Skyrim SexLab (SSL) v1.62
An adult animation framework
This version of SexLab is for LE Edition ONLY
For the newer SE / AE version, click here
----- Description --------------------------------------------------------------
Skyrim SexLab, is intended to serve as a unifying resource for modders to pull animations from to aid them in development of adult themed mods, without having to going through the complex scripting work it takes by themselves. A modder is provided with a wealth of tools and functions they can call that will aid them in creating their own mod.
As it is intended as a resource mod that other mods can pull from to use for adult animations. This mod does NOTHING by itself, and requires a separate mod to make use of the resources provided.
----- Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------------------------
----- Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------
Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) REQUIRES SKSE 1.7.3 OR NEWER
Fores New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS) REQUIRES FNIS 5.4.2 OR NEWER
- FNIS Creature Pack version 5.2 or newer is required only if you want creature animation support in SexLab, otherwise it is not required.
- If you get a warning in game about not having 5.2 installed despite having installed it. You have without exception, installed it incorrectly. You can either ignore the warning and keep using SexLab like normal if everything working anyway, or do the smart thing and figure out what's wrong with your FNIS install so the warning will leave you alone.
- If you dislike SkyUI for some reason, you can also install SkyUI-Away on top of it.
- It may work fine with older versions if you refuse to upgrade to 5.0 for whatever reason. You do so at your own risk.
An actor skeleton mod such as XPMSE2 or XPMSE3
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch OR the individual applicable patches Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire Unofficial Patch
- This is not a hard requirement and can be skipped, it has been known to fix some problems people have had related to SexLab however and there is little to no reason to not be using them anyway.
- If you choose to not use the Unofficial Patches for whatever reason, expect to be browbeat about not having them when posting your load order in the troubleshooting section.
----- Basic Installation Procedure ------------------------------------------
After properly installing SKSE, SkyUI, and FNIS as listed above, follow these steps.
- Download the latest full framework pack & install it using your mod manager of choice (Mod Organizer highly preferred.)
- Run the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe tool.
- If you have a custom animation skeleton installed (very likely, if you don't you should. See: XPMSE2 or XPMSE3) make sure you check the "Skeleton arm fix" patch.
- Click the big button that reads "Update FNIS Behavior"
- You should see a line that says "Reading SexLab ..." if not you've done something wrong.
- DO NOT ignore any warnings or errors you see in the FNIS window.
- Activate the SexLab.esm file in your list of active mods.
- Load or start a new save game in Skyrim and navigate to the Mod Configuration menu titled "SexLab"
Check that you meet the requirements on the left pane and then click the Install option in the top right.
- NOTE: Some of the checks you'll see there are only soft dependencies, or can be a false-negative. If the Install button is clickable for you, just go ahead and continue.
[*]Close all menus and stand still until the install finishes, it can take a few minutes.
----- Basic Update Procedure -------------------------------------------------
- Download the latest full framework archive, if you are using a version older than 1.60, you will need the full archive, otherwise you will only need the update patch.
- Extract the updated framework/patch into your Skyrim's data folder, or if using Mod Organizer (like you should be) then merge the files ontop of an existing MO mod install for SexLab Framework.
- (optional, but recommended for safest upgrade) Disable ALL SexLab related mods except for SexLab.esm and any that are absolutely required or disabling will mean losing progress on in some way.
- Navigate to your Skyrim's data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users folder and run the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe utility.
- If you have a custom animation skeleton installed (if you dont, you should) make sure you check the "Skeleton arm fix" patch.
- Click the big button that reads "Update FNIS Behavior"
- You should see a line that says "Reading SexLab ..." if not you've done something wrong.
Load your save game and you should see a notification that SexLab is updating and/or installing, it will then go through the update process.
- If you were using a version of SexLab such as 1.59c or older, you will not get this notification and will instead need to go into the SexLab MCM and click the Install button.
[*]Wait 1-2 minutes, until you see a notification that says SexLab has finished updating and/or installing [*]Wait another 30 seconds or so and then perform a quick test animation either via the SexLab MatchMaker mod or by starting one via the animation editor. [*]Assuming the test animation was successful, save your game with the update now fully applied, you should see the appropriate version number listed on the last page of the SexLab MCM. [*](optional, but recommended for safest upgrade) if you followed step 3, you should now reinstall all the SexLab mods you disabled, ensuring you are using the latest version of each. For best results reinstall them one at a time and make sure they are functional with the new version of SexLab before reinstalling the next one.
