Mods related to the popular Firaxis tactics game XCOM 2 and its expansion, War of the Chosen.
28 files
WOTC Lewd Stuff
By Arcturus7777
This is one Item from the WOTC LL Pack 1.2.2 that was not implemented in the latex pack. It is the harness, that can be seen in the Mod Screenshot. It only fits the A Cup body.
I posted it because I do not know how to make it fit the other nude body sizes, and I will not be around as often for a time.
I am hoping someone knows how to make this mod fit more bodies. Feel free to use this mod as a base if you want to expand it.
Download and unpack the file, copy the unpacked folder into your XComGame/MODS folder, run the alt game launcher and active the mod
Credit goes to Kurwinator for the Legs pack, latex assets
Credit goes to the game creators for the game and the SDK that helps make mods.
WOTC Female Clothing Pack Fixes
By Arcturus7777
This mod attemps to Fix the Female Clothing pack Version 1586643354 from the workshop. I believe that mod is being interfered with by various Torso and Prop Packs on Loverslab. The Legs do not appear to have a problem if using version 1.2.2 of the legs pack. Female Clothing Pack items are marked in the game by Blue, Yellow, and Green Icons of a horse or unicorn.
What I did was create a new mod that adds a second version of all the Female Clothing Pack's Torso and props items that show as invisible in MY GAME. I did not remove the Originals, so they are still there and still invisible. You can tell my version, as they all have "AST" in the name
Example: . I do not think I could of predicted this outcome.
AST Bioshock Top
Here are the items I added. Torso items are under Torso, Prop items are under one or more of the following: Torso Gear, Left and right ARM, Left and right SHOULDER, left and right FOREARM, and Upper and lower face props.
TORSO Fixes Necklaces Prop Fixes Clothing Prop Fixes
Resistance T-Shirt A Jade Necklace Bioshock Top
Resistance T-Shirt B Dragon Necklace Bioshock Top 2nd Tint
Resistance T-Shirt C Ethereal Necklace ME3 Jack Jacket
Jinx Bullet Bikini Top Exault Necklace Drum Jacket
Trishka Tank Top Firestorm Necklace Drum Jacket 2nd Tint
Trishka Tank Top Secondary Tint UFO Necklace Civilian Coat
Stitched Midriff Sectoid Necklace Punk Jacket
Oriental Midriff Undershirt XCom Necklace Rebel Vest
Frill Shirt Tribal Necklace 1 Suit Coat
Tribal Midriff Bullet Necklace Sheepskin Jacket
Napkin Top Tribal Necklace 2 Winter Jacket
Button Blouse Tribal Necklace 3 Shaundi Jacket
Button Blouse Sleeveless Napkin Ball Necklace Shaudi Jacket 2nd Tint
ME:A Peebee Jacket Greased Lightnin
Succubus Jacket Tintable Watchdogs Jacket
Lara Hoodie Jacket Watchdogs Jacket 2nd Tint
OW Tracer Jacket Joy Cargo Jacket
N7 Hoodie Shen's Vest
Tight Long Sleeve Shirt Shen's Vest 2nd Tint
Tight Shirt Sleeveless Lara Leather Jacket
Tight Long Sleeve Shirt 2nd Tint
Tight Shirt Sleeveless 2nd Tint
Marionette Jacket
Thin Arm Left and Right
Stitched Bracer
Jinx Leather Bracer
ARC NOTE: It might be best to look at your game first and see it all or a few of the above listed items show as invisible.
1. Make sure you have some or all of the above listed Items showing as Invisible in your game. (It will not hurt to Install this mod anyway, but it will cause more items to scroll thru)
2. Might need the Female Clothing Pack to be installed, best to have it installed as you will be missiing items if it is not there, NOT all are replaced by this Mod. Here is the link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1586643354&searchtext=clothing
3. I currently have these versions of LoversLab Mods installed, Wrex456 WOTC props and Torso packs, and WOTC LL 1.2.2, if you are getting different items as invisible, you may be using different Mods, or Mod versions.
This is a split mod due to its Size and the LoversLab file size Limit.
1. Download the all the files. (only 2 files to download) (this is a split mod due to file size) (the files will be in your download folder)
2. Download 7zip if you do not have it, I use the top choice in the list, I used 7zip to split the file, so best to use 7zip to recombine the files, here is the link
2a. run the 7zip installer you just downloaded, if you did not already have the App
3. Run 7zip select the first of the files, ModName.7z.001(IE the file ending in .001) use "Extract here" on that file. It will automatically combine all files into an unpacked mod folder called ModName, this is the folder you copy and paste into your xcomgame/mods folder. ModName stands for whatever the mod name really is lol
4. run alt mod launcher and activate the mod.
if you need more details on how to install xcom mods go here
All Credit for the ASSETS used in this MOD go to Wrex456/Kexx.
Credit for the game and the SDK I used to create the mod go to the Game Creators.
Credit for all Typos go to ME.
WOTC FacePaint Flags
By Arcturus7777
This mod is a converstion of the ingame country flags to mask like facepaints. I converted all the flags, and added a XCOM flag facepaint.
The textures are converted game textures and needed to be resized and postioned.
Search for AST to go directly to these facepaints.(AST can also be used the find the items from my Camo tatto mod)
Download and unpack the file, copy the unpacked file into your XComGame/Mods folder, run the alt game launcher and active the mod.
