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Version 2.00
Series of conversions by me. Older content was mainly for 7BOppai 2.2, moving forward it will be primarily for a body generated using UUNP as a base. Either the 7BO preset or one of my own making. I'll figure out which and update accordingly. As of 10.02.2015 I'll be mainly converting for UUNP Bodyslide, having reconsidered my previous position on the matter. Older content has been moved to MEGA because LL decided to eat all the files. If I've failed to upload anything listed below there, let me know. New stuff SHOULD be uploaded here first unless LL CONTINUES eating them somehow, in which case I'll just upload everything on MEGA instead. As an aside: if you're looking for more true UUNP bodyslide versions of some of these outfits, ChaJaPa has reworked a few of my converts and has said there will be more to come, so keep an eye on their thread as well! 5. For the Discerning Femme Fatale a. Lustmord Armor UUNP HDT - Xarathos' Edits - Update 1-9-2016 Photos Description Converted to UUNP, replacing the body variations with texture variations - recolors, pictured above. Requires the original mod. 12-08, added two new color variants and the garter sliders. 12-28, added slider support to the boots and converted them to NiOHighHeels. 01-09, updated file formats for OS 3.1, reorganized file structure, and added a FOMOD so I can provide more support for optionals later. Changed more keywords for greater consistency, and added an enhanced version of the Lustmord Crossbow to bring it into line with the vanilla system. The Lustmord Crossbow is now an 'ebony' weapon rather than a Daedric one, but stats are unchanged. Keywords may be adjusted further in time. We'll see. 4. Swimwear Department a. Bikini Trouble UUNP HDT - 10-20-2015 Photos Description 3. Vanilla UUNP Replacers c. Vanilla Conversions and Edits for UUNP Bodyslide - Updated 10-13-2015 Photos Description b. Dark Disciple Armor for UUNP Bodyslide - UPDATE 01-08-16 - Redownload Recommended Photos Description a. Xarathos' Picks - Skimpy Replacers for UUNP Bodyslide Photos Description 2. Fetish Fuel and Lingerie Department a. Shiny Rubber Catsuits for UUNP Bodyslide - UPDATE 01-08-16 - Redownload Recommended Photos Description 1. Cosplay Showcase b. Mass Effect Cosplay Pack ii. N7 Armor Photos Description i. Reckoner Knight Armor Photos Description ALL OF THE ABOVE has now been updated to UUNP. The initial rerelease of the pack contains: Reckoner bikini, gauntlets, boots, and cuirass (male and female for all) Shepard's N7 armor, boots, and gauntlets (male and female) Illusive Man Eyes (refreshed and updated textures!) Patch for Ningheim support is part of the new FOMOD. Let me know if it works, and if not, I'll change it as needed until it does. It should detect and autoselect itself if you have the Ningheim race installed, and be ignored otherwise. a. Arkham Cosplay 1.2 - Formerly Catwoman - NOW FOR UUNP i. Catwoman Old conversions showcase - items will be moved from here when they've been updated to the new standard and reuploaded to LL.- 26 reviews
Version None
File Name: Bodyslide Wizardry File Submitter: FreakingGobbo File Submitted: 31 Aug 2016 File Category: BodySlide Requires: UUNP ; CBBE ; Bodyslide Hello everyone, Before confusion comes up , this is not a standalone mod AND ALL OF THESE BODYSLIDERS DONT HAVE MESHES!!!! . This is a Forum I create so that people who aren't good at bodyslide nor converting armors can recieve help and make requests and since having this under the downloads category instead of random forums , I thought i would get more exposure. After using bodyslide for a while , I became pretty good at it , and want to help people who aren't. I want to make Bodies / Conversions for everyone that needs help. I will try to make them UUNP or CBBE depending on what you want . ( But as a little disclaimer , I'm way better at making UUNP Bodies since the Slidervariety is better , but CBBE is fine too , just not as detailed [ for now ] ) If you want to make a Request , just make a post that looks kinda like this : For armors: Armor: [ File or DLLink ] Conversion to : [ Your Bodytype ] Optional: [Make it futacompatible ; have tits exposed etc] ONLY IF IT'S DOABLE IN NIFSKOPE OR BODYSLIDE STUDIO... don't wanna blend for now or For new bodypresets : Bodytype : [ UUNP or CBBE ] Preference : [ f.e. Realistic , flat , slim ] or REFERENCE PICTURE ( would be more apreciated ) Muscletype : [ None ; Muscular ; Really muscular ] ( I can't make the mesh muscular in bodyslide , but i can give you the Layers you need to add for your Body when using FAMOUS ( UUNP ) and I might be able to refer you to a CBBE Muscular mod ) Also , bare in mind that I'M A HUMAN and that I can't immediatly help everyone and make presets in a second. It takes