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Adult oriented Fallout 4 mods that don't fit in any of the existing categories

155 files

  1. Bad End Purgatory-Death Penalty

    I was messing around with two mods to practice papyrus script modding and thought this was funny enough to share.
    Bad End Purgatory, which only triggers on Bad End of AAF Violate, will now trigger for all deaths.
    When you exit purgatory, you will teleport back to where you have died instead of Sanctuary.
    Requires Death Penalty by Ultimate Coffee and Bad End: Purgatory by EgoBallistic
    Unless you want enemies to follow you to purgatory, disable "essential player" in AAF Violate's settings.
    Any mods that make the player essential/protected etc. will not work well with the original mod Death Penalty. How it works is that the game checks if your health goes below 0%, it will either put you in a state where you will use a regenerative item, or kill you thus sending you to Purgatory.
    Additional notes:
    In original Death Penalty, time passes from death to respawn and the amount depended on how far you were from the last bed you used or the closest safest bed. That is no longer the case because I felt it redundant due to Purgatory. Due to how it combos, some options in Death Penalty MCM are either redundant or doesn't work.
    UltimateCoffee and EgoBallistic for the original mod and code.



  2. Adult Mainmenu Replacer

    This main menu replacer is a compilation i put together from videos i got off the internet.
    Not to be used in paid projects
    18+ FO4 players only



  3. Just Business Addon

    A addon for Just Business
    1. Increased max slave follower count to 40 from 20
    2. New terminals lists for easier management of slaves:



  4. Problems of Survivor v. 1.4.4 Voiced

    I created this as a companion to DSHV's  mod Problems of Survivor This mod adds audio voices for the female player and all hominid NPC's.  Animals and creatures other than Supermutants will still be silent.
    I created two versions. The original mod is required for BOTH VERSIONS. One contains a plugin that replaces the original mod's esp.  If you want that one, Click the file labeled "replacer" and download as a standard download.  The zip file should be able to be installed with your mod manager like normal.  Just remove the original mod's esp. from your data folder or override using your mod manager. I didn't make any edits to dialogue or the quests. I only added voice tags to the NPCs. 
    NOW WITH .BA2 Archive instead of loose files.
    Thanks to some much needed assistance, the mod no longer needs loose voice files.  This should dramatically improve load times and might help game performance. Uninstall any old version and install the new zip files in the download tab.  You don't need to download anything from Mega.
    **This will be in a regular state of update until the missing files are all accounted for or until I give up trying.**
    If they are in the folder, then you need them.  I'll remove them when I update the full mod.
    The other version is an override plugin that only includes the edited NPCs.  If you just want to install that and override with your mod manager, it should work fine.  
    I'm still testing this mod myself, so I'd appreciate any bugs, problems, or feedback. This is the first mod I've published, and I'm by no means an expert at using XVA Synth. 
    12/11/22 - Got rid of loose voice files and replaced with .ba2 archive. Just install the zip file through your mod manager or manually extract and move both the .esp and the .ba2 file into your fallout 4 data folder.
    Thank you to @Snapdragon_ and @lee3310 for your help in the discord server. I still can't pack voice files into .ba2 archives for some reason, but Snapdragon_ was nice enough to put together the file for me.  
    12/6/22 - Added missing voice files for quest Triumph of Justice to Download folder.
    12/5/22 - New version of the mod is available on Mega.  I included some missing male player voice lines for two quests. 
    Added a separate download in the download tab (and to Mega) for all male player voice lines (for people who want to play this mod as a male player for whatever reason. You do you.)
    Dan Ruta for his and his team's work on XVA Synth 2
    DSHV for creating the original mod, without which this mod wouldn't exist.
    Everyone who put in the work to train the available voices.



  5. Unhealthy Craving

    Perfectly perverse fat gain and loss system with body morphs and food addiction, highly configurable, includes soft integration for many popular adult mods.
    Gain body fat the more you eat, and lose it through typical wasteland activities. Unhealthy packaged pre-war food and sugary drinks fatten you up faster than raw or cooked foods. Booze and some chems will also cause you to put on weight while others will help you lose it. Too much or too little body fat results in (potentially severe) debuffs, but staying fit gives you some mild bonuses. Eat junk food too often and you might become addicted!
    Unhealthy Craving includes depictions of and references to fat fetishism, shaming and humiliation, destructive behaviors like self-harm... in essence sexualizing physical and mental health disorders. As such, it may not be to everyone's tastes. Most features can be disabled individually, but if these themes offend you then it's probably better to skip this mod and move on.
    The goal is to put you inside the mind of a person with on-again/off-again food addiction and weight problems, experiencing the challenges and embarrassments which go along with that. Because this is still a game, the portrayal is often cartoonish or otherwise unrealistic, sometimes making light of real life health risks. In order to offset the negative aspects and keep things playable, there are somewhat outlandish benefits to being fat or being food-addicted. Unlike real life, nothing is permanent and any lapses in judgment can be overcome with time. Like real life however, the deck is stacked against you and you must make strategic choices if you intend to stay healthy.
    Installation and Requirements
    Rad Morphing Redux version 2.0.0 or later and its dependencies are required (MCM, F4SE, SUP F4SE, LooksMenu, and the Far Harbor and Nuka-World DLCs). To use this mod, install it with a modern FOMOD-capable manager like Mod Organizer 2 or Vortex and then configure one or more sliders in RMR's MCM to use the trigger it provides. Adjust other features and settings in the Unhealthy Craving MCM pages, and by editing the included mod integration text files under the UC subdirectory of your game's Data directory.
    All of these are on by default, but you can use MCM to disable any you don't like.
    Credits and Permissions
    The included RMR trigger plugin was created by shamelessly plagiarizing the reference plugins published by @LenAnderson, without whose guidance and dedication none of this would be possible. Script source code is included, and all contents of this mod are distributed under the same terms as Rad Morphing Redux itself.



