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Version 2.0
Le Jarl Balgruuf retourne sur son trône et ouvre une bouteille de bière. Il a enfin trouvé une solution à la perte des recettes fiscales de la ville, due aux difficultés qu'elle a traversé ces derniers temps. Et la solution était si simple ! Elle courait dans sa ville en attirant le regard des honnêtes citoyens en ravivant leurs plus profondes tentations. Tout ce qu'il avait eu à faire, c'était d'adopter un décret officiel, selon lequel Blancherive allait être dotée d'une nouvelle attraction principale... ... l'Enfant de Dragon ... ... la nouvelle prostituée publique. /Merci de bien vouloir prendre connaissance de la note du traducteur en bas de la page./ Public Whore Sommaire La notion de base du mod est que le personnage du joueur se retrouve déclaré "prostituée publique" de la ville et peut être utilisé par les citoyens en échange d'argent qui sera reversé au Jarl de la châtellerie. Pour l'instant, il s'agit plutôt d'un "système" qui s'ajoute à la routine du jeu, le mod n'apporte pas de contenu historique particulier, même si l'auteur souhaite étendre le contenu des quêtes avec le temps. Fichiers requis Le mod de base de Visio Diaboli (vous y trouverez une version pour Skyrim SE et LE) Les fichiers requis du mod de base (vous pouvez également les retrouver sur la page du mod) ATTENTION : les liens suivants mènent vers les version LE des mods correspondants, il vous faut l'équivalent pour la version SE si nécessaire : Prérequis nécessaires (sans eux, le mod ne fonctionnera pas) : SKSE Fuz Ro D-oh Sexlab Pack d'animation ZaZ v8.0+ Prérequis importants (le mod fonctionnera sans eux, mais il n'a pas été conçu pour fonctionner sans) : Devious Devices SlaveTats Sexlab Aroused Sexlab Sexual Fame Simple Slavery Plus Plus SD+ Recommandés (pour un peu plus d'immersion) : Spectator Crowds Populated Cities Towns Villages OBIS Installation de la traduction Il ne vous sera pas possible d'avoir un menu MCM traduit en français si vous installez la traduction par dessus une sauvegarde qui disposait déjà du mod original. Par conséquent, trois choix s'offrent à vous : Vous n'avez jamais installé le mod original Public Whore : Dans ce cas, pas de problème particulier, il s'agit d'une installation classique. Téléchargez le mod original. Téléchargez la dernière version de la traduction. Installez le mod original (manuellement en faisant glisser les fichiers dans le dossier data ou via votre gestionnaire de mod). Installez la traduction (manuellement en faisant glisser les fichiers dans le dossier data ou via votre gestionnaire de mod) et écrasez les fichiers. Lancez votre dernière sauvegarde (ou lancez une nouvelle partie, au choix, normalement ce n'est pas obligatoire mais plus propre). Vous avez déjà installé le mod original Public Whore, celui ci est chargé dans votre dernière sauvegarde et vous souhaitez avoir le menu MCM en français : L'idée est ici de charger votre dernière sauvegarde et, en même temps, le mod original et sa traduction, permettant aux scripts de repartir tranquillement, et en français. Désinstallez proprement le mod original (et la traduction si vous l'avez) via votre gestionnaire de mod [conseillé] ou manuellement, chargez votre dernière sauvegarde, puis sauvegardez. Réinstallez le mod original. Installez la dernière version de la traduction et écrasez les fichiers. Lancez votre dernière sauvegarde (ou nouvelle partie). Vous avez déjà installé le mod original Public Whore, celui ci est chargé dans votre dernière sauvegarde, vous avez la flemme de faire la manip du deuxième choix et garder le menu MCM anglais ne vous dérange pas : Dans ce cas, pas de manipulation particulière, il vous suffira de rajouter le patch disponible en plus de la traduction. Installez la dernière version de la traduction française. Installez le patch. Chargez votre dernière sauvegarde. Le mod sera entièrement traduit, excepté le menu MCM qui restera en anglais. Ordre de chargement : Mod original Traduction française (patch si vous souhaitez garder le MCM en anglais) Comment débuter ? Via les quêtes d'introduction : ces dernières sont disponibles auprès du Jarl Balgruuf ou Vignar Grisetoison pour démarrer la quête à Blancherive, il vous suffit de leur demander s'ils ont du travail pour vous. Vous pouvez également aller parler à Vedia Belenus pour démarrer la quête à Solitude. Via la réputation (Sexlab Sex Fame) : il vous suffit d'acquérir une certaine renommée ou d'utiliser le système de renommée sexuelle intégrée au mod (mais moins avancé que SLSF) et vous finirez par devenir la prostituée publique de la ville. Via une demande directement aux Thanes : il vous suffit de parler à un Thane, qui se situe généralement près du Jarl, pour démarrer la quête. Via le mod Simple Slavery : faites-vous vendre à une ville pour démarrer une prostitution forcée. Attention, vous ne pourrez pas quitter la ville et votre quota à remplir sera plus complexe. Crédits : Visio Diaboli : Auteur original du mod, sans qui cette traduction n'aurait jamais vu le jour Epervier 666 : Pour sa création de l'ESP/ESM Translator Version originale et version française Version française de la Confrérie des Traducteurs Aldid : Pour les captures d'écrans visibles sur le mod original. Je n'ai fais que les copier. Et tous ceux ayant contribué à la création du mod original (vous pouvez les retrouver dans les remerciements du mod de base). Note du traducteur : Méthode de traduction : Première étape : le fichier ESP a d'abord été automatiquement traduit par les fonctionnalités de l'ESP/ESM Translator. Cela permet un gain de temps, mais également la conservation du sens et de la portée qui a été donné à la phrase par l'auteur du mod original. Deuxième étape : le fichier ESP a ensuite été vérifié ligne par ligne, afin de corriger les erreurs de syntaxe ou les tournures de phrase données par la première traduction automatique. Le fichier ESP contenant plus de 2000 lignes, certaines coquilles sont, sans nul doute, passées au travers de la relecture. Des mises à jour seront prévues afin de corriger les problèmes d'orthographe et de syntaxe ruinant l'immersion. Remarques : Il s'agit de la deuxième traduction que j'upload sur LoversLab. N'étant pas un habitué, il est probable que les mises à jour tardent un peu, mais je tâcherais de fournir une version finale correcte. L'ESP original est tiré de la version SE de Skyrim, mais la traduction devrait pouvoir fonctionner également pour une version LE. Certaines lignes apparaissaient deux fois dans le traducteur : une première fois pour les personnages joueurs féminin, puis une deuxième fois pour les personnages joueurs masculins, j'ai donc pris cela en considération pour ne pas favoriser un genre. Cependant, il y a une forme de neutralité pour beaucoup de phrases en anglais, et cela se sent dans la traduction. J'ai donc privilégié le genre féminin et j'ai considéré que le personnage joueur était une femme pour les accords (exemple : "are you crazy ?" peut signifier "tu es fou ?" ou "tu es folle ?", dans ce genre de situation, l'auteur du mod n'avait nullement besoin de créer deux lignes pour les deux genres, puisque cette dernière s'applique déjà aux deux. J'ai donc privilégié la version féminine en traduisant). Ne soyez pas surpris si vous tombez sur des fautes d'orthographe ou de syntaxe, il y en a forcément qui ont réussi à échapper à ma vigilance et je compte les corriger ultérieurement. Cependant, si une faute vous brule les yeux, n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part via le support. Voltair-
- public sex
- prostitution
- (and 6 more)
Public Whore v1.2.4 - Traduction française View File Le Jarl Balgruuf retourne sur son trône et ouvre une bouteille de bière. Il a enfin trouvé une solution à la perte des recettes fiscales de la ville, due aux difficultés qu'elle a traversé ces derniers temps. Et la solution était si simple ! Elle courait dans sa ville en attirant le regard des honnêtes citoyens en ravivant leurs plus profondes tentations. Tout ce qu'il avait eu à faire, c'était d'adopter un décret officiel, selon lequel Blancherive allait être dotée d'une nouvelle attraction principale... ... l'Enfant de Dragon ... ... la nouvelle prostituée publique. /Merci de bien vouloir prendre connaissance de la note du traducteur en bas de la page./ Public Whore Sommaire La notion de base du mod est que le personnage du joueur se retrouve déclaré "prostituée publique" de la ville et peut être utilisé par les citoyens en échange d'argent qui sera reversé au Jarl de la châtellerie. Pour l'instant, il s'agit plutôt d'un "système" qui s'ajoute à la routine du jeu, le mod n'apporte pas de contenu historique particulier, même si l'auteur souhaite étendre le contenu des quêtes avec le temps. Fichiers requis Le mod de base de Visio Diaboli (vous y trouverez une version pour Skyrim SE et LE) Les fichiers requis du mod de base (vous pouvez également les retrouver sur la page du mod) ATTENTION : les liens suivants mènent vers les version LE des mods correspondants, il vous faut l'équivalent pour la version SE si nécessaire : Prérequis nécessaires (sans eux, le mod ne fonctionnera pas) : SKSE Fuz Ro D-oh Sexlab Pack d'animation ZaZ v8.0+ Prérequis importants (le mod fonctionnera sans eux, mais il n'a pas été conçu pour fonctionner sans) : Devious Devices SlaveTats Sexlab Aroused Sexlab Sexual Fame Simple Slavery Plus Plus SD+ Recommandés (pour un peu plus d'immersion) : Spectator Crowds Populated Cities Towns Villages OBIS Installation de la traduction Il ne vous sera pas possible d'avoir un menu MCM traduit en français si vous installez la traduction par dessus une sauvegarde qui disposait déjà du mod original. Par conséquent, trois choix s'offrent à vous : Vous n'avez jamais installé le mod original Public Whore : Dans ce cas, pas de problème particulier, il s'agit d'une installation classique. Téléchargez le mod original. Téléchargez la dernière version de la traduction. Installez le mod original (manuellement en faisant glisser les fichiers dans le dossier data ou via votre gestionnaire de mod). Installez la traduction (manuellement en faisant glisser les fichiers dans le dossier data ou via votre gestionnaire de mod) et écrasez les fichiers. Lancez votre dernière sauvegarde (ou lancez une nouvelle partie, au choix, normalement ce n'est pas obligatoire mais plus propre). Vous avez déjà installé le mod original Public Whore, celui ci est chargé dans votre dernière sauvegarde et vous souhaitez avoir le menu MCM en français : L'idée est ici de charger votre dernière sauvegarde et, en même temps, le mod original et sa traduction, permettant aux scripts de repartir tranquillement, et en français. Désinstallez proprement le mod original (et la traduction si vous l'avez) via votre gestionnaire de mod [conseillé] ou manuellement, chargez votre dernière sauvegarde, puis sauvegardez. Réinstallez le mod original. Installez la dernière version de la traduction et écrasez les fichiers. Lancez votre dernière sauvegarde (ou nouvelle partie). Vous avez déjà installé le mod original Public Whore, celui ci est chargé dans votre dernière sauvegarde, vous avez la flemme de faire la manip du deuxième choix et garder le menu MCM anglais ne vous dérange pas : Dans ce cas, pas de manipulation particulière, il vous suffira de rajouter le patch disponible en plus de la traduction. Installez la dernière version de la traduction française. Installez le patch. Chargez votre dernière sauvegarde. Le mod sera entièrement traduit, excepté le menu MCM qui restera en anglais. Ordre de chargement : Mod original Traduction française (patch si vous souhaitez garder le MCM en anglais) Comment débuter ? Via les quêtes d'introduction : ces dernières sont disponibles auprès du Jarl Balgruuf ou Vignar Grisetoison pour démarrer la quête à Blancherive, il vous suffit de leur demander s'ils ont du travail pour vous. Vous pouvez également aller parler à Vedia Belenus pour démarrer la quête à Solitude. Via la réputation (Sexlab Sex Fame) : il vous suffit d'acquérir une certaine renommée ou d'utiliser le système de renommée sexuelle intégrée au mod (mais moins avancé que SLSF) et vous finirez par devenir la prostituée publique de la ville. Via une demande directement aux Thanes : il vous suffit de parler à un Thane, qui se situe généralement près du Jarl, pour démarrer la quête. Via le mod Simple Slavery : faites-vous vendre à une ville pour démarrer une prostitution forcée. Attention, vous ne pourrez pas quitter la ville et votre quota à remplir sera plus complexe. Crédits : Visio Diaboli : Auteur original du mod, sans qui cette traduction n'aurait jamais vu le jour Epervier 666 : Pour sa création de l'ESP/ESM Translator Version originale et version française Version française de la Confrérie des Traducteurs Aldid : Pour les captures d'écrans visibles sur le mod original. Je n'ai fais que les copier. Et tous ceux ayant contribué à la création du mod original (vous pouvez les retrouver dans les remerciements du mod de base). Note du traducteur : Méthode de traduction : Première étape : le fichier ESP a d'abord été automatiquement traduit par les fonctionnalités de l'ESP/ESM Translator. Cela permet un gain de temps, mais également la conservation du sens et de la portée qui a été donné à la phrase par l'auteur du mod original. Deuxième étape : le fichier ESP a ensuite été vérifié ligne par ligne, afin de corriger les erreurs de syntaxe ou les tournures de phrase données par la première traduction automatique. Le fichier ESP contenant plus de 2000 lignes, certaines coquilles sont, sans nul doute, passées au travers de la relecture. Des mises à jour seront prévues afin de corriger les problèmes d'orthographe et de syntaxe ruinant l'immersion. Remarques : Il s'agit de la deuxième traduction que j'upload sur LoversLab. N'étant pas un habitué, il est probable que les mises à jour tardent un peu, mais je tâcherais de fournir une version finale correcte. L'ESP original est tiré de la version SE de Skyrim, mais la traduction devrait pouvoir fonctionner également pour une version LE. Certaines lignes apparaissaient deux fois dans le traducteur : une première fois pour les personnages joueurs féminin, puis une deuxième fois pour les personnages joueurs masculins, j'ai donc pris cela en considération pour ne pas favoriser un genre. Cependant, il y a une forme de neutralité pour beaucoup de phrases en anglais, et cela se sent dans la traduction. J'ai donc privilégié le genre féminin et j'ai considéré que le personnage joueur était une femme pour les accords (exemple : "are you crazy ?" peut signifier "tu es fou ?" ou "tu es folle ?", dans ce genre de situation, l'auteur du mod n'avait nullement besoin de créer deux lignes pour les deux genres, puisque cette dernière s'applique déjà aux deux. J'ai donc privilégié la version féminine en traduisant). Ne soyez pas surpris si vous tombez sur des fautes d'orthographe ou de syntaxe, il y en a forcément qui ont réussi à échapper à ma vigilance et je compte les corriger ultérieurement. Cependant, si une faute vous brule les yeux, n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part via le support. Voltair Submitter Voltair Submitted 06/21/2022 Category Adult Mods Requirements Regular Edition Compatible Yes
- 11 replies
- public sex
- prostitution
- (and 6 more)
Dragon Blessed - Chapter 7 - Storm Blessed (Part 3)
dryuya posted a blog entry in Tales of the 6th Era
Dragon Blessed - Chapter 5 - Storm Blessed (Part 1)
dryuya posted a blog entry in Tales of the 6th Era
Dragon Blessed - Chapter 11 - Strun Bah Qo (Part 2)
dryuya posted a blog entry in Tales of the 6th Era
Sexlab Defeat SSE - SexLab P+ Patch View File SexLab P+ patch for Sexlab Defeat SSE 5.3.5 by Goudo. Fixes / improvements Fixed stage/animation selector not working first time you try to open it Improvements to animation selector: Fixed bad performance when using SexLab P+, now menu opens instantly Removed animation limit of 128, now shows all available animations Animations are sorted by name now Requirements The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition Sexlab Defeat SSE 5.3.5 SexLab P+ (tested on version JContainers SE Installation Overwrite Sexlab Defeat SSE 5.3.5 files with this patch Compatibility Not compatible with Sexlab Defeat Baka Edition LE/SE, as it edits defeatconfig.pex Not compatible with Defeat V5.3.6 Bane, as it edits defeatconfig.pex. Overwrite at your own risk, some fixes he did there will be overwritten Known issues Animation selector doesn't work when actors are using bed (probably SexLab P+ issue?) Submitter wabuke Submitted 11/02/2024 Category Combat Sex Requirements Sexlab Defeat SSE 5.3.5, SexLab P+, JContainers SE Regular Edition Compatible No
Version 2.66