time and affort , so bare with me. I'll Quote your Post so that you know that I'm working on it . Also after making a Preset , I'll take a picture and Post it in the Quoted posts , so that you can take a look at it , and when it's finished , I'll put it as downloadable .rar file into this page , so that you can easily install it with NMM or FoMod. If you have other requests , refer to this F.A.Q : Q: Can I ask you about textures that you used or that you prefer to use? A: Sure , just hit me with a PM. Q: How long will it take ? A: Depending if you wanna have a CBBE or UUNP bodypreset or conversion and how Detailed it should be about 10mins to multiple hours Q: Why would I want you to make my Bodyslide preset ? My character should be original and so should be it's body ! A: It's pretty simple , if you aren't able to make yourself a nice looking detailed body , I most likely might be able to . Also , it takes away the time you invest in making one C: Q: Why would you waste so much time on making bodypresets? A: Making a good bodyslide preset for your body is pretty important in my opinion , because it results in a character that you will be playing and looking at during your gameplay. If you just wanted to know why I'm doing this : I'm bored and I want to help new modders and advanced modders that aren't good at bodyslide Permissions after the preset is done : There might be some people that wanna take this 'service' and have a body being made for a mod or smth. As long as you either Link this page when people ask you for the preset OR thank me for making the preset I'm completely fine with it. Also , YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MONETIZE it in any way! WHEN DOWNLOADING A PRESET BELOW , BE AWARE THAT I DIDNT TWEAK THE SPECIAL SLIDERS FOR UUNP ! ( LIKE OPPAI OR SMTH! ) SO CLIPPING MIGHT BE CAUSED BY USING THOSE SLIDERS! ALL THE OTHER SLIDERS ARE TWEAKED ! UUNP Conversions : CBBE Conversions: Bodyslide Presets UUNP: Bodyslide Presets CBBE: Also don't forget to follow and like/rate this page , you might see a new armor you like or smth IDK C: I will Load the Armors into the Download cache , since posts only have a limited amount of filesize (100Mb) That can be added to them :C PLEASE MAKE PICTURES SO I CAN POST THEM INTO THE SPOILERS. TYVM FOR THE HELP! -
Version 2.4
UUNP BS2 Sliders for LDW's Crimson Closet for UNP Slim, UNP, UNP?, and UNPB 14 created by lostdaywalker Still learning how to create BS2 sliders and my current project for learning how-to is this. I will upload sliders for more outfits as I complete them. When all sliders are done I plan to add a leveled list for K.E.I.D.L with a merged esp for all outfits so they may be used by NPCs. Added a Merged Replacer esp for these outfits: LDW's Crimson Closet MERGED (merged esp containing all replacer esps) -Use this esp instead of all the other ones to save esp spaces. -Requires all outfits that got UUNP sliders here. For added replacer esps: (optional to use or alternatively the Merged esp instead) I've added Male Vanilla Models and some BOD2 inputs so they can be weared by males without being invisible. -I've used Vanilla Jester, Dragonbone/scale, Vampire, Leather and Executioner outfits looks so far for Males. -Some outfit parts that don't fit normal slots, the males just "equip" a ring or amulet to avoid invisibility, but the male will be nude if not wearing anything else. REQUIRES: BodySlide and Outfit Studio LDW's Crimson Closet (any UNP version should work I guess) Added UUNP Sliders: (more to come) -Arcane Heat -Arcane Knickers -Arcane Rogue -Arcane Sister -Arcane Violet (did not make sliders for gauntlet cause of fancy effects that needs some work to figure out) -BGC (some leggings may have clippings when running, some hand bandages are far from perfect) -Chainmail Top -Dread Pirate Roberts UNP-Slim UUNP -Drow Ranger UNP-Slim UUNP (removed hair on cowl, optional meshes folder, clippings on boots because of bone issue) -PowerGirl UNPB UUNP -Rogue II UNP UUNP (removed white long gloves because of some issues for them to show) -RVs Racing Swimsuit UNPB UUNP (added all colors to replacer esp) -SkinTight Dragon UNPB UUNP (male model is DragonScale/Plate armor) -Studded Rogue UNP-Slim UUNP (Vanilla Leather Armor as Male model, behind need some more work) -Studded Leather 5 V.1.1 UNPB UUNP (annoying clippings behind knees when running, tried adding zap sliders, but did not help..) -Vamp UNPB UUNP (added some simple temp textures since some were missing/not working on "body straps/cloth") NOTE: I know some of the "tight fitting pants have some annoying clipping back of the knee when running and I may have to redo or fix some of those. -If I find a solution and are able to fix it I will redo the ones that got issues. -I will go over most of them one more time, later and hopefully fix some clippings. CREDITS: lostdaywalker for LDW's Crimson Closet Caliente for BodySlide and Outfit Studio matortheeternal for Merge Plugins Changelog: -
