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6 hours ago, ManOfFreedom said:

I am having problems getting MCG with AAF (v114) to work.
I have installed the newest version of MCG 1 day ago, but still same issues.
AAF animations do not work properly when MCG is activated.

I get message before animation starts "[character name] fucking with [character name]", animation starts, but characters are not together (they are separated far away), and no nudity.

After @Ulfbearth said it has to do with MCG; I tested it, disabling MCG=AAF animations work, enabling it= many AAF problems.

Background voices (moans) are there. But AAF window disappears and I can do nothing - no scene change, no scene end, and I can NOT play the game, until I load earlier save, but then the TAB key does NOT work, until I start the game from desktop again 8loading earlier saves do not work at all).

By they way, I installed HUD Framework, LooksMenu (LM), LMCC, AAF, DEF_UI, OCBP, ZCBP, ZeX, EVB, BT2, AtomicMuscle (AM),  AAF themes, AAF poses, AAF animation mods, cigarettes in mouth, lightUp, cwss, companion status, last Ulf's UAP patch.

AAF admin menu shows NO (error) messages, but after enabling MCG there are ERROR messages like these:

*warning* [028] The actor could not be blocked. Abort the position.
*warning* [032] Actor: [character]: 20. Lock time expired.
*warning* [030] Actor: {name of actor}:. Actor couldn't find the scene location.

*warning* [031] Actor: {name of actor}: Timed out [for walking]

I asked about it here:

I had been having issues with 114 also. Dago must have changed something that is affecting how characters are called. I went back to AAF 110 to fix most of my issues. Some of your problems I am having with MCG also. Hugging animations are not getting called, just a black text box saying we are fucking. Also F/F animations are not getting called in NPC/NPC interactons, so I have to guess that M/M animations are also not being tagged. Sometimes, AAF menu animating box will not display yet 2 npcs will be humping but I cannot change them up and have no control over them..

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31 minutes ago, maddadicusrex said:

У меня были проблемы с 114 также. Даго, должно быть, изменил что-то, что влияет на то, как называются персонажи. Я вернулся к AAF 110, чтобы решить большинство моих проблем. Некоторые твои проблемы у меня тоже с MCG. Анимация объятий не вызывается, просто черное текстовое поле, говорящее, что мы чертовски . Также F / F-анимация не вызывается в NPC / NPC- взаимодействиях, поэтому я должен предположить, что M / M-анимации также не помечаются . Иногда окно анимации меню AAF не отображается, пока 2 npcs будут горбатыми, но я не могу их изменить и не могу их контролировать ..


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6 hours ago, maddadicusrex said:

I had been having issues with 114 also. Dago must have changed something that is affecting how characters are called. I went back to AAF 110 to fix most of my issues. Some of your problems I am having with MCG also. Hugging animations are not getting called, just a black text box saying we are fucking. Also F/F animations are not getting called in NPC/NPC interactons, so I have to guess that M/M animations are also not being tagged. Sometimes, AAF menu animating box will not display yet 2 npcs will be humping but I cannot change them up and have no control over them..


I updated to 114 and lost the free cam during the sex... went back to 108 and it works fine again.... so, not sure if MCG is the issue.  I get the hugs just fine, cuddling etc... I do get the popup as  you say once in awhile, but only during Hardship, not an MCG called event.



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14 hours ago, ManOfFreedom said:

I am having problems getting MCG with AAF (v114) to work.
I have installed the newest version of MCG 1 day ago, but still same issues.
AAF animations do not work properly when MCG is activated

Thanks for reporting,  I hope you're using my mod with its .ba2 archive intact and not extracted...because if not that would be the reason. If you're using the mod as I distribute it then the problem is MCG didn't change at all its way to call AAF animations since the last Fall!... So this is clearly something changed in AAF or other AAF patches or mods that interfere with MCG now. @dagobaking I am having this kind of reports specifically for AAF v114 the latest, care to explain if and what you changed in the tge scene call handling? And how these described problems could be produced? Before the latest version no one reported this kind of behavior. Thank you.


