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  1. SexLabHentaiPregnancy

    SexLab Hentai Pregnancy
    Simplified pregnancy for SexLab using node scaling. Does not run simulations, the script gets attached to a NPC only for the duration that they are pregnant. Intended for PC and NPCs.
    Increases the breast and belly size of females using node scaling
    Works for player, followers and NPCs
    Pregnancies from creature sex
    Pregnancies for named NPCs up to 20 at the same time.
    Cum inflation option
    Configurable size, chances and duration in MCM
    MCM page for current named pregnancies
    Pick the plugin you want for child option
    Can be used by other mods

    Skeleton with "NPC Belly", "NPC L Breast" amd "NPC R Breast" nodes. (Tested with XP32 Maximum Skeleton)
    Body mesh which supports pregnancy. (I use zecoron's but if you're using UNPB you can try b3lisario's UNPB BBP Pregnant Body)

    Female cycles are not modeled, I don't see the point.
    Pregnancies on unnamed NPCs are removed whenever you travel between cells, Named NPC are fine.
    Child option needs to be fleshed out.
    Waiting for someone to convert some armor. There are armor options to show breast enlargement but none that I know of for the belly.

    Pregnancy weighted armor

    More child plugins

    Thanks to jbezorg for the fluids
    Thanks to GECK.O for leaky nips

    The is my first mod for Skyrim, use at your own risk.
    SoulGemBirth Plugin
    Related Mods
    Hentai Pregnancy Childbirth Plugin By Kitsune32
    Hentai Milk Mod by SlabLover
    Pregnant-Weighted-tbbp-armor By cornelius_t

    Old Updates
    Before upgrading wait out pregnancies and then clean save.



  2. Hentai Pregnancy Childbirth Plugin

    The Hentai Pregnancy Childbirth Plugin is an add-on for Hentai Pregnancy that allows the player and/or their significant other to have children as a result of the pregnancy. It's fairly simple at the moment, but I'm hoping to expand on it as my knowledge of scripting grows -- this is my first mod, so it's a bit of a learning experience. A big thanks to flyingtoasters and Trixy for providing the base coding that I'm working/learning from.
    Put the "scripts" folder and ESP into your Skyrim data folder. Merge when necessary.
    Enable the ESP in your load order. Should be below Hentai Pregnancy.

    Make sure you end all pregnancies through the Hentai Pregnancy MCM. My scripts aren't actually called until the actual end of the pregnancy, but better safe than sorry.
    Follow the installation instructions.

    Current Features

    At the end of the pregnancy the mother will "give birth" to a child. This child is based off the basic children of Skyrim but is only Protected, not Invulnerable. I may or may not change this later.
    The child will inherit their looks from both parents. The script chooses which parent "donates" a particular feature (eyes, nose, hair color, and mouth) and applies those features to the child. In theory this produces children that resemble their parents, though it needs more tweaking.
    The child will inherit the race of one of their parents. All vanilla races are supported. Custom race children will default to Nord.

    Known Issues

    The children are pretty static. Aside from some basic AI packages they don't really do much and don't move around much, so don't give birth to children in dungeons. I do plan to fix this, see Future Plans.
    The inherit feature works, but due to the small number of features I (currently) know how to pull from the parents the number of combinations is rather small. Expect to see children from the same parents looking eerily similar. Again, see Future Plans.
    Beast and mer children tend to look like miniature adults at this point in time. Once I can figure out the best way to extract and implement the child resources from mods like Kids of Skyrim this will be fixed.
    The children are simply named Son 1 and Daughter 1. All your children will be named that. Right now you can use thishttp://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35914//? mod to rename your children, though I have had trouble getting it to work properly. See Future Plans.
    The Soul Gem Birth plugin is not compatible with this one. The coding is still in the script, but is not called. I may or may not re-enable this at a later date.
    The script apparently confuses the father and mother in some instances. This doesn't seem to affect anything beyond the child spawn bug that was fixed in the latest patch, so I'm inclined to leave it alone unless it breaks something else. The mother and father values are pulled directly from Hentai Pregnancy anyway, so the fix (if one is needed) may need to come from that instead of this me.

    Future Plans

    Hearthfire support! A separate, concurrently developed version of the mod will be created -- once I buy Hearthfire -- that will add your children to the adoptable faction. This is Phase 1 of the planned "make children do stuff" fix. Those of you who have Hearthfire and simply can't wait for me to stop being a cheapskate can use console commands to add the children to the adoption faction.
    MCM support! As the changelog notes, the current menu doesn't actually do anything. Once I figure out how to code it (and some suitable options) it will be functional. I'm open to suggestions as to what kinds of options you guys would like.
    Name your children! As soon as I figure out the best way to do this it will be implemented. I'm currently considering a "Birth Certificate" that would allow you to name (or possibly rename) your child when used. This would not solve the problem for NPC pregnancies, however. I'm open to suggestions on this one.
    Baby support! Once a good baby mesh and texture becomes available I will implement it as an alternative to the current system.
    Broader genetic options? Now that the child's race has been included in the inherit function, the only thing I have left to research is whether it's possible to do the same for skin tone. There are a few script commands that might suit my purposes, but I haven't tested them yet.
    Custom race support! After a fashion, anyway. When the MCM is up and running, you'll be able to select the vanilla race you want your children to be based on -- having your Ashen character give birth to/father Imperial children, for instance. If a custom race has children available, I will try to implement them within reason.

    I think that about wraps it up! (I probably forgot something) I will try to regularly bugfix/update this mod, though I am actually quite busy with other things.



