MSM_Alice Posted February 4 Posted February 4 (edited) MSMA Sexual Journey, Prelude,(alpha):Sex Fight Gameplay & General Bimbofication View File Hello Community! MSMA Sexual Journey is a mod that wants to do a LOT. Too much to cover here, but for now I am releasing only a part of it, a sex-centric gameplay mechanic called "SexFight" (working title), separate orgasms for Fallout NPCs, and a player bimbofication system with a certain degree of complexity and nuance. These are things I trust have been missing in a sexualized Fallout 4 playthrough. I do need a bit of help with gameplay balancing and testing, which is why I am releasing it early. This is the very first mod I am publishing, so I might need guidance. If I am making any noob mistakes on how I upload it, present it, or update it, please let me know and I'll happily correct it. If I am online in my spare time, and working on the mod, likely I am here: What you get with this release today: 1. A SexFight mechanic - an interactive sex minigame that starts when an AAF scene involving the player starts. It is I hope, a fun alternative to defeat enemies instead of classic combat, any enemies in general but sex aggressors in particular, as one can now defeat them precisely during an AAF animation that your combat submit mod (currently AAF Violate) might play. It is a take on the classic "who overwhelms the other with more pleasure first, wins" trope. If the enemies were shagged hard enough, they will be paralyzed or dead at the end, and you shall emerge victorious, (the bad outcomes from AAF Violate are suppressed and don't happen anymore if you won). The mod tries to correctly handle the defeat consequences as well as handling the longer sequences of several scenes happening one after the other in AAF Violate, keeping tabs and deferring killing/punishing the aggressors at the end of it all, so as not to break the scenes themselves or the AAF Violate event logic. 2. A bimbofication/mind corruption functionality, (more details in the mod itself, I don't want to spoil too many surprises). You have 7 levels of bimbo to progress through, though the goal is not necessarily to attain max level bimbo corruption right away, but rather to find a balance between using the "bimboness" and not allowing it to fully corrupt you. How fast you advance depends on how much you act like a bimbo, and the depravity of the acts you subject yourself to. 3. Separate NPC orgasms, and a way to differentiate between orgasms of different quality/intensity (Underwhelming, Regular, Amazing, Mindblowing, and Galactic). 4. An new mechanic (referred to as "SaveFlow" mechanic) where choices made are remembered across all save-games of the same character, to simulate your life being controlled by extra planar entities that live outside the normal flow of time, like the TVA from Loki TV series, even if you go back in time (to an earlier save) some aspects, and some choices, once made, are inescapable and will travel with you. How to start the mod: Start a new game, and it will kick in as you exit Vault 111. You should start talking with the mysterious scientist in the silver hazmat suit, by the big containers. If upon vault exit you do not get the prompts asking if you are the appropriate age and that you are okay to start the mod, then the mod hasn't correctly auto-initialized (possibly because of alternate start mods), In this case the Appropriate MCM pages will hold clues and tools for this solve. 0.7001 is best used with a fresh start for maximum cleanliness. If a new install, remember to set up your hotkeys in MCM. Gameplay Premises: The premise of the minigame design was that it should ideally, if possible, be more engaging than a HUD mechanic where you play some HUD bars (like Skyrim's SLSO, not that there's anything wrong with that SLSO is great, I just want to try something different), but rather build in a way to encourage the player to stay more engaged with the 3D action on screen. The premise of the bimbofication framework is to support the story/comedy that I want to build, but at the same time it can just very well complement any sexualized playthrough, and use any or all animation packs one would have. The Bimbofication framework has a bit of an inflation mini-module in it, a bit of fashion module (nails, piercing, clothing) management, just enough to tie into appearance stats and sex proficiencies that have relevance for your bimbo story arc (and the Sex Fight mechanic). These mechanics are all the bedrock on top of which the story/comedy quest is being built. (The Ballad Of Schlonginius Johnson). Timeline-wise we are in the Prelude "A Dawn of Bimbos" All of this also relies for now on external art assets from other mods that I will list below, so the mod itself is tiny, as it is mostly scripts, variables and strings. Eventually, some custom art will be built and will replace the assets referenced from other mods, but for now, it is a bit of art "patchwork" Technical Premises: Detailed Mod prerequisites/dependencies follow a bit below but before that: this is a WIP/Alpha, and while in theory, it can't break things, in reality, maybe do not use it on saves that you care about. It works on both pre-NG and post-NG Fallout (tested with both) should work both with the older AAF for pre-NG and the latest AAF (post-NG) The mod is meant for a female player, and I have been building based on the Fusion Girl body replacer, but in theory, CBBE should work as well (untested with male players, not really supported). the zip has the correct folder structure and in theory, should work if installed with a MO2 or any other mod manager. English is not my first language It is not voiced yet, only text. Please Activate Subtitles Confirm boxes is needed if you want to see the most verbose from of Sex