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Advanced Animation Framework

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These Fallout 4 mods are all related to the Advanced Animation Framework.

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  1. AAF Violate - german translation

    Deutsche Übersetzung von AAF Violate
    AAF Violate
    Installiere zuerst die Original Mod und deren Voraussetzungen, überschreibe anschließend die Dateien der Original Mod mit der Übersetzung.




    Buenas, una vez mas aqui con la traduccion de este increible mod.
    Este mod sirve para dar etiquetas de violacion al mod AFF y a su vez te permite hacer varias cosas que van desde ser violado por NPCs hostiles o mounstros, ya sea por salud baja del jugador o por que el jugador simplemente se rindio.
    Una vez los NPCs acaben de hacerte el frutifantastico te pondran dispositivos tortuosos (si es que tienes el mod instalado de dispositivos tortuosos) y un tautauje (si es que tienes instalado el mod de tatuajes despues de violacion), como recomendacion personal, no pongas en el MCM que te puedan poner mas de 3 dispositivos ya que por lo regular se ponen uno en sima de otro y esto tiende a bloquear el juego (o bueno eso pasa en mi caso).
    Sumado al mod AAF Family Planning Enhanced Redux se puede conseguir una sinergia interesante al poder quedar embarazada de los NPCs hostiles.
    a la vez que la violacion te causara un debuff que bajara tus estadisticas en 3 niveles (dependiendo de cuantas veces seas violado, tus estadisticas bajaran mas y la pelea contra los NPCs que te violaron o la raza del npc que te violo sera mas dificil.
    Hablando un poco mas tecnico, nuevamente no pude traducir el menu de MCM, aunque mas tarde subire un archivo extra de como poner el menu en MCM en español (ojo, esto ultimo que escribo despues de descubrir como hacerlo manualmente xd)
    Si desean que traduzca algun mod en especifico favor de decirmelo y con gusto lo hare gratis (ya si me quieren donar pues no les dire que no xd)
    Este mod fue traducido por UNIONDOJO, y si ustedes quieren corregir los errores ya sea de coherencia o esas cosas que mencione arriba con todo el gusto pueden usar mi traduccion y modificarla. 
    Para que el mod funcione correctamente se necesita intalar primero el mod original el cual es: 
    Evidentemente con todos los requisitos que este pida, esos requisitos los puedes ver en el mod original, sin mas espero volver a verlos luego con mas mods traducidos para la comunidad y cualquier duda que pueda surgir con mucho gusto puedo ayudar a solucionarla, que tengan un exelente dia 



  3. AAF Family Planning Enhanced Redux v4.025 Traducción al Español

    Un mod inmersivo que te permite casarte con los NPCs, hacerles regalos, tener hijos, entre otras cosas. 
    Este mod me gusta personalmente ya que te permite tener hijos de moustros los cuales al llegar a un asentamiento actuaran como NPCs no ostiles y defenderan dicho asentamiento, con un mod que te permita controlar a los moustros y configurando el juego para que los NPCs femeninos puedan tener hijos, puedes lograr tener un asentamiento a prueba de cualquier asalto de super mutantes, necrofagos, asaltantes, etc.
    Este mod ofrece muchisima inmersion ya que si estas embarazada y usas drogas, alcohol, o simplemente te golpean puedes provocar que el bebe muera,
    Asi mismo, tus relaciones con tu pareja o tus parejas, por que si, te puedes casar con mas de un NPC y esto puede traer tanto beneficios para tu asentamiento o todo lo contrario, depende de como configures el mod.
    Asi mismo puedes contraer y propagar enfermedades de transmision sexual los cuales causaran debuffs negativos
    Es un mod que recomiendo 100% si tienes la intension de jugar mas inmersivamente (y quieres hacer un poco de NTR entre los npcs en los asentemientos) xD
    Hay muchas cosas que no dije ya que te las dejo a ti que las descubras xd
    Pero ya hablando mas tecnicamente, hay muchas cosas que no pude traducir ya que realmente no supe como hacerlo, como lo es el menu en el MCM y las notificaciones que aparecen en la esquina de la pantalla, ya si alguien puede o sabe como traducirlo y me quiere explicar o lo traduce entonces estaria muy agradecido xd, de igual forma tienen mi permiso de corregir mi traduccion y publicar su propia version a partir de la mia sin ningun compromiso.
    Esta es una version mas extendida del mod FAMILY PLANNING ENHANCED, el cual es mucho mas sensillo y quita casi todas las cosas que dije arriba, solo dejandote con la posibilidad de quedar embarazada y tener hijos tanto de npcs como de mobs hostiles, como quiera tambien traducire esa version y la subire mas tarde si es que aun no la he subido.
    Si desean que traduzca algun mod en especifico favor de decirmelo y con gusto lo hare gratis (ya si me quieren donar pues no les dire que no xd)
    Este mod fue traducido por UNIONDOJO, y si ustedes quieren corregir los errores ya sea de coherencia o esas cosas que mencione arriba con todo el gusto pueden usar mi traduccion y modificarla. 
    Para que el mod funcione correctamente se necesita intalar primero el mod original el cual es: 
    Evidentemente con todos los requisitos que este pida, esos requisitos los puedes ver en el mod original, sin mas espero volver a verlos luego con mas mods traducidos para la comunidad y cualquier duda que pueda surgir con mucho gusto puedo ayudar a solucionarla, que tengan un exelente dia 



  4. SexAttributes 2.7.4 - german translation

    Deutsche Übersetzung von SexAttributes
    [AAF] Sex Attributes - Framework
    Installiere zuerst die Original Mod und deren Voraussetzungen, überschreibe anschließend die Dateien der Original Mod mit der Übersetzung.