  3. Mage Journeyman Robes Well Fitted

    Converted Cotyuonoyumev's Mage Journeyman's Robe to the Dream Girl Body. I'll be doing the whole pack as I go. I haven't learned the BBP methods, but the clothing seems to have retained the BBP properties. If someone could verify that for me I'd appreciate it.
    This is my first attempt at adapting armor to another body. I hope to work my way through all of the LSAR Pack by Cotyounoyumev. At this time I haven't learned how to implement BBP. But I'm working on it. Might be available in the somewhat near future.
    A vanilla replacer
    Thanks for the feedback on the crazy textures of the two new files. I have removed them and brought the edited old one up until I can discover the reason for the file errors.
    Version 2.
    Fixed the 2 problem areas on the Robe and added 2 versions.
    One with underwear and One without.
    I've identified 2 problem areas on the Robe. The fabric on the top of the left breast and the front of the skirt when crouching. I'll leave the file up. But going to fix those 2 items and upload a new version.
    Planned Update Order:
    All Robes
    Yarl Clothes
    Fine Clothes
    Merchant Clothes
    Farmer Clothes
    Dark Brotherhood (Maybe)
    Thalmor (Maybe)
    Redguard Clothes
    Armors I haven't decided on as of yet. As I mostly just use the clothes from LSAR. Armors I tend to use from other sources.
    Also there are some great Dark Brotherhood and Thalmor adaptations out there already so also on the fence.



  4. Fucktoy Critters (Skyrim)

    Non-hostile creatures that can be placed via the console. For use with various bestiality mods.



  5. High Heel Footstep Sounds

    High heel footstep sound replacer for the player.
    There is no difference in sound for armor type.



  6. SevenBase Conversions - Bombshell/Cleavage with BBP

    I will no longer update the main download page, please click on "SUPPORT TOPIC" and follow the thread for more conversions.
    All credits goes to the original authors. Those are only mesh changes to be compatible with SevenBase body type with BBP. If any author does not want her/his armor to be converted or reuploaded, send me an PM and I will take the conversion down.
    Since I have an unusual amount of free time lately, I've decided to spend it somehow, please note that i'm not an expert in conversions, not everything may be perfect.
    The armors will automatically switch to the body type they were converted to.
    Required mods for all the conversions. Any BBP compatible skeleton (ex: XP32 Maximum Skeleton) and ofcourse...
    SevenBase a costum FemaleBodyReplacer by Crosscrusade DeMoNhUnTeR1986 Sevennity
    This page will be updated with more conversions when they are finished, so keep an eye on it!
    Lets get started:
    1. Nia Outfit - Bombshell BBP
    2. Diano Armor - Bombshell BBP
    3. Shell Bondage - Bombshell BBP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    4. Gatti Bondage Type 0 - Bombshell BBP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    5. LustDesign - Sovngarde Steel - Cleavage NON-BBP
    6. Leather Harness - Bombshell BBP
    7. Huntress "Armor" - Cleavage BBP
    8. Tsun Armor - Cleavage NON-BBP
    9. Sleek Steel - Cleavage BBP
    10. Dragonscale Chainmail - Bombshell BBP
    11. Bondage "Action Mode" - Bombshell BBP
    Photos EXTRA:
    12. Daedric Chainmail - Bombshell BBP
    13. Crosscrusade's Tsun Armor - Cleavage NON-BBP
    14. Thunder Bird Armor - Bombshell BBP
    15. Succubus Armor - Bombshell BBP
    16. Blade and Soul Negligee - Bombshell BBP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    17. Leather Clothes - Cleavage BBP
    18. North Girl - Bombshell BBP
    19. Osare HotPants - Bombshell BBP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    20. Scouter Corset - Bombshell BBP
    Photos(lots of):
    21. Nordic Carved Armor - Bombshell BBP
    22. Osare Underwear - Bombshell BBP
    23. Ro's Armor - Bombshell BBP
    24. BnS Scorpion Set - Bombshell BBP
    25. Dark Lilith Sexy *Armor* - Bombshell BBP
    Photos(lots of):
    26. Skimpy Falmer Armor - Bombshell BBP
    27. Field Mage Outfit - Cleavage BBP
    28. LustDesign - Daedric Armor - Bombshell BBP
    29. Skimpy Dragonplate Armor - Bombshell BBP



  7. Topless Creatures

    Hey guys! I created these textures last year and figured I would upload them for others to enjoy. They include Spriggan, Wisp, Hagraven and Draugr.
    These textures just expose the nipples on these creatures for a more lore friendly/realistic experience. They are just textures so nothing fancy is required. If anyone has any other ideas to expand this mod I would love to hear them but I am unaware of any other female creatures.



  8. Armor Conversions for YII - Techniques-Labors *COTS*

    After many requests I have now put all of my armor conversions in one place. What started as wondering if I could change one armor has grown into an ever increasing project and a very steep learning curve to learn what I need to do. Never touched 3ds max before and spend most of my time beating my head against the screen trying to figure out how to do something only to find out hours later, its not possible or, it only takes 30 seconds.
    Many thanks to JIITEK for his mod and all of the hard work, Cherryhotaling for the tutorial and of course all of the orginal mod creators. Most use the flat body but slider support will be done later.
    Most it not all are now craftable as well.
    Questions, Comments or problems let me know and I'll see what I can do.
    Current and active links are always on the first page. All MF links in archived post are dead.


    Check support topic for for more armors, pictures and links.


    All armors are in the first 4 posts


    Male Pack For Men Only

    Hopefully there is something here for everyone. Click here http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15220-armor-conversions-for-yii-techniques-labors-cots/page-35?do=findComment&comment=524371 for more details and images. Link in Download section. Split into 3 parts.

    Ancient Falmer Replacer by Ulithium_Dragon


    Here is an Ancient Falmer Replacer converted by Ulithium_Dragon. Looks Good. Feels Good.
    The more the better.

    Link in Download Section


    SamFu and Momiji

    For UBB-X117

    Samfu is JackGa's KungFo Lady outfit. Due to the low quality of the textures I re-meshed the top and played around with PS on for more color. I also took the waist wrap, shrunk it down and put it on the wrists. Comes in three colors ans is craft-able and enchant-able. Momiji is Is JackGa's Ninja M++. I tried to brighten up the colors a bit. It It looked too washed out and dull to me. Hopefully its not too bright. Top comes in two colors and is craft-able and enchant-able.
    Link in Download Section "SamFu and Momiji"

    Gymnastics Leotard by Shimaneko
    For UBB-x117


    By request here it the Gymnastics Leotard by Shimaneko. You must download orginal from here, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38331/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D38331%26preview%3D&pUp=1 and then overwrite with this.


