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Sims 4 packages that add or change game mechanics.

47 files

  1. On Interaction Do

    Alpha Preview Release
    You are welcome to test it. It is quite stable but some timings still fail. Traveling will cause a bunch of exceptions, please ignore them.
    S4CL and TS4-Lib are needed for this mod!
    On Interaction Do
    This is a script mod to run various commands whenever a sim is executing an action.
    It supports many base game interactions, and support for some mods. It uses the appearance modifiers provided by Devious Desires / Core and it is not compatible with 'wicked' script mods.
    This mod currently requires Devious Desires / Core to be able to use appearance modifiers.
    Code and/or included Content
    This mod only references object and/or tuning names of interactions etc. This mod does not
    add new interactions add new items include or override UGC created by other mod creators Base Game
    For the base game there are a few interactions. Some base game interactions may result in removed outfit parts for sims.
    Sims will turn around in shower instead of watching the wall. Vanilla 'Pillow Fight ...'
    Sims will undress their shoes and might lose outfit parts. Using Toilet
    Configuration removed. Handled and hard coded in DD. Feeding Baby
    Configuration removed. Handled and hard coded in DD. Play Sabbac
    Losers undress am outfit item. 3rd party mods and build items
    HIU by Sacrificial is supported, while it is not required. If HIU is installed make sure to remove these script mods:
    wicked*.ts4script The actors support the basic un-/equip commands as used by HIU.
    Build Items
    Some devices by Kritical are supported, none of them is required. Just make sure to remove these script mods:
    [Kritical]StyxUrinal1.ts4script # and/or similar versions [Kritical]PracticalSexArcade1.ts4script # and/or similar versions The following devices are supported:
    [Kritical]BlowjobArcade1d.package [Kritical]CeladonUrinal1a.package [Kritical]ExerciseBike1b.package [Kritical]FeedingMachine1d.package [Kritical]LetheUrinal1a.package [Kritical]MajesticHole1f.package [Kritical]MilkingMachine1d.package [Kritical]PracticalSexArcade1j.package [Kritical]SensoryDeprivationChamber1a.package [Kritical]StyxUrinal1h.package [Kritical]TanningRack1a.package [Kritical]Thighmaster1a.package [Kritical]WorkoutMachineFreya1a.package This mod has been tested with the versions mentioned above.
    The mod injects into the interactions to make them compatible with DD.
    Commands may be executed shortly after an interaction starts and shortly before an interaction stops. It's not perfect but hopefully good enough for TS4. Some of the issues mentioned below may have been fixed so far.
    Sex and BJ Arcade
    Customers will undress the lower body and dress up afterwards properly, the initial state (nude, underwear, outfit) will be restored. The gender check has been removed, customers without a penis will use a strap-on. Customers with a penis will get a boner during animation. Flaccid afterwards, also the cum level will be reduced. Styx Urinal
    Customers will undress the lower body and dress up afterwards properly, the initial state (nude, underwear, outfit) will be restored. Not modified: The game may rotate the sim or the effect 180° and it may look odd. Milking Machine
    Sims with a Basic, Upgraded or Reward trait can use it. Sims will undress the upper body and dress up afterwards properly, the initial state (nude, underwear, outfit) will be restored. The milk level will be reduced after milking. This is not related to the amount of milk available in the machine. Sims will no longer fade-out and fade-in as it didn't work reliable for me. Pregnant sims can milk themselves. Customized Custom User Customization
    You read the title successfully, so you may start to adjust random vanilla and/or mod interactions as you like.
    Gather the interaction IDs
    There are two options to get interaction IDs
    Log interaction IDs
    Press Shift+Ctrl+C to open the debug console Enter o19.oid.log_sim to log the queued interactions of the active sim. Optionally, this is usually Not Needed, log the pre-run interactions with o19.oid.log_sim_pre_run Run the command again to disable logging. Gather the interaction IDs with S4CL
    Pause the game and click on object X and select the interaction. It will be queued in the interaction Q. Sim+Shift-click > S4CL > Show running interactions to ge the IDs/Names or running and/or queued interactions. Un-pause the game and wait until the sim is using the object. Shift-click > S4CL > Show running interactions to ge the IDs/Names or running and/or queued interactions. The 'interact' and the 'interacting' interactions may be two different ones. Create Configuration File
    Use your name and replace author (unless everyone calls you 'author' already). Replace interaction_description with the intention of the modification. Replace the tunings value with the interaction name(s), e.g. celebrity_Self_PoseforPicture. Optionally use S4S to search for similar interactions (with interaction/celebrity_Self_). There you'll find 3. You could add these 3 interactions or celebrity_Self_ - in case a new self interaction is added your customization will modify it without any update. Then we need an idea what to do. For now add g_debug_alert(celeb) and g_info_alert(celeb). Save the file to mod_data/on_interaction_do/cfg/ and hope you didn't break it. Optionally validate the contents with https://codebeautify.org/python-formatter-beautifier Reload the data with o19.oid.patch or o19.oid.patch_verbose which logs more data while patching to TS4-Library_*_Messages.txt. In case the file is broken validate it with https://codebeautify.org/python-formatter-beautifier { "author_interaction_description*": { # TODO adjust "filter": { "tunings": ["TuningName_as_logged_by_S4CL", "TuningName_2_as_logged_by_S4CL", ], }, "actions": { "start_of_animation*": { # TODO adjust "parameters": ["g_debug_alert(111)", ], "timing": "at_beginning", }, "end_of_animation*": { # TODO adjust "parameters": ["g_info_alert(111)", ], }, }, }, } http://localhost:63342/markdownPreview/1717297396/TS4-OID?_ijt=b9eqjtflr7nfbhirajdj81kde8  
    The keywords 'filter, tunings, actions, parameters, timing' must not be modified.
    Adjust the keywords ending with '*' to match your needs.
    Unlike json comments are supported and ,} and/or ,] work fine. This allows to add new lines / statements without appending,` to the line above.
    Run again the interaction - with a random sim - and enjoy the modified configuration.
    In case too much is going and/or patched save the file as 'debug.txt' or 'author_debug.txt'. In case one or more debug files exist it/they will be read and applied - the standard configuration is ignored. To 'undo' all applied modifications restart the game and then test the debug settings. Reload them with o19.oid.patch.
    After testing copy the contents to a regular configuration file and delete the/all debug file(s). With o19.oid.patch the files will be read and applied again, without restarting the game.
    Supported 'actions'
    To modify how interactions start or end some commands are available. Some additional settings are also available and shown below.
    { "author_interaction_description*": { 'actions': { "start_of_animation*": { 'drop_all_basic_extras': True, # drop everything with <I><L n="basic_extras">[...]</L> 'drop_basic_extras': [ # or drop individual elements within <I><L n="basic_extras">, supported are 'TunableBroadcasterRequestWrapper.BroadcasterRequest', 'TunableBuffElementWrapper.factory', 'TunableChangeOutfitElementWrapper.ChangeOutfitElement', 'TunableDoCommandWrapper.DoCommand', 'TunableLootElementWrapper.LootElement', 'TunableNotificationElementWrapper.NotificationElement', 'TunablePlayVisualEffectElementWrapper.PlayVisualEffectElement', 'TunablePregnancyElementWrapper.PregnancyElement', 'TunableStateChangeWrapper._factory', 'TunableTunableAudioStingWrapper.TunableAudioSting', ], 'timing': 'at_beginning', # or 'at_end' or 'on_xevt' 'offset_time': 5, # optionally, only valid for 'at_beginning' 'xevt_id': 123, # only valid for 'on_xevt' 'include_target_sim': True, # can be set to False 'include_target_object': False, # setting this to True sets include_target_sim=False 'parameters': ['...', ], }, }, }, } http://localhost:63342/markdownPreview/1717297396/TS4-OID?_ijt=b9eqjtflr7nfbhirajdj81kde8  
    For parameters these commands are available:
    g_repeat(tunings_ref, 900, 30) - Repeat the following commands for max. 900 seconds, every 30 seconds, while the sim is running one of the interactions in "filter.tunings". g_random(10) - 10% change to continue with the next command (range 1-99) g_rotate_abs(340) - Rotate the sim slowly to -20° (range 1-359) g_rotate_rnd(180, 10) - Rotate the sim slowly to a position between -170° - 190° (180° ± 10°) - range(1-359, 1-179) g_rotate_end - Stop the rotation before it completed. g_opacity(0.8, 10) - Fade the sim to 80%% opacity within 10 seconds. range(0.0-1.0, 0-30) g_debug_info(Message) - Show a blue popup for debug purposes. g_debug_alert(Message) - Show an orange popup for debug purposes. bg_impregnate - Impregnate the target sim (target sim must be set !) s_undo_outfit - Undo outfit changes created by one of the following parameters at the end of the interaction. s_undo_outfit(200) - In case the interaction is still running after 200s undo the outfit change. (range 1-999) s_undo_outfit(200, 30) - As above, but wait 30 seconds before undo. s_undress_cas_parts(5, 6, 7) - Remove CAS / body types from the sim. 5=FULL_BODY, 6=TOP, 7=BOTTOM (range 1-200, not every part is supported) s_equip_cas_parts - Equip CAS / body types s_undress_all, s_undress_full, s_undress_top, s_undress_bottom, s_undress_shoes - Remove CAS parts s_equip_all, s_equip_full, s_equip_top, s_equip_bottom - Add CAS parts s_undress_next - Remove one CAS part. The types and order is pre-defined. Might be called in a loop. s_undress_next(7, 6) - Remove one CAS part in the specified order. Might be called in a loop. Supported 'filters'
    Usually it is fine just to specify tunings.
    The default tuning manager is 'INTERACTION', this can be modified if needed. The configuration files of this mod always call their own cheat command 'o19.oid.do_command' (default) which can also be modified. One call can call cheat commands of random mods while the supplied command parameters will usually not match. A list of buffs and traits can also be generated to be used by 'commands'. The 'tunings' can be specified as strings starting and or ending with '*' for wildcards. Use wildcards with care, *a* matches almost all tunings and may cause out of memory issues and take less than eternity to complete.
    { "author_interaction_description*": { "filter": { 'traits': ['...', ], 'buffs': ['...', ], 'manager': 'INTERACTION', # or 'SNIPPET' to modify a snippet tuning 'tunings': ['...', ], 'command': 'o19.oid.do_command', }, ... http://localhost:63342/markdownPreview/1717297396/TS4-OID?_ijt=b9eqjtflr7nfbhirajdj81kde8  
    Supported 'commands'
    Within 'commands' a few special commands are supported. It contains a list of 1-n commands.
    { "author_interaction_description*": { "filter": { 'traits': ['...' ], 'buffs': ['...' ], ... }, "commands": [ ... ] } } http://localhost:63342/markdownPreview/1717297396/TS4-OID?_ijt=b9eqjtflr7nfbhirajdj81kde8 remove_privacy Remove privacy checks (<I>[<V n="privacy" ...</V>]) no_gender_check Remove gender checks (<I><L n="test_globals">[<E n="gender">...</E>]) drop_tg_TEST with TEST=BuffTest, CareerGigTest, CommodityAdvertisedTest, SimInfoTest, SkillRangeTest, TraitTest drop_tg_BuffTest removes all Buff tests from 'test_globals'. This might cause issues for further tests. ACTION_LIST_TYPE Eight commands with ACTION=add or remove, LIST=whitelist or blacklist and TYPE=buffs or traits from test_globals add_whitelist_buffs add_blacklist_buffs add_whitelist_traits add_blacklist_traits remove_whitelist_buffs remove_whitelist_buffs remove_blacklist_traits remove_blacklist_traits All six other variations work like these two samples: add_whitelist_traits Add the 'filter.traits' to the allow list remove_blacklist_buffs Remove the 'filter.buffs' from the deny list. Set 'filter.buffs' to 'True' to remove everything. To add buffs and two remove other buffs two author_interaction_description sections are needed as only one buffs and traits section exist. ACTION_LIST_TYPE_test Eight commands with ACTION=add or remove, LIST=whitelist or blacklist and TYPE=buffs or traits from n="testSet..." tunings (). add_whitelist_buffs_test, ... see above for details. Addendum
    Game compatibility
    This mod has been tested with The Sims 4 1.112.481, S4CL 3.10, TS4Lib 0.3.36. It is expected to be compatible with many upcoming releases of TS4, S4CL and TS4Lib.
    Download the ZIP file, not the sources.
    This Mod TS4-Library S4CL The Sims 4 If not installed download and install TS4 and these mods. All are available for free.
    Removal of the mod
    The mod installation with unzip writes to a few directories. To remove this mod and all related files locate the files and folders and remove them:
    The Sims 4/Mods/_o19_/$mod_name.* The Sims 4/mod_data/_o19_/$mod_name/ The Sims 4/mod_documentation/_o19_/$mod_name/ The Sims 4/mod_sources/_o19_/$mod_name/ To remove all of my mods locate these folders and remove them:
    The Sims 4/Mods/_o19_/ The Sims 4/mod_data/_o19_/ The Sims 4/mod_documentation/_o19_/ The Sims 4/mod_sources/_o19_/ Installation
    Locate the localized The Sims 4 folder which contains the Mods folder. Extract the ZIP file into this The Sims 4 folder. It will create the directories/files Mods/_o19_/$mod_name.ts4script, Mods/_o19_/$mod_name.package, mod_data/$mod_name/* and/or mod_documentation/$mod_name/* and/or mod_sources/$mod_name/* CAS and build-buy UGC without scripts will create Mods/o19/$mod_name.package. mod_logs/$mod_name.txt will be created as soon as data is logged. mod_documentation/$mod_name/ and/or mod_sources/$mod_name/ are not required and can be deleted. Manual Installation
    If you don't want to extract the ZIP file into The Sims 4 folder you might want to read this. You can extract the ZIP file to a temporary directory and copy the folders manually.
    The files in ZIP-File/mod_data are usually required and should be extracted to The Sims 4/mod_data. The files in ZIP-File/mod_documentation are for you to read it. They are not needed to use this mod. The files in ZIP-File/mod_sources are not needed to use this mod. The Mods/_o19_/*.ts4script files can be stored in a random folder within Mods or directly in Mods. I highly recommend to store it in _o19_ so you know who created it. Troubleshooting
    When installed properly this is not necessary at all. For manual installations check these things and make sure each question can be answered with 'yes'.
    Does 'The Sims 4' (localized to Die Sims 4, Les Sims 4, Los Sims 4, The Sims 4, ...) exist? Does The Sims 4 contain the folder Mods? Does Mods contain the folder _o19_? Does _19_ contain ts4lib.ts4script and ts4lib.package files? Does _19_ contain {mod_name}.ts4script and/or {mod_name}.package files? Does The Sims 4 contain the folder mod_data? Does mod_data contain the folder {mod_name}? Does {mod_name} contain files or folders? Does The Sims 4 contain the mod_logs ? Does mod_logs contain the file Sims4CommunityLib_*_Messages.txt? Does mod_logs contain the file TS4-Library_*_Messages.txt? Is this the most recent version or can it be updated? Does mod_logs contain the file {mod_name}_*_Messages.txt? Is this the most recent version or can it be updated? Doesn't The Sims 4 contain the file(s) last_exception.txt and/or last_exception*.txt ? Share the The Sims 4/mod_logs/Sims4CommunityLib_*_Messages.txt and The Sims 4/mod_logs/{mod_name}_*_Messages.txt file. Usage Tracking / Privacy
    This mod does not send any data to tracking servers. The code is open source, not obfuscated, and can be reviewed.
    Some log entries in the log file ('mod_logs' folder) may contain the local username, especially if files are not found (WARN, ERROR).
    External Links
    Sources Support Donations
    Copyright and License
    © 2024 Oops19 License for '.package' files: Electronic Arts TOS for UGC License for other media unless specified differently: CC BY 4.0 unless the Electronic Arts TOS for UGC overrides it. This allows you to use this mod and re-use the code even if you don't own The Sims 4. Have fun extending this mod and/or integrating it with your mods. Oops19 / o19 is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts or its licensors. Game content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and its licensors. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
    Please don't put it behind a paywall. Please don't create mods which break with every TS4 update. For simple tuning modifications use Patch-XML or LiveXML. To check the XML structure of custom tunings use VanillaLogs.



