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Version 0.6001
Hello Community! MSMA Sexual Journey is a mod that wants to do a LOT. Too much to cover here, but for now I am releasing only a part of it, a sex-centric gameplay mechanic called "SexFight" (working title), separate orgasms for Fallout NPCs, and a player bimbofication system with a certain degree of complexity and nuance. These are things I trust have been missing in a sexualized Fallout 4 playthrough. I do need a bit of help with gameplay balancing and testing, which is why I am releasing it early. This is the very first mod I am publishing, so I might need guidance. If I am making any noob mistakes on how I upload it, present it, or surface it, please let me know and I'll happily correct it. What you get with this release today is: 1. A SexFight mechanic - an interactive sex minigame that starts when an AAF scene involving the player starts. It is I hope, a fun alternative to defeat enemies instead of classic combat, any enemies in general but sex aggressors in particular, as one can now defeat them precisely during an AAF animation that your combat submit mod (currently AAF Violate) might play. It is a take on the classic "who overwhelms the other with more pleasure first, wins" trope. If the enemies were shagged hard enough, they will be paralyzed or dead at the end, and you shall emerge victorious, (the bad outcomes from AAF Violate are suppressed and don't happen anymore if you won). The mod tries to correctly handle the defeat consequences as well as handling the longer sequences of several scenes happening one after the other in AAF Violate, keeping tabs and deferring killing/punishing the aggressors at the end of it all, so as not to break the scenes themselves or the AAF Violate event logic. 2. A bimbofication/mind corruption functionality, (more details in the mod itself, I don't want to spoil too many surprises). You have 7 levels of bimbo to progress through, though the goal is not necessarily to attain max level bimbo corruption right away, but rather to find a balance between using the "bimboness" and not allowing it to fully corrupt you. How fast you advance depends on how much you act like a bimbo, and the depravity of the acts you subject yourself to. 3. Separate NPC orgasms, and a way to differentiate between orgasms of different quality/intensity (Underwhelming, Regular, Amazing, Mindblowing, and Galactic). How to start the mod: Start a new game, and it will kick in as you exit Vault 111. You should start talking with the mysterious scientist in the silver hazmat suit, by the big containers. You can also use it on an older save if you visit the exit of Vault 111 I think. Remember to set up your hotkeys in MCM Gameplay Premises: The premise of the minigame design was that it should ideally, if possible, be more engaging than a HUD mechanic where you play some HUD bars (like Skyrim's SLSO), but rather build in a way to encourage the player to stay more engaged with the 3D action on screen. The premise of the bimbofication framework is to support the story/comedy that I want to build, but at the same time it can just very well complement any sexualized playthrough, and use any or all animation packs one would have. The Bimbofication framework has a bit of an inflation mini-module in it, a bit of fashion module (nails, piercing, clothing) management, just enough to tie into appearance stats and sex proficiencies that have relevance for your bimbo story arc (and the Sex Fight mechanic). These mechanics are all the bedrock on top of which the story/comedy quest is being built. (The Ballad Of Schlonginius Johnson). Timeline-wise we are in the Prelude "A Dawn of Bimbos" All of this also relies for now on external art assets from other mods that I will list below, so the mod itself is tiny, as it is mostly scripts, variables and strings. Eventually, some custom art will be built and will replace the assets referenced from other mods, but for now, it is a bit of art "patchwork" Technical Premises: Detailed Mod prerequisites/dependencies follow a bit below but before that: - this is a WIP/Alpha, and while in theory, it can't break things, in reality, maybe do not use it on saves that you care about. - It works on both pre-NG and post-NG Fallout (tested with both) - should work both with the older AAF for pre-NG and the latest AAF (post-NG) - The mod is meant for a female player, and I have been building based on the Fusion Girl body replacer, but in theory, CBBE should work as well (untested with male players, not really supported). - the zip has the correct folder structure and in theory, should work if installed with a MO2 or any other mod manager. - English is not my first language, so probably typos galore - It is not voiced yet, only text. Please Activate Subtitles Prerequisites for a good experience: - Fully Working AAF installation, with at least Savage Cabbage's animation pack. - AAF Themes - NSFW Sound pack from Gray User (yes I know that for now, aggressor females make male sounds on NPC orgasms it will be addressed :D) - Skimpy Armor Keyword Resource - AAF Violate - Sex Attributes - Savage Cabbage Animations - Fusion Girl Or CBBE, - MCM - Commonwealth Moisturizer - Cum Overlays - HN66s and Xazomns French Nails for FO4 (CBBE or Fusion Girl) - Satisfactory Piercings. - Captive Tattoos. - Extended Dialogue Interface (for readability of the big explicative chunks of text, that I use until I build the actual cutscenes) - Confirm Boxes (same as above) - F4z Ro D-oh (at least until I put actual voices in) - NukaRide and most of its prerequisites - temporarily borrowing some clothing from there. If easier I can list Soft prerequisites (but might be easier just to visit Nuka Ride's page) and be amazed at JBs work Leito Animations BP70 Animations Rohzima Animations Kziitd Animations Torture Devices HN66's Easy Girl HN66's TRS F4z Roh Doh RealHandcuffs High Heel System KFT Devices Vioxis Strap-Ons. Devious Devices Up to No Good Known issues: - Sexual Harassment mod might move the two key NPCs' around (Misty and Marina). Misty is only needed there for the initial dialogue then she scampers off, but Marina needs to be findable. Will have to see what I do about that in upcoming releases. - Some alternate start mods might mess with the start condition. If you look in the 3rd party mod validation MCM page, and you see MSMA reporting thinking that it is still in the pre-bombs prelude, or still in the vault, that must be it. Will provide a manual start option in the next update. That's about it I think. I was/am heavily inspired by many other story mods, too many to mention, but if I were to pick just four great ones, Nuka Ride, Commonwealth Slavers in Fallout4, Bimbos Of Skyrim, and Sanguine's Debauchery in Skyrim, and many many others. On my short modding journey I was already helped by great people on this forum like JB, and also EgoBallistic, Dagobaking, and Kziitdt on the AAF Discord to name a few, but as I progress I will complete the list so that I DO NOT leave anyone out. Anyway, let me know if you can get it running, and what you think. Sex Fight Color codes: - NPC Flashes blue (for about 2 seconds): [call to action] They issued a sex challenge and you would better answer it. (the faster the better) - Player flashes blue (very quickly) : [status confirmation] You have successfully answered the above challenge on time. Good job! - Player flashes red: [status confirmation] You missed answering a challenge (did not see it, did not have enough AP, or some other reason). - NPC flashes Orange: [status confirmation] That NPC got to a mind-blowing-tier orgasm (and paralysis is on). They are as good as paralyzed at the end of the scene. This signaling only happens once per NPC per scene, if this is a scene with more actors, you need to pay attention to keep track of who is 'cooked' and who is not. - NPC flashes red: [status confirmation] They got a Galactic Orgasm (and death by orgasm is on in the settings). This signaling too only happens once per NPC per scene, you need to pay attention). They are as good as dead at the end, if this scene involves more actors you can focus on others now. - Player flashes Green: [status confirmation] You pressed the action button outside of a valid NPC challenge, you are now consuming some AP to reduce your pleasure and avoid getting overwhelmed. - Player Flashes Yellow: [status confirmation] You tried to reduce your pleasure but did not have enough AP to do so effectively, it barely produced a small effect on your arousal - still better than nothing. PS: Here is the structure of the larger story, in case you want to know Prologue: A Dawn of Bimbos Where you learn that while you were out in your cryopod a lot more has happened, you’ve been saddled with a brain implant device, of extra-planar origin that changes your whole take on the world in general (and love and sex in particular). [The purpose is to polish and fine-tune the new mechanics, that will carry the story forward not much of a story yet] Tome1: Ballad of Schlonginius Johnson Where you join Schlonginius Johnson’s team of misfits, as he tries to rebuild his glorious dildo-making facility and grow an entire town around it, where you (why not) might even settle down once more, meet someone new, and have a new family. And be happy with your family (or get bored of the mundanity of it all and cheat on your husband with the well-hung milkman). Tome 2: The Rise of the Cockubots Where the new town you've worked so hard to create is threatened by a mysterious faction of seemingly indestructible synths, the Cockubots. Your only chance to stop them and control them? Somehow involves the Machinists’ manufacturing facilities (now called the Masochist and heavy into BDSM) and subverting the cockubots to your control. Tome 3: The day of “O” When the world is attacked by Zetans, and their plan is to build a towering mind-controlling device, that aims to make everyone climax uncontrollably until they submit to alien rule. The only hope for anyone is for the world to band together against this new threat, under the dildo maker’s.. umm.. banner, let's call it a banner. Really, the only ones who have a shot are your faction and your newly acquired cockubot army. Epilogue. “Fancy a smoke?” - Mistery-
- bimbofication
- bimbo
(and 5 more)
Tagged with:
View File Mark of Arkay - Death Alternative Mark of Arkay - Death Alternative When you lose all or a chosen percent of your health, a Menu will appear and asks you which one of these items you want to trade to restore your health. If you don't have enough items or choose nothing from the menu, depending on the settings, you either die, respawn or the game will exit to the main menu. Arkay mark: a dark stone which can be found in the loot. Filled grand soul gem Filled black soul gem Dragon soul Gold Update from versions older than 3.37 requires a New Game. Only v1.6.1170 of the game is supported. OStim Standalone must be updated If using version 7.3.3 You can disable or change the required amount for each item in the MCM menu, or set it to zero for cheating. If you don't want to see the menu, you can disable it and trade items automatically, based on their priority. When the menu is disabled, items with higher priority will be removed first. If two or more items have the same priority, one of them will be picked randomly. You can change their priority and other settings from the MCM menu. You can revive yourself without trading by using one of these Items: Scroll of revival: If you cast it, you will be revived automatically for one minute. Scroll of sacrifice: If you cast it on an NPC that satisfies its conditions, that NPC will die instead of you for 30 secs. Healing Potion: When your health drops to zero, You have 6 seconds to open your inventory and revive yourself with healing potions. Spell versions of the scroll of revival and sacrifice are in a chest at Falkreath's hall of the dead. They can be used by the player once per day. You can decide to lose some or all of your items before respawning. If you enable this option, you can take back your items by activating your soul mark (Grand soul gem or Player character's dead body) or you can revive yourself by sacrificing someone with the sacrifice spell. Instead of activating the soul