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These Skyrim mods are of a non-adult nature.

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  1. Gladiator Heels

    HDT UNP Gladiator Heels
    Gladiator Heels, this mod represents the gladiator style of high heel for a warrior/adventurer/dragonborn.
    It is represented as light armor and will hold up well enough in battle.
    The HDT offsets are preset and all ready for play.
    (info:the offset is 8.5)
    The shoes come in 4 awesome styles:
    Black Leather (Tanning Rack - Leather)
    Brown Leather (Tanning Rack - Leather)
    Rough (Tanning Rack - Misc)
    Glass (Forge - Glass)
    Black Leather - 2 Ebony Ingot, 2 Leather, 2 Leather Strips
    Brown Leather - 1 Ebony Ingot, 2 Leather, 2 Leather Strips
    Rough - 2 Taproot, 2 Leather, 2 Leather Strips
    Glass - 2 Malachite Ingots, 2 Leather Strips
    The items can be found in a large basket behind the counter at Riverwood trader.
    Also can be added via in-game console '~'
    help gladiator
    To Do:
    More Textures...
    Known Issues:
    No collision (can't be dropped)
    No world model (appears as basic shoes)
    What I need done but won't do:
    To add collisions or world models
    Big thanks to Erundil for providing tutorials to me (Crafting)
    Thanks to Nightasy for creating those videos
    (also collision, i'll most likely finish later)
    Any help on this would be much appreciated. Enjoy!




    Hello and welcome!
    A lot of years I tried to figure out the best graphical improvement for Skyrim in form of a suiting ENB-setting.
    I have tried a lot of ENB´s and often enough,
    I deleted them again and played with the vanilla graphics again.
    There has been never a suiting ENB, which was entirely working for me and
    so I began to create my own settings for an ENB, which is now a lot of month
    unchanged on my system, and which is quite the best, what I can offer and
    share with you.
    This ENB tries to give you the PURE PICTURE of the game
    and is by default not coming with unsharpen filters or DOF.
    This functions can be switched on if wanted and if you like to use them.
    The standard-setting is ULTRA-SHARP - from close items to the far distance.
    The Overall Installation way is MANUALLY only !!!
    DO NOT INSTALL this mod with a MOD-MANAGER !!!!
    Please safe your existing folders like: "OLD configuration" (create a folder in the SKYRIM-Folder which contains the whole loose files there around!)
    and then exchange your setup with my data-files.
    SKYRIM FOLDER: put the files of the COMMON - SKYRIM - FOLDER into the suiting Folder into your game: SKYRIM (FOLDER)
    OWN DOCUMENTS - MY GAMES - SKYRIM : rename your old INI-file with a suiting name and put this new ini-file into your folder where the "SkyrimPrefs.ini" is standing.
    What else is interesting/supporting this ENB:
    CLIMATES OF TAMRIEL (suiting for ENBs)  - should be used with this ENB
    Remove Interior Fog V.2  (not necessary)
    Revamped Exterieur Fog  (not necessary)
    And all other mods, which you like to use for improving the landscape.
    Imaginator - for trimming some different parameters of your choice   (is not neccessary)
    Water-mods - should not be necessary with this ENB...it´s "crawling the most" out of it....the Setting for the water is "clear-water" so far I remember.
    Enjoy to see a little more (exactly) than before;-))
    -rain should be working correctly
    -during rain, everything becomes "wet"
    -interieur is depending on the time and on the weather
    -night and day can be also depend on the weather and the location....
    -it is possible, that some locations become VERY dark, others not - if you like to change that, you have to EDIT the weather, not the common settings !!!
    p.s. all the suiting names for ENB´s still in use: so I choosed "SUPER"-what-else:-)
    p.s. it´s possible that this mod is not suiting to your taste - anyway is the pic ingame more better than on the pics-series !



  3. Simple Steel Weapons

    ~~~ Simple Steel Weapons ~~~
    Imagine you're the local blacksmith and you need to forge a dozen steel swords for the town guard. Are you gonna spend countless more hours putting intricate engravings on each weapon? Probably not.

    Steel weapons are some of the most standard in the game, and I for one think they should look like it.