  2. Plumbob Duels! - A Lore Friendly CCG Mod (v1.0)

    Plumbob Duels! is a mod focused around Card Collecting, and features Lore-Friendly Original Content.
    Tested and working with TS4 game version 1.112.x
    (Please note that this does not mean that this mod doesn't possibly work with game versions older than that - it most likely will - I just can not guarantee that it will work perfectly.)
    2025-JAN-19: Initial release v1.0
    Ever since I noticed how popular the collectible CineMinis figurines featured in my CinErotique mod have become, I’ve been thinking about expanding further into the collectible genre. However, it wasn’t really until the introduction of the Tarot cards in the Life & Death EP that I finally felt inspired to make it happen.
    So without further ado, let me present you my brand new mod...

    And to kick it off in style, the first card set for it is fittingly featuring...
    The Stars of CinErotique
    This new set features 350+ individual cards of your favourite CinErotique Stars in varying levels of spiciness (Basic, Lewd, Nude) - and rarity (Common, Special Edition and Full Holo) - so there's plenty to collect.

    But to give you a full glimpse, I've made a collage of all the cards that can be found... (see spoiler below)
    All cards featured in the public version have 512p textures (just for comparison, EA uses 128p textures - which is 1/16th the size - for similar objects), but if you feel like upgrading, I have a HD version of the card sets available on my -PATREON-, that features 1024p textures.

    To start collecting, you'll need to open Booster packs.
    Simply click on your sim, then select Plumbob Duels! > Buy Booster Packs. 
    Each series (Basic, Lewd and Nude) has three different types of Booster packs available:
    Common Booster packs are cheap, but the chance to pull any rare cards from them are also low. Deluxe Booster packs are a bit more expensive, and are guaranteed to contain at least one card with a strength of 7 or higher. Mythic Booster packs are the most expensive ones, but they're also guaranteed to contain at least one special variant card (Special Edition or Full Holo)!
    To help you proudly showcase your collection to your nerdy Sim friends - or to your customers if you'd like to run your own shop -, I’ve also created some special objects designed specifically to display your cards.

    Two wall mounted display cases, one with a glass cover and one without. - (2 colour swatches each) - (A)(D) A simple black card display stand. - (C) A small glass display case - to display those really valuable cards. - (4 swatches - featuring different grading scores) - (B)
    Nothing. It is Base Game compatible.

