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  • Skyrim : My mods and variations's Tutorial Nifskope
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  • San's Lesbian Corner's Lesbian pr0n
  • San's Lesbian Corner's Fantas..oh...ooh f*uck thats hawt~
  • San's Lesbian Corner's Coffee Table
  • San's Lesbian Corner's !!>>RULES<<!! and some ( . Y . )
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  • Skyrim Male Appreciation Society.'s Announcements.​ ?  ​
  • Skyrim Male Appreciation Society.'s Mens Fashion​ ? ? ​
  • Skyrim Male Appreciation Society.'s Appreciation Centre ​?​
  • WendyClub's Mods
  • WendyClub's Pics/Screenshot
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  • The Lusty Argonian's's Screenshot
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  • BannerLord Lovers's Resources
  • BannerLord Lovers's Projects and ideas
  • BannerLord Lovers's Discussions and help
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  • Pretty Oblivion and Nehrim Chars's Chars from Nehrim
  • Venus Club - Gender(s) and Sexual Orientation(s)/Choice(s) (+18)'s What about you ?
  • Sims 4 Wife Swap's Discussion
  • Sims 4 Wife Swap's SimWives, Scenarios and Sex Adventures
  • Piss Club's Topics
  • Audio Based Erotica Club's Aid – Assistance Requests
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  • Audio Based Erotica Club's Misc – Personal Announcements
  • Audio Based Erotica Club's Aid – Voice Work Commissions/Requests
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  • Twisted Lore TES 18+'s Welcome to the family!
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  • Twisted Lore TES 18+'s Story Corner
  • Twisted Lore TES 18+'s WTF Moments
  • Smoke Loud Club's CC Request
  • Smoke Loud Club's Show Off
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Aid – Assistance Requests
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Aid – Voice Work Commissions/Requests
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Misc – Chill Zone
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Misc – Personal Announcements
  • NSH Project Club's Topics
  • Latex/PVC fetish's ice braker
  • Latex/PVC fetish's Latex/PVC
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's Off Topic
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's Screenshots/Bilder
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's The Elder Scrolls
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's Fallout
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's CD Project Red
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's Die SIMS
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's Square Enix
  • The Other World's canonization corner
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  • Sims 4 Interracial's Interracial Sex pic sharing
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  • Sims 4 Interracial's Member Blog
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  • Small Boob Beauties's Member's Blog
  • Skyrim NSFW Screenshots's Screen Archery
  • Oblivion / Nehrim Classic Chars's My Char
  • Share your girlfriend/wife/ex's Cuckold Experience
  • Sims 4 Furs's share your sims (SS)
  • Sims 4 Furs's Share your Mods
  • Sims 4 Furs's Modding Help
  • Sims 4 Furs's Da Porn
  • Sims 4 Furs's Modding Requestes & Ideas
  • 𐌋𐌄Ꮤ𐌃 𐌔𐌕R𐌄🅰M𐌄R𐌔's ᑕOᒪᒪᗩᗷ
  • 𐌋𐌄Ꮤ𐌃 𐌔𐌕R𐌄🅰M𐌄R𐌔's 🆂🆃🆁🅴🅰🅼🅴🆁🆂
  • SimLooks's Sims
  • CLUB FOR DC COMIC BOOK ART's Custom Drawings
  • CLUB FOR DC COMIC BOOK ART's Sims 4 Screenshots
  • Skyrim Interracial's Discussions
  • Skyrim Interracial's Screenshots/Art
  • Skyrim Interracial's Mod Recommendations
  • Pixel Pervs's General Discussion
  • AI Roleplaying Club's Usermade Stories
  • AI Roleplaying Club's Usermade Worldbuilding Sheets
  • AI Roleplaying Club's Welcoming Thread / Requests
  • AI Roleplaying Club's User on User Roleplaying
  • AI Roleplaying Club's User Announcements
  • Bitch Smash Bros Ultimate's Requests and WIP
  • Bitch Smash Bros Ultimate's NSFW Waifu
  • Bitch Smash Bros Ultimate's Help Forum
  • The Skyrim Beauty Pageant's Threads
  • Miu’s little Corner for Sims an Simselfs's Sims and Simselfs
  • Miu’s little Corner for Sims an Simselfs's Stories and Ideas
  • Miu’s little Corner for Sims an Simselfs's Requests


  • Skyrim
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    • Fallout 3 Regular Mods
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  • Skyrim Ladies's Files
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  • Little Ladies's Download
  • Communauté Francophone's Traductions (Mods)
  • Pregnancy Club's Files
  • Fetish Club's Ideas & Mods!
  • LoversLab Furries's Club Mods
  • BodySlide Lovers's Share your presets
  • Amber's Play Room's [FILES]
  • Hardcore Hentai's Files
  • Comunidad de Habla Hispana de Loverslab's Files
  • Comunidad de Habla Hispana de Loverslab's Archivos
  • The Skyrim Priestess of Love's My character Lilu
  • Grilled Cheese's Creations
  • Incest Family's Files
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Utillities
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Models
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Legacy Archive
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Poses
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Addons
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Textures
  • Cuckold Fantasies's Cuckold Mods
  • Skyrim Bondage & Slavery's Mods
  • Femboy Lovers's Gallery
  • KOYUKI.'s Overview
  • KOYUKI.'s C_body01
  • Skyrim Male Appreciation Society.'s SSE Uploads ​?​
  • Skyrim Male Appreciation Society.'s LE Uploads ​?​
  • CYBERPUNK 2077's Mods
  • SUCKING FUCKING FIGHTERS's Fileshttps://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/1149392/yes-daddy-show-me-what-that-big-dick-can-do-to-this-wet-c-nt/
  • Combat babes's Files
  • Combat babes's Files
  • Sims 4 Wife Swap's SIM wife/Girlfriend Tray Files
  • Piss Club's Pee Mods
  • Audio Based Erotica Club's Works – Finished
  • Audio Based Erotica Club's Works – WIP/Unfinished
  • Warhammer 3 - Total War's Mods
  • Warhammer 3 - Total War's Models
  • Warhammer 3 - Total War's Textures
  • Warhammer 3 - Total War's Translations
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Works – Finished
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Works – WIP/Unfinished
  • The Other World's UC: written / audio-based
  • The Other World's UC: comics
  • The Other World's UC: movies / videos
  • The Other World's UC: games
  • The Other World's UC: music
  • Sims 4 Interracial's Files
  • Small Boob Beauties's Files
  • 𐌋𐌄Ꮤ𐌃 𐌔𐌕R𐌄🅰M𐌄R𐌔's 𝕄𝕠𝕕𝕤
  • Skyrim Interracial's Mod Downloads
  • Bitch Smash Bros Ultimate's SSBU Mods


  • Fun and Sexy Screenshots
  • The sims sexx
  • A Slave's Idyllic Blooms
  • PleasureFilms Gameplays
  • Ashal's Blog
  • 232Labyrinthe's Blog
  • Skewered's Blog
  • djelloul03's Blog
  • OSLAroused - Arousal System Design
  • Furry stuff
  • Vranina,s blog
  • Namelessdryke187's Blog
  • Ninjagnome's Blog
  • ITosiaXxxX's Blog
  • Bonds of Corruption - WoW RP guild
  • Wild Life Screenshot & Video Sets
  • Otherworld stories
  • Heathen's Visions
  • Questioning Reality - Are Amoeba Immortal?
  • Godreaper's Short stories and pics
  • Dispossessed - Trendil's Story
  • Sanity Framework Blog
  • Fallout's Journey
  • Fernanditwo1 Plus
  • Chaisy Occasionally Thinks Aloud
  • Carida's Blog
  • The rise of Ego
  • Erotic Stuff Fallout 4
  • Velvet City
  • Lianeline's fantasies
  • My Enderal Modlist
  • blackanvil23's Blog
  • Reitanna's Bottle
  • The Batcave
  • Hungry for daddy's potent cum - HOMELOVING (SIMS 4 GAY PORN)
  • Aventuras de Sims
  • Incorruptible
  • The long road to animating
  • Recovered Infiltration Log
  • Faeofthewood's Blog
  • [Screenshots] My Gay furry skyrim world.
  • Cautionary Tales From A Perilous Province
  • The Octahedron Mythos
  • WIP
  • The Blog Noone Wanted
  • Yourmomnig's blog
  • Pickle's Misc bag of goodies.
  • Darker Than Brass
  • Sim-ply Scandalous
  • Maximus King's Sexual Adventures
  • Agency Development
  • Thermius' Blog - Fax Keizaal
  • TheWickedGamer's Blog
  • Introduction to Modding with NIND
  • Short Stories
  • The Dadga
  • Ruminations and Stories
  • Trace
  • Amsterdam Escort
  • ugraine's Archive
  • The Devil's Girl Unit (DGU)
  • S³blog - the newest in slave management!
  • Fallout: The Frontier
  • Anbeegod's Blog
  • Jexsam's Infrequent Distractions
  • Jess's IMVU blog
  • Daemonica Succubae
  • Library of Ramblings
  • Cotr face overlays development blog
  • blu blu Blog
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  • Journal of Alicia Skull-Smasher
  • Fat Kyubey Is Fat
  • twilitabyss' Blog
  • Wasteland Natural Beauties
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  • Effie's Blog
  • AlhombreDelToro's Blog
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  • Colocation, Sexe et Drama
  • Gay Sims4 fun with Kyle Woohoo
  • Greg's Blog
  • Chronicles of Mereth
  • Suitable services by Hyderabad Escorts in sensuality
  • Tales of Raven
  • Open Mod Challenge to Earn Modders Money
  • Shooting Photos; Not Arrows - Inside the Dovahkiin's Secret Studio
  • The apprentice witch
  • aps16's Blog
  • PlayBlue Ltd
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  • Lunaivy
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  • Fuck Ur Gf's Blog
  • Out of Place
  • My sexy The sims 4
  • Tenri's Dev Blogs
  • Servant of Many: Kyne's Blessing in our Wretched World
  • The Simsfather, Part II
  • The student
  • Just a thoughts
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  • Hawkes25's Blog
  • messi
  • Screenshots dump?
  • fishy bullshit
  • the devil's salsa
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  • Hethens Fer Hire || An Immersive NSFW Machinima Series
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  • Hello, I present to you my perfect sim <3
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  • sims 4 abdl rocking horse??
  • FCF; Vol. 7. "Darkness on the Horizon"
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  • hoshikaze's Blog
  • no one shall defeat le mighty mojojojaniqua
  • Delhi Babes offer incomparable love to the fellows Delhicall$girl$club$
  • Vault 100 - From the Human Resources Branch - These are the Men and Women of VAULT-TEC
  • Cave of Illusion
  • The devil in you
  • buttnine's Sienna Blog
  • mikie1001421's Blog
  • LoversLab modding for Dummies
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  • PJ- Armors & Outfits replacer project.
  • Lia's torment
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  • Billyy's Blog
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  • The Princess of Hope
  • Endiness' Blog
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  • Halstrom's Blog
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  • Aylis's corner
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  • nateguenin's Blog
  • Unclebenis' Blog
  • KLebinhoxd's Blog
  • Delhi Escorts Offer Jubilation to Your Soul without Hassles
  • HOW TO FIX???
