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Pervert – Immersive prostitution and harassment View File About the mod: Pervert is designed for those who like FO4 to be realistic and difficult experience. It aims to fill gaps between some of most popular NSFW mods or to create opportunity to use mechanics from other mods. In current state mod is an expansion to Sexual Harassment mod. It make things moire realistic by transporting player to more private space for harassment scenario. No more kids and guards watching The mod only works in cities and settlements. Any other locations, SH would work as normal. Mod is location sensitive, so there are different dungeons for specific locations: - Diamond City - Good Neighbor - Bunker Hill - Vault 81 - Prydwen - Sanctuary - All farms and settlements (they share same dungeons) Features: - Voluntary SH scenario - When a player is asked to participate in a prostitution scenario, he and his client will be transported to one of the vanilla interiors. These interiors correspond to the cities in which the scenario takes place. (So if you're in GN, you'll be moved to Rexford's rooms, etc.) For better compatibility, the interiors are cloned from the originals, but stripped of all quest activators, NPCs and anything else that might get in our way + MCM options to set how many voluntary scenes will be played. - Involuntary SH scenarios - the player is abducted into a dungeon. Dungeons are unique interiors, specific to the current location. The abduction scenario can be customized in the MCM (how many scenes, how likely the next scene will be played out, how many actors and what type of actors can take part in the scene) Also the player can be restrained and drugged during this scenario. - Robbery – player can be robbed during non voluntary scenario. MCM options to set what kind of item can be stolen, how likely it will be stolen and how many items in category can be stolen. Robbery starts quest that let player to recover his items. The recovery process should take up to 3 days to encourage the player to stay in towns (and use mods such as SH, PVPK, Hardship, M.C.G.). Some items may be sold to raiders. If this is the case, the recovery quest will start indicating the location of the chest. This should encourage the player to go to the raider camp and use mods such as AN76, Raider Pet, Hardship, etc. tip: Robbery quests are repeatable. The next time you are robbed, you can go straight to *that* chest to skip dialogue part of this quest. - Charity containers – special containers placed near entrance to each town. (and some inside DC and GN) Player can find some basic useful items inside. Imagine that after violate scenario you need to go to city. You are naked, bonded and hungry, but thanks to some people of good will, you can find some basic clothing, some water and maybe even lock pick to free yourself from restrains. Keep in mind that each time you take something from those containers, your reputation worsens. However, you can store some items in them to improve your reputation. (There is a note inside every container that explains how does it work.) - Chem dealer in GN – there is an abandoned cafe in an alley near Bobbi's place. Inside you can find an NPC who offers an unlimited supply of Jet, Buffout and alcohol. This is very helpful for Deep Addcition users. The location also hides a small secret. Hard Requirements: - all DLC’s - working AAF setup - ZaZOut4 - Sexual Harassment (not hard but essential for mod to work) Soft Requirements: - Extended Dialogue Interface – better dialogues - F4z Ro D-oh – Silent voice – to skip dialogues if you already read them. - Sex Attributes – for charity containers to change your rep. - Kziitd Fetish Toolset – for restrains during scenes - Crazy sex toys of the Commonwealth v1.1 – for decorations - Mutilated dead bodies – decorations - Up To No Good - decorations - Torture devices – decorations - SAKR – to let SH know when you are naked - FallUI confirm boxes – to make all text from dialogue box fit into screen Recommended mods: - Advanced Needs 76 – immersive needs and raider disguise - Deep addictions – immersive drugs and addiction - Longer effect for Stealth Boys and Chems - Chems Visuals - Hardship (or TSEX + hardship, I’m using it without any issues)* - prostitution scenarios - PVPK* - M.C.G* - caps storing, bed renting, onlookers, social interactions, marriages, infamy, NPC-NPC sex (disable wear and arousal in MCM if you are using Sex Attributes) Approach system from this mod is not supported (yet, I hope ) - aaf spectators - Raider Pet - Family Planing Enhanced Redux - PTSD Mental Health Management System - to encourage player to take different approach than shooting everything up. (and to make player use chems more ) - AAF Turn The Light ON – some interiors are dark and moody. Use this to make them a bit more lit. Note it doesn’t work on AAF 1.0 and NAF Important notes: - this mod edits some cells: DC security, Valentine's office, GN backalley near Bobbis's. To avoid poroblems with those, keep pervert plugin at the bottom of plugin list. - this is a pre-release version. We have decided to publish this version for public testing. The mod is stable at the moment, but we don't have enough time to test everything. So we would very much appreciate your help with this. - The mod is ESP for now, so we can patch any potential bugs faster. - I am not a native speaker. If you think some text is unnatural and you know how to correct it, please write to me - The mod does not support DLC locations for now. - The dialogues in the mod are silent, turn on subtitles to see the dialogues. About authors: AwesomeSPAS – coding and all the magic that makes it work riveth – locations, dialogues & text Female Conversion Patches by idkmanyolo: -Two optional light plugins available if you want to convert most, or all of Pervert's human male NPCs into women. Best experienced with gender-neutral XML files, for variety. Options: -Perv_Fem: most human males are now women. Sapient ghouls are turned into human men and women. -Perv_FemFull: Virtually all human males, with the exception of two DC guards in the interrogation room, are now women. Sapient ghouls are also human women. Requirements: -Pervert and all its requirements -Commonwealth Captives Credits: -EgoBallistic for head parts from CC and for collecting faces -RayV12 and veter75n for appearance data Submitter riveth Submitted 11/24/2024 Category Quest Requirements
Assimilation View File Last edit on 1/25/2024: Update description with latest status. Assimilation Nate or Nora are great fighters (just ask Strong!) and extremely valuable to the factions in the Commonwealth. Thus, if the player romances NPCs or their health gets too low then that faction may assimilate them by changing their looks or locking them into the faction. It consists of several small quests that trigger after certain events like your health getting too low or AAF animations. There are MCM options to control many mod features, for example whether romance is enabled or not. This mod complements LL mods like AAF Violate, Sexual Harassment and Sex 'Em Up and is similar in some ways to LL mods like Tattoo After Rape and Rad Morphing Redux. Features If the player health falls below a configurable value or after the player romances a partner of a particular faction, there is a chance that the player's hair, body, skin, clothes, and faction may be changed. The chance for a change to happen for each body section and for each faction is configurable through MCM. Hair - Your hair will be changed to something appropriate for that faction. Expect to get a mohawk for Raiders and a military cut Gunners. There are differences for male and female characters. Supported hair, beard, and pubic hair styles will also regrow over time or fall out from radiation. There are some penalties if your hair gets too long so you should find & drop some scissors on the ground and use them to trim up to avoid them. I could tell you what all the hairstyle possibilities are, but that would take away the fun and surprise. Currently, base game/DLC hairstyles are supported plus the following mods: Ponytail Hairstyles v2.5a ANiceOakTree's Hairstyles Pubes Forever Commonwealth Cuts KS Hairdos KS Hairdos with Physics More can easily be added! Which ones would you like? Body - Your CBBE body will be morphed based on settings in MCM. Configure them as you see fit, but by default it is set for female characters making the breasts and butt bigger and the waist smaller, i.e. an hourglass figure for most factions except "settler" factions which are the opposite. It is possible to configure the settings for male and female characters. FEV - If you romance a super-mutant, then some FEV may sneak into your system and cause increased muscle mass and some increased strength side-effects. Beware! (This can be configured or disabled in MCM). Actions Effect Body - Similar to mods like WTTF. You eat - you get large, You swing & bash & workout - you get muscle, You lounge & get rads - you get thin (can be configured or disabled in MCM). Clothes - Your clothes will be changed to something appropriate for that faction. Expect to get a harness for Raiders and a suit for Triggermen. There are differences for male and female characters. There is an option to swap your clothing hats/helmets when combat starts/ends and an option