Version 1.0
"Realistic Push Up" Breast Scaling UUNP Preset for HDT Body. I know there are a lot of presets out there, but why not share this one anyway. It's basically a Preset for breast scaling, the rest of the body do not scale much from 0-100. Its with small breasts at 0 and kinda big at 100 within what I think is reasonable. It looks kinda realistic unless you like fat chicks and/or hanging boobs, in my opinion. -Will not look good without HDT psychics on breasts. -Scales mostly Breasts and not much of anything else. -One preset to build Body with and another one to build Clothes (with less nipple length) (some bikini armors and such need the non clothes version to avoid nipples going through clothes) -Should be used with a normal map without shadows under breasts or weight zero will look really bad. ( Suggestion for normal map: UNP Fitness Body - Skinny Body <- (Pre-Blended under Optional Files) -Textures with shadows are also not recommended. (.dds) REQUIRES; BodySlide and Outfit Studio Any UNP Texture Pack, but the ones with shadows under breasts will not be very good. CREDITS: Caliente for BodySlide and Outfit Studio -
Version 1.4
BS2 UUNP Conversion of TrX Sloot Total Armor Replacer v1.3 This is a simple BS2 UUNP conversion of the CBBE sliders of TrX Sloot Total Armor Replacer created by samisme74. Required: BodySlide and Outfit Studio TrX Sloot Total Armor Replacer v1.3 Use MEGA link to download Main File. (TrX Sloot Armor UUNP V3 - Update Fix 1 2 3 included) -That version do not need TrX Update fix 1, 2, 3 FIXED: ATTENTION, Stahlrim light armor had bad bones and caused ctd or freeze when equipping, do not use this if you are using the replacer version. (../meshes/dlc02/armor/stahlrimlight/f/TrXcuirass_0.nif and TrXcuirass_1.nif <---DELETE! if they are from UUNP) -Original CBBE BS2 may or not work on that armor, I dunno, but try it (build non UUNP in BS2), better with wrong looking armor than invisible. -Anything Missing now? How to install: When Installing TrX Sloot Armors Original do not install the "CalienteTools" folder to avoid all the CBBE sliders you don't need. Simply Install after TrX Sloot Armors, the sliders should be marked UUNP in BS2. Then build them in BS2, it will take a few minutes to complete because of size and amount of armors unless you got a NASA computer. Optional for adding these armors alongside Vanilla Armors (Recommended): TrX Sloot Armor Stand Alone v1.3 (replaces 3 esps, so delete old ones) Wrye Bash (to merge levelled lists with bashed patch) and K.E.I.D.L ULTIMATE for KWs Sublist TrX Armor Replacer Standalone plugin -This will work without using the UUNP Conversion as well. TrX Edited Armors 1 - Optional -TrX Prisoner Elder Body - Removed Underwear (did not fit in I think) -TrX Archmage - Removed Wings, skirt, some parts. (was so many parts that i takes a lot to load, so I removed some parts to try to optimize it a bit) it also looks better now in my opinion. Known Errors: (may or may not be fixed) CREDITS: -Caliente for Bodyslide 2 -samisme74 for TrX Sloot Total Armor Replacer v1.3 and -All of those who samisme74 Credited (TrX page for details) Update Info -
Version 1.03.6
Wanna share some conversions,cause it s kinda frustrating to throw all links on different forums. Dont wait much from me,im only a human ;D 1. Aradia leather 2. 1001 nights *you can download mod from its author page, Asenasen . All credits go to him/her. 3. Ivy Valentine Armor * .esp file added,no hand/feet glitches 4. StoneHeart Pack * PRESS THERE TO DL* 5. Lethal Majesty 6. R18Pn 08 - Lingerie Set 7. Dragonsong Armor 8. BLESS Armor pack * PRESS THERE TO DL* 9. Bosmer Lingerie Armor *fixed broken Bosmer Lingerie bodyslide files,the problem was in the path,reupload the file. 10. LDW Studded Leather *also you can visit his page and all credits go to him * PRESS THERE TO DL THE MAIN MOD* * PRESS THERE TO DL MY CONVERSION* 11. Chapi JK Collection *download .esp on download section 12. Red Roses Outfit *conversion on a conversion..i m all adrift... anyway all credits go to Asenasen 13. Soft Dream Outfit *all credits go to Asenasen 14. Silly Squad *all credits go to gutris1 15. [NINI] Bless MD3001 16. Helena Succubus by gutris1 17. Momiji Overalls by gutris1 -
Version Version 1.0
