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  2. Doesn't work with Sexlab 166b version, scenes do not start: events are fired as seen in console, yet nothing happens.
  3. hey guys i found this really old mod that i found in arca.live, its expired but i wanna know if someone still has this https://arca.live/b/genshinskinmode/96388796?category=질문(모드제작)&p=9 many thanks in advance
  4. can someone share this mod with me?? https://arca.live/b/breaking/102207100?keyword=타이나리+TS&p=1 please and thank you
  5. the link is already dead, but AIcthier upload the .7z in april 5 in the page 193
  6. Fallout4 homeplate Fallout 4 2024.05.04 -
  7. best to post this bug at the Sexout Lust page. This thread is more about installation issues and recommendations.
  8. v. - before getting a hair dye, you can now choose between "permanent hair coloration" and "semi-permanent hair toner" via dialogue with the hairdresser (this is actually just an immersive way to change MCM settings) - for semi-permanent hair toner, will now show the fade out percentage in hair status window - disabling "frequent hair check" in MCM now should work properly again - fixed an issue in the hair script, delaying the hair color showing properly in SE (this affected mostly the usage of hair catalog and shampoo) - fixed 2 typos in a hair configuration file - Infibulation quest: dialog with Tris is now working properly for shemales - increased number of makeup items in YPS vendor chests - Receiving several magic effects will no longer attract hostile NPCs (including: basic fashion buffs/debuffs, lip balm, nail oil, anti-ageing cream). Using lipstick, nail polish or perfume will still attract monsters! - clarified (hopefully) the hint in the quest log of stages 460 and 465 in the Dibella quest
  9. CuteAndFunnyHook but I worry Virus.so I not like it I try use Blender moding the skin,but is so bad.I am not expreience So,I only request loversLab user help me... Please!! T T
  10. I think the skin textures are in the 00_common folder for each character.
  11. Pretty girl owns a dick Thanks donnerwetter for this Pretty stuff TRX-ERF Hybrid Schlong for CBBE SE 1.0.0
  12. > The (classic) fairy tales in our country do not contain princesses with guns. They do not acknowledge and accept modern princesses who live modern lives. You'd be surprised how many children like classic fairy tales.
  13. Omg it's the first actually nude model actually shown off. Damn my hype has come back to life!!!
  14. Has there been any actual released mods from these efforts yet? Like even a partial / few pals / individual pals?
  15. How can I install the cheat engine for money?
  16. At any rate, I have confirmed that I can make a mod for this game, but since I don't usually make unity mods, I am having some trouble getting it to work. For example, if I move a mesh from another object to mesh_skin_upper in uniform, it will not work when I generate Skinned mesh Compornent in unity.
  17. I like it. I'll see about doing a trigger that displays the male branding one you have. I'll ponder the female one as a replacement. It'd improve the odds if she was also being branded, but it's been long enough that I may look into seeing if there is another suitable image out there as well. I still am not as large a fan of them as I am well drawn images, but my dislike of them has softened as they've improved, and I don't mind ai images unless there is something too off about them that draws my eyes to the flaw instead of the larger image overall. One reason I'm holding off on updating the Drax70 version of the mod, is I want to go through its images again and see if there are any I'd be fine with rolling with now.
  18. Updated files here! Loverslab: * Posture Sentinel v416. 1- Main menu icons changed only, not big thing. * Submit (Kneel and Submit) v116. 1- New punishment, Hard Ballbusting (Floor -> Kneel, select the sub, select interaction). 2- Changed the color for the punishment interactions (intensity). 3- Connection with the progression system for the ballbusting punishment. 4- Fixed a specific situation where nothing happened when selecting "punishment". * Kinky Buffs Applier v116. 1- New progression system for the submissives after the ballbusting punishment. Kinky sims have two unique levels (flirty buff for level one, and fine for level two), vanilla sims also have two unique levels (uncomfortable buff for both). There's also a third level, the same for both (kinky and vanilla sims), a huge uncomfortable buff that will affect your sims walking style. Progression happens in the same way as the caning and paddling, punish once, you have level one, punish again before the buff expires, and you will have the level two. Same for the third level. In case you need help to define your sims as kinky, check my website entry. * Kinky Aftercare v111. 1- Added the new ballbusting submissive buffs for the shower aftercare. If you want to remove the buffs and restore your sims condition after a punishment (without waiting for the buff to expires) click on any shower and select the aftercare interaction. Patreon Update: * Posture Sentinel v420. 1- Increased the range of sims that can be selected to use the sentinel. * Submit (Kneel and Submit) v120. 1- New funishment, Soft Analingus (Floor -> Kneel, select the sub, select interaction). This interaction have four unique outcomes buffs for subs, two for kinky sims and two for vanilla. There's also a outcome buff for dominant. The outcome for subs will pay attention to the dominant hygiene status bar. That's right, if the dominant have low hygiene, the sub will taste a sweaty butt lmao. This type of conditional can be used more in the future. 2- Created the public reactions base system (FINALLY). When a sim is kneeling, you will be able to click the sim and select a new option (Turn Reactions On). This will start what we call "broadcaster" and others sims will approuch and react. The kinky buffs applier will define if the sub will be embarrased or not depending if it's a kinky or vanilla sim. The other sims will react for a while and stop, after some time they will back to react again if the sub sim is still kneeling. At anytime (if public reactions is on) you can click the sub sim and select "Turn Reactions Off" to finish the public humiliations. 3- First reaction created, it's a cheer reaction. I'm working on more reactions that will take relationship and traits in consideration so we can have different reactions for different sims. But first, need to make sure everything is working good for everyone so far. In the near future sims will able to say something dirty or be dissapointed or shocked. 4- Increased the range of sims that can be selected to kneel. * Kinky Buffs Applier v120. 1- Compatibility with the new Submit features to define who is kinky and who is vanilla, and what will happen in the new interactions. 2- Small changes to some buffs duration. * Kinky Aftercare v116. 1- No changes.