mark, there is an option to send your items to a boss chest or retrieve your items by killing a nearby enemy or a spawned one. You can also toggle losing your items permanently whenever you respawn before finding them. If you don't trade, other than losing items from your inventory, these outcomes could happen before respawning: Disease: you'll be infected by a random vanilla disease that gets worse with each respawn. Skill: you lose some of your skills or experience (Probably not compatible with mods like “Skyrim Skill Uncapper”). Silence: you can't talk to NPCs or shout. Ghost: You'll become a ghost and NPCs will attack you on sight. Arkay's curse: 50% worse prices, 50% harder persuasion & intimidation, 25 points lower Health, Stamina and Magicka. Slavery: You'll be sold into slavery (Requires the Simple Slavery ++ mod). Dreamworld: If SD+ is installed, after visiting it, you could be sent to the dreamworld. Rape: Requires either SexLab, OStim Standalone or Flower Girls to be installed. Prison: When you have a bounty and a guard is nearby. Respawn points can be set to one of these locations: Inn Hall of the dead Last place player slept The throat of the World A custom place chosen by mark spell. Checkpoint: which is a close location that you visited. Nearby: Similar to checkpoints, but it could send you to a map marker in the current hold. Mark and recall spells could also be used for travel, either free or in exchange for arkay marks. On the debug page if Information is enabled, currently lost items can be viewed by clicking on their numbers on the right side (Requires UIExtensions). Some MCM settings can be locked from the debug page. You can set a maximum number of respawns, After reaching that number of respawns, if you don't have any items for revival, you'll die. Also, you can make it a permanent death (Requires PapyrusUtil) and prevent yourself from loading saves from that character after using all allowed respawns. MCM settings can be saved\loaded with FISSES. Hard Requirements SKSE SkyUI UIExtensions Address Library for SKSE Plugins Soft Requirements FISSES SexLab OStim SA Flower Girls PapyrusUtil Simple Slavery ++ Scrab's Papyrus Extender Powerofthree's Papyrus Extender CrosshairRefEvents script hang fix Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ SkyPatcher (Requires for the 2 patches. For patched container version, iAllowLeveledListsAddedToContainers in Skypatcher.ini should be set to 1) Compatibility This mod should be compatible with almost anything, except mods that do the same thing or remove the essential flag from the player. List of known conflicting mods: Death Alternative – Your Money or Your Life SexLab Defeat: If Bleedout is enabled. SkyTweak: If Bleedout is enabled on the Scripts page. VioLens - A Killmove Mod: Either place this mod lower than Violens in your load order or enable 'Player KillMove immunity' in its MCM Menu. Survival Mod: You can't revive/respawn after freezing to death, but it can be disabled by installing Conner's Survival Mode and disabling “Death From Cold” from the MCM menu. If you use ENB and don't see the fade-to-black effect before respawn, check this link: Installation Copy files to Skyrim data directory. Start the game and change the setting from the mcm menu. If you have other mods that change the level list, create a Bashed Patch with Wrye Bash or a Smashed Patch with Mator Smash. Uninstallation make sure you are not in Falkreath's hall of the dead. Stop the mod, remove its files (if you don't stop it, your character remains essential), rebuild your Bashed Patch, and then use a Save cleaner like this to remove its scripts from your save file. Credits SKSE Team Creators of SkyUI Saerileth for Arkay mark model and texture Links Video (Old) GitHub Page moaUtil Source Images Submitter mort65 Submitted 07/27/2022 Category Regular Mods Requirements SKSE, SkyUI, UIExtensions Regular Edition Compatible
MSMA Sexual Journey, Prelude,(alpha):Sex Fight Gameplay & General Bimbofication View File Hello Community! MSMA Sexual Journey is a mod that wants to do a LOT. Too much to cover here, but for now I am releasing only a part of it, a sex-centric gameplay mechanic called "SexFight" (working title), separate orgasms for Fallout NPCs, and a player bimbofication system with a certain degree of complexity and nuance. These are things I trust have been missing in a sexualized Fallout 4 playthrough. I do need a bit of help with gameplay balancing and testing, which is why I am releasing it early. This is the very first mod I am publishing, so I might need guidance. If I am making any noob mistakes on how I upload it, present it, or surface it, please let me know and I'll happily correct it. What you get with this release today is: 1. A SexFight mechanic - an interactive sex minigame that starts when an AAF scene involving the player starts. It is I hope, a fun alternative to defeat enemies instead of classic combat, any enemies in general but sex aggressors in particular, as one can now defeat them precisely during an AAF animation that your combat submit mod (currently AAF Violate) might play. It is a take on the classic "who overwhelms the other with more pleasure first, wins" trope. If the enemies were shagged hard enough, they will be paralyzed or dead at the end, and you shall emerge victorious, (the bad outcomes from AAF Violate are suppressed and don't happen anymore if you won). The mod tries to correctly handle the defeat consequences as well as handling the longer sequences of several scenes happening one after the other in AAF Violate, keeping tabs and deferring killing/punishing the aggressors at the end of it all, so as not to break the scenes themselves or the AAF Violate event logic. 2. A bimbofication/mind corruption functionality, (more details in the mod itself, I don't want to spoil too many surprises). You have 7 levels of bimbo to progress through, though the goal is not necessarily to attain max level bimbo corruption right away, but rather to find a balance between using the "bimboness" and not allowing it to fully corrupt you. How fast you advance depends on how much you act like a bimbo, and the depravity of the acts you subject yourself to. 3. Separate NPC orgasms, and a way to differentiate between orgasms of different quality/intensity (Underwhelming, Regular, Amazing, Mindblowing, and Galactic). How to start the mod: Start a new game, and it will kick in as you exit Vault 111. You should start talking with the mysterious scientist in the silver hazmat suit, by the big containers. You can also use it on an older save if you visit the exit of Vault 111 I think. Remember to set up your hotkeys in MCM Gameplay Premises: The premise of the minigame design was that it should ideally, if possible, be more engaging than a HUD mechanic where you play some HUD bars (like Skyrim's SLSO, not that there's anything wrong with that SLSO is great, I just want to try something different), but rather build in a way to encourage the player to stay more engaged with the 3D action on screen. The premise of the bimbofication framework is to support the story/comedy that I want to build, but at the same time it can just very well complement any sexualized playthrough, and use any or all animation packs one would have. The Bimbofication framework has a bit of an inflation mini-module in it, a bit of fashion module (nails, piercing, clothing) management, just enough to tie into appearance stats and sex proficiencies that have relevance for your bimbo story arc (and the Sex Fight mechanic). These mechanics are all the bedrock on top of which the story/comedy quest is being built. (The Ballad Of Schlonginius Johnson). Timeline-wise we are in the Prelude "A Dawn of Bimbos" All of this also relies for now on external art assets from other mods that I will list below, so the mod itself is tiny, as it is mostly scripts, variables and strings. Eventually, some custom art will be built and will replace the assets referenced from other mods, but for now, it is a bit of art "patchwork" Technical Premises: Detailed Mod prerequisites/dependencies follow a bit below but before that: - this is a WIP/Alpha, and while in theory, it can't break things, in reality, maybe do not use it on saves that you care about. - It works on both pre-NG and post-NG Fallout (tested with both) - should work both with the older AAF for pre-NG and the latest AAF (post-NG) - The mod is meant for a female player, and I have been building based on the Fusion Girl body replacer, but in theory, CBBE should work as well (untested with male players, not really supported). - the zip has the correct folder structure and in theory, should work if installed with a MO2 or any other mod manager. - English is not my first language, so probably typos galore - It is not voiced yet, only text. Please Activate Subtitles Prerequisites for a good experience: - Fully Working AAF installation, with at least Savage Cabbage's animation pack. - AAF Themes - NSFW Sound pack from Gray User (yes I know that for now, aggressor females make male sounds on NPC orgasms it will be addressed :D) - Skimpy Armor Keyword Resource - AAF Violate - Sex Attributes - Savage Cabbage Animations - Fusion Girl Or CBBE, - MCM - Commonwealth Moisturizer - Cum Overlays - HN66s and Xazomns French Nails for FO4 (CBBE or Fusion Girl) - Satisfactory Piercings. - Captive Tattoos. - Extended Dialogue Interface (for readability of the big explicative chunks of text, that I use until I build the actual cutscenes) - Confirm Boxes (same as above) - F4z Ro D-oh (at least until I put actual voices in) - NukaRide and most of its prerequisites - temporarily borrowing some clothing from there. If easier I can list Soft prerequisites (but might be easier just to visit Nuka Ride's page) and be amazed at JBs work Leito Animations BP70 Animations Rohzima Animations Kziitd Animations Torture Devices HN66's Easy Girl HN66's TRS F4z Roh Doh RealHandcuffs High Heel System KFT Devices Vioxis Strap-Ons. Devious Devices Up to No Good Known issues: - Sexual Harassment mod might move the two key NPCs' around (Misty and Marina). Misty is only needed there for the initial dialogue then she scampers off, but Marina needs to be findable. Will have to see what I do about that in upcoming releases. - Some alternate start mods might mess with the start condition. If you look in the 3rd party mod validation MCM page, and you see MSMA reporting thinking that it is still in the pre-bombs prelude, or still in the vault, that must be it. Will provide a manual start option in the next update. That's about it I think. I was/am heavily inspired by many other story mods, too many to mention, but if I were to pick just four great ones, Nuka Ride, Commonwealth Slavers in Fallout4, Bimbos Of Skyrim, and Sanguine's Debauchery in Skyrim, and many many others. On my short modding journey I was already helped by great people on this forum like JB, and also EgoBallistic, Dagobaking, and Kziitdt on the AAF Discord to name a few, but as I progress I will complete the list so that I DO NOT leave anyone out. Anyway, let me know if you can get it running, and what you think. Sex Fight Color codes: - NPC Flashes blue (for about 2 seconds): [call to action] They issued a sex challenge and you would better answer it. (the faster the better) - Player flashes blue (very quickly) : [status confirmation] You have successfully answered the above challenge on time. Good job! - Player flashes red: [status confirmation] You missed answering a challenge (did not see it, did not have enough AP, or some other reason). - NPC flashes Orange: [status confirmation] That NPC got to a mind-blowing-tier orgasm (and paralysis is on). They are as good as paralyzed at the end of the scene. This signaling only happens once per NPC per scene, if this is a scene with more actors, you need to pay attention to keep track of who is 'cooked' and who is not. - NPC flashes red: [status confirmation] They got a Galactic Orgasm (and death by orgasm is on in the settings). This signaling too only happens once per NPC per scene, you need to pay attention). They are as good as dead at the end, if this scene involves more actors you can focus on others now. - Player flashes Green: [status confirmation] You pressed the action button outside of a valid NPC challenge, you