    Download the mod framework zip file from the #DOWNLOAD THIS FILE# section.
    ( !PlumbobDuels_Mod_Framework_vX.X_buildXXXX.zip ) Unzip it and copy the "Plumbob Duels" folder - as is - into your Sims4 Mods folder.
    (Default path for the Mods folder is: Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods) Download Card Set(s) of your choice from the #DOWNLOAD THIS FILE# section.
    (Download at least one, otherwise the mod is useless) Copy the downloaded card set package files into the Plumbob Duels > CARD_SETS folder in your Sims4 Mods folder.
    While the mod is a little bare-bones at the moment - to say the least - but I have some plans for the future...
    Phase 1: I'll add some basic Quality-of-Life improvements, like the ability to open 10 packs at once, sell duplicate cards from the inventory, etc. (DONE - added in v1.0)
    I'd also like to add a second set of cards (with a similar scope to the current one), featuring the iconic pre-made Sims from the game. I’ve already created a shortlist of about 50 classics simmies, including the Goths, Pancakes, Landgraabs, Vlad, and many more.
    Future plans will depend on the mod’s reception. If it proves popular, I’d like to progress further into...

    Phase 2: Introduce a Collection Manager and a Sim-to-Sim Card Trading system, similar to what’s available for the CinErotique CineMinis figurines.
    Probably also add some sort of achievement system, and some unlockable rewards to go with it.
    Phase 3: This phase would involve creating an actual in-game card game that Sims can play against each other. Don’t worry—it won’t be anything too complicated! I’m thinking a sort of mix between Uno and Top Trumps, with some light deck-building elements. However, this is something planned for much further down the line.
    "Why is this a separate mod and is not just a new feature for the CinErotique framework?"
    From the get go of coming up with the concept, I wanted to make a mod that has the potential to reach a wider possible audience; so by making it its own thing I can more easily strip out NSFW parts and make a more vanilla alternate version.
    "What are those Icons/numbers on the cards?"
    The 3 scores at the bottom of the cards represent 3 attributes of the sim - Charisma, Ambition and Style - , while the card strength score in the top right marks a sort of general strength the card represents based on the other 3 attribute scores.
    They are purely artistic, and have no real function at the moment - apart from making the card look more like paying cards - but if we reach Phase 3, these scores could be the basis of a real card game I was talking about.

    - For personal use only.
    - DO NOT re-distribute this mod or any parts of it on other 3rd party sites.
    - DO NOT include this mod in bundles. Just link to this site please.
    - DO NOT bundle, include or in any ways incorporate this mod's custom ingame assets with other mod's.
      Care to support the development? Check out my Patreon page.  



  3. Sims 4 Arousal meter

    This mod requires Lot51 Core library to work (latest version: 14 Jan 2025).
    Introduces a new trait, ‘Sex Drive’, that adds an ‘Arousal’ meter to the game. This depletes over 3 days and can be replenished by:
    Vanilla woohoo or try for baby interactions Wicked Whims interactions (including masturbating)  
    The meter will not replenish unless the character is satisfied (i.e., receives a satisfied moodlet).
    As of version 3.0, the arousal meter does not replace any of the base-game traits, with exception to vampire, werewolf and spellcaster sims, this is due to UI limitations.
    For these 3 occults, a separate trait (called ‘Occult Lust’) will add the arousal meter in place of the ‘fun’ meter. If you want this to affect a different meter, such as ‘social’, let me know and I can make an alternate version for that.
    This should happen automatically on turning into these occults from a human, where if you have the Sex Drive trait, it will replace it with the Occult Lust trait and vice versa upon converting back into a human again. However, if this doesn’t work, you can always add the respective trait manually via cheats.
    Outcomes to the meter depleting include various buffs to suggest increased sexual frustration, but nothing too gameplay-intrusive.
    The following will drop the meter further or speed up decay:
    'Lewd dreaming', via Wicked Whims Watching sex or watching porn without masturbating (WW) Being in a 'flirty' mood, unless you have recently had satisfying sex (via WW) Not a flirty moodlet, but having an overall flirty emotion; this is intended as a sort-of catch-all for buffs added by other mods that mention 'arousal' as most of them are flirty buffs (those that aren't only trigger on not having sex for a while, which would be reflecting in the meter anyway)  
    This mod was last updated 15 January 2025.
    Lot51 Core Library  
    If converting to 'sex doll' or succubus via Wicked Perversions, the mod should remove my trait automatically and then add it back upon transforming back to human/normal There may still be some buffs that don't make much sense (obviously I'd avoid using Wicked Attributes like sexually abstinent), so let me know if there's anything too bad  
     If you like this mod and want to support me, please consider donating via the Nexus mod page. Every little helps!



  4. Krontns Loadingscreens

    Krontns Loadingscreens
    With the friendly permission and support of NISANE I present my bunch of pornpics for NISANEs Dynamic Loading Screen - Mod.
    The content is optimized for a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels
    The folder contains 100 hardcore porn photos with more or less well known pornstars in action.
    I also included a config file to move the plumbob and the tips to the upper left of the screen. Just move the config file and the folder into your mods folder.
    You will need the original Core file from NISANEs Dynamic Loading Screen - Mod.
    If you already use NISANEs Dynamic Loading Screen - Mod and/or SuperBeats Loading Screen Mod you don´t need to erase anything. Just add the !Krontn-package and place the folder in the same folder on your computer.



  5. SuperBeats Loading Screen Mod

    2024/10/25-This should work still as long as you have Updated your Dynamic Loading Screen Mod Below
    SuperBeats Loading Screen Mod
    Porn Star Edition
    Hello all this is my New version of the Loading Screen mod sorry that it took so long to redo but here it is you will need Dynamic Loading Screen Mod will have the link below
    -Thank you Nisane for the guide for making this possible 
    -All the images above are what the images are as there are 20 public that you can have 
    -All images are set for 1920x1080 screens
    -20 images 
    -Make sure to have the mod below for it to work.
    Social Sites
    Patreon-joshua ernest | creating Sims and Sims 4 Mods | Patreon



  6. nympho.zip




  7. Buff sexuais em PT-BR

    Mod com varios Buffs
    Ereção acidental
    Desejos Sexuais Aleatórios
    Mod com tradução  



  8. MotorolaRazr Phone Default Replacement

    MY TUMBLER:  https://www.tumblr.com/blog/2003junkie
    MY PATRON : https://www.patreon.com/posts/motorolarazr-102458618?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link



  9. nympho trait

    social interactions random physical response some time sex and positive relationship gain always.
    cas.trait interactions is in romantic flirty , tells the sims horny  add trait in cas. 



  10. Easel Art Catalog - Paint Anything! (v1.3)

    We all know how annoying can it be to hunt down and paint all the  different paintings that are available in-game (of which there are  hundreds of!)... but your sim keeps painting stuff you already have...  so to alleviate this pain, let me present you...

    This new "Paint from Catalog" pie menu option lets sims choose  and craft any In-Game paintings on the easel, that are available at their present Painting skill level... so no more scraping and re-starting, you're in full charge of what your sim will paint!
    To unlock this feature your sim needs to fulfill at least one of the following requirements:
    Have an at least Lvl.5 active Painter Career. Reached at least Lvl.8 Painting Skill. Purchased any relevant Painters' Reference Guide Books.
    (they can be bought from: Purchase Books > Skill for §1.000 each) Purchased Rob Russ' Magic Deluxe Easel.
    (can be bought from: Build Buy > Activities and Skills > Creative for §25.000) Once your sim met one (or more) of these conditions, you'll see more themes and options getting unlocked.

    Some notes:
    This feature was originally part of Sensual Studio, but due to its popularity - and the fact that some people don't want NSFW stuff in their game - I've decided to completely separate it from Sensual Studio, and make it its own completely standalone mod.
    Subsequently, this SFW 'Paint from Catalog' feature is now removed from Sensual Studio, as of version 3.0b, so if you have Sensual Studio installed as well, please update it, so there's no possible compatibility issues. The Painter Reference Guide Books don't need to be read to unlock the relevant paintings on the Easel, it's enough if your sim has them in their personal or bookshelf inventory, or even if it's just placed somewhere on the lot. While the Rob Russ' Magic Deluxe Easel unlocks all options straight away, there are still some necessary level requirements in place where needed. (for example, the Surrealism option unlocks only at Painting skill Lvl.5, simply because there's no in-game surrealist painting that is available to paint below that level.) The Paint from Catalog option is also compatible with any third party  paintings replacer mods you might have, so no worries there!
    Apart from the English default, localization is also available for the following languages:
    🇨🇳 Chinese translation by ABonnie
    🇨🇿 Czech translation by phetrick
    🇫🇷 French translation by Angelus75
    🇩🇪 German translation by Jorak84
    🇯🇵 Japanese translation by Kurzweil
    🇷🇺 Russian translation by pumpkin4u
    🇪🇸 Spanish translation by RoshySims
    Please note that these third party translations are not made/maintained by me, I only link to them.
    Always check if the translation is updated for the latest version, otherwise you could end up with missing/mismatched text.
    2024-AUG-09: Tested and working with TS4 game versions 1.108.349
    (Please note that this does not mean that this mod doesn't possibly work with game versions older than that - it most likely will - I just can not guarantee that it will work perfectly.)
    2024-JUNE-12 ~ Easel Art Catalog Mod Framework updated to ver. 1.3
    IMPORTANT: If you already have this mod from MTS, and you're updating the mod from v1.0a, make sure to DELETE the following 3 files from the mod's directory, as they are no longer needed by this new version:
    PECO_Easel_Art_Catalog_DLC_EP04_Cats_&_Dogs.package PECO_Easel_Art_Catalog_DLC_EP08_Discover_University.package PECO_Easel_Art_Catalog_DLC_GP01_Outdoor_Retreat.package
    -IMPORTANT:- When updating the MOD FILES to a newer version, always overwrite older files when prompted to.
    Download the latest mod version by clicking the #DOWNLOAD THIS FILE# button. Unzip it with 7zip or other compatible zip/rar software. Copy the whole "Easel Art Catalog Mod" folder AS IT IS straight into your Sims4 "Mods" folder.
    THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, as the PECO_Easel_Art_Catalog.ts4script file can not be more than one folder deep within the Mods folder! Make sure you've enabled both "Content and Mods" and "Script Mods" in the game's Game Options > Other settings. Done! THE 32-BIT 'LEGACY EDITION' OF TS4 IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THIS MOD.

