Armor & Clothing
Adult Oblivion oriented mods that replace or add new armor or clothes
90 files
Femboy Race Armor
By Vyru
Since there is barely any armor or clothing for the Femboy Race i converted some myself and thought i might as well share.
I renamed the esp, if you using a older version than 1.0.3 delete the old esp, and you got to go pick up the armors again.
I did not create any of these models, i just edited them to fit the Femboy Race body.
The original mods for the textures, icons and world models (you don't need the esp if you only want to use the femboy versions)
R18PN 05 - Bs Bondage set for HGEC
Diano Armor 2 Dcup or Hcup for HGEC
Apachii Goddess Store
Half-off Dremora Outfit
Half-off Bondage Set
Half-off Mages Guild Outfit
Half-off Oblivion Gate Armor
In a chest in The Feed Bag in Imperial City:
Maybe i'll add some more in the future but no promises. Have fun!
Changes in version 1.0.4
- 2 new sets added.
Changes in version 1.0.3
- Fixed some clipping for R18PN 05 - Bs Bondage set for HGEC and apachii Black Flat Boots
- Fixed wrong hands mesh for R18PN 05 - Bs Bondage set for HGEC and Diano 2
- 3 more items added.
- Renamed esp
Changes in version 1.0.2
- 3 New items added.
- Removed BBB animation from the Diano Armor's garter to fix clipping (not my work, thanks @fejeena)
Changes in version 1.0.1
- Cleaned unused nodes from nif files.
- Removed "hide amulet" flags, they been causing a bug with the Lovers Horse Rider mod.
RAID Shadow Legends DMRA Armor Separated Into Parts (SIP)
By lovender
RAID Shadow Legends DMRA Armor Separated Into Parts (SIP)
Added Word Bearer & Commander armor & weapon from the game RAID Shadow Legends, and separate them into parts to customize your character's appearance.
Revised all neck guard/collar from Arm Guards to Pauldrons in v1.0 & v1.1.
Added missing hair textures for Sigmunda race in v1.0.
Added Misericord armor & weapon from the game RAID Shadow Legends, and separate them into parts to customize your character's appearance.
Added missing teeth & eyelashes textures in the v1.0 for Sigmunda & Misericord race too.
Added weapon, shield & female version of Sigmund the Highshield's armor from the game RAID Shadow Legends, and separate them into parts to customize your character's appearance.
Notes from the Author
This is the MOST DIFFICULT armor mod I've ever worked on!!! I almost gave up on doing it...
Because the armor tightly covered the entire body, there were many parts that connected together. So it's very difficult to convert it to a DMRA body.
But when I first saw the armor, I immediately fell in love.
Because I'm a male modder; and I love armor, knight and boobs, so the armor should be female version.
As I promised before, I no longer changed the shape of the armor on the chest area.
But I cut off the DMRA's breasts then replaced the texture with the texture of the armor, and then pasted it on the male's armor.
This is what I've called: THE REAL IMPLANT!
For those who have asked if there is a male version, there is a full armor option (NPC Highshield Armor) and Highshield Helmet (open) that can also be used by male characters.
I hereby present this mod to the Oblivion modding community. ENJOY!!!
Travel to Chorrol.
There is RAID Shadow Legends chest in the middle of the roundabout in front of the house.
*see the "ChestLocationMap" picture for the exact location.
There are Word Bearer & Commander NPCs between the Mages Guild and the Fighters Guild in Chorrol.
Let's say they are...twin sisters.
You can take complete parts from the chest without having to kill them, because they are also good knights.
*see the "NPCLocation" picture for the exact location.
There is Misericord NPC in front of Rimalus Bruiant's house in Chorrol.
You can take complete parts from the chest without having to kill Misericord; because she's a good knight.
*see the "Chest&NPCLocation2" and "RimalusBruiant'sHouseLocationMap" pictures for the exact location.
There is Sigmunda (feminine form of Sigmund) NPC in front of Francois Motierre's house in Chorrol.
Sigmunda's hair is white like Sigmund's, but she is not old like Sigmund.
You can take complete parts from the chest without having to kill Sigmunda; because she's a good knight.
*see the "Chest&NPCLocation" picture for the exact location.
Automatic Open-Close Visor Feature
There are helmets with the name "NPC [helmet's name]" that are scripted, so when the weapon is sheathed, the helmet's visor will be closed.
And so when the weapon is unsheathed, the helmet's visor will be opened.
Helmet FOV Feature
Equipping helmet with Open or Closed visor will mask parts of your screen in first person view to simulate decreased field of view (FOV) due to the visor's eye-slit.
*see the "FOVHighshieldHelmet" picture for the view from the inside of the helmet/veil.
But it can be dumped by doing one of these options below:
a. delete fov_59 & fov_60 from
":Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\IdleAnims" directory path
b. delete fov_59 & fov_60 from "Data\Textures\FOV" directory path
c. deleting HelmetFOV.esp from Parent Masters by:
i. opening TES CS
ii. Single click RaidSL.esp
iii. Single click HelmetFOV.esp on below right box, then press Delete button. It will ask you to delete it, say YES.
iv. Open RaidSL.esp, then save.
v. Then delete HelmetFOV.esp from ":Data" directory path.
Equipping helmet with Open or Closed visor will mask parts of your screen in first person view to simulate decreased field of view (FOV) due to the visor's eye-slit.
*see the "FOVHighshieldHelmet" picture for the view from the inside of the helmet/veil.
But it can be dumped by doing one of these options below:
a. delete fov_57 & fov_58 from
":Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\IdleAnims" directory path
b. delete fov_57 & fov_58 from "Data\Textures\FOV" directory path
c. deleting HelmetFOV.esp from Parent Masters by:
i. opening TES CS
ii. Single click RaidSL.esp
iii. Single click HelmetFOV.esp on below right box, then press Delete button. It will ask you to delete it, say YES.
iv. Open RaidSL.esp, then save.
v. Then delete HelmetFOV.esp from ":Data" directory path.
This mod will overwrite skeleton.nif in "Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stPerson" directory path
Any other skeleton can cause the HelmetFOV to not appear on screen, because my HelmetFOV skeleton is "unique".
It was edited based on LAPF Standard 1st Person Skeleton, so it should be safe and could not bring visual glitches.
But it would be so wise if you backup your previous skeleton.nif first.
My HelmetFOV skeleton is not compatible with Enhanced Camera, because Enhanced Camera uses 3rd person body. HelmetFOV only appear for 1st person body.
Eye-slit Types
There are 2 different types of eye-slit:
1. Original (clear)
2. Optional 1 (darker face)
*see the Eye-slitTypes picture.
Just copy-paste the file; even during in-game, then unequip-equip the item to see the change.
There are 3 different types of eye-slit:
1. Original (clear)
2. Optional 1 (darker face)
3. Optional 2 (total black)
*see the Eye-slitTypes picture.
Just copy-paste the file; even during in-game, then unequip-equip the item to see the change.
Bevor Types
Because Sigmund has Bevor (neck protector) attached to his cuirass, but due to Oblivion's head animation, there are 2 different types of Bevor:
1. Original (weighted to cuirass)
2. Optional 1 (weighted to helmet)
Just copy-paste the file; even during in-game, then unequip-equip the item to see the change.
Helmet on Hip
For screenshooting purpose, there is an option where the helmet hangs from the waist.
Pauldron Types
All Pauldrons now have neck guard/collar, while neck guard/collar was removed from Arm Guards.
Because the sash and belt hang on the left pauldron, there is an option where the left pauldron is not attached to the sash and belt.
Real High Heels Feature
Equipping sabatons & NPC Armor for female character will add her height a bit; depends on how high the heels are.
Custom Race
There are Word Bearer & Commander Races for you to play as one of them in Oblivion.
There's Misericord Race for you to play as Misericord in Oblivion.
There's Sigmunda Race for you to play as Sigmunda in Oblivion.