Hello everyone , Since there were some requests on a multibreasted body on the Forums for A while , i wanted to forfill those requests , and as such , here you go. These Breasts are Convertable in Bodyslide and have HDT applied to them. The Collisions look good , but I can't change the skeleton , since it will result in a lot of new problems caused by Collisiondata on such a small space for each individual breast ...... and the skeletons collisiondata in general. Before you download this now , a little tip -> Apply 100% breastheight to the slider , it looks better trust me ;P Requirements : I. UUNP Special body and the required skeleton for it II. Bodyslide III. (Opt) A mod organizer Installation : Either drop the Datafolder manually in your Skyrim folder or use a Modorganizer. How to get it : Please use the console , type 'Help Fourbreast' and then just type 'player.additem [iD of the Fourbreast] 1' Credits : Thanks to Cell for explaining to me how i could do it Thanks to everyone involved creating the Bodyslide Thanks to everyone involved in creating the Body that I used in this mod-
- Multibreast
- UUNP Special
(and 2 more)
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Version Beta 3.5 & V 1,0
27.08.16 : THIS MOD ISNT DEAD , READ MY POST ON PAGE 4 ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON.... Now im working on this and made a post about that on page 4 aswell. Hello everyone , [im pretty new to this modding thing and as such don't be to harsh on this initial release As i was browsing through the Forums i stumbled upon some requests for Hooves , either for Succubus characters , Races they want to make and Etc. I found an very old file on my Computer , which basically had the Hooves that im presenting you now ( Which is why i don't know whom to credit for making the initial model).] After finally learning how to use Blender , I'm able to make smooth and goodlooking ( atleast i think so ) models. Now after my Initial release , I'm happy with the current results, and will still try to optimize the hooves. Enjoy Requirements: Longhoof: 1. The UUNP HDT Special body or CBBE HDT ( CBBE Version has been posted on page 2 by Karmilla ) 2. Bodyslide 3. New [3.0] - HDT HighHeels System And that's it i guess ShortHooves NEW!: 1. The UUNP HDT Special body (CBBE WILL BE ADDED AFTER I FIXED UUNP WHICH MEANS HighHeelsystem AND Shadow!) 2. Bodyslide 3. HHS will be added soon PS: If you have tips for fixes or a better texture for the hooves to offer , you can send them to me and I'll take a look at them ! Report Problems so we can fix them together! Installation: You should be able to just use a Modorganizer or put the files in the folder manually into the Data folder in the Skyrim directory How to Obtain : Type "help Hooves" into the console and then just type player.additem [the items ID] , now it should be in your inventory ( Yes my mod isn't very immersive..) To do list : I. Make the Forumpage look better II. Better 3D model for the Hooves III. Better Textures (ATM they look bad .. ) ; Multiple colours or even bodytint colour IV. Better Screenshots (With actual poses) V. Start creating the Credit list VI. More 2.0 Pics VII. Make a CBBE 3.0 Blend ?. Add new things to this list ! Warning / Things that Occur when using my Hooves ! : I. Only CHOOSE ONE PLEASE , DON'T KNOW IF INCOMPABILITIES OCCUR IF INSTALLING BOTH! II. LONGHOOVES: Everything should be fine by now , and clipping might only be caused in a very minor fashion by having heavy distortions! III.SHORTHOOVES : Currently there are problems when ENTERING SHADOWS and the SKINTEXTURE DOESNT LOOK ASONISHING ( But still good ) and CLIPPING INTO THE GROUND ( Fixed soon with HHS ) , and please DON'T EQUIP THEM THROUGH PSQ SINCE THE TEXTURES WILL CHANGE AND MESS UP! Support : Obviously .... I'm alone with this Project atm. But it doesn't have to be that way. You guys or girls can help me creating a good hoove mod. Like I mentioned , I would love to get help from people that actually can use 3D modeling softwares or can create good textures for the hooves. (Or both at the same time ) Obviously I will give you credit once you help me (I'm not a dick ) Permission : You can use this mod as long as you dont use it for purposes such as monitizing. And ofcourse you should mention me as the publisher of this mod somehow (Credits) Soo that's basically it for now Enjoy the initial release , and give me some feedback Milestones: 17.05.2016 Initial release of CBBE and UUNP Hooves 18.05.2016 Black and White retextures 25.05.2016 FINALLY RELEASE THE NEW BLEND 26.05.2016 An even better blend that fixed clipping and you can use Armor [Very soon] now . 