  • Ada and Leon Sims Playthrough Dump
  • Trisha´s porn dream comes true
  • Skyphernaut's Blog
  • Progression of Shadowverse nude mods and regular mods for the game
  • theposhmudcrab's blog
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  1. Version 0.94 - Alpha 1.1c


    Introduction ♪The Sims has a whorehouse in it! (Chorus: Lord have mercy on our souls) I'll expose the facts although it fills me with disgust, Please excuse the filthy dark details ... and carnal lust!♪ --------------- Status Update - 2024-02-09 Installation / A note on the files Gameplay Requirements Translations Support A huge “Thank You!” for the people who already support me – and for all the positive feedback I've already gotten. If you want to contribute for the further development of this and other mods, please donate to my patreon or on Ko-fi! You'll get access to my discord, polls for what gets worked on next and spit-balling for long-term development goals. I also have hats. Special Thanks! It would, of course, be in poor taste for me not to mention the giants whose shoulders I'm standing on. Please donate to their Patreons and show them love! TURBODRIVER NisaK
  2. Good Time Girls Careers and Brothel Venue View File Introduction ♪The Sims has a whorehouse in it! (Chorus: Lord have mercy on our souls) I'll expose the facts although it fills me with disgust, Please excuse the filthy dark details ... and carnal lust!♪ --------------- Status Update - 2024-02-09 Installation / A note on the files Gameplay Requirements Translations Support A huge “Thank You!” for the people who already support me – and for all the positive feedback I've already gotten. If you want to contribute for the further development of this and other mods, please donate to my patreon or on Ko-fi! You'll get access to my discord, polls for what gets worked on next and spit-balling for long-term development goals. I also have hats. Special Thanks! It would, of course, be in poor taste for me not to mention the giants whose shoulders I'm standing on. Please donate to their Patreons and show them love! TURBODRIVER NisaK Submitter errant.red Submitted 02/09/2023 Category Other Requirements TURBODRIVER's Whicked Whims; NisaK's Wicked Perversions; Lot51's Core Library; Zerbu or Basemental venue list
  3. Submissive Lola: The Resubmission LE/SE View File A highly updated version of the original Submissive Lola mod by alexvkj. The mod was rebooted as The Resubmission by MrEsturk and Hex Bolt. When MrEsturk became unavailable, I created this page to continue updates & support. Same mod, with a new page to conveniently get updates. What Does It Do? The mod lets you turn a follower into a dominant personality in a consensual master-slave relationship (though there are optional non-consensual features, and you can even start by being bought as a slave). You can optionally have a contract time to fulfill. At the heart of the mod is submissiveness. It's in the title. "Lola" will either enter enslavement knowing that she's submissive, or it will be revealed to her. Not suited for characters who don't fit that description. Any playable race follower can become your owner, though custom followers with specialized frameworks (like Serana and Inigo) will probably not work. Male and female player characters are supported. Some content is exclusively for female player characters, but most is not. You may specify your gender preference and play a gay or lesbian character. Your progress in the relationship is measured with a submission score. Initially only basic events are available, but as the score increases more and more events open up. At the highest score level, the events can be inconvenient (if you act like a submissive doormat, you get treated like one), so you might choose to avoid reaching the max score 100. Your dominant follower "owner" will call you Lola, regardless of your character's gender (there's a book with lore about that). There is an automated process (described below) to change that name if you can use xEdit. You can change your owner's title in the MCM if you don't care for Master or Mistress. Your owner rules you with a firm hand but is often playful and teasing. When you're made to do humiliating things, it's said that it's to help you admit your darkest desires, or to help you learn obedience, all for your own good. You're like a valued pet. And a sex slave. Your owner understands the value of fantasy and imagination and will sometimes suggest things that will never actually be done to you. Above all, your owner wants your submission and obedience, not your gold. Gold CAN play a large role in your relationship if you enable those features, or it can have no part of it. This is fantasy! It is not a modern-day consensual, caring, dominant-submissive relationship. There are no safe words or red lines. Your owner treats you like an actual slave, refers to you as property, and doesn't hesitate to use a shock collar to force your obedience. Although this mod will never cause your character to be raped, disfigured, or permanently harmed, your character can be forced into prostitution (there's a setting to turn that off), ordered to have sex with strangers, required to be naked at times, and be exposed to public humiliation. This is fantasy. It's left to you to interpret your character's experiences as a dream come true, a fantasy turned nightmare, or perhaps a forceful education in your character's secret desires. Your owner likes to keep you guessing and is often playful. It is left for you to decide whether your owner is toying with you or working hard to fulfill your darkest desires. Installation - The main download SubmissiveLolaResubmission is required. EsturkBooze is optional (details below). - The downloads work for LE, SE, and AE. No conversions needed. - This mod replaces any other Submissive Lola. Do not install two versions. - Players should have at least one spanking animation, or the spanking scenes will be generic sex. I recommend "Rydin Overlap Spanking". LE version is here. SE version is here. Another good option is the Devious Followers Spank SLAL mini pack (LE and SE), which also adds just a handful of animations. You can install the animations without installing Devious Followers. File links: Devious Devices LE or SE. Zaz (choose one) SE (ZAP 8 is halfway down the page). For LE, ZAP 8 or 8Plus. Features - MCM with extensive customization options. - Requires and uses Devious Devices, though if you're wearing a ZAP device the mod will recognize it. - Support for custom collar and gag meshes & textures. Or just use the collar of your choice from another mod. - If you have multiple followers, you can change which one is your owner at any time. - Prostitution events that use Radiant Prostitution if you have it (WraithSlayer, Gigolo, and RMCW versions all work), or a basic form provided by the mod. - Although TDF Prostitution is not supported, if you've installed it (or even just installed its animations), this mod will use the TDF dances. - Gold sharing system. Highly configurable. Automatically split gold with your owner. Pay your owner, or have your owner pay you! - Select a second follower to be your playmate. Your owner might have your playmate spank, whip, or do other things to you. - Have your owner confiscate your keys, and some or all of your lockpicks. - You can ask your owner to help unlock devices on you, the owner, or playmate. - Soft integration with Simple Slavery++. Have a follower buy you and become your owner -- or buy you again if already your owner. - Spanking and whipping as punishment, or as reward! - When your owner spanks you, a mod event is sent to Spank That Ass (if installed). - City-specific events. Be displayed at the Riften slave market. Have 3-way sex with a priestess in the Temple of Dibella. Perform at the Bards College. Naked. - Make embarrassing admissions (some of which might even be true) to strangers. Get punished if you don't say it right. - Make deliveries as a pony girl, with your choice of outfit color. Updating How Do I Start? Compatibility 3-Way Sex For sex scenes with 3 actors, this mod tries to use a gender-appropriate animation. It will require the FFF or MMM tag for lesbian or gay 3-way sex, MFF or FFM for two females and one male, and so on. Billyy's Animations has some good FFF animations. Suggested Mods Take Notes (LE | SE) I Want Widgets to format many of this mod's notifications (it works for SE and LE). Immersive Torture Sounds (just sound files, works for any game version, female only) Ride Sharing (LE | SE) For sweeping enthusiasts, Sweeping Organizes Stuff (SE) or Broom Sweeping (LE) Recommended SexLab Aroused Settings Installing Extra Animations Optional Download Files Add-ons Changing "Lola" For Modders Credits alexvkj: Creator of the original Submissive Lola mod. MrEsturk: Rebooted the mod as The Resubmission, adding the MCM, new events, and the brown leather texture. t.ara for Zaz Animation Pack, and Pfiffy for the SE conversion. skyrimfet: Pony girl amulet texture from Devious Training, used with permission. Roggvir: EFF compatibility scripts for owner's "inventory" versus "container". Halo's Mods (https://dysintropi.me) for the riding crop assets. Frayed: Collar and runic circle effects from Runic Collar. RatchetthelastLombax: Broom model asset in Mother's Broom. Permissions Submitter Hex Bolt Submitted 12/12/2020 Category Quest Requirements SexLab, SexLab Aroused, ZAP 7 or higher, Devious Devices 5.2 or higher, Fuz Roh D-oh. PapyrusUtil 3.3 or higher for import/export functions. Special Edition Compatible Yes
  4. Welcome to the Pandora's Box 2 page. What is it? It's a direct sequel to Pandora's Box. The story takes place 19 years after the events of the first game with a 3rd protagonist in the mix. Features: The sequel has the same features the previous game had and more. Another new main stat is added Lust which is for the new female protagonist (Ellie). Your saves from the first game will be imported to the new one and you can keep playing with your main decisions intact. The game features NTR, so if it's something that upsets you keep it in mind. I try and give choices to skip content, but sometimes it's needed to progress the story. Lots of other fetishes are present like foot fetish, lesbian, dominatrix, femdom, prostitution, pregnancy, voyeur, exhibitionism and much more! Each update features several animated sex scenes! I try to balance the number between the female and the male. Lots of different locations and characters to explore. Every encounter in the early game could have repercussions later on. Screenshots: Download: Newest Patreon version: 0.32 Newest Public version: 0.29 Let me know what you think! If there are any bugs or recommendations, I'd love to hear. If you enjoyed the game, then please consider supporting me at Patreon
  5. Version 1.0.0


    DOWNLOAD BUTTON WILL REDIRECT YOU TO GOOGLEDRIVE WHERE YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE FILE Baby Bee & Co. Presents... Skye Vance (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) Age: 25 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Birthday: Jan. 5 Occupation: Prostitute / Amateur Porn Star Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Cup Size: 34DD Body Shape: Voluptuous Favorite Positions: Doggy, double penetration Kinks/Pleasures: Big fat black cocks, threesomes with two men Addictions: Nicotine Backstory: It all started when Skye decided she wanted to be a porn star... unfortunately the beginning wages weren't enough to keep her afloat among all the frivolous things she spent her money on so she turned to prostitution, she was already getting paid to fuck the porn actors so what could be the harm in fucking random people on the side? One day while prowling for johns at the local strip club, she was approached by a rather menacing looking man who told her that if she wanted to continue to sell herself she would have to become one of his bitches due to her fucking men in his territory. Skye thought nothing of it, perhaps this would make her more secure and protected. However Skye was deeply mistaken. What was a side job has quickly turned into Skye becoming a sex slave to anyone her pimp wants her to fuck... and that was a lot of men. Several times in the process Skye has become knocked up - each pregnancy adding to the rising debt her pimp holds against her. Can Skye fuck her way out of the sex slave debt or will she forever while away with a cock lodged in her? You get to decide what happens to her... Some shots of Skye in Action:
  6. View File Skye Vance: Debt Sex Slave/Prostitute/Porn Star DL DOWNLOAD BUTTON WILL REDIRECT YOU TO GOOGLEDRIVE WHERE YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE FILE Baby Bee & Co. Presents... Skye Vance (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) Age: 25 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Birthday: Jan. 5 Occupation: Prostitute / Amateur Porn Star Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Cup Size: 34DD Body Shape: Voluptuous Favorite Positions: Doggy, double penetration Kinks/Pleasures: Big fat black cocks, threesomes with two men Addictions: Nicotine Backstory: It all started when Skye decided she wanted to be a porn star... unfortunately the beginning wages weren't enough to keep her afloat among all the frivolous things she spent her money on so she turned to prostitution, she was already getting paid to fuck the porn actors so what could be the harm in fucking random people on the side? One day while prowling for johns at the local strip club, she was approached by a rather menacing looking man who told her that if she wanted to continue to sell herself she would have to become one of his bitches due to her fucking men in his territory. Skye thought nothing of it, perhaps this would make her more secure and protected. However Skye was deeply mistaken. What was a side job has quickly turned into Skye becoming a sex slave to anyone her pimp wants her to fuck... and that was a lot of men. Several times in the process Skye has become knocked up - each pregnancy adding to the rising debt her pimp holds against her. Can Skye fuck her way out of the sex slave debt or will she forever while away with a cock lodged in her? You get to decide what happens to her... Some shots of Skye in Action: Submitter BabyBeeSims Submitted 02/04/2025 Category The Sims 4 - Sims
  7. Welcome to our newest plaything, the adorable who is whoring herself out in order to pay for nursing school 🫦💦 Here she is fucking a man she met at the club that night. Video Here ❤️ Even her landlord can be found sticking his dick deep into her.. Video Here ❤️ No one is off limits for her, last night she decided to fuck her neighbor And boy does she love big fat black cocks ramming into her, nudging her womb and spilling cum into her 💦💦 Video Here ❤️
  8. Teenage runaways Rin and Amina have started to build quite the client list between them. One of their richest johns was Jing Fen, the local strip club/brothel owner. After a night of having sex with strangers at his club for money, Jing invited the two over to his high-rise apartment for some fun and their payment for letting them use his club for their late night activities. It wasn't long before the girls were naked and servicing him to his dick's desires.. After filling Amina up with hot loads of his cum, he excused her saying he wanted to fuck the redhead only for now. Rin was happy to oblige knowing her payout would be that much more. Halfway through the fuckfest, there was a feminine voice calling out for Jing and then a knock at the door. Due to all the moaning and sex sounds, no one heard as the door opened and Jing's wife walked in on him buried deep in Rin's sweet little cunt... Jing was furious, how dare his poor excuse for a wife interrupt him in the middle of some of the sweetest pussy he ever experienced. He demanded she leave, when she didn't Jing picked up Rin and started fucking her in earnest in front of his wife to drive the point home that he could always find better than her. Rin couldn't help but feel used, but at the same time a dick inside her is all she ever wants so who is she to complain?
  9. Version 0.93c


    ♪I'm just a gigolo and everywhere I go People know the part I'm playing Paid for every dance, selling each romance Oh, what they're saying?♪ ----------- A career and venue mod for men who want to make some money off their bodies. Follow your Guy to the Stable or work from a rabbit hole through this ten-level, two-branch career track! Status Update - 2025-02-01 The Venue The Careers Installation Troubleshooting Requirements Thanks and Support
  10. Good Time Guys - Career and Venue View File ♪I'm just a gigolo and everywhere I go People know the part I'm playing Paid for every dance, selling each romance Oh, what they're saying?♪ ----------- A career and venue mod for men who want to make some money off their bodies. Follow your Guy to the Stable or work from a rabbit hole through this ten-level, two-branch career track! Status Update - 2025-02-01 The Venue The Careers Installation Troubleshooting Requirements Thanks and Support Submitter errant.red Submitted 10/28/2023 Category Other Requirements TURBODRIVER's Whicked Whims; NisaK's Wicked Perversions; Zerbu or Basemental venue list
  11. Version 2.0