  6. Universal Schlong Controller

    comes with joystick support

    @niston for taking my request to make this script
    @maxie for developing Screen Archer Menu (SAM) mod and providing the APi


    I'm not going to give support for this mod through loveslab threads anymore since it's a lot harder for me. So to give better support to you guys, i ask you to join the discord server i made in here: https://discord.gg/AAUTgsJ76q



    This is a simple penis angle adjuster which reads user's input hotkey (configurable in MCM) to angle up and down for the following penis bones
    Penis_01 (Penis Shaft Length) Balls_01 (Not supported by Bodytalk since BT uses Balls_CBP bone which is not supported by animations) Penis_Offset (Angles the whole penis mesh)  
    This Mod should work for any actors, including creatures, as long as the penis is weighted to bones with the names above!



    A body or character that support the bones above Screen Archer Menu : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/66047?tab=description ZEX Poser Skeleton: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/24592-zex-zaz-extended-skeleton/ Mod Configuration Menu, so you can bind the hotkeys: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21497  
    To install the mod just use a mod manager of your preference


    First you want to setup the hotkeys for the bones. You can go to the MCM menu of Universal Schlong Controller and setup the hotkeys the way you feel comfortable.
    Next you want to target a actor, to do that, just bring the console up (tilde key for most keyboards) and click on the actor you want to control the benis for then just press the hotkeys  



    Join us in the Bearhood of Steel | Discord |  NSFW Gay oriented server. Get in to be update with my stuff and to share yours too. A place for men who enjoy men.
    Follow this | File | if you want to be aware of new updates!

    If you feel like supporting what i do, you can donate to my Ko-fi account!



  7. GIFT: Game Interface For Toys

    Hey Folks! I added support for Fallout 4 to GIFT; You can now control your IRL toys / chastity devices with this script, which will respond to in-game events (Such as AAF scenes, DD vibrations, etc). Check the main thread for a full description!
    For Fallout specifically, there is an included patch for Devious Devices to make it log more messages, so that the script can react to them. That specifically requires DD RC 8.
    AAF does not log anything around scenes starting, so the script currently uses logs from Boston Devious Helper to know when sex scenes are starting/ending.



  8. Tradução PT-BR AAF SEU

    Este é um port do ótimo mod Four-Play Sex ´Em Up de Chosen Clue para o Advanced Animation Framework.   Sex 'Em Up é um mod de sexo casual que permite algumas maneiras básicas e imersivas de iniciar o sexo no Fallout 4 usando as teclas de atalho e caixa de diálogo para pedir sexo, se prostituir, se masturbar e muito mais! Ele permite que você e seus companheiros, e até mesmo seu cachorro, se conectem com humanos, necróticos não ferozes, sintéticos Ger 3 e super mutantes.
    Prazeres simples do mundo podem ser gratuitos. Você pode se divertir segurando um  atalho SEU Ativoa  por um segundo.
    Flerte e sexo
    Flerte com os outros para saciar seus desejos carnais. Use o  atalho Ativo e a pessoa mais próxima de você, a uma curta distância, iniciará o diálogo, oferecendo várias opções para você escolher. Você pode beijar, abraçar, abraçar ou fazer sexo, ou convencer alguém a fazer sexo com seu companheiro. A chance que você tem de convencer alguém é baseada no seu carisma e no carisma dela, mas isso pode ser mudado.
    Você pode fazer com que aqueles com quem você flertou o sigam selecionando "Vamos encontrar um lugar reservado" depois de flertar com sucesso com ela(e). Quando você encontrar o ponto certo, fale com seu parceiro usando os controles normais de diálogo (a tecla "e") para continuar o diálogo.
    Você pode começar um trio flertando com alguém com sucesso e escolhendo "Ei, quer encontrar alguém para se juntar a nós?" Em seguida, vá para o segundo NPC que você deseja envolver no ato e pressione o  atalho Ativo  perto dele para que ele se junte a você.
    Você pode pedir a alguém para tirar a roupa para você. Mas pode demorar algum convincente! Use o atalho Ativo  para tentar pedir que tirem suas roupas.
     Agressão Sexual
    Sacie esses desejos de outra maneira - por meio da força. Agache-se e use o  atalho Ativo  para tentar agredir a pessoa mais próxima de você, a uma curta distância. A chance que você tem de forçá-los é baseada na sua Força e na deles, mas isso pode ser mudado. Tenha cuidado - se eles lutarem contra você, eles se tornarão hostis.
    Se preferir assistir à ação do que participar, você pode fazer com que seu companheiro ataque a vítima. Nesse caso, a Força do seu companheiro determina o sucesso .
     Rendição de Combate
    Renda-se aos seus inimigos. Em combate, use um atalho passivo  para iniciar uma rendição. Você pode então negociar com seus inimigos - você vai suborná-los com dinheiro, falar para sair ou trocar seu corpo por sua liberdade?
    Venda seu corpo por prazer e lucro. Quando você estiver perto de NPCs, use um  atalho passivo  para iniciar um diálogo de prostituição. Você pode então vender seus "bens", ou os de seus companheiros, por caps extras. Se você tem carisma para isso, aumente o preço - mas não seja muito ganancioso ou seus clientes podem decidir que você não vale a pena.
    Para ir a algum lugar mais privado, selecione "Siga-me" na caixa de diálogo. Quando você encontrar o local certo, fale com seu cliente usando os controles de diálogo normais (a tecla "e") para continuar a transação.
     Seleção de móveis
    Você pode selecionar para animações com a mira em móveis e o atalho Ativo. Caminhe até uma peça de móvel e, em seguida, pressione o  atalho Ativo  enquanto o prompt de ativação (Sentar, Dormir, etc.) está na tela. O SEU mostrará uma mensagem indicando que o móvel foi selecionado. Flertar e Prostituir sexo usará então os móveis selecionados, se possível. Você pode fazer isso antes de iniciar o diálogo com um NPC, ou enquanto eles estão seguindo você para algum lugar mais privado. 
    O mod lembrará do seu móvel selecionado até que você se afaste dele, selecione outro móvel ou pressione o  atalho Ativo  sem nada na mira (você verá a mensagem "Você não encontra nada interessante").
    Você pode usar o Mod Configuration Manager para alterar as muitas opções que o SEU vem.
    Instalação do  Vortex .
    Instalação do  Advanced Animation Framework (AAF) .
    Instalação do  Menu de Configuração Mod .
    Instalação do  Bodyslide ,  LooksMenu ,  ZaZ-Extended-Skeleton (ZeX) ,  BodyTalk ,  CBBE  (mods corporais Masculino e Feminino).
    Instalação do  Vanilla/Kinky/Creature Theme . (Instale apenas o  Vanilla/Kinky/Creature última versão).
    Veja a guia  Instalando Mods no Fallout4  caso não saiba como fazer!
    Pacotes de Animação: O SEU  não inclui  nenhuma animação em si. Você deve baixar e instalar pacotes de animação para usar com ele abaixo.
    50 Shades  - Atomic Lust - Brave´s - BP70 - Crazy's - Crazy's Gun -Creature Pack  
     Creature Pack 2 -  Farelle  - Leito -  Mutated Lust -  SavageCabbage -  SnapDragon´s -  VaderMania     
    Instalação do  (UAP) Ultimate AAF Patch . (Contém todos os ativos de criatura e combinação de gênero ).
    Observe que o pacote de animação  Atomic Lust  do Rufgt é necessário para que as opções Abraçando, Flertando e Acariciando funcionem. O arquivo opcional  AAF_SEU_XML_Addon.7z  modifica as animações Abraço/Beijo/Caricia do  Atomic Lust  e  RufGT's Old Animations  para que sejam neutros em termos de gênero e não forcem os atores a tirar suas roupas. Atomic Lust  versão 2.5.1b  ou posterior é necessária. 
    AAF SEU  requer Fallout 4 versão 1.10.162 ou mais recente.   Versões mais antigas do Fallout 4  não podem carregar  o esp. Se você estiver executando uma versão mais antiga do Fallout 4, você pode usar o  Fallout 4 Plugin Version Check Patcher  para habilitá-lo para carregar SEU.
    Status do mod e problemas conhecidos
    Este é um port totalmente funcional do Four-Play SEU versão 2.5.1 para AAF. Todos os recursos do mod original devem funcionar como antes. Além disso, o AAF SEU tem vários aprimoramentos, incluindo seleção de atores usando a mira, opções adicionais ao flertar, proteção para impedir a ativação de teclas de atalho enquanto as animações de outros mods estão sendo reproduzidas e integradas totalmente com o sistema de emissão do jogo.
    O AAF SEU não requer o Four-Play, nem precisa do proxy Four-Play do AAF. Ele se baseia inteiramente em chamadas nativas de AAF para reproduzir animações.