    This is an edit of the steel weapon textures from aMidianBorn Book of Silence, I removed the engravings. This mod covers all of the steel melee weapons and optionally the scabbards. This mod is fully compatible with mesh replacers like LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons or Believable weapons.
    ~Files will be hosted on nexusmods as per CaBaL120's request that files using his assets not leave the nexus.~



  4. Mortal Weapons and Armor SE

    I did not make this mod, I simply converted the mod and cleaned it with TESSedit Cleaner 4.0.x 
    Thanks to the Generous permission of Monoman1 I am able to present to you a fully compatible version of this mod for Skyrim SE.
    Thanks to the devoted fan of the original and the effort of saltshade  for testing this mod during several days, I can say that besides the bugs and Issues that already existed in the LE version, no NEW bugs have been found.
    Look on his original Page for details: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/7083-mortal-weapons-armors/
    I got Errors when I tried to copy his description and images to this page, so Im sorry that I cannot provide you with more info on this page. Probably because his description is very very long and detailed.
    PapyrusUtil - Make sure you have the latest version and that it's not overwritten by another mod that includes an out-of-date version.
    Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Not a hard requirement but without it when NPCs die their weapon/shield become detached from the body and will cause them not to get initialized with a low durability.  
    Instal with Mod Manager 2 (highly recommended)
    Manual installation: you should know where it belongs, Although I do not recommend it, and you should not expect any assistance from me, if you installed the mod this way.



  5. MuST - Multi-Stage Transformation Framework

    MuST - Multi-Stage Transformation Framework
    With this mod you can be whatever creature you want to be ! Also with an SSE version.
    NetImmerse Override / Racemenu
    JContainer ( newest version )
    Notice: This mod nearly does nothing but an example. It needs modders or enthusiasts who want to make add-ons. The ability to edit JSON file is required.
    I maintain this mod in public. Support me in Patreon so you can get the best works of mine!  : https://www.patreon.com/modderHuan   Want to make your own preset but don't know how to do? Support me to get more support!
    It can cooperate with BaD "Being a Doggy" and other mods who want to do the transformation work.
    It works like Slavetats, using JSON. Mods who want to perform a transformation will provide add-on to this framework. The add-on mainly provide json files, textures, meshes and esp files only if nessasary.
    To change the contents, go to Data/MuST, check the readme file, then go to json folder, check the json files. To check your json format, use website like this one: https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/
    The readme file and example file are designed to help you understand the basic of the mod. Make sure you read them.
    To apply transformation on your character without any extra mods, go to MCM->MuST, click corresponding stage number.
    To begin with, I recommand you make a copy of the example file, rename it to something else, make some changes, check the json format using website mentioned before,  and try it in MCM menu.
    I made an Skyrim SE version.
    There’s also a ppt file to introduce you to the mod 
    Preset Demo:
    preset selection demo
    Mod Use Demo: 
        use armors to add ears, tails, etc.
    Textures,with alpha, color , glow, gloss, normalMap, sex
        use textures to add skin and tatoo.
    Weight, with storing and restoring the original weight
    Height, with storing and restoring the original height
    NodeScaleTransform , for example you can make your arms or legs thicker, longer or creepier.
    Headparts , make the character's face looks like exactly what you want.
    Copy HairColors, FaceTextureSet, Skin ( Copying head in the SE version will cause "Gray Face Bug" and I didn't find a solution. )
    Preset support. Different preset for different transformation mod  and different stages, helping you become a monster progressively.
    To call the transforming event, use code like this:
    ModName shoule be equal to your JSON file name, without any suffix like ".json" or ".esp". If you have a JSON file called file1.json, then the ModName parameter should be file1.
    1 is the stage index, staring from 0.
    Special Case:
     If you want to apply a texture to a male character, make sure you've added the sex entry to the texture entry. Read the readme file to see the example.



  6. Pulled Across the Verse (WIP/Learning Quest)

    First things first!
    This quest is more for me to tackle creating quest mods in a more sable size. the goal here is to solidify my own skill, story second - that's why its a silly little mod that could be considered Lore Friendly, depending on your definition.
    Brief Description:
    This is the story of a hero summoned from another world! hear about isekai? there you go! don't know what that is? Click the link to find out! http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=isekai 
    OK so, from this point on there might be spoilers! so if you care about that stuff just know this, Adds NPC and their fate is in your hands.
    Alice (The Heroine of the story) was Isekaied, (adding to that trucks kill count!) She was told that she would save the world. Unfortunately for Alice, and perhaps the world, she was supposed to go to, there were some really shady men in Skyrim at the time trying to perform a devastating ritual and she got pulled off her path and slammed into Skyrim. Does that deter her? no, in fact, she doesn’t know anything went wrong! it was so "lucky" that you happened to accidentally your way into that cave when she was summoned. with your guidance, you can help her discover the mistake, help train her to face the challenges ahead and send her on her way... or not?
    Little miss hero comes with her own Emotional State Barrel ( a must for every cross-world traveler!) this starts off with two items, counting 100 each. "Currage" and "Emotion State". No, I did not misspell courage. There, I did in-game and I don’t want to fix it in case it brakes something and rework will take to much time for no gain. 
    Now the point of this Barrel is to keep track of four things;
    Trust - The level of witch the Heroine Trusts you
    Fear - The Level of Which the Heroine Fears you
    Emotional State - How stable is she emotionally
    Courage - how brave our Hero is
    Trust and Fear will determine how the heroine interacts with you while Emotional state and Courage deal with how the heroine will interact with the world. For example, with a low emotional state, the heroine will act more like an empty shell of a person and increase the chances of her death while low courage will have her cower in the city, practically begging you not to force her to travel outside the safety of the wall. 
    Currently, this barrel is visible for all to see, however, this will not be the case once this questline is completed. For not it’s open to testing purposes. 
    The Story!
    Currently Available,
    Alright, this one REALLY spoils things, so fair use? I mean warning!
    That’s all for now, Ask questions if you want, I’m better at answering questions about my story then guessing at the wants.
    So please feel free to call out anything and everything!
    Pythus, has a hard time finishing.