    Le Jarl Balgruuf retourne sur son trône et ouvre une bouteille de bière. Il a enfin trouvé une solution à la perte des recettes fiscales de la ville, due aux difficultés qu'elle a traversé ces derniers temps. Et la solution était si simple ! Elle courait dans sa ville en attirant le regard des honnêtes citoyens en ravivant leurs plus profondes tentations. Tout ce qu'il avait eu à faire, c'était d'adopter un décret officiel, selon lequel Blancherive allait être dotée d'une nouvelle attraction principale... ... l'Enfant de Dragon ... ... la nouvelle prostituée publique. /Merci de bien vouloir prendre connaissance de la note du traducteur en bas de la page./ Public Whore Sommaire La notion de base du mod est que le personnage du joueur se retrouve déclaré "prostituée publique" de la ville et peut être utilisé par les citoyens en échange d'argent qui sera reversé au Jarl de la châtellerie. Pour l'instant, il s'agit plutôt d'un "système" qui s'ajoute à la routine du jeu, le mod n'apporte pas de contenu historique particulier, même si l'auteur souhaite étendre le contenu des quêtes avec le temps. Fichiers requis Le mod de base de Visio Diaboli (vous y trouverez une version pour Skyrim SE et LE) Les fichiers requis du mod de base (vous pouvez également les retrouver sur la page du mod) ATTENTION : les liens suivants mènent vers les version LE des mods correspondants, il vous faut l'équivalent pour la version SE si nécessaire : Prérequis nécessaires (sans eux, le mod ne fonctionnera pas) : SKSE Fuz Ro D-oh Sexlab Pack d'animation ZaZ v8.0+ Prérequis importants (le mod fonctionnera sans eux, mais il n'a pas été conçu pour fonctionner sans) : Devious Devices SlaveTats Sexlab Aroused Sexlab Sexual Fame Simple Slavery Plus Plus SD+ Recommandés (pour un peu plus d'immersion) : Spectator Crowds Populated Cities Towns Villages OBIS Installation de la traduction Il ne vous sera pas possible d'avoir un menu MCM traduit en français si vous installez la traduction par dessus une sauvegarde qui disposait déjà du mod original. Par conséquent, trois choix s'offrent à vous : Vous n'avez jamais installé le mod original Public Whore : Dans ce cas, pas de problème particulier, il s'agit d'une installation classique. Téléchargez le mod original. Téléchargez la dernière version de la traduction. Installez le mod original (manuellement en faisant glisser les fichiers dans le dossier data ou via votre gestionnaire de mod). Installez la traduction (manuellement en faisant glisser les fichiers dans le dossier data ou via votre gestionnaire de mod) et écrasez les fichiers. Lancez votre dernière sauvegarde (ou lancez une nouvelle partie, au choix, normalement ce n'est pas obligatoire mais plus propre). Vous avez déjà installé le mod original Public Whore, celui ci est chargé dans votre dernière sauvegarde et vous souhaitez avoir le menu MCM en français : L'idée est ici de charger votre dernière sauvegarde et, en même temps, le mod original et sa traduction, permettant aux scripts de repartir tranquillement, et en français. Désinstallez proprement le mod original (et la traduction si vous l'avez) via votre gestionnaire de mod [conseillé] ou manuellement, chargez votre dernière sauvegarde, puis sauvegardez. Réinstallez le mod original. Installez la dernière version de la traduction et écrasez les fichiers. Lancez votre dernière sauvegarde (ou nouvelle partie). Vous avez déjà installé le mod original Public Whore, celui ci est chargé dans votre dernière sauvegarde, vous avez la flemme de faire la manip du deuxième choix et garder le menu MCM anglais ne vous dérange pas : Dans ce cas, pas de manipulation particulière, il vous suffira de rajouter le patch disponible en plus de la traduction. Installez la dernière version de la traduction française. Installez le patch. Chargez votre dernière sauvegarde. Le mod sera entièrement traduit, excepté le menu MCM qui restera en anglais. Ordre de chargement : Mod original Traduction française (patch si vous souhaitez garder le MCM en anglais) Comment débuter ? Via les quêtes d'introduction : ces dernières sont disponibles auprès du Jarl Balgruuf ou Vignar Grisetoison pour démarrer la quête à Blancherive, il vous suffit de leur demander s'ils ont du travail pour vous. Vous pouvez également aller parler à Vedia Belenus pour démarrer la quête à Solitude. Via la réputation (Sexlab Sex Fame) : il vous suffit d'acquérir une certaine renommée ou d'utiliser le système de renommée sexuelle intégrée au mod (mais moins avancé que SLSF) et vous finirez par devenir la prostituée publique de la ville. Via une demande directement aux Thanes : il vous suffit de parler à un Thane, qui se situe généralement près du Jarl, pour démarrer la quête. Via le mod Simple Slavery : faites-vous vendre à une ville pour démarrer une prostitution forcée. Attention, vous ne pourrez pas quitter la ville et votre quota à remplir sera plus complexe. Crédits : Visio Diaboli : Auteur original du mod, sans qui cette traduction n'aurait jamais vu le jour Epervier 666 : Pour sa création de l'ESP/ESM Translator Version originale et version française Version française de la Confrérie des Traducteurs Aldid : Pour les captures d'écrans visibles sur le mod original. Je n'ai fais que les copier. Et tous ceux ayant contribué à la création du mod original (vous pouvez les retrouver dans les remerciements du mod de base). Note du traducteur : Méthode de traduction : Il s'agit d'une traduction automatique via l'ESP-ESM Translator. Cependant, les lignes n'ont pas été traduites avec google traduction, mais avec une clé API pour DeepL. En conséquence, elle bien mieux ! Remarques : Il s'agit de la deuxième traduction que j'upload sur LoversLab. N'étant pas un habitué, il est probable que les mises à jour tardent un peu, mais je tâcherais de fournir une version finale correcte. L'ESP original est tiré de la version SE de Skyrim, mais la traduction devrait pouvoir fonctionner également pour une version LE. Certaines lignes apparaissaient deux fois dans le traducteur : une première fois pour les personnages joueurs féminin, puis une deuxième fois pour les personnages joueurs masculins, j'ai donc pris cela en considération pour ne pas favoriser un genre. Cependant, il y a une forme de neutralité pour beaucoup de phrases en anglais, et cela se sent dans la traduction. J'ai donc privilégié le genre féminin et j'ai considéré que le personnage joueur était une femme pour les accords (exemple : "are you crazy ?" peut signifier "tu es fou ?" ou "tu es folle ?", dans ce genre de situation, l'auteur du mod n'avait nullement besoin de créer deux lignes pour les deux genres, puisque cette dernière s'applique déjà aux deux. J'ai donc privilégié la version féminine en traduisant). Ne soyez pas surpris si vous tombez sur des fautes d'orthographe ou de syntaxe, il y en a forcément qui ont réussi à échapper à ma vigilance et je compte les corriger ultérieurement. Cependant, si une faute vous brule les yeux, n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part via le support. Voltair
  12. Nisa’s Wicked Perversions View File Introduction: Welcome my little perverts!!! Thank you for your interest in Wicked Perversions!!! Wicked Perversions is a massive mod, developed over years with many features which, for your convenience, has been split into 4 major categories: Wicked Prostitution, Wicked Mermaids, Wicked Succubi and finally Wicked WTF for everything else. Below you will find links to posts describing these categories in more detail. If you plan on engaging with a feature, then I highly recommend reading it's feature page first! As noted above, this page is currently under going renovations for the next month or so. Don't be surprised if this page updates frequently with small or large changes. In the meantime, the old description can be found mostly under the Wicked Prostitution section. This will be the last section that I update so don't be surprised if it has redundant information from the other sections. If you are new to the mod you should start by reading there. Unless your just here for that succ succ life, then you should start with the Wicked Succubi section and then the Wicked Prostitution section. Thank you for being around during this turbulent time! Rest assured the page will congeal soon! Features [Click an image/link for more information]: Wicked Prostitution [Old Description Temporary Home] Wicked Mermaids Requirements Like what you see? You think you want to get in on that Wicked Pervert life style, well hold on there, you'll need a few things first for this journey buckaroo... Optional Requirements You don't need these for the mod to work, just to engage with certain features. This was also added well before WW added a pubic system. Despite TURBOs protest, I may be removing this system from my mod as I feel it is largely redundant now. I recommend using TURBOs pubic hair system instead. Installation Instructions You wouldn't install a mod without reading the instructions right? Surely such a monster only exists in our dreams... Translations 英語が話せませんか? ¿No puedes hablar ingles? Neumíš mluvit anglicky? Non parli inglese? את/ה לא יכול/ה לדבר אנגלית? How to Report Problems As with all mod authors, I'm sure my mod is a good boi who dindu nuffin wrong. It definitely 100 percent works for reals, but in case it's working less good than it should be working... Perverts in the Community Because perversions are better when shared! Special Thanks We are all in this together. Nothing is truly done alone. There those that inspire, those that teach, and those help hold us together. So a special thanks, in alphabetical order to those whove inspired or helped me along the way... Devotion, and a Very Special Thanks to My Patrons It's cliché only because it's true If you like my work, consider supporting me on Patreon, but if you are here for the ride then that's totally cool too! https://www.patreon.com/NisaKsPervs Submitter NisaK Submitted 12/25/2017 Category WickedWhims Requirements Wicked Whims, Basemental Drugs
  13. Public Whore v1.2.4 - Traduction française View File Le Jarl Balgruuf retourne sur son trône et ouvre une bouteille de bière. Il a enfin trouvé une solution à la perte des recettes fiscales de la ville, due aux difficultés qu'elle a traversé ces derniers temps. Et la solution était si simple ! Elle courait dans sa ville en attirant le regard des honnêtes citoyens en ravivant leurs plus profondes tentations. Tout ce qu'il avait eu à faire, c'était d'adopter un décret officiel, selon lequel Blancherive allait être dotée d'une nouvelle attraction principale... ... l'Enfant de Dragon ... ... la nouvelle prostituée publique. /Merci de bien vouloir prendre connaissance de la note du traducteur en bas de la page./ Public Whore Sommaire La notion de base du mod est que le personnage du joueur se retrouve déclaré "prostituée publique" de la ville et peut être utilisé par les citoyens en échange d'argent qui sera reversé au Jarl de la châtellerie. Pour l'instant, il s'agit plutôt d'un "système" qui s'ajoute à la routine du jeu, le mod n'apporte pas de contenu historique particulier, même si l'auteur souhaite étendre le contenu des quêtes avec le temps. Fichiers requis Le mod de base de Visio Diaboli (vous y trouverez une version pour Skyrim SE et LE) Les fichiers requis du mod de base (vous pouvez également les retrouver sur la page du mod) ATTENTION : les liens suivants mènent vers les version LE des mods correspondants, il vous faut l'équivalent pour la version SE si nécessaire : Prérequis nécessaires (sans eux, le mod ne fonctionnera pas) : SKSE Fuz Ro D-oh Sexlab Pack d'animation ZaZ v8.0+ Prérequis importants (le mod fonctionnera sans eux, mais il n'a pas été conçu pour fonctionner sans) : Devious Devices SlaveTats Sexlab Aroused Sexlab Sexual Fame Simple Slavery Plus Plus SD+ Recommandés (pour un peu plus d'immersion) : Spectator Crowds Populated Cities Towns Villages OBIS Installation de la traduction Il ne vous sera pas possible d'avoir un menu MCM traduit en français si vous installez la traduction par dessus une sauvegarde qui disposait déjà du mod original. Par conséquent, trois choix s'offrent à vous : Vous n'avez jamais installé le mod original Public Whore : Dans ce cas, pas de problème particulier, il s'agit d'une installation classique. Téléchargez le mod original. Téléchargez la dernière version de la traduction. Installez le mod original (manuellement en faisant glisser les fichiers dans le dossier data ou via votre gestionnaire de mod). Installez la traduction (manuellement en faisant glisser les fichiers dans le dossier data ou via votre gestionnaire de mod) et écrasez les fichiers. Lancez votre dernière sauvegarde (ou lancez une nouvelle partie, au choix, normalement ce n'est pas obligatoire mais plus propre). Vous avez déjà installé le mod original Public Whore, celui ci est chargé dans votre dernière sauvegarde et vous souhaitez avoir le menu MCM en français : L'idée est ici de charger votre dernière sauvegarde et, en même temps, le mod original et sa traduction, permettant aux scripts de repartir tranquillement, et en français. Désinstallez proprement le mod original (et la traduction si vous l'avez) via votre gestionnaire de mod [conseillé] ou manuellement, chargez votre dernière sauvegarde, puis sauvegardez. Réinstallez le mod original. Installez la dernière version de la traduction et écrasez les fichiers. Lancez votre dernière sauvegarde (ou nouvelle partie). Vous avez déjà installé le mod original Public Whore, celui ci est chargé dans votre dernière sauvegarde, vous avez la flemme de faire la manip du deuxième choix et garder le menu MCM anglais ne vous dérange pas : Dans ce cas, pas de manipulation particulière, il vous suffira de rajouter le patch disponible en plus de la traduction. Installez la dernière version de la traduction française. Installez le patch. Chargez votre dernière sauvegarde. Le mod sera entièrement traduit, excepté le menu MCM qui restera en anglais. Ordre de chargement : Mod original Traduction française (patch si vous souhaitez garder le MCM en anglais) Comment débuter ? Via les quêtes d'introduction : ces dernières sont disponibles auprès du Jarl Balgruuf ou Vignar Grisetoison pour démarrer la quête à Blancherive, il vous suffit de leur demander s'ils ont du travail pour vous. Vous pouvez également aller parler à Vedia Belenus pour démarrer la quête à Solitude. Via la réputation (Sexlab Sex Fame) : il vous suffit d'acquérir une certaine renommée ou d'utiliser le système de renommée sexuelle intégrée au mod (mais moins avancé que SLSF) et vous finirez par devenir la prostituée publique de la ville. Via une demande directement aux Thanes : il vous suffit de parler à un Thane, qui se situe généralement près du Jarl, pour démarrer la quête. Via le mod Simple Slavery : faites-vous vendre à une ville pour démarrer une prostitution forcée. Attention, vous ne pourrez pas quitter la ville et votre quota à remplir sera plus complexe. Crédits : Visio Diaboli : Auteur original du mod, sans qui cette traduction n'aurait jamais vu le jour Epervier 666 : Pour sa création de l'ESP/ESM Translator Version originale et version française Version française de la Confrérie des Traducteurs Aldid : Pour les captures d'écrans visibles sur le mod original. Je n'ai fais que les copier. Et tous ceux ayant contribué à la création du mod original (vous pouvez les retrouver dans les remerciements du mod de base). Note du traducteur : Méthode de traduction : Première étape : le fichier ESP a d'abord été automatiquement traduit par les fonctionnalités de l'ESP/ESM Translator. Cela permet un gain de temps, mais également la conservation du sens et de la portée qui a été donné à la phrase par l'auteur du mod original. Deuxième étape : le fichier ESP a ensuite été vérifié ligne par ligne, afin de corriger les erreurs de syntaxe ou les tournures de phrase données par la première traduction automatique. Le fichier ESP contenant plus de 2000 lignes, certaines coquilles sont, sans nul doute, passées au travers de la relecture. Des mises à jour seront prévues afin de corriger les problèmes d'orthographe et de syntaxe ruinant l'immersion. Remarques : Il s'agit de la deuxième traduction que j'upload sur LoversLab. N'étant pas un habitué, il est probable que les mises à jour tardent un peu, mais je tâcherais de fournir une version finale correcte. L'ESP original est tiré de la version SE de Skyrim, mais la traduction devrait pouvoir fonctionner également pour une version LE. Certaines lignes apparaissaient deux fois dans le traducteur : une première fois pour les personnages joueurs féminin, puis une deuxième fois pour les personnages joueurs masculins, j'ai donc pris cela en considération pour ne pas favoriser un genre. Cependant, il y a une forme de neutralité pour beaucoup de phrases en anglais, et cela se sent dans la traduction. J'ai donc privilégié le genre féminin et j'ai considéré que le personnage joueur était une femme pour les accords (exemple : "are you crazy ?" peut signifier "tu es fou ?" ou "tu es folle ?", dans ce genre de situation, l'auteur du mod n'avait nullement besoin de créer deux lignes pour les deux genres, puisque cette dernière s'applique déjà aux deux. J'ai donc privilégié la version féminine en traduisant). Ne soyez pas surpris si vous tombez sur des fautes d'orthographe ou de syntaxe, il y en a forcément qui ont réussi à échapper à ma vigilance et je compte les corriger ultérieurement. Cependant, si une faute vous brule les yeux, n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part via le support. Voltair Submitter Voltair Submitted 06/21/2022 Category Adult Mods Requirements Regular Edition Compatible Yes  
  14. Version 1.2


    I'm abandoning all my mods. No further development will take place for the existing ones. Everyone, feel free to use and reupload as you see fit, no credit necessary. A simple mod that adds a craftable piece of clothing called "Whore Clothes" into the game, which, when equipped, will generate a periodic fame gain of the Whore variety, via SLSF. Apart from the clothes being craftable, you can also find a piece lying around any of the main hold inns (with the exception of Winterhold), usually in an employee-area. As of version 1.2, the mod also adds a ring with the same functionality as the clothes. Thanks to stubbytroll, LE users can now enjoy this mod, too (the ringless version, so far). Get it here. Do you enjoy prostitution mods like Radiant Prostitution, or TDF? Isn't it a shame then, that those mods do not take advantage of the Sexlab Sexual Fame Framwork mechanic, to increase your Whore fame? Consequently, you are not able to enjoy the corresponding derogatory and condescending comments and insults NPCs throw at you via SLSF comments. This has been a long-standing issue for me, and until now, I used a workaround for this. I assigned the Whore specific fame gain to a set of CV's SlaveTats Scrawls, and applied those, whenever I was on the job. But this is immersion-breaking, as you need to constantly add and remove them, and tattoos should be permanent, anyway. To make matters worse, you cannot assign specific fame gain to tats in VR, as the typing dialog doesn't work, thus I had to rely on a savegame created in SE, with the selection already made, what deprived me of the option of starting a new game in VR, with all the wonderful alternate start mods out there... Now, I finally got fed up, and devised a simple solution to the problem. Create a piece of clothing which will generate periodic Whore fame gain. And it was remarkably simple, though I couldn't have done it without the help of plater, who helped me understand the instructions for integrating SLSF functions, and fixed my code. This guy, by the way, made the absolutely amazing VRIKactions mod, which fixes so many great mods for VR, which we were unable to play in VR, until now. An absolute must for anyone playing Skyrim VR. Go download it, now! Requirements: Sexlab Sexual Fame Framework v0.99 and its requisites (SL, SLAX, ZAZ)
