Lovers with PK mods that are heavily focused on quests
18 files
Lovers with PK - LSTBravilUnderground (UpScale)
By sunhawken
Upscales the images/picture only in Bravil Unground so you can read and enjoy.Â
Lovers Boxing fejeena edition
By fejeena
Lovers Boxing  fejeena edition
A boxing club "the House of Pain"
Copy the esp and the folders in your game data folder. Or create a OMod with Oblivion Modmanager.
Never install the Mod with Nexus or Vortex Modmanager !
The main room use the vanilla mesh LeyawiinBasement03.NIF, but the mesh has a wall with missing collision.
The last time I checked the unofficial Oblivion patch the LeyawiinBasement03.NIF was not fixed. Download my fixed mesh "Vanilla collision fix.7z"
Mods you can use. But are not a requirement.
Tamago and Hiyoko ( the Lovers pregnancy system )
The "House of Pain" is near Leyawiin. South of the west gate on the way to Greyland.
Everything wil be explained in game. Talk to the NPCs.
( Original location , IC Waterfront, is used by too many other Mods. And Leyawiin has no brothel, sex club, dance club... only two Hookers when you use Lovers Prostitute )
What you can do:
You can become a boxing champion and do 2 jobs. OK it's not really a Quest Mod , but a boxing Guild with two side quests.
The Mod is made for female player but can be played with male ( not all dialogs make sense with a male player )
Read the readme.
What is the difference to the original mod:
There was some unused staff in the Mod/esp that I used and I add new things. I filled the empty rooms.
New meshes and textures.
Reworked the whole club.
Add new NPC. Changed the AI Packs and clothes...
Reworked most of the NPC faces
Changed the gold you get. ( original you got 1000 when you won the title and then you got 5000 for further fights. Defending the title. Now you always get 1000 )
And of course pictures. Pictures and poster.
Read the readme. See the pictures.
Credits: ( there was no readme and credits in the original Mod )
The original LoversBoxing author.
R18PN for clothes
Lovender for the manga shorts.
By fejeena
Lovers Rapeman XL
Mod does not work with Open city (Cheydinhal).
If Mods change interior cells some of the "Black Horse Courier" Broadsheets can be placed incorrectly.
the esp in you data folder and activate it in OBMM.
You must have:
A Rape Mod: LoversRaperS e.g.
Recommended Mods: really not needed and only usable after the last quest.
LoversRapeSlaveLSTÂ Â Â
Mod description
Old Rapeman Mod has only 5 jobs/rapes.
New RapemanXL with 17(18) jobs. And you can play it with male and female Player.
During the last quest you get a letter and have to read it ( not only a quest entry "I got a letter and the rape target is xxx " )
After the last job, the quest giver doesn't just pay you as if nothing had happened.
Reduced reward gold. In the original mod the reward was so high that you didn't care about the rape bounty. Now you should sneak or bribe the guards before you rape the NPC (You know if a Guard likes you he with ignore the rape or pay the bounty for you)
After the last quest, if you ever meet the quest giver again she has greetings and dialogs (she didn't ignore you like in the original Mod)
Quest starts in Cheydinhal you find the female NPC "Ray Puman" next to the chapel when you walk from the main gate over the bridge to the chapel. ( Works with Better City )
You have to be a rapist or she has no job for you ( You must have raped 5 people already )
If you are a female she treats you as futa during the first greeting.
She runs away after the last job like in the original Mod. No quest marker! But you can meet her again by accident and talk to her. She runs away again, but this time she tells you where she is going. That's the end of the quest, know she only have a Greeting.
After 10 rape jobs you can find the first "Black Horse Courier" Broadsheets and afer 15 jobs you can find the new "Black Horse Courier" Broadsheets in inns and taverns.
Rape targets:
The quest name: One Seven Seven
EDIT: No pictures or teddies in this mod.
DarkBloodine (Complete) Galgat-Tweaked
By LongDukDong
Extract ALL files from the Downloads Page.
Resources were compressed using .7z archiving. Due to the 250mb size cap, some resource archives were saved as spanned archive files. What this means it that to extract from an archive split among two, three or more files, you merely extract from the first in the chain. As an example, to extract all the contents of DarkBloodline - Textures, you run the extraction from DarkBloodline- Textures.7z.001. By itself, it will extract the remaining content from .002. Â
The original thread with all the discussions since 2013 can be found here:
 From the original upload
LoversPK REV 96 would be best
The Shivering Isle
HGEC Body mod
OBSE latest stable version
Elys Universal Silent Voice
Pluggy 125 or better. Galgat was running 132
The system utilized the Daedra Sutra animations by Donkey
Alternatively, you can use the DarkBloodlines fix by LongDukDong
Lovers Situations fejeena edition
By fejeena
Lovers Situations    fejeena edition
version 1.1.5 Â Â Â Â 21 August 2019
Mod by Isskini, modified and expanded by ger4 and fejeena
Small new quests and some vanilla quests with sex rewards.
From Isskini's page:
I'm trying to get my head around Oblivion modding so I made a mod where the player character can have sex from various female NPCs in Oblivion. There are currently 55 female NPCs you can target.
Each situation is set up based on the lore already inside Oblivion. Each quest is written by hand with its own set of scripts and dialogue.
the original Mod: (you do not need it to play this Mod)
Universal Silent Voice
Blockhead !!! and in the Lovers settings set amulets to not unequip during sex. So Maid Cospia has the "writing" on her tits during sex !!!
NPC Maid Cospia need a HGEC E cup body or her "tattoos" will not work ( bigger tits = tattoos in the body. Smaller tits = tattoos in front of the boobs )
If you have the OBSE Plugin Blockhead installed she will have a E cup body. She have own E cup clothes...
The Mod is not compatible with all NPC overhauls and other Mods that use the same NPCs.
The Mod adds AI-packaged and items to the NPCs, a Mod further down in the load order will overwrite the changes and if LoversSituations is below the other Mods it will overwrite the NPC appearance changes of overhaul mods.
BetterCities IC- market district adds barrels to the right of the door of "Jensine's Good and New" that hide the bag with the note. The Jensine quest. But the bag is still clickable.
Copy the meshes and textures folders and the esp in your game data folder. Or use a mod manager.
If you had another LoversSituation Mod installed, start a new game, because if you have completed some quests it is stored in your save and my expansions will not work.
Or delete the old version , Start the game and create a clean save ( wait 3 in game days, then save again ) , then install my version.
All used NPC in the Mod:
A readme with Quest Guides and Spoilers in the download file.
If you need help in game you can use LongDukDong's Quest Guidebook.
Here the Lovers Situations version
In the book are all NPCs and quest spoilers.
Lovers Magic - Born To It
By Fienyx
A massively overhauled version based off fejeenas no mbp 0.67
You start out with the spells the book would normally give you and a quest log entry.
Things take longer as this is meant to be more of you're in training to learn the spells that are your birthright.
I changed the essence cost of almost everything. The skills that drain essence did not get their drain scripts altered. Just costs and at what succubus level you have trained to.
I removed the idol-skull weapon because I figure the greatest weapon a succubus has is sex.
Dialogues have been changed to reflect a student / teacher type relationship..... a naughty teacher You can directly ask your Mistress for sex.
She will also give you the Grimoire, which has been updated to reflect the new EP costs and what spells you can learn per Succubus Lvl.
This version will let you buy you a lesser power called Flight Settings. ( Succubus level 5 )
Instructions included in Grimoir of Lovers Magic
To set your flight key
1. Select the spell "Flight Settings"
2. Hold down the button you wish to use for flying.
3. While still holding your flight key, cast the spell.
You should now see a message box telling you you know how to fly. Sweet!
Now you have a new lesser power called "Summon Wings"
Cast to add/remove wings.
You cannot fly without the wings.
If you want to rest your flight key, simply cast the settings spell again, which will remove the flying ability, then follow the steps above to set your new key.
1. Did you set your key?
2. Are your wings equipped?
Good, then run DO NOT USE AUTO RUN!!!, hold down your flight key and jump.
You should be holding 3 keys down when you jump, the jump buttom being a 4th.
Press the jump while flying to glide (it's important, flying uses fatigue) press again to fly again.
You will be in sneak, I suggest not leaving sneak. Issues arise if you land/crash at anything other than the lowest speed.
You do not need to press W A S D, while flying, you will be auto moving.
Apparently, you can grab stuff. I have been unsuccessful, but I think it works.
You can knock people over, fun but illegal. You will get a bounty against friendlies. Neat to knock a bandit down, run over fast enough while drawing a sword and stabbing through the bandits chest..... or whatever you might do to someone who's knocked down.
Slammer64; Thanks for the translation of almost 1000 dialogue lines.
His MBP version:
fejeena for his/her no mbp version:
Drake the Dragon - wings
gulogulo, Saltare & qwertymaster - flight script
Wings and script from Dragorian and Dranaugh Races Reworked:
Lovers Horse Rider fejeena edition
By fejeena
Lovers Horse Rider fejeena edition
( Lovers Broodmare Gone Wild )
version: 2020.11
A expanded version of Dusk_s great LoversHorseRider Mod Â
If you have finished the original Mod:
You must start the Mod again ! ( delete original Mod, make a clean save, install my version )
All files you need are in the folders, also the files from ZAZHorseRidesYou with my "reduced" riding gear meshes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lovers Horse Rider2
A Version without ZAZHorseRidesYou.esp Master.
Nothing new ! Only merged LoversHorseRider.esp and ZAZHorseRidesYou.esp in one esp, so one esp less in your game Folder.