  7. Heights Corrected

    It's here: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/14214-heights-corrected-by-erundil/
    It works a bit differently, but achieves almost the same result.
    When I started playing Skyrim, I felt like heights for vanilla races could fit the lore better. Make more sense.
    Back in the Morrowind/Oblivion days I used to have mods correcting that aspect. I tried to find a Skyrim mod that would make the same changes, but all of them had some issues (children, vampires, common mistakes, unfitting values for some races). So I decided to create a mod of my own. I went over the heights of every playable vanilla race and made changes to most of them.
    Vanilla playable races are affected, including vampires. My mod doesn't require Unofficial Patch, but it includes all its changes.
    Children are untouched - their height is mostly affected by their age so there is no point correcting anything there.
    You may notice Astrid is unusually told for a Nord, having a height of 1.0600 - though it's unexplained why, she's unique this way, so I decided to leave her this tall.
    Table below shows vanilla and modded values:
    ┌────────────────┬────────────────┐ │ ♂ Skyrim ♀ │ ♂ New values ♀ │ ┌──────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ ArgonianRace │ 1.0100 1.0000 │ 1.0100 1.0000 │ incl. Vampire ├──────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ BretonRace │ 1.0000 0.9500 │ 1.0000 0.9700 │ incl. Vampire, excl. Child, ChildVampire ├──────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ DarkElfRace │ 1.0000 1.0000 │ 1.0000 0.9700 │ incl. Vampire ├──────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ ElderRace │ 1.0000 1.0000 │ 0.9700 0.9400 │ incl. Vampire ├──────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ HighElfRace │ 1.0800 1.0800 │ 1.0800 1.0500 │ incl. Vampire ├──────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ ImperialRace │ 1.0000 1.0000 │ 1.0100 0.9800 │ incl. Vampire, excl. Child ├──────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ KhajiitRace │ 1.0000 0.9500 │ 1.0000 0.9500 │ incl. Vampire ├──────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ NordRace │ 1.0300 1.0300 │ 1.0300 1.0000 │ incl. Vampire, excl. Child, Astrid (she's so tall on purpose) ├──────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ OrcRace │ 1.0450 1.0450 │ 1.0400 1.0200 │ incl. Vampire ├──────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ RedguardRace │ 1.0050 1.0000 │ 1.0200 0.9900 │ incl. Vampire, excl. Child ├──────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────┤ │ WoodElfRace │ 0.9800 1.0000 │ 0.9800 1.0000 │ incl. Vampire └──────────────┴────────────────┴────────────────┘  
    This mod will conflict with any mod that edits the same races, regardless what is changed in them.
    Still, my mod doesn't edit all races. Look at the table above. If the value for a given row is unchanged, then it's also untouched in my mod.



  8. OP Werewolf Form


    It's here and does exactly the same thing: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/14209-op-werewolf-form-by-erundil/
    This mod was made for personal use, but heck, what's the reason not to post it.
    It does 2 things, both aimed at making the werewolf transformation more rewarding. Here goes:
    - Beast Form power was changed to lesser power, so it can be used multiple times a day, instead of just once per 24h
    - debuff that used to prevent werewolves from regenerating HP is gone and replaced with bonus to HP regen (1.00 right now, and it's already OP af, you can just stand there while they hit you)
    So there it is - transform and you are unkillable. And you are always ready to transform. How are poor NPCs supposed to take you down? It's impossible. You're invincible.



  9. Mighty Beasts - Werewolf

    It's here: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/14125-mighty-beasts-werewolf/
    The original source is gone. It's nowhere to be found. First it left the Nexus, then after taking refuge on LadyMoiraine.com for a while it's gone from there too.
    I proudly present a backup of the mod in question. Newest version ever released (1.04), all variants. Enjoy.
    THANKS to Drac0, TsunTsun, EdinMG, koll2786 - who provided me with their backups of the mod in my time of need.
    Ofc I don't have any. The mod is dead and the authors are gone for good. Can't ask a person that's gone. So, I believe the mod becomes cultural heritage and everyone can use it, as long as they pay respects to the original authors, who's names are... hell if I remember. I think it might have been Al99 & VectorPlexus, but fuck me, I'm not sure.