----- Creature Use Instructions -----------------------------------------
If you want to use creature animations, you will need to follow some extra installation instructions.
- Install the latest FNIS and the latest FNIS Creature Pack if you have not yet, both of which are available on the FNIS Download page
- Run GenerateFNISforUsers and click the big "Update FNIS Behavior" button.
- After it finishes patching, you should see 2 lines, "Create Creature Behaviors ..." and BELOW that "Reading SexLabCreature ..."
- Load your Skyrim save
- Navigate to the SexLab Mod Configuration menu and go to the first available settings page, "Animation Settings"
- Check the box for "Allow Creature Animation" so that it is in a toggled on state (the box is filled instead of empty)
- You will need to install mod that lets you start animations with creatures, as SexLab Framework does not start any animations by itself.
- SexLab MatchMaker works with creatures, and is the more straight forward of means to start creature animations.
- For others, look through the download page for SexLab mods with creature support
----- Suggestions -----------------------------------------------------------------
Since SexLab is largely a sex animation mod, you will likely want nude male and female bodies.
While the mod does come with a nudesuit option to use in place of installing actual nude body mods, that remains an imperfect solution and is provided only for the sake of completeness. It's use is actually strongly discouraged. I would remove the feature entirely if I didn't know a handful of people who throw a fit.
There are many body mods to choose from, personally I use and suggest UUNP / CBBE Bodyslide and Schlongs of Skyrim Default/Average for males. If for some weird reason you absolutely refuse to use a real body replacer and insist on using the horrible nudesuits option instead, you can enable the option in SexLab's MCM settings and then install the default meshes and textures for it here: SexLab Default NudeSuit
SexLab is a very script heavy mod, if you come across an issue in-game related directly to SexLab, the very first place you should look is unquestionably the Papyrus debug log, with just the tiniest amount of modding know how you should be able to track down the culprit from just glancing over the log, if you can't decipher it than it should be unquestionably the first thing you are posting in a request for help.
A BBP enabled skeleton is also useful, as many of the animations include BBP support, though it is optional it is STRONGLY recommended. I'd suggest XPMSE2 or XPMSE3
There is support for other strapons for females to use, but you will need to download and install them separately and run the "Rebuild Strapon List" option from the menu's Rebuild page if you install or remove any after loading the mod. The supported strapon mods are aeonflux88's strapon, Horker Tusk, Futa Equippable, Cozy & Rebels Equippable TG, & SOS Equipable Schlong
If you want First Person animations, I highly recommend using the Immersive First Person View mod by h38fh2mf
Stop using Nexus Mod Manager or no manager at all and start using Mod Organizer.
In the likely event that you run more than just a handful of different mods, install and run LOOT when installing and updating mods.
----- Uninstalling ----------------------------------------------------------------
To cleanly uninstall the mod, perform the following steps.
- With your current installation, go into MCM and select the "Rebuild & Clean" page.
- Click on the row that says "Clean System"
- You will be prompted to close all your current menus, do so.
- After closing your menus and being told the system clean is complete, save your game.
- Perform the uninstall procedure for any 3rd party SexLab mods you have installed.
- Quit the game.
- Disable SexLab.esm and any SexLab mods you have enabled in your load order
----- Changelog ----------------------------------------------------------------
More detailed changelog at
User Relevant Changes / Additions:
- Increased install limit of animations to 500 (up from 375)
Added option to entirely remove any use of scaling applied to actors anywhere in the sexlab.
- May cause or fix some graphical glitches for some people or prevent the occasional scaling related CTD.
[*]Holding Shift+End while outside of a sexlab animation will now forcibly end all active sexlab animations being done by NPCs.
- Functionally the same as opening the SexLab MCM and clicking the debug option to stop all scenes, but with the bonus of not having to navigate through the MCM to do it.
[*]Added an enable toggle to the animation editor in the MCM
- The animation editor in the MCM will default to showing the currently playing animation for player
- Makes it easier to disable an animation you don't like without having to find what it's name is and hunt it down in the MCM.