Download LoversHorseRider2 fejeena 2020.11.7z install the textures and meshes folder and the LoversHorseRider2.esp
Activate the LoversHorseRider2.esp in OBMM.
If you have played the original version and you update to version 2 start the Mod again, object and script IDs have changed.
So delete the old esp ( LoversHorseRider.esp, ZAZHorseRidesYou.esp) start the game and save. quit game, install/activate LoversHorseRider2.esp.
New features compared to the original Version from Dusk
Path grid and Landscape textures around the stable fixed/changed.
A lot changes in and out side the house.
2 new horses ( skeleton and Unicorn) with quest.
12 delivery quests. ( some NPCs don't have money , they pay with Sex. Depending on the gender of the player. )
about 20 pictures and two Books.
New saddles with dildos.
The Mod ends after the 4 deliveries at once.
New in version LoversHorseRider2 fejeena 2020.11.7z
A script fix (not sure if necessary)
some minor cosmetic and pathgrid fixes
New in version LoversHorseRider2 fejeena 2020.1.7z
I add a missing texture. If you have version 2019.10 you can download the missing texture in post 166.
New in version LoversHorseRider2 fejeena 2019.10.7z
A bug in Betto Plotius dialogues fixed.
New in version LoversHorseRider2 fejeena 2019.7z
-A fix in the 4x delivery quest (Khajiit and Argoian was not able to finish the quest )
-Own horse meshes and horse skeleton to make the Mod compatible with Lovers Creatures 2.5 (works still perfect with Lovers Creatures 2.0 )
 Lovers Creatures 2.5 add dicks only during sex , but Horse rider need dicks when you ride.
 And Lovers Creatures 2.5 use another Skeleton so the dick position is wrong.
Vanilla changes ( possible Mod conficts) My and original version.
known issues ( bug) in my and original Version.
During the first quest; visit Petrine at Bruma Wildeye Stables.
Dusk_ for original Version and thanks for permission to upload my Version.
ZaZ for ZaZHorseRidesYou Mod
Meshes-textures: momo, lazarus, mrsiika, ??? All those I have forgotten.
Pictures: many artists from
Testing and script help: mem4ob4
By Dusk_
What is it?
A new Stable has appeared in Cyrodiil, west of Chorrol, run by the lovely (if a bit eccentric) Godiva. They have the best horses in the land, though the might be a bit of trouble to handle. They're having a bit of trouble with business lately, so if you want a horse, you might need to lend a hand.
Load Order
Lovers with PK.esm
Known Issues
Upcoming Additions
- LoversCreatures
- (and 2 more)
Lovers Dark Lessons
By gafunkadu
Latest Update
v0_39: Bugfixed and cleaned version, until someone points out otherwise.
Removed dependency on LoversMB2.esp Still needs the anims but those are packaged with LAPF
Animations have been updated to reference the correct LAPF anim.
Moved the despawn to the city gate so people don't disappear in the middle of the town square.
NEW CONTENT WOWIE!!!!!! Don't get too excited it is 7ish lines of dialogue that don't add any plot:
The first two victims say goodbye when freed.
Conversations recognize when your mouth is full of... mommy and daddy's special love juice
Short Description
This is a blackmail humiliation quest for female player characters, rather similar to LoversGGBlackmail. The current version contains blackmail, public humiliation, non-consentual, necrophelia at quest fail, and beastiality. If this ain't your cup of tea, don't drink it.
To start the quest play a female character and a quest will be added.
Story: 5 girls are kidnapped and you must save them by any means(well, just by the scripted means in the quest). Currently only the first 3 girls can be saved, but I'm working to add more!
Hey yall, this mod was started by Athstai back in the days of our forebears. Athstai since has moved onto a new mod for skyrim( of a similar style. This left Dark Lessons sadly unfinished, and since I have always enjoyed this mod I decided I would be the noble hero/heroine(oh wait I know what happens to those...) and get his permission to finish the mod. With Athstai's permission in hand I decided to give purpose to my freetime by working on an outdated mod for an outdated game!
Requirements: LAPF, Lovers Creatures
1. Download
2. Extract
3. Activate
Its just an esp
Files is Athstai's last version. Kept so it exists somewhere. Don't use. Better options.
LoversDarkLessons0_39.z7 Bugfixed version with no new content yet
To finish the encounters for the last 2 kidnapped girls. The 4th girl encounter should come out in the next week I hope
Finish bugfixing/cleaning code.
Add a quest for finding who is responsible for the blackmailing. Long term plan, get no hopes up.
LoversCrowningIsle K no MBP patch
By fejeena
LoversCrowningIsle K
no MBP patch
No MBP patch for LoversCrowningIsle 1.03.6K SpecialFix
Some NPCs have new clothes.
The Sirens use the Angelic Siren race from AsharasSirensAndTritons Mod
You need:
You need AsharasSirensAndTritons Mod ( not the MBP version. Use this )
And of course the CrowningIsle1.03.06K_Animation_update.7z ( NOT the LoversCrowingIsle__esp_Only_1.03.06J.7z )
The Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm is empty (included in the download), only a dummy file (so it is easier to update the no MBP patch) you can use a "real" Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm
The LoversCrowningIsle K no MBP patch.7z
and Mesh Texture fix2.7z
For German users
All esm and esp in load order( of course not directly after each other )
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm (my fake version or a real MBP.esm, included in the download)
Lovers with PK.esm
Remember that CrowningIsle use the old animation system, if you use LAPF some dialogs not fit with the animation (Talking about blow job and fucking your ass)
And LAPF does not have all 200 animations (human-human) but CrowningIsle use some of the missing animations. ( so sometimes no animation is played )
You can "filling the holes" with the old animations:
use the "Revised BBB 11-200 Animations Pack 12-12-12"
post 4 the last Link "Revised BBB 11-200 Animations Pack 12-12-12.7z" Do not overwrite LAPF animation ( or backup the LAPF animations)
Hope you know each animation has 4 Off kf and 4 Def kfin Data\meshes\Characters\_male\idleanims\ani2 and a INI file in Data\ini .
In an old CrowningIsle Version galgat added the animations he used in the mod. Not missing animation! All the animations are also in LAPF but they differ.
You can use them if it bothers you that dialog and ani does not fit.
The animations are in the "galgat animations" folder. (backup your LAPF animations before install).
You can use the Lovers CrowningIsle BBB replacer ( a mesh replacer) or the LoversCrowningIsleClothesAddon (esp version)
You don't need the LoversCrowningIsleClothesAddon (esp Version), all 4 clothes are in this Mod.
You can download it if you want a different Moanett (Siren Queen) Outfit and replace only the mesh ( In this Mod is the original Outfit. so you can replace it with Version 2 or 3 )
original in this Mod, Version 2 and 3 in LoversCrowningIsleClothesAddon. ! only replace the meshes ! you don't need the esp !
These Outfits are in LoversCrowningIsle K no MBP patch (and in LoversCrowningIsleClothesAddon (esp Version) ) So don't use/install the LoversCrowningIsleClothesAddon (esp Version)
NEW: Booty clothes version2 replacer (20 Dec 2014)
Download it here
File: Booty version2 gloss and no gloss.7z
Meshes and Textures fix ( 16 Dec 2014 ) Not in the main file.
Mesh Texture fix2.7z
Fix for Ms. Greaves clothes and the Queen Armor.And the original CockGag from galgats Mod. And a textures fix for Bootys clothes.
I always thought in the Crowning School are too many whores, that's why I have some stuttering ( My Graphics Card wanks )
But it was the Ms. Greaves clothes mesh.
The Cock-Gag fix: was partially transparent
Credits: galgat
DarkBloodLine galgatTweaked
By galgat
This is Odema's Mod Translated by Vorpal from Russian to English
Version: 3.0b-en01
Thanks Very Much to Vorpal for checking with Odema, and getting me a complete Okay from him to Modifiy it as I see fit. My Russian being terrible, and not having any really good way of contacting Odema Myself.
Also much thanks to varenne, Who encouraged me to Post my version. varenne did a great deal of the early work on this mod as well, though I never looked at there version, I do know that they worked very hard on it. We have chatted as well about some aspect's of the Mod.
Tweaked & posted by galgat
First off Odema did a wonderful Job on this, but has seemingly stalled out, Vorpal tells me He has said he has not time for modding now, but that could change. Vorpal did the translations, and did a very nice job of it.
I have Corrisponded with Vorpal, and gotten Permission to use his translation as the base for some reworking, and overtime adding perhaps some more Contracts to the mod to extend it playability.
(Contracts I Galgat have added so far 278 & 280 both female only)
NOTE:: This is only the ESP you will need the main game files ( Archives) from Odema's sight
Meshes, textures, sounds ...whatever
This plugin adds a new faction and guild, the Brotherhood of Shadows. The guild deals with catching of criminals and extermination of monsters in Tamriel (bounty hunting). The search for, capture, and execution of criminals is handled through a system of contracts and is closely connected to the work of agents of the Brotherhood.
Odema did a wonderful job of implimenting the ability to chop off Bandits head's, and carry them in a bag to recieve a bounty for them from the Tamial Guard's or the Represenitive of the Brotherhood of Shadows. It is a sometimes fun, and pleasant Diversion with some profit as well, and follows through as part of the quest's that have to be preformed.
The elements of the mod revolve around a common theme. During the progression of the main quest of the mod, the player will gain new unique abilities.
The questline is the same for both male and female characters. Yet Has different aspects where one gender might use Charm, the other may go brute force.
Odema has redrawn many textures and objects, environments, interior/exterior locations, as well as weapons and armor. Many textures are new.
