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Version 0.945 SE/LE
NEW: v0.94 with Solitude hold quest - Convincing Elisif to welcome Balazar will not be easy. This BDSM-flavored quest requires surviving a private Thalmor Embassy party, frozen wastelands and the depths of Oblivion. Includes post-quest activities for Elisif, Jordis and a new NPC. NOTE NEW REQUIREMENTS: More Nasty Critters, ZAZ 8.0+. NEW VERSION POSTED: v0.945 - Fix to prevent Balazar Thalmor Embassy quest from starting early (during Diplomatic Immunity quest). Description: What's an armored husky doing in the Temple of Mara? Such an intelligent and powerful creature would surely be a strong and able companion on dangerous quests, and you'd be doing Dinya Balu a favor by finding it a better home. What could possibly go wrong? Part I of this beastly adventure sends master and servant on a quest for freedom across Skyrim that will challenge the reputation of the most noble adventurer, defile Skyrim's purest women, and cruelly expose shameful desires of beast-loving and submission. In Part II, which expands on the submissive theme of the mod, the PC joins forces with a creature from Oblivion on a quest to seek revenge against a dangerous opposing faction. In Part III of this mod, the PC must complete a series of quests (currently only Riften, Markarth and Solitude quests available) to help their new immortal companion stop a menace threatening all of Tamriel. This mod is a quest/follower/dialogue/dungeon mod for female PCs that is centered around a creature/humanoid follower and involves consensual and non-consensual sex with man, woman, beast, and machine. (You can run the mod with a male PC but quest dialogue and animations will be inappropriate.) Balazar starts out male, but can change form to female after the Riften quest. TO START THE QUEST: Speak to Dinya Balu in the Temple of Mara in Riften about the dog in the temple. Do not recruit the dog as a follower under any follower framework. Once the quest starts, the dog will have its own "Come with me" dialogue to recruit the dog as a follower. TO START THE RIFTEN QUEST: Speak to the Jarl of Riften with Balazar (in his true form) present after completing Parts I and II. TO START THE MARKARTH QUEST: Speak to the Jarl of Markarth with Balazar (in his true form) present after completing Parts I and II. TO START THE SOLITUDE QUEST: Speak to Elisif the Fair with Balazar (in his true form) present after completing Parts I and II. Mod includes an MCM to adjust dialogue and event frequency. Additional Notes: Followers (other than Balazar) should not be brought on Balazar's quests. They will break scenes by attacking "enemy" creatures and other NPCs If a creature animation is not playing, check your SLAL and make sure you have at least one animation for the creature type. See spoiler list below for creature animation types used. If you have a mod that allows fast travel from interiors, don't use it. You will miss some trigger boxes If you are using True Directional Movement, uncheck Stop on Direction Change under the Directional Movement tab. Otherwise, when this mod takes over player controls, the two mods will conflict. You might want to temporarily deactivate mods like Aroused Creatures and other mods that generate random events and that could break scenes. Requirements: (NEW) SexLab Sexlab Aroused Redux SSE FNIS SE Fuz Ro D-oh NEW: More Nasty Critters NEW: ZAZ 8.0+ Creature Animation Types Used: Optional Files: Killer905's patch for Devious Device users. Adds DD version of collar. DD required. Installation: Load after ZaZ Credits: Corwen's party mask by ShasSaalLDred - Furniture alignment correction script by Pamatronic -´s-no-esp/ Whipmarks by author unknown LE Facegen and other texture files by killer905 Playtesting and quest ideas by killer905 Version History: -
Adventures with Balazar (Balazar's Bitch) - Beta View File NEW: v0.94 with Solitude hold quest - Convincing Elisif to welcome Balazar will not be easy. This BDSM-flavored quest requires surviving a private Thalmor Embassy party, frozen wastelands and the depths of Oblivion. Includes post-quest activities for Elisif, Jordis and a new NPC. NOTE NEW REQUIREMENTS: More Nasty Critters, ZAZ 8.0+. NEW VERSION POSTED: v0.945 - Fix to prevent Balazar Thalmor Embassy quest from starting early (during Diplomatic Immunity quest). Description: What's an armored husky doing in the Temple of Mara? Such an intelligent and powerful creature would surely be a strong and able companion on dangerous quests, and you'd be doing Dinya Balu a favor by finding it a better home. What could possibly go wrong? Part I of this beastly adventure sends master and servant on a quest for freedom across Skyrim that will challenge the reputation of the most noble adventurer, defile Skyrim's purest women, and cruelly expose shameful desires of beast-loving and submission. In Part II, which expands on the submissive theme of the mod, the PC joins forces with a creature from Oblivion on a quest to seek revenge against a dangerous opposing faction. In Part III of this mod, the PC must complete a series of quests (currently only Riften, Markarth and Solitude quests available) to help their new immortal companion stop a menace threatening all of Tamriel. This mod is a quest/follower/dialogue/dungeon mod for female PCs that is centered around a creature/humanoid follower and involves consensual and non-consensual sex with man, woman, beast, and machine. (You can run the mod with a male PC but quest dialogue and animations will be inappropriate.) Balazar starts out male, but can change form to female after the Riften quest. TO START THE QUEST: Speak to Dinya Balu in the Temple of Mara in Riften about the dog in the temple. Do not recruit the dog as a follower under any follower framework. Once the quest starts, the dog will have its own "Come with me" dialogue to recruit the dog as a follower. TO START THE RIFTEN QUEST: Speak to the Jarl of Riften with Balazar (in his true form) present after completing Parts I and II. TO START THE MARKARTH QUEST: Speak to the Jarl of Markarth with Balazar (in his true form) present after completing Parts I and II. TO START THE SOLITUDE QUEST: Speak to Elisif the Fair with Balazar (in his true form) present after completing Parts I and II. Mod includes an MCM to adjust dialogue and event frequency. Additional Notes: Followers (other than Balazar) should not be brought on Balazar's quests. They will break scenes by attacking "enemy" creatures and other NPCs If a creature animation is not playing, check your SLAL and make sure you have at least one animation for the creature type. See spoiler list below for creature animation types used. If you have a mod that allows fast travel from interiors, don't use it. You will miss some trigger boxes If you are using True Directional Movement, uncheck Stop on Direction Change under the Directional Movement tab. Otherwise, when this mod takes over player controls, the two mods will conflict. You might want to temporarily deactivate mods like Aroused Creatures and other mods that generate random events and that could break scenes. Requirements: (NEW) SexLab Sexlab Aroused Redux SSE FNIS SE Fuz Ro D-oh NEW: More Nasty Critters NEW: ZAZ 8.0+ Creature Animation Types Used: Optional Files: Killer905's patch for Devious Device users. Adds DD version of collar. DD required. Installation: Load after ZaZ Credits: Corwen's party mask by ShasSaalLDred - Furniture alignment correction script by Pamatronic -´s-no-esp/ Whipmarks by author unknown LE Facegen and other texture files by killer905 Playtesting and quest ideas by killer905 Version History: Submitter Gristle Submitted 10/28/2023 Category Adult Mods Requirements SexLab, Sexlab Aroused, FNIS, Fuz Ro D-oh, MNC, ZaZ Regular Edition Compatible Yes
