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Skyrim mods that don't fit in any of the existing categories

264 files

  1. A Prayer For the Wretched

    A small, desolate home and shrine to ancient and forgotten spirits of misery, in the sewers of Solitude.
    The entrance is beneath the market, by the walls.
    Small and atmospheric.



  2. Pretty Soul Gems

    Recolored the Vanilla Soul gems
    Unzip/copy textures file to: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data (or wherever your data dir is located for skyrim)



  3. Bug fixes

    What it does?
    SKSE plugin that fixes some engine related bugs in game.

    Installing & Uninstalling
    Use mod manager or place the files manually. You need SKSE to use this. Remove files to uninstall.

    What bugs does it fix?

    Known issues
    Don't know any, if you have issue with the mod post in comments.

    How is this different from USLEEP?
    USLEEP fixes content related bugs for example things that go in ESM, mesh files etc. This mod fixes bugs in the game EXE itself.

    laserlemons from reddit - testing
    ogerboss - testing & documenting perk bug
    sheson - testing
    Sthaagg - testing

    1 - 01/07/2016
    Initial release.



  4. MLU - Potions Replacer Patch

    Morrowloot Ultimate - Potions Replacer Patch by BIVO aka Bivo4 (on nexus)
    This is just a patch for the fabolous Potions Replacer mod to make then compatible with the change of Morrowloot Ultimate.
    You have installed on your game Morrowloot Ultimate and Potions Replacer mod.
    Place the esp in your game data directory. Use a mod manager, is better...
    Place the esp of this patch after Morrowloot Ultimate and Potions Replacer. If you use "MERGE PLUGINS STANDALONE" (the programs for the merging of the esp), merge this patch with another of MLU.
    Delete the esp from your game data directory. Is only a stats change of potion, if you disinstall that probabily you dont have any problem at the save.

    MORROLOOT ULTIMATE LINK: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66105/
    POTIONS REPLACER LINK: http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1628-potion-replacer/
    Thanks to the author for yours mod.
    ps: im not a native speaker, sorry for my english(:



  5. Hermosas y Elegantes Damiselas

    English description below "Descripción en español"
    (a question for administrators, It is allowed to put links to a armor from other sites besides nexus or sexlab?
    Descripción en español
    Primero advierto que es la primera vez que creo un plugin, asi que no sé si cuando alguien lo use su PC pueda estallar. Usarlo bajo propio riezgo
    Segundo, si desean hacer uso de uno de los dos plugins, vayan a una zona desolada primero, luego salven y sigan los pasos de instalación
    Como sabrán, hay mucho mods que modifican la apariencia de npc´s, al igual que hay una vastedad de armaduras y ropas.
    Jugando Skyrim con Sexlab Amorous Adventures instalado, pense en la vida que tienen esas mujeres, por ser sacerdota no quiere decir que lleve puesto un traje de sacerdote, por ser comerciante no quiere decir que use ropa de comerciante, y asi otras más, por lo que se me ocurrio ¿por que solo mi personaje o seguidoras deben verse bien?, ¿por qué no hacer que ellas se vistan Elegantes?. asi que con 3 dias de ver tutoriales y buscando armaduras y ropas que se ajustarán a la profesion y personalidad de las "proximas conquistas", cree un solo plugin, que administre todo, las nuevas apariencias y nuevas ropa, las cuales elegi porque me parecieron las más ideales conforme a ellas, ropa abrigada para las que estan en lugares frios, ropa comoda para las que descansan en casa, entre otras (a excepción de las 4 mujeres de Hibernalia, porque busque que sus ropas combinaran y se vieran geniales.
    Cree dos versiones de dicho plugin:
    "Hermosas Damiselas": este plugin es un "merged" (todo en uno) de 7 mods que convierte la mayoria de las mujeres NPC´S (por lo menos las más importantes) en Skyrim en mujeres hermosas, sin perder la immersion del juego, por lo que para usar este plugin deberán bajar e instalar en el mismo orden los siguientes mods:
    1- The Ordinary Women 1.9 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70547/?)
    2- MyWarmaiden's 1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73967/?)
    3- Toccata as Elisif 1.1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61140/?)
    4- Seductress Serana 3.2 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52907/?)
    5- Bijin NPCs 1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71054/?)
    6- Bijin Warmaidens 3,1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40038/?)
    7- Bijin Wives 1.0 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63473/?)
    Luego puedes desactivar o borrar los 7 plugins de los mods anteriores e instalar este, y "abra Kadabra" un solo plugins en vez de 7.
    El cuerpo que usan las mujeres en las imagenes son 7base, que podrán encontrar en HDT Bounce and Jiggles UNP (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72030/?), si desas usar ese cuerpo en todas las mujeres de este plugin, deberás reemplazar los cuerpos que traen los 7 mods, asumire que ya saben hacer dicho proceso
    Por favor tomen un momento para agradecerle a sus respectivos creadores por tan geniales obras maestras: NeusKharp, seanume0725, damnyou123, rxkx22,
    "Hermosas y Elegantes Damiselas": Igual que el anterior, es un solo plugin, solo que este viene con nuevos trajes para las mujeres de Sexlab Amorous Adventures, asi que cuando mires una mujer bonita y bien vestida, sabras que en algún momento podrás consquistarla.
    Para que este plugin funcione, deberán descargar varios mod de armaduras si quieren que se vean igual que en las fotografias, y sin problema podran borrar los plugins.
    (me gustaria crear un pack con todas ellas, pero para ello hay que conseguir el permiso de varias personas, a no ser que algun moderador me afirmara que no hay problema)
    Si ven dos enlaces seguidos, debes instalar el primero, y luego remplazar con el segundo, recuerden que uso 7Base, sino remplazas los cuerpos de los mods, debes instalar las versiones unp para que coincidan con el cuerpo original de los mods (no lo he probado). Las armaduras sin links estan en archivo de texto
    01 Adelaisa, (por que usa una armadura imperial si esta en una ciudad que los odia):
    02 Aela (decora su armadura con los restos de los miembros de la Mano de Plata que elimina: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70095/?
    03 Adrianne (la forja es muy caliente, además busca provocar a su marido): http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/338-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/ 17. Leather Clothes - Cleavage BBP
    04 Ahlam (Busca llamar la atencion de su marido, el cual solo pasa junto al Jarl) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53053/?
    05 Annekke (Usa ropa que le deja trabajar en la mina, y con la cual está preparada para volver a la aventura), http://www.loverslab.com/topic/55081-my-personal-uunp-hdt-conversion-sets-lastupdate20160125/ 7. Ranger's Berne Armor UUNP HDT + Bodyslide
    06 Aranea (ropa que la mantiene abrigada en la helada colina) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38053/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46460/?
    07 Brelyna (Ropa que brilla ya que tiene restos de sus fracasados experimentos)
    08 Camilla (Aunque diga que no, le gusta llamar la atencion de los hombres) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67952/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68194/?
    09 Carlota (Se viste de forma comoda para las largas horas de trabajo) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34083/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49746/?
    10 Danica (Usa ropa ceremonial del agrado a los divinos) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2572-chakarus-1001-nights-for-unp-jiggle/
    11 Elisif aun sin nueva ropa, no encuentro una digna de ella
    12 Endarie (Usa ropa elegante y blanca para promocionar su tienda)
    13 Faralda (Mantiene su libro de conjuros encima de su ropa)
    14 Gerdur (Es la jefa de Cause Boscosa, usa ropa que le permite trabajar todo el dia) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50299/?
    15 Idgrod (Ropa calida y elegante para demostrar su posición como la proxima Jarl de Mortal) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30466/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37129/?
    16 Illdi (Busca llamar la atencion de donadores para el Colegio de bardos por orden de Pantea con su ropa provocadora)
    17 Illia en la proxima actualiacion
    18 Ingun (Desea combinar su nombre con el tipo de magia que estudia, "negra") http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59202/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68522/?
    19 Irileth (Un traje que en sus hombros, representa el nombre del lugar que protege "Cuenca del Dragon") http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36431/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51320/?
    20 Jenassa (Usa una armadura que hace que su enemigos bajen la guardia) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/338-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/ 5. LustDesign - Sovngarde Steel - Cleavage NON-BBP
    21 Jonna (Viene de tierras aridas, y como no sale de la taberna, se siente a guso con sus ropas natales) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1367-barbarianexplorer-tbbp/
