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  1. Cacame's Addons for Devourment Refactor

    The following is a narrowed down selection of addon mods I have made for the vore-centric "Devourment Refactor" mod found here (or here for AE). In the event of an update to any mods, I would advise waiting a bit in anticipation of any hotfixes as, while I do try to post stable products, I am likely to overlook bugs. Additionally, please anticipate that any saves created with my mods will likely need to be cleaned or otherwise retired in the event of an update.
    Please let me know if anything gets botched during an update, although I can't always promise a punctual fix.
    Devourment Approach - A joint project between myself and Creme De La Moon
    Based heavily around SexLab approach, this addon gives NPCs the ability to dynamically approach the player and initiate various vore dialogue scenarios with settings configurable via MCM.
    Cloak spell attached to the player pulses periodically, rolling dice for nearby NPCs to determine if they approach for dialogue (cloak is only attached for a split second during each pulse to minimize script load. Might not be the best idea to use along with other cloak-intensive mods.) initiated dialogue scenario is based on several factors such as NPC type, relationship to the player, race, size, and whether the player is full. Guards will confront you if you have a bounty, often with the expected consequences toggles for gender, roles, and active followers included current dialogue scenarios involve both player pred and NPC pred  
    Scenario Suggestion Document
    Acid Levels
    Introduces an acid level system that influences acid damage based on how long prey has been inside the predator.

    This replaces a major script so this is not forwards compatible by any means. It will break in the event of an update OR with other addons that edit the same script (check your mod manager for overwrites). USE ONLY WITH REFACTOR SE
    Acid level is displayed by a thin "green" bar at the bottom of the screen Acid level increases every couple seconds while a pred has live prey. This rate increases when the prey struggles and is also affected by pred level. (Player struggling doesn't affect NPCs, but if you're in a stomach at the same time as another NPC, you're in for a bad time). When the bar is 75% full, acid damage is at 100%, meaning that a full bar gives a +25% bonus. Using spells or potions that increase acid damage (like enhanced secretions) will fill the bar even without live prey. Upon prey death, acid level will continue to rise for 15 updates, giving you a bit of time to nom some more prey and keep your damage up. (Player only) Acid levels will linger slightly based on how full the player's stomach still is during digestion.
    Balance wise, this makes early game a bit harder for preds (both player and NPC), but makes them a bit more powerful late game thanks to the increased rate of acid level rise and the 25% bonus. Overall, I think it makes devouring lower-level enemies a bit more interesting since they don't just immediately die.
    Devourment Potions
    Adds a wide variety of fun potions through a handful of loot pools as well as a weight loss power

    Features include:
    Digestion speed increase potions More tiers of weight loss potions A potion that grows a "Gut Wraith" in your stomach that will fight for you after it's fully grown and let out. A potion that saps XP from each of your prey's highest skills (probably not balanced) A potion that increases your digestion speed specifically when you eat elves Potions that do various things when your burp such as expel fireballs and ice clouds, pacify nearby enemies, grow you in size, and drastically increase acid damage/digestion speed A weight loss power that functions much like potions, but with the added effect of giving you temporary macromancy growth if you lose enough weight. The idea is that excess weight is converted to overall size. (This needs to be manually added via console command. Use [Help "Weight Loss"] )
    Old Change Logs:



  2. SexLab Aroused Killers

    Just a really simple, stupid mod that turns your followers into sex-mad psychopaths when they kill things.
    When something is killed by the player (this includes kills by player team-mates (followers and hirelings) as the player is marked as the killer in all cases), a percentage of followers will have their SexLab arousal exposure increased based on the parameters set in the MCM menu. This can be used alongside any sex mods that are triggered by the actor arousal level exceeding a certain threshold.
    I wrote this as I was getting bored with a lack of sex act triggers in Random Sex as the arousal increases seem to reduce as the level increases. At around level 50 I was having to walk around without my cuirass on in order to get any action.
    Since I use Nether's Follower Framework, I built the follower lists around that. So that, along with SexLab and SexLab Aroused are required for this mod. SkyUI is required for the MCM menu.



  3. Laura's Bondage Shop Character Makeovers

    Important Note:  DD 5.2 Beta 4, which is the current version that works with Skyrim SE/AE version 1.6+, seems to block interaction with Laura if her makeover is enabled and she is in a furniture pose, i.e. leaning on the counter or sitting in a chair.  Either don't use the Laura makeover with AE, or be patient and talk to her after she stands up.  I'll see if I can't hunt down the problem.
    Edit:  This appears to be fixed in later DD versions.  Specifically, it's working fine for me using Beta 9.
    A few makeovers for primary NPCs from Laura's Bondage Shop.  I've tried to stick closely to the author's original intent and personalities, while modernizing their appearance a bit with high poly heads and better hair.
    Laura's Bondage Shop (of course)
    High Poly Head v1.4  (Vector Plexus)
    Apachii Sky Hair Female v1.5.1  (Nexus)
    Note:  My limited testing shows that these makeovers will also work with LE if you use the LE versions of the prerequisites, since the ESP/ESM file names are identical.  Kewl ?
    Each makeover is it's own file, so you can mix and match.  On existing games they may not show up correctly:  you can fix this by disabling and then enabling the character using the console.  Do not use recycleactor!  That will force an appearance update, but it won't reload clothing and the NPC might end up naked.
    All files are ESL flagged ESPs.
    Laura:  I gave her short hair, which fits better under gags, bondage hoods, or other such devices.  To differentiate her from Master (Captured Dreams) and The Dollmaker (Cursed Loot) her clothes were changed to a hobble dress and heels.  I was forced to remove the slow movement effects from these, however, as it disrupted pathing necessary for quests (she wasn't hitting her marks).
    Katarina:  Bigger, buffer, and with a gorgeous mane.  A Nord warrior, I wanted to give her a bit more of a Valkyrie feel.  Now with 10% less masters!  (Unused master TGLNordArmor cleaned, and new version uploaded.)
    Sona:  Ok, I just thought she needed some freshening up, but I personally think she came out great.  A nice pretty look for a priestess, without being overly sexualized.



  4. Bats and Disease

    1. craft the tomes at a forge (1 gold ingot)
    2. you should have 3 tomes. Regular, realistic, short.
        Regular is quite powerful, realistic ok for low levels, short a debug spell (duratation 1 sec. to get rid of the ability)
    3. lesser power (Y). The bats are lurking around, they will appear in combat. If the effects ends, recast it.
    4. What it does. First, the bats, just the normal bat cloud surrounding you and suck life from enemies and share a little of it
        with you. Second, the bats infest nearby enemies, if they killed them, the bats rip off the armor. It won't stop here.
        All meat will be carnaged until the blank skeleton remains.  The infectious cloud will explode and infest nearby enemies
        The secondary infection is weaker (regular)
       Only human like form the meat will be carnaged, giants count as human and got a special treatment.
       Dragons, ghosts, atronachs are immune.