    Feedback is always appreciated!
    If you liked this mod, found a bug or in general have something to say,
    you can leave a comment in the mod's official forum thread.

    Q: Does this mod works with XY painting replacers?
    A: This mod is totally independent, it does not replace or override anything, so yes, it should be compatible with ANY and ALL other painting mods. Q: Why are the thumbnails for some paintings just flat images instead of the default 3d ones in the Paint from Catalog picker dialogs?
    A: This not technically a bug, but more of an in-game limitation and only affects the object thumbnails in the picker dialog, and not the paintings themselves.
    (To explain it a more in-depth: the picker dialog can only render thumbnails for existing objects, and paintings are one of the few craftable objects that do not technically exist until the crafting process is actually started by the sim. Basically all paintings are just empty canvases until the crafting interaction applies a texture to them, so if I would have gone and let them use the default auto-generated thumbnails, then all of them would have just shown up as an empty canvas in the picker dialog... which would literally defeat the whole purpose of having a picker... And while I could have "cheated" and pre-render a thumbnail for each painting to circumvent this, that would have killed compatibility with third party painting replacer mods - which are quite popular. Maybe there's a way around this - i dunno - but it's definitely something above my present skill level to solve, so I suppose this is a minor cosmetic annoyance you just have to live with ?)
    ★ For personal use only.
    ✘ DO NOT re-distribute this mod or any parts of it on LoversLab or other 3rd party sites.
    ✘ DO NOT include this mod in bundles. Just link to this site please.



  11. More Mannequin Poses (v1.1)

    A simple mod that adds a new 'Custom Poses' interaction to the in-game mannequins, which contains 54 new poses to chose from.

    Download the PECO_Custom_Mannequin_Poses_Mod_vX_buildXXX.zip  from the Downloads section. Unpack it with 7zip or other compatible zip/rar software. Copy the resulting "PECO_Custom_Mannequin_Poses_Mod" folder straight into your Sims4 "Mods" folder.
    (as it contains a script file, it can't be more than one folder deep) It is also recommended to delete the localthumbcache.package file from your "Sims4" folder. Don't worry, it only contains thumbnails, and the game will just re-generate it the next time you run it. Done! Some notes:
    Unlike most (all?) mannequin pose mods around, this mod does not replaces or overrides the 6 basic ingame mannequin poses, it just adds the 54 extra ones to it. There is a quirk with the special prebuilt mannequins used in the shops in Magnolia Promenade. The new custom menu does not appear on them by default, but this can be easily solved by buying and placing a new mannequin in the shop from the BuildBuy menu. The poses are not gender locked, all 54 of them are available for both the Adult Male and Female mannequins.  
    Apart from the English default, localization is also available for the following languages:
    🇯🇵 Japanese translation by Kurzweil
    Please note that these third party translations are not made/maintained by me, I only link to them.
    Always check if the translation is updated for the latest version, otherwise you could end up with missing/mismatched text.
    For personal use only. DO NOT re-distribute this mod or any parts of it on other 3rd party sites. DO NOT include this mod in bundles. Just link to this site please.   Care to support the development? Check out my Patreon page.



  12. [Simpossible] Dynamic Fetish Tips 💬 (Yes, they are DYNAMIC now!)

    Hiya, my name is Simpossible and I create adult mods for the Sims 4 💜
    All my creations are FREE. If you like them, please consider supporting me on Patreon for early access and additional benefits! 🎁
    Here is a collection of 1450 fetish tips in total - they will replace all base game loading screen tips with something more... passionate, so you won't hear about free earbuds anymore. Hope this is OK for you.
    How to install my Dynamic Fetish Tips:
    1. Download the @NISANE's Dynamic Loading Screen Core .package file and move it to the Mods folder
    2. Download any dynamic tip packs that you want and move them to the Mods folder, you can use all packs at the same time
    Link to advanced configuration guide for experienced users
    ⚠️ Make sure to delete my old standalone tip packs, otherwise they will override the dynamic ones!
    Baddie 👑 E-Girl 💕 Gold Digger 💰  
    Bimbo 🍭
    Boobs Lover 🍈
    Butt Lover 🍑
    Cock Lover 🍆
    Cuckold 🖕
    Foot Fetish 🦶
    Hotwife 🔥
    Hucow 🥛
    Pussy Lover 🍓
    Sissy 🩰
    Kinky Languages:
    Kinky Japanese 🇯🇵
    Alien Abduction (Female) 👽 Alien Abduction (Male) 👽 Chastity (Female) 🔒
    Chastity (Male) 🔒
    Cheap Whore 🚬 Queen Of Spades ♠️  
    Tip Packs examples:






    What is this cc about ?
    A lifestyle and fetishistic trait for your wicked sims who loves big gurls and more ! It's inspired from the kinky hashtag we find on Twitter, don't google it if you're sensitive though :') .
    Totally made and written in american slang and english.
    It's male trait, and obviously it's written based on stereotypical of some men. Guys be aware that such behavior in real life is totally creepy huh Lawl.
    Da features :
    - social interactions (+10)
    - NSFW Buff replacement and various emotions
    - ideal for a storyline ‼️
    -  WARNING : contents might be harmful for some viewer (fetishism, bodyshaming, explicit sexuality, explicit pictures for the buff, non-censored words)
    Rules :
    - Do not claim my work as yours
    - allow me correct my mistakes by reporting any issues with the trait, to me
    - Don't translate it without my consent 
    - only for playing. Do not take commercial profit from my mod 
    - share my work if you like them
    - tell me what trait you want next
    - and enjoy your game !
    - support me on Patreon or simply follow me on there ♥
    NOTES :
    This trait will NOT be developed further. I plan to make new traits



  14. Ethnic Roleplay Traits

    See forum topic (Get Support Button)
    Known conflicts: Version 1.0 of the mod will work along side each other (Scumbag_LL_Explicit_Ethnic_V100.package & Scumbag_LL_SFW_Ethnic_V100.package). 
    HOWEVER: Scumbag_LL_Ethnic_v1_1.package will NOT along side the two v1.0 versions. Make sure you delete the previous version if installed!
    Other Info: I run v1.99 currently, to be able to play all the outdated mods that I have till those get updated as well. It should probably work on higher versions. 
    Please let me know if it does or doesn't in the thread.
    Please for the love of god, leave any discriminating comments regarding ethnic groups in your inside voice and seek professional help. No one want's to hear it... Well except for a Shrink perhaps...
    There is but one race in this world, the HUMAN RACE.
    Raceplay in BDSM is quite common and can be very fun if both or multiple parties involved give their consent.
    It's just another kink... Nothing more, nothing less.
    Do not modify, reupload or claim as your own.



  15. Ashawo

    What is this cc about ?
    it’s a lifestyle trait inspired mostly by the 2000’s Naija urban life. This trait goes to the most Hottie in your game, the kinky ones obviously ! I always wanted to have more ethnicity in my game especially african ones ! So I made this trait. It's written in both american urban Slang and Naija Slang. I decided to do it in that way for the funny dimension lawl.?
    Da features :
    - social interactions included in naija slang
    - Buff replacement and various emotions
    - ideal for a storyline ‼️
    - Funny and Kinky 
    Rules :
    - Do not put my custom trait behind payroll
    - Do not claim my work as yours
    - allow me correct my mistakes by reporting any issues with the trait, to me
    - share my work if you like them
    - tell me what trait you want next
    - and enjoy your game !
    - support me on Patreon or simply follow me on there ♥



