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About This File

Skyrim Chain Beasts  v0.8.1 (LE, v0.8.0SE/AE)


NSFW, Creatures and Mounts, Metal Bondage, Nudity, Quests and Gameplay, Sex (does not contain sex with creatures).


Requirements & Installation



  • SKYUI: For the MCM menu.
  • ZAZ animation pack; created with v7, v8(+) also works (v6.11 may also work, I'm not sure) (www.loverslab.com/topic/17062-zaz-animation-pack-v70-2017-05-16/).
    • and its prerequisites.
  • SexLab
  • FNIS (www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811).
  • Some plugins have additional requirements, see plugins above.



How to install

(Oldrim/LE) - latest version: 0.8.1,  If updating from before 0.8.0 a fresh install is needed   (using a mod manager is recommended):

  • Download & install SkyrimChainBeast-V080Full-LE.7z and then SkyrimChainBeast-V081Update-LE.7z
  • If you want to have the synthesized voices: download all `SCB_Voices' parts (3) to the same folder and install the .001 part (that is enough to install all parts if your mod managers supports multi-part archives, else repack to a single file).
  • Prebuilt armors are based on some UUNP preset. Use included bodyslide files to build your own preference.
  • Run FNIS for Users ( may not be needed if you already had V070 installed ).


(SE/AE) - latest version: 0.8.0,  !! fresh install needed !! (using a mod manager is recommended):

  • Download & install SkyrimChainBeast-V080Full-SE.7z
  • If you want to have the synthesized voices: download all `SCB_Voices' parts (3) to the same folder and install the .001 part (that is enough to install all parts if your mod managers supports multi-part archives, else repack to a single file).
  • Prebuilt armors are CBBE physics body, 7Base preset. Use included bodyslide files to build your own preference.
  • Run FNIS for Users ( may not be needed if you already had V070 installed ).


Upgrading from v070 or earlier is not supported; you need to make a clean save first:

  • Export your settings in the MCM (optional).
  • Shut down the mod from the MCM  (recommended; prevents losing confiscated gear).
  • Make a clean save. (Mandatory; will have issues without it)
  • Then install as indicated above.


What files to download & Documentation


To install the mod you'll need the latest full version, and if applicable the latest update:

  • The latest full version (080) for LE (and oldrim) and SE (and AE).  Quick Fix (QF) as well for LE/oldrim.


For the voice files you'll also need:

  • The XVASynth generated voice files (SCB_Voices_080, three parts .001, .002, .003) can be used together with any version.


Available documentation:

  • (files) The user guide with detailed descriptions of the mechanics, the MCM and the quests.
  • (files) Adventures of Bretny - The Klymer Tales; a Quest walk through as an Interactive Story/mini game. This branching story shows all ways of completing the Keeping up appearances (Destined to be a Soshal-Klymer) and follow up quest.
  • (thread) a walk trough as an illustrated story posted in the support thread and an update that covers some of the newer content.


Other files (extra plugins/older versions):

  • Dragonborn Voice Over (DBVO) (voiced player lines) patches; two options available (XVASynth generated).  Also file to support generating your own choice of voice in XVASynth.
  • SkyrimChainBeastsDDCV.7z  and two updates - See DDCV under plugins below.
  • Older version in case you run into issues and want to downgrade.


Mod Content: What is it/how does it work.


Originally inspired  by an oblivion mod called chainbeasts this mod adds lots of different types of beasts made of metal and chains to Skyrim (and Solstheim) along with related mechanics and quests and sandbox game play.   These so called Chain Beasts try to capture their targets, stripping and restraining them rather than killing them.  Being captured can lead to a range of `punishments' ranging from being put on display for a while to ending up in the slave market.  These outcomes can be controlled with the extensive MCM menu as can general difficulty and fit with play style such as player as victim vs dominant, gender preferences and who is targeted.


Examples of free roaming; how and where to encounter Chain Beasts:

  • Try activating a Chain Beast Mine (floating glow ball on a chain) and see what happens.
  • Run into Traps (Traps must be enabled in the MCM under plugins).
  • Encounter wild chain beasts. (Wild chain beast must be enabled in the MCM under plugins).
    • Different beasts may occur at different locations.

    • They are added to leveled list for standard wild beast encounters.

  • Summon Mines and your own Chain Beasts.

    • Learn the spells in quests, find spell books, or use the MCM.