to swap your clothing gas mask when bad weather starts/ends. I could tell you what all the apparel possibilities are, but that would take away the fun and surprise. Currently, base game/DLC apparel is supported plus the following mods: Harness Wardrobe Militarized Minutemen Wearable Super Mutant Armor Gunner Outfit Pack More can easily be added! Which ones would you like? Skin - If certain mods are installed, then tattoos can be applied to the entire body when first affected and thereafter one after romance, combat or helping faction members. Faction (version 3.0 and greater) - Your faction will be changed to that faction and possibly moved to a faction-friendly location. Your last partner will have a small dialogue to initiate it. You will remain in the faction until you help or romance enough faction members to leave the faction. When leaving, a small dialogue allows you to confirm leaving or remaining in the faction. While assimilated to the faction, you will gain a perk appropriate for that faction. Asking to help or romancing faction members may result in them offering gifts or to be a companion (up to 2). You will receive better gifts based on your faction reputation which can increase each time or when a non-faction member is killed. It can decrease as well! Talking to faction members using an assigned hotkey allows you to ask for info/gifts or help/romance them. Some faction members may be a doctor and can help heal you. NOTE: Some details on implementation here: To make other factions hate the player if they become a Raider, those factions must be modified to dislike the player. The faction relations are saved before faction assimilation and restored after un-assimilation, but there is some risk here if they never get restored properly. I have been careful to assure that doesn't happen in the scripts, but that said I would only play version 3.0 with faction assimilation enabled on a new game not your long-term game with 1000's of hours played. Post a comment if you notice an NPC is unexpectedly a friend or enemy after faction assimilation and I can likely fix it. NOTE: There is no quick undo for the changes once they happen. If the player's hair changes, then you're going to have to see John in Diamond City or Horatio in Vault 81 to get a new hairstyle. If the player's body or skin changes, then you're going to have to see Doc Crocker in Diamond City to fix it. You can put your other clothes back on if you don't like the ones given to you (the mod doesn't remove them), or some may play with mods where all your clothes are stripped and then the changed clothes will be the only ones you have! There are easy ways to change all of these with the showlooksmenu command, but role playing and continuing with whatever changes is more interesting. Installation Review the Conflicts and Requirements sections below then install with your favorite mod manager. Additional features are available in the mod if the Optional Mods listed below are installed. Version 3.0 and later has many portions re-written and it is unlikely that an upgrade from any 2.0 version will work properly. Versions 3.0 and later are so different that I would recommend starting a new game after download and installation. Conflicts Assimilation conflicts with the following other mods mostly because they are also modifying your faction relationships: Raider Pet - Does something similar to Assimilation for Raiders and you end up with the Raider Pet and Assimilation systems fighting each other. For the best experience, use one or the other. If there is a feature from Raider Pet that you miss when using Assimilation then let me know and I may be able to add something similar. Requirements Fallout 4 v1.10.162 or newer F4SE - needed for lots of expanded script functions MCM - needed for extensive configuration options Optional Mods AAF including some themes/animations - for animation triggering Tested with CBBE (LMK if you have another one where it works) - for body changes BodySlide - for body changes Looksmenu - for skin overlay changes Random Overlay Framework - for skin overlay changes Tattoo After Rape - for skin overlay changes F4z Ro D'oh - for better silent dialogue lines Credits Bethesda for Fallout 4 as without it none of this would be possible The F4SE Team for their great work in finishing what Bethesda did not registrator2000 for MCM a really great menu option framework dagobaking for AAF and probably a reason LoversLab exists expired6978 for LooksMenu making it easy to change the player's looks Invictusblade for Random Overlay Framework and having an API method that could be called to apply random overlays on the player twistedtrebla for Tattoo After Rape as I used the snippet of connecting to AAF from that mod jaam and Chosen Clue and EgoBallistic for their highly useful string functions LenAnderson for Rad Morphing Redux as I learned how to do the body morphing from that mod MxR for the mod review: Prioritized Issues (these will roll off each release) Transitioned Talk Help Quests from storing Quest Form to storing Quest FormID & plugin filename making it easier to develop external Talk Help Quest mods. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE Assimilation forces third person camera to be centered. Temp fix with "player.caa animarchetypeplayer". The hands-up animation is an AnimArcheType so need to confirm what was done before the problem occurred. Appears to be a PlayerRef.ChangeAnimArchetype(AnimArchetypeNervous) call to make the player nervous which isn't necessary and removed it. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE Today (9/12/2024) was a great day. A big issue that I thought was my fault is not my fault but instead a Bethesda bug documented here. It had been reported that NPCs would not always start a conversation with the player. Sometimes it would work, but often it would not and some Quest dialogue scenes would always work. It turns out if you have too many dialogue lines (and due to the number of factions I support I often do) it will not initiate the conversation. The solution recommended is a workaround - start with a simple generic dialogue line then once the conversation is started it can get more complex which requires me reworking some of the scenes. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE If you're Sex Attributes Desperate and talking to a doctor (who you cannot romance) there are no Talk options so just abort the conversation. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE It is reported that Assimilation does not work after 3 times - ON HOLD (could not reproduce the issue, need to get log from reporter) Player is always relocated even if settings are turned off. Found/fixed issue that wrong setting was being checked. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE Updated DD forms for their latest release - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE Player Assimilated dialogue inappropriate for certain factions (BoS should only salute BoS members). Found/fixed what I could. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE Mods that undress like CWSS or AN76 conflict when apparel is locked. Need a way to delay re-locking till after redress by those mods. Also, resetting the lock time. Tricky but probably not impossible. There is a difference between ones that should abort the redress (like conflicting clothing), and those that should delay and then re-lock (like undressing when using a toilet). Aborting the redress is already implemented/working, but the delay/re-lock is not. Watched for furniture forms on sit/getup and AN76 keyword. - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE Fusion Girl and True Wasteland Body (TWB) support. Both are similar to CBBE with slider names but different Vertices they effect and more spaces in the slider names (CBBE only has 2). Need to test spaces in slider names to make sure they are working correctly (can use "7B Upper" and "7B Lower" with CBBE for that) and pick "muscular" slider names/values to be affected for FEV (and make them configurable in MCM). - FIXED, IN NEXT RELEASE SKK Combat Stalkers only uses Friend/Enemy factions. Thus, if you are Raider assimilated and Raiders spawn to come after you, then they will be your enemy which doesn't make sense. Not sure how to fix this one as I cannot add the Combat Stalkers enemy faction into your friends because then (in Raider example) Super-mutants that spawn will be your friend. Challenging, no known solution. Hair stretching out and actor disappearing on AAF animations. This is not an issue with this mod and looks like it involves the timing of hair changes, but I would love to find a workaround. Challenging, no known solution. Prioritized Features (these will roll off each release) General Increase performance of applying physical changes (hair, apparel, skin, face) using cache picking mechanism. Not for body as it is already picked what to change. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Option that player makes noise when swinging, bashing, jumping, or swimming (it was easy as Player Menu Clapping already did this). - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Face Integrated with Scripted Face Tints (SFT) - - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Create Medicated Face Wipes aid item that can erase one face damage tint (can be aid gift). - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Skin Apply Overlays via Looksmenu from Captive Tattoos thus not requiring Tattoo After Rape to be installed - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Create Medicated Skin Patch aid item that can erase one skin damage overlay (can be aid gift). - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Body Metabolism - If you don't eat/exercise your body grows thinner by a small, balanced, configurable amount over time... like real people. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Walking/Standing-Still Bonus option - To aid in surviving while in faction, you get a tiny heal bonus while walking or standing still. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Clothes Android Outfits - - ON HOLD (clothing items did not work when tested!) Super Mutant - Feral Ghouls - Raiders / Super Mutant (ToneTigre Slave Clothes) - - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Raiders / Super Mutant (Kharneth Slave Clothes) - - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Hair Ponytail Hairstyles v3.0 - - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE (UPDATE REQUIRED TO 3.0 AS IDS CHANGED!) More Pubic Hair Overlays - Lots More Female Hairstyles - Lots More Male Hairstyles - Lots More Facial Hair - MiscHairstyle 1.6 - - ON HOLD (off-site download) (optional, for males) More Hairstyles-Beards - - ON HOLD (off-site download) Black Desert Online Hairs - - ON HOLD (requires new head style) Trimming hair blocked during combat & pubic blocked when detected. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Scissors have a configurable (tiny by default) chance of breaking when trimming. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Faction Alternate Ending quest - If not assimilated to a faction (chance failed), then there is a chance that an alternate ending quest can occur, mostly romantic but depending on the outcome of a small dialog can be other things (if installed) like being Bound In Public or POTC or Real Handcuffed or even Caps taken, etc. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Overseer quest - get assigned a random faction Overseer (and possibly shock collared) to check-in with on your progress or be punished. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Late to Overseer quest - Overseer sends a group of faction members to track you down and bring you back to them. - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Increase the number of faction help quests available (i.e. the variety) when assimilated. - IN PROGRESS Watered Down - Fetch water (all) - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE Feed Me - Fetch food (all) - DONE, IN NEXT RELEASE You've Got Mail - Deliver mail between mailboxes (Settlers, Minutemen) - IN PROGRESS Propaganda - Deliver propaganda letters to containers (all) Toy Drive - Fetch toys (Settlers, Minutemen) Bad Habit - Fetch chems (all) Spare Parts - Fetch bot parts (Rust Devils) Tool Time - Fetch tools (all) Sacred Scrolls - Fetch special books (Children of Atom) Got Junk? - Eliminate Junk items (all) Tourist Escort - Deliver settlers to various locations (Settlers) Prisoner Transfer - Deliver prisoners between camps (enemy factions) Feeding Time - Deliver food to animals (Pack) Big Game Hunting - Eliminate large or small animals (Trappers) Camp Raid - Eliminate settler camp (enemy factions) Human Garbage - Eliminate Raider camp (Settlers, Minutemen) Dead Drop - Deliver a dead drop letter in a container (Railroad) S.R.B. - Track down and deliver a synth (Institute) The Hustle - Deliver chems or weapons for caps (Triggermen) Abominations - Eliminate Super Mutants (BoS) Infestation - Eliminate Feral Ghouls (BoS, Minutemen, Settlers) Attack of the Synths - Eliminate Gen1 & Gen2 synths (Railroad, BoS) Who Are You? - Determine if a faction member is a synth (all) Military Mentor - Take kid out to eliminate an animal or enemy faction (any) Scavver Mentor - Take kid out to fetch items (any) What's New in Version 1.4.0 Initial version (it was revisioned several times privately before posting) 1.12.0 Support DLC and implement progressive hairstyles from long to short 2.0 Faction assimilation, create hairstyles/apparel databases, FEV effect, hair growth/loss, helmet swap on combat 2.5 Bug fixes and stability/error recovery improvements, gas mask swap on bad weather 2.6 Bug fixes from 2.5 release discovered right after release 2.7 Bug fixes still existing in 2.6 version 3.0 Assimilation via Combat & Theft, NPC Talking giving 7 generic side-quests with faction specific ones planned for future 3.1 Bug fixes from 3.0 release discovered right after release, Simple sit out ground feature to rest 3.2 Bug fixes from 3.1 release, shortcut consumables, Atom Cats faction assimilation, info popup menu Submitter louisthird Submitted 01/07/2021 Category Misc Sex Requires F4SE MCM
Little Pawn - An adult Quest Mod View File Little Pawn An adult quest mod that focuses on Goodneighbor with a different point of view. It is recommended to start a new game for this. You can become Hancock's new assistant. He's not looking for a Power Armor-wearing markswoman. Instead, he's looking for an assistant who can use her charm and finesse to get things done. You experience "The Cleaner", "The Big Dig" and "The Silver Shroud" from a different perspective. And much more. This mod interferes with some vanilla content. A few examples: It is not recommended to use a save in which you completed these vanilla quests or have Hancock as a Companion. Please just start a new game. Quests: "A new Neighbor" - "The Date" - "Target Practice" - "Shot in the Alley" - "Cleaning Service" - "Good News" - "Information Retrieval" - "The Tunnel" - "Little Pawn and the Shroud" - "The Collector" a Sidequest which unlocks repeatable misc quests. Available after "Little Pawn and the Shroud". Talk to Fahrenheit to start this. - Fred Allen and Daisy will offer to buy specific items when you completed their Vanilla Quests (and "A new Neighbor") You can turn their offer down if you don't want to. - Fahrenheit collects various Chess Stuff. You can find 20 different items in randomly chosen containers. You dont get a questmarker. You find them by chance and get a reward from Fahrenheit if you bring these to her. - As you play the quests, new stores and NPCs are gradually unlocked. - Daily Shopping Quest. After completing "A new Neighbor" you can ask Hancock about catering. After that you can ask once every evening after 7pm to go shopping and if he needs something too. This takes 1-5 minutes includes several different options and you will get a free meal and drink item. Which will be stored in Hancocks Cooler. Playerhome The Playerhome is a small part of the Attic in the Old State House How to start: After Hancock had held his speech a guard will approach you in Goodneighbor. Important - Load Order: Helpmenu Maintenance: Requirements: Fallout 4 Nuka World F4z Ro D-oh (necessary otherwise the dialogue will be very slow) Mod Configuration Menu AAF AAF Themes A fully working AAF Installation, see here: You need Leito, Savage cabbage and Atomic Lusts animationpacks as a minimum. Which files of Little Pawn do I need? You just need the main file. If you are a modder and want to use the sourcefiles of my scripts, you might want the Sources. The Facegen Data Patch is only necessary if you have the Mod "X-Cell" installed. About Voices This Mod itself is unvoiced, but there is a really great Voicepack available, made by @AnonLove19. It is highly recommended. See under “Recommendations” Replayability: Compatibility: Known Issues: Recommendations: @AnonLove19 made some cool patches and a Voicepack for Little Pawn. Links below: Translations: Credits: Music by Holfix: Broken Mind (Sad Piano) There was a Time Finally Home Thanks to: @kziitd @JB. @lee3310 for helping me out with the AAF XML Stuff And also everyone else here on this site, who make this a wonderful place Submitter Heinz01 Submitted 07/17/2024 Category Quest Requirements
- 277 replies
Is there a way to merge these? Like togglable hair from this mod and maybe even the clothes if possible with miyabi bottom heavy nsfw version?
Here are the covers for the series that will be released under the Spicy Life series. There are only two at the time of writing, but more will be added as they come out, and I'll be publishing the stories when they're ready in due course. Spicy Life - Chapter One : Welcome to the sun
Women's bow earring n0023 View File 🌺New accessory available completely free🌺 Women's bow earring n0023 🌺Download the content here🌺 🌺Download the content here🌺 🌺You can support me on Instagram and Patreon🌺 Submitter 50 shades of darling Submitted 01/09/2025 Category Accessories & Makeup Requirements
Don't worry, nobody will ever see this photo...
ABOUT: This game is a rather unique game, I must say! Here, you're an alien parasite that came from the deep reaches of space and landed here on Earth. For some reason, you took interest on "sleeping women", especially their dreams so you decided to mess with their dreams so you can eventually possess and control their minds. Can you successfully induce their dreams with horny thoughts? Release Date: 12-19-2024 Developer: Saikosoma: Itch - Discord - Patreon - Twitter Censored: No OS: Windows - macOS - Android - Linux Language: English Genre: Interactive Fiction Installation: Extract and run.