[*]Added a count of how many character animations, creature animations, voices, and expressions sexlab has registered so far.
- In the MCM debug/rebuild page.
- Lets you see how close you are to approaching the limit of 500.
[*]Added Dragonborn and Dawnguard beds to sexlabs list of automatically detected beds when starting an animation. [*]When setting the player or NPC's voice setting in the MCM, any currently playing animations involving them will automatically update to use their newly set voice.
- Makes it much easier to test/sample various voices and find one you like.
[*]The name of the animation being played is now only sent to your notifications if you have debug mode enabled. It is otherwise only shown in your console. [*]Creatures and Characters can no longer have the other's voice applies to them. Werewolves can only use the werewolf voice type if they are currently a werewolf. [*]SexLab no longer checks for a creature pack install, since they are no longer separate downloads. [*]Various other major and minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Mod Creator Relevant Changes / Additions:
Added a method of registering animations via JSON files (similar to SLAL)
- See /SKSE/Plugins/SexLab/Animations for details
- A tool to generate the JSON files based of an animator's hkx files was originally planned, unsure if I'll get to it now or not though.
[*]Added functions for adding custom bed forms to sexlabs bed list, including defining custom offsets to use for aligning to that bed and/or defining whether or not it's a bedroll, double, or single bed.
- Intended for beds in name, but could easily be used for helping define animation alignment for furniture other than beds as well.
[*]Added modevent "SexLabActorGenderChange(form actorform, int gender)" that gets sent whenever an actor has their gender/futa-ness overridden or override/futa-ness removed. [*]Added some requested config property accessors to the main API script related to creatures. [*]Fixed some bugs related to making an actor silent during a scene.
- FIXED: Animation starting a few feet floating in the air.
- FIXED: Actors "jittering" during animation
- FIXED: Player being stuck while trying to move the scene
- FIXED: Free camera being disabled when changing animations during the 1st stage
- NEW: Export/Import settings now also includes your customizations in the Strip Editor.
- NEW: Toggle to enable actors walking to the location of the scene instead of instantly teleport
- NEW: Support for creature voices + some default creature voices for the basic creature types
- NEW: The cum texture from animation can now double up on a single location. If a character already has the vaginal cum texture applied, the 2nd time it's applied it'll apply a messier more cum filled version
- NEW: A toggle option to set whether or not newly encountered NPC's will have their sex stats seeded or initialized as empty
- NEW: Can now set your targeted actor's forced gender from the SexLab MCM as well
- NEW: When swapping between actors to adjust the location for in an animation, the newly selected one will glow briefly to indicate which you now have selected
- NEW: Option to fully disable the use bed prompt / disable only when player is victim / always ask
- NEW: Frostfall 3.0 support, exposure will automatically pause during animation so you don't freeze to death.
- NEW: Added support for NiOverride High Heels under the same toggle that previously handled only HDT High Heels.
- ALTERED: AP animations are now disabled by default
- ALTERED: Creature animations are no longer a separate pack, because I'm tired of dealing with people who can't figure it out
- API: Further documentation and guides added to SexLabFramework.psc for modders
- API: Lots of new API additions for modders, most of which were requested by various modders at some point. Sorry if I forgot the one you requested - remind me again
- FIXED: Aggressive scenes wrongly getting non-aggressive animations or not being tagged as aggressive internally
- FIXED: Poor default positioning for various animations when played on a bed
- FIXED: Lip Sync has been heavily altered and is now more compatible with expressions
- FIXED: Various other bugs users have reported that I can't fully remember right now
- FIXED: Orgasm triggering instantly when scene starts and separate orgasms are enabled
- FIXED: Various issues related to async animations not starting properly, with some actors not playing their animation while others do
- FIXED: Lots of other stuff
v1.60.2 hotfix 2:
- Added back in a copy of MfgConsoleFunc and reverted expression functions to use them instead of SKSE's native functions.
- Added a message in the MCM strip options to inform you what item you currently have equipped in a slot when you hover it
- Added a message in the MCM strip editor to inform you what slot masks an item uses when you hover over it.