Reports. Prerequisites for a good experience: - Fully Working AAF installation, with at least Savage Cabbage's animation pack. - AAF Themes - NSFW Sound pack from Gray User (for now, aggressor females still make male sounds on NPC orgasms) - Skimpy Armor Keyword Resource - AAF Violate - Sex Attributes - Savage Cabbage Animations - Fusion Girl Or CBBE, - MCM - Commonwealth Moisturizer - Cum Overlays - HN66s and Xazomns French Nails for FO4 (CBBE or Fusion Girl) - Satisfactory Piercings. - Captive Tattoos. - F4z Ro D-oh (at least until I put actual voices in) - NukaRide and most of its prerequisites - temporarily borrowing some clothing from there. If easier I can list Soft prerequisites (but might be easier just to visit Nuka Ride's page) and be amazed at JBs work - Extended Dialogue Interface (for readability of the big explicative chunks of text, that I use until I build the actual cutscenes) - Confirm Boxes (same as above) -Leito Animations - BP70 Animations - Rohzima Animations - Kziitd Animations - Torture Devices - HN66's Easy Girl - HN66's TRS - F4z Roh Doh - RealHandcuffs - High Heel System - KFT Devices - Vioxis Strap-Ons. - Devious Devices - Up to No Good Known issues: Women Raiders still make male sounds during SexxFight. Intrusive thoughts are sometimes empty strings. That's about it I think. I was/am heavily inspired by many other story mods, too many to mention, but if I were to pick just a few ones that I found particularly fascinating, Nuka Ride, Commonwealth Slavers, Milking Human Kindness, Meet Companion Ivy, in Fallout4, (and even Bimbos Of Skyrim, and Sanguine's Debauchery in Skyrim), and many many others. On my short modding journey I was already helped by great people on this forum like JB, and also EgoBallistic, Dagobaking, and Kziitdt on the AAF Discord to name a few, and also learned a lot by looking at script sources that other modders have been kind enough to share, like I learned so much for Vaultbait's awesome work on MHK, naturally also the classics like Sex Attributes by twistedtrebla which is so essential. I will share the script sources for MSMA too ofc , I just need to build the mod up a bit first so I have something worthwhile to share, and get them cleaned up and reorganized a bit so they are remotely understandable to an external eye - I am no coder and have rather low discipline into writing correctly indented easy to understand script code, so right now it is maybe not a glorious mess of spaghetti code, but not that far from it either, .... Anyway as I progress I will complete the list of all other great modders who have helped directly or indirectly MSMA to come to life, so that I DO NOT leave anyone out. Let me know if you can get it running, and what you think. Sex Fight Color codes: NPC Flashes blue (for about 2 seconds): [call to action] They issued a sex challenge and you would better answer it. (the faster the better) Player flashes blue (very quickly) : [status confirmation] You have successfully answered the above challenge on time. Good job! Player flashes red: [status confirmation] You missed answering a challenge (did not see it, did not have enough AP, or some other reason). NPC flashes Orange: [status confirmation] That NPC got to a mind-blowing-tier orgasm (and paralysis is on). They are as good as paralyzed at the end of the scene. This signaling only happens once per NPC per scene, if this is a scene with more actors, you need to pay attention to keep track of who is 'cooked' and who is not. NPC flashes red: [status confirmation] They got a Galactic Orgasm (and death by orgasm is on in the settings). This signaling too only happens once per NPC per scene, you need to pay attention). They are as good as dead at the end, if this scene involves more actors you can focus on others now. Player flashes Green: [status confirmation] You pressed the action button outside of a valid NPC challenge, you are now consuming some AP to reduce your pleasure and avoid getting overwhelmed. Player Flashes Yellow: [status confirmation] You tried to reduce your pleasure but did not have enough AP to do so effectively, it barely produced a small effect on your arousal still better than nothing. ChangeLog v0.7001 Added bespoke settings for frequency of bimbo intrusive thoughts, and bimbo cravings Added a difficulty slider for Sexfight Challenge AP cost (you can scale up or down all AP costs in SexFight) Adjusted game play variables. Corrected weapon drop happening when the weapon wasn't raised. Added a MCM debug switch to turn off the weapon drop system. Added XP rewards for Sexfight-kiled enemies (xp amount varies on an array of factors) - before they would give 0 xp if killed via sexfight. Various other small QoL fixes Foundational work on a mechanic that allows the game to figure out things that have happened to a certain character that are not necessarily saved only to a save game file of said character but also in a MCM settings file, that can be accessed from any other savegame of that character. This for now is available for testing and can always be turned off in its MCM page. You will need a new game started on 0.7001 to test it, and you will be asked at the very start if you want to test it or not. Specifically what does the new " save flow" mechanic do now. Once you start the mod and once you progress past Marina's dialogues, and you established yourself as a bimbo, if you have the new feature turned on, the mod starts doing the following Establishes a consistent identity of a certain bimbo character across all its savegames Monitors if you load a previous save go too much back in time more than two hours (provides a popup saying that it detected this upon game load) Monitors if you load a past save to get out of a difficult sex scene with multiple "enemies" Monitors if you load a past save