All credit for the game and the original textures goes to
Firaxis Games the creators of xcom 2 WOTC
WOTC Torso Props and Legs Packs
By Arcturus7777
These are NOT my mods, Wrex456 has given me permission to post these mods as Wrex is no longer active. All credit goes to Wrex456.
These are WOTC mods. Included are Wrex456 Torso, Props and Legs packs. I Have the torso and the Props pack installed, but I am using Kurwintors legs as it has the latest updates. These are the latest versions of these mods that I could find.
DO NOT install these with the WOTCTorsoPack or WOTCPropsPack from mrace999, or the WOTC_LL_Pack from Kurwintor. As they will conflict. Pick one Torso pack One Props pack one legs pack from any author you like.
You can install WOTCTorsoPack mrace999, WOTCPropspack Wrex456, and WOTC_LL_Pack Kurwintor or any combination or all from one Modder. The Exception is the WOTC old and missing items restored MODS can be used with any of the above mods as it is a standalone with renamed items.
Download and unpack the mods you want, copy the unpacked folders into your XComGame/MODS folder, run Alt Game launcher and active the MODS.
Thank you
xcom 2 Vanilla Torso Props Legs packs
By Arcturus7777
These are NOT my mods, Wrex456 has given me permission to post these mods as Wrex is no longer active. All credit goes to Wrex456.
These are xcom 2 base game mods from BEFORE WOTC, therefore they will probably NOT WORK ON WOTC. I had to search old storage devices to find them. Included are the Torso, Legs, and props mods. I know they were working at one time.
DO NOT install these with the WOTCTorsoPack or WOTCPropsPack from mrace999, or the WOTC_LL_Pack from Kurwintor OR the same WOTC mods from Wrex456. As they will conflict.
Download and unpack the mods you want, copy the unpacked folders into your XComGame/MODS folder, run Alt Game launcher and active the MODS.
Thank you
[WoTC] BareBare Extras
By AgRipnus
Sharing the BareBare edits I made for personal use. Adds 2 female torsos with larger cup sizes and male legs with a flaccid penis.
This is standalone not even BareBare is necessary but you should get it, since this does not contain the female nude legs and male nude torso.
Might add more stuff to this later.
WOTC ASTArmorPatternsTattoos
By Arcturus7777
WARNING! WARNING! Be prepared for a shock. This is My MOD all credit goes to me LOL.
Waiting for the shock to wear off..>
This is a WOTC mod that converted the Armor Patterns that came with the game XCOM 2 and at least one Pattern that comes with GIMP 2 to Tattoos. These tattoos cover the whole body if you use the BareBareMOD, or some of the Topless items made by other mods.
How it was done
The armor Patterns in the game were copied from the Unreal Game Editor, as TGA file then converted to a pattern file. The pattern file was added to the Gimp 2 Pattern Directory. Tattoos are 2048 by 2048. Patterns are 256 by 256 or Smaller so to get them to look like the armor pattern Instead of really small or really big elements I guessed. I made a Blank picture in gimp 2 1024 by 1024, Used fill with pattern to fill it with an Armor pattern, and then rescaled it to 2048 by 2048, which doubled the Size of the elements.
So we have 30 total patterns
23 are 2x Xcom 2 armor patterns
5 are 4x Xcom 2 Armor Patterns
1 is 8x Lightning 3
1 is a trim that did not work as planned.
I tell you this to maybe be of help if someone else wants to make some. Here is the tutorial I used to make the tattoos, it also tells you how to make armor patterns and facepaints.
Future updates, BIG MAYBE a few more Gimp 2 patterns converted or the trim file made to look better.
Requirements to Cover the full Body
Note: the tattoos show slightly different with WOTC BareBareMod, they do not cover the midriff, to get the midriff covered, use the nude torso from other mods, Like the A Cup B cup Ect.
NOTE 2: The pictures show tattoos from this mod only except the blue tattoos, they are from this mod and my other mod ASkinTightMOD to Tat from each mod.
NOTE 3: you can change the skin color to make the tattoo look two color. It is not possible to make 2 color tattoos.
Download and unpack the mod, Copy the Unpacked file folder into your XcomGame/MODS folder, run the ALT Xcom Launcher and activate the mod.
Xcom 2 and Gimp 2 For the beginning textures.
WOTC Civilians
By Arcturus7777
This is NOT my mod, Wrex456 has given me permission to upload this mod as Wrex456 is no longer active. All credit goes to Wrex456.
I can not find any info on this mod by the creator, if anyone has or knows where any original info is located let me know and I will add it to this post.
Ilefix0 said,
It seems that Lovekink had quoted the original post from Wrex456 below, where he was saying:
"WOTC Civilians:
Little fun mod that turns every single NPC of the game into a lewd one. Staff on the avenger, civilians, VIPs, resistance fighters, etc."
Basically, this mod makes the female civilians in missions topless or nude.
Download and unpack the mod, copy the unpacked folder in your XComGame/MODs folder, run the ALT Game launcher, activate the mod.
Thank you Wrex456
BTW the pictures have nothing to do with the mod, they are just to be less boring than no picture.
AvengerBareClerks for XCOM 2 and WOTC
By Arcturus7777
This is NOT my mod, Wrex456 has given me permission to upload this mod as Wrex456 is no longer active. All credit gore to Wrex456.
