About This File
I tried to add some spoiler tags and do some formatting to spruce the text description up, but something happened forum editor messed up the entire mod text description. It does not let me revert to the old one even copy more than half of the old text. Seems I will have to re-write a lot of it from scratch....😵💫.. doing so now...
Hello Community!
MSMA Sexual Journey is a mod that wants to do a LOT. Too much to cover here, but for now I am releasing only a part of it, a sex-centric gameplay mechanic called "SexFight" (working title), separate orgasms for Fallout NPCs, and a player bimbofication system with a certain degree of complexity and nuance.
These are things I trust have been missing in a sexualized Fallout 4 playthrough. I do need a bit of help with gameplay balancing and testing, which is why I am releasing it early.
This is the very first mod I am publishing, so I might need guidance. If I am making any noob mistakes on how I upload it, present it, or update it, please let me know and I'll happily correct it.
If I am online in my spare time, and working on the mod, likely I am here: https://discord.gg/9yDpmRjnPH
What you get with this release today is:
1. A SexFight mechanic - an interactive sex minigame that starts when an AAF scene involving the player starts. It is I hope, a fun alternative to defeat enemies instead of classic combat, any enemies in general but sex aggressors in particular, as one can now defeat them precisely during an AAF animation that your combat submit mod (currently AAF Violate) might play.
It is a take on the classic "who overwhelms the other with more pleasure first, wins" trope.
If the enemies were shagged hard enough, they will be paralyzed or dead at the end, and you shall emerge victorious, (the bad outcomes from AAF Violate are suppressed and don't happen anymore if you won).
The mod tries to correctly handle the defeat consequences as well as handling the longer sequences of several scenes happening one after the other in AAF Violate, keeping tabs and deferring killing/punishing the aggressors at the end of it all, so as not to break the scenes themselves or the AAF Violate event logic.
2. A bimbofication/mind corruption functionality, (more details in the mod itself, I don't want to spoil too many surprises). You have 7 levels of bimbo to progress through, though the goal is not necessarily to attain max level bimbo corruption right away, but rather to find a balance between using the "bimboness" and not allowing it to fully corrupt you. How fast you advance depends on how much you act like a bimbo, and the depravity of the acts you subject yourself to.
3. Separate NPC orgasms, and a way to differentiate between orgasms of different quality/intensity (Underwhelming, Regular, Amazing, Mindblowing, and Galactic).
4. An new mechanic where choices made are remembered across all save-games of the same character, to simulate your life being controlled by extra planar entities that live outside the normal flow of time, like the TVA from Loki TV series, even if you go back in time (to an earlier save) some aspects, and some choices, once made, are inescapable and will travel with you.
How to start the mod:
Start a new game, and it will kick in as you exit Vault 111. You should start talking with the mysterious scientist in the silver hazmat suit, by the big containers.
If upon vault exit you do not get the prompts asking if you are the appropriate age and that you are okay to start the mod, then the mod hasn't correctly auto-initialized (possibly because of alternate start mods), In this case the Appropriate MCM pages will hold clues and tools for this solve.
0.7001 is best used with a fresh start for maximum cleanliness.
If a new install, remember to set up your hotkeys in MCM.
Gameplay Premises:
The premise of the minigame design was that it should ideally, if possible, be more engaging than a HUD mechanic where you play some HUD bars (like Skyrim's SLSO, not that there's anything wrong with that SLSO is great, I just want to try something different), but rather build in a way to encourage the player to stay more engaged with the 3D action on screen.
The premise of the bimbofication framework is to support the story/comedy that I want to build, but at the same time it can just very well complement any sexualized playthrough, and use any or all animation packs one would have.
The Bimbofication framework has a bit of an inflation mini-module in it, a bit of fashion module (nails, piercing, clothing) management, just enough to tie into appearance stats and sex proficiencies that have relevance for your bimbo story arc (and the Sex Fight mechanic).
These mechanics are all the bedrock on top of which the story/comedy quest is being built. (The Ballad Of Schlonginius Johnson).
Timeline-wise we are in the Prelude "A Dawn of Bimbos"
All of this also relies for now on external art assets from other mods that I will list below, so the mod itself is tiny, as it is mostly scripts, variables and strings.
Eventually, some custom art will be built and will replace the assets referenced from other mods, but for now, it is a bit of art "patchwork"
Technical Premises:
Detailed Mod prerequisites/dependencies follow a bit below but before that:
- this is a WIP/Alpha, and while in theory, it can't break things, in reality, maybe do not use it on saves that you care about.
- It works on both pre-NG and post-NG Fallout (tested with both)
- should work both with the older AAF for pre-NG and the latest AAF (post-NG)
- The mod is meant for a female player, and I have been building based on the Fusion Girl body replacer, but in theory, CBBE should work as well (untested with male players, not really supported).
- the zip has the correct folder structure and in theory, should work if installed with a MO2 or any other mod manager.
