18 files
Human Cattle Beta Version (WIP)
By GrimGrim31
This mod is a light-hearted treatment of an evil experiment by Vault-Tec that has resurfaced in the Commonwealth. Humans are turning into hucows, more concerned with sex, eating, and getting milked than telling you about how well the ghouls at The Slog are doing. Something has to be done before Preston Garvey can hand you another damn quest!
What this mod does: It allows the player to learn about a Vault-Tec experiment (#134) that turned humans into human cows (AKA hucows), capable of surviving - even thriving - after a nuclear war. The female cows produce milk that will reduce radiation levels in humans. This makes them a valuable commodity. There is a quest in the game (look for a clue in a mailbox in Sanctuary) to allow the player to learn more about the background while helping NPCs to find clues so a serum can be made to cure one of the NPCs, who is a female hucow. After the quest is completed, some of the NPCs may be recruited as settlers.
Of course, you may choose to take a more nefarious path and start your own hucow farms at the many settlements of the Commonwealth. Create hucow serum that you can inject into hapless settlers and other humans so that they become milk producers and make you filthy rich with caps. You can milk your cows or designate settlers as hucow farmers who will do the milking for you every day. You just have to collect caps, every once in a while, from the settlement workbenches.
You may also find that some of your settlers either slowly (and mysteriously) become hucows on their own or they may ask you to make them hucows, for reasons of their own. The Wasteland is a hard place, and some people just want a release from it all. Others have a hucow fetish. You can even choose to be a hucow yourself, male or female. You will find that male hucows, called bulls, are capable of fucking just about anything. Both sexes can be very sexually active although you can limit this a great deal via the MCM.
The mod adds some furniture too. There are leafy beds for the cows to sleep on the ground, an examination table where you can do lots of things to assigned settlers or hucows, and versions of normal workbenches and furniture that are not usable by hucows when they are sandboxing around the settlement (note that some of this furniture is also unusable by the player if he/she is a hucow). There are also food and water troughs and invisible animation mats that you can place around the settlements where you want NPCs to do things. One example is an eating mat so that hucows will stop and eat grass from the ground at the location. I usually put about 10-20 of these in a settlement so the hucows are active during the day. A few settlements (Sanctuary, Abernathy, Ten Pines) already have some of these in place. Version 1.1.0. adds hucow stall components that you can build in your settlements. Put a stall trough inside and assign a cow.
There are also a few unique NPCs that you will encounter outside of the quest. There is a hucow trader at Goodneighbor and another at Diamond City. You can buy and sell hucows there. You may also find a researcher shows up at one of your settlements if you have enough hucows there. I won't tell you much about her because she'll tell you everything you need to know.
You can track hucows by selecting that option in the MCM and then making that quest active in your Pip-Boy. Due to a limitation in the game, only the first 100 cows can be tracked. I have had over 300 cows at one time during playtesting. I am sure someone will reach the 999 cow limit of the reference collection but I hope the rest of you will be more cautious.
There is also a holotape that you can use as a hucow management system. It will allow you to see how many hucows are in the current settlement location, how many you have total, and move, milk, or kill individual cows.
Voiced dialogue for this mod was created using Elevenlabs online voice generation. The mod has over 3,700 lines of dialogue. Many are duplicates or short but around 2000 lines are original.
You will also find some things that are not part of the Vault-Tec experiment that are just darn fun to play with:
1) A misc object called Can of STFU that you can give to settlers, so they stop telling you about the ghouls and their tarberry bog or how much their feet hurt. Warning! Remove the can from any settler assigned as a store vendor in a settllement. Also remove the Hucow farmer's bucket from them. Otherwise, they will not use the vendor dialogue.
2) Syringes that will turn human enemies into hucows. Note: that one version of the clone serum also turns males into females, so you are guaranteed to get a large herd of milk cows quickly. I use these to capture raider bosses and then "employ" them as "cash cows" at Sanctuary. Don't use these on any NPC that you need for quests (e.g. Preston Garvey).
3) A helmet that will turn a female settler into a Battlebabe who will follow you into combat, deal damage on your behalf, and heal you for free. She will also help you with your "Morning Wood" problem if you choose that setting in the MCM. She can even become a settler or a hucow in a settlement if you give her a disguise.
4) Refrigerators to hold milk and milk crates to hold milk bottles. The fridges with the doors that open allow you to put milk crates inside them. Each fridge holds three crates. Each crate holds 24 bottles. If you put the Vault-Tec (blue) refrigerator with the door that is always closed in a settlement, your hucow farmers will occasionally put milk crates in it. It also holds three crates.
5) Poop, the lowest humor denominator. If you choose to allow it in the MCM, hucows will very rarely poop. You'll find their droppings decorating your settlements (hopefully not on the carpet). As a player hucow, you can also squat and poop using a hotkey, but be careful not to do that around Codsworth, as he is not amused.
6) Robots in settlements will clean up hucow poop. No need for you to do such a menial task when you are the general of the Minutemen. Put a robot in a settlement and it will clean the poop up for you. I added this so that Jezebel would have some work to do, but every robot will do the job.
7. Moo like you mean it. A player hucow can use a hotkey to moo. If brahmin moo at you, moo back!
8. The Player hucow can eat plants. There is an MCM setting to switch cow hunger on/off. If it is on, the player will have to eat plants or suffer adverse effects when cow hunger gets too strong. Wander the Commonwealth munching on wild fruits and veggies or nibble on something more exotic? I sometimes got distracted from quests during playtesting and went around munching everything in sight. I don't know much about Boston now, but I know the location of nearly every edible plant along the roads.
9. Cum addiction. An MCM option will give the player a cum addiction, which means you will have to pester anything with a dick to get your daily supply of cum or suffer adverse effects.
10. Vault-Tec tattoos and restraints. The player can put Vault-Tec tattoos and restraints on the cows. There are a few other tats as well that you can apply via Looksmenu. If you don't like hucows, use the assets on other NPCs.
11. Security Punishment Baton. Another version of the universal baton but NPCs will notice it when you use this one on them. If you have the Captive Tattoos mod by JB, this baton will also leave a mark. Heal the marks with a stimpak on the Exam Table or by giving the cow a salve that you make in the Chem Workbench. Whip marks may also heal over time.
12. Bed Check. Because the game assigns NPCs to beds regardless of whether they can actually sleep in them (due to restrictive conditions), the player can clear settlers from assignments to hucow beds and clear hucows from assignments to prohibited settler beds (the ones buildable in this mod's section of the build menu) by asking a male hucow farmer to fix the bed problem. Bed Check will also name every bed (if you have the Rename Anything mod installed and active in your load order) so that you know who owns that bed.