There are 3 body shape ratio options:
1 : 1,
1 : 0.95,
1 : 0.90.
I like the 1 : 1 ratio. But when wearing full armor, sometimes Sigmunda looks too bulky.
So I give you 3 ratio options.
1. RAID Shadow Legends DMRA Armor Separated Into Parts v1.0 & v1.1
2. FMRA (Fankaizhi Manga Round Ass) Body Replacer
With the release of my FMRA (Fankaizhi Manga Round Ass) Body Replacer, any DMRA upperbody in this mod is being replaced with FMRA upperbody.
2. Oblivion Script Extender - OBSE - xOBSE:
3. Addon for Shield on Back v31
Mods Modified in This Mod
1. Room207's CCC hair & eyelashes mod
2. miss_onatop's Elves of Lineage II mod for the head mesh
3. -Ren-'s Rens Beauty Pack mod for the eyes meshes & textures
4. whalecakes' Miqote Race mod for the eyelashes textures
5. navetsea's F-INevOblivion skinset mod for the skin textures
6. 1HWeaponOnBack for SoB
7. HelmetFOV
8. Vipcxjs Real High Heels System
Place the data folder inside your Oblivion directory, replace any folders and meshes.
Thanks to Plarium Games for the 3D models and textures.
Special Thanks to fejeena for helping me creating the script to open/close NPC Helmets automatically, and to make Helmet FOV works in-game.
Thanks to Bethesda for the game.
Thanks to my fellow countryman navetsea for F-Inev Oblivion skinset textures.
Thanks to heavywaters for the lightsaber's script that I modified.
Thanks to XMarksTheSpot for the Helmet FOV mod that I expanded.
Thanks to KittyInHiding for the conversion.
Last but not least: Thanks to all of you who like my kind of work. Can't wait to release another mod!
One Piece Series DMRA & RobertMusc Armor Clothing Separated Into Parts (SIP)
By lovender
One Piece Series DMRA and RobertMusc Armor Clothing Separated Into Parts (SIP)
Notes from the Author
=================== I worked on this mod for 2,5 years since April 2020, when the covid-19 pandemic is starting on my country.
I really love One Piece Series; and especially Rebecca in her gladiator armor.
The first time I saw her, I directly thought of making a DMRA version of her in Oblivion, and make me watch the anime especially the Dressrosa Arc.
And because of that, it makes me love Lucy (Luffy in disguise) with his viking helmet. So then I started working on Lucy with RobertMusc male body replacer.
Because I really love HelmetFOV feature too, it makes me interested to work on Nico Robin in her short dress & glasses too.
In the end, it dragged me to work on other male character too, such as Law with his weapon and body tattoos, and in v1.3 I worked on Usopp with his sniper HelmetFOV, clothing and weapon.
And the more I watch the anime, the interests to work on other male & female characters such Viola, Koala, Nami, Baby 5, Sabo, Sanji, etc.
But then it makes me think: When will this mod be released then???
If I have to wait until I finished all the male & female characters, I think the mod will have to be released on 2023, even 2024. T_T
I don't think I can wait no longer to share gladiator Rebecca with the modding community. Because at first, I only plan to release Rebecca gladiator armor only.
Then I decided to release the mod step-by-step. Any new characters will be release in the next update/version.
So, I hereby present the v1.3 for the Oblivion modding community. I'm sure you're gonna like it. ENJOY!!!
Added Rebecca gladiator armor, Lucy (Luffy in disguise), Nico Robin, Law and Usopp clothing in Dressrosa Arc from Pirate Warriors 3, Pirate Warriors 4 and One Piece Dance Battle games,
and separate them into parts.
Will add Uta's armor, lance & shield from One Piece Bounty Rush game that appears on One Piece Film: Red.
Will add Nami and Baby 5 Dressrosa clothings & weapons.
Will add Sabo and Koala default costumes & weapon.
Will add Viola and Sanji Dressrosa clothings.
Added Usopp Dressrosa clothing from One Piece Dance Battle game and his default weapon from Pirate Warriors 3 game.
About Usopp:
1. His cap has Goggles Up & Goggles Down options. The NPC Goggles will change from Up to Down automatiacally when weapon is drawn.
2. There are also HelmetFOV feature for the Goggles Up & Goggles Down (scripted). The NPC Goggles Up HelmetFOV will change automatically to Goggles Down HelmetFOV when weapon is drawn.
3. Goggles Down HelmetFOV has sniper crosshair that can be used for sharpshooting. I recommend to turn off the game's crosshair from the gameplay options.
*watch the video in this mod page
4. His catapult weapon (Kuro Kabuto) is enchanted with 20pts Shock Damage & ignore normal weapon resistance.
5. His rotten-egg ammo is also enchanted with 20pts Shock Damage. So it will mostly cause 1 hit kill damage to a person without armor.
Added Nico Robin Dressrosa clothing from Pirate Warriors 3 game and Law Dressrosa clothing and weapon from Pirate Warriors 4 game.
About Nico Robin:
1. Her boots will increase her height when equipped (parented to HighHeels.esp mod).
2. There are Glasses Up & Glasses Down, with cloche (fur hat) and wig. The NPC Glasses will change from Up to Down automatiacally when weapon is drawn.
3. There are also HelmetFOV feature for the Glasses Down with cloche and wig (scripted). The NPC Glasses HelmetFOV will appear automatically when weapon is drawn.
4. She also has no weapon like in the anime. So to make her hands as deadly as a weapon, she has to use Hand to Hand build. Her short dress is enchanted with 70pts Hand to Hand Damage enchantment.
About Law:
1. All of his body tattoos was taken from pinterest, then applied to male skin textures.
2. His goatee 3D model is merged to the tongue mesh, so it will move following the chin's movements when talking. Glad I found out how.
3. His 1H sword (Kikoku) is scripted, so it will automatically equip the scabbard on the left hand.
4. His 1H sword (Kikoku) will be sheathed into the scabbard on the left hand too. It also ignore normal weapon resistance.
5. There is a sheathed 1H sword that set as blunt weapon and can be used for screenshooting purpose.
6. There are 2 type of coat: Coat & Coat with Hood DOWN. The coat is scripted, so it will automatically equip the hood with wig / hood with hat that uses the hair slot.
7. Coat with Hood DOWN is my own edit from the Hood UP, because there is no original model of it. Will update in the future if the model is available.
Added Rebecca gladiator armor and Lucy (Luffy in disguise) Dressrosa clothing from Pirate Warriors 4 game.
About Rebecca:
1. Her sword is from vanila Claymore model that the crossguard of the sword is bent to be straight, and the tip of the blade is enlarged. The hilt is using the recolor textures to be blue.
2. Her shield is from vanila Iron Shield with edited textures that added some yellow dots to imitate her shield in the anime.
3. Her 1H sword will be sheathed to the left hand together with her shield to imitate how she hold her sword in the anime.
4. There is Broken Ridge Helmet without the nose protection like in the anime. The NPC Ridge Helmet will change automatically to Broken Ridge Helmet once the helmet's health reach <50 (scripted).
5. There are also HelmetFOV feature for the Ridge Helmet & Broken Ridge Helmet (scripted). The NPC Ridge Helmet HelmetFOV will change automatically to Broken Ridge Helmet HelmetFOV once the helmet's health reach <50.
*watch the video in this mod page
6. In the anime, after her Broken Ridge Helmet is destroyed, outside of Colosseum she then uses 2H sword style that sheathed into the scabbard on back.
So in this mod, her 2H sword will have scabbard on back and scripted to be put inside the scabbard when sheathed.
7. Her sabaton will increase her height when equipped (parented to HighHeels.esp mod).
8. Paludamentum (cape) that BBB weighted sometimes not good for certain pose. So there's a NoAnim Paludamentum as an option.