are now consuming some AP to reduce your pleasure and avoid getting overwhelmed. - Player Flashes Yellow: [status confirmation] You tried to reduce your pleasure but did not have enough AP to do so effectively, it barely produced a small effect on your arousal - still better than nothing. PS: Here is the structure of the larger story, in case you want to know Prologue: A Dawn of Bimbos Where you learn that while you were out in your cryopod a lot more has happened, you’ve been saddled with a brain implant device, of extra-planar origin that changes your whole take on the world in general (and love and sex in particular). [The purpose is to polish and fine-tune the new mechanics, that will carry the story forward not much of a story yet] Tome1: Ballad of Schlonginius Johnson Where you join Schlonginius Johnson’s team of misfits, as he tries to rebuild his glorious dildo-making facility and grow an entire town around it, where you (why not) might even settle down once more, meet someone new, and have a new family. And be happy with your family (or get bored of the mundanity of it all and cheat on your husband with the well-hung milkman). Tome 2: The Rise of the Cockubots Where the new town you've worked so hard to create is threatened by a mysterious faction of seemingly indestructible synths, the Cockubots. Your only chance to stop them and control them? Somehow involves the Machinists’ manufacturing facilities (now called the Masochist and heavy into BDSM) and subverting the cockubots to your control. Tome 3: The day of “O” When the world is attacked by Zetans, and their plan is to build a towering mind-controlling device, that aims to make everyone climax uncontrollably until they submit to alien rule. The only hope for anyone is for the world to band together against this new threat, under the dildo maker’s.. umm.. banner, let's call it a banner. Really, the only ones who have a shot are your faction and your newly acquired cockubot army. Epilogue. “Fancy a smoke?” - Mistery Submitter MSM_Alice Submitted 02/04/2025 Category Sexual Content
- 58 replies
- bimbofication
- bimbo
(and 5 more)
Tagged with:
Version 3.59
Mark of Arkay - Death Alternative When you lose all or a chosen percent of your health, a Menu will appear and asks you which one of these items you want to trade to restore your health. If you don't have enough items or choose nothing from the menu, depending on the settings, you either die, respawn or the game will exit to the main menu. Arkay mark: a dark stone which can be found in the loot. Filled grand soul gem Filled black soul gem Dragon soul Gold Update from versions older than 3.37 requires a New Game. Only v1.6.1170 of the game is supported. OStim Standalone must be updated If using version 7.3.3 You can disable or change the required amount for each item in the MCM menu, or set it to zero for cheating. If you don't want to see the menu, you can disable it and trade items automatically, based on their priority. When the menu is disabled, items with higher priority will be removed first. If two or more items have the same priority, one of them will be picked randomly. You can change their priority and other settings from the MCM menu. You can revive yourself without trading by using one of these Items: Scroll of revival: If you cast it, you will be revived automatically for one minute. Scroll of sacrifice: If you cast it on an NPC that satisfies its conditions, that NPC will die instead of you for 30 secs. Healing Potion: When your health drops to zero, You have 6 seconds to open your inventory and revive yourself with healing potions. Spell versions of the scroll of revival and sacrifice are in a chest at Falkreath's hall of the dead. They can be used by the player once per day. You can decide to lose some or all of your items before respawning. If you enable this option, you can take back your items by activating your soul mark (Grand soul gem or Player character's dead body) or you can revive yourself by sacrificing someone with the sacrifice spell. Instead of activating the soul mark, there is an option to send your items to a boss chest or retrieve your items by killing a nearby enemy or a spawned one. You can also toggle losing your items permanently whenever you respawn before finding them. If you don't trade, other than losing items from your inventory, these outcomes could happen before respawning: Disease: you'll be infected by a random vanilla disease that gets worse with each respawn. Skill: you lose some of your skills or experience (Probably not compatible with mods like “Skyrim Skill Uncapper”). Silence: you can't talk to NPCs or shout. Ghost: You'll become a ghost and NPCs will attack you on sight. Arkay's curse: 50% worse prices, 50% harder persuasion & intimidation, 25 points lower Health, Stamina and Magicka. Slavery: You'll be sold into slavery (Requires the Simple Slavery ++ mod). Dreamworld: If SD+ is installed, after visiting it, you could be sent to the dreamworld. Rape: Requires either SexLab, OStim Standalone or Flower Girls to be installed. Prison: When you have a bounty and a guard is nearby. Respawn points can be set to one of these locations: Inn Hall of the dead Last place player slept The throat of the World A custom place chosen by mark spell. Checkpoint: which is a close location that you visited. Nearby: Similar to checkpoints, but it could send you to a map marker in the current hold. Mark and recall spells could also be used for travel, either free or in exchange for arkay marks. On the debug page if Information is enabled, currently lost items can be viewed by clicking on their numbers on the right side (Requires UIExtensions). Some MCM settings can be locked from the debug page. You can set a maximum number of respawns, After reaching that number of respawns, if you don't have any items for revival, you'll die. Also, you can make it a permanent death (Requires PapyrusUtil) and prevent yourself from loading saves from that character after using all allowed respawns. MCM settings can be saved\loaded with FISSES. Hard Requirements SKSE SkyUI UIExtensions Address Library for SKSE Plugins Soft Requirements FISSES SexLab OStim SA Flower Girls PapyrusUtil Simple Slavery ++ Scrab's Papyrus Extender Powerofthree's Papyrus Extender CrosshairRefEvents script hang fix Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ SkyPatcher (Requires for the 2 patches. For patched container version, iAllowLeveledListsAddedToContainers in Skypatcher.ini should be set to 1) Compatibility This mod should be compatible with almost anything, except mods that do the same thing or remove the essential flag from the player. List of known conflicting mods: Death Alternative – Your Money or Your Life SexLab Defeat: If Bleedout is enabled. SkyTweak: If Bleedout is enabled on the Scripts page. VioLens - A Killmove Mod: Either place this mod lower than Violens in your load order or enable 'Player KillMove immunity' in its MCM Menu. Survival Mod: You can't revive/respawn after freezing to death, but it can be disabled by installing Conner's Survival Mode and disabling “Death From Cold” from the MCM menu. If you use ENB and don't see the fade-to-black effect before respawn, check this link: Installation Copy files to Skyrim data directory. Start the game and change the setting from the mcm menu. If you have other mods that change the level list, create a Bashed Patch with Wrye Bash or a Smashed Patch with Mator Smash. Uninstallation make sure you are not in Falkreath's hall of the dead. Stop the mod, remove its files (if you don't stop it, your character remains essential), rebuild your Bashed Patch, and then use a Save cleaner like this to remove its scripts from your save file. Credits SKSE Team Creators of SkyUI Saerileth for Arkay mark model and texture Links Video (Old) GitHub Page moaUtil Source Images -
Tints of a Succubus' secret desires View File Aren't there already three succubus mods on this site? No, there were four (arguably five)! Now there is one more. WARNING: This mod is in early alpha. Do not use it on a serious save. I'm pretty sure it's safe, at least for now. My motivation for making this mod Most of the sex mods in my mod list fall into 2 categories: Penalty from sex or Bonus from Sex. Bimbos of Skyrim, Cum Addiction, love sickniss etc. are penalties for having sex and the various Prostitution mods and other succubus mods are Bonus from Sex. This mod is also in the bonus from sex category, but focuses on "penalty from not having sex". Like most mods that "encourage" having sex through are either power fantasy, money or addiction based. This is more of a needs mod. Gameplay The idea behind this mod is to add a succubus feel to the game which doesn't interrupt gameplay that much. This mod does not have a large mcm, it instead has large menus from the B612 mod. It also features 4 perk trees and a succubus skill rank system. As a succubus, you can't regenerate health normally, and you can't regenerate stamina or magicka below 0 energy. At -100 energy you can no longer converse with people and die to the smallest attacks. You lose energy over time and when you climax, and regain energy when partners climax, depending on the time they last had sex with you and your chosen traits. You will not be able to drain immortal npcs as they taste bad :P. Things in [brackets] aren't implemented yet but planned. Gain Energy gives Energy back and Succubus XP, refresh Energy only gives energy back and losing Energy does not decrease XP. Just bind the "All in one" key in the MCM and press it to start the mod. Tints of Succubi Crimson - Your standard Succubus experience. Scarlet - You are fueled by love, not lust. You gain more energy from a partner that loves you, but you lose more energy on climaxing with partners that don't Pink - Pursuing new things is your drive. You gain more energy from climaxing partners that climax with you for the first time, you lose more energy from climaxing with a partner you have been with before. Sundown - Your transformation was not complete. You are only a half-succubus. You gain less energy and lose more. You cannot reach below 0 Energy. Mahogany - Without risk, there is no fun... You do not lose energy while climaxing form being raped, you lose more otherwise. At minimum energy, you enter Predator mode, forcing yourself on the first person you talk to, draining them to death. (Hmm, as there are already daedra focused ones, why not make this one aedra focused? So Akatosh, Mara, Dibella, Stendarr?) Requirements Sexlab P+ MCM Helper B612 - my little asteroid of useful UI components Sexlab aroused (or some other version) iWant Widgets Custom Skills Framework Extended Vanilla Menus Slavetats Optional Integrations Tullius Eyes SLSF Reloaded Background This mod started as a "Hey, I really want to play with one of the succubus mods, but most of them haven't updated in quite a while. Guess I'll make one myself!" Then 2 of them updated. So I am releasing this alpha version now, just to increase the amount of those mods this week. Github Link No artists were harmed in the making of this mod. I used AI-generated images for the succubi! The other succubus mods: Children of Lilith PlayerSuccubusQuest Succubus Heart SexLab Hormones SE Changelog 0.02.03 The Debug update! Added Debug mcm options to tweak every spell magnitude and duration, add or remove perks and to change all the globals. Sundown bugfixes 0.02.02 Bugfixes to perks added passive energy perk added SLSFR integration 0.02.01a bugfixes to perks and abilities 0.02.00 Big update, added 6 abilities that cost energy to use, changed drain logic to actually use Gentle Drain as a concept Look for prey now costs energy if you find hostile npcs Added an "invitation" ability Added different starting abilities 0.01.0x Added backwards compatibility with 1.5.97 and legacy sexlab No idea if it works tho legacy sexlab has SLSO Requirement, probably Added some thought variation, you can edit them yourself if you want to! Added synergy between Razzmatazz and Cupid Your succubus now only gathers energy passively from people around them when below 50 energy. added jcontainers integration some bug fixes custom skill framework working again bugfixes with scene ending logic fixed hourly energy loss removed debug scarlet energy refresh The mod is now barely playable! Added cosmetic setting menu Fixed some issues with the traits logic again Submitter Just4someMods Submitted 01/09/2025 Category WIP / Beta Requirements Sexlab P+ MCM Helper B612 - my little asteroid of useful UI components SLA iWant Widgets Custom Skills Framework Regular Edition Compatible No