13. Devious Devices Makeshift Collar. An MCM setting allows you to use the Devious Devices Makeshift Collar instead of Vault-Tec restraints when collaring hucows on the exam table or while they are sleeping. You must have the Devious Devices mod installed.
14. ZazOut 4 crops. You can craft Zaz's latex and leather crop in the Chem Workbench and use them to punish hucows (or humans). You must have ZazOut 4 or the Repacked version of it installed. These versions of Zaz's crops cause minimal damage and do not make hucows hostile.
Required mods:
Fallout 4
All DLCs
AAF (Get it on the AAF Discord)
Extended Dialogue Interface (XDI)
Recommended (optional) mods:
Commonwealth Captives (a prime source of future hucows, you could play FO4 without it, but why would you?
Captive Tattoos Version 3.3. (for the security punishment baton to leave whip marks on humans)
Cherie's Looksmenu Overlays Nice tramp stamps and the lactating breasts overlay used in Human Cattle
CBBE Pubes (works for CBBE and FG, the au naturel pube is used in game)
Devious Devices is needed if you want to use the Makeshift Collar instead of the Vault-Tec Restraint Set for collaring hucows.
Immersive Human Overseer Barstow if you want to turn her into a hucow using the hucow serum syringe (not the clone syringe)
Looksmenu (bodygen and overlays only function because of this mod)
Mad Science for Dummies Dudemer's cow body mod for CBBE, use it if you want a more cow like body. Warning: Not for FG users and may have issues with crawling and/or kneeling. Dudemer is currently updating this mod and has added a patch for use with Human Cattle. I have not tested his mod or his patch!
Mod Configuration Menu because without it you can't change options
Place Everywhere is very handy for settlement building
Rename Anything is a mod that allows you to name everything from hucows to troughs to beds to provisioners as well as items in your inventory.
Zazout 4 Repack is the repacked and revised version of Zazout 4. It works much better. Needed to use the less damaging version of Zaz's crops.
Thanks to the following people:
Dagobaking for AAF and the AAF Discord Server
All of the moderators and frequent visitors of the AAF Discord Server
JB for adding his crawling system to this mod and giving me some tips about it.
Alundra for enthusiastically cheering this mod on and making a few items for it.
EgoBallistic, Niston, LarannKiar, Lee3310, and VaultBait for help in learning to make this mod
Thanks to Timanca for making the original crawling animations.
Big thanks to LarryJD8822 for helping me pay for my ElevenLabs subscription.
Installing this mod
Install using a mod manager like any other mod.
This mod was written for pre-NG FO4 and the archives (BA2s) are the old version but NG is backwards compatible so I don't expect any issues with this mod and NG FO4. Let me know if you find any problems.
Try not to make any actors wearing high-heeled shoes into cows or turn off the height addition for them. Otherwise you may see them floating above the ground when they crawl.
This mod uses scripts, a lot of them, and also relies on pulling specific FORMIDs. When you convert a mod to an ESL it compacts the FORMIDs, changing many of them. That means this mod cannot find the specific FORMIDs that it needs to work when you ESLify this mod.
This mod places objects on the ground in Sanctuary, Ten Pines, Sunshine Tidings, Abernathy Farm, Red Rocket, The Slog, Good Neighbor, and Diamond City. If you use a mod that changes these locations, you may find hucow NPCs clipping into any new mod placed objects. None of my objects are placed inside existing buildings or on existing roads except for Good Neighbor, where some objects are placed or moved at the shack on the end of the street by The Memory Den.
Body mods: This mod can morph Atomic Muscle, CBBE, Fusion Girl, and BodyTalk bodies. Indeed, a lot of the mod is about changing those bodies. You can turn off the morphs in the MCM but it is all or nothing in this beta. If you turn off the morphs, you turn all of them off and you may find few changes in NPCs as they become hucows if there are no body morphs. I plan to tailor the MCM in the final version so that you can turn off the morphs for the male or female Player Character while allowing the body morph changes for NPCs.
Hot Keys: This mod uses several keys when the Player is a hucow. These include G, H, N, and M on the English Qwerty keyboard. As of Version 1.0.5. you can change the hotkeys in the MCM.
G key makes the player kneel ; Keycode 71
H key makes the player stand up ; Keycode 72 You can also stand just by opening and closing the Pipboy.
M key makes the player moo ; Keycode 77
N key makes the player poop ; Keycode 78
Crawling: Your hucows do not have to crawl on all fours but it adds to the overall visual effect. Hucows that are following you will walk normally but revert to crawling when you assign them to settlements. As of Version 1.1.0. the Crawl on All Fours animation mod is no longer needed. You can choose to have hucows walk normally. Use the MCM to choose between the options. You may still have a few NPCs try to crawl in certain scenes but this will be minimal. The player will crawl too as hucow. To stand upright and move faster, equip a weapon. You can also move faster in First Person view with or without a weapon.
Poop: This mod does not focus on bodily excretions/products as much as Invictusblade's milking mod, but I did add HuCow poop for laughs and to make Jezebel clean it up. You can disable pooping in the MCM and let all of your cows remain constipated. There is not a lot of poop if you allow it and it does make good fertilizer to make ammunition.
Other AAF sex mods: This mod has its own ways to have sex so you don't need Autonomy or Sex Em Up unless you want twice as much random sex. This mod does not conflict with the other AAF mods but you may find it less distracting to just turn most of them off when you are in a settlement that serves as a hucow farm.
This is a Beta version and Work in Progress (WIP)!
I plan to improve this mod over time. You can add suggestions in the support forum. I make no promises to include anything suggested but I will consider everything. Keep in mind though that I am already working on the next mod and I also have the More Ways of Washing mod to keep updated so my attention is divided.
Assets used from other mods?
Having spent portions of three years working on this mod, I learned a lot by looking at how other mods and the base game did things. Along the way, I tried various assets from other mods and usually discarded them after learning how they worked. However, a few assets are still in this mod in some modified form. These include the poop nif and texture from JB's Nuka World and the milk bottle rack scripts from Wasteland Dairy Framework by Invictusblade (the rack and milk bottles are base game assets). I have slightly modified the nifs and scripts but most of those assets are the work of those mod authors and I am deeply indebted to them for their creation.