About Lucy (Luffy in disguise):
1. He has no weapon like in the anime. So to make his hands as deadly as a weapon, he has to use Hand to Hand build. His shorts is enchanted with 100pts Hand to Hand Damage enchantment.
2. His Viking Helmet has HelmetFOV feature.
3. Paludamentum (cape) that BBB weighted sometimes not good for certain pose. So there's a NoAnim Paludamentum as an option for him too.
4. His registration numbers "0556" textures on the back of the shirt, was taken directly from the anime.
5. The Straw Hat model has no black layer that cover the hat. Will update in the future if the model is available.
You can take:
1. Armor/clothing from every NPC.
2. Complete armor/clothing parts inside the One Piece Cabinet before the door into the Arena Bloodworks.
Imperial City Arena & Wawnet Inn.
*see the "OnePieceCabinet&NPCLocation", "OnePieceCabinetLocationMap", "OnePieceNPCLocation" and "OnePieceNPCLocationMap" pictures for the exact location.
Automatic Open-Close Visor Feature
There are helmets with the name "NPC[helmet's name]" that are scripted, so when the weapon is sheathed, the helmet's visor will be closed.
And so when the weapon is unsheathed, the helmet's visor will be opened.
HelmetFOV Feature
Equipping helmet with Open or Closed visor will mask parts of your screen in first person view to simulate decreased field of view (FOV) due to the visor's eye-slit.
*see the FOV[helmet's name].GIF pictures for the view from the inside of the helmet.
But it can be dumped by doing one of these options below:
a. delete fov_45 until fov_51 from
":Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\IdleAnims" directory path
b. delete fov_45 until fov_51 from "Data\Textures\FOV" directory path
c. deleting HelmetFOV.esp from Parent Masters by:
i. opening TES CS
ii. Single click PirateWarriors4.esp
iii. Single click HelmetFOV.esp on below right box, then press Delete button. It will ask you to delete it, say YES.
iv. Open PirateWarriors4.esp, then save.
v. Then delete HelmetFOV.esp from ":Data" directory path.
This mod will overwrite skeleton.nif in "Data\Meshes\Characters\_1stPerson" directory path
Any other skeleton can cause the HelmetFOV to not appear on screen, because my HelmetFOV skeleton is "unique".
It was edited based on LAPF Standard 1st Person Skeleton, so it should be safe and could not bring visual glitches.
But it would be so wise if you backup your previous skeleton.nif first.
My HelmetFOV skeleton is not compatible with Enhanced Camera, because Enhanced Camera uses 3rd person body. HelmetFOV only appear for 1st person body.
Real High Heels Feature
Equipping sabatons for female character will add her height a bit; depends on how high the heels are.
Custom Race
There are 5 types of race for you to do cosplay of One Piece characters in Oblivion:
1. Law
2. Lucy
3. Nico Robin
4. Rebecca
5. Usopp
Every race has Pirate Warriors Healing skill that adds 30pts Restore Health on Self for 6 seconds, with 15 spell cost.
1. Oblivion Script Extender - OBSE - xOBSE:
2. DMRA original body replacer:
3. RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52
4. Silver Ranger - Animation Replacer mod for Usopp's weapon (Kuro Kabuto) to be shot horizontally like in the anime
Mods Modified in This Mod
1. Room207's CCC hair & eyelashes mod
2. miss_onatop's Elves of Lineage II mod for the head mesh
3. -Ren-'s Rens Beauty Pack mod for the eyes meshes & textures
4. whalecakes' Miqote Race mod for the eyelashes textures
5. navetsea's F-INevOblivion skinset mod for the skin textures
6. 1HWeaponOnBack for SoB
7. HelmetFOV
8. Vipcxjs Real High Heels System
Place the data folder inside your Oblivion directory, replace any folders and meshes. Enable the included ESPs.
Thanks to Bandai Namco, Omega Force, Koei Tecmo for the 3D models and textures.
Special Thanks to fejeena for helping me creating the script to open/close NPC Helmets automatically, and to make Helmet FOV works in-game.
Maskar for Unequip Broken Armor mod.
Visman for 1HWeaponOnBack for SoB mod.
Room207 for the CCC hair mod.
miss_onatop for Elves of Lineage II mod.
-Ren- for the Rens Beauty Pack mod.
whalecakes for Miqote Race mod.
My fellow countryman navetsea for F-Inev Oblivion skinset textures.
heavywaters for the lightsaber's script that I modified.
XMarksTheSpot for the Helmet FOV mod that I expanded.
Mktsang, Alexscorpion, Hellknight, Coronerra.
Saaya and anyone else involved in the HGEC / GUTS / DMRA / Manga bodies and BBB / BB systems.
Gerra6 for the great blender scripts.
Last but not least: Thanks to all of you who like my kind of work. Can't wait to release another mod!
Corinthian Pitfighter armor converted to MANGA DMRA with bouncing breast/butt
Exploring the nexus to find an armor mod for a Nord tank I found this bad boi armor and just converted it from hgec to my preffered body and decided to share here.
tools used:
the ez converter for oblivion here in LL
Credits from original authors and hgec converter:
This mod uses components from the following other mods:
- ANB Warrior Skin for HGEC (by Petrovich/Aridale)
- HGEC-D alllll61s Saint Silver armor (by alllll61)
- Ring Robe (by NPR)
- Dancers Clothes (by NPR)
- YAARM Iron Armor (by Mshadowy)
- Growlfs Hot Clothes And Armor 41 Full (by Growlf)
- The Exnem/HGEC team, with Exnem for the original body replacer, RAIAR for HGEC, MadCat for EBE, and unagi1312 for lightGUTS variations;
-Trawlol, hgec version author
MO2 master race lol
as always, don't know how it works for other mod managers
- skimpy armor
- oblvion
- (and 1 more)
My Dmra Manga convesions BBB/Butt Active Complete
I've decided to slowly but surely convert armors from DMRA BBB Complete Clothing and armor Replacer to DMRA Manga Body since I've never found a version that's been done before (and I sure as hell have looked lol) with added Butt bounce with as little clipping as possible!
lmk if you encounter problems; expect a wee bit of clipping on the ass, but I've tried my best.
I was unable to add Butt Bounce to Arena armors because their whole set nif is comprised of the cuirass, But I was able to make it fit the body. Additionally, for arena armor I only worked on Blue Team and Champion Raiment's seeing as you don't use yellow team, but I can add it in if it's asked of me. Ignored Fishing Waders, SI Dementia Finery, Monk, and upper-class finery because it either looked ugly or broken clipping I did Sheo's Regalia but it looks a little whacky just a minor clip now
NoxiousFox for teaching me how to convert
LL user @mma75online for showing me the power of mesh rigging
Used Tools: The converter by Gerra6 on LL
INSTALL: Mod manager, I had no problem installing with MO2, but cant say the same with vortex and anything else
THIS WILL REQUIRE No longer required
Mktsang, Alexscorpion, HellKnight, Speedbuster - DMRA Body
Coronerra - DMRA Body Attempt 2
nabernas - DMRA Fine Tuned Body
Exnem - Original Eye Candy body
Robert - Foot mesh
Growlf - Universal Skeleton
colourwheel - Boots and Gauntlets, High Heels, Original versions of the Alternate Armors, General inspiration
PAF - Additional Boots
Edhildil - Original DMRA Replacer
Yuravica - Alternate Mithril Armor original meshes
Desuchan, NPR, Hentai, RGM, Raiar, A-Type2, Gizmodian, Blackheart - Various Meshes and Textures throughout the mod
weaver, Messenger of Sorrow, Grimdeath9740, ViLance, spazizoner - Glass Armor Textures
Nailfan - Like a Flower outfit
Arthmoor, DraketheDragon, Surazel - Advice and Inspiration
Wrye, Lojack, Wrinklyninja and everyone else on the Wrye Bash and BOSS teams
Bethesda Gameworks
Dark0ne and the staff of TESNexus
Uploaded by
A gentleman's ship by Ima
By sunhawken
A gentleman's ship by Ima
■ Overview
Add one ship.