  5. Yamete REDUX

    BETA >>> Yamete REDUX <<< BETA
    This is a modified version of the fantastic Yamete 4.3.2 created by @Scrab. As far as I know, it's the only combat mod with Sex Act in the middle of combat... and that's wonderful. The original Yamete 4.3.2 has some issues related to speed, performance, stability, and compatibility, but @Scrab doesn't want to work on it anymore and released Yamete Kudasai, a super fast version of Yamete made with a DLL for SKSE, but with less functionality since they removed the sexual act in the middle of combat, when that is exactly the functionality that I want. But in REDUX, to make it faster and more compatible, I remove some of the original features from Yamete 4.3.2 like Black Market, Reapers Mercy and their skill tree.
    Now we have 3 versions to select from:
    1 - Yamete 4.3.2 with Sex Act in the middle of the fight and Reapers Mercy but slow.
    2 - Yamete Kudasai 1.01 with a super fast SKSE DLL but no Sex Act in the middle of the fight.
    3 - Yamete REDUX with a modest speed and Sex Act mid-combat but without the Reapers Mercy skill tree.
    I made this version with the intention of making it compatible with all versions of the game (Legendary, Special, Anniversary and VR) without using any special DLL and providing enough speed to make it really functional in the middle of combat, having enough speed and performance, but using only pure Papyrus code.
    My average time for Hit Procesing is below 0.5 seconds and normally is enougth fast to cancel the attack animation and practically the NPC's not make a second attack. But as this is only pure Papyrus Code, sometimes, the Hit Procesing can need one entire second or more and that only depend on how the game mix the script. I'm not have a ligth installation, playing now with 478 mods, but sometimes happend to me.
    Practically, all the main features from the Original Yamete are present, take a look to the Original Mod for more detail, except the Reapers Mercy skill tree and the Black Market:
    Rushed Traditional Mixed Compatible ->NEW mode added by Yamete REDUX. Get detailled instructions in this post.  
    Ignore Kill Add Zaz/DD Items Robbed Assault
      Knockdown Conditions
    Default Conditions Misc Conditions  
    Left forDead Simple Slavery Follower Slavery Paradise Hall  
    Reapers Mercy
    REDUX >>> The circular menu show and works but the red options are NOT available.
    The Black Market
    PapyrusUtil (SE / LE) REDUX >>> REMOVED powerofthree's Papyrus Extender (SE / LE) UIExtensions (SE / LE)  
    Optional (Soft Dependency)
    SL Framework (SE / LE) OStim (SE) Flowergirls (SE) REDUX >>> REMOVED Custom Skills Framework (SE) REDUX >>> RECOVER Simple Slavery (SE / LE) REDUX >>> New Follower Slavery (SE / LE) REDUX >>> New Paradise Halls (SE / LE) REDUX >>> New Devious Devices REDUX >>> New Zaz Animation  
    @Scrab Of course, as the main creator... a millon of thanks to allow me publish this version...   All the modding comunity because practically every mod use a lot of tools, DLL's and code made by others persons...  A LOT OF THANKS TO ALL...  



  6. NS Actor Protector SSE

    Header data
    writen in the year of 2022
    month 12
    day 23
    This documetnion written to NonnSeen Actor Protector (NSActorProtector.esp [esl flagged])
    Realise number of the esp: 0 
    What this thing does?
    Adds ability to make essential actor by casting a spell on them.
    Made for primary for PAHE users to protect slaves during punishment so no accidental slave death happen.
    But can be used protect your horse or any actor you like.
    (suggest dont use on your enemys...  )
    How to use quick guide:
    Buy or make 1 leather strip 
    go tamming rack make ns actor protector note 
    Read the note
    Now you got 2 new spell this spells make a actor protected or if actor is protected make them unprotected
    cast the actor protect spell the lucky npc you wish protect this makes them essential
    up to 11 npc spell works
    to stop protection cast unprotect spell OR read the note agin
    reading the note agin stop the quest, and all npc lose the essential flag.
    What this does in depth guide, and how works :
    This mod adds a crafting recipe to tamming rack station.
    Using recipe with leather strip make a note that tigger a quest.
    This qest has 11 alias in it all marked essential, and give 2 spell to player.
    Using this spells on npc make npc to be reference alias of the quest, this way making any npc to essential.
    (any actor to be correct, so your horse, animal companion, or other actor can be made essential)
    Secund spell can be used remove the npc from alias.
    reading note as the protection quest running the quest stops and prepares to started agin.
    So yes reading the note 3 th times the note start the quest agin.
    Stoping quest removes all protection.
    The quest add markers to all protected npc so easy to keep track witch one is protected.
    About Scripts:
    Scripts only running when note read or spell casted.
    basicly script wightless mod.
    if any reason feel need stop any script running just read the note, this will tigger quest stop and all script stop running.
    This mod made for Skyrim SE 1.5.97
    i belive work with any version of skyrim just need converted.
    its okay to:
    -Reuplod other sites as long give link the original upload place ( so any new version easy avible to users )
    -Use this mod part of your work as long credit given
    -port this mod other version to skyrim as long link placed to original uplad place
    its NOT okay to:
    -ask for money to acces this mod or any mod that made used with this



  7. RAID Weathers - lower saturation remade

    Slightly redone de-saturation patch for a very good weather mod   RAID Weathers
    Actually, the saturation and brightness have been brought to the original settings Skyrim.esm, and now the landscapes look like they should be in northern nature - soft and dim, without the notorious yellowness. All that anime sourness has been added by Update.esm , where many of the settings are increased exponentially.



  8. Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies

    What's New  - See Change Log / Sanguine's Love Claws (includes video)
    A Toy Box for Toys&Love. Each toy is enchanted with a debaucherous effect. Some start Love Scenes, others start Orgies, and there’s more!
    Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies  v1.2 for SE & LE

