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So... after a long gathering period... I gave the settler his hug.. so I think that I may have found out the problem... but... then I seen for the 2nd time now today... thought before a glitch.. but, now again, I am going to see if it happens again...


What has happened is completion of scene, AAF is not releasing my character.  I just stand there and do nothing... can't do anything, and my harasser was getting angry … oi vey... stuck and nothing to do.


What I did to get the hug working is I reverted back on Themes... forgot I updated … will see what happens.






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1 hour ago, icladel said:

@MrCruelJohn yea its hit and miss for me. The worst of my black screens are as above, but other times, everything works flawlessly. I dont know, I mean it "works" for sure. Just not optimal all the time. 


Looks like it sounds like Halstrom's mod themes has some of the same comments... check out comments.



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2 hours ago, MrCruelJohn said:


Looks like it sounds like Halstrom's mod themes has some of the same comments... check out comments.




3 hours ago, icladel said:

@MrCruelJohn yea its hit and miss for me. The worst of my black screens are as above, but other times, everything works flawlessly. I dont know, I mean it "works" for sure. Just not optimal all the time. 


You may be right about themes, in my tests i had none of the problems you reported about black screens etc and i checked my version of Themes and it's actually an old version from april, so yeah maybe it could be the new version, try to roll back to an older one in the mean time, i am sure halstrom will fix the issues soon

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9 hours ago, fred200 said:

Just another data point. Install using Vortex works fine; no special actions needed.

With this mod and Just Business - I have more ways of enslaving than I can handle. We need more uses for slaves!


With workbench cages, Raider and Gunners come out shooting. What is the recommended way of enslaving them? Cages work well!

What do you suggest to use slave for? I mean in addition to being able to sell them, fuck them, assign them to workshops, use them as walking bombs, recruit as companion, even assign as prostitute (this last only in just business)...i don't have any other assignment a slave could be used for, considering that being assignable to workshop they can do many works.


About cages the bonus of enslaving them using cages is that normally when you combat submit an actor that actor need to have an hp percent below the one you set in MCM (default 20%), with cages instead actors can be submitted even of they are at 100% of their hp, to submit them you need to do the exact same procedure as you would combat submit other actors, personally i have immersive submission ON so i just aim at them in ironsight and the activation option "submit" appears, or you could use the mcg main hotkey on them...yeah they go out from cages gun blazing so you have to be ready to submit them before they hit, it's still a combat submit, not a silent submit. Another advantage of using cages is that actors from cages can be enslaved without consuming enslaving chips, but you still need to have at least one in your inventory.

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16 minutes ago, anghelos92 said:



You may be right about themes, in my tests i had none of the problems you reported about black screens etc and i checked my version of Themes and it's actually an old version from april, so yeah maybe it could be the new version, try to roll back to an older one in the mean time, i am sure halstrom will fix the issues soon

I am in process of that... back to AAF 58 and Themes 190308 which was in March.  I know this is solid and just at the vault elevator and I am showing zero errors in AAF wizard... so I am working to add my mods.


Recommendation - don't run Sexual Harassment alongside MCG - the sliders can be worked out - if there was an increment where they never would occur in the same timing... but, that would be hard to do... or an add in to block busy... even with "naked" off on sexual harassment, it's the other ones that barge in... as well, MCG has overridden SH... so both have high priorities...


Funny story - so I was in Tenpines talking to the male settler... "rebuilding from the ground up...… " … and that's as far as I got because the female settle walked by and hit me with the drug injector!  …. What the Bloody Hell!!!??


Actually, loved it bro!  


And I wondered how Mama Murphy could chase after me - and catch up - so I was in 3rd person - pretty sneaky changing their run speed  -  just no way to get away - unless hung up - didn't know if you teleported them to PC like a companion would!


Loving it mostly !  Need to go back for Simone!



EDIT:  Oh, btw - not sure if this was your doing, but a 2nd funny - I was at Tenpines, got the workbench... I heard the male say they were low on caps and needed more stimpaks - next thing I know, both of the settlers ran up to me, and the male told my bitch she was in trouble - I thought there was an enslavement coming of sorts... I gave them caps regardless... I had already been accosted several times in that settlement!