BBB compatible equipment is included here.
■ Features
・ All types such as painful and non-painful are included.
"Do not use if you don't like painful equipment"
I can't get any other equipment for that (well, if you do
Please get it from the console)
-The box has a respawn attribute, so you can get as many as you want.
・ Compared to the gentleman's house, we are dieting a few polygons and sharpening the angle.
・ The milking machine has been changed slightly, so I wondered if it became even more erotic ...
■ Installation
Keep the unzipped file in the data folder with the folder structure
please put it in.
Well, I may add items, so I have not made it in OBM format.
Also, as for icons and texts, it is used together with a certain gentleman's house, so
It overlaps with a certain gentleman's house, but even if you do not overwrite it
It's OK.
However, it is required if you want to include only this mod.
■ Location
It's floating near Anvil.
Well, there is a map marker so you can see it right away.
I haven't set any keys, so I'll just put them in.
■ Latest update contents
2010/09/14 Added work clothes for a cheerful daughter
Added an icon to the Human Bone system
■ Restrictions
I haven't made a color change this time, but I'm in a gentleman's house.
I think that it can be changed by text (just replace the file), so that
Please use Nifskope etc. by yourself.
Also, the items that are not on the ship this time are not included because they are not swaying equipment.
When I tried to import it into Blender to shake it again, it gave me an error.
Equipment is also omitted.
Later, in the original HGEC Manga for BBB, the gloss is set to 40, which is quite shiny.
I felt it was too much, so I set the gloss to 10.
Therefore, if you use the original HGEC Manga for BBB, you may feel a sense of discomfort in the gloss.
In this case, please correct it by yourself with Nifskope etc.
(It's a good idea to attach something that has just been changed in gloss to the author without notice.
I think)
■ About SS
I just changed it so that it shakes, so I have not added it.
Please feel free to post the SS.
■ Why are you in such a place?
No, after all it is on the sea that it shakes w
■ Other
I am not responsible for any misfortune to the public that occurs with this mod.
Redistribution is basically prohibited.
Please refrain from reprinting on template wikis, gentlemen's rest areas, etc.
This is maintenance and support up to the point where it was distributed without permission other than I distributed
Because I can't finish it.
I can't figure out that much.
This time, we will maintain and support only the amount raised to this roda.
"I don't bother with that. I'll do the maintenance and support here.
It ’s up and it ’s not going to come out as it is.
I will follow you responsibly here. "
If there is a person who says, you can reprint only that person.
You are free to modify it or incorporate it into other mods, but this is also out of maintenance.
If you have any request, please write it in the thread so I can see it
We will fix the KITZ bug.
Also, if there is something that I think "Oh? That's good", as much as I can
I would like to respond.
You are free to incorporate meshes and tex into your mod,
It is not possible to follow up to the incorporated MOD.
If you have a mesh or tex built in, follow it yourself
[About the translation]
This ESP might be translated and there be hardly recycled what.
Because it is an item name and place name title.
However, please do maintenance and the support of MOD for the translation in the translation when it is translated even so.
If the condition can be defended, you may freely distribute the translation thing again.
(However, Japanese translates into words other than Japanese, and translates and doesn't admit the distribution quibble
such as freedom again because the translation thing.) Moreover, only the thing written in Japanese corresponds in that
case though it corresponds if the support is necessary by all means.
It is assumed that other languages were not seen at all and doesn
■ I don't care
It's a secret that LoversBorn is tired of adding and developing NPCs and running away to the side streets.
Because ... I don't know which race and Yar, so NPCs for children of all races
I have to add ... ^^;
Besides, if you don't add some kinds, you can only get pregnant once (same face)
Thing ...
■ Credit
Female EyeCandy --Body Replacer v1.0 by Exnem
HGEC manga Body
SPD Curvaceous Bikinis For Vilja
By DogOnPorch
Trashdog's Curvaceous Chubby Bikinis For Vilja
compiled by DogOnPorch
May 23, 2020
"Oh, you want to go swimming! Awwww. Sometimes you're a real sweetheart. Let's go."
So you've got all the mods to make Vilja a BBW and are ready for a relaxing afternoon of swimming with your favorite companion...and horrors! Vilja is a skinny chick all of a sudden. Bummer....
This fixes that with a wide selection of various Trashdog Curvaceous bikinis for Vilja to choose from.
BABS_Black is for skinny dipping with suit with that one. The rest are a variety of colours that have no relationship to the colour listed. Take a pick...see what you get. esp needed...just put it all in your Oblivion data folder.
Emma's Vilja is avaiable at...
Clothes for the SPD Cuvaceous Chubby body...
The updated SPD body itself.
To make Vilja a bigger girl in the first place, you'll need to install Set Body that comes in several versions. Available at Nexus & LoversLab. You'd then relace the old SPD Curvaceous body with the new one in the folders...or if no folder exists for the body in that version, find the Speedbuster MukiMuki folder with all four meshes in it and use that. (Hands, Feet, Femaleupperbody, Femalelowerbody)
meshes--->characters--->bombshell--->one of these folders
Then you can fire-up Oblivion and check it out. If you'd like Vilja to be truly a bigger lass, hit the ~ key to open the on Vilja and then type...
setscale 1.1 then hit Enter...close the console. Vilja starts as a Scale 1.0 Imperial rather than Nord she's about 6 foot or a little taller. Lots to love. If that's too tall for you...smaller number...1.05. Lore does says those Nord chicks are BIG...
BTW, see the support thread for various extra Vilja mods that might or might not be to your liking.
SPD Curvaceous Clothes Collection
By DogOnPorch
Speedbuster's Curvaceous Chubby (Modified) Clothes Collection
compiled/modified by: dogonporch
May 22, 2020
"What is love handles? Do I have love handles??"
This is my old chum Ave Brave's stock clothes conversions plus updated meshes for Trashdog's Chubby Loincloth and numerous other fun extras. You'll still need Trashdog's SPD Clothes Store for the rest of the Loincloth outfit. Also a few extra Trashdog bikini colours were added as there was only black in the original mod. Some of Andro21's gorgeous robe textures are included as well.
The creation of this was mainly inspired by my wife's use of Emma's strawberry & sweetroll loving Vilja whom she always makes a Speedbuster Curvaceous...and demanded clothes It was always odd for us in the early days of playing Oblivion to see Vilja crammed into stock clothes or some tiny HGEC outfit when her dialogue clearly pointed to being a much bigger lass. That's where Ave stepped in with this awesome unfinished collection...
I tried to make this 100% stand alone...thus all the added textures rather than a massive list of mods to download. Plus...I've had this install so long that I've forgotten where half of the stuff comes from.
Not ALL the clothes were converted...but there's still quite a bit of swag. Includes many extra re-colourings of original textures for more variety.
Needed either way. Such a great body detail-wise and everything bounces/jiggles...of course. So the limited amount of clothes available was always a real shame.
This fixes that.
All clothes come with a built-in Apachii seam-hider to free-up that amulet slot for something other than hiding texture anomalies. times things clip. Just part of the fun. Due to the way the body was initially built, the feet are off the centerline by just enough to make the body incompatible with most other clothes. So generally you can't mix n' match well between body types like you can with some other bodies.
Put the meshes textures folders & esp in your Oblivion Data folder...esp load order shouldn't matter as location changes were minor. So near the top should be fine.
I built none of these resources...I merely brought them together.
Emma...just cuz'. Without Vilja there'd be none of this effort.
Plus any I might have missed.
Much thanks.
Most of these folks have long since moved-on from Oblivion, I'd imagine...but if not and they'd like anything changed/mentioned/credited/ all means drop me a PM at LoversLab, Emma's site or Nexus...or leave a post on the mods support thread.
I aim to please.