31.05.2016 Fixed Clipping even more , ARMOR CAN BE USED NOW!!! PLEASE DEINSTALL 3,0 27.08.2016 New Short Hooves! UPDATE: 25.05.2016 After a hard , bloodsweating mess of Bugfixes , frustration and Blending its finally here. The new , Blended hooves. On my way to become a somewhat decent modder , I found a new friend called Zquad1 who patiently helped me fight through the mess I had . It went as far as calling my blender possessed and the niffiles that came out of it were.... (you only would understand if you wouldve worked with me on that ... and trust me .... it wasn't nice... they had their own mind NOT EVEN KIDDING ). From now on , the both of us will work on future projects ( well for now the hooves ) , and I'm happy to do so. The Hooves will take a lot of work , and will have some clipping issues ( 25.05 ) BUT THAT WILL BE GONE SOON [i hope]. So for now , have fun with the new created hooves 27.08.2016 At the current time I'm very busy , so I ask for your patience. I can't use that much time on this project anymore , which won't stop me from making more stuff , but delays it , since im pretty ocd about working in blender and trying to make perfect meshes , so bare with me C: FOR YOU GUYS : You can download the UV map and create your own textures ( Dont be afraid to share them ) and If they are really good , we can feature them in this mod as well , also , please take the clipping with a grain of salt >.> should be gone now Creditlist : MY NR.1 Zqaunt1 for helping me a huge lot and working with me on this from now on <3 II. Everybody who worked on the UNP UUNP and UUNP Special bodies ( There are a lot to name , so if you wanna be here , just contact me ill add ya) III. For whomever made the first Hooves that i uploaded so that this thread got some attention IV. Thanks to hydrogensayshdt for creating HDT HighHeels System V. AND OFCOURSE YOU FOR DOWNLOADING AND HELPING ME WITH MAKING A GREAT MOD :* -
Version 1.0
What is it? Aradia's Latex armour converted from the original Blender files for use in Skyrim. A shiny latex all in one suit. Fitted to a UUNP HDT body. Weight slider support. First person and inventory meshes included. CBBE meshes option for outfits that show skin. Available in four flavours. Craft-able at the forge under Glass, can be tempered. Stats: Light armour glass equivalent (weight and armour rating of glass boots, cuirass and gloves combined). Can be enchanted, but only one (unless perks/mods allow otherwise) has keywords for boots, cuirass and gloves. Utilises the NetImmerse Override system for the heels. Uses High Heel sounds (optional esp available without Heels Sound.esm as master) Bodyslide - no. I don't use it, and have no interest in learning something that I don't use. Requirements: Racemenu 3.4.4+ or NetImmerse Override 3.4.4+ for ECE/Vanilla users Do not install both, Racemenu has NetImmerse Override included. XP Maximum Skeleton Extended 3.0+ Heels Sound (unless optional no heels sound esp is used) And their pre-requisites. Installation: With a mod manager. Manual - extract contents of zip to data folder. Options: CBBE meshes, same as main mod, after the main file has been installed, overwriting when asked. No Heels Sound - see above, same as CBBE meshes. Un-install: With your mod manager. Manual - delete folders: data/meshes/armor/aradia/aradia_latex data/textures/aradia/latex delete esp: aradia_latex.esp Credits: aradia for the original blender meshes. expired6978 for Racemenu and NetImmerse Override Groovtama for XPMSE Apokrytia for Heels Sound Gomaperopero for the fishnet mesh/texture Permissions: Do what you want, as long as credit is given to those that deserve it. -
Version 2.0
Rebekah 2.0 Standalone Follower Name: Rebekah Race: Custom Race based on Nord with some changes and her own skeleton Style combat: She is Master on Dual Casting Destruction Frost Spells Location: She lives with the Greybeards on High Hrothgar Marriable: Yes Improvements: Leyenda Skin 3.0 combined with snowflake overlays from Teylin (Thank you!) Three looks to choose Two outfit variations Boots fixed, no more sink on the ground Hope you like and enjoy traveling with her around the Skyrim world! Have a nice day! REQUIREMENTS: None RECOMMENDED MODS: Amazing Follower Tweaks Extensible Follower Framework Ultimate Follower Overhaul MODS USED TO CREATE HER: Bodyslide and Outfit Studio RaceMenu XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended KS Hairdos - Renewal Captivating Eyes Leyenda Body Leyenda Skin Fair Skin Complexion ARMOR: Cassandra Frost Witch Outfit UUNP - CBBE ------------------------------------------ Follow me on my blog: HeroedeLeyenda's Lair My other Mods: Jennifer Leyenda Skin Leyenda Body ------------------------------------------ -
Version 1.1