- Raised the number of possible animations in a single scene from 100 to 125
- Fixed an issue with character scale not being reset properly at the start of and during animation.
- Fixed an issue with weapons getting re-equipped in the wrong hand after animation.
- Fixed an issue with orgasm effects not triggering properly under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue that caused items flagged in the strip editor as always/never strip to not be treated property during stripping.
- Fixed an issue with PapyrusUtil 3.0 that sometimes caused CTD during save load
- Fixed a bug with aggressive animation selection (thanks to user Random of Amber)
- Expanded the install fatal error to be more clear and provide some suggestions.
- Some misc performance improvements throughout the MCM and animation startup.
v1.60.1 hotfix 1:
- Set actor storage preloading to no longer hold up the install process, and only occur once
- Added a check for if sexlab's files/quest have been overridden and prevent attempts to install with an error message
- Added a new schlong adjusting hotkey. Defaults to the 'C' key.
- The SKSE requirement has been bumped up to 1.7.3 beta (or newer if available by the time you're reading this) is now required.
- The FNIS requirement has been bumped up to 5.5 or newer
- On new or old installs, you must now manually start SexLab's install process from the SexLab MCM install page.
- If you wish to use creature animations, the creature animations are now in a separate archive and is no longer included by default.
- If you for some crazy reason insist on using the nudesuit's option, the meshes and textures for it have also been removed from the default archive. You can find a link to these meshes and textures in the main post, or by clicking here
- Animation, creature animation, voices, and expressions are all now capable of registering up to 350 unique items each - can be easily expanding in the future if we ever bump up against the limit again.
- 14+ new animations by various authors such as Leito, 4uDIK, 3jiou, Mitos, & Arrok. These are animations previous in the NSAP pack, more to be carried over to the default pack in future updates.
- New item strip editor in MCM. Select items you or a target actor have in their inventory that should always or never be stripped at the start of a scene, regardless of other strip settings.
- Creature animation scan now have specific genders defined for their creature roles. By default all genders are considered the same gender, this can be toggled via the new creature gender option in the MCM.
- The player and NPCs can now optionally have separate, multiple, orgasms as their enjoyment stat builds up over the course of an animation. This is an optional effect enabled in addition to the traditional orgasm effect on the last stage of animation that has been in previous versions.
- A new animation setting option in the MCM to forcibly filter out non gay or lesbian animations in a scene when appropriate. So for example, 2 females in a scene will generally not play a regular animation with strapon if other animations are available to them.
- Can toggle the players override gender directly from the SexLab animation settings MCM page, so players can easily set them selves as transgender, with "female" player characters being treated as "male" in the eyes of SexLab, or vice versa.
- You can now toggle the default behavior of the adjustment hotkeys between adjusting all stages (default) or only the currently stage being played. Whichever you set it to will flip the modifier ctrl modifier hotkey to perform the opposite when held in combination.
- When targeting an actor and viewing their stats in the SexLab Diary/Journal, you can press the reset stats button once to complete zero all their skills, and then when pressed a second time while all stats are still zero in order to re-seed their starting stats.
- A new "limited strip" option (disabled by default) that will cause the actors in a scene to default to using the foreplay/limited strip options you have set, if ALL animations in the scene being played consist of only oral and foreplay animations.
- HDT Hight Heel effects detected and disabled after character strip to remove the height offset. Automatically enabled if you have HDT HighHeels installed, but can be turned off in the MCM if you prefer actors to keep their height offset during SexLab animation.
- Pressing the Realign actors hotkey is now more forceful, making all actors completely reset their animation, re-calculate their positions, and start the current stage's timer over from the start.
- Holding down the rotate scene hotkey will now continually rotate the actors until let go, just as the other adjustment hotkeys have done for a few versions now.
- Much improved (in my experience) syncing between separate actor animations.
- Many, many bug fixes and performance improvements than I could possibly remember or even attempt to name.
- TONS of things not listed here intended for modders to do new things with, will be more clear once the updated API documentation is released.
- Fixed CTD occasionally happening at animation start
- Fixed overly bright cum textures
- Reworked adjustment saving system
- Race combo adjustments will now default to the last race combo adjusted for that animation rather than an empty set.