In terms of above, for "enslavement", what if it was a simple quest that they had to run back to Sanctuary, make x caps from prostituting themselves and at least y clients, and then run back (if they want their equipment back ...  and the quest would be recorded by stages - meaning, yeah, they could console through everything... or tracking of locations, to ensure compliance... maybe hit them with a pair of handcuffs as well... no key till back with x caps and a recorded y clients... location could be random as well (if with Raider's Pet - it could be a location of a Raider Boss)  @Flashy (JoeR) new RSE2 CSA is supposed to have a Raider Pet outcome - I haven't hit it yet (not sure if yet included) ... we will see soon.


Just thoughts.

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15 minutes ago, MrCruelJohn said:

Funny story - so I was in Tenpines talking to the male settler... "rebuilding from the ground up...… " … and that's as far as I got because the female settle walked by and hit me with the drug injector!  …. What the Bloody Hell!!!??

Lol ? the wasteland is not a safe place anymore... Just out of curiosity did you have an infamy above 50 (in case you have that system enabled) 


15 minutes ago, MrCruelJohn said:

And I wondered how Mama Murphy could chase after me - and catch up - so I was in 3rd person - pretty sneaky changing their run speed 

They don't teleport but they have 2x time the normal run speed ? ... I had not much time to write the guide about how to fight back the stalker but essentially you have 3 options when you run:

- don't run in line but try to exploit obstacles, the stalker will chase you for 60 seconds before abandoning;


-if you have a companion with you (vanilla or MCG) there is the new an activation option if you point at them,  "ask for help" if you use it they will repel the stalker, but you must still resist for 5 seconds;


- when you run from a stalker you have the fists equipped and drawn, if you have good reflex when the stalker is about to hit you you can block with your fist and the stalker should recoil for a second, at that point while it's staggered on the stalker there is a new activation option "beat down", if you use it you win...but i warn you this last option is difficult, you have to be very fast and ready

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1 minute ago, anghelos92 said:

Lol ? the wasteland is not a safe place anymore... Just out of curiosity did you have an infamy above 50 (in case you have that system enabled) 


They don't teleport but they have 2x time the normal run speed ? ... I had not much time to write the guide about how to fight back the stalker but essentially you have 3 options when you run:

- don't run in line but try to exploit obstacles, the stalker will chase you for 60 seconds before abandoning;


-if you have a companion with you (vanilla or MCG) there is the new an activation option if you point at them,  "ask for help" if you use it they will repel the stalker, but you must still resist for 5 seconds;


- when you run from a stalker you have the fists equipped and drawn, if you have good reflex when the stalker is about to hit you you can block with your fist and the stalker should recoil for a second, at that point while it's staggered on the stalker there is a new activation option "beat down", if you use it you win...buy i warn you this last option is difficult, you have to be very fast and ready


Yeah, you are  the devil!  I love the randomness - and that NPC's do things to my character - loss of control - like the thread in Skyrim about "Helpless  Girl"


Which I am not... but... it's what makes the "get away from life" …. 

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IMHO system approach works not stable - PC had sex with a settler (submissive sex), but then came another and began to fuck her too, and the first continued to fuck the air. In ten seconds PC has jumped to the first, and the air was fucked for the second.

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Azt gondolom, én inkább egy dohányzást tiltó támogatást tettem volna be! Vélem, nem fizet egyik dohányiparmágnás sem a reklámért! ...miért nem csinálja ezt senki?


I think I would have put in a smoking ban! I don't suppose any of the tobacco magnates pay for advertising. ....why isn't anyone doing this?

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57 minutes ago, vjnmrf said:

IMHO system approach works not stable - PC had sex with a settler (submissive sex), but then came another and began to fuck her too, and the first continued to fuck the air. In ten seconds PC has jumped to the first, and the air was fucked for the second.