  10. Mighty Beasts - Vampire Lord

    It's here: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/14126-mighty-beasts-vampire-lord/
    The original source is gone. It's nowhere to be found. First it left the Nexus, then after taking refuge on LadyMoiraine.com for a while it's gone from there too.
    I proudly present a backup of the mod in question. Newest version ever released (1.04), all variants. Enjoy.
    THANKS to Drac0, TsunTsun, EdinMG, koll2786 - who provided me with their backups of the mod in my time of need.
    Ofc I don't have any. The mod is dead and the authors are gone for good. Can't ask a person that's gone. So, I believe the mod becomes cultural heritage and everyone can use it, as long as they pay respects to the original authors, who's names are... hell if I remember. I think it might have been Al99 & VectorPlexus, but fuck me, I'm not sure.



  11. BDOR Eclipse UUNP HDT Cloth Bodyslide Conversion - The Breastening Update

    Second in the line of projects, Zepho presents: a UUNP Bodyslide Conversion Build for the glorious DM's BDOR Eclipse Outfit by Team TAL!

    Self explanatory enough! Complete with HDT Cloak and High Heel Stuff! (Took the most work trying to get the feet mesh right ._. )
    ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)

    Tesv 2020-08-23 13-56-11-16-1.webm  
    Because I still use this, and my character's been getting some development lately(Hormonal too, evidently o_o)... here you go! I know there's a new BDOR Pack version, but I haven't gotten around to adapting my load order to it... I extracted a few from it that I like to work with, but its still quite the cluster fuck... I feel a surge coming though... +_+
    Also, don't mind me, just now getting into tripping around and over how to gif/vid, I'll get it right. >_>
    1. [LE] DM BDOR Eclipse by Team TAL
    2. Bodyslide and Outfit Studio for UUNP
    3. Everything required by the original mod!

    1. Install to unpack in your preferred Mod Organizer (Main and Patch File)
    2. Activate ESP that enables armor weighting
    3. Build with your body preset of choice on Bodyslide
    3. Enjoy!

    Known issues:
    1. Rudimentary First Person Function
    2. Still figuring out what other issues might arise, leave your comments on the support forum page for insights! Be glad to hear 'em!
    1. Some of the screenshots might depict previously outdated versions, but were pretty enough to me to include!
    Credits/Mods used:
    To TeamTAL for the original outfit mod
    Check out my Patreon for more descriptive project updates(Here's the page for this one), and a support platform!
    Catch me on Twitter?
    Link to my previous mod!: Bloodborne Doll Cloak UUNP



  12. Shiny Draugr Boot Fix

    Replaces the base game's jacked normal map with an uncompressed baked one.  That's it; use it or don't.
    Permissions: Go wild with this.  It took 5 minutes to make in Blender and the original texture isn't mine to begin with.



  13. Vanilla Cage Replacer (for POP/SD+)

    This replaces the Vanilla cages with more beautiful ones. Affects SD+ Cages and POPs Cages. 
    This is an Alpha Version.
    - Please report if you have additional CTD when entering cells with cages (SD Cages & Prison Overhaul places some)
    - If you want to test this mod use SD Cages and go to Silent Moons Camp near Whiterun
    - The Door is not yet changed
    Just place it in Data Folder (Overwrite everything)
    Mod Organizers: Just install and tick. 
    It will overwrite Textures from ZAP Framework (that way this mod works without dependencies)
    Should be compatible with everything.
    The new cage has the exact same size and collision as the one it replaced. 
    List of Recommended Mods (because this mod was basically made for those)
    - SD Cages by Inte
    - Prison Overhaul Patched (POP) by Inte

    Thanks to:
    - Myself for not ragequitting on this, lol
    - Inte for providing mods that I cant stop playing and optimizing loool
    - Zaz for the Zap Framework where I got the meshes from 
    Special Edition
    I dont know if the meshes are compatible. Report back to me please



  14. Full Body Collisions

    So, I watched some dint 999 tutorials on HDT and he has a full collision body that doesn't seen to be included in his tools pack (at least I didn't find it)
    I made my own and I'm willing to share it with you to save your time going through this painfully tedious work.
    You may need to change some capsules radius to match your hair/clothes. Do this under TaperCapsule instead of rescaling it (works best for accuracy in my opinion)

    -3ds Max 2011
    -Havok content tools 2012-2
    -Autopilot 1.0
    Good luck in your mods ^^