  9. Human Resources: Alternative Enslavement Method

    Long story short, this is exactly like Nuka World "Collaring Outside the Lines" side quest but instead of enslaving the NPC for one of the gang leaders, you will do it for yourself. 
    This add-on is intended for friendly NPCs, like settlers, scavengers, DC residents, (Commonwealth Captives)..., so you don't have to beat them into submission for no reason. 
    How to get started:
    To start the enslaving mod, you need to built an enslavement Crop (chem lab just under the enslavement baton). Do not equip it until you are near your victim(s). When you are close enough to an NPC(s), equip the crop and smack your victim with it (preferably on the butt). The dialogue (voiced) should start automatically if not, just press "E". If you enslave an NPC in public, everyone will turn hostile on you, so lure your victim away beforehand (via dialogue option) in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. You can enslave up to 10 NPCs without having to unequip/equip the crop. If an NPC doesn't start the dialogue, it means that he/she was far away from you (>1000) when you first equipped the crop (just unequip/equip again). After you finish, it is advised to unequip the crop to stop the enslaving mod.  
    HR_Sinop for Human Resources EgoBallistic for Commonwealth Captives, TortureDevices...  



  10. Ladies of Fallout.zip

    Reemplazo simple del fondo de pantalla de la pantalla de carga y nada más
    Un fondo de pantalla de carga simple mientras se carga el juego.
    no es animado.



  11. VotW Addons - different Gay/Male videos (twinks, sport, BDSM, anime/yaoi, etc.)

    I didn't find any gay-oriented VotW mods, so I made my own.

    The mod includes 8 addons containing a total of 50 male/gay videos:
    Spanking - my first addon, contains 7 videos about spanking.
    BDSM - 6 videos (bondage, sex toys, spanking, wax games).
    Twinks - 11 standard gay videos with young guys.
    Medical - 2 videos (examination by a doctor).
    Solo - 3 videos with only one guy (handjob, workout).
    Sports - 6 videos on a sports theme (naked football, wrestling, sportswear).
    Anime - 10 yaoi/hentai videos.
    Games - 5 videos from games, made at the request of iamnotvirgin.
    In the downloads section there is a separate archive with screenshots of all videos.
    All holotapes are created in the section "Holotapes - Gay (addon name)"
    For now, you can only watch videos on a TV or projector, there is no support for the Starlight DriveIn addon.
    Requirements: only VoTW.
    Installation: there is a MEGA link in the downloads section due to the restriction of loverslab (max. file size is 250 mb).
    Download the archive(s) from the link and use it with any mod manager or place the contents in the Date folder of your Fallout 4 folder.
    You can install one addon, several or all of them, there will be no conflicts.
    This is an ESL-flagged ESP, so it won't count towards the ESP/ESM limit.
    Known issues:
    Sometimes some videos don't work on TV. You can always play all videos on the projector. I cannot find the cause of the problem, if I find it or someone suggests a solution, I will fix it.
    Please report any other bugs you find.

    The mod does not change any vanilla records and does not conflict with anything.
    All videos used in the Spanking addon are my own, the rest of the videos are from sites that allow free video downloads, so I hope I haven't violated anyone's copyright. In any case, I am ready to immediately remove any video upon request.
    Please do not distribute this mod on other sites and do not use it in paid mods. Otherwise, you can modify it, translate it and use it as you wish.
    If there are requests, I can add other videos, but only male-oriented ones. If you want it, upload your video to Mega or another file hosting service and send me the link. Due to the restrictions of the VotW, the duration of the video cannot be more than 10 minutes.
    dertspovor06 for Videos of the Wasteland mod
    Razorwire for great tutorial on adding custom videos
    Boyfriendtv , Xvideos.com, iamnotvirgin and video authors
    P.S. English is not my native language, so I apologize for the typos.



