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Females People Of Starfield
By Barbituric
Hi everybody,
This is the female version of my other mod, "Males People Of Starfield"
This mod change all crowd and dead corpse npcs to female...
Now, with it, you only see girls walking arround in town.
New Esm files
Females people of starfield.esm
The Auction House
By Wolfe6900
Welcome to The Auction House!
NOTE: Currently working the proper implementation of exporting this for users. It seems Starfield uses different ways to export a mod ranging from: Small, Medium & Large Master files rather than plugin files. My workaround on this is providing the 'Source' and 'Scripts' files as well that can be extracted into the appropriate Data folders. (See What's New in Version 1.0.2)
This mod was created to bring a mod from the days of Skyrim to a modern tone. It's based off the concept of 'SimpleSlavery Plus Plus' by JFraser.
What does this mod do?
This mod is a halfway point that should allow the player to be sent to an auction and sold to the highest bidder. Currently, with Starfield being a new game, there are no defeat mods or anything for it to reference to. The outcome of the auctionhouse will also just spit you out in Akila City since there's no slavery mods for it to have an outcome to.
How do I start it?
Speak to Dmitry at "The View" in Viewport. Currently, this is the only way to be sent in game without using console commands. The console command is "coc AuctionHouse" if that's the route you would like to go.
For Mod Authors:
If you would like to reference the location for this, just search "AuctionHouse" in the cell view and reference the red XMarker in the jail cell. The mod should function as normal after that. Here's the script I used to teleport the player to the location:
Additionally, here's the fragment used to send the player there via dialogue option:
Future Plans:
- Create MCM Menu (once/if this mod is created for Starfield)
- Equip Handcuff Object to go along with the handcuffed animation
- Remove Debug & Item Removal Messages
- Create outcomes after being purchased at the Auction House
- Create different branches of dialogue dependent on the outcome of the purchase.
- Create dependancy on a mod for a proper Prisoner Attire (with permission).
Sextreme Statues (Update 22-08-2024)
By azmodan22
Sextreme Statues
Starfield Edition
This mods ads a variety of statues to the Decoration Panel in you Ship, Home or Outpost (Interior). They come with theyr own custom menu (currently has issues, see Curent issues bellow) to help you find the one you want. Each status comes in 4 different materials and a mirrored version for each material. Curently there are 4 unique statues so that results in 32 different statues to choose from.
Collision Meshes
All the statues have collition meshes from a vanilla obgect so you can't walk through them. I tryed to pick one as tight as possible but for some statues some legs or arms might stick out. So if you are hidimg behind them during a shoot out remember to duck, the upper half of the head is not covered. And no you can't shoot between the statues legs. Yet.
Custom Menu Icons
Allthough the menu names are still nuked, all the menus and statues have their own custom icon so you can get an idea of what the statues in each menu look like.
Different Materials
All statues come in 4 different materials with their own menu: (currently does not work, see the curent issues part)
Marble White Gold
Marble White Blue
Marble Black
All of them require 2 pieces of Copper and one Structual object to make, except the Gold, that requires Gold. Obviously.
The textures and the materials might change in the future. The initial idea was that each material would have its own requirements, but I could'nt find any materials suitable for 4 different types of marble, hence the copper. I am also not super delighted with the Gold one and I think that the Marble Black one might be a bit too black. We will play around with them a while and we will see.
Mirrored Versions
All the statues have a mirrored version. You can find them in the categories with the Mr suffix (at least that part works.)
The name of mirrored statues have the same name with the 'norma' one plus the 'Mr' at the end.
Install Instructions:
It is best if you download the mod and install it with a mod manager.
If you want to install it manually simply extract the file in you data folder. You will also need to enable it in your loading list ingame in the creations manu.
Current Issues:
You can download and use this mod for your game. You do not have permision to reupload this mod ANYWARE , in part, as a whole, or edited !
Issues of Spacefarer
Warning: Disguising, sexist, humiliation and violent content.
Starfield's version of my Skyrim mod - Troubles of Heroine and Fallout 4 mod - Problems of Survivor. Adds NPCs, quests, and events to make being a woman (pronouns: she or they) in the space age more cruel and degrading.
Quest ids and global values in the readme.