  15. Dark Arena View File A little mod, which add an underground inn in Riften sewers. Like Hagraven Rituals, it was a commission mod. - get rumors at the Bee and the Bards from Keerava. - explore Riften sewers and find the Dark Arena. - request the guard posted at the entry to let you inn... and enjoy what is forbidden in skyrim. Pitfights, whores, gambling, dances... The Maison offer credit... sort of. You can be spectator, or work here... or being enslaved... or take control of it. IMPORTANT : like Desire club, Dark Arena gather lot of npcs in a single cell. LE can have difficulties to handle it (CTDs). If you meet such problems, please use the SSE version. In details : - a short story about a mother in dept and her kidnapped daughter. The trail will lead you to the Dark Arena. - four games are available : a simple blackjack script, a cul de chouette, a single dice, and a small roulette. - you can bet money on pitfights. - when you are allowed to work in the dark arena, you can request to go in the pit yourself, whoring and dancing. - each time you win a game or a pitfight, you receive a lottery ticket. You can earn here whatever between flute and daedric cuirass. - you can be in dept toward the dark arena, but they will recover their money... by using you as a slave. You'll be able to payback by whoring, dancing, and pitfigting. You'll discover another aspect of the Dark arena... if you refuse, your stuff will be confiscated, and you'll be sold to the closest slave marker (simple slavery) - a serious blackjack table was added. It will trigger simple slavery, skooma whore... maybe SD+ in the future, in you loose. Lot of septims if you win. - a money lender. Exchange your gear for septims... get back for more septims. If you're enslaved in dark arena, your gear is sold to the Money lender. Pay tremendous amount of money to get it back. Credits : UUNP meshes and texture patch : Racoonity, Serah Dark Arena non uunp dancer meshes fixed texture paths : Racoonity, Serah OsmeIMC for scripts tweaks and improvements Killer Keo skimpy mod : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3654/ unknow for slave leia topless CBBE converted meshe Want to support me? Visit my Patreon ! https://www.patreon.com/Delzaron Permissions : You're allowed to use this mod code as you want. You're not allowed to upload this mod on another platform. Assets belongs to their original authors. Submitter Delzaron Submitted 07/04/2019 Category Quests Requirements Sexlab, Zaz 8.0, Fuz Roh Do Special Edition Compatible Not Applicable  
  16. enslaved View File Player Slavery and Prostitution German voiced version Disclaimer The sex scenes are very very rudimentary and the actor adjustment is a paint in the eye - I have to figure out how to adjust objects in Starfield since the coordinate system is different from Skyrim where I gathered years of experiences - and some of the Papyrus positioning functions are broken. But I am sure that now, where I opened pandoras box, more modder will come on board to turn Starfield into an adult adventure. I wanted to continue my modding adventure with Cyberpunk 2077 since this is absolutely my preferred setting but quest modding is still almost impossible. Then I saw @ag12 Neon Sub-Core and this inspired my to give Starfield modding a try. All credit goes to the modding pioneers whose assets I use. Due to the complete lack of documentation, the complex modding of Starfield is a real challenge. And of course to Bethesda. Their decision to open up Starfield so widely to modders cannot be appreciated enough, especially when you see how little other companies care about modding. Dependencies KZ outfits - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/11471 Eit Clothiers Plus - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8473 NAF - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7360 Robert S Male Body Replacer - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6975 Neon Sub-Core - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/232741-other-neon-descent-preview/ Grey Animations - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/227285-animation-gray-animations-mod-development-examples Skimpy Leather - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4877 Quest 1: Ask Bill in the Neon Subcore Brothel for a Job Scenes in this quest: prostitution in the fuck container public strip dancing naked hooking in the restroom of the astral lounge sleep hogtied in a sleeping crate the slave gets sold to CrimsonFleet (end of quest) Quest 2: Whore job quest - a john is spawned and approach you to ask for sex. If Maria is nearby, she will negotiate for you and also take the payment Hotkeys Installing the enslaved hotkeys: Add bUseConsoleHotkeys=1 to the [Menu] section of your StarfieldCustom.ini Copy the downloaded StarfieldConsole.ini to the same location as StarfieldCustom.ini (or merge the content with your existing one) The default hotkey configuration: Numpad 0 = Toggle Submissive kneeling Numpad 1 = Toggle Sleeping on the ground Numpad 2 = Toggle Sweeping Numpad 3 = Toggle Surrender Numpad 4 = Toggle Dancing Numpad 9 = Masturbate Numpad * = Toggle Fly Cam (you should be in 3rd person view first!) Numpad + = Equip invisible handcuffs Numpad - = Unequip invisible handcuffs Numpad / = Triggers a whore job quest Plans Apart from fixing issues and polish and clean-up stuff I have the following plans Flying courtesan - do you remember Inara Serra from the TV series FireFly? I want to turn my ship into a flying brothel. You hear rumours from the Fuckbox beside yours about a family tragedy. If you manage to escape from the Neon brothel you try to rescue the family of your whoring college. Her sister was sold as sex slave to pirates. You become a slave of your follower - in memory of the good old days with Maria Eden in Skyrim. Nothing special but some humiliating jobs and obviously prostitution. You get locked into the brig of your (former) own ship... And of course some BDSM stuff when more assets are available Submitter zaira Submitted 09/18/2024 Category Missions Requirements KZ outfits, Eit Clothiers Plus, NAF, Robert S Male Body Replacer, Neon Sub-Core, Grey Animations, Skimpy Leather  
  17. zaira


    Version 0.0.7


    Player Slavery and Prostitution German voiced version Disclaimer The sex scenes are very very rudimentary and the actor adjustment is a paint in the eye - I have to figure out how to adjust objects in Starfield since the coordinate system is different from Skyrim where I gathered years of experiences - and some of the Papyrus positioning functions are broken. But I am sure that now, where I opened pandoras box, more modder will come on board to turn Starfield into an adult adventure. I wanted to continue my modding adventure with Cyberpunk 2077 since this is absolutely my preferred setting but quest modding is still almost impossible. Then I saw @ag12 Neon Sub-Core and this inspired my to give Starfield modding a try. All credit goes to the modding pioneers whose assets I use. Due to the complete lack of documentation, the complex modding of Starfield is a real challenge. And of course to Bethesda. Their decision to open up Starfield so widely to modders cannot be appreciated enough, especially when you see how little other companies care about modding. Dependencies KZ outfits - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/11471 Eit Clothiers Plus - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8473 NAF - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7360 Robert S Male Body Replacer - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6975 Neon Sub-Core - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/232741-other-neon-descent-preview/ Grey Animations - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/227285-animation-gray-animations-mod-development-examples Skimpy Leather - https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4877 Quest 1: Ask Bill in the Neon Subcore Brothel for a Job Scenes in this quest: prostitution in the fuck container public strip dancing naked hooking in the restroom of the astral lounge sleep hogtied in a sleeping crate the slave gets sold to CrimsonFleet (end of quest) Quest 2: Whore job quest - a john is spawned and approach you to ask for sex. If Maria is nearby, she will negotiate for you and also take the payment Hotkeys Using the enslaved hotkeys: Add bUseConsoleHotkeys=1 to the [Menu] section of your StarfieldCustom.ini Copy the downloaded StarfieldConsole.ini to the same location as StarfieldCustom.ini (or merge the content with your existing one) The default hotkey configuration: Numpad 0 = Toggle Submissive kneeling Numpad 1 = Toggle Sleeping on the ground Numpad 2 = Toggle Sweeping Numpad 3 = Toggle Surrender Numpad 4 = Toggle Dancing Numpad 9 = Maturbate Numpad * = Toggle Fly Cam (you should be in 3rd person view first!) Numpad + = Equip invisible handcuffs Numpad - = Unequip invisible handcuffs Numpad / = Triggers a whore job quest Currently the pose system is optional, but it will become mandatory in one of the next releases. Plans Apart from fixing issues and polish and clean-up stuff I have the following plans Flying courtesan - do you remember Inara Serra from the TV series FireFly? I want to turn my ship into a flying brothel. You hear rumours from the Fuckbox beside yours about a family tragedy. If you manage to escape from the Neon brothel you try to rescue the family of your whoring college. Her sister was sold as sex slave to pirates. You become a slave of your follower - in memory of the good old days with Maria Eden in Skyrim. Nothing special but some humiliating jobs and obviously prostitution. You get locked into the brig of your (former) own ship... And of course some BDSM stuff when more assets are available
  18. IN CASE YOU DIDN'T READ THE SPOILER: The protagonist is a 32 year-old, female Orsimer named Braka. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You walk along the road, your stomach grumbling with hunger. As you round a bend, you see a small inn in the distance. It looks run-down and in disrepair. You approach cautiously, hoping they might have something to eat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resting one hand on the hilt of my sheathed sword, I enter inside and look around. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You push open the creaky wooden door and step inside the dimly lit inn. A few patrons sit at tables, nursing drinks and eating meager meals. A barmaid with a curious gaze notices you and approaches. "Welcome to the Rusty Flagon. What'll it be?" she asks, her voice weary. Her gaze lingers on your armor and weapon for a moment before meeting your eyes again. "We don't get many visitors like you 'round here." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I huff, "I bet you don't..." I sit down at the counter, raising my hand. "An ale please... and whatever hearty you got to fill my belly." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The barmaid nods and pours you a tankard of ale from a cask behind the counter. She sets it down in front of you with a thunk. "That'll be 5 septims. As for the food, we've got some bread and salted pork, if that suits you." She eyes you warily, clearly uncomfortable with your presence. You can sense the other patrons watching you too, murmuring to each other. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Being my usual, oblivious, thickheaded self, I don't notice the discomfort in her face. I simply grab 5 septims from my pouch and put them on the counter. I smile, "I could go for just 'bout anything right now... Hit me up with something good." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The barmaid takes the coins and quickly pockets them. She returns a moment later with a stale loaf of bread and a few strips of salted pork on a wooden plate. She sets it down in front of you. "Best we got," she says with a shrug. "Not many travelers from afar come through here, like I said. We don't keep much in the way of fancy food." You can still feel the eyes of the other patrons on you as you sit there, eating your meager meal. The bread is hard and dry, the pork tough and salty. But it's food, and you're hungry, so you eat it gratefully. The barmaid lingers nearby, clearly wanting to ask you something. "So... what brings a warrior like you to a place like this?" she asks finally, her voice low. "We don't get many armed folk 'round here. Especially not your kind." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't give too much thought to why she might be asking her question and respond without much forethought. "Well... Truth be told, I've fallen on hard times. I'm looking for work." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The barmaid's eyes widen slightly at your words. She glances around, as if checking to make sure no one else can hear you, then leans in closer. "Work, you say?" she whispers. "Well, we don't have much call for fighters 'round here. Mostly just farmers and herders. But... I might know of something. If you're interested." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I take a big gulp of ale. "A job not involving manual labor or fighting... Color me curious." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The barmaid eyes you up and down appraisingly, her gaze lingering on your muscular physique. "It's nothing dangerous," she reassures you. "At least, not physically dangerous." She glances around again, then nods towards a door at the back of the room. "Meet me out back in five minutes," she says quietly. "And come alone." With that, she turns and hurries off to attend to another patron. Having dealt with the patron, she heads into the kitchen, retrieving one of her few workers to man the bar as she proceeds to head out the back door. You finish your ale and bread, wondering what kind of job she might have in mind. You slip out the back door into the cool night air, into the small, muddy yard behind the inn. The barmaid is there, waiting for you, her face seems a bit anxious as you look at her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Striking a confident pose, I cross my arms. I speak up, "So... What's this offer you had in mind?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The barmaid fidgets nervously, glancing around again as if checking for eavesdroppers. She steps closer to you, lowering her voice slightly. "It's like I said... It's not a fighting job," she says. "But it could be profitable for someone with your... assets." Her gaze flicks down to your chest and hips, then back up to meet your eyes. "There's a group of merchants coming through town in a few days. They'll be needing some... entertainment. Companionship. And they pay well for the right kind of woman." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even though I'm often thickheaded, I believe myself to understand the meaning of her words, and so, I ask the obvious question; "What kind of... entertainment and companionship?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The barmaid gives you a reassuring smile, blushing slightly. "The kind that only a woman can provide," she says, not quite meeting your eyes. "These are men who have been traveling for weeks, maybe months. They're looking for... release. And they're willing to pay well for it... Enough to set you up for a long time, if you play your cards right." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My mind struggles to comprehend the notion. Just the mere thought that a man might feel any lust for such a tall, imposing woman baffles me, let alone that anyone but an orc could love a face like my own. I chuckle slightly, genuinely amused by the strange proposition she's given me and the fact she'd even consider me given my looks. "You do realize I'm an orc? I think your eyesight might be failing you..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I know what you are," she says firmly, her voice slightly tinted by annoyance. "And I know what these men are looking for. They don't care about what you look like on the outside. They care about what you can do for them." She steps even closer, her voice dropping even further. "These men are lonely. They're desperate for a warm body to hold, a willing mouth to please them. And they'll pay handsomely for it." "You have assets that men desire..." she says, all the while looking at your body. She places her hand on your bicep, squeezing the firm muscle appreciatively. "...and the strength to handle their desires. I think you could do very well in this line of work if you're willing to submit to their whims." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I blush slightly at the thought and force the left corner of my mouth to raise up slightly in an awkward but mostly amused grin. I'm a bit weirded out by her squeezing and find it hard to believe that her idea could actually work out. "So that's it?... I bring 'em to a room and take 'em to bed?