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These Skyrim mods are of an adult nature.

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  1. Italian translations by RockMic and other translators

    Elenco di traduzioni del sito LowersLab.
    Traduttori: RockMic, rinoku84, earthguardian, orsonero, Kratoss00, Tiranno71, ssmith.

    Traduzioni Aggiornate dei seguenti mod.  

    Aggiornamento Traduzione.  

    Nuovo Mod Tradotto.  

    Al momento non penso di aggiornare le traduzioni, chiunque può utilizzare i miei file per aggiornare come meglio crede.
    In futuro probabile un ritorno.  

    Questa e solo una Lista delle traduzioni in download divisa per autori ultima versione aggiornata e link al mod originale.  

    Mod di jbezorg
    -Estrus_Chaurus-(vedere compatibilità a SexLab 1.50+ nei mod di Min)(Obsoleto)
    Traduzione in italiano di: Estrus Chaurus 3.35.7
    -SexLab_Theft e Seduzione-
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLab_Theft e Seduction.v2.15:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/176-sexlab-murder-theft-and-seduction/
    Traduzione in italiano di: SD.2013.09.09.01.SexLab
    -SexLab RND-
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLab RND v1.3:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/388-sexlab-rnd/
    -Devious Devices - Gags+ -
    Traduzione in italiano di: Devious Devices - Gags+ v1.3:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/728-devious-devices-gags/
    -Actor Events-
    Traduzione in italiano di: Actor Events v2.22:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/242-actor-events-framework/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "jbezorg"
    Mod di Ashal
    -SexLabFramework-(La traduzione è inclusa direttamente con l'originale)(OK)
    Traduzione in italiano di: Framework v1.60.2 (hotfix 2)
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLabMatchMaker rev7
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Ashal"
    Mod di redneck2x
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLab_Aroused_v20140124:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/307-wip-sexlab-aroused-v20130824/
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLab_LoversComfort_v20131230:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/160-wip-sexlab-lovers-comfort-2013-12-30/
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLab_LoversVictim_v20140106:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/474-wip-lovers-victim-2014-01-06/
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLab_LoversHook_v20140105:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/161-wip-lovers-hook-v2014-01-05/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "redneck2x"
    Mod di shane4244
    -SexLab WorkingGirl-(OK)
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLabWorkingGirl Version .7
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "shane4244"
    Mod di mazoky
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLab_Paycrime_1.03:http://www.loverslab.com/topic/18858-sexlab-paycrime/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "mazoky"
    Mod di Goubo
    Traduzione in italiano di: Defeat-v5.3.5:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/286-sexlab-defeat/
    Si deve ringraziare rinoku84 per aver aggiornato questa traduzione
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Goubo"
    Mod di dkatryl
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLab Submit 01SEP14 1133 (+ Serana Plugin)
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "dkatryl"
    Mod di XAZ
    -PrisonOverhaul-(Obsoleto vedere la versione di INTE)
    Traduzione in italiano di: xazPrisonOverhaul_V033_fix:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/131-prison-overhaul/
    -ZazAnimationPack- (solo mcm)(Trad. da Agg.)
    Traduzione in italiano di: ZazAnimationPack_Main_V0602:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/156-zaz-animation-pack-2013-10-08/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "XAZ"
    Mod di spaceman
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLabRomance v1.0.6
    Tutti i crediti vanno un "spaceman"
    Mod di Bromm83
    -SexLab Horny Followers-
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLab Horny Followers 1.02 beta (maschile e femminile):http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/189-sexlab-horny-followers/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Bromm83"
    Mod di mainfct
    -MF_RadiantProstitution-(vedi mod di korialstraszbob)(Obsoleto)
    Traduzione in italiano di: MF_RadiantProstitution_0.81b
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "mainfct"
    Mod di richard19840706
    Traduzione in italiano di: PrivateNeeds-2.11 (+ patch RND e SexLab) mod originale
    Traduzione in italiano di:PrivateNeeds 3.0Alpha6 e 4.0Alpha1fix italian 1.0:
    Si deve ringraziare orsonero per aver aggiornato questa traduzione che potete trovare qui
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "richard19840706"
    Mod di TheDriedFinger
    -TDF Prostitution and Pimping (l'ex TDF Aggressive Prostitution) - Con ho senza Musica.(OK)
    Traduzione in italiano di: TDF Prostitution and Pimping - v2.2.5.4
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "TheDriedFinger"
    Mod di Guffel
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexWithThieves 1.2:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/442-sexlab-sex-with-thieves/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Guffel"
    mod di flyingtoasters
    Traduzione in italiano di: HentaiCreaturesv1.04:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/430-
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "flyingtoasters"
    Mod di korialstraszbob
    -Radiant Prostitution Tweaked-(vedi mod di WraithSlayer)(Obsoleto)
    Traduzione in italiano di: Radiant Prostitution Tweaked 1.08b
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "korialstraszbob" e l'autore del mod "mainfct"
    Mod di Skyrimll
    -SexLab-MindControl- (no mcm)(Trad. da Agg.)
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLab-MindControl-0.7c
    Tutti i crediti vanno a Skyrimll
    Per questa traduzione i crediti vanno a ssmith
    Mod di Arizona_Steve
    -SC07SexLabRandomAttack-(Trad. da Agg.)
    Traduzione in italiano di: SC07SexLabRandomAttack (2014/06/29):http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/395-random-sex-mod-for-sexlab-
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Arizona_Steve"
    Mod di Zadil
    - Devious Devices - Assets -(OK)
    Traduzione in italiano di: Devious Devices-Assets-v3.0d
    Aggiornamento della traduzione a cura di orsonero
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Zadil"
    Mod di Min
    -Devious Devices - Integration-(OK)
    Traduzione in Italiano di: Devious Devices-Integration-v3.3b
    Aggiornamento della traduzione a cura di orsonero
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Min"
    -Estrus_Chaurus-(Vedi mod di Bane_Master)(obsoleto)
    Traduzione in Italiano di:EstrusChaurus-v3.36
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "jbezorg" per quanto riguarda gli aggiornamenti di compatibilità con SexLab v1.50 o superiore si ringrazia Min.
    Mod di Srende
    -Deviously Helpless-
    Traduzione in italiano di: Deviously Helpless 1.15d:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/829-deviously-helpless/
    -Devious Regulations-
    Traduzione in italiano di: Devious Regulations v1.7e:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/494-devious-regulations/
    Traduzione in italiano di: FillHerUp-v1.00