Triggerwoman Description: In this mod you have the opportunity to join a new group of Triggermen. Anyone who looks at the example of this faction (Chicago gangs from the 1920s) will know that women did not play a major role in such organizations. They were usually simple workers or prostitutes. But you may be different. Join the "Beacon Hill Crew" and prove to the boss there that you're capable of more. How this mod starts: The mod starts when reading Linda's holotape. You can find it in Concord in the house near the Red Rocket Station. (Or via the Helpmenu, see below) Quests: When creating this mod, it was important to me that after one quest the next one doesn't automatically follow. You can play however you want, but its meant to be played with a new character and with focus on the random quests. Main Quests: "A new Opportunity" This is the introduction. "The Theft". After a while, you'll get the opportunity to show that you're capable of more than just completing simple tasks or making money in bed. "The Old Neighborhood" Meet new people and get an offer. "Bugs and a little Pawn" Help expand the crew's business. "A warm beer and a cold woman" Help your boss close a deal. "The Missing Report" A report is missing. Look into the matter. *The Delays can be skipped through the Help Menu while this Mod is in Beta, see below) Random repeatable quests (All non-combat. Some have sex options and they are only listed in the MISC section of your Quest tab): Wally: Deliver Orders Fetch reports Finnegan: Pick up the hidden loot Cook: Collect herbs Buy meat from a vendor Buy vegetables from a settlement Clancy (after "The Theft"): Pick pocketing Burglary (very limited) Deliver the stolen goods Almost all of them can be aborted at the questgiver if you need to. You can have up to 4 of these quest simultanously (1 from every NPC) You can also earn XP and Caps with sex from Wally, Clancy and Benny, if you take the Prostitution Path. The player is granted a bed, safe storage and access to the workbenches in the Beacon Hill Crew base. As the quest progresses, various things will be unlocked that I don't want to give away now. Be surprised. Help Menu You can create the (TRW) HelpMenu at the Chemstation. This includes a few quest-sensitive features to address potential issues. (including Lindas Diary to start the quest, in case you cant find her) Secrets of Chestnut Hill During development, one cell “too many” was created. But since I still find it useful, it is part of the mod. A brothel (at the Chestnut Hillock Reservoir). Fully functional. You can work and dance there independently of the main quest. Talk to Madame Ruby if you want to dance for a few caps or work as a prostitute (to stop the automatic rush of your johns, talk to her again). There is also a bed, safe storage, workbenches and vendors there. For the future i plan to add small quests based on rumors to that location, so its of more use. Recommendation: Due to the non-combat random tasks, it is well suited for a game on a higher difficulty level and without a companion. This Mod has a few fights that can be tough in the later quests, but you get assistance in some occasions. Lore: I try to stay as close to the lore as possible. But i also took the freedom to use copies of existing characters. My Mod assumes the player is in the early part of Act 1 of the Game, so if you already proceeded further you may encounter copies of NPCs that you already dealt with earlier. This doesnt create problems on the technical side, but may seem unimmersive. The following NPCs must be alive: Arturo in DC, Kessler in Bunker Hill and the Settlers in Oberland Station. It would also be great if most settlers and vanilla vendors would be alive. Compatibility and technical stuff: This mod was created with the premise of being as compatible as possible with other mods. I almost only added doors to the vanilla game were i see them fit and not so obvious. NPCs are placed in my own cells and only moved to existing furniture in vanilla cells if needed. Requirements: Fallout 4 Nuka World DLC AAF AAF Themes Leito and Savage Cabbage Anim Packs F4z Ro D-oh - Silent Voice This Mod is unvoiced (apart from a few vanilla lines). English isnt my native language. So it may be weird here and there. Thanks to: Sergafon and Valcon767 For all the suggestions. I think i have used one or two JB. For making Nuka Ride. I wouldnt create quest mods, if NR wouldnt exist. Several ideas only came up while playing your mod. dagobaking For creating AAF Leito 86 and SavageCabbage For all the wonderful Animations ToddHoward and his team for creating all the cool games Thuggysmurf for his mods, which also have inspired me Seddon4494, Kinggath and Kris Takahashi for all the Tutorials Download: Triggerwoman 1.0.7z Triggerwoman 1.0 - Source.7z (only for modders) Facegen Data Patch (Only for X-Cell Users): Triggerwoman - Facegen Data.7z LittlePawn 2.0 can be found here: Submitter Heinz01 Submitted 11/01/2023 Category Quest Requires
Version 33.0 (1st January 2025)
WARNING ADULT CONTENT! (NSFW) YOU MUST BE 18+ Use this mod at your own risk. Made possible by ONIKI 'Kinky' Kay's Kinky World Mod & TwilightStorm's Passion Mod Inspired by the pros: Mike24, Amra72, Lady666, MaryJane, K69, Lucas & The Master ooOLaLaCity (TS3) meets KinkyWorld & Passion Animated Breasts - Animation Showcase FEATURES : BREAST PHYSICS, (NEW) ANIMATED PENIS, OBJECT, MOUTH & TONGUE MOVEMENT + SOUND >>>GET PATREON EXCLUSIVE ANIMATIONS<<< Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to see animation previews Some previews may contain patreon-exclusive animations * ============================= *** WARNING *** ================================================= KinkyWorld vs. Passion ================================================= READ THIS BEFORE USING EITHER OF THE MODS FOR THE FIRST TIME ------------------------------------------------------------------ *** DON'T USE BOTH MODS AT THE SAME TIME! *** They greatly conflict with each other. Once you start using one of them, it is highly recommended you DO NOT switch to another within the same save file. -------------------------------------------------- *** FOR AN ENJOYABLE EXPERIENCE WITH THESE MODS *** You'll probably need a lot of Mods that allow for: - Nudity, | - Managing Your Sims/Town - Penis Mesh | - Defined Breasts/Nipples ============================= Just to name a few ideas. *** Follow this link/guide below to find out what you may need: *** -------------------------------------------------- KW & AP Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to view ============================= ------------------------------------------------------------------ Why: KinkyWorld Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to view ============================= Why: Passion Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to view ============================= ------------------------------------------------------------------ How to use ooOLaLaCity with KinkyWorld ONIKI KAY is the creator of Kinky World | > VISIT THEIR PAGE FOR MORE Mod-related INFOMATION < Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to view ============================= How to use ooOLaLaCity with Passion TWILIGHT STORM is the creator of Passion | > VISIT THEIR PAGE FOR MORE Mod-related INFOMATION < Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to view ============================= *** NEW REQUIREMENT *** *** Animations which end with "(AP)" will LOOK BAD without this Mod *** ================================================= *** NEW TS3 ANIMATED PENIS (AP)*** ================================================= ================================================= How to use ooOLaLaCity with Animated Penis (AP) Ghost-17a (@ghost-17a) is the one who rigged the Animated Penis | > VISIT THEIR PAGE FOR MORE Mod-related INFOMATION < PATREON — RELEASES | DOWNLOADS | COLLECTIONS ================================================= SPECIAL THANKS TO: ONIKI Kay for the creation of iconic Mod which is Kinky World TWILIGH STORM for the creation of Passion Mike24, Amra72 & Lady666, for their 5-Star TS3 Animations! MaryJane, K69, Lucas & The Master, for their outstanding animations! Cmar (RIP) for the penis mesh, NRASS for the must-have Mod collection In regards to the TS3 Animated Penis Mod/Mesh/Rig: @ghost-17a for modifying Cmar's rig @TakumiiSakura for initiating the project. @LadySmoks for helping with weight paint. @JoshQ for the bottom mesh. Special Thanks to @Clydie and @AuspiciousDefiance for recommending the AP mod to me Cmar (RIP) for the penis mesh, NRASS for the must-have Mod collection TUBRODRIVER for the overwhelming support for TS4 & ooOLaLaWorld content An extra special thanks to: lucas1i ! For their tutorial on how to create animations for KW and Passion Thanks to you all on the forum who show your support for ooOLaLaCity & ooOLaLaWorld. (TS3)x (TS4) You're awesome! ===================== TO DOWNLOAD: -> GO TO 'VIEW FILE' AT THE TOP-
- sims 3
- animations
- (and 9 more)