  12. FO4 Nude Basics

    FO4 NudeBasics Lives again, after many years after deletion. I never stopped using it, tweaking it since day one of it's original release.
    Posting about it, even after deletion. One of my many, many posts about FO4 NudeBasics on it's still remaining Get Support page, from it's deleted mod page.

    My posts were seen by the original author, and my wants to repost the mod, with my tweaks. I was given permission to post it onto Lovers Lab.
    Full Credit to the Original Author Adetu... I've been following, posting about it, using and tweaking his mod since it was first released... 
    - CBBE version
    - Fusion Girl version
    - Tweaked to perfection by me, since it's original release
    - Bomb Collar can possibly burn off some of your clothing, when it fires up
    - Mod Organizer instructions in it's Notes section

    - Lots of Options in the MCM Menu
    - Enforce Nudity when Collared, along with many other rules

    - Breast Expansion, when irradiated. Get too big, and clothes get destroyed, or unequipped. CBBE or Fusion Girl
    - MCM options to have Breast Weight and Bare Feet slow you down
    - Violate Rapes, can get you Shock Collared. With Configurable rules, quest to get Shock Collar off, kill the rapist who put it on, to get its code.
    - About the Bomb... Misc section of Inventory. Collared Rules to live by...
    - S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Upgrade Points. Reduced from 28 Points to 21 Points, at start of game. Old mods feature...

    - I'm currently not a Coder, so it wont be getting the Code fixed. Unless I work out how to Code... Possible...
    - Some bits of it don't work, or don't work well. Power Armour Rules, Milk, Violate Extra option in MCM.


    Required mods...
    - F4SE
    - Mod Configuration Menu
    - Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource
    - Devious Devices 2.0
    - Torture Devices
    - Real Handcuffs
    - Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer         For CBBE Version
    - Fusion Girl                                                 For Fusion Girl Version

    - ZaZ - Extended Skeleton v5                      A skeleton, that allows physics, and male penis's to work.
    - LooksMenu
    - AAF Advanced Animation Framework
    - AAF Themes
    - AAF Animations for Advanced Animation Framework
    - Violate       for getting raped after a defeat, then possibly Shock Collared
    Naked Male bodies...
    - Body Talk 3   for anatomically correct males, Patreon only download.
    - Just a hairy male body  for just naked male bodies.
    For animal sex and pregnancy...
    - Wasteland Dairy Framework            Animal Sex, Babies, Egg Birthing ( no animations for that exist ), a huge mod
    - Family Planning Enhanced Redux    Pregnancy, Family Planning Enhanced Redux and Wasteland Dairy Framework, work together as one big mod
    Penis's for animals, and Strap-Ons for women...
    - Vioxsis Strap-Ons of Fallout 4 V3                  For Women on Women, to wear Strap on's ( use V3 )
    - AAF-Creature-Resources                               Penis's for Animals

    For Clothes to Fit, and Men and Animals to have Penis's...

    - Bodyslide and Outfit Studio
    Bodyslide all these...
    1. Bodyslide CBBE or Fusion Girl    Womens Bodies and Clothing
    2. Bodyslide Bodytalk 3                 Men's Bodies and Clothing
    3. Creatures                                   Animals Penis's
    4. Strap Ons                                  Womens Strap On Penis's


    With the Violate mod, you have a chance to get collared, with a Bomb Collar. This collar has a lot of rules, in the Misc Section... READ: About the Bomb.
    1 item in the Weapons Section, of your inventory
    Limits on what you can wear, and where you can wear it
    Limits on Caps Carried
    When highly irradiated and bare-footed, you will have trouble out-running anything. As Nora's large Breasts weigh her down, and her delicate feet will slow her down.
    Recommended setting Breast Weight slow down to 70%, in the MCM
    Recommend switching on slow down, when bare footed
    Permanent Breast Expansion ( MCM optional settings)
    With a Shock Collar, high Breast Expansion caused by Radiation, and Nipple Clamps. Nora is slowly going to get some permanently larger Breasts.


    New Features...
    Lots of Tweaks to the the MCM options, increasing the sliders, so you can have higher or lower settings, which allows you to tailor your game to perfection.

    - Sleep Debt Problem Fixed... the slider goes from 0 -> 24 hours now  0 = OFF
    - Caps... you can slide the slider up to a huge amount of Caps, that can be carried now.
    - Lot of more tweaks.
    Bomb Collar.
    My Tweaks... KP
    - Shock Collars is x10 times slower, but beware the second and third stages. They are lethal...
    - Stage 1... Really Slow Tick down. 2 Minutes
    - Stage 2... Moderate Tick down, with shock.2 mins - 2.25 mins
    - Stage 3... Get the hell out of there, unequip the offending items, or drop the extra guns. 2.40 DEAD...

    Timer now gives warning at Half and Quarter times, for Bomb Collar countdowns. 
    Bomb Collar Burn, can possibly burn off clothing, if set to clothing being destructible...


    Old Features...
    - Limited Power Armour use
    - Armour breaking
    - Naked restrictions
    - Corpse looting restrictions
    - Butterfinger weapon dropping, when attacked
    - Bomb Collar
    Clothing restriction in certain areas
    Single Item in Weapon Section only, when Collared
    Caps restrictions in certain areas
    No VATS when Collared, you have to go Iron Sight only. Aka Manual Aiming only
    - Radiation Morphing... different Breast Expansions Morphs for Fusion Girl and CBBE

    - Milk Morphing

    - Permanent Breast Growth, Nora can start the game Flat Chested, and end up permanently Large Chested by the end of the game.
    - Player Loot Bag to find after rape, Violate Additional Option. Recommend to Turn Off in MCM. As you can lose stuff with it.
    - Peeing yourself, with auto undressing, or exiting Power Armour
    - MCM Options for it all...