to get out of Depravity/XP debt Monitors if you load a past save to go back to a lower bimbo level from the higher bimbo level you had in the present. Monitors if you load a save to get rid of your current (higher) bio juices loadout and you go to a lower loadout All these situations are not seen with a good eye by the extra planar entities, as it seems you are trying to eschew your bimbo duties, and they will intervene to educate you on the error of your ways. If you load a past save because you somehow died in your current save, there should be no problems, the transgressions will be forgiven (though when the mod is done the extra planar entities will usually save you from death at a cost , not totally unlike Sanguine in Sanguine's Debauchery in Skyrim). Upon detecting these situations right now it the game just offers a popup message on game load, detailing the detected situation, and while it says that some disciplinary action is needed, it does not do anything/does not apply any disciplinary action yet. You can always turn these popups off in MCM if you are done testing. This also opens some interesting gameplay possibilities, where there could be a quest where you need to do some jumping between save games to solve it. For instance you do something in a save, jump in a pit with some deathclaws and are forever stuck there, that leaves you in a dire situation with no way out, BUT then because of the new mechanic load an older save (i.e. you travel back in time), and you can now keep some key aspect/info you acquired in the "no way out" save , and with it then go on a different "time branch", and prevent the bad situation from happening from the start. I don't know if this is exactly how I am going to use its, but I like that the entities can see the player using save games, and react on it, as that blurs a bit the border between the game and the real life, v0.6111 -Fourth Public Release Corrected a bug with some of the advanced nails that did not correctly register as equipped and could cause errors later on unequip. Put a fallback solution for an edge case on old AAF (pre NG), where the player doppelganger did not want to equip the long nails in AAF animations. Further changed long nails management method, to allow for removal of long nails in certain situations even if Marina is not present (to unblock other types of equipment), but now without the player being annoyingly prompted about wanting to keep the long nails on each single AAF animation start (mod now assumes long nails should always be kept in AAF animations). Prompting will still occur in all other voluntary unequip situations such as unequipping long nails via the PipBoy inventory, as long as the long nails were put on in "destructible/removable" mode to begin with. Added option to use the MSMA with 0 visual morphing, all visual morph scalers in the MCM can now go down to perfect 0, and also the mod has a prompt on first initialization, to start with the MSMA particular morphs set to 0 from the get-go, so you never ever have to see any MSMA morphing. Addressing a few typos Washed sextoys v0.6110 - Third public Release Corrected a bug in the appearance score update, when removing Advanced Nails from one's hands, the legs appearance score would erroneously go down as well. Changed Advanced Nails management method, to allow for removal of long nails in certain situations without Marina present (to unblock equipping other types of equipment). Now, when Advanced nails are being added, Marina will ask you if you want to add them in an indestructible fashion (just as before) or if you want them to be destructible, specifically you will be asked if you want to take them off the moment someone or something tries to remove them ( if you do accept to take them off they will be destroyed in the process, and you will need to visit Marina again for a new set). Changed detection method of consensual AAF scenes, from independently evaluating animation tags, to 100% matching Sex Attributes settings and detection method. v0.6101 - Second public Release Fixed the issue with Sexual Harassment mod being able to move Marina around Added option to scale body morphs down to 1% of what they were before (essentially turning them off) Added Option to mute the VATS synthetic sound on SexFight Successful Challenge Answer (only a moan is heard if so). Solved all sex acts being mis-identified as aggressive in post scene Sex report. Adjusted Several gameplay variables related to longer sequences of scenes with multiple partners Added method for external mods to suppress player SexFight powers and check Player bimbo level (details for modders on the forum, second post) Changed Sexfight emergency brake hotkey to cancel the entire SexFight on the current scene, instead of just suppressing the NPC punishment at the end. Rephrased most start-up text windows to be smaller, so they can be readable even if Confirmation Boxes mod is not installed (still need that for sex scene reports though). Added option to have a trimmed down sex implant menu without all the Cheat and Dev options, closer to what the finished mod will have. Added a debug MCM page with a lot more checks to monitor MSMA boot-up (can only be used starting with this version though). Added more checks for the initial NPC Mysterious Scientist , to guard against it losing its dialogues. Also added a manual Button in MCM to skip that step if still problematic. Many typos corrected (probably many remaining still) Added a version check and auto upgrade system, in theory the mod should auto upgrade from a save with 0.6001 on it, and everything except the bootup monitor MCM page should work. The bootup monitor page in the MCM can only work correctly if you start a new game directly on 0.6101 or later. Added a fast Bimbo level up path, that