View File [Sims 3][WIP] ooOLaLa City's Sex Animations for Kinky World & Passion (TS3) [**Animated Penis**][Updated: 1st January 2025] WARNING ADULT CONTENT! (NSFW) YOU MUST BE 18+ Use this mod at your own risk. Made possible by ONIKI 'Kinky' Kay's Kinky World Mod & TwilightStorm's Passion Mod Inspired by the pros: Mike24, Amra72, Lady666, MaryJane, K69, Lucas & The Master ooOLaLaCity (TS3) meets KinkyWorld & Passion Animated Breasts - Animation Showcase FEATURES : BREAST PHYSICS, (NEW) ANIMATED PENIS, OBJECT, MOUTH & TONGUE MOVEMENT + SOUND >>>GET PATREON EXCLUSIVE ANIMATIONS<<< Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to see animation previews Some previews may contain patreon-exclusive animations * ============================= *** WARNING *** ================================================= KinkyWorld vs. Passion ================================================= READ THIS BEFORE USING EITHER OF THE MODS FOR THE FIRST TIME ------------------------------------------------------------------ *** DON'T USE BOTH MODS AT THE SAME TIME! *** They greatly conflict with each other. Once you start using one of them, it is highly recommended you DO NOT switch to another within the same save file. -------------------------------------------------- *** FOR AN ENJOYABLE EXPERIENCE WITH THESE MODS *** You'll probably need a lot of Mods that allow for: - Nudity, | - Managing Your Sims/Town - Penis Mesh | - Defined Breasts/Nipples ============================= Just to name a few ideas. *** Follow this link/guide below to find out what you may need: *** -------------------------------------------------- KW & AP Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to view ============================= ------------------------------------------------------------------ Why: KinkyWorld Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to view ============================= Why: Passion Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to view ============================= ------------------------------------------------------------------ How to use ooOLaLaCity with KinkyWorld ONIKI KAY is the creator of Kinky World | > VISIT THEIR PAGE FOR MORE Mod-related INFOMATION < Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to view ============================= How to use ooOLaLaCity with Passion TWILIGHT STORM is the creator of Passion | > VISIT THEIR PAGE FOR MORE Mod-related INFOMATION < Click 'reveal' next to "spoiler" to view ============================= *** NEW REQUIREMENT *** *** Animations which end with "(AP)" will LOOK BAD without this Mod *** ================================================= *** NEW TS3 ANIMATED PENIS (AP)*** ================================================= ================================================= How to use ooOLaLaCity with Animated Penis (AP) Ghost-17a (@ghost-17a) is the one who rigged the Animated Penis | > VISIT THEIR PAGE FOR MORE Mod-related INFOMATION < PATREON — RELEASES | DOWNLOADS | COLLECTIONS ================================================= SPECIAL THANKS TO: ONIKI Kay for the creation of iconic Mod which is Kinky World TWILIGH STORM for the creation of Passion Mike24, Amra72 & Lady666, for their 5-Star TS3 Animations! MaryJane, K69, Lucas & The Master, for their outstanding animations! Cmar (RIP) for the penis mesh, NRASS for the must-have Mod collection In regards to the TS3 Animated Penis Mod/Mesh/Rig: @ghost-17a for modifying Cmar's rig @TakumiiSakura for initiating the project. @LadySmoks for helping with weight paint. @JoshQ for the bottom mesh. Special Thanks to @Clydie and @AuspiciousDefiance for recommending the AP mod to me Cmar (RIP) for the penis mesh, NRASS for the must-have Mod collection TUBRODRIVER for the overwhelming support for TS4 & ooOLaLaWorld content An extra special thanks to: lucas1i ! For their tutorial on how to create animations for KW and Passion Thanks to you all on the forum who show your support for ooOLaLaCity & ooOLaLaWorld. (TS3)x (TS4) You're awesome! ===================== TO DOWNLOAD: -> GO TO 'VIEW FILE' AT THE TOP Submitter ooOLalaWorld Submitted 02/12/2021 Category The Sims 3 Requirements ONIKI Kay's 'Kinky World' Mod - OR - TwilightStorm's "Passion" Mod
- 325 replies
- sims 3
- animations
- (and 9 more)
Dear friends! A lot of work has been done on the game over the past period. The game is 50% complete. We want to share with you what has been done. Goblin Dungeons - add the game to your wishlist! CAMP (A place to rest and prepare for new adventures) The location is fully animated, lighting and effects have been installed. Post-processing has been added. MAGIC Fire 15/15 - 100% ready The peculiarity of fire is to inflict additional damage to the enemy. Ice 13/15 - 86% readiness Spells of this school have a chance to freeze the enemy and block his abilities. DIALOGUES The game will have a full-fledged dialogue system. You will be able to communicate with both allies and enemies. The heroine will also not miss the opportunity to comment on the events taking place on the screen. ENEMIES We are trying to implement a wide variety of opponents with different abilities and patterns of behavior in battle. 5 unique story bosses will be added. PLANS Poison Magic School Lightning Magic School Non-elemental spells Items Random events Story cutscenes Music and sounds Voice acting BONUS We are planning to release a cosplay of the game's main character Ellie by the game's release. Work on it is in full swing. More information about our games and key giveaways in Discord
- adult game
- goblins
- (and 6 more)
Version 4.0.1
IMPORTANTE: O mod Big Dick Problems foi descontinuado, portanto o mod e esta tradução estão OBSOLETOS, já que o mod BDP foi substituído pelo Khlas Males Interactions! A tradução do novo mod já está disponível, e pode ser baixada aqui Olá! Fiz a tradução do mod Big Dick Problems, feito por múltiplos criadores e atualmente mantido pelo Khlas. A tradução é atualmente compatível com a versão 4.0 do mod. Download do mod principal após a descrição em inglês. ----------------------------------------- Hello! I just made a Brazilian Portuguese translation for the Big Dick Problems Mod, made by multiple creators and currently maintained by Khlas. The translation is currently compatible with the version 4.0 of the mod. Download the mod below: Instalação: Coloque o arquivo !Big_Dick_Problems_4.0.1_strings_POR_BR.package na mesma pasta que o mod. ------------------------------------- Install instructions: Place the !Big_Dick_Problems_4.0.1_strings_POR_BR package in the same folder as BDP. -
[OBSOLETO] [BDP] Tradução do Big Dick Problems para Português Brasileiro (Brazilian Portuguese Translation for BDP) View File Olá! Fiz a tradução do mod Big Dick Problems, feito por múltiplos criadores e atualmente mantido pelo Khlas. A tradução é atualmente compatível com a versão 4.0 do mod. Download do mod principal após a descrição em inglês. ----------------------------------------- Hello! I just made a Brazilian Portuguese translation for the Big Dick Problems Mod, made by multiple creators and currently maintained by Khlas. The translation is currently compatible with the version 4.0 of the mod. Download the mod below: Instalação: Coloque o arquivo !Big_Dick_Problems_4.0.1_strings_POR_BR.package na mesma pasta que o mod. ------------------------------------- Install instructions: Place the !Big_Dick_Problems_4.0.1_strings_POR_BR package in the same folder as BDP. Submitter Theuso Submitted 12/08/2022 Category Translations Requirements Big Dick Problems, WickedWhims
Version 2.01
Dark World Reborn Requires Crusader Kings 2. In my testing I used version 3.3.3 Part of the Succubus Seduction path uses the Way of Life DLC (you can just opt to not use the Kiss of Seduction if you don't have that DLC) Part of the Societies may call on content from the Monk and Mystics expansion. Mod: Dark World Reborn v2.01 Dark World Reborn-Drax70 - is a customized version of an old version of Dark World Reborn, with different images and the addition of some sounds (sound files are why it's a larger file size). DO NOT USE BOTH mod versions! Compatibility: The goal of Dark World Reborn will to make it as compatible as possible with other mods, when it is reasonable. Make me aware of an issue and I'll see if it can be addressed. If you're using this mod with an overhaul - look at what you need to change - FAQ section, last item (FAQ is the 2nd topic in this discussion). There is an INCOMPATIBILITY reported with either EctoBukkake's Adventures or the Bigger Events mod. One of these seems to increase the event font size to where some event text is lost on certain events. Dark World Reborn has a modified version of Bigger Events integrated. Any mods you use that require Bigger Events, should still work if used with Dark World Reborn. Mod Installation: With the game getting so many new players since it went free to play, I've finally broken down and put together some installation instructions. So now folks can simply be referred to the front page of either the mod download or the support page. What is this mod: Dark World Reborn is intended to be an adult fantasy mod. If you're not interested in the fantasy elements, there is still other content in the mod - from buildings such as brothels and slave markets, to events such as spending time with your loved one. This game has numerous Game Rules that can be used to fine tune your play experience if something doesn't interest you. Setting: Man kind rules the Earth. The mod includes the potential to have non-human races. However, this mod doesn't introduce them in any large numbers. That is because mankind has driven the non-human races into near extinction. Those that survive are in hiding, living in the fringes of civilization. So outside of a pair of major NPC's that get seeded (Fenris the wolf, Vlad the vampire), other non-humans may or may not be encountered during game play. It is important to note that Mankind predated many of the races and outnumbered them when they appeared. The appearance of many races took place during a phenomena that sages sometimes refer to as The Crossing. For about a century, Earth and the world of the Fae had a convergence, where some of their natives crossed over. To most of the world, this convergence is nothing more than another fable, yet the genetic mark of those that crossed over remains. NOTE: Some other mods go heavier on the non-human races, seeding them throughout the world. Dark World Reborn strives to be mod friendly, so using DWR with those other mods should be fine. Game Rule - Dark World Campaign: One of the Dark World Reborn has a game rules is 'Dark World Campaigns'. It is important to realize that this is just a quick start way to get some traits (such as starting as a Vampire), along with a narrative to help create a mind set for play. You can totally ignore the narrative, it's just meant to help those interested with a role-playing angle. A few campaigns do include special events specific to