  16. Melody's Slut Trait

    Hello! This is my first mod, so please read until the end!
    This mod was essentially meant to just be some random "slut" trait I wanted to just use in my gameplay, but it's now an entire gameplay changer.
    What it does, in short:
    Equipping this trait in CAS, will completely change your gameplay!
    Your Sim is 100% slutty and programmed to succeed in social tasks and slutty tasks, and most likely fail in any other task.
    They won't be able to gain any skills except social and slutty skills. Skill caps can be removed by using the "no skill caps" variant of the mod (included in zip file).
    To balance this, your Sim will have the power to have an extreme orgasm (click on YOUR Sim -> Actions -> Extreme orgasm), which will restore all their motives at the expense of walking really slow and a 4 Sim hours cooldown.
    Also, your Sim can ask a Sim for money in exchange of a 4 Sim hours cooldown that affects all money related actions (except underwear auctions) (Romance -> Flirt -> Ask for money).
    And, your Sim can be slutty with a Sim to instantly max their relationship (Romance -> Flirt -> Be a slut). This last action has unlimited use and no cooldowns.
    Your Sim can take advantage of a computer to Sext in exchange of money (Computer -> Actions). This creates a cooldown that affects all money related actions.
    Your Sim can sell their underwear on the Internet (Computer -> Actions). It takes a while for the auction to end. A cooldown of 16 Sim hours is applied after receiving the money.
    This mod was entirely created using The Sims 4 Mod Constructor V4 and Sims 4 Studio
    English translator: Melody
    Russian translator: Stokman
    French translator: Angelus75
    German translator: Crashdown117
    Czech translator: phetrick
    I really really suggest pairing my mod with Wicked Whims, Nisa's Wicked Perversions and MC Command Center, because those just match wonderfully. They are not a forced requirement, but please keep in mind that I don't handle jealousy and other aspects of gameplay in this mod. My mod just does what it says!
    Requirements: Nothing.
    Slutty idle animations!
    Interactions: "Be a slut" (Romance -> Flirt -> Be a slut), "Ask for money" (Romance -> Flirt -> Ask for money), "Extreme orgasm" (click on YOUR Sim -> Actions -> Extreme orgasm), "Pee self" (click on YOUR Sim -> Actions -> Pee self), "Sext for money" (Computer -> Actions -> Sext for money), "Sext for money for 6 hours" (Computer -> Actions -> Sext for money for 6 hours), "Put underwear up for auction" (Computer -> Actions -> Put underwear up for auction)
    Cheat interactions (they only work with enabled cheats or specific mods that can always enable cheats): "Drink Zygluphexosol" (shift + click on YOUR Sim -> Actions -> Drink Zygluphexosol), "Forget about recent free money" (shift + click on YOUR Sim -> Actions -> Forget about recent free money)
    Can't gain any skills except socials and slutty skills! Can be removed by using the "no skill caps" variant of the mod (included in the zip file).
    Your Sim tends to be really good at social interactions and relationship gains!
    Interactions explained:
    Be a slut (Romance -> Flirt -> Be a slut)
    It's like flirting, but it's very special. You will instantly gain maximum relationship level. This action has no cooldowns!
    Ask for money (Romance -> Flirt -> Ask for money)
    You can get free money with this interaction. There's a 4 Sim hours cooldown after this action goes through that affects any action involving money (except underwear auctions).
    Extreme orgasm (click on YOUR Sim -> Actions -> Extreme orgasm)
    This action allows your Sim to regain all the motives by having an extreme orgasm. This action also has a 4 Sim hours cooldown.
    Pee self (click on YOUR Sim -> Actions -> Pee self)
    Well... it does that.
    Sext for money (Computer -> Actions -> Sext for money)
    Sext for one hour in exchange of some money. Applies a cooldown to all money related actions (except underwear auctions).
    Sext for money for 6 hours (Computer -> Actions -> Sext for money for 6 hours)
    It's Sext for money, but it lasts for 6 hours and gives you much more money. The same exact cooldown applies.
    Put underwear up for auction (Computer -> Actions -> Put underwear up for auction)
    This interaction allows your Sim to sell her underwear on the Internet. After putting it for auction, it will take a while for the auction to end. A 16 Sim hours cooldown applies after receiving the money.
    Cheat Interactions explained:
    Drink Zygluphexosol (shift + click on YOUR Sim -> Actions -> Drink Zygluphexosol)
    This interaction makes your Sim drink a med that will remove the Extreme orgasm cooldown and also regain the ability to walk at a normal pace.
    Forget about recent free money (shift + click on YOUR Sim -> Actions -> Forget about recent free money)
    It basically does what it says, it makes your Sim "forget" about receiving free money so it essentially removes the cooldown so you can use any money action right away.
    Known problems and other information:
    1) The Extreme orgasm is programmed as an immediate interaction that runs two idle animations. The reason why I opted for this is that, this way, you can basically run it and have an orgasm animation while the Sim is performing a lot of tasks, like chatting and even cooking. This makes it more exciting in my opinion. The issue that arises with this is that, with certain Sim tasks that don't support this, the orgasm animations will be delayed until the Sim finishes their current task.
    2) The "Drink Zygluphexosol" cheat interaction doesn't spawn a glass.
    3) The "Drink Zygluphexosol" cheat interaction may throw a code exception if performed while the Sim is sitting.
    4) "Ask for money" does not remove money from the other household. This is not really a problem that may affect you, but it's still worth mentioning.
    5) The following interactions, or even just some of them, may not appear when certain mods are installed:
    - Sext for money and Sext for money for 6 hours (eventually, no option "Actions" is present on computers)
    - Cheat interactions
    The reason of this is still unknown and I am unsure of which mods cause this.
    If you have an idea of what could cause this behavior, please contact me!
    (thanks to Angelus75 for confirming this issue, click here for more details)
    6) "Actions" may not appear on computers that don't belong to Base Game (ie. Expansion Packs) (thanks to Crashdown117 for finding this problem).
    Have fun and please let me know your experience with my mod and/or give suggestions!



  17. Forbidden Love - Set Relationship Bits

    This is a script mod and meant for fictional game play. In real life there is no 'reboot'. Don't hurt the feelings of people you love and/or interact with. Depending on where you live such relationships in real life might be illegal.

    Sims are objects and if you don't go along here and think of them as 'people' or 'animals' please don't use this mod but consult professional help.
    This mod allows to set or remove relationship bits for sims, including humans, foxes, cats, dogs and hopefully also horses.
    TS4 sets the engage relationship bit already for random sims, even if they are married. Anyhow, the active sim can't initiate such engagements while this mod supports this.
    TS4 blocks engagement and marriage without romance and it blocks multiple marriages. In TS4 with fictional money (cheats) there is likely no need to get married to a 2nd sim to protect them from poverty. While for role playing one might want to be able to set such bits. Even in the Bible one may read about the 1000 wives of Solomon.

    This mod allows:
    Kids-play temporary marriages for Toddlers and Children (within this age group, cleared on zone-teardown). Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder and Pets to marry within this group without limits. Multiple engagements and marriages for a single sim. To terminate an engagement or marriage.
    This mod does not:
    Check any friendship or romance settings so a 'forced', 'paid' or 'strategic' engagement or marriage is possible. Play romance animations.
    Support any Woohoo or Romance interactions. Vanilla Woohoo and Romance interactions should work normally.
    Support Babies and/or Infants
    Suppress buffs TS4 adds to sims after engagement or marriage, so sims may be happy to be forced into something. Suppress jealousy broadcasters. Sims should be careful what they do unless another mod takes care about this.
    ### Known Issues
    Engagement doesn't always work as expected and the bits are not set in both ways. TS4 doesn't yet show multiple marriages while the developers might add this feature.
    ## Laws and Regulations
    (These should be fake news copied from other websites unless one guy back in 1850 was crazy enough to write this.)
    In the book of California’s State Laws and Regulations there is a little known law that was passed as the state was being formed in 1850. Article 155, paragraph 10, clearly states: “If a man and a man can get married and a woman and a woman can get married, if ever comes that day, then a human and animal will have the exact same rights to marriage in every eye of the law. God help us if this ever is to happen!”

    ## Pie Menu Actions
    Shift-Click on any sim or pet and select 'Forbidden Love' (likely on 2nd or 3rd page):
    'Engage' tries to engage the active (or from memory) sim and the selected sim. 'Marry' tries to marry the active (or from memory) sim and the selected sim. 'Show All' logs all 'inappropriate' relationship bits. As it doesn't really fit in a notification popup please look at the log. 'Break Engagement' undo for 'Engage' 'Divorce' undo for 'Marry' 'Select Sim' - Store a sim in memory for all further 'Engage', 'Marry', 'Break Engagement' and 'Divorce' interactions with random target sims. 'Clear selected Sim' - Clear the memorized sim - all interactions will reference the active sim and the target sim.
    ### Select Sim
    'Select Sim' allows to select an NPC human/pet and then engage it with a 2nd NPC human/pet.
    E.g. select a random NPC townie to marry it with one or more random NPC sims which are nearby.
    E.g. select 'Bella Goth' > 'Select Sim' and then select 'Mortimer Goth' > 'Divorce'.

    ## Additional Requirements
    None, code is now in TS4-Library.
    To specify a sim one usually needs to specify the sim_id or first_name and last_name. This works fine, but it may be a lot to type.
    With SimCache the sim_name (originally defined by scumbumbo as 'first_name#last_name') is used. Only one parameter is specified, like "Bella#Goth".
    SimCache also searches for sims if the name doesn't match. 'b#g' may match 'Bella#Goth' or any other sim with 'b' and 'g' in the name. With 'be#go' or 'b#goth' one can be quite sure to get 'Bella#Goth'.
    Also, 'a#h' can find 'Bella#Goth' as the characters match somehow. If a sim with these initials exists it will be preferred and if other sims with these letters in the name exist they might be chosen.

    ### Cheat commands
    Make sure to install TS4-SimCache to use them!
    `o19.love.show` prints all romance bits which are set for 2+ other sims. `o19.love sim_name_1 sim_name_2` - Only show and check the selected sim names ('b#g' may (not) expand to 'Bella#Goth) `o19.love sim_name_1 sim_name_2 e` - Engage sim1 and sim2 `o19.love sim_name_1 sim_name_2 e -` - Break Engagement of sim1 and sim2 `o19.love sim_name_1 sim_name_2 m` - Marry sim1 and sim2 `o19.love sim_name_1 sim_name_2 m -` - Divorce sim1 and sim2
    ## Game compatibility
    This mod has been tested with `The Sims 4` 1.98.158 (2023-06), S4CL 2.7 (2023-06), TS4Lib 0.0.24 (2023-06).
    It is expected to be compatible with many upcoming releases of TS4, S4CL and TS4Lib.