My cloning script and the Human Cow Control System owes a lot to Ignoto_Virum's Just Business mod and to AAF's own cloning script functions (anyone learning Papyrus should take a good look at these mod scripts as well as any work by EgoBallistic). The classic Vault-Tec restraint set uses nifs and textures from Kimy's Devious Devices mod. I made a ground model for the set but most of the creative work was by Vioxsis, I believe. The troughs are heavily modified from the Better Brahmin Troughs mod created by Andrey4791 but his kind attention to taking better care of Brahmin was a huge influence on my troughs.
The SWF for the You're a HuCow perk is made from art in Brine's Sex Tec Visual Assets mod. Original art by RuthlessPeasant. I had to do a lot of work to make the art usable for an SWF but the original work by Brine and RuthlessPeasant was incredible.
The crawling animations come from Timanca's mod on Nexus but use a human subgraph, keyword, and functions created by JB. Check out his mod's Nuka Ride and Commonwealth Slaver's for more sexy FO4 fun!
The milky boobs overlay was created from assets used for lactation armor in the mod Lactating Breasts by vax2k4. This looks exactly like lactation overlays in Skyrim so the original creator of the texture may be someone else. Whomever they are, I am thankful for their work. The overlay texture and material files were created by Cheri Song.
And, of course, some assets are borrowed from the original FO4 game and/or its DLCs. I will probably never know who made them, but I thank them for their fine work.
You can edit this mod for your personal use to adjust it to your own tastes. You may find some assets inside that already do some things that you want but I did not include them as functional elements in this beta version.
You can use assets or script functions for your own mods as long as you credit me for the help. I am happy to help other mod makers produce mods for everyone to enjoy.
Do not post this mod on any other website! Do not share it as your own work.
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)
How do the actors become hucows? The player becomes a hucow immediately by using the MCM option for it. HuCow serum and HuCow Clone serum syringes will instantly transform human NPCs that are hit by the syringe (unless they are wearing power armor). Human settlers can start a slow timed transformation (about 18 game hours) if they are assigned to the Examination Table and injected. Some Commonwealth Captives are already affected and will slowly transform over five game days. Human settlers may talk to the player about hucows and allow themselves to be injected. Their transformation is about 18 game hours. Doctor Hope will transform slowly if she is given serum via dialogue with the player. Her transformation stages are triggered when the player has sex with her. She will not fully transform until the player tells her that she is a cow. NOTE: You must have hucow serum syringes (craftable in the Chem Workbench) in your inventory in order to inject NPCs. Syringes that are loaded in the Syringer are not recognized by the game as being in your inventory. Keep a few loose in your inventory (minimum of two) if you want to inject NPCs at the exam table or during dialogue.
How do I stop my settlers from randomly becoming hucows? Give them an immunity pill. These can be crafted in the Chem Workbench.
How do I have sex with the hucows? Assuming you have a working AAF setup, you can sex with hucows using AAF's home key. You can also move close enough to hucows to see the Fuck or Blowjob activation buttons and start sex scenes by activating the button. Hucows are not always ready for sex unless the player is a bull. So you do not always see the buttons. You also cannot see the Fuck or Blowjob buttons unless the hucow has been milked because the Milk button overrides the Fuck and Blowjob buttons. Once Doctor Hope has taken hucow serum, she has to be milked before she will be horny for sex.
Why did I make this mod?
I began work on this mod in early 2021 in order to learn how to make a mod. At the time, I knew nothing about mod making, Papyrus, or any of the assets in mods. I knew little about AAF, XML, animations, or the tools/apps/programs used to create mods. Yes, I was that optimistic and naive but I wanted to make a mod to force me to learn all of the skills necessary for mod making. Now, three years later, I have learned a great deal and most of the time, mod making is easy though meticulous and time consuming work. I still find it entertaining so I will probably write another mod or two.
Why a mod about hucows?
Well, I needed a theme and I remember trying the Wasteland Dairy Framework back then and being a bit disappointed that it wasn't more like the hucows that I read about on Literotica. I also tried Mad Science's four titted hucow mod and while interesting, it still didn't seem right. So, I decided to make Human Cattle.
What will your next mod be about?
Supermutants, I want more for the big, green, meanies. They seem to be a comic foil for the Player Character right now, and I think they can be better. And they do love a good hucow. Maybe I can even teach them how to use soap?
WIP BETA: Diamond City Expansion - Red Seat Slavery
By jbezorg
What started out as a personal caps drain mod ended up as this. I spent a week or so cleaning it up for LL.
I'm sure there will some things that break when others try to play through so, Beta
Diamond City Expansion Advanced Animation Framework Real Handcuffs Kziitd Fetish Toolset Stripper Pole 3.2 B Includes 4 assignable Steel Poles, 1 for each of SavageCabbage's pole dancing animations. SavageCabbage's Animation Pack CWSS Redux plus DCE.esp requires CWSS. If you don't have CWSS then you don't need it.
ZaZOut4 Beta V.003 - There is an unfinished bad end if you get too far into debt with Red Seat District Boss Liemanto. [AAF] Sexual Harassment - If installed, you can pay off Liemanto's bodyguard, Mykola, for protection. Devious Devices RC9 beta - Resolve device conflicts with Kziitd Fetish Toolset
TSEX and TSEX Hardship Alpha Some mod that allows you to stash caps in containers. I use Greslin's Stash Those Caps. No longer available on Nexus but available on the GreslinGames Discord CWSS v4.0.1 is available at this post.
Before Installing this mod
Make sure you have all the requirements and patches for the required mods installed Make sure they are the latest version if you already have them. This includes the optional supported mods if they are installed. Make sure they work before installing this mod. Changing the game's time scale from default ( 20 ) can mess up mods that rely on game time and this mod relies on game time
Fair warning.
Diamond City Expansion is an extensive mod covering Diamond City. Most likely it will conflict with something. Flashing geography because of conflicting pre-combines, etc.. Make sure it will work w/in your load order. DO NOT UPDATE If you've completed DCE's Grinding The Seat quest and started this mod's quests. It is possible that you can lose some of your gear permanently
How you use to complete the Diamond City Expansion quest "Grinding The Seat"
You just walked around the stripper pole in circles to have a chance to trigger a crowd response. After a certain amount of crowd reactions, the quest would be completed.
To start the "Grinding The Seat" quest. Enter the Red Seat District in Diamond City. When you enter, there's a note on the scaffolding directly to your left. Go to the strip club and ask for and accept the job. Follow Mykola to the back of the strip club where he gives you further instructions.