    Problems and Fixes from Original Mod...
    Problem...   Clothes Damage and Destruction not switching off... Vanilla Mod problem.
    Fix.......   Turn the sliders for clothing damage to Zero in the MCM.

    Caps Limits, but can't drop Caps.
    Problem...   Turning on Maximum Caps you can carry in certain areas, but you can't drop the Caps in your inventory. Vanilla Fallout 4 problem.
    Fix 1.....   Install Caps mod, they are not very good, I've tried a lot of them.
    Fix 2.....   Commands to drop and add Caps into your personal stashes and Safes. I use this method, it's easy and works 100% with a little more effort.
    Stashing your Caps...  Console Commands.
    1. Check how many Caps you have. ( Fallout 4 money )
    2. Open Console and Click on a container, that you wish to add your Caps to.

    3. Add Caps amount into the Container.

    additem f 1000   if you owned 1000 Caps.

    4. Remove Caps amount out of your inventory. 
    player.removeitem f 1000    if you owned 1000 Caps

    You now have no money, as its now all in the container...


    - FO4 NudeBasics   Caps control option, limits how much money you can carry.

    - Sexual Harassment    Shock Collar Rapist, steals all your Caps. You will need to start hiding your Caps, if you want to save up
                                         the money to ever get out of it.


    Mods that are handy...
    - Console Enabled in Survival Difficulty
         Allows you to use the console, in Survival Mode. Essential, as the Vanilla Game is Soo glitchy.

    - Better Console
         Give more info about what you click on, when using the Console. ( MORE ADVANCED USERS, NOT FOR BEGINNERS )
              Requires... F4SE


    Handy Link for info, ways to play, etc... old FO4 NudeBasics Comments Page. A treasure trove of Ideas...
    I've been commenting on it, since FO4 NudeBasics was originally launched, and never stopped...
    Shibhari mod... Replace Tape and Handcuffs
    Bodyslide for it... a bodyslide I made for myself, a while ago. I should really release it, unless there's a one already out there.


    1.07 ... First Re-Release



  13. Re-Arrangement for DLOH Workshop Markers v2

    This mod re-arranges the the rug category of the Daily Life of Hookers Workshop Markers v2 -mod, and adds a readable magazine that functions as a visual reference guide for the pose animations of the rugs. Also added a invisible arrow to the rugs to help with position orienting.

    The magazine is acquired by building it in workshop mode. See below.
    Daily Life of Hookers Workshop Markers v2 Real Comics  
    Real Comics Replacer 1.49  

    The Category Structure is now:
                  |_____________Daily Life of Hookers Rugs
                                                   |_____________________Against Wall
                                                   |_____________________Bent Over
                                                   |_____________________On All Fours
                                                   |_____________________On Knees
                                                   |_____________________Reference Guide Magazine
    See the screen for more specific distribution.



  14. Lewd F4 Main Menu Music (Brat VIP)

    Song Source:
    I cut the song to start from 0:37-ish when you open the main menu.
    For this to work, Remember to insert the following lines into fallout4custom.ini (specifically between [Display] including its following lines and [General].) either through MO2 ini editor (if you have profile specific ini's enabled) or in the actual ini
    Installation: Just drop it in your Mod Manager of choice.



  15. VotW Taga Animations

    This adds most of Taga's animations to Videos of the Wasteland (obviously requires that mod).

    Install using MO2 (you shouldn't be using NMM) or manually by dropping the files into your data folder.
    Videos of the Wasteland 2: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24435 (and the DriveIn plugin)



  16. Wastelander's Storage

    Mod Configuration Menu
    Bodyslide body with builded morphs
    Attention I believe that the mod is still in beta so be careful and let me know about all the bugs!
    Mod description:
    This mod is an analogue of the extra pocket for skyrim, made by me using part of the code of the extra pocket itself.
    This mod has the same functionality as its mastermind:
    Now you can use your womb as a small storage for your belongings. Using a special tool to access your womb, you can put different things there.
    Since the mod was inspired by extra pocket, it also has:
     Slowing down the player when carrying things in the womb Restrictions not allowing access to the womb in armor and combat  Restrictions on the transfer of certain types of things  All these parameters can be changed in MCM  
    How to use:
    To get access to your womb, you need to craft a womb access instrument on Chem Workbench. After crafting, it will fit into the help section, you can use both from the pip boy and from the favorites menu. It is enough in the amount of 1 piece, because after use it will be added to your inventory again.
    Can be installed via NMM or by yourself by unpacking Data containes from archive to Fallout 4 Data folder.
    Grab all your items from womb  In MCM menu find and press Wastelander's Storage -> Debug -> Stop MCM Close MCM Save Game  Quit Game Unisntall from directory or your MO  
    Knowing bugs:
    In fallout 4, movement from the 3rd person is buggy. When the effect of slowing down a heavy body from your womb  correctly changes your running and walking speed from the 1st person, in the 3rd person you can run at the same speed as before the effect. I dont know how to fix it.
    Extra Pocket 1.0 by Code Serpent ty for a code
    MCM by reg2k - Neanka - shadowslasher410
    LooksMenu by Expired6978



  17. NSFW FutaBreed Main Menu Replacer

    Title says it all.
    1º Install with Vortex or MO2.
    2º ?????
    3º Profit
    Animation by jondoe (If anyone knows their Patreon, twitter or something, i'd appreciate a link.)
    Song - Slave4U by Britney Spears
    How to make your own Main Menu Replacer
    1º Make Data folder in desktop
    2º Make 'Music/Special' and/or 'Video' folders inside
    3aº Convert song to xwm file type and rename to mus_maintheme.xwm
    3bº Convert video to bk2 and rename to MainMenuLoop.bk2
    4º Place files in respective folder and pack up the Data folder into a 7z/zip/rar archive, then install with mod manager
    5º ???????
    6º Profit