    A woman can bewitch and seduce a man with grace and charms, but not all women possess these traits. In Riften Nivenor is just a wealthy Bosmer woman in a loveless marriage looking for some warm company during the cold Skyrim evenings. Unfortunately aside from her looks and Bolli's money she really doesn't have anything else going for her. Ladies like Nivenor can find help for their problems in attracting men, but some help brings far more aid than anyone asked for…
    A box of special toys can be found within the city of Riften. These toys are not meant to tantalize or tease like most, but to drive erotic desires in all those around the wearer. Some may cause potential suitors to approach, others may inspire erotic actions in the people around you. And some may cause everyone to need a little tender warmth, societies norms and bonds of marriage be damned. Such is the power of Sanguine's Toy Box of Orgies. Find the box hidden away in Haelga's Bunkhouse and take whatever you want to play with. You never know what kinds of fun the people of Skyrim are looking for but with these toys you are sure to find out!
    Each toy is enchanted with a debaucherous effect. Major effects are listed. Some have more for you to discover.
    Sanguine's Love Claws - A toy that starts love scenes when you are hit in battle. Love your enemy to death! NEW  FAQs - Sanguine's Love Claws Sanguine's Chain Breast Harness, & Chain Legs - lots of gold chains NEW Sanguine's Harlot Collar - love propositions - people ask you for a little fun Sanguine's Heated Nip Clamps - uncontrollable orgies when roused Sanguine's Lively Nip Clamps - lively breasts - attracts attention, causing inappropriate propositions Sanguine's Chastity Piercing - protects virginity - no anal protection which Sanguine likes Sanguine's Anal Pet Tail - forced crawling the way Sanguine needs Sanguine's Serf Yoke - keeps you stripped for Sanguine - kicking is your means of defense Sanguine's Clit Tease - very rousing - magicka regen increases as rousing rises Sanguine's Denial Clit - no climax for you! Settings for each effect are in the Toys&Love MCM. This mod does not need its own MCM.
     Getting The Toys  3 options:
    Find the box hidden away in Haelga's Bunkhouse and take whatever you want to play with Install Toyful Temptations and the toys will be found randomly in containers & corpses throughout Skyrim Use the Toys&Love MCM, Toys Boxes tab  Toy Box
    What's a Toy Box? It's like an Animation Pack, but for toys instead of Animations.
    A Toy Box adds its toys into the Toys&Love registry, sharing with other mods.
    The packages on this page, support bodies for AE/SE, and LE
    Install Toys&Love SE or Toys&Love LE V2.61+ Download a Sanguines Toy Box package from this page, choosing the one that matches your body and Skyrim version Build for the group Sanguine with Bodyslide. See Building toys in Bodyslide. One of the most common mistakes is not getting this step right A new game is required unless you place this mod at the end of the load order. If upgrading no new game is required. See Golden Rule  If it's also your first time introducing Toys&Love in your load order, you absolutely need a new game Once in game use Toys&Love MCM Installation Test on the Setup tab. Steps to fix if the test in MCM failed. This mod will not work if that test fails This mod is flagged ESL which means it won't use up a slot unless using LE.
    New to Toys&Love? Recommend reading Toys&Love - Tips for getting started.
    For love scene animations, you need the Toys Starter LovePack or your favorite SLAL Pack(s) installed.
     Demo for Mod Authors
    This mod also serves as a demo for authors. Show's what's possible with minimal effort.
    There's almost zero script. Even Orgies are script-less. All the heavy lifting is taken care of by Toys&Love.
    Throw toy in box. Add Keyword. Done. Toy Box Authoring
     Helpful Links
    Toys Family of Mods
    Toys&Love - Tips
    Love Scene FAQs
    FAQs - Sanguine's Love Claws
    Change Log
    Help: FAQs and Troubleshooting
     Credits & Permissions
    Full credit goes to various authors for all of the toy art assets. They are listed on the Toys&Love page
    The gold chain based toys are from Clockwork Fine Chain - Jewellery Armor
    The Toys Team -  Mercplatypus, VirginMarie, Audhol & Slappa



  9. Vampire Rings

    My Vampire char was missing something, so I made this and share it.
    Vampire Rings
    adds 2 rings which will grant you special abilities.
    It is a modified feature of Sexlab Deadly Drain SE
    (see link requirements)
    1. Battle Ring
    You will be able to feed on hostiles, what heals yourself and strips the victim off the mana, stamina and some health plus 10 sec damage health.
    Animations bite from rear or front, you need to be close to the victim, victim must be NOT sleeping
    you must be NOT sneaking, victim must be hostile to you.
    2. deadly ring
    handle this one with care, instant kill on all victims incl. protected and friendly.
    Conditions as above, no sneak, no sleep.
    Rings craftable at forge, 1 silver ingot. 
    esl flagged esp, little mod giving some fun when playing as vampire.
    I assigned the 2 (3) feeding animations to keys 1,2,3.
    Nr. 3 triggers the kissing animation plus sex of Deadly Drain.
    Without a ring the bites will be original again. They change only when wearing a ring.



  10. WildLife for Toys

    New Video

    WildLife v1.2
    WildLife is a Toys&Love content mod & includes the WildLife Love Pack
    WildLife enables creature love scenes in Toys&Love. This enables Toys&Love to use Creature SLAL Animation Packs.
    If More Nasty Critters is installed WildLife will use it for aroused creature schlongs.
    Comes with a Love Pack, with love scenes for bunnies, dragons, & slaugherfish as a teaser. To get into more serious wildlife, install Creature SLAL Animation Packs.
    Toys&Love 2.6+ SE / LE FNIS & FNIS Creature Pack Optional
    More Nasty Critters & Creature Framework (see details below) Installation
    Get the SE or LE version (both on this page) A new game is required if newly adding this mod unless you place it at the end of the load order. See Golden Rule  If it's also your first time introducing Toys&Love in your load order, you absolutely need a new game Creature SLAL Animation Packs - need at least one. SLAL Animation Packs FAQs Optional Installation
    More Nasty Critters which needs CF which needs SLA... WildLife alone will enable creature love in Toys&Love. If you want WildLife to trigger erect creature schlongs, you need, More Nasty Creatures, Creature Framework, & Sexlab Aroused WildLife may work with other versions, but has been tested only with... in SE... MNC v12_8 & CF V3_0 from HERE in LE... MNC v9.3 from HERE SLA version/variant does not matter You can reduce much script load when you don't need SLA or Sexlab... by disabling SLA & Sexlab in their MCMs
    What you Don't Need
    SL Animation Loader - SLAL pack loading is built into Toys&Love and instant Hentai Creatures - you can just use the Toys&Love built in matchmaker (Toys&Love MCM), or let the quest mods do their job Helpful Links
    SLAL Animation Packs FAQs
    What will trigger Love Scenes?... see last section in FAQs - Toys --> Toys&Love 
    Toys Family of Mods
    Change Log