that campaign. For example - Rise of the Pack where you start as a Werewolf, gives you a narrative of being tasked by Fenris with helping the werewolves achieve dominance over mankind. At some point after you start, you'll get an event unique to this campaign where he sends you some aid and a potential courtier. If you select a campaign, you'll need to trigger it manually. Look at the Decisions on the Intrigue menu for your campaign start. Note: If you do something like select the 'Rise of the Pack' Campaign, but turn off 'Classic Monsters' - you'll bork things up and not get your decision. Reason being, Werewolves are considered Classic Monster content. So don't defeat yourself. So why start with a campaign option? Some folks want to start as a Vampire. Due to randomization, if you don't start as one, it could be years into the game before the chance appeared, and then, it might result in death instead of being turned. Non-Human Races: Note: there are no 'True Bloods' in DWR. While mankind was successful in pushing non-humans to extinction, those non-human races live on via descendants that are part human/part non-human. It's one reason non-human races are able to largely hide, by passing off as normal humans, unless they do something that exposes their heritage. So it's a planet with a bunch of half-breeds if you want to get picky. Now, many of those half-breeds have been accepted over time. Especially those who don't have a history of violence against humans. Still, people in general still are wary of the weird, and while they may not be automatically hostile towards some, there may still be a negative opinion hit. Non-Human Tolerance Law There are three stages. By default, any non-human race that is viewed as generally being a violent non-human species, can be arrested (via targeted decision). The law can be changed from the middle, to be completely tolerant (all non-humans are accepted), or to completely intolerant (all non-humans are criminal). Outside of the targeted decision to attempt to arrest someone, additional events may be influenced by the level of the law. For example - if your land sees all non-humans as criminals, then a non-human may opt to avoid your lands (thus preventing an event from firing). Heroes and Villains Content: Special Thanks: - ReMeDy for the assistance on the Custom Portraits mod, and your time in answering both my questions and those of some other folks in the support thread. - Genericlogin for his Christianity mod that got me interested in modding for CK2 in the first place - Lockeslylcrit and the work that was done over the past year with DWF. - Drax70 for a variety of image resizing and event contributions. - Jim Raynor for some event contributions. - Aliris, RustiYeti, YiffMeister, ngppgn, JIBECaid01, Veedanya, Sybreal for code or icon art contributions. - ngppgn's work on making a larger event window (original resource: - Dem8840 for contributing some story and item ideas - Black Yoru, NeoSniper and others for various compatibility/patch mods that have helped others enjoy the mod. - Lover's Lab for having this environment. - Paradox for making CK2 so mod friendly and the continued support and content releases. Dark World Reborn Change Log History-
- crusader kings 2
- ck2
(and 3 more)
Tagged with:
Wasteland Lewdness is an adult RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world. In this tortured world, nuclear bombs didn't just take more than half of the human population away, they also burned all the humanity from those who survived...... You are a young man who has never ventured beyond your safe settlement until now. Forced to leave your home and into the wastes -- where almost everything tries to kill you, and the rest wants to do things far worse -- on a tech-scavenge quest. Players can be straight or gay or bi, dominant or submissive, good or bad, the choices are yours. Download here on for free. If you like this game, please check out my patreon or subscribestar page! Any support is greatly appreciated! Version 0.59.0 is out for patrons and subscribers! Fetishes (All of which are optional by your choices in-game): Anal, Vaginal, Oral, Feet, Creampie, Sissy, Feminization, Femdom, Corruption, Physical Transformation, Exhibitionism, BDSM, Forced Sex, Cuckold, Slavery, Beast, Snuff Current contents (Version: 0.58.2) Open world Non-linear main and side quests Character creation Attributes system with in-game checks (AKA the D.I.C.C.K.S) Traits and perks CYOA combat/Turn-based combat 154 sex scenes 6 Companions 6 settlements with merchants and interesting characters Inventory with 101 items and 47 unique items Vehicle system with 4 vehicles and vehicale combat Time and day/night cycle Survival System with hunger and thirst Player homes in most of the settlements Exploring system Random encounters Gambling with 3 mini games Investments system Cooking system [Disclaimer] You need to be an adult and in accordance with the laws of your region or country to play this game, all characters in this game are over 21, and every character is consensual towards every action or inaction that occurs in the game, no matter what the in-game text may allude. All characters, events, and any other things in this game are pure works of fiction, they do not represent the opinions and beliefs of the creator. This game is in an early stage, if you find any bugs, typos, or grammar mistakes, please send them to me to help me improve this game. Thanks and I hope you enjoy Wasteland Lewdness.
- 62 replies
- adult
- post-apocalyptic
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
View File [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 02DEC2024 Dark World Reborn Requires Crusader Kings 2. In my testing I used version 3.3.3 Part of the Succubus Seduction path uses the Way of Life DLC (you can just opt to not use the Kiss of Seduction if you don't have that DLC) Part of the Societies may call on content from the Monk and Mystics expansion. Mod: Dark World Reborn v2.00 Dark World Reborn-Drax70 - is a customized version of an old version of Dark World Reborn, with different images and the addition of some sounds (sound files are why it's a larger file size). DO NOT USE BOTH mod versions! Compatibility: The goal of Dark World Reborn will to make it as compatible as possible with other mods, when it is reasonable. Make me aware of an issue and I'll see if it can be addressed. If you're using this mod with an overhaul - look at what you need to change - FAQ section, last item (FAQ is the 2nd topic in this discussion). There is an INCOMPATIBILITY reported with either EctoBukkake's Adventures or the Bigger Events mod. One of these seems to increase the event font size to where some event text is lost on certain events. Dark World Reborn has a modified version of Bigger Events integrated. Any mods you use that require Bigger Events, should still work if used with Dark World Reborn. Mod Installation: With the game getting so many new players since it went free to play, I've finally broken down and put together some installation instructions. So now folks can simply be referred to the front page of either the mod download or the support page. What is this mod: Dark World Reborn is intended to be an adult fantasy mod. If you're not interested in the fantasy elements, there is still other content in the mod - from buildings such as brothels and slave markets, to events such as spending time with your loved one. This game has numerous Game Rules that can be used to fine tune your play experience if something doesn't interest you. Setting: Man kind rules the Earth. The mod includes the potential to have non-human races. However, this mod doesn't introduce them in any large numbers. That is because mankind has driven the non-human races into near extinction. Those that survive are in hiding, living in the fringes of civilization. So outside of a pair of major NPC's that get seeded (Fenris the wolf, Vlad the vampire), other non-humans may or may not be encountered during game play. It is important to note that Mankind predated many of the races and outnumbered them when they appeared. The appearance of many races took place during a phenomena that sages sometimes refer to as The Crossing. For about a century, Earth and the world of the Fae had a convergence, where some of their natives crossed over. To most of the world, this convergence is nothing more than another fable, yet the genetic mark of those that crossed over remains. NOTE: Some other mods go heavier on the non-human races, seeding them throughout the world. Dark World Reborn strives to be mod friendly, so using DWR with those other mods should be fine. Game Rule - Dark World Campaign: One of the Dark World Reborn has a game rules is 'Dark World Campaigns'. It is important to realize that this is just a quick start way to get some traits (such as starting as a Vampire), along with a narrative to help create a mind set for play. You can totally ignore the narrative, it's just meant to help those interested with a role-playing angle. A few campaigns do include special events specific to that campaign. For example - Rise of the Pack where you start as a Werewolf, gives you a narrative of being tasked by Fenris with helping the werewolves achieve dominance over mankind. At some point after you start, you'll get an event unique to this campaign where he sends you some aid and a potential courtier. If you select a campaign, you'll need to trigger it manually. Look at the Decisions on the Intrigue menu for your campaign start. Note: If you do something like select the 'Rise of the Pack' Campaign, but turn off 'Classic Monsters' - you'll bork things up and not get your decision. Reason being, Werewolves are considered Classic Monster content. So don't defeat yourself. So why start with a campaign option? Some folks want to start as a Vampire. Due to randomization, if you don't start as one, it could be years into the game before the chance appeared, and then, it might result