View File Project Sugar Cake (SCake) [Animation and Stat Framework] (_) Project Sugar Cake - Palworld Sex and Stats Framework (_) Created and Maintained by : Michael "Spirit Shard" Stanich Discord - The Broken Chatbox - Website - TBC Thread - v (Donations! =^-^=) v SubscribeStar - (_) What is Sugar Cake? (SCake for short) (_) Project Sugar Cake is a sex animation and gameplay stats framework for Palworld focused on providing the baseline for adult content in Palworld. SCake allows animators to import their animations into Palworld, then animators and users can use those individual animations to create Animation Events (effectively entire scenes) for customized playback of complex animations. (More on this below) SCake also adds additional stat tracking to create dynamic stats that don't fit within the game's native structure (such as some naughty stats ^.-). < - > Self Promotion < - > I'm never really great at asking for donations, but if you never mention it people may not even know about it! So here I am, letting you know I have a SubscribeStar! - (SCake is completely free with no paywalls, but Subscribers do get a special role on Discord and other benefits regarding other projects of mine!) If you can't help support the project financially, that's ok! I appreciate any little bit of help, whether that's just in giving feedback and bug reports, or by just sending a politely worded message! (_) Notice! (_) All versions of Project Sugar Cake from 0.5 DEV forward will require UniPalUI! SCake uses UniPalUI for the UI and input handling, without it technically SCake can still play animations and function but you may lack any meaningful way to customize or trigger animations depending on your configuration, and you won't get the on-screen adjustment UI and customizations or FreeCam support... (Just get UniPalUI ^-^ - (_) Known Critical Issues (_) Triggering animations isn't tested in every possible scenario, so if you start animations in weird conditions stuff may break! If you find something that breaks with anims, please report it so a work-around/fix/validation can be made for it! (_) Features List (_) <> Custom Animation Player - - > A fully custom Animation Player built with erotic animations in mind. The system allows animators and scene creators to define stages with automatic climax and post climax support. Users get access to various advanced settings to customize their experience with SCake to their preference! <> Custom JSON importer for Animations - - > Project Sugar Cake features a fully customizable and dynamic way to import animations through JSON files which both animators and users can fully customize in any plain text editor! Create either simple Animation Events with easy to understand data, or go full scene master with advanced settings and crazy potential! (You can even share your customized events by sharing your own JSON file with others, all without ever needing to animate!) <> Integrations with UniPalUI for Custom UI, Input, and FreeCam - - > Uses UniPalUI to implement a simple to use user interface for customizing settings and adjusting animations while also using UniPalUI's input functions for easy debug controls and FreeCam during animations! Also comes with a set of custom UI elements specifically tailored for SCake and its functions! <> Pal Stat Tracking - - > Tracking for custom stats that can be used either by animations or through external mods using the SCake SDK called modules! SCake handles the rising/lowering and tracking without requiring any input from the user! <> Additional Genders System - - > While Palworld may only have Male/Female internally, with SCake's additional tracking and systems we can register more! Project Sugar Cake extends gender support and allows users to configure different spawn rates for the custom genders and animations are configured with sexual bits in mind, not 'male/female' locks, which allows you to install some lovely futa mods and have them recognize as such within SCake! <> Preference Settings - - > May not sound like a big deal at first, but let's say you're not into a specific kind of animation or combination? Instead of having to sift through all your animations and manually disable/remove them, instead you can change your preference settings to block certain anims from playback! <> Full Persistence - - > SCake has its own save system for additional data unique to the mod! These saves are in .json format (so you can edit them externally) and save per-world save, so you can have different settings per-world! You can also use "AdjustProfiles" to customize how characters position during animations, and since these save as a JSON file like other saved data, they persist and are share-able! <> Oh, did I mention this is a Framework? We have an API and SDK! - - > Provided along-side SCake is the SCake SDK as well as documentation on the various functions you can call within SCake. This allows you to create modules for SCake through Blueprints with all the powers UE5 provides! (Requires the Palworld Modding Kit for all functions to work properly) (_) Inputs (_) SCake uses UniPalUI for input handling, so UniPalUI must be installed to use keybinds and the menu! With the default bindings for UniPalUI v0.1DEV, use Shift+Y to open the menu and select "Project Sugar Cake" using the mouse to edit settings and preferences. ("With Debug" means "Enable Debug Controls" is enabled in settings, this is currently enabled by default until more gameplay mods are made) Default Key Bindings... Shift+Y : Open UniPalUI menu for setting/preference adjustments Shift+K : View/control target's playing Animation Event Hold Shift+K : View/Control summoned pal's playing Animation Event R while viewing anim : Open Animation Adjust/Control Menu (Use Shift+K to start viewing a non-player involved anim) J : Touch Self --- Debug Controls (Currently enabled by default) --- J with Debug : Select Self for Animation Hold J with Debug : Touch Self G with Debug : Select target for animation Hold G with Debug : Select summoned pal for animation H with Debug : Clear selected animation targets Hold H with Debug : start animation with selected targets Shift+[ with Debug : Increase Sex Heat of targets Shift+] with Debug : Decrease Sex Heat of targets (_) How to install the SCake framework (_) Note : When SCake is installed and running, a notification will show up on the left part of the game screen, saying it's either installed (title screen) or running (in-game). Use this to determine if the mod has been installed correctly. - Download both Project Sugar Cake and UniPalUI, then unzip the archives and from inside the folder for your platform, copy LogicMods and ~mods folder into "[Palworld Install]/Pal/Content/Paks" - In the ~mods folder, enter the "AnimJSON" folder and run the "__Create_Load_List__.bat" file to auto-fill the load list (You'll need to run this any time you install new animation .json files) [ + If the .bat file fails to run or says "Access Denied" you can try moving the entire AnimJSON folder to your desktop, running the .bat file, then placing it back. Remember to check if it actually filled the _LoadList.json with the .json names. If it still failed you'll just have to enter in the .json file name for each animation pack you have installed manually into the _LoadList.json in JSON format (so like "AnimPak1","AnimPak2","","" ect, use to help with formatting). ] - Install the proper version of UE4SS (Latest version with updated Palworld) - [ + Ensure inside the UE4SS install, inside the "mods" folder, open the "mod.txt" and make sure "BPModLoaderMod" is set to 1 ] [ + If your game starts crashing after installed UE4SS, open the UE4SS-settings.ini file that is within the UE4SS install and set "bUseObjectArrayCache" to false ] [Optional, sort of] - Must install animation packs (Detailed below) - Remember to run the "__Create_Load_List__.bat" file every time you install new animations with .json files! (If the .bat file doesn't run, you can enter the .json file names for animations you want to load in-game manually into the _LoadList.json file) (_) How to install animation packs (_) ~ For .json installs ~ - Follow their provided instructions if they say where to install the .pak file, otherwise place this is in "Pal/Content/Paks/~mods" - Place the provided .json file in "Pal/Content/Paks/~mods/AnimJSON/" and run the "__Create_Load_List__.bat" in the same folder (if the .bat isn't working for you, you can enter in the names of the .json files manually instead, can also try moving the AnimJSON folder to the desktop before running the .bat then moving it back) - Now it should load in-game the next time .json animations are registered! (_) How to add and create animation packs (_) For a full guide you can read it over on my website at or follow the links on our Discord! To add more animations you just need to (correctly) import the animations into UE5.1 with the correct file path (Content/Mods/YourModName), convert the animation into an animation montage (right click the animation sequence and it will show up in that list), ensure you do what ever edits are required for your montage/animation to look and function correctly (Remember for looping animations to open your montage, go to the "montage sections" tab, and tickmark where it should loop! If you have no sections, just click the 'default' checkbox and it will loop the full animation.). Once you have the animation montage you can export the .pak file and place it in ~mods, note the file-paths you had in UE5.1 as we'll need these to register the animation properly. Open the appropriate templates provided in the AnimJSON folder from SCake and enter in the correct metadata for your animation, delete any sections/data you're not using for your animation. (Note: You can check the "Sugar Cake - Metadata.txt" provided with SCake for a description of the parameters, the "_SCake_TemplateWithExplainations.json" has sections explaining each parameter and may be a good place to start reading while using other .json files as a reference to create your own) With your .json file complete, rename it to match your pack name and include it with your .pak when distributing your animation pack! I recommend testing the pack before distribution, so install it like any other pack by placing the .json file to the AnimJSON folder and adding the file name to the "_loadlist.json" file, then load up in-game and trigger the animations. (_) Permissions / Usage Rights (_) These Permissions and Usage Rights apply to all content related to Project Sugar Cake, whether made by a first or third party. All content must be provided free of charge, with no paywalls or exchange requirements - No paywalls, paid early access, subscription requirements, restricted access, premium versions, etc. - Does not apply to source files used in the creation process not required for full and expected functionality Configuration/External files are freely available with no restrictions on edits or distribution - Everyone is allowed to discuss, customize/edit, share, distribute/re-distribute, re-use any and all configuration files provided by any mod or user - Everyone is allowed to reference any asset from any mod, package, or asset without restriction or retaliation - This also applies to any templates or files that interact with Project Sugar Cake provided by any mod or user - Applies regardless of format/extensions/method Do not intentionally sabotage or perform malicious behavior - Do not intentionally cause a user's save to break, user's game to brick, crash, or other malicious actions - Do not intentionally cause another mod to stop functioning or overwrite their author information without permission - Do not include or hide content, without warning, which may be harmful As a recommendation, please clearly label your content with descriptive names, tags, and IDs while separating different fetish content into different configuration files. This will allow users to customize what they