Adventures with Balazar - Traduction française View File NOUVEAU : v0.94 avec la quête de Solitude - Convaincre Elisif d'accueillir Balazar ne sera pas facile. Cette quête à saveur BDSM nécessite de survivre à une fête privée de l'ambassade du Thalmor, aux terres gelées et aux profondeurs de l'Oblivion. Comprend des activités post-quête pour Elisif, Jordis et un nouveau PNJ. NOTE DE NOUVELLES EXIGENCES : More Nasty Critters, ZAZ 8.0+. NOUVELLE VERSION POSTEE : v0.944 - Supprime les Thalmor agressifs, corrige la porte de l'ambassade des Thalmor, et corrige d'autres bugs. Merci de bien vouloir prendre connaissance de la note du traducteur, en bas de la page. Description : Que fait un husky en armure dans le temple de Mara ? Une créature aussi intelligente et puissante serait certainement un compagnon fort et capable d'accomplir des quêtes dangereuses, et vous rendriez service à Dinya Balu en lui trouvant un meilleur foyer. Qu'est-ce qui pourrait bien aller de travers ? La première partie de cette aventure bestiale envoie maître et serviteur dans une quête de liberté à travers Bordeciel qui mettra à l'épreuve la réputation du plus noble des aventuriers, souillera les femmes les plus pures de Skyrim et dévoilera cruellement les désirs honteux d'amour des bêtes et de soumission. Dans la deuxième partie, qui développe le thème de la soumission, le PC s'associe à une créature d'Oblivion pour se venger d'une dangereuse faction adverse. Dans la troisième partie de ce mod, le PC doit accomplir une série de quêtes (pour l'instant, seules les quêtes de Faillaise, Markarth et Solitude sont disponibles) pour aider son nouveau compagnon immortel à arrêter une menace qui pèse sur tout Tamriel. Ce mod est un mod de quête/suivant/dialogue/donjon pour PC féminins qui est centré sur une créature/humanoïde suiveuse et qui implique des relations sexuelles consensuelles et non-consensuelles avec des hommes, des femmes, des bêtes et des machines. (Vous pouvez utiliser le mod avec un PC masculin, mais les dialogues et les animations de la quête seront inappropriés). Balazar est d'abord un homme, mais il peut devenir une femme après la quête de Faillaise. POUR COMMENCER LA QUÊTE : Parlez à Dinya Balu dans le Temple de Mara à Faillaise à propos du chien dans le temple. Ne recrutez pas le chien en tant qu'adepte dans un cadre d'adepte. Une fois la quête commencée, le chien aura son propre dialogue « Viens avec moi » pour le recruter en tant qu'adepte. POUR COMMENCER LA QUÊTE DE FAILLAISE: Parlez au Jarl de Faillaise en présence de Balazar (sous sa véritable forme) après avoir terminé les parties I et II. POUR COMMENCER LA QUÊTE DE MARKARTH : Parlez au Jarl de Markarth en présence de Balazar (sous sa véritable forme) après avoir terminé les parties I et II. POUR COMMENCER LA QUÊTE DE SOLITUDE : Parlez à Elisif la Juste en présence de Balazar (sous sa véritable forme) après avoir terminé les parties I et II. Le mod inclut un MCM pour ajuster la fréquence des dialogues et des événements. Notes supplémentaires : Les suiveurs (autres que Balazar) ne doivent pas être amenés sur les quêtes de Balazar. Ils briseront des scènes en attaquant des créatures « ennemies » et d'autres PNJ. Si une animation de créature n'est pas jouée, vérifiez votre SLAL et assurez-vous que vous avez au moins une animation pour le type de créature. Voir la liste des spoilers du mod original. Si vous avez un mod qui permet de voyager rapidement depuis les intérieurs, ne l'utilisez pas. Vous manquerez certaines cases de déclenchement Si vous utilisez True Directional Movement, décochez Stop on Direction Change dans l'onglet Directional Movement. Sinon, lorsque ce mod prendra le contrôle des joueurs, les deux mods entreront en conflit. Vous pouvez désactiver temporairement des mods comme Aroused Creatures et d'autres mods qui génèrent des événements aléatoires et qui pourraient interrompre des scènes. Exigences : (NOUVEAU) Mod original Mod requis du mod original SexLab Sexlab Aroused Redux SSE FNIS SE Fuz Ro D-oh NOUVEAU : More Nasty Critters NOUVEAU : ZAZ 8.0+ Installation : Installez le mod original Téléchargez, puis installez la traduction française. Cette dernière doit écraser le mod original pour être effective. En cas d'installation avec un gestionnaire, je vous conseille de ne pas fusionner la traduction avec le mod original, mais plutôt de renommer la traduction, et la mettre juste en dessous dans l'ordre de chargement. Crédits : Epervier 666, pour la mise en ligne de l'ESP-ESM Translator. Gristle, pour la création du mod original, ainsi que killer905 pour son aide apporté dans le développement. Les personnes ayant pris les screenshot, que je n'ai fais que recopier du mod original. Note du traducteur La traduction a été effectuée automatiquement, en utilisant l'ESP-ESM Translator, avec une clé API de chez DeepL. La version finale m'a l'air très correcte, mais il se peut que quelques coquilles demeurent. N'hésitez pas à m'en faire part via le support . Submitter Voltair Submitted 12/31/2024 Category Adult Mods Requirements Mod original, SexLab, Sexlab Aroused, FNIS, Fuz Ro D-oh, MNC, ZaZ Regular Edition Compatible Yes
Version 1.1.0
NOUVEAU : v0.94 avec la quête de Solitude - Convaincre Elisif d'accueillir Balazar ne sera pas facile. Cette quête à saveur BDSM nécessite de survivre à une fête privée de l'ambassade du Thalmor, aux terres gelées et aux profondeurs de l'Oblivion. Comprend des activités post-quête pour Elisif, Jordis et un nouveau PNJ. NOTE DE NOUVELLES EXIGENCES : More Nasty Critters, ZAZ 8.0+. NOUVELLE VERSION POSTEE : v0.944 - Supprime les Thalmor agressifs, corrige la porte de l'ambassade des Thalmor, et corrige d'autres bugs. Merci de bien vouloir prendre connaissance de la note du traducteur, en bas de la page. Description : Que fait un husky en armure dans le temple de Mara ? Une créature aussi intelligente et puissante serait certainement un compagnon fort et capable d'accomplir des quêtes dangereuses, et vous rendriez service à Dinya Balu en lui trouvant un meilleur foyer. Qu'est-ce qui pourrait bien aller de travers ? La première partie de cette aventure bestiale envoie maître et serviteur dans une quête de liberté à travers Bordeciel qui mettra à l'épreuve la réputation du plus noble des aventuriers, souillera les femmes les plus pures de Skyrim et dévoilera cruellement les désirs honteux d'amour des bêtes et de soumission. Dans la deuxième partie, qui développe le thème de la soumission, le PC s'associe à une créature d'Oblivion pour se venger d'une dangereuse faction adverse. Dans la troisième partie de ce mod, le PC doit accomplir une série de quêtes (pour l'instant, seules les quêtes de Faillaise, Markarth et Solitude sont disponibles) pour aider son nouveau compagnon immortel à arrêter une menace qui pèse sur tout Tamriel. Ce mod est un mod de quête/suivant/dialogue/donjon pour PC féminins qui est centré sur une créature/humanoïde suiveuse et qui implique des relations sexuelles consensuelles et non-consensuelles avec des hommes, des femmes, des bêtes et des machines. (Vous pouvez utiliser le mod avec un PC masculin, mais les dialogues et les animations de la quête seront inappropriés). Balazar est d'abord un homme, mais il peut devenir une femme après la quête de Faillaise. POUR COMMENCER LA QUÊTE : Parlez à Dinya Balu dans le Temple de Mara à Faillaise à propos du chien dans le temple. Ne recrutez pas le chien en tant qu'adepte dans un cadre d'adepte. Une fois la quête commencée, le chien aura son propre dialogue « Viens avec moi » pour le recruter en tant qu'adepte. POUR COMMENCER LA QUÊTE DE FAILLAISE: Parlez au Jarl de Faillaise en présence de Balazar (sous sa véritable forme) après avoir terminé les parties I et II. POUR COMMENCER LA QUÊTE DE MARKARTH : Parlez au Jarl de Markarth en présence de Balazar (sous sa véritable forme) après avoir terminé les parties I et II. POUR COMMENCER LA QUÊTE DE SOLITUDE : Parlez à Elisif la Juste en présence de Balazar (sous sa véritable forme) après avoir terminé les parties I et II. Le mod inclut un MCM pour ajuster la fréquence des dialogues et des événements. Notes supplémentaires : Les suiveurs (autres que Balazar) ne doivent pas être amenés sur les quêtes de Balazar. Ils briseront des scènes en attaquant des créatures « ennemies » et d'autres PNJ. Si une animation de créature n'est pas jouée, vérifiez votre SLAL et assurez-vous que vous avez au moins une animation pour le type de créature. Voir la liste des spoilers du mod original. Si vous avez un mod qui permet de voyager rapidement depuis les intérieurs, ne l'utilisez pas. Vous manquerez certaines cases de déclenchement Si vous utilisez True Directional Movement, décochez Stop on Direction Change dans l'onglet Directional Movement. Sinon, lorsque ce mod prendra le contrôle des joueurs, les deux mods entreront en conflit. Vous pouvez désactiver temporairement des mods comme Aroused Creatures et d'autres mods qui génèrent des événements aléatoires et qui pourraient interrompre des scènes. Exigences : (NOUVEAU) Mod original Mod requis du mod original SexLab Sexlab Aroused Redux SSE FNIS SE Fuz Ro D-oh NOUVEAU : More Nasty Critters NOUVEAU : ZAZ 8.0+ Installation : Installez le mod original Téléchargez, puis installez la traduction française. Cette dernière doit écraser le mod original pour être effective. En cas d'installation avec un gestionnaire, je vous conseille de ne pas fusionner la traduction avec le mod original, mais plutôt de renommer la traduction, et la mettre juste en dessous dans l'ordre de chargement. Crédits : Epervier 666, pour la mise en ligne de l'ESP-ESM Translator. Gristle, pour la création du mod original, ainsi que killer905 pour son aide apporté dans le développement. Les personnes ayant pris les screenshot, que je n'ai fais que recopier du mod original. Note du traducteur La traduction a été effectuée automatiquement, en utilisant l'ESP-ESM Translator, avec une clé API de chez DeepL. La version finale m'a l'air très correcte, mais il se peut que quelques coquilles demeurent. N'hésitez pas à m'en faire part via le support . -