    22 Jordis todavia no estoy seguro si le dejare esta armadura, no lleva los cuernos
    23 Lisette (Ropa que resalta los encantos de una bardo)
    24 Mirabelle (Ropa de hechicera con sombrero para enfatizar que es una maga superior) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68653/? luego http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68765/?
    25 Mjoll indeciso si debo cambiarlo o alguien me dice como cambiar el color http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48446/?
    26 Nirya (Ropa que combina con las demás hechiceras del colegio)
    27 Njada (Armadura que expone su cuerpo para ver las recciones de los hombre y recordar que no debe confiar en ellos) http://www.loverslab.com/topic/20917-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/ 8. Tsun Armor - Cleavage NON-BBP
    28 Pantea (Ropa provocativa para resaltar más entre las bardos) Archivo disponible por mi, por que no encuentro de donde lo descargue
    29 Saadia en la proxima actualizacion
    30 Saphire (Ropa que le ayuda a ser sigilosa en las noches) ¿Alguien podría convertirla a 7Base? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72772/?
    31 Senna (Ropa blanca para su papel como la sacerdotiza que brinda las marcas de Dibella)
    32 Serana (Fue encerrada hace años, la moda era diferente, y principalmente para la hija del Lord)
    33 Sybille (Ropa para resaltar su lado oscuro)
    34 Sylgja (Despues de sufrir una lesión enla mina, se pone ropa comoda para estar en casa)
    35 Taarie (ropa elegante y negra para enfatizar su caracter y la elegancia de su negocio)
    36 Valerica deseo ponerle "Lustmord Vampire Armor" pero siempre queda la ropa blanca, pondre una imagen para ver si alguien me dice como arreglarlo
    37 Ysolda (Esta ahorrando para tener su propio comercio, y tener una mejor vida) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50814/?
    Bugs o conflictos
    Soy nuevo, repito que solo llevo casi 3 dias de usar Creation Kit,
    1- Tes5edit me reporta 3 errores (error: record arma subrecord), cuando sepa que es y como lo arreglo, lo corrigo.
    2- cualquier otro mod que modifique apariencia de NPc´s. Deberas poner el plugin al fondo de la lista.
    3- hay cuatro mujeres cuyos zapatos o botas están parcialmente ocultas en el suelo (ver a Camilla), cuando sepa como, lo soluciono.
    4- Hay dos armaduras que tuve que extraer los archivos del .bsa para que funcionaran, pero no recuerdo cuales.
    5- No se por qué, pero al tener instalado "Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade", "Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade" y "Clothing and Clutter Fixes" las sacerdotizas (Senna, Danica y Aranea) salen con ropa normal, si alguien sabe como solucionar eso, diígame y lo arreglo
    No encuentro un traje adeacuado para Elisif, debe de darle un porte de reina, acepto sugerencia
    Voy a agregar a Sadia e Illia, se me olvido ponerle su traje
    solucionar los 3 errores que reporta Tes5edit
    Gracias a los que crearon los mods que modifican apariencia (en serio se los agradecemos), todas las siguientes mujeres estan cubiertas por este plugin (92 mujeres): Adelaisa, Aela, Ahlam, Alexia, Alfhild, Angi, Annekke, Anuriel, Aranes, Arcadia, Beleval, Birna, Borgakh, Bothela, Brelyna, Brylin, Camilla, Carlotta, Colette, Dánica, Delphine, Dinya, Elda, Elenwen, Endarie, Eola, Erdi, Evette, Faralda, Frabbi, Frea, Freir, Gerdur, Grelka, Harán, Hermir, Hillevi, Hroki, Huelga, Hulda, Hulda, Idgrod, Illdi, Illia, Ingjard, Ingun, Iona, Irileth, Jenassa, Jonna, Jordis, Karliah, Lami, Lisbet, Lisette, Luaffyn, Lydia, Maven, Mirabelle, Mjoll, Nilsine, Niranye, Nirya, Nivenor, Njada, Olfina, Pantea, Rayva, Ria, Rikke, Saadia, Sapphire, Senna, Sigrid, Silda, Sorine, Svana, Sybille, Sylgja, Taarie, Temba, Thaena, Tonilia, Tova, Ugor, Una, Utherd, Valerica, Vex, Vittoria, Vivienne, Ysolda.
    English description
    First notice that it is the first time that I created a plugin, so I do not know if when you use the plugin in your PC, the PC can explode. Use it at your own risk
    Second, if you wish to make use of one of the two plugins, go to a desolate area first, then saved and follow the installation steps
    As you know, there's a lot mods that modify the appearance of NPCs, and also are many armor and clothing mods.
    Playing Skyrim with Sexlab Amorous Adventures installed, it made me think in the life of these women, being priestess does mean that need wear a suit priest, being trader does not mean that she wear clothing merchant, and so more, so it occurred to me, why only my character or followers should look good?, why not make them wear Elegant clothes?. So with 3 days to see tutorials and looking armor and clothes that fit with the profession and personality of the "upcoming romantic conquest", I create a single plugin, which manages all the new look and clothes, the news clothes that they have is because they were the most ideal, warm clothing for those that are in cold places, comfortable clothes for the girls resting at home, among others (except for the 4 womwn in College of Winterhold, because I search clothes that combine and look good in they.
    I create two versions of the plugin:
    "Hermosas Damiselas": this plugin is a "merged" (all in one) 7 mods that converts most women NPCs (at least the most important) in Skyrim in beautiful women, without losing the immersion of the game , so to use this plugin must download and install in the same order the following mods:
    1- The Ordinary Women 1.9 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70547/?)
    2- MyWarmaiden's 1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73967/?)
    3- Toccata as Elisif 1.1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61140/?)
    4- Seductress Serana 3.2 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52907/?)
    5- Bijin NPCs 1.1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71054/?)
    6- Bijin Warmaidens 3,1 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40038/?)
    7- Bijin Wives 1.0 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63473/?)
    Then you can disable or delete the 7 plugins of the previous mods and install this, and "Abra Kadabra" one plugins instead of 7. This plugin is only for the appearance, remermer that.
    The body I use in the images are 7base, which can be found in HDT Bounce and Jiggles UNP (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72030/?), if you want to use that body in all women of this plugin, you must replace the bodies that bring the 7 mods, I will assume you already know how to do this process.
    Please take a moment to thank their respective creators for their great masterpieces: NeusKharp, seanume0725, damnyou123, rxkx22,
    "Hermosas y Elegantes Damiselas": Same as above, is one plugin, only this comes with new outfits for women from Sexlab Amorous Adventures, so when you look a pretty and well-dressed woman, you'll know that at some point you will can seduce her.
    In order for this plugin to work, you must download several armor mod if you want they look like in the images, and without problem you can deleted the plugins.
    (I would like to create a pack with all of them, but for this I must get permission from several people, unless some moderator affirmed me that has no problem)