    Link in Download Section "Leotard for X117"

    DL Link ==> http://www.loverslab.com/files/download/235-armor-conversions-for-yii-techniques-labors-cots/

    Studded Leather Collection

    for UBB-X117 (Unblessed Body)

    Here is the Studded Leather Collection for UBB-X117
    Has 4 outfits including a one-piece in three colors, Leggings and a new Studded Leather Armor. The Studded Leather Armor is a re-tex, re-mesh, and a mash up of Thief Armor and Blade and Souls Negligee.

    This has a separate .esp for those who want to run both versions. It does share a few texture files with the UNP version and the rest are in there own folder.

    More Pictures and info here ===> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15220-armor-conversions-for-yii-techniques-labors-cots/page-30?do=findComment&comment=478670
    Link in Download Section "Studded Leather for X117"

    Ghorzas Armor Replacement.


    For UBB-X117

    Here are replacement meshes for Ghorzas Armor. You must Download original from here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36459/?tab=4&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D36459%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D1003045&pUp=1 and then over-write with this.
    New Link with corrected file-path
    https://mega.co.nz/#!408kTbqJ!O_NixHtamLADOyYmM_MkNEDpf2kZkLBWLLqwWVhjtGg Alternate Link in Download Section "Ghorza X117"

    Dark Rose 2

    for UBB X-117

    I always liked Hentai Dark Rose so here is my version. Comes with dress, UNP boots and Gauntlets craft-able under Hide at the forge. Also included ANK glasses and two pairs of requested earrings craft-able under Jewlery, also at any forge.
    More pictures Here ==> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15220-armors-for-yii-techniques-labors-children-of-the-sky/page-25?do=findComment&comment=432092
    https://mega.co.nz/#!xo1RyZrY!TTqyYHGX-AqEU9Gcux_uujPiABULuB2J1S12B6p1w68 Alternate Link in Download Section "Dark Rose 2"

    Lucy and Loki

    For X117 and UNP

    More Pictures Here ==> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15220-armors-for-yii-techniques-labors-children-of-the-sky/page-24?do=findComment&comment=428444
    I found two images that I liked and combined the two and came up with this. My first attempt at a double sided mesh. It had a bow in the back and I did not like it so I put one around the neck. Comes in 3 colors, Top, boots and horns. Craft-able at a forge under leather.
    https://mega.co.nz/#!QpMR2RbQ!WAATa2BwxbSJ67LOxRjwVDX4GRN1kjQKiFOTwpl-Rqw Alternate Link in Download Section "Loki"
    I started off with just a bangle and worked around it and came up whit this. Then got rid of the bangle. I'll use it on something else. I started making zippers and did not like them so instead I put buttons on everything. I really like this one. I think its a keeper. Comes with top, boots, gauntlets, horns and a snake. Took forever to find a snake model. Craft-able at a forge under leather.
    https://mega.co.nz/#!l8sFDSrR!SbaLsilAP9l6bMu5JChV9TH2VsUCxkcYXpZ5jUBPe9U Alternate Link in Download Section "Lucy"


    For X117 Males

    Well here is some actual armor. Its not quite intimidating as I would of liked though. Since the body is so narrow, large armor makes the toon look like its swimming inside a giant shell and clip like mad. Added a cape to help it look a little wider. Comes in black and red. Helmet, body, gloves and boots. Yea I used my Litchking gloves. Could not figure out what else to use. Craft-able under Daedric.
    More pictures here ===> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15220-armors-for-yii-techniques-labors-children-of-the-sky/page-20?do=findComment&comment=413857
    https://mega.co.nz/#!lwdBEDBD!QJjrbluLfuirssSwGvToaCX5QXNfKzH084Cp6wRM8BI Alternate Link in Download Section "Malace"

    Dungeon Explorer add-On for Males

    Here is the requested male version. The original Zoe Complete is required, then over-write with this. Clothes are named Zoe. Think of it as a brand name.
    https://mega.co.nz/#!Ak10jbwD!GRcBvhIPq6EFy-ULKOPRJx8DGAQEqYayTfG4VHpci2A Alternate Link in Download Section "DE for Males"
    Orginal https://mega.co.nz/#!FwF0gCCC!WMb4tFpIziRYqTxuLotRZhaztBoOY0-QUVQNjiPTYyE Alternate Link in Download Section "Zoe Complete"


    For X117 Males and Females

    Here's a little class and style for Skyrim. Cuirass, gloves, boots,hat and Canteen. Girls hat has the hair attached. Since guys hair is mostly shorter I took it off. Separate canteen has it own body slot. (ignore the semi-transparent hat. Its been fixed) Craft-able under Studded at the forge.
    https://mega.co.nz/#!wkFhzAwK!QmBnxCLR5EYOev8Xl86PDXz1uBVAiQ58cZiJq9M2sZo Alternate Link in Download Section "Musketeer"
    Larger hat without hair. Labeled as male hat but will work for both. Two different sizes to try.

    Cute Mage

    For x117 and UNP

    One is mine and one is not. I wanted to do something cute so here it is. Enchantress and Forrest Mage. Dress, boots, gloves and hat with hair. Craft-able under scaled and enchant-able.
    Enchantress and Forrest Mage
    https://mega.co.nz/#!8ocHXZpB!FLQ1b2L1r_PvSrQeBsq0bU4fUcp-IpzDkabd5XVVLf8 Alternate Link in Download Section "Cute Mage"

    Fire and Ice Mage

    for X117 and UNP

    Here is another new one. It was going to be Blood Mage but I could not find the picture or remember the name. Then I found it and realized its not quite the same. Oh well. Still working on trying to find a good workflow. If you forget to do some steps, you cannot go back. Its not perfect, but Its not too bad either. There is an optional .esp that does not have the fire and ice effect on the body so if you don't like it you can just swap the .esp. Four parts. Body, gloves, feet and crown. Craft-able at the forge under hide.
    More Pictures ==> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15220-armors-for-yii-techniques-labors-children-of-the-sky/page-16?do=findComment&comment=397243
    https://mega.co.nz/#!BplRhLIB!A1BDoVUxrG2iNpDMjdUiETzm4nNl6NRL0TTnmdTxy4U Alternate Link in Download Section "Fire and Ice Mage"


    For X117 Will work with UNP as well.