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Srende"
    Mod di hydragorgon
    Traduzione in italiano di: hyd_sg_811:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/828-hyd-sg-8057z/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "hydragorgon"
    Mod di TheDudeGuy
    -SpousesEnhanced- (Serana non ancora)(Trad. da Agg.)
    Traduzione in italiano di:SpousesEnhanced_version1.41:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/657-spouses-enhanced/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "TheDudeGuy"
    Mod di badmi
    -FreeMem- (Qualora l'autore lo richieda questa traduzione verrà immediatamente tolta)
    Traduzione in italiano di: FreeMem_1.2
    Qui potete consultare il thread di "asenasen"per il supporto in inglese
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "badmi"
    Mod di Ep1cL3w7z
    -SexLab Werewolves-(OK)
    Traduzione in italiano di: SexLab Werewolves 3.0 Beta 5:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/490-sexlab-werewolves/
    Si ringrazia rinoku84 per aver aggiornato questa traduzione.
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Ep1cL3w7z"
    Mod di zacko
    -submitdd_ff-(con e senza espansione)
    Traduzione in italiano di: submitdd_ff_1.5.1
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "zacko"
    Mod di b3lisario
    -SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim - (Scaricate direttemente l'originale con la traduzione)(OK)
    Traduzione in italiano di: SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim - 3.00.004
    Tutti i crediti vanno a VectorPlexus, Smurfette e B3lisario.
    I crediti per la traduzione sono per Tiranno71
    Mod di Ms Leeches
    Traduzione in italiano di:mslDeviousCaptures2.51:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/804-devious-captures/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Ms Leeches"
    Mod di milzschnitte
    -BeeingFemale-(Trad. da Agg.)
    Traduzione in italiano di:BeeingFemale 2.4
    Aggiornamento della traduzione a cura di orsonero
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "milzschnitte"
    Mod di ojanen
    -SexLab Stop Combat-
    Traduzione in italiano di:SexLab Stop Combat 1.02:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1057-sexlab-stop-combat/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "ojanen"
    Mod di pchs
    -MoreBanditCamps - SexSlaves-
    Traduzione in italiano di:MoreBanditCamps - SexSlaves 20140827:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1336-sex-slaves-for-more-bandit-camps/
    Traduzione in italiano di:SexSlavesForVanillaBandits 20140829:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1341-sex-slaves-for-vanilla-bandit-camps/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "pchs"
    Mod di stobor
    -Devious Cidhna-
    Traduzione in italiano di:Devious Cidhna v1.41:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1052-devious-cidhna-aug-23-2014/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "stobor"
    Mod di Kimy
    -Deviously Cursed Loot-(Attenzione file pex vedere installazione sotto)
    Traduzione in italiano di:Deviously Cursed Loot V1.6:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1216-deviously-cursed-loot/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Kimy"
    Mod di irquih
    -DD_Restrained-(Attenzione File pex vedere installazione sotto)(si lo sò la traduzione dell'mcm e parziale)
    Traduzione in italiano di:DD_Restrained-0.10.0:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1142-dd-restrainedrar/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "irquih"
    Mod di Coopervane
    -Devious Devices - Expansion-(OK)
    Traduzione in italiano di:DDx-v121
    Aggiornamento della traduzione a cura di orsonero
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Coopervane"
    Mod di darkconsole
    -display-model-(Attenzione File pex vedere installazione sotto)
    Traduzione in italiano di:display-model-9:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1255-ill-take-the-display-model/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "darkconsole"
    Mod di Lother
    -HDT Piercingsets-
    Traduzione in Italiano di:HDT Piercingsets v2-6:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/836-hdt-piercingsets-26-for-bodyslide/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Lother"
    Mod di chajapa
    Traduzione in Italiano di:GotMilck-v2.1:http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1655-gotmilk/
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "chajapa"
    Mod di fishburger67
    -SexLab Sex Slaves-
    Traduzione in italiano eseguita interamente da orsonero di:SexLab Sex Slaves 5.2: che potete tovare qui
    mod originale
    -Sexlab Aroused Redux-
    Traduzione in italiano eseguita da orsonero di:Sexlab Aroused Redux 21:direttamente nel mod originale
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "fishburger67"
    Mod di Bane_Master
    -Estrus Chaurus-(per il menu MCM utilizzare quello della mia vecchia versione)(OK)
    Traduzione in italiano di Estrus Chaurus+ 4.20a
    Eseguita da Kratoss00 che potete trovare qui
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Bane_Master" e ovviamente "jbezorg"
    Mod di WraithSlayer
    -Radiant Prostitution-(OK)
    Traduzione in italiano di Radiant Prostitution 3.2.2
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "WraithSlayer" e "korialstraszbob" specialmente all'autore "mainfct"
    Mod di Quisling
    -Further Lover's Comfort-(OK)
    Traduzione in italiano di Further Lover's Comfort 2015-10-08 & Release Candidate 20151008 / RC8
    Eseguita da Kratoss00 che potete trovare qui
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "Quisling"
    Mod di BeamerMiasma
    -SexLab Eager NPCs-(OK) (Permesso ancora non concesso si spera che l'autore risponda)
    Traduzione in italiano di SexLab Eager NPCs_20150928 (Attenzione contiene file pex) Usare versione Cinese con file sciolti.
    Traduzione in italiano eseguita da rinoku84, earthguardian
    Tutti i crediti vanno a "BeamerMiasma"
    Mod di INTE
    -xazPrisonOverhaul_Patch- (OK)(Attenzione file pex.)
    Traduzione in italiano di xazPrisonOverhaul_V033 Patch 8 Zeta
    Aggiornata da rinoku84 versione completa.
    Tutti i crediti vanno a ZAX e INTE per la Patch.
    Installazione traduzione che contiene file pex (sono gli scripts del gioco originale)
    Io ho notato che installando questo tipo di traduzione su un mod già avviato può succedere di non vedere la traduzione del menù.
    Quindi vi consiglio di sè avete il mod già installato di disinstallarlo fare un pulito salva e reistallarlo insieme alla traduzione.
    Sè non avete mai installato il mod originale non c'è nessun problema.
    Didascalie informazioni.
    (OK) mod originale e traduzione aggiornati per funzionare con l'ultima versione di SexLab.
    (Obsoleto) mod originale e traduzione che non lavorano con l'ultimo SexLab oppure sono stati aggiornati da un altro Autore di mod.(Vedi mod di "nome")
    (Trad. da agg.) traduzione da aggiornare utilizzare solo se si à la stessa versione dell'originale.
    Possibili Traduzioni e aggiornamenti a richiesta.
    Ringraziamenti Speciali.
    jbezorg e stato il mio punto di riferimento quando sono approdato in questo sito, grazie.
    orsonero e Kratoss00, rinoku84i particolare per prendersi cura degli aggiornamenti grazie.
    Ovviamente il Grande "Ashal" per averci regalato SexLab.
    LowersLab per avermi permesso di rilasciare queste traduzioni.
    Si ringrazia Inoltre, Bethesda per The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.