- English is not my first language
- It is not voiced yet, only text. Please Activate Subtitles
- Confirm boxes is needed if you want to see the most verbose from of Sex Reports.
Prerequisites for a good experience:
- - Fully Working AAF installation, with at least Savage Cabbage's animation pack.
- - AAF Themes
- - NSFW Sound pack from Gray User (for now, aggressor females still make male sounds on NPC orgasms)
- - Skimpy Armor Keyword Resource
- - AAF Violate
- - Sex Attributes
- - Savage Cabbage Animations
- - Fusion Girl Or CBBE,
- - MCM
- - Commonwealth Moisturizer
- - Cum Overlays
- - HN66s and Xazomns French Nails for FO4 (CBBE or Fusion Girl)
- - Satisfactory Piercings.
- - Captive Tattoos.
- - F4z Ro D-oh (at least until I put actual voices in)
- - NukaRide and most of its prerequisites - temporarily borrowing some clothing from there.
If easier I can list Soft prerequisites (but might be easier just to visit Nuka Ride's page) and be amazed at JBs work
- - Extended Dialogue Interface (for readability of the big explicative chunks of text, that I use until I build the actual cutscenes)
- - Confirm Boxes (same as above)
- -Leito Animations
- - BP70 Animations
- - Rohzima Animations
- - Kziitd Animations
- - Torture Devices
- - HN66's Easy Girl
- - HN66's TRS
- - F4z Roh Doh
- - RealHandcuffs
- - High Heel System
- - KFT Devices
- - Vioxis Strap-Ons.
- - Devious Devices
- - Up to No Good
Known issues:
Women Raiders still make male sounds during SexxFight.
Intrusive thoughts are sometimes empty strings.
That's about it I think.
I was/am heavily inspired by many other story mods, too many to mention, but if I were to pick just a few ones that I found particularly fascinating, Nuka Ride, Commonwealth Slavers, Milking Human Kindness, Meet Companion Ivy, in Fallout4, (and even Bimbos Of Skyrim, and Sanguine's Debauchery in Skyrim), and many many others.
On my short modding journey I was already helped by great people on this forum like JB, and also EgoBallistic, Dagobaking, and Kziitdt on the AAF Discord to name a few, and also learned a lot by looking at script sources that other modders have been kind enough to share, like I learned so much for Vaultbait's awesome work on MHK, naturally also the classics like Sex Attributes by twistedtrebla which is so essential.
I will share the script sources for MSMA too ofc , I just need to build the mod up a bit first so I have something worthwhile to share, and get them cleaned up and reorganized a bit so they are remotely understandable to an external eye - I am no coder and have rather low discipline into writing correctly indented easy to understand script code, so right now it is maybe not a glorious mess of spaghetti code, but not that far from it either, ....
Anyway as I progress I will complete the list of all other great modders who have helped directly or indirectly MSMA to come to life, so that I DO NOT leave anyone out.
Let me know if you can get it running, and what you think.
Sex Fight Color codes:
- NPC Flashes blue (for about 2 seconds): [call to action] They issued a sex challenge and you would better answer it. (the faster the better)
- Player flashes blue (very quickly) : [status confirmation] You have successfully answered the above challenge on time. Good job!
- Player flashes red: [status confirmation] You missed answering a challenge (did not see it, did not have enough AP, or some other reason).
- NPC flashes Orange: [status confirmation] That NPC got to a mind-blowing-tier orgasm (and paralysis is on). They are as good as paralyzed at the end of the scene. This signaling only happens once per NPC per scene, if this is a scene with more actors, you need to pay attention to keep track of who is 'cooked' and who is not.
- NPC flashes red: [status confirmation] They got a Galactic Orgasm (and death by orgasm is on in the settings). This signaling too only happens once per NPC per scene, you need to pay attention). They are as good as dead at the end, if this scene involves more actors you can focus on others now.
- Player flashes Green: [status confirmation] You pressed the action button outside of a valid NPC challenge, you are now consuming some AP to reduce your pleasure and avoid getting overwhelmed.
- Player Flashes Yellow: [status confirmation] You tried to reduce your pleasure but did not have enough AP to do so effectively, it barely produced a small effect on your arousal still better than nothing.
Edited by MSM_Alice
added sexfight color codes description
What's New in Version 0.7001
A bunch of inglorious foundational work for the new SaveFlow mechanic (called like that in lack of a better title).
I am really excited about as it allows for some new gameplay and non linear storytelling involving time-travel, where a story choice can't simply be erased by "going back in time" loading a previous save, as now there is some cross-save game communication and once you take certain decisions, those might follow you across save games of the same character (even previous ones). The extra planar entities that control your character's life now transcend its separate save games.
New game start is required for the Save Flow stuff, can't be upgraded from older version.
Don't worry it is all built quite safe (no custom DLL plugins or anything, all done via Papyrus scripting and MCM), and, at least for now you, can toggle it off at any time.
Also new settings bugfixes gameplay tweaks. Full Details in the changelog above.