Now to complete the "Grinding The Seat" quest you:
Have the Player stand very close to the stripper pole and an AAF pole animation will start. Hitting the JUMP key will now to have a chance to trigger a crowd response. You'll hear the quest complete sound when you've completed the quest. Hitting the END ( you don't have to open the AAF menu ) key will end the AAF animation.
Once you've completed the quest:
When you exit the Red Seat District the Player be immediately shocked as a warning. As time progresses the Player will be shocked more frequently probably till dead. You are expected to earn a certain amount of caps a day while in The Red Seat District. Mykola will track you down around noon, after your shift ends, to collect the caps you earned.
Mykola has some complex dialogue options that include:
Some speech challenges will change when deep in debt. Some can result in a bad end. No, I'm not telling. To quote Sheogorath. "Why ruin the surprise" You can give a larger cut to stop Harassers while in the District. Actually it's more than you can earn w/in the District. This is a caps drain mod after all and the Player is dealing with a Mob Boss. With a speech challenge you can beg for some back. Don't do it while you deep in debt or you risk consequences.
It's a trap and a puzzle to solve. You may get the chance buy a way out after a certain amount of time. You also may get some perks.
The player is working for a Mob Boss that runs a strip club and a whore house. They're not going to let you keep a lot of caps or easily let you go. You have to find a way to remove the collar in the limited time you have outside of the Red Seat District. You keep most the caps earned outside The Red Seat District. Unless you are paying for protection and/or you go into debt.
Mykola won't unlock the collar. Not for a while anyway and the dialogue options will change over time depending on how much you go into debt.
The dialogue options will only be available when Mykola visits you around noon to collect caps. Fall too far into debt and the player will end up in a ( unfinished ) bad end.
Human Cattle Beta Version 1.25.2 TRADUCCION AL ESPAÑOL
By lord mado
Dime, ¿alguna vez has querido iniciar una granja pero que en vez de animales sean humanos?
Pues da igual, este increible mod te permite iniciar tu propia granja humana, donde podras conseguir carne y leche de las "Hucow" (Vacas humanas) al igual que puedes tener Toros que se encarguen de las necesidades sexuales de tus vacas, preñandolas y consiguiendo el doble de leche de las huwcow. (CUIDADO, PUEDEN ATACAR LUJURIOSAMENTE A CUALQUIER MUJER, SEA HUCOW O UNA SIMPLE COLONA).
o por que no, tu puedes volverte una HUCOW y iniciar una extraña pero divertida partida.
La mision principal del mod inicia en Sanctuary, en un buzon cerca de la entrada del mismo, lee la holocinta y despues de una pequeña pero entretenida mision podras iniciar tu aventura como granjera/o de Hucows o siendo una hucow xd
Para que el mod funcione correctamente se necesita instalar primero el mod original el cual es:
Evidentemente con todos los requisitos que este pida, esos requisitos los puedes ver en el mod original, sin mas espero volver a verlos luego con mas mods traducidos para la comunidad y cualquier duda que pueda surgir con mucho gusto puedo ayudar a solucionarla, que tengan un exelente dia
Various FO4 mods RU
By vjnmrf
Только переводы, сами моды по ссылкам ниже
Nuka Ride 6.8.6
Commonwealth Slavers 2.6.8b
Sex Attributes 2.8.0
Sexual Harassment 1.20.4
Bound In Public 1.3.3
Violate V1.60
Sex Em Up 1.19
Better Living Through Cumistry 1.09
Provocative Perks 1.09.1
Little Pawn 2.23
Raider Pet Tweak v0.5
Pervert – Immersive prostitution and harassment 0.1.1
Triggerwoman 1.0
Problems of Survivor
Warning: Disgusting, sexist, humiliating and violent content!
Fallout 4's version of my Skyrim mod Troubles of Heroine. Adds NPCs, quests and events to make life for a woman in a post-apocalypse world more cruel and degrading.
The mod includes hard choices on a universal scale and supports zero kill walkthroughs.
There is the hidden parameter - Your Dignity, which changes as you communicate with Brutus or Xana. To unlock its full potential - use the code: set aaayourdignity to 100. To check it - find the Wise Toilet in Diamond City, near the destroyed van. In dialogues, if you don't have a required perk or SPECIAL, you won't see the option. In the non-XDI version, some options are hidden by other options.
Males have less content than females - some will be missed and some will be completely inaccessible. To play female content for a male, use code: set AAAiamsissy to 1.
The AAAPOSSpecialRoom has the mod's items safe and buttons to disable/enable some content.
POSScripts - for modders only!
Lines of dialog: 19557.
Put this mod at the very end of your modlist!
Advanced Animation Framework (AAF) + animations;
Extended Dialogue Interface (optional);
F4z Ro D'oh to skip dialogues;
Roleplayer's Expanded Dialogue (RED) to add more dialogues and skill checks to the vanilla game so that there is not such a big difference between the mod and base game dialogues;
Idiot Savant to Idiot Slut.
1.8.1 RUS:
Nudella Mask:
Basil's Desat-English dictionary:
Future plans:
More dialogs; More quests; More situations; More followers; More filth.
Do what you want with the mod.
- followers
- encounters
- (and 4 more)
Duke Your new Best Friend TRADUCCION AL ESPAÑOL
By lord mado
Duck es un nuevo posible seguidor el cual es un perro super inteligente y fuerte, tan solo despues de conocerte te retara a un duelo para ver quien se convertira en el nuevo jefe de la manada, en caso de perder te volveras la perra de Duck y el decidira que hacer con tigo y con tus agujeros aunque lo mas probables es que termines convirtiendote en su baño de semen personal y a su vez pariendo algunos cachorros.
Es un mod que le encantara a los amantes del genero bestialidad, este mod agrega una nueva dificultad al juego ya que la orina y semen de Duck te haran cada vez mas debil y torpe para el combate, a tal punto de incluso tener -Fuerza, -Resistencia, -Inteligencia, etc. teniendo que depender completamente de Duck para salir de los combates. Cabe recalcar que apesar de todo es un mod incompleto y con muchos bugs, por lo que te recomiendo guardar debes en cuando si no quieres terminar en un bucle o en un cuarto sin salida.
Si desean que traduzca algun mod en especifico favor de decirmelo y con gusto lo hare gratis (ya si me quieren donar pues no les dire que no xd)
Este mod fue traducido por UNIONDOJO, y si ustedes quieren corregir los errores ya sea de coherencia o esas cosas que mencione arriba con todo el gusto pueden usar mi traduccion y modificarla.