There are two mods here AvengerBareClerks is for XCom 2 without WOTC. and I ran that mod thru the Editor to make WOTC AvengerBareClerks. This is my first attempt to update a mod from XCOM 2 to WOTC. I have it installed in a new play thru, and there are bare clerks and are not any CTD or warnings for me.
From the README File
The Mod as is, only adds fullbody meshes to:
A: Soldiers, provided you have the Resistance Warrior DLC. This adds the single fullbody option. If you don't, I don't know what will happen, but Moomany's mod does the same and better.
It's not the the purpose of the mod really. You already have legs, arms and torsos by Moomany, this is mainly intended for...
B: Clerks in your Avenger.
I haven't gone through all the trouble of changing each civilian and vip in the game, because it's time consuming as hell, but if you want to do it,
here's what my Content ini looks like, in the relevant parts (it's long because I don't delete the original lines, I just comment them out by putting a ";" in front, then adding my replacement).
ARC NOTE: All the info in this post and MORE are in the MOD readme. So read the readme LOL
Download and unpack the mod, copy the unpacked folder in your XComGame/MODs folder, run the ALT Game launcher, activate the mod.
Thank you Wrex456
BTW the pictures have nothing to do with the mod, they are just to be less boring than no picture.
LewdComCore for WOTC
By Arcturus7777
This is NOT my Mod. All credit goes to WishyWashWosh, WishyWashWosh Last visited March 12, 2022, when WishyWashWosh returns and posts this mod or asks me to take down this mod, I will take down this mod ASAP
This is a very Adult mod, involving sex animations between xcom soldiers and the Alien Sectoid, and Berserker during combat missions, IE the aliens will try and hump the soldiers. If this upsetting to you, DO NOT install the mod.
There is one animation for the Sectoid, and one for the Berserker.
WishyWashWosh Last visited March 12, 2022
WishyWashWosh Posted January 4, 2022
Okay, so here's a very early access, basically want to check if it works on "more than my machine". So model and animations are not tip top and bugs are expected. However, it should be completely safe to add/remove from an active game with a SAVE ON THE AVENGER.
ARC NOTE: It is working on my machine with 685 other mods installed. (Fairly good stress test) LOL
Only Sectoid and Berserker are implemented.
Check XComLewd.ini and XComGameData_SoldierSkills.ini for some configurations.
BareBareMod is required for male
BareBareMod or Wrex for female can be configured in XComLewd.ini ( comment out/in whichever you prefer with semicolons)
Allow for males to be targeted can be set in XComGameData_SoldierSkills.ini
Not compatible with mods that change berseker/sectoid AI or model.
Prepare for the berserker's dong to be caught on everything.
Also, where does a Chryssalid have a penis?
216.61 MB 8,921 downloads
Download and unpack the file, copy the unpacked mod folder into your XcomGame/Mods folder, run the alt xcom launcher and activate the mod.
Thank you WishyWashWosh
NipSlipMod for Xcom 2
By Arcturus7777
This is NOT my mod. All credit goes to valeris for this mod. valeris Last visited November 12, 2022, when valeris returns and posts this mod or asks me to take down this mod I will take the mod down ASAP.
This mod is for regular XCom 2, NOT WOTC (although my tattoo mod works on both, you could test this if you are brave, if you do please post the results)
EDIT: OPPPPS, just realized I have this mod installed in my LongWar WOTC playthru, no CTD.
Last visited November 12, 2022
valeris Posted June 26, 2016
Here is my first version of "NipSlipMod" (was the best name I could come up with). Currently with:
*Pink nipples
*Landing strip
*Tan lines (torso and legs, separatedly)
And some test ones:
*Full bush (shadow)
*Medium nipples
*Large nipples (one for each side, for some reason that I don't remember - probably just testing 🙂
Landing strip and the various nipples sets work well together, the secret is to match the landing strip with a darker shade than the girl's hair. The nipples should be naturally lighter.
However, for a good tan line effect, you'll have to use a white...ish colour. Doing that of course will make it incompatilbe with the other tattoos. (Arcturus edit other tattoos will work but will be the same color as the tan line tattoo.)
I used Moomany moottatas as a base. ModBuddy was a real pain in the ass... Aparently I can't rename archetypes/textures, or I cant have them sharing the same name, wasn't able to figure it out yet. And I found a nice way to put DLC icons, but doing that apparently make the game unable to load the archetypes... maybe in a "future release", but that little experiment ruined the project in ModBuddy for now 😃
Download and unpack the file, copy the unpacked file folder into your XComGame/mods folder, run the alt xcom launcher and activate the mod.
Thank you valeris
KexxValk and MooUnitsAdvent
By Arcturus7777
These are not my Mods, all credit goes to moomany. moomany has given me permission to upload the mods.
These mods are for WOTC.
There are two mods here, explained in the moomany post below.
Posted July 14, 2017 moomany
Here's some stuff
30.8 MB 10,891 downloads
Thanks to Kexx, you guys are finally getting Fem-Archon tongue.png
This is Kexx's original Valkyrie from way back when (So no fancy bits), which I've merged with their newest version of the torso mesh, fixed any holes I could find in the mesh (that can be easily seen anyway), tried my best to get the darkness and colouration of the textures to fit the base game Archon.
I've set up the code to spawn the Fem-Archon as a variant of the normal Archon, nothing fancy, but she'll show up randomly through out gameplay.
