage to either buy or modify your ship. If they agree, you will be handed a credit slate. If you open the Ship Services sale/modify window with this slate in your inventory, you'll have the extra credits available. After you purchase or modify a ship, the mod checks if you used any of the additional money (it uses your physical creds first) and if yes, it adds the respective loan to your account and the ship as collateral.
- Loans: there's a full loan system including collateral (spaceships) that get seized if you default - currently only used by the ship mortgage system.
IV. Additional Information
You always start with a GalBank Basic account. If you start this on a new game, it will add a 75k load with 0% interest to your account after you complete the prologue quest. Later on, you will simply start without ship - but that requires a lot more fun mods that allow you to actually earn some meaningful credits in New Atlantis and get from place to place without a ship - so for now Constellation still gives you the ship, but they make you pay it off with a very generous 0% loan. If you default on this loan, the ship still gets seized, though. You can get stranded. If you do, get fucked. Smile.
This is basically a proof-of-concept kind of mod. Don't expect it to be everything you ever wanted in a finance overhaul - it's just a step and will be more interesting once there is more interesting content. The idea is to develop it into a license kind of money sink framework and lead into "fun" events - once they are available.
V. Compatibility & Permissions
This mod should be compatible with virtually anything else. I don't think I actually edited any entries, just used aliases to do my work.
Let me know if it doesn't play nice with something.
Do not reupload anything anywhere. If you want source code for GB+ and are a contributor here on LoversLab, send me a PM. I'll gladly share it.
This is my first Starfield mod so this might not work at all. I'd be grateful if you could tell me if it works.
Also, please keep in mind that this mod is designed to play into more interesting scenarios -that don't exist yet- and I will update it later, I just felt like putting something together to test the workflow and get something going for SF. Please report any exploits - there's probably a ton of loopholes and such.
Oh, and the balancing might be off, so give feedback for that too, please.
More or less diverse Constellation
By Ronin_5564
More or less diverse Constellation
More or less diverse Constellation increases or decreases the diversity of Constellation society for a better gaming experience.
You can change the appearance of Andreja, Barrett, Noel, Sam, Sarah and/or Vladimir. Customize your
Constellation society the way you want to play.
Version 1.1.0 was built with the Creation Kit and runs on Starfield 1.12.30
1) Simply install with your favorite mod manager (Vortex or Mod Organizer 2).
2) Enable Archive Invalidation (also called Load Loose Files) for your game in StarfieldCustom.ini
C:\Users\<YourUser>\Documents\My Games\Starfield\StarfieldCustom.ini
3) With Version 1.1.0 Plugins.txt is not needed any more.
File is provided "AS IS". No warranties included. The author is not responsible for any consequences this file may have.
As always for free software: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Credits and Thanks
Bethesda for making another great RPG!
The xEdit-Team for their great continues work
The Loverslab community
Booba Magazines Replacer~
By kinevil
Replaces all the magazines with waifu booba.
Was requested to upload onto here as Nexus took it down.
Gray Animations (Mod Development Examples)
By Gray User
This file is being replaced by User Animation Pack. This pack will have better versions of all of these that are staged.
(Original Description)
This is a collection of loose animations for proof of concept and for mod developers to have for use to make mods.
**It is not meant for end users, it is not yet feature enough to be like Sexlab or AAF animations**
To test use, can copy into NAF directory and play using NAF (console command 'NAF play file/glb').
Requires NAF to be working, or in the future another animation player that reads glbs.
Probably you cannot position these using console commands for screenshots, because the actor will reset position as soon as the next animation frame comes.
1 actor animations
graysolo00.glb - a standing horny animation
grayhogtie00.glb - a low movement hogtie idle
grayhogtie01.glb - hogtie struggle animation
2 actor animations (These are very not great, just proof of concept. The original plan was for these to be the first speed, with a faster set of each. I cannot test alignment in game without a working 2 person framework, and there are export problems with the COM bone that make blender positioning unreliable)
graymission00_bot.glb - bottom position for the first stage of a missionary scene
graymission00_top.glb - top position for the first stage of a missionary scene
graydoggy00_bot.glb - bottom position for the first stage of a doggy style scene
graydoggy00_top.glb - top position for the first stage of a doggy style scene *The positioning of this one is more broken. Cannot get z axis translation to show in game.
screenshot of each animation (in game, they are animations, not stills).
screenshot of Blender export options used. Last set (animations) is most important.
When mods start being made that need more animations, I will make more/better animations. Probably, after the mod support is released there will be physics, new skeleton, all those things. Because of that I am not planning to put a lot of work into these, when all of it will need to be redone from beginning on a new skeleton.
You can make animations using the NAF tutorial scene on Nexus (what I used) and the export options shown in the screenshots. For 2 person animations I have not made a good solution (my 2 person blender files have issue with COM bone, leads to problems like in graydoggy00_top even after remaking everything in euler rather than quats).
- animations
- bdsm
- (and 2 more)