  15. DS Black Set (Yuria's Set) HDT by DKnight13

    DS Black Set (Yuria's Set) is added to Skyrim. The armour set comes with the Black Mask, Dress, Gauntlets, and Leggings. Mod also comes with the weapon Dark Drift. All armours and weapons can be crafted and tempered under the "Ebony" smithing perk. Outfit also comes with UUNP bodyslides and skimpy/torn variants. 
    Bodyslide and Outfitstudio by Ousnius and Caliente: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015
    HDT Physics Extension by HydrogensaysHDT: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996
    XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000 
    Original contents from the Souls series' Dark Souls, by From Software
    Mesh Rigger by KGTools: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87672
    HDT Skirt Bones and xml file by @Graviczapa Dark Souls armor sets and Witch Set: https://graviczapa.blogspot.com/2018/07/dark-souls-graviczapa-dark-souls.html 
    HDT bones and xml file by @Team TAL's Dark Souls/Blood Borne assets: https://www.patreon.com/takealook   



  16. Dwarven Relic Armaments (August 2020)

    Dwarven Relic Armaments
    A group returning from the excavation of an unnamed Dwarven ruin were supposed to bring their discoveries to Markarth, but after their stay at Old Hroldan they were never heard from again. The fate of this expedition and the relics they unearthed has remained a mystery.

    This is a collection of Dwarven swords, daggers, and shields, made to my tastes and to occupy some niches that I felt needed filled. They are lighter, faster, stronger, and significantly less bulky than the Vanilla Dwarven equipment. Additional information about their origin and place in the world can be found in the in-game documents.
    You can find a clue to obtaining the relics in a note left behind in the Old Hroldan Inn. They are also craftable with the Dwarven Smithing perk, although you may need a deeper knowledge of the subject to create some of the items. 
    All of the relics are Dual Sheath-ready. Run that mod's patcher for the left-hand versions and back-mounted shields to appear in-game. 
    SE version to come when I can be bothered to do it.



  17. DDWardrobe - Thalia Outfit (UNP/UUNP/CBBE)


    - Description -

    A made-from-scratch, lore-unfriendly, modular outfit designed for my character, Thalia. Comes with a top that has 4 texture variations, a skirt, underwear with 5 texture variations, leggings, and a choker. No shoes though, sorry about that, so hopefully you can find a nice pair to go with it!

    This mod uses high-poly meshes and uncompressed, 4K textures by default. 2K textures are optional.

    - Known Issues -

    - Slight clipping in some areas with more exaggerated poses.
    - Stretching of the ruffles on the underwear.
    - Poses with the arms raised and the top don't look...great.
    - Slight texture weirdness on the top in the area under the breast.
    - With the UUNP Bodyslide, prominent bust/cleavage can 'cause a "rat's nest" in the mesh which makes the shirt area in between the breasts look clipped or unrealistically suctioned to the breasts. I've tried to smooth this out in Bodyslide as best I can.

    This is my first original outfit for Skyrim, so there will likely be some other kinks. This is also my first Bodyslide conversion.

    TBQH, the basic UNP version looks the best.

    - Requirements -

    CBBE or UUNP
    Bodyslide and Outfit Studio
    XP32's XPMSE

    - How to Get -

    AddItemMenu or search "Thalia" in console for the IDs.

    - Credits -

    Aranas23, for weighting help.
    TESMistel for their OS conversion guide.

    Screenshots taken in GomaPeroPero's GomaPeroLand with Rudy 4.3 NLVA.

    All the amazing mod creators who have inspired me by making their own outfits and armors for Skyrim.

    - Tools Used -

    Marvelous Designer
    Blender 2.70
    Substance Painter
    Outfit Studio

    - Permissions -

    - Do not re-upload the meshes/textures elsewhere or use them in your own mod without my express permission.
    - Recolors and retextures are permitted provided that the meshes are not included.

    - Links -




  18. Alien Queen

    Alien Queen version
    Beta version. Replaces Werewolf.
    Adapted Werewolf skeleton for Alien Queen.
    The beta version replaces the skeletons of all Werewolf so their display is distorted.
    To work , you need:
    HDT Physics Extentions.  
    Blue version of textures:
    Feel free to use this material for your work without asking.
    SE Version Alien Queen SE
    Used free models from cadnav
    Used programs :
    Nif Plugin for 3ds Max 2015-2018
    3ds Max Nif Importer-Exporter
    3ds Max 2017