Maeva's Bookshop. (Updated to Version 2.66) Cyrodiil's favourite adult bookshop. Contents under pressure. Open carefully and keep cool. Now with more delicious quest content. To instal this mod, simply unpack all the contents into your Oblivion\Data\ folder. Say 'yes' to overwrite, it won't overwrite anything in your vanilla game or other mods. Or use OBMM, or Wrye Bash. (But, if you are using Wrye Bash, you don't need my instructions.) When the files are extracted, use OBMM, or Wrye Bash, or the game menu to activate the ESP. The Textures folder is necessary to get illustrations in books that have them, including the disgustingly trashy, undocumented, picture books in the secret areas of the Hidden Library. In order to get the quests to run, and to enjoy LunaSprite's amazing furniture, you will also need to ensure the Meshes folder is extracted to your Data folder. This will also provide Strotis' extraordinary printing press model to Maeva's bindery, and the fantastic flaming sword model for the epic quest: The Necromancer's Ring. You will also need to disable borders in your Oblivion.ini file. There are plenty of guides, on the Nexus and elsewhere, to tell you how to do this. I won't confuse the issue further, but you have to do this in order to access the Wreck Of The Dawnstar. This mod adds a lot of books, all lore-friendly, to the land of Cyrodiil. There are now 237 of Maeva's compositions in the mod, 123 contributed by Amalric Widmark, and a whack-load of guides (for finding the books 'in the wild'.) I have weeded out the files to only retain the most up to date version, with all the books, all the quests, all the other small extras. This solitary remaining version does not use nor require BookPlacing. Also, for any sensitive types who have gotten this far despite the "adult" tag on the mod, many of the works in this mod contain: sexual innuendo; mild sexual themes; graphic sexual depictions; and 'spit your coffee all over your keyboard and grab your crotch' level sexual content. Be warned! In response to several suggestions, this mod takes all of 'Maeva's' so-far released books, including any new updates she graciously provided, and puts them into several places in the world of Cyrodiil. First off, all the books that were in the hands of individuals or bookstores in the original releases are still there. If it gives you an added thrill to sneak into Casta Scribonia's bedroom to snaffle the only copy in the wild of "In The Lair Of The Orc Bandits", you can still do so. The only books that are missing in this version of the mod are the "easy" options provided in The Maeva Scribonia Collections, 4 and 5. These are replaced by the other three features, below. Additionally there is a whole library of works by Amalric Widmark, another author whose books are now included in this mod. Many are attributed to Casta Scribonia, and available only through Renoit's Books in Chorrol, after completing the quest "Casta's Books". Others are various works and subjects, some scattered around Cyrodiil, but also mostly available through one of the locales below. The mod also collects all the books into several other locations. One is Maeva's bookshop. Yes, sick and tired of the small circulation her works have garnered in the Imperial Province, and the feeble efforts of her sister to help distribute the books, Maeva has set up shop within walking distance of where-ever you happen to be. Where is the shop? It is just north of Chorrol, south and west of the extremely scenic Black Rock Caverns. Don't know where that is? Take the track north towards Cloud Top. Before too long, a track seems to open off the main path to the west. If you follow this, you'll come to a pretty, rock-bound pool with waterfalls gushing into it. Under one of these falls is the door to Black Rock Caverns. Cross the pool to the west, and you can see Maeva's establishment. The bookshop is a convivial, friendly place, that is open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. For those of you handy with a lockpick, as always, it's open round the clock, but don't get too brazen when Maeva is around. She's tougher than she looks. (But she sleeps soundly.) The bookshop sells books, of course; many of Maeva's released set, and some others. Maeva's books are expensive. Worth it, but not cheap. She also sells "Guide Books", one for each prior release of her works, whether singles, sets or collections. These "guides" are the readme's for the original mods. They're cheap, cheap, cheap. And they contain all the original book reviews that provide clues to where a book, in the hot, sweaty hands of its present owner, is. Note that those in the chests of merchants who will sell them to you, are priced the same as in the bookshop. So, to recap before the exam, the bookshop sells guides, which are just the reprinted readme files, and most of the original books. So far, so good. There is another place which also has a lot of books, and all the guides, and a few of the little extras that are tucked away in the private quarters of Maeva's bookshop. And they're all free! Well, sort of. There is a price to be paid, but it doesn't involve giving away your hard earned, ill-gotten, or found-by-chance Septims. All the information you need to seek this out, and be forewarned of the circumstances, is contained in another book. This one is not for sale at Maeva's bookshop. The only copy in Tamriel was last seen in the for-sale stock at Southern Books. You'll know it when you see it, the title is pretty self-evident. There is a set of "Welcome" books in the Bookshop and in the Hidden Library, which provides some information on the sequence of events for all the books, and the temporal order of the plotlines. (This is my work, don't blame Maeva for the pedestrian prose in here.) Also, in the Bookshop, there are several handbills lying around which are safe for you to read and which cover much the same territory as this readme. (It always annoyed me that establishments in Cyrodil had handbills lying around, ostensibly for their clientele to read, but which led to immediate arrest if you took a peek.) The third locale is the wreck of the Dawnstar. You'll find this as you complete the "Amalric's Book Cubby" quest included in the mod. The miscellaneous works by Amalric are all here, as are some of Maeva's and Casta's later books. This mod is not Maeva's own mod. That is a very impressive sorceress' tower in Colovia, with many more books and some other nifty features. This mod is my own work, apart from 'Maeva's' and Amalric's books, of course, and any errors or problems are mine. Please point them out, and I'll correct them. Maeva's comment, on reviewing it: "Pretty naff." But she was touched enough by my effort to donate some new books, and write the clue book for the Hidden Library. One or two minor things I have noticed: If you arrive at the bookshop the same in-game day that you activate the mod, sometimes Maeva has not unlocked the store. You can pick the lock without penalty (it's supposed to be open!), or you can come back the next or any other day and she will have unlocked at 8:00 am. If you have companions with you, and you decide to dodge the 'gate keeper' at the Hidden Library, and go up the trap door ladder while your companions are fighting, there is a chance the 'gate keeper' will follow you into the library. I didn't think this was possible, and don't know how to stop it. These are the only things that showed up in testing. Let me know if you find anything 'interesting' in your play. Lots of new books in the Bookshop that weren't released in any previous standalone mod. As always, excercise judgement and good sense in downloading these books. They were written by 'Maeva' for her own collection, and were never intended for release. If you download the mod, and open it in game knowing this premise, anything you cannot deal with in the books is your problem. As mentioned above, a talented contributor has provided the curiously missing works of Casta Scribonia to the game. The first parcel, contained in a quest you can pick up from Casta Scribonia (if she likes you enough) provides access to a library of Casta's books. Including 'Woman Gone Wild'! Amalric's style is quite distinct from Maeva's, and his worldview of Cyrodiil is slightly different, but if you enjoyed Maeva's books, you will like these. Amalric cheerfully characterises his books as 'smut', but they are much more than that. Estelle Renoit also sells a catalogue of Casta's works for next to nothing, but only for select customers, of course (i.e. those who've finished the quest). The quest to get access involves doing an errand for Estelle Renoit, but the mod does not otherwise affect the landscape. The second parcel of books, unlocked through a quest obtained from a high-disposition Quill Weave, does change the landscape. This has now been modified to avoid any conflict with other known mods, such as 'Reclaiming Sancre Couer'. It involves obtaining some feminine companionship for a not-very-sympathetic character in Anvil, involving blackmailing one of the town's female characters. He'll then steer you to the book cache, and a snug, if quirky, player residence. Don't expect any thanks from the female NPC after finishing the quest, however. There are also three quests to perform for Maeva Scribonia, one of which involves recovering a missing proof (which is a climactic book in the Nimbea Indaryl story arc, or at least the arc released so far). This quest will lead you to the hidden library, if you've been unable to locate it. The next, an errand more than a quest, will have you help her 'acquire' a particularly juicy diary. Ahem, for 'research', of course. And the third deals with the fallout from the second quest, which involves hurriedly returning the diary to its owner before the full weight of Imperial law falls on your hapless head. Another quest starts when you have completed the Mages Guild arc 'Confront The King' and have access to the Dawnstar. A new book, the culmination of the 'Bhargaz' Adventures' series has a note inside the cover which starts you on a mission to find one of Mannimarco's rings, then trade it for either gold, or the location of a legendary, undead-trashing, sword. And, with update 2.63, a new book, the last in the 'Skingrad Sisters' arc, starts you off on a quest to find the treasure hinted at in the book. I recommend reading the other stories in this series first, as you will run into some of the characters in the tales on this quest, and should know what to expect. In update version 2.66 you may discover a new secret area off the Hidden Rooms in the Hidden Library. If you explore this carefully, you will find a couple of new books by Maeva, and a new picture book, Open the picture book, and a key slips out from between its pages and into your hands. A key that will take you... where? All of these quests are covered in more detail in the 'Bookshop User's Guide' book included in the mod package. -
Version 1.0
SexLab P+ patch for Sexlab Defeat SSE 5.3.5 by Goudo. Fixes / improvements Fixed stage/animation selector not working first time you try to open it Improvements to animation selector: Fixed bad performance when using SexLab P+, now menu opens instantly Removed animation limit of 128, now shows all available animations Animations are sorted by name now Requirements The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition Sexlab Defeat SSE 5.3.5 SexLab P+ (tested on version JContainers SE Installation Overwrite Sexlab Defeat SSE 5.3.5 files with this patch Compatibility Not compatible with Sexlab Defeat Baka Edition LE/SE, as it edits defeatconfig.pex Known issues Animation selector doesn't work when actors are using bed (probably SexLab P+ issue?) -
REQUEST IDEA Orc lovers expansion
Burensc posted a topic in Request & Find - Skyrim Adult & Sex Mods
There is a mod on Nexus where male players become an Orc chief and female players become a high ranking wife. It's a great mod, unfortunately it's SFW and no sexlab content. It's also not going to give you a simple slavery experience. It would be nice to see it get a loversLab expansion for Female players... both orc and non orc female players. Unfortunately I know very little about making mods beyond using Xedit Basic expansion mod) add a For Female Orcs "climb the ladder" quest line radiant quests with a sparing mechanism for wife's to spar and duel for supremacy (lesbian content), winning the duel/sparing means loser gets fucked and you get to send the loser to the mine or the kitchen, or you must accompany the other winning wife on her dungeon diving radiant quests. - a 2.0 version of battle against slob where his brother has the opportunity to take over the stronghold and take the wives for himself while the old chief watches before getting excuted. Of course the honorable chief could win too. -non Orc Females can participate too via simple slavery, they start at the bottom and stay there getting bullies by the other wives, and duels or sparing are against invincible opponents. But once trusted you can leave the stronghold on "missions " to play the rest of Skyrim. Gives incentive to support a new dishonorable chief that would let the Dragon born climb the ladder. - fertility mode compatible for both male and female - Basic mod would be as lore friendly as possible and not need things that wouldn't be required be 90% of other sexlab mods, so no Pahe. * Basic expansion plus) For male or female players -a second version of the mod expansion add Pahe and FSM support maby something else. I don't use Pahe at the moment because I'm too lazy to track down the whole framework and compatible mods when most of my playthroughs are defeated heroine/defeated dom who is too good for slaves. But I'm sure other players would love NPC slavery connection. * Full overhaul) other wacky stuff from LL that stops being lore friendly and gets into the full scale degeneracy this site can offer. The original mod author seems to be MIA at the moment so I don't know how that effects what can be done. It's a perfect opportunity for Orc rape tats mod. I know there are other Orc lovers on LL -
Assimilation View File Last edit on 10/7/2024: Update description with latest status. Assimilation Nate or Nora are great fighters (just ask Strong!) and extremely valuable to the factions in the Commonwealth. Thus, if the player romances NPCs or their health gets too low then that faction may assimilate them by changing their looks or locking them into the faction. It consists of several small quests that trigger after certain events like your health getting too low or AAF animations. There are MCM options to control many mod features, for example whether romance is enabled or not. This mod complements LL mods like AAF Violate, Sexual Harassment and Sex 'Em Up and is similar in some ways to LL mods like Tattoo After Rape and Rad Morphing Redux. Features If the player health falls below a configurable value or after the player romances a partner of a particular faction, there is a chance that the player's hair, body, skin, clothes, and faction may be changed. The chance for a change to happen for each body section and for each faction is configurable through MCM. Hair - Your hair will be changed to something appropriate for that faction. Expect to get a mohawk for Raiders and a military cut Gunners. There are differences for male and female characters. Supported hair, beard, and pubic hair styles will also regrow over time or fall out from radiation. There are some penalties if your hair gets too long so you should find & drop some scissors on the ground and use them to trim up to avoid them. I could tell you what all the hairstyle possibilities are, but that would take away the fun and surprise. Currently, base game/DLC hairstyles are supported plus the following mods: Ponytail Hairstyles v2.5a ANiceOakTree's Hairstyles Pubes Forever Commonwealth Cuts KS Hairdos KS Hairdos with Physics More can easily be added! Which ones would you like? Body - Your CBBE body will be morphed based on settings in MCM. Configure them as you see fit, but by default it is set for female characters making the breasts and butt bigger and the waist smaller, i.e. an hourglass figure for most factions except "settler" factions which are the opposite. It is possible to configure the settings for male and female characters. FEV - If you romance a super-mutant, then some FEV may sneak into your system and cause increased muscle mass and some increased strength side-effects. Beware! (This can be configured or disabled in MCM). Actions Effect Body - Similar to mods like WTTF. You eat - you get large, You swing & bash & workout - you get muscle, You lounge & get rads - you get thin (can be configured or disabled in MCM). Clothes - Your clothes will be changed to something appropriate for that faction. Expect to get a harness for Raiders and a suit for Triggermen. There are differences for male and female characters. There is an option to swap your clothing hats/helmets when combat starts/ends and an option to swap your clothing gas mask when bad weather starts/ends. I could tell you what all the apparel possibilities are, but that would take away the fun and surprise. Currently, base game/DLC apparel is supported plus the following mods: Harness Wardrobe Militarized Minutemen Wearable Super Mutant Armor Gunner Outfit Pack More can easily be added! Which ones would you like? Skin - If certain mods are installed, then tattoos can be applied to the entire body when first affected and thereafter one after romance, combat or helping faction members. Faction (version 3.0 and greater) - Your faction will be changed to that faction and possibly moved to a faction-friendly location. Your last partner will have a small dialogue to initiate it. You will remain in the faction until you help or romance enough faction members to leave the faction. When leaving, a small dialogue allows you to confirm leaving or remaining in the faction. While assimilated to the faction, you will gain a perk appropriate for that faction. Asking to help or romancing faction members may result in them offering gifts or to be a companion (up to 2). You will receive better gifts based on your faction reputation which can increase each time or when a non-faction member is killed. It can decrease as well! Talking to faction members using an assigned hotkey allows you to ask for info/gifts or help/romance them. Some faction members may be a doctor and can help heal you. NOTE: Some details on implementation here: To make other factions hate the player if they become a Raider, those factions must be modified to dislike the player. The faction relations are saved before faction assimilation and restored after un-assimilation, but there is some risk here if they never get restored properly. I have been careful to assure that doesn't happen in the scripts, but that said I would only play version 3.0 with faction assimilation enabled on a new game not your long-term game with 1000's of hours played. Post a comment if you notice an NPC is unexpectedly a friend or enemy after faction assimilation and I can likely fix it. NOTE: There is no quick undo for the changes once they happen. If the player's hair changes, then you're going to have to see John in Diamond City or Horatio in Vault 81 to get a new hairstyle. If the player's body or skin changes, then you're going to have to see Doc Crocker in Diamond City to fix it. You can put your other clothes back on if you don't like the ones given to you (the mod doesn't remove them), or some may play with mods where all your clothes are stripped and then the changed clothes will be the only ones you have! There are easy ways to change all of these with the showlooksmenu command, but role playing and continuing with whatever changes is more interesting. Installation Review the Conflicts and Requirements sections below then install with your favorite mod manager. Additional features are available in the mod if the Optional Mods listed below are installed. Version 3.0 and later has many portions re-written and it is unlikely that an upgrade from any 2.0 version will work properly. Versions 3.0 and later are so different that I would recommend starting a new game after download and installation. Conflicts Assimilation conflicts with the following other mods mostly because they are also modifying your faction relationships: Raider Pet - Does something similar to Assimilation for Raiders and you end up with the Raider Pet and Assimilation systems fighting each other. For the best experience, use one or the other. If there is a feature from Raider Pet that you miss when using Assimilation then let me know and I may be able to add something similar. Requirements Fallout 4 v1.10.162 or newer F4SE - needed for lots of expanded script functions MCM - needed for extensive configuration options Optional Mods AAF including some themes/animations - for animation triggering Tested with CBBE (LMK if you have another one where it works) - for body changes BodySlide - for body changes Looksmenu - for skin overlay changes Random Overlay Framework - for skin overlay changes Tattoo After Rape - for skin overlay changes F4z Ro D'oh - for better silent dialogue lines Credits Bethesda for Fallout 4 as without it none of this would be possible The F4SE Team for their great work in finishing what Bethesda did not registrator2000 for MCM a really great menu option framework dagobaking for AAF and probably a reason LoversLab exists expired6978 for LooksMenu making it easy to change the player's looks Invictusblade for Random Overlay Framework and having an API method that could be called to apply random overlays on the player twistedtrebla for Tattoo After Rape as I used the snippet of connecting to AAF from that mod jaam and Chosen Clue and EgoBallistic for their highly useful string functions LenAnderson for Rad Morphing Redux as I learned how to do the body morphing from that mod MxR for the mod review: Prioritized Issues (these will roll off each release) Assimilation forces third person camera to be centered. Temp fix with "player.caa animarchetypeplayer". The hands-up animation is an AnimArcheType so need to confirm what was done before the problem occurred. Appears to be a PlayerRef.ChangeAnimArchetype(AnimArchetypeNervous) call to make the player nervous which isn't necessary and removed it. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE Today (9/12/2024) was a great day. A big issue that I thought was my fault is not my fault but instead a Bethesda bug documented here. It had been reported that NPCs would not always start a conversation with the player. Sometimes it would work, but often it would not and some Quest dialogue scenes would always work. It turns out if you have too many dialogue lines (and due to the number of factions I support I often do) it will not initiate the conversation. The solution recommended is a workaround - start with a simple generic dialogue line then once the conversation is started it can get more complex which requires me reworking some of the scenes. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE If you're Sex Attributes Desperate and talking to a doctor (who you cannot romance) there are no Talk options so just abort the conversation. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE It is reported that Assimilation does not work after 3 times - ON HOLD (could not reproduce the issue, need to get log from reporter) Player is always relocated even if settings are turned off. Found/fixed issue that wrong setting was being checked. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE Updated DD forms for their latest release - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE Player Assimilated dialogue inappropriate for certain factions (BoS should only salute BoS members). Found/fixed what I could. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE Mods that undress like CWSS or AN76 conflict when apparel is locked. Need a way to delay re-locking till after redress by those mods. Also, resetting the lock time. Tricky but probably not impossible. There is a difference between ones that should abort the redress (like conflicting clothing), and those that should delay and then re-lock (like undressing when using a toilet). Aborting the redress is already implemented/working, but the delay/re-lock is not. Watched for furniture forms on sit/getup and AN76 keyword. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE Fusion Girl and True Wasteland Body (TWB) support. Both are similar to CBBE with slider names but different Vertices they effect and more spaces in the slider names (CBBE only has 2). Need to test spaces in slider names to make sure they are working correctly (can use "7B Upper" and "7B Lower" with CBBE for that) and pick "muscular" slider names/values to be affected for FEV (and make them configurable in MCM). - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE SKK Combat Stalkers only uses Friend/Enemy factions. Thus, if you are Raider assimilated and Raiders spawn to come after you, then they will be your enemy which doesn't make sense. Not sure how to fix this one as I cannot add the Combat Stalkers enemy faction into your friends because then (in Raider example) Super-mutants that spawn will be your friend. Challenging, no known solution. Hair stretching out and actor disappearing on AAF animations. This is not an issue with this mod and looks like it involves the timing of hair changes, but I would love to find a workaround. Challenging, no known solution. Prioritized Features (these will roll off each release) General Increase performance of applying physical changes (hair, apparel, body, skin, face). - INVESTIGATING Option that player makes noise when swinging, bashing, jumping, or swimming (it was easy as Player Menu Clapping already did this). - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Face Integrated with Scripted Face Tints (SFT) - - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Create Medicated Face Wipes aid item that can erase one face damage tint (can be aid gift). - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Skin Apply Overlays via Looksmenu from Captive Tattoos thus not requiring Tattoo After Rape to be installed - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Create Medicated Skin Patch aid item that can erase one skin damage overlay (can be aid gift). - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Body Metabolism - If you don't eat/exercise your body grows thinner by a small, balanced, configurable amount over time... like real people. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Walking/Standing-Still Bonus option - To aid in surviving while in faction, you get a tiny heal bonus while walking or standing still. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Clothes Android Outfits - - ON HOLD (clothing items did not work when tested!) Super Mutant - Feral Ghouls - Raiders / Super Mutant (ToneTigre Slave Clothes) - - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Raiders / Super Mutant (Kharneth Slave Clothes) - - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Hair Ponytail Hairstyles v3.0 - - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE (UPDATE REQUIRED TO 3.0 AS IDS CHANGED!) More Pubic Hair Overlays - Lots More Female Hairstyles - Lots More Male Hairstyles - Lots More Facial Hair - MiscHairstyle 1.6 - - ON HOLD (off-site download) (optional, for males) More Hairstyles-Beards - - ON HOLD (off-site download) Black Desert Online Hairs - - ON HOLD (requires new head style) Trimming hair blocked during combat & pubic blocked when detected - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Faction Increase the number of faction help quests available (i.e. the variety) when assimilated. - INVESTIGATING Alternate Ending quest - If not assimilated to a faction (chance failed), then there is a chance that an alternate ending quest can occur, mostly romantic but depending on the outcome of a small dialog can be other things (if installed) like being Bound In Public or POTC or Real Handcuffed or even Caps taken, etc. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Overseer quest - get assigned a random faction Overseer (and possibly shock collared) to check-in with on your progress or be punished. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Late to Overseer quest - Overseer sends a group of faction members to track you down and bring you back to them. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE What's New in Version 1.4.0 Initial version (it was revisioned several times privately before posting) 1.12.0 Support DLC and implement progressive hairstyles from long to short 2.0 Faction assimilation, create hairstyles/apparel databases, FEV effect, hair growth/loss, helmet swap on combat 2.5 Bug fixes and stability/error recovery improvements, gas mask swap on bad weather 2.6 Bug fixes from 2.5 release discovered right after release 2.7 Bug fixes still existing in 2.6 version 3.0 Assimilation via Combat & Theft, NPC Talking giving 7 generic side-quests with faction specific ones planned for future 3.1 Bug fixes from 3.0 release discovered right after release, Simple sit out ground feature to rest 3.2 Bug fixes from 3.1 release, shortcut consumables, Atom Cats faction assimilation, info popup menu Submitter louisthird Submitted 01/07/2021 Category Misc Sex Requires F4SE MCM
Simple Outcomes for Acheron View File Some simple outcome Add Ons for the upcoming Acheron death alternative mod These Add Ons are still in testing, as Acheron itself still is in beta! I'd be happy about anyone who wants to try them and provide useful feedback if something breaks! Requirements For all Acheron -> for all the latest version you MUST have at least v1.3.1! For Simple Assault SexLab Framework - should work with Scrabs SL P+ v2 since Simple Assault v.010 Devious Devices - optional For Simple Slavery Simple Slavery Plus Plus Features Simple Rescue - a lucky toss When getting defeated or when a friendly NPC wins the combat, you pass out and wake up in a nearby* inn *in the same hold where the defeat happened. Still may be the other end of the hold Simple Slavery - as trampoline to several humiliating quests When a hostile faction wins the battle, they might want to earn some gold with you ... They send you to the slave selling platform of Simple Slavery, from where it goes to its various outcomes For follower support, I suggest a third party mod, eg Follower Slavery Mod Simple Assault - the LoversLab classic When you loose against hostiles, they might want to have some fun ... or you win and can have it yourself ... You and some of your followers might get raped by the victorious enemies. Built as immersive scenario with crowd gathering, commentary and some loss of carried valuables. Has its own functionality to decide whether a victim fits in an enemies' gender preference. If not, they just watch but don't take action. Soft tie in into Devious Devices - you might find yourself tied up when they are finished with you ... MCM provided for additional individuality. This outcome supports creatures aswell, however they are disabled by default. To enable creature assaults you have to do the following: Open up the file SKSE/Acheron/Consequences/Hostile/SimpleAssault.yaml To enable creature assaults, remove this segment: Conditions: Assailant: RaceType: - Human The old option in the MCM is gone! That means, everybods who wants to get assaulted by creatures, has to re-enable it, as described above! Also has the active part - this one might or might not be broken, please provide feedback!!! Acheron provides the option of Hunter's Pride, a menu to decide the fate of defeated enemies ... and you get the option to "Assault", too. Look for some evil love making ... How to provide feedback When giving feedback, especially for bug reports, please give 1) The add on that had the bug 2) The version of this addon 3) A papyrus log for when this bug happened (there are many tutorials around the web how to get those) These are the most helpful information you can provide, so I can fix things Submitter Mister X Submitted 04/13/2023 Category Adult Mods Requirements Acheron, SL Framework, Simple Slavery ++ Regular Edition Compatible No
Version 1.2.0
Some simple outcome Add Ons for the upcoming Acheron death alternative mod These Add Ons are still in testing, as Acheron itself still is in beta! I'd be happy about anyone who wants to try them and provide useful feedback if something breaks! Requirements For all Acheron -> for all the latest version you MUST have at least v1.3.1! For Simple Assault SexLab Framework - does NOT work with p+ v2!!! Devious Devices - optional For Simple Slavery Simple Slavery Plus Plus Features Simple Rescue - a lucky toss When getting defeated or when a friendly NPC wins the combat, you pass out and wake up in a nearby* inn *in the same hold where the defeat happened. Still may be the other end of the hold Simple Slavery - as trampoline to several humiliating quests When a hostile faction wins the battle, they might want to earn some gold with you ... They send you to the slave selling platform of Simple Slavery, from where it goes to its various outcomes For follower support, I suggest a third party mod, eg Follower Slavery Mod Simple Assault - the LoversLab classic PLEASE READ Since v0.7 there's a new way to enable creature assaults! For this you have to do the following: Open up the file SKSE/Acheron/Consequences/Hostile/SimpleAssault.yaml To enable creature assaults, remove this segment: Conditions: RaceType: - Human The old option in the MCM is gone! That means, everybods who wants to get assaulted by creatures, has to re-enable it, as described above! UPDATE END When you loose against hostiles, they might want to have some fun ... or you win and can have it yourself ... You and some of your followers might get raped by the victorious enemies. Built as immersive scenario with crowd gathering, commentary and some gold loss. Has its own functionality to decide whether a victim fits in an enemies' gender preference. If not, they just watch but don't take action. Soft tie in into Devious Devices - you might find yourself tied up when they are finished with you ... MCM provided for additional individuality. Also has the active part - this one might or might not be broken, please provide feedback!!! Acheron provides the option of Hunter's Pride, a menu to decide the fate of defeated enemies ... and you get the option to "Assault", too How to provide feedback When giving feedback, especially for bug reports, please give 1) The add on that had the bug 2) The version of this addon 3) A papyrus log for when this bug happened (there are many tutorials around the web how to get those) These are the most helpful information you can provide, so I can fix things -
Sexy Adventures View File Adds a variety of features intended for female adventurers. Highly customizable. This is a continuation of Sexlab Adventures. Crime Laws (turned off by default) Includes multiple additional crimes, such as public nudity, casting magic or wearing armor. If caught, you will receive a bounty. MCM options include: Which offenses are considered crimes, how high the bounty is and other parameters on a per-hold basis Who can report you and how often on a global basis Crimes can be set freely, randomized within customizable parameters at will or in semi-regular intervals or be kept at their default values. Gang Rape (turned off by default) Whenever certain requirements are fulfilled, you can be gangraped on the spot by NPCs in the vicinity. Nearby NPCs can also join an ongoing gangrape, even if they were not part of it initially. If enabled, assailants will pursue you before initiating the gangrape, allowing you to escape. MCM options include: The exact requirements (e.g. nudity, arousal, being unarmed, being restrained and many more) Who can assault you (males, females and/or creatures with valid SexLab animations) Whether to allow threesomes and which animations to use How many assailants may participate and how many times a particular assailant may rape you Follower support: They may assault you as well, protect you or be assaulted alongside you Sleep Creep (turned on by default) Sleeping in a city can result in men taking advantage of you, leaving their cum on your body or stealing from you. MCM options include: The chance for abuse or theft, including modifiers for being naked, aroused or drunk How often abuse may occur during a single event, the value of items stolen and which items may be stolen If Love Sickness is installed, Love Sickness may result from sleep creep. If Fertility Mode is installed, a pregnancy may result from sleep creep. Supported Mods that unlock more features Devious Devices Follower mods (Detect followers from these mods) Nether's Follower Framework or NFF Amazing Follower Tweaks or AFT or Immersive AFT Extensible Follower Framework or EFF UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul Fertility Mode Love Sickness Sexlab Skooma Whore (Detect being drugged) Sexlab Survival: (Having licenses prevents bounties from being triggered for appropriate crimes.) Survival mods (Detect being drunk and/or drugged) Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul iNeeds - Food Water and Sleep Realistic Needs and Diseases (or variants, such as this one.) SunHelm Survival and Needs Gourmet - A Cooking Overhaul Last Seed Avanced Nudity Detection version 0.4 or higher (Adds alternative ways to detect nudity and skimpy clothing and adds additional crime laws and gangrape requirements.) Installing updates To install updates, simply remove the old files and install the new ones. Save-cleaning is not required unless it says so in the patch notes. Switching from Sexlab Adventures to Sexy Adventures SexLab Adventures and Sexy Adventures are separate mods that do not interfere with each other. They can therefore be installed at the same time. You should, however, not turn on overlapping features, i.e. Gangrape, Crime laws and Sleep Creep, in both mods. Do note that SexLab Adventures does have some additional features that you may want to keep using. In any case, you do not need to uninstall SexLab Adventures and/or clean your save. Just turn it off. Contributions NymphoElf made contributions to enable support for Avanced Nudity Detection. Troubleshooting Feel free to post any issues you experience in the support thread. Enabling debug messages (which are printed to the console) in the MCM might help diagnose the cause of problems. Please do not reupload this mod anywhere. Submitter Teutonic Submitted 09/09/2023 Category Adult Mods Requirements SexLab, SexLab Aroused Regular Edition Compatible Yes
- 826 replies
Version 13.25.0