  2. Zaz Animation Pack V7.0 [2017-05-16]

    ZaZ Animation Pack

    ZaZ And XaZ


    Foreword by (ZaZ)

    We have come a long way. The ZaZ Animation Pack is a Master Mod to so many Independent Mods here on LoversLab , I honestly never realized it would get to such a level. This all thanks to my Partner in Crime XaZ, without his effort and his scripts this mod would be just a Master Mod where other Mods draw Animations from.

    "Why we do what we do ?" Short and Simple Answer is because we enjoy doing it. We are not Professional 3d Graphics Designers, Animators or Coders this is more of a Hobby for us.








    This mod may contain Full Nudity, BDSM, Fetish, Sexual Stuff and therefore Adult Content! Don't download and use this mod if you don't like this sort of theme and/or not allowed to......IF THAT'S NOT YOUR TASTE, SKIP IT!!!



    Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS by Fore ( Always the Latest Version )

    Skyrim SexLab - Sex Animation Framework by Ashal


    Highly Recommended - One of these

    XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended 2.06+ by Groovtama (Use this if you are using HDT and NOT using the Milk Machine)
    XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended 1.93 Legacy Edition by Groovtama (Use this if you are NOT using HDT and ARE using the Milk Machine)
    XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS by xp32



    1. Drop the data pack into your steam Skyrim folder. You can use Any Mod Manager of your Choice
    2. Activate the ESM file in NMM or similar.
    3. Run the FNIS GENERATION TOOL "GenerateFNISforUsers.exe". For more info, look here http://skyrim.nexusm...com/mods/11811.
    (There isn't a version without FNIS. If you're going to Mod your Game you need to be a little proactive and poke around for Answers)
    4. Enable the ZazAnimationPack.esm file.
    5. You Can use SkyUI(optional) to tweak/Change the settings to you're liking of the ZaZ Animation Pack
    6. Enjoy the mod (optional)

    Note for Mod Makers

    Please, Don't Pack ZaZ Texture Folders into Your Mods Unless your Using a BSA .This Is Because I'm Constantly Updating the Textures to Better Ones.


    Giving Credit

    Honestly, We don't expect much from anyone who wants to use these Assets in his/her Mods. All We want is to know where they are being used and mostly likely a link. So We can take a look too. So Please let Us know if you're using stuff from here.

    Thank you



    XaZ - Scripting and Animations . Bulk Creation Kit Work Over All In-charge of the ZaZ Animation Pack
    ZaZ - Animations and 3d Meshes.
    Fore - For Creating A Way Get Custom Animations into Skyrim, without his Excellent Mod FNIS This Wouldn't Be possible at all.
    Figment - hklxcmd ( Havok Commandline Tools )
    Skyfox - NifTools Utilities (Nif Convert /Chunk Merge)
    Zadil - Devious Asset Gag
    Zt11rauss - German translation (nexus link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/4616070/?)
    LeitoAnimation base for modified SexLab animations
    ZynAnimation base for modified SexLab animations
    ArrokAnimation base for modified SexLab animations

    Texture Resources:
    Mr.Dave Texture Resources - SkyrimNexus
    Scabeater's Free Textures - Deviant Art
    Mateusnroll Rope Pattern - Deviant Art
    LordZulten Wood Texture - LoversLab
    TSS5062's Fluid Textures - LoversLab (He has Created a lot of new Droplets Textures and Animated Puddles)
    CG Textures Some Textures - http://www.cgtextures.com/
    Notable Mentions:
    GSBModders - As Always, His Meshes/Textures give the Start of My Mods.
    Jbezorg - Made Spells , Just For Me On Request to Test 2 Person Animations - Cheers And Kudos
    Labrat - Translated the Blender Animation Text For Skyrim (I never Mentioned His Name Before , But its because of that text I Started with Skyrim)
    Kalarr - For Helping Me Find Out the animation Numbering and Creating an Animation Pictorial Set , I will Add More and Update his Set. ( Older Credit )
    Bethesda - Yea Thank you For Such Awesome Games and Giving us a Creation Kit.
    The Usual Suspects Mayatola, Equidical and Many More
    The 4 People who Contributed to help me build a Decent Desktop since my Laptop gave up on me and died and was able to complete V6.00(I have something special planned )


    I have a paypal account , Donations are welcome but not mandatory.