see and interact with during the installation process and will prevent you from accidentally (or intentionally) hiding content which may cause psychological harm. Please be considerate of others in the community and how they may want to use your pack, not everyone will find a sudden surprise animation to be all that pleasant! (_) Questions and Answers (FAQ) (_) Question : I installed everything and it doesn't work! Answer : Install everything PROPERLY and it'll work! Read the install section carefully and follow things step by step, copying files isn't complicated! Also make sure you're not using Vortex mod manager, it can break your install and doesn't install mods like SCake properly! Question : Does SCake work in Multiplayer? Answer : Not yet, in a peer-to-peer game you can have the host start animations but no other player will see or be able to start animations. If you want to play multiplayer with SCake you'll have to wait for multiplayer to be properly supported! (join the discord and listen in for when we're doing multiplayer tests if you want to help out!) (_) Want to implement more animations? Feel free to contact me or interact with our Discord! We're a community thriving on creativity and would be really glad to help! (_) > - > - > - > - < - < - < - < Some links to Animation Paks on LoversLab! (These are some I know about, if more show up please let me know!) Lemonlord's Animation Pack Lurker's Animation Pack TemTemLover's Animations Spirit's SCake Animations You can find more animations over on our Discord (There's a couple of in-progress animation packs, so they may not have been posted elsewhere yet!) and more across LoversLab! Thank you everyone for being awesome and making great stuff! Hopefully more can join us in our creatively lewd adventure and make more awesome Palworld content! Submitter Spirit_Shard Submitted 04/14/2024 Category Palworld
OSurrender - Suggest Enemies to Surrender and Make Them Do Something Interesting in Ostim Standalone. View File When you defeat an NPC, you can either kill them or ask if they want to surrender. If they agree, you can command them to have sex with you or masturbate in front of you. Basically, this mod is built upon the mechanics of the Surrender mod ( another one of my mods, but SFW and on Nexus ) and adds two dialogue options for NPCs, allowing them to either have sex or masturbate in OStim Standalone. You can check out that mod for more details, but I’ll briefly explain how it works: There will be 2 MCM configurations to use: one for the Surrender mod and one for OSurrender. The MCM configuration of the Surrender mod includes a hotkey to enable or disable the mod and the ability to adjust the percentage chance of NPCs surrendering, based on their default Confidence value in the game. As for the MCM of OSurrender, it allows you to enable OSurrender dialogues for either male or female NPCs—nothing too complicated. Requirement OStim Standalone Surrender Solo Animation Installing Safe to install mid game. FAQ: What makes this mod different from other defeat mods? This mod allows NPCs to have the right to refuse instead of enabling scene for all NPCs. They have dialogue reacting to their OStim scenes and also have a masturbate option. Additionally, this mod can easily add more dialogue and features. The version for Sexlab and Flower Girls ? I don't use them, so I can't make it, but I highly encourage other modders who are interested to do it. Essentially, the mechanism for handling NPC surrender is already done in the Surrender mod, so the work required would be to add dialogue and trigger scenes, which isn't very complicated. If you are a modder and interested, you can refer to the guide in the Surrender mod. If you find this mod interesting, you can endorse my Surrender mod on Nexus. Thank you! Submitter Yukiku123 Submitted 01/23/2025 Category Adult Mods Requirements OStim Standalone And Surrender Mod Regular Edition Compatible Not Applicable
Version 1.1.0
When you defeat an NPC, you can either kill them or ask if they want to surrender. If they agree, you can command them to have sex with you or masturbate in front of you. Basically, this mod is built upon the mechanics of the Surrender mod ( another one of my mods, but SFW and on Nexus ) and adds two dialogue options for NPCs, allowing them to either have sex or masturbate in OStim Standalone. You can check out that mod for more details, but I’ll briefly explain how it works: There will be 2 MCM configurations to use: one for the Surrender mod and one for OSurrender. The MCM configuration of the Surrender mod includes a hotkey to enable or disable the mod and the ability to adjust the percentage chance of NPCs surrendering, based on their default Confidence value in the game. As for the MCM of OSurrender, it allows you to enable OSurrender dialogues for either male or female NPCs—nothing too complicated. Requirement OStim Standalone Surrender Solo Animation Installing Safe to install mid game. FAQ: What makes this mod different from other defeat mods? This mod allows NPCs to have the right to refuse instead of enabling scene for all NPCs. They have dialogue reacting to their OStim scenes and also have a masturbate option. Additionally, this mod can easily add more dialogue and features. The version for Sexlab and Flower Girls ? I don't use them, so I can't make it, but I highly encourage other modders who are interested to do it. Essentially, the mechanism for handling NPC surrender is already done in the Surrender mod, so the work required would be to add dialogue and trigger scenes, which isn't very complicated. If you are a modder and interested, you can refer to the guide in the Surrender mod. If you find this mod interesting, you can endorse my Surrender mod on Nexus. Thank you! -
View File [XCL] [0.21.3] Emporium Emporium — Unlock Your True Self “True transformation comes not just from pills, but also from within.” Emporium offers more than just therapy — it offers a journey into the very essence of identity. Behind its sleek office doors, you’ll find choices that shape your future: sessions designed to restore what you’ve lost… or reveal who you were always meant to become. In this dynamic therapy mod, you’ll navigate sessions of Cognitive Therapy to regain control or delve into Hypnosis with the mysterious Dr. Johnathan. Each session is a step forward, but toward what end? That’s for you to discover. Key Features: Dynamic Hypnosis Sessions: A battle of wills — resist John’s voice or surrender to his guidance. Each session shapes your journey and reveals more of his true intentions. Emporium Assistant: Forge a bond with the enigmatic assistant who watches everything unfold. Trust can lead to unexpected opportunities. A Therapist Who Sees More Than You Realize: Dr. Johnathan's approach is tailored to each client — thoughtful and composed, yet always with an underlying intensity. He picks up on details others might miss, adjusting his tone and methods based on who sits across from him. His guidance can feel reassuring… or unnervingly personal. Each session leaves you wondering: how much does he truly know about you? Dynamic Events: The Emporium is full of surprises. Unique encounters and evolving events can be met. More will be added. Compatibility: Emporium is fully compatible with Essentia Reversibilis, allowing you to reduce treatment costs through therapy sessions. It also offers support for mods like Spike Fun, Pharm Inc, FemMe-Rx, BR Donor/Siphon Drug Mod and Creampie Overhaul. enhancing the immersive world of X-Change Life. Credits: Chloe - For helping me navigate through the madness. Of course also thanks to the others who has helped me on Discord. And last, but definitely not least, I wanna thank Aphrodite for creating the game in the first place. (Note: This mod is a Work in Progress, with more features and content planned for future updates.) Submitter Morgan Flux Submitted 01/11/2025 Category X-Change Life
Version 3.0
This mod requires Lot51 Core library to work (latest version: 14 Jan 2025). Introduces a new trait, ‘Sex Drive’, that adds an ‘Arousal’ meter to the game. This depletes over 3 days and can be replenished by: Vanilla woohoo or try for baby interactions Wicked Whims interactions (including masturbating) The meter will not replenish unless the character is satisfied (i.e., receives a satisfied moodlet). As of version 3.0, the arousal meter does not replace any of the base-game traits, with exception to vampire, werewolf and spellcaster sims, this is due to UI limitations. For these 3 occults, a separate trait (called ‘Occult Lust’) will add the arousal meter in place of the ‘fun’ meter. If you want this to affect a different meter, such as ‘social’, let me know and I can make an alternate version for that. This should happen automatically on turning into these occults from a human, where if you have the Sex Drive trait, it will replace it with the Occult Lust trait and vice versa upon converting back into a human again. However, if this doesn’t work, you can always add the respective trait manually via cheats. Outcomes to the meter depleting include various buffs to suggest increased sexual frustration, but nothing too gameplay-intrusive. The following will drop the meter further or speed up decay: 'Lewd dreaming', via Wicked Whims Watching sex or watching porn without masturbating (WW) Being in a 'flirty' mood, unless you have recently had satisfying sex (via WW) Not a flirty moodlet, but having an overall flirty emotion; this is intended as a sort-of catch-all for buffs added by other mods that mention 'arousal' as most of them are flirty buffs (those that aren't only trigger on not having sex for a while, which would be reflecting in the meter anyway) This mod was last updated 15 January 2025. Requirements Lot51 Core Library Compatibility If converting to 'sex doll' or succubus via Wicked Perversions, the mod should remove my trait automatically and then add it back upon transforming back to human/normal There may still be some buffs that don't make much sense (obviously I'd avoid using Wicked Attributes like sexually abstinent), so let me know if there's anything too bad If you like this mod and want to support me, please consider donating via the Nexus mod page. Every little helps! -
Sims 4 Arousal meter View File This mod requires Lot51 Core library to work (latest version: 14 Jan 2025). Introduces a new trait, ‘Sex Drive’, that adds an ‘Arousal’ meter to the game. This depletes over 3 days and can be replenished by: Vanilla woohoo or try for baby interactions Wicked Whims interactions (including masturbating) The meter will not replenish unless the character is satisfied (i.e., receives a satisfied moodlet). As of version 3.0, the arousal meter does not replace any of the base-game traits, with exception to vampire, werewolf and spellcaster sims, this is due to UI limitations. For these 3 occults, a separate trait (called ‘Occult Lust’) will add the arousal meter in place of the ‘fun’ meter. If you want this to affect a different meter, such as ‘social’, let me know and I can make an alternate version for that. This should happen automatically on turning into these occults from a human, where if you have the Sex Drive trait, it will replace it with the Occult Lust trait and vice versa upon converting back into a human again. However, if this doesn’t work, you can always add the respective trait manually via cheats. Outcomes to the meter depleting include various buffs to suggest increased sexual frustration, but nothing too gameplay-intrusive. The following will drop the meter further or speed up decay: 'Lewd dreaming', via Wicked Whims Watching sex or watching porn without masturbating (WW) Being in a 'flirty' mood, unless you have recently had satisfying sex (via WW) Not a flirty moodlet, but having an overall flirty emotion; this is intended as a sort-of catch-all for buffs added by other mods that mention 'arousal' as most of them are flirty buffs (those that aren't only trigger on not having sex for a while, which would be reflecting in the meter anyway) This mod was last updated 15 January 2025. Requirements Lot51 Core Library Compatibility If converting to 'sex doll' or succubus via Wicked Perversions, the mod should remove my trait automatically and then add it back upon transforming back to human/normal There may still be some buffs that don't make much sense (obviously I'd avoid using Wicked Attributes like sexually abstinent), so let me know if there's anything too bad If you like this mod and want to support me, please consider donating via the Nexus mod page. Every little helps! Submitter SimsBabyFox Submitted 11/13/2024 Category Extensions Requirements Lot51 Core Library
