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  • Skyrim : My mods and variations's Tutorial Nifskope
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  • San's Lesbian Corner's Lesbian pr0n
  • San's Lesbian Corner's Fantas..oh...ooh f*uck thats hawt~
  • San's Lesbian Corner's Coffee Table
  • San's Lesbian Corner's !!>>RULES<<!! and some ( . Y . )
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  • Skyrim Male Appreciation Society.'s Announcements.​ ?  ​
  • Skyrim Male Appreciation Society.'s Mens Fashion​ ? ? ​
  • Skyrim Male Appreciation Society.'s Appreciation Centre ​?​
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  • WendyClub's Pics/Screenshot
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  • The Lusty Argonian's's Screenshot
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  • BannerLord Lovers's Discussions and help
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  • Pretty Oblivion and Nehrim Chars's Chars from Nehrim
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  • Sims 4 Wife Swap's Discussion
  • Sims 4 Wife Swap's SimWives, Scenarios and Sex Adventures
  • Piss Club's Topics
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  • Audio Based Erotica Club's Misc – Personal Announcements
  • Audio Based Erotica Club's Aid – Voice Work Commissions/Requests
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  • Twisted Lore TES 18+'s Story Corner
  • Twisted Lore TES 18+'s WTF Moments
  • Smoke Loud Club's CC Request
  • Smoke Loud Club's Show Off
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Aid – Assistance Requests
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Aid – Voice Work Commissions/Requests
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Misc – Chill Zone
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Misc – Personal Announcements
  • NSH Project Club's Topics
  • Latex/PVC fetish's ice braker
  • Latex/PVC fetish's Latex/PVC
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's Off Topic
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's Screenshots/Bilder
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's The Elder Scrolls
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's Fallout
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's CD Project Red
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's Die SIMS
  • D-A-CH - Freunde der deutschen Sprache's Square Enix
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  • Small Boob Beauties's Member's Blog
  • Skyrim NSFW Screenshots's Screen Archery
  • Oblivion / Nehrim Classic Chars's My Char
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  • Sims 4 Furs's share your sims (SS)
  • Sims 4 Furs's Share your Mods
  • Sims 4 Furs's Modding Help
  • Sims 4 Furs's Da Porn
  • Sims 4 Furs's Modding Requestes & Ideas
  • 𐌋𐌄Ꮤ𐌃 𐌔𐌕R𐌄🅰M𐌄R𐌔's ᑕOᒪᒪᗩᗷ
  • 𐌋𐌄Ꮤ𐌃 𐌔𐌕R𐌄🅰M𐌄R𐌔's 🆂🆃🆁🅴🅰🅼🅴🆁🆂
  • SimLooks's Sims
  • CLUB FOR DC COMIC BOOK ART's Custom Drawings
  • CLUB FOR DC COMIC BOOK ART's Sims 4 Screenshots
  • Skyrim Interracial's Discussions
  • Skyrim Interracial's Screenshots/Art
  • Skyrim Interracial's Mod Recommendations
  • Pixel Pervs's General Discussion
  • AI Roleplaying Club's Usermade Stories
  • AI Roleplaying Club's Usermade Worldbuilding Sheets
  • AI Roleplaying Club's Welcoming Thread / Requests
  • AI Roleplaying Club's User on User Roleplaying
  • AI Roleplaying Club's User Announcements
  • Bitch Smash Bros Ultimate's Requests and WIP
  • Bitch Smash Bros Ultimate's NSFW Waifu
  • Bitch Smash Bros Ultimate's Help Forum
  • The Skyrim Beauty Pageant's Threads
  • Miu’s little Corner for Sims an Simselfs's Sims and Simselfs
  • Miu’s little Corner for Sims an Simselfs's Stories and Ideas
  • Miu’s little Corner for Sims an Simselfs's Requests


  • Skyrim
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    • Fallout 3 Regular Mods
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  • Skyrim Ladies's Files
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  • Little Ladies's Download
  • Communauté Francophone's Traductions (Mods)
  • Pregnancy Club's Files
  • Fetish Club's Ideas & Mods!