If you want to play female content as a male, change global value AAAiamsissy to 1.
The mod’s test cell: AAAIOSSpecialCell.
Lines of dialog: 785.
- Your Dignity system;
- Per Degradatio ad Astra: Dominant male follower Brute in UC Security Office in New Atlantis. The ultimate degenerate, taking the worst of all the degenerates I've created. Can insult, can boldly demand, can fuck, can beat, can exchange internal fluids, can play, can roleplay, can joke.
- Nasty Beggar: Find Stinky in Neon, near the garbage container. He will have a small quest for compassionate women + whoring for a special currency with which you can buy special boxes of loot;
- Slave in The Key;
- Nasty Potions;
- Very Cultural Books.
Possible problems:
- Force greets not works as intended;
- Boxes of loot do not work.
Do what you want with the mod.
Future plans:
- Dominant and submissive female followers;
- Dominant NTR and raceplay follower;
- Prison ship (The Chronicles of Riddick's Butcher Bay and Mass Effect's Purgatory): Prisoners are mining an asteroid where the prison facility is located. After leaving a punishment room, a guard calls you to humiliate, taunt, molest, and establish dominance. Then you go to the common shower room where the prisoners do the same. A true space-age utopia. Or a backwater star station where misogynistic men rebelled against female command;
- Terrormorph!
- More dialogues;
- More quests;
- More encounters;
- More followers;
- More filth.
- humiliation
- encounters
- (and 2 more)
Sexplicit textures for SF
By LM_Khrill
Hi LL users,
It's my fisrt mod here
I modified many textures such as ads, posters, storefronts, etc... I haven't finished my work yet, but a large part is done, the rest will come later.
I think I did what I wanted, most of the posters are modified, and a lot of little extras too. I tried to preserve the sense of the original texture as best as possible (advertising for example).
Looking back, I realize that was a lot of work (thanks to the buggy quests without fixes for the moment ^^)
If you don't want to see full nudes, sex scenes, cum and more, don't dowload it!
Install :
Drop Data folder to "Documents\my games\Starfield\"
You must have a StarfieldCustom.ini file in Starfield directory (right next to the StarfieldPrefs.ini)
It should contain the lines :
Neon Descent - Preview
By ag12
This is a preview version to get some feedback. There is no quests or vendors, it's just a preview.
I. Introduction
Neon Descent is a city expansion mod that aims to deliver, at least a little bit, on the original promise of the "Pleasure City" of Neon. As the name suggests, the mod will be focusing on the levels below the Core - where light is scarce and the less fortunate eek out a living amongst the upper classes' garbage. These lower levels are obviously well suited for all sorts of shady activity and you should be wary of where you step. The Subcore is frequented by tourists and locals alike, offering bars, brothels and shops offering goods and services too unclean for the more prestigious upper levels of the platform city. Here you can indulge freely while still being relatively safe. But even further into the belly of Neon's steel intestines is where rarely outsiders venture, and if they do even less frequently return from.
II. Installation, Requirements & Compatibility
Install per usual, any mod manager.
No requirements.
Compatible with Neon Vertigo.
It is only a preview and I won't bother about compatibility for now.
III. Philosophy
Clearly the people of LoversLab got excited when Neon was first announced, followed by a collective sigh of disappointment when the city turned out to be just as PG as the rest of this incredibely mellow world that Bethesda built. I'm trying to rectify this. The idea of this mod is to be a hub, a decently crafted addition to the city that houses all kinds of NSFW activities and can get expanded on by me and others over time.
I'm going to include plenty of load doors and such for other people to claim and use to lead into their little story dens or shops, or whatever else you'd like - please reach out if you're interested. The reason why I'm attempting to do this is simple: the Core is already super crowded and there surely will be quite a few Neon overhauls from the SFW side of things, so I figured it'd be good to have a dedicated addition that we control and that keeps conflict down.
IV. Content
Currently included is the Neon Subcore, which is essentially a grimy redlight district under Neon's Core.
There are multiple shops, a bar, a brothel, a couple load doors, etc. Some of the stuff (like the Slave Market) have been outlined and are awaiting the release of respective mods in order to know what kind of layout would be appropriate. Pretty much everything will get more detail over time.