Para que el mod funcione correctamente se necesita intalar primero el mod original el cual es:
Evidentemente con todos los requisitos que este pida, esos requisitos los puedes ver en el mod original, sin mas espero volver a verlos luego con mas mods traducidos para la comunidad y cualquier duda que pueda surgir con mucho gusto puedo ayudar a solucionarla, que tengan un exelente dia
como extra, el mod no lo incluye pero aun asi te recomiendo que te instales este mod que remplaza el Pip-Boy de la muñeca por otro que puedes tener en tus manos ya que al desnudarte Duck tambien te quitara el Pip-Boy de la muñeca y ya no podras ver tu inventario, desplazarte con teletransporte, ver tus estadisticas, subir de nivel, vaya todo lo que puedes hacer con el pip-boy y con este mod no pasa eso ya que no esta en la muñeca xd
- beastality
- dog
- (and 7 more)
Sanity Framework
By Sthan Dust
Sanity Framework 2.10 (Mother Release).
The story thus far... You are the sole survivor, and you just left the vault with the burden of the loss of your son, the loss of your spouse, and the end of the world. How can you possibly help them if you can't help yourself? Dread grips your mind and heart as you explore Wonderland, or now, Wasteland, just like Alice. You find cryptic messages leading you around the ruins of the Commonwealth. The more you follow these leads, the less you care about the problems in the world around you. Your choices will ultimately decide your fate. Your spouse, your son, your world is gone now. And deep down you know, nothing will end well.
A new form of nightmare has manifested itself in the Commonwealth, as if your little mind could bear anymore. You've heard whispers of tentacles attacking people for no known reason. The story begins to unfold as your sanity dwindles.
Please see release notes below for 2.10. PLEASE SAVE BEFORE INSTALLING.
MCM Options Explained:
Hard Requirements:
AAF and all its requirements: by @dagobaking If you don't follow this guide, from @Saya Scarlett my mod will not work. A word on animations, I would install all animation packs as I will be calling specific animations, rather than random animations. All The DLC + Unofficial Fallout Patch -- Far Harbor and Nuka World Sex Attributes (Most recent version) (Spirit, Willpower and General Stats) @twistedtrebla MCM
Mod Integration: There are several key mods I intend to integrate with that will affect sanity. The following are planned to date:
TSEX : Continued integration. This mod is amazing by @Tentacus and @requiredname65 AAF Violate (Completed) @EgoBallistic Hardship Beggar Whore by @Tentacus This is one of the most realistic mods I've seen to date around prostitution and addiction. I plan to monitor this mod for the prostitution and addition attributes associated. Crackle by @Tentacus: I really like this realism of this mod. I highly recommend KitCat's Camping Gear for this. Smokeable Cigars - Cigarettes - Joints - With HardCore Auto Save : (Nexus Mods) This adds smoking, which reduces stress. Joints Remove depression. Not a hard requirement, but if its there, you'll get those extra bonus items. AAF Sexual Harassment by @twistedtrebla Already hooked into Sex Attributes. I want to have a light integration with this one. Hypnotism adds many possibilities. Sex Education by @spicydoritos Really nice expansion on the player's sexual history. Expanding this support. Animated Tentacles by @Snapdragon_ Native Sync by @Snapdragon_ This seems to fix some tentacle animation issues and appearances. It looks so much better with this mod enabled. Family Planning Enhanced Redux (Pregnancy effects, Post-Partum, Abortion and Miscarriage outcomes.) Works with either version of the mod by @Invictusblade & @EgoBallistic Wasteland Dairy Framework This is in process with the new version by @Invictusblade
Recommended Mods: These Mods are my personal favourites, and they do add to the immersive experience. Not at all necessary.
AAF SexEmUp: by @EgoBallistic Nice for light prostitution and other sex approaches Raider Pet by @stobor This mod is the best at abduction for raiders. RSE hasn't been updated in a while and causes many issues unfortunately. Devious Devices: by @Kimy I'm sure everyone has this, but it warrants a mention. Real Handcuffs by @Kharos Again, goes without saying. AAF Tattoo After Rape by @twistedtrebla This is perfect for the Sanity Framework as a reminder of what has happened to the Player over time. (I will post recommended settings) AAF Bad-End: Purgatory: By Ego. I love this mod because there are so many things you could do with sanity on this. I may do an integration once I work through the other things. AAF Autonomy Enhanced Redux: By @Invictusblade At first it seemed silly that NPCs were randomly having sex, but when you think about it, what else do they have to do? Captive Tattoos by @JB. These are a must for Tattoo after Rape, and to be realistic with Hardship
Money hole - Barbarous Continent Addon
By Rain Maker
Add 1 small quest with 2 events to Barbarous Continent mod (0.72 - probably will work with new versions)
Once you reach continent, marker will lead you to place.
I recommend to install also Screen Archer Menu for better work of face expression.
Problems of Survivor Dialogue Addon
This is not an ORIGINAL mod!!! It just EDITS/FIXES Dialogue!
This mod is merely a personal project of mine that is correcting a lot of the dialogue in Problems of Survivor by DSHV.
All Credit goes to them!
"Do what you want with the mod." - DSHV
"Edit what I edit, I don't care!" - Me
What Does/Will This Mod Do?
Well friends, like I mentioned before, this mod will "fix" some of the dialogue contained within the mod. DSHV did a wonderful job crafting this mod, but Imma be real, some of the dialogue and grammar, is just terrible. (I say this with the utmost respect, my spelling and grammar kinda trash as well).
So I will try and rectify that as best I can.
-The ESP is packed into a data folder so it should be capable of being installed via a Mod Manager (Vortex/MO2)(I use MO2)
-Or install it manually by dropping it into you data folder, and then activating it via Mod Manager, or don't I guess, idk.
Next/Planned Update:
Not sure yet, should I work on side content or continue with the main story? both?
Vault 144 Quest
By Rain Maker
Make save before installing mod, and delete my mod and save, after finishing quest
General idea:
There will be no updates, feel free to use parts I created in your mods, and other parts if you have permission from author
Thanks to, original authors:
Duke Your new Best Friend
By DukeDog
Duke Is Just your normal Follower dog
Warning Piss play, Humiliations, forced exhibitionism, Rape, and Beasteality are in this mod if you are of faint heart Do not download. This is an extreme fetish mod.
I do not condone any of these things this is purely for RP and in no way affects anything based on reality.