  5. [AAF] Sex Attributes - Framework (4/17/2023)

    Sex Attributes
    v2.7.4 (for AAF)
    FO4 Sexual Framework for managing various player's sexual stats!
    When your player gets sexually assaulted, he/she should not be walking around as if nothing happened. Conversely, if the player just saved the entire Commonwealth, he/she should get a confidence boost that positively affects the things he/she does. This mod aims to bring that idea to life! Your player's successes should bring further boost to her abilities and mental state and your player's sexual assaults should bring further consequences and put him/her in increasingly precarious situations.
    This mod tracks three pillars of attribute types: physical, psychological, and social. Each can be enabled/disabled in MCM independently.
    Physical attributes are:
    Oral wear Vaginal wear Anal wear Arousal Alcohol intoxication level Psychological attributes are:
    Willpower Self-Esteem Spirit Submissive/Dominant orientation Sex addiction Trauma Social attribute will track the player's sexual reputation. Have sex in public? Your reputation will increase.
    Additionally, this mod will also increase player's belly size after vaginal (and/or anal/oral) sex. This can be disabled in MCM.
     Oral, Vaginal, Anal Wear are wear and tear for those orifices. Having anal sex will result in anal wear increasing, while having oral sex will result in oral wear increasing
    Arousal is an attribute that indicates how sexually aroused your player is. 
     Alcohol Intoxication Level is an attribute that indicates how intoxicated your player is from alcohol. Being heavily intoxicated will make your character more suggestible, increasing the chance that NPCs will persuade the player. It will also decrease your intimidation chances, making it harder to intimidate NPCs. Consuming alcohol will also increase the player's arousal level; harder drinks will increase more. If the player is drunk or hammered, they will have harder time remembering things, so they will actually lose less stats from rapes when drunk or hammered.
    Willpower is your character's ability and determination to overcome challenges in the Commonwealth. Weaker willpower should result in your character easily giving up to pressure or tough challenges while stronger willpower should result in your character being able to overcome tough challenges and having a do-or-die mentality.
    Self-Esteem is your character's confidence level and his/her self image.
    Spirit is your character's mental toughness. Weaker spirit means your character's mental state is becoming broken, causing your character to become heavily suggestible and easily manipulated by others. Stronger spirit means your character is more resilient to foreign influences, and have better control of their mental state.
    Submissive/Dominant Orientation is your character's natural inclination to submit to or defy others. Being more submissive should result in your character rather enjoying submitting to others while being more dominant should result in your character being defiant and enjoying the position of authority.
    Sub/Dom orientation is mostly a permanent, independent trait of your character. You can choose your player's starting D/s orientation when running the game for the first time with the mod. After that, your player's D/s orientation will remain fixed.
    Sex Addiction is your character's addiction to sex. Once addicted, the player's arousal will increase much faster.
    Trauma is incurred when player is a victim of sexual assault. When the player is traumatized, their willpower will regenerate slower, and will lose self-esteem over time. Trauma lasts for 2 days and can only be healed over time, but its negative effects can be coped with with alcohol. The amount of alcohol you need to consume in order to suppress negative effects from trauma depends on the trauma level. In order to fully suppress trauma effects, the player's intoxication level must match trauma level. For instance, if your trauma level is at 4, you need to be drunk (intox lvl 4) in order to not suffer any negative effects of Trauma. If your intox level is lower, you will suffer partial trauma effects. For instance, if your trauma is at 4, and you are Tipsy (intox 2), then you will suffer debuffs equal to trauma level of 2 (4 - 2 = 2).
    Trauma effects can also be suppressed using chems. All chems (Jet, Mentat, etc) will provide 5-trauma-level suppression for 4 hours. After 4 hours, the drug effects will fade, and player will feel trauma effects again.
    Sex Reputation is how the people view the player sexually, regardless of whether or not the player really is how he/she is perceived
    Reset Stats
    Doctor Neura is an advanced neurologist who is able to reset your character's psychological attributes, at the cost of some caps. The cost is equal to player's level times 100. If your player is broke and can't afford it, Neura is willing to do it with whatever money the player has; how generous! She is located in Memory Den of Goodneighbor and usually hangs out near Dr Amari.
    Player's belly will increase slightly after having sex. Increases more if the sex partner was a mutant or giant creatures like Deathclaw.
    Belly morph will slowly deflate over time. But if player is wearing vaginal plugs, it will not defalte.
    If the player gets raped and her spirit gets broken, the player will develop PTSD against the type of NPC that raped her. Types of NPC supported are Animals, Ferals, Gunners, Mutants, Raiders, and Synths. When player gets into combat with the type of NPC she has PTSD for, she will start to panic a bit, decreasing AP regen. Also player takes 20% increased damage against NPCs that she has PTSD for.
    PTSD can be removed  only in 2 ways: either treatment from Dr Neura, or bringing spirit back up to 80.
    Mind Break
    If the player is forced to orgasm during rape, her mind can slowly start to break down from the mix of pain and pleasure. Player will need to rest a bit (default 3 real life minutes) after an orgasm to "recover" a bit. If the player orgasms before having recovered, her mind will start to break down from too much pleasure too frequently.
    The threshold for how many orgasms are needed to reach the point of mind break can be customized. Once reached, the player will be in a temporary mind broken state where she will be susceptible to brainwashing. Any further rapes during mind break state will make her more submissive, and greatly increase her sex addiction levels. The player also has a chance to develop perversion for the type of NPC that forced her to orgasm.
    Player can develop an orgasm addiction (or perversion) with the NPC that raped her during a state of mind break. The perversion intensity can stack up to 3 times.
    Once perversion is developed, player start to crave having sex/orgasm with that same type of NPC every couple days. This desire needs to be satisfied, or player will receive a debuff.
    While the player is having cravings and is in combat against NPC types for which she has perversion, her resolve will weaken from temptation and she will slowly lose willpower, until either the enemy is dead, or player leaves combat.
    Perversion is removed if the player manages to abstain from having orgasm again with those NPC types for 60 game days (can be customized)
    Ever felt that vanilla game's Charisma-based speech check was very one dimensional and boring? This mod brings possibilities for more variety! This mod alone doesn't change anything, as it's just a framework for it. But other mods can use APIs provided by this mod to greatly diversify player's interaction with NPC.
    Allows players to intimidate NPCs! Intimidation success chance is based on a combination of player's dominant/submissive orientation plus self-esteem. More dominant and high self-esteem will result in higher intimidation chance. 
    NPC Persuasion
    NPCs can now persuade the player! There are three persuasion difficulties: Easy, Medium, and Hard. For example, Easy would be something like, "Hey, give me a Nuka Cola!", while Medium could be "Go clear settlement #999", and Hard could be "Come give me a handjob." NPC's persuasion chance is based on the persuasion difficulty and player's spirit. Lower spirit players will be much more vulnerable to persuasion by NPCs.
    Intimidation and NPC persuasion chances can be customized in this mod's MCM page.
    Mods using NPC interaction mechanics:
    Sexual Harassment - NPCs will approach player and demand sex
    Oral: 0 ~ 100
    Vaginal: 0 ~ 100
    Anal: 0 ~ 100
     Arousal: 0 ~ 100
     Alcohol Intoxication Level: 0 ~ 5
    Willpower: 0 ~ 100
    Self-Esteem: 0 ~ 100
     Spirit: 0 ~ 100
    Sub/Dom Orientation: -50 ~ 50
     Slut (Addicted to Sex): 0 ~ 100
    Trauma: 0 ~ 5
    Frustration Debuff:
     Sexual Reputation: 0 ~ 100
    This mod aims to be a framework that other mods can use to offer different choices (or lack of choice) for the player. Currently, the following are mods integrated with Sex Attributes:
    Devious Devices
    Wearing Devious Devices reduces player's self-esteem over time. Dominant players will receive further penalty and lose more, while submissive players will lose less, or even not lose any at all.
    Submissive players will get aroused from wearing devious devices. Wearing anal plugs, vaginal plugs, or nipple piercings will greatly increase arousal for all players.