menu option at Marina called " [Dev-Cheat] Give Bimbo Point + Increase bimbo stats", from the "Implant Sex Stats and Bimbo Points" menu section is there for precisely that. Use it once or twice, then exit the menu and wait a bit for the promotion to happen. Warning: once you do level up, there is no way to go back and revert that, you are committing to the higher bimbo level situation for that playthrough. Many other smaller QoL fixes. Polished certain face piercings that were a bit oxidated v0.6001 - Initial Release Here is the structure of the larger story, in case you want to know Prologue: A Dawn of Bimbos [what you have here, currently working on it] Where you learn that while you were out in your cryopod a lot more has happened, you’ve been saddled with a brain implant device, of extra-planar origin that changes your whole take on the world in general (and love and sex in particular). [The purpose is to polish and fine-tune the new mechanics, that will carry the story forward not much of a story yet] Tome1: Ballad of Schlonginius Johnson [to be built] Where you join Schlonginius Johnson’s team of misfits, as he tries to rebuild his glorious dildo-making facility and grow an entire town around it, where you (why not) might even settle down once more, meet someone new, and have a new family. And be happy with your family (or get bored of the mundanity of it all and cheat on your husband with the well-hung milkman). Tome 2: The Rise of the Cockubots [to be built] Where the new town you've worked so hard to create is threatened by a mysterious faction of seemingly indestructible synths, the Cockubots. Your only chance to stop them and control them? Somehow involves the Machinists’ manufacturing facilities (now called the Masochist and heavy into BDSM) and subverting the cockubots to your control. Tome 3: The day of “O” [to be built] When the world is attacked by Zetans, and their plan is to build a towering mind-controlling device, that aims to make everyone climax uncontrollably until they submit to alien rule. The only hope for anyone is for the world to band together against this new threat, under the dildo maker’s.. umm.. banner, let's call it a banner. Really, the only ones who have a shot are your faction and your newly acquired cockubot army. Epilogue. “Fancy a smoke?” - Mystery [to be built] PS: I'm never ever adding spoiler tags again, it took me half an hour to re-write the entire mod description after trying to add spoiler tags to get collapsable sections, only to permanently mess up the whole thing. Submitter MSM_Alice Submitted 02/04/2025 Category Sexual Content Edited February 8 by MSM_Alice added names for more great modders that have helped me 10
MSM_Alice Posted February 4 Author Posted February 4 (edited) For Modders: Starting with MSMA v0.6101: If you want to remotely disable the player's MSMA SexFight powers over NPCs in certain scenarios, there is a way of doing that, via two global variables. - MSMA_SFOverride_DenyKill, with formID 278BE - MSMA_SFOverride_DenySentence, with formID 278BF MSMA_SFOverride_DenyKill If set on 0.0 (default state) things work as normal. If set on 1.0 it denies any SexFight killing at the end of a scene (even if the SexFight Kill conditions would otherwise be met). The player will see in their Alien Implant menu and the SexFight config menu, a mention of the nanites in their bloodstream being tampered with/disabled. MSMA_SFOverride_DenySentence Similar to the above, but even more powerful, any kind of NPC sentencing on sex end via SexFight is nixed (paralysis or kill). SexFight is totally powerless to do anything to the NPCs while DenySentence is 1.0. To guard against mods setting these variables and forgetting to remove them once not needed anymore, both get auto reset to 0.0 at midnight (game-day midnight not IRL midnight) each game day. Am considering ( but have not yet done so ) changing this so they reset on the 0.0 scene end, so they work more of a "flag that affects the next AAF scene with the player", as all this "reset at midnight" might be too odd. To get Player Bimbo Level you can use the MSMABimboFaction (FormID F99) and check player rank in that faction, varying from Rank0 - Not in faction- not a bimbo Rank 1 - Bimbo Level 1 ... Rank 7 - Bimbo Level 7 (max) Edited Tuesday at 09:58 AM by MSM_Alice
jah6065 Posted February 4 Posted February 4 I have been waiting for a bimbofication mod for so long, I would have loved to start one but have know idea what to do. I am super excited to see what this mod can do for me! 1
UsernameTaken666 Posted February 4 Posted February 4 Any new content is always greatly appreciated! Thank you! 1
kazeha9 Posted February 4 Posted February 4 30+ min of test . work fine . you need to made that mari and other NPC go back to their point (in future) bocuse SH aproach move them . i think cheat section must be moved to mcm or enabled in mcm . not big fan on cheat start at the beggining . windowed popup text was to big some of it was unreadble.not big deal but .to many accesories for 1st day ( NPCgive you ) . simple choker( or BJ/BC and couple other item would be very nice to start ) .thats all for now . need to lvl-up more to see what next . mod look very very nice .) 1