  18. More Ways of Washing

    Does your player character suffer from persistent cum overlays that hang around longer than a 200 year old ghoul with a grudge?
    Do your NPCs need some way to wash the cum overlays off of them without having to open LooksMenu every time?
    Do you like washing in the rain?
    More Ways of Washing (MWoW) adds more ways to wash your character and NPCs when they have cum overlays.  It is intended to complement the mod, Wash Out That Cum (WOTC), which cleans cum overlays by swimming, showering, or bathing.
    MWoW allows the Player to wash themselves using a bar of super soap in the same fashion that the Get Dirty mod uses soap to clean off Get Dirty's dirt layers.  MWoW cleans the same cum overlays that are cleaned by WOTC as well as cleaning off Get Dirty's dirt layers and radiation hazard.  It also cleans cum overlays from the mod, Commonwealth Moisturizer.  Yes, finally, one soap to clean them all!  And this soap comes in four different colors: white, spring green, sporty blue, and eye melting yellow.  All you have to do is craft it at your nearest Chemistry Workbench or Cooking Station by using the Soap submenu.
    But wait, there's more.  MWoW also allows you to take a shower in the rain to remove those unwanted layers of dirt and spunk.  All you need is a good rain and a bar of soap or super soap in your inventory.
    Is that it?  Oh wait, MWoW also upgrades the standard Nuka World Thirst Zapper so that it will allow you to clean cum and dirt off of any NPC.  Just aim and squirt to get them squeaky clean.  Yes, you could use WOTC's notes to do the same thing, but I have never had good luck with that method and it's just a lot more fun to squirt people.  Note:  MWoW does not add any extra Thirst Zappers to the game so you will have to get them via the console or find them the old-fashioned way at Nuka World.
    MWoW has been tested during its development by Marg597 (a dirt and soap afficienado).  However, it may have glitches or conflicts since you may use mods that Marg doesn't have yet.  Just leave a comment in the discussion forum for the mod if you find anything odd.  Lee3310 tested version 1.6 of this mod with CWSS since Marg597 doesn't use it.
    Installation:  MWoW is a single zip file that you can drop into your mod organizer the same way as most other mods.  The file is larger now (3.6 MB) than before because of the added texture file and animation.
    Load Order:  I don't think it will matter much as long as it is after Fallout 4 and the Nuka World DLC.
    End of pitch Disclaimers:  MWoW does not require Get Dirty, Wash Out That Cum, Commonwealth Moisturizer, or CWSS Redux to function but it will check to see if they are loaded.  MWoW washes off dirt effect shaders from Get Dirty and Commonwealth Captives.  MWoW may also wash off CWSS dirt layers but this feature has not been tested.  I am not responsible for any radiation that you may get while showering in the rain or for any damage done by ghouls, mirelurks, deathclaws, Todd Howard, etc.  It's a post-apocalyptic environment.  Shower at your own risk.
    Helpful hints: 
    1.  Use the soap by dropping it on the ground and then activate it.
    2.  The shower in the rain effect might not trigger during the first 26 hours of game time.  You can speed this up by saving your game and reloading it which will reset the timer check to one hour of game time (about 3 minutes of real time depending on game speed setting).
    3.  When you craft the super soap in the Chem Workbench, you will need antiseptic, oil, and 2 wood as components for crafting.
    4.  Soap doesn't last forever.  You might need several bars on a road trip because sometimes they get used up.
    5.  You cannot wash with the soap while you are wearing power armor or in combat status (enemies nearby).
    Notes about updating from an older version to a newer version:
    A.  You may have to reinitialize the Super Soap in the MCM once you start playing with a new version unless you also started a new game.
    B.  The MCM Rain Shower Auto Prompt On/Off switcher may not work correctly unless you start a new game of FO4.  Try it in your current save and see.  We need more data but it did not work for our playtester, Marg597, until a new game was started.
    Future plans for this mod:
          No future plans for this mod.  Version 2.0 will hopefully be the last.  If I add anything else, it will probably be a new color of soap.
    Version Information:
    Version 1.4.2 was an ESP version and the first version of this mod. NOTE:  Filename was v 1.42 because I mistyped it.
    Version 1.4.3 was an ESL flagged ESP version with a few changes to crafting (adding the cooking station and required 2 wood).  Also had a small change to the washing finished message.
    Version 1.4.4 was an updated ESP version with the added features that were put into 1.4.3.  It was safe to use with saved games made using Version 1.4.2 of this mod (the original version).
    Version 1.4.5 had an ESP version and an ESL-Flagged ESP version (see esl in the zip file name).  It added an MCM so that you can disable the auto prompt for showering in the rain.  It also added a user definable hotkey (via the MCM) that you can use to shower in the rain as long as you have a bar of soap.  It made super soap safe from being scrapped for oil component and also adds a few reinitialization options in the MCM.   Get Dirty's cleanliness status will update in the Pipboy now when you shower or use super soap.
    Version 1.5.0 was intended to correct the issue with the Rain Shower switcher so that it will remain in the On position if switched On.  There were separate files for a normal ESP and an ESL flagged ESP(uses "_esl" in the file name.  The customizable Hotkey issue with the ESL flagged ESP version was fixed.  NOTE:  This version was missing the MCM script.  That was corrected in Version 1.5.1.  If you are using Version 1.5.0, the MCM is not working correctly.
    Version 1.6 added an anim when washing/showering with the soap as well as soap sud effect shaders (using one of CWSS' shaders if you have that mod installed or my less capable version if you don't have CWSS installed).
    Version 1.6.1 changed so that you can no longer accidentally put your soap into a settlement workbench.  NOTE that this affects all workbenches in the settlement.  If you wish to place super soap into the workbench, drop it, and open your workshop build menu.  Use the store option while in that menu to put a dropped bar of soap into the workbench inventory.  I also modified the MCM json files for the ESL flagged ESP version so that the form ids in the MCM point to the compacted form IDs used by the ESL flagged version.  This should make the MCM settings and keybind work correctly now in the ESL flagged ESP version of this mod.  Thanks to rubber_duck for this solution.
    Version 1.7 added a wonderful new washing animation by kziitd and made MWoW's washing methods remove Commonwealth Moisturizer's cum.  Unfortunately, this version also expanded the biped slots in the undressing function to the full 0-43 range which is a problem for players that use many of the slots for costume items that they do not want removed during washing.
    Version 2.0 finally solved the problem of washing off the Get Dirty radiation hazard so take some Super Soap along when you play Hard n Dirty.  This version also reverted the undressing function to only affecting biped slots 3-15.  AAF Protected Keywords and the Skimpy Armor Keyword Resource (SAKR) protection keyword are also incorporated into this mod so that clothing items using the protection keywords should not be removed during undressing.  This version is a total rewrite so it also uses fewer script properties in order to reduce persistence of variables.
    Older versions are maintained for people who want them.  It is highly recommended that you only download and use the latest version.