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9 hours ago, maddadicusrex said:

Hugging animations are not getting called, just a black text box saying we are fucking. Also F/F animations are not getting called in NPC/NPC interactons, so I have to guess that M/M animations are also not being tagged

It seems that you lack some animations, or you have some kind of patch that modify lesbian and hugging animations. I wamt to be clear about this, MCG just request particular animations from AAF, then the latter will provide it based on what the user has installed. For example I have all original animations pack and no one patch, no Indarello patch but I have AJ various AAF files etc and they're provided just fine when requested. So it must be some issue at xml level for you, not MCG.


9 hours ago, maddadicusrex said:

Sometimes, AAF menu animating box will not display yet 2 npcs will be humping but I cannot change them up and have no control over them..

MCG use almost the same setting struct for all its AAF calls regarding NPC-NPC interactions, so I don't see how some animations would be controllable with the AAF wizard and others not, could it be some AAF bug?@dagobaking.

Different case instead when the player is raped after a defeat (when their controls and the hud are disabled) in that case being the hud invisible also the AAF wizard is invisible but actually you can use it "by heart" because it is still there in that case, just not visible.



Also I hope you're using my mod with its .ba2 archive intact and not extracted...right?

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4 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

Спасибо за сообщение, я надеюсь, что вы используете мой мод с его архивом .ba2 в целости и сохранности ... потому что в противном случае это будет причиной. Если вы используете мод, как я его распространяю, то проблема в том, что MCG не изменил свой способ вызывать анимации AAF со времени последней осени! ... Так что это явно что-то изменилось в AAF или других патчах или модах AAF которые мешают MCG сейчас. @dagobaking У меня есть такие отчеты специально для AAF v114, хотите объяснить, изменились ли и что вы изменили в обработке вызовов на сцене tge? И как эти описанные проблемы могли быть произведены? До последней версии никто не сообщал о таком поведении. Спасибо.


Ивините что не по английски пишу но это касается вашего мода ! У меня была проблема с ЗРЕКЦИЕЙ Для САВАДЖЕ КАБАНЕ Аниамции ЛЕЙТО ВР70 АТОМНАЯ ПОХОТЬ работали Я прочитал патч УЛЬБРЕТА по исправлению эрекции И ЧТО !? В МАНГО ГУМ идет секс дилог а Анимации НЕТ!!??? В ААФ ТОЖЕ НОЛЬ АНИМАЦИЙ !! ПОСЛЕ УДАЛЕНИЯ УЛЬБРЕТА ММ Все ПРЕКРАСНО ! 

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Just now, serhiodrubuzan said:

И это касается твоей моды! У меня была проблема с ЗРЕКЦИЕЙ ДЛЯ САВАДЖЕ КАБАНЕ Аниамции ЛЕЙТО ВР70 АТОМНАЯ ПОХОТЬ работали Я прочитал патч УЛЬБРЕТА по исправлению эрекции И ЧТО!? В МАНГО ГУМ идет секс дилог а Анимации НЕТ !! ??? В ААФ ТОЖЕ НОЛЬ АНИМАЦИЙ !! ПОСЛЕ УДАЛЕНИЯ УЛЬБРЕТА ММ Все ПРЕКРАСНО! 

Я не хочу чтоб УЛЬБРЕТ думал что я не ценю его работу в модах для Фаллаут 4 ! Делюсь тем что у меня происходит!

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4 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

Кажется, вам не хватает анимации или у вас есть какой-то патч, который изменяет анимацию лесбиянок и обнимашек. Я хочу прояснить это, MCG просто запрашивает определенную анимацию у AAF, тогда последняя будет предоставлять ее в зависимости от того, что установил пользователь. Например, у меня есть все оригинальные пакеты анимаций и нет одного патча, нет патча Indarello, но у меня есть AJ различные файлы AAF и т. Д., И они предоставляются просто отлично по запросу. Так что это должно быть какой-то проблемой на уровне XML для вас, а не для MCG.