This is obviously mostly Kexx's work so thanks should go to Kexx, I just get to release it :3
In light of that, I'll just throw in those lewd Stunlancers and Troopers from ages ago, I lost interest so those are the only 2 units, any only pantyless versions, cba to ask for permissions for panties
59.15 MB 11,805 downloads
This one is set up to replace all Stunlancers and Troopers, so there may be compatibility issues with other mods that replace archetypes.
Download and unpack one or both mods, copy the unpacked folder for each mod into your XComGame/Mods folder, run the alt xcom launcher, activate the mods.
Thank you Moomany
By Arcturus7777
This is NOT my mod. All credit goes to mrace999 for creating this mod. mrace999 has not logged in for over two years as far as I can tell, when mrace999 returns and posts this mod or asks me to take down this mod I will do so ASAP.
BTW the pictures are just random pics from my game to be less boring than the xcom 2 logo LOL
mrace999 Posted September 14, 2017
...and finally, a WOTC version of Kexx456's Props Pack with the modified XComContent.ini from ScorpioEX to allow the items to be used for the new classes (they may not use the correct item names when used for Reapers/Skirmishers, but they do work). I decided to call this one "WOTC Props Pack".
It's standalone again, so no need for the old versions in WOTC. I've fixed the textures that don't show up in WOTC, so the Resistance Scarf is no longer mauve and cream and all the nipple/belly rings and the dog tags are now nice and shiny again and then recompiled the mod in WOTC Modbuddy.
I think that's it for now. Consider these placeholders until Kexx has time to release official versions!
Hope you enjoy them as much as I have; full credit for the original mod goes to Kexx456 - thanks Kexx!
Edit: This download is now the corrected WOTC Props Pack, as promised in the posts below, with duplicated face props removed, thanks to endersgame. If you already downloaded the old WOTC version, get this one and overwrite it (or delete the old WOTC version and install this one, however you want to do it)!
6.33 MB 14,321 downloads
mrace999 Posted September 14, 2017
They have different names and install in different folders, so you can enable and disable them separately in your launcher (in case the WOTC versions don't work with vanilla, so as to avoid messing up an otherwise working installation), but the vanilla versions are NOT required to use the WOTC versions.
It's probably even safe (but pointless) to have them both enabled at once!
Edit: Just tested it and nothing bad happens in WOTC with both enabled at once but I wouldn't recommend it. Depending on your load order, you might only ever see the old versions because I didn't edit the archetypes. If I had, and you enabled both at once, you'd see two copies of everything, one working and one black or with missing textures. With my load order, I ony see the working versions with both enabled but your results may vary! Anyway, You'll only be making your load times longer and potentially causing unforeseen issues for no advantage if you run with both enabled in the launcher. The WOTC versions are designed to be separate and standalone and no harm will come from having them both installed on your system at once, just don't enable them both within whichever launcher you use.
Further Edit: It turns out that the WOTC versions don't work with vanilla - the parts are invisible - so it's just as well they're separate. Obviously, don't download the WOTC versions if you don't own the War of The Chosen expansion. Kexx456's v2.0 files will work perfectly with the previous expansions.
TLDR: Don't enable both Kexx456's originals and these WOTC versions at once. Having them both installed at once is fine and how they're meant to be used - WOTC versions are only for War of The Chosen, otherwise use Kexx456 v2.0 files.
Download and Unpack the files and copy unpacked folder into your XcomGame/Mods folder, start ALt xcom Launcher and activate the mods.
Thank you mrace999
By Arcturus7777
This is NOT my mod, mrace999 is the creator of this mod and all credit goes to mrace999. mrace999 has not logged in for more than two years as far as I can tell, when mrace999 returns and posts this mod or asks me to take down this mod I will do so ASAP.
BTW the pictures are just random game capture pics, to be less boring then the xcom logo,
mrace999 Posted September 14, 2017
OK, similar deal to the previous file; this one's called "WOTC Torso Pack" and is once again standalone from the original mod. I've tidied up the internal file structure, added the textures from the base game to get the leather coat working (instead of showing mauve/cream due to missing textures in WOTC) and recompiled in WOTC Modbuddy. Everything now loads properly and instantly in the WOTC character pool at my end. All credit once again to Kexx456 for the original and I've once again included the XComContent.ini from ScorpioEX to add the new torso options to the new classes.
I've removed the scripts that were used to add the custom icons in the character pool so you might have to look for them, but they should all be there somewhere. That was just so I could get this released without too much extra delay since I'm new to XCom modding - sorry Kexx456 - hopefully missing icons don't upset anyone too much and I'll obviously take down both files immediately if Kexx wants me to.
Anyway, I can now upload files up to 100MB, so here's the WOTC Torso Pack!
62.42 MB 17,742 downloads
Edit: Before anyone else points this out, the torso colours don't match up with the bare limbs or neck on Skirmishers, who apparently don't have their torsos lit up in game correctly, making them look darker than the limbs/neck. I guess this was because they were never meant to be uncovered. Anyway, it'll take a more experienced modder than me to fix that, but I believe moomany is working on it for the barebare mod (which also has the same issue at the moment). The problem is only on Skirmishers, all other races/classes should be fine.
mrace999 Posted September 14, 2017
They have different names and install in different folders, so you can enable and disable them separately in your launcher (in case the WOTC versions don't work with vanilla, so as to avoid messing up an otherwise working installation), but the vanilla versions are NOT required to use the WOTC versions.