    If you see two links in a row, you must install the first, then replace with the second, remember that I use 7Base, but if you dont replaces the original bodies of the mods, you must install the UNP versions of the armor to match the original body mods (I have not tried). The armor without links are in the text file
    01 Adelaisa (Why she wears a imperial armor if the people in the city hates imperial):
    02 Aela (She decorate her armor with the remains of the members of the Silver Hand tha she kills: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70095/?
    03 Adrianne (forging is very hot, and also she seeks to provoke her husband): http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/338-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/
    04 Ahlam (seeking attention of her husband, who spends all the time with the jarl) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53053/?
    05 Annekke (Use clothing that lets her work in the mine, and which is prepared to return to the adventure), http://www.loverslab.com/topic/55081-my-personal-uunp-hdt-conversion- sets-lastupdate20160125 / 7. Ranger's Berne Armor UUNP HDT + bodyslide
    06 Aranea (keeps warm clothes in the icy hill) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38053/? then http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46460/
    07 Brelyna (Clothes shining as it has remains of his experiments failures)
    08 Camilla (Although she say no, she seeks to attract the attention of men) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67952/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68194/ then?
    09 Carlota (She dresses comfortably for long hours of work) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34083/? the http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49746/?
    10 Danica (She use ceremonial clothing that pleasing to the Divines) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2572-chakarus-1001-nights-for-unp-jiggle/
    11 Elisif no new clothes for the moment, I have to find it a worthy clothes for her
    12 Endarie (she use elegant and white clothes to promote her store)
    13 Faralda (Keeps her spellbook over her clothes to be ready in any moment)
    14 Gerdur (She is the head of Riberwood, she wear clothing that allows work all day) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50299/?
    15 Idgrod (warm and stylish clothes to demonstrate her position as the next Jarl of Morthal) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30466/? then http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37129/
    16 Illdi (seeking attention of patrons for the College of Bards for Pantea order in provocative clothing)
    17 Illia clothes in the next update
    18 Ingun (she want combine her last name with the kind of magic that she studies, "black") http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59202/? then http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68522/
    18 Irileth (On his shoulders, represents the name of the place that she protects "Dragonreach") http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36431/? then http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51320/
    19 Jenassa (She use an armor that makes her enemies drop their guard) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/338-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/ 5. LustDesign - Sovngarde Steel - NON Cleavage -BBP
    20 Jonna (she comes from arid lands, and because she dont leave the tavern, she feels comfortable with their native clothes) http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1367-barbarianexplorer-tbbp/
    21 Jordis still not sure if he should leave this armor, she dont wearing the horns
    22 Lisette (Clothing that highlights the charms of a bard)
    23 Mirabelle (clothes witch hat to emphasize that it is a superior mage) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68653/? then http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68765/
    24 Mjoll undecided if I should change the armor or someone tells me how to change the color http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48446/?
    25 Nirya (clothes combined with other college women mage)
    26 Njada (Armor exposing her body to see the rections of man for to remind herself that she should not trust in them) http://www.loverslab.com/topic/20917-sevenbase-conversions-bombshellcleavage-with-bbp/ 8. Tsun Armor - Cleavage NON-BBP
    27 Pantea (provocative clothing to highlight more among the bards) File available for me, because I can not find where I download it
    28 Saadia in the next update
    29 Saphire (Clothing helps her be stealthy at night) Could anyone make a 7Base? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72772/?
    30 Senna (clothes for her role as priestess that offered the marks of Dibella)
    31 Serana (she was enclosed years ago, fashion was different, and mainly for the daughter of the Lord)
    32 Sybille (Clothes highlight its dark side)
    33 Sylgja (After suffering an injury in the mine, she put comfortable clothing to stay in her home)
    34 Taarie (black elegant clothes and to emphasize their character and elegance of her business)
    35 Valerica I wish put "Lustmord Vampire Armor", but always is white, as it no had texture, I will put a picture to see if someone tells me how to fix it
    36 Ysolda (She saving money to have their own trade, and have a better life) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50814/?
    Bugs or conflicts
    I'm new in use the creation kit, only 3 days, so please forgive me any errors.
    1- I Tes5edit reports 3 errors (error: record arma subrecord), when I find what does it mean, and how to fix it, I will fix it
    2- any other mod that changes appearance of NPCs. Should put the plugin to the bottom of the list.
    3- four women whose shoes or boots are partially hidden in the ground (see Camilla in the picture), when I know how, I will fix it.
    4- There are two armor that I had to extract the files from .bsa to work, but can not remember which.
    5- I do not know why, but having installed "Complete Overhaul Crafting Remade", "Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade" and "Clothing and Clutter Fixes" the priestesses (Senna, Danica and Aranea) come in normal clothes, when I know how, I will fix it.
    I can not find a suitable outfit for Elisif, I accept suggestion
    I will add a new clothes for Sadia and Illia, I forgot to put his suit
    Fix the 3 errors reported by Tes5edit
    Thanks to those who created the mods that change appearance (seriously thank them), all these women are covered by this plugin (92 women):
    Adelaisa, Aela, Ahlam, Alexia, Alfhild, Angi, Annekke, Anuriel, Aranes, Arcadia, Beleval, Birna, Borgakh, Bothela, Brelyna, Brylin, Camilla, Carlotta, Colette, Dánica, Delphine, Dinya, Elda, Elenwen, Endarie, Eola, Erdi, Evette, Faralda, Frabbi, Frea, Freir, Gerdur, Grelka, Harán, Hermir, Hillevi, Hroki, Huelga, Hulda, Hulda, Idgrod, Illdi, Illia, Ingjard, Ingun, Iona, Irileth, Jenassa, Jonna, Jordis, Karliah, Lami, Lisbet, Lisette, Luaffyn, Lydia, Maven, Mirabelle, Mjoll, Nilsine, Niranye, Nirya, Nivenor, Njada, Olfina, Pantea, Rayva, Ria, Rikke, Saadia, Sapphire, Senna, Sigrid, Silda, Sorine, Svana, Sybille, Sylgja, Taarie, Temba, Thaena, Tonilia, Tova, Ugor, Una, Utherd, Valerica, Vex, Vittoria, Vivienne, Ysolda.



