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  1. C5Kev's Epic Black Rose Armor Redone UUNP & CBBE

    * * *  CBBE Users - I discovered that armor can only be tempered on the "Sharpening Wheel" vs "Crafting Table"  * * *
    Stupid on my part, so use the wheel or re-download the mod. Main files have been repaired.
    Hello Folks!    In November of 2013, n8k shocked the world with his epic Black Rose armor set. Perhaps you don't think it's "epic", but I loved it and used it for who knows how long. Attractive, nicely designed, great modeling and textures, were a few of its hallmarks. And it had transparency so one could see shit! WOW!
    Oddly, no one has ever done anything with this armor, other than "BodySlide it" at one time or another. I did love this armor, although at times, I thought the legging wrinkles were too much and made my character's legs somewhat fat, like tree trunks. And the armor was a single "blob" and I wanted separate parts. My friends, that's all about to change!
    The original armor was a single piece with gloves and boots. My version has new textures, more colors and more "glam". The armor is made up of a bra, panties, leggings, sleeves and with different gloves and shoes. And it's available in some exciting colors: basic black (of course), black & cream, red, red & cream, brown, mustard and olive. Hokey-Smoke!
    This light armor is a terrific starter set and will look fantastic on anyone's Dragonborn. It's rating is close to leather, but because it consists of more pieces, the overall rating is considerably higher. Most use the   AddItemMenu   mod now-a-days, so use it to get your armor as it can't be forged. However, it can be tempered using leather.
    I hope everyone enjoys this outfit. Quite a bit of work went into it's modification to create it. While not overly apparent, there were tons of minor tweaks to the mesh. "tightening" things up and to break the armor into various parts.
    A version of this mod (noted HS) requires the  Heels Sound  mod by ApoKrytia for the "clicky" shoes. Be sure to have that already installed. However, if you wish not to use Heels Sound, there is also a "No Heels Sound" file as well - noted as "NoHS".     INSTALLATION & BODYSLIDE:    Simply install my mod using your favorite mod manager. Once doing so, start up BodySlide and select "C5Kev's Epic Black Rose Armor HS (or NoHS) UUNP (or CBBE)"  from the "Group Filter" drop-down. Check the "Build Morphs" box and click "Batch Build" to make your armor parts. That's about it.       Mesh Credits: Armor: Black Rose - UNPB-TBBP by n8k
    Shoes: Charming High Heels for CBBE HDT by arison_c
    Gloves: Lingling MeiguiMeigui Mod by 3DGame  
    Please, do not upload this or any of my other mods onto other sites or utilize my assets without permission.



  2. C5Kev's Another Damned Witch Mod UUNP - CBBE

    Prologue:  The young woman in the screenshots is from a cosmopolitan area far and away removed from Tamriel. During a long holiday, her ship went down a league due north of Skyrim, the only known survivor. All others either drowned or simply froze to death in the frigid waters. That was four years ago.
    It's been said that the capital city where she is from is home to a very large, grandiose cathedral, whose bell-ringer was a rather unusual sort to say the least. For the most part deaf, the bell-ringer named the cathedral's four largest bells, the one's he could hear, Jacqueline, Gabrielle, Guillaume and Big Marie, with Big Marie being his favorite. Three of these names will play an important role in this mod.
    Hello Folks! Sure, being a witch can surely have its advantages, but as we all know, it isn't easy being a woman in Skyrim. And because of the fact that, well, most town folk just don't want a witch living next door. That can severely hamper the simple act of living and providing for one's self. Along with that, those that are fair-looking, have a nice backside or is ample in bust, are subject to being the target of gang-rapes, getting robbed, placed into slavery, etc., by No-Goodniks. As such, our aforementioned friend is now a bit down on her luck.
    But this woman is no one's fool, quite witty and decided to be proactive. After all, she'll decide who enters "her domain". Acquiring some Frostbite spider eggs, she allowed them to hatch and over time, bred them with hamsters to create creatures that are much smaller in stature. Time was spent to train and enchanted them, so that should any trouble arise, they immediately deploy to specific areas of her body, guarding those areas with their lives. These miniature Frostbite spiders give off a powerful aura that will quickly deep freeze Do-Badders. Jacqueline and Gabrielle, the nipple spiders, they are bad. However, when things get "dicey" with larger groups or more formitable foes, she can deploy "The Elder", Big Marie, the crotch spider. Very bad for those around her. Jacqueline, Gabrielle and Big Marie - they are her primary weapons and you do not want to feel their wrath.
    Set your Hot-Keys for her to wear her clothes in towns. When dungeon-crawling and / or in dark areas, deploy Jacqueline and Gabrielle, as they can sense trouble coming and instantly spring into action. If things get extra bad, calling forth The Elder, Big Marie, will, well..., I already told you.

    So yes kids, it's true! Now you too can have this lovely outfit, along with Jacqueline, Gabrielle and Big Marie for your lovely Dragonborn. Isn't that just marvy?
    Most use the   AddItemMenu   mod now-a-days, so you can use it to get your armor right away - cheater!  A version of this mod (noted HS) requires the Heels Sound  mod by ApoKrytia for the "clicky" boots. Be sure to have that already installed. However, if you wish not to use Heels Sound, there is also a "No Heels Sound" file as well - noted as "NoHS".
        INSTALLATION & BODYSLIDE:    Simply install my mod using your favorite mod manager. Once doing so, start up BodySlide and select "C5Kev's Damned Witch HS (or NoHS) UUNP (or CBBE)"  from the "Group Filter" drop-down. Check the "Build Morphs" box and click "Batch Build" to make your armor parts. That's about it.  
    Meshes used, made by these great modders:
    Boots / stockings from "Arcane Sister" by Lostdaywalker
    Extra boot parts / knife belt from "Gothic Mistress" by Alecu
    Panty from "The Mage" from Oblivion.
    Dress from "Mystic Enchantress" by Alecu
    Sleeves from "Intriguante's Wear" by Netist
    Thank you, for without your hard work, my mods simply wouldn't be possible.
    Please, do not upload this or any of my other mods onto other sites or utilize my assets without permission.



  3. C5Kev's Black Bandit Armor UUNP & CBBE

    Hello Folks!    LL probably isn't the best venue for this heavy armor set, but Jade is revved up about it and can think of 455, Super Duty reasons why she likes it. No, I'm not on an n8k or a "black" kick, it just worked out that way. This set is based off of n8k's Black Wisteria armor with some modifications and changes.  Jade likes it because she feels that with her breasts exposed, it gives her a tactical advantage to distract male No-Goodniks. I suppose there's some merit to that thinking, but I think she just likes people looking at her boobs. A matching, slightly lighter and faster swinging greatsword is also included. Oh boy!
    This shiny black and gold heavy armor set will look great on anyone's Dragonborn, is rated is close to Orcish and you will need to have the Orc smithing perk to create it. For tempering you'll need to find some ebony.  Most use the   AddItemMenu   mod now-a-days, so you can use it to get your armor right away - cheater!
    A version of this mod (noted HS) requires the  Heels Sound  mod by ApoKrytia for the "clicky" boots. Be sure to have that already installed. However, if you wish not to use Heels Sound, there is also a "No Heels Sound" file as well - noted as "NoHS".     INSTALLATION & BODYSLIDE:    Simply install my mod using your favorite mod manager. Once doing so, start up BodySlide and select "C5Kev's Black Bandit Armor HS (or NoHS) UUNP (or CBBE)"  from the "Group Filter" drop-down. Check the "Build Morphs" box and click "Batch Build" to make your armor parts. That's about it.       Mesh Credits: Armor: Black Wisteria by n8k
    Shoes: Lady Revenant by Krista Corset: Tera Succubus Armor by En Masse Panty: Lingerie Set for 7B Bombshell by furiousreason, Petrovich  
    Please, do not upload this or any of my other mods onto other sites or utilize my assets without permission.