All clothes can be bought at the Divine Elegance store in the IC...but other minor vendors are scattered is in the Drunken Dragon...and another is in Sickly Bernice's in the Shivering give away two. They sell random BBW clothes. The vendors can train and such and have their own AI outside of selling clothes. Generally store hours are 8AM to 8PM. You'll need to use Set Body to change them to SPD Curvaceous for the hands to meet properly in most games. A dummy BBW upperbody that can be worn as clothing is included in the mix for various mods that have lactation involved like Lovers Juice and others. The Body mod file itself has the leaking boobies mesh included as an option. It's as good as it gets without someone with Blender knowledge adding a third node to the mesh.
The majority of these clothes are quite sensible but there are some sexy ones that show a lot of girl, as well.
Some barrels exist (owned by the Player) scattered about in various locations...they contain the entire collection & respawn. But you gotta find peeking.
Armor can be bought at the Missing Pauldron, Lelle's, Slash n' Smash or the Archer's Paradox. The Wisteria clips somewhat but is not too bad...comes in both naughty and naughtier versions. The merely retextured BBW Jail Pants & Shirt. But it'll have to do.
This now includes SPD Curvaceous need for a separate download.
The new Body itself is available here at LoversLab.
You'll need a modern BBB main skeleton which most have by now. The latest Lovers skeleton, for example. Plus the appropriate BBB & breathing animations availiable from various sources...Nexus and such.
Trashdog's store:
Andr21's robes:
N8K's Wisteria:
Akito Kuno's No Muddy Dresses:
The older body will work with this mod if installed correctly...but it lacks the realistic girl bits. So you should probably update.
This mod assumes you've already installed a version of Set Body and have updated the SPD Curveceous body to the new one.
- spd
- curvaceous
- (and 4 more)
Player Slaver Additions
By DMC500
REQUIRES: OBSE, BLOCKHEAD, PlayerSlaveEncounters meshes (just ZMC's animation and meshes folder)
This mod is aimed at players who play as slavers, it adds ability (special spell) to bind/unbind your slaves (or any NPC) with special wrist irons. These spells just enable ZMC's cuff animations to be used by NPC, they don't change any AI or packages, so it's purely visual. Also this mod adds iron collar, ankle irons and gag (which has silence effect) as normal equipable items, so they can be used by both NPCs and player.
Just copy esp file into data directory and enable it.
I don't think that load order matters cause it doesn't change any vanilla records.
How to get it:
Content of this mod is available through little quest, that'll show just after you start game.
Monster Girl Blockhead Edition BBB add-on
By sunhawken
Simply adds BBB to 96% (Armors were missing i'm doing them right now.) of the mod. Some outfits would CTD. The
"Monster Girl Blockhead" is just a error free.esp with the errors fixed it's optional .
Giant Anal Beads
By DogOnPorch
Giant Anal Beads
For TES4 Oblivion
Do you feel your PC or companion NPC or whomever needs some extra motivation?? Just shove these brutes where the sun don't shine.
Comes in two colours: black & pink. Includes amulet and tail slot versions. Ideal for enchantment...
A standard seam-hider is also attached as well as a small arm tat.
Install...just copy/paste drag/drop etc the meshes & textures folders plus the GiantAnalBeads.esp into your Oblivion Data folder. Activate the esp...load order isn't critical.
Location: In two barrels: One is located in Anvil on the deck of the ship "Clarabelle". The other is on the wharf located at the Prison Sewer entrance. The barrels respawn if you need more...errr...motivation.
Credits: Includes resources from Apachii, Brideynas Fetish Girl plus others from the Oblivion community. I'm not sure who originally built the meshes for the small anal beads...but all design credit to them. All I did was upscale the mesh in Nifskope and re-tangent them to work properly in game.
FluffSkelly's GIGABITE Femboy Body armor and clothing Vol.1
By FluffSkelly
Did you install GIGABITE's femboy body but thought "Golly gee! I sure do wish there was more equipment I could put on my femboy!"
Well now, your wish has come true! 10 new pieces of equipment (plus a few color variations to some of them) are available in a barrel next to the imperial city sewer entrace (the place you get to after exiting the sewers in the beginning of the game).
-Drag and drop the contents of the archive to the main oblivion directory and then activate the esp.
-I'm a NOOB modder so a lot of them will have quite nasty clipping, especially around the croch area (dont look between your femboy's legs when you crouch )
I'm still learning and this was more of a passion project than anything. If a more experienced modder is willing to fix the clipping, then my all means, Ill include any fixes in the downloads.
-Compatible with vanilla equipment retextures since it uses vanilla textures!
-Feel free to tell me about any issues (there shouldn't be any) you may have with the mod!
-DON'T feel free to give me 3d modeling lessons. I didn't release this mod to get feedback.
That's it, enjoy!
Tera heavy armors for DMRA-GUTS and Oblivion Muscle Girl
By samhain6
Conversions of Tera heavy armors 1-4 for DMRA-GUTS and Oblivion Muscle Girl.
Located in a chest in the testing hall.
Vipcxj's Real High Heels System:
(optional if using the Muscle Girl versions)
Oblivion Muscle Girl Body / Race and pre-requisites
Recommended skeleton:
BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton by killermonkey99
Recommended animations:
NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer by fore
Zomb_killer & Tigersan
and anyone else involved in the HGEC / GUTS / DMRA / Manga bodies.
Feel free to re-use in a non commercial fashion within the wishes of the original mod authors and with credits given.
SHA-256: 09c848258cbe91b5f90018f76bc9e6b26568753b679ce0e6ffa053681ce53534
Pubic Hair Growth
By Sandalwood
Pubic Hair Growth
This mod simulates pubic hair for female characters. The hair updates over time, and can be trimmed or shaved.
In-game configuration
A mirror item is given to the player after the tutorial is completed. Dropping the mirror into the game world and activating it will allow the player to choose pubic hair color.
If the player places a Knife, Pewter Knife or Silver Knife onto the mirror first, activating the mirror allows the player to trim or shave their pubic hair instead.
Ini file configuration
Growing intervals can be adjusted by changing the "hours" variables in the ini file.
The mod can announce when the hair has changed, by setting announce to 1. The announcement messages are also configurable, by adding and editing the following lines to the ini file:
set PHGMain.stageBaldMsg to sv_Construct "Your custom message for fully shaved" set PHGMain.stageStripMsg to sv_Construct "Your custom message for shaved into a strip" set PHGMain.stage20Msg to sv_Construct "Your custom message for 20 percent hair" set PHGMain.stage40Msg to sv_Construct "Your custom message for 40 percent hair" set PHGMain.stage60Msg to sv_Construct "Your custom message for 60 percent hair" set PHGMain.stage80Msg to sv_Construct "Your custom message for 80 percent hair" set PHGMain.stage100Msg to sv_Construct "Your custom message for fully-grown hair" Compatibility
This mod is implemented as hidden clothing which uses the tail slot. Males, Argonians and Khajiit characters are not supported. It requires the latest version of OBSE.
Meshes are based on nude lower M option from HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 ( Other body types might work, but clipping or other visual issues could occur.
As of version 1.1.0, this mod will not equip the hair mesh if another equipped item is already using the tail slot. This is to prevent a race condition with other mods that auto-equip items. The hair state will continue to update, and will be visible once the blocking item is removed.
Version 1.0.1 uses a .bsa file instead of loose assets - make sure to remove the previous version's files before upgrading.
Version 1.1.0: some variables have changed, and a clean save is recommended. However, this update can be installed for saves using older versions; hair growth level will be reset. Note that the ini file has changed; intervals are now in hours instead of days.
Known issues or bugs
When a knife is dropped from the inventory directly onto the mirror, sometimes it will fall through the collision mesh - tipping the mirror over will fix the problem.
There are no other known issues at the moment. If you have a problem with the mod, please let me know.