  11. Transform Armor

    A relatively simple mod that takes a vanilla armor and transforms it to other more 'appealing' versions. This is a continuation of Sluttify Armor, which I've since lost access to, and like a power user's version of Keep it breezy. This is a lesson in the perils of temporary email addresses. Note that the json format I used in SluttifyArmor has considerably changed, so old transform maps will not work.
    Managing armors is hard. I wanted a way to have BD's Armor Replacer Standalone (and/or Ghaan's Revealing Armor and/or Remodeled Armors and/or TaWoBA remastered) alongside non-skimpy versions, but the standalone versions do not always inject into the leveled lists. Rather than duplicating the leveled list for all of the vanilla armors with BD/G3B variants, I thought it would be nice to have a way to make my armor skimpy as needed. So I made a simple spell that does that - irreversibly of course. You tore it up and there's no bringing it back.
    Currently, all it does is take a JSON map of the non-skimpy version of your Cuirass (slot 32) to a skimpy version and apply it.
    There is basic support for armor being transformed when opening chests/various containers. There are no safe zones. Any chest. Any time. Anywhere. The mod doesn't remember which containers you have opened, so repeatedly opening the same chest will greatly increase your chances of the armor transforming.
    This mod now spawns a local http server on port 8000 for communication with the game and the transformation gui. This is 100% harmless, but windows might complain. If you don't want to mess with the GUI (though you should, it's neat), then you can disable this functionality by setting 'bEnabled = 0' in 'skse/plugins/transform armor/transformutils.ini'
    Installation and running:
    Download and extract using your method of choice. Install your desired armor sets. Note that there are updates for the most recent BD pinned in the forum comments on nexus that you should use if using BD > 1.3. If only using TaWoBA or only the two standalone versions of replacers, then you need to swap out the appropriate json file from 'data/skse/plugins/transform armors/alt_transforms' into 'data/skse/plugins/transform armors/'. The mod can load multiple transforms and merge them. If you don't have the intermediate ones, you shouldn't use the default (which is Vanilla->G3B/BD->TaWoBA). I.e. if you have ghaan and B3d, then only copy Vanilla-B3D.json and Vanilla-BD.json and delete the default. If you have G3B or BD and TaWoBA, keep the default, it will probably do what you want. If you only have TaWoBA, just use the Vanilla-bikini.json. Cast your new lesser power, 'Transform Armor' while wearing an appropriate armor ('Leather Armor' is always a good test).  
    Defining your own maps (or trialing armors/outfits):
    I prototyped a basic GUI. It should be considered alpha, but my work with it has been relatively stable. I've caught most of the main issues I think. You can get it in the download section here. You can create/equip try out transforms straightforwardly. Consider it a more considerably powerful (external) version of AddItemMenu but just for wearables
    Download and Open GUI Launch game (preferably in windowed mode while allowing it to run in the background)

    bFull Screen=0 Go into the Transform MCM and use the "Dump armors" functionality. In your skyrim root directory, it should make a file 'TransformUtils_Armors_Dump.json' File->Open Armor Dump -> that file File->Open Transform file -> skse/plugins/transform armor/mapofchoicetostartwith.json Play around. Save often. Armors on the left are draggable to outfits or as sources on the right. most things have a right click context menu to equip/delete/etc Copy results to 'skse/plugins/transform armor/'. You should probably only have one map file in this directory! The mod attempts to merge them, which is likely not what you want.  
    Source code:
    Short term todo:
    Flesh out more armor transforms  
    Medium term todo:
    Make build for SE (currently only AE) Add copy/paste to GUI Do some graph analysis to ease making/merging large amounts of armor data Add Book of UUNP (see point 3...) Attach to other mod events (suggestions welcome)  
    Long term ideas:
    Whatever your or my heart desires ❤️ Add support for non-32 slots (more of an organizational problem than a technical one)



  12. SexLab Extra Voices Addon Futanari voice

    SexLab Extra Voices Addon Futanari voice

    New Futanari Voice to use with 
    SexLab Extra Voices + Nusbie's Voices 1.5.0
    That you have to download and install first for this Modification of the Female 
    Slot 22 be able to work ..
    Download it here :
    SexLab Extra Voices + Nusbie's Voices 1.5.0
    Small Voice files sample used ..

    Futanari voice 22.mp4    
    Just install it and let it overwrite 
    SexLab Extra Voices + Nusbie's Voices 1.5.0




  13. CBPC Separate Anal Collision 2.2 (CBPC 1.5.6+)

    Separate anal and vaginal collisions for SexLab animations depending on animation tags.
    2.2 Features:
    Separate collisions for anal and vaginal animations (Pussy won't open in anal animation and vice versa. Group animation with anal and vaginal tags will open both holes) Works with new pussy physics and anal collisions XPMSSE 4.80 anal collisions, don't need to install old 4.51 rig Standalone dll, doesn't replace cbp.dll Changes only sphere\capsule size in collision config files, doesn't replace whole lines with hardcoded stuff SSE 1.5.97, AE 1.6.640, AE 1.6.353, VR 1.4.15 support  
    If you used it before RECHECK and REINSTALL requrements. A lot has changed.
    2.2 Hard Requirements\Mod Order:
    XPMSSE 4.80+
    BakaFactory ABC 2.61+ (Optional, If you want animal support)
    CBPC 1.5.6+
    CBBE 3BA 2.45+ (Install either cbpc + smp or only cbpc. Full SMP won't work.) (You NEED to install anal collisions and you DON'T need to instal 4.51 rig in XPMSSE as it says in description) (You can change vagina collision. Recommend it.)
    BHUNP 3.15 (Install either cbpc + smp or only cbpc. Only SMP won't work.) (Select new way in vagina collisions) (Install BHUNP anal configs in my mod installer, anal won't work without them)
    Place this mod here
    BHUNP doesn't have new anal physics in it's configs, you need to install BHUNP configs in installer of my mod. They are set up to work with new pussy physics + added anal collision.
    For proper anus collisions with advanced v3 body use BHUNP 3.15. Use v2 or v1 for lower bhunp versions.
    Other frameworks like Ostim are not supported, but you can manually switch collisions with keypress and there is esp without SexLab dependancy.
    XPMSSE 4.81 is compatible but this mod provides skeleton_female.hkx from 4.80 with deleted anus node for cbpc to work, so 'CamSpin' node from 4.81 won't be available for females. If there is any crucial mod that needs that node, I'll update mine too, otherwise it's not important.
    2.2 Plugin Source code
    Old versions are still available. You can read about them here.
    Old Description <=2.1.5. Instructions for old versions don't apply to v2.2.