  19. Royal Hunting UUNP Full HDT - All Variants

    Mod Description (quick version):
    Extends Dint999's HDT-PE skirt to all 8 variants of the skirt/clothes in the Karter/Raven original Replaces HDT High Heels effect with NIOverride/Racemenu (HDT HighHeels is not a requirement anymore) Adds High Heels Sound to all boots (is now a requirement) What's in the download? 1 .esp and 1 set of Bodyslide files for the boots  
    Mod Description (longer version):
    How to use:
    Install requirements Install this mod, it must be below UNP Royal Hunting in Mod Organizer's left pane so that the .esp file overrides, otherwise TextureSets won't work Run Bodyslide, with "Build Morphs" checked, for all UNP Royal Hunting Bodyslide outfits Enjoy full HDT skirts and UUNP morphs in-game. Requirements (in order):
    XPMSE and its requirements (For HDT-PE)
    HighHheels Sound (all boots feature the sound)
    UNP Textures (like Fairskin, etc.)
    Bodyslide (must use to get the mod to work)
    Racemenu (for NIOH heels)
    Royal Hunting UNP (3 links) - click the "UUNP Bodyslide" AND the "HDT-Pe Version" from this page.  You must download All files, but you can disable the .esp's for each:
    From Karter's Page (original mod) - this gets you all the texture files.  Some of the files are missing Dint's package so this is necessary. From RoboLumps' post on LL - these are the bodyslide files. From Dint999's youtube video (The HDT-PE version is in the video description) - This gets you the HDT-PE meshes, .xml's etc. Troubleshooting:
    The Skirts aren't all HDT/Some of the bodies look different - You didn't build the meshes in Bodyslide The game crashes - Your probably didn't install all the requirements I found a bug/issue - post a picture and I'll see what I can do. This isn't for CBBE! - I don't have plans to do anything about it yet.  My current work is on a large replacer mod focused on UUNP.  
    I've lurked for a long time at LL, but never uploaded a mod.  If I've broken a rule by uploading this, please let me know and I'll take it down.



  20. Interesting Generic NPCs - Custom Voiced

    Please consider supporting us on Patreon!
    Add over 100 custom-voiced NPCs with randomized personality and voice to the world of Skyrim. Each of them has their own opinions about Skyrim's events and people.
    Who are these NPCs?
    Simple civilians residing in Skyrim's cities and villages
    Wander from town to town, villages to villages, as their daily routine
    Populating Skyrim greatly without severely affecting the game's performance.
    As a teaser to Death Consumes All, the upcoming DLC quest mod,
    these NPCs' dialogues will give hints to Death Consumes All's story and lore,
    particularly those related to the Empire and the Thalmor.
    They have randomized profession, personality, political views. To name a few:
    Vigilants of Stendarr
    Political views:
    Professions, personalities, political views, positioning in the world altogether may create some combo dialogues, unique to one NPC!
    A laborer in Solitude who dislikes the Empire may complain about the East Empire Company, and even reward you for killing Vittoria Vici - his greedy boss.
    A lazy traveler who likes the Thalmor may want Skyrim to install some portals to spare him all that walking.
    1. Some lines are repetitive, why?
    Those lines are available to all NPCs of all professions and personalities.
    2. Why are the Thalmor socialists who want world revolution in this mod? Weren't they supposed to be racists?
    The Thalmor's position has been altered for a better narrative, since there's no depth to the original cartoon-villain Nazi Thalmor.
    3. What do these NPCs have to do with Death Consumes All?
    They will be involved in the quests.
    4. Why do some NPCs refer to "a plague", "a riot in Dawnstar"? They didn't happen in this mod.
    They are teasers to Death Consumes All.
    5. Is this mod a reference to the recent political events and COVID-19?
    Believe it or not, this mod's story was already conceptualized back before COVID-19 became a thing. The casting call was posted in December 2019. https://www.castingcall.club/projects/skyrim-dlc-quest-mod-death-consumes-all
    This mod is a part of the Shezarrine Mod Universe, using its lore, characters, and factions.
    About Death Consumes All:
    Death Consumes All is a DLC-sized quest mod for Skyrim to be released in Summer 2020.
    Death Consumes All revolves around a mysterious plague that kills everyone in Skyrim and bring them back as undead.
    Livia Salvian, the daughter of the High Chancellor, is determined to solve this plague and bring honor to her family. Recognizing your fame, she has decided to enlist your help to stop the plague.
    This mod introduces a semi-non-linear questline, where you can decide which quests you want to do and which you don't. Different quests you complete offer you different rewards, and will directly affect the final battle. The order of which you complete the quests, the decision of whether or not you would complete a quest, might change the whole story. Every quest builds up to the final event of the story, and out of over 10 main quests, you can choose not to do a single one to begin the final quest - if you're smart enough to find out how to stop the plague already!
    The plague is bound to kill every living being of Tamriel, and if you don't stop it in time, you will be left with nothing but a world of the dead... and undead.