Has a very intricate plot line, and is a blast to play, and painful at times
One of the first things I did was fix many minor, and sometimes not so minor problems with the ESP. I have I think managed to get all the mainline quests to function as they should, with the exception of the Curse, which I have made finishable to the point where Odema left it undone.
As the curse is not totally finishable, I have made it so you will get it, and finish the 3 Quest stages that Odema had in it, and then removed the Having to kill every day to keep the curse from driving you nuts. I have also fixed it so you may still use, or have all the Perks of the Curse, with out the penalty. I did not close the quest, incase Odema re-opened, and started it back up.
However if he decides not to, or it appears abandon, I might close it latter. Or look at ways to extend it. Unlikely though, as Really only Odema knew where he was going with this.
Next:: I made it possible for the Female Players to use the Hookers in a very simular fashion to the way the males use them. Yet with dialog, that more defines a futa action, as is a somewhat normal ocurrance In loversPK mod's, and to that extent seems natural.
I have managed to get the Carrot, and corn Masturbate spells to work right now. I renamed the Masturbate spell to Masturbate DarkBloodLine, so as not to be so confusing with MB2 spell. I have had hang ups sometime's with MB2 Masturbate, but for me not often (They use totally different animations, and scripting, and should in no way conflict, but I may have missed something). I added cum shots to all the Darkbloodline Female Masturbate animations, as Odema never added them. I think it makes them much better.
For the Cumshots to work you will have to have Lovers3dOrgasm.esp installed it does not need to be active, but I used the .nif files from its folder "Oblivion/Data/Meshes/3dcum" so if you do not have them no cum shot when your Girl plays with the Carrot, or Corn ( and it might even CTD).
You get the Masturbate spell at the start of the mod, but to get the Corn, and Carrot Spell's, you need to buy some Corn, or Carrots or pick some up.
Next I re did most all of the Sex act call's for the Bandit's so that I could use my Text addition scripts to give insult's, and text voices during the Rape of the player by the bandits. Adding My callback style, and functions style, and removing Odema's from the bandit rape action. Changing only what I had to to make it all fuctional.
I could have done more, but Odema used ambush packages ( I use to do this, and still do some ), which are functional, but will fail approx 20% to 30% of the time due to the onload, and the fact that two characters may try to talk to the PC at the same time. one of them will fail to start a sex act, and this is not fixable, unless I re write the entire thing. I don't feel like doing that right now . But it works pretty well like I have it, and I like what I have done with it.
I have done a huge amount of work to the dialog during Bandit Rape, and I am pretty well pleased with it. how ever for the dialog to make sense when playing it you would need to have these Motion numbers in your game set to these type Motions or motions that appear to have these type actions.
:::Used by Bandits
Motion 2 anal expected
Motion 23 anal expected
Motion 25 anal expected
Motion 41 anal expected
Motion 65 anal expected
Motion 76 anal expected
Motion 118 anal expected
Motion 148 anal expected
Motion 6 BJ Expected
Motion 19 BJ Expected
Motion 112 BJ Expected
There are many more, but for the Bandit Rape Text I have set up to appear right it would be best if these numbers have those type animations in them. It will not fail or anything, but the text will appear strange at times if the right type animation is not playing.
[These are the same numbers I have, as they were the way the motions were done before they got mixed up. And Odema used the same ones I still have. But many of you may not have these Motion numbers like this, as there have been many nice Updates made to the Motions that have messed up many RPG lovers mods. Not much can be done about this, I know there not going to change them back. I do wish they could, as many Mods depended on them being where they were.]
Right now I have added Two extra Contract for a female player [Contract 278 (More of a test on my Part)] ( Very simple contract which starts after you have finished Contract 273.) Once contract 278 is finished Contract 280 will appear in the "C" Box. These quest will not appear for a male, I hope to adapt them, or maybe add different ones for male, but right now I do not have a male Character that I can finish the mod with.
NOTE:: If someone [experienced and good with the CS and LoversPK] felt they could add Male Quest's, and wanted to make a separate .ESP and make it dependent on this one, to add male Contracts that would be nice. I ask that you make it separate and dependent on this one [and not to pick at the scripts from this mod which would really screw things up] to keep from having a real cluster F__K between them. I am using even numbers for my Female Contracts starting at 278,280,282, and so on, so if made male contracts using Odd numbers as in 279,281,283,285, and so one that would be nice. [if you do not understand mod dependency use, and what I am talking about, don't even think about it]
Just let me know, and we can hopefully keep things working smoothly
If done in this manner Basically you would do your thing, and I would do mine, and there should be no
real problems , and no need to bother each other, just mod the male quest's how ever you see fit.
I have added quite a few Quest marker's as many of the quests where somewhat troublesome to locate exactly where you needed to go. This may have been intended, but I had problems with not being able to find my next quest advancement, so I added them where I thought they were needed.
Next::: you must get from Odema's sight, and I know this is hard to do [if you do not speak Russian, and I do not ] the Archive's it is a huge download, and can be very troublesome to get, I wish I could help you there, but It is not mine to give away, only Odema Should be the one to allow this.
Here is link to His site
Bad things to have running:: TrueCrime as it was the predecessor to this mod, and is actually old news to this mod.
Many other mods may cause some trouble, Joburg, LandE are two I am pretty sure may if settings are very high on be trouble. Any enhansed verion of these will be trouble as well I would think.
There may be others, I cannot be sure.
{Things I hope to do if not discouraged}
One thing I may do latter is remove many of Odema's added NPC races, to compensate for this I will may be Add MBP dependancy {I know many of you will not like MBP addition, but it will be the best way to keep the same or simular races where Odema had them, and give you more control over the look of there skin's and body shape with "SetBody"} I believe with some effort I can maybe eventually completely remove the need for The Odema Archive, which it is possible could eventually disappear. which would totally cripple the mod. (MBP dependancy will also reduce the size of the mod in a large way once I have swapped all the Special NPCs Odema added over to MBP Alternatives) [[This would be a long time off though, as to get right would take some thinking, and a lot of time to try and keep right, and many would not be easy or possible to change because of special textures, and duplicated Character use in Quest's]]
I actually have made quite a bit of clothing, and can for many of the Hookers replace there clothing with some of my own. which would reduce some of the required Arcives, and I do try to keep my textures small, so should lower size as well
And of course I plan to try and keep adding some small quests to keep the extended play, going, I have in a few early mod made quest's that actually built quest's but this is really troublesome, and testy, and they still become repeditive, so I probablly will not try that.
Also I intend to rework the Prison rapes over time, all of this is dependent On how much time my personal life allows me to put into it.
I had no way to test the Mod for a Male, It should be alright, but I don't have a Male Character to test with.
This is a spare time Mod, I will tweak, and improve as I have time.galgat
This is a trial run, If Odema Has any Problem at all with it, I will Jerk it, and forget about it.
Here is the Load Order I have been playing it with.
I do not want it Uploaded, or to see my version uploaded anywhere else. With out permission from me. (If I need to pull it, for some reason I only wish to have to look one place)
Some quest Spoiler Help
By galgat
Author: Galgat version 1.00
requires : LoversPK REV 89 or Higher for sure, I am using 94
[i have been playing it with REV 96 and found no problems.]
Requires :
Requires : OBSE 20 ;19 might be enough, but I am using ver 20
Requires : shivering isle
Requires : HGEC Body mod
Requires : Or should have Elys universal silent voice
Requires : Pluggy 125 or better I would think, I am running 132
Requires : New and improved animation project version 2.4 -By Donkey Get it Here : May not be needed (questionable with LAPF and other changes)
Another thing you May wish to get :: FastTravelDoubleFaceFix.esp
If you have ever seen the NPC or companian come to you and have like 2 faces on them. This is a fast travel bug, and Update3D is needed to fix
this little mod takes care of that for you.
It can be placed most anywhere in your load order, and functions just fine.
NOTE::: I have never bridged the gap, adding story from tamriel to Shivering Isle's so some things may screw up. Is a new
thing for me. One thing I noticed was MentalElfs packager added and insert to the "distantlod folder" I believe this has to
be installed, but you may wish to back up the file it adds to your "distantlod folder" if it is already there the file name
is "tamriel_21_-9.lod".
Recommended :: Nusbie Refining existing lovers animations ::Not required, but needed, as I use many animation from his
pack's, and the ones you have may not look right or fit the plot if you do not have these.
[ for the most part anything you need to play LoversPK you need here ]
Requires : Must be playing a FEMALE CHARACTER
This is something I have started, and sense I have not seen anything new pop up in awhile, even though it is not finished, it is playable to a point.
Your hero is about to be subject to Shame and humiliation. That is the theme of this mod, Blackmailed into preforming for a Group of people that have no real interest other than profit for shaming you to the public in Tamrial. They have a contract to sully your name, and reputation through out the realm.
At certain points in the game you will have to check the local rumors, until you get and update in your quest log. also waiting a few days between meetings with the Kovak guild, until they call you to come to them again.
It is just a start of I hope I have time to make, A much bigger quest. You should get plenty of Quest markers early on to get you where you need to go. To get the Ball rolling so to speak.
Bugs, its beta, sure may be many, One of the worst is that sometimes my NPC to NPC dialog is not visible, and that is pissing me off. I can not yet figure out why this is. when this happens like the 2 NPC will meet, and talk, but you won't see it. It sucks. I have placed Messages at certain time to allow you to know what is going on "Sort of", even if this is happening, but it is not what I want. I am still tweaking it.
there are many NPC Dialogs that I have set up that sometimes the text is visible, and sometimes it is not. The drunks that talk to Buckman first at each bar. When buckman returns to base, he has a chat with the boss, Mrs. Caro talks to her Husband. after the Bloodwine is made, and many more. These would help your story line if they appear consistently.