Porny Nordic Murals View File Hello there ? Of course as any brave veteran adventurer, while you were exploring the dungeons you were wondering "But... where the hell are the titties??" ..wait you didn't ? AH. Here I go anyway To continue this wicked endavour, I offer you kinky nordic murals (the stuff you find in some dungeons, mostly near the circle claw door thingy) As always, made those for myself and thought about sharing them eventho i'm aware they're not perfect. Textures are in 4k, all in preview (sorry about the messy screenshots, also keep in mind lightning may vary depending on your skyrim obviously) Nothing needed, just a replacer ! ⚠️I consider those as Work In Progress so far, I didn't finish them but that's definitely planned ; I hope to make them cleaner, more fitting and hopefully better in general ! I will update the file here eventually Submitter PyGee333 Submitted 06/27/2023 Category Adult Mods Requires Skyrim LE/SE ; Being a huge perv Regular Edition Compatible Yes
Adventures with Balazar (Balazar's Bitch) SE/LE - DD Patch View File Description: The patch changes the collar from ZaZ to Devious Devices. That's all. It's ESL file also does not take up space in the Modorder (In the case of LE, it takes up positions in the modorder). Marked as Light Plugin ❤️ Requirements: Adventures with Balazar (Balazar's Bitch) Version 0.923b or higher Devious Devices 5.2+ Legendary Edition Devious Devices LE Special Edition/Anniversary Edition Devious Devices SE Supports female and male (FOR MALE REQUIRES: Devious Devices For Him!). Submitter killer905 Submitted 06/20/2024 Category Adult Mods Requires Main file Adventures with Balazar Regular Edition Compatible Yes
Maids II: Deception View File Original | Special Edition Main Package Download Due to the size of Maids II: Deception (2GB+), it must be downloaded from one of the sites below. Packages uploaded here on LL are supplementary. Mod Sites ModDB Nexus Mods File Storage View Readme - How to combine 7z part files.txt for installation instructions. MEGA Torrent Available on this file's downloads. Help seed by combining all parts of the regular M2 download and renaming the single .7z archive as "Maids II - Deception" ________________________________ Description ________________________________ Maids II: Deception (M2) is a sequel to Maids I: Euphoria for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Originally intended to be a simple mod that would add a single maid to a player house for dress-up, the series has evolved to feature a questline. M2 aims to expand upon where M1 left off, this time with an emphasis on story. Quest Start: The quest should be added to the Miscellaneous section of the quest journal upon loading the game with SMSkyrim.esp activated. The quest will instruct you to travel to the town of Jonestead. The Story So Far During the Oblivion Crisis, an organization of mages and alchemists known as Project Purity sought to rule Tamriel by first enslaving its women through the use of a corrupted Hist tree's sap that, when ingested, provoked an insatiable frenzy that made female victims vulnerable to submission. At the request of two maids who were cursed with the sap's effects, the Champion of Cyrodiil put a stop to Purity's plans and saved the women held captive in the palace of the Argonian warlord Desann. The descendants of the two maids - the Pinder family - would face persecution by a resurgent Purity as retaliation for their defeat. Over time, this rivalry escalated to the point where in order to survive, the family had to form a clandestine group of mercenaries whose only purpose was to put an end to Purity once and for all. 200 years later, only two family members remain in a small underground town in Skyrim. The reasons for how and why the rivalry started have long been forgotten by both sides of the conflict. Yet the mercenary group founded by the family remains strong and has undergone drastic transformations. Now composed entirely of female warriors and assassins that rival the Dark Brotherhood in terms of secrecy and skill, the conflict has reached a standstill with both sides waiting for the other to resurface for one last showdown. With the province under siege by dragons and the civil war, Purity is bound to use this distraction as an advantage and unleash their final plan to eradicate the Pinder family and reveal their most devastating weapon yet, all in the name of saving the world from the enigmatic woman known as Matari. Features 17 main quests with several offshoot side quests A large underground complex with several connecting dungeons A new land called Sky's Divide, a tropical dwarven fortress island that becomes accessible from the final quest onwards A new dungeon tileset based on the Dwemer ruins of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind 114 interior cells, 16 worldspaces 1 new home and another - a ship - that can be obtainable depending on the Dragonborn's actions Approximately 13,000 lines of dialogue with branching paths 79 voice actors voicing 116 characters A maid management system that expands alongside the main questline and allows players to hire up to 98 maids, have them serve as followers, and depart on missions to temporarily increase player stats while in a city or retrieve a specific type of supplies Optional MCM menu for maid management A companion with an optional friendship and romance system An optional brothel with a dynamic economic system New items, including those from other TES games Optional enemy patrols in the Skyrim wilderness depending on the player's place in the main questline Episodes M2 was originally released in episodic format from 2012 - 2016. Each episode advanced the main questline while also adding some post-quest reward bonuses. Below were the release dates for each episode. ________________________________ WARNING ________________________________ M2 is a script-intensive mod with 2,072 scripts. It's highly recommended that M2 is started on a new, clean save (new character/game) with as few script-intensive mods activated as possible. It's suggested that this save be kept aside for M2 updates. If playing on an existing save, it's important to make a backup of the save prior to installing and activating M2. If M2 is ever deactivated and uninstalled, script data will be left over in the save which may affect the stability of the save and other mods that add scripts (such as quest mods). This problem is due to Skyrim's scripting and save system which causes scripts from uninstalled mods to "stick" to a save long after it has been uninstalled. The following issues encountered in M2 are signs that a save game may be experiencing the negative effects of this left over data: Quest advancement issues Scene/NPC-to-NPC conversation stalls (NPCs will appear with the "This person is busy." message when activated and their conversations will never progress) Crashes to Desktop (CTDs) or frozen loading screens Use a save game cleaner, such as Save Game Script Cleaner or SkyrimTools, as a measure of last resort to repair bloated saves. Please read the FAQs for additional suggestions on what to do when problems are encountered. ________________________________ Requirements & Recommendations ________________________________ Required Official DLC Dawnguard Hearthfire Dragonborn Semi-Required These are only required for certain installations and optional features. Fores New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS) * Installing - custom animations will be added for certain characters. * Not Installing - characters will stand in place when these animations are requested. * IMPORTANT - remember to run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe after M2 has been installed so that the new animations will function. Read the FNIS readme for detailed instructions. Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) * SKSE is a prerequisite for SkyUI. * NOTE - SKSE features a built-in mechanic that removes references to OnUpdate() in Papyrus logs called by scripts of uninstalled mods. This is useful in preventing certain CTDs. * NOTE - SKSE v1.7 improves memory handling and may prevent CTDs for certain systems. SkyUI * Installing - SkyUI implements the MCM menu system for M2, which includes portable maid management, settings, and uninstallation. * Not Installing - disables the M2 MCM menu; players required to go to the Pinder House in Jonestead and use the Notepad to access the settings through in-game menus. * NOTE - SkyUI-Away can be installed, in addition to SkyUI, to retain the vanilla UI while still installing the MCM system. * NOTE - A known issue with MCM causes plug-ins placed after the 128th slot in the load order (form ID 7F) to have script issues. Place SMSkyrim.esp at a higher position. * NOTE - if the MCM menu for M2 is not added when loading the mod for the first time, enter the following into the console: SetStage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1 Recommended These are suggested optional utilities and mods that only serve to enhance features. Dimonized UNP Body * While any body type, including vanilla, is compatible with M2, most of the added clothing and armors were only designed for UNP by their original creators. Seams may show for non-UNP body types. Sexlab Patch * Integrates special scenes using the SexLab framework where a fade-to-black transition would normally be used. Pre-Installation Install the latest version of Skyrim from Steam (v1.9). Older versions and unauthorized copies of Skyrim may be incompatible with M2 at a system level. If updating from a pre-v4.0 install of M2, complete all quests before installing the latest version to ensure a stable playthrough of the original quests. Make a backup save before starting the game with M2 activated. This is a precaution that should always be done before beginning any quest mod. Install any semi-required and recommended mods that are intended to be used before starting the game with M2 activated. If previously installed, ensure that they are fully updated. Uninstall all M2 packages prior to updating from a pre-v4.0 installation. The new SMSkyrim.esp plug-in is flagged as an .esm despite having the .esp extension. Treat it as a master file and keep it grouped with other .esm files. ________________________________ Incompatibilities ________________________________ Compatibility Patches Download the "Mod Patches" package from the downloads for a collection of patches for other mods and body replacers. Incompatible The following mods have been confirmed to be incompatible with M2. Any follower management mod that affects M2 NPCs may cause unexpected quest issues. Avoid using to follower management mod for maids in M2. KEY YELLOW --- moderate incompatibility; usually aesthetic. New locations overlap each other, but quest progress can continue. Console commands such as ToggleCollision (tcl) may need to be used. RED --- major incompatibility; M2 is rendered unplayable. ________________________________ FAQs ________________________________ Crashes to Desktop (CTDs) Dialogue Installation Missing Textures Quests Miscellaneous ________________________________ Credits, Thanks, Disclaimers ________________________________ Credits and permissions are listed in the main package readme. Submitter Enter_77 Submitted 08/16/2016 Category Quest Requires Skyrim v1.9 (Skyrim.esm + Update.esm), Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn Special Edition Compatible No
View File RHPS Sexbound Eros Bow Adds a mini dungeon of Eros into the game, where you can get his traditional bow out of the myth which allows you to transform NPCs into sexnodes or raise their arousal with a secondary attack. Key Features: Adds the dungeon of Eros and his traditional bow. This mod is just a male equivalent and does not replace any of the other Aphrodite or Dibella mods and is fully compatible with them as there are no known conflicts. Modding Notes: The modder of the original mod was asked if they are fine with the upload of this mod. They did not voiced any objections. If the modder would subsequently wish for the mod to be removed, this will be done of course. Submitter RHPSmods Submitted 08/13/2022 Category Starbound
Version 0.932b
Description: The patch changes the collar from ZaZ to Devious Devices. That's all. It's ESL file also does not take up space in the Modorder (In the case of LE, it takes up positions in the modorder). Marked as Light Plugin ❤️ Requirements: Adventures with Balazar (Balazar's Bitch) Version 0.923b or higher Devious Devices 5.2+ Legendary Edition Devious Devices LE Special Edition/Anniversary Edition Devious Devices SE Supports female and male (FOR MALE REQUIRES: Devious Devices For Him!). -
One of my followers just never really liked Nancy's character in Sims4. This follower wanted Mistress Andrea to give Nancy a whipping in the BDSM dungeon. Mistress certainly obliged. As is customary in Mistress' dungeon, Nancy is caged and gaged beforehand, forced to stare at the implements of her punishment for one hour. Nancy is trembling, naked and humiliated, all while anticipating and fearful of her impending flogging. The stage is set!
The girls seem in rather good spirits, considering they're about to be taken to Mistress Andrea's sex dungeon. Down in the basement they will experience hours of bondage, forcible confinement and deep humiliation, as they are used and abused by Mistress Andrea. I wonder which of the three will be whipped first while the other two are forced to watch? What's your guess?
Hello I remember a mod (I think on Nexus but can't even be sure) for Skyrim LE that was a new dungeon or quest mod, that was inspired in games like Hexen Heretic and the like, and that was starting by reading a book on a lectern or something, in the region near Helgen. I can't find it back, even in my Nexus download history. Maybe I'm just missing it, but I wouldn't be against a little help if someone remembers that mod ?
AXIS MILITARY BASE (cc version) View File The Axis Military base is a downloadable lot that adds to your game a Military Base with a NSFW dungeon for your sims Ehhum, *Cough "Interrogations" About: Well after playing several hours my sims have racked up somewhere around $500,000 in extortion money and otherwise "Ill gotten gains" so I got to thinking, "WTF am i going to do with all these simols?" Thus the successor to my shady trailer lot was born, (See other dls) Axis Military base comes with a bio science facility, A brig, an indoor greenhouse for your Ahem *coughs "Plants with a cowplant you can make sacrifices with inside. An Entry lobby that looks like a MIB headquarters, A barracks, A messhall, An education room, 2 master bed rooms, One for Scientist the other for the sim I play in my game, However you may alter it however you like. and finally a dungeon addon, (Which my gallery NOCC version doesn't have), NOTES: -Credit for ALL included CC goes to their respective authors. I just build and retexture things . -This is the main lot I use in my game, Took me about a day in a half to make. -This lot is best used with wicked whims and all it's addons. -This lot contains Sexual refrences and captions related but not limited to: BDSM, Captures, BBC interracial, Foot fetish, and trans women. (if that's not yer thing simply leave out the mods or don't download, I don't want to hear about it.) -Enjoy ~DD Submitter DrusillaL Submitted 01/19/2020 Category Lots Requires All expansion
I am basically looking for a player home with a dungeon or prison of which I can store NPCs in so and so. Is there also a mod that makes defeated enemies be put on devices?