  • LoversLab Furries's Club Mods
  • BodySlide Lovers's Share your presets
  • Amber's Play Room's [FILES]
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  • Comunidad de Habla Hispana de Loverslab's Files
  • Comunidad de Habla Hispana de Loverslab's Archivos
  • The Skyrim Priestess of Love's My character Lilu
  • Grilled Cheese's Creations
  • Incest Family's Files
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Utillities
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Models
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Legacy Archive
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Poses
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Addons
  • The Klub 17: Klub Exile Portal's Textures
  • Cuckold Fantasies's Cuckold Mods
  • Skyrim Bondage & Slavery's Mods
  • Femboy Lovers's Gallery
  • KOYUKI.'s Overview
  • KOYUKI.'s C_body01
  • Skyrim Male Appreciation Society.'s SSE Uploads ​?​
  • Skyrim Male Appreciation Society.'s LE Uploads ​?​
  • CYBERPUNK 2077's Mods
  • SUCKING FUCKING FIGHTERS's Fileshttps://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/1149392/yes-daddy-show-me-what-that-big-dick-can-do-to-this-wet-c-nt/
  • Combat babes's Files
  • Combat babes's Files
  • Sims 4 Wife Swap's SIM wife/Girlfriend Tray Files
  • Piss Club's Pee Mods
  • Audio Based Erotica Club's Works – Finished
  • Audio Based Erotica Club's Works – WIP/Unfinished
  • Warhammer 3 - Total War's Mods
  • Warhammer 3 - Total War's Models
  • Warhammer 3 - Total War's Textures
  • Warhammer 3 - Total War's Translations
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Works – Finished
  • Erotic Comic Book Club's Works – WIP/Unfinished
  • The Other World's UC: written / audio-based
  • The Other World's UC: comics
  • The Other World's UC: movies / videos
  • The Other World's UC: games
  • The Other World's UC: music
  • Sims 4 Interracial's Files
  • Small Boob Beauties's Files
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  • Skyrim Interracial's Mod Downloads
  • Bitch Smash Bros Ultimate's SSBU Mods


  • Fun and Sexy Screenshots
  • The sims sexx
  • A Slave's Idyllic Blooms
  • PleasureFilms Gameplays
  • Ashal's Blog
  • 232Labyrinthe's Blog
  • Skewered's Blog
  • djelloul03's Blog
  • OSLAroused - Arousal System Design
  • Furry stuff
  • Vranina,s blog
  • Namelessdryke187's Blog
  • Ninjagnome's Blog
  • ITosiaXxxX's Blog
  • Bonds of Corruption - WoW RP guild
  • Wild Life Screenshot & Video Sets
  • Otherworld stories
  • Heathen's Visions
  • Questioning Reality - Are Amoeba Immortal?
  • Godreaper's Short stories and pics
  • Dispossessed - Trendil's Story
  • Sanity Framework Blog
  • Fallout's Journey
  • Fernanditwo1 Plus
  • Chaisy Occasionally Thinks Aloud
  • Carida's Blog
  • The rise of Ego
  • Erotic Stuff Fallout 4
  • Velvet City
  • Lianeline's fantasies
  • My Enderal Modlist
  • blackanvil23's Blog
  • Reitanna's Bottle
  • The Batcave
  • Hungry for daddy's potent cum - HOMELOVING (SIMS 4 GAY PORN)
  • Aventuras de Sims
  • Incorruptible
  • The long road to animating
  • Recovered Infiltration Log
  • Faeofthewood's Blog
  • [Screenshots] My Gay furry skyrim world.
  • Cautionary Tales From A Perilous Province
  • The Octahedron Mythos
  • WIP
  • The Blog Noone Wanted
  • Yourmomnig's blog
  • Pickle's Misc bag of goodies.
  • Darker Than Brass
  • Sim-ply Scandalous
  • Maximus King's Sexual Adventures
  • Agency Development
  • Thermius' Blog - Fax Keizaal
  • TheWickedGamer's Blog
  • Introduction to Modding with NIND
  • Short Stories
  • The Dadga
  • Ruminations and Stories
  • Trace
  • Amsterdam Escort
  • ugraine's Archive
  • The Devil's Girl Unit (DGU)
  • S³blog - the newest in slave management!