MSM_Alice Posted February 4 Author Posted February 4 (edited) 3 hours ago, kazeha9 said: 30+ min of test . work fine . you need to made that mari and other NPC go back to their point (in future) bocuse SH aproach move them . i think cheat section must be moved to mcm or enabled in mcm . not big fan on cheat start at the beggining . windowed popup text was to big some of it was unreadble.not big deal but .to many accesories for 1st day ( NPCgive you ) . simple choker( or BJ/BC and couple other item would be very nice to start ) .thats all for now . need to lvl-up more to see what next . mod look very very nice .) @jah6065 @UsernameTaken666 @4nln415Thank you! @kazeha9 Thank you so much for the feedback! ❤️ Added XDI and Confirm Boxes mods as prerequisite mods, which should help with text readability. I am using them while developing, just forget to add them to the list. I will also see how I can protect the NPCs from SH, it makes no logical sense for the story for Marina to engage in SH behavior Understood about moving all cheats/Dev things in a debug menu in MCM, and leaving the Device menu in the game only with the legit in-game options. What do you mean by cheat start at the beginning? Do you mean the fact that a lot of early info is unceremoniously given in text boxes? Indeed it is not great, they are placeholders. I plan to build a video file there, to replace those text boxes at some point. For anyone else visiting this, here are some very optional questions: - Did you like it, and if yes what is the one thing you liked most? -What is the one thing you hated most/ liked least? - What bimbo level did you achieve? - Did you manage to paralyze opponents with mind-blowing orgasms in SexFight? (or kill them with Galactic ones if you got to Bimbo level 2+)? - Did you notice everything is crazy expensive as vendors ask for a lot of caps and give you very little money for goods? - Did you notice the fact that once you are a bimbo, if you have no bobby pins once per day (near midnight) you can magically produce one or two bobby pins from your hair? - Have you noticed that sex seems to heal you now, and if you apply yourself to responding consistently to SexFight challenges you can recover mind health, and delay the onset of Sex Attributes mind break (you can even go back to a normal state from incoherent/hazy states). If things get out of control and a mind break does occur (mind health does get to 0), then indeed that's it for the current scene, the only way to heal is the old/normal way, after the scene, but if your mind health is not yet 0, you can get it back up to 4 (full health) just with consistent successful sex fighting, dynamically. - Have you read any post-sex scene details/reports? - Have you gotten to some deep bimbo cravings (and have you read the bimbo craving reports) - Does it all seem intelligible? - have you noticed that the mod reacts if you try to cheese your way out of a losing fight, if you want to exit with the End key quickly in the AAF UI, the mod "sees" that. I put a bunch more stuff in but I do not want to reveal it all, I hope people discover it on their own, as they play. There's a myriad of things I could be building next, what do you think my focus should be: A few examples: - Clean up and comment scripts and release script sources - Finalize migration of all strings everywhere in the dedicated string manager script in neatly organized string arrays, to facilitate spellcheck corrections localization - Organize clothing better (not just a few outfits borrowed from Nuka Ride) - Organize Accessories Better - Fine-tune mechanics - Profiling and performance - General Debug - Integration with more third-party mods. ( For instance, I am thinking that maybe I should add an option for the device to auto-suspend itself while you travel to NukaWorld, so that its sex-fighting ways can't be used to interfere with the Nuka Ride story or to check if you have the Commonwealth Slavers collar and again, have sex fight be unavailable in those states so that it is consistent with the lore of those mods. ) - Start developing the main story in earnest - add sound effects also for non-human and non-super-mutant races on NPC orgasms - Add voices? - create a Discord for this mod, maybe create some visual materials like a graphical logo for it too? - Add some ridiculous Bimbo-solves alternate paths for vanilla story quests/problems. - focus on music background? -... something else? Maybe implement the Debimbofication School quests (it is supposed to be an actual location with a teacher, you, and your bimbo class colleagues in a class while a stern teacher explains to you how to stop being a bimbo. Here's a script excerpt for that ( I am having so much more fun writing these than Papyrus scripts ): Pauline, the teacher points her pointer at the table with a crude drawing of a questionable wasteland situation: "... And what do we do in this situation when we see a group of raiders approaching us?" Opal: *Raises her hand* Teacher: " Yes Opal?" Opal: "Umm... Sucky sucky five dollah?" Teacher(rolling her eyes): No Opal, no, that's the opposite, the o.p.p.o.s.i.t.e. Yes, Ginger? Ginger: *unsure*: Is it.. blow-y .... blow-y? Teacher (losing her marbles): Blo.. It is NOT blow-y blowy, it is not sucky sucky, no sucking and no blowing! We run away, we take our heels off, and we run away before they get close FFS. Opal: "Take them off? Even if the heels are like ... a nice brand and really pretty? " Teacher: " Yes, especially if the heels are really pretty." Daisy: *Looking at Opal's heels*: "Can I have them, if she takes them off? They cute and go really well with my purse" Teacher: " Listen that's not the po... ugh... " Teacher *defeated tone*: I guess we need to fire up the Hypnotron for you again, there's no way to teach you the normal way, you're just too far gone this time ... naturally there's going to be a terrible mishap with the Hypnotron at some point. The teacher herself has a pretty spicy past, and depending on what the player does or does not do, that past will catch up with the teacher someday too. Edited February 4 by MSM_Alice 5
Vaelorian Posted February 4 Posted February 4 4 hours ago, MSM_Alice said: Daisy: *Looking at Opal's heels*: "Can I have them, if she takes them off? They cute and go really well with my purse" They are cute. Not they cute. Probably best as "they're cute".