Only way I know to make them show if they do not, is to save shortly before these events. and the quit the game, and restart at that save.
If you save while you are enslaved, be sure to do it after the master person has taken off and is well under way to where ever they are going. [this because I move markers around a lot, and if you save to soon the marker may not get moved, and your screwed]
Be sure to have. subtitles set in your Oblivion.ini
After each humiliation act's happen, each with a few days between them, remember after the Humiliations are over to talk with people about rumors, until you get and update, then you may have to wait a few days. You will find that people are talking about you a lot. And it is not nice sometimes what they say.
thats about it. Let me know if I should even continue with it. Please don't bash me to much, it is just something I have been testing, and as I have not seen any new LoversPK stuff out in awhile I thought I might release what I have done so Far.
**********additions of ver 0.09*************************
You only need the LoversGalgatBlackmail_.09.7z folder and everything in it, I have added some textures, and .nif files so you will have to install the full package and loversGGBlackmail.esp from that .7z files folder. Every thing else I only left encase you have a problem, but will be removing the other files soon for space.
ADDED: fejeena helped me out by running through my ESP again looking for dirty edits I made, so the timer tweaked, and regular ESP are in the "ESP_fejeena_Cleaned_For_MeVer9.7z" file. you will still need everything from the main Ver9.7z file, but use one of those ESP would be best.
ADDED: TimerTweakedESP_.09ver.7z is just ESP but timer is tweaked a little on the stock quest in IC, and Buckman Quest. May help some with older slower Machines, but have tested only once through those Quests If causes Problem revert to ESP in LoversGalgatBlackmail_.09.7z file.
You still need all Meshes, textures, sounds, what ever from the LoversGalgatBlackmail_.09.7z file folder.
1. Adds another quest that will move your heroine out of the shivering Isle's. I did shorten many things I wanted to do there, but such options can always be re opened at a latter date, if I decided that I want them. I just had to many quests opened there, and needed to conclude them for now.
Hopefully this will allow me to move on with the Tamrial part of the quest line.
2. Many have said that wearing clothing when accepting the Buckman quest. has caused them trouble. I personally have never had a problem with this, I allowed you to wear what ever clothing you wished on this one because the acts that you were forced to do, it did not matter if you wore clothing or not. [unless you had motion 112 changed to some other motion. from its original]
There may be many reasons for the problem, (there are several versions of setbody floating around, some of them are not real stable) (some do not set there bodies to 0 weight, some just do odd stuff) this could be why some have the problem, and some do not. I use a very personal version of set Body that I have modified the .nif files to, ( adjusting the color balance, and setting for oily skin, and taking into blender all the lower body parts and improving them, adding B_hole, and re shaping the Vagina, and changing the textures to match, and such) It was a Set body mod that was made by a person that did not wish it to be shared with the general public, so I can not share it. Sorry.
The other reasons I can think of are the normal ones, load order, mod conflict, trying to move ahead in the story by using Setstage, installing something wrong, and so on.
[Fix for some I hope:] I have re done the dialog with Buckman, and if you are wearing clothing, he will ask you to remove it all, this includes rings, necklaces, and shield, It would be best to remove your weapon as well. I hope this helps a lot of you that have had trouble with this part of the mod. Not being able to re create this problem on my system, makes it just impossible for me to understand the problem, and fix it for sure.
3. Many text edit's and probably some created
**********additions of ver 0.08*************************
1.This Only adds a short introduction to Welcher trade me, and his Mother, and the first quest you do for him. "I'm a Black Widow" I will probably be tweaking this some more, but I think is playable.
2.I also added a spell that will toggle the Rumors about you off or on. Cast it once will turn off the rumor's and cast it again to turn them back on.
REASON FOR SPELL::: Some mods do stuff with the Hello topic, and because of this My mod's use of it also could cause conflicts, so if you are not actively playing Blackmail, cast the "Action No Gossip" spell once to turn off the Gossip about you, and if you begin to actively play BlackMail again then just cast it again to turn them back on.
One mod I know that does not like them on is BravilUnderground, so use the spell if your actively playing BravilUnderground.
3. IMPORTANT:: I May have the ESP name different than the one you have been playing, so you might have to rename the ESP if this is the case, so your save games will work right with it.
**********additions of ver 0.07 fixes & problems*************************
1. Extended the foolorn quest a little farther, not much, you will have a mission for the Wetlord that leds to some rather
abusive treatment.
2. I was the one who originally set up the crawling animations for slave bondage, and I tweaked the models a lot in
Nifskope to get speeds, and what not reasonable, but this special animation is very hard to drop out of sometime's, and you may be stuck crawling on your hands and knees even after being released.
If this happens, just quicksave game, exit game To the Main Oblivion Screen, and reload your quicksave game. this has always fixed the hanging when it does happen, I am sorry, I have tried many thing's to try and stop this from happening, but nothing I have tried has ever been foolproof.
this will also fix If on exiting slavery your hands are staying behind your back, which sometimes Happens.
One of the oddities of this is, if you save before release, and then restart OB, and load that save, it seems to work flawlessly.. I wish I could understand what is happening with this, I think it is also the reason why sometimes forced conversation dialog is not seen sometimes.
**********additions of ver 0.06 fixes & problems*************************
1.Mainly extended the Shivering Isles part with more quest's.
2.Added some dialog from onlookers are Gawk-er's, During sex act's. This is still in testing, but seems okay for now.
3. been picking at it off and on long period, I know have done some text editing, many minor bug tweaking. little motion changes and such.
4. truthfully I can not remember all the changes I may have made. I have been tied up with family problems for some time, and could only aply a limited amount of time to this.
5. The quests extend a little ways into Foolorn, and area I created in the shivering isle's. I have a lot I wish to do there, and this just scratches the surface of that.
6. I wish had more time, would have extended it a lot more. But I will be working on it.
Install just place all the files in the Blackmail folder into your Oblivion\Data folder.
If you have been playing LoversCrowning Isle or and earlier version of Blackmail, it will re write the special animations of that mod into the same place, but they are no different than the ones I use in Crowning isle, so its no big deal. I may latter rename, and re work them some anyway, so there will never be any conflict. And at this time there won't be anyway because there the same files..LOL.
*****Things to think about************
I never put anything below these
3E Lovers with PK.esp [Version 93]
3F LoversCreature.esp
40 LoversIdleAnimsPriority.esp
41 LoversAnimObjectsPriority.esp
42 Lovers3dorgasm.esp
those mods are always at the bottom of my load order. some people don't do this, and for a time they will get away with it. but it will get them eventually. In loversPK mods.
at the top of load order
00 Oblivion.esm << This one always top
01 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm << this one above the other 4
02 x117race.esm <<This one above the other 3
03 Lovers with PK.esm << above the other 2
04 LoversCreature.esm << above the other 1
05 BreakUndies.esm
this area below here is where your lovers PK Mods will go
and for the most part all your other mods
New mods like mine go right above setbody Or most any new mod your are testing
for the first time, latter you may move it up, and also check if doc file informs you of
any Mod it should be above or below, but be aware that many modders because they aways want
there mod to work will tell you place it at bottom, its a cheap shot, but a lot do it
I don't know how many times i have seen that I suppose every mod ever made for Oblivion
has to be Placed at the bottom of your load order, "" Now how is that going to work ??""
Please understand LoversPK, and it's components are not a mod, they are a Game
Engine with functions { A child Engine of the Master Oblivion Engine}, just like UDK or dooms engine
you can not put your Engine in the back seat, and expect to drive off with out a lot of Bailing wire.
32 SetBody.esp
[these are all MBP Not needed in this mod, but this is where they would be]
33 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp
34 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules.esp
35 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Chocolate Elves.esp
36 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp
37 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esp
38 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Cute Elves.esp
39 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed CustomRace.esp
3A Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Disable BandBlindMask.esp
3B Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Nec Mystic High Elf Remake.esp
3C Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged SKSRENs Hair Modules.esp
3D x117 Merged SKSRENs Hair Modules.esp
3E Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eye.esp
3F Real_Mannequin.esp << this not actually MBP, but normally comes with the OMOD
[i very, very seldom ever place any mod of any kind here]
[it defeat's MBP's ability to fix the Look of the People in that mod]
40 Lovers with PK.esp [Version 96]
41 LoversCreature.esp
42 LoversMB2.esp
43 Lovers3dorgasmMB2.esp
44 LoversIdleAnimsPriority.esp
45 LoversAnimObjectsPriority.esp
46 Lovers3dorgasm.esp
nothing below here these 7 ESP always at bottom
That pretty much goes for any new to you lovers mod you are trying out. Putting a new mod up high in your load order is just asking for it to fuck up, putting it below the ones i told you to keep at the bottom is doing the same thing.
LoversPK extender is bad new's in my Mod, but try it if you want, but Don't say I did not warn you.
Joburg, LandE, are probably very bad too. Any mod that constantly looks for something that can rape you is likely to cause trouble.
Mods that damage you when having sex, probably very bad, as this is forced RPG action, I have the rape flag set on most everything to do with sex.
Rape flagged Motions the Jump button will not change, this is RPG I have to have motions in the right place.
Is why when Motion numbers are changed it makes thing seem screwy, like My dialog says your doing s BJ, and the Motion instead is missionary.
If you have Conservative setting on those Mods I mentioned you may be Okay. I never shut down My version of LoversRapeSGalgat.esp, but I keep the setting very Conservative. But some of the newer versions are taking some liberties that I have not looked at, I just don't know about them.