  19. Beta: Bad Ends Furniture

    This is a beta.
    Latest version: 0.1 beta 2 (2022-08-13)
    With this mod, I am trying to turn @Gray User's Bad End Animation Pack into workshop-buildable furniture. At the moment only the gallows is supported.
    Bad End Animation Pack F4SE LL FourPlay community F4SE plugin (but you should already have that from AAF, as AAF is a dependency of Bad Ends Animation Pack  
    How to use:
    Workshop ⇒ Resources ⇒ Miscellaneous ⇒ Gallows (should be directly right of the pillory) Activate the gallows, you will get a message to choose a victim Activate a NPC to select them as a victim, or activate the gallows again if you feel adventurous After some seconds the NPC will appear on the gallows and start to struggle At any time activate the NPC (or the gallows) to cut the victim down If you do not cut the victim down, they will expire after struggling for a while At any time activate the NPC (or the gallows) to cut the corpse down and loot it  
    @Gray User for the animation pack @Pamatronic for the inspiration me for the code  
    More technical information:
    The gallows furniture is sometimes a bit hard to activate. There is not much that I can do about that, it is just how the .nif has been set up in Bad End Animation Pack. Try to aim at the empty space under the gallows. By default positioning, there is not much space under the feet of the NPC. You can always put the gallows on a small "pedestral" or something to hang your victims higher. Technically, I am not hanging the victim. I am cloning the victim and hanging a clone. When the victim dies, the clone is staying alive and playing a (mostly) still animation. As a side effect, if you have "magic" effects that can detect living targets, the corpse will be detected as living. You are allowed to shoot at the victim while it is hanging, even repeatedly to kill it faster. If you use explosives, this will (usually) break the rope. Corpses are persistent; if you leave the area and come back later they should still be hanging. I tried to make this compatible with Real Handcuffs and with Devious Devices, but there are still a few things that are not fully working. Github: https://github.com/RealHandcuffs/BadEndsFurniture  
    Full changelog:



  20. NSFW Deathclaw Main Menu Replacer

    Title says it all.
    1º Install with Vortex or MO2.
    2º ?????
    3º Profit
    Animation by noname55
    Song - Closer by Nine Inch Nails
    How to make your own Main Menu Replacer
    1º Make Data folder in desktop
    2º Make 'Music/Special' and/or 'Video' folders inside
    3aº Convert song to xwm file type and rename to mus_maintheme.xwm
    3bº Convert video to bk2 and rename to MainMenuLoop.bk2
    4º Place files in respective folder and pack up the Data folder into a 7z/zip/rar archive, then install with mod manager
    5º ???????
    6º Profit



  21. Fallout 4 BDSM porn pip-boy background

    Select the file you want according to the thumbnail, put it in the mods folder in the MO manager, then open the MO manager and check the box on the mod.
    辐射4 BDSM色情哔哔小子背景



  22. LiP UI

    UI for Living is Pain 
    LiP UI
    UI for displaying LiP atrtibutes for player and NPCs.
    UI for NPCs displayed in AAF scenes only.  Outside of AAF scenes one could use Know Your Friend to see LiP attributes of NPC
    Requires Living is Pain 0.6.1 or higher with its dependencies.
    Mod can be configured via MCM if it is installed.
    For player and NPCs same UI widget is displayed (see screenshot above)
    Widget displays LiP attributes in 4 sections:
    1. Attributes related to body areas that can be stimulated
    2. Mental attributes
    3. Other attributes
    4. Failed orgasms counter
    Sources available at GitHub



  23. Erotic Art - Expanded v3

    This mod is an expansion to the Erotic Art -mod on Nexus. The purpose of the mod was to add more exclusively Fallout related pics, which sadly the original mod was pretty light on.
    The expansion adds 304 additional pics, and 9 new magazines from which said craftable pics are unlocked from, just as in the original mod.
    The pics are sourced from random post on Sankaku Complex and Rule34 image boards, but the only artist I able recognize and name is Shädmän.
    Download the original mod, and install the *ESP* version of the mod, and ONLY THE ESP VERSION:
      Download this mod, and install it.  
    No More ESL version?
    Sorry, the issues caused by using the ESL that were dependent on ESP was just more trouble than it was worth, so I converted the entire mod into .ESP and it is now only in .ESP. Second, editing .ESL version for more content is also a hassle, third, having both .ESP and .ESL version of the base mod supported, meant I had to remake the mod for each version, sorry, I am just too lazy to keep doing that.
    Also, the menus are now inserted into the Erotic Art's -menu structure via scripts, so even if it gets updated etc. this will be compatible.
    The magazines are located at:
    Changes from v1 to v2.
    Some pics were changed due to their inappropriate nature breaking loverslab rules, that's it, nothing else has been changed.