- Rewrote FNIS and PapyrusUtil error messages to be more specific and clear about the error.
- Updated French translation file by aravis7
- Updated PapyrusUtil to v2.8
v1.59b HOTFIX:
- Fixed broken Auto TFC option
- Moved upgraded arrok animations to the correct folder in the upgrade patch download
- Fixed expressions not applying the right amounts
- Updated included PapyrusUtil to 2.7
- Added creature animations to animation editor - just scroll to the bottom of the list of animations in the editor
- Added new 4way and licking animation by zynisch
- Added new revamp of existing Arrok Cowgirl animation
- Added new bool properties to animations sslBaseAnimation.IsVaginal/IsOral/IsAnal/IsDirty/IsLoving
- Added new API functions to get the estimated runtime of a given animation with the users configured timers- sslBaseAnimation.GetRunTime()/GetRunTimeLeadIn()/GetRunTimeAggressive()
- Added new API function to get the estimated runtime of the currently active and playing animation, sslThreadController.GetAnimationRunTime()
- Dead actors will now periodically be checked for in SexLab's skill and validation storageutil data for removal to save space and keep it fast
- The player is no longer held in place for animation by making them AI controlled (aka no sudden small character spin at the start of animation)
- Many various optimizations and bugfixes I didn't care to keep track of
- Updated various functions to make use of SKSE 1.7.1
- Fixed bug from 1.58b that caused actors to scale when they should not.
- Added import/export options to expression editor for backing up and sharing/editing expressions outside of Skyrim
- Made animation editor automatically select the animation the player is actively in
- New doggystyle, blowjob, and threeway animations by Athstai
- Various minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Fixed major issue causing some animations to seemingly change positions or animation randomly.
- New SKSE plugin SexLabUtil, offloads some of the more script heavy functions in SexLab
New control NPC scene function
- press the target actor hotkey (default N) while looking at an NPC have sex, player movement will be locked and you'll gain hotkey control over the scene.
[*]Added an option to filter out standing tagged animations when using a bed. [*]Updated packed PapyrusUtil to 2.3 [*]Updated FNIS requirement to 5.1 [*]Tweak to actor validations to allow dead actors with more than 1 hp [*]Improved sex diary/journal updating occasionally missing an update. [*]Greatly reduced NPC's starting sex stats [*]Misc performance improvements [*]Misc bug fixes
- Fixed bug causing stripping to strip all slots despite user settings
- Fixed bug causing expressions to select expressions that have been disabled by the user
- Refactored the install process for threads
- Fixed bug causing SFX to not play
- Fixed bug causing actors to validate despite being in an active animation
- Fixed bug with resetting actor stats not resetting masturbation
- Expanded default VoiceTypes for lipsync
- Removed backwards compatibility quest for sslConfigMenu - caused to many problems with double MCM and most major mods have already updated
- Various minor-ish optimizations and code cleanup
- Fixed double MCM menu's showing
- Fixed issue with showing as valid while currently animating
- Fixed creature animations missing appropriate vaginal/anal/oral tags
- Added new API function sslThreadModel.DisableRedress(actor, bool)
- Added new set of API functions for registering mod owned animations/voices/expressions
- Added new set of API functions for registering globally owned animations/voices/expressions while bypassing the usual factory method
- Added 1 new doggystyle animation by Zynisch
- Added 2 giant and 1 horse animations by Panicforever
- Fixed issue making some characters not play lipsync
- Added temporary backwards compatibility scripts to force some previously incompatible mods to work with 1.54 until the mod author can do a proper update.
- Some other minor fixes
- Fixed an issue with actor aliases losing their mod event registration
- Fixed voice selection for player and npc voice saving not working
- Fixed some bugs with a couple new scripts that broke backwards compatibility for some mods
- Added some missing creatures and creatures from Skyrim Immersive Creatures to their supported creature animations
- Added back some missing API functions
- Fixed and changed some other stuff you won't notice or care about.