    Death Consumes All is developed at the same time as Shezarrine - The Fate of Tamriel. This mod is considered to be the prequel and a simpler version of the completed Shezarrine. Meanwhile, we are continuing to recruit level designers, scripters, and 3D artists for Shezarrine.
    Join our Discord for the most updated information: https://discord.gg/k9W3N3q
    Please consider supporting us on Patreon!
    Miroslav - Creation of the mod
    Capt Jojo - Voice Actor
    OldRockgod - Voice Actor
    Gian - Voice Actor
    Audiospawn's Sudzy Bubbles - Voice Actor
    JINJER - Voice Actor
    Apex - Voice Actor
    Jackson Kesecker - Voice Actor
    Beans - Voice Actor
    Ancalagon_Aidoni - Voice Actor
    aTurrabtye - Voice Actor
    calculus - Voice Actor



  21. Mandatory Training

    This mod prevents progressing skills at certain levels unless you visit a skill trainer. It is a modified version of the Experience Multiplier mod by skepmanmods. I removed the MCM and instead added a script which automatically changes your experience gain rate to 0 at certain levels.
    I created this mod to combine it with SexLab Demanding Trainers by HexBolt8. The whole puropse is to add a reason for visiting a trainer even if you are short of money.
    Install this mod like any other by adding the files to your Skyrim data directory.
    You can check if the mod is working by using the console command "incPCS restoration". You should get a notifycation when you exit the console.
    The default version prevents your progress at levels 24, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89. I also added an alternate version with fewer levels: 24, 49, 74, 89
    You can also set your values by using Tes5Edit and changing the MaTr_PresistentScript Quest-Script properties "XpLockedLevels" and "SkillTierNames". Both properties have to contain the same number of entries.



  22. Restore Potions converted to crappy EXP potions

    A simple mod that replaces the all too common restore health/magicka/stamina potions found all over the game with potions that give the player a small, borderline worthless, boost in experience to a random skill.
    This was a mod I made for my personal use I decided to share for the heck of it. I felt the rather spammed occurrence of healing potions made the game a little too easy. Especially if you are like me a prefer to make the game more difficult in manners other that the default, rather lazily setup "everything kills you in two hits" vanilla higher difficulties. I wanted to replace the potions with something that wasn't particularly useful but would still be desirable enough to be something the player would want to pick up. This seemed like a good solution without playing into some other mechanic that is too easily broken already (such as turning them into money items for example: it is too easy to farm gold in Skyrim already).
    - Using one of the new potions will give a very small experience boost to a random skill of any type, regardless of the potion's color. The potions all also have a 1/18 chance to give a permanent +1 boost to your maximum health/magicka/stamina, depending on the potions color.
    - This mod does not effect fortify or recovery rate potions. They are much rarer and not quite as directly useful as the restore potions.
    - This mod does not effect restore potions crafted through alchemy. I feel like that was more of a specialized skill rather than just finding massive amounts of restore potions just lying around the game world everywhere.
    - The potions function as their vanilla restore effects when an NPC uses them, so this mod will not nerf enemy NPCs carrying restore potions.
    - The new potions are keyworded as "VendorNoSale" so alchemy/general shops will not sell them to you. No pay-to-win exp here. You can still steal any of the potions on display in towns though.
    - None? Not even any of the official expansions. Just vanilla Skyrim. Well maybe SKSE but can't remember.
    That's actually The Apprentice standing stone symbol. I thought it was fitting to the concept. Plus this mod was something of a personal rush job so just call me lazy?
    Mainly because the red (health) potions tend to be far more common than blue (magicka) or green (stamina) potions. That would heavily shift this mod in favor of warrior builds for what little it would be worth. So I decide to make the RNG completely even, with the rare +1 stat boost being the only thing unique about the colors.
    Maybe. I'm not able to test it. Can't think of any reason it wouldn't as long as you have the SE SKSE.
    - Just me this time.



  23. UNP Flip-Flops

    UNP Flip-Flops 1.0
    Took me a few hours to throw together.
    Was a huge headache trying to get it to work with Bodyslide (I never succeeded)
    However, I did accomplish getting them weighted, and using it with my custom Bodyslide preset there was no seem.
    This is an independent version/edit of another mod 'Fox045' from the Fox Collection
    As you may know this outfit was specifically a 'Dead or Alive 5' conversion.
    They were the only flip-flops I could find for UNP and they were unweighted and a very unlorefriendly color.
    So I took matters into my own hands and thought I would share.

    So enjoy.

    Item is craftable at a tanning rack for 2 leather and 2 leather strips 
    Download 1.0, the Alpha file is the unweighted version. I included it just in case something with the meshes went wrong. I'm an expert at textures but not with meshes.
    If you ever need textures provided for a mod, let me know, I'll help you for free as long as the project isn't too huge for me to handle.   