  24. Mad Science For Dummies

    Mad Science For Dummies

    MSFD Is a transformation, bondage and story mod. to start off the first transformation(TF) is a cow TF, For now. the TFs to come will be voted on soon after I figure out how to make poll on LL or Other websites. https://strawpoll.com/8zedq4swa
    FAQ Explainer
    1. Right now, this mod is an apparel armband which uses the Devious Devices framework to apply a morphed body to the player/NPC wearing said armband.
    2. The body needs to be built using Bodyslide. It features six custom sliders and a zap to adjust the amount of morph/TF to your personal tastes.
    3. Currently, it can only be obtained w/ console, item is called "BTM".
    4. Author has developed this mod for CBBE. It does not currently support Fusion Girl.
    5. This is very much a work-in-progress.
    Thank you UnimpressedJawa For the explainer and screenshots
    I would also suggest you read the thread
    1. setup a way to get the BTM in Game Without cheats. (new location)
    2.Refine the TFs over time. (Reweights and the like)
    3. make hidden quests for the TFs to work off of. (Stage progression)
    A. make a conversion Bodyslide file for those who want armors for each TF with in Reason.
    B. Find a way to and make Keywords for each TF.
    5. hope people like the roadmap so far, And Finish writing the story.
    https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15/? CBBE
    https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25/? BodySlide and Outfit Studio
    https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6091/? Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)
    https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39850 Fallout 4 High Heels System
    A vault scientist named Iris, After being force out of her vault by the residents. they got wise mainly to the fact Iris was experimenting with F.E.V, through her logs learning what it was and more importantly what it does to the hosts of it. Even going so far as to make her own strain of it shed call S.E.V or Selective Evolutionary Virus. As She wonder the wastes trying to continue her work, Realizing quickly shed have to do testing on herself, After self infecting herself Her body started to feel the effects of The S.E.V getting to work restructuring her form to suit her needs.
    The S.E.V was designed to help the infected Adapt to any environmental change and then change them to suit it. In Iris's case she had started training herself through mathematics and doing runs in the wasteland for supplies, While on one of these run shed fell into the hands of a raiders group. She already built up a bit muscle but sadly had no skill to use it given she was just a vault scientist. Over time they would grow to love her unique condition, unknowingly conditioning her body in a thing of unearthly beauty.
    A face Sculpted of pure envy, Lips fuller then cherries sweeter than them to. Breasts the size of melons but firmer and softer than any down feather, A waist you could rap your hands around an ass that wouldn't stops even on it's own time and thiccer then a bowl of oatmeal. They'd fail to notice the writing in the sand of her cell was in fact geometry, Not that they even care at that point she started to smell like fields of flowers in bloom. anytime one or more of them slept with her they'd exert themselves more and more. Finally they couldn't control themselves around her anymore. They started in on her one day and couldn't stop, By the time they'd realize they couldn't lift a finger to stop her she'd already collected their gear and fled.
    The virus had ran it's course and all of its effects were now permanent. she'd travel east towards the commonwealth looking for greener pastures and new avenues of research.
    After arriving Iris started to assemble a new lab out of the resources she had left after the trip, The lab it's self was to small to work in. The coming weeks she'd realize help would be required, She started at settlements but got turned away because of her mutated appearance and distracting every settler with her..Assets didn't help ether. Iris found it easier to bait raiders to her cause by offering them her body in exchange for their help in resource gathering. Unknown to them though the more they had their way with her the more she'd be able force her will on them without complaint or resentment. over time she'd find a way of changing her fate through the development of the B.T.M the Bio, Trans, Mogrifier. She found a way to take samples of her S.E.V mutated pituitary gland and clone it, Learning how to program glands? Is it's own can of worms. after experimenting on female raiders for a time Iris and her growing group of "Helpers" came across a stockpile of Robco Medical Harnesses TM  in a hospital West of Boston. She'd placed the cloned glands in the harness's medication injector system, From there it became easier to work on a solution to her problem. Being a Mind controlling pheromone making, Always Wet Fuck Doll Isn't all that great in her eyes at least. But a problem She didn't see coming was the raiders building a resistance to said pheromones, She had to act quickly to make a fix this before they came loose from under her thumb. The B.T.M Came to her rescue, Although she couldn't use it on the raiders because it might help them build their resistance faster. So she'd would have to use them to gather settlers for her solution instead. after working on the B.T.M for so long Iris knew how to do almost anything with it. Using the Brahmin they'd stolen from settlements. She'd use their DNA to make a program string of proteins to activate the pituitary glands of the B.T.Ms telling them how to modify the settlers. the settlers felt the effect of the B.T.Ms around their arms injecting them with the payload of hormones, mutagenic stem cells and sedatives, Their only warning was a chime before it happened. the progress on the Cow Morphs as she'd call them was slow far to slow. Most of the settlers hadn't even started to produce milk yet. This "milk" was her goal, And Iris had made it so the Cow's milk had a special ingredient a tailor made aphrodisiac that would help her overcome the raider growing resistance to Her "charms".
    As you can guess that didn't happen, The milk although arousing didn't come in nearly fast enough before her "Helpers" turned on her. She fled long before that though, the Cows weren't that lucky or cunning and suffered under raiders constant desires for both their bodies and their milk. But there is a silver lining to be had, The Cow's milk may not have helped Iris but the Cows manged to get free by making them selves over produce, The raiders always the Brightest tools in the shed thought this was good thing until the cows where gone after a bender theirs.
    Type help BTM 4 in console. for now
    v.1.5.6 Added New TF/Morph_Deathclaw. Changed file locations. Added First Person models and bodyslide files to go with them.
    v.1.5.8 Add stage4 to Deathclaw Morph. Made Fallout 4 High heel system a "lite" requirement. Changed the lay out of the cow morphs BS(Bodyslide) file layout It bugged me.
    v.1.5.9 Add stage6 to the Deathclaw Morph.
    v.1.6.0 Added Cat Morph, First 3 stages.



  25. FFO Patch for Commonwealth Captives v0.97 (also compatible with version 0.99)

    This is a patch for MOD Commonwealth Captives v0.97  (or newer) by EgoBallistic
    What does the patch do?
    The patch turns people into furry races from MOD Furry Fallout 4 by Bad Dog.
    Use your favorite mod manager and install patch after installing original mod Commonwealth Captives v0.97
    Furry Fallout 4
    Commonwealth Captives v0.97   or  newer (0.99)
    EgoBallistic for mod Commonwealth Captives v0.97
    Bad Dog for mod MOD Furry Fallout 4 and furrifier script
    Special thanks to Blaze69 for help



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