  • Fallout: The Frontier
  • Anbeegod's Blog
  • Jexsam's Infrequent Distractions
  • Jess's IMVU blog
  • Daemonica Succubae
  • Library of Ramblings
  • Cotr face overlays development blog
  • blu blu Blog
  • Perfectdark2016
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  • Skyrim Tips & Tricks
  • Journal of Alicia Skull-Smasher
  • Fat Kyubey Is Fat
  • twilitabyss' Blog
  • Wasteland Natural Beauties
  • Sparowe likes Hentai
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  • Effie's Blog
  • AlhombreDelToro's Blog
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  • Colocation, Sexe et Drama
  • Gay Sims4 fun with Kyle Woohoo
  • Greg's Blog
  • Chronicles of Mereth
  • Suitable services by Hyderabad Escorts in sensuality
  • Tales of Raven
  • Open Mod Challenge to Earn Modders Money
  • Shooting Photos; Not Arrows - Inside the Dovahkiin's Secret Studio
  • The apprentice witch
  • aps16's Blog
  • PlayBlue Ltd
  • Delta6ix's Blog
  • Lunaivy
  • Speele Blog Entries
  • Dawnguard Retold
  • Fuck Ur Gf's Blog
  • Out of Place
  • My sexy The sims 4
  • Tenri's Dev Blogs
  • Servant of Many: Kyne's Blessing in our Wretched World
  • The Simsfather, Part II
  • The student
  • Just a thoughts
  • Alhomoradiaz's Blog
  • Hawkes25's Blog
  • messi
  • Screenshots dump?
  • fishy bullshit
  • the devil's salsa
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  • Writing For Sharks
  • Hethens Fer Hire || An Immersive NSFW Machinima Series
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  • Hello, I present to you my perfect sim <3
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  • sims 4 abdl rocking horse??
  • FCF; Vol. 7. "Darkness on the Horizon"
  • Sims Cuckoldry, Gangbang, Interratial and stuff
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  • hoshikaze's Blog
  • no one shall defeat le mighty mojojojaniqua
  • Delhi Babes offer incomparable love to the fellows Delhicall$girl$club$
  • Vault 100 - From the Human Resources Branch - These are the Men and Women of VAULT-TEC
  • Cave of Illusion
  • The devil in you
  • buttnine's Sienna Blog
  • mikie1001421's Blog
  • LoversLab modding for Dummies
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  • PJ- Armors & Outfits replacer project.
  • Lia's torment
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  • Billyy's Blog
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  • The Princess of Hope
  • Endiness' Blog
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  • Unclebenis' Blog
  • KLebinhoxd's Blog
  • Delhi Escorts Offer Jubilation to Your Soul without Hassles
  • HOW TO FIX???
  • Ada and Leon Sims Playthrough Dump
  • Trisha´s porn dream comes true
  • Skyphernaut's Blog
  • Progression of Shadowverse nude mods and regular mods for the game
  • theposhmudcrab's blog
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  1. Spare me the heat if the question itself bothers you, though I do completely understand it (both because the obvious and because it might be a stupid question). All such mods I see only ever seem to talk about and display images of female characters x creatures, to the point it made me doubt and ask this.
  2. Version v1.02


    Adds more friendly domestic animals to the world of Skyrim. This places around 500 non-hostile creatures in cities, villages, farms, mills, etc, and also adds a dogs to interiors like inns and Jarl halls. The primary intention is to provide more animals that will work with SexLab Aroused Creatures SE while not introducing anything too immersion-breaking (like pet sabre cats and house-trolls). As a result the vast majority (about 95%) of these are dogs and horses. In order to provide some variety within this restriction the mod references the Judah dog model included in Hentai Creatures SE so the mod will need to be installed for the model and textures (the ESP does not need to be enabled if not wanted). IMPORTNAT: As of Jan 2025, Hentai Creatures has been replaced by Creature Summoner. All other versions of Hentai Creatures have been taken down. This new mod does not include the models and textures for Judah (the German Shepherd Dog) used by SLMC. If you do not have access to a copy of Hentai Creatures v1.5 or earlier, use SexLab More Creatures SE v1.02 - Non-Essential Respawning No GSD.7z to avoid invisible dogs. If you are able to install Hentai Creatures, use SexLab More Creatures SE v1.02 - Non-Essential Respawning.7z. This mod does not have any built-in SexLab functionality nor any adult content. It is listed as both because of the partial dependency and the intended use. All animals have markers they will return to when not occupied which should keep them from blocking traffic for too long. Most SLMC spawns use levelled lists so horse and dog breeds will be random for the most part. The major exception is guard dogs which are all armoured huskies. The horses in and around cities will tend to be of the appropriate breed for the location though there is a chance for them to be another breed. Their breed can change if the cell is reset. Animals in an around major cities that are attacked during the Civil War quests should be temporarily disabled until the events are complete. Generally the placement is consistent with location, so you won't find a saddled horse near some random bridge in the middle of nowhere only in places that someone could conceivably leave a horse saddled. You'll find armoured husky "guard dogs" in jarl's residences and occasionally at guard posts