- 2 replies
- player home
- player house
(and 3 more)
Tagged with:
Version 0.1.0
Description: This mod seeks to expand on the Sisterhood of Dibella questline, centering on the temple of Mara. The temple of Dibella enjoys newfound wealth and prestige, its influence felt throughout the province. But this newfound prosperity is driven by a dark submission to the will of a Daedric Lord. Blissfully unaware of this truth, the temple of Mara calls on its sisters for aid. Their influence wanes, much as the Dibellans' once did. They forget their ancient responsibilities, and the temptations lurking beneath their feet. Seeing an opportunity, the sybil and her champion infiltrate the temple, intent on both reclaiming an ancient sanguinian site and corrupting another goddess into their lords' service. After all, why have one goddess when you can make it a threesome? Current Features: A new area beneath the temple of mara, to be customized and adjusted as the questline proceeds Planned Features: A full questline continuing the corruption ending of Deep Blue Frog's sisterhood of Dibella An expanded clergy of mara distributed around skyrim Full Sexlab Integration Notes: I am using this mod as much to teach myself the process of mod creation as anything else. As such, release schedules will depend heavily on how quickly I am able to figure out the various features of the creation kit. Any feedback and advice is extremely welcome. Acknowledgements: Deep Blue Frog - for letting me expand on their work and giving some great advice on how to get this process moving. -
Version 1.0.0
The Axis Military base is a downloadable lot that adds to your game a Military Base with a NSFW dungeon for your sims Ehhum, *Cough "Interrogations" About: Well after playing several hours my sims have racked up somewhere around $500,000 in extortion money and otherwise "Ill gotten gains" so I got to thinking, "WTF am i going to do with all these simols?" Thus the successor to my shady trailer lot was born, (See other dls) Axis Military base comes with a bio science facility, A brig, an indoor greenhouse for your Ahem *coughs "Plants with a cowplant you can make sacrifices with inside. An Entry lobby that looks like a MIB headquarters, A barracks, A messhall, An education room, 2 master bed rooms, One for Scientist the other for the sim I play in my game, However you may alter it however you like. and finally a dungeon addon, (Which my gallery NOCC version doesn't have), NOTES: -Credit for ALL included CC goes to their respective authors. I just build and retexture things . -This is the main lot I use in my game, Took me about a day in a half to make. -This lot is best used with wicked whims and all it's addons. -This lot contains Sexual refrences and captions related but not limited to: BDSM, Captures, BBC interracial, Foot fetish, and trans women. (if that's not yer thing simply leave out the mods or don't download, I don't want to hear about it.) -Enjoy ~DD -
Version V1.4
FollowerTEST: Description: The Dungeon is a Milk Maid/Follower home. It Can be used as a player home also. It is accessed via a hatch underneath the drawbridge just outside Whiterun. The key is on the floor in front of it. It was intentionally left mostly bare so players can customize it with their own decorations/furniture. Milk produced in The Dungeon counts towards Whiterun economy. Requirements: Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Sexlab Framework, Sexlab Aroused, Zaz Animation Pack, Milk Mod Economy, Features: Milking Floor with 15 milk pumps Pool Room with 10 milk pumps Main Room with Throne and large table Bunk Room with sleeping spots for 15 Milk Maids/Followers Plenty of room to add custom decoration Hand Navmeshed so Milk Maids/Followers shouldn't get stuck pathing to the Milk Pumps 67 Idle Markers for followers TesV edit Cleaned Personal storage wardrobe, Follower storage wardrobe is unsafe for storing items Collection of items in Personal storage wardrobe Milk Maids/Followers undress around pool and redress after Screenshots: Main Room Milking Floor Bunk Room Installation: Install all requirements Install with preferred mod manager (NMM, Wyre Bash, MO) or extract .esp file into Skyrim data folder (not recommended) Activate .esp SUCCESS time for Brandy Upgrading to V1.3: If you had anything stored in the wardrobes remove them as I've replaced the wardrobes but other then that should be safe to upgrade. Uninstall: Remove any customizations from The Dungeon i.e followers, items, decorations, anything that isn't from the base mod including yourself delete .esp Possible Conflicts: Any mod that changes under the drawbridge just outside Whiterun. Its been confirmed that my mod works with Slaverun and JK's Whiterun (city and outskirt versions). Future Plans: Add some story to The Dungeon i.e who built it, why its there etc. etc. Adding a quest for the key or buying the key so you don't have automatic access Customizable Follower as Steward of The Dungeon Adding pseudo needs for followers in The Dungeon Find clearer water for the pool making idle markers usable by player Check out the second post of the forum thread for the status of each one. Recommendations: To have the feel and usage I intend for the mod I recommend these mods Realistic Lighting Overhaul ( Gives The Dungeon a darker atmosphere ) Jaxonz Positioner ( Its great for decorating The Dungeon ) Jaxonz Renamer ( For renaming the throne to "player's name" 's Throne ) Oli3d Furniture Bondage ( For punishing bad Milk Maids/Followers ) My home is Your Home ( So Milk Maids/Followers will stay in The Dungeon while you do the Dragonborn thing ) Multi-Floors Sandboxing ( So followers can use the upper part of the bunk room ) Sexlab Sex Slaves ( Because Sex Slaves and Milk Maids... Need I say more ) Credits: The Zaz animation pack team for their amazing modders resource. Zaz Animation Pack Ed86 for making the awesome Milk Mod Economy fishburger67 for their wonderful scripts from Sexlab Sex Slaves for stripping/redressing followers Special Thanks: Wandering_Mania for their idea of new placement of the entrance and for advice on packing mod for NMM users Larry78 for sort of suggesting making idle markers usable by player WaxenFigure for their helpful advice and links Other: This is not my first mod I've ever made but it is my first mod I've released to the public. I'm not an expert so there might be some mistakes please let me know if you encounter any. This was a personal mod that I decide to share so don't be offended if I don't take your suggestion/s. I am not a programmer/coder/scripter, 3d modeller, animator, etc. I am limited to basically just the creation kit so there might be some things that I won't be able to do. To Skyre users: Add my mod to the block list for reproccer or the cane will do too much damage. To Sexlab Sex Slave users: Overwrite the scripts from my mod with theirs and place my .esp higher then theirs in your load order. I hope you enjoy my mod and... Thank you have a nice day!!!! Having a nice day is not required. If having a shit day please see a doctor, seek nearest set of boobs/pecs (based on your own sexual preferences) or bottle of your favourite alcohol. Thank you- 12 reviews
Version 5.1.6
Original | Special Edition Main Package Download Due to the size of Maids II: Deception (2GB+), it must be downloaded from one of the sites below. Packages uploaded here on LL are supplementary. Mod Sites ModDB Nexus Mods File Storage View Readme - How to combine 7z part files.txt for installation instructions. MEGA Torrent Available on this file's downloads. Help seed by combining all parts of the regular M2 download and renaming the single .7z archive as "Maids II - Deception" ________________________________ Description ________________________________ Maids II: Deception (M2) is a sequel to Maids I: Euphoria for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Originally intended to be a simple mod that would add a single maid to a player house for dress-up, the series has evolved to feature a questline. M2 aims to expand upon where M1 left off, this time with an emphasis on story. Quest Start: The quest should be added to the Miscellaneous section of the quest journal upon loading the game with SMSkyrim.esp activated. The quest will instruct you to travel to the town of Jonestead. The Story So Far During the Oblivion Crisis, an organization of mages and alchemists known as Project Purity sought to rule Tamriel by first enslaving its women through the use of a corrupted Hist tree's sap that, when ingested, provoked an insatiable frenzy that made female victims vulnerable to submission. At the request of two maids who were cursed with the sap's effects, the Champion of Cyrodiil put a stop to Purity's plans and saved the women held captive in the palace of the Argonian warlord Desann. The descendants of the two maids - the Pinder family - would face persecution by a resurgent Purity as retaliation for their defeat. Over time, this rivalry escalated to the point where in order to survive, the family had to form a clandestine group of mercenaries whose only purpose was to put an end to Purity once and for all. 200 years later, only two family members remain in a small underground town in Skyrim. The reasons for how and why the rivalry started have long been forgotten by both sides of the conflict. Yet the mercenary group founded by the family remains strong and has undergone drastic transformations. Now composed entirely of female warriors and assassins that rival the Dark Brotherhood in terms of secrecy and skill, the conflict has reached a standstill with both sides waiting for the other to resurface for one last showdown. With the province under siege by dragons and the civil war, Purity is bound to use this distraction as an advantage and unleash their final plan to eradicate the Pinder family and reveal their most devastating weapon yet, all in the name of saving the world from the enigmatic woman known as Matari. Features 17 main quests with several offshoot side quests A large underground complex with several connecting dungeons A new land called Sky's Divide, a tropical dwarven fortress island that becomes accessible from the final quest onwards A new dungeon tileset based on the Dwemer ruins of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind 114 interior cells, 16 worldspaces 1 new home and another - a ship - that can be obtainable depending on the Dragonborn's actions Approximately 