  4. C5Kev's Sexy Bondage Revisited UUNP & CBBE

    I noticed a typo in the .esp file that prevented the shoes from displaying. Please download the updated ESP file, unzip it and place the .esp file into your "Skyrim\Data" directory. Please accept my apologizes.  Note that the main file has been updated and the "No Heels Sound" file was not affected
    Hello Folks!   This is my re-texture of Gatti's Bondage Type-0 armor that I created a while back. I felt it was time to revisit this mod and made some minor texture changes, as well as replaced the boots with some sexy shoes. This armor is in the "hide" category, but its rating is much higher and can be used far into the game. Your Dragonborn will look great - guaranteed - in this outfit!
    Use the AddItemMenu mod to get the armor right away or you can make them at a forge. One can begin tempering the armor right away using leather.
    This mod requires the  Heels Sound  mod by ApoKrytia, for the clicky shoes. Be sure to have that already installed.  However, if you do not wish to use Heels Sound, download the appropriate replacement .esp zip file. Install the armor mod first, then unzip the "No Heels Sound" file and place it into your "Data" directory, overwriting the original.
    Simply install my mod using your favorite mod manager. Once doing so, start up BodySlide and select "C5Kev's Sexy Bondage Armor UUNP (or CBBE)" from the "Group Filter" drop-down. Check the "Build Morphs" box and click "Batch Build" to make your armor parts. That's about it.
    Credit to Gatti for creating the armor.  Any problems, please let me know.

    Please, respect my wishes and DO NOT upload this or any of my other mods onto other sites or utilize my assets without permission. Thank you.



  5. C5Kev's Animated Living Armor Revisited UUNP & CBBE

    Hello Folks!   Simply horrifying! Yes, well, I wanted to breathe some new life in Aradia's world famous Living Armor and hopefully I've done that with new textures, along with new "clicky" shoes and gauntlets.  The textures are also animated - which is just what this armor needed - that makes it highly repugnant and provides maximum smelly-ness as it very moves it's way into your character's orifices unhindered. Yuck!  And now you have all three (3) colors in one mod, so you can give some to your followers or perhaps that bandit girl you're strangely attacted too.
    And along with this great armor comes incredibly terrible and dreaded weapons you're sure to love. All I'll say is that while they're somewhat powerful, bad-guys aren't going to like what it has in store for them and gonna drop like flies. I think it's a pretty cool armor package and hope everyone enjoys using it.
    Use the AddItemMenu mod to get the armor and weapon right away or you can make them at a forge, then work your way to the Daedric Smithing perk so you can temper the armor and weapons.
    This mod requires the  Heels Sound  mod by ApoKrytia, for the clicky boots. Be sure to have that already installed.
    Simply install my mod using your favorite mod manager. Once doing so, start up BodySlide and select "C5Kev's Animated Living Armor Colors UUNP (or CBBE)" from the "Group Filter" drop-down. Check the "Build Morphs" box and click "Batch Build" to make your armor parts. That's about it.
    Credit to Aradia for creating an awesome armor, Comvex for terrific gauntlets, Nisetanaka for the weapon and killer shoes, part of the Heimu Clothes mod (author unknown).
    Any problems, please let me know.

    Please, respect my wishes and DO NOT upload this or any of my other mods onto other sites or utilize my assets without permission. Thank you.



  6. C5Kev's Woman Of The Wild Armor V1

    Hello Folks!   OK, perhaps my Jade character is a bit too glamorous to be considered the proverbial Woman Of The Wild, like some dirty orphan kid that grew up living with wolves and eating Skeever shit. But that's not the point. The point is...uh, ...the point is...uh, ...I don't know what the point is. And it doesn't matter because your Dragonborn will look great in this armor. 
    This package is made up of the loin cloth from RefurbMadness' Barbaric Boob Armor, gloves from the Lady Keira mod by the famed Krista (now with red-tailed hawk feathers), Goma's Simply Bikini parts, the iconic platform shoes from Deserter-X's Wild Huntress / Ancient Draugr Armor mod(s) and "the bow", all lovingly re-textured by yours truly.
    And I know what you're thinking, "Ah, crap. Another stinky, "low-end" steel-based armor set". And you'd be right! Except for one thing. Something very special. The Bow Of The Wild. And special it is. Hand-crafted (by a master craftsman of course) from a fallen limb from an ancient tree growing out of heartstones at the base of the Red Mountain, this bow can fire faster than all other "lesser" bows. Along with that, its arrows will suck the ever-lovin' life out of its recipients, dropping them faster than a bag of hammers. And I know what you're thinking, "Kev, is that story true"?  Hell, I don't know...I overheard it in the cafeteria.  But it sounds about right.
    You can grab this outfit by using AddItemMenu  or the armor and arrows can be made at a forge and tempered once achieving the Steel Smithing perk. However, you'll need to obtain the Arcane Blacksmith perk to temper the bow.
    This mod requires the  Heels Sound  mod by ApoKrytia, for the clicky boots. Be sure to have that already installed.
    Not much else to say here, other than this is a great armor package that your Dragonborn will surely love and You Can Get It Today!  Isn't that amazing?  Simply click the "Download" button to the right and you're on your way to achieving true and total happiness. WOW!
    Simply install my mod using your favorite mod manager. Once doing so, start up BodySlide and select "C5Kev's Woman Of The Wild Armor UUNP (or CBBE)" from the "Group Filter" drop-down. Check the "Build Morphs" box and click "Batch Build". That's about it.
    Please, respect my wishes and DO NOT upload this or any of my other mods onto other sites or utilize my assets without permission. Thank you.