    You can also remove devious devices by using willpower. You can set a hotkey for showing the DD removal menu. When you press the hotkey, a menu will be shown where you can select which type of devious device to remove from your character. 
    Real Handcuffs
    Like Devious devices, wearing Real Handcuffs will reduce player's self-esteem over time. Dominant players will receive further penalty and lose more, while submissive players will lose less, or even not lose any at all.
    Mods Using Sex Attributes:
    Sexual Harassment
    Offers dynamic NPC dialogues that change based on player's attributes. The player can use willpower to resist NPCs, and NPCs can take advantage of player depending on player's attribute deficiencies. 
    A simple plugin mod that displays the player's attributes in HUD. This allows you to easily view the player's attributes. This plugin uses HUDFramework, which makes it a requirement. If you dont install this plugin, then you don't need HUDFramework.
    Note that if you do install SexAttributesHUD and wish to uninstall it later, press the uninstall button in that mod's MCM menu. Otherwise, you will get HUD widgets that stay even if you remove the .esp file.
    This plugin can fail to work if you have other mods that use HUDFramework, e.g. Transfer Settlements. HUDFramework is known to be a very fragile system and does not play well when multiple mods using it are installed.
    Also, this plugin hasn't been updated, and thus some of the newer attributes (such as arousal) will not be supported.
    AAF and all its requirements, including animations, themes
    (Optional) HUDFramework - only if you install my HUD plugin mod
    (Optional) MCM - if you want to be able to change settings
    (Optional) Devious Devices (and all its requirements) - for integration with DD
    (Optional) Real Handcuffs - for integration with RH
    (Optional) Skimpy Armor Keyword Resource - if the player is a slut, they will feel the need to flaunt their bodies by dressing in skimpy clothes

    NOTE: Make sure your Fallout 4 Game version is 1.10.162 or newer (due to Creation Kit update not being backwards compatible). If your game version is older, the game will not recognize the mod.
    Like you would any other mod, NMM (or equivalent) or manual. Install Sex_Attributes for base mod. Also install Sex_AttributesHUD if you want to see attribute values in HUD
    BEFORE uninstalling the mod, turn OFF effects for physical and psychological (if you have buffs/debuffs on your character). Otherwise, your character might get permanent buff/debuffs.
    In the event that people are awaiting needed maintenance and/or new features, and I've gone MIA (say >4 months), I give permission to others to take the mod and its source code (included) and expand on it/maintain it. Just make sure it remains within the scope of the original mod - a modular, simple, framework for player's attributes. 



  6. Duke Your new Best Friend TRADUCCION AL ESPAÑOL

    Duck es un nuevo posible seguidor el cual es un perro super inteligente y fuerte, tan solo despues de conocerte te retara a un duelo para ver quien se convertira en el nuevo jefe de la manada, en caso de perder te volveras la perra de Duck y el decidira que hacer con tigo y con tus agujeros aunque lo mas probables es que termines convirtiendote en su baño de semen personal y a su vez pariendo algunos cachorros.
    Es un mod que le encantara a los amantes del genero bestialidad, este mod agrega una nueva dificultad al juego ya que la orina y semen de Duck te haran cada vez mas debil y torpe para el combate, a tal punto de incluso tener -Fuerza, -Resistencia, -Inteligencia, etc. teniendo que depender completamente de Duck para salir de los combates. Cabe recalcar que apesar de todo es un mod incompleto y con muchos bugs, por lo que te recomiendo guardar debes en cuando si no quieres terminar en un bucle o en un cuarto sin salida.
    Si desean que traduzca algun mod en especifico favor de decirmelo y con gusto lo hare gratis (ya si me quieren donar pues no les dire que no xd)
    Este mod fue traducido por UNIONDOJO, y si ustedes quieren corregir los errores ya sea de coherencia o esas cosas que mencione arriba con todo el gusto pueden usar mi traduccion y modificarla. 
    Para que el mod funcione correctamente se necesita intalar primero el mod original el cual es: 
    Evidentemente con todos los requisitos que este pida, esos requisitos los puedes ver en el mod original, sin mas espero volver a verlos luego con mas mods traducidos para la comunidad y cualquier duda que pueda surgir con mucho gusto puedo ayudar a solucionarla, que tengan un exelente dia 
    como extra, el mod no lo incluye pero aun asi te recomiendo que te instales este mod que remplaza el Pip-Boy de la muñeca por otro que puedes tener en tus manos ya que al desnudarte Duck tambien te quitara el Pip-Boy de la muñeca y ya no podras ver tu inventario, desplazarte con teletransporte, ver tus estadisticas, subir de nivel, vaya todo lo que puedes hacer con el pip-boy y con este mod no pasa eso ya que no esta en la muñeca xd