    90% orginal. Comes in black and white. Craft-able under leather or hide and upgrade-able. Nails come in black or pink. Wings not included.
    More pictures here --> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15220-armors-for-yii-techniques-labors-children-of-the-sky/page-15?do=findComment&comment=390234
    https://mega.co.nz/#!FsMiiRgI!VwaUNw-fxf8PTWI_WvXixDRNGZUJ4iyUZbgOgGoCT40 Alternate Link in Download Section "Amaya"


    For X117 will work with UNP as well

    99% orginal. Craftable and upgrade-able under glass. Comes with Riders Dagger.
    More Pictures here --> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15220-armors-for-yii-techniques-labors-children-of-the-sky/page-15?do=findComment&comment=390242
    https://mega.co.nz/#!ItNhSQ6K!P9wGwSBCuQcyPT_Xnjh7U0F06IxWLmzTEt1ixtvEKC8 Alternate Link in Download Section "Rider"


    For X117

    Two types and three colors each. Craftable and are just clothes. (obviously )
    https://mega.co.nz/#!01tWBSxY!LpcXNGf6z1FrS1uK1xjYbFO-fgEhLpmNJ-RcXI78ecU "Alternate Link in Download Section "Swimwear"

    ADDC Super Pack


    (Another Damn Daedric Chainmail)


    For X117

    9 versions of Daedric Protection. More info and pictures here --> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15220-armors-for-yii-techniques-labors-children-of-the-sky/page-13?do=findComment&comment=378549
    Meshes --> https://mega.co.nz/#!0l1yiA6Q!R9iQK3WaWcR-a70v-AHxTxcK0UoelTMUQ7_IWIt9nq0 edit: new link with .esp Alternate Link in Download Section "ADDC Superpac Meshes"
    Textures --> https://mega.co.nz/#!Jp8hwZTS!Ic-Gk269saDhMjOF2MakuDOu_nppkViZ9IXtuMtUyf8 Alternate Link in Download Section "ADDC SuperPac Textures"

    Simple Never Nude Modesty Mod

    For X117, UBB-X117, and Males

    Just a simple Never Nude replacer with a couple of options. You can only have one option for the males and one option for the females. Vanilla, Boxers, or Briefs for the Males. Vanilla or Two piece for the females. I have included the templates so you can texture them any way you like. Because of the multiple versions of COTS people are running and different DLC, this is the only way it can be done without either editing the COTS .esp and making one for every version and combination DLC's, or a piggyback esp, one for every version and combination. So all COTS's will wear the same thing.
    https://mega.co.nz/#!4ps3kDqD!fF_A90h42T_DzsPCeiWrnAcrgpwtDziC0NMPq2hhLXg Alternate Link in Download Section "Modesty Mod"

    Sanosuke Update For Males

    Adds Male versions for all the gear. This is an Add-On Patch so the orginal must be downloaded and then overwrite with this patch.
    https://mega.co.nz/#!Q9c2yIqZ!NU8KG1tFe4qxJU5nSRsodRQsOF4IzfKojufML3vUtI4 Alternate Link in Download Section "Sanosuke Add-on"

    Sanosuke Wear

    for UBB-X117

    It started out as just making a sarashi ( chest wrapping ), and then added the pants, belt, then went looking for a jacket. Then decided to add Hentai Hana Dress to the mix. Still want to add a pair of Hakama Pants, but I'm not sure how well they will weighting that will work out. Jacket is a separate item, with a diffrent slot, so the only way to make it show up in first person is that everybody would have to change their race .esp. Craftable at the forge under hide. Red is not as bright as it is in the pictures. I darkened up a little bit more.
    https://mega.co.nz/#!B10jjKgC!Iq8bfEnfNQP4Dk9ZGNPzBgEQPoYhFlbvzFzfY3eKDj8 Alternate Link in Download Section "Sanosuke"

    Yes Its a Dress

    For X117 slider and UNP

    Its the Khaleesi's dress. Simply because I like it. Its been reduced in poly count down to a somewhat reasonable size. Craftable at the tanning-rack and listed as fancy dress. It is only clothing, not armor. You will die wearing it. I did.
    https://mega.co.nz/#!Z0l20QZB!eNi3ZX3NYbCiv5Xohq9-hGXXPvV358hdror5Ba6RsLo Alternate Link in Download Section "Fancy Dress"

    Dungeon Explorer AKA Zoe Clothes Complete

    For UBB-X117


    There is now one for each season. Winter , Spring, Summer and Fall.

    Started off with Dungeon Explorer and ended up changing a lot of stuff. Did not do the bikini because it would of been so small it would of looked silly and kind of pointless. Did the top a different way so it would not look so small. Re-textured the shirt, changed the daggers on the leg harness, redid the boots, changed the brotherhood necklace to an imperial one, (the brotherhood does not advertise) and changed the shorts. Then I added a winter jacket and boot cut jeans and a eye patch. Craftable under hide. Why Zoe? Just cause.
    https://mega.co.nz/#!FwF0gCCC!WMb4tFpIziRYqTxuLotRZhaztBoOY0-QUVQNjiPTYyE Alternate Link in Download Section "Zoe Complete"

    Lich King for Males

    This patch will add Male version to the previous Lich King download.