The Subcore can be accessed via a door next to the Enhance! in Neon Core as well as a door off to one end of Ebbside.
V. Disclaimer & Permissions
You do not have permission to reupload or make your own version of the mod itself.
If you'd like to add your own content behind a door, please reach out. I will include a persistent reference for 'your' door and not touch that anymore going forward, etc.
This mod will be a long-term project and I expect the first full release (including vendors and basic mechanics for the stuff directly included) in a couple of months.
Hopefully by then some spicy things have been made that I can implement here.
Booba Magazines Replacer~
By kinevil
Replaces all the magazines with waifu booba.
Was requested to upload onto here as Nexus took it down.
Gray Animations (Mod Development Examples)
By Gray User
This is a collection of loose animations for proof of concept and for mod developers to have for use to make mods.
**It is not meant for end users, it is not yet feature enough to be like Sexlab or AAF animations**
To test use, can copy into NAF directory and play using NAF (console command 'NAF play file/glb').
Requires NAF to be working, or in the future another animation player that reads glbs.
Probably you cannot position these using console commands for screenshots, because the actor will reset position as soon as the next animation frame comes.
1 actor animations
graysolo00.glb - a standing horny animation
grayhogtie00.glb - a low movement hogtie idle
grayhogtie01.glb - hogtie struggle animation
2 actor animations (These are very not great, just proof of concept. The original plan was for these to be the first speed, with a faster set of each. I cannot test alignment in game without a working 2 person framework, and there are export problems with the COM bone that make blender positioning unreliable)
graymission00_bot.glb - bottom position for the first stage of a missionary scene
graymission00_top.glb - top position for the first stage of a missionary scene
graydoggy00_bot.glb - bottom position for the first stage of a doggy style scene
graydoggy00_top.glb - top position for the first stage of a doggy style scene *The positioning of this one is more broken. Cannot get z axis translation to show in game.
screenshot of each animation (in game, they are animations, not stills).
screenshot of Blender export options used. Last set (animations) is most important.
When mods start being made that need more animations, I will make more/better animations. Probably, after the mod support is released there will be physics, new skeleton, all those things. Because of that I am not planning to put a lot of work into these, when all of it will need to be redone from beginning on a new skeleton.
You can make animations using the NAF tutorial scene on Nexus (what I used) and the export options shown in the screenshots. For 2 person animations I have not made a good solution (my 2 person blender files have issue with COM bone, leads to problems like in graydoggy00_top even after remaking everything in euler rather than quats).
- animations
- bdsm
- (and 2 more)
By remidala
All female characters become shemale and ther dick size depends on their body. Plus you can use the chargen also. The thinner has bigger boobs and bigger dick too.
They are naked if they wears swimsuit.
Here is the command.
additem 0002FA4
equipitem 0002FA4
player.additem 0002FA4 1
and equip it.
How to install:
Just extract the file to anywhere and inside it there Data folder. Copy it to Documents\My Games\Starfield. Includid for it textures and textures for much better gameplay quality.
Naked Spacesuit
By DocClox
It's increasingly obvious that I'm not going to find the time for this any time soon. Sad fact is I'm good at starting projects, but not so good at seeing them through to theend.
Accordingly, I hereby open the mod under a Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC-SA. Which means that you can do what you like with it so long as you share the modifications under the same terms and you don't make any money from it. And give me a mention in the credits as the original creator.
I may be back to do more with this in the future - I had plenty of ideas, but I can't see that happening any time soon.
Thank you all for your patience.
This mod provides a version of the Constellation spacesuit which leaves the wearer apart from cuffs, boots and helmet. I'm aiming for a classic '50s pulp S/F feel. The suit functions in all ways as a spacesuit - the wearer just looks naked. Think of it as generating a force-field for protection. There are also skin tight latex-like bodysuits for those who want to reserve a modicum of dignity while nevertheless leaving nothing to the imagination.
In keeping with the pulp S/F vibe, there are three fishbowl style helmets included. One of them keeps the flight cap from the constellation helm and will stop long hair from clipping through the helmet. There is also a "no cowl" helmet that shows your character's hair inside the bowl. The third option is a half-cowl which is intended to provide a collar but no hood. Unfortunately I still can't get edited meshes to import correctly, so this option still doesn't work. In particular, this means that the bodysuits have deep, square cut necklines. I'm sure we can all cope for the time being.