This is my first mod and is in early Alpha. Currently, the mod is Duke and a player home.
but alone Duke has over 1000 lines of dialog.
Currently their are 2 perks and 5 consumables that have buffs and debuffs.
Dogs Slave: 20% damage reduction when naked.
Just kidding Duke is a extremely Dominant German Shepherd. Duke will dominate the player after a small amount of time adventuring.
Warning Piss play, Humiliations, forced exhibitionisms, Rape, and beastality are in this mod if you are of faint heart Do not download. This is a extreme fetish mod.
I do not condone any of these things this is purely for RP and in now way affect anything based in reality.
Duke Can be found in the concord playground.
This is my first mod and is in early Alpha. Currently the mod is
Broodmother: 20% damage reduction but 20% less damage with all weapons. (If I can figure out how to make it buff duke I would.)
Consumables; (These are all forced on the player by duke. I don't know how to just add the effect for a set amount of time without having the player consume a item. )
Dog Piss: Per +2 RadResist +3 Int -1 Cha -3 Luk -2 End +3 Rad +6
Dog Cum: Char -1 Agi +1`Int -1 Rad +4 Luk +1
Wet ass: Per -1 RadResist +1 Per -1
Ass Pain: Str -2 Per -2 Agi -2 random 1 damage
Puppies are kicking: periodic Damage 5 Stagger
Duke pushes the player into being a stat tank being forced to rely on Duke being the protector and Duke actively encourages the player to rely on him by forcing the player to be naked or punishing her for disobeying by Forcing DD Items on them. where does a dog get these thing? He finds them and forces you to were them,(Some parts are broken as I haven't tested all parts)
But why use duke that will fuck you on the regular rather then stick with dogmeat. well Duke is stronger then dogmeat having double the stats across the bord that also scales with the player.
Duke Thinks of the player as a female dog and sometimes refers to the player as Bitch but this is not derogatory in Dukes mind duke loves his bitch even if she rebels or submits to him. Sometime Duke is sweet and sometimes duke is aggressive the player never knows when duke will be aggressive towards the player or is just playing with the player.
This is reflected by nearly every option being random with many options on what could happen.
If the player gets annoyed by duke talking to them or interrupting dialog (I have yet to have duke interrupt dialog.) just talk to duke and say "Lets Talk About Us For a second" then press the debug button this will block all randomly prompted dialog. you can also just walk away from dialog and nothing will happen.
Known Bugs:
After leaving the player home Duke will not be their. to bring Duke back then just fast travel.
The door is support to lock behind the player when entering if duke tells the player to go home. for some reason the door only locks outside if you are locked out type help Duke 0 Look for the dukehomekey and type player.additem XXXXXXXX . the X's being the code from DukeHomekey. in order for the key to not be removed talk to duke inside your home and ask him "Hay Duke lets go out and see the world a bit."
dismissing Duke will cause him to walk off into the sunset after finding the player home. He will be in the player home but you will be unable to recruit him again. I forgot to add the dialog. I will add it once i get all dialog for the player home written up
Sometimes Pregnant Dialog will play even when player is no longer pregnant. I kept getting it and i don't know why
Planned Features
Not going home consequences. If duke tells the player to go home duke will slowly get angrier at the player for ignoring his order. I will add this feature once the player home is bug free
More Home Dialog
ambient Dialog based on location
NPC across the world that will comment on nakedness and Duke
Raider questline involving dukes origins and your place in dukes life. will have branching story based on the job you choose to do. Jobs will be Doctor/Kennel Bitch/Mercenary.
Looking for idea's on what else
Children story line. meet your puppies and watch them grow. you are their mother but Duke actively discredits your authority leading to your children bulling the you. try your best to raise a good litter of puppies.
AAF Family Planning Enhanced Redux:
Torture Devices:
Devious Devices:
Soft Requirement
A Pipboy replacer mod. any type that removes it from the body.
- beastality
- dog
- (and 4 more)
Boston Breeder Voice Files
this is just a w.i.p. voice files for Boston Breeder by pepertje love the mod but always wanted it voiced so i did it my self. hope to work more with them soon and yes i will try to do the same for fertile breeder for ttw.
the file is to big so here is a text file containing the mega link
Boston Breeder
By pepertje
Wiki Editors wanted. Here's the wiki. PM me for questions.
For this mod to work smoothly, I highly recommend installing the BLANK AUDIO FILES, this allows you to skip through dialogue and keeps the camera focused on the NPC talking. Alternatively, there are computer-generated voiced lines available as of April '22, many thanks to Lestat_Rhodes for putting in the work.
Alternatively, download this little mod here: F4z Ro D-oh which should do the work automatically.
A sequel to Fertile Breeder.
The cherry on top: this time I've taken male characters in account and male characters have some unique dialogue options where appropriate.
Invictusblade made a handy dandy archive for the loose voice files, which should greatly help reducing load times.
Install instructions:
-Add the Boston Breeder .rar file to your mod manager, install.
-Install the Voice pack as well (Blank audio files. Optional, but not having them WILL be a pain in the ass until something like Fuz Ro D'Oh comes along.)
>To install the Voice Pack, you will first have to unpack the archives into a seperate folder and then repackage them. Sadly, LL doesn't allow for files larger than 100MB to be posted, so for now this is the only option.
Required files:
-This mod is about bestiality, but I'm guessing that much was obvious already. Still, don't be nitpicky.
-If you want to use this mod for your own mods, please PM me. I usually give permission, but I like to know where this mod is being used (support wise/helping out making it and all that useful stuff.)
-If you have any ideas of your own, feel free to share them over here and I might implement them. (Seriously, I take feedback seriously)
Plans for future:
(Items stricken through are already in or are being worked on.)
-Quests focusing on being captured and forced to breed. (Still trying to find a way to make it work properly for male characters )
-Settlement implementation.
-Turning other characters into companions, including personal quests.
Bad End: Purgatory
By EgoBallistic
Expiate Your Sins
This is a death alternative add-on for AAF Violate's Bad End feature. When you are killed by a Bad End, you will be transported to Purgatory, where you are given a choice: accept your fate and die permanently, or endure punishment before returning to the land of the living.
Mod Features
Creepy Atmosphere!
The Restless Dead!
Absolutely not a hint of lore friendliness!
This mod gives you a short quest in a small dungeon, culminating in some BDSM action, after which you will be returned to Sanctuary. There is an MCM to turn the mod on or off.