13,000 lines of dialogue with branching paths 79 voice actors voicing 116 characters A maid management system that expands alongside the main questline and allows players to hire up to 98 maids, have them serve as followers, and depart on missions to temporarily increase player stats while in a city or retrieve a specific type of supplies Optional MCM menu for maid management A companion with an optional friendship and romance system An optional brothel with a dynamic economic system New items, including those from other TES games Optional enemy patrols in the Skyrim wilderness depending on the player's place in the main questline Episodes M2 was originally released in episodic format from 2012 - 2016. Each episode advanced the main questline while also adding some post-quest reward bonuses. Below were the release dates for each episode. ________________________________ WARNING ________________________________ M2 is a script-intensive mod with 2,072 scripts. It's highly recommended that M2 is started on a new, clean save (new character/game) with as few script-intensive mods activated as possible. It's suggested that this save be kept aside for M2 updates. If playing on an existing save, it's important to make a backup of the save prior to installing and activating M2. If M2 is ever deactivated and uninstalled, script data will be left over in the save which may affect the stability of the save and other mods that add scripts (such as quest mods). This problem is due to Skyrim's scripting and save system which causes scripts from uninstalled mods to "stick" to a save long after it has been uninstalled. The following issues encountered in M2 are signs that a save game may be experiencing the negative effects of this left over data: Quest advancement issues Scene/NPC-to-NPC conversation stalls (NPCs will appear with the "This person is busy." message when activated and their conversations will never progress) Crashes to Desktop (CTDs) or frozen loading screens Use a save game cleaner, such as Save Game Script Cleaner or SkyrimTools, as a measure of last resort to repair bloated saves. Please read the FAQs for additional suggestions on what to do when problems are encountered. ________________________________ Requirements & Recommendations ________________________________ Required Official DLC Dawnguard Hearthfire Dragonborn Semi-Required These are only required for certain installations and optional features. Fores New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS) * Installing - custom animations will be added for certain characters. * Not Installing - characters will stand in place when these animations are requested. * IMPORTANT - remember to run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe after M2 has been installed so that the new animations will function. Read the FNIS readme for detailed instructions. Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) * SKSE is a prerequisite for SkyUI. * NOTE - SKSE features a built-in mechanic that removes references to OnUpdate() in Papyrus logs called by scripts of uninstalled mods. This is useful in preventing certain CTDs. * NOTE - SKSE v1.7 improves memory handling and may prevent CTDs for certain systems. SkyUI * Installing - SkyUI implements the MCM menu system for M2, which includes portable maid management, settings, and uninstallation. * Not Installing - disables the M2 MCM menu; players required to go to the Pinder House in Jonestead and use the Notepad to access the settings through in-game menus. * NOTE - SkyUI-Away can be installed, in addition to SkyUI, to retain the vanilla UI while still installing the MCM system. * NOTE - A known issue with MCM causes plug-ins placed after the 128th slot in the load order (form ID 7F) to have script issues. Place SMSkyrim.esp at a higher position. * NOTE - if the MCM menu for M2 is not added when loading the mod for the first time, enter the following into the console: SetStage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1 Recommended These are suggested optional utilities and mods that only serve to enhance features. Dimonized UNP Body * While any body type, including vanilla, is compatible with M2, most of the added clothing and armors were only designed for UNP by their original creators. Seams may show for non-UNP body types. Sexlab Patch * Integrates special scenes using the SexLab framework where a fade-to-black transition would normally be used. Pre-Installation Install the latest version of Skyrim from Steam (v1.9). Older versions and unauthorized copies of Skyrim may be incompatible with M2 at a system level. If updating from a pre-v4.0 install of M2, complete all quests before installing the latest version to ensure a stable playthrough of the original quests. Make a backup save before starting the game with M2 activated. This is a precaution that should always be done before beginning any quest mod. Install any semi-required and recommended mods that are intended to be used before starting the game with M2 activated. If previously installed, ensure that they are fully updated. Uninstall all M2 packages prior to updating from a pre-v4.0 installation. The new SMSkyrim.esp plug-in is flagged as an .esm despite having the .esp extension. Treat it as a master file and keep it grouped with other .esm files. ________________________________ Incompatibilities ________________________________ Compatibility Patches Download the "Mod Patches" package from the downloads for a collection of patches for other mods and body replacers. Incompatible The following mods have been confirmed to be incompatible with M2. Any follower management mod that affects M2 NPCs may cause unexpected quest issues. Avoid using to follower management mod for maids in M2. KEY YELLOW --- moderate incompatibility; usually aesthetic. New locations overlap each other, but quest progress can continue. Console commands such as ToggleCollision (tcl) may need to be used. RED --- major incompatibility; M2 is rendered unplayable. ________________________________ FAQs ________________________________ Crashes to Desktop (CTDs) Dialogue Installation Missing Textures Quests Miscellaneous ________________________________ Credits, Thanks, Disclaimers ________________________________ Credits and permissions are listed in the main package readme. -
Version 1.3.1
Original | Special Edition Morrowind Dwemer Resources is a conversion of David Brasher's Dwemer Ruins modders resource for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It brings The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind-style Dwemer architecture and dungeon tilesets to Skyrim. What has and hasn't been ported Almost all of the original models from the TES4 modders resource have been ported. Those that couldn't be converted to work properly in the TES5 engine have been excluded, including the NPC dwarven constructs. All but one piece of clutter has been excluded in favor of redirecting modders to download InsanitySorrow's Dwemer Clutter resource, which contains higher quality models and textures. Additional modders resource recommendations For more classic Dwemer resources, the following mods are available: Insanity's Dwemer Clutter Insanity's Dwemer Weapons Lore Weapon Expansion* (includes TES3 dwarven dagger) Old Dwarven Katana and Daito* * = requires author's permission to use in mods TES5 - Original & Special Edition Compatibility This resource's assets are compatible with both the original TES5 and TES5 - Special Edition. The included plug-ins intended only for reference have been saved in the original Creation Kit, but will load just fine in the SSE Creation Kit. Mods that use this resource pack If you want your mod added to this list, you may post a comment or send a PM to Enter_77. Maids II: Deception Morrowind Dwemer Resources - Skyrim Textures Credits AlpineYJ LOD models David Brasher Dwemer Ruins (original model and texture source) Enter_77 Model conversion and resource compilation for TESV InsanitySorrow Insanity's Dwemer Clutter (high resolution textures used to replace David Brasher's where applicable) Permissions This mod's resources may be distributed & uploaded without explicit permission from the mod author(s) as long as the original author(s) are credited. They may not, however, be included in a mod intended to be monetized. Mirrors AFK Mods Assimilation Lab Nexus Mods TES Alliance -
Version 0.1.2 Beta
A personal take on the dwemer dissapearance theme. Linear freeform adventure mod focused on story and puzzles. Teaser. "I have no idea what happened to the Dwemer. I have no sense of them in the timeless divine world outside of mortal time. And, in fact, if I did believe they existed, I would be in no hurry to make contact with them. They may, with some justice, hold the Dunmer race responsible for their fate. My intuition is that they are gone forever -- and that is perfectly fine with me." -- Vivec In late 3E' 4th century, a series of discoveries made by a loose group of like-minded mages and scholars across Tamriel has led them to believe in a possibility of a new insight into the events that led to the disappearance of the ancient Dwemer race. The efforts of that group had resulted in an expedition that had found itself approaching the slopes of the Red Mountain on Vvardenfell in 3E 414 and shortly after, vanished without a trace. While this occurrence along with other large-scale efforts to unravel the great Dwemer conundrum have been all but forgotten and abandoned due to numerous turbulences in modern history and studies on the Dwemer per se have been reduced to isolated and misguided attempts of a few self-centered individuals of dubious skill and intentions, it may well be that it would fall to but a single person, albeit one of unfathomable talent and dedication, a champion, of a kind, to discern the elusive edge between a truthful path and a road leading to inevitable peril, discovering and possibly making use of, the nature of those world-shaping forces behind one of the greatest known mysteries of all time. Design. This mod primarily attempts at two things: - Providing a plausible from a lore point of view explanation to the Dwemer disappearance. The explanation comes mostly in form of text or unvoiced dialogue, uncovered during playthrough. - Increasing variety and challenge of stock gameplay by adding puzzles, that are essentialy fairly basic combinatorics with occasional lateral thinking involved. For puzzle commentary & solutions please refer to this post The structure is basically a series of caverns/ruins with a freeform approach; no displayed quests or quest markers, but a self-evident objective of surviving and finding a way out. As such, the playthrough may have a bit of a no-frills old school feel to it: while attempting to remain as user-friendly as possible, the mod will not tolerate obvious or intentional mistakes (such as jumping into lava or locking oneself behind a magical barrier); hopefully, this will encourage the player to be more aware of his/her actions and their consequences. Beta status. No game-breaking issues have been found during testing, but making a save prior to installing this mod to revert to if something goes terribly wrong, is, as always, highly recommended. Requirements. Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice by shadeMe with its required SKSE, Skyrim with Dawnguard and Dragonborn. In-game soft requirements. As it should be obvious from the mod's location and theme, the player character must be able to handle Blackreach on chosen difficulty/rebalance setting, and should express certain interest in Dwemer lore, in form of having completed most of vanilla Skyrim's Dwemer-related quests. There are no hard checks for those quests' completion, but the story can become somewhat less meaningful from role-playing point of view. Installation. There are no installation flavors. Use whatever method you prefer, as long as mod's files end up in corresponding folders and its .esp is activated. Updating. Uninstall the old version and install the new one, while meeting the requirements for both installation and uninstallation. Beginning. Use a back door in cell "War Quarters" in Blackreach. Uninstallation. The mod should have no active scripts once its main quest (exsd_qmain) stops, which should happen at the end of the mod's storyline. After finishing it, exit any of the mod's cells as well as "War Quarters" cell, save and uninstall. As a general rule though, it is recommended to revert to a save made prior to mod installation. Compatibility. Any mod that overwrites the cell blackreachzcell03 ("War Quarters") is expected to conflict. A possible workaround is 'coc exsd_blackreachpre' at the console. Any mod that overrides this mod's behaviour, like interfering with scenes or substantially modifying stock gameplay, is a potential threat. Known issues. 1. Distracting a certain NPC while he's casting a potent spell may get the player char hurt. Severity: inconsequential. Consider it an immersion feature. May get randomly resolved during upcoming development. -
Version 5.1.6
Original | Special Edition Main Package Download Due to the size of Maids II: Deception (2GB+), it must be downloaded from one of the sites below. Packages uploaded here on LL are supplementary. Mod Sites ModDB Nexus Mods File Storage View Readme - How to combine 7z part files.txt for installation instructions. MEGA Torrent Available on this file's downloads. Help seed by combining all parts of the regular M2 download and renaming the single .7z archive as "Maids II - Deception SE" ________________________________ Description ________________________________ Maids II: Deception (M2) is a sequel to Maids I: Euphoria for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Originally intended to be a simple mod that would add a single maid to a player house for dress-up, the series has evolved to feature a questline. M2 aims to expand upon where M1 left off, this time with an emphasis on story. Quest Start: The quest should be added to the Miscellaneous section of the quest journal upon loading the game with SMSkyrim.esp activated. The quest will instruct you to travel to the town of Jonestead. The Story So Far During the Oblivion Crisis, an organization of mages and alchemists known as Project Purity sought to rule Tamriel by first enslaving its women through the use of a corrupted Hist tree's sap that, when ingested, provoked an insatiable frenzy that made female victims vulnerable to submission. At the request of two maids who were cursed with the sap's effects, the Champion of Cyrodiil put a stop to Purity's plans and saved the women held captive in the palace of the Argonian warlord Desann. The descendants of the two maids - the Pinder family - would face persecution by a resurgent Purity as retaliation for their defeat. Over time, this rivalry escalated to the point where in order to survive, the family had to form a clandestine group of mercenaries whose only purpose was to put an end to Purity once and for all. 200 years later, only two family members remain in a small underground town in Skyrim. The reasons for how and why the rivalry started have long been forgotten by both sides of the conflict. Yet the mercenary group founded by the family remains strong and has undergone drastic transformations. Now composed entirely of female warriors and assassins that rival the Dark Brotherhood in terms of secrecy and skill, the conflict has reached a standstill with both sides waiting for the other to resurface for one last showdown. With the province under siege by dragons and the civil war, Purity is bound to use this distraction as an advantage and unleash their final plan to eradicate the Pinder family and reveal their most devastating weapon yet, all in the name of saving the world from the enigmatic woman known as Matari. Features 17 main quests with several offshoot side quests A large underground complex with several connecting dungeons A new land called Sky's Divide, a tropical dwarven fortress island that becomes accessible from the final quest onwards A new dungeon tileset based on the Dwemer ruins of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind 114 interior cells, 16 worldspaces 1 new home and another - a ship - that can be obtainable depending on the Dragonborn's actions Approximately 13,000 lines of dialogue with branching paths 79 voice actors voicing 116 characters A maid management system that expands alongside the main questline and allows players to hire up to 98 maids, have them serve as followers, and depart on missions to temporarily increase player stats while in a city or retrieve a specific type of supplies Optional MCM menu for maid management A companion with an optional friendship and romance system An optional brothel with a dynamic economic system New items, including those from other TES games Optional enemy patrols in the Skyrim wilderness depending on the player's place in the main questline Episodes M2 was originally released in episodic format from 2012 - 2016 for the original The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Each episode advanced the main questline while also adding some post-quest reward bonuses. Below were the release dates for each episode. ________________________________ WARNING ________________________________ M2 is a script-intensive mod with 2,072 scripts. It's highly recommended that M2 is started on a new, clean save (new character/game) with as few script-intensive mods activated as possible. It's suggested that this save be kept aside for M2 updates. If playing on an existing save, it's important to make a backup of the save prior to installing and activating M2. If M2 is ever deactivated and uninstalled, script data will be left over in the save which may affect the stability of the save and other mods that add scripts (such as quest mods). This problem is due to Skyrim's scripting and save system which causes scripts from uninstalled mods to "stick" to a save long after it has been uninstalled. The following issues encountered in M2 are signs that a save game may be experiencing the negative effects of this left over data: Quest advancement issues Scene/NPC-to-NPC conversation stalls (NPCs will appear with the "This person is busy." message when activated and their conversations will never progress) Crashes to Desktop (CTDs) or frozen loading screens Use a save game cleaner, such as SkyrimTools, as a measure of last resort to repair bloated saves. Please read the FAQs for additional suggestions on what to do when problems are encountered. ________________________________ Requirements & Recommendations ________________________________ Semi-Required These are only required for certain installations and optional features. Fores New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS) * Installing - custom animations will be added for certain characters. * Not Installing - characters will stand in place when these animations are requested. * IMPORTANT - remember to run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe after M2 has been installed so that the new animations will function. Read the FNIS readme for detailed instructions. Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) * SKSE is a prerequisite for SkyUI. * NOTE - SKSE features a built-in mechanic that removes references to OnUpdate() in Papyrus logs called by scripts of uninstalled mods. This is useful in preventing certain CTDs. * NOTE - SKSE v1.7 improves memory handling and may prevent CTDs for certain systems. SkyUI * Installing - SkyUI implements the MCM menu system for M2, which includes portable maid management, settings, and uninstallation. * Not Installing - disables the M2 MCM menu; players required to go to the Pinder House in Jonestead and use the Notepad to access the settings through in-game menus. * NOTE - Hide SkyUI can be installed, in addition to SkyUI, to retain the vanilla UI while still installing the MCM system. * NOTE - A known issue with MCM causes plug-ins placed after the 128th slot in the load order (form ID 7F) to have script issues. Place SMSkyrim.esp at a higher position. * NOTE - if the MCM menu for M2 is not added when loading the mod for the first time, enter the following into the console: SetStage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1 Recommended These are suggested optional utilities and mods that only serve to enhance features. Dimonized UNP Body * While any body type, including vanilla, is compatible with M2, most of the added clothing and armors were only designed for UNP by their original creators. Seams may show for non-UNP body types. Flower Girls SE x * Patch specifically designed for M2 adds animations to the Euphoria Palace brothel. Sexlab Patch * Integrates special scenes using the SexLab framework where a fade-to-black transition would normally be used. Pre-Installation Make a backup save before starting the game with M2 activated. This is a precaution that should always be done before beginning any quest mod. Install any semi-required and recommended mods that are intended to be used before starting the game with M2 activated. If previously installed, ensure that they are fully updated. ________________________________ Incompatibilities ________________________________ Compatibility Patches Download the "Mod Patches" package from the downloads for a collection of patches for other mods and body replacers. Incompatible The following mods have been confirmed to be incompatible with M2. Any follower management mod that affects M2 NPCs may cause unexpected quest issues. Avoid using to follower management mod for maids in M2. KEY YELLOW --- moderate incompatibility; usually aesthetic. New locations overlap each other, but quest progress can continue. Console commands such as ToggleCollision (tcl) may need to be used. RED --- major incompatibility; M2 is rendered unplayable. ________________________________ FAQs ________________________________ Crashes to Desktop (CTDs) Dialogue Installation Missing Textures Quests Miscellaneous ________________________________ Credits, Thanks, Disclaimers ________________________________ Credits and permissions are listed in the main package readme. -