MCG использует почти одинаковую структуру настроек для всех своих вызовов AAF, касающихся взаимодействий NPC-NPC, поэтому я не вижу, как некоторые анимации можно было бы контролировать с помощью мастера AAF, а другие нет, может ли это быть некоторой ошибкой AAF? @dagobaking .

Другой случай, когда игрок был изнасилован после поражения (когда его управление и hud отключены), в этом случае, будучи hud невидимым, также невидим волшебник AAF, но на самом деле вы можете использовать его «наизусть», потому что он все еще там. этот случай просто не виден.



Также я надеюсь, что вы используете мой мод с его архивом .ba2 в целости и сохранности ... верно?


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7 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

MCG use almost the same setting struct for all its AAF calls regarding NPC-NPC interactions, so I don't see how some animations would be controllable with the AAF wizard and others not, could it be some AAF bug?@dagobaking.

It's possible. But, probably has to do with some XML problem.


In order for me to determine it would need to be reproducable with a narrowed down cause. ie. shown in an AAF_QA build.

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10 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

 I hope you're using my mod with its .ba2 archive intact and not extracted...right?

Of course... I don't extract anything.


But as I said, it was during a Hardship call, not an MCG.  I just started a new game so I hadn't gotten to a situation for MCG... 


I just reverted back to the earlier version of AAF and works correctly.



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14 hours ago, dagobaking said:

It's possible. But, probably has to do with some XML problem.


In order for me to determine it would need to be reproducable with a narrowed down cause. ie. shown in an AAF_QA build.

Thank you very much :)

What about this kind of problems instead?



I am having problems getting MCG with AAF (v114) to work.
I have installed the newest version of MCG 1 day ago, but still same issues.
AAF animations do not work properly when MCG is activated.

I get message before animation starts "[character name] fucking with [character name]", animation starts, but characters are not together (they are separated far away), and no nudity.

After @Ulfbearth said it has to do with MCG; I tested it, disabling MCG=AAF animations work, enabling it= many AAF problems.

Background voices (moans) are there. But AAF window disappears and I can do nothing - no scene change, no scene end, and I can NOT play the game, until I load earlier save, but then the TAB key does NOT work, until I start the game from desktop again 8loading earlier saves do not work at all).

By they way, I installed HUD Framework, LooksMenu (LM), LMCC, AAF, DEF_UI, OCBP, ZCBP, ZeX, EVB, BT2, AtomicMuscle (AM),  AAF themes, AAF poses, AAF animation mods, cigarettes in mouth, lightUp, cwss, companion status, last Ulf's UAP patch.

AAF admin menu shows NO (error) messages, but after enabling MCG there are ERROR messages like these:

*warning* [028] The actor could not be blocked. Abort the position.
*warning* [032] Actor: [character]: 20. Lock time expired.
*warning* [030] Actor: {name of actor}:. Actor couldn't find the scene location.

*warning* [031] Actor: {name of actor}: Timed out [for walking]

I asked about it here:

I am having this kind of reports specifically for the latest AAF version, care to explain if and what you changed in the the scene handling? That message before animation is an MCG fail safe when the AAF event returns an error (i.e. first element of the array different than zero most of the cases) so the MCG stats can still be calculated if an animations doesn't happen, yet it seems that recently parts of the failed animation still are executed, like sounds.

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11 hours ago, MrCruelJohn said:

Of course... I don't extract anything.


But as I said, it was during a Hardship call, not an MCG.  I just started a new game so I hadn't gotten to a situation for MCG... 


I just reverted back to the earlier version of AAF and works correctly.



Thank you for reporting and answering back John, I apologize lately I am super annoying with underling this .ba2 fact because recently people have started to use this mod and the skyrim mod as loose files again and most of the time they overwrote third party mods scripts xD


Happy gaming,


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9 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

I am having this kind of reports specifically for the latest AAF version, care to explain if and what you changed in the the scene handling? That message before animation is an MCG fail safe when the AAF event returns an error (i.e. first element of the array different than zero most of the cases) so the MCG stats can still be calculated if an animations doesn't happen, yet it seems that recently parts of the failed animation still are executed, like sounds.