Yes you're right the system in not very stable yet, i am working on an universal solution to avoid approach interfering with other mods. In my recent tests it worked ok for me but i just use MCG and FPE as sexual mods that use AAF, the problem is the communication among other mods that use AAF, i will work on it maybe i will add a check that will run each 0.5 seconds when the approach scenario starts so that before the npc start talking to you the system should abort itself if they see that the player started an aaf animation in the mean time

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51 minutes ago, leszakadt_plafon said:

Azt gondolom, én inkább egy dohányzást tiltó támogatást tettem volna be! Vélem, nem fizet egyik dohányiparmágnás sem a reklámért! ...miért nem csinálja ezt senki?


I think I would have put in a smoking ban! I don't suppose any of the tobacco magnates pay for advertising. ....why isn't anyone doing this?

What are you even talking about dude? 

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6 minutes ago, anghelos92 said:

Yes you're right the system in not very stable still, i am working on an universal solution to avoid approach interfering with other mods. In my recent tests it worked ok for me but i just use MCG and FPE as sexual mods that use AAF, the problem is the communication among other mods that use AAF, i will work on it maybe i will add a check that will run each 0.5 seconds when the approach scenario starts so that before the npc start talking to you the system should abort itself if they see that the player started an aaf animation in the mean time

The fact that I also use only MCG and FPE, and the game is new and no artifacts from other mods in saves could not remain. So both approaches were from MCG.

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2 minutes ago, vjnmrf said:

The fact that I also use only MCG and FPE, and the game is new and no artifacts from other mods in saves could not remain. So both approaches were from MCG.

Interesting, did you used the 2.5.20 version? If so that could not be an npc initiative system problem but a random npc npc system problem, i will look into it and try to fix as soon as possible

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25 minutes ago, anghelos92 said:

Interesting, did you used the 2.5.20 version? If so that could not be an npc initiative system problem but a random npc npc system problem, i will look into it and try to fix as soon as possible

Yes, 2.52. Actually, the problem is not so critical, so much hurry is not necessary. Just brought it to your attention that this situation happened.


PS   I was thinking... Or maybe the second approach was from the NPC-NPC system? There was no dialogue, and the message was *PCname fucks with settler* - as when the sex NPC-NPC

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Interesting shots today... 



Okay, I like Atomic... but along with Savage, I have never gotten pregnant, pregnant warnings, or cum overlays... my preference is Leito for these reasons... and Leito hasn't had glitches like this...   Sexual Harassment makes calls to Atomic - but never anything like this.... 


I couldn't find the one where my PC in "submissive sex" made the settler give a "forced" farelle bj… talk about a mood breaker - sorry!






In the middle of Violate - a SM thought he would ask me for money.... to which I have none because the settlements are a minefield now and I get robbed a lot... 


(like his sunglasses?)










I was being called while on the toilet - and the caller decided to do some sort of robotic dance trying to scratch off his skin... yikes.







Only had to do the museum 3 times... through the "man, I don't know who you are" through the "need prewar FC - fusion core"... Everyone thought they needed love and kept interrupting Preston - if they would only do this when he was in sanctuary?!


This picture would make a submissive guy go soft and lovey... ummm, not me... my OCD kicked me out the door for a smoke! what a pussy.... 





Last ones are eye candy for the peeps...







Make sure you use eye protection!







So..... as I said, my settlements are a minefield now... safer in the wasteland.... 


And oh, by the way, I figured out how to avoid the drug injector... so easy now... haha... won't work in tight spaces... but I figured it out at Abernathy... it actually is so easy, it's scary... glad I know about the timer.... :)


Have a great weekend!



EDIT:  Not sure why you required AAF 78 … 58 was stable in all ways... I have had a host of issues with 78.  Typically, I loose my AAF wizard "home" key almost every time… re-load game clears it up till your called animations... the long gathering for your animations … AAF prostitution, Sexual Harassment, RSE, Violate is somewhat the same as it was in 58, but still noticeably slower... waiting for the gathering - after the drug injection or the submissive sex, I have time to grab a smoke... I miss the animation, but not by much.


There are some general overlapping of mods, which can be expected... and I get that... just things to work through... MCG absolutely adds to the experience.  Being called on is either about money or assault... not sure if there are any other scenarios I am missing?  