Version 0.3.1
Emporium — Unlock Your True Self “True transformation comes not just from pills, but also from within.” Emporium offers more than just therapy — it offers a journey into the very essence of identity. Behind its sleek office doors, you’ll find choices that shape your future: sessions designed to restore what you’ve lost… or reveal who you were always meant to become. In this dynamic therapy mod, you’ll navigate sessions of Cognitive Therapy to regain control or delve into Hypnosis with the mysterious Dr. Johnathan. Each session is a step forward, but toward what end? That’s for you to discover. Key Features: Dynamic Hypnosis Sessions: A battle of wills — resist John’s voice or surrender to his guidance. Each session shapes your journey and reveals more of his true intentions. Emporium Assistant: Forge a bond with the enigmatic assistant who watches everything unfold. Trust can lead to unexpected opportunities. A Therapist Who Sees More Than You Realize: Dr. Johnathan's approach is tailored to each client — thoughtful and composed, yet always with an underlying intensity. He picks up on details others might miss, adjusting his tone and methods based on who sits across from him. His guidance can feel reassuring… or unnervingly personal. Each session leaves you wondering: how much does he truly know about you? Dynamic Events: The Emporium is full of surprises. Unique encounters and evolving events can be met. More will be added. Compatibility: Emporium is fully compatible with Essentia Reversibilis, allowing you to reduce treatment costs through therapy sessions. It also has support for mods like Spike Fun and Pharm Inc, enhancing the immersive world of X-Change Life. (Note: This mod is a Work in Progress, with more features and content planned for future updates.) -
Version 0.8
Included Features (I update this mod frequently, feel free to request anything) DIRTY TALKING A New "Dirty Talk" Category With Many Interactions Available Unlock more interactions based on sim relationships/situations. A great way to spice up the game's romance system and make it less boring. Interactions that can lead to sex. (Requires Wicked Whims) OPTIONAL FETISHES Enjoy different kinks & expansions that don't require each other to work. Some of them have their own aspirations & goals. Your installed kinks will be available in the reward store or Wicked Attributes menu for free. Completely optional, choose your .package files based on your preferences. (Currently included: Daddy kinks(patreon), Foot Fetishes, Mommy Kinks, Breeding Kinks, Qos/BBC Kinks, Ass Worship(patreon), Watersports, Farting, and more to come) ASPIRATIONS New Aspirations for Slutty sims & playstyles. Explicit descriptions & sexy slutty tasks and more. Fetishes have their own aspirations. Buffs and reactions to keep things spicy. Wants and fears. Speech notifications (with more variety being added in the near future) Immersive, many interactions aren't available between strangers to keep things realistic. EXTRA ELEMENTS Installation Download files, choose your features based on your preferences and place them into your mods folder, Make sure there are no duplicates and that your .ts4script files are no more than 1 folder deep. (As in the script files shouldn't be inside a folder that's in another folder, etc) Requirements XML Injector & Wicked Whims Check out my new Animation Pack to go along with these! Exclusive & Early Access Versions Will Be Released On My PATREON. Feel free to help shape the future of this mod by suggesting features, participating in polls and so on. Thank you for any support! ❤️ Patreon Additional Features & Early Access: ( !!!OUTDATED!!! There's a lot more content that needs showcasing ) & More interactions, most aren't random and are only available during certain moods / situations to avoid sudden vulgarity. Mommy Kink: Choose the traits on the Wicked Attributes menu The boy/girl versions depend on how you want the sim to be treated and referred to, it doesn't let you pick both on the same sim to avoid issues. Looking at pie menu interactions gets boring after a while so I added a lot of dialog to all the Mommy interactions, it's not autonomous so there's no spam. Each of these interactions have their own spicy dialog that gets picked depending on which version you chose (Mommy's boy/girl): Tease: Praise: Reminders: & MORE Ass Sniffing & Fart Fetish (Early Access) Daddy Kink: BBC Fetish: (NOW PUBLIC, BUT PATREON HAS MORE CONTENT/WAY EARLIER RELEASES) Find the traits in the Wicked Attributes menu, others will have to be earned through Aspirations Lots of dirty talk: And much more. -
Version 0.02.04
Aren't there already three succubus mods on this site? No, there were four (arguably five)! Now there is one more. WARNING: This mod is in early alpha. Do not use it on a serious save. Gameplay The idea behind this mod is to add a succubus feel to the game which doesn't interrupt gameplay that much. This mod does not have a large mcm, it instead has large menus from the B612 mod. It also features 4 perk trees and a succubus skill rank system. As a succubus, you can't regenerate health normally, and you can't regenerate stamina or magicka below 0 energy. At -100 energy you can no longer converse with people and die to the smallest attacks. You lose energy over time and when you climax, and regain energy when partners climax, depending on the time they last had sex with you and your chosen traits. You will not be able to drain immortal npcs. Tints of Succubi Crimson - Your standard Succubus experience. Scarlet - You are fueled by love, not lust. You gain more energy from a partner that loves you, but you lose more energy on climaxing with partners that don't Pink - Pursuing new things is your drive. You gain more energy from climaxing partners that climax with you for the first time, you lose more energy from climaxing with a partner you have been with before. Sundown - Your transformation was not complete. You are only a half-succubus.You gain less energy and lose more.You cannot reach below 0 Energy. [This is easy mode] Requirements Sexlab P+ MCM Helper B612 - my little asteroid of useful UI components SLA iWant Widgets Custom Skills Framework Background This mod started as a "Hey, I really want to play with one of the succubus mods, but most of them haven't updated in quite a while. Guess I'll make one myself!" Then 2 of them updated. So I am releasing this alpha version now, just to increase the amount of those mods this week Github Link No artists were harmed in the making of this mod. I used AI-generated images for the succubi! The other succubus mods: Children of Lilith PlayerSuccubusQuest Succubus Heart SexLab Hormones SE -
Children of Lilith - Succubus of Skyrim View File Children of Lilith adds succubus gameplay to Skyrim. Drain victims to absorb Energy, and spend that Energy on new abilities. Will you take just a bit, or will you take it all? I use succubus throughout this description, but the mod will work the same with male, female, or any other gender of character. As long as they can start and participate in a SexLab animation, it’ll work. You can see the plan for each of the Paths here: Path of Sanguine/Seduction Path of Molag Bal/Domination Path of Vaermina/Corruption A Note on Versioning and Updates Children of Lilith 4.0.0 has been removed due to an issue. I recommend not using it as the next version will most likely also require a new game. Children of Lilith adds succubus gameplay to Skyrim. Drain victims to absorb Energy, and spend that Energy on new abilities or a powerful new form. Will you take just a bit, or will you take it all? I use succubus throughout this description, but the mod will work the same with male, female, or any other gender of character. As long as they can start and participate in a SexLab animation, it’ll work. Overview Feel free to skip this section if you don’t care about my thoughts and design goals. Updating to 5.0 Requirements Installation Features Supported Animation Frameworks Other Supported Mods Uninstallation Configuration Options Known Incompatibilities Troubleshooting Future Plans Feedback Credits Thanks to VirginMarie for letting me yoink their isBusy code Big thanks to @lolmods37 for the NiOverride saving code and for helping with the SlaveTats integration Submitter phalancks Submitted 05/25/2022 Category Adult Mods Requirements SKSE; RaceMenu; SkyUI; PapyrusUtils; iWant Widgets; Po3's Tweaks; NL_MCM Regular Edition Compatible No
View File Beware of the Eggs Open Pandora's box ! Open a chest, pick a flower, harvest a mushroom, switch a dwarven lever, check a barrel and more. You never know what happens next. New chars and weak PC set chances to 0, at least for the start. Lot's of new spells, cast on NPC to raise the arousal, chast yourself to raise arousal, trink a potion. Books, recipes distributed among adventure engagements. harvesting eggs (spider or chaurus) triggers Estrus Chaurus. The tentacle chance remains for setting in Estrus Chaurus. I am aware, there is a mod doing it, but this one has a completely different approach. It casts the spell "poison spit" to trigger. This has an area, followers nearby will be hit, too. CHANCE TRIGGER SPELL IS INDEPENDED FROM ESTRUS CHAURUS/DWEMER TENTACLE CHANCE. Estrus Chaurus/Dwemer handles the spell hit like it comes from a Chaurus oder Dwemer spider ! Without Estrus Chaurus, it's a normal poison hit. Hard Depencies: From V7.0 on SKSE required !!!! plus MCM Helper Soft depencies: Estrus Chaurus Estrus Dwemer (spells won't work to trigger those events) Twisted Rings (without lots of spells based on arousal won't work), here you need SLEN, SL, SLA as masters. Succubus Initiaion Ritual (without the random spawning NPC will not rape you) Defeat (for a knockout bone) DAR soft requirement (Float Animations Faerie) CBBE 3BA and requirements For LE the no MCM Version should work, however, will not keep this updated. Seting Globals here, one needs edit (see screen) It uses Skyrim and Update as masters. Credits: PandeaWork ( ) Morika/PandeaWork Firestarfan12 Morika Vuk40 Ks Hairdos Sunspot2 and Anton for the wonderful Animated Fairy Wings and the permission to use it in own mods. Link to the mod: Acro748 fo CBBE 3BA Shizof for CBPC Ousnius and Caliente for Bodyslide/Outfit Studio V2.0 NOTHING will be save anymore ! Included 2nd script and attached to swamp fungus pods and Nirnroot for testing) There is a chance of 30% to trigger a magical discharge. If it hits you (very likely), this discharge will trigger Estrus Dwemer if you have it installed. This can be attached to evrything, well, I would not do it on teleport activators. But every plant, chopping block, lever, can be dangerous now, if you interact (harvest e.g.) I will think a little bit, what will make sense. Test it at Sarethi farm Special thanks to @t.ara She allowed me to use a mesh from her ZAZ 8+ Thank you t.ara ! V5.1 USEEP more sliders, MCM more informative. Every chance can be set now (chests, dwemer levers, eggs). fix: recompiled a script I forgot before Update, cells need be new loaded. I do it by entering blackreach and back. Worked always. 2 craftable spell tomes. Nirn spell Corsican cheese spell (Asterix and Obelix visit Corsicans) Transmutes hostile NPC into Chef's Submitter Tlam99 Submitted 02/09/2022 Category Regular Mods Requirements skyrim, update, SKSE, MCM Helper Regular Edition Compatible Yes
Ok so ALL the skyrim sex mods, adult mods ect. are cool but there all just short animations that require u to stop game play in a sense to start the animation and then wait for it to finish. Well i wanna see a mod that allows you to just freely grab an npc and have your way with them. So u could run around humping any npc you wanted to in game play. LOL realy though, Coulden't someone that knows what there doing with mod creating make this happen? My thought is that you should be able to use those same "rag doll" mecanics" that allow you to grab a dead npc body by any limb and toss it around to make this mod happen. Does this all make sense? Will somebody tell me if this is possible to create? I have no mod creating exp what so ever so if im not making sense or this is just not acheivable will someone let me know please. Thanks