I made some general optimizations that touched quite a few processes. So, it's possible that an issue was introduced that way.


If the MCG fail-safe is returning an error then it sounds like AAF must also be returning an error (not zero). If so, what is the AAF error?

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10 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

people have started to use this mod and the skyrim mod as loose files again and most of the time they overwrote third party mods scripts xD

There is no reason your mod should include third-party scripts.  Your BA2 includes pex files from AAF, AAF Purgatory, part of RSE, etc.  This can only lead to problems.


If you are doing this to avoid errors due to script dependencies, then you are using the wrong method to call third-party scripts.


When I read things like this:

10 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

AAF admin menu shows NO (error) messages, but after enabling MCG there are ERROR messages like these:

*warning* [028] The actor could not be blocked. Abort the position.
*warning* [032] Actor: [character]: 20. Lock time expired.
*warning* [030] Actor: {name of actor}:. Actor couldn't find the scene location.

*warning* [031] Actor: {name of actor}: Timed out [for walking]

It is clear that this is not due to a change in AAF, but something to do with different versions of scripts.

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5 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

There is no reason your mod should include third-party scripts.  Your BA2 includes pex files from AAF, AAF Purgatory, part of RSE, etc.  This can only lead to problems.


If you are doing this to avoid errors due to script dependencies, then you are using the wrong method to call third-party scripts.


When I read things like this:

It is clear that this is not due to a change in AAF, but something to do with different versions of scripts.

I've always been told and verified that scripts in ba2 archives follow the load order priority, also loose scripts like AAF scripts take priority on those in ba2 archives.


Thirdy party scripts are included to let pex compile and be executed since some third party functions are called if those mods are present. Anyways the correct load order will always let the real mod to take precedence.

I've followed this method like many other modders in skyrim without problems, I am not aware if that is changed in Fallout 4. The AAF scripts included in MCG are from a very old version and so far I hadn't any problem with all the AAF versions updated in those months, only with 114 I have those reports.

Have you proof that pex files in ba2 archives don't follow load order priority in Fallout 4?

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1 hour ago, Jahtoris said:

Quick question - is there any effect on the ingame affinity like/dislike system with the MCG affinity point system? As in, would getting 10 negative MCG affinity points affect the NPC's game-based affinity? Thanks

Hi, vanilla companions follow only the vanilla affinity system, the MCG relationship points are not used for them. You can allow MCG to add or remove affinity points for companions if you enable the companions affinity handling setting in the MCM tool page. When that is enabled MCG actions could affect your companion affinity and you can set as romanced companions with an affinity of 1000 or higher even if they cannot be romanced in vanilla like Valentine.


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5 hours ago, dagobaking said:

I made some general optimizations that touched quite a few processes. So, it's possible that an issue was introduced that way.


If the MCG fail-safe is returning an error then it sounds like AAF must also be returning an error (not zero). If so, what is the AAF error?

These are the ones found in the admin tab of your wizard by the user that reported it:


AAF admin menu shows NO (error) messages, but after enabling MCG there are ERROR messages like these:

*warning* [028] The actor could not be blocked. Abort the position.
*warning* [032] Actor: [character]: 20. Lock time expired.
*warning* [030] Actor: {name of actor}:. Actor couldn't find the scene location.

*warning* [031] Actor: {name of actor}: Timed out [for walking]


note that in my long gameplays i had never these errors but I am using only original animations packs (no aaf patches like the one patch) and an older AAF version.

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6 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

I've always been told and verified that scripts in ba2 archives follow the load order priority, also loose scripts like AAF scripts take priority on those in ba2 archives.

This might be true. I haven't looked into it before. But, even if so, it doesn't feel "clean" to add compiled files to someones game only for the purpose of compiling different scripts. Best case scenario they do still add some kind of overhead as the game or mod manager deals with them.