  7. C5Kev's Horker Hide & Bone Bikini Armor UUNP & CBBE

    Hello Folks!    Dragonbone, Schmagonbone!    Everyone is led to believe it's the hardest material for armor and weapons. I say bullshit! Like birds. dragons fly and therefore, require air sacks within their bodies, as well as honeycombed (air-pocketed) bones in order to be light enough to do so.   For Jade, I wanted something much more dense to protect her sweet little ass! And what could be more dense than Horker bone? Well, probably Mammoth, but they're a pain in the ass to bring down. One also has Giants to contend with, so fuck that! Horkers on the other hand are easy-pickin's - slow moving and weigh half as much as a '58 Buick, so their bones need to be dense - very dense - to hold up their fat asses.   This Horker hide and bone bikini armor was, in fact, designed by the Naughty Girl herself and meant to distract opponents as well as provide the ultimate in protection. Made by a Master Craftsman, even the thong bottom is carefully hand-carved and fitted specifically to fit your character. Makes me wish I was a Master Craftsman, talk about a job perk!    About the cuirass - while it appears only to be nipple piercings, don't let that fool you. No, they're not enchanted or anything, just that those bones are very sharp and if scratched, could cause a very serious infection!  When making up your armor in BodySlide, note that the cuirass has fatter and longer nipples to accommodate the bones. So if your character's preset already has long nipples, you may want to re-size them accordingly. You don't want your character to look like a weird-oh!   The boot height is as shown in the first two images. I "lowered" them after taking most of the screenshots. Stockings are made of, what else, rope-style fishnet!   This heavy armor outfit can be created at a forge using Horker tusks and leather right away. For cheaters such as myself, I just use the  AddItemMenu  mod to get the armor. But because this is special shit and has a "higher-than-dragonbone" rating, you'll need to obtain the "Dragonbone" smithing perk in order to temper the armor. Sorry, but that's life!   So what we have here is re-textured Nise's dragonbone armor parts (horker bone is lighter in color and more yellow) from the iconic TAWOBA, a very modified thong from Xuniana's Red Packet, modified boots by Petrovich and long, sexy red fingernails by Kaw.   A version of this mod (noted HS) requires the  Heels Sound  mod by ApoKrytia for the "clicky" shoes. Be sure to have that already installed. However, if you wish not to use Heels Sound, there is also a "No Heels Sound" file as well - noted as "NoHS".     INSTALLATION & BODYSLIDE:  Simply install my mod using your favorite mod manager. Once doing so, start up BodySlide and select "C5Kev's Horker Bone Bikini Armor HS (or NoHS) UUNP (or CBBE)"  from the "Group Filter" drop-down. Check the "Build Morphs" box and click "Batch Build" to make your armor parts. That's about it.       Please, DO NOT upload this or any of my other mods onto other sites or utilize my assets without permission.




    Description:[NIND] CBBE DR ARIS by TEAM TAL  v 1.0.0

    Original outfit by TEAM TAL:
    Changes Made:
    -Combination of all colors into one ESP
    -Slooty versions of each color with original crafting
    -Slooty Zaps
    -Oily Body

    Use the usual methods by either a mod manager or manual install.
    Utilize AdditemMenu and search "ARIS"
    Credit to TEAM TAL for the Outfit.



  9. SexLab - Hide HUD Elements

    This mod/plugin is a continuation of my previous work, SexLab - Hide Crosshair Reference.
    While they won't break anything if used together nor interfere with each other, it's pointless and will just waste precious game resources by taking CPU time to process instructions.
    Now you can customize which parts of the HUD get automatically hidden when the player enters a SexLab animation.
    You can also customize which player controls get disabled aswell.
    Like the previous mod, this is a SKSE plugin written in C++. No game plugins (ESM/ESP) and no Papyrus scripts.
    Source code is included as a separate download.
    Drop "SexLab - Hide HUD Elements.dll" into "Data\SKSE\Plugins" or install it with your favorite mod manager. Launch the game once to generate the plugin's default configuration file at the same location where the DLL is located (reaching the main menu is enough for the INI file to be automatically created). Configure "Data\SKSE\Plugins\SexLab - Hide HUD Elements.ini" to your liking using a text editor.  
    [SexLab] Start = Starting or Start End = Ending or End [HUD] ; All fields in this section are either "yes" or "no". [Controls] ; All fields in this section are either "yes" or "no". [Custom] ; Sequential (starts at 1) custom elements added by mods. ; The element must belong to menu "HUD Menu" for this to work. ; Element will be internally translated to "_root.<ELEMENT>". 1 = MyModElement 2 = HisModElement 3 = HerModElement ...  
    Remove "SexLab - Hide HUD Elements.dll" and "SexLab - Hide HUD Elements.ini" from "Data\SKSE\Plugins".
    Known Issues:
    None. If it's not working for you, please check "My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SKSE\SexLab - Hide HUD Elements.log".



  10. Sexlab Position Selector By Nen - Control Yourself

    This mod allows the user to select positions before and during sexlab animations. WITHOUT the need of spells, shouts, or other position selectors.Simply Press U and a Menu will popup, Then Select a Position , Ex: DoggyStyle and press O to switch to that position.
    How Does It Work:
    It is Simplicity Itself = P , Just hooks on to any sexlab act and gives the option to change animations at any time by providing a new set using the tags available, shortly put, it will use whatever animations you have active, but select them based off of the tags present in Sexlab and once you change positions you'll have a whole set of animations in that position, not unlike the spells and shouts provided before from "Books of Love" , or "MatchMaker" etc, but able to keep changing it at will.
    Walk up to an NPC, start your animations s normal, dialogue or whatever, and just before it Begins , press U, A menu will appear that shows positions, You can also do this at any time during your acts by selecting the positoin you want and press O (Or whatever your position changing key is) to switch to a new position.
    OR: - (NEW FEATURE since out of Beta / Non Uploaded Version)
    Hold SHIFT key and press U as normal and you will get a new menu with AGGRESSIVE versions of the animations, if you want to up the bar a bit.
    Sexlab Framework (No way! O_O, Yes...) , Nothing Else Needed
    Simply Upload to any mod manager
    Export the archive file to your Skyrim folder and overwrite your "Data" folder.
    *IMPORTANT* - Make sure this mod is Highest Priority, (Lowest on the list), it should override any other adult mod in order to work, it shouldn't hinder with or bother them, just make sure you don't have the U, or O keys linked to anything since there's no MCM menu options yet, if anyone knows how to get that done please let me know.
    Works fine with just removing the mod from the list honestly, I mean this barely does anything, but if you want to be super cereal about it, just do the normal .......disable the mod..... load your game.... ignore warnings.....save .....and your done. Or just remove it with Wrye bash, pretty much anything goes.This is just procedure.
    Troubleshooting / Known Issues
    This Mod is known to have issues with Apropos if you have the option for custom animations on, and any mod that switches from one pose to another in mid sequence, so if a mod has you start in Doggy, switch to Cowgirl and end in Oral, this mod will not be able to control that sequence, Maybe, Depends on how the original coder made it. Just be sure to have this at the bottom of your mod list, it doesn't interfere with anything as far as I have seen.
    Also seems to be an issue with Custom Animations, ones not tagged by Sexlab itself, they may have to be added manually or tagged by their creator to register for this. I'm still new to all this so I'm not entirely sure. I'll look into it.
    Future Plans
    Plan on adding many immersive features (Definitely Optional) like Pleasure and Pain Lifebars Bars for Orgasms, Stomach tank for filling, X-Ray Views, and other little features that could enhance a mod like this. Opinions and Suggestions or flat out adding them if you want, definitely welcome. Its a crude mod but I just wanted to get attention to a feature I thought was really important.
    Also want to have an ALL animation option just in case you want to try out normally disabled, or Custom animations for unique positions, but still provide options between normal and aggressive modes.
    Modifying this:
    If you plan on making changes to this specific mod or its scripts please toss some credit my way, and try to keep it all as one file, rather not have different mods in different directions with clashing ideas, just one mod with tons of options under one menu if possible, thats all. Besides that have fun and do whatever you feel like, source is included, its very simple and crude but represents features that were for some reason never included.
    Still new here, my first mod ever added, making new features wont be easy, please vote, rate, endorse, whatever, and I will continue to keep trying to update this, to add a bunch of new features, when I'm not working on other projects.
    Also looking to add MCM options to this mod, if you know how or have directions to a tutorial of some kind please link me or send me a message.
    Ashal - for his help in improving the mod, and everyone involved in the making of the SexLab Framework who made so many options available under one banner!
    La Espada - For added this to the Sexlab Index, its an honor for such a humble mod to be considered.