Licensing and legal notes
The body meshes are based on work by Exnem, RAIAR & MadCat221, coronerra, Saaya, Dryad, stricken618 and Rivelle. If you wish to modify or reuse that content, you will need to follow the licenses related to that content.
Everything else is my own work, and you are free to use as you want.
Dynamic Underwear System (Continued)
By Sandalwood
Dynamic Underwear System 3.2 "Trust Issues Edition"
Dynamic Underwear System (also referred as DUS) changes the way that underwear items work in Oblivion. When a shirt or trousers are taken off, your character or any other NPC will have their underwear equipped instead of going commando.
DUS 3.2 is an update by Sandalwood, to the original mod by Puuk. This update attempts to work around the issue of NPCs equipping underwear worth more gold than the clothes they were originally wearing.
The original mod and screenshots can be found here:
An optional underwear pack for TGND and HGEC is available in the downloads section.
DUS keeps track on the player and surrounding NPCs for any changes in their appearance. If a shirt was removed, an underwear item will take it's place if found from the inventory. A dynamic distribution system is also included that will aim to give everyone around you at least something to wear the very first time they are detected.
Unfortunately NPCs cannot be trusted with expensive underwear, and would often show off their lingerie in public. In these cases their underwear is kept in escrow, and only provided to them if they somehow lose their clothes. (I'm looking at you, Mage Apprentices - this is a place of magical learning, not a "Palonirya's Secret" fashion shoot.)
An "underwear item" is defined by a simple "(underwear)"-tag in its name. This means that DUS can easily handle basically any clothing item as underwear while that item doesn't need to be dependent of this mod at all. This makes it very compatible with any clothing or armor mod out there and maybe can even used to give some "extra functionality". However, if those items are wanted to automatically appear on NPCs, they must be set up appropriately.
Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) -
Universal Skeleton - (for some underwear models)
Roberts Male Body -
One of these (nude versions obviously):
HGEC Female Body - Roberts Female Body - TGND2 Female Body -
Seamless Equipment -
Manual - Not recommended.
Wrye Bash - The archive is BAIN-formated. Numbers represent categories, SE means seamless equipment version.
OBMM - Create mod and add archive. Load omod convertion data and activate.
Please use your mod organizer if you used one when installing.
To uninstall this mod manually, remove the following files or folders:
Data\Dynamic Underwear System.esm
Data\Mod Settings\Dynamic Underwear System\ (if installed from v3.1 or earlier)
Data\ini\DUS.ini (if installed from v3.2)
For best results, it is recommended to make a clean save without the original mod (and any underwear expansions) before installing this update.
Functionality with other mods
DUS includes an expandable exception system to prevent any underwear from popping when you don't want it. First of all, there is an exception token that will prevent any actions being made to a given person if found from the inventory. Secondly, a token of some sort from any other mod can be used for the same effect.
Some mods are even natively supported (outdated):
Lovers with PK Lovers MB2 Player Slave Encounters (not tested)
A new faction, DUSEquipFaction, has been added. An NPC can be given a rank in this faction to specify which equipment slots they may be given underwear for.
Rank 0/no rank - given top and bottom pieces Rank 1 - given top only Rank 2 - given bottom only Rank 3 - no underwear is given
An example mod is available for Bravil Underground, which makes NPCs in Prostitutes's Mansion "Song of Vivek" topless again. Players who have already visited this area will need to make a clean save without DUS to see the changes.
Known issues or bugs
Fully-armored NPCs will have underwear in their inventory as usual. NPCs wearing low-cost clothing will only be given underwear if you or they remove their clothes first, which means you might have to re-loot them to see what underwear they had.
This update has been used in a normal playthrough for several hours, including hanging out at the Arcane University, which was a problematic area. If you have any issues please contact Sandalwood. Although all effort has been made to ensure this is free of issues, it is recommended that you do not use this mod with any save-games you value.
Thanks to Puuk for creating the Dynamic Underwear System.
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
Thanks to the authors of Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) and their contributors
Thanks to shadeMe for the Construction Set Extender
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to Comrade Fienyx for tweaks and ideas
HGEC underwear items are work of Exnem, RAIAR, MadCat221, coronerra, Saaya, Dryad & stricken618.
Robert's underwear items are work of Robert himself.
TGND underwear items are work of Luchaire, Kalia, Sickleyield, Kristoffer & alt3rn1ty.
All seammended versions of equipment are work of junkacc.
Generic ground model used by this mod is made by Nessa.
As with the original mod, you may do whatever you wish with this version. The included assets are unchanged from the original, and most are work of others, for which you must follow their own licenses. I re-checked the original asset licenses; please inform me (Sandalwood) if I've made a mistake so that I can remove violating content.
SI noble clothes for DMRA GUTS
By QuiteTheTail
Here is a DMRA GUTS conversion of some Shivering Isles noble clothes:
- Sheogorath's Regalia
- Syl's Dress
- Thadon's Robe (for female)
I only provide the meshes, how do you actually get these to show up in game is your business
This petty work of mine is entirely based on Nephenee13's DMRA conversion, I only adjusted the UV a bit in Nifskope. This is the result, good or bad, I leave it to your judgment.
The clothes all share the same model, originally used only by Syl's dress.
Optionally, inside the SEDuchess folder there is an additional dress2.nif which I usually link to the Rainment of Arden-Sul. To get it working some TES4 editing is required (being a leveled item, you can edit all the versions, or just the version of the item you currently use, your choice).
Special thanks to samhain6 for providing me a sample Archmage robe, which I used as template in Mesh Rigger to effectively eliminate the clipping I had while sneaking (and for the DMRA GUTS body, of corse).
Message to long-time-no-see Annafly:
if you happen to find a better replacement for boots (you said these were ugly, I remember) send them my way, I'll be glad to include them.
Free to use, mod and share, as long as you credit the original authors like I did.
BaronB aka BayouBilly : Armors and clothes
By fejeena
MODs of BaronB
Author: BaronB aka BayouBilly
HGEC body, BBB compatible skeleton
Some armors require the VIPCXJ high hells Mod
Umpa, Radrok, Tsanm, Myjimson, Ran, both for testing and for advices
-general credits:
Raiar(various bodies),MKsang & Robert(feet),Yodomaru(body),Tsanm11(body), NPR and Tona (clothes), YangYang, Myjimson, Alecu, Aquaria, Fizz, Neovinci
- Where are the clothes?
the clothes will be added to your inventory.
The BBthe Bayou.7z
Name: Noel Cosplay (Blazblue)
Name: 7 Sisters Uniform (Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
Name: DarkMoon
Name: Hanzo clothes (Yatagarasu)
Name: D&D Shadow over Mystara Drow Elf
Name: Yggdrasill
Name: Ahri (League of Legends)
The BBBlackDragon.7z
Name: Black Dragon
The BBBlackDragon small breast replacer.7z
two nif replacers for Dlack Dragon , small breasts.
The Black Dragon with claws replacer.7z
nif replacer with claws.
Both versions/nif files ( DragoNero.nif, DragoNero1.nif ) with big and small breasts.
The BBYggdrasill.7z
Name: Yggdrasill ( but with not animated butterflies. 2 versions. In the BBthe Bayou.7z are 3 versions with animated butterflies )
The yggdrasill3.7z
a mesh replacer : yggdrasill3.nif without animated butterflies for the BBthe Bayou.7z , if you don't want animated butterflies.
The BBAnubis_beta.7z
Name: Anubis
The Miqo'te Undergarment.7z
Addon by BaronB for the Miqo'te Undergarment Mod.
Original Mod is in the 7z
The IrohaClothes100-22191.rar
the vanished Nexus download
If anyone has other BaronB Mods that are not in the download please send me the files.
credits for uploaded files:
O_O for Miqo'te Undergarment and the Black dragon replacers
Ivy Soul Calibur IV armor for DMRA-GUTS and Oblivion Muscle Girl
By samhain6
Ivy Valentine Soul Calibur IV Armor for DMRA-GUTS and Oblivion Muscle Girl
Location: Testing hall wilderness in Hawkhaven near the opposite shoreline of the lake with the statue.