    I could use it to upgrade some PC parts here and there from time to time


    Quick preview



    Full Change logs




  3. [WiP] Succubus Punch

    Succubus Punch
    Please note that many of the things posted here are still a WIP and some are nothing more than an idea just yet.
    The general Idea...
    ...of this mod is to make it possible to play as succubus/incubus (from now on i will only write succubus, but both should be applicable). Being a succubus should be a viable and interesting option in combat and also when roaming around in cities. The former will by done by creating spells that increase the arousal of enemies and by making it possible to drain health from enemies when the enemies are aroused. The implementation of the latter is still very vague, but one idea is to limit health regeneration and to force the player to visit towns to regen their health by sucking lifeforce.
    The main design consideration is that the player is a demon and that people will recognize you as such. Therefore when in combat it should not be possible to initiate sex with an enemy and to steal his lifeforce while the other enemies just sit and wait for you to finish. When there is only one enemy left and the succubus is strong enough to seduce him then this should be possible. At higher levels the succubus might even become strong enough to seduce multiple enemies at the same time. Tthis principle and the focus on combat is what will hopefully set this mod aside from other succubi mods.
    The mechanics so far...
    ...consist of two spells: Arouse and Lifeforce drain. Arouse increases the arousal of the target and forces them to masturbate when their arousal has reached the arousalcap (Forces a sexlab animation). Lifeforce drain allows the player to suck the lifeforce of enemies that are having sex/masturbating (only when in sexlab animation). Add them with commands.
    Further ideas include (This section has been expandced to give a more clear idea of where this mod hopefully will go):
    The succubus will start as a low level demon with a very limited set of powers. As the succubus earns levels, skill/perk point can be assignmend in three categories: Body, Mind and Magic. These three categories should hopefully represent all the different skills and powers that a powerful succubus should be able to master. Most of the skill names and some of the ideas were taken from: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Succubus_Physiology. How this will be exactly implemented has not yet been decided.
    red = unimplemented, yellow = implemented but needs refining, green = done
    The body categorie focusses on the development of the succubusses body in to a sexual and attractive body. All these skills are passive.
    - Pheromone manipulation: passive arousal increase of npcs.
    - Supernatural beauty: passive arousal increase of npcs.
    - Supernatural power: faster health/magicka/stamina regeneration.
    (- hypnotic breasts: undefined)
    The magic categorie focusses on magic skills that the succubus will be able to learn. Some of these skills are active and some passive.
    - Sexual empowerment: get a temporary bonus from having had sex.
    - Seductive magnetism: passive arousal increase for npcs.
    - Subliminal seduction: active arousal increase for npcs.
    - Lifeforce drain: active health drain spell (player not in sex act).
    - Tantric metabolization: passive health drain spell (player in sex act).
    (- A passive skill that does an automatic drain (only for high levels)
    The mind categorie focusses on stealing the succubusses mind. Limiting the own arousal increase and increasing combat skills.
    - Sexual stimulation combat: fighting with fists will increase the arousal of the target npcs.
    - Force of mind: limit own arousal increase
    - Succubus queen: a high level skill that allows the succubus to get a succubus follower
    Other notes:
    In the beginning the succubus will not be able to control her own arousal therefore this needs implementing:
    - Faster arousal increase for player
    - A passive skill that increases arousal when enemies hit the player
    (force rape when arousal to high)
    - Make spells increase magic skill
    - Limit effects of supernatural beauty when not nude
    This is my first ever mod so feel free to come with suggestions for bug fixes and or implementation improvements. I am also very interested to see what you want to see in a succubus mod and maybe we can come up with some nice mechanics. So please leave a message.
    (BTW let me know if the provided files work for you. They do for me but i dont know if they do for you)
    Known Bugs:
    - The healthbar does not always show up when using lifeforce drain (Seems to work now for some reason, but will have to confirm)
    - Sometimes strange things happen to the bodies of targets that die from lifeforcedrain/when in sexlab animation
    - Sexual stimulation combat might turn brawls in to real fights (as it uses a cloak spell). Turn this skill off if when that happens.
    - Sexlab arousal
    Suggested mods:
    - SLA monitor widget (this mod makes the arousal level visible, so you know something is happening)



  4. MBHROP: Male Body Hair Racemenu Overlays Plug-in

    This small Racemenu plug-in file is my first mod that I've ever 'created', with help of automated
    vwr Racemenu Mod Maker (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49349/).
    It includes some variants of overlay files of male (not female) body hairs, comprising of chest, armpit, arms, pubes, back, butt, legs, and hands.
    # 43 variants of the body hair in sum (0.5a)
    As for the color balance of the body hair/ vanilla hair color and the pattern of body hairs (where the body hair is to be added), check the following albums:
    Body Hair Color - Vanilla Hair Color: http://imgur.com/a/sQcNu Pattern of the Body Hairs Added (v 0.51): http://imgur.com/a/8hodD


    The body hair textures had been adapted from other original modder's resource files, like .psd file of Bodyhair Nude Male HD by MysticBinary82 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/265/) and that of SOS - Custom Body Textures for Schlongs of Skyrim by Lord Skass (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39609/).
    What I did was just to tweak their colors, and to add alpha channel in order to be susceptible to the color change of Racemenu.


    I reduced their maximum resolution to 2K (2048x2048) (due to be handled by my potato laptop), sorry.
    Yes, you can change your PC's body hairs' color of this small plug-in in accordance with your male PC's hair color or any other color as you like.
    Possible Incompatibilities:
    I found that 'UVMAP' of the male body 'overlay' is allegedly based on better male (FS version) regardless of the body texture. So.....
    I desperately tried, but failed miserably in applying hair overlay to the groin area (between the genital and male body mesh) to reduce the seam between them. In order to hide the seam (when you add more pubes hair on your PC's crotch), I instead recommend to use the genital re-texture of: Vitruvia - Skin texture overhaul for males (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82948/) that has very thick black public hair around the crotch (to hide the seam between the textures). In The latest build of Racemenu (3.4.5), the face overlay function is by default disabled due to some CTD possibilities when get decapitated.


    Updating (since v 0.2+)
    Just overwriting the file from my old pack would be suffice. You don't have to uninstall the plug-in just for update.
    Recommended mods to be used together with this plug-in:
    Showracemenu Precache Killer: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33526/ Vitruvia - Skin texture overhaul for males (for possible mismatch between SoS genital and Pubes): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82948/


    For my part, I'm happy if you wish to re-use my part of contribution of this pack without any inquired permission. Some (in fact, almost whole) of the assets (textures), especially since v 0.5+, however, are not my works. They actually belong to the mod authors credited below. Thus, you have to get permission from the original authors (Lord Skass, concerning the files with the suffix _ls) first if you wish to utilize his assets in this pack for your own creation.