    ## Dependencies
    [The Sims 4] https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4 [S4CL] https://github.com/ColonolNutty/Sims4CommunityLibrary/releases/latest [TS4Lib] https://github.com/Oops19/TS4-Library/releases/latest
    If not installed download and install TS4 and these mods.
    All are available for free.

    ## Installation
    Locate the localized `The Sims 4` folder which contains the `Mods` folder. Extract the ZIP file into this `The Sims 4` folder. It will create the directories/files `Mods/_o19_/$mod_name.ts4script`, `Mods/_o19_/$mod_name.package`, `mod_data/$mod_name/*` and/or `mod_documentation/$mod_name/*` `mod_logs/$mod_name.txt` will be created as soon as data is logged.  
    EA added script code for a 'Polygamy' check to TS4 with details what to check and how to fix it. And also the 'Marriages ...' pie menu.
    This mod is more or less copied and pasted TS4 code with a 'few' adjustments.
    ### UI Mod
    In case you are looking for traits and buffs there is Open Love Life. I didn't test this mod so I have no idea whether it still works with TS4 and/or together with this mod.



  18. Leather set - babyetears

    Bomber jacket w sleeves top / rave skirt
    Mesh and textures by me 11k / 3k poly 23 (jacket) / 43 swatches (skirt) All lods compatible HQ Custom thumbnail! *T.O.U*
    Do not claim as yours Forbidden to remesh the mesh Do not RE-upload this content or any other to other games like SL, IMVU, GTAV, etc etc Do not RE-upload this content to sites that are free or folders  
    ?Visit my patreon for nsfw/sfw/ early access content!?



  19. A Nudist World

    This is a tiny small mod to allow the sims to stay in the bathing outfit. It is enabled by default so your sims will greet you as created by EA or UGC creators.
    A computer interaction allows to disable it temporarily, this setting is not saved.
    Sims with 'broken' or without any bathing outfit might have issues and wear things.

    This mod does not try to fix broken outfits or to help sims to survive in winter. Nudist sims tend to freeze.
    Extract into your (i18n localized) 'The Sims 4' folder which contains the Mods sub folder. The zip will place this mod in `Mods/_o19_/` where you'll find also my other mods.
    Of course one can also extract the .ts4script and .package file manually and save it in somewhere in `Mods`.

    Live XML to use the `suppress_nude_broadcaster.dict` file  (save it into 'The Sims 4/mod_data/live_xml/) which will then suppress the broadcaster. So sims should no longer be shocked by sims in bathing outfit.
    Copy Outfits to fix the bathing outfit (Create Swimwear 2 and use this mod to copy it to Bathing)
    Control Menu to control the weather (Click on Sim > Manage World Data > Weather >> e.g. 'Heatwave' >> e.g. '72 hours'
    Reward Store: Iceproof (Cheaters select a sim; Ctrl+Shift+C > `testingcheats true` > `s4clib.add_trait trait_Temperature_IceMan` > Ctrl+Shift+C)
    TS4 1.97.42 (2023-04-18), the previous TS4 version and likely many upcoming TS4 versions.
    Don't be afraid of the version number. I coded this is in a few hours and tested it a while.



  20. LittleRedSonja Magic Kingdom (SFW) 2023-06-12 New Spell: Electrokinesis

    Hi! I was not sure about opening this thread, since it is not NSFW, but I saw some people asking for more custom spells and I am currently creating new spells and working on other projects to add content and improve Realm of Magic, so I thought that maybe some of you could find it useful. I have added some of my "non-magical" mods too, and you can always find more information in my tumblr LittleRedSonja (tumblr.com)
    I will be updating this thread with new content from time to time. I do not use mod constructor in any of my mods, so it takes me a bit longer to make new ones, but on the other hand I learn way more this way and it takes me less time to update when required ?.
    Right now it is only SFW, but I am open to requests if people want some NSFW "magic related" content, and in so case I will try to make it for you or point to other creators if that content already exists, so do not be shy and ask ? I do this for fun as a hobby so I am of course open to questions and suggestions.
    No need to say, but all my creations are and will always be free. I only ask that you do not claim it as your own or upload it anywhere else.
    I hope you enjoy it. All my mods are updated and working for patch 1.98.158

    Your witch want to live Off-the-grid but does not want to spam solar panels all over the place (because that is not very magical, isn't it)? Do you find "zip zap" spell disappointing when trying to fry your enemies? Look no further and learn Electrokinesis (level 1 Untamed magic) to unlock two powers:
    - You can cast "Arcane Voltage" on your sim to generate power on any lot, allowing you to use TV, fridge, lamps and any other muggle device without problems even when off-the-grid. Higher level witches will generate more power. If your witch is charged or overcharged he/she will generate even more power every time they cast "Arcane Voltage". That means that a level 1 spellcaster with no charge or special traits will generate very little power, while a level 4 overcharged spellcaster will generate A LOT of power.
    - You can also use Electrokinesis against your enemies. Cast "Witch Bolt" on another sim to fry it. Several Witch Bolts against the same sim in a short period of time might be lethal.
    Spellcasters with "Draconis Lightning Ancestry" or equipping certain magical artifacts (both coming soon in the next update to "Houses of Witchcraft") will generate EVEN MORE power and become immune to Electrokinesis.
    Unlike other spells, being charged or overcharged makes Electrokinesis easier to use and more effective.
    What are you waiting for? Unleash the Power of Thunder and become a mighty Electromage today!

    I have been working on this for several weeks and I can finally release my new mod, "Houses of Witchcraft" (HOW). Version 1.0 includes: 

    - 4 different Houses of Witchcraft that your sims and NPC spellcasters can join. Each House has different strengths and weaknesses, different bonuses and modifiers. Rogue spellcasters that have not been sorted into one of the Houses have a very hard time learning magic. To join or leave a House talk with one of the Sages (a new menu with new interactions is included inside the "Magic" menu). You can also join a House if you buy the reward trait.
    - Add NPC spellcasters to a House or make them leave with a cheats menu (shift+click on any NPC spellcaster and you will get a new menu with options to add or remove them from any of the Houses).
    - Rebalance in witchcraft XP and Charge for more interesting gameplay.
    - Familiars provide now different bonuses to skills and different buffs to spellcasters in different Houses.
    - A new Skill with 15 levels, "Witchcraft Studies". By studying your textbooks you will learn a lot about the Magic World. Certain levels in the skill unlock new interactions and recipes. A higher level in this subject will give your sims a better chance for positive results and rewards during events and rabbit hole interactions. 
    - A LOT of lore about the Magic World, creatures, famous spellcasters and much more. Your sims will learn about it when talking with other spellcasters, going into rabbit holes and adventures, and reading Witchcraft Studies textbooks.
    - New activities for spellcasters, from attending a Quidditch match to visiting shops or exploring dangerous places, where you can get rewards, meet other spellcaster, or sometimes being bitten by a book... Victory or Defeat will depend on your skills, knowledge of spells and potions, and of course a little bit of luck. You can find the activities in a new menu in your phone. 
    - New custom potions, including the misterios "Potion of WaterBreathing", that you will discover during your adventures and studies.
    - New advanced ingredients for potions, that you can obtain from other common things such as Motes or Seashells.
    - You can brew herbalism remedies in your cauldron now. 
    - A new lot trait, "Harnocks School of Witchcraft". You can add this trait wherever you want, it will provide bonuses to learning and practicing any kind of magic and alchemy, and make the lot more "magical". 
    - More than 10 new social interactions exclusive for spellcasters. You can tell jokes about Muggles, argue about your favorite Quidditch team, share your knowledge about the Magic World, enthuse about your new broom and many more! All the new interaction are in a new menu, "Talk about Magic" inside the "Magic" menu. 
    And much much much more that I have on the works and I will be adding to the mod very soon, so stay tuned!

    Tired of being "The Good Witch"? Too many happy Sims around? Your fellow students of magic did not invite you to their party? Unleash Mayhem on them!
    Cast "Baba Yaga" on yourself to adopt the Baba Yaga shape. Nearby sims will panic. They are not scared enough? A new interaction can be used on other sims to scare them even more!
    Do you want some more help? Cast "Baba Yaga" on other sims to transform them into obediant Minions that will spread terror around them. You can order your Minions to Smash! or Scare! other sims too. 
    Any sim under the effects of Baba Yaga cannot be destroyed by any common means, become immune to weather and temperature, and will not care about mundane needs such as eating or sleeping. 
    I have applied a lot of new things that I have learned when working on "Houses of Witchcraft" in this new spell, tweaking a lot of animations, special effects and spell mechanics. I hope you enjoy it!

    Why would I want to make a clone of Me? There is only one Me, and that is Me, Me, Me, ME. Instead, why not creating multiple servants out of other sims? I am a “Limited Edition” and too valuable to be copied.
    Cast “Dioskouroi” on another sim to create a Dioskouroi (a more sophisticated clone). You can create as many as you want. Dioskouroi have a little more personality than normal clones. They are also real magical entities powerful enough to magic duel your enemies if you give the order.
    They can also be romanced if you are desperate enough ?. If you cast the spell while “charged” the resulting Dioskouroi will be very flirty and open to romantic suggestions.
    But beware! If you fail while casting this spell you might not like what you spawn. An evil really angry Dioskouroi will arrive from your darkest nightmares, it will not obey you and will probably attack you on sight, so be prepared!