    Ultra Heavy Heavy Medium Chain Light Ultra Light

    Pictures Here ---> https://mega.co.nz/#!koczEKDa!Ao2d_V3VzwVjyIOXSrEP9zJvLBsUaLJaLr3eCQUuc6U
    Patch to add male armor. --->https://mega.co.nz/#!koczEKDa!Ao2d_V3VzwVjyIOXSrEP9zJvLBsUaLJaLr3eCQUuc6U
    Complete version with males and females

    Meshes ---> https://mega.co.nz/#!50FHDSLZ!QLjDgztwvDkSZSp43Lol-DdbfZ0ZCmtRAjudRLqBQWQ
    Textures ---> https://mega.co.nz/#!V4k0USKS!drRNM3CtMLLmNJDz50Fudy7vPUsYWMg212-50pc2Hqg
    Missing Pin Texture --> https://mega.co.nz/#!1g8hWA5b!dJ00sEOHc0cwgcw2arPKWXaxvu9v1WSWR1UkH0pYNGw  

    Eye Patch

    Its an eye patch, What more can you say.
    Pictures Here --> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/8471-armors-for-yii-techniques-labors-children-of-the-sky/page-23?do=findComment&comment=264625

    Tribunal Masks

    Tribunal Masks were requested, so I thought it would be just a quick adjustment in NifSkope. I kept lowering the mask and nothing would change in game, so I put it in 3dsMax and had to adjust its shape and enlarge the eye holes to fit and see through the eye holes. It works for me on three different faces I tried it on but I would like to be sure.
    This will Overwrite the existing female mask files for gold, silver, bronze and ebony. Be sure to have original files in case of problems. The only question I have is that it fits on my heads, but that does not mean it will fit on your head.

    A 4 Pack of Vanilla


    For UBB-X117


    I Made a small change to the Field Mage Outfit including removing the glossiness from the boots. I had Ancient Draugr laying around so I added that. Then I found an Assassin I was working on quite some time ago, but could not figure out where I wanted to go with it so I add that as a thief. ( creativity is not my strong suit) I threw in Imperial armors as well.

    This will over-write the existing Field Mage, if you have it, but all id's are the same so you will not loose the one you have.
    Pictures Here ---> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/8471-armors-for-yii-techniques-labors-children-of-the-sky/page-45?do=findComment&comment=318996
    Previous Thread -->http://www.loverslab.com/topic/8471-armors-for-yii-techniques-labors-children-of-the-sky/
    Any problems just ask and I'll see what I can do.



  9. Ebony Dragoon

    Just a little armor mash-up.
    This was going to be part of a much bigger armor pack, but here we go [see: story-time]
    One Light armour set - elven stats, ebony look.
    Helmet + wig
    Helm (circlet)
    Chest + 3 variants
    Chest comes in various flavours of rude.
    Helmet Wig -should- stay the same colour as your hair.
    Helm Circlet will keep your old hair and clip like a bitch.
    all pieces ought to be temper-able.
    Uses CBBE body, anyone else can use bodychange. (..or whatever the kids are using these days..)
    or help "ebony dragoon" 4
    player.additem XX000801 1
    I started this quite a while ago and I rig all of my mods as replacers..
    So I'm not sure where most of the credits should go...
    but, definitely:
    - Intimates by MAK [Remodeled Armor CBBEv3M @ Nexus]
    - Wig by Eyrika & pnkrd (..right?) [Tera Hair Pack @ Here!]
    The rest was probably sourced from vanilla ..uhh probably..
    Spot anything else and I'll add it to the list.
    and for anyone who cares~



  10. Shaydows WereWolf OVERHAUL

    WereWolf OVERHAUL

    This mod completely revamps the armor / body of Female WereWolves, as well as a complete ANIMATION OVERHAUL. You will use a brand new set of animations when you use the Beast Form ability that are all based on basic female animations.


    This mod is ONLY for FEMALE characters, and is in the Adult section of Lovers Lab due to the theme of sexuality portrayed through the Transformations Armors.






  11. C3Dloadscreenart: Vol.1 & Vol.2

    >>> C3Dloadscreenart <<<

    Vol.1 & Vol.2


    >>> C3Dloadscreenart: Vol.1- Leifnarr's Memories <<<

    by coreworks

    ¦Adult 3D loadscreenart additive or override
    In Total:38x loadsceenart + 3x animated loadscreeart
    ¦Three Selectable themes*
    ¦Animated main menu loadscreenarts**
    ¦Not lore-friendly
    ¦data- C3Dlsart-Vol1.esp***
    ¦data\meshes\C3D ...
    ¦data\textures\C3D ...
    *see Installation
    **quitting from game to main menu
    ***only one esp from a chosen part
    ¦DECIDE which parts you want to install/all parts contain various degree of nudity/*
    *example: if you decide to use only part1/'pinups'/- install only part1Data
    **example: if you decide to use part2/'slave'/- install part2Data and part1Data
    ***example: if you decide to use part3/'XXX'/- install part1Data, part2Data, part3Data
    -part1- reserved for loadscreenarts with adult theme 'pinups'*
    13x 3Dloadscreenart + 2x animated loadscreenart
    -part2- reserved for loadscreenarts with adult theme 'slave'**
    13x 3Dloadscreenart + 2x animated loadscreenart
    -part3- reserved for loadscreenarts with adult theme 'XXX'***
    12x 3Dloadscreenart + 2x animated loadscreenart
    *part1 does not require part2Data nor part3Data
    **parts2 and part3 requires also part1Data
    ***part3 requires part1Data, part2Data and part3Data
    -IF you want C3Dloadscreenart as a main source/override/ of loadscreenart*
    -OR as an addition to your other loadscreenart Mods/unconditioned randomness/**
    *Install additonal C3Dlsart-VanillaOverride mod.
    **No further installation needed.
    ¦EITHER "Add Mod from Files" with a Mod Manager
    ¦OR Unpack the contents of the 7z-file to your Skyrim\data directory
    ¦THEN enable the ESP in the Skyrim Launcher or Manager
    *coreworks Thanks for the works
    ¦By Mike
    ¦By dimon99
    -DIMONIZED UNP female body
    ¦By Phygit
    ¦By Maevan2
    -MatureskinBody and face texture
    ¦By Apachii
    ¦By Kalell
    -Sorceress Outfit
    ¦By Osare
    -Osare Underwear
    -Osare Maxwell
    ¦By Elewin
    -Elewin Pumps 2 - High Heels and Stockings for UNP
    ¦By humannature66
    -HN66s Mage Nails
    ¦By SydneyB
    -Ashara Princess of the Woods for UNP
    ¦By brokefoot and volvaga0
    -Bandanas and Blindfolds Revised
    ¦By jiitek
    -Ruptured Prisoner Cloth Replacer
    ¦By calyps
    -Wearable Sextoys
    ¦By Cotyounoyume
    ¦By jbezorg
    -Estrus: alt tentacle textures
    ¦By WaxenFigure
    -Sex Addict Mod
    ¦By MasterCChris & XAZ
    -Zaz Animation Pack
    ¦By mayatola
    -Futa Equippable
    *coreworks Special Thanks for the concept and example of vanilla loadscreenart disabler
    ¦By XAZ
    ¦My first complex Mod attempt
    ¦Loadscreens may repeat in series
    ¦No complex animations/figured out rotational stuff-lets see further.)/
    ¦No Children depicted
    ¦CK model viewer error msg:
    -no problems in game or in log