    Bodyhair Nude Male HD by MysticBinary82 (for body hair): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/265/ SOS - Custom Body Textures for Schlongs of Skyrim by Lord Skass (for additional body hair assets in v 0.5+): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39609/ vwr Racemenu Mod Maker by vwr: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49349/ PapyrusCompilerPlus by by Amadar: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74672/



  5. Slick Silk Body (Preset)

    SlickSilk Bodyslide Preset


    Using this preset you will be able to build the bodytype which I've made into your game using Bodyslide.
    Version 3.0 now includes two different presets, one for the COS Body and another one for UUNP Special, both of which have been tested and confirmed working.
    I've created this bodyslide preset because I could never find one that I liked. This bodyslide preset aims to have a wide range of bust and butt sizes on your female characters, without making them look completely ridiculous. I also tested the body to the best of my ability so that it remains stable and has the least ammount of clipping as well as good collisions during sex animations. It's impossible to have a body which suits all animations but I did what I could. This preset gives you a lot of variety without having to replace your body type everytime you want to change your character's proportions.
    I recommend using HeroedeLeyenda's "All In One HDT Animated Pussy" body replacer mod with "Option B- Naturalistic Jiggle" for best results.
    Check the spoiler for different weight sizes.

    Preview GIFs (Click for HQ):

    Installation Instructions:
    Unpack the .rar file into your Skyrim data folder.
    If you use MO I find it best to extract it into the Bodyslide and Outfit Studio mod folder.
    If you use the COS Body, make sure you uncheck the vagina "WALL". This will enable the 3D vagina and you'll have better collision effects.



  6. Xuniana's Underwear Stockings HDT Bodyslide

    A CBBE HDT conversion for Xuniana's Underwear Stockings outfit, original files required.
    Original files are packed in .bsa form so you'll have to unpack them. i've included a modified .esp file that adds weight slider support as the original does not support weight slider.
    All credit goes to Xuniana, of course.



  7. [Modder's Resource] Sex Voices Sorted

    What these are:
    Three sets of female sex voices (two taken from Lovers with PK and one from Nusbie's pack) sorted into folders. Numbered folders are grouped by perceived intensity, there's a folder for orgasm sounds, and one for pain/rape sounds.

    What's the point?
    I've always felt the Med-Mild-Hot system for voices was a little weak, so, in Oblivion and Fallout New Vegas, I'd created sound mods (for personal use) that would allow for a little more gradation, allowing for a more gradual/controlled shift when going "from 0 to 60," so to speak. That meant finding voice packs that worked with the system, and sorting the files into appropriate categories.

    Since the idea was touched on in the SexLab Separate Orgasm thread, I thought I would save folks the trouble of having to sort the files themselves and upload the three that I made. Consider it an example, or a resource for making a more detailed sex voice system. To the best of my knowledge (it's been a while), nothing is really new in this pack, other than how the files are organized.



  8. Large Gibbet with Door

    Simple Longer cage for standing inside with door.



  9. Funnybizness' True DragonBorn Combat Animations

    Created most one handed animations to look more like a BADASS DRAGONBORN instead of the average human scared to be cut.



  10. Saadia Iman

    Saadia Iman
    This is a replacer for Saadia, the redguard working in Whiterun's Inn, The Bannered Mare.
    Apart from being beautiful Saadia can follow you in your adventures. Warning!! It is recommended do make her follow you AFTER you have completed her quest In My Time Of Need.... otherwise you might break your game.
    Combat Style
    As for her body and textures she will use any body/texture you have installed.
    She is essential and marriageable
    Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/?
    Lind's Human Eyes by Lind001 - LindsWorkshop : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75674/?
    KS Hairdos - Renewal by Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shocky : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?
    Mods Used In Screenshots
    chakaru 1001 nights : google it (don't remember where i got it from )
    Khune - Redguard House by Elianora : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59227/?
    UNP Minidresses Collection by Tiwa44 : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47376/?
    You can not use assets from this mod to your own as it contains assets from other authors's mod.
    You can not upload it to other sites or use it for profit.



  11. Mynitha Silverstorm

    Character Lore:
    Mynitha Silverstorm is the little sister of Lilithya. She grew up with her older sister in Markarth. Mynitha can't really remember her parents, because she was to young when they left the family. She is the more calmer of the two sisters, and tried to change the more rebellious spirit of her sister.
    She went at the age of 21 to Solitude, meeting her mother and joining the Imperial Legion.
    Then later on she went to the College of Winterhold, to learn more about magic, sometimes even meeting her sister. She really loves her older sister, but don't understand the way she went.
    Mynitha can be found in Solitude, in the Winking Skeever.
    Weapon: Staff of Chainlightning
    Armor: Apprentice Mage Robes of Destruction
    Combatstyle: Storm Mage
    Spells: Chain Lighting, Close Wounds, Ironflesh, Lightning Cloak, Sparks, Thunderbolt, Greater Ward
    Perks: Regeneration, Magic Resistance (70), Mage Armor (70), Augmented Schock, Stability, Respite
    If you find Bugs please tell me :3
    Eyes: The Eyes of Beauty by Gabriel Mailhot as LogRaam
    Skin: PureSkinTexture by Anini n Regenbot03
    Brows: Brows by Hvergelmir
    The Ningheim Race by Seren4XX HelloSanta Urshi and co
    Hair: ApachiiSkyHair by Apachii
    RaceMenu by Expired
    Bodytype: DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99
    Make A Follower Workshop MAFKit 2017 by Ashes2Asherz