I have combat stalkers outside the settlements - to make me want to be there for a safe haven, but then with yours, I get assaulted and robbed.  a lot.  RSE has a thing called Bad Dog... sending Dogmeat to Sanctuary - only compounds things.  Assaulted, then dogmeat assaults.  A follow up assaulter - then dogmeat again.  Then add a sexual harassment.... it is typical of getting assaulted 4 to 6 times before I can run away.


I have almost 6 hours on this game shown in pictures … and just got to Abernathy - Sanctuary and Red Rocket... haha... 


16 points of infamy in Sanctuary alone before I even "escaped" … figured out how best to do this... build a bell... call your settlers.... take off your slot 41 armor (dicky jacket for me)…. ring the bell a final time to draw in settlers before your respond to the caller... get 2 to 4 points of infamy each assault... 


Anyway, my love and appreciation for the work... I think with AAF update to 78, Themes was updated, etc... things just are wonky right now...

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Only problem I have with MCG is the AAF permanent blasckscreens on some animations since loading the themes required by this mod.

Is there any kind of tracing I can turn on to find the last animation called for?

I want to do some weeding... Never had this problem with Leito.


Oh - and how do we use emollients? Every time I have high wear and try it, I get the message "You wasted this emollient".

Not like it comes with an instruction pamphlet...

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58 minutes ago, geraldofrivia said:

Hi guys, i got  AAF "gathering" bug too but only happens with M.C.G
Anyone got a fast a gathering with no problems? in case i update the mod in a wrong way


AAF Prostitution, Sexual Harassment, Violate, and RSE all react quickly, but not as quickly as version 58.

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57 minutes ago, geraldofrivia said:

Hi guys, i got  AAF "gathering" bug too but only happens with M.C.G
Anyone got a fast a gathering with no problems? in case i update the mod in a wrong way

It's not your fault, i am investigating this bug too, not sure if this is something about the new AAF version of animations in particular that give this problem. Some times they gather instantly, some other times they are stuck!

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21 minutes ago, fred200 said:

Only problem I have with MCG is the AAF permanent blasckscreens on some animations since loading the themes required by this mod.

Is there any kind of tracing I can turn on to find the last animation called for?

I want to do some weeding... Never had this problem with Leito.


Oh - and how do we use emollients? Every time I have high wear and try it, I get the message "You wasted this emollient".

Not like it comes with an instruction pamphlet...


When you get a black screen, which I do at times after sex, so I know what's not being seen... so, I use RSE which has a mechanic of NPC Orgasm Resistance... when I get a black screen, it is because there is the selection popup asking me if I want to go another round... I hit arrow down and hit enter.  I also know after that Dogmeat popup about his curiousity… so I hit enter again.  This clears up my black screen.  It is rare but there..  Just hit enter when you see the black loading screen... listen for a click like when you click a popup... 


The other thing I do is enter console and type "coc santuaryext" … this is moving me/character to basically a fast travel spot... sometimes this works... other times, no.


When you hit escape, if all the menu items to save are there, just leave the game …. if it has greyed out options, you are stuck in AAF … Violate for example has the full menu in AAF.  RSE does not … for my system, leaving a crashed AAF causes issues with my video setup and kicks the game from my nice monitor to a crappy monitor.  No one has told me what setting got jacked to fix it... a new game install certainly fixes this.. ugh.

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37 minutes ago, MrCruelJohn said:


In the middle of Violate - a SM thought he would ask me for money

A new update with more blocks will come tomorrow, hopefully that will fix some of this kind of interference between mods

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29 minutes ago, fred200 said:

Not like it comes with an instruction pamphlet...

I had no time to update the mod guides, i was busy fixing bugs, and there are many still, the introduction of the NPC approach system added much load to the mod and was a pretty big addition, the mod still need time to stabilize with tons of bug fixing.


About the emollient...you can use it once every x amount of time to prevent abuse,  i do not remember exactly the amount of time right now. When you use it it will reduce the CURRENT wear by 40%

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