  6. Quiet Main Menu Screen

    I can't believe I couldn't find a mod that removed the main menu music/chanting, and it was finally too much for me to bear.
    This mod removes the Chanting/Singing in the menu screen by replacing it with a silent sound file. That's it.
    I'm sure a mod exists that does this already, I just couldn't find it.
    Made using: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6986/ (for any individuals who want to know how to change it to something else, or want to experiment with making a smaller empty file)



  7. animcam helper

    This skse plugin is originally uploaded to nexusmods but regarded as a virus due to some system calls I use. Therefore I decide to move it here.
    This plugin allows you to rotate camera when casting self-centered master spells so you can view the front side of your actor. It also allows you to assign a hotkey to toggle animcam-like camera state.



  8. Vampire Morph Slider for RaceMenu

    (Yes, the screen is shitty. I have a almost vanilla test setup for development, give me a better one )
    Something that formed of messing with RaceMenu:
    It will morph everything that has the Vampire-Morph, meaning if you don't want sunken cheeks you need a mod to remove them.
    It is possible to Morph just the teeth, but that would require a another slider if you use a mod that replaces the teeth like Realistic Teeth.
    The Standalone ESP file is empty, it exist to load the RaceMenu related files.
    You can select other mods to "attach" this mod to so it gets loaded and you save one Slot in the Loadorder.
    I can add more. Requirements for "attaching" it to a mod.
    - Doesn't have translation files
    - Doesn't add slider with INI files, scripts are fine.
    When you select another Mod for attaching, and the disable/uninstall it,
    it won' crash or be problematic. You just won't get the Slider.

    - RaceMenu ( I tested it with v3.3.0 and it worked)
    - BVFE or similar to enable female teeth
    - Any ESP you select while installing.
    - Mods to remove sunken cheeks



  9. Zelda Twilight Princess Main Menu music replacer

    This replaces the Main Menu music with the one from the Title Screen music in Twilight Princess.
    How to Install:
    1. Open it with Winrar
    2. Drag and drop the "Music" folder into your skyrim Data directory, overwrite if asked to.
    3. Start up Skyrim and enjoy.
    4. ?????
    5. Profit
    Bethesda for their amazing franchise Elder Scrolls
    Nintendo for such memorable moments and amazing story with beautiful music and sound quality.



  10. Strip UnStrip OnLoad

    A simple mod to remove the apparel from the player character, on a save load, and then redress them with what was removed.
    Well the churlish answer is, "If you don't know, you are probably in the 99.9% of people who don't have a use for this", but the actual answer is sometimes a game is bollox'd in a subtle manner which you can't find the solution for. However as it's generally running fine, other than for a specific problem, you take the big CK sledgehammer to it and waste an .esp slot for a solution. For me this works for occasional armor texture glitches on game load, (specifically certain TRX armors, certain Tera Armors and - more worryingly - recently certain devious device leggings. Also helps when high heels doesn't click in on a save/load)
    Anyway moan all you want about the dubious nature of this.
    Thanks To
    Ashal - because this is basically 98% scientifically cut and pasted code from sexlab. (Yes I can refactor it if required but saying "thank you" is probably easier).



  11. Picks and Axes

    This is a really basic mod that adds crafting recipes for lockpicks (25 per iron ingot), pickaxes and woodcutter's axes. No perks required. You can find them under the "misc" category at any forge. It also increases the amount of damage for the pickaxe and the woodcutter's axe. If they can break rocks and split logs; they should be able to do the same to a bandit's skull. I hope you find this useful as I have.



  12. Lockpick Maker

    It makes lockpicks. maybe in the future I'll make it more complex.



  13. Quieter Dungeons and Caves

    Are you tired of hearing all that unrelated bashing, scratching, howling, tapping and farting when you are in a cave or dungeon? OK, so there is no farting. Where is all that noise coming from? Why is it there? The answer is that its just 'white noise' put there 'supposedly' to make the place spooky. But guess what? Dungeons are a whole lot more spooky without them.
    This mod removes those useless, distracting, unreal noises so that now you will hear all the natural sounds more clearly. You'll hear the water drip, your footsteps, enemy's footsteps, dust falling from the ceiling, distant conversations, enemies breathing, creatures growling, babies gurgling. What? Who put a baby in this dungeon? Anyway, you'll hear stuff that's actually in the cave or dungeon. It's a whole lot more realistic and creepy, just like it should be. Did somebody say 'more immersive' ?

    The short answer is - No.
    The longer answer is - If you turned off sound effects in your audio settings you would get rid of the strange ambient noises, but you would also turn off the natural sounds that are really there. You wouldn't hear footsteps, breathing, fires burning, rocks falling, arrows wizzing past your ear, the sound of trolls chewing your leg off, people screaming "there's a troll chewing your leg off", etc. OK, I lied. Nobody cares if trolls chew your leg off. (Sad, but true)
    You will hear everything that is actually happening.
    Other mods by dePog
    Predator Vision - Scent Trail (lets you smell your enemies)
    Tiefling (Gameplay overhaul, Tiefling race and storyline mod)



  14. WeightMorphs

    - dynamically gain and lose weight -
    This mod makes it possible to gain and lose weight in-game using the morphs CBBE, Unified UNP and SAM come with.
    When eating food, ingredients or drinking potions, your player character gains weight.
    Walking, running, sprinting and jumping results in losing weight again.
    There are optional gameplay effects for stamina and movement speed reacting to your weight.
    The vanilla food (Skyrim.esm) is divided into three categories:

    All DLC food and custom food coming from mods and all potions/ingredients are automatically added to the list
    you choose in the MCM menu. You can also have them unassigned.
    It is also possible to add the "WMLight", "WMMedium" or "WMHeavy" keywords to any mod items in their plugin
    to assign them to the specific category.
    The mod comes with an MCM menu, where you can enable/disable it, change the multipliers for gaining and losing weight and more.
    You can choose the combination and strength of the morphs for the target shapes yourself, too.
    In order for the weight to have any visual effect, you need to have a body and armor installed that features in-game morphing.
    Such as CBBE, Unified UNP or SAM.
    For CBBE and UUNP you have to use BodySlide to build the morphs for your body and armor.