  7. My Animation Pack. Updated 15/04/23

    This mod adds a bunch of animations, created entirely by myself, based around a female protagonist, that lets her "get to know" other men better. The pack contains many animations designed to be played in sequence which may come in the future.
    If you're looking for group animations, specifically one girl and lots of guys, this is the place to be. I made a fair few and plan to expand upon the ones I've already made so that they get an entire sequence from start to finish, with atleast four full animations to be played in any sequence.
    Other than that, I have plenty of animations tied to specific objects in the game; single beds, double beds, various chairs, stools, tables, desks, benches, couches, pillories, shackles. Go somewhere in the world and you might find a place to initiate an animation, or build something in a settlement and see what you can do with it.
    These come with sound included but no voice lines. I have some to use but decided against it. Some animations I made when I was still heavily in the beginner stage of learning animating this kinda thing but I left them in there anyway. Maybe in the future I will go back and redo them. I have already redone some.
    Also, if you want to take the sounds for your own work, feel free to do so. No need to ask me for permission.
    Hard Requirements
    AAF - Advanced Animation Framework by dagobaking.
    Soft Requirements
    Fallout 4 DLCs by Bethesda.
    AAF Creature Resource by Ulfberth.
    Recommended Mods
    AAF Framework/Quality of Life mods
    AAF Themes by Halstrom.
    Improved Skeleton
    Extended Skeleton by ZaZ.
    Female Body
    Fusion Girl Female Body by ZeX Team.
    Male Bodies
    BodyTalk Male Body by TheBottomHoodOfSteel.
    Atomic Muscle Male Body by Ulfberth.
    Optional Furntiure Mods used by this pack (available on Nexus mostly)
    Settlement Supplies Expanded
    Workshop Rearranged
    Prisoner Shackles
    Torture Devices
    Additional Furniture Patches (Other Authors)
    Capital Wasteland DLC Support
    Project Mojave Support
    Sim Settlements Support
    Simply use your mod manager of choice (Vortex, Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer 2) and click on the file, then choose ONLY the options that you have installed! If you don't know whether you have a mod or DLC, don't pick them.
    For specific instructions regarding the latest versions, refer to the Info Post for that version.
    Release information:
    Version 1.0.2 info post
    Version 1.0.3 info post
    Version 1.0.4 info post
    Version 1.1 info post
    Version 1.2 info post
    Version 1.2.1 info post
    Version 1.2.2 info post
    Version 1.2.3 info post
    Version 1.2.4 info post
    Version 1.2.5 info post
    Version 1.2.6 info post
    Version 1.2.7 info post
    Version 1.2.8 info post
    Version 1.2.9 info post
    Version 1.3.0 info post







    Thanks (in no particular order):
    Dagobaking, for creating AAF
    ShadeAnimator, for the animation rigs
    Leito86, for some sounds
    Crazy6987, for animation rigs
    Vader666, for some items
    CGi, for helping with the FOMOD
    ZaZ, for the particles and female body I use as reference
    TheBottomhoodofSteel, for the male body I use as reference
    Rufgt, for some inspiration
    bp70, for testing and ideas
    Halstrom, for Themes and other bits and pieces
    EgoBallistic, for help with some things
    Ulfberth, for helping with some XML stuff
    SilverPerv, for testing
    Vel W, for testing
    spicydoritos, for testing

    All the people involved in animating here, sorry if I can't remember you.
    Disclaimer: This mod is for use by adults only and is only intended to depict adults. Any use of this mod to attempt to depict minors in these situations is strictly not allowed.
    Permissions: Ask me before attempting to include my animations in your mod.



  8. [AAF] RSE II: Combat Surrender and Abductions - german translation

    Deutsche Übersetzung von [AAF] RSE II: Combat Surrender and Abductions
    [AAF] RSE II: Combat Surrender and Abductions (12/30/19)
    Installiere zuerst die Original Mod und deren Voraussetzungen, überschreibe anschließend die Dateien der Original Mod mit der Übersetzung.



  9. RSE_II_Resources_ESM (v1.0) - german translation

    Deutsche Übersetzung von [AAF] RSE II: Framework Resources ESM
    [AAF] RSE II: Framework Resources ESM (01/10/20)
    Installiere zuerst die Original Mod und deren Voraussetzungen, überschreibe anschließend die Dateien der Original Mod mit der Übersetzung.



  10. Sanity Framework

    Sanity Framework 2.10 (Mother Release).
    The story thus far... You are the sole survivor, and you just left the vault with the burden of the loss of your son, the loss of your spouse, and the end of the world.   How can you possibly help them if you can't help yourself?  Dread grips your mind and heart as you explore Wonderland, or now, Wasteland, just like Alice.  You find cryptic messages leading you around the ruins of the Commonwealth.  The more you follow these leads, the less you care about the problems in the world around you.  Your choices will ultimately decide your fate.  Your spouse, your son, your world is gone now.  And deep down you know, nothing will end well.
    A new form of nightmare has manifested itself in the Commonwealth, as if your little mind could bear anymore.  You've heard whispers of tentacles attacking people for no known reason.   The story begins to unfold as your sanity dwindles.
    Please see release notes below for 2.10.  PLEASE SAVE BEFORE INSTALLING.
    MCM Options Explained: 
    Hard Requirements:
    AAF and all its requirements: by @dagobaking  If you don't follow this guide, from @Saya Scarlett my mod will not work.  A word on animations, I would install all animation packs as I will be calling specific animations, rather than random animations.   All The DLC + Unofficial Fallout Patch -- Far Harbor and Nuka World Sex Attributes (Most recent version) (Spirit, Willpower and General Stats) @twistedtrebla MCM  
    Mod Integration: There are several key mods I intend to integrate with that will affect sanity.  The following are planned to date:
    TSEX : Continued integration.  This mod is amazing by @Tentacus and @requiredname65 AAF Violate (Completed) @EgoBallistic Hardship Beggar Whore by @Tentacus This is one of the most realistic mods I've seen to date around prostitution and addiction.  I plan to monitor this mod for the prostitution and addition attributes associated. Crackle by @Tentacus: I really like this realism of this mod. I highly recommend KitCat's Camping Gear for this. Smokeable Cigars - Cigarettes - Joints - With HardCore Auto Save : (Nexus Mods) This adds smoking, which reduces stress.  Joints Remove depression.  Not a hard requirement, but if its there, you'll get those extra bonus items. AAF Sexual Harassment by @twistedtrebla Already hooked into Sex Attributes.  I want to have a light integration with this one.  Hypnotism adds many possibilities. Sex Education by @spicydoritos Really nice expansion on the player's sexual history. Expanding this support. Animated Tentacles by @Snapdragon_  Native Sync by @Snapdragon_ This seems to fix some tentacle animation issues and appearances. It looks so much better with this mod enabled.  Family Planning Enhanced Redux (Pregnancy effects, Post-Partum, Abortion and Miscarriage outcomes.) Works with either version of the mod by @Invictusblade & @EgoBallistic Wasteland Dairy Framework This is in process with the new version by @Invictusblade  
    Recommended Mods:  These Mods are my personal favourites, and they do add to the immersive experience. Not at all necessary. 
    AAF SexEmUp: by @EgoBallistic Nice for light prostitution and other sex approaches Raider Pet by @stobor This mod is the best at abduction for raiders. RSE hasn't been updated in a while and causes many issues unfortunately. Devious Devices: by @Kimy I'm sure everyone has this, but it warrants a mention. Real Handcuffs by @Kharos Again, goes without saying. AAF Tattoo After Rape by @twistedtrebla This is perfect for the Sanity Framework as a reminder of what has happened to the Player over time.  (I will post recommended settings) AAF Bad-End: Purgatory: By Ego.  I love this mod because there are so many things you could do with sanity on this.  I may do an integration once I work through the other things. AAF Autonomy Enhanced Redux: By @Invictusblade At first it seemed silly that NPCs were randomly having sex, but when you think about it, what else do they have to do? Captive Tattoos by @JB. These are a must for Tattoo after Rape, and to be realistic with Hardship  