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her hand lingers on your arm a moment longer, feeling the firmness of the muscle. She nods with a glint of excitement. "Well, that's the general idea," she says. "but there's more to it than just that... You'll need to look the part... Act the part... Become what they desire." "These men want to be enticed... Seduced... Pampered." There's a calculating look in her eyes. "You'd need to learn to dance... to move your body in ways that make a man hungry... to use your assets to drive them wild with lust." She gestures to the door. "You'll perform for them... Dance for them... Show them what they're in for." She squeezes your arm again. "And once they've had a taste, they'll be more than willing to pay for a private session where you can... satisfy their every desire." You think back to the main dining-room of the inn, vaguely recalling a small stage with a thin pole as its center. You imagine yourself dancing there, moving sensually and teasing the men until they're desperate for your touch. The thought sends a strange thrill through you, even as it makes you blush. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I try to conjure up a response, I quickly realize that I'm actually enticed by the offer; a fact that weirds me out as I've never before had neither the desire nor opportunity to explore my sexuality in detail. Putting one hand behind the back of my head, I stroke myself in a nervous gesture. "I... I'll think about it," you say, your voice filled with uncertainty. "It's not exactly what I'm used to." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The barmaid smiles, pleased. "Just don't take too long... They'll be here in a few days." She turns to leave, then pauses. "Oh, and one more thing... If you do this, you'll need a name. Something... exotic." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As she disappears behind the door, I stay behind. I begin to pace back and forth, thinking about my finances and remembering just how hard it's been to find a good-paying job. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You pace in the yard, your mind racing with the possibilities. The barmaid's words echo in your head... "They'll pay well for the right kind of woman." You think of your almost empty coin purse. A job like this could set you up for a long time. You could finally afford some decent food, maybe even a place to stay that wasn't just a leaky tent in the woods. But could you really do it? Could you really sell yourself like that? Dance for these men? Tease them wantonly? Let them use your body for their own pleasure? You shake your head, trying to push the thoughts away. But the more you try not to think about it, the more the idea takes hold. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lewd imagery fills my head. Having not had such thoughts since I was in my late teens, it inspires a strange mix of fluttering, competing emotions. Even as a highly unrefined and candid woman, I have always maintained my modesty. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You shake your head trying to clear the lewd images from your mind, but they persist, growing more vivid with each passing moment. You picture the hands of men upon your skin, their mouths on your flesh. You feel their desire, their hunger, their need. And you feel a corresponding heat building within yourself, a longing for their touch, their attention, their... worship. You shake your head again, deeply embarrassed and disgusted with yourself. What are you thinking? You're not that kind of woman. You're not some cheap whore, selling your body for coin. But the thought of the coin... of finally having enough to live comfortably... of not having to scrounge and struggle for every meal, every night's shelter... it's tempting. So very tempting. You pace faster, your mind racing. You know you should refuse. You know you should walk away from this place and never look back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I open the door and discreetly make my way over to the counter. I lean onto it with my arms crossed in a most unladylike manner. I speak to the barmaid in a low voice. "Would I make enough Septims for a comfortable living? I need you to sell me on this." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The barmaid leans in close, her voice low and conspiratorial. "Enough? Honey, you could make a fortune," she says, her eyes gleaming. "These men are loaded. They're merchants, traders, nobles... They have more coin than they know what to do with. And they're willing to spend it on a night with a woman like you." "With your looks... your body... you could name your price. They'd pay it, and then some, just for a taste of what you have to offer." She smiles at you, her expression once more one of reassurance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What's the cut? I know you wouldn't let me work here for free." I pause slightly before continuing. "I'd also need to know if I need to make my own living arrangements." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The barmaid's expression shifts slightly, becoming more calculating. "We take 60%. But think of it this way... without us, you'd have no place to work, no clients to speak of. We're providing the venue, the customers, the security. It's only fair we get a share." She sees your surprise at the amount, but quickly continues on. "As for living arrangements... that's up to you." "If you want to live on the premises, we expect 85%. We would be responsible for your protection, food, water and lodging -needs, but you'd still have a few Septims on the side for your own use." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I consider both cut proposals carefully. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You consider the barmaid's words carefully, weighing the pros and cons in your mind. 60% is already a steep cut. Living on the premises, however, with an 85% cut... that's a hard pill to swallow. You'd be giving up most of your earnings, and sacrificing a great deal of autonomy. But the security and stability it would provide is tempting. You look at the barmaid, trying to gauge her sincerity, her trustworthiness. She seems honest enough, but you know she's looking out for her own interests as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I suddenly realize that this isn't actually a barmaid. This woman must be the innkeeper herself. "You're the owner of this inn, aren't you? This whole time I've been thinking you're just one of the barmaids." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The woman nods, confirming your suspicion. "You're right... I'm not just a barmaid." She leans forward slightly, crossing her arms across her ample bosom. "Name's Greta, by the way." "I'm telling you, this is an opportunity you don't want to miss... You could be rolling in coin within weeks... Enough to buy a nice little place of your own, if that's what you want." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well... That one's a lie," I say, fiddling with my coin-purse. "I'm strapped, so I'd have to take the 85% if I were to agree to your proposal." "I'd be giving up a lot of freedoms for this job, not to mention my financial independence, possibly for the rest of my life." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greta nods, her expression turning more serious. "I understand your concerns," she says. "But let me ask you this... what kind of life do you have now? Are you truly free? Or are you just scraping by, barely getting by, never knowing where your next meal is coming from?" She leans in closer, her voice low and intense. "This job... it's a chance to change all that. To have security, stability, a place to call home. You'd be giving up some freedoms, yes, but you'd be gaining so much more..." She sees the uncertainty in your eyes, the conflict. "I know it's a big decision," she says softly. "But I truly believe it's one that could change your life for the better. You just need to be willing to take that first step." Greta looks at you expectantly, waiting for your response. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stand up and walk around the room. I take in the sights, trying to determine if it's a good enough place to justify me staying here for the rest of my life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You walk around the room, taking in the sights. The inn is old and worn, but well-maintained. The furniture is sturdy, if not particularly fancy. The floors are clean, if not particularly polished. Overall, it's a decent enough establishment, if not exactly luxurious. You think about what it would be like to live here, to call this place home. To have a room of your own, a place to rest your head at night. To have meals provided, to not have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. It's a tempting prospect, especially for someone in your position. But you know that with the 85% cut, you'd be tied to this place, beholden to Greta and her establishment. You'd be giving up a lot of your independence, your freedom. You look at Greta, who is watching you closely, her expression a mix of hope and anticipation. She wants you to say yes, wants you to agree to her terms. But she's also giving you the space to make your own decision, to weigh the pros and cons in your own mind. You know she's not going to pressure you, not going to force you into anything. But she's made her offer, and she's waiting for you to decide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before heading to the counter I glance over at the stage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You glance over at the stage, imagining yourself dancing there, moving your body in ways you've never moved it before. You picture the men watching you, their eyes hungry, their desire palpable. You feel a thrill run through you at the thought, even as a part of you recoils in disgust. You look back at Greta, who is watching you closely, her expression unreadable. She knows what you're thinking, knows the internal struggle you're going through. She's been through it herself, many times over. She knows the allure of the stage, the power it can give you over men. She also knows the cost. She waits patiently for you to speak, to give her your final answer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still moving with the body-language of a mercenary for hire, I stride over to the counter and lean forward. I lower my voice so the other patrons across the room can't hear. "I... I accept." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greta's face lights up with a smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Excellent," she says, her voice still low and conspiratorial. "You won't regret this decision." She reaches under the counter and pulls out a small, leather-bound book. "This is the contract," she says, setting it down on the counter in front of you. "It outlines the terms of our agreement. Read it over carefully, and if you're satisfied, sign on the line at the bottom." She pushes the book towards you, along with a quill pen. "I'll give you a moment to review it," she says, stepping back to give you some privacy. You pick up the book and begin to read through the contract, your eyes scanning the dense legalese. It's all there... the 85% cut, the living arrangements, the terms of your employment. It's a lot to take in, a lot to commit to. But as you read, you feel a sense of excitement building within you. This is it... this is your chance to change your life, to have a better future. You know it won't be easy, but you also know it will be worth it. You look up at Greta, who is watching you with a mix of anticipation and understanding. She knows what this means for you, knows the weight of the decision you're making. But she also knows that you're strong enough to handle it, strong enough to make the most of this opportunity. You take a deep breath, then dip the quill into the inkwell. With a steady hand, you sign your name on the line at the bottom of the page. As you do, you feel a sense of finality, of commitment. This is it... you're now officially employed by the Rusty Flagon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay... What now?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greta smiles, her eyes glinting with excitement as she sees your signature on the contract. "Now," she says, "we get you ready." She reaches under the counter again and pulls out a key on a leather strap. "This is your room key," she says, handing it to you. "It's upstairs, at the end of the hall. Go on up and get settled in. Come back down in two hours after the patrons leave and we'll get you started on your training." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "T-Training," I say with a slight gulp going down my throat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greta nods, her expression turning serious. "Of course," she says. "You can't just jump right into this line of work without any preparation. We need to make sure you're ready." She sees the uncertainty in your eyes, the hint of anxiety. "Don't worry," she says softly. "We'll take it slow. We'll start with the basics... how to move, how to present yourself, how to... please a man." She sees you blush at her words, but she continues on. "It's not as hard as you might think," she says. "You have a natural gift. We just need to unlock it." She smiles reassuringly. "Go on up to your room and get some rest. We'll talk more when you come back down." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walk up the stairs, my heavy feet making low thuds as I step on each step. As I make it through the hallway I hear sounds coming from one of the rooms. Resting my ear against the door, I hear muffled moans and the squeaking of a bed. I can feel myself blush in response at the thought that that'll be me by the time my training's over. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You stand outside the door, your ear pressed against the wood, listening to the muffled sounds of passion coming from within. The moans, the creaking of the bed, the low grunts of a man in the throes of lust... it's all so foreign to you, so alien. And yet, you can't help but feel a thrill run through you at the thought of it being you in there someday, writhing beneath a man, your body his to use as he pleases. You blush deeply, your heart racing at the thought. You've never experienced such things before, never even considered them. And yet, here you are, about to embark on a journey that will lead you down a path of carnal delights and depraved pleasures. You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. You know that what you're about to do is wrong, that it goes against everything you've ever been taught. But you also know that it's your ticket to a better life, a life of comfort and security. With a final, shaky breath, you turn away from the door and continue down the hallway to your room. You insert the key into the lock, turn it, and step inside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I step into the room, I notice a chubby, naked woman passed out on one of the five beds. She's an Altmer, seemingly over 45 years of age. Her hair is long and her nipples are adorned with large rings. She's sound asleep, laying sprawled on the bed. Her snoring is even worse than that of a male orc. As I walk past her, I notice some white residue on her thighs. I chuckle to myself, genuinely amused. "She must be really bad at cleaning..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You look at the passed-out Altmer woman, your eyes taking in her nude form. She's certainly not a young woman, that's for sure. Her skin is starting to sag in places, her breasts drooping slightly, and there are a few stretch marks on her belly. But she's not unattractive, either. There's a certain... allure to her, a certain confidence in the way she lays there, naked and unashamed. You notice the white residue on her thighs, and you can't help but chuckle. "She must be really bad at cleaning," you say to yourself, shaking your head. It's a strange thing to see, but it's also kind of funny. You move past her towards the empty bed across the room, setting your bag down on it. As you start to unpack your few possessions, you hear a low moan from behind you. You turn to see the Altmer woman starting to stir, her eyes fluttering open. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hello," I say, my voice low and rough in the manner you'd expect of an orc. "I guess we'll be sisters from now on..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Altmer woman opens her eyes slowly, focusing on you. She blinks a few times, her vision coming into focus. She takes in your rough, rugged appearance, your muscular body, and the way you carry yourself like a warrior. She smiles lazily, her voice a bit husky from sleep. "Sisters, huh? I suppose we will," she says. "Though I don't think either of us is much of a sister type." She sits up in bed, not bothering to cover herself. Her breasts jiggle as she moves, and you can see the piercings on her nipples more clearly in the light. "The name's Shalena," she says. "I've been here... oh, going on four years now." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She stands up from the bed, facing you with a smile. "Well, anyway... Welcome to the Rusty Flagon." "I'm sure Greta filled you in on the details," she says, stretching her arms above her head. "85% cut, room and board included. It's not much, but it's better than starving on the streets." She looks at you, her eyes appraising your armor and weaponry. "I see you're a fighter," she says. "There's certainly men who like that sort of thing... a woman who can handle herself." She walks over to you, her hips swaying slightly. "You'll do well here," she says, patting your arm. "Just follow my lead, and you'll be swimming in no time." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "If you say so." As I remove my armor, she moves up behind me. "Let me get that for you." She begins to undo the straps on my dress, sliding it down my shoulders. I can't quite believe what's happening. "Wha-... What are you doing?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shalena pauses for a moment and gives you a look of amusement. "What does it look like I'm doing?" she asks. "I'm helping you get settled in." She continues to undo the straps on your dress, letting it slide down your muscular frame. She pulls the dress down to your waist, exposing your large, green breasts. She can't help but admire them for a moment. "Not bad," she says with a smirk. She slides the dress the rest of the way off, letting it pool at your feet. She steps back, looking you up and down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well..." I begin, moving a hand in-front of my crotch and an arm to cover my breasts, "I can't say I was quite expecting that..." It's not the first time I've ever been naked in the company of another woman, but the circumstances have changed everything. My nudity has changed from something trivial to something that's beginning to verge on the shameful. I can feel my face begin to redden as my deep, uncultured voice speaks once more, "I can't believe I actually find this embarrassing." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shalena laughs, a hearty, good-natured laugh. "Oh, sweetie," she says, shaking her head. "You're going to have to get used to being naked around here. We don't have much use for modesty in this line of work." She reaches out, guiding your arm away from your breasts. "No need to be shy," she explains. "You've got nothing to be ashamed of." She runs a finger along the curve of your arm. "In fact," she says with a wink, "I'd say you're quite the specimen." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Uhh... Thank you??" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She looks down again, admiring your form. "You're going to drive the men wild," she says. "Those big, green tits... that thick, juicy ass... they'll be lining up to get a piece of you..." She reaches out and gives your ass a firm squeeze, feeling the muscle beneath the skin. "Mmm," she purrs. Getting down on her knees, she steers your hand away from your crotch. "Let me see," she says, her voice low and sultry. "I want to get a good look at what we're working with." She looks down at your exposed privates, her eyes widening slightly. "Well, well," she says, a grin spreading across her face. "Looks like you're packing some serious heat down there. The men are going to love that." She reaches out and gently runs a finger along your labia, feeling the soft, green skin. "So soft," she murmurs. "And already so wet. You must be more excited than you're letting on." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I pant pleasurably from her careful touch. My knees close slightly in an instinctive response. "Oh... What the fuck..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shalena looks up at you, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh, don't fight it," she says, her finger still gently stroking your labia. "This is what you're here for, remember? To give pleasure... and to receive it." She leans in closer, her face just inches from your most intimate area. She takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent. "Mmm," she moans softly. "You smell divine. I bet you taste even better." She looks up at you again, her expression turning more serious. "Let me show you," she says. "Let me show you what it means to be a proper whore." With that, she leans in and places a soft, tender kiss on your clitoris. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I subconsciously sling my head back. "By the nine!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She pulls back slightly, looking up at you with a satisfied smirk. "The Nine have nothing to do with this," she says, her voice low and husky. "This is all about the pleasures of the flesh." She leans in again, this time running her tongue along your labia. She moans softly at the taste, savoring it. "Delicious," she murmurs. "Just as I thought..." She continues her ministrations, her tongue delving deeper, exploring your most intimate areas. She probes your entrance, then circles your clitoris, flicking it teasingly. As she does, she slides a finger inside you, feeling your tightness. "Oh, you're going to be so much fun," she says, pumping her finger slowly. "I can't wait to see you writhe in ecstasy." She adds another finger, then another, stretching you out, preparing you for what's to come. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm paralyzed with pleasure, unable to move as I continue to pant heavily. From time to time, a soft yet grunt-like moan escapes my brutish lips. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shalena looks up at you, a wicked grin on her face as she watches your reactions to her skilled touch. "That's it," she coaxes, her fingers pumping faster. "Let yourself feel it. Embrace the pleasure." She curls her fingers inside you, stroking that sensitive spot deep within. "I can feel you clenching around my fingers," she says. "You're getting close already, aren't you? Such a needy little slut." She scissors her fingers, stretching you further, making room for more. "Don't worry," she says, her voice low and soothing. "I'll give you what you need. I'll make you cum so hard you'll see stars." With that, she leans in again, her tongue flicking rapidly over your clitoris. At the same time, she pumps her fingers harder, faster, driving them deep inside you. "Cum for me," she demands, her voice urgent. "Cum all over my face like the wanton whore you are." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a few quick spasms, my hips buckle. My juices spill forth, coating my colleague's face. As the orgasm washes over me, I let out a heavy, labored moan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shalena looks up at you with a triumphant grin, your juices dripping down her chin. "That's it," she purrs, licking her lips. "You're a natural." She stands up, wiping her face with the back of her hand. "See?" she says, "That's what we're here for." She takes your hand, leading you to the bed. "Come." Sitting you down onto the bed, she spreads your legs open wide. Sitting down in front of you while holding one of your legs up, she positions her sex against yours. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not quit sure that this is what I really want, I try my best to interrupt her. "H-Hold on a second..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She looks at you, her expression softening slightly. "Shhh," she whispers. She leans in close, her lips brushing against yours. "I know it's a lot to take in," she murmurs. For a moment she simply stares into your eyes, not moving, not saying a word. Then, she presses her lips against yours, her tongue swirling around your own. She kisses you deeply, passionately, her tongue exploring every part of your mouth. She breaks the kiss, leaving you breathless. "Just relax," she says, her voice low and soothing. "Let me take care of you." With that, she begins to grind against you, her slick folds sliding against yours. She moans softly, savoring the feeling of your bodies coming together. "Feel how wet I am?" she whispers. "Feel how much I want you?" She reaches down, guiding your hand to where you're joined. "Touch me," she urges. "Make me cum." She grinds harder against you, her breathing becoming more ragged. "Don't be afraid," she pants. "Give in to it. Embrace it." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I flick my index against her tiny bean, eliciting a soft moan with each hit. As I look down, I feel myself get overwhelmed with emotions and a need for my own release. "T-... Touch me." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She nods, sliding her hand down between your legs, her fingers finding your most sensitive spot. She rubs it firmly, circling it, teasing it. At the same time, she grinds harder against you, her clitoris pressing against yours with each movement. The sensation is incredible, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. She leans in close, her lips brushing your ear. "I can feel you throbbing," she whispers. "I can feel how much you need it." She rubs faster, harder, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. "Cum for me," she demands. "Cum with me." With a final, hard press, she sends you both over the edge, your bodies shaking with the force of your shared orgasm. She collapses against you, both of you panting heavily. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I... I've never felt, anything like..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She smiles, a genuine, warm smile. "I know," she says softly. "It's incredible, isn't it?" She pulls you close, holding you tight. "And this is just the beginning," she says. "There's so much more to learn, so much more to explore." She pulls back slightly, looking into your eyes. "Are you ready?" she asks. "Ready to embrace your new life?" She kisses you again, softly this time. "Ready to become the sluttiest whore you can be?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I avert my eyes slightly, ashamed to say the word. "Y-... Yes." -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. Vera's pimp had called earlier that evening suggesting he be stopping by for a visit of "sorts". She exactly what was looking for and was happy to oblige her daddy. Wanting to make sure she looked good for him, Vera put on one of her skimpiest teddies and the thigh high stockings she know he liked. He wasn't there long before Vera got down to business, and Mr. Fen was more than ready to feel her tight pussy lips stretched his cock, there was a reason she was one of his most requested girls after all - her luscious tits and her pussy that could make any man leave his wife. Mr. Fen tore the skimpy piece of lingerie off her, he wanted to see Vera in all her glory. Her sweet little cunt was already glistening with her juices in anticipation. It made Mr. Fen's cock twitched to think that she wanted him so bad she was soaking within seconds.. He instantly had a mad desire to taste her cunt and lap up all the juices coming out of it. Vera's little mewling sounds of ecstasy just made his cock get even harder than it already was, the tip of his cock almost straining from the volume of blood going into it. Mr. Fen needed to plant his cock inside her NOW. Vera happily agreed. It wasn't enough though, and so with the next thrust Mr. Fen planted his cock deeply into Vera's tight little asshole. The way it gripped around his dick made him shiver, his wife's body never made him react like this which is why he liked to pay his working girls a visit almost nightly. Vera with her tight ass, and even tighter cunt, was one of his best girls and he'd be damned if he didn't get his own tastings of the goods. And then alas, all things cum to an end.. Vera was definitely left happy though,Mr. Fen will be back again another day after all...
  20. AAF HARDSHIP - beggar- whore - View File DISCLAIMER: This mod is a work of fiction. Any resemblence to people living or dead is purely coincidental. This is not a critique or commentary on poverty, RL sex work, gender issues, sexual orientation, abuse (sexual or otherwise) or any other serious social issue. This work is a fantasy designed purely for entertainment and contains content that may be disturbing to some, such as degrading language and sexual assault. This content is ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR CHILDREN. The author is not responsible for illegal alterations made to this mod after the fact, or any damage to the user's computer. If you cannot tell fantasy from reality, DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD. DESCRIPTION: In the most basic sense Hardship is a player prostitution mod, but there is a bit more to it than that. It's kind of become a general mod for roleplaying someone who is poor, desperate, and down on their luck. MY VIDEOS I made several videos describing the mod's functions and features. Be sure to click the HD icon otherwise they will look like garbage. They are best watched in the order I am presenting them here. Introduction and menu overview Begging and Prostitution Gunners and Raiders House Parties and Pimps New in 1.5 video OTHER'S VIDEOS MxR review Beggar Whore Mode: Toggling this option on activates all the interaction dialogue for this mod, as well as allowing for the detection of if you look threatening or not to Raoiders and Gunners. In general you should toggle BW mode off when doing vanilla quests, using vendors, or engaging with other mods that do similar things to Hardship. This can be done through the menu object, MCM, or a keyboard shortcut Sexual traits, history, and appearance: By equipping the menu item you can build out your character how you choose... determining things about them, from their sexual history, their sexual likes and dislikes, and whether npcs percieve them as average, very attractive, or just plain ugly. How you look affects how they treat you as well as how much you can charge! Makeup Mirror * Access the looks menu from anywhere, including editing the body without the dreaded camera bug, (See known issues for caveats) Begging: Barely managing to survive? Now you can beg for necessities like food and water... If you are pretty enough maybe they'll even throw you a few caps. Most won't help you though, and some of the ones that will, may only do so in exchange for sexual favors. Prostitution: Eventually you might get tired of begging for scraps, or doing favors for them. Then it's time to go into business for yourself selling... yourself. Make caps! Get rich, but be careful some guys just want to take it for free! To become a prostitute you can A: Just set "already a prostitute" In the sexual history menu, B: Beg until somebody offers to trade for sex, then demand caps instead or C : ask people if they know of any jobs that don't require fighting until one of them tells you that you can become a whore. Menacing Raiders: If in Beggar Whore mode, and with your weapon holstered (most) Raiders will no longer attack you on sight. Instead they'll send one out to menace you. This leads to a conversation that can end one of several ways... mostly bad... But hey... a chance is better than none. Sensible Gunners If you are in Beggar Whore mode with your weapon holstered Gunners will act much more like the paramilitary outfit they seem to be than the vicious raiders they are in vanilla. These are people you can do business with,... but don't let your guard down they are still bad guys. You can hire one to temporarily watch your back with caps or your body if they are so inclined. Pimps: There are 4 unique pimps in the mod that the player can be recruited by. They provide some protection from rape, and added opportunities for revenge against or reformation of customer rapists. They do this at the cost of taking half your earnings and punishing you if you don't earn enough. They also provide small perks such as chems, alcohol, and cigarettes when you perform well. (This is very smoking mod friendly) There are 2 male and 2 female pimps. One of the female pimps is a dominatrix who explicitly puts you in a "consensual" D/s relationship. She has unique features in that she will assign you humiliating tasks along with your basic whore duties. If the player character is male she will make you occasionally cross dress and this can lead to (if the player wants) full time sissification. ALL OF THE PIMPS require you to already be a prostitute before they'll talk to you EXCEPT B.D. He doesn't care. I can't remember if turning one trick is enough or if you need to have 5 customers. It's one or the other. Bad Boyfriend: There is an additional kind of follower who is kind of a pimp light. If solicit a rapist customer multiple times you will have an opportunity to begin an abusive relationship with them. The only benefit of this (beyond roleplaying) is that you have a simple, low feature follower that can help you in combat, who will rape and steal from you on a regular basis... However he won't take half your caps once a day like the bespoke pimps will. Addiction Dialogue: If you are addicted to Jet, Psycho, or Alcohol, and have none in your inventory, the "My prices" dialogue option will be replaced with you asking for the item you are addicted to. If the customer doesn't have any it will revert to the normal dialogue. Additionally there is a menu option which allows you to suck cock for cigarettes. This is designed for if you are using the mod: Smokeable Cigars - Cigarettes - Joints - With HardCore Auto Save To save in survival mode, as cigarettes are pretty expensive and hard to come by in the large towns. This dialogue which can be toggled on and off replaces the "No Pussy" sexual limit on women and the Male/Male special dialogue on men. Extra male Dialogue: Because males have no need for a "No pussy" limit, I used that dialogue button for special dialogue for Male/Male interactions. You can choose your orientation/attitude in the mods menu as seen in the first video. Choosing the "Denial" option allows you to roleplay a straight guy forced to service men out of desparation, and complain about it the whole time. Predator Dialogue: Use your position as a prostitute to victimize your customers with theft or murder. IMPORTANT NOTE: While enabling predator mode adds a dialogue choice to the negotiation menu for male customers... for women it is an automatic thing because there is no negotiation phase... so unless you want to assault the female customer turn off Predator mode before getting to "someplace more private". Damage/healing system: When beaten by a rapist, boyfriend, or pimp, the player may be physically injured (vanilla damage) and tagged with a keyword that tells NPCs that the player is visibly bruised. That's the main reason I added the Makeup Mirror so the