    SKSE 1.7.3+
    SkyUI 5.1+
    RaceMenu 3.4.4+
    NetImmerse Override 3.4.4+ for ECE/vanilla users.
    BodySlide for building the female morphs.
    Do not install both RaceMenu and NetImmerse Override!
    RaceMenu already comes with it included.
    In order for the weight to have any visual effect, you need to have a body and armor installed that features in-game morphing,
    such as CBBE, Unified UNP or SAM.
    For CBBE and UUNP you have to use BodySlide to build the morphs for your body and armor.
    Simply install the archive using your preferred mod manager or manually extract the files into the Skyrim's Data folder.
    Don't forget to enable the "WeightMorphs.esp" plugin.
    Remove the mod in your mod manager or delete the files the archive came with manually.
    Open it in an archiver program to see which those were.
    The morphs are automatically removed from your character.
    expired6978 - For the NetImmerse Override library required by this mod.
    The SkyUI team for MCM.
    Pugliara @Plainicon - For the icon used in the MCM menu and mod page.
    Jeir - For the word and table art.



  15. NiOverride High Heels - NIOVHH Fixes

    NiOverride High Heels

    - hub and fixes for NIOVHH -


    NetImmerse Override (bundled with RaceMenu) comes with an 'equipable transforms' feature
    which allows for a cleaner and easier way of creating high heels for Skyrim.
    This mod contains a few fixes for said system, such as correcting the sitting and swimming height while wearing high heels,
    since when you equip high heels that make use of equipable transforms, the root node (called "NPC" in the skeleton) is moved upwards.
    Note: There are no actual high heels in this mod, it is solely a hub for the new system.
    To convert a mod from HDT High Heels to NiOverride High Heels, see the videos below (enable subtitles).
    SKSE 1.7.3+
    RaceMenu 3.4.4+
    NetImmerse Override 3.4.4+ for ECE/vanilla users.
    Do not install both RaceMenu and NetImmerse Override!
    RaceMenu already comes with it included.
    Simply install the archive using your preferred mod manager or manually extract the files into the Skyrim's Data folder.
    Don't forget to enable the "NIOVHH.esp" plugin.
    Remove the mod in your mod manager or delete the files the archive came with manually.
    Open it in an archiver program to see which those were.
    expired6978 - For NetImmerse Override and RaceMenu.
    Unofficial LL chat for general help.



  16. Slave Way Manor

    Welcome all slave trainers to your own slave training and housing settlement!It is surrounded by a big wall with a closable gate,to keep out unwanted guests.Note some creatures may spawn within the walls but I haven't had it happen yet.The settlement includes a house for house slaves,aka maids and such;a house for fully trained and trusted slaves;a jail for punishing and keeping untrained slaves;a house just for training slaves full of all kinds of stuff like cages and zaz furniture;then you have the Master's Manor,plenty of safe storage,your own throne and a room upstairs for a follower.It has all your crafting needs except a kitchen,because why should the master/mistress cook for him/herself.The alchemy and enchanter table are in the side room across from the master bedroom,it has bookcases and two chests to store things,the trap door leads down to the basement it has everything from a forge to a wood chopping block.Also in the basement you have your own private cell that can hold four of your most valued slaves or followers you want to lock up.I recommend using paradise hills with the sl extension,and eff.There are no npc's or followers included in this so you can put who you want here.You will have to fast travel there the first time to open the gate because it only opens from the inside,this was done to keep bandits and guards from entering the property.This will be my last holding cell and house mod as I want to work on some of my other homes that I have made.If you have any problems let me know and as always if you want any followers or npc's added feel free to let me know what you want.I hope you enjoy it it is fully navmeshed and follower friendly.



  17. Safe Baby Cribs

    This adds cribs to store the static baby items born from the mod Beeing Female. They are located in the Temple of Mara in Riften. I'll be adding screen shots later .