  24. Flawn's Argonian Overlays

    -Flawn's Argonian Overlays-
    For all of your two-tone lizard needs!
    (Make sure you enable face overlays in "SKSE\Plugins\nioverride.ini")
    ("SKSE\Plugins\skee64.ini" if you use SSE)

    Here are some neck and torso overlays you can apply to your argonians. (or anyone really, they're only overlays after all)
    These overlays were made with my other mod in mind, but they will work with other retextures just as well.
    Special thanks to Dark Shasion for making some of the base-work for this



  25. Dark Souls Remastered Pack HDT by DKnight13

    Dark Souls Remastered Pack adds 52 different armour sets and weapons from Dark Souls. Pack includes Smough's Set [HDT], Black Iron Tarkus Set [HDT], Catarina Set [HDT], Silver Knight Set [HDT], Painting Guardian Set [HDT], Wanderer Set [HDT], Havel the Rock [HDT], Black Knight Set, Armor of Favor Set, Pyromancer Set [HDT], Sorcerer Set, Adventurer Set, Thief Set, Warrior Set, Hunter Set, Brass Set, Gwyn's Set, Eastern Set, Armor of Thorns Set, Elite Knight Set, Knight Set, Solaire Set, Ciaran Set [HDT], Ornstein Set [HDT], Artorias Set [HDT], Gough's Set, Channeler's Set [HDT], Dark Set, Witch Set [HDT], Gwyndolin Moonlight Set [HDT], Steel Set, Dingy Set [HDT], Shadow Set, Xanthous Set [HDT], Maiden Set [HDT], Bandit Set, Chain Set, Guardian Set, Stone Knight Set, Crystalline Set, Holy Set [HDT], Cleric Set, Paladin Set [HDT], Black (Velka) Set [HDT], Crimson Set [HDT], Iron Golem Set, Big Hat Set, Gold-Hemmed Black Set [HDT], Chester Set [HDT], Giant (Dad) Set [HDT], Balder Knight Set, Antiquated Set [HDT]. All sets come with their respective in-game weapons and shields. All sets can be crafted and tempered, with the exception of Havel's set which can only be tempered and the Witch set and Big Hat is neither craftable or temperable. Most of the armours and weapons can be found in "Mysterious Box" in Riverwood at the right end of Southern entrance (see picture). Witch set can be found in a chest in the College of Winterhold (see picture as well). (HIGHLY recommend using "Add Item Menu" to search for armours and weapons) 
    UUNP bodyslides for the Painting Guardian Set, Brass Set, Antiquated Set, Dingy Set, Maiden Set, Gold-Hemmed Black Set, Balder Knight Set, Crimson Set, Xanthous Set, and Witch Set. Use the mod "Add Item Menu" to get all armours and weapons.
    Female Exclusive set(s):
    Gold-Hemmed Black Set [HDT]
    Maiden Set [HDT]
    Ciaran Set [HDT]
    Antiquated Set [HDT]
    Dingy Set [HDT]
    Male Exclusive set(s):
    Gough's Set
    Gwyn's Set
    Video made by Warcrimes (SUBSRIBE to his channel):
    Armor location @8:25
    WARNING: Gwyndolin Moonlight Set may cause crash to desktop due to high poly mesh count with HDT rigging.
    All DLC's: Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Heathfire
    Bodyslide and Outfitstudio by Ousnius and Caliente: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015
    HDT Physics Extension by HydrogensaysHDT: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996
    XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000 
    Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811
    ********Download Link**********: https://www.patreon.com/posts/28440619
    Original contents from the Souls series' Dark Souls, by From Software
    Mesh Rigger by KGTools: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87672
    HDT Skirt Bones and xml file by @Graviczapa Dark Souls armor sets and Witch Set: https://graviczapa.blogspot.com/2018/07/dark-souls-graviczapa-dark-souls.html 
    HDT bones and xml file by @Team TAL's Dark Souls/Blood Borne assets: https://www.patreon.com/takealook   
    Resplendent Armor HDT PE assets by sarcasticshark: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77315?
    KS Hairdos - HDT Physics bones and xml files: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70363
    Original Link from pan.baidu: https://all-mods.ru/skyrim/novaya-bronya-i-odezhda/skyrim-bronya-iz-dark-souls-darksoulsの防具パック 10種/
    Featured Mods:
    DAR - Dark Souls Animated Armoury by @DKnight13: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/103155
    Draugr Rags Prison Replacer UUNP Bodyslide by @DKnight13: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/102122?tab=posts
    @smokeybear187 for the Gwyndolin Moonlight Set [HDT] shots.
    @Kaioprop for the Ornstein and Artorias shots.

    Special Thanks:
    @Nameless God for providing models and textures for some of the armour sets and weapons!
    Mesh and texturing fix and weight painting by @Siegmeyer Knight of Catarina!
    @Lagrie for the the Dark Set: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=684265063&searchtext=dark+souls
    @ ReGenBot03 for the models and re-texturing of the Dark Souls 01 set: https://regenbot.tistory.com/64
    @Jewpwnicus for letting me post his shield: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81690
    @heiko for the Big Hat Set: https://captain-heiko.tumblr.com/
    @Kiionohi_sky for the Brass Set: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/46018742?tab=about+me
    @Witch King of Angmar for the Balder Knight Set: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=750394354&searchtext=dark+souls



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