  11. Naturalistic HDT

    >>> Naturalistic HDT <<<
    custom physics and collisions for HDT PE
    latest version:     Naturalistic HDT -> v3.68
    Beast HDT -> outdated and therefor removed (just ask me via pm if you still want it for some reason)
    Important news:
    I quit modding Skyrim, so please refrain from asking me to add some feature or improve something that's already included.
    If you want to add that one missing feature that makes all the difference in your opinion or if you want to improve this mod, then go ahead, do whatever you want with it.
    Just give credit where it's due, everything else is up to you.
    Version 3 of Naturalistic HDT includes an optional repainted UUNP Special body mesh (Bodyslide source file) to improve jiggling and collisions. There is also a conversion of UUNP HDT Piercing Sets 0.7 for this repaint in the download section.
    If you upgrade this mod from v3.54 or lower and you are using UUNP then please rebuild the UUNP hand, feet and body meshes in order to get the correct xml attachment for the new xml layout introduced with v3.55.
    Version 3.6 adds a new Bodyslide group called "Naturalistic Bodybuilding". You can find all the meshes that you need to build in there. I figured that with Bodyslide itself occasionally updating UUNP Special without mentioning it in the changelog I better decouple the edited body I provide. I also fixed a lot of morph slider issues with UUNP Special (like the back of the labia being buried inside the body mesh) and improved weight paints.
    And then I added the Chinese UUNP body we talked about earlier itt to the package. The main difference are the remodeled, puffy nipples and the more complex vagina shape.
    If you downloaded the "Chinese UUNP Fix" esp I provided before then please deactivate and delete it. It might cause additional texture issues and with v3.65 it isn't needed anymore.
    Further down in this mod description you will find additional information about how to get the vagina textures to show on your characters instead.
    Be advised that in v3.6 simply building the UUNP Special body, hand and feet in Bodyslide like you did in previous versions doesn't let you build the meshes included in this mod but the default one included in Bodyslide. My versions are beginning with "NBB".
    Mod description:
    Frankly speaking I'm not too happy with the results that most of the xmls available for HDT physics have ingame. Either the collision triggers too far away from the object in question or the jiggling is just wrong for me. So I figured that if I wanted something that suits my needs then I had to make my own xml set. Also I kinda dig math and physics, even if HDT PE might be more akin to spherical cows in a vacuum.
    The name of the mod should give you a hint to what I was going for. No endless jiggling, no breasts moving like jello or jumping around like they are possessed. Just boobies and butts and the magnificient way they behave in the real world.
    Well, I hope you like it.
    I created this set with Just for Fun, which is a very nice tool that makes these xml files look way less byzantine. Try it out yourselves, definitely recommended.
    The body I used is the UUNP Special UNPBB body but I included variants of the breast physics for both bigger and smaller breasts.
    And as it turns out this set is also fully compatible with Clams of Skyrim.
    Very important:
    Don't let anything else overwrite meshes or xmls from this mod. Don't use any other body xml mods unless it's FloppySOS and you use it together with my compatible version. If you really really need to use something else on top of this and there are conflicts then just ask in the mod thread how to resolve them.
    A couple of (not so) short instructions:
    - Please make sure that my mod overwrites everything else. That's especially true for XPMSE which you usually should load last. I edited a few skeletons from that mod and if you let XPMSE overwrite my altered skeletons then the corresponding creature animations won't work as intended. But it's also true for other mods like All in one UUNP, MNC or Realistic Ragdoll and also generally anything that overwrites my xmls.
    - With the release of v3 including Bodyslide source meshes for UUNP Special this mod should be fairly beginner friendly now.
    Just follow the instructions, make your choices and attach the xml data on your own or if you use UUNP Special let Bodyslide do that for you by rebuilding the hand, feet and body meshes of any of the UUNP Special variants. Why I want you to use Clams of Skyrim or UUNP Special (or maybe Tripleen too)? Because they have an HDT enabled 3d vagina attached and without that a big part of this mod becomes kinda pointless.
    - If you want to use Clams or any other CBBE body with a 3D vagina together with my physics then you obviously don't have to build the body included in my mod with Bodyslide. And should you want to switch bodies (UUNP -> CBBE or vice versa) on an ongoing savegame better read this.
    - Should you decide to use the Chinese UUNP Special body that I included in the mod then you are not done with just building the body, hands and feet in Bodyslide.
    You also have to add the the inner vagina texture to the female body texture. And since everyone seems to use a different texture I can't do that for you. But don't worry, because there is TexBlend (included in Bodyslide&Outfit Studio). It's a very straightforward to use tool that lets you blend the vagina textures I added into the female body textures.
    Afterwards the femalebody_1.dds should look somewhat like this (not regarding different skin tone, moles etc):

    and the femalebody_1_msn.dds should look like this:

    Both texture files will be uncompressed afterwards. And for the normal map (msn) that's okay I guess, many if not all body texture mods keep these uncompressed.
    But you might want to recompress the diffuse map (the femalebody_1.dds in this case) back to DXT5 format. Thanks to Ordenator this is also ridiculously easy to do.
    Just take that image and copy it over to a subfolder of Ordenator. Then point the tool towards that. It will automatically recompress the texture with DXT5 and it might even fix a few issues along the way (like missing mipmaps).
    Don't copy over complete texture folders though, the msn textures (normal maps) should better stay uncompressed if you don't want to see blocky transitions on the skin.
    - Even with the FOMOD installer you have to make sure that all my xmls are attached as NiStringExtraData, also for the NPCs your char has intercourse with (in case they come with their own body, hand and feet meshes - one example would be the Bijin replacers).
    And don't forget the hdtm.xml for males, I have attached it to the 3 different schlong variants included in SOS.
    So if you don't want to attach them yourself then I already set that up for you, there's a choice in the installer for that. For 3.55 there's also a choice to install male hand meshes with the hdtfingers.xml attached since this version has a different xml file layout and uses the hdtfingers.xml again.
    - If you chose the repainted UUNP Special body then I strongly recommend to skip pregnancy mods that depend on NIOverride belly scaling and are not covered by Sexlab Inflation Framework. The reason is that my repaint makes that scaling method look even uglier than it already was before. Then again the racemenu morphs and especially "Pregnancy Belly" already look far superior with the original weight paint so you shouldn't use NIOverride belly scaling anyway.
    If you don't know how to attach xml data then here's a nice illustrated tutorial.
    And here's another one with a simpler way to do the exact same thing.
    When he's writing about increasing damping he means that you should download JFF v4, open the hdtPhysicsExtensionsDefaultBBP.xml with it and increase the damping settings under Constraints -> doubleclick one of the entries -> Linear Limits -> the small box with the down arrow right of Linear Motor X, Y and Z -> Spring Damping.
    For armors that are not supposed to bounce up and down much decreasing the Linear Limits intervalls might be a good idea too.
    I'm usually too lazy for any of that though and let all my armors jiggle like the naked body. ^^
    - You also have to make sure that the characters involved in sex acts have the meshes loaded that you attached the xml data to! This is extremely important.
    Especially the Sexlab default strip settings might be a bit too conservative so for example if you have attached the hdtvagina.xml to the female feet mesh (femalefeet_0.nif and femalefeet_1.nif) then in Sexlab's MCM menu under Timers&Stripping activate the feet checkbox for foreplay, normal and aggressive animations or her lower lips won't start talking.
    With version 3.1 of this mod it should be enough to have the female main body naked though (and the male hands if you're using FloppySOS).
    For version 3.55 the hands also need to be naked but there you have the advantage that most collisions also work with clothes on as long as the hands are bare.
    Additional information:
    If you still have problems setting this up here's a little FAQ I wrote in another thread (some of the things there are already mentioned above):
    And last but not least a little help for building the body meshes with Bodyslide:

    Also check out post 2 of the mod topic. There's more additional stuff like a basic workflow to edit and test xmls with the game open in there.
    HydrogensaysHDT for HDT PE
    HydrogensaysHDT and Monsto Brukes for Just for Fun
    Ashal for the SexLab framework
    Smurf, Vector and b3lisario for SOS
    Ousnius and Caliente for Bodyslide and the Outfit Studio
    Stevierage for the HDT vagina
    BringTheNoise and Cell for that sexy UUNP Special body
    scivirus for the just as tasty Clams of Skyrim body
    Leito for his Schlong Addon for SOS and for all these great animations he's making
    Whoever created that Chinese UUNP Special variant in the first place - 突然晕倒 or Túrán yūn dǎo ... maybe
    Others I forgot to mention. Sorry.



  12. Anub's SLAL Animations - RAPE REDUX

    Uploaded reworked version with correct FNIS protocols (no more warnings or other stuff)
    This is a customized and reduced SLAL Pack made by AnubiSs2167.
    All credits go to him. 
    With his permission I am releasing only my personal collection of his animations, centered on Rape Animations (non consensual).
    This is a modified 3.2020 Version of the Official Pack.
    NOTE: This is alos the "Human" Animations, not the creature ones.
    - Reduced FNIS animation count and a customized Selection of animations for people who prefer the more dire content of this website.
    - meant to contain mostly Rape animations or animations that look like they could also be non-consensual for Combat Defeat and Slavery mods
    The Rape Word:
    I hate real Rape but I also dont like the word "non-consensual", since its long and cumbersome and tries to put a wolf in sheeps clothing.
    Rape is my fetish. I am a switch and I like to take both roles. In fact my primary fetish is beeing a rape victim. So there you go.
    Of course this is still a sexual fantasy and always will be. I am aware that real rape would be not sexy at all. 
    Therefore I am not playing skyrim for the flowers, but for the hard brutality that combat defeat and slavery can offer.
    It allows me to roleplay scenarios that can never be real in the real world, even inside of a roleplaying situation.
    Changes to the official SLAL Pack:
    - Reduced  FNIS animation count
    - added Aggressive, AggressiveDefault tag to some animations
    - removed most clearly consensual animations with humans 
    - I removed the json and txt entries (HKX files are still there)
    Important Notes:
    - these are my personal picks based on my taste. I will not take commissions.
    - do not use with the original pack. can lead to FNIS errors.
    Like any SLAL pack.
    The original mod is not required.
    Just overwriting the original mod will not work.
    Detailled list of removed anims:
    OK -> still in the pack
    REMOVE -> removed from original version
    EDIT -> changed but still there
    THIS IS THE FULL MOD (not required for this to work)



  13. Nymra's SLAL Animations

    (Uploaded a small fix for the Gallows animation having a cage instead of a rope o_O)
    Updated to Version 0.9 with 8 new animations and 1 new animation category (Cages)
    This is still an Alpha. I will improve the description in this thread bit by bit 

    IMPORTANT: These animations are not mine. I am (not yet) able to make my own Animations. I am just slapping HKX files from different authors together to get new animations.
    NOTE: These animations are pieces that were never meant to work with each other. Expect some clipping here and there and you are REQUIRED to fine tune actor and schlong positions yourself via Sexlab Hotkeys. I try to be as precise as I can in adjusting them for you via JSON, but it is a long process and can never be perfect. 
    Please report missalignments that you cannot fix, T-Poses or missing textures on objects
    Hard Requirements:
    - Sexlab 
    - Sexlab Animation Loader
    - ZAZ Animation Pack 7/8/8+
    Strongly suggested mods:
    - Sexlab Tools
    - Cumshot
    - Sexlab Cum Overlays (by Monoman)
    - Sexlab Utility Plus (by osmelmc) 
    - Better Free Camera (Nexus)
    - Customizeable Camera (Nexus)

    Human Furniture Animations
    Animations based on Zap Furnitures
    Human Aggressive Foreplay
    Animations without Sex but with harrasment and degradation, meant to be used as Foreplay animations via Sexlab. 
    You need to activate Foreplay in Sexlab MCM (the Tag is "LeadIn")
    Human Magic 
    Animations utilizing magic effects like tentacles, telekinesis and other. Mostly solo animations that I paired up with a mage.
    Uses the "Mage" keyword so you can filter them with OsmelMCs Sexlab Utility Plus "Filter Fetish Animations"
    Human Forced Masturbation 
    Animations combining female Solo animations with a guy holding a sword or other weapon basically
    Human Bukkake 
    Animations with masturbating Males and usually a bound female (both with furnitures or cuffs).
    These category has a huuuge potential and I already have ideas for basically dozens of animations. 
    They can also have 2P, 3P, 4P and 5P. If this is popular I might make a whole standalone pack out of this. 
    Like any other SLAL pack.
    Run FNIS!!!!
    Your Help:
    - Please tell me if the anim looks like in the Screenshots for you
    - Tell me when furniture has no textures or does not show up
    Future Plans:
    I will create as many ZAZ Furniture based animations as possible.
    Mods that change this pack:
    Strongly recommended! For better looking Pillories with boob vision slits
    I added the standard pillory in my pack for the sake of standardization. But I cannot recommend using it  

    this mod contains (or will in the future) animations from the following great animators.
    Thank you so much for the permission to use your work!