    >>> C3Dloadscreenart: Vol.1- Ceelda Level1 Savegame <<<

    by coreworks

    ¦Adult Savegame with Nord character Ceelda from Vol1. Leifnerr's memories
    ¦Install all required body mesh hair and texture mods
    ¦Drop savegame from .7z archive into Skyrim /Saves folder
    ¦Load Ceelda savegame
    ¦By dimon99
    -DIMONIZED UNP female body
    ¦By Phygit
    ¦By Maevan2
    -MatureskinBody and face texture or Matureskin Alternative Body and face texture /less muscules/
    ¦By Apachii
    ¦By Xenius
    No More Blocky Faces
    ¦by COTS
    No More Ugly Bronze Shine
    ¦By Mike
    ¦By dimon99
    -DIMONIZED UNP female body
    ¦By Phygit
    ¦By Maevan2
    -MatureskinBody and face texture
    ¦By Apachii
    ¦By Xenius
    No More Blocky Faces
    ¦by COTS
    No More Ugly Bronze Shine
    ¦My first Savegame character attempt
    ¦No Children depicted
    ¦None yet

    >>> C3Dloadscreenart: Vol.2- Prisoners Diary <<<

    by coreworks

    ¦Adult 3D loadscreenart additive or override
    In Total:31x loadsceenart + 11x animated loadscreeart
    ¦Three Selectable themes*
    ¦Animated main menu loadscreenarts**
    ¦Not lore-friendly
    ¦data\meshes\C3D ...
    ¦data\textures\C3D ...
    *see Installation
    **quitting from game to main menu
    ***only one esp from a chosen partGENERAL INFO
    ¦Current Version: 1.0
    ¦Release Date: August 1, 2013
    ¦Language: English
    ¦Skyrim Version:
    ¦Creation Kit Version:
    ¦DECIDE which parts you want to install/all parts contain various degree of nudity/*
    *example: if you decide to use only part1/'pinups'/- install only part1Data
    **example: if you decide to use part2/'prisoner'/- install part2Data and part1Data
    ***example: if you decide to use part3/'XXX'/- install part1Data, part2Data, part3Data
    -part1- reserved for loadscreenarts with adult theme 'pinups'*
    12x 3Dloadscreenart + 2x animated loadscreenart
    -part2- reserved for loadscreenarts with adult theme 'prisoner'**
    12x 3Dloadscreenart + 2x animated loadscreenart
    -part3- reserved for loadscreenarts with adult theme 'XXX'***
    5x 3Dloadscreenart + 8x animated loadscreenart
    *part1 does not require part2Data nor part3Data
    **parts2 and part3 requires also part1Data
    ***part3 requires part1Data, part2Data and part3Data
    -IF you want C3Dloadscreenart as a main source/override/ of loadscreenart*
    -This mod adds new set of loadscreenart to your other loadscreenart Mods or vanilla loadscreens/unconditioned randomness/
    *Install additonal C3Dlsart-VanillaOverride mod.
    ¦EITHER "Add Mod from Files" with A Mod Manager
    ¦OR Unpack the contents of the 7z-file to your Skyrim\data directory
    ¦THEN enable the ESP in the Skyrim Launcher or NMM
    *coreworks Thanks for the works
    ¦By Crosscrusade DeMoNhUnTeR1986 Sevennity
    -SeveNBase a custom FemaleBodyReplacer- Bombshell body
    ¦By dimon99
    -DIMONIZED UNP female body
    ¦By RAN46
    -ECEE - RANs Enhanced Character Edit Enhancer
    ¦By mrLenski
    -Coverwomen look_3
    ¦By Gabriel Mailhot
    -The Eyes Of Beauty
    ¦By COTS
    -No More Ugly Bronze Shine
    ¦By Osare
    -Osare Underwear
    ¦By electionis and jclyde6108
    -SkyHeels v 2_5
    ¦By brokefoot
    -Brokefoot UNP Mashup Compilation SevenBase - Bombshell body
    ¦By calyps
    -Wearable Sextoys
    ¦By Cotyounoyume
    ¦By WaxenFigure
    -Sex Addict Mod
    ¦By MasterCChris & XAZ
    ¦Loadscreens may repeat in series
    ¦More complex animations/figured out rotational and positional stuff-lets see further.)/
    ¦No Children depicted
    ¦CK model viewer error msg:
    -no problems in game or in log



  12. Creature Sex - Spell

    This mod adds the spell to be relation with animals
    It is based on the "animation" Gone.
    Requirements :
    - Pack animation - Gone
    - FNIS 4.0 Beta
    - Creature Pack 4.0
    - SKSE
    - SkyUI
    Installation :
    Copy the file in the directory "data" on your skyrim installation.
    Launched "GenerateFNISforUsers" is clicked on the "FNIS Behavior Characters" and "FNIS Behavior Creatures" button.
    if you do not have is the Button you do not have the correct version of FNIS.
    *If you had to install BestialityRap you could overwrite files. he used the same animations.*
    Access to the test room
    There was a spell to teleport into the testing room "Teleport animalsex Testcell"
    Bug wolf / Dog
    FNIS Message :
    Animation available
    - Draugr - 3
    - Werewolf - 3
    - Wolf - 2
    - Horse
    - Falmer - 3
    - Chaurus - 2
    - Spider
    - Giant
    - Troll - 3
    - Bear
    - SaberCat
    - Bonus Draugr GangBang
    - Bonus Spider Team