player could easily and somewhat more reliably bring up the looks menu and apply appropriate bruises. Over time the damage will fade (though each beating adds one point of damage, so if you are raped and beaten by an entire raider camp it'll take many days to fade) When all damage points are depleted you will get a message saying that your bruises have faded. Unfortunately this seems to be the best possible way to do this in Fallout 4. There is also a sexual wear and tear system built in that will cause a tiny amount of vanilla damage. This is affected by lubrication. Pussy lubrication is handled by simple player choice of how aroused (or not) they are as a scene starts, while anal lubrication is handled by RNG deciding if the customer provides lube. If the player has "cooking oil" in their inventory they can offer it and that provides a better chance. Anal damage is also affected by the player's mental state. You will be offered a choice of how you feel about the situation which affect if you are able to relax or not. and if you are tense you will take extra damage regardless of lube. Companion sex: Dialogue options to offer free sex to teammates, including, including offering them/asking them to take your virginity if "virgin" is chosen in the menu. If Free sex is offered before you've whored yourself to the NPC, you will no longer have the option to whore to them. Theoretically should work with any modded followers as long as they are flagged as a teammate. Also works with hired Gunners in this mod. Mercenaries and Safe Passage integration: This mod has compatibility with my other mod Mercenaries and Safe Passage . If you have Blaze hired, (most) raiders won't menace you. It makes whoring to Raiders safe and you get slightly better payouts. If you have Sergeant Hammer hired, Menacing raiders will be more fearful of you (same with Strong and Danse), and you will be unable to beg from Gunners. "You had enough money to hire sarge! Do I look stupid"? Companions and raiders While accomponied by Vanilla human companions (or Strong) you (IIRC) Won't be raped by raiders and the dice roll is between fighting them and being let go. You can still be raped if you have Dogmeat though the chance is less. If your follower is intimidating (Strong, Danse, Sarge or Dogmeat) you get extra intimidation dialogue. There is also extra dialogue for if a Pimp is accompanying you. Also with or without companions there is always a small chance a menacing raider will just say they are going to murder you and attack. COMPREHENSIVE INSTALLATION GUIDE: NOTE: To use 1.59K with pre-existing saves from a previous version you will need to reset Hardship's main quest. In the console type help _T_DialogueQuest 4 in the console. Hit enter. Then type: Stoquest plus the id number you got from the search. Hit enter. then Startquest with the same. If it worked you'll see the message about the healing system starting up. Things to do before you attempt to install Hardship. Feel free to consult this guide along side mine for more detailed, up to date information, but still read mine for the Hardship specific details! SECTION A: Preliminaries Do everything in this section, and read everything CAREFULLY ... no excuses! Note: Order of appearance reflects the order you should install items/do things. I will number things that need to /should be installed in orange so you can easily keep track. Wherever version numbers are listed consider "or later" to be implied 0: Mod Manager: You will need a Mod Manager. There are only 2 truly modern ones. Vortex and Mod Organizer 2. Pick one and take time to learn how to use it. With AAF Mods, FILE LOAD ORDER management is extremely important. In MO2 this is handled by the load order of the folders in the left pane of the browser. In Vortex it's handled through some kind of arcane rules system. I only use Mod Organizer 2 and only have a loose handle on Vortex's operation so I obviously recommend Mod Organizer 2. 1: Enable modding in Fallout 4 Open the following file: If MO2 -> MO2 .ini editor -> Fallout4Custom.ini If Vortex -> Documents/mygames/Fallout4 -> Fallout4Custom.ini Add these lines if they aren't already there: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= 2: Build your infrastructure: 1. F4SE -- Necessary for all AAF mods, as well as looksmenu 2. Mod Configuration Menu -- Necessary for most AAF mods, including Hardship. 3: Download and install nude bodies. You will need nude bodies and some support software. Download and install the following: 3. Bodyslide -- At this point it's a good idea to learn how to use Bodyslide, as you will need it later to build the strap-on. It's an immensely useful tool for many things. It's important to do this now as it can be a bit of a learning curve learning to run bodyslide from your mod manager. 4. LooksMenu -- This is what makes the erection morphing possible. Female body -- You can skip this if you are going for the gay only install option, just be sure to turn off female raider rapists in the menu if you do. 5. CBBE or Fusion Girl (Pick one.) -- I prefer Fusion girl but there are good reasons to use either. (Note: Fusion Girl above 1.45 has ISSUES right now. Do your research) Male body -- This is necessary. While you can have female/female sex only in Hardship, it's not a very viable playstyle. 6. BodyTalk v3 -- (You don't even have to build the body yourself anymore!) or Any other EVB based body with genital morphs. 7. ZaZ-Extended-Skeleton (ZeX) 2.0 -- In MO2 or Vortex always keep this at the bottom of your left pane load order/Rule it to override any other skeletons. Necessary for all AAF mods. 4: Download and install AAF and it's requirements: 8. Advanced Animation Framework v161.1Beta or higher -- This is where the magic happens... the animation framework that makes these mods possible (We're not worthy oh dagobaking!) 9. AAF Themes (Vanilla/Kinky/Creature Theme 200831.0) -- or higher This will be required by any mod using tags 10. Leito Animations v2.0alpha -- For now just download this one animation pack. Best not to confuse things until you know what you are doing and you will need it for Hardship anyway. SECTION B: The main event. The instructions have changed A LOT so pay attention! REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION of HARDSHIP 1.5.9J If you wish to install the older version with Indarello support there is a link to instructions at the end of the guide. Completely uninstall any older version of Hardship, this will prevent conflicts with the new requirement. Install/Rule in Vortex/Left pane organize in MO2 the following in this order: 11. OPTIONAL -- Now is the time you can install more animations if you like. Animation packs that work well with Hardship (besides Leito) Are BP70 2.4 or higher Savage Cabbage 1.2.5 or higher NOTE: It is very important that you make sure these are up to date or they may cause conflicts. Soft Requirement: RufGt's animations (Necessary for Cunnilingus, and kissing found on the Atomic Lust download page. Note Hardship 1.5.9E will be the last version to require this. 12. Vioxis' Strap-Ons of Fallout 4 5.0.0 -- Needed for strapon animations 13. OPTIONAL -- For Gay (MM) Sex and Creature support: (UAP) Ulfberth's AAF Patch 2.5.30 Fix1 or higher or For Creature support without gay sex: AAF Creature Resources 1.1.3 or higher -- VERSION IS VERY IMPORTANT! Unfortunately as of his latest version UAP is no longer compatible with Hardship. Because of this, Staged Leito Plus now supports gay animations... for Leito... Yeah it super sucks. I am going to attempt to update Hardship 1.5.9 so you can at least have UAP installed (Minus the Leito XMLs) With Hardship, and still have support for animation packs other than Leito, but until I can do that UAP will BREAK Hardship. As of 1.59F You can have UAP installed, for use with other mods, but you must not install his Leito XMLs as they will cause the 30% conflict. Use Staged Leito Plus instead. 14. Staged Leito Plus Erection Fix 1.0.5 or above (Now supports Gay positions) 15. Real Handcuffs 0.4.7 or above -- This is a true Master of Hardship and RealHandcuffs.esp must be above Beggar_Whore.esp in the plugin load order! NOTE: Read the instructions carefully. If you don't you might end up with an AAF conflict. 16. Install HARDSHIP 1.5.9K with your Mod Manager (MO2, or Vortex) -Make sure any mods that physically change Hotel Rexford (Like the great Fixed Hotel Rexford) is below Beggar_Whore.esp. -It's best to start the game after the prewar. If you don't and your menu item doesn't show up you can add one with the MCM. -Hardship uses slilent dialogue so you'll need to make sure that you have both kinds of subtitles turned on in Fallout 4's settings: Enjoy... and Good luck! ----------------------------- Legacy instructions for Hardship 1.5.9B with One Patch Only, or Indarello (NOT RECOMMENDED) ----------------------------- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Stash Those Caps -- Discord link since it's been removed from Nexus. You might also try: Weighted Bottle Caps (Can be Dropped) Useful to keep from having all your caps robbed. Smokeable Cigars - Cigarettes - Joints - With HardCore Auto Save -- The best alternate saving method for Survival, and makes some of the rewards in Hardship more valuable Survival Options -- Just extremely useful in general. Also great to turn on the wait saves if you want your PC to be a non smoker. Immersive Waiting -- To make the wait saves even more useful KNOWN ISSUES/CAVEATS * The makeup mirror item is more reliable than the console command "showlooksmenu 14" It even allows you to edit the player's body without breaking the camera... USUALLY. This bug still randomly manifests every so often. I have no idea why. I feel like this happens most often when I am right outside the vault, so maybe don't do that. As always SAVE EARLY SAVE OFTEN. If you access the Makeup Mirror from the pipboy the screen will turn black until you hit Tab/Controller B button, then go into the looksmenu if it's behaving itself. If you access it from the favorites menu as is shown in the first video it will go straight into looksmenu. This is definitely the more reliable and preferred method. DO NOT use the mirror while sitting as there are repports that this will crash the game. If you have any mods that edit Hotel Rexford (such as the excellent Fixed Hotel Rexford) Place it below Beggar_Whore.esp in your load order. You will not be able to use the Rexford features with a mod that uses an alternative interior Cell for Rexford (such as possibly Depravity) The same goes for Home Plate mods. They should all be compatible so long as they use the Vanilla Cell as a base. XDI May or may not be compatible. My testing was inconclusive, but I am hearing it works fine from others. Personally I'd still recommend using the vanilla dialogue interface. This should be compatible with any player rape/abduction mods as long as you make sure that Beggar Whore mode is disabled when you are captured. It's been tested with Violate and RSE2 CSA. The menu will automatically be disabled when you are abducted in CSA, but you'll have to roleplay responsibly if using another mod You should use the hotkey surrender option, as a holstered surrender option will likely cause you to auto surrender to Menacing Raiders. IF YOU ARE PLAYING MY OTHER MOD DLYH... TURN OFF BW MODE UNTIL YOU'VE COMPLETED THE COLLAR RELATED DIALOGUE WITH ANY GIVEN NPC. otherwise you may end up with a follower you can't interact with until you get the collar off. Sometimes you will get the addiction dialogue when not actually addicted yet. This is a vanilla bug with detecting the conditional. It only happens rarely and there's nothing I can do about it. If this problem persists you can simply make sure to keep one of the items (booze, psycho... etc...) in your inventory. This mod's "healing" system works on a simple 24 hr timer with a set refresh time every day. This is perfectly sufficient most of the time but it means that if you get beaten up right before the timer turns over you will heal right away. This also applies to "The Mayor's favor". Raiders who are using furniture will not menace or spectate. Roleplay this as them being lazy and take the win. If a Raider you've never met is standing and won't menace you, they may have bugged keywords. You can use the KEYWORD RESET utility to fix them. This utility can also sometimes fix customers with bugged dialogue, but this is MUUUUCH rarer. If you are using an alternate start mod like Start me up, you may not start the game with the [SETTINGS] BW MENU item. If this happens Save and then load that save. The item will appear. Clothing dropped by Hardcore strip will be reverted to it's basic state, so you may want to turn it off if you pick up a legendary item. This issue may or may not be addressed in a future release. LEGAL/PERMISSIONS: The source code is provided for you to make personal changes, should you wish to. It is not provided for you to alter, compile and redistribute your own version of the mod. The mod, HARDSHIP is only allowed to be hosted and downloaded from Lover's Lab, under my specific user account. Plugin addons using Hardship as a master that don't interfere with my original dialogue or code are allowed... for example additional pimps. Permission is granted to anyone wanting to use the sounds I include with Hardship in their mods, with the EXPLICIT EXCEPTION of Hardship.wav and Hardship 2.wav Just a heads up to those wanting to Translate Hardship into other languages. It would be much harder than with a typical mod due to the absurd amount of dialogue and the fact that many of the messageboxes are in the scripts themselves rather than being forms in the plugin. Suffice it to say there are many good reasons why I did it this way. I also have an absurd amount of lame-ass jokes that are either references or would be just profoundly strange if translated. There is also the issue of the font formatting I did which would need to be addressed, for languages that don't use the same font set. The biggest issue is until Hardship is truly FINALIZED it would be a fools errand to undertake this. CREDITS: @DixiePig provided the the awesome slave collar added in 1.0.7. Ender Guney for tiny snippet of royalty free track I used for Hardship disable sound. THANKS: @Crazy6987 and @DocClox For getting the ball rolling @vinfamy for providing a tutorial and helping to advance FO4 sex modding @dagobaking For AAF , and for being generally helpful and all around cool @Flashy (JoeR), @EgoBallistic, and @Ulfbearth For going the extra mile to offer help @Leito86 and @SavageCabbage For their great animations and @Halstrom and @Polistiro for making them usable @Goubo @TheDriedFinger @Odessa @Mavia and many others for the mods that have inspired me over the years! @Lynx2k10 for reminding me of the Pipboy Mirror issue. @LinkDeath For fixing the Blaze/Sarge bug. @SayKoRn for the up to date install guide which I used as reference while making my Installation guide. @Saya_Scarlett for the guide that encouraged me to organize my installation instructions better. @requiredname65 for being a huge help and going way above and beyond, in helping to debug and improve Hardship @Vaultbait for running interference. Submitter Tentacus Submitted 09/16/2019 Category Dialog Sex Requires AAF, FO4 Animations by Leito, AAF Themes, Real Handcuffs  
  21. Radiant Prostitution - RMCW Edition View File This mod is a continuation of the Radiant Prostitution mod, for credits and previous authors please see bottom of page. New to the mod? Familiar with the mod? Required mods SexLab (latest version, SexLab P+ or other modern version) and all of it's requirements ConsoleUtil - google search if you don't have, it's on nexus JContainers - google search if you don't have, it's on nexus Fuz Ro D-oh - google search if you don't have, it's on nexus Consensual, non-consensual and creature animations. (creature animations only necessary for out of town jobs) Optional mods SexLab Separate Orgasm (SE | LE) This mod works best with SLSO so that your client has to have an orgasm. Simple Slavery Plus Plus If you check this mod in the outcomes in SS++ MCM, you can be bought by an innkeeper from the Simple Slavery event. Sexlab Sexual Fame (SE | LE) Mod can update your fame in SLSF. Good to use with SLSF Fame Comments to give a consequence to prostitution. Sexlab Horrible Harassment Expansion Replaced normal rape events that can trigger in the mod if installed. Recommended mods Submissive Lola This mod can be used within Submissive Lola. Whorecrux A potential bad outcome of prostitution and to give a way you can make gold as necessary while Whorecrux is triggered. Billy's animations This is a good set of animations to use as includes everything you need for all the mods quests and features. There are plenty other great animation packs available if you search about. Anubs is particularly good for aggressive animations or you will be lacking in that regard if you don't have something already. Known issues On rare occasions, the home quests can have issue where an NPC can't get to the home. On these cases reset quest in MCM. Its very rare and can't be fixed in any simple way. If you find the quest stops part way through a scene before starting SL animation, this will be the issue. See patch notes below for current known issues. Please report any issues you have. What's next? I plan to continue working on this mod. Please post if you have any suggestions and I might see about implementation. First I want to improve the orc camp quest. Then I want to add more quests. Then I might remove SL as a requirement and add toys & love support. Both will be optional mods if I do this but one will be needed to play scenes. Special thanks and appreciation To my testing hoe ( @Trash Metal Barbie ), for being a good whore and testing on LE and LE conversion. To all the previous developers who have worked on this mod. Follow the link below for credit details at top of page. For further credits and info on previous versions see: Submitter Bratty Cheeks - RMCW Submitted 08/21/2023 Category Quests Requires SexLab, ConsoleUtil, JContainers, Fuz Ro D-oh, animations Regular Edition Compatible Yes