It's probably even safe (but pointless) to have them both enabled at once!
Edit: Just tested it and nothing bad happens in WOTC with both enabled at once but I wouldn't recommend it. Depending on your load order, you might only ever see the old versions because I didn't edit the archetypes. If I had, and you enabled both at once, you'd see two copies of everything, one working and one black or with missing textures. With my load order, I ony see the working versions with both enabled but your results may vary! Anyway, You'll only be making your load times longer and potentially causing unforeseen issues for no advantage if you run with both enabled in the launcher. The WOTC versions are designed to be separate and standalone and no harm will come from having them both installed on your system at once, just don't enable them both within whichever launcher you use.
Further Edit: It turns out that the WOTC versions don't work with vanilla - the parts are invisible - so it's just as well they're separate. Obviously, don't download the WOTC versions if you don't own the War of The Chosen expansion. Kexx456's v2.0 files will work perfectly with the previous expansions.
TLDR: Don't enable both Kexx456's originals and these WOTC versions at once. Having them both installed at once is fine and how they're meant to be used - WOTC versions are only for War of The Chosen, otherwise use Kexx456 v2.0 files.
Download and Unpack the files and copy unpacked folder into your XcomGame/Mods folder, start ALt xcom Launcher and activate the mods.
Thank you mrace999
WOTC old and missing items restored
By Arcturus7777
This is NOT my mod, all credit goes to ghann. ghann has not logged in since july 4,2021, so I am uploading these 4 mods, when ghann returns and ghann posts the mod or asks me to remove the mod, I will do so ASAP.
I pulled them out of a single folder, so you can pick which to download and install, and for ease of installation. You can SUPPORT the new XCom 2 download site by downloading them HERE, or you can use the off site link to download them as long as it is active, or you can do both. LOL
I am not sure if these mods require a full torso or Leg pack to be installed to work. They do work for me I have both a torso pack and Wotc LL pack 1.2.2 installed. There are some duplicate items that have already been added to newer packs, but these do still add a few choices, because I have every mod ever made installed I can not tell how many lol
links to possible requirements https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/34904-wotc_ll_pack/
ghann has not logged in since july 4,2021
ghaan Posted December 23, 2018
made some adjustments to wrex's old mods, to readd the items that were removed in his new uploads, and after getting his permission to do so, I've uploaded them.
There are 4 mods - torso and leg packs for both the very first (WOTC compatible) upload, and the more recent expanded pack. They are compatible with the new workshop / LL packs (as far as I can tell - make sure to backup your character pool, just in case). I've edited the files so that only the items that were removed or changed are added back in. I've also renamed the items (meaning you'll have to add them to the soldiers that had them again). Keeping the same names caused weird stuff to happen that I didn't understand, and I wanted to make sure I don't accidentally overwrite anything in wrex's new packs. Keep in mind that these are still very much wrex's items - I didn't edit any meshes or anything - I just added his changed / removed stuff back in, because I'm a sucker for variety and don't care if the outfit list takes 3 minutes to load
List of items contained in this upload (and what happened to them in the new version, which caused me to include them here);
TorsoRack ("v1"):
ACup (tanlines)
BCup (tanlines)
CCup (tanlines)
DCup (tanlines)
Bikini (altered)
Bikini2 (altered)
Bikini3 (removed)
Bikini4 (removed)
ME3 Liara (removed)
Strap (moved to gear/props)
Coat (moved to gear/props)
LegRack ("v1"):
Power Chaps (removed)
Unzipped Shorts Thong (removed)
Undies (different colour)
Stripper Boots (moved to gear/props)
Power Boots (moved to gear/props)
Cargo Low (moved to gear/props)
Cargo High (moved to gear/props)
Bikini Boots (moved to gear/props)
Heart (removed)
Jeans (altered)
Torso_Sack ("v2"):
ACup (altered)
BCup (altered)
ME2 Jack Toppless (removed)
ME3 Jack Topless (moved to gear/props)
Lost Shirt (different colour)
Bikini4 (altered)
Bra Sheer (altered)
Leg_Sack ("v2"):
Landing Strip (altered)
Full (altered)
Thong (different colour)
Sweatpants (different colour)
Leather Undies (removed)
Here's the DL link:
This is the first time I've uploaded anything, so if the link doesn't work (or I've inadvertently uploaded something I'm not allowed to), tell me and I'll fix it.
There are 4 mods, Download and unpack the ones you want, copy the unpacked folders into your xcomGame/Mods folder, run the alt mod launcher and activate the mods
Thank you ghann
By Arcturus7777
This is NOT my mod, I take no credit for this mod, all credit goes to Kurwintor, Kurwinator last visited Nov 1, 2021, so when he comes back and posts the Mod or asks me to remove his mod I will do so ASAP.
This is a Split Mod due to file size SUPPORT the new Xcom 2 area by downloading it from HERE or use the still currently working off site link listed below Or do both. Install instructions are after Kurwinator's post.
Kurwinator last visited Nov 1, 2021
Kurwinator Posted March 23, 2021
Here we go. First pre-alpha LL Pack upgrade.
