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Guys thanks for the support and the constant reports, you're helping me a lot! About the problems and stats not working... For those who started a conplete new game or used a save where MCG was never enabled before how is it going? Did you had the problem again? And if you did not havd any problem in the new game can you try to stop MCG from yhe debug, then unistall it, then try to make a new save and see if it crashes?  Of course make a separate save first as backup. I tried to replicate some problems in my setup but i didn't have any, so it's difficult for me to replicate, but I also made a complete new game for version 2.6.50.


Thanks again for the support! Together we'll stabilize this mod! ?

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downloaded 2.6.5 and skippable dialogue. installed. Started a new game the old fashioned way with no mods checked. exited the vault. saved. loaded mods that worked fine with 2.6.0 and no CTD. After i went to MCM and started MCG 2.6.5, got a CTD. Went back to the new game save with no mods, exited the vault. Saved, loaded mods,  Clicked MCG and crashed again. So reproducible. I am using the 2.6.5 version you uploaded 6 hours ago. And damn I got Heather pregnant first try. I am using MO2, and I had to roll back FO4 this morning to the December manifest with matching F4SE if that makes a difference. Any chance to keep the legacy 2.6.0 available on the download page just out of curiosity. I appreciate your hard work. I realize how hard it is to get everything working on something this complex. Do not have CWSS or get dirty. 

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9 minutes ago, 2wsols said:

downloaded 2.6.5 and skippable dialogue. installed. Started a new game the old fashioned way with no mods checked. exited the vault. saved. loaded mods that worked fine with 2.6.0 and no CTD. After i went to MCM and started MCG 2.6.5, got a CTD. Went back to the new game save with no mods, exited the vault. Saved, loaded mods,  Clicked MCG and crashed again. So reproducible. I am using the 2.6.5 version you uploaded 6 hours ago. And damn I got Heather pregnant first try. I am using MO2, and I had to roll back FO4 this morning to the December manifest with matching F4SE if that makes a difference. Any chance to keep the legacy 2.6.0 available on the download page just out of curiosity. I appreciate your hard work. I realize how hard it is to get everything working on something this complex. Do not have CWSS or get dirty. 

Version 2.6.0 had a critical failure in the sex controller script, at least for majority of users it just stopped the sex animations to be recognised or to be called, also enslavement was interdict while that script failed. I did extensive researches because this involves knoledge of coding that i don't have, in particular my scripts compile without errors, all proprieties are filled, events register again etc but for some reason that particular script just stopped to work.


What i found is that the papyrus scripts are not tied to framerate like previous bethesda games (new vegas etc), this means that a coder can't be sure that his code is executed in a frame but instead the code is entirely handled by the virtual machine that in this case act like an operating system with the capability to distribute the system resources when required but that doesn't guarantee that the code is executed, because that is not tied into the framerate, instead if a script is evalued to take too much resources it is forced into a sort of "low priority" mode and maybe this is what users experienced in 2.6.0. I don't know if that state can be left for a script and how, what i know is that in 2.6.5 that script is now splitted into 2 scripts, one handle animation calling, the other receives the events from AAF. So returning to 2.6.0 is not possible. Crash to desktop on mod startup unfortunately is a know bug i am trying to resolve, and this is not something new in 2.6.5 but something that was there since 2.4 or even lower. What i know about that is that Conqueror mod exacerbate the problem and that it is very sensible to your current computer memory, so the more programs you are running in background the higher the risk. But foremost it is sensible on other mods script running in background and i can assure you that when you make a new game the pre war part or the first minites of the game hundreds of script are running to set the play world, again especially if you have conqueror. Wait for the script to settle to reduce CTD chances, also this is a problem that happen only on starting the mod and possibly on unistalling the mod. 

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5 minutes ago, anghelos92 said:

Version 2.6.0 had a critical failure in the sex controller script, at least for majority of users it just stopped the sex animations to be recognised or to be called, also enslavement was interdict while that script failed. I did extensive researches because this involves knoledge of coding that i don't have, in particular my scripts compile without errors, all proprieties are filled, events register again etc but for some reason that particular script just stopped to work.