    Is your beloved Witch getting on in years? You just discovered a new wrinkle? Are you jealous of all those young students of magic? Your friendly neighbours in Azkaban have a solution for you!
    Cast Dementor’s Kiss on a sim to consume a part of its Soul. The sim in question will get older and become a bit “spectral” for 24 hours, while your witch will recover a few days of life and lose a few wrinkles.
    Keep consuming their souls and those sims will soon meet Mr Grim Reaper.
    There is some lore behind this spell and its effects on your spellcaster, not everything is as it seems, and you will be able to discover more when I release my next mod (after the upcoming patch ?).
    This is the first spell where I tweak animations and sound effects to give the spell a more “unique” feel. It took me quite a lot of job, but I am quite happy with the result and I hope you will like it ?

    I do not know if it is very "fitting" here, but since i am linking all my spells and i find this one quite adorable i have decided to share it.
    You know that you are not a real Magician until you can Spawn a Rabbit out of thin air, right? Well don’t worry because we have the spell for you!
    Cast Alakazam! anywhere to spawn a cute and friendly rabbit. The spell will create a calming aura and your little furry friend will have a more positive attitude towards you (no guarantees though ?).
    Nearby sims will tip you if you are successful   ♪♪ Toss a coin to your Witcher, oh Valley of Plenty ♪♪
    Those muggles are easy to impress, although your fellow students of magic might be more difficult to please and they might laugh and mock at you if you fail, Shame!

    Have you ever had that nightmare where you are naked at school? Do you want your fellow students of magic to feel that embarrassment?
    Look no further, Undresso is the spell for you! Cast Undresso on other sims to make them undress and embarrassed.
    The ancient arcane forces unleashed by Undresso will make sure that those sims stay naked and “enjoy” the nightmare for at least a few hours. If that is not enough you can cast the spell again, since Undresso has no cooldown. Thank you wongfoo2003 for suggesting the name for the spell ?.

    Cast Incontinento on any sim to cause bladder failure and quite a bit of embarrassment. Kind of useless but fun to cast ?

    Are you tired of all those sims constantly babbling? Do you need some peace to study that new magic tome? This is the spell for you!
    Cast Silenzio! on those annoying sims and they will lose their voice, they will not be able to talk or sing for a few hours and they will become quite stressed because of that. Sims under the effects of Silenzio! will still try to communicate using hand gestures and movements, body language and facial expressions, but their social interactions will fail more often.

    Who said a spellcaster could not be a ruin raider? Do you want to clear the path with your bare hands but are afraid of ruining your manicure? Do you fear a swarm of fireflies will burn your expensive spell books? You do not want to buy supplies from those Muggles? Fear no more!
    Cast Prepare for adventure on the ground and a full set of jungle supplies will be added to your sims inventory. Fortune and Glory awaits!
    New Mod: Improved Observant Trait

    In base game sims with the “Observant” reward trait are really not that very “observant”, and they will only discover 3 traits after meeting another sim. Kind of disappointing. And it is even worse if you are using mods such as More traits in CAS by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii.
    My mod will allow “Observant” sims to discover EVERYTHING about other sims in a single interaction. All their traits, likes, dislikes, lifestyles, clubs, romantic partners, romantic interests, woohoo interests, career, university degree, favorite animal, reward traits… Literally every single thing. It is a lot of information, so you will get a message asking you to open sim info panel instead of a pop-up with all you have discovered.
    This was one of my first mods, it is very simple, but I hope you will enjoy it the same way I do ?
    New Mod: Mallrat Trait

    Live The Life! What could be better than spending day and night in The Mall? Nothing of course! Snoochie Boochies!
    The trait is inspired by the 90s movie “Mallrats” by Kevin Smith and in myself being kind of a “shopping addict"?, it has custom moods, custom buffs, custom interactions, custom conversation topics, and some of them are inspired by the movie, so if you liked "Mallrats” I think you will enjoy this trait even more.
    Mallrats sims will enjoy spending time in retail stores and around other mallrats, but they do not like smelly gyms and even less exercising. Mallrats Sims will also get a BIG discount when shopping in Retail.
    New Mod: Canning: All Jars to Inventory & Bug Fix

    While my little witch was visiting her parents in Henford on Bangley I realized how annoying it is when sims are canning and leave jars of jam and conserves on every possible surface instead of adding them to inventory. Well, not any more!
    Sims will now add the resulting jars to your inventory instead of leaving them all over your cozy cottage.
    I also noticed that canning oversized mushrooms Off-the-Grid is bugged and sims are not able to finish the cooking. This mod also fixes that bug.
    This should work also for any custom recipe as long as it follows the standard cooking sequence. If you find custom recipes that still do not add the jars to inventory let me know and I can add support for those.
    Spellbook Injector: Spellbook Injector: Utility mod that loads custom spells into the game. These spells won’t override any EA tuning, which ensures that creations from different modders will be compatible. To install it extract the zip file, and put the files inside your Mods folder (no more than one 1 folder deep). You only need to install this once, and it will work for any other custom spells you add to your game. If you are using other custom spells, including mine, you should already have Spellbook injector installed in your mods folder (no need to download it again). This is a requirement ONLY for the spells.
    Get Spellbook Injector here: Spellbook Injector
    - Polish  (Thank you Krzydkowy ?)
    - German (Thank you Crashdown117 ?)
    - Simplified and Traditional Chinese translations (Thank you Mina ?)
    Everything is tested and working in version 1.95.207, but it should also work on previous versions as long as it is not a super old version. 
    My mods DO NOT overwrite any EA files, are fully compatible with every other single mod and have no incompatibilities. 
    My mods: Download my mod and add the file to your mods folder. If you are updating remove the old file and put the new one in your mods folder. 
    Spellbook Injector: Extract the zip file, and put the files inside your Mods folder (no more than one 1 folder deep). Remember, you only need to install this once, and it will work for any other custom spells you add to your game.
    You need to be a spellcaster to use magic, and like with any other spell in the game, you need to learn them. If you have the required level but the spell does not show up, or you have the spell but it does not work, chances are that you are missing the required Spellbook Injector, or that you do not have it properly installed (unzip the file, put both script file and package file right inside your mods folder or no more than 1 sub-folder deep in the mods folder).
    If you still can't make it work do not hesitate asking me and I will be more than happy to help you. 
    You can also check for other mods in my tumblr LittleRedSonja (tumblr.com) or contact me on Discord (@LittleRedSonja).
    Have fun ?



  21. SimPreferences Mod - Reading

    For some reason EA didn't add Reading as Preference for your sims, so here it is.
    Now your sims will not always have a good time while reading a book.
    Installing is pretty easy, Download and extract the content of the archive into your Sims4 mods directory.
    PS: If you like and want to support my work, I would love to have you as my patrons on my PATREON page.



  22. Abella Danger - Loading Screens

    Abella Danger - Loading Screens Mod 
    1. Navigate to your mods folder by copy/pasting the following address into your File Explorer's address bar: 
    C:\Users\%UserProfile%\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods 
    2. Extract the folder "Abella Danger Loading Screens" from the archive directly into the mods folder. 
    Make sure you only have 1 loading screen package in your mods folder! 



  23. Nicole Aniston - Loading Screens

    Nicole Aniston - Loading Screens Mod 
    1. Navigate to your mods folder by copy/pasting the following address into your File Explorer's address bar: 
    C:\Users\%UserProfile%\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods 
    2. Extract the folder "Nicole Aniston Loading Screens" from the archive directly into the mods folder. 
    Make sure you only have 1 loading screen package in your mods folder! 



  24. Sensual Studio - Lore Friendly Erotic Painting Mod (v3.2)

    A standalone painting focused mod, that features original, lore-friendly erotic artworks for your sims to paint + a "Paint from Catalog" feature that allows you to pick the exact painting for your sims to craft. ❤️

    Unlike most other painting mods, this mod does not replace or override any other in-game paintings, but adds completely new ones to the pool available.
    All paintings are Exclusive Original Content, and features sims models for maximum lore-friendly immersion. 

    2025-JAN-14: Tested and working with TS4 game versions 1.112.481
    (Please note that this does not mean that this mod doesn't possibly work with game versions older than that - it most likely will - I just can not guarantee that it will work perfectly.)
    2024-MAY-29 ~ Sensual Studio Mod Framework updated to ver. 3.2 (see changelog for details)
    IMPORTANT: If you're updating the mod from v3.0a to v3.1 or v3.2, make sure to REMOVE the 'DLC_MODULES' folder and its contents from the mod's directory, as it is no longer needed by this new version.
    2025-JAN-10 ~ NEW Art Pack available for download (Click on the title for preview)
    Female Nudes vol.18 ART PACK
    File: PECO_ARTSPACK_Female_Nudes_18_by_Community.package
    Most of the source images used to make paintings for the art packs above are community submissions. If you'd like to send in your own scenes, you can do it so in this topic, and if it passes on both the artistic and technical level, I will include them in a future Community Arts Pack release.
    -Additional Notes:- 
    ★ I publish new content regularly, so if you don't wanna miss out, consider giving this mod a follow.
    ★ This mod is uploaded and maintained exclusively only on LoversLab & Patreon!
    ✘ I take no responsibility and/or provide tech support for any Unofficial / Third Party Site Mirrored releases!