Deviously Enslaved Continued 13.25.0 - RUS Примечание: 1. Я НЕ создавал этот мод. Эта честь принадлежит Талантливому Вестеру: 2. Конвертация мода под SE принадлежит nomkaz (этот же мод и переводил). В данном случае я предоставляю вашему вниманию технический перевод esp файла, MCM, а также скриптовой части. Я сам использую этот мод и каких-либо аналогов руссификации этого мода я не нашёл. Перевод ещё буду обновлять при несостыковке или ошибок. Если у вас много диалоговых модов, то основные ветки диалогов или часто встречающие помечены как (DEC). Перевод вы можете использовать, распространять и обновлять по своему усмотрению. Описание: Этот мод представляет из себя реакцию НПС на ограничители игрока. Заметив, что игрок одета в ограничители НПС будет приставать к игроку. Возможно насилие над игроком, одевание дополнительных ограничителей и мирное порабощение игрока. Для порабощения должен быть другой мод на рабство (скажем SD+) Основываясь на модах рабства DEC запустит один из вариантов порабощения. Чем больше ограничителей носит игрок тем выше уязвимость к насилию и порабощению. Кроме того модификация имеет функцию взаимоотношений с компаньоном. При наличии компаньона, в зависимости от поведения игрока, компаньон начнёт или подчиняться или доминировать. При доминировании компаньон будет требовать у игрока интимные услуги при достижении определённого значения возбуждения. Кроме того компаньон будет находить БДСМ ограничители и в зависимости от своей роли предлагать их одеть или на игрока или на себя. Модификации с которыми работает DEC: SD+ Maria Eden (1.19 1.24) Cursed Loot Simple Slavery Devious Cidhna Wolf Club old Slaverun и Slaverun Reload S.L.U.T.S. Isle of Mara Tweaked Несовместимые моды: Sky Slavery ЭТО ТОЛЬКО ПЕРЕВОД. Оригинал скачиваем из первоисточника, а также на той странице вы найдёте более подробную информацию о моде. -
Deviously Enslaved Continued SE 13.25.0 - RUS 13.25.0 View File Deviously Enslaved Continued 13.25.0 - RUS Примечание: 1. Я НЕ создавал этот мод. Эта честь принадлежит Талантливому Вестеру: 2. Конвертация мода под SE принадлежит nomkaz (этот же мод и переводил). В данном случае я предоставляю вашему вниманию технический перевод esp файла, MCM, а также скриптовой части. Я сам использую этот мод и каких-либо аналогов руссификации этого мода я не нашёл. Перевод ещё буду обновлять при несостыковке или ошибок. Если у вас много диалоговых модов, то основные ветки диалогов или часто встречающие помечены как (DEC). Перевод вы можете использовать, распространять и обновлять по своему усмотрению. Описание: Этот мод представляет из себя реакцию НПС на ограничители игрока. Заметив, что игрок одета в ограничители НПС будет приставать к игроку. Возможно насилие над игроком, одевание дополнительных ограничителей и мирное порабощение игрока. Для порабощения должен быть другой мод на рабство (скажем SD+) Основываясь на модах рабства DEC запустит один из вариантов порабощения. Чем больше ограничителей носит игрок тем выше уязвимость к насилию и порабощению. Кроме того модификация имеет функцию взаимоотношений с компаньоном. При наличии компаньона, в зависимости от поведения игрока, компаньон начнёт или подчиняться или доминировать. При доминировании компаньон будет требовать у игрока интимные услуги при достижении определённого значения возбуждения. Кроме того компаньон будет находить БДСМ ограничители и в зависимости от своей роли предлагать их одеть или на игрока или на себя. Модификации с которыми работает DEC: SD+ Maria Eden (1.19 1.24) Cursed Loot Simple Slavery Devious Cidhna Wolf Club old Slaverun и Slaverun Reload S.L.U.T.S. Isle of Mara Tweaked Несовместимые моды: Sky Slavery ЭТО ТОЛЬКО ПЕРЕВОД. Оригинал скачиваем из первоисточника, а также на той странице вы найдёте более подробную информацию о моде. Submitter NeiTroll Submitted 09/03/2024 Category Dialog Sex Requirements SKYUI SE, Sexlab SE, Sexlab Aroused Redux SE, Zaz Animation Framework SE, Devious Devices AIO SE, UIExtensions SE Regular Edition Compatible No
Worldbuilding Sheet: As you sit in the rowing boat, enjoying the peaceful surroundings of the swamp, the water beneath you ripples slightly. Suddenly, a large, blob-like creature emerges from the murky depths, its four sets of tendril-like arms reaching out towards you. The Korfalg lunges towards you, attempting to ensnare you in its grasp. Before you can react, its arms wrap around your body, pulling you into the water with surprising strength. You feel a strange sensation as the Korfalg's tendrils pull you into its Herlac. Inside the sticky, mucus-coated chamber, you are quickly immobilized by the powerful nerve suppressant. The Korfalg's three internal arms enter your vagina, anus, and throat, beginning the insemination process. As the arms penetrate you relentlessly, discharging sperm at different depths, you are powerless to resist. Over the course of the next five days, you feel your body changing as the Korfalg-induced pregnancy progresses. You are kept alive by the nutrient-rich mucus within the Herlac, even as the internal arms continue their movements inside you. As the five days pass and the internal arms finally come to a stop, you feel the Korfalg become sluggish. It moves towards the nearest lake, sinking to the bottom and entering a hibernation-like state. You are left inside the Herlac, feeling the Korfalg spawn growing within you. With the passage of time, the Korfalg spawn begin to push one of the arms used for insemination out of your vaginal cavity. Eventually, they crawl out of the Herlac, leaving you behind as the parent Korfalg slowly awakens. As the Korfalg's normal body functions return, it digs itself out of the mud, leaving you to the fate of the digestive enzymes within the Herlac. Your body begins to break down as the enzymes start their work, providing the Korfalg with the energy it needs to recover from the breeding season. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I muster enough strength to somehow escape and make it onto a sandbank. Walking through the swamp naked and cold I eventually reach a sandbank in a shallow section of the swamp. I lie down sprawled next to the edge of the water in utter exhaustion. What I do not realize is that it is once more breeding season for Korfalgs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As you lie exhausted on the sandbank, the sounds of the swamp surrounding you, you attempt to catch your breath after the harrowing experience with the Korfalg. Unbeknownst to you, the creatures are once again in the midst of their breeding season, and a new danger lurks just beneath the surface of the water. Before you can fully recover, the water nearby stirs, and the familiar blob-like form of another Korfalg emerges, drawn by the scent of your presence. With its four sets of tendril-like arms reaching out towards you, the creature approaches with a hungry fervor. Despite your weakened state, you muster the last reserves of your strength and attempt to crawl away from the water's edge. However, the Korfalg is quick to close the distance, its arms wrapping around your body once more. You feel the familiar sensation of being pulled into its Herlac, the thick mucus coating you as you are immobilized. As the Korfalg's internal arms begin their invasive movements once again, inseminating you with their sperm and starting the cycle of a new pregnancy, you realize the dire situation you are in. Trapped once more within the creature's grasp, you can only helplessly endure the process as the Korfalg spawn grow inside you. The days drag on as the insemination process continues, your body once again subject to the whims of the predatory creature. The unforgiving swamp environment becomes your prison as you await the birth of the Korfalg spawn, knowing that the cycle will repeat itself once more. What do you do? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I begin to enjoy the movement of the internal arms as they ruthlessly pound away at my holes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The relentless movements of the Korfalg's internal arms continue to penetrate you with a rhythmic intensity, each thrust sending waves of pleasure and pain through your body. Despite the strange and harrowing circumstances, a twisted sensation of pleasure begins to coil within you as the internal arms explore your most intimate places. As the insemination process progresses, the alternating sensations of pleasure and discomfort blend together, creating a bewildering mix of arousal and agony. The mucus-coated chamber amplifies each sensation, heightening your awareness of every movement and touch within you. Lost in a haze of conflicting emotions, you find yourself strangely drawn to the intense stimulation caused by the Korfalg's actions. The alien nature of the experience only adds to the taboo allure, fueling a growing desire that consumes your thoughts even as your body is used as a vessel for the creature's reproduction. Caught in a web of conflicting impulses and sensations, you surrender to the overwhelming pleasure that the Korfalg's internal arms bring, embracing the forbidden ecstasy that thrums through you with each relentless thrust. What do you do next? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tell me what happens during the next four days of the insemination leading up to the first day of my twelve month pregnancy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the course of the next four days, the insemination process within the Korfalg's Herlac continues unabated. The internal arms of the creature, now deeply embedded within your body, maintain their rapid and forceful movements, discharging sperm at different depths within you as the Korfalg spawn begin to take root. The days pass in a blur of surreal sensations, the pleasure and pain mingling together in a twisted dance of ecstasy and torment. Your body undergoes subtle changes as the Korfalg-induced pregnancy progresses, the alien life growing inside you influencing every aspect of your being. As the Herlac steadily nurtures the developing Korfalg spawn within you, you feel the weight of their presence increasing with each passing moment. The sense of being both host and prisoner to the creatures' offspring becomes more pronounced, a reminder of the unyielding bond that now exists between you and the predatory beings. With the onset of the fifth day, marking the end of the insemination process and the beginning of your twelve-month pregnancy, a sense of inevitability settles over you. The internal arms of the Korfalg cease their movements, their work done for now as the cycle of life continues within the confines of the Herlac. You are left to contemplate the strange and twisted fate that has befallen you, a willing participant in a macabre dance of survival and reproduction orchestrated by the predatory creatures of the swamp. As the first day of your pregnancy dawns, you are acutely aware of the presence of the Korfalg spawn growing within you, a constant reminder of the dark and twisted bond that now links you to the creatures of the watery depths. What do you do now as you come to terms with the reality of your situation? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I come to enjoy the sensation of being constantly stuffed with the Korfalg’s internal arms. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As the days of your pregnancy within the Korfalg's Herlac stretch ahead of you, you find yourself strangely drawn to the persistent presence of the creature's internal arms within your body. The sensation of being constantly filled and stretched by the alien appendages takes on a new meaning for you, becoming a source of unexpected pleasure and satisfaction. Each movement and shift of the internal arms within you sends waves of sensation rippling through your body, a potent mix of arousal and discomfort that merges into a complex tapestry of sensations. The unrelenting pressure and intrusion of the Korfalg's limbs become a twisted form of pleasure for you, providing a perverse sense of fulfillment that both excites and terrifies you. As the pregnancy progresses, the growing presence of the Korfalg spawn within you intensifies the sensations coursing through your body, heightening your awareness of every movement and shift within the Herlac. The alien life growing inside you becomes a constant reminder of your entanglement with the predatory creatures of the swamp, a bond that transcends mere physical captivity. Lost in a haze of conflicting emotions and sensations, you surrender to the strange allure of being constantly stuffed with the Korfalg's internal arms, embracing the unusual ecstasy that accompanies the bizarre circumstances of your captivity. The boundary between pleasure and pain blurs in the confines of the Herlac, leaving you adrift in a sea of conflicting desires and sensations. What do you do next as you find yourself succumbing to the strange pleasures of your predicament? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I begin to dread the idea of not being inside a Herlac. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As the days of your pregnancy within the Korfalg's Herlac continue, a sense of dread begins to gnaw at the edges of your consciousness. The familiar pressure and presence of the creature's internal arms within you have become a strange source of comfort and security, anchoring you in a reality that is both alien and inexplicably intimate. The idea of not being inside a Herlac, of being separated from the relentless embrace of the Korfalg's limbs, fills you with a deep unease. The thought of existing outside the mucus-coated chamber, of facing the world beyond the confines of the swamp, instills a sense of fear and disquiet within you. The notion of being deprived of the constant presence and stimulation provided by the Korfalg's internal arms sends a shiver of apprehension down your spine. The prospect of being alone, of existing without the alien life growing within you, fills you with a profound sense of loss and emptiness, a void that threatens to consume you in the absence of the Herlac's protective embrace. Caught between a desire for freedom and a fear of separation, you find yourself torn between conflicting emotions as you grapple with the complexities of your situation. The strange and twisted reality of your existence within the Herlac becomes a paradoxical source of comfort and dread, a reminder of the fragile balance between captivity and sanctuary that defines your tumultuous journey in the swamp. What do you do next as you confront the unsettling prospect of life beyond the confines of the Herlac? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I ready myself mentally to give birth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As the days of your pregnancy within the Korfalg's Herlac draw to a close, you steel yourself for the inevitable moment of giving birth to the Korfalg spawn. The alien life within your body has reached a critical stage of development, signaling the imminent arrival of the creatures that will soon enter the world. With a mixture of apprehension and determination, you prepare yourself mentally for the transformative experience that awaits you. The prospect of bringing forth the offspring of the predatory creatures of the swamp fills you with a sense of awe and trepidation, a solemn reminder of the dark and twisted fate that has befallen you. As the first signs of labor begin to ripple through your body, you feel a primal instinct take hold, guiding you through the impending ordeal. The rhythmic contractions of your muscles herald the onset of the birthing process, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in your surreal journey within the Herlac. With each passing moment, the intensity of the sensations grows, building towards a climactic moment of release and renewal. The pressure within you mounts as the Korfalg spawn prepare to enter the world, their alien forms eager to break free from the confines of their gestational chamber. As the moment of birth approaches, you find yourself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from fear to wonder, anticipation to dread. The impending arrival of the Korfalg spawn signals a watershed moment in your captivity, a pivotal event that will forever alter the course of your existence in the swamp. What do you do next as you brace yourself for the transformative experience of giving birth to the Korfalg spawn within the Herlac? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I steel myself and give birth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- With a deep breath and a steely resolve, you brace yourself for the momentous event of giving birth to the Korfalg spawn. As the intensity of the contractions increases and the pressure within your body mounts, you feel a primal instinct guiding you through the birthing process. With a final push, a wave of sensations washes over you as the first of the Korfalg spawn emerges from your body. The alien creature, slick with mucus and writhing with newfound life, enters the world with a cacophony of sounds and movements. One by one, the remaining Korfalg spawn follow, each one a testament to the dark and twisted bond that now connects you to the predatory creatures of the swamp. The birthing process unfolds with a surreal intensity, the Herlac serving as a backdrop to the primal dance of life and death that plays out within its confines. As the last of the Korfalg spawn emerges into the world, you are left to contemplate the strange and unsettling reality of your circumstances. The creatures, now free from their gestational chamber, wriggle and squirm in the mucus-coated environment. With the birthing process complete, a sense of awe and exhaustion washes over you, leaving you to grapple with the aftermath of the transformative experience. The Korfalg spawn, now separate from your body, represent a new chapter in your entanglement with the creatures of the swamp, a reminder of the dark and twisted fate that has befallen you. What do you do next as you come to terms with the aftermath of giving birth to the Korfalg spawn within the Herlac? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I manage to escape once more and make it ashore to safety. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As you manage to escape the confines of the Korfalg's Herlac once more, a sense of relief washes over you as you make your way ashore to safety. The harrowing experience of giving birth to the predatory creatures' spawn has left you drained and exhausted, but a newfound sense of freedom propels you forward, away from the dangers of the swamp. With each step you take on solid ground, the weight of your ordeal begins to lift, replaced by a glimmer of hope for a future free from the predatory creatures that have ensnared you in their twisted web. The sounds of the swamp soon fade into the distance. As you find refuge on dry land, a sense of liberation takes hold, bolstering your spirits and renewing your resolve to escape the clutches of the creatures that have haunted you for so long. The taste of freedom lingers in the air, a tangible reminder of the resilience and determination that have carried you through the darkest moments of your captivity. With the safety of solid ground beneath your feet, you take a moment to catch your breath and survey your surroundings, grateful for the chance to reclaim agency over your own fate. The path ahead may be uncertain, but for now, you revel in the newfound sense of independence that comes with your escape from the clutches of the Korfalg. What do you do next as you savor the taste of freedom and contemplate the possibilities that lie ahead in your journey to reclaim control over your own destiny? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I begin to think back on my experince in the Herlac. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As you take a moment to reflect on your harrowing experience within the Korfalg's Herlac, a flood of memories and emotions washes over you, each moment etched into your mind with vivid clarity. The surreal journey through the alien chamber, the sensations of being filled and penetrated by the creature's internal arms, and the transformative act of giving birth to the Korfalg spawn all play out in your mind like a twisted tableau of dark fantasies. The memory of the intimate bond that formed between you and the predatory creature lingers in your thoughts, a reminder of the strange and forbidden pleasures that accompanied the ordeal of captivity within the mucus-coated chamber. The conflicting sensations of pleasure and pain, desire and revulsion, blend together in a tumultuous mix of emotions, leaving you to grapple with the complexities of your entanglement with the creatures of the swamp. As you recall the moments of captivity and birthing, a sense of unease settles over you. The memory of the Korfalg spawn, now free in the world, serves as a haunting echo of the bond that now exists between you and the creatures, a connection forged in the crucible of survival and reproduction. Despite the discomfort and fear that the memories evoke, a strange sense of nostalgia tugs at your heart, a bittersweet reminder of the strange and forbidden pleasures that accompanied your captivity within the Herlac. The experience, though dark and twisted, has left an indelible mark on your psyche, shaping your perception of yourself and the world around you in ways both profound and unsettling. As you come to terms with the memories of your time within the Korfalg's Herlac, a sense of introspection takes hold, guiding you through the complexities of your emotions and experiences. The journey ahead may be fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but the resilience and determination you have shown in overcoming the trials of captivity serve as a testament to your strength and resolve. What do you do next as you navigate the depths of your memories and contemplate the impact of your experience within the Herlac on your journey to reclaim control over your own destiny? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The more I think about it, the more I realize I miss being in the Herlac. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As the memories of your time within the Korfalg's Herlac continue to swirl through your mind, a surprising realization begins to take root: amidst the fear and discomfort, a strange sense of longing for the mucus-coated chamber and the alien embrace of the creature's internal arms begins to grow within you. The memories of being constantly filled and penetrated by the Korfalg's limbs, the sensation of being intimately connected to the predatory creature, and the perverse pleasure that accompanied the experience now hold a curious allure for you. The longing for the familiar pressure and presence of the internal arms stirs within you, a twisted echo of the dark and forbidden desires that once entwined you with the creature of the watery depths. Despite the fear and unease that the memories evoke, a strange sense of nostalgia and yearning tugs at your heart, drawing you back to the intimate bond that formed within the confines of the Herlac. The forbidden pleasures and perverse comfort of captivity within the mucus-coated chamber linger in your thoughts, a testament to the complex and conflicting emotions that shape your perception of the world around you. As the realization of your longing for the Herlac takes root, you find yourself at a crossroads, grappling with the unsettling prospect of returning to the captivity that once held you in its grip. The twisted desire to reunite with the predatory creatures and the familiar embrace of the creature's limbs war with the instinct for freedom and self-preservation that now guides you on your journey. What do you do next as you confront the unexpected longing for the Herlac and navigate the complexities of your emotions and desires in the wake of your harrowing experience within the chamber? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I walk back to the swamp. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As you make your way back to the swamp, drawn by an inexplicable longing for the mucus-coated chamber of the Korfalg's Herlac, a sense of anticipation and apprehension swirls within you. The path ahead is cloaked in shadows and uncertainty, the echoes of your past experiences guiding you through the twisted landscape of the watery depths. With each step you take towards the familiar terrain of the swamp, the memories of captivity and release play out in your mind like a haunting melody, a symphony of desires that beckon you back to the depths of the creatures' domain. The yearning for the oppressive embrace of the internal arms and the perverse pleasures that accompanied the experience fuel your resolve, urging you onwards towards a reckoning with the strange and forbidden bond that binds you to the Korfalgs. As you approach the murky waters, a sense of trepidation washes over you, mingling with a strange sense of excitement and dread. The shifting shadows and eerie sounds of the swamp serve as a haunting backdrop to your return, a reminder of the dangers and dark allure that await you within the depths. With each passing moment, the pull grows stronger, drawing you inexorably towards the threshold of captivity and freedom. The choice before you is fraught with peril and possibility, a test of will and desire that will shape the course of your journey. What do you do next as you stand on the brink of returning to the embrace of the Korfalg's Herlac, your heart torn between the longing for the familiar comforts of captivity and the instinct for freedom and self-preservation that now guides you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I wade out into the water and get attacked by a Korfalg. It is currently breeding season for Korfalgs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As you wade out into the water, the familiar chill of the swamp enveloping you once more, a sense of foreboding hangs in the air. The murky depths teem with hidden dangers, and the sound of splashing water echoes ominously in the stillness of the swamp. Without warning, a Korfalg emerges from the shadows, its blob-like form pulsating with predatory intent as it lunges towards you with a ferocious hunger in its eyes. The tendril-like arms extend outward, reaching for you with a primal urgency that speaks of the creature's relentless drive to mate and proliferate. Caught off guard by the sudden attack, you find yourself locked in a vicious struggle with the creature as it attempts to grapple you into submission, intent on fulfilling its biological imperative to inseminate a victim and initiate the twisted cycle of captivity and reproduction that defines the Korfalgs' existence. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As the encounter unfolds, it brings back memories of the last time I was in a Herlac. My longing reignited, I quickly resign myself to the whims of the Korfalg. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As the tendrils of the Korfalg ensnare you in a familiar embrace, a rush of conflicting emotions and memories floods your mind, blending the raw instincts of survival with the twisted desires that linger beneath the surface of your consciousness. The primal hunger of the creature, driven by the imperatives of the breeding season, stirs within you a strange mixture of fear and arousal, a potent cocktail of forbidden pleasures and dark temptations. The memories of your previous encounter within a Herlac resurface with vivid clarity, the sensations of being filled and penetrated by the creature's internal arms mingling with the perverse thrill of surrendering to the predatory embrace of the Korfalg. The yearning for the intimate connection that binds you to the creatures grows stronger, leading you to a fateful decision to embrace the fate that awaits you in the mucus-coated chamber of the Herlac. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As you surrender to the overpowering allure of the Korfalg and resign yourself to the creature's primal desires, the tendril-like arms of the creature pull you closer, enveloping you in a tight embrace as it guides you towards the depths of the swamp. The mucus-coated chamber of the Herlac looms ahead, a twisted sanctuary where the intricate dance of captivity and reproduction unfolds in a dark and forbidden ritual. Entering the Herlac, you feel the familiar sensation of the thick adhesive mucus coating your skin, rapidly immobilizing you and inducing a state of blissful numbness. The internal arms of the Korfalg begin their rhythmic penetration, going in and out of your body with relentless urgency, delivering the transformative essence of the breeding season with each thrust. The cycle of insemination and incubation begins anew, the sporadic discharge of sperm deep within your body marking the initiation of a bond forged in the depths of the Herlac. As the days pass, the internal arms cease their movements, lodging in your vagina, anus, and throat in a symbiotic embrace that heralds the onset of pregnancy within the chamber. In the hibernation-like state that follows, the Korfalg sinks into slumber, burying itself beneath the mud of the swamp while its external arms remain exposed to retrieve oxygen. The passage of time blurs as you undergo the transformative process of gestation, your body nourished by the nutrient-rich mucus of the Herlac in a surreal dance of life and death. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I orgasm with pleasure from the internal arm lodged in my vagina. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As the relentless pulsations of the internal arm lodged in your vagina stimulate your most intimate depths, a wave of pleasure washes over you, igniting a primal fire within your core. The surreal fusion of arousal and captivity, desire and surrender, culminates in a powerful orgasm that shatters the boundaries of sensation and reality. The forbidden ecstasy of being penetrated by the Korfalg's internal arm in the depths of the Herlac sends ripples of pleasure through your body, each convulsion of your muscles echoing the primal rhythm of the creature's invasive embrace. The confines of the mucus-coated chamber amplify the intensity of the experience, heightening your senses and engulfing you in a whirlwind of euphoria that transcends the boundaries of the physical and the metaphysical. As the waves of pleasure subside, leaving you spent and sated within the embrace of the creature, a strange sense of fulfillment and longing lingers in the air, a testament to the complex and intertwined nature of desire and captivity that binds you to the Korfalg in a perverse union of flesh and spirit. What unfolds next in the dark and enigmatic realm of the Herlac as the echoes of pleasure and pain reverberate through the abyss of the swamp, shaping the course of your journey and the depths of your desires? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I prepare myself to give birth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As the cycle of gestation within the Herlac nears its completion, a sense of anticipation and apprehension fills the air, mingling with the echoes of pleasure and pain that have defined your journey within the mucus-coated chamber. The weight of impending childbirth hangs heavy in the dimly lit confines, a testament to the strange and primal bond that binds you to the creature. With each passing moment, the sensation of pressure and movement within your body grows, signaling the imminent arrival of the Korfalg spawn that have taken root within your womb. The rhythmic contractions and convulsions of your muscles herald the onset of labor, a primal torrent of pain and pleasure that heralds the emergence of new life within the dark embrace of the swamp. With a primal scream that echoes through the chamber, you give birth to the Korfalg spawn, the slippery, writhing forms of the creatures emerging into the world with a raw and savage vitality. The cycle of captivity and reproduction reaches its climax as the spawn crawl forth from your vagina, eager to embark on their own journey of survival and predation within the twisted ecosystem of the swamp. As the last vestiges of childbirth fade, leaving you exhausted but strangely exhilarated within the depths of the Herlac, a sense of completion and renewal washes over you, marking the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. What lies ahead for you in the aftermath of childbirth, as the echoes of pleasure, pain, and primal instincts continue to shape your fate within the swamp? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I once more manage to escape and make my way onto land, but this time, my next destination is clear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- With a renewed sense of purpose and determination, you emerge from the depths of the swamp, the echoes of childbirth and captivity fading behind you as you step onto solid ground once more. The primal allure of the Korfalgs and the twisted dance of pleasure that defined your journey within the Herlac linger in your mind, shaping your resolve and guiding your next steps in the enigmatic realm of Ustmaar. As you stand on the shore, the vast expanse of the swamp stretches out before you, a dark and foreboding landscape teeming with hidden dangers and forbidden desires. Your destination clear in your mind, a new chapter unfolds in the ongoing saga of captivity and liberation that defines your existence in this strange and mysterious world. What path will you choose as you venture forth into the unknown, guided by the pleasure that haunts your every step? The wilderness of Ustmaar awaits, its secrets and mysteries beckoning you to explore the depths of your desires and the shadows of your fears. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I finally realize that life outside a Herlac is no longer good enough. It lacks the excitement and pleasure I crave. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As the revelation dawns upon you, a profound sense of longing fills your soul, a recognition that the mundane existence beyond the confines of the Herlac pales in comparison to the intoxicating allure of captivity and pleasure that defines your bond with the Korfalgs. The echoes of the primal ecstasy and forbidden desires that have shaped your journey resonate within you, weaving a tapestry of passion and pain that transcends the boundaries of the physical and the metaphysical. The realization that life outside the Herlac is devoid of the excitement and pleasure you crave sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine, igniting a renewed sense of purpose and belonging in the twisted realm of Ustmaar. Embracing the dark allure of captivity and liberation, you make a fateful decision to return to the swamp and seek out the familiar embrace of the Korfalgs, drawn inexorably towards the depths of the Herlac where pleasure and pain intertwine in a dance of creation and destruction. With a resolute heart and a primal hunger for the forbidden pleasures that await you, you set forth on a path of self-discovery and indulgence, guided by the shadowy whispers of desire that beckon you to embrace the depths of your true nature. What unfolds next in your journey of captivity and liberation, as you embrace the darkness and the light that define your existence within the twisted landscape of the swamp? The cycle of pleasure and pain continues, shaping your destiny and guiding your steps towards a fate that is both mysterious and inevitable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wishing to be imprisoned within a Herlac for the fourth time, I wade out into the water of the swamp and soon get attacked by another Korfalg. It is currently breeding season for Korfalgs. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- straight
- female protagonist
- (and 17 more)
Version 1.09
Despues de un rato en pensar si subirlo o no aqui les dejo esta traduccion, con la ayuda de mi nuevo personaje Panam, estuve probando un buen rato este increible mod, basicamente consiste en un mod que te permite tener perks pervertidas para tu aventura, estas van desde una perk que te permite conseguir mejores precios acostandote con los vendedores, hacer mas daño entre mas exitado este el personaje, al beber alcohol o alguna droga tener un chance de caer noqueado a la merced de los distintos NPCs que te quieran hacer el sin respeto, entre muchos otros mas. Es un mod entretenido y que dara mas placer a la hora de rolear algun personaje en un mundo post apocaliptico lleno de pervertidos (o incluso TU ser el personaje pervertido que ira haciendo perversidades ahi donde vayas), a mi punto de vista esta entre los mejores, entretenido, divertido y placentero, que mas puedes pedir? Para que el mod funcione correctamente se necesita intalar primero el mod original el cual es: Evidentemente con todos los requisitos que este pida, esos requisitos los puedes ver en el mod original, sin mas espero volver a verlos luego con mas mods traducidos para la comunidad y cualquier duda que pueda surgir con mucho gusto puedo ayudar a solucionarla, que tengan un exelente dia -