Whats added:
1) Lots of face piercings
2) Some nipple piercings
3) Some stuff from Female Clothing Pack
4) One tattooed body type aka "Big Nipples" with all five breast sizes
5) Smooth-shaved Legs with hi fishnet and sheer stockings as a single objekts
6) Pubic hair now have same color with head hair (but it's worcking not well for dark shades)
In plans for next update:
1) Set multislot for items
2) Add more piercings and small clothes/jewelry
3) Add more tattoos and make all legs avaible for tattoos
I trying to do experiments with big stuff (skirts, boots, suits) but temporary unsuccessful. Also, heeled shoes can be add only with leg due to the peculiarities of the engine.
Improved LL_Pack Mod
Current version:
1. Download the all the files. (this is a split mod due to it's size) (the files will be in your download folder)
2. Download 7zip if you do not have it, I use the top choice in the list, I used 7zip to split the file, so best to use 7zip to recombine the files, here is the link https://www.7-zip.org/download.html
2a. run the 7zip installer you just downloaded.
3. With 7zip select the first of the files, ModName.7z.001(IE the file ending in .001) use "Extract here" on that file. It will automatically combine all files into an unpacked mod folder called ModName, this is the folder you copy and paste into your xcomgame/mods folder. ModName stands for whatever the mod name really is lol
4. run alt mod launcher and activate the mod.
if you need more details on how to install xcom mods go here
McM SlootArmors Powered and Plate WOTC
By Arcturus7777
This is Not my Mod, mcmanus82 is the owner of this mod, mcmanus82 Last visited November 25, 2021, I take no credit for these two mods, all credit goes to mcmanus82, when he returns and posts these mods or asks me to take them down I will do so ASAP. The Patreon page for mcmanus82 is still active. I did not see any way to leave a message, if any of you are patreons out there have him visit Loverslab
The mods contain lewd armors, as shown in the two pics I posted from my playthrough.
On 10/2/2017 at 3:32 AM, mcmanus82 said:
Plate and Powered will be separate standalone mods.
Plate mod version 1.1
All heavy plate torso meshes now use the slender version, not the vanilla brick one.
Added heels version for medium plate legs(was a pain in the butt to make..)
Here is the powered mod pack, if there's anything wrong with it please provide feedback.
Sorry for the delay guys, i have been making mods for HoneySelect for the last almost two months.. and by being her (LeversLab) i presume most of you know what that game is
And for the shameless advertising part... If you are familiar with Roy12's work, i'm doing mostly the same thing.
I just launched my Patreon page, everything is public(free) but new releases will be delayed for a week for cheapskates
If you feel like supporting me or just want to check out the characters i made, head on over to the page:
Download one or both files, Unpack, and copy unpacked folder into your XcomGame/Mods folder, start ALt xcom Launcher and activate the mods.
FacesOfXCom WotC and XCom 2
By Arcturus7777
This is NOT my mod, nOObling created these two versions of the FacesOfXCom mod. It appears nOObling has not been on for more than two years, but if at any time nOObling returns and wants me to remove this mod, or if nOObling posts the mod, I will remove this version ASAP. ALL credit for this mod goes to nOObling.
I really like this mod, the faces are better than vanilla, and are under the 0 race.
There are two versions here, The FacesOfXCom file is for plain Xcom 2, Without WOTC, and the FacesOfXCom WotC file is for WOTC. These files are both version 1.0, I repacked them for easier installation. Support the new XCom 2 area by clicking download HERE and select the version you want OR There are still active links in nOOblings post, you can use the Mega links or do both
n00bling Posted December 3, 2018
Hi all
Just started a new campaign and went to look for some mods. I can see some of you downloaded my face texture mod so I decided to update it a bit.
Its should work with all other mods even other face / texture mods (not this mod obviously as it overrides itself).
Here are links to the new version
None-WoTC: plain xcom 2 without WotC
Whats included:
- Total of 63 face combinations (1 variation between WoTC version and vanilla)
- 7 Faces materials
- 1 beta "Shen" face material
- 3 face paints
Whats been updated:
- All normal maps have been updated
- Changed contrast and light to better match vanilla skin texture
- Added 1 new face texture
- Added 3 face paints (only in WoTC version)
- Minor tweaks to small bugs
Download and unpack which ever version of FacesOfXCom you need and copy the unpacked folder into your XcomGame/Mods section. Run the ALT game launcher and activate the new mod.
Thank you nOObling
XCom 2 and WOTC Prostitution Mod
By Arcturus7777
This is NOT my mod, Mirann created these two versions of the Prostitution mod. It appears Mirann has not been on for more than two years, but if at any time Mirann returns and wants me to remove this mod, or if Mirann posts the mod, I will remove this version ASAP.
There are two versions here, MODMODMOD is for plain Xcom 2, Without WOTC
Posted November 10, 2016 by Mirann
This is just NotBob's mod with some stuff removed (specifically, the overwritten character template generator is what was breaking the game). Should hopefully work. I also stripped out the deathproof ability, added some simple statistics display and pregnancy functionality. There's a lot more that can be done, though I'm not familiar with the game API.
Edit: Forgot the file...
75.37 kB 6,387 downloads
The Second version Prostitution 1.4.1 is for WOTC
Posted November 4, 2017 (edited)
Renamed the prostitution mod and got it working with WotC.
Added a few extra settings to increase rewards with rank, but nothing really new beyond that.