- Fixed bug with creature animations
- Fixed bug with excessive json exporting/importing which may have been cause of save corruption
- Fixed expression profiles being empty
- Fixed OrgasmEnd coming before OrgasmStart
- Added back missing ChangeActors() function
- Heavy framework scripting overhaul
- Many many optimizations
- Animation alignments can now be saved for individual race/gender combinations to allow more consistent alignment between scenes (can be disabled in menu)
- Animation alignments can now be are now saved and loaded between 5 separate external json files so you can have different settings for different saves
- Animation Editor in MCM for altering an animations alignments from the menu
- Expression Editor for customizing the mfg presets used in sexlab's expression engine
- New end animation hotkey to quickly end a scene (default 'End' key)
- New target actor hotkey for use with below (default 'N' key)
- Change targeted actors saved voice from MCM voice page
- View targeted actors stats from the MCM sex diary/journal page
- Start animation with targeted actor from the MCM animation editor page
- Test expression on targeted actor from MCM expression editor page
- 3 new animations by Zynisch
- Overhaul of the stat system
- Added API modder function for getting callback events whenever a specific actor or actor belonging to specific faction start and end an animation
- Debug mode toggle for getting debug spells and having errors and notices related to sexlab printed to console for easy checking without papyrus log
- Lot and lots of other stuff I'm probably forgetting
- Fixed voices no longer working at random
- Fixed creature alignment
- Fixed orgasm effects triggering before playing final animation
- Fixed swap positions hotkey not working
- Fixed expressions and open mouth
- Fixed TFC related bug that caused crash when saving or loading an area after sex
- Added 2 new Troll animations by PanicForever
- Added 1 new footjob animation by Bleagh
- Updated included PapyrusUtil to newest version
- Many many other various optimizations
- Updated: Packaged PapyrusUtil to 1.8, contains important fix for new games
- Fixed: Added some property resetting code to ensure cleaner upgrades and generally make up for Papyrus being shitty
- Fixed: Fixed open mouths being stuck after scene ends
- Fixed: Timing issues for some hotkeys
- Tweaked: when SexLab auto-disables TFC to alleviate CTD when using free camera; mixed results.
- Fixed: Mod compatibility issue for SexLab mods using custom stats, such as TDF Prostitution
- Fixed: Open mouth during oral animations not working for some users
- Fixed: Removed leftover debug text being printed to console
- Fixed: Player stats not properly importing to new version
- Fixed: Removed dialog expressions from lip sync animations to help prevent sticky expressions
- Fixed: Various creature related stuff when starting/ending an animation
- Fixed: Increased failsafe time of waiting for actor to ready to help with laggier games
- Fixed: Weapons being stuck drawn after a failed animation
- Added: Support for Monli race when adult sized
- Hotfix: Fixed scaling bug that made characters super small / invisible
- Added: Option to disable orgasm camera shake + sounds
- Added: Ability to export/import configuration + animation adjustments to an external file so it can be carried over between different characters or restored later
- Added: Tons of new API functions for modders
- Removed: TFC exiting during orgasm, now only does it when animation is actually ending
- Fixed: player as werewolf not animating properly
- Fixed: Animation sticking after animation ends
- Fixed: Camera going into the ground awkwardly when ragdolling
- Fixed: Greatly reduced actor release wait time that was added in 1.31 to help with mod compatibility
- Fixed: SortActors() not properly sorting when more than 2 actors present
- Fixed: Will now first check if the closest bed is valid before resorting to random selection
- Fixed: Moving scene locations with the hotkey will now rescan for a nearby bed and prompt the player to use it
- Fixed: Other shit I don't remember
- Updated: packaged PapyrusUtil plugin to 1.5
- Animations now retain custom adjustments between clean/updates/reinstall
- Fixed aggressive animation selection
- Removed SexLabUtil SKSE plugin
- Updated StorageUtil SKSE plugin to 1.3
- Fixed API errors
- Added Expression API functions
- Other bug fixes reported from 1.30
- Many bug fixes
- Many optimizations
- Facial expression engine
- Toggleable free camera hotkey
- Auto free camera option at start of scene
- NPCs reuse the same voice and can be assigned voices
- Orgasm effects
- Name of playing animation is printed to console for your reference
- Reorganized MCM to accommodate various new options
- NPCs now track stats the same way the player does
- 1 New female masturbation animation by Bleagh
- 1 new werewolf, 1 new wolf, and 1 new dog animation by PanicForever
- Tons of new API functionality for modders
- Fixed actors not being fully rotated for animation
- Packaged MFG Console SKSE plugin (currently unused in SexLab, for future updates)
- Skyrim 1.9 & SKSE 1.6.16 are now required
- Updated included Russian localization
- Various scripting cleanup
- Fixed jittery positioning problems
- Fixed flicking when moving player
- Made animating actors unappreciative of hardworking bards
- Fixed other minor stuff
- Fixed ragdoll ending rocketing players away
- Fixed SOS schlongs bending far to the side
- Fixed missing draugr doggystyle
- Fixed misnamed wolf/dog animation events
- Fixed actors being stuck in animation faction after failing to properly start an animation; preventing them from starting a new animation.