    • Check Debug menu for spells not (yet) obtainable through game play.

    • Capture your enemies or ride through Skyrim in style.


Main quest line and examples of other quests (requires at least base mod + integration plugin):

  • Introduction  Beasts of Chain - a Chain Beast Discovery Quest, find out about chain beasts.
  • First steps Beauty and the Chain Beast:  Stop a Deadric plot to take over Skyrim. Or perhaps it was just a nightmare.
  • Quest hub: `TJH' : So where did these things come from? Someone has a theory. Serves as starting point for the other main quests.
  • Side Quest: Ebony Mine:  Yet another Deadric Prince thinks it's cool to enter your dreams and tell you to do things. (Especially useful for Dominant player)
  • More mini and side quests.


Mechanics - Capture


Chain Beasts will attempt to wear out targets by using their stamina damaging attack. Their attacks will `capture' victims when their stamina is low (configurable in MCM).

A captured victim is stripped of her/his items (which are dropped in a locked container). Captureable victims (of correct gender and of a playable race) are also equipped with some non-removable (see escaping below) ZAP metal bondage items each time they are captured.


After fully disabling their victims (4 devices equipped) the chain beast will capture the victim and attach. Several outcomes are possible such as the victim being taken to a nearby ZAP furniture. After a while (1min by default) the victim is released and the beasts will leave her alone (for a while at least) unless she is freed.  Other possible outcomes include being send to jail if PC has an open bounty, to simple slavery or locked in a cage instead placed in ZAZ furniture.


Mechanics - Escape


Picking up a chain beat key will release you from your bindings (but it consumes the key and chain beasts will be hostile again).

Keys can be found on dead chain beasts and in stripped item boxes.  (You can unequip devices manually with the console command UnequipAll but this will not end the `escape quest'. If needed it is better to use the MCM option `give a key' in the Skip menu.)

Blacksmiths can be asked for help, they may help ... or not, depends on whether they like you or what you are wearing.

To release NPCs, first release yourself, find an additional key and then talk to the NPC. This is a good way to make friends.  Helping your friends can also have benefits.

For stripped but not restrained NPCs you can just tell them to go recover their gear.


Plugin structure:


The mod is split into parts. The master file just provides the resources without really impacting the game world. Plugins provide functionality:

  •  Integration plugin:  Adds ZAZ furniture to several place is Skyrim and `Mines' that can summon beasts when attacked/activated.  In general it requires explicit player action for beasts to appear. Exceptions:
  • Traps are currently set to enabled by default.  You can disable them in the MCM
  • Pinepeak Cavern has a new inhabitant with some tricks up his sleeve
  • You can enable random beast encounters in the MCM
  • DB (dragonborn) adds mines and a new type of beast to Solstheim and a quest. Also, with this installed you'll need to visit Solstheim to finish one of the main quests. (REQUIRES: dragonborn).
  • PAH: Allows NPCs captured by player summoned beasts to be enslaved (REQUIRES: Paradise Halls Enhanced).
  • BAD: Marks Chain Beast as dwemer automaton, making them immune to certain magic effects (such as drain health).
  • WMP: Makes mobile prison weaker (multiple levels available).
  • FMEA: Tiny bridge to FMEA allowing use of Chain Beasts in one of its events (built in, no additional files needed).
  • SLUTS (resume) patch (REQURES: SLUTS (resume).
  • DDCV: use Dwarven Devious Cuirass Variations as alternate crawler armor for one type of beast. (Supports female victims only) - Separate file in the downloads, not included in the installer.
  • MM: Mimic Mania - for any eligible container there is a chance it might in fact be a sleeping mimic.  You'll need to defeat it to gain access to its content.



Latest changes


Changes in v0.8.1

  • [Added] Option to set a preference for male victims
    • Some quests involve unique NPC victims. If both Male and Female NPCs are set as capturable, they would default to female. Select this to change this to male.
  • [Fixed]    Paying a debt subtracted the amount twice.


  • [Added] In the spy hunt quest, added a quest marker pointing back to the cave (without giving a hint where in the cave to look) when you do a followup investigation.


Changes in v0.8.0


  • [Added] New type of beast
    • Spoiler

      Chain Fish. (Weak beast.)