  14. Enslaving Effect Resource and Demo

    Written in
    Year: 2022
    Month: 12
    Day: 15
    for file version: 4.0.0
    What this mod do, what is the concept?
    Imagine a wepon, a wepon that npc can use to enslave player and send simple slavery...
    At the same wepon, that player can use to enslave npcs.
    A enslaving weapon that can enslave the target... no matter what is the target...
    Started working this becuse some users requested my Slavers of Skyrim(SLOS) mod slavers not capable enslave players.
    Now thanx to this mod they can
    And same time player can enslave the slavers, or nearly any other npc with the same weapon they attempted enslave the player!
    This made possible Paradise Halls Enchanted (PAHE) (and VERY BIG thx for ClifftonJD for the help!)
    As i worked this mod i got a idea:
    But hey why stop weapons? if using same effects possible to create Spells that do the same thing as the weapon does!
    Enslave the target... so why not?
    This scripts pramary made used with my SLOS but during devlopment i dicided making it modder resoruce! So any one in LL can make use of it!
    After version 3 realise i missed something... slavers now can capture player, and player can capture npcs... but npcs canot capture other npcs...
    this is feel not fair so i started work hard make possible this.
    in realise v4 this made reality.
    Now slaver npcs can and will capture other npcs, they capable capture fallowers if sad fallower not marked essential.
    I suggest use this function very great care the script canot tell what npc realy important what not. Allowing capture quest critcal npcs not good thing.
    By default this slavers capable this...
    Other good to know things:
    This mod not ment compite with SL defeat or other combat rape/slavery mods.
    Goal is imitate how slavery works from player side in skyrim ( PAHE capture process). 
    In PAHE  its 100% possible to kill a npc with to strong attack  before chance to capture it, now same true for the player.
    if player not strong enught survive the incoming damage, slavers go sad and say "well that happens" and move on.
    Agin this is not a defeat mod where player ending up dead is accident/bug.
    About slavers capture actors future ( aka NS Actor Storage) and Rescue quest
    The slavers ( to this work the slaver npc need part of the NSASCaptureSlaverFaction) and use enchanted weapon that use EFtiggercapture effect or magic.
    if this requierment meet and the victim is a actor and not essential and victim hp go below 50% victim going to be captured.
    this case the capture means the victim teleported a slaver lair.  where keept until slavers find a buyer for the slave. This take some time 7 day.
    if the captive not get rescued during this grace period the victim get removed from the game ( killed )
    To protect important npcs by default the slavers not sell potential followers, and potential marriage facton members.
    The time for slavers sell slaves, protection aginst selling, the capture hp limit, can be changed with varibles with ease.
    To rescue the captives player need tigger a rescue magic effect this broke the capture spell. This can be expended easy.
    The requiered spells can be found in the flor of storage room in the demo.
    Script limitation ( V3 ):
    EF Tigger Concentrate Script and EF Compact Tigger Concentrate Script:   
    This magic effects can handle concentration effects and extended duration on recast enchantments witout problem
    In theory okay to use this scripts with magic effect that last at least 1 sec but works better in 2 sec or longer.
    This scripts after checking most requierment run checks on the victim evry 1 sec if wictim current hp above 25% of the capture limit, 0,5 sec if below 25% to the capture limit.
    Difference beatwen the normal tigger script and the concentration one:
    -The new one in size dubble. This means far more code and far more complex inner workings.
    -The normal capture spell not use on update calls.
    I suggest use the normal tigger script and magic effect if non concentration spell in use. or enchantment not has extanded flagged.
    Normal Script version limitations (V2 and lower):
    (EF Tigger  Script and EF Compact Tigger Script )
    Concentraion spells not work with my tigger scripts! DO NOT attach this type of spells!
    Working on a Concentration spell only script, Its take time...
    Tigger effect in spells or enchantments is ideal if sett 1 sec in any usage
    Enchantments ONLY:
    DO NOT flag extend effect duration on recast! my contact tigger script not going to work!
    To owercome this need a special type of script same as concentration type of spell script.
    Please keep in mind if your enchanted weapon run out of enchants the weapon canot be used to enslave player/npc.
    This special bead if you wish produce weapons that meant used enslave player... this things may non expected negative side effects
     (i mean dead player character )
    information for Simple Slavery users:
    Paralysis is a big problem for my script. I written a special section to handle that case.
    if my script fail its possible to end up frozen in the auction.
    Reason for this propably to high load on papyrus and my script failed handle the situation.
    Please let me know if this happen to you! I can add more safe guard to preverent this to happen.
    The Version 4 fixed this issue. the secund magic effect contain keyword that mark the target immune to paralysis.
    With other existing safetys paralysis bug shuld not happen agin.
    information for pahe users:
    My script allow slaves, followers to use this weapons/spells aginst other npcs. So they can help enslave other npcs.
    I run checks this effects canot be used to capture followers, slaves. This done to avoid accidental enslavment.
    i done my work in skyrim se 1.5.97 version
    i tryed use script commands that not need SKSE to work so probably work older version to. 
    As long older versions can handle mod send event.
    to capture player for simple slavery need installed. if not installed no player capture.
    to capture npcs need pahe installed, if not my spell effects dont capture.
    The demo and the mods alone shuld not do any harm.
    Adding new records to the game do not make problem.
    Scripts i added only work as the spell/weapon used.
    I have no information how well work with other defeat mod.
    Propbably based on settings this mod or other mod kick in first then handle the situation.
    What shuld i download?
    i keep older version avible for reference, but always use the higest avible version number.
    NS EnslavingEffect-DEMO-V4
    This pacage contains a demo version of my scripts. Serve as example how can used my effects, and can be tested by players.
    i wirtten my scripts 2 version normal and compact this intrest of modders, from user perspective this to the same.
    To use it simple need to install it this adds 4 cells to the game that only accesed by console commands:
    Normal script version demonstration:
    open console then type:
    coc + the room name can be seen below
    coc EFTest
    list of test rooms:
    word of warning:
    for demonstration porpuse only this demo contains a slaver attack on riverwood!
    the slavers start on the north side of town and more than capble owerpower all npc in the streats. without player intervention all npc get captured.
    added bonus if simple slavery installed slavers may capture the player to!
    *** Modder downloads ***
    i made 2 version of the script one named compact this version only use direct form id calls.
    i new to scripting not sure what aproach is better making propertys that more flexible or directly referencing form id's.
    Both has ups and downs, Comapct version not leave best of my knowlage references behind, but harder to use not alow merge.
    Normal version that make use propertys easy to hadnle as modder and can be merged more flexible but leave behind references.
    facing this i made the dicision make both version over time users and modders dicide witch one is better, if any.
    NS EnslavingEffect-V3-FOR modders
    This file for modders, a modder resource.
    Contains the full demo plus esp files used make the esl ones. Addded with the script sources.
    In this version i not implemented the Actor Storage functions for compact mode. This is the last version i uploded compact version.
    Based on tests the comapct mod is not worth it. The save files more data in it if i use compact version. Propertys more flexible in use especialy the way i need use some cases.
    My request to those who read this:

    I realtive new to scripting this is my first scripted mod.
    i try make this one compatible other mods as possible and same time efficent as possible.
    if any of dear mod maker know better sorulution other than i made pls some how let me know and i willing to improve this mod.
    To make more stable and compatible with other mods.
    I belive this mentality that move as comunity foward.
    Informations for modders:

    All the record start EF tag, in compact version EFCompact. i not write it here down to make more easy to read.
    How this thing work:
    i use magic effects to find the target and run the checks.
    logic is this:
    tigger script->checks the target its valid for capture or not ->if yes call for player OR npc capture-> the capture run other checks and handle the capture if evrything okay
    the capture script call for simple slavery OR pahe to handle the victim.
    i run checks via scripts and conditions, if possible by condtions.
    PAHE and Simple slavery has different requierments so both needed own separate script to handle.
    All script attached a magic effect this effects in capture cases added a spell that cast on the victim by the tigger script.
    The tigger scripts attached tiggereffectsFFaimed and contact. aimed used with spells like fire ball, contact variant ment to be used with enchancments.
    using as master any of the .esl file ( suggested compact version usage)
    add a tigger efect to your spell/ecnchantment set it 2 secund and ready to go. you can add condition to effect start if wish more limit when start the action.
    the trehsold of player capture contained in a global varible: PlayerHPLimit. it is a float need to be beatwen 0.01 and 1 0.5 default this means 50% heath if its 0.4 means 40% heath
    this varible checked evry time enslaving effect hit a valid target.
    if player hp drop below this and hit by any tigger effect capture procces beggins ( is simple slavery installed of corse)
    merging to you mod esp (propbably best for this the normal version)
    fallow above steps maybe check all 5 magic effect script propertys are set right.
    i named them same as corespanding spells/effect/global so auto fill expected to do the job.
    About NS Actor Storage:
    Check the source code most of the data you may need can be find here.
    Future plans:
    Making mroe stable if needed
    Fixing bugs if any left.
    Making more fast if possible.
    NSAS expension a bit... maybe.
    write a detailed guide for modders.
    This mod is a modder resource.
    This mod ment free to use by any one, i only ask not used mods that ask money from users to able play it.
    If credit given is a big pluss but not required.
    Special thanks for @CliftonJD the patiance and lot of help give me during this script devlopment.
    I wish say thank those who pointed me right direction where to look, and sugjested make SLOS player capture capable.