in death instead of being turned. Non-Human Races: Note: there are no 'True Bloods' in DWR. While mankind was successful in pushing non-humans to extinction, those non-human races live on via descendants that are part human/part non-human. It's one reason non-human races are able to largely hide, by passing off as normal humans, unless they do something that exposes their heritage. So it's a planet with a bunch of half-breeds if you want to get picky. Now, many of those half-breeds have been accepted over time. Especially those who don't have a history of violence against humans. Still, people in general still are wary of the weird, and while they may not be automatically hostile towards some, there may still be a negative opinion hit. Non-Human Tolerance Law There are three stages. By default, any non-human race that is viewed as generally being a violent non-human species, can be arrested (via targeted decision). The law can be changed from the middle, to be completely tolerant (all non-humans are accepted), or to completely intolerant (all non-humans are criminal). Outside of the targeted decision to attempt to arrest someone, additional events may be influenced by the level of the law. For example - if your land sees all non-humans as criminals, then a non-human may opt to avoid your lands (thus preventing an event from firing). Heroes and Villains Content: Special Thanks: - ReMeDy for the assistance on the Custom Portraits mod, and your time in answering both my questions and those of some other folks in the support thread. - Genericlogin for his Christianity mod that got me interested in modding for CK2 in the first place - Lockeslylcrit and the work that was done over the past year with DWF. - Drax70 for a variety of image resizing and event contributions. - Jim Raynor for some event contributions. - Aliris, RustiYeti, YiffMeister, ngppgn, JIBECaid01, Veedanya, Sybreal for code or icon art contributions. - ngppgn's work on making a larger event window (original resource: - Dem8840 for contributing some story and item ideas - Black Yoru, NeoSniper and others for various compatibility/patch mods that have helped others enjoy the mod. - Lover's Lab for having this environment. - Paradox for making CK2 so mod friendly and the continued support and content releases. Dark World Reborn Change Log History Submitter dewguru Submitted 02/04/2016 Category Crusader Kings 2 Requirements Crusader Kings 2
- 5,540 replies
- crusader kings 2
- ck2
(and 3 more)
Tagged with:
View File Niky Bimbodoll (Pornstar) PATREON (ONLY FOR REQUEST A SIM) Well, it's been a while since I posted here, so I brought a version of this adult video model, I hope you like it! Submitter SimsCustom Submitted 11/30/2024 Category The Sims 4 - Sims Requirements
I mean, for the NPC or the Protagonist to just put on a collar or something and crawl around until they take it off. I know that in Being a Doggy there is a necklace with the same effect, but it completely turns the character into a dog, adds dialogues, scripts and so on. I need a mod that only introduces this animation and nothing else. Maybe there is something similar in Devious Devices, or can I change some files? I don't play with the Devious Devices mod myself, ZaZPack is enough for me. In general, is there such a mod or maybe there are some ways to implement it without unnecessary scripts?
View File Canines Animations Mating animations of canines with women (should also work with men, but I haven't checked). Also works with canines among themselves. Animations only for canines: Labradors, Huskies, Timber Wolves, Arctic Wolves and Wargs. New real life sounds: fucking, knot pull out, pre knot pull out, licking. Work in progress. Animations in 0.9: Doggy Side View (SV) Doggy Above View (AV) (temporarily removed) Missionary AV (with hands) (temporarily removed) Doggy SV with Change Angle Doggy SV with Licking before Mating (LBM) Missionary AV with LBM (with hands) Doggy AV with LBM To do (changes are possible): Doggy SV without Butt-to-Butt Doggy SV with Masturbating Hand Doggy AV/SV with Licking after Mating (LAM) Missionary AV with LAM Blowjob Doggy SV with Kissing before Mating Doggy SV with 69 after Mating Cowgirl SV Dependencies: Harmony HugsLib Rimworld Animations 2.0 RimJobWorld Desirable: H.C AnimalReskins Complete 2 for Canines Animations (a modified version by me with aligned animal textures for animations) (!) For compatibility with this mod, the ARC2 patch is required, available in the canines-animations\ARC2version folder. Sized Apparel - Zero (alignments for pawns were made for the textures of this mod) Sized Apparel - Animal Addon (all animations support genital textures for animals) Submitter Alpenglow Submitted 08/17/2024 Category Rimworld
Version 0.1.1 + female patches
About the mod: Pervert is designed for those who like FO4 to be realistic and difficult experience. It aims to fill gaps between some of most popular NSFW mods or to create opportunity to use mechanics from other mods. In current state mod is an expansion to Sexual Harassment mod. It make things moire realistic by transporting player to more private space for harassment scenario. No more kids and guards watching The mod only works in cities and settlements. Any other locations, SH would work as normal. Mod is location sensitive, so there are different dungeons for specific locations: - Diamond City - Good Neighbor - Bunker Hill - Vault 81 - Prydwen - Sanctuary - All farms and settlements (they share same dungeons) Features: - Voluntary SH scenario - When a player is asked to participate in a prostitution scenario, he and his client will be transported to one of the vanilla interiors. These interiors correspond to the cities in which the scenario takes place. (So if you're in GN, you'll be moved to Rexford's rooms, etc.) For better compatibility, the interiors are cloned from the originals, but stripped of all quest activators, NPCs and anything else that might get in our way + MCM options to set how many voluntary scenes will be played. - Involuntary SH scenarios - the player is abducted into a dungeon. Dungeons are unique interiors, specific to the current location. The abduction scenario can be customized in the MCM (how many scenes, how likely the next scene will be played out, how many actors and what type of actors can take part in the scene) Also the player can be restrained and drugged during this scenario. - Robbery – player can be robbed during non voluntary scenario. MCM options to set what kind of item can be stolen, how likely it will be stolen and how many items in category can be stolen. Robbery starts quest that let player to recover his items. The recovery process should take up to 3 days to encourage the player to stay in towns (and use mods such as SH, PVPK, Hardship, M.C.G.). Some items may be sold to raiders. If this is the case, the recovery quest will start indicating the location of the chest. This should encourage the player to go to the raider camp and use mods such as AN76, Raider Pet, Hardship, etc. tip: Robbery quests are repeatable. The next time you are robbed, you can go straight to *that* chest to skip dialogue part of this quest. - Charity containers – special containers placed near entrance to each town. (and some inside DC and GN) Player can find some basic useful items inside. Imagine that after violate scenario you need to go to city. You are naked, bonded and hungry, but thanks to some people of good will, you can find some basic clothing, some water and maybe even lock pick to free yourself from restrains. Keep in mind that each time you take something from those containers, your reputation worsens. However, you can store some items in them to improve your reputation. (There is a note inside every container that explains how does it work.) - Chem dealer in GN – there is an abandoned cafe in an alley near Bobbi's place. Inside you can find an NPC who offers an unlimited supply of Jet, Buffout and alcohol. This is very helpful for Deep Addcition users. The location also hides a small secret. Hard Requirements: - all DLC’s - working AAF setup - ZaZOut4 - Sexual Harassment (not hard but essential for mod to work) Soft Requirements: - Extended Dialogue Interface – better dialogues - F4z Ro D-oh – Silent voice – to skip dialogues if you already read them. - Sex Attributes – for charity containers to change your rep. - Kziitd Fetish Toolset – for restrains during scenes - Crazy sex toys of the Commonwealth v1.1 – for decorations - Mutilated dead bodies – decorations - Up To No Good - decorations - Torture devices – decorations - SAKR – to let SH know when you are naked - FallUI confirm boxes – to make all text from dialogue box fit into screen Recommended mods: - Advanced Needs 76 – immersive needs and raider disguise - Deep addictions – immersive drugs and addiction - Longer effect for Stealth Boys and Chems - Chems Visuals - Hardship (or TSEX + hardship, I’m using it without any issues)* - prostitution scenarios - PVPK* - M.C.G* - caps storing, bed renting, onlookers, social interactions, marriages, infamy, NPC-NPC sex (disable wear and arousal in MCM if you are using Sex Attributes) Approach system from this mod is not supported (yet, I hope ) - aaf spectators - Raider Pet - Family Planing Enhanced - PTSD Mental Health Management System - to encourage player to take different approach than shooting everything up. (and to make player use chems more ) - AAF Turn The Light ON – some interiors are dark and moody. Use this to make them a bit more lit. Note it doesn’t work on AAF 1.0 and NAF * - mod we like to have direct compatibility in future Important notes: - this mod edits some cells: DC security, Valentine's office, GN backalley near Bobbis's. To avoid poroblems with those, keep pervert plugin at the bottom of plugin list. - this is a pre-release version. We have decided to publish this version for public testing. The mod is stable at the moment, but we don't have enough time to test everything. So we would very much appreciate your help with this. - The mod is ESP for now, so we can patch any potential bugs faster. - I am not a native speaker. If you think some text is unnatural and you know how to correct it, please write to me - The mod does not support DLC locations for now. - The dialogues in the mod are silent, turn on subtitles to see the dialogues. About authors: AwesomeSPAS – coding and all the magic that makes it work riveth – locations, dialogues & text -