  18. Elrindir's Discount Magic Items v2

    There's not enough merriment in Skyrim. Sorry, Cicero doesn't count. Where's the funny stuff?
    So here's this little thing. It's not exactly funny, but it can be mistaken for vaguely humorous in a dim light.
    This mod adds some new dialogue to a couple of NPCs, and some new items too.
    What magic turns cheese to wine?
    Speak to Elrindir at the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun.
    Discount Magic Items!
    Elrindir also has some nifty, oh-so-helpful gear for sale.
    The Why Of Questing
    Speak to Seren in Dawnstar. She may have a new quest for you. Or maybe not.
    Serendipitous Silversmith Stupidity
    Kerah of Markarth has a job for you.
    This is one of those mods you install, try out, say "Huh!" to yourself, and uninstall to clear up space in your load order.
    Give it ten minutes and hopefully it'll elicit a chuckle or two, and that's about it.
    Fuz-Ro-D'oh and its own requirements (SKSE).
    Oh, and Skyrim. In case you were confused.
    Special thanks to:
    Monty Python, for the cheese skit. And other skits.
    Rich Berlew, for a more circumstantially appropriate end to the cheese skit.
    Terry Pratchett, for CMOT Dibbler.
    Docclox, for mistakenly referring to the Drunken Huntsman as a "pub" leading to the whole idea in the first place.
    Jfraser and SkyrimLL for invaluable advice about how to use the CK without setting fire to the motherboard.
    Jfraser, SkyrimLL, Jordisslave, and Thermius for testing out yet another one of my little peccadillos.
    TES5Edit for being so much better than the CK at making seq files. I mean, seriously now.
    Probably a couple of other people I've forgotten.
    To-do list:
    Eh, I dunno... not much, really.
    Maybe go in and fix emotion levels.
    I should really also add "not enough money" checks so you can't get away with getting items for free.
    I also need to fix the scroll - missing a casting effect.
    I should also add in an actual magic effect for the gauntlets. And the horn, and the wand, ring...
    Add some more sketches! Why not?
    Actually, I guess there's a sizeable list of things to do. And they will get done! Eventually. Some day.
    Apparently the thing to do these days is to put user testicles testimonials in the description page. So here are some glowing quotes about this and other Content Consumer mods:
    The author must be barking mad. - Gilvas Barelo
    So buggy you'd think you were in an anthill. - Caius Cosades
    Meh. - Divayth Fyr
    What is your damage? - Ruran Stoine
    You should be ashamed of yourself. - Nevena Ules
    After installing, computer grew arms and tried to strangle me. 0/10 stars, Would Not Recommend. - Raesa Pullia
    Is this your first time at a keyboard? - Falura Llervu
    I don't believe I've ever seen code this badly written. - Zabamund
    Truly the greatest thing ever, and I am not getting paid to say this. Really. Honest. We done here? Good, now where's my money? - Danoso Andrano
    Generally "FAQ" requires questions to be asked frequently. In this case, I'm trying to anticipate questions instead.
    Q: I'm having a problem with this mod.
    A: That is certainly possible. I'm a newb to modding. Leave a comment in the support thread and I'll get back to you. I can't guarantee I can fix a problem, but I'll do my best.
    Q: I have a question about this or any other mod. Should I PM you?
    A: No, please. Use the support thread. That's what it is there for.
    Q: Your mod conflicts with <other mod>.
    A: That is highly unlikely, although I suppose if anything does massive renovations to Elrindir it's certainly possible. In general, for stuff like this, put whichever one you want more lower on the list.
    Q: Can I suggest <feature>?
    A: Yes please! I can't guarantee the request will get into the mod, because as I've said I'm not very good at modding, but I'll certainly consider it!
    Q: Where shall I contact you about adding in <feature>?
    A: The support thread, please.
    Q: Can I translate your mod?
    A: Certainly! I didn't write it with any sort of translation in mind, though, and I do tend to use American English idioms and phrasing, so... good luck! Go ahead and post your translation in the support thread and I will link to it in the download page. If you do make a translation, be a lamb and either send me the file so I can upload it, or at least post a link so I can add it to the description.
    Q: Can I or you upload this to another site?
    A: I'd rather you didn't. If I want it uploaded elsewhere, I'll do so myself. Chances are this one will end up on Nexus at some point.
    Q: Can I patch your mod?
    A: I'd rather you didn't, if only because that'd make multiple versions sitting on the internet somewhere, and if I ever get bug reports or questions about it, tracking down which version is being talked about is a pain. Not to mention that a "patch" may well add stuff or remove stuff I don't want added or removed. In short... patch away if you wish, but don't post the patch if you please.
    Q: I love this mod! How can I show my appreciation?
    A: Leave me a "thank you" in the support thread, that'd be wonderful.
    Q: I hate this mod, and I'd like to tell you why!
    A: Sorry to hear that, but I'd be happy to hear your complaint. Leave it in the support thread.
    Q: You do seem to be a bit obsessed with the support thread. Any particular reason?
    A: I just feel that spending a PM on a simple suggestion, request, comment, or complaint is a bit outlandish. The support thread is there for a reason.
    Q: Can I ask you about how you made this mod?
    A: Yes you can.
    Q: Where?
    A: ...In the support thread.
    Q: What about...
    A: Look, is this going to be about contacting me in any way about this or any other mod?
    Q: No, I can't say it is.
    A: Ah! Go on then.
    Q: Thank you. What about making changes to some of the dialogue here?
    A: You have got to be kidding me.
    Q: No, I'm quite serious.
    Q: There's no need to yell.
    A: Apparently there is! The support thread! That's where comments and notifications and complaints and messages and suggestions and requests and compliments and discussions about the bloody weather go! In the support thread!
    Q: How about...
    A: Look, I've had just about enough of this. If you ask one more thing about this mod I'll bean you with a brick, see if I don't.
    Q: I was just...
    A: No! I don't want to hear it! Now... do you have anything else to say?
    Q: Yes. I was wondering...
    A: Yesssssssss?
    Q: If I have a question about your Devious Manual mod, where should that question go?
    A: ...
    Q: Hello?
    A: Your question about the Devious Manual should go in the Devious Manual's support thread.
    Q: Aha! That last link was to this mod's support thread! Got you!
    A: Fuck off.
    v1: Initial upload v2: Added new dialogue to Kerah, Rustlief, and Seren.



  19. Eastern Holding Cells

    Welcome to my newest holding cell!This time I wanted a more tropical location for my slaves so here it is,right next to the hot springs no really walk out the door down the steps into the water!I made this for myself but decided I would share in case anyone wanted it.It will conflict with any mod that is in the same area.In the basement you will find a nice holding area for your slaves as well as some zaz furniture to use also has a bed in case you get sleepy.I have not put alot of stuff in it because it's supposed to look unused except for the dragonborn of course.Anyway come on in and try it out if there is something you want me to add other then a quest to get it let me know.