  11. (UAP) Ultimate AAF Patch

    @dagobaking for the amazing Advanced Animation Framework and for implementing my requests
    @an3k, @Halstrom, @Nebuchadnezzer2; for the One Patch development and for Tags database.
    Ayser, Maars; for the big help with creature textures.
    Wenderer For the FOMOD Creation Tool, which helped a ton to make this FOMOD
    Leito, ZaZ; For the creature/sound/particles and other important assets that makes this patch to function.
    @ZarthonTheVanquished for the mirelurk king penises
    @Tentacus for the FF XMLS
    @CGi for writing the batch to overwrite the sound files.
    @dosfox for the rebalanced sound files for customized moans
    and everyone else who supported me.
     @GeckoRobot for the alternate deathclaw penises textures
     @riot_punch and @Saya Scarlett for SC xmls contribution


    I'm not going to give support for this mod through loveslab threads anymore since it's a lot harder for me. So to give better support to you guys, i ask you to join the discord server i made specially for UAP and Atomic Muscle support in here: https://discord.gg/AAUTgsJ76q
    You can also always ask for support in AAF discord server but they use a different troubleshooting method than mine: https://discord.gg/G5q7kEU



    This is an AAF patch with the main purpose to expand the AAF capabilities for all animation packs + implement some fixes to get everything working. The current support is around gay and straight anims, with a probability of including Lesbian anim as well if another contributor interested shows up for that.


    Progressive Trees is a UAP exclusive system. It basically implements an advanced staged sequence system using positionTrees. So they advance based on timers

    ⁉️What is a positionTree?

    ➡️ They are a group of animations that can be navigated separately. When pressing pgUp/pgDown you basically change the position, which can be: a standalone animation, an animationGroup (staged sequence)  or a positionTree. positionTrees will have their own navigation interface and controls, they will look like this (in the lower left of your screen):
    As you can see, the navigation controls are displayed right below the tree. You press Right Arrow to go the next branch (to Play Stage 1 branch in this case) and Left Arrow to go to previous branch. You can also press Up/Down arrow to choose between a column of branches(not much likely from this patch) and pg Up/Down to go the next position, possibly another positionTree.
    *️⃣ As a general rule:
    #️⃣ the first branch of every tree will be an animationGroup (Playing Staged Sequence) [AS OF V2.6.60, THE STAGED SEQUENCES WONT BE ON POSITIONTREES ANYMORE].
    #️⃣ the following branches will play each stage separately and you can stay at them as much as you want. Like (Play stage 1/2/3 and so on)
    #️⃣ the last branch will have an exit icon. Its most likely an orgasm anim. If you go to that branch, the orgasm anim will play and AAF will end (if its a non loopable anim, it'll play only once, otherwise, itll loop for 30s before finishing AAF)

    #️⃣ If you press left and right arrow and you notice it takes some time to change to the next branch anim, its because i marked all stage branches with forceComplete. This will assure that each branch will finish looping before going to the next branch to assure a seamless transition between one animation and another

     *️⃣ There will still be two different situations where:
    #️⃣ An AAF mod started AAF as PCControlled. In this case, you'll be able to see and control the positionTrees. This also happens when you manually start AAF with the Wizard
    #️⃣ An AAF mod started AAF as NPCControlled. In this case, the positionTree widget will be hidden and instead of staying in first branch, the NPC will control and navigate through branches based on Timers until he finds an Exit branch, which is the orgasm anim.
    #️⃣ As general rule, a Foreplay and Climax stage will last 15s while a regular stage will last around 35s
    Warning:  progressive trees system will not be interrupted regardless of the timer you put in your AAF MOD settings, so these timers are guaranteed. 

    VERY IMPORTANT: You may notice the game can lag a lot in a AAF scene sometimes. That happens you start an AAF scene as NPCControlled and the position picked is an UAP positionTree. The issue is known and there's no fix yet, but as a way to prevent that, you can reload your save game right after loading it for the first time, everytime you gonna boot your game!!!  [FIXED AS OF v2.6.60]











    Join us in the Bearhood of Steel | Discord |  NSFW Gay oriented server. Get in to be update with my stuff and to share yours too. A place for men who enjoy men.
    Follow this | File | if you want to be aware of new updates!

    If you feel like supporting what i do, you can donate to my Ko-fi account!




  12. AAF Informer (Beta)

    AAF Informer is the F4SE plugin to simplify obtaining of AAF scenes information in Papyrus scripts.
    AAF Informer consist of 3 parts:
     - AAFInformer.dll - F4SE plugin
     - AAFCollector.exe - service executable to parse AAF XML files
     - Info.pex/Info.psc - Papyrus script to access AAFInformer.dll API
    How it works:
    At the game start up AAFCollector.exe is started to parse AAF XML files. When it finishes all collected information memorised in F4SE plugin and later this information can be accessed via API calls from Papyrus script.
    Following information is available:
     - For scenes (actually, positions in AAF terminology) that you can see in AAF UI - see SceneInfo structure in Info.psc
     - For scene participant(s) - see ActorInfo in Info.psc
    Most information is obtained from tags defined by animation authors or by themes. Themes are essential to get information from AAF scenes. Without themes installed, most likely your script will not receive usefull information.
    Tags that defines types of actors (like F_F or F_M) are ignored. Actor types retrieved from animation definitions.
    Tags that defines furniture are ignored. Furniture information retrived from positionData XMLs
    Note: animation author's XML files and themes XML files contains a lot of mistakes. Fixing them is out of scope of this tool, but I hope all mistakes will be elimenated sooner or later.
    To simplify mistakes detection usefull logs could be found in %userprofile%\documents\My Games\Fallout4\F4SE\AAFInformer.log
    Also this log contains error messages generated by AAFCollector.exe
    Implementation details:
    What tags are supported? All tags falls into several categories:
    How values are applied to actors?
    Example of script
    Known issues:
    1. Some positions contains location attribute that has multiple furniture groups separated by comma. Such locations are handled, but I can't test it as such position does not appear AAF UI. Probably defining multiple furniture groups is invalid location definition, but without original AAF source code it hard to say definitely.
    2. I had no chances to test AAF sex overriding with keywords. So not sure is it even working.
    3. With current system of tags it is not possible to recognize how actors are contacted with each other, so all contacts for actors with index greater than 0 are applied to actor with index 0. So scenes like "BP70 Lesbian Threesome..." might have irrelevant contact information. See below.
    Next steps:
    - try to introduce new tags system to allow definition of actors contacts exacly. This plugin will be updated on succees.
    - try to introduce new tags system to allow definition of Held/Love/Dom/Stim values for each actor. This plugin will be updated on succees.
    - try to introduce new tags system to allow definition of actor position for actors with index greater than 0. This plugin will be updated on succees.
    New system to define contacts beween actors in scenes.
    Sample file with contacts that handles tentacles made by Snapdragon_
    Feel free to request new features.