Vipcxj's Real High Heels System:
(optional Lover's compatible version)
Extract / examine folder structure and merge with your Oblivion Data directory.
Enable the included ESP.
Recommended skeleton (if not using the Lover's skeleton):
BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton by killermonkey99
Recommended animations:
NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer by fore
XiNavro for the Skyrim conversion
Mktsang, Alexscorpion, Hellknight, Coronerra
and anyone else involved in the HGEC / GUTS / DMRA / Manga bodies and BBB / BB systems.
Gerra6 for the great blender scripts.
Feel free to re-use in a non commercial fashion within the wishes of the original mod authors and with credits given.
SHA-256: 91d2fb913d42ce6e66974fa9d2a037b4f932b2c8a2e69f10065e1f9c62b871b2
- Soul Calibur IV
- (and 2 more)
Alternative Pregnant Clothes and Armor (expanded)
By minaemm
File Name: Alternative Pregnant Clothes and Armor (non-EVE, skimpy)
File Submitter: minaemm
File Submitted: 22 Jul 2016 (update 10 Oct 2016)
File Category: Armor & Clothing
This whole project resulted out of a discussion with movomo, i have been working on this for the past few weeks, and most i inspected looked good in NifSkope. Some have some minor tearing, which i just think happens because the fabrics can't take the bigger bellies
I recently installed a new game and decided to use the HFBE body as a base, so i converted all HGEC mods to that version, and then did the pregnancy conversions. I feel this may be more in line aesthetically.
I will still do standard HGEC to HFBP conversions if demands are made All uploads not marked HFB are still based on the "normal" HGEC body.
I will upload my conversions here so people can TEST! it. Still very much BETA, so be forewarned. Sadly i could get no answer from Yuravica, so i am just going to go ahead and post it. If anybody has objections, please tell me, i will immediately pull it down then.
So i restructured the uploads, made available conversions of the bases to the HFB body, and changed all to the HFBPregnant stages. All are converted to E-Cup HFB (but you can still use the HGEC base, so no need for these conversions), then BBB'd if needed, then HFB preg1-3. Those may be a bit small for some of you, but all others seemed excessive to my eyes. I may do other conversions if demanded.
This should be much more intuitive now. If you have installed any of the basics, just overwrite the meshes with mine (the Pregnant ones don't need to overwrite, unless you have others installed beforehand). I suggest Wrye Bash to check any conflicts and overwrite as needed/wanted.
I recently installed a new game and decided to use the HFBE body as a base, so i converted all HGEC mods to that version, and then did the pregnancy conversions. I feel this may be more in line aesthetically.
I will still do standard HGEC to HFBP conversions if demands are made All uploads not marked HFB are still based on the "normal" HGEC body. And of course you need the base mod, before the pregnant version makes sense.
BAIN ready. Use WryeBash, or unzip the meshes folder manually. It will only add or overwrite files that are named "_prg#", so do not worry about screwing anything up. If you want to use the HFB basic conversions, then just let it overwrite. You still need all the originals first though.
Note on the Mass Outfit Redesign alternate (unreasonable) versions. I kept the original file paths, as they came from Myst42's version, so you will need to still rename/overwrite them as you please yourself. Please follow Myst42's instructions in their readme on how to do that. (I suggest extraction of Myst's files someplace safe, then just extract mine over that, then rename and install into Oblvion.)
7zip archive. Should open with pretty much any modern unrar/unzip program though.
Update 06-08:
-Added conversions for MassOutfitRedesign by Myst42 to HFBE (original available here: or here), as well as kingkongs overhaul from here
-In addition to that, pregnant variants of the above, as well as AveBrave's collection, originals here:
You WILL need the originals, for the textures at least (and replacer .esp's). Give them credit, i just converted as i could.
Update 05:
-Added Derida collection (which includes Sword Dancer, Gloria & Trish, and Kirin)
-Added R18PN collection (which includes Complete Lingerie collection, Iruma, Mina, and Romaje)
Update 04b.: Seperated into individual mods. If i missed anything, please just PM me, and i will make the changes. More armors/clorthes to come soon. I also take requests. You do NOT need to download the files called "MyPreg".
TamagoSetBody (to actually see the pregnant bodies automatically)
*SetBody Blockhead edition (recommended, not strictly needed)
*HFB Replacers for the textures and esp, if you use the pregnant versions of it (see download link above)
*Mass Outfit Redesign for the textures and esp, if you use the HFB replacer and/or pregnant versions of it (see download link above)
*LoversLabHGECLL for the textures and esp, if you use the HFB replacer and/or pregnant versions of it (see download link above)
(won't make sense without the above four, even though strictly they are not needed.)
Any maximum compatibility skeleton, like the one from LAPF, or Growlf's Universal Skeleton. (the only one you really need, so you won't get tearing and stretching)
(personal note)
This is my first ever upload, so bear with me. Constructive criticism welcome Also, if anybody can do in-game screen-shots of the various armors, i would be thankful. I barely change mine and collecting them all seems insane for just a photo op So please share!
(plans going forward)
I am looking into making seamless versions of it all. After i convert all of the mods i have/want, i will update everything to seamless versions, fitting the heads from here I realise that will take some texture modifications too, but i am reading up on that, so bear with me And no, it will NOT need OCO v2 or anything, it will be standalone.
Description Update:
So included in this pack is already, apart from the replacer variants:
Ozmo's Ivy armor.
Black Legion's Dark Illusion
Cenobite's Full Metal Bikini II or III
Growlf's Chainspike
Hiromacu's Taki armor
Jimsonzugl's Moon Love
Tona's Airy Lily
Wulf's Glass Armor (non-replacer)
Fallen20's Lingerie set (converted to E-cup, LL-bottom and BBB)
ANB's Drape Top
Zotman12's Armor of Para
Hentai's Collection
Kogane's Mage Leather
Sinblood's Lethal Majesty, Ravenous Elegance, and VelvetRose
... and probably some others i can't remember right now. In the future i will seperate these mods into their own branches, so you only have to install what you actually want.
also an unknown armor by "mengmo?"
Many Thanks to the mesh/texture creators: Avebrave, KingKong, Zotman12/Hentai, R18PN, ANB, Kogane, Sinblood, Wulf, Tona, Ozmo, Cenobite, Hiromacu, Jimsonzugl, Growlf, Black Legion, Myst42, Yuravica, and everybody i forgot right now.
Thanks to Bethesda for the great game, the modding community, and most important of all the great folks at LoversLabs.
Special thanks to Movomo who inspired me take on this little project, as well as Iamnoone.
Click here to download this file
Ploms' Sexy Robes and Hats for DMRA-GUTS
By samhain6
Ploms' Sexy Robes and Hats for DMRA-GUTS
This is a mesh replacer and requires the original mod to be installed first along with any dependancies:
Extract the enclosed Data folder to your Oblivion installation directory overwriting when prompted (backup original files first if desired).
Mktsang, Alexscorpion, Hellknight, Coronerra
and anyone else involved in the HGEC / GUTS / DMRA / Manga bodies and BBB / BB systems.
Feel free to re-use in a non commercial fashion within the wishes of the original mod authors and with credits given.
SHA-256: 6d314b2444e881dc53e4606a36c921554ca2912470fbfe97f1e45ba9104e25df
Qazz High Elf Female swimsuit for DMRA-GUTS and Oblivion Muscle Girl
By samhain6
Qazz Tera High Elf Female Swimsuit 01 for DMRA-GUTS and Oblivion Muscle Girl
-Fixed clipping with the Pretty Woman running animation
-Added Muscle Girl version
Vipcxj's Real High Heels System:
(optional RHH LPK / LAPF compatible version):
Oblivion Muscle Girl body and race:
Install data folder and enable included ESP (let v2.0 files overwrite if upgrading)
Find the outfits in a chest in the Testing Hall.
Recommended skeleton:
BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton by killermonkey99
(or the LAPF skeleton).
Recommended animations:
NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer by fore
Qazz for the original conversion
Zomb_killer & Tigersan
A-Type2 / SpeedBuster
Edhildil, Mktsang, Alexscorpion, Hellknight, Coronerra
and anyone else involved in the HGEC / GUTS / DMRA / Manga bodies and BBB / BB systems.
Gerra6 for the great blender scripts.
Feel free to re-use in a non commercial fashion within the wishes of the original mod authors and with credits given.
SHA-256: 487A83AFF17A3A156E7F84A277DF08809B941E6E7232C3B51568842AEA6C17B7
Black Lotus armor for Oblivion Muscle Girl
By samhain6
Black Lotus armor for Oblivion Muscle Girl.
Standalone conversion located in a chest in the testing hall.
Oblivion Muscle Girl body and race:
Vipcxj's Real High Heels System:
(optional RHH LPK / LAPF compatible version):
Recommended skeleton:
BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton by killermonkey99
Recommended animations:
NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer by fore
Aery Soul for the original outfit
hh2hai for the Oblivion port
Zomb_killer & Tigersan
Mktsang, Alexscorpion, Hellknight, Coronerra
and anyone else involved in the HGEC / GUTS / DMRA / Manga bodies and BBB / BB systems.
Feel free to re-use in a non commercial fashion within the wishes of the original mod authors and with credits given.
DMRA Compilation
By Boronboy
This mod was primarily created to solve a few problems I had with my set up.
1 With Better Cities Installed some of the chest become impossible to access without using Clipping.
2 Using a trade and commerce plugin makes these items technically stolen goods and hence you cant keep them which is very annoying
3 When you get a high value item as a level 1 it sort of makes the game that much easier particularly when they are just given to you.
4 Oblivions rough mod cap of 250, with so many clothing mods you end up brushing up near it much earlier than you would like I find.
It worked so I figured I would publish it here.
Full List of current items- All in 1 Part 1 ANB Red Ninja, Battle China Dress, Candy, Dancer Clothes,R18N Bondage, R18 Lingerie,Sexy Shirt,
Simple Knits, Simple Outfits, Purelust Latex Suits, Hiromacus_SPB_E_Kunoichi_Collection_DMRA-BBB,
HW Dress, Miki Sayaka Armor, Priestess Dibella, Sexy Dress, SG001 Bunny Armor,SPB Kuniochi, Taki
Dress, Westwind Rougue and Zero Suit.
Part 2 ANBMiniMicroBikini, CW Extremely SHort Dress, Domanatrix Suit, Dynasty, Doom Bikini Armor, Marco Armor,
HentaiSummerFesta, SBVelvetRose,Lady Flirt, Lady Fantasy, OHMelight, and Ryk Swimwear
Download all the folders, combine the 3 meshes folders and the two texture folders into a single folder for meshes and a single folder for textures.
Add this into the data folder with the 3ESP's and the readme
THe other folder does not need to be installed and simply contains all the standard ESP's in case you want to install only certain mods in there original state,
Put this folder in the same folder as the data folder (1 level up)
So easiest way to install this via Wyre Bash, simply pop it into your Bash Mods FOLDER and select the mods you want,
AllinONe installs only the top set of mods
AllinOne2 installs only the second set of mods
And the Original ESP's are in folders Original ESPs folders 1 and 2 if you want to only install specific mods.
All the Meshes and Textures for all the mods are here so no need to go looking
Credits- I will frelly admit that I cant use blender so the credits for the DMRA conversions go to Thorazine,Edhildil, Patzy and Nephenee13
all I did was combine things to lower the esp count.
Future Plans- THis is all the DMRA clothing articles I have in my game atm, if there is an item you would like added send me a ScreenShot of the clothing and if I like it/ can find it will add it to this when I have some free time as I am currently rather busy at the moment
If the list gets long enough may create a new room in the testhinghall to save space and a new interior in a home to store everything.
Warnings I have never published a mod before and I am still not the best at TES construction set and am totally coding illiterate so some problems may be beyond me
May have some clipping if you also have a mod that modifies the inside of player home but that should it, hopefully the chests should be visible at least partially all the time.
HS Valentine's 2016
Happy Valentine's Day to all. To ring in this lovely day, I've made a new Valentine's day mod. This mod contains both female and Transsexual versions of the body but if you're on a female, then Transsexual content will not even be noticed unless you go poking around the nifs.
About the mod:
This mod is just an idea that came to me when thinking about how Valentine's Day is a love/hate affair. Some people absolutely love the day and others despise it. This mod has the best of both worlds. There are 2 outfits with a special remake of the Valentine Bikini I made in 2013. The mod itself comes in both SuiCup F/TS and FCPA F/TS bodies. Not too many colors really but a few accessories and will allow for a bit of mix and matching.
Overall contents:
2 colours for lover girl set
2 colours for reaper girl set
1 scythe
3 bows 2/3 enchanted one is failed experiment but fun when mixing different bows.
3 types of arrows 2/3 enchanted
Extract to the data folder and activate .esp.
BBB Rag Doll Skeleton
Vipcxjs Real High Heel System
Any body type that is compatible with the DRMA textures.
What was done:
I made these meshes with lots of love and anger at the same time so I hope it is enjoyed
What will be done:
I honestly have no idea. I'll let the future decide that.
You can do whatever you want with this mod. Please just give me credit for my meshes (and some textures or masups I've made so please not that, too).
All people involved in the DMRA movements (Mktsang, Alexscorpion, HellKnight, Speedbuster, Coronerra, nabernas, Edhildil)
All those who've shown lots of support to the FCPA body
DMRA & Suiguts Devil's Pain Kunoichi
Hello folks,
Today I'd like to preset to you the DMRA Devil's Pain Kunoichi set. This set is a very skimpy looking ninja from my own comic universe. I've always wanted to put parts of my own comic books into the Oblivion world so this is my doing so .
This was a mod I began to work out about a year and a half ago but was really focusing more on my real life and developing my 3D modeling skills and was too lazy to repath, retexture, make GND's and Icon pics and so on, so I kind of skipped it but someone asked me to release it and here it is.
(TS version and other bodies of mine are available but only done when requested).
Drag and drop the contents of the mod itself into the data folder to your ESP folder and activate the ESP with your Oblivion launcher.
Seeing as the mod itself was made over a year and a half ago, it was clippy but I recently fixed this o at least it does not clip with my animations, I also fixed the bracers a bit since the texture was a bit off.
It's up to you really . If it is up to me, I'll just keep making random meshes and then putting my works together and releasing them whenever I feel. But I like feedback and if I get requests, I'll do my best to make it but with my own spin on it .
One thing I will note is I've noticed the lack of custom DMRA mods, not just today but in general. Most are conversions which are fine and dandy but I personally think it's about time to bring something new to DMRA then just some other persons work which inspired me to release the DMRA version of this instead of the bodies I usually work with.
DMRA or Compatible bodies: Your choice tbh
BBB Skeleton:
Vipcxjs Real High heel System:
This mod and all its resources are all made by me, with the exception of the DMRA body as that is not my creation. But otherwise you can use them as you please as long as you respect the hard work put in by myself (same goes for other modders too). Most importantly, if you use anything from my mods (or other modders) please do your best to credit me (or them).
Speedbuster for always making great mods and making works that inspired me to mod in the first place.
Mktsang, Alexscorpion, HellKnight, Speedbuster, Coronerra, nabernas, Edhildil - DMRA Body
UPDATE 116/2016: Thank you loverslab for always being the best community ever! I've uploaded the SuiGuts Version to the file so please note this in the downloads! Thank you all.
- HappySparkles
- (and 8 more)