  22. Public Whore Comments View File NEW VERSION 1.7 – Corrected naked detection. Fixed current/prior-PW-in-location comments occurring in wrong locations. Removed mod comments from Dibella faction NPCs. Conditioned some additional harsh comments on low relationship rank. This mod adds over 1300 NPC comments to Visio Diaboli's excellent Public Whore (PW) mod for more variety and immersion, including comments on current and prior PC public whore status, Dragonborn and thane status, PC race, visible cum, yokes, and other relevant conditions. Comments include a subset triggered during PC SexLab animations, as well as a set of “bump into NPC” comments. Some comments are based on PC/NPC arousal. Also includes comments for spouses of female PCs to react to their wife being used as the public whore, as well as NPC comments to public whores who are married. The mod makes no changes to PW gameplay. Comments are included for male and female PCs, though the majority are for female PCs. NPC comments on the PW's sexual activities reflect actor count, main partner gender, certain animation tags (Rough, Vaginal, Oral, Anal), and creature involvement and type (Dog or Horse). Some NPC comments are dependent upon PW MCM settings, as follows: For a female PC, if the gender preference in the PW MCM is set to “male”, female NPCs will not be potential PW clients and will have comments more sympathetic to the plight of a female public whore. If creature content is enabled in the PW MCM, NPCs will comment on the PC’s willingness to have sex with beasts. Followers will not deliver NPC comments unless followers are allowed to ‘approach’ the public whore in the PW MCM, with an exception for a spouse follower, who can always deliver custom spouse comments. If guards are not allowed to ‘approach’ the public whore in the PW MCM, they will have comments on this fact. If beggars or the elderly are allowed to ‘approach' the public whore in the PW MCM, other NPCs will have comments on this fact. If the PC is allowed to solicit customers in the PW MCM, NPCs will have comments on this fact. Comment Frequency Control: Speak to the Jarl if you want to increase or decrease mod comment frequency. Select dialogue option "About how everyone talks about me..." For comparison, the default of 70% frequency is same frequency as the default for SLSF Fame Comments. Note on Married/Spouse Comments: A female PW will be recognized as married if wearing a Bond of Matrimony ring. A PW follower will have custom spouse comments if wearing a Bond of Matrimony ring. (You can use “player.additem 000c5809 2” in the console to give yourself a set of rings.) There is no need to have a marriage ceremony at the Temple of Mara, though you will each get these rings if you do. There is a dialogue option for spouses wearing a Bond of Matrimony (during and after PW status) that allows selection of the spouse's personality type and reaction to the PC being the PW. This interaction also sets the spouse's gender for NPC comment purposes. Note on First-Person 'Thoughts': The mod can also generate first-person 'thoughts' (as notifications in upper left corner of screen), some of which have relevant animations, and are triggered by nearby NPCs as well as PC arousal levels. If unwanted, speak with any priest to make them go away, or confess to the priest that you like being the public whore, in which case they will change in character. Requirements: Public Whore https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/17026-public-whore/ Sexlab Aroused Redux LE Version - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1421-sexlab-aroused-redux-december-05-2016/ SE Version - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/96110-sexlab-aroused-redux-sse-version-29/ Optional: Voice Pack (for Version 1.1) - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/26758-xvasynth-voice-packs/ Credits: Visio for his great mod and for explaining to me how its quest variables work. blahity for dozens of great dialogue suggestions. Mister X for the voice pack. Revision History: Submitter Gristle Submitted 04/17/2023 Category Adult Mods Requires Public Whore, Sexlab Aroused Redux Regular Edition Compatible Yes
  23. Version 1.19


    Este es un port del gran mod Four-Play Sex 'Em Up de Chosen Clue al Advanced Animation Framework. Sex 'Em Up es un mod de sexo casual que permite algunas formas básicas e inmersivas de iniciar el sexo en Fallout 4 mediante el uso de teclas de acceso rápido y diálogos para pedir sexo, prostituirte, masturbarte y mucho más. Te permite a ti y a tus compañeros, e incluso a tu perro, acostaros con humanos, ghouls, synths Gen 3 y supermutantes. Si desean que traduzca algun mod en especifico favor de decirmelo y con gusto lo hare gratis (ya si me quieren donar pues no les dire que no xd) Este mod fue traducido por UNIONDOJO, y si ustedes quieren corregir los errores ya sea de coherencia o esas cosas que mencione arriba con todo el gusto pueden usar mi traduccion y modificarla. Para que el mod funcione correctamente se necesita intalar primero el mod original el cual es: Evidentemente con todos los requisitos que este pida, esos requisitos los puedes ver en el mod original, sin mas espero volver a verlos luego con mas mods traducidos para la comunidad y cualquier duda que pueda surgir con mucho gusto puedo ayudar a solucionarla, que tengan un exelente dia
  24. [AAF] M.C.G. (Extended Social Interactions) View File Magno CUM Gaudio 2.12.50 (Extended Social Interactions) A modification that covers all the basics to properly sexualize your Fallout 4. Check it also for Skyrim Legendary Edition, HERE. MOD GUIDE: HERE! MOD FAQs: HERE! FOR MODDERS: HERE! WHAT IS THIS MOD? This is a jack of all trades mod regarding sex features. Its purpose is to cover all the basics features a reasonable man or woman would want regarding sex, in a coherent, consistent, fair and balanced way gameplay-wise, the goal is to give a simple all purpose mod for sex to use as a "dressing" for your vanilla gameplay. Due to its vanilla friendly and completely modular and customizable nature it can be paired well with almost any other good mod by simply adjusting its settings accordingly but it excels when used as the only main sexual mod in your load order. The primary focus of MCG is to expand the social interactions of the player with neutral, friendly and also enemy actors... because as you surely have noticed, Fallout 4 doesn't have many non combat activities, with MCG, instead, you can rely on solid gameplay and finally pretend to live the world, socially interact with the NPCs, make friends and lovers, recruit who you want as companion, stop in bars, play and flirt with npcs, date people, fear harassment, prostitute yourself, trade in slaves and much, much more... SUMMARY OF FEATURES REQUIREMENTS: All these requirements are mandatory ALL FALLOUT 4 ORIGINAL DLCS; F4SE: HERE MCM: HERE LOOKSMENU: HERE (already a requirement for AAF) AAF: HERE. AAF THEMES: HERE. You need to install all of them, this means that you need to install the Vanilla, Kinky and Creature themes. LEITO'S ANIMATIONS: HERE. SAVAGE CABBAGE ANIMATIONS: HERE. ATOMIC LUST ANIMATIONS: HERE. OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL FEATURES: These mods are not required to be installed, but you can expand MCG features if you install them: HUD FRAMEWORK: HERE. To have widgets of your Lust, Wear and Infamy levels (you may additionally need its patch for dev_UI, if you use it). AAF FAMILY PLANNING ENHANCED: HERE. MCG will make sure you not start a pregnancy if you start a kissing/hugging or foreplaying/masturbation from MCG. Also wearing a condom from FPE will prevent MCG diseases from sexual acts; WORKSHOP SYNTH PRODUCTION: HERE. Synths built using that mod will be flirtable and enslavable at will; CREATURE PACK RELEASE: HERE. (Valid for any other creature pack for AAF). MCG natively support sex with all actors in Fallout 4, you can have sex with any race of Fallout 4, including robots, bugs, animals etc... Stats will be always calculated and if you don't have an animation for a particular race MCG will play a fade to black instead, so you can still pretend to roleplay; RSEII: CSA - COMBAT SURRENDER AND ABDUCTIONS: HERE. MCG player defeat system is integrated with the abductions from CSA, with this when the player is raped defeated you can end being abducted after the rape. AAF BAD END ANIMATIONS: HERE. When you have this mod installed you can execute submitted or enslaved npcs using these amazing animations. And in addition, if you have the MCG Player defeat (Respawn system) enabled, you can enable the execution animations also for the player when you are defeated. AAF BP70s FALLOUT4 SEX ANIMS: HERE. Vanilla chaises can be activated to have sex on them with MCG. POLISTIRO'S PATCHES: HERE. AND AAF OVERLAY PATCHES: HERE. Only CumNWealth_Patches_Base.rar should be installed of AAF Overlay Patches; MCG can apply cum effects if the relative option in MCM debug page is enabled. This system has also a fail safe that remove Cum overlays of those two mods from the actors when the magic effect finish, in case AAF or LM fail. This means that this mod can have a similar function as the mod "Wash out that cum". Generally the more animations packs, the more XMLs patches and gender support you have the better, MCG is a mod that has a very free conception of sex, basically you can do sex with who or what the fuck you want. But if you don't have the animations for the actors you are planning to do sex with, MCG will replace it with a fade to black, it's up to you to find the AAF XMLs patches and animations that satisfy your gaming needs and set MCG settings accordingly. In particular orgy animations in the MCG mod requires genderless XMLs to fully work, if you don't have them it is suggested to set MCG to avoid orgies. INSTALLATION: (Optional for better performances): Disable Fallout 4 Papyrus logging, why and how to do it in THIS POST. Make sure all the requirements are installed correctly with all their dependencie, especially AAF and its XMLs patches if you use them. Download and install MCG FO4 v2.12.50. Do not unpack the .ba2 file of MCG, if you do it you will have to follow the for modders guide, in particular you will have to pay extra attention to not overwrite other mods scripts with MCG ones. If you use any of the mods in the list in the following spoiler, you must download and install MCG Compatibility Patches v2.12.50 to patch them, so they can be used with MCG without producing conflicts. Note that if you don't have any of the mods in that list you don't have to install these compatibility patches. (Optional for no kissing and hugging poses): download and manually extract the content of the "AAF" folder inside the archive "MCG_NoKissHuggingPoses" to your Fallout 4/data/AAF directory in your PC. The files with (Optional) mark are patches for mods that are not required to be installed, they are completely optional and you could install them if you like the changes they make to the original mods, see the suggested mod paragraph below for more info; Source files and MCG_Integration_Kit are for modders only and if you are not a modder you must not install those files. Once into the game remember that MCG when loaded the first time starts completely disabled, and you can activate it when prompted by the starting pop up message or later using the "START THE MOD" button in the MCM front page of the mod. Also note that the "Respawn system", "NPC-NPC random sex system" and the "Npc Initiative (approach) system" need to be manually enabled, each of them in the MCG Option hotkey menu after you activate the mod, if you want to use them: SUGGESTED MODS: These mod are not required and they are entirely optional, these are just my personal recommendation: FULL DIALOGUE INTERFACE: HERE. It's a very well done mod which also preserve the "prompt" part of the dialogues so you can also have "Text Replacement" like knowing exactly what are you going to pay for a prostitute, or a doctor in the MCG dialogues. FDI is a superior choice over XDI, which doesn't preserve the "prompt", but both are compatible with MCG; CWSS: HERE. Optional patch available in the download section of MCG change the buffs to be less OP and make them visible in pipboy, and also add support for the big CWSS showers to be used by MCG furniture selector for sex perk to have sex on them when planning sex. (Do not use this patch if you have other mods that rely on the original CWSS like the "Get Dirty" mod). COMPANION STATUS HUD: HERE. Optional patch available in the download section of MCG limit the hud widgets to ten followers and align the widgets to the right while scaling them down to be minimal, in addition you can show and refresh them pressing the RIGHT CTRL button or hide them by long pressing the RIGHT CTRL button; LIGHT EM UP 2.0: HERE. Optional patch available in the download section of MCG reduce the duration of nicotine effects and the quantity of cigarettes and cigars to be like similar mods from New Vegas and also replace the lit cigar and cigarettes model if you drop them to the LIT one instead of the original off one and other recently additions: Custom immersive animation for when using cigarettes with MCG (The animation can be enabled in the MCM of MCG, Debug page). The animation will play if the player is not in power armor, not in combat, with weapons sheated and generally when it is not sit in any furniture or vertibird. Once started the animation can be controlled using the Right Shift key to have a smoke, drop the cigarette or put it in your mouth. The advantage over other mods is that the animation doesn't lock the player movement. Ligth2.0 cigarettes, cigars and stogies are valid to be used in the "Relax Scenario CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: HERE. It's an awesome mod by the great Flashy - JoeyR that I highly suggest to enhance your gameplay. It is also integrated with some MCG mechanics thanks to some of its optional patches that you can directly download from that mod page. LOAD ORDER: Generally is not important but if you have the following mods make sure to put them after MCG so they'll have an higher priority: RSEII: CSA; INCOMPATIBLE MODS LIST: HERE! KNOW BUGS LIST: HERE! HOW TO UPDATE THE MOD: If you are updating a save to version 2.12.50 from version down to 2.7.30 you must unistall the previous version with a mod manager. Then install the new version with the mod manager and finally once in game you must stop and restart the "Npc Initiative system" and "Respawn system" (Player defeated features) if you use them. Updating from versions lower than 2.7.30 is not possible on the same game, in that case a new game is required. MOD STATUS: The mod is officially finished feature wise. Support for bug fixing will continue if needed. At the current time I have thoroughly tested this mod in my personal gameplay and fixed all I found but this doesn't mean that this mod will run perfect for all configurations out there since mods for Fallout 4 are counted by the thousands and frankly I cannot make this compatible with all of them, so stick with the instructions, always read everything in the mod guide and the FAQs and other materials I have provided you in the long period I developed this mod. CREDITS: BETHESDA CREW; For stealing my time. THE AUTHOR OF F4SE; Because some mods will just be impossible to code without it; DOC CLOX, VINFAMY AND CHOSEN CLUE; Because they started everything about sex in Fallout 4... ASHAL: Because of the best sexual framework ever seen on this planet, and because his work on Skyrim enabled me to make MCG for Skyrim LE on which this mod is based and ported from even with all the current limitation of FO4; CRAZY, LEITO, SAVAGECABBAGE,RUFGT: for fantastic animations! DAGOBAKING: Because of the AAF. HALSTROM: for AAF THEMES! FLASHY(JOE-R): For inspiring me in start modding Fallout 4 in the first place, and for RSEII abductions system! IGNOTUM_VIRUM: for letting me check his code for inspiration! LAZY GIRL and KENTINGTON: for inspiration in the cloning code; nKALEX: for sexout unethical deeds EE (WIP)! DOCTASAX: for sexout spunk! DKATRYL: for sexlab submit! ODESSA: for sexout wear and tear! GRAYUSER: for AAF Bad End Animations mod! EXPIRED6978: for LooksMenu! POLISTRO AND RIOT_PUNCH: for human and mutant looksmenu cum overlays! KENNEDYMADEIT: for AAF XMLs Extended! VIOXIS: for "Strap-on's of Fallout 4". PRA: for "Grave Digger". LEGAL: Downloading or any form of distribution or modifications of this mod is allowed only from LOVERSLAB SITE; You can use the source code, provided under license, to do everything you want in your mod, or you can make forks, changes to this mod and even upload your own version of this mod, but: You must mention me (Anghelos92) in the credits of your mod if you were inspired or used any code from me as I did for every author that inspired or helped me with this mod; You must provide your source code in the download section; Don't allow any child porn situation in your modification, of any kind even if this is a videogame; No priority given in terms of privileged support or limited exclusive temporal distribution of newest version to eventual Patreon or Donators of any kind; If I go "AWOL" from this site for more than a month and a reasonable amount of attempts to contact me have been negative, I authorize Loverslab Staff to take ownership of this very download topic from me and give it to any maintaner(s) of good will. DISCLAIMER: I do not condone any form of violence or sexual abuse in real life. The content of this mod is purely fictional as the game "Fallout 4" which modifies. The file here presented is allowed to be downloaded only by people with the legal age of their country of origin and capable of discerning fiction (as this game and this mod) from reality. CHANGELOG Submitter anghelos92 Submitted 04/13/2019 Category Misc Sex Requires READING CAREFULLY THE INSTRUCTIONS;