MSM_Alice Posted February 4 Author Posted February 4 (edited) 50 minutes ago, Vaelorian said: They are cute. Not they cute. Probably best as "they're cute". Thank you. T'was my feeble attempt at trying to make her sound more "street" with improper English . Like someone says "You trippin' ", instead of the correct You're tripping". It is called a zero copula construction, more common in AAVE. Maybe "They be cute" is better for the purpose. Or maybe I should just go proper and worry about slang later on. In fact maybe in the Fallout Universe timeline, AAVE Or Carribean creole took a different path. Edited February 4 by MSM_Alice 3
MysticDaedra Posted February 4 Posted February 4 (edited) 4 hours ago, MSM_Alice said: Thank you. T'was my feeble attempt at trying to make her sound more "street" with improper English . Like someone says "You trippin' ", instead of the correct You're tripping". It is called a zero copula construction, more common in AAVE. Maybe "They be cute" is better for the purpose. Or maybe I should just go proper and worry about slang later on. In fact maybe in the Fallout Universe timeline, AAVE Or Carribean creole took a different path. "street" is, to the best of my understanding, the result of the spread of ebonics (likely through rap culture) to other ethnicities, especially hispanic. Real ebonics (AAVE) drops a lot more consonants and even some vowels, and is actually very difficult for non-speakers to understand. What a lot of people think of as AAVE today is not ebonics. Unless you actually have audio files to go along with text dialogue, I personally would avoid too much dialect stuff, especially if it isn't super obvious, as the adult modding community has an English spelling and grammar issue, really dire actually lol. I'd wager that most people would immediately assume that the mod wasn't written by an English speaker and that it was just bad grammar writing, rather than a dialect. Something like "they cute" reads like a grammar issue more than anything else. "They be cute" sounds pirate lol. Just my $0.02. BTW, YES IT'S HERE!!! Been waiting for a bimbo mod for FO4 for literally years, you are the GOAT and I can't wait to see what you do with your mod! I'm a huge sucker for the visual stuff, character body transformation/corruption, etc., and (IDK if possible or in scope) randomness, rather than pure linearity. Not playing FO4 atm, but I've followed, and I'm sure this will end up in a modlist in the near future Edited February 4 by MysticDaedra 1
Vaelorian Posted February 4 Posted February 4 (edited) 4 hours ago, MSM_Alice said: T'was my feeble attempt at trying to make her sound more "street" with improper English If you're trying to make her sound like a bimbo, you want to replace "masculine" phonetic sounds with "feminine" ones, or add suffixes like the women who add x's to their texts. You can also use abbreviations like "ily" (=I Love You), purposeful misspellings like "bnuuy" (=bunny) or shortening words like "eepy" (=sleepy) and adding superlatives like "super" where they very distinctly do not belong for emphasis and to show enthusiasm, etc. Also, that age-old bimbo tradition of throwing the word "like" every sodding where. I'm sure I needn't remind you - fifteen years ago wasn't that long ago - but junior-high-school and high-school girls even in the real world stick that word as a stalling tactic or gap filler instead of any "umms" and "errs" to the point boys used to count the number of "like"s in any given girls' presentation, sometimes reaching upwards of forty or fifty "like"s in a 3-4 minute presentation. Omitting the word "are" there isn't feminine, but masculine, and achieves the exact opposite of your intention. If anything, I'd write it something like this: *Looking at Opal's heels*: "Can I, like, have them if she takes 'em off? They're, like, super cute and they'll be sooo pretty with my purse" Again, feminine phonetics, feminine expressions. Bimbos, not gangsters. Unless of course you want to write gangsters, in which case ignore me completely. Oh, and just as a full disclosure, I ain't tried the mod yet (notice the Southern drawl!). I might at some point, but I'm holding off until I can figure out if this is for me or not-- your mod page isn't giving me the information I'm looking for. Edited February 4 by Vaelorian 3
Madscout Posted February 4 Posted February 4 (edited) I'm diggin' the concept. Ima watch here for further developments.(downloaded) The grammar makes sense now after explanation. Edited February 4 by Madscout 1
JB. Posted February 4 Posted February 4 (edited) I'm thrilled when I read that people are inspired by what I did. 😭 Especially because the community grows and gains with more mods. Yesterday I started it for a little while before going to sleep, but I couldn't read the whole messagebox. So today I was going to look for a mod that could deal with that. I see that “confirm boxes” is already recommended so I hope tonight I can test it some more. Spoiler If I remember correctly, I used to put the keyword “AAF_Blocked” (from AAF.esm) to my NPCs so that SH would not interfere. But, of course, that keyword also makes them unusable in AAF scenes so use it carefully.Although nowadays I directly recommend to disable approaches or play it without that mod. I loved that the mod offers to adjust globals from other mods and even suggests keyboards for shortcuts. It saves you a lot of time. Edited February 4 by JB. 1
JB. Posted February 4 Posted February 4 8 minutes ago, Vaelorian said: If you're trying to make her sound like a bimbo, you want to replace "masculine" phonetic sounds with "feminine" ones, or add suffixes like the women who add x's to their texts. You can also use abbreviations like "ily" (=I Love You), purposeful misspellings like "bnuuy" (=bunny) or shortening words like "eepy" (=sleepy) and adding superlatives like "super" where they very distinctly do not belong for emphasis and to show enthusiasm, etc. Also, that age-old bimbo tradition of throwing the word "like" every sodding where. I'm sure I needn't remind you - fifteen years ago wasn't that long ago - but junior-high-school and high-school girls even in the real world stick that word as a stalling tactic or gap filler instead of any "umms" and "errs" to the point boys used to count the number of "like"s in any given girls' presentation, sometimes reaching upwards of forty or fifty "like"s in a 3-4 minute presentation. Omitting the word "are" there isn't feminine, but masculine, and achieves the exact opposite of your intention. If anything, I'd write it something like this: *Looking at Opal's heels*: "Can I, like, have them if she takes 'em off? They're, like, super cute and they'll be sooo pretty with my purse" Again, feminine phonetics, feminine expressions. Bimbos, not gangsters. Unless of course you want to write gangsters, in which case ignore me completely. Damnnnn. Check out this piece of gold mine. Lovely subtleties of the English language. 😍👌