    Custom Erotic Paintings: Your sims can paint all sorts of naughty stuff through the new Erotic Painting category added to the ingame Easel and Sketchpad. Paint from Catalog: Your sims can choose and craft any Erotic paintings on the easel, that are available at their present Painting skill level... so no more scraping and re-starting, you're in full charge of what your sim will paint! Custom Skill Books and Magazines: Your sims can level up their painting skills while reading these, and maybe even get inspired to paint a unique hidden Masterpiece Custom Objects: Various new objects to spice up your kinky art studio and help your sim work faster and better. Third Party Frame Support: All finished artworks that are using the default ingame canvas sizes (Large Tall & Medium) are compatible with third party framing mods. You can download Extra Picture Frames, including ones specifically made for the new Large Wide format from the download section. Check out the online manual for details.
    Apart from the English default, localization is also available for the following languages:
    🇨🇳 Chinese by aMuchen
    🇨🇿 Czech by phetrick
    🇫🇷 French by Angelus75
    🇩🇪 German by Jorak84
    🇮🇹 Italian by Massimo
    🇯🇵 Japanese by Kurzweil
    🇷🇺 Russian by wonderlandgirl
    🇪🇸 Spanish by ADimGaR
    Please note that these third party translations are not made/maintained by me, I only link to them.
    Always check if the translation is updated for the latest version, otherwise you could end up with missing/mismatched text.

    For the mod to work, you have to Download and Install the Sensual Studio Mod Framework first.
    -IMPORTANT:- When updating the MOD FILES to a newer version, always overwrite older files when prompted to.
    Download the latest mod framework from the top of the #DOWNLOAD THIS FILE# section. Unzip it with 7zip or other compatible zip/rar software. Copy the whole "CinErotique Sensual Studio" folder AS IT IS straight into your Sims4 "Mods" folder.
    THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, as the PECO_MOD_Sensual_Studio.ts4script file can not be more than one folder deep within the Mods folder! Move any ARTSPACK package files you might already have into the "CinErotique Sensual Studio/ART_PACKS" folder. Make sure you've enabled both "Content and Mods" and "Script Mods" in the game's Game Options > Other settings. The core framework installation is now done, so let's move onto the "ART PACKS" section and download some actual paintings... THE 32-BIT 'LEGACY EDITION' OF TS4 IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THIS MOD.

    You can download and install as many or as few packs as you like! there's no limit! The mod automatically recognizes installed content. You can download the individual ARTSPACK package files from the #DOWNLOAD THIS FILE# section.
    If you want to mass download all files, please refer to this forum post for details. Copy the downloaded Art Packs over to the "CinErotique Sensual Studio/ART_PACKS" folder within your Sims 4 Mods folder. All public ART PACK package files available here on LoversLab contains 7 or 8 high-resolution paintings, but if you feel like upgrading, please consider subscribing to my -PATREON-, where you can access the full version of each ARTPACKS, containing 2 additional Exclusive Paintings for each pack.
    AVAILABLE ART PACKS (Click on the titles for preview)
    Female Nudes vol.1 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.2 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.3 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.4 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.5 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.6 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.7 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.8 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.9 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.10 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.11 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.12 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.13 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.14 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.15 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.16 ART PACK Female Nudes vol.17 ART PACK -NEW- Female Nudes vol.18 ART PACK -PATREON- Female Nudes vol.19 ART PACK Explicit Arts vol.1 ART PACK Explicit Arts vol.2 ART PACK -PATREON- Explicit Arts vol.3 ART PACK
      Male Nudes vol.1 ART PACK by MassimoSims Male Nudes vol.2 ART PACK Male Nudes vol.3 ART PACK Male Nudes vol.4 ART PACK
      Christmas 2022 ART PACK -PATREON- Halloween 2024 ART PACK Cindy Rotique vol.1 ART PACK Fantasy vol.1 "Wood Nymph" ART PACK Fantasy vol.2 "Magical Beasts" ART PACK
      More Sketches vol.1 ART PACK


    Feedback is always appreciated!
    If you liked this mod, found a bug or in general have something to say,
    you can leave a comment in the mod's official forum thread.

    Q: Do I have to re-download/update everything every time a new ART PACK is released?
    A: No. Just download the new ART PACK(S) and add it to your Mods folder.
      Q: Does this mod works with XY painting replacers?
    A: This mod is totally independent, it does not replace or override anything, so yes, it should be compatible with ANY and ALL other painting mods.
      Q: Is it possible for me to add my own paintings to this mod?
    A: No, at least not directly. But you can submit your scene in this topic, and if it passes on both the artistic and technical level, I will include it in a future Community Arts Pack release.
      Q: Why are the thumbnails for some paintings just flat images instead of the default 3d ones in the Paint from Catalog picker dialogs and in my sims' inventory?
    A: This not technically a bug, but more of an in-game limitation and only affects the object thumbnails in both the picker dialog and the sims' inventory, and not the paintings themselves.
    (To explain it a more in-depth: the picker dialog can only render thumbnails for existing objects, and paintings are one of the few craftable objects that do not technically exist until the crafting process is actually started by the sim. Basically all paintings are just empty canvases until the crafting interaction applies a texture to them, so if I would have gone and let them use the default auto-generated thumbnails, then all of them would have just shown up as an empty canvas in the picker dialog... which would literally defeat the whole purpose of having a picker... And while I could have "cheated" and pre-render a thumbnail for each painting to circumvent this, that would have killed compatibility with third party painting replacer mods - which are quite popular. Maybe there's a way around this - i dunno - but it's definitely something above my present skill level to solve, so I suppose this is a minor cosmetic annoyance you just have to live with ?)  
    This mod should work without any issues alongside other painting related mods / overrides / replacers.  
      ss.info   - Displays the version number and build date of the mod, alongside the install path.
    Can be handy to find out if your current version is up-to-date, or needs updating.
    Big thanks goes to TurboDriver for helping me with the scripting.
    ★ For personal use only.
    ✘ DO NOT re-distribute this mod or any parts of it on LoversLab or other 3rd party sites.
    ✘ DO NOT include this mod in bundles. Just link to this site please.



  25. DD for Kritical's Devices

    A TS4 update broke this mod.
    Development has been discontinued in favor of the successor OID - 'On Interaction Do'.
    Everything which was hard-coded in this mod is now available in configuration files. Supporting new interactions and objects does no longer require code changes. New configuration files or a full release with new configuration files may still be provided.
    Please don't install anything from this post as it will not work unless you have an outdated TS4 version.

    DD 5.0 for Kritical's Devices
    This is a script mod for '[Kritical]s' devices.
    To use this mod install DD and remove WW.The mod injects into the interactions to make them compatible with DD.
    It does not require any of Kritical devices, but to make use of this mod you may want to install one or more of these files:
    * `[Kritical]StyxUrinal1f.package`
    * `[Kritical]PracticalSexArcade1f.package`
    * `[Kritical]BlowjobArcade1.package`
    * `[Kritical]MilkingMachine1.package`

    Remove these scripts:
    * `[Kritical]StyxUrinal1.ts4script` # or similar versions
    * `[Kritical]PracticalSexArcade1b.ts4script` # or similar versions

    This mod has been tested with the versions mentioned above. Obviously it requires S4CL and DD, both mods should be already installed.

    The ZIP file should be extracted into the `The Sims 4` folder to make sure that the folder structure is set up correctly.
    Commands may be executed shortly after an interaction starts and shortly before an interaction stops. It's not perfect but hopefully good enough for TS4.

    Sex and BJ Arcade
    * Customers will undress the lower body and dress up afterwards properly, the initial state (nude, underwear, outfit) will be restored.
    * The gender check has been removed, customers without a penis will use a strapon.
    * Customers with a penis will get a boner during animation and if they were nude they go flaccid. Also the cum level will be reduced.

    Styx Urinal
    * Customers will undress the lower body and dress up afterwards properly, the initial state (nude, underwear, outfit) will be restored.
    * Not modified: The game may rotate the sim or the effect 180° and it may look odd.
    Milking Machine
    * Sims with a Basic, Upgraded or Reward trait can use it.
    * Sims will undress the upper body and dress up afterwards properly, the initial state (nude, underwear, outfit) will be restored.
    * The milk level will be reduced after milking. This is not related to the amount of milk available in the machine.
    * Sims will no longer fade-out and fade-in as it didn't work reliable for me.
    * Pregnant sims can milk themselves.
    Modification for TS4 vanilla
    One day I may add them to a separate mod. Currently they are included here.

    * Sims will undress only while using the toilet.
    Water Slides and Pools / Sea
    * Sims may lose outfit parts while sliding or jumping in the water.

    * Sims will undress during woohoo and leave the bed naked.

    * Sims will undress their top.
    Sabacc Game (Star Wars DLC) [new in v5.0.0]
    * Sims will eventually undress if they fold or lose.

    Copyright and License
    © 2022 Oops19
    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unless the EA TOS for UGC overrides it.
    This mod is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licensors. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Game content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and its licensors. All Rights Reserved.

    Have fun extending this mod and/or integrating it within your mod.
    * Please don't put it behind a paywall.
    * Please don't create mods which break with every TS4 update.
    * For simple tuning modifications use Live-XML  https://modthesims.info/d/666111/live-xml-tuning-editor.html.
    * For complex tuning modifications write a mod like this one.

    DD Downloads
    No direct links to DD as I'm not sure whether we are allowed to use them.
    F95Zone - https://f95zone.to/
    NSFWMods - https://nsfwmods.com/
    synthia.ru - https://synthira.ru/l



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