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SexoutNG '98 BETA 3 View File SexoutNG 2.10.98 Beta 3 This new beta version is based on Sexout 2.10.98 beta 2. I reworked certain scripts, fixes certain issues, improves the positioning and synchronisation of actors and adds a new framework function (see the 'Release History' section for more details). Don't worry, my intention is not to completely overhaul Sexout, but simply to add the fixes that are within my grasp and to make installation easier for users with an up-to-date guide. Requirements: - NVSE 6.2.6 - JIP 57.15 I) Installation: For any type of installation I recommend using MO2 as your mod manager Installation with SOFA (recommanded) If you want to play with SOFA (Sexout Framework Assortment), do not install "SexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 - Full Pack" ! The last version of SOFA is currently SOFA 2024-08-04, with this version you should: - Install SOFA and manually delete* Sexout.esm, SexoutPosNew.esp, SexoutAnimManagement.esp, SexoutSpunk.esp - Then install "SexoutNG 2.10.98 - SOFA Pack". - In your load order, "SexoutNG 2.10.98 - SOFA Pack" need to be loaded before SOFA. - Then download and install the last version of Spunk: SexoutSpunk 1.0109 (don't install all files, just install SexoutSpunk.esp) - With MO2, when installing SexoutSpunk, select 'Manual', then select only "SexoutSpunk.esp", then "OK" Integrating these new versions of SexoutNG, PosNew, AnimManagement and Spunk in SOFA would be easier for the user, but before asking DBorg2 to upgrade SOFA with these files, I'd like people to confirm that these versions are at least as stable as the previous ones. delete* : How to delete/restore files with MO2 Installation without SOFA If you prefer an old-style installation (with lighter framwork), just follow this: - Disable and uninstall any previous version of SexoutNG (CORE + DATA + BODIES) - Disable and uninstall any version of SexoutPosNew.esp, SexoutAnimManagement.esp, SexoutSlavery.esm, NX NVSE - Install "SexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 - Full Pack" if you want to play with SexoutSpunk, download and install the last version of Spunk (1.0109) Custom Installation (Advanced users only) If you prefer a fully customised installation, you can download the CORE and DATA from SexoutNG 2.10.97. Retrieve the 'meshes' folder in SexoutNG - CORE 2.10.97 and place it in SexoutNG - DATA 2.10.97 Delete your SexoutNG - CORE 2.10.97 (zip+folder) cause you no longer need it. Retrieve the sexout.esm from this page (in the "SexoutNG 2.10.98 SOFA Pack" or "Full Pack") and place it in SexoutNG - DATA 2.10.97 Rename your SexoutNG - DATA 2.10.97 in a new name like "SexoutNG - 2.10.98b3 - CUSTOM" In this "SexoutNG - 2.10.98b3 - CUSTOM", you have everything for Sexout to work except nude Male/Female bodies and NX NVSE v.19. But this is a custom installation and you're an advanced user, so it's up to you to complete your customised installation. Then you can add everything you think needed (NX NVSE v.19, meshes & textures for nude bodies, SexoutPosNew.esp, SexoutAnimManagement.esp, SexoutSlavery.esm...) for your Sexout custom installation. Once you have done this, select all files, zip them and install. You can also add nothing more in this folder and just select all files in your "SexoutNG - 2.10.98b3 - CUSTOM", zip them and install. This means you still need nude Male/Female bodies and NX NVSE v.19, but you can install them later. if you have no nude bodies installed, you can download and install SexoutNG - Bodies 1.1.1 from SexoutNG 2.10.97. if you do not have NX NVSE v.19 installed, you will also need to download and install it manually (in DATA/NVSE/plugins). if you want SexoutPosNew, SexoutAnimManagement, SexoutSlavery etc, you will also need to install each of them. II) Downloadable Files Content: SexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 - Full Pack SexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 - SOFA Pack III) Integrated Mods Description: SexoutSlavery.esm v1.4.11 SexoutPosNew.esp v2.6 SexoutAnimManagement.esp v.7 IV) Framework Function added: (actorsList:array) fnSexoutGetLocalActorsRange iRange:int Works in the same way that fnSexoutGetLocalActors but with a range. I didn't want to set a limit for iRange, however I recommend not exceeding a range of 2. V) Known issues and compatibility: SexoutNGRapeFlagsFix SexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 contains all fixes from SexoutNGRapeFlagsFix and more. So Keeping this mod enable will remove certain fixes as the positioning of the actors in the threesome animations. So please disable and uninstall "SexoutNGRapeFlagsFix.esp" SexoutSpunk 1.0108 (and lower versions) If you play with SexoutSpunk with arousal enabled, you can get minor issue when you end the pause animation. So please now use SexoutSpunk 1.0109 or higher If you use SOFA: As long as SexoutSpunk 1.0109 is not integrate to SOFA, you should install the last version of SexoutSpunk (1.0109) Then, load SexoutSpunk after SOFA to overwritte the one integrated in SOFA (it's also cleaner to delete SOFA's SexoutSpunk directly). SexoutAnimPosFix.esp SexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 and SexoutPosNew 2.6 definitively fixes the issue with the Sexout's 'Pause' function. Keeping this mod will overwritte some of my additionnals fixes. So please disable and uninstall SexoutAnimPosFix.esp Note that it is not Sexout that is incompatible with SexoutAnimPosFix, but SexoutPosNew.esp v2.6 included in all sexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 packages. /!\ Below is a copy/past from "Readme - SexoutNG.txt" (I don't know if this is still the case or even what these mods are) Sexout is INCOMPATABLE with some other popular mods (these first two may not be true since the switch to PlayIdle in '94) - Umpa's dance mod, and any mod based on it or similar to it. See the official NG download thread at lovers lab, first post, to learn how to correct this problem in such mods. - Body by Race. Works for some people, not for others. YMMV. Sexout does nothing 'magical' when it comes to bodies, so BBR *should* work fine, but some people say it doesn't. - Other sex mods. These will work fine, but you will experience side effects in certain cases. The main problem is, being different "engines" for sex, they are oblivious to one another. Individual mods have protections to prevent an actor from engaging in a new sex act while they are already performing one. These protections do not exist "cross-mod" though. Nothing more at this time beyond normal Sexout issues which will likely be a while before they are fixed, such as the player becoming invisible. (I've also looked into this problem and I have to admit I haven't found the slightest clue as to the cause...). VI) Credits and Acknowledgements: A lot of people have worked on Sexout and helped make this mod what it is today. I don't know them, but I'd really like their names to be mentioned so that they can be thanked for their contributions. So I've taken the list of thanks from the "Readme - SexoutNG.txt" and included a special thank to Odessa for all the work she's done. Many people have been instrumental in getting SexoutNG off the ground. In no particular order: Odessa, for her courage and perseverance in maintaining/fixing SexoutNG (and other mods) for all these years while the original authors left the community. Ashal, for creating lovers lab and hosting all this stuff for us. UDLR, for Sexout. Prideslayer, for SexoutNG, NX, FOMM and too many things to list. Loogie, for the tryouts. Without them, I would have never got interested in sexout to begin with. Donkey for all the wonderful animations he's created. Sexout does use animations from other sources, but it has many that are unique to it, thanks to this gentleman. iron_jack for countless hours testing, bug hunting, and aligning of animations. astymma, for all his work on the skeleton, positioning, sexout related mods, and general programming assistance. jaam for updating NVSE, general programming assistance, et al Johnhead, for some new animations as well. ChancellorKremlin, for being an annoying pain in the ass with a million questions. If he reads this I'm sure he'll be ecstatic at being mentioned. Izumiko, for creating the included female body mesh (Type 6 Modification Body NV) Nagothms, for adding bouncing to the including female body mesh sesom, for creating the included male body mesh and texture ZAZ for ZAZ et al DManXX2 for animations Amra72 for animations AJ for skeleton wizardry (BodyMorph skeleton and Reset animimation) Kendo2 for Amra breeze mesh, et al Tomm434 for bug reporting, code suggestions, et al DoctaSax for all his tutorials, guidance, support and everything else Halstrom for SCR, community guidance and support and everything else BruceWayne for community guidance and support and everything else RitualClarity for community guidance and support and everything probed Imperfection for mesh fixes Garlicred and Jaam for the NVSE extender plugin. Jazz In Paris for his wonderful JIP LN NVSE plugin. The whole NVSE team for their amazing work on NVSE functionalities and for keeping the GECK Wiki up to date. Every one of you players that has downloaded, played, and even bug reported about this mod. Without you, there's no point. Many many others. If I've forgotten to mention you here, it was not intentional. Drop me a line and I'll include you, and don't feel weird about it; I honestly feel worse having left you out. Problem to work on : - (Average) Fix the CBDialog functions which can fail to start dialogue if the NPC wake up before the player - (Average) Reset face animation when sex end - (Minor) Allowing disable Ragdoll (via MCM option) and ensure there is no impact on any mod calling Sexout animation. - (Minor) Add animation stages support - (Minor) Add animation furniture support Minor : Needs to be fixed one day but can wait Average : Needs to be fixed reasonably quickly Major : Needs to be fixed very quickly Release History Submitter Machiavelique Submitted 02/10/2025 Category Framework & Resources
Version --- 2.10.98 beta 3
SexoutNG 2.10.98 Beta 3 This new beta version is based on Sexout 2.10.98 beta 2. I reworked certain scripts, fixes certain issues, improves the positioning and synchronisation of actors and adds a new framework function (see the 'Release History' section for more details). Don't worry, my intention is not to completely overhaul Sexout, but simply to add the fixes that are within my grasp and to make installation easier for users with an up-to-date guide. Requirements: - NVSE 6.2.6 - JIP 57.15 I) Installation: For any type of installation I recommend using MO2 as your mod manager Installation with SOFA (recommanded) If you want to play with SOFA (Sexout Framework Assortment), do not install "SexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 - Full Pack" ! The last version of SOFA is currently SOFA 2024-08-04, with this version you should: - Install SOFA and manually delete* Sexout.esm, SexoutPosNew.esp, SexoutAnimManagement.esp, SexoutSpunk.esp - Then install "SexoutNG 2.10.98 - SOFA Pack". - In your load order, "SexoutNG 2.10.98 - SOFA Pack" need to be loaded before SOFA. - Then download and install the last version of Spunk: SexoutSpunk 1.0109 (don't install all files, just install SexoutSpunk.esp) - With MO2, when installing SexoutSpunk, select 'Manual', then select only "SexoutSpunk.esp", then "OK" Integrating these new versions of SexoutNG, PosNew, AnimManagement and Spunk in SOFA would be easier for the user, but before asking DBorg2 to upgrade SOFA with these files, I'd like people to confirm that these versions are at least as stable as the previous ones. delete* : How to delete/restore files with MO2 Installation without SOFA If you prefer an old-style installation (with lighter framwork), just follow this: - Disable and uninstall any previous version of SexoutNG (CORE + DATA + BODIES) - Disable and uninstall any version of SexoutPosNew.esp, SexoutAnimManagement.esp, SexoutSlavery.esm - Install "SexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 - Full Pack" if you want to play with SexoutSpunk, download and install the last version of Spunk (1.0109) Custom Installation (Advanced users only) If you prefer a fully customised installation, you can download the CORE and DATA from SexoutNG 2.10.97. Retrieve the 'meshes' folder in SexoutNG - CORE 2.10.97 and place it in SexoutNG - DATA 2.10.97 Delete your SexoutNG - CORE 2.10.97 (zip+folder) cause you no longer need it. Retrieve the sexout.esm from this page (in the "SexoutNG 2.10.98 SOFA Pack" or "Full Pack") and place it in SexoutNG - DATA 2.10.97 Rename your SexoutNG - DATA 2.10.97 in a new name like "SexoutNG - 2.10.98b3 - CUSTOM" In this "SexoutNG - 2.10.98b3 - CUSTOM", you have everything for Sexout to work except nude Male/Female bodies and NX NVSE v.19. But this is a custom installation and you're an advanced user, so it's up to you to complete your customised installation. Then you can add everything you think needed (NX NVSE v.19, meshes & textures for nude bodies, SexoutPosNew.esp, SexoutAnimManagement.esp, SexoutSlavery.esm...) for your Sexout custom installation. Once you have done this, select all files, zip them and install. You can also add nothing more in this folder and just select all files in your "SexoutNG - 2.10.98b3 - CUSTOM", zip them and install. This means you still need nude Male/Female bodies and NX NVSE v.19, but you can install them later. if you have no nude bodies installed, you can download and install SexoutNG - Bodies 1.1.1 from SexoutNG 2.10.97. if you do not have NX NVSE v.19 installed, you will also need to download and install it manually (in DATA/NVSE/plugins). if you want SexoutPosNew, SexoutAnimManagement, SexoutSlavery etc, you will also need to install each of them. II) Downloadable Files Content: SexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 - Full Pack SexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 - SOFA Pack III) Integrated Mods Description: SexoutSlavery.esm v1.4.11 SexoutPosNew.esp v2.6 SexoutAnimManagement.esp v.7 IV) Framework Function added: (actorsList:array) fnSexoutGetLocalActorsRange iRange:int Works in the same way that fnSexoutGetLocalActors but with a range. I didn't want to set a limit for iRange, however I recommend not exceeding a range of 2. V) Known issues and compatibility: SexoutNGRapeFlagsFix SexoutNG 2.3.98 beta 3 contains all fixes from SexoutNGRapeFlagsFix and more. So Keeping this mod enable will remove certain fixes as the positioning of the actors in the threesome animations. So please disable and uninstall "SexoutNGRapeFlagsFix.esp" SexoutSpunk 1.0108 (and lower versions) If you play with SexoutSpunk with arousal enabled, you can get minor issue when you end the pause animation. So please use SexoutSpunk 1.0109 or higher If you use SOFA: As long as SexoutSpunk 1.0109 is not integrate to SOFA, you should install the last version of SexoutSpunk (1.0109) Then, load SexoutSpunk after SOFA to overwritte the one integrated in SOFA (it's also cleaner to delete SOFA's SexoutSpunk directly). SexoutAnimPosFix.esp SexoutNG 2.10.98b3 and SexoutPosNew 2.6 definitively fixes the issue with the Sexout's 'Pause' function. Keeping this mod will overwritte some of my additionnals fixes. So please disable and uninstall SexoutAnimPosFix.esp Note that it is not Sexout that is incompatible with SexoutAnimPosFix, but SexoutPosNew.esp v2.6 included in all sexoutNG 2.10.98 beta 3 packages. /!\ Below is a copy/past from "Readme - SexoutNG.txt" (I don't know if this is still the case or even what these mods are) Sexout is INCOMPATABLE with some other popular mods (these first two may not be true since the switch to PlayIdle in '94) - Umpa's dance mod, and any mod based on it or similar to it. See the official NG download thread at lovers lab, first post, to learn how to correct this problem in such mods. - Body by Race. Works for some people, not for others. YMMV. Sexout does nothing 'magical' when it comes to bodies, so BBR *should* work fine, but some people say it doesn't. - Other sex mods. These will work fine, but you will experience side effects in certain cases. The main problem is, being different "engines" for sex, they are oblivious to one another. Individual mods have protections to prevent an actor from engaging in a new sex act while they are already performing one. These protections do not exist "cross-mod" though. Nothing more at this time beyond normal Sexout issues which will likely be a while before they are fixed, such as the player becoming invisible. (I've also looked into this problem and I have to admit I haven't found the slightest clue as to the cause...). VI) Credits and Acknowledgements: A lot of people have worked on Sexout and helped make this mod what it is today. I don't know them, but I'd really like their names to be mentioned so that they can be thanked for their contributions. So I've taken the list of thanks from the "Readme - SexoutNG.txt" and included a special thank to Odessa for all the work she's done. Many people have been instrumental in getting SexoutNG off the ground. In no particular order: Odessa, for her courage and perseverance in maintaining/fixing SexoutNG (and other mods) for all these years while the original authors left the community. Ashal, for creating lovers lab and hosting all this stuff for us. UDLR, for Sexout. Prideslayer, for SexoutNG, NX, FOMM and too many things to list. Loogie, for the tryouts. Without them, I would have never got interested in sexout to begin with. Donkey for all the wonderful animations he's created. Sexout does use animations from other sources, but it has many that are unique to it, thanks to this gentleman. iron_jack for countless hours testing, bug hunting, and aligning of animations. astymma, for all his work on the skeleton, positioning, sexout related mods, and general programming assistance. jaam for updating NVSE, general programming assistance, et al Johnhead, for some new animations as well. ChancellorKremlin, for being an annoying pain in the ass with a million questions. If he reads this I'm sure he'll be ecstatic at being mentioned. Izumiko, for creating the included female body mesh (Type 6 Modification Body NV) Nagothms, for adding bouncing to the including female body mesh sesom, for creating the included male body mesh and texture ZAZ for ZAZ et al DManXX2 for animations Amra72 for animations AJ for skeleton wizardry (BodyMorph skeleton and Reset animimation) Kendo2 for Amra breeze mesh, et al Tomm434 for bug reporting, code suggestions, et al DoctaSax for all his tutorials, guidance, support and everything else Halstrom for SCR, community guidance and support and everything else BruceWayne for community guidance and support and everything else RitualClarity for community guidance and support and everything probed Imperfection for mesh fixes Every one of you players that has downloaded, played, and even bug reported about this mod. Without you, there's no point. Many many others. If I've forgotten to mention you here, it was not intentional. Drop me a line and I'll include you, and don't feel weird about it; I honestly feel worse having left you out. Release History -
Hello everybody! When I played Sexout in the spring, I could choose alternative dialogues, for example, not to accumulate 25 levels of Explosives, but to "pay" Pete with my body for dynamite. But I don't see them now. Tell me, does this require some kind of mod or an older version of Sexout?
Sexout: Quest Patches View File This is a collection of Sexout addons for popular quest mods, with a focus on compatibility, variety and immersion. In the same vein as Sexout Fade to Black, it replaces the usual dark screen during sex scenes with carefully selected Sexout animations, adding enough spice to the mix to ensure that no two encounters are ever quite the same. The aim is to make sex a fun and exciting game mechanic without sacrificing any of the quality storytelling for which Fallout New Vegas and its modding scene are known. As such, all patches are for voice-acted quest mods with high standards of writing and stability, making full use of the Sexout framework's functionality to give you the best possible sex in New Vegas! COVERED MODS 🧰 = Requires SCR. 🧱 = Requires SFBR. ☢️ = Contains multiple NPCs. 🙈 = Contains nonhuman sex. Standalone: 3DNPC - The Blue note 🧰 Bad Mothafucka LE 🙈 Checkpoint Gary Cocktail Waitresses ☢️ Coito Ergo Sum ☢️☢️🙈🧱🧰 Death's Last Whisper 🙈 Delilah 🧱🧰 Duncan's Uncut Collection - AIO Part 1 🙈 Family Matters ☢️🧰 Five Aces Havasu Blues Iguazu Shopping Center ☢️🧰 Joana Companion Mikeburnfire's NPCs and Quests Nipton Rebuilt ☢️ NVR3R (Legacy) ☢️🧱 Of Truth and Lies 🧰 Retribution 🧰 Salt Lake Stories ☢️☢️🧰 Sarah Weintraub Companion 🧱 The ARES Project 🧰 Zion's Fire 🧰 The Someguy Series (Complete): New Vegas Bounties II New Vegas Bounties III ☢️🧰 Russell The Inheritance th3overseer's Series (Complete): Eliza ☢️🧰 The Depths of Depravity 🧰 The High Desert ☢️🧰 The North Road Remastered ☢️🧰 The Tales of New Reno Series (Complete): Tales of New Reno - Episode Zero ☢️🧰 REQUIRED SexoutNG '98 or SexoutNG '97 - I tested it on '98. SexoutSlavery.esm is not required. JIP LN NVSE Plugin, ShowOff NVSE Plugin & JohnnyGuitar NVSE - used by some of the patches. You should have these anyway. Sexout Common Resources (SCR) - needed for about 50% of the patches. Just make sure you have the base non-Sexout Store/Pregnancy requirements from Ritual's guide. Sexout: Fade to Black Revamped - required by four of the patches. KNOWN ISSUES PLANNED PATCHES RECOMMENDED OTHER SEXOUT QUEST PATCHES IMPORTANT NOTES CHANGELOG FAQ How do I install this? However you'd like. It's packaged in a FOMOD for use with mod managers, but you can pick that apart and install manual if you’d prefer. Can I merge the plugins to save space? Yes. These are absolutely safe to merge and I actively recommend it. I've already thrown in some merged plugins for someguy2000's and th3overseer's mods, so go nuts. How extensively have you tested these? Fairly. I reckon I tested about half of them, but all the other scripts follow the same design philosophy so I can't see why they wouldn't work the same. What can I expect? Depends on the mod in question. There could be straight sex, gay sex, kinky sex, three-ways, mutant sex, the list goes on! Crucially, it's all animated. Will you cover TTW? No, I will not. The Frontier? 😂 No. Is there anything else I should know? Yes, but that would be spoiling the fun. Why make this? My life is in shambles and I'm slowly losing my mind. I was bored. PERMISSIONS Feel free to tweak or re-use these plugins in any way you please, but please give credit if you upload them on any modding sites. CREDITS prideslayer - for the original Sexout and NX. Odessa - for the updated FTB and Sexout. Wenderer - for FOMOD Creation Tool. dborg2 - for SCR. bigcman123 - for the foundational vault girl icon. kristakahashi - for the 3DNPC Bundle. someguy2000 - for The Someguy Series and various other mods. RoyBatterian - for Bad Mothafucka LE. nazothedark - for Family Matters. Radioactivelad - for Five Aces. kungkobra - for Havasu Blues. DizzasterJuice - for The ARES Project. DuncanWasHere - for Duncan's Uncut Collection - AIO Part 1. Jokerine - for Nipton Rebuilt and Iguazu Shopping Center- A Mall in The Strip. AutisticHarmonica - for Retribution - A Legion Quest Mod. NuklearWinter - for Zion's Fire - Joshua Graham Romance Mod. CellblockPsycho - for the Tales of New Reno Series. grigoriprime - for the Joana Companion and Sarah Companion mods. kvatchcount - for Cocktail Waitresses. mikeburnfire - for the obvious. kabyidon - for NVR3R (Legacy). rikkurikku - for Death's Last Whisper and Of Truth and Lies. scrumpusrex - for Delilah - Mojave MD. th3overseer - for th3overseer's Series. Belthan - for Coito Ergo Sum. Yossarian22 - for Salt Lake Stories. [These take a very long time to make so any donation, however small, would be enormously appreciated.] Submitter MasterKingly Submitted 02/08/2024 Category Quests Requirements SexoutNG, Sexout Common Resources (SCR), Sexout Fade to Black Revamped, JIP LN NVSE, JohnnyGuitar NVSE, ShowOff NVSE.
Sexout Common Resources (SCR) View File Welcome to Sexout Common Resources BEFORE INSTALLING THIS OR ANY MODS REQUIRING IT CHECK YOU CAN GET SEXOUTSEXLITE.ESP WORKING FIRST, IF THAT WON"T WORK, YOU'VE SCREWED UP SOMETHING BASIC AND NOTHING MORE COMPLEX WILL WORK TILL YOU SORT IT OUT. The aim of this produce an ESM that holds all the common assets used by SexoutNG Plugins like NPC's, Drugs, Creatures & Clothing, Weapons etc so that other plugons can refer to them without needing to have each other as masters. It doesn't include meshes or textures themselves, merely point to them. it will have minimal scripting, only scripts required by the objects and plugins it contains. The DataPack provided is only some of my additions and minimum requirements of SCR itself. SCR Includes support for all DLC and TTW but does not require them. SCR adds some Perks, but they don't necessarilily add any effects, they are mainly flags for other Plugins to know the players preferences in dialogue. To explain in detail how it works, there are 2-3 parts to most outfits, the first is the Item ID which contains all the Armor ratings, weight, value, etc of an outfit and also where to get the mesh model and textures from, that is what I have copied from the original mods into SCR. The other parts are the model mesh and optionally textures for which the original download is needed, because I don't have permission to add other peoples work to the SCR download and it would be too big. Doing it this way gives users the option to not install Ghost suits etc. The Item ID itself uses next to no space in SCR compared to meshes & textures, but having outfits in there means that outfit can be incuded in formlist groups of SCR, this means a plugin can just check if the player is wearing something in the "Heavy Armor" group formlist and then change their dialogue or sex options based on that. Optionally people can also add their custom outfits to those lists too. it contains a percentage of Lore unfriendly assets but they should be only added to the game world by plugin modules calling them, mostly SexoutStore. Before you install Sexout use the Steam Backup function and backup your game as there's a good chance new users will completely screw their game on the first attempt of installing Sexout because they didn't read something properly and install things they shouldn't. If you aren't using Steam then you'll find Sexout won't work for you anyway so give up here or buy the game. SCR adds some Sex related Perks but their effects are up to the Plugins referencing them Dominant, Submissive. Brood Mother & Bitch in heat are added but only activated by Pregnancy. SCR Integrated Plugins: Drugs: SexoutDrugging is now a separate plugin for SCR. The MCM menu is still in SCR to avoid adding another MCM Menu for one slider. Please use the Support Topic Button on the right for more information, support & beta versions. You will also need to download the clothing packs listed in the 2nd Post if you want to use those outfits in Plugins or SexoutStore, there are also some assets in there that are no longer available for download so no links for them, I cannot remove them without breaking them for people who do have them. Installation: Download SexoutCommonResources ESP <date>.rar, SexoutCommonResources-meshes.rar and SexoutCommonResources-textures.rar If installing Sexout Common Resources through a mod manager: Unpack all files locally and rezip it into 1 zip Install your zipped file If installing Sexout Common Resources manually: Unpack (it will also unpack SexoutCommonResources-Data.z01) and SexoutCommonResources ESP <date>.zip to <Fallout Game Directory>\data After you are done, follow the guide below, written by RitualClarity RitualClarity has written a great installation guide in the link below for installing SCR. I have no problems with anyone translating this to FO3 or other Languages, just give me credit and link back to LoversLab Russian Translation: Requirements: FalloutNV (Non-Pirated Steam Version) FOMM NVSE Latest beta NX_Extender Latest version SexoutNG Stable Release And NV Compatibility Skeleton You will need MCM to change any settings Other Supported Assets: Assets used in SCR mods you may need to install if you are getting diamonds and invisible bodies and other stuff not showing, there are also some assets in there that are no longer available for download so no links for them, I cannot remove them without breaking them for people who do have them: For most of these clothing mods as noted you can remove or deactivate the original esp if you are using Pregnancy or Sexout Store, you only need to install the meshes, textures & sounds etc. Those that are FO3 downloads definitely need the esp removed or they will crash the game. Also remember when you update this it may change itself in your load order, use the following Load order or it will crash your game: Sexout.esm SexoutCommonResources.esm SexoutPregnancyV3.esm SexoutOffSpring.esm SexoutStore.esm The ingame version is in YYYYMMDD.x format, eg 20120122.2 = 2012-01-22 Version2. When reporting issues please state what version of SCR you are using. If you can please post in font size 14, it's a lot easier for me to read too !!!!Known incompatibilities!!! User Membois reported that the outdated Tryout Resistance Overhaul mod breaks the Undress script of Sexout Common Resources PERMISSIONS: Translations are cool, just don't claim my stuff is yours. No uploading elsewhere than LoverLab. No Kiddie Porn usage, I don't want to be involved in any crap that hits the fan. I DO NOT support any use of my mods for kiddie porn or adult sexual situations like child pregnancy. If I disappear or am inactive on Lovers Lab for over 3 months, others are free to take over my mods, don't claim its yours unless you do a reasonable amount of upgrading, then just thank me in the credits Basically I don't have FONV installed anymore and the time to continue work on this other than the occasional bugfix if enough information is given. If anyone wants to submit updates or overhaul it and use any of my code or assets for the enjoyment of the community go for it, just keep free and on LoversLab and give me some credit Link to Download OP: . Submitter dborg2 Submitted 02/05/2013 Category Framework & Resources Requires NVSE, NVSE Extender, SexoutNG and heaps of outfits
Sexout Tryout View File "Nobody's dick is that long, not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fucking long dick. Thus, the name." - Cass Stable Release: SexoutTryout - 17-JUL-2017 !!!REQUIREMENTS!!! SexoutNG Beta (ALWAYS USE THE NEWEST VERSION, BECAUSE I AM) Sexout SCR SmallerTalk or SmallTalk Old World Blues DLC Honest Hearts DLC And anything those requirements require! Tryout is a lore-friendly mod that puts contextual sex into Fallout: New Vegas. Named after the part of the game where the Legion slave Siri says to a female player character that Legionaries were talking about "trying you out," it has several hooks into the vanilla story, and expands on sexual ideas found in the base game and other Fallout titles - and adds some twists of its own. Tryout is geared mainly towards situations involving female player characters, but there's also opportunities for male player characters to have sex with prostitutes and slaves. I'm a straight male, so there isn't much gay content - though I welcome anyone who wants to add it to make their own plugin. WHAT EVERYTHING DOES There are three parts to the mod. Each has a date after them to help you know what was updated and when. The SCR datapack is going to see the smallest amount of updating while the main package will see the most. TryoutMain This is the main mod, containing the ESM and ESP files you need for the basic functionality. They are SexoutTryout.esm and SexoutWorkingGirl.esp - the esp is set as a master file so people don't lose progress in the upgrade. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU'RE UPGRADING FROM A VERSION OF TRYOUT PRIOR TO 22-FEB-2015 THAT YOU UNINSTALL YOUR OLD VERSION VIA FOMM OR WHATEVER MOD MANAGER YOU USE. UPGRADING FROM A VERSION PRIOR TO 22-FEB-2015 WILL ERASE YOUR CURRENT PROGRESS. The plugin SexoutTryout contains several quests, in addition to random approaches for solicitations of sex from various factions. If you don't want to be approached by a particular faction, set the approach rate to 0 in the MCM menu and that will turn the scanner off for them. This will not disable quest or other content, but will stop the approaches. The factions covered by SexoutTryout.esm are the Legion, Powder Gangers, Khans, NCR, Kings and fiends. There is a summary of their content below. LEGION Legionaries demand sex from female characters if scanner is turned on. Female characters can become enslaved at the Fort for refusing Legionaries' advances or mouthing off to Mistress Marissa. Stay in bondage until they deem you worthy of freedom, or fight your out. Female characters can help Antony, Master of Hounds at the Fort, keep his dogs calm and disciplined. Characters of both genders can pay Canyon Runner for access to the slave pen at Cottonwood Cove to abuse the Weathers family. Male characters liked by the Legion can make use of their slave girls. QUEST: Whore of Babylon. Female characters can talk to Adficio Animicus at Cottonwood Cove to get started. POWDER GANGERS Makes the fugitives in NCRCF, Vault 19 and Primm demand sex of female players if scanner is turned on. Female characters can be enslaved at NCRCF and Vault 19. While you can fight, talk, or sneak your way out of these situations, sometimes patience is a virtue. Chloroform Sunny and Trudy during the quest "Run Goodsprings, Run!" to keep them alive for other uses. For female characters, there are now options in the "I Fought The Law" quest series to resolve most conflict with sex. QUEST: Customer Satisfaction. Deliver a customer satisfaction survey from Harvey Zaz to Epstein in Vault 19. QUEST: Walk of Shame. Escort Sunny Smiles to NCRCF. QUEST: Let's Go To Prison. Talk to Sergeant McGee about infiltrating NCRCF. QUEST: Have It Your Way. Help Francisco Flambe make Primm his kind of town for an alternate Vikki and Vance experience. KHANS Female character will be approached for sex if the scanner is on. QUEST: Golden Whored. Get "fucked in" into the Khans. KINGS Kings are always looking to party with cute girls. Will approach you with such offers as long as the scanner is on. QUEST: Whole Lotta Shakin'. Retrieve an important music collection for the King. NCR Talk to Major Dhatri at Camp McCarran to start your exciting stint as an NCR prostitute! Scanner must be turned on and you must be advertising for troopers to approach you; otherwise you can approach them. Dhatri will be able to give you special assignments after banging 20 random troopers. FIENDS Female characters will be approached for sex so long as the scanner is above 0. Female characters can become friendly with the fiends by giving in to Motor-Runner's demands. Male characters can barter drugs for sex with fiends of both genders inside Vault 3. Trade sex with Daniel for the Vault 3 jail key. After making friends with the fiends, talk to Cook-Cook. Play his game. After making friends with the fiends, talk to Violet. She will attempt to give you and your companions free puppies. After making friends with the fiends, talk to Nephi. OLD WORLD BLUES Visit the mysterious X-69 Research Station and acquire the most technologically advanced dress in history, created by the Think Tank at BIG MOUNTAIN! Gain the power (or curse!) to become irresistible to lobotomites! SexoutWorkingGirl.esp Prostitution part of the mod. Ask the Gomorrah receptionist if they're looking for talent, tell James Garrett he needs more girls, or talk to the Vikki and Vance floor manager if you completed "Have It Your Way" and the rest should explain itself. When you're done whoring, talk to the NPC again to exit whore mode and receive your payment for the shift. You can freelance inside of casinos, but it's frowned upon and will see you kicked out on a first offense and attacked if you try it again. You can also offer your services to the Bright Brotherhood and Jacobstown, in addition to random gamblers outside of casinos. This mod also allows you to approach Gomorrah prostitutes for sex, regardless of your or their gender, and also get whores for your companions. When hiring prostitutes, the sexual orientation of the your companions is respected (you can't make Arcade bang a chick, or Veronica a man) and the player is free to have sex with prostitutes of either gender. TryoutAudio, Textures and Meshes These packs contain all the audio, mesh and texture resources used in Tryout. Download this or you'll get a bunch of red triangles and glitchy textures on the mod's outfits. Doesn't get updated every time the main mod does. TryoutSunnyCompanion This is the Improved Sunny Smiles companion specifically tailored for Sexout. If you're used any version of the Sunny Smiles Companion from the Nexus, overwrite it with this. This currently supports Sunny as a normal companion, and also gives you the option to take her as a slave if you help the Powder Gangers during Run, Goodsprings, Run! KNOWN ISSUES If you re-engage in dialog with Motor-Runner after the very first time he has his way with you, you'll need to repeat the sex sequence. This won't harm any of the stuff you have in the locker; my recommendation for the first time he does you is grab your stuff, leave and come back the next day if you want more. In Sexout's settings, you want to make sure Rape KOs are disabled for both rapist and victim, and the timer for rapist is set to be a couple seconds higher. Not doing this will break dialog after non-consensual sex scenes. Check the screenshot in the spoiler below for how I have it setup. In Sexout Spunk's settings, under the Arousal tab, ensure Fixed Act Duration is checked. Otherwise, dialog after group sex scenes can break. CHANGE LOG 01-01-2021 Changes/Bugfixes: - Fixed issue with companions stealing your clothes during NCRCF enslavement - fix will not work for enslavements in progress. - "Fixed" some scripts that moved inventory around between companions/player and slavery containers - the scripts were working fine but there was a a syntax error pointed out in them. - Made several edits to dialog conditions to get the correct voice types for synthetic voices down the line (I'm actively working on this) - The NCRCF admin building will now work properly. Previous issue was actors being called to do callbacks might be still locked by Sexout; I got around this by making sure the NPC doing the callback wasn't having sex in the previous scene or current scene. This may cause a wait of up to 30 seconds between approaches to start new rounds of sex if any of the participants decide to wander to the first floor of the building. Previous Changes: OPTIONAL MODS Populated Casinos: Adds numerous patrons to casinos. In addition to helping with immersion, it gives you several more clients in the Gomorrah and Atomic Wrangler. Playable Companion Clothes: Makes the companion armors playable so you can dress them, or undress them, however you like. This spot used to recommend KDC's mod that did the same thing, but it looks like he removed it from Nexus. This is a from-scratch remake by me. Bodymorph: An awesome mod by AJ and Prideslayer. Allows breasts to change size during milking if you install it. CREDITS One of the things that's truly marked the project is it's been a community effort since it's inception as Workgirl Tryout. Below are all the people who have worked on something that got jammed inside of here. Loogie for dialog, clothing meshes, scripting, and SexoutTryout itself UDLR for Sexout Prideslayer for SexoutNG, major scripting overhaul of Tryout, dialog and maintaining this during my hiatus Orangey and Ustesting, whose work this was originally based off of Bromm83 for most of the scripting of advanced systems, porting from Sexual Innuendo to Sexout zippy57 for MCM support and scripting help, and for rescuing my mods during my freak out Riggswolfe for major scripting help Astymma for Smallertalk and other scripting help Jaam for making Working Girl work and other scripting help Chase Roxand for scripting help Evilrunner for fixing the hole in the CaliL body's foot User29 for making the slave corset fit better Revanag for Type 3 bouncing bodies Iron_Jack for the NCRCF Powder Ganger enslavement sequence Halstrom for Sexout Common Resources Mastercchris for his ZAZ stuff Brocules for the Type 3M versions of the Tryout outfits ChancellorKremlin for dialog Jonas for letting me use the resized top of his sexy sleepwear as part of the showgirl outfit. NatanusLikens for locating the source of the PG Scrambler issue Destynova99 for dialog mojodajojo for script fixes and bughunting NismoMan for perk icons Kozzz for outfit meshes/textures Nagothm and Alex3474 for meshes/textures The lovely Nightwynd for supplying the pictures in Vault 19 AJ and Prideslayer for Bodymorph Exeter for making clothing a lot of my outfits are based on. YOU for bug reports and for playing! The lovely and talented LadyM for providing the voice of Mistress Marissa km678 for compatibility patches for popular mods Doctasax for help with array-related scripting AND A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO MY EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTED ME ON PATREON! Submitter Loogie Submitted 10/28/2014 Category Quests Requires SexoutNG, SCR, SmallerTalk, Old World Blues
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Sexout Tryout Resistance Overhaul View File First of all let me get one thing out of the way: 1. DISCLAIMER: I am not the author of everything in the file. A lot of it is parts of Sexout Tryout Resistance patch made by thatpartoftheinternet. The whole thing started by me doing small tweaks for my own use to the awesome mod he made. I never assumed it's gonna grow into something that warrants being a separate mod.. Then the amount of tweaks grew and I added new content. I'd love to separate my content into a new file, but I don't know how to do that now. I tried reaching thatpartoftheinternet for permission to publish this file but he hasn't read my PM for over five months. I sincerely hope he has nothing against it, but if he has I'll take it down in a heartbeat. You can find the original version here: 2. CURRENT VERSION: 19.03.2020 3. DESCRIPTION: The mod is an effort to make the Sexout Tryout more realistic, unpredictable and offer more player agency. Currently the mod only slightly overhauls NCRCF content of Sexout Tryout, as well as tweaks Sexout Spunk lust tracking. It also makes use of Sexout perks and drugs. 4. CONTENT: Here is a detailed description of what the mod does. If you want to be surprised don't read, although I do recommend reading at least the 'generic changes' part. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: The .esp has been cleaned thanks to DBORG, but I still have to clean it against the older SCR. Also, update to use the new SCR. The chance of being able to reject approaches based on Lust is wrong, and the many conditions in dialogue topics bloat the file size. This is definitely something I have to change. When you're being led to NCRCF by Joe Cobb he won't tell you to go to the Administration building even though he should as soon as you walk into the yard. Joe Cobb might get stuck during escorting the PC to the NCRCF. Unintentionally overwrote the voiced "yeah" dialog line of Joe Cobb. A chance of CtD when speaking to Eddie. 6. REQUIREMENTS: Old World Blues Honest Hearts Sexout SexoutSCR SexoutTryout SexoutSpunk 7. PLANS AND IDEAS: First of all I have to say that I have very little free time, so I can't guarantee anything. I've been working on this for 2 years at the speed of around 2 days a year. Okay, so here are things I'd like to work on if I have the time - in the order of priority: rework the way the chance of not being able to reject the approach works. Change it so that it works based on lust, charisma and speech of the approaching NPC and appropriate perks, while reducing the dialogue conditions which should lead to better performance. integrate it better with Goodsprings quests. Non violent solutions to the quests. create an integration with Sexout Hookups so that would also take into account the above system. make every approaching PG have a chance of enslaving the PC and leading her to NCRCF. (Not sure how difficult this will be. I might give up on it.) separate all the lust / perks / drugs changes to a new mod My ideas for NCRCF: My ideas for Primm: 8. CHANGELOG: Let me know if you find any bugs or have ideas how to make it better. Submitter ylenard Submitted 03/15/2020 Category Quests Requires Sexout, Sexout Tryout, Sexout Spunk
- 51 replies
Sexout stuck face reset View File Simple plugin, was made by request of some user in discord. What does it do? Tries to fix very common problem with stuck faces after sexout animations. Functions: Automatic animation reset on all participating actors after end of any sexout event. Reset animation on npc in crosshair by a hotkey. (P by default, can be changed in MCM) Requirements xNVSE 6.3+ JIP LN 57+ SexoutNG 2.10.97+ Possible bugs Simultaneous end of multiple sexout events may prevent script from tracking every actor correctly. Submitter Neutron_rus Submitted 06/21/2024 Category Other Requires xNVSE 6.3+ JIP LN 57+ SexoutNG 2.10.97+
Sexout Breeder View File This version contain fixes for almost all content from episodes of the original Sexout Breeder, but the goal was to restore the Deathclaw route, so if you will notice bugs in other episodes, just notify me about that and maybe we can find a way to fix it. Coming back to the Deathclaw route; it has a lot of improvements to storytelling, level design, background stuff and it contains a lot of new content for the story. All Deathclaw route content from Riverside and beyond contain a LOT of sex so PLEASE SAVE OFTEN (casm), because bugs like vanishing NPC's and stuck tokens can happen. If you get lost, you can try to check the walkthrough section. It has walkthroughs for almost for all episodes. (But it does contain spoilers) SHORT DESCRIPTION This plugin features a series of stories and encounters that lead the player to get ambushed (or sometimes tricked) into situations, that lead to impregnation. Usually with the various mutated animals around the mojave. Also features a tiny amount of domination, some player slavery and a hint of (mostly) optional transformations ( including deathclaw, giant ant, bloatfly, wolf, and breast growth). I do not condone any of the explicit concepts explored in this plugin and believe they should remain in the land of fiction. But they are very entertaining to play in a video game, so have fun. INSTALLATION / REQUIREMENTS To install Sexout Breeder successfully you must first install ALL of it's requirements & ALL the requirements of the requirements. After all requirements are installed it's a matter of using your preferred mod manager (MO2, Vortex) to install the full version. Because of size limits, the download comes in 2 parts. Future ESP-updates may come as seperate downloads, to be installed over the big files. Required Mods: NVSE 5.1b2+ JIP LN Plugin 51+ NVSE Extender (aka NX) 16+ 553-nvse-extender-aka-nx (Remove the space between 'file/'and '553' Recommended mods: CASM (For autonomous saving) 4GB solution like or Compatible with: Fertile Breeder - only vanilla w/o of any addons BodyMorph - can be used in lactation, instead of SOB one Incompatible with: New Vegas Bounties (changes to Sexout Breeder locations. player gets stripped of tokens and mutations) NVEC (changes to Sexout Breeder locations) Run The Lucky 38 (changes to Sexout Breeder locations) Solid Project (Users reported an increase in the chances of disappearing actors) WastelandExtended.esp (Removes invisible walls. Causes NavMesh conflicts in Nipton, causing forced dialog to fail triggering - Mod no longer available on Nexus) "For the Enclave" has multiple issues with factions and landscape changes that directly conflict with the Deathclaw episodes. YUP - According to Daniel5152: "Spunk, Pregnancy, SCR, MPO. and Breeder are all working fine, I'm using the latest Breeder esp and I'm getting dialogue boxes after I clean each item in the sheriff's house, So it was YUP that was overwriting Spunk, Pregnancy, Breeder and MPO. If fellow members are still having problems have them re-install the above Mods overwriting everything.and that should fix the issue" Morgan Town places a shack in the middle of the super mutant compound. If you'll find more, please notify me If you have a feeling that a character has stuck SexoutTokens, you can use SexoutSexKey to engage the NPC/Animal in Sex. If it doesn't work, it has a stuck token and you should go back to a save, before it had sex. If you need help with installing, you can follow this guide How to Report a Problem: Frequently Asked Questions: Detailed Description: Note: It is recommended to set your Pregnancy length to at least 3% for bighorners and 7% for bloatflies otherwise weird things can happen. Only set fertility to Player and followers (and future followers), but don't set it to 'all NPC's' as that will remove similated pregnancies from characters and break immersion. Also don't forget to enable pregnancy by animals. Another note: If you would like to contribute to one of these walkthroughs please pm me. I don't necessarily have time to go through each scenario in depth and write a walkthrough for it. Also some of the current walkthrough can be a copy-paste from the older version and be inaccurate. Walkthroughs: The first post/download page is already so big that the walkthroughs didn't fit on them. You can find updated walkthroughs on post #2. MCM short list of new things: New reworked lactation system: For giving your favourite follower some mutations. (Note. Sam can get Deathclaw mutations in game) FUTURE PLANS OF SEXOUT BREEDER: Now about the future of the mod. We (Neutron, 1trevdog1 and Dborg2) have a lot plans for the expanding the deathclaw route as much as you will be complete the game through the deathclaw episodes. But adding all these plans is a daunting task for us, so if you want to help us with continuation of the mod, we will always accept any help that you can give us. Final Notes from Neutron We worked so hard restoring the original content for Deathclaw episodes, by added a lot of new content and restoring the original ones. Dborg2 also helped and still helps me to improve it with new cool dialogs or just more enjoyable additions. It was really hard to make it to a release state. So, I think you will be enjoyed a lot with new stuff that was added during this period of time. We are always looking for more testers for the content, especially the deathclaw content. If you would like to contributed screenshots, walkthroughs or volunteer to test the content or maybe be you want to be a part of us and helping with a new cool ideas and stuff, just pm me or Dborg2. Discord Also, We have an our Discord server for getting any kind of information about the mod, getting support and just random fun stuff. Credits: User29 - Original creator of Sexout Breeder Gamedude711 - For fixing and working at SOB before me and Neutron Neutron_rus - For making it compatible with the latest Sexout versions, for expanding Sexout Breeder and for helping people with modding issues. BAD_Shadow and Whym for ideas, testing and helping with the dialogs. Odessa - for SexoutNG and all its current updates Halstrom - for SCR & Pregnancy Ritualclarity - for tutorial about SCR and stuff (that I never used:cry:) and for his mental support, and just for his supportive words (also for some testing things) pepertje - for some icons and stuff for Sam and for some help on my way to learning Geck, and some correction stuff DoctaSax - for Sexout Spunk and guide about NX variables jazzisparis - for JIP LN NVSE Plugin Nickolos1818 - for original walkthrough for Riverside Takeover, that was updated and added here. Also many thanks to the all testers, that I probably don't remember. Sorry for that. If I missed someone, please, notify me with a pm. Submitter dborg2 Submitted 03/19/2018 Category Quests Requires
This suite includes Sexout V2.352, SexoutSex, SexoutHookupsAlt, SexoutRapers and SmallerTalk. With these mods the player can initiate sex dialogs with any adult NPC , NPC's will approach the player for sex, and NPC's (and creatures) can rape the player or other NPCs. Detailed notes for each file are included below. Sexout.esm- Sexout V2.352 (early 2012) pre-NX, ported to Fallout 3. Sexout Handbook doesn't work, so certain things needed to be set in the scripts. These include: Duration- Set for 22 seconds. Limb Damage- Disabled STD's- Disabled Dressing/Undressing- NPCs always undress and redress, whether consentual or not. Player must always manually redress (despite my best efforts). FOSE required Important- You need to install the .dll files from JoshNZ's Animated Prostitution mod! The anims will not work right without these files. These files should be put in the FO3 folder, not the data folder. Overwrite originals. Also, since we are not using any Common Resources yet, I added a new strapon to Sexout.esm. I did this so any mods generated from this esm will not have to reinvent the wheel (strapon). The strapon itself is one I picked from SCR back then and am just keeping it here. If you don't like it you can replace it with your preferred nif and texture. This also finally fixed the "strapon won't unequip" problem. Since Sexout.esm recognizes the SexoutNGStrapon, unequipping it is now a function of the redressing process. So any mods which want to use the strapon don't need to worry about writing "unequip" code, if they use the built in strapon. SexoutSex.esp- This is a port and modification of the original SexoutSex mod by Bromm83; (ChancellorKremlin has taken stewardship over the NV version), vintage early 2012. I tied up some loose ends to get the threesome working. Then, using Bromm's idea, I added a "twosome with voyeur" option and a "solo with voyeur" option. Here is an outline for how to make things work in SexoutSex: Threesome- Initiate dialog with NPC #1 ("Fine piece of ass..".etc). Then say "The more the merrier...". That starts the threesome dialog. Initiate dialog with NPC #2 ("seriously sinful fun..."). Once both NPCs are recruited, go to where you want the act to take place, they will follow. Assign positions to the NPCs. "You're the one getting it" will be ActorB. "Mouth or Pussy duty" will be actorA. "Ass or pussy" will be actorC. Once assigned, say to actorA or actorB (if you are actorA) :"This looks like a good place to do it". The animation will begin. You can also have a third NPC take your place in a threesome. Once the first two NPCs have been recruited, ask a third NPC to take your place. Assign positions and start sex in the same manner. Unfortunately, once you activate the threesome dialogs, they will remain as options even after you've assigned positions, so try not to mix things up by reassigning an NPC or asking an already assigned NPC to take your place, etc. Twosome with Voyeur- After initiating sex dialog with an NPC, choose "why don't I set you up with someone else" option. The same method applies- recruit NPC #2 with "I've got someone ready to go, you interested?" They will follow. Assign positions- "mouth or pussy" for actorA, "you're getting it" for actorB. Say to actorA "why don't you two put on a show for me?". This will start the action. Solo with Voyeur- After initiating sex dialog, tell NPC that you want to watch them pleasure themselves. They will start wanking. Males are not working for this. I don't think there is an animation in this version. Bugs- ActorB misalignment bug for threesomes is present when Player is not ActorB. Maybe there is a fix I don't know about. SexoutHookupsAlt.esp- Another older version of a great mod by Bromm83. Had to do some tweeking to make things work in FO3. None of the content specific to NV is used (gamblers, etc). This mod simply allows NPCs to approach the player for sex. The original mod had the possibility for threesomes, but I couldn't get it to work. Removed the dialog. If you want threesomes, use SexoutSex dialog. There is an option to ask for caps for sex. The original dialog and layout didn't fit FO3 so I adjusted things here. At this point the spread is from 10 caps to 50 caps, depending on Charisma, Karma and Barter. I'm not saying it's perfect- it may be wrong, but it appears to work OK. There is some randomness.1 SexoutRapers.esp- Despite being obsolete, this is the only Rapers mod I was able to get to work with FO3. The "trick" with this mod is that it is not complete as distributed. That's because the mod relies on content that is in Fallout NV, namely the "NV Raven". The original author of SexoutRapers ingeniously used specially adapted NV Ravens to "point out" the rape victims for the stalker NPCs. Since those elements aren't in FO3, you will have to aquire them yourself. If you have Fallout NV that shouldn't be a problem. If you don't, you'll have to arrange to get them somehow. You only need the "skeleton.nif" file, and the folder named "bakidleanimsbak" which are in the "NV Raven" mesh folder-nothing else . You do not need the Raven body mesh (nvraven.nif) or the textures (delete them or the Ravens will be visible). You just need the skeleton and idle anims. Place them in the same location they occupied in the FalloutNV structure- ...meshes\creatures\NVRaven. The Rapers Handbook works so you can configure this mod how you like it. I suggest that you disable this mod (and the other Sexout content) while going through the initial tutorial in the vault. If you don't, well...hilarity, as well as chaos, may ensue. Bugs- NPCs will sometimes bounce, slide along the ground, stretch or disappear- especially in restricted spaces where there are a lot of meshes to interfere with things. On very rare occasions they may die or disappear from the game. So please save often, especially when you are about to toggle the rapers to be active. SmallerTalk.esp- The NV mod is under the stewardship of Astymma. This is the only mod generated from a recent version. Does what it's supposed to- allows the player to initiate conversation with NPCs. Console activated variables added by Astymma short iVariable1 ;mod enabled or disabled, 0 = OFF, 1 = ON, default = 1 short iVariable2 ;debug messages shown or hidden, 0 = OFF, 1 = ON, default = 0 short iVariable3 ;creature support enabled or disabled, 0 = OFF, 1 = ON, default = 0 short iVariable4 ;conversation enabled or disabled while sneaking, 0 = OFF, 1 = ON, default = 1 short iVariable5 ;timer in seconds 1 to 10, default = 3 short iVariable6 ;companion wheel override, 0=no smaller talk convo after wheel use, 1 = smaller talk convo after wheel use, default = 1 short iVariable7 ;randomized dialogue enabled or disabled, 0 = OFF, 1 = ON, default = 0 These are set via the console by doing set <questid of SmallerTalkVars quest>.iVariableX to Y - - - - - - - - Other issues- Stay away from doors that require a screen load to go through, when initiating sex. Sometimes the NPC will get sucked through the door when the animation starts. If that happens the animation will break and will require a reload. So don't initiate sex as soon as you enter a cell through a doorway- move into the room a little and get some distance between you and the door. I've seen this happen with two NPCs also. Finally, I had to make some choices that work for me but perhaps not for you. I encourage you to learn how to use the GECK, if you don't already know, and mod the files to your liking. It's really not that difficult so give it a try. - - - - - - - How to install- Assuming you have FOSE installed and JoshNZ's .dlls Manual installation only! Extract the files to a separate location. Move the .esm and esp files into the Fallout3\Data folder. The mesh and texture files are a mix of a couple of different versions of Sexout/SexoutNG. They all work together in this version. The NVRaven folder is empty. Move it to the Meshes\Creatures folder. An erect male body is included here, as it was, I think, in the original Sexout. Move it into the Fallout3\meshes\characters\_male folder. That's where you will also place whatever nude female body you want to use (femaleupperbody.nif). Be sure to install the respective textures for your body too. There are a few mesh and texture files to place also, which should be self-explanatory. Don't forget to enable the new files in FOMM (or whatever) and <<toggle archive invalidation>>. These mods were tested on a fresh install of GOTY edition. The only other mods were Dimonized Type3 Body replacer and Breeze's Male Body and Armor mods. It was truly horrible having to play the game with the vanilla walking animations. Arrgghh! But I wanted to keep things clean. I know these mods work if installed properly. Thanks again to Prideslayer for all of the help and encouragement, and also to the other modders who originally created these mods. Note: New upload- SexoutFO3Update.7z. Updated SexoutSex.esp + Duration Time extenders. SexoutNGFO3.7z SOFO3Update.7z
- 243 replies
Introduction This little guide will cover all the basics in order to succesfully install the SexoutNG framework. There will be some pictures to clarify things that might not be clear to some or are sometimes overlooked. This guide assumes that you have succesfully installed the Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) and know how to extract files from an archive. It is possible to install the framework with the Nexus Mod Manager as well, but I strongly recommend sticking with FOMM. I. Download the required files This one should be obvious, if you've read the requirements section of the SexoutNG OP. SexoutNG Data SexoutNG Core NVSE 5.0b2 (it has to be version 4.5 or greater, older versions are not supported) NVSE Extender 16 or higher! Astymma's Compatibility Skeleton (as of SexoutNG '94 a compatibility skeleton is included, which means you don't need to install an extra skeleton) The Mod Configuration Menu Since we are going to use FOMM to install Sexout in this guide, you need to choose "download manually", when downloading the skeleton and MCM from the Nexus. Once you are finished, you should have the following files (the version numbers may change): SexoutNG - Core 2-10-94.fomod SexoutNG - Data 2-10-94.fomod nvse_5_0_beta2.7z NVSE Extender v16.fomod The Mod Configuration Menu-42507-1-5.7z Optional: SexoutNG - Bodies 1-1-1.fomod (Install the bodies, if you don't have any male/female nude bodies installed yet. If you already have nude bodies installed, the game will always choose yours over the ones from sexout) II. Installation First of all, extract all the 7z archives in their own folders. We will start with the SexoutNG main files. In order to install them with FOMM you need to copy all .fomod files to the location of your FOMM installation into the following folder: data/falloutnv/mod. (for instance D:/FOMM/data/falloutnv/mod.) Every other fomod goes into that folder as well. (Alternatively you can select "Add fomod", instead of "Create from folder" in the package manager and add the files that way.) Start up FOMM next and click the package manager button. You will see something like this: If you have other fomods installed, they will appear here as well. In order to install them you need to either select them and click activate or just double-click them. You should see this message and the box next to the file name will be ticked. If it asks you to overwrite files, because you are upgrading, click yes or yes to all. Do this for all the .fomod files you've just downloaded In case you want to use astymma's compatibility skeleton, instead of the skeleton provided by Sexout: Since the the NVSE Extender comes as a .fomod archive now as well, the installation process is the same as for the the Sexout Core and Data files. Move the archive to your FOMM/data/falloutnv/mod folder and activate the package with the package manager. Lastly, we need to put NVSE itself into its right place. To do this you need to copy the contents of the NVSE archive (all the .dlls and the nvse_loader.exe) into the main Fallout New Vegas root directory where the FalloutNV.exe is located. Do NOT put them in the data folder and do NOT install NVSE with FOMM. You don't have to copy the src folder from the NVSE archive as it only contains the source code and isn't required for NVSE to run. Now you're done with the installation of the SexoutNG framework. In order for it to actually do something, you need to install one of the various Sexout plugins. There is a lot to choose from in the Fallout/Sexout download section. Read and follow their installation instructions carefully, as they often have requirements of their own. In case you downloaded a compilation, you should still read the requirements of the individual mods, since some of them cannot be included in compilations. As a matter of fact, you can probably save more time by reading requirements and instructions, as by just downloading a bunch of mods and praying that it works. Troubleshooting a broken game also takes longer than spending a little time reading up on vital information. 90% of support topics in this section are due to the fact that people didn't take that advice.
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This version contain fixes for almost all content from episodes of the original Sexout Breeder, but the goal was to restore the Deathclaw route, so if you will notice bugs in other episodes, just notify me about that and maybe we can find a way to fix it. Coming back to the Deathclaw route; it has a lot of improvements to storytelling, level design, background stuff and it contains a lot of new content for the story. All Deathclaw route content from Riverside and beyond contain a LOT of sex so PLEASE SAVE OFTEN (casm), because bugs like vanishing NPC's and stuck tokens can happen. If you get lost, you can try to check the walkthrough section. It has walkthroughs for almost for all episodes. (But it does contain spoilers) SHORT DESCRIPTION This plugin features a series of stories and encounters that lead the player to get ambushed (or sometimes tricked) into situations, that lead to impregnation. Usually with the various mutated animals around the mojave. Also features a tiny amount of domination, some player slavery and a hint of (mostly) optional transformations ( including deathclaw, giant ant, bloatfly, wolf, and breast growth). I do not condone any of the explicit concepts explored in this plugin and believe they should remain in the land of fiction. But they are very entertaining to play in a video game, so have fun. INSTALLATION / REQUIREMENTS To install Sexout Breeder successfully you must first install ALL of it's requirements & ALL the requirements of the requirements. After all requirements are installed it's a matter of using your preferred mod manager (MO2, Vortex) to install the full version. Because of size limits, the download comes in 2 parts. Future ESP-updates may come as seperate downloads, to be installed over the big files. Required Mods: NVSE 5.1b2+ JIP LN Plugin 51+ NVSE Extender (aka NX) 16+ Recommended mods: CASM (For autonomous saving) 4GB solution like or Compatible with: Fertile Breeder - only vanilla w/o of any addons BodyMorph - can be used in lactation, instead of SOB one Incompatible with: New Vegas Bounties (changes to Sexout Breeder locations. player gets stripped of tokens and mutations) NVEC (changes to Sexout Breeder locations) Run The Lucky 38 (changes to Sexout Breeder locations) Solid Project (Users reported an increase in the chances of disappearing actors) WastelandExtended.esp (Removes invisible walls. Causes NavMesh conflicts in Nipton, causing forced dialog to fail triggering - Mod no longer available on Nexus) "For the Enclave" has multiple issues with factions and landscape changes that directly conflict with the Deathclaw episodes. YUP - According to Daniel5152: "Spunk, Pregnancy, SCR, MPO. and Breeder are all working fine, I'm using the latest Breeder esp and I'm getting dialogue boxes after I clean each item in the sheriff's house, So it was YUP that was overwriting Spunk, Pregnancy, Breeder and MPO. If fellow members are still having problems have them re-install the above Mods overwriting everything.and that should fix the issue" Morgan Town places a shack in the middle of the super mutant compound. If you'll find more, please notify me If you have a feeling that a character has stuck SexoutTokens, you can use SexoutSexKey to engage the NPC/Animal in Sex. If it doesn't work, it has a stuck token and you should go back to a save, before it had sex. If you need help with installing, you can follow this guide How to Report a Problem: Frequently Asked Questions: Detailed Description: Note: It is recommended to set your Pregnancy length to at least 3% for bighorners and 7% for bloatflies otherwise weird things can happen. Only set fertility to Player and followers (and future followers), but don't set it to 'all NPC's' as that will remove similated pregnancies from characters and break immersion. Also don't forget to enable pregnancy by animals. Another note: If you would like to contribute to one of these walkthroughs please pm me. I don't necessarily have time to go through each scenario in depth and write a walkthrough for it. Also some of the current walkthrough can be a copy-paste from the older version and be inaccurate. Walkthroughs: The first post/download page is already so big that the walkthroughs didn't fit on them. You can find updated walkthroughs on post #2. MCM short list of new things: New reworked lactation system: For giving your favourite follower some mutations. (Note. Sam can get Deathclaw mutations in game) FUTURE PLANS OF SEXOUT BREEDER: Now about the future of the mod. We (Neutron, 1trevdog1 and Dborg2) have a lot plans for the expanding the deathclaw route as much as you will be complete the game through the deathclaw episodes. But adding all these plans is a daunting task for us, so if you want to help us with continuation of the mod, we will always accept any help that you can give us. Final Notes from Neutron We worked so hard restoring the original content for Deathclaw episodes, by added a lot of new content and restoring the original ones. Dborg2 also helped and still helps me to improve it with new cool dialogs or just more enjoyable additions. It was really hard to make it to a release state. So, I think you will be enjoyed a lot with new stuff that was added during this period of time. We are always looking for more testers for the content, especially the deathclaw content. If you would like to contributed screenshots, walkthroughs or volunteer to test the content or maybe be you want to be a part of us and helping with a new cool ideas and stuff, just pm me or Dborg2. Discord Also, We have an our Discord server for getting any kind of information about the mod, getting support and just random fun stuff. Credits: User29 - Original creator of Sexout Breeder Gamedude711 - For fixing and working at SOB before me and Neutron Neutron_rus - For making it compatible with the latest Sexout versions, for expanding Sexout Breeder and for helping people with modding issues. BAD_Shadow and Whym for ideas, testing and helping with the dialogs. Odessa - for SexoutNG and all its current updates Halstrom - for SCR & Pregnancy Ritualclarity - for tutorial about SCR and stuff (that I never used:cry:) and for his mental support, and just for his supportive words (also for some testing things) pepertje - for some icons and stuff for Sam and for some help on my way to learning Geck, and some correction stuff DoctaSax - for Sexout Spunk and guide about NX variables jazzisparis - for JIP LN NVSE Plugin Nickolos1818 - for original walkthrough for Riverside Takeover, that was updated and added here. Also many thanks to the all testers, that I probably don't remember. Sorry for that. If I missed someone, please, notify me with a pm. -
View File CORE: 2.10.97 -- 23-December-2016 DATA: 2.10.97 -- 23-December-2016 BODIES: 1.1.1 -- 25-July-2015 MIRROR - SexoutNG.torrent - All files also available via bit torrent. May be faster, and saves loverslab bandwidth. You need a bit torrent client, such as qBitTorrent. Sexout code is hosted here on the GitLab. Please use the Issues link to report confirmed bugs in Sexout, or to ask for features! The sexout BETA can be found here, if there is one. Note that to use the beta, you must still have SexoutNG Core and SexoutNG Data installed. Requirements Fallout New Vegas. Should be obvious, but a few people have tried to use it with Fallout 3 (works with TTW). NVSE 5.0b2 or later; This is now the stable version. NX 16 or later (NVSE Extender) SexoutNG - CORE and DATA. SexoutNG - Bodies OR Nude male and/or female bodies manually installed, see spoiler below. Since '94, a compatible skeleton (AJ's BodyMorph) is included with 'Core'. Astymma's compatability or Deede's The Skeleton will also work if you prefer. Known issues FAQ / Troubleshooting - Read this before posting support questions First, please read the requirements section above carefully. The game doesn't even start, it freezes before main menu! ==> Usually corrupted plugin. Disable all plugins except Sexout. If it works, sexout is innocent. If not, validate your install via STEAM, and try downloading sexout again. The game starts, but sex doesn't work! ==> Did you install NVSE? Press '~' to open the console in game, and type GetNVSEVersion. If it does not return a number you did not install it correctly. Check the instructions for it and try again. ====> GetNVSEVersion works! ....but I also get this annoying message box appearing every time I start game! ======> Maybe try reading it . You have not installed the requirements correctly. Sexout requires NVSE 5.0 or later, and NX 16 or later. It will not work without them. See above for links. ~~~> But I installed NVSE and NX! =====> No. You didn't. There are no exceptions. If you think you did, you installed them wrong, check their own respective instructions and try again. ==> ...Okay, NVSE and NX installed. Uhhh, how do I actually start sex? ====> Sexout is just a framework for other mods to use. It does nothing on its own. Try installing some sexout mods. ==> ...I have sexout mods, but the actors just stand still inside each other! (maybe with sounds) ====> Usually a conflicting mod that adds idle animations in an inconsiderate way. Disable all mods except sexout. If it works, enable them one by one to figure out which is guilty. More info: ==> I definitely definitely definitely disabled all mods except FalloutNV.esm and Sexout.esm, and actors still stand inside each other but no animations! ====> Did you install 'SexoutNG - DATA'? Because, that's where the animations are. ======> Yes, with NMM! ========> Use FOMM. NMM has known issues with Fallout New Vegas mods in general. Animations work, except... ==> Infinity tits! ====> You do not have a compatible skeleton installed correctly. See requirements section ==> Infinity dicks! ====> You do not have a compatible skeleton installed correctly, or you do not have a compatible male body suit installed. See requirements / Bodies section above. ==> Invisible male bodies / big red boxes‽‽ ====> You do not have meshes for one or both of the sexout body suits installed. Either install "SexoutNG - Bodies" or manually add them- see the spoiler in the requirements section above for more information. More Useful Posts: How to GET HELP!! Help us help you. RitualClarity's tutorial on animation trouble BruceWaynes installation guide Another Sexout FAQ Modders: - Want to make your own sexout mod? (or modify an existing one). First stop is the API guide. See also: Tips and Tricks. - See the Gitlab project for more info on sexout status, or if you want to contribute. - API documentation is a WIP, if you can't find/understand something, please post here on loverslab. License: Sexout is free. Free as in BSD license free, except even freer. This work is public domain. Do whatever the hell you want to do with it. You can even upload it to some other site and claim to be the creator, but that's bad karma, and when it comes back 'round you'll regret the decision. Release History Submitter Odessa Submitted 12/29/2013 Category Framework & Resources Requires NVSE 5.0+, NX 16+, FOMM, reading instructions
Ok, I'm a bit confused with all the downloads. Which of the SexoutNG files do I need for all the mods? Are core, data, and bodies the only files I need or is there an extra in the 8 files? Because it says those three are the requirements and the only other file I'm seeing is the torrent. Is the torrent also part of the required files?
Version 1.0.1
Simple plugin, was made by request of some user in discord. What does it do? Tries to fix very common problem with stuck faces after sexout animations. Functions: Automatic animation reset on all participating actors after end of any sexout event. Reset animation on npc in crosshair by a hotkey. (P by default, can be changed in MCM) Requirements xNVSE 6.3+ JIP LN 57+ SexoutNG 2.10.97+ Possible bugs Simultaneous end of multiple sexout events may prevent script from tracking every actor correctly. -
I dont know what i changed or did to have this happen, nor how to reverse it. I think it might have happened after building meshes in bodylabs. I tried doing a fresh install of all mods and swapping from FOMM to MO2 but the issue prevails. Load order: 0 0 FalloutNV.esm 1 1 DeadMoney.esm 2 2 HonestHearts.esm 3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm 4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm 5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm 6 6 ClassicPack.esm 7 7 MercenaryPack.esm 8 8 TribalPack.esm 9 9 CaravanPack.esm 10 a Sexout.esm 11 b SexoutCommonResources.esm 12 c SexoutPregnancyV3.esm 13 d Maternity Pack Overkill.esp 14 e SexoutOffSpring.esm 15 f SexoutDrugging.esm 16 10 NCR CF - Sexout.esp 17 11 SexoutStore.esm 18 12 Rule the world.esm 19 13 UnethicalDeeds.esm 20 14 Kidnapped by Fiends.esm 21 15 HumanTrafficking.esm 22 16 Precious Companion.esp 23 17 RivensVendor.esm 24 18 jokristinascloset.esm 25 19 SexoutBreeder.esp 26 1a SexoutSlavery.esm 27 1b SexoutTryout.esm 28 1c AltStart.esm 29 1d SexoutWorkingGirl.esp 30 1e MPO scriptaddon AllDLC.esp 31 1f RemoveWorkstationNeeds.esp 32 20 SexoutAnimManagement.esp 33 21 SexoutPosNew.esp 34 22 UDeedsExtension.esp 35 23 Slave In Pose NV Plus.esp 36 24 Shake-The-Dope-Out.esp 37 25 SexoutSpunk.esp 38 26 SexoutLust - anyHUD.esp 39 27 Sexout-kidnapped-by-fiends.esp 40 28 Sexout Rule The World.esp 41 29 SmallerTalk.esp 42 2a bzArmour.esp 43 2b HumanTraffickingEX.esp AzarGypsyOutfits.esp AzarGypsyOutfits_Malika.esp 44 2c GypsyOutfitsNV.esp 45 2d HumanTraffickingPS.esp 46 2e K2SissySlutRaces.esp 47 2f RTW Quick start Goodsprings.esp RTW Quick start Megatown.esp 48 30 RTW Catch the slaves.esp 49 31 Tutorial Killer.esp 50 32 DisableDLCLoadedMessages.esp 51 33 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp 52 34 MojaveDelight.esp 53 35 DIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL.esp 54 36 SunnyCompanion.esp T6M Competition Swimsuit.esp 55 37 T6M CH Raider Armor.esp SexyCorsets.esp 56 38 NVRefugee Outfits.esp SCS - CombatArmour.esp 57 39 RaiderChains.esp 58 3a tkEyelashesFNV.esp 59 3b tkEyelashesFNV_FemalesOnly.esp 60 3c hz_Dead Is Dead.esp 61 3d WeaponModsExpanded.esp 62 3e NevadaSkies.esp
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But everytime I load in I crash. I'm using NX 16 so I can play sexout but it gives me the message plugin c:\gog games\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\nvse_extender_ng.dll (00000001 Extensions for NVSE 00000010) reported as incompatible during query I have the FOMM it says I need for it. crashes every time it boots.
For whatever reason the opitions for sexoutsex dont show up. i dont know if its supposed to be in the mod configuration menu but if it is it doesnt. my load order v.txt
Hey-ho, people of LoversLab. So, this is my first time using Sexout and I seem to have gotten everything at least... 95% right on the first try. There's just one issue I've bumped into, and after that, it's nothing but a simple request for information. So, #1. I ran into an issue when trying to reward my Nightstalker companion for saving my rather-toned ass more than a few times. So, using Sexkey, I went over to them, hit X and initiated sexytimes. My character animated just fine, Nightstalker aligned just fine, even moved back-and-forth with the... actions that were supposed to be happening on their end. Basically, my character, fine. Lovin' life, enjoying it. Nightstalker? In the right position, but not playing the humping animation, just sitting there with its usual idle animations. Albeit, sliding back and forth as if pounding was actually taking place. Now, there are two things I personally thought of that might have something to do with this. The first being that this is a non-vanilla Nightstalker (just meaning it was put there by a mod, nothing else weird like a new model or animations or anything), and that may have done something fucky-wucky when trying to get down and dirty with it. I didn't go out and see if normal Nightstalkers worked properly or not because... well this is a new save and I haven't discovered Bloodbourne Cave yet. (/lazy) The second being, maybe the companion is tagged as female? On the mod's page, the creator refers to her as "she", so I was thinking maybe, they went the extra step and tagged her as female in the game itself, and maybe that's what's causing the animation to not play right. In which case, I can just ignore her and go fuck a different Nightstalker. I have a problem with this theory, however, being that, one, I'm not sure if that's... a thing you can do with creatures (I don't make mods), and two, the animation on a whole went through, the Nightstalker just wasn't animating properly. Here's a link to the mod for reference btw: Shadow Night Stalker Companion at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community ( A few months ago when I was looking in to Sexout, I did a little searching to see if you could even fuck Nightstalkers at all. (I'm weird, yes, this fact was a major selling point for me.) While doing so, I did come across a few forum posts talking about how Nightstalkers behaved weirdly since they're different from the basic canines and other things along those lines, so I wanted to make this post to see if something went wrong on my end, being missing animation files, wack installation, etc., or if it just so happens that Nightstalkers in particular are finnicky and need every last parameter to be exactly correct. I'm not new to messing with mods, so if there's some Nightstalker animation file I'm missing or whatever, I should be able to slap that in my game and make it go. Any help is appreciated though! Concern #2 No comments or questions about animations not playing or anything here. This one's a lot more simple. I installed Sexout largely so, if I felt like it, I could go to a private place and do the dirty with what I felt like (particularly Nightstalkers). Pretty simple request, nothing much. When I was going through the configuration settings for Sexout, I noticed there were options for messing with the timers for when someone's being "forced to do something", we'll say. (The hard R-word is a sensitive item for me, never liked hearing about it, much less seeing it.) But there were no tick-boxes I saw to disable this kind of thing. So, I was wondering if a "SexLab Defeat" sort-of thing is a part of Sexout (or SCR) integrally, or if I'm good to carry on without fear and there's no way for the events to actually occur. If it's the latter, cool, no issues here, you can ignore this second section. If it's the former, I'd like to know if there was some way to disable that part of Sexout specifically. Because: #1 - Like I said, I hate when only one of the active parties is willing to have sex. #2 - I have roommates, and it'd be pretty awkward if I got knocked down by a Deathclaw or something right as one of them walked in. TL;DR Concern #1 - Nightstalker, specifically, is not animating properly. Just sliding back and forth with the normal idle animation playing. Concern #2 - Is a SL Defeat-esque plugin integral to Sexout/Sexout Common Resources? If so, is there any way to disable it? All I wanna do is take a break from adventuring every once in a while to go enjoy some hanky-panky with whomever or whatever, so if that can be attained. Cool beans!
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I was trying to start one of the quests in Sexout: Breeder in a new playthrough and none of the characters are interacting properly, I used the sexkey mod to try and force it with other characters around the world- and even completely restarted with nothing but the sexout mods but it doesn't seem to be working. I activated debug mode and got this readout: Sexout Legacy Begin (2015-11-23): Started for Bro (12039EA6) Converting SexoutNG Quest Call SexoutActRunFull (v2016-02-13) Called by: 0A0C1A3D **Dumping Array #2 Refs: 2 Owner 0A: Sexout.esm [actorA]: Bro (12039EA6) [actorB]: Courier (00000014) SexoutActRunFull: Aborting, Bro is not the the uGrid SexoutActRunFull: Aborting, actor is invalid, code: 1 I've also attached my load order just to see if you guys can make heads or tails of it- it's prolly a simple solution and I'm just being a dumbass but still. LoadOrder.txt
Hello,anyone knows how to fix this and what may causing this problem? This happens after sex scene and after restarting game face is coming back to normal. This can also happens with NPCs
I don't! lol. How do I make it stop? I downloaded the "Milkman" mod and I can't talk to the dude I'm supposed to talk to because every time I try and speak to him he just asks me if I want a dance, so I can't get any further in the quest. I had this same problem with a couple of the NPCs from some MikeBurnFire's quest mod, I don't remember how I fixed it. I've tried disabling Sexout Tryout, disabling Sexout Soliciting, I have no idea what is causing these slutty men to be bombarding my game. I don't want to disable Sexout entirely or even temporarily because I'm trying to get my character pregnant and I don't want to disrupt that. Ahhh?!?!?!
Sexout Bondage Keys Dom View File This is a file containing a series of hotkeys to access Sexout bondage animations. Most of these are ZAZ animations. Aim your crosshairs at an NPC and press either the P, O, I, H, or B keys to begin one of the following animations. P = Pillory animations O = Whip animations I = Toy animations H = Cross animation B = Box animations Using the cross animation on an NPC will lasts 1 minute and will cause 100 limb damage to both legs for this mod. Credits ZAZ for the animations XanderVirtus and RitualClarity as this mod is based on Sexout KissKey and Sexout Sexkey Submitter BOS_111 Submitted 06/30/2022 Category Framework & Resources Requires
Sexout Bondage Keys Sub View File This is a file containing a series of hotkeys to access Sexout bondage animations where an NPC punishes the player. Most of these are ZAZ animations. Aim your crosshairs at an NPC and press a hotkey (set to P, O, I, H, or B by default) to begin one of the following animations. P = Pillory animations O = Whip animations I = Toy animations H = Cross animation B = Box animations Using the cross animation on an NPC will last 30 seconds and cause 100 limb damage to both legs for this mod. This mod is MCM compatible, so you can customize the hotkeys to whatever keys you like. Credits ZAZ for the animations XanderVirtus and RitualClarity as this mod is based on Sexout KissKey and Sexout Sexkey Bugs Make sure to make a HARD SAVE with your customized MCM hotkeys settings at least once so that your sexoutbondagekeys hotkeys don’t reset to “<no key>”. This does NOT affect any other MCM settings outside of sexoutbondagekeys hotkeys. If your SexoutBondageKeys hotkeys have stopped working, go to the MCM and see if your hotkeys are set to “<no key>”. If they are set to <no key>, just customize your hot keys again and remember to make to a HARD SAVE with your customized hotkeys settings. Your hotkeys will NOT reset to <no key> once you’ve made a hard save with customized hotkeys. However, older saves might still be affected. Again, just make sure to make a new hardsave with your customized hotkeys to solve the problem for older saves. Submitter BOS_111 Submitted 07/19/2022 Category Framework & Resources Requires
Hello! I cant find any ingame evidence of pregnancy working properly. The mod appears in the ingame mod manager. The game loads and plays with no other issues besides this, im assuming something isn't loading properly but i dont know what to reinstall/ redo. Upon opening the package manager i get the following errors: Loadorder below Thanks in advance