  19. You've got three updater threads hanging at the same spot [RSP+3570] 0x20A31EE6F50 (BSScript::Internal::CodeTasklet*) Stack Trace: [bac_reequip00 (1B0551E3)].bac_actor_base.ActorOverlayRemove() - "bac_actor_base.psc" Line 2058 [bac_reequip00 (1B0551E3)].bac_actor_base.addOverlayTats() - "bac_actor_base.psc" Line 2683 [bac_reequip00 (1B0551E3)].bac_actor_base.reequipItemsEx() - "bac_actor_base.psc" Line 909 [bac_reequip00 (1B0551E3)].bac_reequip.OnUpdate() - "bac_reequip.psc" Line 101 File: "bac.esp" Flags: 0x00400008 kInitialized Name: "BAC Reequip Thread 00" EditorID: "bac_reequip00" FormID: 0x1B0551E3 FormType: Quest (77) There, a texture file textures\bac\blank.dds is applied to block the overlay slot but appear empty. That comes with the loose files. The other BAC related items are multiple occurrences of this [RSP+3700] 0x20A31EE73B0 (BSScript::Internal::CodeTasklet*) Stack Trace: [None].PO3_SKSEFunctions.FindAllReferencesOfType() - "<native>" Line ? [None].bac_po3_access.FindAllReferencesOfType() - "bac_po3_access.psc" Line 93 [Active effect 4 on (00000014)].bac_bovine_degrading.GetGrazeables() - "bac_bovine_degrading.psc" Line 108 [Active effect 4 on (00000014)].bac_bovine_degrading.CanGraze() - "bac_bovine_degrading.psc" Line 100 [Active effect 4 on (00000014)].bac_bovine_degrading.CheckGrazing() - "bac_bovine_degrading.psc" Line 46 [Active effect 4 on (00000014)].bac_bovine_degrading.OnUpdate() - "bac_bovine_degrading.psc" Line 41 Flags: 0x00000408 kInitialized FormID: 0x00000014 FormType: ActorCharacter (62) And here we are on a hot trail. Bovine Degrading starts with herb scanning at stage 6, but only if *not* in sneak mode! Please check, if your PO3 installation matches the current version. PO3 comes with a dll that needs to match exactly.
  20. Unfortunately no - I do think the only actual voice type i assigned was femalesultry to allesandra, cause i don't think she had a voice type assigned. All the other changes were some random assignments in dialog topics: CC_LyvviePart1_Bimbo_2/3/4 CC_LyvviePart1_Final4 CC_LyviePart2_35_2 CC_LyviePart2_Stage_35_Idle2Topic CC_LyviePart2_100_3a/4a CC_LyvvieIdleChats_Hellos/Goodbye/DareelBranchTopic/Dareel CC_LyvviePart2_PostChat_2 CC_LyvviePart1_Return12 CC_Hypno_Quest_Tut_Return2/Tut1/Buy CC_TavernWhoreDialgues_BSName2b CC_LyvvieIdleChats_Dareel_posComment1/Post2a/Post_2b CC_ChildishGames_3_WilltWork_1 CC_ChildishGames_3_S16_1 CC_ChildishGamesChats_RomancePresent_1 CC_ChildishGamesChats_RomanceHug_1 CC_ChildishGamesChats_MorellaIdles CC_ChildishGamesChats_BimboSex_1 CC_VampireBimbo_S42_2a/2b CC_VampireBimbo_Hellos CC_StepforTavernWhore_Sex_1/Hellos/Goodbyes/MarryChats1_1 CC_ElisefFavour_2_S0_1 I don't remember which specifically i assigned to each, but generally the lyvvie ones were lyvvie, the childish games ones were morella, vampire vampire, blah blah. In those ones all i did was set the speaker type in creation kit - in almost all those cases they had the conditions that would make me assume they should have the voice type available, but they weren't. (those kinds of assignments are still a bit of a mystery to me. I can't figure out why sometimes voice types are assigned, sometimes they are assigned to only one, and sometimes they are assigned to all voice types. I know how to point it directly to one though, so those are the cases I took) I'll also note if you can make it so like the general player and follower bimbofication npc messages are available to all voice types, I would happily run through again and get those voiced too. I figured out the batch xvasynth processes as well as pulling the voiceable lines from a mod so the rest of the stuff is like 5 minutes of work and 2 hours of my computer running. But no worries either way! Keep on doin what you are doin
  21. Today
  22. if there's a telegram i would like get an invitation please and thank you
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