  13. Atomic Lust - 01/29/23

    Advanced Animation Framework  by dagobaking
    Atomic Lust is an adult mod that contains sexual animations involving foreplay, that lead to more complex acts. The goal of this mod is to allow players to go beyond the romance system of vanilla Fallout 4, and freely navigate through a variety of animations involving intimacy, whether that be on furniture or simply anywhere in-game. This is a work-in-progress mod that I plan to add a lot of animations to. This mod really leans toward Advanced Animation Framework (AAF) as a hard requirement, but it is also possible to start the animations via console commands(not recommended). I chose to build this mod under AAF because of its simplicity and its similarity to a Skyrim mod, OSA - Skyrim Ascendancy Engine, that was mainly used for OSex. This mod is not meant to be an exact replica of OSex, but mostly to serve as something similar.
    Installation of this mod should be fairly simple - use the mod manager of your choice (Vortex, MO2, etc.) to install the mod and the FOMOD window should appear to guide your installation. There are mod patches you can choose from that allow you to use furniture from that mod with my animations, provided they have similar furniture. Details are in the patch descriptions. These patches are not required, but the FOMOD will check if you have that mod installed, and will enable the patch automatically. If you have requests for me to make patches for a certain mod that adds furniture, let me know and I'll make one.
    Official Atomic Lust Discord
    Atomically Lusty

    In case you can't download the files on here for whatever reason, they are also on Nexus here.
    @CEO 0S



  14. Mutated Lust - 01/29/23

    This is an expansion of my other mod, Atomic Lust. I'll be uploading all of my creature animations to this mod. I decided to make these separate from Atomic Lust to keep my animations organized, and because they wouldn't quite fit in with what Atomic Lust is about. Of course, I will continue to add more animations to this in the future, but I also have to focus on Atomic Lust, so please be patient. All current animations are shown in either the screenshots or GIFs above. Enjoy!
    Links to feral ghoul, deathclaw, and supermutant penises:
    Note: In order for the "Supermutant Penis Lick" animation to work properly, you must install the supermutant files linked above - no other supermutant body files. All post regarding the penis not working right will be ignored.
    Advanced Animation Framework
    Known Issues:
    Deathclaw will stop after some time in an animation The animation time is extended to let the deathclaw animate for longer Animation objects will not disappear when switching to another animation The only workaround to this is to end the animation and load the next one  
    Official Atomically Lusty Discord
    Atomically Lusty
    Support me on Patreon
    Atomically Lusty Patreon
    Credits (not specifically for this file)
    @CEO 0S



  15. Lewd Talks

    Unleash the lewdness..
    This small mod adds dialogue lines to PC in the form of "thoughts" as well as it adds commentary to the PC's "lewd" activities. It currently consists of two parts:
    These are the real dialogue lines said by PC in the world. Unlike some other mods though, these are scripted and do not put PC "in scene" hence chances of breaking something is minimal.  PC can comment on a limited number of things currently and there are not so many lines yet present. Another thing that PC does is - posing during the scenes, provided that you've installed the necessary poses mods and not using the No-poses patch. If you know what Sexist Guards for Skyrim is - this one is pretty much the same with only PC's dialogue lines.
    The common theme for these lines is lewdness, sexual desire and alike. These are PC's thoughts said from 1st person towards the void "you" - so one way to treat this is like playing eroge where a heroine addresses the player himself (as in - the real person). Basically, PC tries her utmost to seduce the player. Another way to look at that is if PC travels alongside a companion and then it's possible to interpret her lines as directed towards that companion.
    The lines are unvoiced for the reason they are PC's thoughts. However, almost all lines will be followed up by her lewd moans. You get the idea - the goal is to maker her lewd.
    These are the commentaries which describe the "action" during the AAF scenes. If you know what Apropos is for the Skyrim - you can undesrtand this easily. It's very much the same. Here's what's currently in:
    Support for 4 modes of the messages (0th/1st/2nd/3rd person modes) Support for different sex type, including the "main three" and kissing/solo scenes Support for two types of sex: aggressive and consensual Support for three stages of sex: start, main action, finish Support for wear (A/O/V) if Sex Attributes is installed (or if it isn't then you can still use the MCM to manually set the desired wear)  
    Now, there are some certain limitations on these messages as well as major issues. However, for the proof of concept it works fairly well. Just as Apropos, the phrases aren't static, there are replacement for synonyms which allow for quite a lot of diversity. For the "big three" there are the most amount of lines - at least 32 per type, position and time. For some there are 64, so it's unlikely you'll see the repetitions too soon.
    If you want PC to pose, you obviously need the poses mods from the list here. Do note that I have no control over the availability of these mods. If some of them become unavailable - you can try installing the No-poses patch (the main file is still required)
    Working AAF installation. AAF History v2.1+ (version is critically important); without this the scene messages will not work SUP_F4SE TH Poses Redux (if unavailable, check TH Mods Page) Alternatively, install the No-poses patch to eliminate any poses mods dependencies. LL Fourplay community plugin (if not installed together with AAF)  
    When you have those, you'll need to install the mod and that's basically it.
    Partial Requirements / Recommended mods
    These mods are optional but they greatly enhance your experience with Lewd Talks
    Sex Attributes: this will allow for some dialogue options if PC is extremely submissive + the wear from that mod will be recognized and replaced during the scenes Fallout Fantasy: this will allow for some race-related dialogue options HUD Framework: this is required if you want to use HUD widget that @R3z Shark provided for this mod. FallUI: STRONGLY recommended! It will allow you to configure the duration of the notifications. Without you will struggle to read text messages that are long as the default timer is 3 seconds. Applies for "Notification" output method only and does not change anything for the "Widget". A must have for those who struggle with making the widget work.  
    Here are the limitations which I am unlikely to change - or something that you can adjust to your liking:
    No "strong" language. PC is envisioned as generally innocent girl. (Rewrite the lines to your liking in the config) Only works for scenes involving PC. Unlikely to change so far (but if I develop AAF History a bit more then - maybe NPC-NPC will be a thing) Only works for solo or "normal" activities. No group sex support. Unlikely to change No bestiality. I'm not making patches for that, but I can support those who want Strong orientation on "straight hetero" scenes. Others will have glitches of using mismatching pronouns. (Rewrite the lines to your liking in the config) Female PC is assumed to be submissive and her partner is assumed to be dominant. Sometimes to the extreme levels. (Rewrite the lines to your liking in the config) Male PC is assumed to be dominant and his partner is assumed to be submissive. Sometimes to the extreme levels. (Rewrite the lines to your liking in the config) Female PC is generally lewd. Very lewd. She even may sometimes enjoy non-consensual scenes after resisting in the beginning. (Rewrite the lines to your liking in the config) Male PC is generally an alpha. He's mostly uncompromising and plays by his own rules. (Rewrite the lines to your liking in the config)  
    You can go to Data/F4SE/Plugins and edit LewdTalks.ini to change any of the lines to your liking. You can also find helping comments in the beginning of the file.
    Known Issues
    As said above, this is a proof of concept mod. Some of the problems I will try to address but some will likely stay for a long time if not forever. Here's what I'm aware of:
    Long init time. And I mean - really long. It gets to around 300 seconds. On slower PC can be even worse. I can't do too much about that - because the mod is written in Papyrus, not in those wonderful SKSE tools available for Skyrim. The config file currently contains north of 3.000 lines that the mod needs to load, index and store. This is done to accelerate the string replacement during the scenes Messages "not working" during aggressive scenes. Some mods disable UI and then it hides notifications too (not only from this mod). Not something I can fix Not "beautiful" synonyms definitions and templates in the config file: well, that is all about performance. To not calculate string length every time, I forced every used template to be of the length 12. It cuts down on replacement a lot and it all that matters. Inconsistencies in the config file. This is mainly related to the fact that the phrases across 0th/1st/2nd/3rd person mode are generated from the same texts. Although I did an extensive proof-reading, there are 3.000 lines so something definitely slipped through the cracks. You are welcome to report these here and I will fix the config.  
    Credits & Permissions
    Authors of the pose mods: I'm relying on those. For this reason it's a hard dependency (even though I could've just extract the hkx-es)
    Authors of the Apropos: I did not reuse their DB for synonyms and/or commentary lines, but I took inspiration from those.
    Author of the Lewd Talks widget: @R3z Shark
    You can use the assets from the mod, but please "be nice" - ask me for why you need those and credit me. If you want to use the widget then you will need the permission of @R3z Shark for that as well as mine.