  13. Outhouse Of Skyrim

    This MOD add public lavatories to main roads and some settlements.
    You can sit & use it if you are playing "Private Needs".
    Private Needs
    And all requirement of these mods.
    Special thanks!!
    Strotis (For outhouse meshes & textures)
    Richard19840706 (For Great MOD)



  14. DMW

    Hi welcome to Demonhunters Weapons Mod page.
    I have made many weapons over the time on nexus and now its time to do a package.
    This mod will add 17 new weapons to your arsenal.
    11 swords.
    3 Greatswords.
    1 Bow.
    2 daggers.
    Stats are in the pictures.
    Please read this discription. I will ignore those who tell me that weapons are missing especially the ones that are not craftable.These have been tested by others and confirmedto be where i have stated. The non craftable weapons are in certain locations. If you cant read past the first few lines then thats not my fault.
    As stated above some weapons are not craftable. these weapons have been placed in locations relevant to the text I have written for them. these weapons arnt really that hard to find and you will most likey come across them in your questing. they are found in quest orientated locations, so no random caves crawls to find them.
    Locations of the Non Craftable ones are listed at the bottom of the page.
    1. Nemises Swords (1&2handed versions).......Ebony
    2. General sword.............Steel
    3. Draconis (NOT CRAFTABLE)
    4. Saber...........Steel
    5. Demonknight Swords (1&2handed versions)...............Ebony
    6. Assassins Blades (left and right handed versions) (NOT CRAFTABLE)
    7. Marauder Bow......... (NOT CRAFTABLE)
    8. Giant Sword.......... Orcish
    9. Demon Saw...............Ebony
    10. Demons Edge........Steel
    11. Dragons Blade (NOT CRAFTABLE)
    12. Simple steel sword...............Steel
    13. Filter of hate (NOT CRAFTABLE)
    14. Heart of sorrow...............Ebony
    All weapons have high resolution textures. 2048x2048
    These weapons are all of my own making, all textured by me.
    SPOILER ALERT. Weapon Locations Below
    Draconis........ Draconis is found in Sky Haven Temple next to Dragonbane. (Or on the ground near the table, It rolls)
    Dragon Blade.......... Dragon blade is also found in sky heaven Temple in the sleeping area on top of the cupboard as you enter the room to your right.
    Assassins blades..... Both are found on a table in the dark brotherhood saunctuary, Dining area. Look around.
    Filter of Hate....... It is found inside Mehrunes Dagon shrine, obtainable after completing the mythic dawn mini Quest. (Might be weilded by a Daedra)
    Marauder Bow......... This bow is found in Helgan Keep just past the 2 stormclock/Imperial soldiers on a crate dirrectly foward down the little hallway.
    I strongly Recommend to install via NMM, but if you wish to manually install unzip the contents of this zip file and drag drop it to your skyrim DATA folder. then activate the Esp file DemonhuntersWeaponsSkyrim.
    To uninstall just delete the Demonhuntersweapons folders in both the meshes and textures folder of your skyrim data.
    My Awesome Testers.
    DragonBorn Knight Wolf.



  15. HOSK Core Alpha


    0.02a.b contains fixes, optional hardcore saves and smoother stats regeneration and consumption for player,

    npcs not affected yet, they use old script part.

    Things Working:
    New save system
    Dynamic script attach system
    New weight system
    Dynamic speed change
    Faster load
    Damage momentum
    Weapon speed

    Supported languages: English and Russian
    Known bugs:
    If you have more than one copy of equipped weapon/shield, it will drop from inventory.
    Screen sometimes does not go black upon death

    What this mod will be?
    A complete rework of most passive trees, rework of combat, magic system, prices, items, damage, quests and many other things.
    A new hardcore experience.
    No level lists, everything placed manually.
    What this mod will not be?
    It will not be lore friendly. ever.
    It will not modify terrain or add new structures/lands/dungeons.
    It will not be compatible with any other overhaul/skill/weapon/magic/whatever mods. I won't release any patches or test anything.
    short-term planned features:
    NPC stats - adjusts stats ov every NPC/Enemy/Creature on the fly

    mid-term planned features:
    Speed momentum - you start to run slower and gain speed over time.
    Rescaled weapons damage - everything hits X times harder
    Weapon momentum - piercing damage based on weapon weight, attack speed based on weapon weight.

    long-term planned features:
    Remade magic system
    Remade combat system
    Redone passive trees
    Redone vampirism & lycantropy
    Redone everything



  16. BestialityRape

    Hello, this is a mod of rape by animals.
    It is based on the "animation" Gone.
    Requirements :
    - Pack animation - Gone
    - FNIS 4.0 Beta
    - Creature Pack 4.0
    - SKSE
    - SkyUI
    Installation :
    Copy the file in the directory "data" on your skyrim installation.
    Launched "GenerateFNISforUsers" is clicked on the "FNIS Behavior Characters" and "FNIS Behavior Creatures" button.
    if you do not have is the Button you do not have the correct version of FNIS.
    Bug wolf / Dog
    FNIS Message :
    Animation available
    - Draugr
    - Werewolf - 3
    - Wolf - 2
    - Horse
    - Falmer - 3
    - Bear
    - Sabrecat
    - Giant
    - Troll - Bug with the FNIS Modder it crash with the troll
    - Gargoyle
    - Vampire Lord



  17. Mass Effect 3 Armors (N7 and Kaidan)

    Takes the armors from the John Shepard and Kaidan Alenko - Followers mod and makes them standalone. The armors can be purchased from Riverwood Trader.
    This mod does not include the followers
    John Shepard and Kaidan Alenko - Followers

    Me3Fan for John Shepard and Kaidan Alenko armor meshes and textures.
    Bethesda - Skyrim
    Model Belongs to EA & BioWare. No copyright infringement intended.