What i found is that the papyrus scripts are not tied to framerate like previous bethesda games (new vegas etc), this means that a coder can't be sure that his code is executed in a frame but instead the code is entirely handled by the virtual machine that in this case act like an operating system with the capability to distribute the system resources when required but that doesn't guarantee that the code is executed, because that is not tied into the framerate, instead if a script is evalued to take too much resources it is forced into a sort of "low priority" mode and maybe this is what users experienced in 2.6.0. I don't know if that state can be left for a script and how, what i know is that in 2.6.5 that script is now splitted into 2 scripts, one handle animation calling, the other receives the events from AAF. So returning to 2.6.0 is not possible. Crash to desktop on mod startup unfortunately is a know bug i am trying to resolve, and this is not something new in 2.6.5 but something that was there since 2.4 or even lower. What i know about that is that Conqueror mod exacerbate the problem and that it is very sensible to your current computer memory, so the more programs you are running in background the higher the risk. But foremost it is sensible on other mods script running in background and i can assure you that when you make a new game the pre war part or the first minites of the game hundreds of script are running to set the play world, again especially if you have conqueror. Wait for the script to settle to reduce CTD chances, also this is a problem that happen only on starting the mod and possibly on unistalling the mod. 



I missed the comment he made about having conqueror so I was trying to catch up... 


Thorough testing on conqueror myself, ctd is absolute possibility if just out of vault. You need to exit vault and let all prebuilt complete for sure... (which one should do b4 leaving vault) buy the vault area is within triangle of death and based on city options, etc... not just MCG would be required to overload system- anything that places system load.


Once outside vault, on should just let game sit, go to bathroom, get a beer, maybe a smoke or two. A light dinner..  take a shower, find you significant other for a snuggle with a bit of struggle..  haha..


Let conqueror settle in any cell in which you enter for 15 minutes.  Especially 1st load.  If you check forums, SS /conqueror in triangle of death (sanctuary,  red rocket, abernathy) fast travel will cause ctd.


Just thoughts.


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2 minutes ago, MrCruelJohn said:



I missed the comment he made about having conqueror so I was trying to catch up... 


Thorough testing on conqueror myself, ctd is absolute possibility if just out of vault. You need to exit vault and let all prebuilt complete for sure... (which one should do b4 leaving vault) buy the vault area is within triangle of death and based on city options, etc... not just MCG would be required to overload system- anything that places system load.


Once outside vault, on should just let game sit, go to bathroom, get a beer, maybe a smoke or two. A light dinner..  take a shower, find you significant other for a snuggle with a bit of struggle..  haha..


Let conqueror settle in any cell in which you enter for 15 minutes.  Especially 1st load.  If you check forums, SS /conqueror in triangle of death (sanctuary,  red rocket, abernathy) fast travel will cause ctd.


Just thoughts.


Thanks for the report, but the CTD of MCG is not directly caused by Conqueror, what i know is tgat Conqueror inly make things worse regarding starting up MCG, what is needed is just a "trial and error" approach in this case

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Having issue with player respawn system. Bartender does not seem to take caps when retrieving stolen items. Bartender in question is a civilian assigned to a bar from the sim settlements conqueror mod. Have not tested with other bartenders / merchants. MCG version is 2.65, updated from 2.60 on the same save file, following your instructions.


Also have a request / question. Would it be possible to adjust how much health / rads you have after a combat rape and respawn in FO4edit, instead of instantly healing all lost health and removing all rads?

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17 minutes ago, cheesepie said:

Having issue with player respawn system. Bartender does not seem to take caps when retrieving stolen items. Bartender in question is a civilian assigned to a bar from the sim settlements conqueror mod. Have not tested with other bartenders / merchants. MCG version is 2.65, updated from 2.60 on the same save file, following your instructions.


Also have a request / question. Would it be possible to adjust how much health / rads you have after a combat rape and respawn in FO4edit, instead of instantly healing all lost health and removing all rads?