  16. [AAF] Sexual Harassment FR PATCH [ALPHA]

    C'est ma première fois en Traduction de Esp soyez gentil ;)
    Aujourd'hui, je vous propose le .esp de Sexual Harassment traduit en français
    Cependant, les traductions ne sont pas 100% exacte.
    Dialogues : 100%
    Menu MCM : 100% 
    Ces traductions n'ont pas pour objectif d'être irréprochable de plus elles on était faites avec Deepl et un peu de mon lexique.
    Mod original
    Une fois AAF Sexual Harassment en français téléchargée tout est très simple !
    Vous avez juste besoin d'installer ce mod comme tous les autres avec votre mod manager ! 
    Si vous avez besoin de traduction de mod, je peux m'en occuper cependant, je ne vous promets pas des miracles !
    Merci à vous de m'avoir lu et bonne journée à vous !
    Petite Update
    Je travaille sur
    AAF_Violate : Terminé en attente du créateur
    CombatStriplite : Terminé (Traduction du MCM en cours)
    Sex Attributes : Terminé (Traduction du MCM en cours)
    DangerousNights : Terminé (Traduction du MCM en cours)
    Devious Devices : Problème avec la boutique (Objet non équipable)
    Vault 144/ SexVault : Terminé 
    AAF Nuka Ride: A Porn Studio : Bientôt (4960 Lignes de dialogues à traduire c'est long ! )
    Boston Breeder 1.6.4 : Bientôt
    Si vous êtes intéressé par un de ces mods faites le moi savoir par commentaires ^^

    Remerciements !
    Merci à @leduss pour la mise à jour 1.60 fait par lui même.
    Nouvelles de la semaine !



  17. Money hole - Barbarous Continent Addon

    Add 1 small quest with 2 events to Barbarous Continent mod (0.72 - probably will work with new versions)
    Once you reach continent, marker will lead you to place.
    I recommend to install also Screen Archer Menu for better work of face expression.



  18. AAF Creature Resources

    What this mod will do:
    ? Give penis morphs to all the creatures as possible to be used in AAF Animations
    ? Provide creature resources to be used in other mods
    What this mod will not do:
    ? Mess with animation xmls / patch your AAF setup like One Patch does.

    No big deal, just install like any regular mod and load it as last as possible.
    !!!You dont want to have this installed if you already have UAP since i'm integrating all these assets in that patch already!!!

    Note for Modders!!!
    You'll be given an option if you are a modder or a regular user. If you choose the modder option you'll be given bodyslide files for testing purposes or to implement stuff your own.
    The models are misplaced in the viewport by default, so before opening the Outfit Studio for any of them, load the equivalent skeleton first. For example, if i want to load a Mutant Hound project, so i have to first go to Bodyslide settings and load the mutant-hound-skeleton.nif

    Note for Animators or AAF Authors!!!
    All the creatures has the erected state as Erection 100%, so this will be the morph you want to use to make creatures erected in AAF. There are also other morphs for all creatures which are:
    Erection Up
    Erection Down
    Scale -> For deathclaw only
    Penis adjust -> Only for gorillas for now



  19. Problems of Survivor Dialogue Addon

    This is not an ORIGINAL mod!!! It just EDITS/FIXES Dialogue!
    This mod is merely a personal project of mine that is correcting a lot of the dialogue in Problems of Survivor by DSHV.
    All Credit goes to them!
    "Do what you want with the mod." - DSHV
    "Edit what I edit, I don't care!" - Me
    What Does/Will This Mod Do?
    Well friends, like I mentioned before, this mod will "fix" some of the dialogue contained within the mod. DSHV did a wonderful job crafting this mod, but Imma be real, some of the dialogue and grammar, is just terrible. (I say this with the utmost respect, my spelling and grammar kinda trash as well). 
    So I will try and rectify that as best I can. 
    -The ESP is packed into a data folder so it should be capable of being installed via a Mod Manager (Vortex/MO2)(I use MO2)
    -Or install it manually by dropping it into you data folder, and then activating it via Mod Manager, or don't I guess, idk. 
    Next/Planned Update:
    Not sure yet, should I work on side content or continue with the main story? both?