  12. Norace Scion

    New : CBBE HDT Body added
    *If someone downloaded the first file sorry for the inconvinience i fixed it and reuploaded it... Sorry again..
    Follower Lore
    Norace was born in High Rock where she grew up as an airheaded and spoiled girl. Her father was working as an ambassador in the court of King Torygg but with the death of Torygg her father along with Norace where kicked out of Solitude. As they were trying to return to High Rock someone told them that there was space for them in his carriage. Relieved they travelled with the stranger until they arrived outside of the Abandoned Prison.... The stranger turned to them and under his gaze both of them fall asleep..... Norace woke up feeling weak and dizzy... "Ohhh... Good morning sweety!" said the strange man... Then, Norace noticed that his eyes were red... "He is a vampire!!!" she thought paralysed in fear.... "So old man.... Have you thought my proposal?" said the vampire without averting his eyes from her.... "....Yes....." risponded her father weakly...... "And your answer is?" asked the vampire.... "Keep her and spare my life..." said her father without looking at her.... "Father?" said Norace.. "What do you mean?".... "Alright then worm, leave us! As for you my sweety we have much to do..." said the vampire while licking his lips.... As her father was leaving Norace's screams filled the whole prison..... Some months later the vampire didn't return to the prison, but Norace didn't care, her life was lost along with her humanity....
    Follower Info
    Race: Scion(Breton)
    Weight: 50
    Location: Abandoned Prison
    Combat: Spellsword
    Spells: Ice Storm, Vampiric Drain
    Levels With Player
    Oufiit: Prisoner Rags
    DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99 : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/?
    KS Hairdos - Renewal by Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shocky : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?
    Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/?
    HDT Bounce and Jiggles UNP by Knightmare077 : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72030/?
    HDT Physics Extensions by HydrogensaysHDT : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53996/?
    Realistic Ragdolls and Force by dDefinder : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/601/?
    BodySlide and Outfit Studio by Ousnius and Caliente : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015/?
    XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE by Groovtama : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000/?
    RaceMenu by Expired : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/?
    Vampire Fangs for non vampire race : http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3054-vampire-fangs-for-non-vampire-race/
    Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- by Ousnius and Caliente : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/?
    Mods Used On Screeshots
    MK Poser(google it)
    Face Light by tktk : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13457/?
    Gwelda Armor Pack UNP by Deserter X : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56998/?
    Anub's and Leito's Animations
    CMO - Complete Male Overhaul - Skyrim's Men Reimagined by Mok Chaoticran : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54568/?
    SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim 3.00.004 : http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/498-sos-schlongs-of-skyrim/
    You can not use any of this mod's assets on your own because they contain the work of other authors (Seriously Be Cool)
    You can not upload it on other sites or use it to make profit....(Whenever money is involved it spoils the fun)
    P.S. I am sorry if my screenshots's textures give you a heart attack my pc barely can fuction on medium resolution....



  13. Corpus d' Oro

    Hi! I have been using this preset for a long time and i thought i would share it with you!!
    It can be used for Unp Body.
    Mods Used On Screenshots
    Fair Skin Complexion HDT Bounce And Jiggles KS Hairdos Renewal FET MK Poser



  14. Sybille Stentor Awakened

    "I've seen Jarls come and go."
    "I have so very many ways to deal with people, very few of them pleasant."
    "Filthy creatures, aren't they? Living in the darkness, like they do. So uncivilized. I prefer finery."
    Most of the Jarls of Solitude had become High Kings of Skyrim ruling its lands each with his own ways....But what if someone was pulling the strings of those HIgh Kings from the shadows...
    This is a replacer for Sybille Stentor the court wizard of Solitude. When i met her i thought that her character fitted the image of a Noble Vampire but her appearance didn't.
    Changed her race from bretonracevampire to bretonrace to get rid of the ugly vampire face and eyes
    Changed her weight from 20 to zero, this might cause a seam on the hands, in order to fix it press the button to enter the console command menu, click sybille and type setnpcweight 0, then type disable and then enable.
    Since she was flagged as vampire before she is bound to conflict with any mods that alter the appearance of vampires(e.g. Better Vampire Fangs and Eyes) if you want to keep her as the mod intended install her after any mod that alters the appearance of vampires.
    She uses Unp Body.
    Latest Version of Skyrim
    DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99 : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/?
    KS Hairdos - Renewal by Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shocky : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68311/?
    Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/?
    Lind's Human Eyes by Lind001 - LindsWorkshop : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75674/?
    RaceMenu by Expired : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/?
    Vampire Fangs for non vampire race : http://www.loverslab.com/topic/64423-vampire-fangs-for-non-vampire-race/
    *if i forgot anyone i am sorry, send me a message to credit you respectively
    Special Thanks to the authors who permitted me to use assets from their mods for Sybille's outfit
    TM BallGown conversion by zzjay for UNP by zzjay : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25873/?
    Ave's Radiant Jewelry alpha 0.3 : http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3764-aves-radiant-jewelry/
    UNP Boots 02 by Petrovich : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22732/?
    You Can NOT use assets from this mod to make your own since they include assets from other authors's mods
    You Can NOT upload this mod to other sites or use it to gain profit.



  15. SOS Equipable Horse Cocks


    This mod adds five different textured equipable schlongs of skyrim horse cocks.

    This version comes with the equipables:
    - Horse Cock (Skin Tint) (This uses the players character skin colors)
    - Horse Cock Natural
    - Horse Cock Gray
    - Horse Cock Black
    - Horse Cock Blue

    - Horse Cock Flared (Skin Tint)
    - Horse Cock Flared Natural
    - Horse Cock Flared Gray

    This is my first mod so feedback and suggestions are always welcome!
    I'm not a very good modeler so an extra thanks to the Creature features creator "Leito86?" for the base model and textures.

    If you want it added to the strapon list, Shakrum has made a strapon patcher that can be found here.


    1. SOS (CHOOSE ONE):
    Schlongs Of Skyrim
    - OR SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim - Light (Tested with)

    2. Custom Skeleton Replacers SOS Edition (Tested With "Basic 1")

    3. UNP or CBBE Body (CHOOSE ONE):
    CBBE female body (Tested With)
    - OR UNP female body


    MODS YOU REALLY SHOULD HAVE (To have fun and not be disappointed)

    1. SOS - RaceMenu for changeing penis size and shape (cocks are small by default)
    - SOS - RaceMenu
    It requires that you have RaceMenu (Console Command to open is "showracemenu")

    2. SexLab SexAnimations and more.
    - SexLab. Sex scenes should trigger erection and flaccid states



    - First install the required mods and its requirements. When installing SOS it doesn't matter the options you choose

    - If you use NMM say no to update. For manual installation drop the archive contents into the Skyrim data folder and overwrite if prompted. Then activate the esp file in your mod manager.



    Console: help "Horse Cock"
    Console: Player.additem <id of item> <how many> (Example: "Player.additem D0001E2C 1")



    - Horse Cock are small unless changed using the SOS Race Menu



    Creature features creator "Leito86?" for the base model and textures.
    SOS - Equipable Schlong for settings and clues on how evrything works (and most of the installation description above).
    SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim for making the awesome dick framework
    Thanks to Vivi for her specular maps and super nicley tweaked settings!
    Thanks to EvilReFlex for the normal map!
    And thanks to all the other modders out there that make all this possible, love ya.