- Some bad indices completely messed up the stats screen (but only the visualization of it). Fixed
- Localized the rest (I think)
- Localizations for the ui buttons
- Lover interaction now only available if bondmade is healing or ready
- Added will restoration project after prostitution/infiltration (without it, will lost during those tasks would not recover over time)
- Added debug restore button (enable in ini) to fix any soldier stuck in permanent "shaken" state due to the above
- Updating mod could cause stats to no longer save properly for any soldier who had already done and of the mod tasks. Should be fixed.
- Added more localization strings
- Default override of character generator class is removed (can be put back in with XComEngine.ini. Just remove the ;s). Should fix mod conflict
If the previous version worked in vanilla (not tested, probably doesn't), this one most definitely will not.
- Bonded soldiers can spend some time together (restores will)
- Captured soldiers are now actually captured if any of the chosen have been encountered, using the standard WotC capture system
Update (Let's just retroactively call this 1.0):
- All class names changed (old ones looked like something from a modding tutorial, so pretty high chance of weird conflicts with other mods)
- Added a couple of different outcomes to infiltration missions: One is a partial success (reduced reward and slight injury), while one is meant to lead into a captured state (right now all it does is reduce reward to 0 and hp to 1)
Edited November 28, 2017 by Mirann
unpack the MODMODMOD you just downloaded and copy the unpacked folder into your XcomGame/Mods section. Run the ALT game launcher and activate the new mod.
Download and unpack Prostitution 1.4.1 look inside the Prostitution 1.4.1 folder for the Prostitution folder this is the folder to install by copying the prostitution folder into your XComGame/Mods folder. Run the Alt xcom2 launcher and activate the mod.
NOTE; Mirann mentions in the post editing the ini settings, this can be Done in the ALT xcom launcher, by selecting the mod, and clicking on config and choosing the ini that has something about prostitution in its name.
Thank you Mirann
BareBareMod WOTC
By Arcturus7777
Moomany, just gave me permission to upload his mods, versions that I have had working. This is not my MOD I take no credit, all credit goes to the Moomany
Also included is the MooTattas mod from the following post, This MOD is for XCom 2 WOTC, NOT NOT XCom 2 without the WOTC expansion.
I included the other files listed in Moomany's post, Files for Animations, and XCOM2Mods_animation (a PDF) Neither of these extras need to be installed
I have this mod installed in my current play thru of WOTC, along with 682 other mods, As a test I installed BareBareMod V3 in the middle of this play thru to see what would happen, quick result was game loaded old save loaded, nude legs were gone, but torso and arms were still there. BUT no legs, and could cause long term problems, do not use in WOTC.
Posted September 10, 2017 by Moomany
Well, here's a barebareWOTC update, most probably only works with WOTC Barebaremod WOTC.zip
Make sure any old versions are deleted, from the WOTC folder and the base X2 folder.
Updated female body, might not look like much, but it's been mostly redone. Nipple normal map shamelessly stolen from kexx's valkyrie.
Added male torso and legs, will have to add arms for people without anarchy dlc sometime, X2 rig is not really designed for a third limb between legs, any animation with large leg movements cause clipping and weird distortions, there aren't enough bones for cleaner skinning.
Added entries for Reapers, works out the box.
Added entries for Templars, retextured templar arms to remove shoulder cloth, interestingly, normal templars have thicker arms (won't work with the nude torso, so I kept the thinner arms). Plan on adding glow to body and legs.
Added entries for Skirmishers, this will require a load of work, none of the textures match, the arms have different skinning, will take a while to fix.
Anything missing or invisible tell me, I've got all the dlc and xpac so I have no idea what other see if they don't have anarchy's
@mike24 Here's the fbx files Files for Animations.zip with male and female nude bodies (no genital bones, but has every standard bone from X2 skeleton), the Viper fbx, and all the animations associated with the bind ability (viper animations in viper folder, soldier animations in XCOM Soldier folder, there is only one set, the devs filter it or something for females.)
Edit: Oh and this XCOM2Mods_Animation.pdf might be useful, it's from the sdk folder, I can't find the ma file it talks about so you've only got my fbx files to work with. Tell me if you want anything else, but control rigs (what ever they are) aren't accessible.
I included the two extra files form the post, IE
Files for Animations.zip and XCOM2Mods_Animations.pdf
unpack the BareBareMod you just downloaded, and copy the unpacked fold into your XcomGame/Mods section. Run the ALT game launcher, and active the new mod.
Thank you Moomany
BareBareMod V3
By Arcturus7777
Moomany, just gave me permission to upload his mods, versions that I have had working. This is not my MOD I take no credit, all credit goes to the Moomany
Also included is the MooTattas mod from the following post, This MOD is for XCom 2, NOT WOTC, repeat only use in XCom 2.
Posted June 15, 2016 by Moomany
So I have good news and bad news:
Good 1: BareBareMod now has pretty much seamless everything, I personally still get mild aliasing on the seams sometimes, may have to do with forced aliasing on my part. Modified some textures and mild mesh editing (and removed leftover textures from the other bodies), but you'll probably not notice. (Sorry Kexx, it's only the legs though, and the last body edit I'll do for a long time) Barebaremod V3.zip
Bad 1: No new body, original new body pretty much broke after trying to fix lighting issues, body 2 was me modifying the base xcom body and adding details.....which allowed me to learn that adding any new vertex by tessellation breaks the tattoo system (and once again no idea why, but the parts which disappear correlate to where the body part is skinned to different bones).