I never use Bash Patches, and I for sure do not use Boss. Those tool's and there use are up to you, but if you use them, and have trouble. I probably can not help you much. I prefer to make My own CTD, I don't need any help.
1. Laboratory experiment.
After the experiment you will get a chance to look around, before being taken back to Kovak. You might for story line reasons want to check out Monroes Log.
2. after returning to Kovak base from laboratory experiment, The boss seems to have troubles, and has little time to fool with you. Looks around the base, for some sort of document, paper work, your looking for a clue that will led you to the finishing part of what I have done so far in 0.03 ver.
Hopefully this update will give you and Idea of the direction the story is to take.
Much thanks to the people that made LoversPK
to Makers of Nifskope, Blender, and Gimp2, and OBMM, Wrye Bash these are wonderful tools, and not much would have ever happened with out them.
to thomthom for allowing me to take and abuse his Following scripts.
to Donkey for his wonderful additions to LoversPK animations, and Nusbie for his refining of many of them.
to Slof for her wonderful depictions of the male Genitilia.
for HGEC, the hands down best body for Oblivion, and now it appears ported to Skyrim.
GSBmodders; for giving me a template to use for the Black Horse Courier News paper.
MentleElf; for his Packaging program, I have grown so use to using it, I don't know what I would do with out it. It misses some thing's but if very good.
fejeena; Always a big help, spots my fat finger dirty edits all the time.
Great Big Thank you to Ashal. for giving us this location and ability to upload our fantasy's, for others to play.
Many others I will try and add latter, this is a very new mod.
If you use something here or I give you and Idea, a little credit to me would be nice, I get I think more cursing sometimes it seems that thumbs up.
But that is up to you.
By galgat
Author: Galgat version 1.04.00
requires : LoversPK REV 89 or 90, 91,94,96
[i have been playing it with REV 96 and found no problems.]
Requires : Beautiful people 2ch-Ed.esm > I used [ MBP1.4aFull&MBP++0.90&x117++0.76a (Japanese Text was here) 1.0 ] I used OMOD Version
Requires : The chocoloate elf addon for MBP
Requires : shivering isle
Requires : HGEC Body mod
Requires : OBSE latest stable version
Requires : Or should have Elys universal silent voice
Requires : Pluggy 125 or better I would think, I am running 132
Requires : New and improved animation project version 2.4 -By Donkey Get it Here : http://www.loverslab...ead.php?tid=184
( Removed Motions 1-195 from Donkey pack so will not conflict with LAPF) for version Crowning Isle 1.04.00
This is a must have, many creature animations will not work with out. Mainly needed in {id}'s Domain. I have been told that this is no longer available there, so I have Uploaded it to the downloads area. I think it is all there. I unpacked it, and re packed it, and it went from 130 Meg to just a little over 12 meg. I hope this was just the newer 7z compression algorithm doing a better job of compression.
[ for the most part anything you need to play LoversPK you need here ]
Requires : Must be playing a FEMALE CHARACTER
Recommend:: Loverslight, not needed though.
fejeena :: Has some things she has Made useable in LoversCrowningIsle. You might want to check them out Here>>
I have not personally tried them, [ I have to avoid dependency in my Mod as much as possible ] but many of them look very nice. I think she has some items fixed up for the mermaid as well as for the school dresses, and other items, that should be useable with this mod.
Another thing you My wish to get :: FastTravelDoubleFaceFix.esp
If you have ever seen the NPC or companian come to you and have like 2 faces on them. This is a fast travel bug, and Update3D is needed to fix
this little mod takes care of that for you.
It can be placed most anywhere in your load order, and functions just fine.
*****************THINGS TO CONSIDER******************
Avoid playing if you just have to have mods like Joburg, landE, running
they will probably muck up the quests big time.( Or don't have them on if your doing and Island Quest )when your away from the Island quest line, should be no problem.( but avoid getting NPC killed with these mod's..Might mess up a quest line.)Those mods can mess up anyone's quest mod including Bethesda s.
LoversRapeSGalgat, or LoversRapeS do not cause any problems,( if not in
chaos mode or set for extremely high aggression ) I keep LoversRapeSGalgat running all the time.
avoid having LoversMagic type mods running, they might get you killed,
and I don't run lovers extended..I can get My exp the old fashion way. if
your Character is tough enough these will not be a problem, I had lovers
magic running through large parts of this mod. but it was nip, and tuck
sometimes during testing.
INSTALLATION : Just drop the files in the package folder into you Data folder inside your Oblivion Folder.
[ Oblivion\Data ] let it write its self in, this mod should not over write any main game files.
THESE IN OBLIVION/DATA FOLDER: Meshes,Sound,Textures,LoversCrowningIsle.esp.
and the CrowningIsleDoc1.04.00.txt or PatchDoc where ever you want to read it.
Maybe this will help you with the load Order, It is generalized, Not set in stone.
But very close to always being right for LoversPK mods
at the top of load order
00 Oblivion.esm << This one always top
01 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm << this one above the other 4
02 x117race.esm <<This one above the other 3
03 Lovers with PK.esm << above the other 2
04 LoversCreature.esm << above the other 1
05 BreakUndies.esm
this area below here is where your lovers PK Mods will go
and for the most part all your other mods
New mods like mine go right above setbody Or most any new mod your are testing
for the first time, latter you may move it up, and also check if doc file informs you of
any Mod it should be above or below, but be aware that many modders because they aways want
there mod to work will tell you place it at bottom, its a cheap shot, but a lot do it
I don't know how many times i have seen that I suppose every mod ever made for Oblivion
has to be Placed at the bottom of your load order, "" Now how it that going to work ??""
Please understand LoversPK, and it's components are not a mod, they are a Game
Engine with functions { A child Engine of the Master Oblivion Engine}, just like UDK or dooms engine
you can not put your Engine in the back seat, and expect to drive off with out a lot of Bailing wire,
The load order is extremely important.
32 SetBody.esp
[these are all MBP]
33 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp
34 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules.esp
35 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Chocolate Elves.esp
36 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp
37 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esp
38 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Cute Elves.esp
39 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed CustomRace.esp
3A Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Disable BandBlindMask.esp
3B Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Nec Mystic High Elf Remake.esp
3C Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged SKSRENs Hair Modules.esp
3D x117 Merged SKSRENs Hair Modules.esp
3E Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eye.esp
3F Real_Mannequin.esp << this not actually MBP, but normally comes with the OMOD
[i very, very seldom ever place any mod of any kind here]
[it defeat's MBP's ability to fix the Look of the People in that mod]
40 Lovers with PK.esp [Version 96]
41 LoversCreature.esp
42 LoversMB2.esp
43 Lovers3dorgasmMB2.esp
44 LoversIdleAnimsPriority.esp
45 LoversAnimObjectsPriority.esp
46 Lovers3dorgasm.esp
nothing below here these 7 ESP always at bottom
Then Activate the .ESP
For the most part this is pretty much always right, but there are exceptions,
And for those you will have a lot of trial and error.
to start the quest, and get moving, talk with someone other than a Guard,
you should get a quest update, might have to talk to more than one, but
anyway they will tell you how you ought to be a SOAP Girl ( School of advanced
Prostitution ) go to Anvil, The dock or Boardwalk of the little pond in the city you
will find and emissary, who can transport you to Crowning Island.
It is to be and Island Mod, I will be adding Much more to it, At least
this Lovers Mod will not have to be Translated to English, as all was
done in English, however I know very bad English, but English none the
It is early in development, but I think if any of you would care to try
it, I would like a little Beta testing... At the very least it adds more
land to Oblivion, and I think it is a very UN-obtrusive mod, adding only
the emissary to the Tamriel area of the game, everything else I have built
and added. And is outside the normal playing area of the game.
Let me know what ya think...Flamers just make me give up though, so if
you have nothing good to say..Don't..LOL
I mean it is free, and it is a Mod.. It may break your system.. Don't blame me..
**********Patch ESP>> 1.03.06D fixes, and additions************
0. Some of this fixed in other 2 patches, but felt I would group them all here
1.Fixed crawling animation problem
2.fixed taboo sex problem with Classmates and siren if used "A make Me Slave spell" I think
3. fixed key disabled bindings on reload I think
4. added ability to hold "V" key for a moment if used "A make Me Slave spell" to free self.
5. this adds some options the owner may randomly do when you use the "a Make me a slave spell"
6. added re worked Motion 64, INI, and .Ks files. You must manually install them. I did not wish to force them on you. but if not used, the dialog will be stupid.{{{ This is not Applicable Now}}} Check farther down for way not to install them. Also a read me comes with the Download telling you how not to install them if you do not want them.
7. also during slave sale Gag is removed for sex now, or should be."A make me a slave spell"
8. added another abuse that your owner may place on you while you are enslaved by the "A make me a slave spell"
9. Tried to streamline, and shorten some of the sale's Pitch for "A make me a slave spell".
10. Found some holes I had to plug in some area's to keep Script from crashing, I will try to catch them as I find them.
11. Fix some errors in the creature is your master if used the "A make me a slave spell", forgot to Stop loop action while LoversPK action was going. Which would led to script shut down. Seems more stable now.
12. Many dialog changes
13."A make me a slave spell"::if you get stuck, as in spinning around, because master is on the next level up or down from you. Holding "NumPad 9" for a moment will take you to your master. I would use this sparingly though.
14."A make me a slave spell"::If you master drops your lease or die's, My scripts will attempt to find you a new master, failing this you should be released in approx 3 min.
15. "A make me a slave spell":: Made some script adjustments that should keep things from trying to kill your PC are from calling Guards if you are trespassing.