View File Wompy Womp - Random Sexy Edition ~-~ Wompy Womp - Random Sexy Edition ~-~ Created and Maintained by : Michael "Spirit Shard" Stanich Discord - The Broken Chatbox - Website - TBC Thread - v (Donations! =^-^=) v SubscribeStar - WOMPY WOMP! They want to womp, make them womp with wompy womp! Fill with wompage, make the wompening, Become The Womper. Wompy Womp - Random Sexy Edition is a quick gameplay sample built in Blueprints to show how quickly and easily you can set up complex matchmaking and initiate animations using the SCake API. Effectively this gameplay module just periodically attempts to start random erotic animations within a certain distance from the player with the added functionality of automatically having characters 'join' the player if the player is currently in a solo animation. The goal of Wompy Womp's Random Sexy Edition was to create a simple example with usable gameplay within just a few hours of dev time, then provide the source as an example for others to see. The current version, as of writing, was done in a single day with 4.5 hours logged total in prototyping, testing, then refining and refactoring along with some polish to make it reasonably usable. It's not perfect, but acts as a good sample of how quickly you can get something up and running and then iterate/expand from there. ~-~ A Quick Thank You! ~-~ I want to give a quick thank you to some community members in our Discord that helped test and suggest things for Wompy Womp, and a thank you to Shenova specifically for suggesting the idea while I didn't have anything better to do, apparently. (The idea had been suggested before and we've gotten a lot of ideas and suggestions over time, thank you for all your participation, now it's time to make these suggestions reality!) ~-~ Self Promotion ~-~ I'm getting use to promoting my SubscribeStar everywhere ( ) and if you like my work and wish to see more of it I certainly suggest donating/subscribing so I can dedicate more time to this kind of work! But I also want to give a huge shout out to our welcoming community and our Discord, The Broken Chatbox! ( ) Over in the Discord you not only get to interact with all the lovely creatives we have there, but also get to see projects like Wompy Womp as they are actively being developed! It's also a great place for collaboration in a format not quite possible on forums or private message platforms. If you're interested in follow these developments, or you're a creative yourself with these kinds of interests, feel free to join and participate as much, or as little, as you want! ~-~ Features ~-~ Note : Wompy Womp is more a proof of concept than a full fledged mod, please temper expectations <> Wompy Womp will periodically scan for potential wompers, first Wompy Womp will pick a random Womper to try and match, then try and pair with other Wompers by distance, if a compatible Womper is found within reasonable distance, Wompage will begin. <> If the player is in a solo wompening, Wompy Womp will try and pair with a nearby Womper by distance, if a compatible Womper is nearby then their desire to Womp will lead to 2 in the active Wompening. <> The player will only be considered for random Wompage if they have 200% Sex Heat or higher, or if they are alone in a Womp session. <> A simple Wompy Womp menu using UniPalUI to customize Womperific settings, does not save between sessions and will need to be customized upon restarts. (Intentional) ~-~ Requirements ~-~ <> Project Sugar Cake 0.5DEV or newer ( ) <> UniPalUI 0.1 DEV or newer ( ) <> UE4SS for the current version of Palworld ( ) ~-~ How to Install ~-~ After installing the requirements and downloading Wompy Womp - Random Sexy Edition, then unzip the archive and from inside the folder of your platform, copy the 'LogicMods' and '~mods' folder into "[Palworld Install]/Pal/Content/Paks" (The WompyWompRandomSexy.pak should be in the LogicMods folder) ~-~ Source Notes / Source Available ~-~ Wompy Womp's functionality will be put into the much more complex 'Palicious' gameplay module I've been working on in a more complete fashion. As such, there are currently no plans to expand on Wompy Womp's functionality, however if there are any updates it will be to the source provided for Wompy Womp. The goal of this small project was to provide a working example so other modders can get a sense of what a simple mode like this looks like and to act as a jump-off point for more advanced mods. The source (available on my SubscribeStar and through Discord) is the uncooked uasset files you can drop directly into your Unreal Engine Project's Content/Mods folder alongside the SCake SDK and UPI SDK (Both SDKs are required for the source to work, otherwise you'll be missing functions/assets). As of writing, the source lacks any serious comments or notes, however this could change in the future if enough requests for it happen. If you need help getting the source working or need help understanding it, please feel free to interact on our Discord! (The r18_Modding channel would be the best place to ask about it) ~-~ Source Usage Rights ~-~ Please do not re-distribute the source files and instead direct users who want/need the source files to the Discord. Do not redistribute Wompy Womp as your own creation, please give credit where credit is do. The source is provided as an example and as reference material, you are free to use segemnts of the code in your own projects but do not use the code in its entirety or large segements of the code where the code would be the majority of the mod's implementation and distribute the compiled mod without proper credit to Wompy Womp and its creation, Michael "Spirit Shard" Stanich. Do not use this source or any derivatives for profit or paywalled content in any way, shape, or form. This includes mods for purchase, 'paid mods', early access behind a paywall or closed community with a subscription, placing the mod behind any sort of subscription/interactive engagement/or otherwise limited access which requires investment from the user, or any other forms which could be considered a paywall by any reasonable person. For your own safety, be extremely careful when sharing uncooked UE assets and source material as this could accidentally lead to leaking personal information or leave you vulnerable to doxing/attacks. ~-~ Want to make your own sexy gameplay mod with wompage? Consider joining the Discord, The Broken Chatbox! ( ) We'd be really happy to have you around and help you make your dream mod a reality! ~-~ Submitter Spirit_Shard Submitted 10/19/2024 Category Palworld
The Woods Of Moonwood Mill 👨🏻🐺🌕
Moondwellersimz posted a blog entry in The World Of LGBTQ+ Sims 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️♾️
Meet The Woods, an ambiamorous gay couple that recently moved to Moonwood Mill. They love pup play and love their everyday life 👨🏻🐺🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️♾️ Pose & Werewolf Leash By Beto 🐺🌕-
- the sims 4
- lgbtq+
(and 5 more)
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View File HorsePower Dovahkiin gets horsepower. craft the tome 1x iron ore smelter, read the tome and get the lesser power. Remarks: this does NOT change the gender. (for anims etc.) one can draw a weapon R, but no attacks play, as the idles are missing. Maybe I make it. Walk run jump is ok SL is ok with the restriction gender remains the same. Set always male in SL and AC if you want. Submitter Tlam99 Submitted 05/31/2024 Category Regular Mods Requirements Regular Edition Compatible
Version v2
~-~ Wompy Womp - Random Sexy ~-~ Created and Maintained by : Michael "Spirit Shard" Stanich Discord - The Broken Chatbox - Website - v (Donations! =^-^=) v SubscribeStar - WOMPY WOMP! They want to womp, make them womp with wompy womp! Fill with wompage, make the wompening, Become The Womper. Wompy Womp - Random Sexy Edition is a quick gameplay sample built in Blueprints to show how quickly and easily you can set up complex matchmaking and initiate animations using the SCake API. Effectively this gameplay module just periodically attempts to start random erotic animations within a certain distance from the player with the added functionality of automatically having characters 'join' the player if the player is currently in a solo animation. The goal of Wompy Womp's Random Sexy Edition was to create a simple example with usable gameplay within just a few hours of dev time, then provide the source as an example for others to see. The current version, as of writing, was done in a single day with 4.5 hours logged total in prototyping, testing, then refining and refactoring along with some polish to make it reasonably usable. It's not perfect, but acts as a good sample of how quickly you can get something up and running and then iterate/expand from there. ~-~ A Quick Thank You! ~-~ I want to give a quick thank you to some community members in our Discord that helped test and suggest things for Wompy Womp, and a thank you to Shenova specifically for suggesting the idea while I didn't have anything better to do, apparently. (The idea had been suggested before and we've gotten a lot of ideas and suggestions over time, thank you for all your participation, now it's time to make these suggestions reality!) ~-~ Self Promotion ~-~ I'm getting use to promoting my SubscribeStar everywhere ( ) and if you like my work and wish to see more of it I certainly suggest donating/subscribing so I can dedicate more time to this kind of work! But I also want to give a huge shout out to our welcoming community and our Discord, The Broken Chatbox! ( ) Over in the Discord you not only get to interact with all the lovely creatives we have there, but also get to see projects like Wompy Womp as they are actively being developed! It's also a great place for collaboration in a format not quite possible on forums or private message platforms. If you're interested in follow these developments, or you're a creative yourself with these kinds of interests, feel free to join and participate as much, or as little, as you want! ~-~ Features ~-~ Note : Wompy Womp is more a proof of concept than a full fledged mod, please temper expectations <> Wompy Womp will periodically scan for potential wompers, first Wompy Womp will pick a random Womper to try and match, then try and pair with other Wompers by distance, if a compatible Womper is found within reasonable distance, Wompage will begin. <> If the player is in a solo wompening, Wompy Womp will try and pair with a nearby Womper by distance, if a compatible Womper is nearby then their desire to Womp will lead to 2 in the active Wompening. <> The player will only be considered for random Wompage if they have 200% Sex Heat or higher, or if they are alone in a Womp session. <> A simple Wompy Womp menu using UniPalUI to customize Womperific settings, does not save between sessions and will need to be customized upon restarts. (Intentional) ~-~ Requirements ~-~ <> Project Sugar Cake 0.5DEV or newer ( ) <> UniPalUI 0.1 DEV or newer ( ) <> UE4SS for the current version of Palworld ( ) ~-~ How to Install ~-~ After installing the requirements and downloading Wompy Womp - Random Sexy Edition, then unzip the archive and from inside the folder of your platform, copy the 'LogicMods' and '~mods' folder into "[Palworld Install]/Pal/Content/Paks" (The WompyWompRandomSexy.pak should be in the LogicMods folder) ~-~ Source Notes / Source Available ~-~ Wompy Womp's functionality will be put into the much more complex 'Palicious' gameplay module I've been working on in a more complete fashion. As such, there are currently no plans to expand on Wompy Womp's functionality, however if there are any updates it will be to the source provided for Wompy Womp. The goal of this small project was to provide a working example so other modders can get a sense of what a simple mode like this looks like and to act as a jump-off point for more advanced mods. The source (available on my SubscribeStar