  15. Chicken With Cloaca (Beta) SE

    This is a beta test I did to learn how to edit meshes, adding vaginal bones to the cloaca. This mod needs more updates, but it works for now. Some HCOS animations work, such as the Fox Chicken, but the Bunny Chicken is slightly out of alignment.
    Chicken textures should work, I didn't edit the UVs of the body, but the textures around the cloaca are a little stretched.
    I want to make collision for the head for some animations, If you can help me with that, it should be really helpful.



  16. Generated Voice Pack for Sexlab Horrible Harassment Expansion LE/SE

    Voice pack for Selxab Horrible Harassment Expansion (SLHH) 
    Made using VASynth for Horrible Harassment Expansion (SLHH). Created for version 3.701". Uploading here because why not.
    Baka's mod works for both SE and LE. I play on GOG's AE and this pack works (mostly) for me. Every now and then I have noticed small things (often single word lines) that it doesn't cover, but it got *almost* everything.
    Sexlab Horrible Harassment Expansion



  17. Generated Voice Pack for Milk Mod Economy (MME)

    Voice pack for Milk Mod Economy (MME) 
    Made using VASynth for Milk Mod Economy (MME). Created for version "v20220507". Uploading here because why not.
    Note: made for the SSE version. Could work for LE version but idk, so use at your own risk (think it'll be pretty obvious if it doesn't, so just try it and uninstall if it doesn't work).
    Milk Mod Economy SE



  18. SMP SexToys

    This mod is my conversion of Bazinga's HDT SexToys for SE.
    So first of all many thanks to Bazinga for his work on the original mod! Without him I would not have had a starting point for this project.
    I hope it is ok for me to modify and upload his mod and scripts here. I asked Bazinga for permission a few months ago, but since he has retired from modding I never got an answer back.
    If the modification and reupload of his work is not allowed, please let me know and I'll take it down.
    This mod enables collision for Skinned Mesh Physics (SMP) bodies with animation objects. (Which is way easier said than done ?)
    For now it covers four solo and three paired animations.
    Animations by Leito: Female Toy Vaginal (health potion), Female Dildo Vaginal (soul gem), Lesbian DoubleDildo and Lesbian DoubleDildo2 (Original, SE)
    nazonootoko animations: Soulgem Showing (Uploaded file by Aequus)
    Nibbles Animation: Chair Dildo, Bondage Post Dildostick (Original,  SE)
    SMP enabled Body such as 3BA HDT-SMP, I use FSMP SexLab SE PapyrusUtil SE All the requirements in the mods listed above.  
    SexLab Animation Loader The Animation Mods listed above (without them this mod makes no sense) SexLab Tools for switching between animations  
    The mod is ready for installation through ModOrganizer. As this mod overwrites files from the original animation mods, the installation through a mod manager is highly recommended. Let this mod overwrite the animation mods. In Game: (these instructions are taken from the original mod, as I have no clue why and if it is necessary to do those steps)
    Export Sexlab MCM settings (to not lose any changes made) reapply JSON data in SL AnimationLoader MCM menu Import Sexlab MCM settings  
    Further information on how this mod works:
    Bazinga for his original HDT SexToys mod
    All the people listed on Bazinga's mod site with whom the original mod would not have been possible:
        Ashal     Leito86, nazonootoko and SirNibbles     Aequus     HydrogensaysHDT     Lupine00 The team behind FSMP: hydrogensaysHDT, aers, Karonar1, alandtse, geniusty, HSanMartin, skullgirls, DaydreamingDay, idaan300, romanicles, igloomod, SesamePaste, jg1 
    Acro748 for the awesome SMP collision enabled body
    OsmelMC for SLAL
    ousnius for OutfitStudio
    treota for his Guide into the dark magic that is SMP
    as well as: exiledviper, Pfiffy and Electric Aether for porting mods to SE



  19. Dibella's Skin SL version

    1. craft the ring (smelter, 2x moonstone ore)
    2. equip the ring.
    3. walk into a hostile bandit camp.
    Adds a skin(default skin) as armor.
    This skin has several enchantment. Main enchantment, hostile attackers will be forced into a SL solo scene.
    If the player equips the ring, this skin(armor) will be forced equipped. Armor cannot be uneqipped, unequip ring to remove the skin.