    Thanks to Vivi for this beautiful draenei artwork! Check out her other work here.



  16. Hairy Orcs for SOS

    This mod is for those who want their orc men to be hairy, but would rather not have the other elves and humans hairy, as well. This was suggested to me and I loved the idea, so I just know we can't be the only two wanting this. If this is already available and I've somehow overlooked it, please let me know and I'll link it here.



    This mod requires
    SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim and all of its dependencies.

    If you use SOS Light, you cannot use the schlong addons, so you will have issues with that unless you use underwear. Just be warned of that.


    - MAIN FILE -

    SOS Hairy Orcs

    If you use the underwear rather than any schlongs, please install only this file.



    Hairy Orcs Muscular schlong

    You must have the VectorPlexus Muscular schlong installed for the addon to work properly, or you will have issues.

    Hairy Orcs Regular schlong

    You must have the VectorPlexus Regular schlong installed for the addon to work properly, or you will have issues.


    - HOW TO -

    Install with NMM?

    Download the NMM file available in the downloads section.

    Refer to this post


    Make sure all orcs use only these schlongs?

    In SOS' in-game mod menu, go to your other addons and turn off orcs and orc vampires.

    Restart SOS if you're actively having issues on a scale wider than one guy.

    For a stubborn individual, select the dude who's got the wrong one and manually give him the hairy schlong.



    BadDog's Orc Schlong

    Let me know of any other hairy schlongs unique to orcs and they'll be added to this list.

    I have no current plans right now to create a Smurf schlong for these orcs, but if it's requested, I might.



    Thank you for giving me your time, any feedback is greatly appreciated, since this is my first public mod!!

    If you have other texture separations you'd like to see, please suggest them at the original [now re-purposed] post

    Otherwise, if you'd like to have the smurf schlong or have texture suggestions or requests for the orcs specifically, let me know in this thread.



  17. CBBE Chubby + Black Forest Ver

    Add Hairy Pubic Hair to Chubby Body
    Update 1.1
    Adjust Pubic Hair to make it more hairy around vagina.
    Update 1.2
    Correct body weight and neck seam



  18. Fox 42 - 46 - CBBE - HDT - BodySlide - Zaps by Fox

    Fox 42 - 46 - CBBE - HDT - BodySlide - Zaps by Fox

    This is a body conversion of the UNP body for CBBE body.
    * CBBE + HDT.
    * BodySlide for All Set.
    * No Restriction - Daedric Rating.
    * Fox 46 Pack: 3x Cuirass - Shin Guards - Bracelets - Circlet.
    * Fox 42 Pack: 2x Clothes - Hat - Bracelets - 3x Boots.
    This armor began very easy, but in the course of the conversion gave a work of the hells. It has a very delicate and compressed structure then move from the UNP body to the CBBE without destroying the bone structure is very complicated, it took me a day to convert practically a single armor. What I can say is that it became formidable and you're sure to like it! I tested with lots of animations it was perfect and the hat is compatible with many models of hairstyles. All rights reserved for fox6000. Have fun guys!

    Where to find?

    Found in Riverwood - Riverwood Trader.

    Inside a bag to the left next to the barrels that are below the stairs.

    Required Mods
    The Body
    Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition - CBBE - by Ousnius Jeir and Caliente
    BodySlide and Outfit Studio
    BodySlide and Outfit Studio by Ousnius and Caliente
    The Skeleton
    XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE by Groovtama
    It is extremely important that you use a skeleton to make the body look better and smoother curves, already I recommend this skeleton. If you do not use this or another skeleton I can not guarantee the functionality of this mod or a body similar to the pictures, because the design of the meshes were made through this skeleton.
    HDT Physics Extension
    HDT Physics Extensions by HydrogensaysHDT

    BodySlide Outfit 2

    Check if all the mod's are properly installed including optional files from BodySlide Outfit 2.

    Racemenu Morphs for CBBE.

    Pre-built CBBE HDT + Morphs or Pre-build CBBE + Morphs.

    Open BodySlide Outfit.

    Load armor through the group.

    Select the "Build Morphs".

    Press the "Batch Build".

    Select all parts of the armor and press "Build".

    All Right!


    Video by Kshahdoo/TornFlesh


    Vídeo by Skajrim


    Installation Tips: Read only if you are experiencing difficulties and need help with the installation process.

    Complete installation of all mod's: Not necessarily in that order at some points, but following that way you will not have problems.



  19. Yvette Follower

    Yvette is a standard follower using the female sultry voice and is well armed with daedric weapons. Not OP, but she is a very strong follower and will level with you to 200. She has a custom UUNP HDT body and armor and comes in 2 sizes. The first 2 screens are the version named Yvette, the next 2 are Yvette smaller. Choose one, they will not work together.
    While no other mods are required and she and her attire will appear exactly the same in a totally vanilla game, her body and armor are custom UUNP HDT with breast collision enabled. So if you have SKSE and HDT Physics Extension it will greatly enhance her!
    She can be found in the Old Hroldan Inn between Markarth and Rorikstead and is open to marriage.
    The mod uses no scripts so it shouldn't conflict with anything, but PM me if you encounter any bugs. I'll correct it ASAP.
    I have included custom files for the default bbp and female idle. I strongly urge you to back up your data/skse and data/actors/character/animations folders before installing. In case you don't like my files you'll have your current ones. If you don't have custom animations and don't like the idle just delete those folders. It won't harm anything.
    Zenna11, who has kindly allowed me to use (and do a horrible hack job on) the Zenna Armor . Thank you!
    Petrov for her boots.
    Caliente for Bodyslide
    Fore for FNIS and making custom animations possible
    The team at SKSE for making anything possible.
    The LL community for sharing so many killer mods I enjoy, and allowing me to share my humble contribution,
    My personal body meshes, textures, default idle and bpp are free to use however you please. All other assets belong to their respective authors and you must get permission from them to use. You may not upload this mod to any other site without my permission.