and through Discord) is the uncooked uasset files you can drop directly into your Unreal Engine Project's Content/Mods folder alongside the SCake SDK and UPI SDK (Both SDKs are required for the source to work, otherwise you'll be missing functions/assets). As of writing, the source lacks any serious comments or notes, however this could change in the future if enough requests for it happen. If you need help getting the source working or need help understanding it, please feel free to interact on our Discord! (The r18_Modding channel would be the best place to ask about it) ~-~ Source Usage Rights ~-~ Please do not re-distribute the source files and instead direct users who want/need the source files to the Discord. Do not redistribute Wompy Womp as your own creation, please give credit where credit is do. The source is provided as an example and as reference material, you are free to use segemnts of the code in your own projects but do not use the code in its entirety or large segements of the code where the code would be the majority of the mod's implementation and distribute the compiled mod without proper credit to Wompy Womp and its creation, Michael "Spirit Shard" Stanich. Do not use this source or any derivatives for profit or paywalled content in any way, shape, or form. This includes mods for purchase, 'paid mods', early access behind a paywall or closed community with a subscription, placing the mod behind any sort of subscription/interactive engagement/or otherwise limited access which requires investment from the user, or any other forms which could be considered a paywall by any reasonable person. For your own safety, be extremely careful when sharing uncooked UE assets and source material as this could accidentally lead to leaking personal information or leave you vulnerable to doxing/attacks. ~-~ Want to make your own sexy gameplay mod with wompage? Consider joining the Discord, The Broken Chatbox! ( ) We'd be really happy to have you around and help you make your dream mod a reality! ~-~ -
Version 1.13
Carnal Consequences Version 1.13 The goal of this mod is to fix all kinds of mechanics related to lewd gameplay, and to make CK3 a harsher and more unforgiving game in general. Most features can be disabled via game rules. Git Repository Discord (the server is for Intimate Encounters mainly, see sub-channel for Carnal Consequences) Features Fertility Reduction Fertility is already not the greatest stat to begin with and is in danger of being trivialized further with the addition of more sex scenes. To counter this, you can reduce your own fertility to make fertility buffs as important as they should be. Can be set from 0% to a punishing -80% for you and your married children separately. Note: Since children don't benefit from sex scenes, you probably want to set their debuff lower than your own. Personally, I prefer -60%/-20% (you/children). Younger Rulers Large age differences between spouses or concubines result in opinion penalties Annoyed that your rulers are always old by the time you play them? Well, here's a not very historical solution via events (which must be enabled separately since it's probably not for everyone): In YOUR dynasty, people are expected to rule once they are old enough (with "old enough" being defined by the game rule). Once a year, when your primary heir is old enough, they may demand that you abdicate. Yearly chance increases the older they are. You can accept right then and there, or you refuse for a stacking opinion debuff with your vassals. Works with titles with voting succession, but your primary heir needs to be at least 15 years younger than you to prevent an abdication loop. Also, to prevent an early game over, you are never asked to abdicate by a primary heir that is not of your dynasty. Personally, I'm now using Ultimogeniture Partitition instead with similar results, but I'll leave this in since I need the gamerule slot for the large age difference feature anyway. Harsher Seductions Players no longer have full control over seduction outcomes targeted against them. After all, you are being seduced! However, you still have some degree of control. If the seducer fails to seduce you, you can no longer make them your lover regardless, and having one-time sex with them causes stress. If the seducer succeeds in seducing you, you can no longer turn them away completely, and not making them a lover causes stress. Note: seems theres an event chain that still provides players with full control. Will need to take a look in the future. Increase number of seductions targeted at you by two- or even sixfold, more if you are attractive, less if you are unattractive. Harsher Courtship Same as harsher seductions, but for romance attempts. Harsher Abductions AI will actually start abduction schemes! Vanilla AI (or if the game rule is disabled) never used abductions as far as I could see, save maybe for some exotic events that trigger them. Uses a tweaked logic of murder schemes. Allows AI to attempt abductions event against players (only) without the kidnapper perk - the perk grants a +50% chance bonus instead. "Abductions+" grants a +100% chance to AI-against-player-abductions. Martial Custom grants Prowess Everyone gains a prowess bonus or malus according to their martial custom. In most cultures, this means males will be stronger on average, which can be relevant for sub/dom relationships via Dynamic Affairs. Other (always on - if there is demand for a game rule, let me know) Being recently raped incurs a fertility debuff Prostitution can sometimes lead to pregnancy (it can't with vanilla Carnalitas) 1 event, courtesy of writing by Rak1445 (requires noncon to be enabled in Carnalitas) Load Order Carnalitas Carnal Consequences Supported Mods (any load order) Gamerule Gadget (allows changing the game rules mid-game) Compatibility The following files are overwritten for seduce, abduction and romance functionality. If another mod modifies the same files, choose who takes precedence by putting it at the bottom of the load order. All other functionality is compatible with virtually anything. Overwrites seduce_interaction and start_abduct in "common/character_interactions/00_scheme_interactions.txt". Overwrites "common/schemes/abduct_scheme.txt", "common/schemes/court_scheme.txt" and "common/schemes/seduce_scheme.txt" Overwrites "court_scheme_ongoing_events.txt", "court_scheme_ongoing.txt" and "court_scheme_outcome_events.txt" in "events/scheme_events/court_scheme/" Overwrites "events/scheme_events/seduce_scheme_outcome_events.txt"-
- gameplay
- carnalitas
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View File Carnal Consequences Carnal Consequences Version 1.10.4 The goal of this mod is to fix all kinds of mechanics related to lewd gameplay, and to make CK3 a harsher and more unforgiving game in general. Most features can be disabled via game rules. Git Repository Discord (the server is for Intimate Encounters mainly, see sub-channel for Carnal Consequences) Features Fertility Reduction Fertility is already not the greatest stat to begin with and is in danger of being trivialized further with the addition of more sex scenes. To counter this, you can reduce your own fertility to make fertility buffs as important as they should be. Can be set from 0% to a punishing -80% for you and your married children separately. Note: Since children don't benefit from sex scenes, you probably want to set their debuff lower than your own. Personally, I prefer -60%/-20% (you/children). Younger Rulers Large age differences between spouses or concubines result in opinion penalties Annoyed that your rulers are always old by the time you play them? Well, here's a not very historical solution via events (which must be enabled separately since it's probably not for everyone): In YOUR dynasty, people are expected to rule once they are old enough (with "old enough" being defined by the game rule). Once a year, when your primary heir is old enough, they may demand that you abdicate. Yearly chance increases the older they are. You can accept right then and there, or you refuse for a stacking opinion debuff with your vassals. Works with titles with voting succession, but your primary heir needs to be at least 15 years younger than you to prevent an abdication loop. Also, to prevent an early game over, you are never asked to abdicate by a primary heir that is not of your dynasty. Personally, I'm now using Ultimogeniture Partitition instead with similar results, but I'll leave this in since I need the gamerule slot for the large age difference feature anyway. Harsher Seductions Players no longer have full control over seduction outcomes targeted against them. After all, you are being seduced! However, you still have some degree of control. If the seducer fails to seduce you, you can no longer make them your lover regardless, and having one-time sex with them causes stress. If the seducer succeeds in seducing you, you can no longer turn them away completely, and not making them a lover causes stress. Note: seems theres an event chain that still provides players with full control. Will need to take a look in the future. Increase number of seductions targeted at you by two- or even sixfold, more if you are attractive, less if you are unattractive. Harsher Courtship Same as harsher seductions, but for romance attempts. Harsher Abductions AI will actually start abduction schemes! Vanilla AI (or if the game rule is disabled) never used abductions as far as I could see, save maybe for some exotic events that trigger them. Uses a tweaked logic of murder schemes. Allows AI to attempt abductions event against players (only) without the kidnapper perk - the perk grants a +50% chance bonus instead. "Abductions+" grants a +100% chance to AI-against-player-abductions. Martial Custom grants Prowess Everyone gains prowess on their 16th birthday according to their martial custom. In most cultures, this means males will be stronger on average, which can be relevant for sub/dom relationships via Dynamic Affairs. Other (always on - if there is demand for a game rule, let me know) Being recently raped incurs a fertility debuff Prostitution can sometimes lead to pregnancy (it can't with vanilla Carnalitas) 1 event, courtesy of writing by Rak1445 (requires noncon to be enabled in Carnalitas) Load Order Carnalitas Carnal Consequences Supported Mods (any load order) Gamerule Gadget (allows changing the game rules mid-game) Compatibility The following files are overwritten for seduce, abduction and romance functionality. If another mod modifies the same files, choose who takes precedence by putting it at the bottom of the load order. All other functionality is compatible with virtually anything. Overwrites seduce_interaction and start_abduct in "common/character_interactions/00_scheme_interactions.txt". Overwrites "common/schemes/abduct_scheme.txt", "common/schemes/court_scheme.txt" and "common/schemes/seduce_scheme.txt" Overwrites "court_scheme_ongoing_events.txt", "court_scheme_ongoing.txt" and "court_scheme_outcome_events.txt" in "events/scheme_events/court_scheme/" Overwrites "events/scheme_events/seduce_scheme_outcome_events.txt" Submitter Siudhne Submitted 12/07/2020 Category Crusader Kings 3 Requirements Carnalitas
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- gameplay
- carnalitas
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I have assembled a build on Skyrim, where the voice acting is English + Russian subs. I technically translated something with handles, I converted some mods into light espfe or something like that and decided to add an assembly on top of sexlab... collected with pens, digging up all sorts of resources, including loverslab, where I also translated something with pens. Question! 1. How to properly implement the sexlab into the assembly so that everything works? 2. Also, what can be corrected in mods, taking into account the fact that I don't need survival mode, hunting mode, mods from the club (it's still a hassle to translate them + new conflicts appear)? 3. How to add Austin to this assembly correctly as well? A list of plugins and a list of mods in the archive. List Plugin +
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- skyrim se
- skyrim sse
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