MSM_Alice Posted February 4 Author Posted February 4 (edited) 15 hours ago, MysticDaedra said: "street" is, to the best of my understanding, the result of the spread of ebonics (likely through rap culture) to other ethnicities, especially hispanic. Real ebonics (AAVE) drops a lot more consonants and even some vowels, and is actually very difficult for non-speakers to understand. What a lot of people think of as AAVE today is not ebonics. Unless you actually have audio files to go along with text dialogue, I personally would avoid too much dialect stuff, especially if it isn't super obvious, as the adult modding community has an English spelling and grammar issue, really dire actually lol. I'd wager that most people would immediately assume that the mod wasn't written by an English speaker and that it was just bad grammar writing, rather than a dialect. Something like "they cute" reads like a grammar issue more than anything else. "They be cute" sounds pirate lol. Just my $0.02. BTW, YES IT'S HERE!!! Been waiting for a bimbo mod for FO4 for literally years, you are the GOAT and I can't wait to see what you do with your mod! I'm a huge sucker for the visual stuff, character body transformation/corruption, etc., and (IDK if possible or in scope) randomness, rather than pure linearity. Not playing FO4 atm, but I've followed, and I'm sure this will end up in a modlist in the near future Thank you for the vote of confidence. It will take a while to build this up as I am still doing it as a hobby project in parallel with my day job, but yes I fully intend to go deep and freaky with it (as well as comedic, as you need to put some comedy in this to make it bearable). I will have to learn Blender too and build custom rig models and animations and no animation pack has even closely the kind of kinky content that I want to put in, related to body mods, transformations, fantasy, freaky dreams, and whatnot. I recently ordered two new books and I want to distill some of them into this mod. One of them is Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How it Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life: Lehmiller, Justin ( " Based on his monumental two-year study of sexual fantasies involving more than 4,000 people from all walks of life, Tell Me What You Want offers an unprecedented look into our fantasy worlds and what they reveal about us. " ) The other is The Psychology of Human Sexuality, same author We think that what we see on LL is hardcore, but what is in those books will make some hardcore content creators here blush. I mean of course it will be a smut mod, but I want to see if, in spite of (or even because of) delving so deep and directly into our dirtiest most secret fantasies, it transcends the smut condition and it can be a self-discovery experience. Or at the very least, it will be a strong contender to the most pretentious smut mod ever built Edited February 5 by MSM_Alice 2
MSM_Alice Posted February 4 Author Posted February 4 (edited) 26 minutes ago, Vaelorian said: If you're trying to make her sound like a bimbo, you want to replace "masculine" phonetic sounds with "feminine" ones, or add suffixes like the women who add x's to their texts. You can also use abbreviations like "ily" (=I Love You), purposeful misspellings like "bnuuy" (=bunny) or shortening words like "eepy" (=sleepy) and adding superlatives like "super" where they very distinctly do not belong for emphasis and to show enthusiasm, etc. Also, that age-old bimbo tradition of throwing the word "like" every sodding where. I'm sure I needn't remind you - fifteen years ago wasn't that long ago - but junior-high-school and high-school girls even in the real world stick that word as a stalling tactic or gap filler instead of any "umms" and "errs" to the point boys used to count the number of "like"s in any given girls' presentation, sometimes reaching upwards of forty or fifty "like"s in a 3-4 minute presentation. Omitting the word "are" there isn't feminine, but masculine, and achieves the exact opposite of your intention. If anything, I'd write it something like this: *Looking at Opal's heels*: "Can I, like, have them if she takes 'em off? They're, like, super cute and they'll be sooo pretty with my purse" Again, feminine phonetics, feminine expressions. Bimbos, not gangsters. Unless of course you want to write gangsters, in which case ignore me completely. Oh, and just as a full disclosure, I ain't tried the mod yet (notice the Southern drawl!). I might at some point, but I'm holding off until I can figure out if this is for me or not-- your mod page isn't giving me the information I'm looking for. Thank you, great insights, integrating it for sure . Yes, the four classmates should be their own flavor of " bimbo", not carbon copy x4 of the exact same typology, but the explorations in that direction are still pretty early. I will end up rewriting this at least 3 times until it makes it in the Creation kit, and maybe three times again after. Edited February 4 by MSM_Alice 1
MSM_Alice Posted February 4 Author Posted February 4 (edited) 27 minutes ago, Madscout said: I'm diggin' the concept. Ima watch here for further developments.(downloaded) The grammar makes sense now after explanation. Yes, but if not voiced/modulated, the people are right, it may be too problematic to put in writing. As long as not voice, maybe I should just try and write properly. Edited February 4 by MSM_Alice 1
MSM_Alice Posted February 4 Author Posted February 4 (edited) 1 hour ago, JB. said: I'm thrilled when I read that people are inspired by what I did. 😭 Especially because the community grows and gains with more mods. Yesterday I started it for a little while before going to sleep, but I couldn't read the whole messagebox. So today I was going to look for a mod that could deal with that. I see that “confirm boxes” is already recommended so I hope tonight I can test it some more. Reveal hidden contents If I remember correctly, I used to put the keyword “AAF_Blocked” (from AAF.esm) to my NPCs so that SH would not interfere. But, of course, that keyword also makes them unusable in AAF scenes so use it carefully.Although nowadays I directly recommend to disable approaches or play it without that mod. I loved that the mod offers to adjust globals from other mods and even suggests keyboards for shortcuts. It saves you a lot of time. Thank you. I will try that. Marina is not really supposed to take part in AAF scenes in the prelude, and if she ends up doing it, I can always prepare an alt model for those occasions, or remove/add the keyword dynamically .. perhaps. I could also carve this into two separate popups each. I was blind to the issue since I started with confirm boxes from day 1 (and this is placeholder content anyway). Maybe I should uninstall confirm boxes on my work PC and size everything down to work that way. Edited February 4 by MSM_Alice 1