  20. 3D Armpit Hair - Diverse & Distributed

    What is this?
    tldr: donnerwetter made a 3D armpit hair mod earlier this year with 5 different variations. This mod distributes those armpit hairs across all the women of Tamriel. ESP marked light.
    longer version: There are a lot of mods that give female NPCs armpit hair. Most skin mods include an underarm hair variant. However, they are all in 2D, meaning that the hair looks like it was stuck to the skin with glue. Secondly, the armpit hair from other skin mods would apply to all women and be of exactly the same length, color, consistency, etc... and every female NPC would have the same armpit hair.
    Donnerwetter's mod was the only one I found with 3D meshes that looked very natural. The mod also provided 5 variants of hair with different lengths and consistencies and I didn't want to have to stick with just 1, which is why I created this mod. Now, all the women in Tamriel (including the ones added by mods) will have 3D armpit hair of varying sizes, colors, and consistencies. The hair is assigned randomly.
    However, you can customize this assignment if you don't want hair assigned to certain women. That will be covered later.
    There are a couple of hard requirements. First is the original mod by donnerwetter. You need to download the "Wearable" version (dw's 3D Underarm Hair - Wearable.7z) for all body types except BHUNP. For BHUNP, get dws3DUnderarmHair-WearableBHUNP.7z.
    Next, you need Spell Perk Item Distributor (SPID) and all it's requirements.
    You also need to have Bodyslide to build the hairs to match your body.
    Once you have installed the requirements, you have a choice to make. You can choose to have the 5 variants with hair colors ranging from black to blonde (see screenshots) based on natural hair colors, or hair colors ranging from black to brown (also see screenshots). Since the hairs are assigned randomly, you might get some weird results with the first option as there will be NPCs with dark head hair but light blonde armpit hair. The second option has better consistency since a NPC with blonde hair and dark underarm hair looks less weird (in my opinion) that a NPC with dark hair, dark skin, and blonde armpit hair.
    If you want black to light blonde hair, download and install "Natural Hair Shades.zip" from the download section. Make sure you get the correct body types. i.e: BHUNP file for BHUNP body, and I have adjusted the sliders and made a version for UNP bodies. For every other body type, get "Natural Hair Shades 1.01.zip"
    If you want black to brown hair, download and install "Dark Hair Shades.zip". Same body type considerations as above apply.
    A third option exists if you want to set the hair color yourself, as explained by donnerwetter here:
    Make sure you edit the hair for Slot 51.
    Next, build the armpit hairs using Bodyslide. Note that the armpit hairs that get distributed are the ones belonging to slot 51, so they MUST be built. Look at the image below for reference.
    You can batch build the hairs belonging to other slots as well.
    Install the main mod (Diverse Distributed Armpit Hair.zip).
    And that's it! You should be able to open up your game and see all the women having armpit hair.
    Should be compatible with any mods that introduce NPCs, any body shapes, any skin mods. Mods like sexlab which strip the NPCs should have slot 51 set to don't strip (which is the default) so that the hair doesn't disappear when a scene starts.
    Since this uses SPID to distribute the hair, you can customize who gets the hair and who doesn't. By default, all the women get it, but you can change that. 
    To do this, open up the DDArmpitHair_DISTR.ini file found in the main mod. You will find a string like this:
    Spell = 0x801~DDArmpitHair.esp|ActorTypeNPC|NONE|NONE|F|NONE|100  
    The 100 at the end means that there is a 100% chance any woman you meet will have hair. You can change this to any value and the percentage chance will change.
    If you don't want any specific NPC to have hair, use "-":
    Spell = 0x36CC~DWwear.esp|ActorTypeNPC,-Serana|NONE|NONE|F|NONE|100  
    In the above case, Serana will not have armpit hair. You can do this with any number of NPCs, or even factions. The official SPID page can help you figure out the inner workings of this string.
    Final note
    While originally the slot 51 hairs were playable, I turned them non-playable so that you won't be seeing an "armpit hair" item in every female NPC's inventory. This means that you can't wear the slot 51 hair. If you want to wear the armpit hair on your character, you will have to build and use one of the other slots.



  21. Pregnant NPCs 3BA

    This is not a plug-and-play plugin, please read about it.
    The reason I create it is to make some slaves in other mods pregnant, but you can also apply it to other NPCs.
    This mod will provide you with a custom pregnant body, which you can apply to other NPCs. 
    The custom pregnant body will use the same texture as your pc, except difuse and normal map.
    This is not the same file on Nexus by the way .~.

    How to use:
    You should know how to use xEdit. Open xEdit and add NPCs that you want to be pregnant to the Pregnant NPCs List. Browse to WNAM - Worn Armor and give it SkinNakedPregnant armor (this is an armor from Pregnant NPCs.esp). If your character has clothes, then you have to give them pregnant clothes as well. There are a few vanilla NPCs inside the list which you can use for example (patch with AI Overhaul).
    Remember to handle the conflict here too >.<
    The difuse and normal map which I use is from The Pure skin, if you use a different skin texture then copy your difuse and normal map to textures\pregnant\actors\character\female inside the mod folder. Recommend for pregnant normal map: dw's Pregnant Normal Maps for CBBE 3BA

    If you want to use other shape, build your 3BA body meshes then copy to meshes\pregnant\actors\character
    The same with pregnant clothes.
    If you plan to make a character can become a werewolf pregnant (like Aela). You have to add NakedTorsoWerewolfBeast [ARMA:000CDD87] to SkinNakedPregnant armor, or your Aela will become invisible when transforming to werewolf. This may be the same case for your other visual NPCs mods.
    I only make a few pregnant clothes, for example. If you want to add other clothes, you must make them yourself. Just use the main plugin for example.
    If you always use the same bodyslide for the body and armors/clothes, then you can just build the morph file for armor/clothes in bodyslide.
    The NPCs already cover in the mod: Sayma, Rhiada, Saren, Indara Caerellia, Ganna Uriel, Reldith, Hilevi Cruel-Sea, Faida, Haran, Leonara Arius, Fianna, Milore ienth, Finna.
    You may need to add Dinya Balu as well, I left it for you guys practice yourself to understand the mod .~.




  22. Toys Love, Music, & LoveCum Packs

    Love, Music, & LoveCum Packs are Resources for Toys&Love
    What's New? Toys Furniture LovePack
    What's a Love Pack?
    Love Scene animations. Toys&Love uses any existing SLAL Animation Pack, plus its own extended format referred to as a Love Pack. 
    Toys Starter LovePack
    Contains 92 Love Scenes. Full credit to Billyy for the animations Scenes are a selection from Billyy's SLAL Animation Pack... Human only including: regular, lesbian, & furniture The intent of this pack is to give a good assortment of scenes when starting out with Toys&Love Alternatively you can use Billyy's SLAL Animation Pack, or add that in latter. You can also use any of the other widely available SLAL Packs Toys Furniture LovePack
    Contains 60 Love Scenes, specifically for Furniture Love Furniture Love FAQs Full credit to Billyy, Anubs, Leito, Milky, & Ayasato for the animations. The JSON data was modified for Furniture Love What's a Music Pack?
    Music which may play during Toys&Love Love Scenes & custom scenes in mods using Toys&Love.
    Toys LoreFitting LovePack - Contains 19 music covers, most using medieval/lore friendly instruments, and many using Skyrim themed music
    Toys CelloViolin MusicPack - Contains 19 music covers, all using cello and/or violin, and many using Skyrim themed music
    You can load both packs, and play from all 38 tracks.
    You will hear some of this music in the video below.
    How to make your own Music Pack
    What's a LoveCum Pack?
    Textures for cum used in Toys&Love Love Scenes & custom animation scenes.
    Toys Original LoveCum Pack - The pack that comes included with Toys&Love. It's here in case you want to switch back. Textures in this pack stand out the most. Full credit goes to tooli3d
    Toys IceCream LoveCum Pack - Harder to see than Original, but more realistic. Full credit goes to Vacaliga
    Toys Realistic LoveCumPAck - Harder to see. The Textures are translucent. The most realistic. Full credit goes to Vacaliga
    Requires Toys&Love 2.6+ SE / LE
    Love Packs - Get either the SE or LE version. Both are available from this page Music Packs - they are version agnostic. You can install both at the same time Lovecum Packs - they are version agnostic. You can only install one at a time. Let it overwrite the previous Let your mod manager drop them in. Done. Toy&Love will start using them All packs use no plugin (esp). Can safely add/change/remove them mid-playthrough, without corrupting your save. Just re-run FNIS.
    Love & SLAL Animation Packs FAQs
    Furniture Love FAQs
    Toys Family of Mods
    How to make your own Music Pack



  23. Succubus Race TRX Futanari and TRX Horse patch

    Patch for Succubus Race mod mod textures for 1.2.4 version of TRX futanari and TRX Horse.
    Install with mod manager or manually




  24. Dark Desires Club

    What's New  Furniture Love & more. See... Change Log
    It's not desire if there's no passion.