The suit uses whatever body mesh and textures you have installed. So you'll need a nude mod, unless you want to explore space in your undies.
A nude mod. This mod doesn't provide a naked body, but uses whatever you have installed. I've tested this against CRT - BODY MESH + CRT - SKINS, but anything should work. Alternatively, if you want to run around through space wearing a thong or a bikini, any undies backed into the body mesh should also show up.
Install normally. MO2 recommended, but however you normally install your mods.
For now, you'll need to console add the items. Use player.additem and one of the numbers from this list. Remember to change the 02 at the start of the number with the mod index for your modlist.
Or type "help NSS 4 armo" into the console and get a list of IDs that way.
The "Va'ruun Dominatrix Edition" is temporarily unavailable, as are Sarah and Andreja's suits.
Just remove the mod. There are no scripts and the worst that is going to happen is that your character's spacesuit will vanish,for real. You might want to make sure you're in a safe place with a breathable atmosphere first.
Upgrading from 0.04a
Just remove naked_spacesuit.esp and activate NSS.esm. Your naked_spacesuit suits will vanish as a result, so as for uninstallation, you might want to do that when you're in a safe place, atmosphere wise.
To Do
This is very much a work in progress. There's a few things I don't know how to do yet. Things I want to do:
Provide a version that keeps the naked texture, but adds a glow shader to the body to represent a force field. Nishina Emissive Blue is pretty close, if a bit too glowy. Work in progress. Recipes so you can craft the suits. And modify them. I'm thinking about a cut-down boost pack. Any one will do, and the Constellation one works nicely, but it could be maybe 30% smaller. And maybe some straps or some sort of harness, maybe combine that with a belt of some sort. At some point I want a capture version of the suit which functions like a set of cuffs. And probably a slaved boost pack. At some point high heels and cute little gloves. I'd like this to look fashionable and impractical. Or I might just stick with the bronze cuffs. Variants for other spacesuits with better stats. Legendary versions. Starborn versions. I'm thinking about keeping the Starborn rags that come with the suit, but dialing the alpha way up if I can manage it.
There are currently no male versions. That should be rectified with the next release. The suit uses the default Constellation suit's resistances, which may be a bit lacking in protection for high level characters. Feel free to crack open the esm with SF1Edit and adjust the numbers to meet your needs. The "clear" suit has slightly better protection for lore reasons. Or to encourage people to run around the galaxy glossy and naked. "White" and "Clear" are a bit too similar. The white could be a bit less transparent, and the black probably a touch more so.1,109 downloads
diaper Starfield Pampers diaper texture
By rocky.jono
Hi, Warning this is not for everyone's taste but as a request I did I thought I'll share it here.
Moderators, if I've overstepped a line here please remove this.
This texture mod requires a Mod to be downloaded and installed from Vortex.
The mod is called "Lore Friendly Immersive Realistic Underwear " Then the file option is "Slayton Aerospace Underwear Female"
by andysan84 Link.
Once installed, just pick and choose (copy/paste) which textures to overwrite the body color texture that you want from my file.
Thats' it, Oh and please endorse andysan84.
I have made the file structured in a way to make it easier in where the mod is located in the Starfield directory.
The muscle body used in the pics is from xs2reality's mod "XS sporty sexy map-vanilla body"
The clothes are from Theenco and mods are here.
I highly recomend Hookscript by JEDIJOSH920 here along with his "classic NPC loot system" mod.
Remember to endorse all these awesome mod makers.
SlutFilled - Pubic hair, optional cum on body.
By Samvegames
This is quick and by all means dirty repaint of No Bras in Space to add much needed feature that separates girl from woman - pubic hair! 3 types are available - trimmed, landing strip and bush.
Also there are two optional layers of cum and lewd writings. Since we can't mix and match layers freely yet, all combinations were made.12 variants for each skin color. "Source" files (hair, cum, writings) are also included. Use to edit.
Very little testing was done. Darker skin tones might be glitchy.
_____!!!!! Skin tone 4 for some reason is much paler than it should be, and therefore gives color mismatch between body and face/hands. Don't use skin4 for now (it's SK3, I think that's what Andreja uses). ____!!!!