  • [Added] Lock MCM menu option; not recommended at all as much of MCM is intended to be able to solve issues you may run into, but requested and easy to add so here it is.
    • 0: None - nothing locked, default and highly recommended setting.
    • 1: escape options - lock away options that are related to the player's punishment&escape while the player is restrained.
    • 2: Most - lock away other difficulty and skip options as well, even if not related to the player's punishment. Only some core debug/informational options remain.
      • (Let me know if you think certain options should (not) be disabled in either mode...)
      • (Core mod options only, most plugin added options are not blocked irrespective of this setting...)
  • [Added] (Dis)allow aggressive animations toggle along with the gender restrictions.
    • Pheromone induced scenes respect these settings as does the renewed caged quest.
  • [Changed] Guard crabs will ignore predators as they don't try to steal from boxes...
  • [Changed] Some code/mechanism cleanup.
  • [Fixed] When going through an auto-load door, the `go to ...' info could get stuck in the HUD. (Until player no longer AI controlled and e.g. encountered a load door or fast traveled). Now this info is cleared(*) each time the beast controlled player enters a new area which should fix it right away.
  • [Fixed] Some typos, spelling mistakes.


  • [Changed] The caged quest has been rebuilt from scratch.
    • Expect and report bugs.  (Can also be started from the skip quest.)
  • [Added]  A new type of event involving NPCs and mines.
    • Spoiler
      • NPCs can get entranced by a mine. The will say something and then head towards a nearby mine and trigger it.
      • Talking to them will break the trance and they will forget what happened.
      • Can be disabled under the traps section (under plugins).
  • [Added] Some traps may summon a new type of beasts
    • Spoiler

      Traps near water can summon Chain Fish when triggered.


Mimic Mania

  • [Added] MCM option to cast the clean mimic spell from the MCM, so it can be used in case the player is restrained and unable to cast spells.
    • Was released as quickpatch in the thread, now integrated.
  • [Changed] No mimics will appear if the player activates a potential mimic while already in a punishment.
    • Was basically impossible before (as player would be safely locked away), but now with new caged quest this could occur.


Voices, DBVO: 

  • Added new lines from v080


Changes in v0.7.0

  • [Changed] Victim info spell now also shows if some relevant magical effects are present.
  • [Changed] The `hide for beasts' powers will now be visible.
    • For player it will show under active effects
    • For others it will have a visual effect; particles and they become slightly transparent.
  • [Changed] Adding a key will now clean up any crawlers still on the player, even if limited key strength is set.



  • [Added] Quests covering a new Aspect.
    • Spoiler
      • Aspect of Vaermina.  Talk to the lore master about it.
      • Two paths to choose from; 1 poor victim, 2 ruthless slaver. Requirements: 1: Player is a valid target, 2: NPCs (male and/or female) are valid targets.
      • Note: some things won't work while you are dreaming (like teleporting; cant teleport out of a dream, that's just crazy...).  Some others, however, do work.


  • [Added] Achievements for some of the recently added actions and quests.
  • [Added] You can many (mostly aspect related) quests by talking to the Lore Master.
    • Clean your quest list if you decided not to finish it (eg because aspect outsourced to other seekers).
    • Most cancelled quests can be restarted by asking to reexamine the aspect.
    • If any is missing that you think should be here let me know.
  • [Changed] Way `spy hunter' quest variables are filled to try to make it more robust.
  • [Fixed] Aspect of Nocturnal not removed when handing it in.
  • [Fixed] Man who cried Chain Beast could fail to start on updated game.
  • [Changed] Added quest marker for box in the aspect of Noc. quest
    • Talk to Rune after having completed his quest and having asked the LM about the aspect of Noc.
  • [Fixed] Conditions on some TJH conversations.
    • Could be situations in which not all intended conversation options were available.
  • [Changed] Labors of the DB quest; puzzle box always shows its content.
    • If you empty a puzzle box it retains its previous setting. This now shows.



  • [Fixed] MCM toggle to enable did not work correctly unless you toggled individual items.
  • [Added] Mimics (just a few).


Voices ( buildVoices.7z.00x )

  • [Added] Lines from the new quests.


Older updates:



 Misc; tips, workarounds, plans, permissions & credit.



Tips, Known Issues and Workarounds


General Tip: the MCM-status menu can often be used to resolve/work around issues encountered. In the MCM menu you can:

  • Choose who is targeted, tweak difficulty and other Gameplay aspects.
  • Control the mod; take different Debug actions, view and update the Status.
  • See how much of the mod content you have encountered under Achievements.
  • Skip ahead to where you ended up last time (eg new character or after update).