    And others when I get the permission. 
    Special Thanks for the Zap Framework which is the best BDSM ressource in the game IMO! 



  14. Alternate Pillories (for SLAL & ZAP)

    Uploaded alternate Version with DARK WOOD textures (more classy :D)
    This is a replacement for ALL basic Pillories in the game. 
    Why? Because they are ugly
    No, joke, its because I want to see the boobs!
    I cannot see the cute body of my PCs with the other Pillories. So I used this one for a better view of the fun. 
    I use it primarily with Defeat mods and Prison Overhaul, but it should affect all mods that use the basic ZAP Pillory.
    Affects ZAP Framework (all versions should be covered) and the following SLAL packs:
    - Nibbles
    - Leito
    - Anubs
    - FunnyBizness (my Rape Redux version and the normal version should both work, only tested the former)
    - Billyy
    It replaces all the meshes that are used by the original ZAP and the original SLAL AnimObjects. 
    Choose your Version
    Normal Version has the bright wood.
    DARK WOOD Version has... dark wood (surprise) 
    (Metal Version still WIP sorry) 
    With Mod Organizers:
    Just put the file in downloads, install as usual and see that it overwrites as written below.
    All Stuff goes into Data Folder, overwriting all... 
    In General:
    The mod has to overwrite both ZAP Framework and all the SLAL packs mentioned above.
    You dont need FNIS, register in SLAL or anything else, just install and play. 
    IMPORANT: Sexlab, Zaz Animation Pack, SLAL and SLAL packs are re
    Sexlab 1.62
    Zaz Animation Pack
    SLAL packs to your liking 
    SL Animation Loader 
    (without these it makes no sense to use this mod :D) 
    Future Plans:
    - Metal Pillory Version
    - Different Textures (darker ones maybe) 
    SE Compatibility: no idea. Feel free to test and report back to me. 
    All I did was copying existing material and renaming it. 
    I also had to adjust the position and height of the pillory for the AnimObjects.
    Credit goe to makers of ZAP Framework and the creators of the SLAL packs.



  15. Cre Muffler 2019 CBBE

    Description:[NIND] CBBE Cre_Muffler_2019  v 1.0.0
    Original outfit by Crential:
    Changes Made:
    -Oily Body
    -Repackage (using retextures)
    Use the usual methods by either a mod manager or manual install.
    Utilize AdditemMenu and search "Muffler"
    Credit to Crential for the Outfit.



  16. Enderal - SOS Compatibility patches

    Patches to make the SOS addons work with the custom races added in Enderal.
    Requires Enderal and SOS Full.
    Select the patches for the schlongs you use and install them via your favorite mod manager. You also need PlayableStarlingAndEndralean.7z. Get it from here.
    Update August 2020
    PlayableStarlingAndEndralean.7z that was included here no longer works with the current version of Enderal. Kaervek86 uploaded a fixed version. 
    Update April 2019
    smashly has uploaded 3 patches - for SexLab, SL Cumshot and SOS in this and the two following posts.

    There is a new SOS addon you can try!
    EvilReFlex has published a test version of "ERF Whanger"" SOS addon. Get it from here.
    I've added a compatibility patch for it if you want to test it in Enderal.
    Quckfix for Endralean and Starling races
    Thanks to spoonsinger for pointing out that making those two races playable fixes the problems with them an SOS.
    This is definitely not a "clean" solution and I realize that making the races playable is quite an aggressive fix but it works so I added to the downloads a patch that will make the races playable. I hope soon there will be another solution.
    Do not chose those 2 races for your player character as this is lore-breaking and might lead to problems. It is probably best to install the patch after the character creation.
    More patches
    Thanks to Uhuru N'Uru for uploading compatibility patches for Equipable Schlongs, Schlongs for Females, Hormones. You can find them here.
    RustyXXL has uploaded patches for Bad Dog's Hoodie Schlongs: Khajiit, Argonians, Human/Elf 4.2, Evil's Horse Penis 2 for Females 1.4 and SOS Addon - Pubic Hair for Females 1.3b. Read more about them here.

    What other mods work with Enderal?
    Some of the mods for Skyrim will work with Enderal, some will work partly and some will not work at all. Here is a list.
    Quite a lot of the LL mods seem to work, at least partially - SexLab, NSAP, Aroused, ZAZ, SLEN, Matchmaker, Random Sex, the all in one HDT pussy and others.



  17. SexLab Extra Voices Expanded + Voice Packs

    Uploaded individual Voice Packs and new Voices!
    This is a continuation and expansion of the Sexlab Extra Voices mod by sunspotz.
    I did not receive any answer from him, he is absent since 2015. 
    I do not want to profit from his work, but I modified his mod for quite some time now and I hope it is ok for him if I re-release it like this.
    The Original Mod is not required.
    What does this Mod do?
    Ìt adds about 20 new Voice slots (10 male, 10 female) to SexLab (this is what the original mod does)
    Each Voice had 15 voice slots to be filled by the user. It had no voice packs.
    My expansion does:
    1. Increase Voice File Slots for the profiles bit by bit. I plan on having 2 females and males with over 100 files support each (for PC and 1 Follower) 
    2. the other profiles will get 25 files support and some others 40-50 files. This will be a long process over several versions
    3. I will add voice packs to fill the mod, suitable for the different voice slot file sizes.
    4. maybe increase the number of voice slots available from 20 to 30 new voices
    My expansion does not:
    Differentiate between Hot/Medium/Mild sounds. All three folders contain the same sound files currently.
    This will maybe, just maybe change in the future.
    Normal Download (just the main File: SexLab Extra Voices Expanded - X-X)
    What VOICE PACKS are already included?
                                    Hot   Med  Mild*
    Female Voice 01        80    80    80            Overwatch    Tracer (80)**
    Female Voice 02        30    50    30            Custom        Karen (50)
    Female Voice 03        30    50    30            Custom        Meghan (50)
    Female Voice 04        15    15    15            Overwatch    Sombra (15)
    Female Voice 05        15    15    15            Overwatch    Widowmaker (15)
    Female Voice 06        15    15    15            LOL               Ahri (18)
    Female Voice 07        15    15    15            Overwatch    Zarya (15)
    Female Voice 08        15    15    15            LOL               Evelynn (15)
    Female Voice 09        15    15    15            Pure Rape     NoNoPlease (80) (contains only crying. not suitable for consensual scenes)
    Female Voice 10        15    15    15            Pure Rape     MissMoanAlot (60) (contains only crying. not suitable for consensual scenes)
                                   Hot  Med  Mild*
    MALE Voice 01        60    60    60            Overwatch    Junkrat (100)**
    MALE Voice 02        25    25    40            LOL               MonkeyKing (30)
    MALE Voice 03        25    25    40            LOL               ArmsmasterYi (25)
    MALE Voice 04        25    25    25            LOL               BlindMonk (30)
    MALE Voice 05        15    15    15            LOL               Aatrox (25)
    MALE Voice 06        15    15    15            Custom         Alex (40)
    MALE Voice 07        15    15    15            Overwatch    Winston (60)
    MALE Voice 08        15    15    15            Overwatch    Reinhard (105)
    MALE Voice 09        25    25    25            Overwatch    Roadhog (120)
    MALE Voice 10        25    25    25            Custom        NoTalking  (60)
    *indicates the number of voice files the slot supports. The more files the more variation in the sounds played.
    **indicates the actual number of voice files in the given named Voicepack. If the number is greater than the "slots" you will not hear all of the available voice files (for now)
    How does it work?
    Sexlab uses 3 different types of Sound files. Hot, Medium and Mild.
    To my knowledge (and some testing), the "Mild" sounds play at the beginning of a consensual Sex Animation. With each Stage more Hot sounds will be played.
    In the final stage mostly hot sounds will play. This is true for both actors.
    "Medium" Sounds will only play for victims in aggressive animations.
    Aggressors will only play "Mild" Sounds in aggressive animations. 