    Dark Desires Club is a bondage club where you can gamble, fight in the arena, complete sex quests, and discover secrets. If you are not careful, or choose to do so, you may become a working girl or slave in the club.
    Working girls can also be found in inns or walking the streets in Whiterun, Solitude, and Riften If you find a way to free her, a special slave can become your follower Main actors are voiced (customized generated voice) Male Player is fully supported LE Version? No. LE cannot handle graphics for 50+ NPCs in a single cell. Attempted... tried hard... not going to be an LE version For more detail see... Tips & Hints  <--- an important read... learn how to please clients!
    Original Author
    Credit goes to @darkdesires04 for content prior to V2.0
    Toys&Love SE V2.6+ KS Hairdos SE - make sure it's the "complete" version The Eyes Of Beauty SSE Fuz Ro D-oh - get the right version - latest is for AE only Heels Sound SE  Love Packs... At least the Starter Love Pack. Toys Furniture LovePack recommended Music packs... both recommended... Music Packs Installing
    Install the above, including the requirements of each mod Use the Toys&Love Install steps, don't skip reading those. You have many options Careful of this... Known Mod Conflicts and this... SE versus AE Version Trap Check the Optional Mods below You must start a new game after changing your load order Do I really need to start a new game? You must run FNIS after installing or upgrading. Watch for FNIS errors, they must be corrected IMPORTANT: Once in game... If you can't answer YES to the following, there's an installation mistake... Do you see an MCM menu for Dark Desires & Toys&Love? A mod's MCM is not showing Run the Toys&Love - MCM - Setup tab - Installation Test. Does it pass? Steps to fix if the test in MCM failed       FNIS reports Duplicates in Consistence Check
    Getting Started
    Once in game, use step 4 from above When starting a new game, make a save, & load it. DDC actors may not interact with you, until you've loaded a save Entrance to the club is in Whiterun's Hall of the Dead... through the front door, to the left Optional Mods
    Toys Love, Music, & LoveCum Packs - recommend both music packs WildLife for Toys - if you want loving with monsters in the arena Immersive Weapons - will use in the arena Demonic Creatures - will use in the arena Skooma Whore SE - more drugs and addiction Credits
    Note from @darkdesires04: As of July 20th, 2022, I am no longer maintaining this mod and transferring ownership to VirginMarie
    Announcement - New Caretaker for this mod
    Change Log



  25. Various SL Triggers Addons + Sperm Alchemy Ingredients

    After playing with some more commands i decided to share them on this place instead of making a new topic. The reason for these new commands is to make some unused mods in my loadorder make some random appereances in my playthroughs. 
    Required: SL Triggers 
    New Commands:
    Cure Disease
    So you catched a Disease and have a hard time to get rid of it? Some alchemists praise the healing capabilities of cum. Give it a try, suck some dicks and you will eventually be healthy again.
    As with the other triggers, you can set it, how you like it. Give it 10%, 57% or 100% chance to trigger. Its up to you, if you want to get it only from oralsex or any other. Get it from anyone and anything or only from undead creatures. Very helpful if shrines dont cure diseases in your skyrim and/or if potions are either rare or expensive. 
    Equip Pet Collar
    This Requires the Mod Pet Collar to be installed, otherwise it wouldnt do anything. You can set a chance and conditions when a pet collar has to be applied to your character. See Screenshot for example. Make sure you have set Pet Collars MCM to your liking (especially the stash and equipment options).
    Additional Note: In my game after the pet collar has been applied to my character, it shows "Put it on" with the other escape options when clicking it, although it is already equipped and working. Clicking "Put it on" does nothing though and you can still use unlock or try to escape as it has to be. The same thing happens when adding the collar via Pet collars MCM, so im not sure if this is an error with my command. Please report if anything irregular happens.
    Summon Hentai Troll
    This requires the Mod Hentai Creatures found on MNC. You can set chance and conditions when a hentai troll is summoned. Great when being defeated as a revenge option. I suggest setting a low chance. The Troll follows you until dismissed/banished
    Losing Sexlab Survival Licenses
    This requires the Mod Sexlab Survival. IF you play with Licenses, you can set chance and conditions how to lose them. For example setting a low chance for losing them when Defeated. Comes with several commands for each license (so you can set to lose them all, or just one specific)
    Apply TDF Prostitution Effect
    Requires TDF Prostitution. You can set a chance and condition on which the magic effect "allure" is applied, which lasts 20 Minutes. This makes NPCs treat the PC as a prostitute and forcegreet her. For example give low chance on Oral Animations. 
    Sperm Alchemy Ingredients
    Why I did this:
    I am currently plaing an Alchemy/Pickpocket/Sneak Character with no Combat or Mage Skills. Sneaking through a Bandit Dungeon, try not to be seen by the normal Bandits and pickpocketing a Poison into the Leaders inventory to get the Quest "Kill Bandit Leader" done. Same way for DB Quests. Or using Rage poisons instead. Very interesting and challenging gameplay. But the game lacks powerful Poison ingredients compared to the high amount of hitpoints some Bandits have. Additionally this offers an Incentive to have sexual activity.
    This Mod adds 4 Alchemy Ingredients:
    Fresh Sperm (meant to be common from humans, so very basic effects)
    Toxic Sperm (meant to be rare from humans. Is like a downgraded Jarrin Root so its not too overpowered) Beware, eating this to uncover its effects can kill when youre low on Health.
    Wild Sperm (meant to be obtained from creatures, has some useful effects for sneaky characters)
    Undead Sperm (meant to be obtained from undead, has some useful effects for mages)
    Also adds 4 new commands for SL Triggers so these new ingredients can be obtained through sexual activity:
    Receive Sperm
    Receive Toxic Sperm
    Receive Creature Sperm
    Receive Undead Sperm
    Just install and set the triggers ingame within SL triggers MCM
    Recommended Settings:
    Receive Sperm: On End, Oral, Partner Humanoid, 100%
    Receive Toxic Sperm: On End, Oral, Partner Humanoid, 5%
    Receive Creature Sperm: On End, Oral, Partner Creature, 100%
    Receive Undead Sperm: On End, Oral, Partner Undead, 100%
    You can of course set the triggers how you like it though. The reason why i would set Undead and Creatures to 100% is, because i dont do these animations in my playthroughs. Maybe different for you if you like creature sex. Then you might set Receive Sperm to "Any" and lower the chances for Creature and Undead Sperm.
    +++ REMOVED: Follower restrictions (nofollowers.zip) +++
    Not working as i wanted. Will probably make a new version from scratch. I am sorry, if any problems did occur in your game due to this mod



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