  20. Vault 144 Quest

    Make save before installing mod, and delete my mod and save, after finishing quest
    General idea:
    There will be no updates, feel free to use parts I created in your mods, and other parts if you have permission from author
    Thanks to, original authors:



  21. AAF Moring Sex with Lover - Heather Casdin V2 Patch

    The original patch was from megururu  and I do not claim this patch is mine, I am updating it due to the mod seeming to be abandoned and the old patch no longer working with the current version of Heather Casdin due to a big overhaul update being pushed out by the mod owner.
    If megururu releases their own updated patch for heather casdin or wishes for this patch to be taken down I will remove this patch.
    This is a patch for the newest version of Heather Casdin (V2) released on the 4th of June 2022, to work with megururu's AAF Morning Sex with Lover.
    July 4th 2022 Update log:
    - Fixed a issue where the patch was overriding the quest a promising partnership with a older version of it causing script errors.
    - Updated to use the newer version of a promising partnership introduced in version 2 of Heather Casdin
    - Now requires the DLC Automatron, Nuka World, and Far Harbor, as it is required by heathers mod creator for V2 for heather's updated quests.
    - Fixed a bug where heather's quests would not properly start in the v2.3 version of Heather
    - Fixed a bug where heather's honeymoon quest would start then shutdown instantly.
    Do you also use I'm Darlene another amazing companion mod? Want to use MSWL with her most recent version? Well I also updated that patch for MSWL!:
    AAF Morning Sex with Lover 1.2.1
    The Original Patch for V1 Heather Casdin
    Heather Casdin



  22. AAF Moring Sex with Lover - I'm Darlene V2 Patch

    The original patch was from megururu  and I do not claim this patch is mine, I am updating it due to the mod seeming to be abandoned and the old patch no longer working with the current version of I'm Darlene due to a big overhaul update being pushed out by the mod owner.
    If megururu releases their own updated patch for I'm Darlene, wishes for this patch to be taken down, or GePalladium want's the patch gone; I will remove this patch.
    This is a patch for the newest version of I'm Darlene (V2) released on the 31th of Match 2022, to work with megururu's AAF Morning Sex with Lover.
    AAF Morning Sex with Lover 1.2.1
    The Original Patch for V1 I'm Darlene
    I'm Darlene



  23. ZaZOut4 [REPACK]

    This is a REPACK of ZaZOut4, brought to you by the AAF Team
    A few changes were made to avoid an array of issues that ended up being either annoying or outright ended up breaking some things like Skeleton or F4SE scripts.
    This is ONLY a repack. There will be no support by me for the mod itself.
    Automatron DLC
    Wasteland Workshop DLC
    Contraptions Workshop DLC
    Vault-Tec Workshop DLC
    Advanced Animation Framework By @dagobaking (And all its requirements)
    Removed Skeleton Removed F4SE Scripts FOMOD for versioning in MO2 Added checks for the required 4 DLC's (Will not install if not present) BA2'd loose files Fixed Animations Fixed XMLs  
    @CGi for making the repack itself
    Fixed animations by @Maxie_Alice
    Fixed XMLs by @lee3310 repack update by @EgoBallistic
    Original mod by @ZaZ



  24. AAF Family Planning Enhanced Redux

    More advanced, more buggy, more prone to feature creep, more buggy, contains new content,
    more buggy, more support for Wasteland Dairy Framework. (did I mention buggy)
    (The mod isn't that buggy anymore but I still like the line so it is staying)
    This is the Update to the extremely Popular Family Planning Enhanced made by so many people (see below)
    Most of the Mod is the same as before but with the following changes (these don't require Wasteland Dairy Framework)
    New Features
    There is a heap more features in v4.00 and I will adding to this list over the next week or so (Shit, I know I forgot to add something) *This took a while to do, sorry about that
    Added a requirement for Spell Perk Item Distributor
    (This has replaced Existence (also used for perks and other content(Cleaners))
    New Baby Framework
    Pregnancy Traits (for use by NPCs with and without Existence)
    *NEW Non Growable Babies (This overrides Pregnancy Traits)
    *NEW Pregnancy Craving
    Sex Diary and Counters
    Post Partum
    Lactation (Rework from WDF)
    Evolution (Designed for Wasteland Offspring
    Breeder Virus (Based on the Mod Boston Breeders(Mod not required)
    Condoms for Males and Females (with several different colors) in Matte and Glowing
    Enhanced Creature Options... (Newly updated with MCM Options for vastly increased customisation) *This is for Wasteland Offspring from Wasteland Dairy Framework Only
    Post Partum
    Racial Perks
    Sexually Transmitted Disease (Basic Version)
    Gender Chance
    Children Outcomes
    Adult Resources (Based on Children Outcomes)
    Creature setting
    Population Control
    Additional Changes
    Please let me know if there are issues
    No FOMOD installer just yet,
    (I forgot to mention this but) Special Thanks to Zaz for "Zaz Particles" (this is used in Cumflation)
    Here is some help from Arkangyl
    Problem:  Any use of BodySlide while the PC or NPC is pregnant breaks all the scripts for morphing.  Character is pregnant, but does not show as such.
    a)  Don't use bodyslide (specifically manipulating the model.  You can remove tattoos and such and do the face
    b) You have to stop FPE, and WLD in game first.  Save, then exit the game.  Disable them in your Mod Manager, do not uninstall.
    c) Use Resaver to clean the orphans.  Save the file.
    d) Reinstall FPE then WLD in your mod manager.
    c) Enable FPE then WLD, follow your normal instructions.
    The Really Important Old Content



  25. Strap-On Gender Select

    Makes the Vioxsis' Strap-On's of Fallout 4 override the wearer's AAF gender as male. You may have to save/load the game for the effect to manifest.
    Requires AAF and Vioxsis' Strap-On's of Fallout 4.
    Download Vioxsis' mod here:
    I downloaded AAF from another website so I don't know if this is the same version, but you can download AAF here:



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