Pottential Issues:

  • NPCs generated from leveled lists may not play nicely when captured.  (No workaround yet.)
  • The caged scenario is a preview only and can break easily if used in unexpected ways. Workaround:
    • If stuck, end the quest from the MCM Skip menu
  • Integration adds items around Skyrim - potentially conflicts with mods changing the same locations.
    • None known; Report any found so they can be addressed


Potential vanilla game issues that could affect this mod:

  • This mod can create hectic battles and NPCs tend to flip out in case of friendly fire, causing them to attack each other/you if that happens. Workaround:

    • Use the calm spell in the MCM>debug menu.  Only lasts a moment but, unlike vanilla calm spells, will make them forget about the friendly fire.

  • Sometimes pathing issues occur, especially with larger beast.  Workaround:

    • For Player use `struggling'; press motion keys to get temporary control. (Requires/consumes stamina, need to wait 5 seconds between struggles.)

    • NPCs: try bumping them if they get stuck/clearing the path if they cannot find their way.  They may teleport forward after a while if they can't progress (vanilla behavior).

    • If those fail, fast forward through the MCM>Status menu.



  • See ZAZ animation pack as this uses some of its resources.
    • including Koffii yoke mesh (see ZAP for its Creative Commons Attribution license)
  • For the crawling animations see crawl-on-all-fours by DarkAngel1265 (www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33097)
    • The alternate riding method was figured out by Fingerscrossed; custom riding animations support was learned from riding styles2.
  • The chain attack of the spiders is based on `Pull mastery' by xzax; https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30351
    • (Stated permission: asset use allowed when crediting author but not for mods that are being sold.)
  • Some sound effects using open source (CC) clips. See description in the sound/fx/SCB/ folder.
  • How to clear `load door info'was learned from: Stuck on Screen Load Door Prompt Fix by wSkeever (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/96531, CC4.0 license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ ).
  • Other than that feel free to use as you like.


Credits & Tools used (in no particular order)

  • Oblivion chainbeasts mod for the basic idea
  • Zaz animation pack
    • This mod uses devices & textures from this mod and some meshes were created using ZAP meshes as a base. It also relies on ZAP furniture as a main part of its game-play mechanics.
  • Uses animations from crawl-on-all-fours by DarkAngel1265 (www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33097)
    • Thanks to DeepBlueFrog for pointing me to these.
  • Pull mastery by xzax for the chain attack idea and resources (www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30351)
  • Model creation tools: Blender,  Blender nif tools,  Anton tools, NifSkope
  • Skyrim creation kit and game.
  • Mod Organizer2 (and other mod management tools in the past).
  • SKVA Synth for the synthesized voices.
  • Forum members for useful suggestions, hints, etc.
    • CPU for a first installer, which inspired the current one.
    • Randamaster for German translations: Lastest translated version V0.5.6 available in the thread.
    • Chaimhewast for (previous versions of the) SLUTS patch
    • Mytherious for (previous versions of the) SLUTS resume patch
  • and many others I've forgotten to mention...


Future plans


Don't expect rapid progress; depends on time and motivation.  I have very little of the former and the latter tends to come and go (especially seeing how frustrating it can be to build a decent story line within CK.) .
If you have ideas please feel free to post them. Many of the current features came from suggestions in the posts. If I like them I might try to implement them.


Voicing using XVASynth (since v0.5.0): Skyrim Chain Beasts now has synthesized voices..mp3

Well actually it's moved beyond a demo feature, almost all lines for which voice type models are available have been voiced, resulting in thousands of voiced lines. You will encounter only a very tiny fraction of these in any play through.


Edited by MTB
Updated for v0.8.1

What's New in Version V0.8.1


Just added SE version of the V0,8.1 update :

Small update; fixes a bug and adds to small features requested in the thread.   
Install over v0.8.0 (for LE QF included so no need to also install that), likely no fresh save needed to update from v0.8.0.  Updating from older versions not supported.


Previous update:

V0.8.0 New game/clean save required !

Rerun FNIS unless you already had v0.7.0 installed.

Main addition:  Complete reworking of the caged quest.  It now has follower support (1 only!). It's still in debug mode; very noisy and some options are available that should normally not be (restrictions not checked). Would like to know whether it works ok for people before trying to extend it further.

Also : A new type of beast and some minor new features, updates, fixes.



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