I will look into it, thanks

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23 minutes ago, geraldofrivia said:

Anyone resolve the ctd when saving the game after uninstall the mod?
tried with a script cleaner (Falhrim) with no positive results. :(

Did you try stopping the mod first with the debug option? The problem with 2.6.0 is that script failure probably prevent also a clean unistallation

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Here's what I did:

Completely uninstalled AAF, MCG and Violate. Deleted AAF and Scripts folders than redeployed other mods in Vortex.

Installed AAF and started a New Game. Left Vault, found small and quiet basement and saved in there.

Installed MCG, got CTD when tried to start the mod (in my case, I think it's HUDFramework responsibility - no crashes on start without it). Used «Masturbate» after successful start and checked if statistics worked ok.

Installed AAF Violate, got back in game, found some raiders and surrendered...  after that statistics was broken. Nothing has changed after masturbation. Well, just lust and wear changes in time.


Although, there's an old bug with threesome. When «Client wants a threesome» third guy newer shows up. Maybe it's related to Clone unique NPC option in settings?


And the last question: Is it possible to add «Take All» function to «Clean dead body»?

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1 minute ago, Muliell said:

Here's what I did:

Completely uninstalled AAF, MCG and Violate. Deleted AAF and Scripts folders than redeployed other mods in Vortex.

Installed AAF and started a New Game. Left Vault, found small and quiet basement and saved in there.

Installed MCG, got CTD when tried to start the mod (in my case, I think it's HUDFramework responsibility - no crashes on start without it). Used «Masturbate» after successful start and checked if statistics worked ok.

Installed AAF Violate, got back in game, found some raiders and surrendered...  after that statistics was broken. Nothing has changed after masturbation. Well, just lust and wear changes in time.


Although, there's an old bug with threesome. When «Client wants a threesome» third guy newer shows up. Maybe it's related to Clone unique NPC option in settings?


And the last question: Is it possible to add «Take All» function to «Clean dead body»?

Thanks for the report, when you say statistics was broken you mean that widgets didn't update or also the statistics riepilogue that you can see using the MCG Options menu? And for just lust and wear change in time, about wear it was the one accumulated from your previous masturbation or passing time it successfully updated the wear that was given by the raiders or the raidera didn't give anything at all even after some time (i.e. one minute?)

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3 minutes ago, anghelos92 said:

Thanks for the report, when you say statistics was broken you mean that widgets didn't update or also the statistics riepilogue that you can see using the MCG Options menu? And for just lust and wear change in time, about wear it was the one accumulated from your previous masturbation or passing time it successfully updated the wear that was given by the raiders or the raidera didn't give anything at all even after some time (i.e. one minute?)

I disabled widgets right after start the mod. Lust increased and wear decreased a little, just like they normally do. I checked statistics in diary and in menu. Sex with raiders didn't change anything in there.

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4 minutes ago, Muliell said:

I disabled widgets right after start the mod. Lust increased and wear decreased a little, just like they normally do. I checked statistics in diary and in menu. Sex with raiders didn't change anything in there.

Ok thank you, i will look into it

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42 minutes ago, anghelos92 said:

Did you try stopping the mod first with the debug option? The problem with 2.6.0 is that script failure probably prevent also a clean unistallation

I tried it after statistics bugged. Got CTD while saving.

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1 hour ago, anghelos92 said:

Thanks for the report, but the CTD of MCG is not directly caused by Conqueror, what i know is tgat Conqueror inly make things worse regarding starting up MCG, what is needed is just a "trial and error" approach in this case

That's what I said in a long winded way.

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I tested it a bit, so...
The old save - level 44, starlight, FPE, AAF 73 + various XML, there is a violate and rse (disabled)... really not sure that version 2.6, not 2.56
Restart - norm

NPC-NPC - norm
masturbation - norm
doggy sex - norm
pair - norm
three - without animation
Harassment NPC - I did not wait
surrender to the mongrel - norm (+ illness)

widgets - norm
deleting and new save - norm


New game (only MCG, FPE, AAF 73 + various XML)
Running mod in a cave under a red rocket - no problem.
Doggy sex - norm (got pregnant)
harassment - settlers approach and rape


Bye all

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my CTD post upthread was happening on my gaming rig. So i put 2.6.5 on my lower end traveling laptop and its working ok, so my CTD is either load order or mod conflict. However, the new version is mostly fine except lust keeps going up, wear and infamy stay at zero no matter how many people I fuck in Diamond City Market. I may have time to investigate the conflict today. 

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2 minutes ago, 2wsols said:

my CTD post upthread was happening on my gaming rig. So i put 2.6.5 on my lower end traveling laptop and its working ok, so my CTD is either load order or mod conflict. However, the new version is mostly fine except lust keeps going up, wear and infamy stay at zero no matter how many people I fuck in Diamond City Market. I may have time to investigate the conflict today. 

Thanks for your tests! About the stats not updating you could make me a great favor:

- make a test save, you will use this save to avoid corrupting your regular saves

- test if you start sex from MCG, report if the animations are called correctly and also if the stats update (but you already said they're not, this is just to make sure that the problem is also from MCG calling


-disable, without unistalling, AAF and mods that require AAF but not MCG, then load the test save and try to start a sex scene from MCG, you should have a fade to black instead of the actual animations and report if the stats will update.


-then you can enable all aaf mod and related again and next time you have an aaf animation and the stats not update, open the AAF manager (home key default) then change mode to ADMIN and report what you see in the "errors" tab, if i am not wrong the button to change mode is the "Delete" button, then use arrows keys to change tab


Thank you for your support, this will be useful to isolate if the problem is only in the AAF events calculations. Also did you tried the NPC initiative system? 

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2 hours ago, anghelos92 said:

Thanks for your tests! About the stats not updating you could make me a great favor:

- make a test save, you will use this save to avoid corrupting your regular saves

- test if you start sex from MCG, report if the animations are called correctly and also if the stats update (but you already said they're not, this is just to make sure that the problem is also from MCG calling


-disable, without unistalling, AAF and mods that require AAF but not MCG, then load the test save and try to start a sex scene from MCG, you should have a fade to black instead of the actual animations and report if the stats will update.


-then you can enable all aaf mod and related again and next time you have an aaf animation and the stats not update, open the AAF manager (home key default) then change mode to ADMIN and report what you see in the "errors" tab, if i am not wrong the button to change mode is the "Delete" button, then use arrows keys to change tab


Thank you for your support, this will be useful to isolate if the problem is only in the AAF events calculations. Also did you tried the NPC initiative system? 

With disabled AAF and AAF-required mods stats update after MCG sex scene. But not after MCG masturbation (message appears «MCG will not recognize.... »)


Tested on stats bugged save.

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6 minutes ago, Muliell said:

With disabled AAF and AAF-required mods stats update after MCG sex scene. But not after MCG masturbation (message appears «MCG will not recognize.... »)


Tested on stats bugged save.

Thank you, i will concentrate the fixing on the AAF EVENTS handlet script then, because that is the script that receive the info from AAF. The possibilities now are two, either that script fails or AAF sometimes doesn't send the OnSceneEnd event even if the OnSceneInit event has been sent without errors. I will ask @dagobaking for more info. I already asked something similar before but that time the question was if onsceneend fires if onsceneinit return with errors, now is if the onsceneend could not be sent even if onsceneinit returned without errors

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another batch of observations
system NPC-NPC - norm
rape in battle:
2 passed normally - robbery, change of statistics
the third is stuck - animation is over, NPC continues to wave hands, PC dressed and standing (can turn but not move, menu MCG is called, there is no pipboy)

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I see somebody upthread tested that for you. Just to report my CTD was a mod conflict, specifically Bodytalk. I disabled, and 2.6.5 works. The lust wear and infamy widgets do move, but not consistently. Infamy always works. Wear works some. There are sex events that do not register as wear. Lust does go up and reset with sex. It does not go up at the same rate as 2.6.0. I am using the widgets unchanged from installation. And just to be clear my animations are correctly aligned.

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