and town entrances. There are also some tame wolves in and around Jorrvaskr and some summoned dogs in and around The Mages' College. Other than those there are no saber cats, bears, werewolves or anything else that would required an "excuse" outside of the story for its presence. I've avoided placing animals in locations where I know stealth is required at some time. This is an early version and a complete do-over of the original Oldrim SLMC mod so I'd be grateful if you could provide some bug reports. In particular we are looking for animals spawning inside walls, animals being unexpectedly aggressive, free horses (they are all supposed to be owned) and any clashes with other mods. Ideally I'd need to know the exact location and creature(s) involved. If you find an area that you think has too many or too few animals that would also be helpful. In the current version (v1.01 and later) the creatures are non-essential, re-spawning and PC-level calculated. Killed creatures will re-spawn after 30 in-game days without the PC visiting their location. This mod has no scripting, no models or textures and should be very safe to install and uninstall at will. Load order should not really matter, but if you see any cell being overridden please report it. This mod has been cleaned in SSEEdit. Customisation If you want to delete SLMC spawns from a given area the NPCs can be removed from the esp using SSEEdit. To remove everything from a cell just delete the cell from the esp. To remove individual creatures, such as all horses from city cells, locate and expand the cell and delete only the unwanted NPC entries from that cell. Do not delete the XMarkerHeading entries in the "persistent" branches. Tip: Alt-Right-Click on the +/- next to SexLab More Creatures.esp to expand or collapse all branches. Creatures can be safely disabled in-game using the console: open the console, click on the creature, ensure that the first two digits of the ID displayed at the top of the console match the load order position of SLMC, type disable and enter. Requirements Hentai Creatures SE (the ESP does not need to be active if you do not want the summonable creatures this mod provides). See IMPORTANT note at the top of the description. Recommended Simple No More Stupid Dog (the "stupid dog" dialogue will otherwise be continuous due to the number of dogs) Quiet Dog (use the SIt version to reduce the amount of barking from all the extra dogs) Wolf Howl Fix (so that the wolves around Jorrvaskr won't be completely mute) Install Use a mod manager of choice (MO2 is recommended) Update Make a clean save to ensure changes are properly applied. Uninstall the mod, load your game and make a new save, then install the updated version. Change Log License This mod is released under GPLv3.
  3. SexLab More Creatures SE (2025-01-07) View File Adds more friendly domestic animals to the world of Skyrim. This places around 500 non-hostile creatures in cities, villages, farms, mills, etc, and also adds a dogs to interiors like inns and Jarl halls. The primary intention is to provide more animals that will work with SexLab Aroused Creatures SE while not introducing anything too immersion-breaking (like pet sabre cats and house-trolls). As a result the vast majority (about 95%) of these are dogs and horses. In order to provide some variety within this restriction the mod references the Judah dog model included in Hentai Creatures SE so the mod will need to be installed for the model and textures (the ESP does not need to be enabled if not wanted). IMPORTNAT: As of Jan 2025, Hentai Creatures has been replaced by Creature Summoner. All other versions of Hentai Creatures have been taken down. This new mod does not include the models and textures for Judah (the German Shepherd Dog) used by SLMC. If you do not have access to a copy of Hentai Creatures v1.5 or earlier, use SexLab More Creatures SE v1.02 - Non-Essential Respawning No GSD.7z to avoid invisible dogs. If you are able to install Hentai Creatures, use SexLab More Creatures SE v1.02 - Non-Essential Respawning.7z. This mod does not have any built-in SexLab functionality nor any adult content. It is listed as both because of the partial dependency and the intended use. All animals have markers they will return to when not occupied which should keep them from blocking traffic for too long. Most SLMC spawns use levelled lists so horse and dog breeds will be random for the most part. The major exception is guard dogs which are all armoured huskies. The horses in and around cities will tend to be of the appropriate breed for the location though there is a chance for them to be another breed. Their breed can change if the cell is reset. Animals in an around major cities that are attacked during the Civil War quests should be temporarily disabled until the events are complete. Generally the placement is consistent with location, so you won't find a saddled horse near some random bridge in the middle of nowhere only in places that someone could conceivably leave a horse saddled. You'll find armoured husky "guard dogs" in jarl's residences and occasionally at guard posts and town entrances. There are also some tame wolves in and around Jorrvaskr and some summoned dogs in and around The Mages' College. Other than those there are no saber cats, bears, werewolves or anything else that would required an "excuse" outside of the story for its presence. I've avoided placing animals in locations where I know stealth is required at some time. This is an