    Download the main File (usually on top: SexLab Extra Voices Expanded - X-X)
    Just drop into your Data Folder or install with a Mod Organizer of your choice like usual.
    It should not overwrite anything (but older versions of this mod)
    Its no problem to install this on a running game.
    To activate the new voices in SexLab Framework on a running game:
    in Sexlab Framework MCM > Rebuild & Clean tab > Reset Voice Registry > Done
    You can now toggle the Voices you want in "Voices & SFX"
    (Tutorial kindly provided by donttouchmethere) (expand for guidance)
    I use my Voice packs with 2-4 second delay for both male and female. If you want a bit more silence, just set the timer a bit longer. 
    - Download the Voice Pack you want to try.
    - Unpack the archive (with 7-zip or similar)
    - choose 1 of the 10 female or 10 male slots you want to use and delete everything inside (3 Folders +1 txt file)
     path: data\sound\fx\SexLab\Voiceslot XX (gender)
    - copy the content (3 folders and 1 txt file) of the Voice Pack you want into the slot folder. 

    Should work right away, if not just reset voice registry (might even be possible to update while the game is running) 
    I dont know of any conflicts of the original mod.
    This should overwrite the original Mod, so I recommend not using them at the same time to avoid confusion.
    Yes. At least from what I was told. Please report any problems that might occur. 
    The full version of this mod I want to have:
    80 voice filesfor 1 female and 1 male slot (33% complete)
    25 voice files for 4 male and 4 female slots (0% complete)
    15 voice files for the other 5 male and female slots (100% complete)
    add more voice slots (0% complete)
    I also want to add more Voice packs made from Overwatch and League of Legends game sounds.
    Make Voice packs that have also voice lines instead of just moaning and screaming
    Differentiate between Hot/Medium/Mild sounds.
    How you can help?
    Test the mod and give feedback
    Provide me with links to suitable voice files for making voice packs.
     How can I make my own voice packs?
    See the original mod for description.
    The only thing I found out is, that it seems the 44100Hz Mono 16-Bit Uncompressed!
    is not needed for this. In my tests the game played also 48000Hz Stere 16 Bit and 88000 Stereo 16 bit.
    I did not test 32 bit. 
    Meghan, Karen, Ian, Alex and Sean are free sounds but they can only be used when given credit: 



  18. Slaverun + Devious Devices Version Fix (DD 4.1 and later)

    I did not create this fix. 
    I just upload this as external file so ppl do not have to search the thread. 
    If you created this fix plz write me a PM. 

    How to use this:
    If you are using newer DD Versions with Slaverun you can use this fix to get rid of some of the issues. 
    From my testing it still not fixes everything (some stuff is not recognized by Slaverun, with and without this fix). 
    Removes the error message that the DD version is not correct.

    Like any other mod. 
    Should overwrite Slaverun. 
    This is a WIP Upload, might add more details later. 
    I am working on a Slaverun Profile myself and will maybe upload more fixes, but it will take time because it has low priority for me
    This mod does nothing on its own and contains no source files. So I dont even know for myself what exactly it does ^^
    Please report any problems so we can probably make an FAQ:
    Slaverun Version Fix for DD 4 and later.7z



  19. Arousal Based Breast Adjuster for Skyrim LE (ABBA)

    A mod that changes your character's Breast/Butt/Nipple size based on their arousal level.
    Note: This is a backport from my SE mod and  does not provide the same functionality due to changes in body types.
    NB: you will need recent updates for BodySlide and RaceMenu. In addition to this you need to tick "build tri morphs" when building outfits/body
    I wanted to make this mod as I couldn't find one that did this in a simple way without lots of other stuff going on.
    NB: Needless to say if you have any other mod running that changes your body shape then you might need to use an inflation framework mod like SLIF. I should also say that if you have overlays enabled in racemenu then you might see graphical oddities on outfits with alpha blend meshes.
    Thanks to Kimy for the help getting this off the ground and the folks who made the sexlab/aroused/bodyslide/racemenu mods.
    body/armor meshes with tri morph files generated
    Sexlab (Note you need PapyrusUtil version 3.3+)
    Sexlab Aroused Redux
    All of the above
    The ZAZ guys for some mod assets
    Ousnius for looking at my code
    All the folks that use my mod and have contributed ideas or spotted bugs, thanks!
    The Godess Dibella!
    One thing I should add about this mod. It checks for a few things before applying any changes: changes to arousal level/whether the character has an armour item removed (if that is enabled) etc. So if you load it up and nothing happened for a while it could be that nothing has changed that deems a morph on your character or npcs. You can test it by setting the increase arousal keybind and spamming it for a while. Enjoy!
    Note: Reportedly this can fix a ctd with in-game morphs if you are using Crash Fixes: "If you have crash fixes, go into the .ini file located in your SKSE folder, look for the line that says "AlignHeapAllocate=0" and change the 0 to a 1."
    Some recent changes to ABBA require PapyrusUtil version 3.3 (latest version at the time of writing this) or later. Sexlab framework for LE currently comes with 3.0 so please make sure you have 3.3+ installed and overriding the sexlab version in your mod manager.
    If you like ABBA and would like to support me and my modding endeavours you can now buy me a coffee!



  20. BDOR Eclipse UUNP HDT Cloth Bodyslide Conversion - The Breastening Update

    Second in the line of projects, Zepho presents: a UUNP Bodyslide Conversion Build for the glorious DM's BDOR Eclipse Outfit by Team TAL!

    Self explanatory enough! Complete with HDT Cloak and High Heel Stuff! (Took the most work trying to get the feet mesh right ._. )
    ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)

    Tesv 2020-08-23 13-56-11-16-1.webm  
    Because I still use this, and my character's been getting some development lately(Hormonal too, evidently o_o)... here you go! I know there's a new BDOR Pack version, but I haven't gotten around to adapting my load order to it... I extracted a few from it that I like to work with, but its still quite the cluster fuck... I feel a surge coming though... +_+
    Also, don't mind me, just now getting into tripping around and over how to gif/vid, I'll get it right. >_>
    1. [LE] DM BDOR Eclipse by Team TAL
    2. Bodyslide and Outfit Studio for UUNP
    3. Everything required by the original mod!