Update: Added the UUNP pack, Myloween's UUNP fix, and futa bulge slider. Description: SOS Underwear for Both Genders by Erundil previously only supported UNP. Never liking UNP, I took it unto myself to make a CBBE Bodyslide replacer of Erundil's mod. All I have done is translated the original CBBE NeverNude, CalUndies 1 & 2, and their HDT variant bodyslide files to properly replace the SOS female underwear after being built. This is a standalone version for now as I have have packaged the .esp into this mod. I needed to remove a texture value from the .esp so that the CBBE Undies texture would show up properly. What this means: You can make CalUndies as SOS Underwear from your customized bodies. My adjusted .esp also allows for you to make your own replacers from your favorite lingerie if their mesh has texture info. The steps to do so are as follows: 1) Open the desired _0 & _1 files in nifscope. 2) Delete the body mesh from the clothing by right clicking the body, block>remove branch. 3) In "block list" pane, expand the branches for all remaining NiTriShapes and select the BSDismemberSkinInstance. 4) Under the "block details" pane, expand "partitions," "partitions," find Body Part BSDismemberBodyPartType, and select it's value. See figure 2 5) Change it to "SBP_52_MOD_PELVIS_SECONDARY" This must be done for the remaining NiTriShapes. See figure 2 6) Save to meshes\actors\character\character assets\femaleunderwear_0 and \femaleunderwear_1 Currently Implemented: CalUndies NeverNude w/ and w/o HDT CalUndies 1 w/ and w/o HDT CalUndies 2 w/ and w/o HDT Requirements: CBBE for the underwear textures Bodyslide SOS plugin for women (OR RISK THE PERMA-UNDIES BUG!) like: SOS Female Schlongifier SoS - Schlong for Females and Equipable Schlong BodySlide SOS Addon - Pubic Hair for Females <-Personal favorite To install: 1) Pick either the UUNP download or the CBBE download. 2) Extract zip file to Skyrim/data, merge calientetools folders when prompted, no file overwrite should occur. 3) Run Bodyslide.exe, select any outfit/body named "CBBEtoSOS," select preferred preset, and click build. Done. Requests and To Do: I will consider adding more lingerie options if the interest exists. Please feel free to make a request. At the moment, I will not be working with other body types. 1) Scalable futa bulge controlled by schlong size How to obtain: "Since SOS no longer distributes Underwear to everyone like crazy, use console commands to obtain it. First type help underwear to get the complete list of all underwear items the game holds. The ID we are looking for should be **0012da where ** are 2 digits dependant on your load order. Use player.equipitem **0012da to equip underwear (it will automagically give you the item if you dont have it already). Alternatively use player.additem **0012da 1 to get the item to your inventory." -Erundil Credits: Caliente for CBBE, Bodyslide, and Undies. Erundil for SOS Underwear for Both Genders Schlongs of Skyrim team for SOS -
Version 1.0
I was asked, quite periodically, for the preset of the lass in my signature. So, here she is. Take good care of her, please Absolutely necessary to batch build UUNPetite preset to armours/body via Bodyslide (else the body will be borked) If face doesn't render when loading preset, just open Sculpt tab and import face. Race-Imperial Hair-KS Hairdos HDT patch Eyes-Linds Human Eyes Skin-Fair Skin Complexion Brows-SG Brows Gloss-Demonica Body-UUNP Special -
Version v1
KillerKeo's old Stormcloak cuirass Bodyslide conversion. Replaces vanilla model Lemme know if there are any issues and I will try to fix them. I messed around with the weighing to get the skirt attached to skirt bones, but it came out super wonky. If anyone knows how to do it properly pls assist Drop slidersets and shapedata in CalienteTools\BodySlide and match the existing folders. You might have to mess with groups to get it to show your preset-
- Conversion
(and 1 more)
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Version v3.0
SlickSilk Bodyslide Preset Using this preset you will be able to build the bodytype which I've made into your game using Bodyslide. Version 3.0 now includes two different presets, one for the COS Body and another one for UUNP Special, both of which have been tested and confirmed working. I've created this bodyslide preset because I could never find one that I liked. This bodyslide preset aims to have a wide range of bust and butt sizes on your female characters, without making them look completely ridiculous. I also tested the body to the best of my ability so that it remains stable and has the least ammount of clipping as well as good collisions during sex animations. It's impossible to have a body which suits all animations but I did what I could. This preset gives you a lot of variety without having to replace your body type everytime you want to change your character's proportions. I recommend using HeroedeLeyenda's "All In One HDT Animated Pussy" body replacer mod with "Option B- Naturalistic Jiggle" for best results. Check the spoiler for different weight sizes. Preview GIFs (Click for HQ): Installation Instructions: Unpack the .rar file into your Skyrim data folder. If you use MO I find it best to extract it into the Bodyslide and Outfit Studio mod folder. If you use the COS Body, make sure you uncheck the vagina "WALL". This will enable the 3D vagina and you'll have better collision effects. -
Version 2.0