Good 2: BareBareMod now has double copies of each body part (arms/torso/legs), one set allowing tattoos, one set disabling them, the ones that allow are usually higher on the list than the ones that dont. Here's some test tattoos mapped only for torso or legs. mootattats.zip
Btw to anyone doing tattoos, for torso or legs only, it's easier to do the tattoo mapping using the torso or leg textures as a base and work from there.
Bad 2: This system only really allows proper tattoo mapping on either the arms OR torso OR legs, although the old system still works e.g. Arcturus' tattoo mod still works if you choose all the body parts that supports tattoos.
Good 3: After trying and failing to set up some hair (anyone know why all hair I export, even unedited X2 ones from both max and blender, show up in game rotated 90 degrees in 2 directions if any physics assets are applied to them?) physics assets are actually really easy to set up (on creatures anyway, I can set those up fine) and all creature/unit archetypes can have a physics asset attached (body physics).
Bad 3: There doesn't seem to be a slot for physics on body/armour parts, although the helmet slot does, not that it helps much in this case.
unpack the BareBareMod you just downloaded, and copy the unpacked fold into your XcomGame/Mods section. Run the ALT game launcher, and active the new mod.
Thank you Moomany
how to install xcom 2 mods
By Arcturus7777
This is a text file for those new to installing the Mods manually, IE mods found here on LL, and mods found other places. NOT steam workshop mods
The above is a like to the Alternative mod launcher, which is what I use. I currently have 683 mods in my WOTC play thru, using the above launcher, and highly recommend everyone us it. If you are using another launcher I can not help as I have not used anything else.
Simply download the text file and read it.
BTW the instructions work with WOTC, because you can select the path to mods in the launcher
If anyone has ideas that will make the instructions clearer post them in the support thread.
BTW there is a mod making kit for xcom 2 and WOTC, available on steam that was released byy the game company, like the creation kits for skyrim and fallout
WotC Sparrow
By Arcturus7777
This not my mod, Kensou has given me permission to upload this smaller version of his Sparrow mod, later Kensou will be posting a larger hentai mod.
Mod is very adult, and not for children, or people who get upset about pornographic images. This mod is posted for entertainment only, NOT to condone the actions shown in some of the backgrounds. I provided a preview link below so you could see the content before downloading the mod. Please do not download if these images upset you.
Kensou's post is quoted here
"New PhotoBooth background mod from henti artist Sparrow added 250 pic. Fix crash in game and also added 11 languages in Localization folder. Rename mod for fix conflict with WC_PhotoReBooth mod. Pics darker than original and i don't know how to fix it. Use filter for better result. Don't add in X-com 2 more than 250 new background or game will crash."
Below is a link to see what the backgounds look like. Click on the reveal hidden content in the post to see the backgrounds. There are three messages total as you scroll down the show all 250 photobooth backgrounds in this mod. You might want to check these out as they are very ADULT, before you install
1. Download the two files. (this is a split mod due to it size) (the files will be in your download folder)
2. Download 7zip if you do not have it, I use the top choice in the list, I used 7zip to split the file, so best to use 7zip to recombine the files, here is the link https://www.7-zip.org/download.html
2a. run the 7zip installer you just downloaded.
3. With 7zip select the first of the two files, WotC_Sparrow.7z.001 use "Extract here" on that file. It will automatically combine both files into a unpacked mod folder called WotC_Sparrow, this is the folder you copy and paste into your xcomgame/mods folder.
4. run alt mod launcher and activate the mod.
if you need more details on how to install xcom mods go here https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/34645-how-to-install-xcom-2-mods/
Thank you Kensou
Better Nipples mod WOTC
By Arcturus7777
This is not my Mod, the creator of this mod is no longer a LL member as far as I can tell. I take no credit for this mod all credit goes to the original creator of the mod, and if at any time the mod creator asks me to remove the mod It will be done ASAP.
This is a NSFW tattoo mod, the following text is from the mod description. This mod is for WOTC, I know my xcom 2 tattoo mods work on WOTC also, but I do not know if they are backward compatible to XCOM 2 {ie Xcom 2 without the WOTC DLC WOTC)
"New nipples for XCOM. 2 sizes, 3 shades, 1 full pubes bonus"
you will need the BareBareMod for the original nude body
above are the links for the barebaremod. one link is for the barebare V3 is for XCOM 2 the other link is for barebareWOTC
Install unpacked in the Mods folder. check the "how to install xcom mods mod" if you need help
This mod is working in my WOTC LWOTC playthru
A Skintight tattoo mod
By Arcturus7777
This mod is a full arm NSFW tattoo mod that in conjunction with the BAREBAREMOD attempts to make tattoos, that look like skintight heroine uniforms. As you can see in the pictures of toons I created. BTW many of the tattoo mods accidentally also work with the barebaremod and can be used for more variety
This mod works alone and in both XCOM 2 and WOTC.
However, to get the full body effect you need the Barebaremod, without that mod you just get a tattoo on the arm.
above are the links for the barebaremod. one link is for the barebare V3 is for XCOM 2, the other link is for barebareWOTC
Download and unpack the mod, copy the unpacked folder into the XCcoGame/mods folder, run the alt game launcher you will see the new mod click on the activate box to activate the mod. Enjoy