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These Skyrim mods are of a non-adult nature.

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  1. wonder woman gal gadot follower

    Wonder Woman is a 2017 American superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It is the fourth installment in the DC Extended Universeshe is a stand alone
    She is in  whiterun Arcadia's Cauldron
    SG Female Eyebrows by Hello Santa


    KS Hairdos – Renewal by Kalilies and Stealthic


    The Eyes Of Beauty by Gabriel Mailhot as LogRaam


    Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy


    RaceMenu by Expired


    Creation Kit
    classic armor at  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25028/?
    or at 
    wonder woman amazonian costume at...https://drive.google.com/.../1_hzMnh.../view if wonder woman amazonian costume doesn't show up in game close out hit Skyrim icon on desktop click on Options, hit advanced, set  texture Quality to high and it should work fine  Manage
      wonder woman gal gadot  racemenu preset       https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89074



  2. The Weapons Madness Alice

    dis juste avant: merci pour votre soutien, c'est vous qui êtes génial!
    S'il vous plaît aussi lire!
    "bonjour! maintenant ce mod ne sera pas aussi simple, car il va falloir que vous trouviez les bons ingrédients pour fabriquer vos armes, mais pas n'importe où, en travaillant selon votre logique, et la récompense sera là!"
     you can use : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64905
    ************************************************* *
    "La valeur des dégâts de l'arme n'est pas celle montrée dans les captures d'écran, j'ai un anneau qui améliore les avantages"
    ************************************************* *
    Pas de DLC !!!
    Les taches de sang couvrent toute l'arme, si l'arme le peut, et sera recouverte de sang dans un désordre aléatoire.
    Tous les modèles peuvent être fabriqués! Ne dites pas qu'ils ne peuvent pas parce que j'ai vérifié plusieurs fois.
    Questions et informations connues
    -Textures N'apparaissent pas
    -Problèmes avec crafting- (corrigé)
    -Peut-être des problèmes Be Havok (corrigé)
    -Peut contribuer à un accident dans Skyrim v1.5 (corrigé)
    -Je n'arrive pas à trouver les armes (lire, c'est amusant, et trouver les objets nécessaires)
    -Textures Un peu granuleuse (Blame the Unreal Engine et est la cause des textures défectueuses)
    -l'arme est si grande (pas bonne)
    -L’arme est laide (C’est une machine à tuer, d’un jeu fou, elle n’a pas besoin d’être très belle)
    -L'ombre / lumière peut apparaître en arrière / inversé (je l'ai vue et je suis sûre d'avoir corrigé)
    -L'arme est dans mon personnage (l'arme a été conçue selon un standard et une position différente de celle du jeu d'origine, et un personnage totalement différent)
    -L'arme Is OP (fixe)
    -La recette est retardée (nous sommes tous fous ici)
    Du sang rouge vif apparaît n'importe où sur l'arme (à dessein)
    -De sang rouge vif comme un peu "pixelisé" (obtenez de nouvelles textures de sang et c'est parce que j'étire les textures de sang du jeu sur tout le pistolet)
    -Hystérie semble un peu étrange à la lumière (ceci est voulu par la conception, mais seulement testé dans un éclairage réaliste et est supposé simuler l'effet de sang, mais peut sembler étrange)
    Ce sont les armes du jeu Alice: Madness Returns, un jeu génial, tordu et très sanglant.
    J'ai mis ces modèles dans le jeu parce que je ne trouvais pas où chercher, alors j'ai décidé de faire l'effort de le faire, la frustration massive et pleine de surf, tutoriel sans valeur, etc. etc. Alors oui, c'est un modèle de conversion de le jeu, pas aussi réussi que je voulais, je sais.
    Hobby Horse participation ooCroftyoo modèles XNAlara et, par défaut, Max et Blender et les textures principales.
    Modèles vorpal, modèle Sceptre et modèle utilisant Scythe: ooDemonBoyoo pour XNAlara et, par défaut, Max et Blender et les textures principales.
    Les six armes Daedric d’origine Hobby Horse peuvent être fabriquées en forge (avantages demandés) et ne comportent aucun enchantement (les recettes sont un peu bizarres), tandis que mon arme aléatoire contient l’enchantement Molag Bal et ne peut être acquise à l’aide de divers ingrédients?, savez-vous où trouver les autres de la même manière). Non, ils ne sont nulle part dans le jeu et, à ma connaissance, ne sont vendus par aucun fournisseur.
    Les Vorpals sont un style de jeu normal, la version Hysteria, le DLC de Cleaver et deux lames conceptuelles initiales offrant une expérience qui ne peut être acquise que par le biais de commandes de console. Tous les modèles, à l'exception du Cleaver, sont actuellement des épées et des poignards, ce qui signifie malheureusement qu'il s'agit de deux éléments portant le même nom. La façon de les distinguer est de savoir comment ils sont gainés, les poignards sont en or 13, l'épée pèse plus. De plus, les recettes d'artisanat sont différentes. ils ne sont nulle part dans le jeu et, à ma connaissance, ne sont vendus par aucun vendeur.
    Les trois armes supplémentaires sont le sceptre de la reine de cœur, la faux du bourreau et une copie de la texture de la faux.
    Pour ceux qui ne savent pas comment. commande²` et tapez "help [nom de l'arme de mot]", puis utilisez PageUp et PageDown pour trouver la valeur correcte et tapez player.additem [numérique] [montant], qui est ensuite ajouté à votre inventaire.
    Les armes ont des valeurs de dégâts différentes, en raison de la hiérarchie du jeu, la sortie de DLC étant légèrement inférieure à la version Hysteria-mode. Les noms d'armes sont inventés, ils pourraient avoir des noms officiels, mais je ne sais pas comment changer.
    contient actuellement
    Cheval-passe-temps (niveau 1)
    Peinte de rose (niveau 2)
    -Ashes (Tier3)
    Cheval - Blanc (Niveau 4, Non, je n'ai pas choisi White Knight)
    - Nightmare (DLC)
    -Hystérie (mode d'hystérie, effet vraiment cool du sang, mais les cheveux sont abîmés à cause de Blender)
    -Design Nightmare (juste une texture aléatoire mélange intéressant à regarder)
    (Tous sauf les vorpals de couperet ont deux modèles!)
    -Lame vorpale
    -Bord -Vorpal (Hystérie, oui, je viens d'ajouter la référence)
    -Couteau -Vorpal (modèle préliminaire préliminaire)
    -LOST Vorpal Knife (variante du modèle original)
    -Vorpal Cleaver (DLC, Mon préféré: P)
    -Keen (Pourrait être op)
    -Sceptre de coeurs (le sceptre de la reine de coeurs)
    -Last UNBIRTHDAY (la faux du bourreau est très grande)
    -Le dernier train (Sythe retexturize)
    -et un poignard cool qui ne doit pas être nommé parce que vous pouvez le trouver dans Whiterun
    un peu d'aide: des vêtements sanglants: dans les camps et sombrages militaires de la Légion ou pour les plus aventureux parmi les vampires
    -le chou et le lapin c'est facile, un peu de chasse!
    -Les pelles dans les mines
    -les livres partout, sauf à l'Académie des Bards ou des mages de la cour, à la Winterhold arcanéum
    -le Wabbajack: fais la quête-oui!
    Maintenant amusez-vous!
    Regardez les captures d'écran, il y a beaucoup de réponses!
    et désolé pour mon mauvais anglais.
    -LIRE LA DESCRIPTION FREAKING. Peut-être que votre réponse est là.
    -Si vous êtes irrespectueux, je ne vous aiderai pas. Et, je vais supprimer votre post. Être respectueux.
    -Si votre commentaire est vraiment ennuyeux, il est signalé.
    -N'attends pas de moi que je répare magiquement ton jeu de la distance. mes mods fonctionnent avec les mods compatibles listés dans la description. Je peux essayer de vous aider, mais je ne suis pas un assistant et je ne vois pas ce que vous avez fait à votre ordinateur, à votre jeu ou à votre mod, ni à la liste complète des mods que vous utilisez, et à ce que chacun d'eux fait. Et si je vous réponds, ce sera avec une désinformation absolue. Alors faites vos devoirs. Je ne vais pas vous garder.
    -Les commentaires annonçant d'autres mods seront supprimés.
    -Je suis un bon gars mais si vous l'êtes!



  3. Skyrim´s DOA5 Alluring Mandarin Dresses CBBE/HDT & UUNP/HDT & SMP BodySlide & OutfitStudio

    SKYRIM´S DOA 5 "Alluring Mandarin Dresses Set"  for CBBE HDT & UUNP HDT   
    Dear LoversLab Community!
    I don´t play DOA 5 but I felt in love with the dresses, which came out in the past as an DLC-add-on for that game:
    The "Alluring Mandarin Dresses"
    And so I dived into the "ocean" of SMP and broken stuff, which I tried to get working for my gameplay.
    After some month I felt quite well using SMP-physics ingame and I use it as a standard now. If it is used
    wisely, you can enjoy SMP-items together with HDT-items side by side and without big issures. Nothing
    inside of skyrim is perfect but it´s mostly an eyecandy chance, to use clothing with such a natural behavior
    inside the game.
    The result is this mod, which has a really fine sorted clothing for all SMP-PE and long-dress-enthusiasts.
    Thanks go to:
    CPU (for the very nice NiOverride-Guide, without him, the models would not have get heels ´n´ pumps)
    If this SMP-physics would not work inside of Bodyslide, I would not spend a second to try to create clothing
    like this, so my "love" for BodySlide is more important to me, then an item which works with SMP-PE.
    But this is herewith all possible if you follow to some sort of rules, which I will describe here for all of you,
    who like to create BodySlide SMP-PE-Clothing in future: It WORKS with all the skirt and "top"-items as well.
    If you have clippings with your body-shape or if you want again to change the project file,
    refer to the following steps, please:
    UUNP- Versions:
    1. Start Bodyslide and then Outfit-Studio
    2. Load the reference-file, which you like to change and load it by "import nif" /"import outfit"
    3. Click on the UNP-Body which comes with the dress and LOAD the reference (UNP HDT-body)
    4. Make sure that the UNP-Body is choosen, the new incoming item is named now "refUNP" and marked in green color,
        click onto the UNP-Body which came with the clothing and confirm all sliders - then you male the UNP-BODY,
        which has now taken over the sliders your new reference (It will become green then)
    5. DELETE the "refUNP"-body, then choose all clothing items, !! but NOT the ground- and the feet-dummies!!
        then confirm again all sliders!!
    6. Make your changes on the clothing (please refer to a guide for bodyslide if you are not sure how to do this).
    7. Store the project: !!! Take care about the correct folders: You can make a screen copy of the original "save-project"-window
       of bodyslide and keep striktly to that structure again-if there´s a mistake, you will get in troubles and the mod gets damaged.
    8. Don´t change the reference-file´s nif-contence. If this is being changed once, you may get a texture-chaos inside of this mod´s items.
    Why is that necessary?
    This workaround (top 1-8) is taking care, that the SMP-Skeleton, which is necessary for the dresses´ physics,
    is prepared for Bodyslide to become created inside the mesh-folder:
    meant are the *_0.nif and the *_1.nif - data files,  which are used for BodySlide to create homogen body-weighting ingame.
    Outfit-Studio is loading the project always with the common BodySlide-Skeleton,
    which is not working with SMP - so that´s why we have to take care, that the specific skeleton is
    used for this mod. In other words: every time you are loading the project files of the three main dresses-files,
    you have to take care for the above workaround to keep the mod working !
    CBBE-Versions: (if you want to create a new  set from the reference-files, go from step 1-4, then 5 to 8,
    if you want to edit an existing project, please start at "EDIT")
    1. Start Bodyslide and then Outfit-Studio
    2. Load the reference-file, which you like to change and load it by "import nif" /"import outfit"
    3. LOAD the reference (CBBE HDT-body)
    4. The New reference-body is named "BaseShape" and is in green color. Select the CBBE body of the loaded clothing and it´s other contence but
        NOT the "feet and the virtual ground!!, then confirm all sliders.
    or:    "EDIT" :   Load the project-file of the clothing into Outfit-Studio, which you like to EDIT and go down to step 5-8 with the workaround...
    5. Make your bodyslide-work and edit your shape of the clothing (look for a BodySlide Guide, please!).
    6. Store the project: !!! Take care about the correct folders: You can make a screen copy of the original "save-project"-window
       of bodyslide and keep striktly to that structure again-if there´s a mistake, you will get in troubles and the mod gets damaged.
    7. Don´t change the reference-file´s nif-contence. If this is being changed once, you may get a texture-chaos inside of this mod´s items.
    8. For normal it´s now possible to load again the project in the normal way, like with a normal item, which has no different skeleton:
        Recalling a project should be working without the first 4 steps, simply load your project and edit your clothing and then store it again-this should work !
    By this work-around, the clothing is stored with 2 different bodies: the cbbe and the "base shape" - body are both inside the clothing files. As the CBBE is quite "light",
    this procedure is not very important to the gameplay. I did not either find an alternate for this action and it´s advantage seems to be the comfortable and common working
    with Outfit-Studio: in this case the reference-files are not necessary and can be used in that case, if some trouble appears.
    This mod is using the NI-Override-Heels-mod. Please download and install it for a full function for the high-heels.
    This mod uses new animations for the FAN and the parasol. Please run FNIS after the installation and make sure it has installed the files correctly.
    BUT THOSE EFFECTS ARE NOT SERIOUS AT ALL. (maybe an update can solve this in future.....by some conditions)
    This Is, What You Need:
    Ni-Override / Heels
    HDT-Physics Extension
    Skyrim SMP-PE-Path 0528
    BodySlide & Outfit-Studio 
    -Mandarin Dress "Long" in 6 versions, one as "latex-black"
    -Mandarin Dress (normal length) in 9 versions, one as "latex-black" with gloves and stockings ´n´ pumps, one beggar and one barkeeper-version
    -two different mask-sizes for different hairs, white and green for the "LISA"-Dress
    -two pairs of fans, for the nyotengu-normal-sized-black-version and for the nyotengu-short-version, useable as single or left-and-right-hand-equipped, the right hand fan   can  also be used together with the torch
    -a parasol, which can be used together with one fan or alone
    -Mandarin Dress "Short" in 7 different styles
    -hair-flowers for their suiting dresses 
    -wrist-decoration for their suiting dresses
    ENJOY !!!
    SMP-PE-Path Installation: 
    A) Difficult Installation (which is manually):
    If you did not use SMP before, please install the file with that name by using your installer (not ideal from my Point of view) - because- (this will exchange the existing hdtPhysicsExtensionDefaultBBP.xml !!) or by manual installation: Extract in this case the packed file and put the data to it´s correct folder inside of the skyrim´s SKSE / PLUGINS - folder, where you find the hdtPhysicsExtensions. Save the old data perhaps into a little folder named: "old" and put the new files into that folder (SKSE/PLUGINS). This should be no problem and you wont damage any of existing data and you can easily return if things are totally messing up, expect against. This "extension" maybe is overwriting an edited version of the hdtPhysicsExtensionDefaultBBP.xml - file: Pay attention and save your personally used and beloved HDT-BBP-file. I personally took my edited one for slower breast-physics and I did not get into problems. I suggest to exchange the one, which comes by this pack and replace it with the one which you have used BEFORE (which came from the HDT-Physics or which has been installed by BodySlide or which you obtained from other modders).
    This will keep your Breast-Butt-Physics (HDT-Physic-File which I highlighted here yellow) alive and won´t overwrite it with the one, which is coming with the SMP-PE-PATH (which has no working BBP).
    After the installation of the SMP-PE-PATH, your system is ready for all the wanted mods, which do support SMP-PE  and HDT and both are working from now on side by side !!
    Last tip for SMP-clothing-modders:
    IF you create own ***.xml-files for your own SMP-Clothing, you may keep in mind to work always with "," instead of "." between decimal-numbers (inside of the *.XML-files). 
    B) Easy Installation (by using your Mod-Manager)
    You can surround this manual installation by using an edited version of the SMP-PE-PATH, which simply doesn´t contain the hdtPhysicsExtensionDefaultBBP.xml - file anymore. This may prevent all users, who can´t get into details like I described inside of  the above SMP-PE-PATH-INSTALLATION from a Manual Installation.
    I guess that all the mod-managers can install the path with this edited file: "smp-pe path 0528-without the BBP-file.rar" , which is also available inside the download-section of this mod, quite easy and without overwriting the existing BBP-file!
    You are welcomed to "change" or add contence to this mod into your desired "direction"
    and share it same way on LoversLab for FREE. If you sadly use partreon, I strongly suggest to
    keep your hands away from this mod!
    I don´t like to see this mod making money  which means:
    please do no upload to NEXUS or other pages, who make their indirect or direct $$$ with mods.
    LoversLab is excluded, because it´s the mod´s HOMEPAGE and because it´s our "residence-platform" and
    I do still believe and fully confirm with the older and healthy "model":      " m o d d i n g    f o r    f r e e "
    I globaly don´t make money with modding and because of this aspect,
    I await that this mods don´t becomes otherwise a "money-machine" or somehow "patreon-used" or "sponsored".
    This principle maybe keeps some mods clean from business.



  4. Arrow-in-the-knee and other stuff you never missed in Skyrim

    Now that I became a contributer it is time to contribute something....
    It has been a long time since i have been working with 3DS Max, so I decided to start with something simple.
    An arrow in the knee.... 
    For all those poor guards who used to be an adventurer like me


    Ysgramor's soup spoon: It's a fork... You can use it as a dagger.
    Arrow in the Shield: A little request...
    Battle Brooms: Brooms and other strange forms of selfdefense...



  5. Lintra the Spearmaiden

    I am releasing an open beta (as all my mods are ) version of Lintra the Spearmaiden follower.
    Screenshots are not up to date as they do not show warpants. I will soon add face and body textures without warpaints too.
    I am still looking for someone who can help me with body warpaint (I am not satisfied with what I have made).
    If someone is interested, please, let me know.
    If someone knows how to make the custom animation version of the mode use FNIS instead of AddAnimationTool, please let me know too.
    I am going to continue to work on this mod in order to add more custom animations for Lintra and Aetis. I will give a small shield to Lintra and I will probably change Aetis' outfit (to make it look more practical). So it is unrecommended to merge this beta version into any compilation of follower mods.
    It is a follower mod based on the preset of one my characters.
    Lintra has a unique spear, unique armor and a living dragon on her shoulder. In combat the dragon becomes much lager and fights as a companion to the spearmaiden (not to the player). In interior cells the dragons transforms into a girl - Aetis - who uses only dragon shouts in combat. Aetis has a custom outfit as well.
    Lintra can be found in Whiterun in the Warmaden's.
    You should intstall and execute this Add Anim Data Tool with my Lintra.lis file (included in the archive).
    AddAnimDataTool is very simple to use and very light weight. 
    Instructions are here:
    The main thing is to set your Skyrim data path in the  [Config 01] section of the Config file
    Then drop this .lis file in ANIMLIST folder.
    Close ALL other open folders and execute AddAnimData as administrator.
    If you do not want to bother with all that then just install the vanilla animations version.
    HDT Physics Extentions
    NiOverride (you have it if you have Racemenu)
    And (recomended but not absolutely required) this (if you want the brads to work properly):
    HDT Plugins 2018
    A hell lot of assets from other mods have been used in order to make this mod. I have asked all the authors of all the assets for thier permissions. If anyone of these modders does not want their assets to be used in this mod, please, let me know. I will remove them from the mod as soon as I can.
    I would like to thank all the people who contributed directly or indirectly to the creation of this mod. I will soon make a full list of related authors and mods.
    For now I just put here the references to the accounts of people who had REALLY helped me A LOT:
    crazylion – for the spear and the bracelet, his inexhaustible patience, for his help in many aspects and readiness to help, to explain and to give advice; there are great unique models of weapons, shields and other things by crazylion here and here.
    AltheaR – for the Breathing Rose, for his inexhaustible patience, for his help with animated dragon and Blender and readiness to help, to explain and to give advice;
    Azazells - for his help with Aetis' transformation scripts and for the modified Lintra's boots and bothe versions of the dagger as well as for his readiness to help, to explain and to give advice;
    Anton0028 - for his help with Aetis' transformation scrips and readiness to help, to explain and to give advice;
    Artsick – for her help in many aspects, readiness to help, suggestions;
    chickmetalhead – for thorough alphatesting;
    OBSIDIANSHADE - for thorough alphatesting;
    SomeDragonbornGuy - for thorough alphatesting;
    The following list will be completed later: 
    Tean TAL - for the BDO armor pack;
    Gomaperopero – for the armor I used in Aetis' outfit;
    Caliente – for the fantastic Bodyslide Outfit Studio;
    NickaNak - for the Animated Armoury;
    LL community – for support and interest in my follower mod.
    Version history:
    beta 06beta – open beta initial release
    beta 07beta - modified Lintra's boots;
                            changed Aetis's shoes;
                            modified (a bit) Aetis' outfit to make it compatible with the new shoes;
                            Aetis has now a dagger to match Lintra's spear - the default one is without the ball on the pommel;
                            added a ritual version of the dagger - the same as the default one but with the ball on the pommel - use AddItemMenu to get it and to give it to Aetis; 
    The head meshes (Lintra and Aetis) are free to use for anyone. For the rest a permission of the authors who own the assets should be asked for.



  6. Myra the Taffy Dragon

    It’s been a long time since I opened the WIP thread for this mod and even longer since I started working on Myra preset that was inspired by the earlier version of Ninirim’s character which I like much more than the current one.
    It’s been fun to work on this follower. I admire the talents of people who contributed to the mod. It’s time to release Myra.
    I am still looking for someone who can  make earring for Myra (I have a picture).
    If someone is interested, please, let me know.
    I am going to update this mod when the unique rapier is ready. So it is unrecommended to merge this beta version into any compilation of follower mods.
    It's a follower mod  
    Myra has a background story. It is actually more a small joke than a story. She is travelling all over Skyrim and beyond looking for… Ninirim. She has to make a delivery – a small parcel for Ninirim. To learn about it and to have some fun I invite you to read Myra’s diary (trust me, it is funny), the letter to Ninirim and all the other papers that Myra has in her inventory.
    Myra also has a custom body, a custom outfit (a mash up with some retexturing made be me) and a custom weapon (for now it is a clumsy mash up of a small sword. I made as a placeholder for a unique rapier that Crazy Lion promised to create for Myra).
    Myra has a unique fighting style. Well, she is just a girl and doesn’t really know any fighting technics. To be honest, she is clumsy with her weapon. But she has an ability that gives great advantage in a fight against any enemy who is not able to fly.
    The mod comes in two versions: one with custom animations for the rapiers (read the installation guide for this version) and the other with the vanilla animations.
    You can find Myra in Yngol Barrow
    You should intstall and execute this Add Anim Data Tool with my Myra.lis file (included in the archive).
    AddAnimDataTool is very simple to use and very light weight. 
    Instructions are here:
    The main thing is to set your Skyrim data path in the  [Config 01] section of the Config file
    Then drop this .lis file in ANIMLIST folder.
    Close ALL other open folders and execute AddAnimData as administrator.
    If you do not want to bother with all that then just install the vanilla animations version.
    HDT Physics Extentions
    NiOverride (you have it if you have Racemenu)
    A lot of assets from wonderful mods created by talented modders have been used in order to give Myra her current look. Some assets were modified to better suite her (mash ups and retextures). If the authors do not want their assets to be used in this mod, please, let me know. I will remove them from the mod as soon as I can.
    I would like to thank all the people who contributed directly or indirectly to the creation of this mod:
    Ninirim – for inspiration, the NiniCOS body preset and body textures;
    Azazells – for Myra’s unique fighting style, for his inexhaustible patience and readiness to help, he has made fantastic work!
    TheFirstLadyOfHats – for the most funny and smart entries in Myra’s diary, I think, this person has a true talent of a writer;
    Ravenous Jaguar – for Myra’s eyes shape;
    Kalilies – for the famous KS hairdos;
    Zzjay – for the Witcher 3 Female Armors;
    pottoply – for the Adventurers Mashup Compilation;
    Team TAL – for there convertions;
    jrc0011 – for Witcher Style Sword Pack;
    testiger2 – for the DovahBling Jewelry;
    maks81 – for the DEM Ranger outfit;
    NickaNak - for the Animated Armoury;
    aluckymuse – for the “Forever Free” texture pack;
    Caliente – for the fantastic Bodyslide Outfit Studio;
    chickmetalhead – for thorough (as usual) alpha testing;
    Aviee – for thorough alpha testing and screenshots;
    rhino_4 – for alpha testing;
    RiJoBa – for alpha testing;
    Artsick – for support
    LL community – for support and interest in my follower mod.
    Version history:
    beta 09beta – open beta initial release
    beta 092beta – corrected wrong texture paths for the shorts and removed the slight neckseam
    The head mesh is free to use for anyone. For the rest a permission of the authors who own the assets should be asked for.



  7. Wildlings - Lite female leather mash-ups - Bodyslide

    These UUNP based mash-ups use various other authors meshes, all credit goes to them...
    anka01, Anonymous, Eldrid, Monno, Pareo, PeroPero, WTF, and various others that I couldn't find their names...
    You might have to do some minor edits in Outfit Studio to make them conform to your particular bodytype.
    These are not in-game, you'll either have to make an .esp or rename one of them to use as a replacer.
    The skirt on #12 has issues... just delete it.



  8. Leveled Merchant Gold

    Just a simple mod that adds leveled amounts of gold to the merchants in Skyrim.  Yes I know there are already mods that add gold to merchants, but I could not find one that added leveled amounts so I made one.  Nothing fancy about this mod, just something I wanted for my own game and thought I'd share it.
    What does the mod do?
    All merchants (except the Khajiit caravans) have a leveled vendor gold list in their merchant chest.  This mod adds a new leveled list inside that called "EtR_LeveledVendorGoldList85".  This list begins adding additional gold to the merchant chest starting when the player reaches level 5 and continues to gradually increase this thru level 120.  How much depends on the type of vendor, street vendors get a small boost while general goods merchants and blacksmiths get the biggest bump.  It does this by checking and adding the listed amount anywhere from 50 to 1000 times depending on the merchant.  However, to make things a little more random there is a 15% chance each time it checks that it won't add that amount, which adds some variability to the exact amount the merchant will have when you visit.
    The mod doesn't use any scripts, its just a basic leveled list so should have no impact on your game play other than giving merchants more gold as you level up.
    How Much Gold is Added?
    That's a little tricky to answer because it depends on the player's level and the type of merchant, but I'll give some examples and a more complete description in a spoiler.
    A street vendor, like say Carlotta in Whiterun gets a small amount:
    At player level 5 the max is 50 extra gold with an average of about 44 gold added. At player level 60 the max is 400 extra gold with an average of around 177 gold added. At player level 100 the max is 800 extra gold with an average of around 280 gold added.  
    For someone like Belethor in Whiterun, a general goods merchant the amount is much larger.
    At player level 5 the max is 1000 extra gold with an average of around 850 gold added. At player level 60 the max is 8000 extra gold with an average 0f around 3500 gold added. At player level 100 the max is 16,000 extra gold with an average of around 6200 gold added.  
    Why the big difference between the max and the average at high level, its a bell curve effect.
    Merchants Affected:
    Apothecaries Blacksmiths Fences Innkeepers Misc (general goods) Merchants Spell vendors Street vendors  
    Note: Khajiit caravans are not currently affected, Bethesda didn't give them a leveled gold list in their chest and I haven't gotten around to figuring out a good way to update them that wouldn't conflict with other mods.
    Drop it in your load order and go.
    Probably doesn't matter much where you put it, should be compatible with most mods adding other items (not gold) to merchants.
    Will likely conflict with other mods that add gold to merchants so pick which one you want (only use one).



  9. Render Tattoos v1

    Render Tattoos v1
    128 different tattoos

    This is my first tattoo pack and contains a total of 128 overlays for RaceMenu (all body tattoos for now)
    There is also a Slavetats version available by popular request
    They are designed on a UNP body mesh and should look proper on all UNP variant body types. They should also work on other body types with some distortion depending on the location of the tattoo on the body. 

    The resolution for each tattoo is 4096 x 4096.
    I have also included a 2K resolution version for both files.

    SKSE Racemenu or Slavetats ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer (recommended)
    Use any mod manager to place either file in your Skyrim directory In game, the tattoos will load under Body Textures within racemenu overlays Or Alternatively, will appear in Slavetats MCM menu
    Tools Used:
    Google to search for 90% of the source files used in this tattoo pack Photoshop to edit, morph, align and transform the tattoos for Skyrim Nvidia dds plugin for conversion of photoshop files into usable skyrim .dds texture files Race Menu Mod Maker to create the data structure, scripts and esp for this mod  



  10. Yundao HDT Hair-88417-4-4-SMP-PE-PATH-PATCH

    The original mod is available on Nexus and sadly "by default" it doesn´t work.
    So I changed it´s SMP-PE-Path-Configurations, so that it is by patching fully working.
    I lost again lot of hours to reconfigure this hair-mod.
    This patch needs only some seconds.
    If you want this mod just right now,
    or if it has been only particulary working,
    you can simply patch the mod with this small patcher
    and your new hair library is ready to go.
    The original mod is on:
    (That smp-pe-path, I also use for all my other items)



  11. Sexy Feminine Tavern Leathers-tattler edition

    Was disabled on the nexus because a 2nd round of tattlers tattled about the title "Sexy Feminine Tavern Leathers-tattler edition" and where they sited in the nexus constitution that they were ordained to tattle as bestowed on them by the nexus constitution.
    original description: Tattlers are weak, spineless parasites.
    It appears a tattler complained about me using the Triss leggings in my last outfit mod and not giving credit to the Witcher 3 and the professionals at CD Product Red. I had no idea where leggings came from but I liked them.

    I went back and made my own counterfeit Triss leggings from vanilla assets in Skyrim. I here by proclaim them Piss leggings. I would now like to genuflect before me, acknowledge and give thanks to myself for the Piss leggings. So, I win.

    Daggers on leggings are just for looks and aren't functional CBBE HDT-PE / females only armor protection 25.(I hear you LupusHegemonia) Craftable Go grab the set just outside of Whiterun Keep.  see screenshots body-slide also provided for your favorite bodytypes and conversions

    Thanks to gutris1 for his mod
    I altered and retextured his vest to my liking



  12. GomaPeroPero Mage Robes Replacer - Clothing and Clutter Fixes Patch

    This is a simple patch which changes the variant textures for the "Journeyman" mage robes.
    GomaPeroPero's Mage Robes Replacer uses the male robe textures instead of female, while the ESP for Clothing and Clutter Fixes points the female variant textures which don't load properly on Goma's meshes. This patch fixes the variant listings for CCF so they use the male textures to match Goma's meshes.
    Skyrim Legendary Edition GomaPeroPero's Mage Robes Replacer Clothing and Clutter Fixes  
    I may do an SE version at some point but for now this is strictly LE.
    Update 2018-09-03: changed hosted images to locally uploaded since imgur seems to be broken



  13. Boss Music For Monster Hunter Monsters

    If you are like me and you love to play with Coda's Monster Hunter Mod, but you were disappointed that the larger monsters did not use any epic music, then this mod is for you.
    I have edited the monster's in the mod to have the dragon actor type so now when you face them, dragon music will play.
    But if you want the full monster hunter experience I recommend to get my personalized music dragon music mod that add's 20 monster hunter tracks as battle music for dragons, with these two mods working together, for me it just feels right.
    recommended to have personalized music for a variety of tracks, or if you want have finale music try the other versions out, although the other versions only have 3 tracks and is not recommended
    If you want to see it in action I made a video for it



  14. Tish Stone-Flower V3

    By Nachtdaemmerung and Porterhause
    SSE Edition can be found HERE

    Tish was born on a farm not far from Windhelm and grew up doing hard work in the fields and stables.

    Growing up she not only learned to farm but to fight from her two older brothers Erik and Torbald and her father Carag Ironarm. With her speed and strength she could best all three in a sparing match. Her father also taught her the art of forge work and soon she was creating her own arms and equipment.

    When she was 18, she was married off to a miner in Shor's Stone. Her father thought it would be a match made in Sovngarde with his master smith daughter marrying an ore miner. Tish wasn't so sure especially after meeting her dour groom and his family. Unhappily she went along with the marriage and lived for two years in the tiny hamlet. It was soon discovered she could not conceive a child and her husband began to ignore her. Tish busied herself practicing her combat skills and smithing work.

    The arms and armor she created became popular in the region and soon trading caravan sought her out almost as often as they did the ore from the mine. Instead of being grateful the people of Shor's Stone began to resent her. Who was this giant redheaded wench that could bend steel to her will at a forge and charm traders with her looks. Her own husband came to her and told her to stop and dismantle the forge. They argued heatedly and in the end Tish steadfastly refused to dismantle her forge. So instead the miners refused to supply her with the ingots of metal she need to create the arms and armor.

    Not long after that Tish was out gathering edible wild plants when she came upon two young girls from her village in the forest being kidnapped by a group of bandits. Without thought Tish pulled her axe from her belt and attacked. She was a whirlwind of death bashing with her shield and lopping off limbs with her axe. Not a single bandit survived the encounter.

    In the aftermath the two girls took one look at the redheaded warrioress standing amongst a pile of corpses covered in blood not her own with death in her eyes and fled screaming towards the village. When she returned home she found the village folk gathered in the square. Instead of praising her for her bravery the villagers glared and muttered. They did not ask for an explanation nor did anyone thank her. In the end she ended up more ostracized than ever.

    Shortly after that her husband got a priest to dissolve their marriage and forced her from the home they had shared for over two years. Gathering her meager belongings and her equipment she kicked the village dust from her boots, contemptuously spat in the direction of the folks gathered to watch her departure and began the long trek home.

    The closer she traveled to the home of her youth the more her mood lifted. She found herself longing for the warmth of her mother's kitchen and the ring of steel on steel in her father's forge. Most of all she missed sparing in the yard with her brothers and younger sister.

    The smile on her face fell away as she climbed the final hill to her home. There was no smoke from the the chimney of the house nor from the forge. A cold feeling of dread spread through her body and her pace quickened until she was sprinting.

    She slid to a halt in the yard. What she found forced a scream of rage and despair that rebounded again and again from the mountains. The farm was in ruins and her father and two brothers were dead, their mutilated and bloated corpses hanging by the feet from a tree. Of her mother and sister there was not a single trace. Grief stricken, she questioned the neighbors and found out that some of the weapons her father had forged had ended up in the hands of the Stormcloaks. The Imperials had traced the maker's mark on the blades to Carag's farm and attempted to arrest him. He resisted and his sons had joined the fray. When it was over, the bulk of the Imperial soldiers were dead but so were Carag and his sons. No one could tell Tish where her mother and sister were but Tish feared the worst.

    After her investigation returned to the ruins of the farm and restored her father's forge to working order. For days she worked the forge in a trance like state pounding her grief and rage into the metal she worked. When she emerged she was as tempered and sharp as the weapons she had created.

    From that time on Tish hunted and killed Imperial soldiers on sight. Eventually she ended up in Windhelm working for the Stormcloaks as a mercenary. Her hard demeanor and no nonsense bearing earned the appellation Stone - Flower, beautiful but hard. Imperial soldiers both fear and loath her as the Nord demoness who uses an axe to hack off heads and limbs with a smile on her face. Imperial officers unlucky enough to be out in the open would suddenly sprout arrows from chest and head without warning and more then one Imperial patrol has disappeared only to be found later hanging upside down from trees alongside the road minus their heads.

    When the player discovers her she is in the Temple of Talos praying for a clue to the whereabouts of her sister and mother.


    This is version 3 of Tish. The original mod was created by mfeile1974 who is a talented mod smith and a terrific lady. However I am sure I drove that poor woman crazy with changes. That in mind, when I decided to remake Tish's follower mod I asked Nachtdaemmerung to do it. The changes to Tish in this version are largely cosmetic but her combat skills are nerfed a bit and the Dragon's Breath shout was removed making her less OP. All I really did for this mod was design her face and CBBE body as well as pick out some of her perks and write the back story. Nacht did all the heavy lifting when it came to actually producing the mod. If you prefer the original version of Tish, that can be found HERE.

    This version is just cosmetic changes.  When I designed her for V2, her skin looked really super dark like a tanning booth addict in a lot of people's games and mine as well after changing ENBs.  This bothered me for quite some time and finally I pestered asked Nacht for his help in re-doing this mod.  She now has lighter skin tone, freckles, makeup and Bijin Skin instead of Mature Skin.  She does look younger than in v2.

    Version 2 can still be found HERE

    - SgtZodiac aka Porterhause
    One-Handed: Armsman (Rank 3), Hack and Slash (Rank 3), Dual Flurry (Rank 1) Two-Handed: Barbarian (Rank 1) Archery: Overdraw (Rank 3), Eagle Eye, Steady Hand (Rank 2), Power Shot, Quick Shot, Critical Shot (Rank 2), Bull's Eye Heavy Armor: Juggernaut (Rank 2), Cushioned, Conditioning, Well Fitted, Matching Set Block: Shield Wall (Rank 3), Deflect Arrow, Elemental Protection, Deadly Bash Sneak: Stealth (Rank 5), Muffled Movement, Light Foot
    Healing and Fast Healing

    She levels from 5 to 300 with the player


    She can be married without any further requirements.


    CBBE or UNP (selectable during install)
    Height: 1.01
    Weight: 100
    She is standalone, so you can have a different body installed.

    Latest version of Skyrim Dawnguard DLC Dragonborn DLC XP32 Maximum Skeleton OR XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
    Install options:
    Body Type (CBBE or UNP) Body Texture Resolution (4k or 2k)  

    Tish will work fine with all the usual follower mods like AFT, EFF, RDO etc.

    Technical Information:
    This mod edits cell WindhelmTempleOfTalos (ID:00016785)
    Tish's BaseID is xx000D64, her RefID is xx01A288 (xx depends on your load order)
    - Original character design by -  
    SgtZodiac / PorterHause - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32986/  
    - Mods used for her creation -  
    Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- by Ousnius and Caliente
    DIMONIZED UNP Female Body by dimon99
    UNP Blessed Body - UNPB Redux Project by Blessed Redux Project team
    UNP HDT-PE BBP TBBP by Turbosundance
    Lind's Human Eyes by Lind001 - LindsWorkshop
    KS Hairdos - Renewal by Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shocky
    Mature skin texture and body for UNP(B) 7BASE CBBE Vanilla by Maevan2
    Freckle Mania 2 by tetrodoxin
    Tattoo Model Suicide Girl Race Menu by JakeDreivor
    Kai's Makeup for Skyrim by XarathosHawke
    Pubic Hairstyle Overlays for RaceMenu UNP CBBE by AncientKane
    Demoniac - High Quality Glossy Female Body Texture by Regenbot03
    Maevan2's Eye Brows by Maevan2
    The Amazing World of Bikini Armor by NiseTanaka
    Bijin Skin UNP and CBBE by rxkx22

    Bijin Skin was made possible by the following:

    Mature skin texture and body for UNP(B) 7BASE CBBE Vanilla by Maevan2
    Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy
    PureSkinTexture by Anini n Regenbot03
    Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase by Zonzai and Seren4XX
    Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for CBBE (Beta) by drunkenmojo
    Real Women of Skyrim - Texture Overhaul CBBE UNP - Male and Child WIP - fomod Gearhog
    SG Female Textures Renewal by Hello Santa
    UNP Tender Hands by Hidanna
    Better Makeup for SKSE by Diethardt
    and of course rxkx22  
    - Mods used for the screenshots -  
    Better Free Camera by Utopium
    Somber Dreams ENB presets by Maeldun0  GomaPero Poser Arsenic Poses  
    - Tools -  
    GIMP, NifSkope
    TES5Edit by ElminsterAU
    NifMerge by Turulo
    BodySlide and Outfit Studio by Ousnius and Caliente
    Skyrim & Creation Kit by Bethesda  



  15. CBBE HDT Racemenu BodyGen Preset

    This is a RaceMenu BodyGen Template.
    Since I struggled like hell to find actual BodyGen Templates so I could look at the Syntax to set up my own, and the Bodyslide to BdyGen generator refused to run on my Rig (Possibly due it it wanting Java 8 and I'm running Java 10 - who knows.) I Figured I'd save anyone else the trouble. It requires Racemenu and NetImmerse Override for it to actually do anything so make sure you have those installed.

    I decided to upload it for 2 reasons:

    1. For anyone wanting to use BodyGen but didn't want to go through the complicated and not very well documented steps to get BodyGen working.

    2. For anyone who wants to set up their own but is unsure about the syntax of the morph.ini and template.ini files.

    Feel free to use these as you see fit.



  16. Aphrodisia Titan Temptress Race Follower

    I am proud to present my latest follower, Aphrodisia Titan. I got her name from Daughter of Aphrodite; great book btw. 
    She is a mage who likes to summon her trusty wolf.

    Class: Mage
    Summon: Astronachs and her wolf
    Voice: Female Even-Toned
    Marriage: YES, as all my followers are.
    Weapons: Steel Dagger
    Location: Nightgate Inn (Heljarken with Cutting Room Floor)
    Temptress Race

    Gomapero for gomapero land V4
    Apachii for ApachiiSkyHair
    Itamuken for Numenume femalebrows MARO
    Tetrodoxin for Freckle Mania
    Psychos1s for the lovely Temptress Race



  17. Sycorax the Sorceress Follower

    Ok, it is time to release Sycorax, I think.
    It is a follower mod based on the preset of one of my old characters. 
    Sycorax is a Nord sorceress with a custom body, a unique stuff (has custom effects) and custom outfit and a unique leopard pet Amra.
    Amra sometimes behaves in a too independent way. However competent experts who have a rich experience with felines say that it is just cats being cats…

    Sycorax with her cat.mp4  
    Better resolution here
    When I got first reports from alpha testers I found out that I gave Sycorax vampire teeth. It was not intentional but a few testers liked that. So I included it in the mod as an option.
    I had to change Sycorax' boots because I can't get the permission for those on the screenshots.
    You can find Sycoracx and her cat South-East of Rorikstead.
    A lot of assets from wonderful mods created by talented modders have been used in order to give Sycorax her unique look. Some assets were modified to better suite her hunter (mash ups and retextures). I have asked the authors of all the assets I used for their permissions. However I still have not had replies from several modders. If I has forgotten to ask someone for his permission it was not intentional. If this person does not want his assets to be used in this mod, please, let me know. I will remove them from the mod as soon as I can.
    I would like to thank all the people who contributed directly or indirectly to the creation of this mod:
    Kalilies – for the famous KS hairdos;
    Lind001 – for the Lind’s Human Eyes;
    SydneyB – for the Ashara Princess of the Woods;
    Fraper – for the Triss Outfit for ES V SKyrim;
    exeter - for the UNP Meshes for the Triss Outfit;
    newermind43 – for the Light Elven Armor;
    AltheaR – for the Breathing Rose;
    Dragten – for the Bandolier – Bags and Pouches;
    bbdlqek1 – for the Test HDT Earrings (permission asked, no reply yet);
     ?????? – for the Lady Masks (I don’t know who should thank for it or ask for permission);
    Onota – for the Dwemer Fairies;
    Kearsage – for the Staves of Skyrim;
    RonnieMagnum – for the Legendary Rings;
    RefurbMadness – for the Barbaric Boob Armor;
    Mihail – for the Mountain Lions and Panthers;
    crazylion – for his inexhaustible patience, readiness to help, to explain and to give advice; there are great unique models of weapons, shields and other things by crazylion here and here
    Artsick – for her help in many aspects, suggestions and alpha testing;
    Caliente – for the fantastic Bodyslide Outfit Studio;
    bandygirl1 – for alpha testing;
    27X – for alpha testing;
    LL community – for support and interest in my follower mod.
    If I have forgotten to mention someone, please, let me know.
    Version history:
    0.91 – initial release
    The things that I have made myself are free to use for anyone. For the rest permissions of the authors who own the assets should be asked for.



  18. Ecath the Wood Elf Follower

    I decided to release Ecath the Wood Elf as she is now. The mod is not finished yet.
    I am still looking for a suitable ring (suggestions are welcome), and hope that Fankfranky will make a necklace matching her earrings.
    I am also working on her body warpaint. I want it to be as good as warpaint made by tetrodoxin, so it is not an easy thing and the progress is slow.
    So the mod will be eventually updated.
    It is a simple follower mod based on the preset of one my characters.
    Ecath is a Wood Elf hunter warrior with a custom body, custom weapons and outfit.
    Ecath is in Morthal in Highmoon Hall.
    The brown sleeves models and corresponding textures (as they are on the screenshots) are NOT included in the archive. That is because I was not able to get Linds permission to publish the mod with his models here on LL.
    The full version of the mod (with the brown sleeves) will be released on the Nexus in a couple of weeks.
    A lot of assets from wonderful mods created by talented modders have been used in order to give Ecath her unique look. Some assets were modified to better suite a Wood Elf hunter (mash ups and retextures). The authors of all these assets have given their permissions. If I has forgotten to ask someone for his permission and this person does not want his assets to be used in this mod, please, let me know. I will remove them from the mod as soon as I can.
    I would like to thank all the people who contributed directly or indirectly to the creation of this mod:
    Kalilies – for the famous KS hairdos;
    Alecu – for the UNP Ranger Armor;
    Gimora – for the Linkle Outfit;
    Shitty – for the UUNP conversion of the Linkle outfit;
    auburnsred – for the CN accessories;
    Rusey - for More Triss Armor Recolours;
    Frankfranky – for the unique outstanding Ecath’s earrings model;
    dint999 – for attaching HDT effect to the earrings, for cubemaps and texture tweaks;
    Artsick – for her inexhaustible patience and help with adjusting meshes of the Ecath’s outfit and for attaching beautiful dynamic glow to the crystals on the earrings and on the daggers;
    betterbecause – for the Northern Priestess;
    jmenaru – for the Crimson Twilight Armor;
    DecimusMaximus – for the Real Bows;
    Gamlih – for the Hunter set;
    DrowPeg – for the Flan's Eyes for Skyrim;
    Caliente – for the fantastic Bodyslide Outfit Studio;
    crazylion – for the CL's Ebony Weapons; there are great unique models of weapons, shields and other things by crazylion here and here.
    maty743 – for the Bosmer Armor Pack;
    KettleWitch – for the Bloodthorn Replacer;
    Ezzar – for his unwavering support and alpha testing;
    chickmetalhead – for thourough alpha testing;
    LL community – for support and interest in my follower mod.
    If I have forgotten to mention someone, please, let me know.
    Version history:
    0.8beta – initial release
    There is little in this mod that was made by me except for the head preset, earring and weapons textures. The head mesh is free to use for anyone. For the rest a permission of the authors who own the assets should be asked for.



  19. Slut Princess

    A mashup set, remodeled, retextured, modified until loss of consciousness.
    In stock: corset, boots, gloves, necklace - class "clothes", greaves and vambrace- class "heavy armor."
    Vambrace of 2 variants.
    With the claws of the X-23 simply raise the class of hand-to-hand combat.
    In the version of "Souls blades ", it have "souls trap" enchant. Unparalleled in the world © Without jokes, I have not found any mods with such a joke. The radius is small, so for an archer or a magician you have to put it at arm's length.
    Manufacture only in the Skyforge in Whiterun, an improvement only for greaves and vambrace. Requires skill Elven Smithing and Arcane Blacksmith. And of course materials.
    Bodyslide is only CBBE.
    I was tired of the CBBE sliders. And do 80 (Karl!!!) different sliders for UNP... yourself, all by yourself. If you want, I will then add your work to the download section.
    Compatible with Devious Devices. Arm cuffs and Leg cuffs will remove the armor.
    Heels Sounds 1.5 Cut version
    In my version, I cut silence from sound files, this reduces the size of files and their duration, which helps a little with jamming sound when running fast.
    Russian version here



  20. JexPose

    Have you ever been taking screenshots, flipping through the myriad pose mods that are out there, and feel like something's... missing?  There's piles and piles of good poses for women, a great selection of weapon poses for women, and a bunch of magic poses for women...  Are we seeing the problem?  I don't know every pose mod in existence, but off the top of my head, I can think of a grand total of two pose rings designed for dudes, both from HaloPoser.  Female-oriented rings in that set, meanwhile, number somewhere on the order of 30+.
    Believe me, I like chicks too, but men in Skyrim exist, and they're more than just prop dicks for sex scenes.  Some are brave warriors, suave rogues, and powerful wizards.  I happen to play one of the latter, and the lack of poses oriented around male wizards began to grate on me.  So, I got off my ass and did something about it, and I'm giving it to you all as well!
    This mod requires PublicPoser and uses Public Pose 7.
    This mod contains 81 poses, almost entirely centered around magic users of varying stripes, from the flamboyant sorcerer and the wild hedge mage to the staff-wielding wizard and battle-hardened spellsword.  Though male-oriented in intent, the poses are designed to be largely gender-neutral.
    There is a complete pose reference folder in the main (non-SE) download.  Special thanks to Collygon, Alter Native, and Andreis for providing additional screenshots!  And another special thanks to Andreis for providing an SE-compatible version as well!



  21. Dx's Preset - Redguard Mihail - SAM

    First LoversLab upload
    Mihail is a Redguard, made to work with S.A.M - Shape Atlas for Men.

    For the SOS RaceMenu Plugin: There is no direct need to 
    change anything on his Dick in the SAM Menu.
    I edited it in the RaceMenu.

    You can delete that of course or change it if you don't like it!


    RaceMenu by Expired 
    Eyes of Aber by Aberin
    Brows by Hvergelmir 
    ApachiiSkyHair (for Male) by Apachii 
    Ixum's Tattoos by Ixum

    -Highly Recommended-

    Rudy ENB by Rudy102
    XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS by xp32 for the SOS RaceMenu Plugin
    SAM - Shape Atlas for Men + HD Textures from vectorplexus.com
    Younger Geonox Face for SAM from vectorplexus.com
    ApachiiSkyHair natural Retexture by Hein84


    With Nexus Mod Manager/Mod Organizer 
    or manually in your data Folder

    Knowing Issues

    -He might get a missing texture, dunno why this happens 
    (it does happen to me sometimes from different Presets of others)
    -Preset can't be installed with MO for some strange Reason so do it completely manually if you have Issues


    RaceMenu by Expired 
    Eyes of Aber by Aberin
    Brows by Hvergelmir 
    ApachiiSkyHair by Apachii
    Ixum's Tattoos by Ixum 
    ApachiiSkyHair natural Retexture by Hein84
    Younger Geonox Face for SAM by Don
    SAM - Shape Atlas for Men by Vector
    Skyrim by Bethesda



  22. Monkinsane's Prisilla Follower - CBBE HDT 0.3

    After getting annoyed with Familiar Faces not working correctly, I decided to pull my old character in the Hard Way. She's skilled in Two-handers, one handed and heavy armor - with a bit of Restoration magic on the side.

    This was my first attempt at a follower mod, and I must say it was quite successfull!

    Comments and sugggestions welcome!

    Body: CBBE HDT
    Hair: KS Hairdo's
    Eyes: EyesofBeauty

    Make sure you have those installed!

    She can be found in the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood.



  23. Monkinsane's Lyara Follower - CBBE HDT

    Everyone in Riverwood called her crazy, but She would not be deterred. Grabbing her bow, she headed up the pass towards Bleak Falls Barrow. Treasure awaits, but one must but be bold enough to grab it!

    Lyara is a custom follower, she awaits you in somewhere Bleak Falls Barrow, having bit off more than she can chew.

    Body: CBBE HDT SillyHuge
    Hair: KS Hairdo's
    Eyes: The Eyes of beauty 

    All these need be installed. 

    Comments & suggestions welcome.

    This is my second follower mod, and I'm quite pleased with the outcome.



  24. Castor STANDALONE Male Dark Elf Follower

    I made my husbando personal main character as a standalone follower, cuz why not?

    He's been my character since I've started playing Skyrim the first time I bought it at 2011. Back then he was purely a vanilla dark elf warrior because the game was in its very first stages. When mods started to appear and grow, he became my favorite Ken doll, dressing and pimping him out with stuff. Then SexLab happened, and I did certain things... that I won't mention and I probably would stop the discussion right from here.

    Anyways, I always wanted my character to look like one of those MMO characters such as the Dark Elves of Lineage II and the Asmodians from AION online. Lore-wise, the Dark Elves (or Dunmer if you're a hardcore lorewhore) of TES are obviously different from those sexy MMO-type dark elves (or whatever is close to that). But I really like male dark elves (or drow, asmodians, castanics, duskwight, etc.), I find them so sexy and gorgeous.

    Enough with the crap, you came for a STANDALONE MALE FOLLOWER (WOW, what a rare treat!).

    Since this is based on my main player character, I loosely based his stats and behavior on my current gameplay.

    He is good at either 2-handed or Dual wielding melee and can excel at both light or heavy armor. Bad at magic and bows, tho...

    3 files are available, which contains 3 different kinds of bodies. NUDE BODIES (because I want it. I did tag NSFW)

    Regular has normal Sundracon(Favoredsoul?) nude body. Textures are different than the SOS and HDT version.

    SOS has SOS-dependent nude body (not really, but you will see a huge gaping hole in the crotch if you don't have SOS and you install this version). This has my personally modified male textures made by Romeozero and Elza.

    HDT has SOS-dependent nude body AND HDT-enabled chest, belly and butt, courtesy of Tweens. Yes, you've heard it, bouncy pecs and ass for guys because YES!. Also has the same textures as SOS version.

    You can get him at The Drunken Huntsman at Whiterun. He has the usual follower shebang, levels with you, essential, won't trigger traps, and marriable. Turn him in into your own husband, bodyguard, dreamboat, dominator, boytoy, fuck doll, footstool, cumdump, milking cow, etc. Be creative.


    SOS by vectorplexus and b3lisario
    Better Males by Sundracon and Favoredsoul
    KS Hairdos by Stealthic and kalilies
    SOS Fair Men Texture by Romeozero
    ECE and Pretty face by tktk1 and face modification by Elza
    Improved Eyes by Nazenn
    Racemenu by expired
    Tattoos by ixum
    SOS HDT Body by tweens



  25. Harley Quinn Hair

    I made the Harley Quinn hair from Sims 4 ported by COCO as a part of his/her latest armor into a standalone hair.
    Available for female humans and elves.
    Credit to COCO for his port of the hair, kalilies for some resources.



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