Leyenda Body Leyenda Body Preset makes able to build my body into Bodyslide and Outfit Studio. You can build the body using the following options: Unified UNP / Unified UNP HDT / Unified UNP Special Unified UNP NeverNude / Unified UNP NeverNude HDT NOTE: I'm not going to upload pre-builded meshes, don't ask for it, you must use BodySlide to create the body. Guide for noobs at bottom. Hope you like, Have a nice day! ------------------------------------------------------------ MY OTHER FILES: Jennifer Rebekah Tanya Leyenda Skin Leyenda Body Follow me on my blog HeroedeLeyenda's Lair ------------------------------------------------------------ CREDITS Bodyslide 2 and Outfit Studio - Caliente & Ousnius REQUIREMENTS: Bodyslide 2 and Outfit Studio - Caliente & Ousnius INSTALLATION: Use Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer. MANUAL INSTALLATION: Drag files into: Skyrim/Data/ HOW TO USE BODY PRESET: Open BodySlide and Outfit Studio On Outfit/Body select any of the options listed above On Preset select Leyenda Body (this will never change) Click on Build and you will have femalebody_0.nif and femalebody_1.nif Now change Outfit/Body to Unified UNP Hands or Unified UNP Hands Special (Only if you chose Unified UNP Special before) Click on Build and you will have femalehands_0.nif and femalehands_1.nif Now change Outfit/Body to Unified UNP Feet or Unified UNP Feet Special (Only if you chose Unified UNP Special before) Click on Build and you will have femalefeet_0.nif and femalefeet_1.nif The files should be in the correct path, but.. if not, place them here: Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets Done -
Version 2016-07-25 ebonymailfix
Dollvahkiin's CBBE version of the LSAR meshes is awesome, so I've been creating UUNP Bodyslide slidersets for them. This is the first set of test files, consisting of the Loose armors (not clothes). I'll be very thankful to anyone who tests them out and reports serious clipping issues, floating armor parts, missing armor parts, etc. NOTE 1: As it stands right now, these files do not actually work with LSAR. They are just replacers for the Vanilla armors! This is to make design and testing much faster and easier. So if you have LSAR installed, it will switch out the UUNP meshs for it's own meshes. So disable LSAR while you are testing these. NOTE 2: LSAR does a lot of interesting stuff with armor slots, because it was designed to support being stripped off piece by piece. But this conflicts with all kinds of things, especially Devious Devices and Deviously Cursed Loot. Therefore all the armors are now just set to use Slot 32 (body). Once again, this makes design and testing much faster and easier. NOTE 3: The real genius of what Dollvahkiin did was to make the metal parts of the armor rigid, and the leather/cloth parts flexible. It's fantastic! Unfortunately it means that these armors have trouble supporting Bodyslide Presets with extremely large breasts and butts. These armors also have trouble supporting extremely jiggly HDT parameters. You'll find this works much better with modestly-sized bodies with modest amounts of jiggle. The bodyslide preset I use is "Physique - Skinny to Big", and I use Bounce and Jiggles 7.6 BM2 Regular TBBP_Belly for my HDT parameters. The bodyslide preset I use is a slightly modified UN7B, and I use Bounce and Jiggles 7.6 BM2 Reduced TBBP_Belly for my HDT parameters. Try it out! I hope you like what I've done so far. 2016-07-25 Uploaded a limited subset of LSAR Loose that I've finally gotten to the point of mostly not clipping. If you absolutely NEED some particular armor converted, let me know and I'll see what I can do. As for me, I've converted all the LSAR armors and clothings that I actually use; for everything else I use Remodelled Armor UUNP or S6 High Poly UUNP. -
Version 1.0
Follower detail : LYDIE She is a fighter in two swords but can fight as well with a single sword. Race: Nord Height 1.00 Weight 1.00 Body Type: UUNP Demon Feet Location: The Bannered Mare - Whiterun. Default Outfit: Tavern Clothes. Combat style: Combat NightBlade and Css Human Melee 7. Marriageable: Absolutely, Lydie and completely marriageable. Credits and Thanks: KS Hairdos by Kaliles, Shocky, Stealthic and Khaos Mikan Eyes by Nerune Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy HDT Physics Extensions by HydrogensaysHDT Xp32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMS by Groovtama Enhanced Character Edit by ECE team BodySlide And Outfit Studio by Ousnius and Caliente Aether Suite and Halo’s Poser by Halofarm Gomapero Pose Mod by Gomapero PeroPeroArmorPack2 by Gomapero -
Version 2
I convert! Report issues here and I'll try my best to fix them. Original file by PeroPero/Goma found here ( thank you Shocky for the reminder ) A standalone conversion set has been gracefully provided by CoolasWhat. Check it out in the downloads-