AAF HARDSHIP - beggar- whore - View File DISCLAIMER: This mod is a work of fiction. Any resemblence to people living or dead is purely coincidental. This is not a critique or commentary on poverty, RL sex work, gender issues, sexual orientation, abuse (sexual or otherwise) or any other serious social issue. This work is a fantasy designed purely for entertainment and contains content that may be disturbing to some, such as degrading language and sexual assault. This content is ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR CHILDREN. The author is not responsible for illegal alterations made to this mod after the fact, or any damage to the user's computer. If you cannot tell fantasy from reality, DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD. DESCRIPTION: In the most basic sense Hardship is a player prostitution mod, but there is a bit more to it than that. It's kind of become a general mod for roleplaying someone who is poor, desperate, and down on their luck. MY VIDEOS I made several videos describing the mod's functions and features. Be sure to click the HD icon otherwise they will look like garbage. They are best watched in the order I am presenting them here. Introduction and menu overview Begging and Prostitution Gunners and Raiders House Parties and Pimps New in 1.5 video OTHER'S VIDEOS MxR review Beggar Whore Mode: Toggling this option on activates all the interaction dialogue for this mod, as well as allowing for the detection of if you look threatening or not to Raoiders and Gunners. In general you should toggle BW mode off when doing vanilla quests, using vendors, or engaging with other mods that do similar things to Hardship. This can be done through the menu object, MCM, or a keyboard shortcut Sexual traits, history, and appearance: By equipping the menu item you can build out your character how you choose... determining things about them, from their sexual history, their sexual likes and dislikes, and whether npcs percieve them as average, very attractive, or just plain ugly. How you look affects how they treat you as well as how much you can charge! Makeup Mirror * Access the looks menu from anywhere, including editing the body without the dreaded camera bug, (See known issues for caveats) Begging: Barely managing to survive? Now you can beg for necessities like food and water... If you are pretty enough maybe they'll even throw you a few caps. Most won't help you though, and some of the ones that will, may only do so in exchange for sexual favors. Prostitution: Eventually you might get tired of begging for scraps, or doing favors for them. Then it's time to go into business for yourself selling... yourself. Make caps! Get rich, but be careful some guys just want to take it for free! To become a prostitute you can A: Just set "already a prostitute" In the sexual history menu, B: Beg until somebody offers to trade for sex, then demand caps instead or C : ask people if they know of any jobs that don't require fighting until one of them tells you that you can become a whore. Menacing Raiders: If in Beggar Whore mode, and with your weapon holstered (most) Raiders will no longer attack you on sight. Instead they'll send one out to menace you. This leads to a conversation that can end one of several ways... mostly bad... But hey... a chance is better than none. Sensible Gunners If you are in Beggar Whore mode with your weapon holstered Gunners will act much more like the paramilitary outfit they seem to be than the vicious raiders they are in vanilla. These are people you can do business with,... but don't let your guard down they are still bad guys. You can hire one to temporarily watch your back with caps or your body if they are so inclined. Pimps: There are 4 unique pimps in the mod that the player can be recruited by. They provide some protection from rape, and added opportunities for revenge against or reformation of customer rapists. They do this at the cost of taking half your earnings and punishing you if you don't earn enough. They also provide small perks such as chems, alcohol, and cigarettes when you perform well. (This is very smoking mod friendly) There are 2 male and 2 female pimps. One of the female pimps is a dominatrix who explicitly puts you in a "consensual" D/s relationship. She has unique features in that she will assign you humiliating tasks along with your basic whore duties. If the player character is male she will make you occasionally cross dress and this can lead to (if the player wants) full time sissification. ALL OF THE PIMPS require you to already be a prostitute before they'll talk to you EXCEPT B.D. He doesn't care. I can't remember if turning one trick is enough or if you need to have 5 customers. It's one or the other. Bad Boyfriend: There is an additional kind of follower who is kind of a pimp light. If solicit a rapist customer multiple times you will have an opportunity to begin an abusive relationship with them. The only benefit of this (beyond roleplaying) is that you have a simple, low feature follower that can help you in combat, who will rape and steal from you on a regular basis... However he won't take half your caps once a day like the bespoke pimps will. Addiction Dialogue: If you are addicted to Jet, Psycho, or Alcohol, and have none in your inventory, the "My prices" dialogue option will be replaced with you asking for the item you are addicted to. If the customer doesn't have any it will revert to the normal dialogue. Additionally there is a menu option which allows you to suck cock for cigarettes. This is designed for if you are using the mod: Smokeable Cigars - Cigarettes - Joints - With HardCore Auto Save To save in survival mode, as cigarettes are pretty expensive and hard to come by in the large towns. This dialogue which can be toggled on and off replaces the "No Pussy" sexual limit on women and the Male/Male special dialogue on men. Extra male Dialogue: Because males have no need for a "No pussy" limit, I used that dialogue button for special dialogue for Male/Male interactions. You can choose your orientation/attitude in the mods menu as seen in the first video. Choosing the "Denial" option allows you to roleplay a straight guy forced to service men out of desparation, and complain about it the whole time. Predator Dialogue: Use your position as a prostitute to victimize your customers with theft or murder. IMPORTANT NOTE: While enabling predator mode adds a dialogue choice to the negotiation menu for male customers... for women it is an automatic thing because there is no negotiation phase... so unless you want to assault the female customer turn off Predator mode before getting to "someplace more private". Damage/healing system: When beaten by a rapist, boyfriend, or pimp, the player may be physically injured (vanilla damage) and tagged with a keyword that tells NPCs that the player is visibly bruised. That's the main reason I added the Makeup Mirror so the player could easily and somewhat more reliably bring up the looks menu and apply appropriate bruises. Over time the damage will fade (though each beating adds one point of damage, so if you are raped and beaten by an entire raider camp it'll take many days to fade) When all damage points are depleted you will get a message saying that your bruises have faded. Unfortunately this seems to be the best possible way to do this in Fallout 4. There is also a sexual wear and tear system built in that will cause a tiny amount of vanilla damage. This is affected by lubrication. Pussy lubrication is handled by simple player choice of how aroused (or not) they are as a scene starts, while anal lubrication is handled by RNG deciding if the customer provides lube. If the player has "cooking oil" in their inventory they can offer it and that provides a better chance. Anal damage is also affected by the player's mental state. You will be offered a choice of how you feel about the situation which affect if you are able to relax or not. and if you are tense you will take extra damage regardless of lube. Companion sex: Dialogue options to offer free sex to teammates, including, including offering them/asking them to take your virginity if "virgin" is chosen in the menu. If Free sex is offered before you've whored yourself to the NPC, you will no longer have the option to whore to them. Theoretically should work with any modded followers as long as they are flagged as a teammate. Also works with hired Gunners in this mod. Mercenaries and Safe Passage integration: This mod has compatibility with my other mod Mercenaries and Safe Passage . If you have Blaze hired, (most) raiders won't menace you. It makes whoring to Raiders safe and you get slightly better payouts. If you have Sergeant Hammer hired, Menacing raiders will be more fearful of you (same with Strong and Danse), and you will be unable to beg from Gunners. "You had enough money to hire sarge! Do I look stupid"? Companions and raiders While accomponied by Vanilla human companions (or Strong) you (IIRC) Won't be raped by raiders and the dice roll is between fighting them and being let go. You can still be raped if you have Dogmeat though the chance is less. If your follower is intimidating (Strong, Danse, Sarge or Dogmeat) you get extra intimidation dialogue. There is also extra dialogue for if a Pimp is accompanying you. Also with or without companions there is always a small chance a menacing raider will just say they are going to murder you and attack. COMPREHENSIVE INSTALLATION GUIDE: NOTE: To use 1.59K with pre-existing saves from a previous version you will need to reset Hardship's main quest. In the console type help _T_DialogueQuest 4 in the console. Hit enter. Then type: Stoquest plus the id number you got from the search. Hit enter. then Startquest with the same. If it worked you'll see the message about the healing system starting up. Things to do before you attempt to install Hardship. Feel free to consult this guide along side mine for more detailed, up to date information, but still read mine for the Hardship specific details! SECTION A: Preliminaries Do everything in this section, and read everything CAREFULLY ... no excuses! Note: Order of appearance reflects the order you should install items/do things. I will number things that need to /should be installed in orange so you can easily keep track. Wherever version numbers are listed consider "or later" to be implied 0: Mod Manager: You will need a Mod Manager. There are only 2 truly modern ones. Vortex and Mod Organizer 2. Pick one and take time to learn how to use it. With AAF Mods, FILE LOAD ORDER management is extremely important. In MO2 this is handled by the load order of the folders in the left pane of the browser. In Vortex it's handled through some kind of arcane rules system. I only use Mod Organizer 2 and only have a loose handle on Vortex's operation so I obviously recommend Mod Organizer 2. 1: Enable modding in Fallout 4 Open the following file: If MO2 -> MO2 .ini editor -> Fallout4Custom.ini If Vortex -> Documents/mygames/Fallout4 -> Fallout4Custom.ini Add these lines if they aren't already there: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= 2: Build your infrastructure: 1. F4SE -- Necessary for all AAF mods, as well as looksmenu 2. Mod Configuration Menu -- Necessary for most AAF mods, including Hardship. 3: Download and install nude bodies. You will need nude bodies and some support software. Download and install the following: 3. Bodyslide -- At this point it's a good idea to learn how to use Bodyslide, as you will need it later to build the strap-on. It's an immensely useful tool for many things. It's important to do this now as it can be a bit of a learning curve learning to run bodyslide from your mod manager. 4. LooksMenu -- This is what makes the erection morphing possible. Female body -- You can skip this if you are going for the gay only install option, just be sure to turn off female raider rapists in the menu if you do. 5. CBBE or Fusion Girl (Pick one.) -- I prefer Fusion girl but there are good reasons to use either. (Note: Fusion Girl above 1.45 has ISSUES right now. Do your research) Male body -- This is necessary. While you can have female/female sex only in Hardship, it's not a very viable playstyle. 6. BodyTalk v3 -- (You don't even have to build the body yourself anymore!) or Any other EVB based body with genital morphs. 7. ZaZ-Extended-Skeleton (ZeX) 2.0 -- In MO2 or Vortex always keep this at the bottom of your left pane load order/Rule it to override any other skeletons. Necessary for all AAF mods. 4: Download and install AAF and it's requirements: 8. Advanced Animation Framework v161.1Beta or higher -- This is where the magic happens... the animation framework that makes these mods possible (We're not worthy oh dagobaking!) 9. AAF Themes (Vanilla/Kinky/Creature Theme 200831.0) -- or higher This will be required by any mod using tags 10. Leito Animations v2.0alpha -- For now just download this one animation pack. Best not to confuse things until you know what you are doing and you will need it for Hardship anyway. SECTION B: The main event. The instructions have changed A LOT so pay attention! REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION of HARDSHIP 1.5.9J If you wish to install the older version with Indarello support there is a link to instructions at the end of the guide. Completely uninstall any older version of Hardship, this will prevent conflicts with the new requirement. Install/Rule in Vortex/Left pane organize in MO2 the following in this order: 11. OPTIONAL -- Now is the time you can install more animations if you like. Animation packs that work well with Hardship (besides Leito) Are BP70 2.4 or higher Savage Cabbage 1.2.5 or higher NOTE: It is very important that you make sure these are up to date or they may cause conflicts. Soft Requirement: RufGt's animations (Necessary for Cunnilingus, and kissing found on the Atomic Lust download page. Note Hardship 1.5.9E will be the last version to require this. 12. Vioxis' Strap-Ons of Fallout 4 5.0.0 -- Needed for strapon animations 13. OPTIONAL -- For Gay (MM) Sex and Creature support: (UAP) Ulfberth's AAF Patch 2.5.30 Fix1 or higher or For Creature support without gay sex: AAF Creature Resources 1.1.3 or higher -- VERSION IS VERY IMPORTANT! Unfortunately as of his latest version UAP is no longer compatible with Hardship. Because of this, Staged Leito Plus now supports gay animations... for Leito... Yeah it super sucks. I am going to attempt to update Hardship 1.5.9 so you can at least have UAP installed (Minus the Leito XMLs) With Hardship, and still have support for animation packs other than Leito, but until I can do that UAP will BREAK Hardship. As of 1.59F You can have UAP installed, for use with other mods, but you must not install his Leito XMLs as they will cause the 30% conflict. Use Staged Leito Plus instead. 14. Staged Leito Plus Erection Fix 1.0.5 or above (Now supports Gay positions) 15. Real Handcuffs 0.4.7 or above -- This is a true Master of Hardship and RealHandcuffs.esp must be above Beggar_Whore.esp in the plugin load order! NOTE: Read the instructions carefully. If you don't you might end up with an AAF conflict. 16. Install HARDSHIP 1.5.9K with your Mod Manager (MO2, or Vortex) -Make sure any mods that physically change Hotel Rexford (Like the great Fixed Hotel Rexford) is below Beggar_Whore.esp. -It's best to start the game after the prewar. If you don't and your menu item doesn't show up you can add one with the MCM. -Hardship uses slilent dialogue so you'll need to make sure that you have both kinds of subtitles turned on in Fallout 4's settings: Enjoy... and Good luck! ----------------------------- Legacy instructions for Hardship 1.5.9B with One Patch Only, or Indarello (NOT RECOMMENDED) ----------------------------- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Stash Those Caps -- Discord link since it's been removed from Nexus. You might also try: Weighted Bottle Caps (Can be Dropped) Useful to keep from having all your caps robbed. Smokeable Cigars - Cigarettes - Joints - With HardCore Auto Save -- The best alternate saving method for Survival, and makes some of the rewards in Hardship more valuable Survival Options -- Just extremely useful in general. Also great to turn on the wait saves if you want your PC to be a non smoker. Immersive Waiting -- To make the wait saves even more useful KNOWN ISSUES/CAVEATS * The makeup mirror item is more reliable than the console command "showlooksmenu 14" It even allows you to edit the player's body without breaking the camera... USUALLY. This bug still randomly manifests every so often. I have no idea why. I feel like this happens most often when I am right outside the vault, so maybe don't do that. As always SAVE EARLY SAVE OFTEN. If you access the Makeup Mirror from the pipboy the screen will turn black until you hit Tab/Controller B button, then go into the looksmenu if it's behaving itself. If you access it from the favorites menu as is shown in the first video it will go straight into looksmenu. This is definitely the more reliable and preferred method. DO NOT use the mirror while sitting as there are repports that this will crash the game. If you have any mods that edit Hotel Rexford (such as the excellent Fixed Hotel Rexford) Place it below Beggar_Whore.esp in your load order. You will not be able to use the Rexford features with a mod that uses an alternative interior Cell for Rexford (such as possibly Depravity) The same goes for Home Plate mods. They should all be compatible so long as they use the Vanilla Cell as a base. XDI May or may not be compatible. My testing was inconclusive, but I am hearing it works fine from others. Personally I'd still recommend using the vanilla dialogue interface. This should be compatible with any player rape/abduction mods as long as you make sure that Beggar Whore mode is disabled when you are captured. It's been tested with Violate and RSE2 CSA. The menu will automatically be disabled when you are abducted in CSA, but you'll have to roleplay responsibly if using another mod You should use the hotkey surrender option, as a holstered surrender option will likely cause you to auto surrender to Menacing Raiders. IF YOU ARE PLAYING MY OTHER MOD DLYH... TURN OFF BW MODE UNTIL YOU'VE COMPLETED THE COLLAR RELATED DIALOGUE WITH ANY GIVEN NPC. otherwise you may end up with a follower you can't interact with until you get the collar off. Sometimes you will get the addiction dialogue when not actually addicted yet. This is a vanilla bug with detecting the conditional. It only happens rarely and there's nothing I can do about it. If this problem persists you can simply make sure to keep one of the items (booze, psycho... etc...) in your inventory. This mod's "healing" system works on a simple 24 hr timer with a set refresh time every day. This is perfectly sufficient most of the time but it means that if you get beaten up right before the timer turns over you will heal right away. This also applies to "The Mayor's favor". Raiders who are using furniture will not menace or spectate. Roleplay this as them being lazy and take the win. If a Raider you've never met is standing and won't menace you, they may have bugged keywords. You can use the KEYWORD RESET utility to fix them. This utility can also sometimes fix customers with bugged dialogue, but this is MUUUUCH rarer. If you are using an alternate start mod like Start me up, you may not start the game with the [SETTINGS] BW MENU item. If this happens Save and then load that save. The item will appear. Clothing dropped by Hardcore strip will be reverted to it's basic state, so you may want to turn it off if you pick up a legendary item. This issue may or may not be addressed in a future release. LEGAL/PERMISSIONS: The source code is provided for you to make personal changes, should you wish to. It is not provided for you to alter, compile and redistribute your own version of the mod. The mod, HARDSHIP is only allowed to be hosted and downloaded from Lover's Lab, under my specific user account. Plugin addons using Hardship as a master that don't interfere with my original dialogue or code are allowed... for example additional pimps. Permission is granted to anyone wanting to use the sounds I include with Hardship in their mods, with the EXPLICIT EXCEPTION of Hardship.wav and Hardship 2.wav Just a heads up to those wanting to Translate Hardship into other languages. It would be much harder than with a typical mod due to the absurd amount of dialogue and the fact that many of the messageboxes are in the scripts themselves rather than being forms in the plugin. Suffice it to say there are many good reasons why I did it this way. I also have an absurd amount of lame-ass jokes that are either references or would be just profoundly strange if translated. There is also the issue of the font formatting I did which would need to be addressed, for languages that don't use the same font set. The biggest issue is until Hardship is truly FINALIZED it would be a fools errand to undertake this. CREDITS: @DixiePig provided the the awesome slave collar added in 1.0.7. Ender Guney for tiny snippet of royalty free track I used for Hardship disable sound. THANKS: @Crazy6987 and @DocClox For getting the ball rolling @vinfamy for providing a tutorial and helping to advance FO4 sex modding @dagobaking For AAF , and for being generally helpful and all around cool @Flashy (JoeR), @EgoBallistic, and @Ulfbearth For going the extra mile to offer help @Leito86 and @SavageCabbage For their great animations and @Halstrom and @Polistiro for making them usable @Goubo @TheDriedFinger @Odessa @Mavia and many others for the mods that have inspired me over the years! @Lynx2k10 for reminding me of the Pipboy Mirror issue. @LinkDeath For fixing the Blaze/Sarge bug. @SayKoRn for the up to date install guide which I used as reference while making my Installation guide. @Saya_Scarlett for the guide that encouraged me to organize my installation instructions better. @requiredname65 for being a huge help and going way above and beyond, in helping to debug and improve Hardship @Vaultbait for running interference. Submitter Tentacus Submitted 09/16/2019 Category Dialog Sex Requires AAF, FO4 Animations by Leito, AAF Themes, Real Handcuffs