  20. Dova Den

    Welcome to the Dova Den,all your crafting needs and more,even its own jail.Right across from the battleborn farm and behind the bbls.Fully navmeshed and follower friendly with some goodies(the stones on the table will not help you with no stone unturned).Only requires skyrim and update.Also the key to the jail is on the table in the Dova Playhouse,and says its the dawnstar jail key.I was recently informed that the mod Dragon Lord Estate is not compatible with Dova Den so do not use both mods together.Newest version out!There is a door behind the throne that leads to the Dova Hall a place based off of Helga's bunkhouse with minor changes.This area can be used for followers or slaves your choice.In the main hall when you enter the Dova Den you will be greeted by your new housecarl Karen,she is a standalone one handed warrior and will level with you to 250.She is naked when you meet her so you can give her what you want her to wear.She is essential and can be married,uses the female even toned voice.The master bedroom in the new area(helga's bedroom will offer the player the well rested bonus.If you find any bugs let me know so I can work on them,thank you and enjoy!Also I am leaving the orginal file up incase you don't want the housecarl and follower/slave hall,it is the smaller file,if you have the version 1 then take all your things out even followers or slaves leave the house get at least to the farm across the road,make a save,quit,delete version 1,then download version 1.1 load game, your good to go.Also I will not be uploading the newest version to Nexus,nor any of my other mods, they will all be posted on here from now on.Thank you for checking out my mod I hope you have fun with it!If going for 2.0 remove everything and everyone leave save quit,delete the old install the new.I have just been informed that Skyrim Community College is also a mod conflict with this one.



  21. Slave Den

    Welcome Dragonborn!This simple farm house has cooking,alchemy and an enchanter as well as a bedroom just a small simple house for a simple hero.Now go down to the basement,where you darker side can show!The entire basement is complete with 3 cells for slaves,cooking area and an alcove for your smithing needs.Plenty of markers for your followers to patrol as guards,and through the other door you will be taken to the guard/follower room.In this area there are 3 bookcases,a couple of chest's to store stuff in 2 beds for guards/followers and upstairs a double bed that belongs to you and will provide the well rested bonus.There are no op items no large bags of gold and no followers currently.If alot of you would like me to I will add some later just let me know.It is west of the western watch tower and well off the road and out of view to keep guards and others away.



  22. Slave Holding Cells

    Welcome to your new house,just a simple little home really,until you enter the basement.The house is called the farm(if someone else has used that name I appolgize,and will change it just let me know)but it is just a cover for a dungeon to hold your slaves,a torture chamber and some other things.Unlike the Dova Den this has no crafting stations,and no surprise items.All the chests provide safe storage,and both areas are fully navmeshed,and there are several markers incase you want a follower to act as a kinda of guard.I am letting everyone know now that some areas look blue and empty but all you have to do is walk into them and they show up just fine,don't know why that happened and if anyone knows how to fix it let me know.The house can be used as a player home,but it is mainly for the keeping of your slaves.It is simple as to not draw attention from those that would stop the player from owning and selling slaves.The house is located on the northern coast north west of Dawnstar,as far as I know no one has used this location yet.I hope you like it and if you find any problems or want anything changed just let me know.



  23. Grow Tomatoes and Apples

    Grow Tomatoes and Apples
    foreach([ 'Tomato', 'Red Apple', 'Green Apple' ] as $Thing) {

    Hearthfire DLC. Without it you cannot even plant plants anyway. That is it.



  24. Craftable Linen Wrap Reduced

    I got tired of having craftable armor and clothing mods that require Linen Wraps, and not having any, but having tons of Tundra Cotton.
    In many cases I wanted the armor or clothing before my next dungeon crawl, but linen wraps are really only found in Nordic ruins, so I decided to throw together a constructible item. Now there is Craftable Linen Wrap.
    Feel free to use this as a resource for your mods, but give me credit.
    Before anyone asks...
    Q. Hasn't this been done already?
    A. I don't know.
    Happy Skyrim playing, folks.



  25. Follow That Thing

    So this is not a Cinematic walk or anything. This is a straight up "I can't be fucked to walk all the way to Kynesgrove myself so I'll just autofollow Delphine." mod. Then you can alt-tab out back to your pron or whatever it is that was more interesting than that.
    It will give you a new spell called "Follow That Thing" as a lesser power. You target something, your character follows it until you press your JUMP key. When you first start following someone, they may/will get a little bit aways from you (typically 1000 units, roughly 50 feet, roughly 15 metres) before your character decides to catch up.
    It has a few issues that there is nothing I can really do about. Follower AI seems to be really shit if there is too much of an incline like mountains or steps. You may notice sometimes your character will stop and have to re-figure out where the target it is following went. This can manifest as three behaviours:

    your character actually runs back a bit to get itself back on path, then run back to who it is following. or it will stop, then start again, then stop again, then start again. or it will for some reason walk really really really really slow until it is able to figure out how to run.

    I've tuned the Follow procedure the best I could to try and smooth out these glitches, but it is out of my hands now I think, because I have seen the exact same problems in other mods that take control of your character, and none have found a solution for truly smooth follow. In all these cases it should never truely lose who it is following and eventually be able to catch back up to them. So you will see problems like this in areas like around Haemar's Shame where it is super steep and rocky, and if following an NPC up the steps to Dragons Reach and the like.



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