Version 1.4.1
Original | Special Edition Morrowind Dwemer Resources is a conversion of David Brasher's Dwemer Ruins modders resource for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It brings The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind-style Dwemer architecture and dungeon tilesets to Skyrim. What has and hasn't been ported Almost all of the original models from the TES4 modders resource have been ported. Those that couldn't be converted to work properly in the TES5 engine have been excluded, including the NPC dwarven constructs. All but one piece of clutter has been excluded in favor of redirecting modders to download InsanitySorrow's Dwemer Clutter resource, which contains higher quality models and textures. Additional modders resource recommendations For more classic Dwemer resources, the following mods are available: Insanity's Dwemer Clutter Insanity's Dwemer Weapons Lore Weapon Expansion* (includes TES3 dwarven dagger) Old Dwarven Katana and Daito* * = requires author's permission to use in mods TES5 - Original & Special Edition Compatibility This resource's assets are only compatible with TES5 - Special Edition. The included plug-ins intended only for reference have been saved in the SSE Creation Kit and may not load properly in the original Creation Kit. Mods that use this resource pack If you want your mod added to this list, you may post a comment or send a PM to Enter_77. Maids II: Deception Mhulchazn - Morrowind Dwemer Home Morrowind Dwemer Resources - Skyrim Textures Credits AlpineYJ LOD models David Brasher Dwemer Ruins (original model and texture source) Enter_77 Model conversion and resource compilation for TESV InsanitySorrow Insanity's Dwemer Clutter (high resolution textures used to replace David Brasher's where applicable) Permissions This mod's resources may be distributed & uploaded without explicit permission from the mod author(s) as long as the original author(s) are credited. They may not, however, be included in a mod intended to be monetized. Mirrors AFK Mods Nexus Mods -
Version 1.4.0
Hearthfire Dungeon Addon Ever wished your Hearthfire home had more storage space? Maybe a little extra storage space. Or maybe what you were really hoping for was a place to keep all those slaves, naughty followers, captives, and other NPCs you've collected and have lots of options to play with them? Well wait no longer because that is exactly what this mod gives you. The Hearthfire Dungeon Addon adds a large dungeon space to each of the cellar of Heathfire homes you can build in Skyrim. The space branches off the main cellar, first adding a small storeroom where you can keep extra books, loot, ammo and other items. Further down it adds a large main room where you can display and play with slaves and NPCs. In this area you will find many activator icons allowing you to install and swap various ZAP furniture options (more than 40 options are included) as well as three different bed style, or just pack them away to make room for your own options either added with console commands, Display Model, or whatever other furniture placing mod you wish to use. From the main room you can enter the upper grotto pool area where you can sit and relax in a natural cave. Or head down to the prison room where your slaves can sleep, or keep them in kennels, the choice is yours. Finally there is the lower grotto where slaves from the prison can bathe and relax after a hard day of being played with (and you can watch them from the upper grotto). The space includes many other features. In the storeroom you will find an Elder Scroll display case where you can store your Elder Scrolls. There is an arrow ammo storage display that changes according to the type of arrows you have stored in it at the time giving you a visual reference as to what types of arrows you have. There are book cases, weapon racks, chests and strong boxes to keep various other odds and ends. If you happen to be a vampire, your crafted coffin now has a new location in a hidden room that only becomes revealed after crafting the coffin. The pool area include the oft used feature of stripping naked those who enter, but there is the additional feature of being able to turn this function off (look for a basket containing clothes by the entrance to the upper grotto, just click it and the clothes disappear out of the basket, if the clothes are gone the script is off, if the basket is full the script is on). Torch sconces through out the space allow you to dynamically adjust the light levels to whatever suits your personal taste. Just place or remove torches in the sconces to turn on or off additional lighting. Additionally, in the main hall there are some new furniture options as well. You can now freely swap the dining room table set with an alternate chair set or large furpile bed set or just pack them all away. The controls for this are on a shelf just above where the main room workbench appears. Also, I made some of the main room items on the mantle static so they aren't constantly being knocked around. All interior cells now have COC markers so if you use console COC commands you appear at the entrance where you should. Cell ownership is set to the player and I adjusted the interior fog (greatly reducing it). Installation: Installation is easy, either use your favorite mod organizer or manually install the esp and bsa file into your data folder, there are only two files so its easy to keep track off. Enable the mod in your load order and go. NOTE: You do not need the (Loose) version, download that only if you want to peek under the hood and see how the scripts work. Uninstalling: Uninstall with your favorite mod organizeer or just delete the esp and bsa file from your data folder, save and then use a save game editor to clean scripts beginning with BYOHD_ from your save game and you're done. Requirements: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dragonborn.esm Hearthfires.esm Dawnguard.esm ZAZAnimationPack (version 8.0 or higher) Recommended Mods (NOT required but this mod works well with them): PAHE (Paradise Halls Enhanced) Home Sweet Home Interactive BDSM And You Also Get A Slave I'll Take the Display Model Sexy Bandit Captives SE Version: None for the foreseeable future. Known Conflicts: PAHE Lakeview Cell Addon (this mod will cause the pool water to not look correctly IF it is placed after the Hearthfire Dungeon in your load order. If you wish to use this mod, make sure it is placed BEFORE the Hearthfire Dungeon Addon in your load order) If you are using my older version of this mod previously shared in my Prettier Bandits support thread, make sure you remove all torches and fully uninstall that mod before installing the new version or you may get some odd torches issues. In Game Usage: Install the mod into a new or existing save game. Craft one of the Hearthfire Homes, build the cellar, as soon as the cellar is built the dungeon is there (fully functional) Have at least 20 torches in your inventory (40 will be enough for the full dungeon) Head down to your new dungeon and use the torches to adjust the lights the way you want. Activate whatever furniture options you like, you can change them as often as you want. Explore and enjoy! History: Credits: CPU - for scripting lessons, scripts, patience and encouragement Ed86, Musje and Valcon767 for additional scripting advice T.ara for advice on some of the furniture placement and options Psalam, Karlpaws, Donttouchmethere and Valcon767 for being a great bunch of beta testers, making lots of suggestions and generally helping make this mod what it is. Stalactites are by Leodoidao available at Nexus Future Plans: None Change Log: ---- 9th July, 2019 Removed SE version due to problems with markers. ---- Version 1.4 24th June, 2019 ---- Fixed missing script references for both loose and packed LE versions. --- Version 1.3 SE 7th June 2019 Uploaded the SE version. Conversion provided by Fred200. ---- Version 1.3 21st Sept 2018 --- More minor clean up and tweaks Removed some left over dirty edits from the mod's construction Changed the dungeon gates to not reset. If you leave them open they should now remain open until you close them. ---- Version 1.2 17th August 2018 ----- Minor clean up and tweaks ---- Version 1.1, 23nd June 2018 ----- Removed a duplicated interior tower from Winstad Manor (update is safe to install over existing installation) ---- Version 1.0, 22nd June 2018 ----- Uploaded version 1.0 of mod- 1 review
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D.A.T - Dangerous Adult Tales 18+ A journey of Feris The Red, famous bounty hunter in a world full of adult dangers. Young gun for sale type - bounty hunter, dedicated to get any profitable contract. Wondering from city to city, shes experiencing life at it's best and worst. She knows that ultimately all of us will be dead, that why she's so open minded, ready for new challenges - all the time. My first comic ever,..... Hope You like it, i did for sure, the gray / white / black episode was due my 10 hours of work lost, 400 screenshots got corrupted, so i made it into a ,, dream ". All the best, and part 2 is for future !
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