----- Modder's Guide -------------------------------------------------------------
A modders guide to using the API can be partially found in scripts/sources/SexLabFramework.psc as well as here:
WARNING: The API docs are currently fairly outdated in some spots for v1.60. It should be fine in most spots, but if you have any questions feel free to private message me or ask somewhere else and I'll answer soon as I'm able. Updating them is my top priority right now.
If you are a mod developer looking to develop a mod using SexLab, feel free to contact me via private message and I will do everything I can to help you along and if possible upgrade the framework to fit your needs.
----- Future Plans ----------------------------------------------------------------
See dedicated development thread
----- Credits -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Scripting & Project Owner:
SKSE Plugin:
kapaer - Mfg Console
Unknown Modders -
Arrok - BBP Animations
JoshNZ - Animated Prostitution
Athstai - Dark Investigations
3jiou -
Mitos -
Leito86 -
4uDIK -аnimations-for-sexlab/
FalloutBoy2 -
Lovers with PK
Calyp - Strapon
oli3d - Bukkake Shaders
4uDIK1 - Male Nudesuit
Dimon99 - Female Nudesuit
Vacaliga - Stacking cum textures
aravis7 - French
CGi - German
mswind - Chinese
anonymous - Japanese
fedim - Russian
sh1ny - Russian
holtof55 - Russian
Huili - Russian
RockMic - Italian
NOTE: If you have an updated translation file or would like to translate or update one of the existing translations; send it to me or let me know if you have any questions about how.
----- Permissions -----------------------------------------------------------------
You must ask my permission before distributing this base framework on any site other than
The animations themselves belong to the individual modders who made them, I am using them solely by their permission and/or stated open use policy. If you wish to repurpose them else where it is there permission you need and not mine.
Unless you are contributing to the Git repository development branch, you are not allowed to edit any of the included scripts and resources except to translate the mod into another language.
If you wish to translate the framework into another language, go right ahead, no need to ask. If you need it, I will provide you with as much support as I can to assist you with the translation process. Afterwards if you want to send me the translated file and I will package it with the releases, or you are free to release the translation file, and the translation file alone, however you wish.
----- Contacting Me --------------------------------------------------------------
I will provide direct support to people via email and private message ONLY if you are a modder using the framework in your mod. People seeking support for using the mod contacting me this way will be, without hesitation, completely ignored. If you need support for the framework, use the thread or support section, I will answer such questions there and only there.
What's New in Version v1.62
- 1.62: Increased install limit of animations to 500 (up from 375)
- 1.62: Added an MCM option to remove disabled animations from the registry list, freeing up their install slot.
- 1.62: Added option to entirely remove any use of scaling applied to actors anywhere in the sexlab.
- 1.62: Holding Shift+End while outside of a sexlab animation will now forcibly end all active sexlab animations being done by NPCs.
- 1.62: Added an enable toggle to the animation editor in the MCM
- 1.62: Added a count of how many character animations, creature animations, voices, and expressions sexlab has registered so far.
- 1.62: Added Dragonborn and Dawnguard beds to sexlabs list of automatically detected beds when starting an animation.
- 1.62: When setting the player or NPC's voice setting in the MCM, any currently playing animations involving them will automatically update to use their newly set voice.
- 1.62: The name of the animation being played is now only sent to your notifications if you have debug mode enabled. It is otherwise only shown in your console.
- 1.62: Creatures and Characters can no longer have the other's voice applies to them. Werewolves can only use the werewolf voice type if they are currently a werewolf.