Version 2.1
DLC MAGAZINES ADDED (finally). separate archive, loose files My own retexture of vanilla Fallout 4 magazines. Based heavily on Hananahs Adult Magazines. His magazines were not lewd enough for my taste. Hope you guys like it too. It is 2k now! Weird shit in downloads "lyBWjJbC" is the 2k version. Sorry, do not know how to rename links.- Not an upscale, actual high quality images used. BSA packed. 1k loose files link is still available in "download" section. COMPATIBILITY Compatible with ANYTHING. It is just a retexture, without scripts How to get the most from this mod? Mod will work out of the box, no other action required. Make sure to download Restored Taboo Tattoos mod. Bethesda forgot to put some of the vanilla magazines into the game world. The mod fixes that. MY MAGAZINE MODS 126 vanilla magazines + 6 restored + 404 from various mods Ultimate 536 magazines bundle, all in one style, for a devoted lewd pictures collector. Vanilla magazines retexture (all vanilla magazines + 6 restored Taboo Tattoos) Missing magazines retexture (+10 magazines with perks) Wasteland Imports magazines retexture (+14 magazines, consumable, +1 magazine with perk) Strong Legs magazine retexture (+5 magazines with carryweight perk) Retexture of Ketaros' New Magazines (+91 magazines, with perks) SS2 Wasteland Venturers icecream magazines (+8 magazines, allow to cook icecream) Backpack of the Commonwealth magazines retexture (+5 new magazines, each allows to craft a backpack) Retexture of Fahrenheit1984's XXX magazines (+73 magazines, no perks) Erotic Art Magazines retexture (+44 magazines, allow to build erotic poster at your settlement) Hentai retexture of Companion Ivy magazines (+73 magazines, no perks, added to the world via object swapper and leveled lists) PiCSeL's Standalone Custom Magazines 1.0.0 (+80 magazines, no perks, added via leveled lists, standalone) Collab A collaboration project - standalone magazines Complimentary mods Maximum Chance & Less Rotation for Skill Magazine Loading Screens (loading screens will show only magazines, for you to enjoy while waiting) Wall Mounted Magazine Shelf (better way to store and display your magazines) [KL] Vault Poster Replacer NSFW (Great addition to hananah's poster replacement) Also, my attempt at retexturing billboards and posters in a lewd way:-
- collectibles
- comics
- (and 7 more)
Princess Kay's Vault Girl Mash Up 2024 [WiP] UPDATE: Dec 30, 2024: So sadly my mother in law passed a few days before thanksgiving and its been trying to do a balancing act with coping with that and also as usual in the states fighting for my disabilities and healthcare. I got insurance and I do have nurses for myself finally after years of fighting but still in the middle of paperwork to prove im disabled (Yes even when you cant walk or stand your still forced to prove it to the gov every few years). I have not forgotten about this project just have had a lot of other real life priorities. Update Sept 24 2024: I got fallout 4 finally running again with the new computer. Tested it a bit now and am going to be starting this mod up again within the week. I do have my mother in law with my family now which means it might take longer since she is in her final stages of heart failure. This means there are nurses coming every few days to tend to her on top of my husband and father in law. Update March 24th 2024: My hard drives are fine but my computer has been having issues and dying. Was first the video card now its the power supply and the motherboard. I am in the process of having a company I know build me a new one. (Release date target ETA: February 2024 or earlier) Update: Feb 29th: Been recovering from medical issues but changed the title to 2024 and before becoming sick got all but one magazine done. Update: Feb 2nd 2024 (I still hope to release in February but dealing with tech problems. A) Fallout broke on me so having to handle that B) lost a hard drive and trying to track my files down...I know I made backups of a lot so hoping I can find them Found the back ups on my 2020 drive so should be able to recover pretty smooth Now im just working on getting Fallout running again Side note: CREATON CLUB FILES SUCK they are what break so many things specifically 4 of them and having too many....never have all creation club installed. Welcome to discussion thread and update thread for the mod listed above. This is a work in progress and has already gotten permission for several of the artwork. Since the ones I got permission for are much of the base models for the animations that means this mod is a go for public release once I complete it. What is Vault Girl Mash Up 2023? This is a passion project I started to change out all the animations in Fallout 4 be it the perk tree, perks, quests, and magazines in Fall Out to a fully done Vault Girl set up using various artists and sources. I originally was just working on it for myself but stated if I started to get permission I would release it public. Why the hell would you do such a thing? I use to work in media specifically special effects and costume design. I also helped run, and even attended conventions along with fan made and published tabletop and media fan projects on the web. Once I became disabled years ago a little after my marriage, I was forced to retire. We knew my health was deteriorating and I had to take lesser jobs, now that I am unable to work I needed something to allow my creativity to fly even if I am unable to physically and mentally do what I use to. I also love the fallout games specially as of recent years and 4 is my favorite cause I lived most of my life in these locations growing up in and around Boston. How Far are you into this journey / Project? Great question, all the progress including getting permissions and even some examples are at the following google sheet link. It will have dates with some notes next to the contacts in the resources tab along with the meaning of how to see who did what art. This will be the same way it is presented in the mod once its released. The Progress Can we get the mod early? Yes and no....I will be releasing specifically on this site the files for the beta runs once the perk tree is done....the rest as well once I finish a section like an act for quests or such. The full mod once released I plan to try and have as an installer along with the optional files to make it as compatible with as many mod installation software as possible. I want it to work out of its 7Z file right away in Mod Organizer 2 and Vortex. DAMN IT IM OUT OF ESP SLOTS! Good news, This only replaces SWF files aka the animations with new ones....This touches no plugins be it ESL or ESP or even ESM. The downside, you need to make sure to install it in the correct location for the mods. For most its just below any interface mod but for the LEVELUPEX and Be Exceptional it is right above those since those mods will break and crash the game if their files are replaced. If I need to I will make a patch that ignores the Perk Tree menu that causes the crash. It is one file that causes it when installed wrong with those mods and I tested it multiple times before finding the solution and uninstalling those mods. Reason for it is I am not a fan of them...they are cool and do add in more perks but I like the Vanilla Tree which the most progress on that was from Ruthless Peasant. HOW DID YOU GET IN CONTACT WITH THESE ARTISTS AND MODDERS? Let me tell you it was a good few days of tracking down people through various sites, google searches, messages, and following many. This sadly lead to me finding out one of the artists passed away in January and his mod I was looking forward to has become a ghost. I am hoping his friends and family are doing well and he is resting peacefully in whatever holds us for the afterlife. Why update the main post? Simple...this is the first thing many will see when they enter. I wanted all information able to be seen through the full thread be whatever page we get to at the end of this journey. The way I did this means it will remain organized till the mod project is done and all sources will be able to be found from the credit listed and even where the files came from. Why can't quest animations be colored? No idea but if you color them and save it the game makes them square blocks. Therefore all quests will remain the same simple white color so they can be shown on the screen and in the pipboy with no issue. What are some examples of this mod? These are the first two ones I replaced in the menu using Ruthless Peasant's work and Gashi Gashi's work. Sadly if we dont get permission from Gashi Gashi, then I will have to make a new chemist one with Ruthless Peasant's art and adding a few base items I get permission for or draw myself. The first drafts of these two animations are in the original post but this is the quality I want for each of them. I also posted a gif of the colored version of one of the quests but I have to fully rebuild it in monotone so single color white cause it breaks the graphics when it pops on screen but can show color in pip boy no issue. I do not have any magazine previews yet but I will post them here along with that quest one once I get to them again. If anyone wants to help with this project be sure to ask or shoot me a pm. I would be more than happy to have others doing this even if I have to teach people how you can do this yourself in 2023 without ADOBE FLASH or the Creators kit. Original starting post and info in the spoiler below
- 29 replies