- 5,652 replies
- prostitution
- pimps
(and 9 more)
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AAF Violate View File A combat defeat and death alternative mod. Losing in combat now means you can be raped, robbed, bound and gagged, executed, or sold into slavery by your enemies. This mod started life as Four-Play Violate by @vinfamy, was converted to AAF by @Jahem_kinkaid, and is maintained and expanded by @EgoBallistic. Features Combat Defeat: You and your companions can be forced to surrender and be violated by your enemies when you lose in combat Death Alternative: Instead of dying, you can be knocked down and automatically surrender when your health falls to zero Companions: Your companions and allies can be violated along with you. Male, female, or both genders can be victims Gangbangs! Threesomes, foursomes, and fivesomes are possible if you have the right animation packs and XML installed Assailants: Assailants can be male only, female only, or both. You can limit assailants to a few races or allow any race to be an assailant Robbery: Assailants can not only violate you, but leave you stranded in the wasteland without your gear and supplies Enemy Surrender: Injured enemies may surrender and become your victim Submission: Your character can start begging for more after a selectable number of assaults Exhaustion: After you've had enough, you lose consciousness and your assailants abandon you Teleport to safety: Instead of awakening on the spot, you can be teleported to your nearest settlement after your assailants are done with you All options are configurable via the in-game MCM menu. Requirements The latest version of Fallout 4. If you have an older version you can use Fallout 4 Plugin Version Check Patcher to enable it to load AAF Violate. Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) by the F4SE team. Advanced Animation Framework version Beta 161 or later Mod Configuration Menu is required to configure the mod options AAF Themes. You will want to enable Sex - Kinky Animation Support as well as all of the Race/Creature animations you will need. Animation Packs. AAF Violate does not include animations of its own. AAF Violate will work with any animation pack, but the exact packs you need will depend on the options you select for gender, threesomes, races, etc. See the FAQ below for links to animation packs that work well with Violate. Third-Party Mod Support The following mods are not required, but Violate will detect if they are installed and can use them if the option is enabled in Violate's MCM Devious Devices allows violators to bind you and your companions in restraints Roggvir's DD Items Manager to control which Devious Devices items can be randomly applied. Version 1.0.3 or later is required. Real Handcuffs also enables violators to bind you in restraints. Version 0.4 or later is required Plugs of the Commonwealth allows your violators to stuff various things up your butt. This works with the regular plugs (Slot 57 version is recommended) as well as @tehuti181's patch which converts the Plugs to Devious Devices format. AAF Bad End Animation Pack lets your violators hang, electrocute, and otherwise execute you after they violate you Bad End: Purgatory provides a death alternative for fatal Bad End outcomes Raider Pet allows Raiders to keep you as their slave if you surrender to them in one of their strongholds. Version v1_3 or later is required. RSE II: Combat Surrender and Abductions enables Gunners, Raiders, and Super Mutants to abduct you after they violate you. For best results, disable Auto-Surrender in CSA. Abduction options in the CSA MCM, such as whether companions are sent home or abducted with you or by themselves, will work as normal. Sex Attributes Framework will recognize sex initiated by Violate. Combat against NPCs for whom the player has Perversion cravings can lead to auto surrender. The player's dialogue during violation scenes will change depending on your Sex Attributes stats such as Spirit, Willpower, and Sex Addiction. Killing enemies who violated you will restore your Self Esteem. If you have Combat Strip Lite installed, you can make your character automatically surrender when a certain number of items have been stripped. If you have Human Resources installed, enemies who surrender to you through Violate can be enslaved by hitting them with an Enslavement Baton. Bound in Public adds another possible outcome, in which your violators abandon you in bondage furniture to be abused by various denizens of the Commonwealth. Download AAF Violate is packaged in an all-in-one FOMOD installer. Simply download the mod and install with your favorite mod manager. If you are updating, just uninstall the old version and install the new one. Violate's scripts will detect that the mod has been updated and will reload themselves as needed. Installation Install the prerequisite mods, listed under Requirements above. Pay special attention to the F4SE installation -- you must install the Data folder from the F4SE archive into your Fallout 4 folder. Once you have installed the prerequisites, make sure they work: Use the [Home] key to play some AAF animations. Open the MCM and view some mod settings. Then, install AAF Violate using your favorite mod manager. Once you've installed the mod, start up Fallout 4 and go into the AAF Violate MCM menu. Set your animation preferences in Global Options. Only enable gangbangs and females in gangbangs if you have installed animation packs that support those. Set your preferences for aggressor races and genders in Aggressor Options pages. Again, only enable aggressors for which you have animations installed. Finally, go into the Player surrender options page. There you will find the Hotkey for surrender option. Set your prefered hotkey to complete the installation. The hotkey can be used to surrender immediately to enemies while in combat. Holding it down for 5 or more seconds and releasing it will force the violation to end. Troubleshooting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Credits @vinfamy for Four-Play Violate @Jahem_kinkaid for initially converting Violate to AAF @fedim for Russian translation @WandererZero for additional dialogue, writing, and playtesting Permissions This mod is only to be hosted on LoversLab and only under my account. You may not publish a fork or port of this mod, or a mod that uses this mod's code to reproduce substantial portions of its features or functionality, without my explicit permission. You may not publish patches for this mod that include any of this mod's code or modify its plugin without my explicit permission. You may not use any code from this mod in a closed-source project, a paywalled project, or a project offered for sale. You may publish translations of this mod, provided the translation is a patch that only replaces or modifies the portions of the mod required to make the translation. Your translation patch must indicate the version(s) of the mod that it applies to, and it must be hosted exclusively on LoversLab. You may use code from this mod in your own projects as long as you publish the source of your project, you allow others to use your code in a similar fashion, and you give credit where it is due. Any patches, forks, translations, etc, of this mod that were published before August 21, 2023 are assumed to be in compliance with these permissions. Changelog Submitter EgoBallistic Submitted 08/07/2018 Category Combat Sex Requires AAF, Animations for AAF
Wartimes - a daughter's tale LE (Alternate start scenario) View File Wartimes - a daughter's tale LE (Alternate Start Scenario) 20200920 "Alternate start scenario with multiple endings. A sandbox base for various roleplays." 2020 Reupload & Dev Restart Since I've got a bit more free time on my hands than before, I've got back to developing this mod. Updates should go in the way of "indentured servitude", with player motivation primarily being in the hope of saving the Mother. Two additional dependencies were added since I've started to build a second Alternate start scenario, but abandoned it. I may get back to it eventually, so it will remain there. Warning, story spoiler - I've added a "process map" of the possible scenarios and routes. Blocks marked in red text are not developped yet, but are planned to. Blocks in bright red background color are meant to be "bad endings" Blocks in bright green background oclor are meant to be "good endings" Orange blocks are possible dialogues, leading to different outcomes or variable adjustments Introduction & Foreword---------------------------- The war has come. Your family is struggling to survive. How will your young, girly life develop? Will you become a servant of your "Father" in a pursuit to save your Mother from a terrible illness, or will you rather find your own luck outcasted? Decide yourself. Some parts of the mod/story will lead your hand while some other parts are actuall empty and assume certain level of roleplay involvement. Requirements & Credits ---------------------------- Hard requirements Skyrim SexLab by Ashal ZazAnimationPack by Zaz, Xaz and Tara Alternate Start - Live Another Lifeby Arhmoor Amputator Framework by Haeretic + Amputator Framework Patch by Monoman Sanguine Debauchery Enhanced: SD by DeepBlueFrog and jbezorg Sanguine’s Debauchery Cages by Inte Simple Slavery Plus Plus by Lozeak and jfraser and HexBolt8 I'll Take The Display Model by darkconsole Soft requirements SkyUI by schlangster Devious Devices Expansion by Kimy (in order to get meshes and textures for heels, esm does not need to be enabled) Beeing Female by milzschnitte (enabled esm required for recognition of pregnancy) Changelog Enjoy! Submitter pchs Submitted 07/14/2020 Category Sexual Content Requires SexLab, Dawnguard, HearthFires, Dragonborn, ZazAnimationPack, Alternate Start, Amputator, SD+, Simple Slavery, Display Model, SD Cages, Devious Devices Expansion, SkyUI, Beeing Female Special Edition Compatible No
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[AAF] Tattoo After Rape (1/18/2020) View File Tattoo After Rape v1.1.1 Description A simple mod that adds a permanent tattoo on the player after the player is raped. Also adds an NPC in Dugout Inn (Diamond City) that will remove the tattoos for caps Features Tattoo After Rape When the player is raped, the mod will add a random Tattoo on the player. The tattoo used by this mod is from Tattoos for captives. It will randomly pick from over 100 tattoos from that mod. Note that that mod has over 300 tattoos, so not all tattoos from that mod are used. Only reason is after adding 100, I got tired of copy pasting . The player being raped is interpreted by "PlayerRaped" meta, a flag used by mods like Violate, Sexual Harassment, etc. It will also look for "Aggressive" animation tag. Note that the tattoo added by this mod is "permanent", meaning it will not fade away on its own. Only ways to remove it are by talking to a tattoo remover (added by this mod), or via looksmenu (cheating). Customize Chance You can customize tattoo application chance per rapist race and faction. For instance, you can set it so that rapes from Super Mutant has 25% chance of tattoo being applied, while human Raiders have 100% chance. The current list of supported race and factions are: Super Mutant, Synth, Human, Raider, and Gunner. (Human includes Ghouls) Faction Specific Tattoo If your rapist is a gunner, they may put on gunner-specific tattoos. Alternatively, raider rapist may put on raider-specific tattoos. The chance that the rapist uses faction-specific tattoo instead of a generic one can be set in MCM. Non raiders or non gunners will not use these faction specific tattoos, and will always use the generic ones. Currently, only gunners and raiders are supported for faction-specific tattoos. Tattoo Removal Adds an NPC called "Tattoo Remover" who will remove all tattoos applied by this mod for 2000 caps. (It will also remove the same tattoos applied by other mods, if the ID are the same). He's located in Dugout Inn of Diamond City. He's next to the ice machine (to the left after you enter the inn). Nothing special about this NPC. He removes tattoos for a living. The tattoo removal cost is changeable, via MCM. Note that even after you change the cost, the NPC will keep saying it costs 2000 caps. That's only because of the game's limitation. APIs for Mods This mod exposes 3 APIs so other mods can easily integrate tattoos. Other mods are able to call: GetTattooCount - returns the number of rape tattoos that are currently applied on the player AddTattoo - Adds a random rape tattoo on the player AddTattooFromSet - Adds a random rape tattoo on the player from a set (generic, raider, or gunner) RemoveTats - Removes all rape tattoos on the player Details can be found in the Modder's Resource section below. Requirements Fallout 4 Game version of 1.10.162 or newer (creation kit changes are backwards incompatible) AAF and all its requirements - animations, themes, etc. Requires Looksmenu (also required by AAF anyway) Tattoos for captives - 2.4 or newer. Make sure to download at least the "Captive Tattoos" file Optional MCM - if you want to be able to change settings. Or you can just use console to change settings, too. Known Issues Since the mod randomly picks from over 100 tattoos, sometimes they may overlap, and look ugly. If this really bothers you, you can customize the pool of tattoos this mod picks from in Data/AAF/tattoo_after_rape_overlaysdata.xml file. But it's hard to tell from that file alone which overlaps with what. So you'll have to figure that out somehow. Submitter twistedtrebla Submitted 01/16/2020 Category Sex Effects Requires AAF Looksmenu
Yamete Kudasai View File Yamete Kudasai An add on mod to Acheron, adding a variety of generic, adult related content to it Events Assault A generic assault quest. The winning party of an encounter will approach and.. well.. share their spoils of wars with you. If your preferences (set in the MCM) dont align in the MCM, the quest can fall back into a generic robbing event, which lets you off a lot faster - and a lot lighter too! Robbed A robbing event where one of the enemies in the winning party will take care of your belongings. You have only certain amount to get them back or else someone else will finally make sure all that junk in your inventory is gone. Its not like clothes and armor are important to you; right? Right?! Assault (NPC) Another assault quest, this one is specifically for NPC exclusive encounters, where they will have some fun time post combat with each other. Note that this only applies to combat you have NOT been involved in Surrendering If you're not interested in almost dying and taken hostage, you can also surrender yourself willingly*, and then be taken hostage anyway! This will trigger a negotiation which will decide your fate going forward The surrender has a highly branched dialogue tree that tries to account for various circumstances you may be in at the time of surrender *To avoid this feature being used excessively, surrendering to the same actor twice has a 3 minute cooldown Hunter's Pride Y. Kudasai adds 2 new options to the Hunter Pride menu: Strip: Strip all armor from a victim, leaving them nude Assault: Sexually assault a victim. This is considered an Assault (Crime) Active Assault Maybe not exactly within this mods scope, but you can also assign a hotkey to assault another actor. Assaulting an actor will initialize a struggle motion against the targeted actor, if you manage to pin them down successfully they will be defeated, otherwise you will take a hit to your Hp This feature is considered an Assault (Crime) and only works for actors that are not already in combat with you Requirements Acheron (Patreon / Nexus) Struggling QTE (optional) SexLab Fuz Ro D-oh SkyUI PapyrusUtil JContainers Credits Icons for the Hunter Pride Menu taken from --------------------------------------------- Some links if you want to support me: Patreon: Scrab Joséline | Patreon Ko-fi: Scrab | Ko-fi Discord Link for good measure: Citadel --------------------------------------------- Previous Changelogs Submitter Scrab Submitted 08/03/2022 Category Framework & Resources Requires Regular Edition Compatible No