early version and a complete do-over of the original Oldrim SLMC mod so I'd be grateful if you could provide some bug reports. In particular we are looking for animals spawning inside walls, animals being unexpectedly aggressive, free horses (they are all supposed to be owned) and any clashes with other mods. Ideally I'd need to know the exact location and creature(s) involved. If you find an area that you think has too many or too few animals that would also be helpful. In the current version (v1.01 and later) the creatures are non-essential, re-spawning and PC-level calculated. Killed creatures will re-spawn after 30 in-game days without the PC visiting their location. This mod has no scripting, no models or textures and should be very safe to install and uninstall at will. Load order should not really matter, but if you see any cell being overridden please report it. This mod has been cleaned in SSEEdit. Customisation If you want to delete SLMC spawns from a given area the NPCs can be removed from the esp using SSEEdit. To remove everything from a cell just delete the cell from the esp. To remove individual creatures, such as all horses from city cells, locate and expand the cell and delete only the unwanted NPC entries from that cell. Do not delete the XMarkerHeading entries in the "persistent" branches. Tip: Alt-Right-Click on the +/- next to SexLab More Creatures.esp to expand or collapse all branches. Creatures can be safely disabled in-game using the console: open the console, click on the creature, ensure that the first two digits of the ID displayed at the top of the console match the load order position of SLMC, type disable and enter. Requirements Hentai Creatures SE (the ESP does not need to be active if you do not want the summonable creatures this mod provides). See IMPORTANT note at the top of the description. Recommended Simple No More Stupid Dog (the "stupid dog" dialogue will otherwise be continuous due to the number of dogs) Quiet Dog (use the SIt version to reduce the amount of barking from all the extra dogs) Wolf Howl Fix (so that the wolves around Jorrvaskr won't be completely mute) Install Use a mod manager of choice (MO2 is recommended) Update Make a clean save to ensure changes are properly applied. Uninstall the mod, load your game and make a new save, then install the updated version. Change Log License This mod is released under GPLv3. Submitter Sailing Rebel Submitted 07/03/2018 Category Adult Mods Requirements Hentai Creatures SE Regular Edition Compatible No
  4. More Nasty Critters Special/Anniversary Edition View File BE ADVISED: some sack of shit is using my name to re-post mods on other websites, this person is NOT me. DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING FROM THOSE OTHER SITES. I ONLY UPLOAD TO LOVERSLAB. THIS VERSION IS FOR SKYRIM SPECIAL & ANNIVERSARY EDITIONS ONLY go here for Skyrim Legendary Edition: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/4130-more-nasty-critters-slal-edition/ MNC is a unified collection of the basic adult creature mods, the contents within came from multiple mod authors. this version has updated mesh files, and is using SLAL for animation control. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DISCLAIMER (copied from original v9 mod page): I know its problematic to expand on the work of others or even expand upon someone elses expansion of the work of a third modder. However some of the stuff here cant be released in any other meaningful way, at least not for someone who just wants to download and have fun. If someone is offended by the stuff I put here let me know and I remove it. Its just here to give fellow players easy access to stuff thats posted all over the board, after all. original More Nasty Critters made by dentarr: http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1140-more-nasty-critters/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Downloads: MoreNastyCritters: the main mod, adds aroused meshes & animations for creatures + registers races into SexLab so that other SLAL Packs can use them. (note: mod does NOT have a MCM of it's own, the CF and SLAL MCMs are used to control this mod). WARNING: MNC is now too big to be upload as one file on LL so i had to turn it into a split volume file, you need to download and put all 3 files (001, 002, 003) into the same folder and extract file 001 (and only 001) with 7zip (and only 7zip will work) to get the usable file. watch the mp4 if needed. also if you have winrar installed (why the hell would you its obsolete crap) it will cause the file names and/or extensions to be changed when they are downloaded, making the files UNUSABLE until the names/extensions are fixed. https://www.file-extensions.org/article/useful-information-about-multi-volume-archives CreatureSummoner: adds spells to summon creatures for you to play with (note: mod has a MCM). ModCompatibilityKitsForMNC: various patches for other mods. CreatureFramework: used to apply aroused meshes onto creatures (note: mod has a MCM). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Required Mods/Install Order: The full install guide (and a list of SLAL Packs) can be found here: http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3524-sexlab-more-nasty-critters-install-guide/ that guide is mostly not suitable for SE/AE anymore due to all the updates/game versions, but the list of slal packs is still valid. if you are installing this into SkyrimVR you should go here first: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/134393-how-to-sl-in-vr-step-by-step-tutorial/ install mods in order shown: (Mod Organizer 2 is highly recommended: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6194/ ) Skyrim Script Extender (aka: SKSE) Warning: pay attention to what version of Skyrim.exe/TESV.exe you have, right click on it and go to "Properties" and then go to the "Detales" tab to find your version http://skse.silverlock.org/ Address Library for SKSE Plugins SE/AE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32444 SkyrimVR https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/58101 Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE (aka: FNIS) (don't forget to download the "FNIS Creature Pack") https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3038 SkyUI https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604 UIExtensions (needed for SexLabTools) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17561 Papyrus Tweaks NG ( makes scripts run faster ) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/77779? SexLab Framework SE Warning: like SKSE you need to pay attention to what version of Skyrim you have. https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/20058-sexlab-se-sex-animation-framework-v165-110822/ SexLab Tools https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/10660-sexlab-tools-for-se-patched/ Sexlab Aroused Redux SSE https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5482-sexlab-aroused-redux-sse-version-29/ More Nasty Critters Special Edition (aka: MNC ) (you are here) Creature Framework (3.0) (you are here) or (1.0.1) https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5462-creature-framework-se/ JContainers SE Warning1: like SKSE you need to pay attention to what version of Skyrim you have. Warning2: if it's SkyrimVR DO NOT USE JCon v4.1.13 only use the older v4.1.2 file. SE/AE/VR https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16495 https://github.com/ryobg/JContainers/releases GOG (v1.6.659) https://github.com/ryobg/JContainers/pull/97 https://tworaz.net/downloads/skyrim/JContainers64-v4.2.3-GOG.7z SexLab Animation Loader SSE (aka: SLAL, SLALSE) https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5328-sexlab-animation-loader-sse/ MatchMaker https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/163-sexlab-matchmaker-updated-09172014/ NOTE: this is a LE mod and it works fine in SE/AE without any porting, form 43 esp files are safe to use in SSE. it's only mods that have meshes, animations, bsa or dll files that you need to worry about, MatchMaker has none of these. Suggested Load Order: (Skyrim and it's DLCs here) SexLab.esm SexlabAroused.esm CreatureFramework.esm (other SexLab related mod's .esm here) (All other .esm mods here) SkyUI.esp UIExtensions.esp FNIS.esp (All other .esp mods here) SexLabTools.esp MoreNastyCritters.esp CreatureSummoner.esp (if installed) SexLabMatchMaker.esp SLAnimLoader.esp (other SexLab related mod's .esp here) Warning: if you have it please load XP32/XPMSE before MNC. Do not let there skeletons overwrite MNC or your game may crash or have floating dick problems, MNC is using nodes that are sometimes not found in these skeleton mods. note: this warning may or may not be out of date, the skeleton mods have had a few updates since this was written - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - other Related Mods/Addons you may or may not want: SexLab Utility Plus https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/10316-osmelmc-mod-tweaks/ Animation Limit Crash Fix https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/11208-animation-limit-crash-fix/ Animated Beast's Cocks https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/7556-animated-beasts-cocksabc-for-users-le-se/ SexLab Werewolves Redux (for using animations when in Werewolf form) https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/18014-sexlab-werewolves-redux/ SexLab Dragons https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/7900-sexlab-dragons/ + animations https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5465-horny-creatures-of-skyrim-special-edition/ https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3999-billyys-slal-animations-2020-2-1/ SexLab Aroused Creatures https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6022-sexlab-aroused-creatures-se-2021-11-29/ + patch https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/10316-osmelmc-mod-tweaks/ Creature Overhaul: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/12760-creature-overhaul/ Bad Dog's Immersive Creatures - SIC Addon V3.0 (if you have "Skyrim Immersive Creatures" mod installed) https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6663-bad-dogs-immersive-creatures-se/ Scent of Sex https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/7132-scent-of-sex-se/ Riding Styles: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/18034-riding-styles-2-se-6-13-21/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Animation Troubleshooting: 1. if you are using a Mod Manager ( please go with Mod Organizer 2, it's highly recommended ) make sure it's installing the files to the right location and with the right load order. a good guide for using Mod Organizer 2 can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4ZQpzf_iAE&list=PLE7DlYarj-DcLS9LyjEqOJwFUQIIQewcK 2. run/rerun the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe, if you don't the animations wont work/run. C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe WARNING: Windows (Vista/7/8/10) Security may interfere with updating/overwriting the FNIS behavior files. you may not even get a error message telling you that this has happened. make sure FNIS and your mod manager (if your using one) are running with administrator privileges. NOTE: try deleting "Data\meshes\actors\character\behaviors\0_master.hkx" and re-running FNIS again, that sometimes helps. 