    1. Install to unpack in your preferred Mod Organizer (Main and Patch File)
    2. Activate ESP that enables armor weighting
    3. Build with your body preset of choice on Bodyslide
    3. Enjoy!

    Known issues:
    1. Rudimentary First Person Function
    2. Still figuring out what other issues might arise, leave your comments on the support forum page for insights! Be glad to hear 'em!
    1. Some of the screenshots might depict previously outdated versions, but were pretty enough to me to include!
    Credits/Mods used:
    To TeamTAL for the original outfit mod
    Check out my Patreon for more descriptive project updates(Here's the page for this one), and a support platform!
    Catch me on Twitter?
    Link to my previous mod!: Bloodborne Doll Cloak UUNP



  21. Lingxuan Hundred FG CBBE

    Description: [NIND] CBBE Lingxuan Hundred FG v 1.0.0
    Original outfit by Xing SE:
    Changes Made:
    -Oily Body
    -Slooty Version
    Use the usual methods by either a mod manager or manual install.
    Utilize AdditemMenu and search "Hundred"
    Credit to Xing SE for the Outfit.



  22. SOS - Leito Schlongs Addon

    Schlongs of Skyrim - Leito Schlongs Addon Legendary Edition
    by Leito86
    Mod Description
    The Skyrim Special Edition can be found here.
    This mod adds 3 new schlongs to the game: Uncircumcised human, Argonian, and Khajiit.
    The new schlongs have all the features of the default schlongs that came with SOS.
    I consider this mod to be done and probably won't be adding anything else to it aside from maybe some bug fixes. Any body, textures, and .esp edits I'll leave to the community.
    Race Compatibilities
    Uncircumcised Human
    All human and mer males only
    Argonians males only
    Khajiit males only
    No werewolf/femboy support
    Body and Texture Compatibilities
    The models are only compatible with the default body from Schlongs of Skyrim.
    The textures are only compatible with the default textures that came with Schlongs of Skyrim.
    1 - Use a mod manager.
    2 - Install the latest version of Schlongs of Skyrim and its requirements (make sure it works).
    3 - Install this mod and go through the installer.
    4 - Run LOOT.
    If using on an existing game, you may have to restart SOS in MCM.
    Mod Compatibilities
    I tested this mod with Smurf's Average Schlong and it seemed to run fine.
    Do whatever you want with the assets found in this mod. Credits would be nice.
    Leito86 - Author of this mod
    Smurf and VectorPlexus - Schlongs of Skyrim
    The rest of the modding community



  23. Shiny Draugr Boot Fix

    Replaces the base game's jacked normal map with an uncompressed baked one.  That's it; use it or don't.
    Permissions: Go wild with this.  It took 5 minutes to make in Blender and the original texture isn't mine to begin with.



  24. Vanilla Cage Replacer (for POP/SD+)

    This replaces the Vanilla cages with more beautiful ones. Affects SD+ Cages and POPs Cages. 
    This is an Alpha Version.
    - Please report if you have additional CTD when entering cells with cages (SD Cages & Prison Overhaul places some)
    - If you want to test this mod use SD Cages and go to Silent Moons Camp near Whiterun
    - The Door is not yet changed
    Just place it in Data Folder (Overwrite everything)
    Mod Organizers: Just install and tick. 
    It will overwrite Textures from ZAP Framework (that way this mod works without dependencies)
    Should be compatible with everything.
    The new cage has the exact same size and collision as the one it replaced. 
    List of Recommended Mods (because this mod was basically made for those)
    - SD Cages by Inte
    - Prison Overhaul Patched (POP) by Inte

    Thanks to:
    - Myself for not ragequitting on this, lol
    - Inte for providing mods that I cant stop playing and optimizing loool
    - Zaz for the Zap Framework where I got the meshes from 
    Special Edition
    I dont know if the meshes are compatible. Report back to me please



  25. SexLab - Remove Standard Animations

    Version 1.3 in case the Sexlab Creature Standard Animations are not gone with 1.2 for you. 
    Removes the FNIS files (so they dont add to FNIS limit anymore) and Warnings (for real now hopefully)!
    Since there were no negative reports I think this fix is save to use.
    What did I do?
    I opened sslAnimationDefaults source and deleted all but this code:
    Then I compiled it, started my game (running game), reinstall sexlab (Rebuild in MCM) and all Standard Sexlab Creature and Player animations were gone. 
    Meaning all the standard animations that come with Sexlab are not showing up. 
    I also added FNIS.txt files that are empty which overwrite the Sexlab ones.
    So if you overwrite Sexlab with my mod you will have all Standard Animations removed from Sexlab AND from FNIS without any additional work required by your side.
    Without any SLAL mod installed Sexlab has now 0 Animations.
    It also adds 0 Animations to your FNIS count. 
    Version 1.2
    Removes all Human and Creature animations from Sexlab for me (without other mods installed i have exact 0/0 Animations in Sexlab)
    For some reason it seems this is not removing Creature animations for all users. In that case use Version 1.3 (you dont need 1.2 on top)
    Version 1.3
    Does the same as 1.2 but has an additional script (sslCreatureAnimationDefaults.pex) that should remove creature animations in case 1.2 does not do that for you.
    Make backup first of the file "sslAnimation Defaults.pex" in scripts folder. 
    Overwrite Sexlab (will replace some textfiles only and one script file)
    Run FNIS
    Load your save
    Got to Sexlab MCM 
    Rebuild / Clean System
    Just to be sure "Rebuild Animation Registry" 
    Check "Toggle Animations" 
    -> see if all sexlab standard animations are gone. so without SL Anim Loader you should have zero animations.
    Check creatures too. 
    Possible Problems
    - Report when some Creatures show T-Pose after installing this. In that case make sure that this mod only overwrites Sexlab and NO other mod
    - Report if some standard animations are still there (in case of creatures please make sure its not MNC creatures animations)
    - Some mods are reliant on these animations. For example Slaverun Reloaded tries to call some of them. I dont know what happenes when they are gone (Scene might not play or just show empty poses (both actors merged in one position). In that case see my SLAL packs that add the Standard Animations back into the game via SLAL (easier for you to organize them) or ask mod authors to give more options.
    Compatible with Sexlab Utility from osmelMC and any other Sexlab Mod. 
    Slaverun might be the only mod (that I know of) with possible compatibility problems (calls Sexlab Standard Animations at times. For example Leito Blowjob in Walk of Shame).
    I might be able to make a compatilibity patch for that. Please report any problems with other mods. 
    List of Recommended Mods (not a hard dependency tho)
    Animation Limit Crash Fix (removes Load game CTD limit - MUST HAVE mod in 2020)
    Sexlab Utility (osmelmc Mod tweaks) (increases SLAL limit to 750/750, randomizes Sexlab Scene selection based on tags)
    SexLab Tools 3.0 (change animation while running)

    Thanks to:
    Ashal for making the best Sexgame in existence possible
    MadMansGun for essentially giving me the idea with his creature fix
    Shiagwen (for pointing out creature bug)



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