Enable the mod in its MCM menu
Enable Fatal Bad Ends in AAF Violate's MCM under Mod Integration Options. You will only be sent to Purgatory if the Bad End is fatal.
When I added the Bad Ends feature to Violate, I wasn't sure how people would react to the idea of a mod like this killing their character. So I only made the Bad Ends actually kill you if you were executed by high-level enemies, and even that could be turned off in the MCM. To my surprise, a lot of people asked for the option to make Bad Ends always fatal. So I added that option to the latest version of Violate. But then @WandererZero and I were talking about it, and we agreed that it would be nice if you had the option to respawn in the world afterward, rather than being forced to reload your save.
We were inspired by Awakened - Immersive Respawn, which is another death alternative mod that lets you choose whether to respawn or stay dead. We liked the idea, but decided it would be way more fun if you had to endure some kinky torments before being let loose upon the living again. And so Purgatory was born.
Notes and Future Plans
The mod is pretty simple at this point, the focus for the initial release was making a cool looking environment and coming up with a reliable and aesthetically pleasing dungeon scene. All of the BDSM action is done via AI packages and scripting, instead of using animation files. This makes it really flexible; the scene randomly picks from two different restraints and four different torture implements, but we could add more and the mod would adapt to them.
In the future we would like to expand the range of devices and punishments, and maybe add some other action like exotic sex animations. We are also looking into making this a real death alternative mod, which will send you to Purgatory regardless of how you die.
AAF Violate, and all its requirements. Bad End Purgatory requires AAF Violate version 1.0 or higher.
Gray User's Bad End Animations pack which is needed to trigger Bad Ending outcomes in Violate.
The Nuka World DLC (DLCNukaWorld.esm)
The Contraptions Workshop DLC (DLCWorkshop02.esm)
@WandererZero - concept and level design
@EgoBallistic - scripting, scenes, etc
@ZaZ - BDSM assets from ZaZOut4 (used with permission)
Veav - assets from Skeleton Ball mod (used with permission)
Crimsomrider - assets from Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture mod (used with permission)
- bdsm
- death alternative
- (and 4 more)
[Beta] Barbarous Continent
By DæmonEyes
Adult Themes
Consensual Sex, Non-consensual Sex, Humiliation, Mind Control, Watersports, Creature, Slave, Bondage, Domination, Submission, Pet-play
A new island has been found off the coast and you are given the opportunity to investigate. A short intro quest will take you to the island. To start the quest there is a poster in diamond city next to the guy who sells baseball bats. Content is designed around dialogue where your choices will affect your characters invisible profile which tracks submissiveness/dominance/pervertedness etc. This profile will unlock/block/or change content that your character has access too in the future. This is a work in progress so many choices may lead to dead ends for now.
Advanced Animation Framework
All DLC's (requirement for some of the other dependencies)
Devious Devices and its dependencies (torture devices/armor keyword resource/ All DLC's/etc.)
[AAF] Themes
Leito / Crazy / Vadermania / SavageCabbage / Atomic lust animations packs
List of Events
Frequently Asked Questions
Suggestions: These aren't mandatory they are just for your convenience if you want.
Q: My character is in a scene and is stuck in place jittering or moving very slowly.
Zoom into first person and your characters movements should become more fluid.
Q: My character controls are disabled even though they shouldn't be, what can I do?
Type in console DumpInputEnableLayers, one of those layers should have bctfunctions associated with it
so maybe something like
layer 0 (something ...)
layer 1 (bctfunctions ...
type resetinputenablelayer 1 in console
type setplayeraidriven 0
If you are in the middle of a scene and your character is stuck/bugged, you can use the above code to restore your controls, move to a better position, and then type
setplayeraidriven 1
to continue the scene
Q: Will there be bodyslide support for the outfits?
A: At some point ya but its something I'll have to figure out how to do. The outfits all come from here Clothing Conversions though and they have all that set up. So you could download that and you would be able to build the outfits however you like and the ones in my mod would change as well because I use the same file paths. There's also a file to add physics to the outfits.
Support My Work
If you enjoy my work and want to support me in my modding endeavors consider supporting me at Patreon.
Bumex for outfits
SunJeong for poses
dagobaking for AAF
CPU for scripting help
AAF Vanilla Fudge
AAF adaptation for FP Vanilla Fudge by @vinfamy
If you'll find any bugs or need to add some fuinctionality - report please.
Original mod page:
version history:
Raider Pet
By stobor
This mod provides a scenario for role-playing a Raider captive. The quest is basically free-form, few quest markers or fixed objectives; it can be started anytime, simply by putting all your weapons in storage and walking into a Raider camp. There's a demanding note (found and delivered by Jun Long in Sanctuary) providing some extra motivation, but that's entirely optional.
The first raider who greets you will take various items (bobby pins, caps, DD keys) and lock you in a collar - with an explosive attached. If you run away, or just stay away from Raider encounters for too long (20 min.), it will kill you... though there's a chance it'll misfire and spare your life. If you manage to remove the collar, or equip a weapon, the raiders will turn hostile again (grenades or mines don't count, if you equip them while sneaking).
The raider boss (if one could be identified) will have some additional dialogue, but other raiders are mostly generic. He or she will also have a key to your collar. If no boss could be identified, then the raider who put the collar on will have the key.
If you don't have Devious Devices loaded, you'll have to use your imagination for the collar, and there won't be any keys to find. In that case, the timer will be disarmed as soon as hostilities resume. So DD is strongly recommended - but it isn't a hard dependency.
The first time you escape, you will gain the Black Widow perk (if you don't already have it). Every capture & escape will also provide a modest XP reward.
The scenario is repeatable.
NPC Interactions:
Jun Long finds a ransom demand and delivers it to you. Several followers (Deacon, MacCready, Cait, Strong) may have scenes that play after you clear a location (any time after running the base infiltration scenario). Diamond City guards will be abusive, but not hostile, if you've been running with a Raider pack.