- Conversion
(and 1 more)
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Version 1.01
All my conversions in one place. Usually I do them for myself or to learn on how to create proper conversions, but I thought I'd share them. Bare with me though, I'm fairly inexperienced with Outfit Studio To check the current conversion status, please see the Github issues which I set up to remind myself of what I have to do. Some might have some clipping issues, or simply miss some slider data for UNP Variants, BreastSSH etc. Mirrors: It can happen that a mirror is missing some conversion(s). Give me some time! Github Mega Mods converted: UUNP - French Maid UUNP - Goma - MiniBikini UUNP - Goma - RevampedDSArmor UUNP - Goma - TsunTsun UUNP - Insanitys Servator Mashup UUNP - Lich Queen Armor UUNP - ME3 Reckoner Knight UUNP - Nezzars Lingerie Collection UUNP - PeroPero Armor Pack 2 UUNP - Slutty Christmas Mashup UUNP - Zekamasi Cosplay-
- Conversion
(and 3 more)
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Version 0.91
This is a collection of conversions i made some time ago. They were previously posted in the Unified UNP thread just posting them in their own thread to make it easier for others to find them. Of some armors, there are better conversions by now, use those then If you're a converter with more skill/patience than me and want to further improve any of those, please do so and let me know, so I can link to your conversion. All credits go to the original authors, if you are an author and want your converted mod removed, let me know. Shell Bondage - UUNP HDT & Special (see screenshot) Requires original mod by @Shocky which is a port of Backsteppo's Micro Bikini for Type3 all credits go to those 2. The open Version is also available as UUNP Special, also the included esp adds SexlabNoStrip and (DeviousDevices) NoHide Keywords to the "armor". Slutty Christmas Mashup - UUNP HDT + Special - NiO taken down until most issues are fixed Requires original mod by @asenasen Hermaeus Mora Priestess Armor - UUNP HDT Requires original mod and its requirements. Fixed armor and added missing Eye. Elewin Pumps 2 - High Heels and Stockings for UUNP NiO Requires original mod HDT high heels no longer required. Thanks Reenana for helping with the weights on the stockings. Razor Thorn - UUNP HDT Requires original mod and it's requirements now withouth thigh weights on gauntlets Lustmord Vampire Armor - UUNP HDT. Requires original mod and its requirements. For color variants and NiO heels check out the one from Xarathos SPB Ribbon 1.5 - UUNP HDT Requires original mod. Disclaimer: the shoes aren't exactly pretty, better use other heels (maybe the ones further up in this post?). BF panty The Sanitary napkin from Beeing Female (obviously it won't do anything alone).-
- Unified UNP
(and 1 more)
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Version 2.0
Jennifer 2.0 Standalone Follower Improvements: Leyenda Skin 2.0 Leyenda Body Smoother Face Hope you like and enjoy traveling with her around the Skyrim world! Have a nice day! Name: Jennifer Race: Custom Race based on Nord with some changes and her own skeleton. Style combat: Dual Wield with Daedric Swords. Location: The Sleeping Giant Inn. Marriable: Yes RECOMMENDED MODS: Amazing Follower Tweaks Extensible Follower Framework Ultimate Follower Overhaul MODS USED TO CREATE HER: Bodyslide and Outfit Studio RaceMenu XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended ApachiiSkyHair Mikan Eyes Leyenda Body Leyenda Skin Fair Skin Complexion ARMOR: Daedric Reaper Armor -
Version 2.1
SoS - Schlong for Females and Equipable Schlong BodySlide DESCRIPTION: Bodyslide Files for SOS schlong for females - UNP and SOS - Equipable Schlong - and more. You can fix the "gap" between belly - schlong and save the schlong with RaceMenu Morphs. HD VERSION: more polygons for a smoother look and more slider for BodySlide. (Uses same textures as normal version) Extended VERSION: same mesh as the HD version. Support for "Belly" "Spine 0" and "Spine 1" Node for belly scaling, seamless animations and seamless poses. REQUIREMENTS: SOS schlong for females - UNP or/and SOS - Equipable Schlong - and more and its requirements. BodySlide and Outfit Studio MISCELLANEOUS: Textures for "SOS schlong for females" and "SOS - Equipable Schlong" CBBE and UNP Thanks to rolpa120 for the 2 awesome screenshots. -
Version 1.1
NESTLED WITHIN A Unified UNP Bodyslide2 preset. This will be my final preset. I am not making them anymore. I do not think I can top this one anyhow. So enjoy! Drop the data folder into your Skyrim directory to install. Thanks: Cell Bringthenose Caliente Dimon Nuska Calyps LL Blabba Lustre (this preset is inspired by his new single)-
- Unifed UNP
(and 5 more)
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