Unzip somehere, choose one of the options (1 through 12), go inside the folder you choose, get the Data folder from there and move to Documents\my games\Starfield. Do not move the whole mod to Data. Do not move Data to Data.
If not done yet, add archive invalidation to StarfieldCustom.ini in the Starfield folder:
VBB mod (see requirements) is recommended to make round what should be round. All pictures were taken with VBB installed
One day this mod hopefully will include some mechanics and gameplay centered around cum fetish. This day is not today though.
By Samvegames
Portrait replacer for Lodge and some other locations. Two version, hardcore with anal sex, and softcore with buttplugs only. Each version features 18 images. Real photo debauchery instead of AI/DAZ
Drop Data folder to Documents\my games\Starfield
Obviously conflicts with other image replacers.
Lusty Lore-Friendly Magazines by Nuverotic
By Nuverotic
Completely recreated and hand crafted NSFW Magazine Replacer. Currently Covers ALL Magazines I've found in the Textures Folder BESIDES ones that didn't have images on them for a reason. This mod also comes with a BAT file for all the Magazines.
to use the BAT File, just click the ` key and Type "Bat Mags" without quotations.
I know there are more magazines but the files are not in the Magazines Folder when I extracted. I'm not sure how Bethesda did their textures this time. They may be using certain images more than once. I just don't know. But I've changed every one that I found.
Delve deeper into the realms of Starfield with this bold overhaul of the magazine covers. While Bethesda's original artworks brought their own essence, this NSFW mod seeks to add an audacious flair of allure and seduction, elevating the thrill of each in-game discovery.
Leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, every cover spotlights an AI-rendered female figure, flawlessly blended into an artistically revamped background. These are not just mere AI projections; each cover undergoes meticulous refinement in Photoshop, complemented with enticing text elements, forging a magazine that's as much an artwork as it is a titillating find.
While these editions are undeniably provocative, they are crafted with an artist's attention to detail and passion. If you're in search of a less daring aesthetic, you're in luck. A Safe For Work (SFW) counterpart of this mod is available on my profile titled "Drab to Fab", offering a more restrained yet equally artistic rendition.
Version 1 - The Constellation Spacefarer's Guide's added
Version 2 - The CyberRunners Handbook added
Version 3 - Neon Nights added
Version 4 - Enhance Your Life added
Version 5 - Peak Performance and Trackers Alliance added
Version 6 - Solomon Coe's, Nova Galactic and 2 Random Mags Added + a Bat File for all Magazines.
I experienced some differences with The Nexus administration due to the presence of a "Liberal Tears" coffee cup in my content, despite also featuring a "Conservative Tears" version. It's important to remember the value of balanced dialogue and understanding in today's digital age. Some modders have expressed concerns about the use of their work on The Nexus without explicit consent. I advocate for platforms that promote freedom of expression. I've found Lovers Lab to be more accommodating in this regard.
Lusty Lore-Friendly Posters by Nuverotic
By Nuverotic
Unleash a daring new look into your gaming universe with the "Lusty Lore-Friendly Posters by Nuverotic". This isn't just another poster replacer mod – each one is a testament to passion and meticulous craftsmanship. While AI has been an essential tool in model creation, every poster here has received the personalized touch of the artist, making each one a unique piece of art.
Current Status:
FINISHED (With this mod and my Lusty Magazine Mod, you'll have every image in game replaced)
For those who've experienced the allure of my other mod, "Lusty Lore-Friendly Magazines", you're in for a treat. This mod can seamlessly blend with it, enhancing the sensuality of your in-game world.
However, a word of caution: While "Lusty Lore-Friendly Posters" and "Lusty Lore-Friendly Magazines" make a perfect pair, they may not play well with the "Drab to Fab" series. The latter is designed for a SFW gaming experience, offering a different aesthetic and feel. It's best not to mix the two to ensure the aesthetics don't clash.
Final Notes:
This mod is not just about introducing NSFW content but aims at elevating the gaming experience through art and aesthetics that resonate with a mature audience. It's a celebration of passion, artistry, and the game's lore. Enjoy the transformation and stay tuned for more updates!
Thank you for your support and happy gaming! - Nuverotic