Start by putting away all weapons and walking into Raider territory unarmed. Power armor does not count as 'unarmed', by the way. The first raider will collar you and take some items from your inventory. You'll be able to talk to the raiders, and may even get paid a little. You can probably filch stuff from camp, while you're at it. With the right animations installed, gang options will be available. Actors will be chosen from among the ones who've already greeted you, whether they previously participated in a scene or not. Max of 5 actors, including the player character. Equipping a weapon will end the infiltration, and the raiders will turn hostile again. Immediately. Equipping a mine or grenade (when sneaking) will not end the infiltration - if you can find or steal one. Neither will placing a grenade in a target's pocket (though that usually kills you too). Equipping brass knuckles (while sneaking) will also go unremarked. If you've picked up any weapons, particularly while outside the camp, raiders may notice and ask what you've got there. You might be able to distract them from confiscating the weapons. Removing the collar, by any means, will turn the raiders hostile again. There is a risk that one of the Raiders will attack you in a jealous rage. One of the non-boss Raiders will be chosen as the special actor 'Lucky', who will have additional dialogue. Using a cookpot or chem lab with Rat Poison in your inventory will give you a chance that people you encounter will take tainted food or drugs from you. Low level raiders may die, others will just be weaker. Poison is slow acting, and doesn't affect everyone you meet. Rat poison can often be found in garage cabinets (hint). Poisonings affect the path of Lucky's quest, as well as offering a way out of captivity. Pickpocket attempts are easier, for a short while after sex (i.e. distraction helps), but the DD keys are hard to steal. Certain targets may react violently, if you're caught. Diamond city jail can be a risky place, for a Raider pet. Bored guards need to relieve the tedium... This scenario is repeatable. Assuming you can still walk afterwards.
Mod Interactions:
Uses a collar and tape gag from Devious Devices, if available. Adjusts D/s orientation in SexAttributes, depending on dialogue responses (mostly towards the submissive side). Will try to work with Real Handcuffs, and can even remove them.
Current mini-quests, who gives them, etc.:
The Get Lucky quest runs in parallel with the others, and currently has several endings:
Modder Documentation and Example:
This file is an example of various ways other mods can interact with this one, with extensive comments. It's a working example, tested in game.
Raiders not recognizing unarmed status:
AAF Recommendations:
Thanks go to the LL mods gang, for fantastic mod resources.
Thanks to @CGi for the German translation, @Caiena for the Russian translation, @A.J. for the Italian translation, @JBpy for the Spanish translation, and @Benjou1 for the French translation.
This mod requires AAF for animations (minimum version AAF 73Beta). It won't load without that.
The new dialogue is not voiced, so turn on subtitles.
Optional extras:
Toxic Raider Armor
SexAttributes (the AAF version of FPAttributes)
Devious Devices
Lord Escobar's Moddable Piercings
Real Handcuffs
Slave and Model Poses
No known conflicts.
This covers some of the same territory as my Rogue Sexbot mod, so I don't necessarily recommend using both at once, but they shouldn't actually conflict.
Version History:
Rogue Sexbot
By stobor
There are several excellent mods available that let you wander the Commonwealth as a sexbot, but it's a bit jarring that nobody seems to recognize your nature. So this mod aims to provide some of the key NPCs with additional dialogue and behavior to make this a more immersive experience. It doesn't provide a story quest, in the traditional sense - just some extra role-play opportunities to fit into your own tale.
The A.S.I.A. mod is an excellent option for this, there should be no conflict between these scenes and it's terminal-driven storyline. Another good choice is the Rogue Prototype armor mod (with Unique Player to create a unique nude body for the player). But you can use any body you like, it doesn't affect this mod's behavior. It's written for female characters, but gender roles are not enforced in any way.
NPC Interactions:
Sturges may proposition you, anytime after completing the settlement tutorial quest for him. Deacon (as a follower) has several new dialogues, mostly in major settlements, provided you have Devious Devices and/or RSE. MacCready (as a follower) may proposition you, once he gets to know you a bit (kill off the Gunners at the overpass). Piper is curious about how lifelike you feel (does not require that she be your follower) Hancock may demand tribute of a personal nature (does not require that he be your follower, does require Fahrenheit to still be alive). Nick Valentine may comment on your similarities. And the nicer packaging. Random passerby may make rude (or admiring) comments. Some of them are specific to Good Neighbor or Bunker Hill, to give each community a more unique flavor. ASIA sexbots have a few new dialogue scenes of their own, including one to cadge Nanite Overclock drugs from the player. Patrick (Trudy's Jet-addict son) has a bit of new dialogue as well. Knight Rhys has a scene of his own, once you've completed your first radiant quest for him (Brotherhood quest line). Travis has an option to start an Infiltration mission, at the appropriate point in the Confidence Man quest (i.e. to scout the Beantown Brewery). Sturges can also start an Infiltration mission, once you've done a scene with him - though he won't follow you. This makes Infiltration a viable option for the Corvega Factory mission: get in, hack the Protectron, and escape in the resulting confusion. Strong can also proposition you. Codsworth cannot, but may have other comments from time to time. Several of these scenes are repeatable, and responses are slightly different after the first time.
Once they get to know you a bit, either Deacon or MacCready will have a new dialogue option: they'll offer to hold your guns while you go off and infiltrate a raider or supermutant camp... as their toy. Should also work with Strong (as of v1_3). You'll be able to talk to the raiders or mutants, and may even get paid a little. You can probably filch stuff from camp, while you're at it. With the right animations installed, gang-bang options will be available. Actors will be chosen from among the ones who've already greeted you, whether they previously participated in a scene or not. Max of 5 actors, including the player character. Equipping a weapon will end the infiltration, and the bad guys will turn hostile again. Immediately. Equipping a mine or grenade (when sneaking) will not end the infiltration - if you can find or steal one. Using a cookpot or chem lab with Rat Poison in your inventory will give you a chance that people you encounter will take tainted food or drugs from you. Low level raiders may die, others will just be weaker. Poison is slow acting, and doesn't affect everyone you meet. This scenario is repeatable. Assuming you can still walk afterwards.
Mod Interactions:
Uses a collar from Devious Devices, if available. Notifies SexAttributes if scenes are aggressive or consensual, and may defer scenes if the character's too worn out. Adjusts D/s orientation in SexAttributes, depending on dialogue responses (mostly towards the submissive side). Uses 'Pickaxe Body Spray' from RSE in one scene, if available.
Thanks go to the LL mods gang, for fantastic mod resources.
Thanks to @Caiena, for the Russian translation.
Thanks to @CGi, for the German translation.
This mod requires AAF for animations. It won't load without that. FP-based mods should (mostly) work with it, using the AAF FourPlay proxy.
The new dialogue is not voiced, so turn on subtitles.
Optional extras:
New A.S.I.A with BoS Addon
Rogue Prototype ( and Unique Player to provide a unique nude body based on it )
Recommend adding the SavageCabbage animation pack, if you want gang scenes to work.
SexAttributes (the AAF version of FPAttributes)
RSE (either FP or AAF)
Devious Devices
No known conflicts.
Version History: