About This File
Have you ever been taking screenshots, flipping through the myriad pose mods that are out there, and feel like something's... missing? There's piles and piles of good poses for women, a great selection of weapon poses for women, and a bunch of magic poses for women... Are we seeing the problem? I don't know every pose mod in existence, but off the top of my head, I can think of a grand total of two pose rings designed for dudes, both from HaloPoser. Female-oriented rings in that set, meanwhile, number somewhere on the order of 30+.
Believe me, I like chicks too, but men in Skyrim exist, and they're more than just prop dicks for sex scenes. Some are brave warriors, suave rogues, and powerful wizards. I happen to play one of the latter, and the lack of poses oriented around male wizards began to grate on me. So, I got off my ass and did something about it, and I'm giving it to you all as well!
This mod requires PublicPoser and uses Public Pose 7.
This mod contains 81 poses, almost entirely centered around magic users of varying stripes, from the flamboyant sorcerer and the wild hedge mage to the staff-wielding wizard and battle-hardened spellsword. Though male-oriented in intent, the poses are designed to be largely gender-neutral.
There is a complete pose reference folder in the main (non-SE) download. Special thanks to Collygon, Alter Native, and Andreis for providing additional screenshots! And another special thanks to Andreis for providing an SE-compatible version as well!