Adult oriented Fallout 3 mods that don't fit in any of the existing categories
2 files
Kendos Raider Dolls for Type 3 English/German
By Stranger67
Es gibt einen neuen Raider Klub in den Fairfax-Ruinen.
Im Erdgeschoss ist eine Kneipe, in der ihr bei Siouxsie Katt sämtliche Klamotten des Mods kaufen könnt. (sexy Raider Outfits in "normaler" Größe und Körbchengröße D)
Im Obergeschoss findet ihr den Bum-Bum Raum mit zwei Raider Sexpüppchen. Sprecht sie einfach an und der Rest ergibt sich von selbst.
Dieser Mod ist von Kendo 2. Er hat mir freundlicherweise die Erlaubnis gegeben, seine Original Version inklusive meiner Übersetzung hier hochzuladen.
Viel Spaß!
There is a new Raider Club in the FairFax Ruins.
On the ground floor is a bar, where you can buy all the clothes of this mod from Siouxsie Katt. (sexy Raider outfits in "normal" size and D cup)
Upstairs you will find the Boom Boom Room with two Raider Love Dolls. Speak to them and the rest results by itself.
This mod is from Kendo 2. He has kindly given me permission, to upload his original version here, including my german translation .
Have fun!
More Wasteland Captives
By rylasasin
Just like it says on the tin. It adds more captives to rescue/have your way with/kill/etc. I realized I made a WIP thread for it but never released the mod itself before moving on to other games.
While I did put a few more captives in supermutant strongholds, this one was pretty much concentrated on adding captives to raider strongholds. Why?
Because you hear stories of how raiders like to capture, torture, and rape people they come across. Yet you never see any of this, only the end result, dispite seeing this with supermutants.
So I set out to change this.
Basically this was a project I was working on before I jumped on the Skyrim bandwagon. In this phase it just adds a bunch of captives. Although i was planning on doing more with it.
For example, having captives in different, more provocative poses and such. But that never came about sadly.
Some of you may notice that this bares a similarity to FOOK's more captives model. You might assume that I was inspired/stole the idea from them, but this isn't really the case. You see, I used to work on the fook project for FO3, and the more captives idea was actually a part I added into that. So basically, this mod is essentially a standalone version of what I added to fook.
You'll notice this has 3 files: the main ESM, an overrides patch, and an SC addon.
The Main ESM has the captives.
The override patch contains faction changes, and is designed to keep raiders from summarily executing all the captives upon your arrival.. This should be merged into your bashed patch.
the SC patch is a patch for wasteland player that lets you molest the raider captives. Requires wasteland player.