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[AAF] Sex Attributes - Framework (6/26/2024) View File Sex Attributes v2.7.4 (for AAF) ~INTRO FO4 Sexual Framework for managing various player's sexual stats! When your player gets sexually assaulted, he/she should not be walking around as if nothing happened. Conversely, if the player just saved the entire Commonwealth, he/she should get a confidence boost that positively affects the things he/she does. This mod aims to bring that idea to life! Your player's successes should bring further boost to her abilities and mental state and your player's sexual assaults should bring further consequences and put him/her in increasingly precarious situations. ~OVERVIEW This mod tracks three pillars of attribute types: physical, psychological, and social. Each can be enabled/disabled in MCM independently. Physical attributes are: Oral wear Vaginal wear Anal wear Arousal Alcohol intoxication level Psychological attributes are: Willpower Self-Esteem Spirit Submissive/Dominant orientation Sex addiction Trauma Social attribute will track the player's sexual reputation. Have sex in public? Your reputation will increase. Additionally, this mod will also increase player's belly size after vaginal (and/or anal/oral) sex. This can be disabled in MCM. ~MAIN FEATURES Oral, Vaginal, Anal Wear are wear and tear for those orifices. Having anal sex will result in anal wear increasing, while having oral sex will result in oral wear increasing Arousal is an attribute that indicates how sexually aroused your player is. Alcohol Intoxication Level is an attribute that indicates how intoxicated your player is from alcohol. Being heavily intoxicated will make your character more suggestible, increasing the chance that NPCs will persuade the player. It will also decrease your intimidation chances, making it harder to intimidate NPCs. Consuming alcohol will also increase the player's arousal level; harder drinks will increase more. If the player is drunk or hammered, they will have harder time remembering things, so they will actually lose less stats from rapes when drunk or hammered. Willpower is your character's ability and determination to overcome challenges in the Commonwealth. Weaker willpower should result in your character easily giving up to pressure or tough challenges while stronger willpower should result in your character being able to overcome tough challenges and having a do-or-die mentality. Self-Esteem is your character's confidence level and his/her self image. Spirit is your character's mental toughness. Weaker spirit means your character's mental state is becoming broken, causing your character to become heavily suggestible and easily manipulated by others. Stronger spirit means your character is more resilient to foreign influences, and have better control of their mental state. Submissive/Dominant Orientation is your character's natural inclination to submit to or defy others. Being more submissive should result in your character rather enjoying submitting to others while being more dominant should result in your character being defiant and enjoying the position of authority. Sub/Dom orientation is mostly a permanent, independent trait of your character. You can choose your player's starting D/s orientation when running the game for the first time with the mod. After that, your player's D/s orientation will remain fixed. Sex Addiction is your character's addiction to sex. Once addicted, the player's arousal will increase much faster. Trauma is incurred when player is a victim of sexual assault. When the player is traumatized, their willpower will regenerate slower, and will lose self-esteem over time. Trauma lasts for 2 days and can only be healed over time, but its negative effects can be coped with with alcohol. The amount of alcohol you need to consume in order to suppress negative effects from trauma depends on the trauma level. In order to fully suppress trauma effects, the player's intoxication level must match trauma level. For instance, if your trauma level is at 4, you need to be drunk (intox lvl 4) in order to not suffer any negative effects of Trauma. If your intox level is lower, you will suffer partial trauma effects. For instance, if your trauma is at 4, and you are Tipsy (intox 2), then you will suffer debuffs equal to trauma level of 2 (4 - 2 = 2). Trauma effects can also be suppressed using chems. All chems (Jet, Mentat, etc) will provide 5-trauma-level suppression for 4 hours. After 4 hours, the drug effects will fade, and player will feel trauma effects again. Sex Reputation is how the people view the player sexually, regardless of whether or not the player really is how he/she is perceived Reset Stats Doctor Neura is an advanced neurologist who is able to reset your character's psychological attributes, at the cost of some caps. The cost is equal to player's level times 100. If your player is broke and can't afford it, Neura is willing to do it with whatever money the player has; how generous! She is located in Memory Den of Goodneighbor and usually hangs out near Dr Amari. ~ADDITIONAL FEATURES Cumflation Player's belly will increase slightly after having sex. Increases more if the sex partner was a mutant or giant creatures like Deathclaw. Belly morph will slowly deflate over time. But if player is wearing vaginal plugs, it will not defalte. PTSD If the player gets raped and her spirit gets broken, the player will develop PTSD against the type of NPC that raped her. Types of NPC supported are Animals, Ferals, Gunners, Mutants, Raiders, and Synths. When player gets into combat with the type of NPC she has PTSD for, she will start to panic a bit, decreasing AP regen. Also player takes 20% increased damage against NPCs that she has PTSD for. PTSD can be removed only in 2 ways: either treatment from Dr Neura, or bringing spirit back up to 80. Mind Break If the player is forced to orgasm during rape, her mind can slowly start to break down from the mix of pain and pleasure. Player will need to rest a bit (default 3 real life minutes) after an orgasm to "recover" a bit. If the player orgasms before having recovered, her mind will start to break down from too much pleasure too frequently. The threshold for how many orgasms are needed to reach the point of mind break can be customized. Once reached, the player will be in a temporary mind broken state where she will be susceptible to brainwashing. Any further rapes during mind break state will make her more submissive, and greatly increase her sex addiction levels. The player also has a chance to develop perversion for the type of NPC that forced her to orgasm. Perversion Player can develop an orgasm addiction (or perversion) with the NPC that raped her during a state of mind break. The perversion intensity can stack up to 3 times. Once perversion is developed, player start to crave having sex/orgasm with that same type of NPC every couple days. This desire needs to be satisfied, or player will receive a debuff. While the player is having cravings and is in combat against NPC types for which she has perversion, her resolve will weaken from temptation and she will slowly lose willpower, until either the enemy is dead, or player leaves combat. Perversion is removed if the player manages to abstain from having orgasm again with those NPC types for 60 game days (can be customized) ~NPC INTERACTION MECHANICS Ever felt that vanilla game's Charisma-based speech check was very one dimensional and boring? This mod brings possibilities for more variety! This mod alone doesn't change anything, as it's just a framework for it. But other mods can use APIs provided by this mod to greatly diversify player's interaction with NPC. Intimidation Allows players to intimidate NPCs! Intimidation success chance is based on a combination of player's dominant/submissive orientation plus self-esteem. More dominant and high self-esteem will result in higher intimidation chance. NPC Persuasion NPCs can now persuade the player! There are three persuasion difficulties: Easy, Medium, and Hard. For example, Easy would be something like, "Hey, give me a Nuka Cola!", while Medium could be "Go clear settlement #999", and Hard could be "Come give me a handjob." NPC's persuasion chance is based on the persuasion difficulty and player's spirit. Lower spirit players will be much more vulnerable to persuasion by NPCs. Intimidation and NPC persuasion chances can be customized in this mod's MCM page. Mods using NPC interaction mechanics: Sexual Harassment - NPCs will approach player and demand sex ~STAT CHANGES Physical Oral: 0 ~ 100 Vaginal: 0 ~ 100 Anal: 0 ~ 100 Arousal: 0 ~ 100 Alcohol Intoxication Level: 0 ~ 5 Psychological Willpower: 0 ~ 100 Self-Esteem: 0 ~ 100 Spirit: 0 ~ 100 Sub/Dom Orientation: -50 ~ 50 Slut (Addicted to Sex): 0 ~ 100 Trauma: 0 ~ 5 Frustration Debuff: Social Sexual Reputation: 0 ~ 100 ~INTEGRATION This mod aims to be a framework that other mods can use to offer different choices (or lack of choice) for the player. Currently, the following are mods integrated with Sex Attributes: Devious Devices Wearing Devious Devices reduces player's self-esteem over time. Dominant players will receive further penalty and lose more, while submissive players will lose less, or even not lose any at all. Submissive players will get aroused from wearing devious devices. Wearing anal plugs, vaginal plugs, or nipple piercings will greatly increase arousal for all players. You can also remove devious devices by using willpower. You can set a hotkey for showing the DD removal menu. When you press the hotkey, a menu will be shown where you can select which type of devious device to remove from your character. Real Handcuffs Like Devious devices, wearing Real Handcuffs will reduce player's self-esteem over time. Dominant players will receive further penalty and lose more, while submissive players will lose less, or even not lose any at all. Mods Using Sex Attributes: Sexual Harassment Offers dynamic NPC dialogues that change based on player's attributes. The player can use willpower to resist NPCs, and NPCs can take advantage of player depending on player's attribute deficiencies. ~PLUGINS Sex_AttributesHUD A simple plugin mod that displays the player's attributes in HUD. This allows you to easily view the player's attributes. This plugin uses HUDFramework, which makes it a requirement. If you dont install this plugin, then you don't need HUDFramework. Note that if you do install SexAttributesHUD and wish to uninstall it later, press the uninstall button in that mod's MCM menu. Otherwise, you will get HUD widgets that stay even if you remove the .esp file. This plugin can fail to work if you have other mods that use HUDFramework, e.g. Transfer Settlements. HUDFramework is known to be a very fragile system and does not play well when multiple mods using it are installed. Also, this plugin hasn't been updated, and thus some of the newer attributes (such as arousal) will not be supported. ~REQUIREMENTS AAF and all its requirements, including animations, themes (Optional) HUDFramework - only if you install my HUD plugin mod (Optional) MCM - if you want to be able to change settings (Optional) Devious Devices (and all its requirements) - for integration with DD (Optional) Real Handcuffs - for integration with RH (Optional) Skimpy Armor Keyword Resource - if the player is a slut, they will feel the need to flaunt their bodies by dressing in skimpy clothes NOTE: Make sure your Fallout 4 Game version is 1.10.162 or newer (due to Creation Kit update not being backwards compatible). If your game version is older, the game will not recognize the mod. ~INSTALLATION Like you would any other mod, NMM (or equivalent) or manual. Install Sex_Attributes for base mod. Also install Sex_AttributesHUD if you want to see attribute values in HUD ~UNINSTALLATION BEFORE uninstalling the mod, turn OFF effects for physical and psychological (if you have buffs/debuffs on your character). Otherwise, your character might get permanent buff/debuffs. ~PERMISSIONS In the event that people are awaiting needed maintenance and/or new features, and I've gone MIA (say >4 months), I give permission to others to take the mod and its source code (included) and expand on it/maintain it. Just make sure it remains within the scope of the original mod - a modular, simple, framework for player's attributes. Submitter twistedtrebla Submitted 03/15/2018 Category Framework & Resources Requires AAF
Sexlab Horrible Harassment Expansion LE/SE View File Horrible Harassment Expansion Before description, I want to deliver my thanks to Guffel for giving me permission to edit his mod. Animation Preview gifs Link Description: The mod was written with a female player character in mind. Skyrim is meant to be a dangerous place lack of public sercurity service especially at night. There are always malicious criminals all across the world. Skyrim is no different. Ill-minded people are always seeking and picking chances to get adavantage of poor neighbours and their target might be you. Watch out your steps when you run into one of them or they will try to get to you. Difference from the Original Version: The original mod 'Horrible Harassment by Guffel' was one of the must-have mod in my Skyrim life. As you already know Skyrim's AI is terribly made so that you cannot be felt like you're a part of it. It's time to stop that fake immersion!! Guffel had a point! A very straight point that it is ridiculous there are no thugs blocking PC to have some fun of her. You can meet thousands of dreadful, criminal bandits out there but in a town? Ha! isn't it so lame and peaceful? It looks like this didn't make any sense to Guffel, neither did it to me. So I am here to make Skyrim more dangerous! So what does it do? What is the difference from the previous one? Well... I loved Guffel's work. I really did. But I gotta say there were some people who were not that fond of get raped by.. some mysterious paralyze spell thinges... Just a farmer, who has been making up their livings, got a damn fool prophecy to rape her and suddenly enlightened enough to learn a magical power to neutralize her, make things easy to do the task. Boom!! Not any more!! You are the heroine!! You're powerful enough to escape that situation without killing the innocent? suspect. So this is it! Main features - When a raper tries to take advantage of PC, he is not gonna use spell anymore but try to hug PC and strip her, which is enough to immerse you into Real SKyrim! [Due to a scale issue, there can be misalignment.] - Animations added for improving immersion. I made them by myself. I hope you like them. - PC can resist and escape. Of course you can decide to 'do nothing' or 'resist', it's your call. You can adjust escape chance on MCM at any time. PC has to be autonomous and make their own fate. - You must designate your clothes as skimpy armors on 'Sexlab Aroused' otherwise except for Orcs, potential criminals will not do their duties. If you don't like registering your clothes, then you can turn off this function on MCM. - After escaping, bad people will scream and run away from you.(Actually I didn't mean to make it happen but.. I think I like it.) - You have to bump into potential criminals first. It's a huge difference in interacting to NPCs but I thought it made more sense to me.(It means if you don't want to get raped you'd better walk and get out of their way.) - Women can become criminals now. You can set this option on MCM. Mods that use SLHH BaboDialogue SL Approach Redux SL Drunk Redux Future Ideas. IDK... I just want this mod as simple as it meant to be. Requirements(LE) - SexLab Framework - Sexlab Aroused Extended - - Silent Voice - Fus-Roh-Du(h) - FNIS - powerofthree's Papyrus Extender LE - Baka Motion Data Pack Requirements(SE) - SexLab Framework SE - Sexlab Aroused 28b Modified Version by Bakafactory SE Version Sexlab Aroused Redux SSE BakaFactory Edited Version - Silent Voice - Fus-Roh-Du(h) SE Version - FNIS - powerofthree's Papyrus Extender SE - Baka Motion Data Pack Recommended mods Any mods that will add a bunch of misc npcs. [ex) Populated NPC mod series] Since vanilla npcs have their own lines and there will be always possibilities other mods edit their npc data, which block this mod's lines. How to install Is this necessary? Just drop the files into your data folder. How to Upgrade Just replace the old one with a new one. Mod Compatibility Not that I know of... Yes, it's compatible with almost any mods you have. For Modders Note you can activate the harrasment trigger immediately by using this function. 1) Normal Event Function SLHHActivate(Actor pTarget, Actor pTargetFriend = None); Basically you don't need pTargetFriend. pTarget will become a criminal, who will try to rape you. Keyword SLHHScriptEventKeyword = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000C510, "SexLabHorribleHarassment.esp") as Keyword SLHHScriptEventKeyword.SendStoryEvent(None, pTarget, pTargetFriend) endFunction 2) Choke Event ; ;There is no further event when you choose No sex option. You need to register animation(Babo_DeathStart) and trigger your own event if necessary. Function SLHHChokeActivate(Actor pTarget, Actor pTargetFriend = None);When escape fail -> 0 = Sex 1 = NoSex, only knockout animation Keyword SLHHScriptEventBCKeyword = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0233C6, "SexLabHorribleHarassment.esp") as Keyword SLHHScriptEventKeyword.SendStoryEvent(None, pTarget, pTargetFriend, Sex, 0) EndFunction 3) Drunk Event ;There is no further event when you choose No sex option. You need to register animation(Babo_Drunk_SBD_A01Loop) and trigger your own event if necessary. Function SLHHDrunkActivate(Actor pTarget, Actor pTargetFriend = None, int Sex);When escape fail -> 0 = Sex 1 = NoSex, only knockout animation Keyword SLHHScriptEventBCKeyword = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x02495B, "SexLabHorribleHarassment.esp") as Keyword SLHHScriptEventBCKeyword.SendStoryEvent(None, pTarget, pTargetFriend, Sex, 0) endFunction Known Issues(Compatibility Issues) - Sexist Guard may be partly incompatible with the mod. It's just my assumption but there might be a certain limit to the number of string lines. As Sexist Guard has a lot of lines of dialogue, it may block SLHH's ActorCollidewithActors dialogue indirectly. Animation Preview gifs Link Submitter factoryclose Submitted 06/23/2018 Category Misc Sex Requires Sexlab Framework, Sexlab Aroused Redux, Silent Voice - Fus-Roh-Du(h), FNIS Special Edition Compatible Yes
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