Keep in mind Many Radiant AI Packages have "Must complete", and "Continue if player Present", and even though I have stopped them from sounding alarms for the most part, or attacking you. They still may do unusual, or repetitive things because of there AI package.
I am testing some stuff to stop this, but for now it is just a problems that you have to deal with either by 1. Holding the "V" key for a moment to release your self, and exiting the area fast because once free all alarms will once again be available for activation. OR 2. exiting the game, and reloading a save prior to your enslavement. OR 3. waiting, sometimes a long time for there package to finally clear, and for some packages this is never.
16. "A make me a slave spell":: I have had pretty good luck with [ Crowned Bruma, Crowned Cheydinhal, Crowded Skingrad, and Crowded Chorrel .esp's ] These are Plugin's that add more people to those cities, but these programs have some very buggy AI packages, and there not mine, so I don't mod them for public use.]
[ Crowded Roads.esp's ] I tried very hard to make it compatible with these, but the makers scripted NPC's make really strange things happen. I wish they had used stable NPC's and gave them a bed roll, to drop at night, and sleep instead of (disabling them and killing) them, and just made them re-spawn if they died. Which is what screws everything up.
So [ Crowded Roads.esp's ] do not play well at all with My "A make me a slave spell". Any Mod that scripts disable, and kill, or strangely scripts there added NPC's will not function well with mine.
Mods with stable, never disabled NPC's that remain in the game full time should for the most part do alright, but some of them have very odd scripting, and will fail as well.
For the most part when they fail with my mod, as in drop your lease even if another NPC picks it up, it may not re attach it's self to them, leaving you still wandering free. or culling the follow routine's, and just teleporting you from spot to spot as they move. Is best to quit, and restart an old save then, sometimes it will finally re attach it's self, but it is not trustworthy.
17. "A make me a slave spell"::If your Owner dies, you will still be stuck to there dead body, but if no one else picks up your lease in approx 3 Min's you should be released.
18."A make me a slave spell":: if the "V" key fails to release you after holding it for a little while, my script may have failed, and shut down. This "V" key release only works for the "A make me a slave spell", it does not work for the other enslavement's that may happen in My Mod, they are quest oriented, and have nothing to do with voluntary enslavement, and there is no built in release for them.
19. I have added the 5 motions [there are others, but I don't have time to chase them all down] I use regularly in the mod [because there is a lot of Motion changing Modding being done]. There is a Note [Motion Note Read This] in the Package explaining how not to use them if you do not wish to change your motions.
But they are really needed to make the Dialog, and actions during the mod make sense. I use these same Motions at there original Location in LoversBlackmail too, so having them will help there as well.
20. fejeena:: helped me to find some dirty edit's I had left in, and I really appreciate that. I tend to miss these quite often.
21. There are other things I have added, or changed but you probably won't notice them.
This has been, because of personal Problems testy to work on, I wish I could spend more time on it, It has become very large for me alone to test, and I am sure I missed many things that could happen. I count on much help from all the other good people here to help, and they have been many that have.
Because many things you may have happen, I am unable to repeat, and so fixing them is sometimes just not possible.
I run mod's I like, and you run mods you like, and there will always be problems with other mods, and mine. I just don't have time to adjust my mod to be compatible with everyone Else's.
It is mostly little distance checks, and reset options if Customer is dead, disabled, to far, sitting, sleeping what ever I keep having to stumble onto in order to fix, I have to get this solid before I can move on with main stream Quests. Because these spells [Or rather there functions] are planed for use with other Missions I have in mind.
I long ago finished all the main quest's in Oblivion, so I can not
mess up My game, It would have been finished long ago if not for all the
many modder, helping me to find new places to explore, and new ways to
enhance the game play.
Most of my stuff is modded differently than the original modders
Idea anyway. If I like a mod, I try very hard to make it more likable for
me. you should see the joburg ( or the landE, I went wild on it.. ) I
play...LOL, or my Loversadultplay or paybandit...I have tweaked so many
Oblivion mods to my own taste's.
Sometimes it's not really my taste's but more of how much I can piss
off the Prude's out there that think every mod should be save the
princess, and ride off into the sunset with the comic relief following
close behind.
Every one speaks proper, and no one ever say's fuck, or shit, or
Bitch or bastard, or picks there nose, or farts or cleans the wax from
there ears with there finger. That would not be right..LOL
They are the book burner's, the censor's with all the right ways for
you to think, and act. As long as you think like they do, and act in
there appointed way's.
That is what I like about Bethesda Game's, if you do not like them,
make them in a way that you do... I am sure others do this too.
Why did the Oblivion modder's make a man with a penis, and a fully
anatomically correct female body, shackle's, and hand cuff's galore, and
skimpy out fits, and Sex animations for every character, and creature in
the game, and oodles and gob's of Cum shot's, urine stream's, and torture
We all want our fantasy's...our escape,
********************************A little Help **************************
[i use timers a lot to start things happening, sometimes the timer's
don't kick in at the exact time I wish them too. this can be caused by
some ones system being a little slow to update, it can be by design, I
wanted the player to wonder what the heck is going on, nothing is
happening. And some is just my being clumsy with the scripting... wait a
bit, see if time helps, don't be so fast to suddenly say...Crap it is a
bug... it may just take a little bit for the script to kick in ]
SOME HELP : After you are enrolled in the school, get your uniform ( I
made the uniforms required for Prostitution, so you could take it off,
and get rid of the extra dialog ), go free love for awhile, you should
get and update that school has started soon...
go to class, I plan the schedule to be correct latter, you can actually
right now go to class at almost any time.
Warning: Once you finally reach the quest to board the Pirate ship.. stay
on board until you finally finish the job with the pirates..if you use a
devise that Booty makes for you to leave... you will never finish that
one, as returning to the ship at that time would not be possible.
[i could have made Bootys devise not usable there, but I wanted to save
some people a step latter when they needed to return to the Pirate ship.]
So save before entering the Pirate ship on the right Island. the person
near that ship you have to talk to is Narwal. but no reason to talk to
them until you get the quest.
After you finish the Pirate Courtesan job you can go back most
anytime. But you must finish the laborious task there.. I might shorten
that one latter..
I have not added much graphics as I am trying to keep the mods size very
small. By using mostly just default game graphics.
this is and ongoing thing, I will be working on for some time, as I have
said at least for now it gives you some extra area to explore.
One bug I know of, sometimes there is a token (Grrr. this Bitch is mine)I
place on the Player during sex acts that can get stuck there..
if that happens you could just throw it away, but that tends to make a
lot of clutter in your game.
I set up a fail safe, just go swimming until you see Grrr this bitch
is mine removed.
this is also the way you will remove some of the pheromone creams you
might get from your body as well.But they are intended to be removed this
explore, do quests let me know what your think.
To the people who made OBLIVION
to the many great Scriptwriters that made LoversPK such a mostly great and
functional way to place sex animations in Oblivion...Really Super Work.
to the makers of OBMM, and Wrye Bash, both are like impossible to be with
to all the great animators who did those wonderful animations..
Ode to HGEC Body maker...
to Slof who has always be a good friend, and does such beautiful work
with male character....!, though I have not been able to chat with her
sense way back at the original funky's Forum.
to the people who have made OBSE a Must have addition to Oblivion Plug
in's..Yes, Yes, Yes, !
to Nifskope maker, maker' is a main stay of all modders, and the
Nice people that put together Blender, and gave the poor people a chance
to do some really good stuff with models.
I almost forgot Gimp 2, yes I have photo shop, but for many thing's I
much prefer Gimp 2.
Cha0s_lord for his excellent "Chainit" mod, I have used one of his
shackles in this mod, and may use more as I continue to work on this. In
his doc all he asked was a little credit..and it is and excellent
resource for good bondage type items.
To thomthom for allowing me to play with his scripts and .nif files I
just love this stuff..and every one should stay up on his progress with
his Mod ZMCPlayerSlave.. It's going to be Great.
I have taken a creature from the creatures Mod...Textured it, and modified its original usage, so it should not conflict.. Credit for it goes to the wonderful Creatures mod maker, Makers.
Credit to Growlf for his Mermaid Tail which I have re shaped, and re Textured for my Needs. He does some very Wonderful stuff. He use to come into Funkies Old Web sight long ago, and chat some. I always loved his Morrowind stuff, it was very good, and what he does now is even better.
And Donkey's New and improved animation project version 2.4 -By Donkey Get it Here : http://www.loverslab...ead.php?tid=184
This is some really good work..You should all be proud of the things that Donkey has accomplished with these animations... I am..
And a Very Big Thank You to Ashal for giving us a place to share Our fantasy's with others.
so Many others, I probably missed...Thank you all.
This is a Quest story, I have written it, and attempted to make it as such.
Because it is a story I would not want anyone re writing it because some of the
text in it offended them, get another mod..
Please H. G. Wells would not want you re writing war of the worlds, Tom sawyer
would hardly be the same if someone else decided to re write it because of the use
of Ethnic Slang, Mary Shelley would not want someone re writting Frankenstein
because they cut up dead people to make him, and that was gross...
Point is Books are written in a certain way, I like to think Quests are that way
as well.
As far as translating it, or removing dependency's I have no problems
with that. but the story or stories are as is, and I would prefer that to
be left alone.
if you find something useful in here for your mod, use it..just make
sure you make it so there is no conflict between my mod and yours. that's
just good practice. [With the exception to ThomThoms scripts, I have edited them a lot, but they are his Idea, and his work. I have commented at the top of these so you will know which ones have his stuff in them, even though I have modded them a lot for my needs]
A little credit if you feel like it would be nice.
NO MBP Bravil Underground v0.96 v2
By fejeena
No MBP Bravil Underground v0.96 v2 Edition
original MBP Version YOU DO NOT NEED IT !
The Bravil Underground v0.96 v2 Edition with MBP races,eyes and hair changed to Vanilla. That is all.
Update 10.2015
Now without the MBP dummy file ( the empty Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm )
And with the Tolgan Dialog/Greeting fix.
REQUIREMENTS: same as the original, except MBP 1.4a and MBP++ v98
LoversSlaveTrader v1.0Final
Meshes and textures from LoversBitch
Load order: ! see sample load order here in the Spoiler !
Lovers with PK.esm
Lovers with PK.esp
Of course you can use the BravilUnderground addon with No MBP Bravil Underground v0.96 v2 Edition.
Bravil Underground v0.96 Final Edition Made by VICN and translated by gregathit, the Flex for rewriting all the books
LoversBitch Gone Wild 1.51 BB fix
By fejeena
LoversBitch Gone Wild 1.51 BB fix
Modification of LoversBitch 5b -- Original by Chase Roxand
Version 1.51 BB fix
By fejeena and WappyOne
You don't need the Original Mod. ( It is advisable to delete original LB, make a clean save, then install LB Gone Wild)
You need meshes and sound-all-Versions.7z and textures-all-Versions.7z, and Version 1.51 BB fix esp and readme.7z
No clean save needed for LB Gone Wild updates.
LBGW 1.51 BB fix
Special is, all dogs and wolves have dicks.
I add dicks (dogd.nif) to all city dogs and vanilla dogs/wolves. And "xLoversBitchNoDogdToken" to all SkinnedHounds(so no flickering double dicks in game)
I did that to avoid the CTDs when the script add dick to a dog/wolf. See also script changes in "script work by WappyOne!!!!"
Oblivion.esm (Shivering Isles version)
Lovers with PK.esm
Lovers with PK.esp
OBSE v20
You need meshes and sound-all-Versions.7z and textures-all-Versions.7z
and Version 1.51 BB fix esp and readme.7z
New in LB Gone Wild
Extreme (many dog sex pictures) and normal version in one esp, can be changed with the setting menu (the bag on Rena's table)
WappyOne aditions: summon wild wolf spell. Wolf type summoned depends on player level and location. (you can get it from Meara after first training lesson)
! You must tame the wolf! In some regions are no wild wolves, e.g.Cities.
Old and new
Rena's shop and Maera's house with 50+ pictures, statues, tapestries, Bitch throne, shelf with dog statues, store sign .....(dog sex)
new Bitchthrone mesh (extreme Version)
Wolf cave UL compatible.(Unique Landscapes - Chorrol Hinterland)
Bigger kennels, 8 kennels, only normal dogs.
All "special" dogs are only player-dogs.
Bigger player kennel room
15 new player-dogs.(available with console)
faction rank icons.
"The Book of Canines" text is corrected = the Bloodhound text ( corrected Doberman too Bloodhound )
You can buy "The Book of Canines 2"
Renas diary ( her first dog sex. Not my text/work ! I found a free story in the net and modify it a Little)
9 Eastereggs (real eggs, totaly useless)
Decorative egg holders added to case in shop, activate to place/reclaim found Easter eggs.
new egg textures (If you do not like the new textures, the old textures are in the "Old egg textures" Folder)
3 Teddys (useless but nice. female,male and shemale Teddy)
2 possibilities to place your Teddies ( one in sex positions, other next to each other)
Wild Wolf summon spell.
Options menu reworked for clarity.
Hold parties in the kennel room! Invite your best friends (or worst enemies). A Switch behind the Bitch throne.
Slave bitch key can now be set independently of main all fours key. If not set Ctrl or Alt+player mount all fours key = slave bitch key.
-Reworked Training quest. You or your slave can do the quest.
Quest (! by WappyOne !) available after mounted by 20 or more unique dogs. Some nasty rumors have been flying around Chorrol.! reward is the Southlander Wolf !
The player dogs/wolves: you can buy or get as quest reward: dog, wolf, collie, doberman, mutt, german shepherd, hellhound, bloodhound, Southlander wolf.
Only available with console: wolf statue, tundra wolf, shadow wolf, spectral wolf, brown collie, spotted dog, hyena, damn dog, armored battle dog, rune dog, teddy dog, order dog, madness dog, amber dog, skinned dog, brown werewolf, golden werewolf, grey(black/white)werewolf.
Other things can not be seen.(they are all in the wolf temple, which is not yet in use. Statures,new cell,new NPC, flying bone and beef,....You can cheat and unlock the door to see it)
script work by WappyOne!!!!
From the activate menu (not bitch bone) can return to kennel/send away kennel/wild canines.
Re-tamed wild or summoned canines (not if killed, but sent away then re-summoned) retain their stats.
Watching your canine companion mount someone else raises your lust. Likewise, your companion watching you have sex with someone else raises their lust.
Tamago In Heat crossover fixed. Was toggling itself on/off every 10 seconds. Lust gain was based on frames per second instead of time. Now shuts itself off after bitch has been thoroughly bred (>25 sperm present). Messages added to warn player of what is happening to them.
Different canines now gain lust at different rates. The more tame canines will now not rape the player at lust > 95, losing ability points instead. When those are exhausted they will rape.
Canines now have differing lust gains and ease/difficulty to tame.
Specific warnings are now given as your companion's lust rises before a forced mounting occurs.
Trapped in Oblivion" quest startup routine (strip, slave, remove all possesions) broken into 3 parts, done once per frame update to prevent CTDs.
In Heats "fix": If Player is forced to all fours by high lust, he will attract some attention after a minute if not otherwise serviced.( A dog is summoned by the script.) Problem was: When the player was forced in position and there were no dogs/wolves near by, he had to crawl till he found a dog/wolf.He can not use spells in mount posion(like "Call Wild Canine")
Added check for dogs becoming invalid while knotted (disappearing summons).
Removed dynamic adding of dog penises due to CTD issues.
Script effect spells no longer forced to use Burden Icon.
Fixed: Player forced to all fours due to rising lust no longer causes slave bitch to strip.
Fixed: In some locations the attract/invite to mount internal spell would fail to work.
Fix for mounting while forced to all fours not working if slave with Bitch collar is far away.
script change (At the request of mem4ob4)
To make the mod more compatible with other mods.(other mod makers can use the "onAllFours" command, without add LB as master).That does not change anything to LB !
new in VERSION 1.51
---WappyOne's work---
XXX- New setting available "All Fours Strip". If one of the slots options is chosen those slots are the only ones that will remain stripped when mounting starts. Clothing is re-equipped when standing up. Four choices:
XXX- As per Lovers (default): When getting on all fours an actor is stripped as if Lovers sex had started.
XXX- Upper+Lower: Only upper and lower slots are stripped.
XXX- Lower: Only lower slot is stripped.
XXX- Nothing: Clothing is left as is when getting on all fours.
- Dog behavior during attraction phase has been cleaned up:
- Dogs not eligible for sex will not start chasing.
- All dogs chasing a target will stop once that target is no longer eligible for sex, be it by mounting, standing up, death, etc.
- First dog to reach chase target will immediately mount instead of waiting a few seconds.
- The player's dog will resume following the player after a chase is finished.
- New dogs now become available for sale in Rena's shop after a certain number of unique dog mountings.And and you can gain two more ranks.
- Fix: After losing a tamed wild companion the player is no longer automatically friendly to all future members of that type of canine.
- Fix: Some dogs that are already loyal pets are no longer tamable.
-player room: the store garret,a store with no comfort. Available after the Chorrol nasty rumors quest.
-loading screens(7). If you do not like, there is a extra esp without loading screens.
new in Version 1.51 BB (Better Bruno)
- CTD fix: removed the strip function because of CTDs. see the XXX marked lines in "new in Version 1.51"( if you don't like/need the playerroom and have no CTDs with Version 1.51 you can use 1.51 with the strip function)
- more playerroom ( Dog Filters cigaretts, a chest with the kennel Irons, CTD and many more )
- more pictures
To have music in the playerroom you must add your own music wav file in the folder data\Sound\fx\LoversBitch
There are only "silent voice" placeholder files in the folder.
CTD1.wav to CTD9.wav
Version 1.51 BB fix
nothing new, only "strip clothes when on allfours" fixed.
You need meshes and sound-all-Versions.7z and textures-all-Versions.7z and Version 1.51 BB fix esp and readme.7z
Version 1.51 BB fix3
Test Version for all those who have CTDs with far away Dogs try to mount/reach the Player on all fours. And dog/wolf Sound correction.
Nothing new !
You need meshes and sound-all-Versions.7z and textures-all-Versions.7z and Version 1.51 BB fix3 esp and readme.7z
New Oct. 2016
if you have the old 1.51 BB LC3 version you don't need it !!! Nothing new !!!
Only for easier installation the animations from the Creatures Overhaul-Workshop in the file.
Version 1.51a BB LC3
For animated penis animations/Skeleton from Creatures Overhaul - Workshop
All you need: meshes and sound-all-Versions.7z and textures-all-Versions.7z and LBGW 1.51a BB LC3 esp and readme.7z
Install LBGW 1.51a BB LC3 esp and readme.7z last and let overwrite ! Read the Readme !!!
YOU DON'T NEED THE FILE FROM THE CREATURES OVERHAUL _ WORKSHOP ! animations and skeleton are in my file.
DO NOT INSTALL "Creatures Overhaul - Workshop LBGWDogs.7z" !!
All dog and wolf meshes with animated dick.
All Mods that use vanilla dog,wolf,SkinnedHound meshes now have a dick.
There is also a Folder with some dog meshes from other Mods with added animated dicks.
You don't need the "Creatures Overhaul - Workshop LBGWDogs.7z" it is for the older LoversBitch versions, if you want animated dicks.
Player room Pictures and things you can do or activate in the Player room. Shit, the pictures does not work anymore.
Here the "What you can do and activate in the player-room" Pics
Difference between Normal version and extreme version.
See pictures below in the download thread.
Dog meshes replacer: file "Creatures Overhaul - Workshop LBGWDogs.7z"
for animated penis animations/Skeleton from Creatures Overhaul - Workshop
! Of course you don't need this replacer if you use 1.51a BB LC3 esp.
Rune dog variations: 4 Rune dog color variations (see last screenshot at the bottom of the download thread. The blue is the original)
Old egg and Picture textures: the old egg textures and one old Picture. see Pictures download side or in the download file.
Kennel Irons replacer:DMRA ( 2 versions Glossiness 10 and Glossiness 300)
Default Kennel Irons(Larger Breasts) = from H cup to DMRA
GSB Kennel Irons = from H cup to DMRA
not changed
Default Kennel Irons (D cup)
Uriel Kennel Irons (H cup)
Credits: Chase Roxand, GSBmodders(for GSB kennel irons), mem4ob4 (for change tattoos to DMRA), Ark of Truth and Mailamea (for DMRA seamless)
FIX / Troubleshooting :
Lovers PK Extender does not work well with creatures sex. Foreplay with creatures ??? If you have trouble, animations never end, ... Use _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Other replacers:
Lovers Bitch Gone Wild Art Replacer . by QLee NEW 10.2015
A picture replacer: some pictures, handbill and Trainer wanted poster.
A picture replacer, "Manga style" by QLee
"beware of wolves" poster(put it in folder textures\k9\art\ )
freshly printed.
Other Mods:
If you play with Tamago you can sell your creature and human children
Some extra stuff: Bitch tattoos, collars, tail-plugs
Update Version5 my Bitch Tattoo chest.
Some pictues and download are here
Oh shit.....
To make it short
meshes and textures:All modders in the world
Bitch throne mesh by KOBJ (SurrealRoom mod)
pictures:All artists in the world (all pictures are changed more or less by me, I downloaded the originals from "hentai foundry".)
Maigrets Battle Dogs(Waalx for the meshes and textures)
Werewolf creatures designed by jcarl904
And special thanks to Chase Roxand (original LoversBitch mod) and WappyOne for all the fixes and the wild-wolf summon spell.
Poontank for the lector work (Renas diary and all other books)
Some cheats and tip. And quests and things you can do.
My other stuff:
BravilUnderground addon
different stuff
Player Slave Encounters (Updated Oct 18)
By Ichabod
All the meshes, textures and sounds required for Player Slave Encounters plus the ESP
External links:
Meshes http://www.uploadmb....p?id=1361789151
Sounds http://www.uploadmb....p?id=1361790336
Textures http://www.uploadmb....p?id=1361793003
DMRA Boobie Stocks is optional for those who use it
ESP updated 23 Aug 14 (place this in your Data\ folder)
Meshes uploaded 11 Mar 13 (place these in your Data\Meshes\ folder)
Textures uploaded 11 Mar 13 (place these in your Data\Textures\ folder)
Sounds uploaded 11 Mar 13 (place these in your Data\Sound\ folder)
Patch uploaded 27 Apr 13
Your textures, sounds and meshes should be in the base folder not sub-folders. (e.g. Data\Meshes\ not Data\Meshes\Meshes\)
Gaebrial's ESPs:
- Merge the dialogue options from LoversPayBandit and PSE. It expects PSE to be before LoversPayBandit in the load order, and should go just after the latter.
- Merge the appearance changes to the Hackdirt residents and brethren from HackdirtAlive with the responsibility changes from PSE. Doesn't actually have PSE as a master, because they are all vanilla NPCs. In fact, it may not even be required.
- Fix a landscape tear near to Lord Pelham's estate in Pell's Gate caused by having LostSpires loaded as well as PSE. (Lost Spires is not needed for PSE)
Oldwolf58's Fix ESPs (6-8-14):
With Ichabod's permission I'm posting my fix to the V0.691 esp. This fix is for the Dog Days quest " I have no dialogue" bug with Gendrahel. Included is a patch esp for those of you who have LoversBitch installed and prevents all the dogs in Player Slave Encounters from becoming companions, which in most cases will cause a serious problem with the PSE quests.
V0.691 is the last version I created.
V0.694 and the LB patch is now here courtesy of Siskin
- pse
- lovers with pk
- (and 1 more)
Lovers Stupid
By gregathit
Name: LoversStupidNPC v01.07
Version: 01.07
Author(s): StupidAuther
Link to original Japanese Mod:
StupidAuther who created Lovers Stupid NPC
Creator of Estrus.
Creator of Joburgh
Creator of LoversHVirus
Creator of LoversMB2
Donkey who translated the original version of the plugin through the version "C" update.
IceCold29 who aided in this final translation.
Mem4ob4 who updated the scripting to version 1.06J
Fejeena who has been Updating Lovers plugins all over the place!!!!!
Numerous beta testers who provided fantastic feedback.
Lovers Stupid NPC is plug-in for lovers with pk that adds lot's of new options to Oblivion game world, these new NPCs have all different functions, like the sex cult, who is mostly in Imperial City, randomly targeting NPCs, (they might even select you). When that happens a sex animation starts and the cult master will then randomly rape a character while all the others begin masturbating around in an circle.
There are also love stalkers, love hunters, love ghosts, even an donkey baker. i know, that is what the translation makes of it. Not my fault. Anyway also a jealous grandma wandering around randomly braking up sex acts. And sometimes she will rape others because of decency issues she has.
Shivering Isles Patch
Oblivion Mod Manager
OBSE v0020 or later
Lovers Joburg
Estrus - make sure you disable BU\nudeshy if you use the latest version of Estrus, if you use version 14.2 then you don't have to do anything at all as that version is fully compatible.
NOTE: MBP is no longer required or utilized. Original vanilla or the vanilla replacer of your choice - like OCO2 or Xeo will work just fine.
Lovers Rapers
Lovers RapeSlave
Installation Instructions
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder) Oblivion\Data\
4. Start OBMM or Wrye and enable the esp file.
Bonus - these three plugins are completely optional
Under the bonus folder the following plugins can be found:
1. Lovers Set Flags - allows toggling two flags (slave status and banned from sex status).
2. Lovers Ghost Fix - fixes disappearing blue halo effect after sex.
3. Lovers Hvirus - this introduces the chance of disease with sex.
Uninstall Instructions
1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file.
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
Nothing known at this time.
- lovers with pk
- sex
- (and 1 more)
Bravil Underground v0.96
By gregathit
Well without further ado here is:
Bravil Underground v0.96v2
Made by VICN
Original Japanese Untranslated version availible here:
Previously known as Lovers Victims.
A HUGE THANKS to TheFlex for rewriting all the books, handbills and notes for the plugin.
You should not have any issues upgrading to this new version. It should not need a clean save or any other jiggery pokey. Just drop it in to the data folder and say yes to the overwrite prompt.
PLEASE NOTE: I think I now have taken all of the machine translations that still remained and turned them into plain English.....
· OBSE 20 or higher
· Oblivion.esm
· Shivering Isles.esp
· Lovers with PK v1.4.1-6 rev91 or higher
· LoversSlaveTrade 1.0
· MBP 1.4a and MBP++ v98
· Lovers Creatures 2.0
· Lovers bitch meshes\textures - the esp file is not needed.
Highly recommended but not required:
Budongs Narcolepsy Spell:
This spell will enable you to knockout any NPC, at any time, without incurring a bounty or pissing anyone off. It does present a bit of a cheat, but honestly you can head cannon that to you as a slaver being prepared. Once the NPC is knocked out just cast the enslavement spell on them and BANG you have a new slave.
A huge credit to HanPL!! I could not have done anything on this without his massive contribution!!
Ok, now to the nuts and bolts: Yes, you get a hand bill to start the ball rolling just read it. Then after entering the "city" go straight to the arena. Once you go past the two Khajit guards turn right and go through the door. I shall leave the rest for you to figure out.........
This mod is basically a "wet dream" for slavers. There are numerous quest lines for you to enslave and train others (some "with" beasts and some without). There is also a skooma delivery feature for those who need to earn some quick cash and don't mind a little bit of risk. There are MANY other small tasks/quests that you can discover by talking to the residents of the city. There literally is hours worth of content in this mod so quit reading and download/install/play this sucker!!!!
Latest Update: At this point all dialogue and quest updates should be in plain English. I have tweaked some of the dialogue and quest updates to give the player more clues on what to do and where to go so things are not quite so frustrating.
At this time all the AI packages should be functioning correctly. and I am hoping Uriel now has a working premium club
I want to give a huge shout out to all those who have stepped up to aid me in the massive translation effort. I could not have completed this without your help and support! Those who aided me in this quest were: HanPL, fejeena (what a great help you have been!), Donkey, Justinof, GSBmodders, Sparlimb, WindShadow75 and icecold29. If I missed anyone I apologize! Just holler and I will add you to the list!
Quest Spoiler: Help for the hiding in Madam Simza's attic:
Holler if you find anything broken and I will try to get it fixed.
Full Quest list and some tips - made by Fejeena is available here:
- lovers with pk
- slavery
- (and 3 more)