  20. Gem Bikini CBBE Bodyslide HDT Conversion

    Gem Bikini Conversion for CBBE Bodyslide HDT
    update 1.2 fix folder path
    Requirements Original file
    Arrow and Knee Team Gem Bikini - http://modtype.doorblog.jp/archives/40397411.html
    Credit & Thank
    Arrow and Knee Team - original author of this armor
    Ousnius and Caliente - for CBBE body and Bodyslide Outfit Studio
    update 1.2 fix folder path



  21. SOS schlong for females and males - Penzor addon

    Just a new addon for SOS for females and males.
    Big, extra thick, and veiny.
    Inspired by some Futamagus works.
    Female archive contains
    Two version of the mod - with balls and without balls.
    Custom made textures and normals.
    Textures made for match to FairSkin (still visible seams).
    BodySlide data for customization.
    Male archive contains
    One version of the mod (only with balls).
    Custom made normals, textures - modified SoS VectorPlexus Regular.
    BodySlide data for customization.
    Equipable version archive contains
    Standalone equipable schlongs - no SOS or main mod requirements. For males and females (slot 52 and slot 60). For females in two variants (with balls and without balls).
    Data for BodySlide.
    Other stuff
    I'm still new in 3-d modeling and modding, so, don't be mad, if something goes wrong =)
    ATM only "addon version", no equipable schlongs. Maybe i make it later.
    Size differs from "just big" to "absolutely enormous" =)
    I used HD Extended version of UNP schlong as reference, so this mod shall be texture-compatible with any UNP-based schlongs. 90% sliders for customization also converted from this mod. And, if you want to adapt my mod for your body shape, you shall use this mod too.
    Textures for beast races is a placeholder for both versions.
    If someone want make textures for this mod (seamless, or better looking, or for beast races) - you are welcome.
    XPMSE skeleton
    SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim
    Future plans
    Bug fixes
    Various improvements
    Thanks and Credits
    b3lisario, VectorPlexus and Smurf for SOS and textures.
    EvilReFlex for SOS HD mesh that i use as a reference, and for sliders.
    Donegan for testing and for base idea.
    And sorry for my bad english =)



  22. Serendipity - Home Of The Dovahkiin

    here finally Comes the Whiterun Serendipity - Player´s home with nearly the same Features than in the past.
    This is a rough and quick new start for this mod, but as I noticed, it´s quite beloved: so here we go again...
    Dependies all the same as before,
    Fully supports the ZazAnimationPack V.6.22.1
    p.s. -this may have issures - it was a superfast "mod-trip"....
    hearth fires
    TIP:- if you use the horse you can ride with it (tipsy) into the stable and far enough to the rock-wall, where the hay lays. There´s no roof anymore and you can easily sit off the horse...in future I´ll set the stable Little more higher...



  23. Bannered Mare Immersive Sexual Playground

    I brought a very old mod to life again, the Bannered Mare "Dungeon" , this mod is IDEAL for playing with script-based mods and together with the zaz-animation stuff.
    You can of course use and re-design this up to your personal tasts and needs. I recommend you to play this with "Maria Eden", the amazing mod of "Zaira" (who is my king of scripting :-)))
    If you decide to have a stay inside the metal-gibbets, you may free yourself (without loading another safe-game!!), but it´s quite hard...
    Be warned that some furnitures are one way only...the pole tie is immense !!! ...you can only free yourself by reloading a gameplay or by using the "all controls reset" - I´ll maybe write a nice script to get a nice girl to free you again :-))
    The sarcophagus is a trap, you can enter and then you will depend on the action in the upstairs-area...You will be freed after some time - but pay Attention where you are putting your feets on .
    You can now lay and sit on a lot of "strange places", watch the NPC´s around you, so they show you the places - or find it out by yourself.
    Crime section with own jail under the "Hood" of "safyria"...she should be looking like sister of Saadia. Be careful, she has all the whipping stuff ;)and she won´t die .
    Bannered Mare Jail-Faction successfully added-Exectutive NPC´s: Ela and Safyria. (I´ll make them real guards and also followers/marriage-able).
    Mod is momentary cleaned out against mismatches of the Bannered Mare Characters and their Faction(s). I´ll think about to trans-mix faction-parameters.
    If you climb inside the pool you can stroke-off all clothing stuff and all zaz: you ll´get finally naked, but all stuff kept inside inventory (of course)!
    Check this out, if you like:
    The Maria Eden´s Mod is running with this cell like a charme. I did not even use the spell-creator for defining characters, furnitures or furniture or "favourite NPC" (NPC reminder for later sex)....if you enter with your dom (must not be a follower) - (as a slave) this Environment, you will exactly watch Maria Eden increase to all it´s dirty corners and quests. (lol)
    With this mod you should be using:
    Needed: stuff with *** marked
    DDassets*** / &´FuzRoDoh´ ***....(lol)
    Maria Eden Prostitute and all the dependies (MEP)
    Piercing set (fine also for Maria Eden)
    Apachii Hairs (needed in 1.00 and in 1.02) / SG Hair or KS HairDos or something different to make your females looking nice
    High Heels and their sounds
    A New Whiterun (so you get a more nice City with some clutter around)
    RugNarok (more better carpets) [this let the carpets shine about 50 years younger !!!]
    SG-Skin and something against bad faces........
    Creds to "nameless" and "zaira" for their fine ideas, because
    -"Nameless" created this idea with his mod called "Bannered Mare Extension(s)" lot of time before:-)),
    -and zaira for the continuous and professional work that makes every area going to be so much "zaz"
    Thanks to SG-Hairs and all the people, who are spending hours by hours to create an individual and an amazing cute SKYRIM.
    I´ll take care of some updates soon;-))
    P.S. if you don´t use the apachii-hairs, please quit the depended mod by using CK...look at the white, smaller pic, please



  24. Red Packet CBBE HDT Bodyslide Conversion

    Red Packet Armor Conversion for CBBE Bodyslide HDT
    Update 1.1 Add Low-High Weight Slider Version [included .esp patched]
    Update 1.2 Fix Neck
    Update 1.3 Patched
    Requirements Original file
    Xuniana Red Packet - http://xuniana.tumblr.com/post/156708183871/xuniana-skyrim-xn-red-packet-bikini-fix
    Credit & Thank
    Xuniana - original author of this armor
    Ousnius and Caliente - for CBBE body and Bodyslide Outfit Studio



  25. Ixum's Tattoos

    Combined my two earlier tattoo mods to one and added new motifs. Contains 423 motifs
    Requires Racemenu



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