  18. Dragon Princess & Trielek armor Mix

    Original concept was posted by archer1986@3dmgame.com, but the files was lost somewhere in the internets. So, i decided to replicate it from the screenshots that remain.
    Now in two flavours: CBBE and CHSBHC
    What's inside:
    Cuirass with stockings
    Boots for HDT HHS
    Really Awesome Invisible Helmet
    Heavy. Armor rating matches the one for the Dragonplate armor.
    CBBE textures
    HDT High Heel System(optional .esp without this requirement)
    BBP skeleton.
    Where to get:
    Exchange your dragonplate armor for this one at Tanning Rack. No freebies.
    Or use the mighty immersion-breaking console: "help DPnTrielek"
    1) asianboy345 for importing UNP-sized Tera armors into Skyrim(go and give him some Kudos's)
    2) WarMaster09 for CBBE'ing those armors
    3) xp32 for the HDT-compatible Trielek boots
    4) HydrogensaysHDT for his awesomeness(actually, for HDT HighHeels System here)
    5) Alan of "ARROW&KNEE MOD TEAM" for BBP Armor Packs(that's where i've found that Dragon Princess armor)
    6) Luxurysky for the amazingly good Trielek retexture
    7) chsbhc(whatever this means) version brought to you by Hodoki
    8) archer1986 for the concept, and for teasing me with his screenshots and not reuploading his version. That bastard...
    To Do:
    1) A little clipping can be observed at the inner side of arms.
    2) I suppose i should do something to make those armors temperable?
    3) Complete the set(invisihelmet/pseudohelmet, do something so the set will be recognized by the perks).
    4) This armor is very distracting, be careful.(Can do nothing about it, sorry).
    5) Should i increase the AR of the cuirass with stockings relative to the one without?



  19. No Loading Screen Fog

    I got really tired of the loading screen fog, so......
    I went hunting, and the only thing I found just changed it to snow.
    So... after thinking for a bit I came up with this wonderful idea.
    I would replace the loading screen fog with........ *drum roll goes here* Fck ALL.
    That's right, absolutely nothing.
    Now this may seem dull or boring to most people,
    but when you run the game on a laptop or low end machine every little bit of "Fck ALL" helps.
    What exactly is this:
    It's pretty much a place holder file, and really only a .nif with a bsfadenode in it. So skyrim literally loads a small file with almost nothing in it, instead of the foggy particle crap thing that it usually does.
    Extract, then drag/drop into your skyrim directory.
    or this should be nmm friendly.
    Remove this file:
    *your skyrim folder path goes here* / Data / Meshes / Interface / Intmenufogparticles.nif
    ** bold and underlined "meshes", because a lot of people will have a data / interface folder as well, and obviously... it's the wrong one xD **



  20. my CB++ preset (RP++)

    Hey this is my own CB++ preset, have fun with it...
    The pictures are showing the body at 100 so its breast size is slightly larger than UNP without being too big
    the textures you see were built using
    Body Options
    Body Designs
    No enb was used



  21. Hentai Milk Mod

    A simple, hacked-togther plugin for Hentai Pregnancy that allows the player to lactate on command.
    The Hearthfire version allows you to save milk in bottles (or Jugs, actually, which seems somewhat fitting... ). The other one doesn't, but also doesn't require you give Bethesda 5$ for the ability to build a house and have Jugs of Milk exist in the game. You only want one file; they'll probably clash if you have both, and I have no idea what will happen. (This is my first mod ever, for what it's worth, so bugs might be expected.)
    Spells should add as soon as you load a save or start a new game with the mod attached.
    REQUIRES: SexLab & Hentai Pregnancy. Hearthfire is required for the full effect.
    UPDATES: v1.1 If you downloaded earlier while it was just an .esp, please get the .7z version above that includes the proper script files. I forgot them the first time.



  22. Conversions for UNPB with BBP

    I'm having issues to update the file description.
    Here's the original thread where you can find all the downloads
    Conversions for UNPB with BBP



  23. Luner Race

    new race on skyrim to cheng gost go to showracemenu and enter on skyrim



  24. Robot Nixon's UNPB Conversions

    Robot Nixon's UNPB Conversions

    This is for the various armor mods that I've converted to the UNPB body. I'm using this as a chance to better myself so I welcome suggestions and requests.
    If there are any issues, please let me know.
    Works in Progress:
    Killer Keo's Skimpy Armor Replacer- UNPB Conversion:
    This mod converts the Killer Keo's Skimy CBBE Replacer to UNPB with weight slider and BBP support.
    UNPB BBP (temporarily).
    BBP is also a requirement for now, but once I finish all the armors and clothing I will move on to a non-BBP version.
    Valkyrie Armor
    This mod is a small mash-up I worked on as my own version of another mash-up that I liked but was unable to find.
    UNPB BBP (temporarily)
    A non-BBP version will be uploaded once I make sure it decides to stop crashing on me.
    Completed Works:
    Schwertleite Set - UNPB
    This was a quick conversion job I did in between updates for the Skimpy Armor Replacer conversion.
    Argent Iron Armor - UNPB
    Another conversion job that I did as a time killer. I separated the armor into two separate files- one for the regular colored version,
    and one for the black version.
    Fox 029 Armor - UNPB
    A conversion that I grew to like quite a bit. I'm aware there is a second armor in the file, which I am working on, but that one is not on
    high priority.
    KillerKeo for allowing me to convert his awesome mod over to UNPB
    XenoGenesis for making the Schwertleite Set.
    KURESE for making the Argent Iron Armor
    fox6000 for the fox 029 armor.



  25. Polymorphy

    Transform into any creature or npc. NO DLC REQUIRED. Custom mods supported.
    How to use:
    When loading your game you will receive the spells.
    To set a form you need to cast the "set form" spell on a target.
    To morph equip a morph spell and use shout key.
    To revert back just press shout key again.
    If you sneak before morphing, the morph retains it's natural allegiance (You can murder innocent villagers as a frost giant or just walk among bandits as a bandit).
    -You cannot activate objects and some menu interfaces are disabled.
    -To attack, approach an hostile target and you will attack automatically.
    known issues:
    -you need to sheath your weapons or spells before morphing so that the camera works correctly.
    -If you try to morph into a leveled actor the morph can get a little bit random.
    -Sometimes you can't move because your morph plays an idle (giant scratching his back with club :3 )



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