Saint_Olaf Posted February 4 Posted February 4 I love the idea of this mod and some of its features, but I also really dislike some of them. How configurable is the mod? Some I would love to use other bits not so much. Sounds like its going to be a great one either way! 2
MSM_Alice Posted February 4 Author Posted February 4 (edited) 5 minutes ago, Saint_Olaf said: I love the idea of this mod and some of its features, but I also really dislike some of them. How configurable is the mod? Some I would love to use other bits not so much. Sounds like its going to be a great one either way! Well, it is going to end up being as configurable as I make it. Architecturally things are more flexible now at the start. If feasible and not costing me an arm and a leg story-wise to put in some toggles, I see no reason not to put in some toggles :). What would you like to be toggle-able? Edited February 4 by MSM_Alice 1
Saint_Olaf Posted February 4 Posted February 4 25 minutes ago, MSM_Alice said: Well, it is going to end up being as configurable as I make it. Architecturally things are more flexible now at the start. If feasible and not costing me an arm and a leg story-wise to put in some toggles, I see no reason not to put in some toggles :). What would you like to be toggle-able? IDK yet but I am going to download and install to try it out later tonight. Overall sounds great but some of the things don't "sound" like what I am looking for I have to hold my opinion till I try it One of the things I am not too keen for from the description of the overpowering fights. I am sure some people will love it. I kind of go for a more stealthy resistance kind of play so many mods just play bimbo, why my play style is more of an avoidance style. Stealthier. I use all the mods though. Just disable stuff I dont like or want where possible.
kazeha9 Posted February 5 Posted February 5 (edited) soo . slider (hip bone for FG via morph value above 1 ) look not good after 4 lvl of bimbo. notification pop-up (MCM setting for sec. to pop_up) . some trouble with removing fancy nails(need to do it a couple of time via shop) . would be great more smoooth work with CS MHK . couse MHK and SM sex brack system ) Edited February 5 by kazeha9 1
JB. Posted February 5 Posted February 5 Wow a very interesting, imaginative and above all entertaining concept. I definitely wouldn't mind losing some battles and kicking Violate with this power. Spoiler A couple of opinions. I think message boxes should be short and concise. I remember once I also made a long message box and the third or fourth time I read it I regretted leaving it that way because you start skipping lines or you don't want to read it anymore. It cuts with the dynamics and the natural storytelling form that the game has. I don't mind reading long dialogues. I enjoyed reading Marina's dialogues. You know, she talks, she gesticulates, everything is told naturally. It's a more interactive dynamic than a messagebox. Maybe it's just my impression because I really wanted to test more things but I was stopped by messageboxes xD You could transform them into scenes. The scenes are written with the player as the only actor. And when you kick them with “MyScene.ForceStart()”, Nora can say things regarding the changes she is feeling at every stage, to the point where the last ones are already hard for her to form words as you have written in the messagebox. The power could be used only against certain enemy factions or you can leave it up to the player to decide whether or not to use the powers. That would definitely solve a lot of incompatibilities. Well, I wish you the best of luck in your project and I hope you keep working on it! 😄 2
MSM_Alice Posted February 5 Author Posted February 5 (edited) 7 hours ago, kazeha9 said: soo . slider (hip bone for FG via morph value above 1 ) look not good after 4 lvl of bimbo. notification pop-up (MCM setting for sec. to pop_up) . some trouble with removing fancy nails(need to do it a couple of time via shop) . would be great more smoooth work with CS MHK . couse MHK and SM sex brack system ) Thank you so much, this is so needed. ❤️ I am using FG in day-to-day too but did not notice anything that problematic. but is true I wasn't using a lot of varied clothing. I can certainly alter the values so that the current Level 4 max morph is the Level 7 max morph. and re-scale the in-between values. Did you get any screenies so I know what to watch for and calibrate things? I think the maximum it can ever get to, Bimbo level 7+ and other extra depravity events that boost the max, is 2.4. Maybe I should have it top out at 1.2 or 1.3. Or maybe I had a script bug and the values added during random "Depravity events" scaled past my safeguards. Did you have a lot of run-ins with Supermutants? Smashing again and again against the max value for inflation does subtly alter the max morph values for several morph inputs each time it happens, but even that max is not open-ended (maybe I have a bug and it does not have a ceiling anymore) There needs to be *Some* ridiculousness at the top end of the "evolution" arc, but maybe I can have that value pour into more morph inputs rather than stay focused on just a few morph inputs with higher values The really long nails, yes, having really long nails does make equipping gloves kinda impossible if they share a slot, not sure how what is the best approach. Will think some more about it. On the flip side, it kinda makes sense, like in real life. I really don' want them be randomly unequipped by mods that unequip items, destroyed by mods that break armor, unequipped in AAF scenes, or stolen by various thieves off your fingers. Maybe I flag them as quest items and manually re-equip them on animation start, instead of forcing them to be un-equipable ( right now I run a small function via the OnEquip event and have codes that keep them on there unless you remove them at Marina - maybe that's not the best approach though .) What is CS MHK? In my mind, CS is Commonwealth Slavers, but I don't know any quest there that has MHK as an acronym. Edited February 5 by MSM_Alice
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