- 1.62: SexLab no longer checks for a creature pack install, since they are no longer separate downloads.
- 1.62: Fixed TFC toggling off when changing from 1st stage.
- 1.62: Various other major and minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Â
- -----------------------
- FIXED 1.61b: Animation starting a few feet floating in the air.
- FIXED 1.61b: Actors "jittering" during animation
- FIXED 1.61b: Player being stuck while trying to move the scene
- FIXED 1.61b: Free camera being disabled when changing animations during the 1st stage
- ADDED 1.61b: Export/Import settings now also includes your customizations in the Strip Editor.
- NEW: Toggle to enable actors walking to the location of the scene instead of instantly teleport
- NEW: Support for creature voices + some default creature voices for the basic creature types
- NEW: The cum texture from animation can now double up on a single location. If a character already has the vaginal cum texture applied, the 2nd time it's applied it'll apply a messier more cum filled version
- NEW: A toggle option to set whether or not newly encountered NPC's will have their sex stats seeded or initialized as empty
- NEW: Can now set your targeted actor's forced gender from the SexLab MCM as well
- NEW: When swapping between actors to adjust the location for in an animation, the newly selected one will glow briefly to indicate which you now have selected
- NEW: Option to fully disable the use bed prompt / disable only when player is victim / always ask
- NEW: Frostfall 3.0 support, exposure will automatically pause during animation so you don't freeze to death.
- NEW: Added support for NiOverride High Heels under the same toggle that previously handled only HDT High Heels.
- ALTERED: AP animations are now disabled by default
- ALTERED: Creature animations are no longer a seperate pack, because I'm tired of dealing with people who can't figure it out
- API: Further documentation and guides added to SexLabFramework.psc for modders
- API: Lots of new API additions for modders, most of which where requested by various modders at some point. Sorry if I forgot the one you requested - remind me again
- FIXED: Aggressive scenes wrongly getting non-aggressive animations or not being tagged as aggressive internally
- FIXED: Poor default positioning for various animations when played on a bed
- FIXED: Lip Sync has been heavily altered and is now more compatible with expressions
- FIXED: Various other bugs users have reported that I can't fully remember right now
- FIXED: Orgasm triggering instantly when scene starts and seperate orgasms are enabled
- FIXED: Various issues related to async animations not starting properly, with some actors not playing their animation while others do
- FIXED: Lots of other stuff
----- Basic Installation Procedure ------------------------------------------
After properly installing SKSE, SkyUI, and FNIS as listed above, follow these steps.
- Download the latest full framework pack & install it using your mod manager of choice (Mod Organizer highly preferred.)
- Run the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe tool.
- If you have a custom animation skeleton installed (very likely, if you don't you should. See: XPMSE2 or XPMSE3) make sure you check the "Skeleton arm fix" patch.
- Click the big button that reads "Update FNIS Behavior"
- You should see a line that says "Reading SexLab ..." if not you've done something wrong.
- DO NOT ignore any warnings or errors you see in the FNIS window.
- Activate the SexLab.esm file in your list of active mods.
- Load or start a new save game in Skyrim and navigate to the Mod Configuration menu titled "SexLab"
Check that you meet the requirements on the left pane and then click the Install option in the top right.
- NOTE: Some of the checks you'll see there are only soft dependencies, or can be a false-negative. If the Install button is clickable for you, just go ahead and continue.
[*]Close all menus and stand still until the install finishes, it can take a few minutes.
SKSE Plugin:
kapaer - Mfg Console
Unknown Modders -
Arrok - BBP Animations
JoshNZ - Animated Prostitution
Athstai - Dark Investigations
3jiou -
Mitos -
Leito86 -
4uDIK -аnimations-for-sexlab/
FalloutBoy2 -
Lovers with PK
Calyp - Strapon
oli3d - Bukkake Shaders
4uDIK1 - Male Nudesuit
Dimon99 - Female Nudesuit
Vacaliga - Stacking cum textures
aravis7 - French
CGi - German
mswind - Chinese
anonymous - Japanese
fedim - Russian
sh1ny - Russian
holtof55 - Russian
Huili - Russian
RockMic - Italian