It's relatively trivial to load scripts like this in a different way. I do it within AAF:

If Game.IsPluginInstalled("Facelight.esl")
        Facelight_Script = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000F9C, "Facelight.esl") as ScriptObject

If Game.IsPluginInstalled("Facelight.esp")
        Facelight_Script = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000F9C, "Facelight.esp") as ScriptObject
6 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

These are the ones found in the admin tab of your wizard by the user that reported it:


AAF admin menu shows NO (error) messages, but after enabling MCG there are ERROR messages like these:

*warning* [028] The actor could not be blocked. Abort the position.
*warning* [032] Actor: [character]: 20. Lock time expired.
*warning* [030] Actor: {name of actor}:. Actor couldn't find the scene location.

*warning* [031] Actor: {name of actor}: Timed out [for walking]


note that in my long gameplays i had never these errors but I am using only original animations packs (no aaf patches like the one patch) and an older AAF version.

I haven't seen anyone cite those particular errors for a long time. They used to come up in earlier days when the walking/locking system was still being refined.


I suspect that this would now be due to a corrupt save which can happen when upgrading script mods. Or, as Ego points out, if your assumption about the included pex files isn't right, that could cause something like this. I don't think it would be an XML issue because those errors involve Papyrus not reporting back to the AAF engine in time. Not really touching XML-related processes at that point.


I'm also not sure why the errors were re-written like this with the character names removed? I didn't initially recognize them because the wording is different. Why not send a screenshot instead?

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5 hours ago, dagobaking said:

haven't seen anyone cite those particular errors for a long time. They used to come up in earlier days when the walking/locking system was still being refined.


I suspect that this would now be due to a corrupt save which can happen when upgrading script mods. Or, as Ego points out, if your assumption about the included pex files isn't right, that could cause something like this. I don't think it would be an XML issue because those errors involve Papyrus not reporting back to the AAF engine in time. Not really touching XML-related processes at that point.


I'm also not sure why the errors were re-written like this with the character names removed? I didn't initially recognize them because the wording is different. Why not send a screenshot instead?

I'll modify the scripts accordingly to your suggestions after testing the method. In the mean time I will provide another version with AAF as hard requirement but without AAF scripts in the archive...we'll see if this was indeed the problem for those users.


I copy pasted exactly what the user reported, let's ask the user why the wording was different.


@ManOfFreedom, can you provide screenshots of those errors you reported?

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6 hours ago, dagobaking said:

This might be true. I haven't looked into it before. But, even if so, it doesn't feel "clean" to add compiled files to someones game only for the purpose of compiling different scripts. Best case scenario they do still add some kind of overhead as the game or mod manager deals with them.


It's relatively trivial to load scripts like this in a different way. I do it within AAF:

If Game.IsPluginInstalled("Facelight.esl")
        Facelight_Script = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000F9C, "Facelight.esl") as ScriptObject

If Game.IsPluginInstalled("Facelight.esp")
        Facelight_Script = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000F9C, "Facelight.esp") as ScriptObject

I haven't seen anyone cite those particular errors for a long time. They used to come up in earlier days when the walking/locking system was still being refined.


I suspect that this would now be due to a corrupt save which can happen when upgrading script mods. Or, as Ego points out, if your assumption about the included pex files isn't right, that could cause something like this. I don't think it would be an XML issue because those errors involve Papyrus not reporting back to the AAF engine in time. Not really touching XML-related processes at that point.


I'm also not sure why the errors were re-written like this with the character names removed? I didn't initially recognize them because the wording is different. Why not send a screenshot instead?

I almost hate to butt it. I am like the mongrel mutt that wandered into the most prestigious dog show ever. .But 14 seemed to cause animations call issues that I was not seeing in 110, etc. I use Unique Player and was getting black screens when animations were available, characters not animating, characters prematuely pulling out of animations, characters not undressing, my character duplicating themselves during an animation, animations ending but npc continues humping, etc. All this started happening with 114. All these were old time errors back in a day. Reverting back to 110 sorted the issues. Only errors showimg up were missing stuff from SC, etc. that are of the cosmetic type. Even the AAF UP Patch was not effective. As stated, I cannot "geek speak " as pretty as you folks, but just wanted to say my piece.

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