3. when you start the game with the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) loader the list of installed mods wont get refreshed, so if you install a mod and just start the game with the loader any new mods you installed wont be fully activated. to fix this problem go to the skyrim launcher and click on "DATA FILES" and it will refresh the list of installed mods, you can now close the launcher and start the game with the skse loader. note: this only apply if you are not using a mod manager 4. in game you need to go inside SexLab's Mod Control Menu (MCM) and click on "install" first before you can use SexLab. 5. make sure you have "Allow Creature Animation" checked in SexLab's MCM settings. 6. turn off "Match Creature Gender" in sexlab's MCM settings, if this setting is enabled some animations won't play. 7. did you forget to install the FNIS Creature Pack? install it and rerun the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe, then do steps 5 & 8 NOTE1: if you do have the Creature Pack but some creatures are just playing idle animations during sex or not moving try clicking on "De-Install Creatures" in FNIS, after it's done running click on "Update FNIS Behavior" (doing this will delete all the creature behavior files generated by FNIS and remake new ones...that is assuming you DO have the FNIS Creature Pack installed) NOTE2: try turning on the "hkx file compatibly check" in FNIS to see if you installed the wrong version/s of any animation packs. 8. you may need to reload the animations, go to the Animation Loader's MCM and then: 8.1. click on the "Disable All" button. 8.2. click on "Rebuild Animation Registry", then Wait for the message to pop up*. 8.3. click on "Reload JSON". 8.4. click on "Enable All". 8.5. click on "Count Animations" and make sure nothing is over 1000 (the stock SexLab v1.65 animation limit), turn off some animations if they are. 8.6. click on "Register Animations", then Wait for the message to pop up*. *if you like you can press "~" on your keyboard to open the console so you can watch it Register everything, just make sure you close it before you try to click on anything. 9. if SLAL Packs are not being listed in SLAL try reinstalling/updating JContainers. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16495 10. if you are getting teleported into the air above Secunda's Kiss (giant camp at center of map) then try starting a animation in a indoor area first. it should stop happening outside after you do. 11. if all else fails, try loading a older save file from before sexlab was installed....but first try using sexlab's debug menu to reset everything to there default values. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Creature Framework Troubleshooting: Aroused mesh not getting/staying applied during animations (a list of things to try): A. go to the Creature Framework MCM and click on "Re-register all mods", then unpause the game and Wait a Minute. B. go to the Creature Framework MCM and click on "Clear Creatures" C. go to SexLab's MCM and turn off "Automatic Free Camera" (don't know why but freecam may stop meshes from getting refreshed, especially the player's werewolf form) D. go to the Creature Framework MCM and disable "SexLab Aroused integration" E. try clicking on the uninstall button in CF's MCM, then save & quit and reload the save. (wait for Creature Framework to reinstall and register) F. click on the uninstall button in CF's MCM, then save & quit, then use a save editor to remove all of Creature Framework's scripts & forms from your save file. NOTE: you may need to save & quit again after installing to get it's MCM menu to load. also adding this to the Skyrim.ini (My Documents\My Games\Skyrim) may help CF work a bit better: [General] bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=1 Creature Framework not registering mods / is empty / stuck in a registering loop: try reinstalling JContainers or installing a older version of it. ( Warning: pay attention to what version of Skyrim.exe you have. ) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16495 or https://github.com/ryobg/JContainers/releases or 3rd party GOG version (for 1.6.659) by dtz667 here https://github.com/ryobg/JContainers/pull/97 https://tworaz.net/downloads/skyrim/JContainers64-v4.2.3-GOG.7z note: some people have reported problems with the newer version of JContainers not loading anything into the MCM, try using a older copy of JContainers (and maybe SKSE) if you encounter this problem. There was a problem if you had any Mods from CrapClub (Creation Club) installed, but that bug should be fixed in newer versions of JContainers: the problem was you had to remove them (or any other esl based mods) before you could register/reregister Creature Framework based mods into Creature Framework. (i'm just keeping this message here in case the problem comes back) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FNIS Troubleshooting: "ERROR(9): Index was outside the bounds of the array" or "ERROR(2026): Too many animations": you may have Too many animation mods and/or SLAL Packs installed, use the "XXL" version of FNIS or uninstall some animations. "ERROR(76): Could not find a part of the path DebugData.txt": a Win10 update (or antivirus software) has forcibly turned on real time protection and it's stopping FNIS from generating/updating files. you need to disable real time protection before running FNIS, or add GenerateFNIS_for_Users.exe to the exclusions list (also you should probably add skse_loader.exe and TESV.exe as well) Crashing on loading save file: you have Too many animations installed, most people start crashing around 12000 to 14000. remove some animation mods to fix the problem, or try installing these mods to bypass the crashing point: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/11208-animation-limit-crash-fix/ https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Papyrus Tweaks: "NOTE: THIS MAY OR MAY NOT FULLY APPLY TO SKYRIM SPECIAL EDITION" the problem with installing script heavy mods is that the default Papyrus settings are not capable of handling the additional stress. This tweak should increase stability, and needs to be added to the Skyrim.ini file under the [Papyrus] section. Your Skyrim.ini can be found in "My Documents\My Games\Skyrim" [Papyrus] fUpdateBudgetMS=1.6 fExtraTaskletBudgetMS=1.6 fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=1000.0 bEnableLogging=0 bEnableTrace=0 bLoadDebugInformation=0 iMaxMemoryPageSize=8192 iMinMemoryPageSize=256 iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=153600 note1: there is some debate on the last 3, it has been suggested that they should just be deleted from (or never entered into) the Skyrim.ini https://www.loverslab.com/topic/56084-crash-fixes/ use this mod and use there Papyrus setting suggestions: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/77779? note2: you should only have logging turned on (bEnableLogging=1) if you are actively trying to find a Papyrus script based problem, the rest of the time it's just a drain on system resources and it can cause extra stress for the papyrus system, therefor if you have it on all the time it can potentially become a part of the problem your trying to fix. it only logs the scripts anyways so if you have a problem like a deleted world object or a bad navmesh the log won't say anything helpfull, you should be doing this if you have such a problem: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=TES5Edit_Mod_Cleaning_Tutorial http://wiki.step-project.com/TES5Edit/TES5Edit_Cleaning_Instructions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other Notes: when you select "MNC Rescaled Meshes" for the wolves in CF's MCM it makes the wolves larger and gives them a penis that does not support ABC animations, this is intended to be used for older wolf animations. (if you have RaceMenu/NIOverride you may want to edit the MoreNastyCritters.esp to remove the object effect from the wolf armors or they may end up much bigger than 1.2) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mod Compatibility Kit index of patches: Warning: theses are ported from the LE version of the "mod compatibility kit" so some patches may be looking for the LE versions of the mod (eg: not a esl file) Bear Mods: The DovahBear (with & without Werebear form) Canine Mods: A Dogs Life Amaterasu The Great Spirit (was unnecessary, Amaterasu is/was Female, this makes her a male) garm companion GenderDogs (you don't need the original mod to use this because MNC already includes female meshes) Meeko Reborn OkamiFollower True Meeko True Wolves of Skyrim Vargr - a Draugr Hound Vigilance Reborn Zombie Dogs and Skinned Hounds- Mihail Monsters and Animals Dragon Mods: Behemoth Dragon Chaos Dragons Deadly Dragons Diverse Dragons Collection 3 V4-1-3 DurnehviirResurrected Jills of Akatosh Jormungandr Dragon Nithhogg Dragon Thanatos Dragon (note:if you are mixing dragon mods (Eg: Chaos Dragons with Deadly Dragons) you may need to edit the leveled npc lists, Eg: LCharDragonAny "0005EACF") Horse Mods (the bane of my existence): Blaze Of Eventide Convenient Horses V5 GenderHorses (you don't need the original mod to use this because MNC already includes female meshes) Horse Armors Immersive Horses Levelers Tower Realistic Primitive Horse Breeds Stendarr Rising Other Mods: Bestial Essence (may or may not work) Creature Mod - Degonians (A.K.A: a DeathClaw mod for Skyrim) Darkend Reapers The Dark Tower SkyFem Tame the Beasts of Skyrim II The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal Tumbajamba's Mounts Vilja in Skyrim Yiffy Age of Skyrim Zombies- Mihail Monsters and Animals MNC Werewolf extras: Alternative Werewolf Textures (for female/herm werewolves) Player Hermaphrodite Werewolf patch Remove Werewolves from SOS installing the patches with a Mod Manager: note from harveytherabbit: "Mod Manager (i think he meant Mod Organizer) : Install the patch in the Mod Manager interface and you will see all of them under that one install. Navigate under the respective folder title for the patch you wish to install. Keep expanding the folder hierarchy until you see that patch's 'data' folder and the Right Click and set as Data Directory. Once it shows the green text indicating it is selected as the data folder, rename the install however you want to identify it as the patch for that specific mod (ex - "MNC Patch - ModTitle") and then complete the install and enable it. Repeat these steps for each patch you need for your own mod structure." as i understand the things i've seen other people say in the past the patches need to be extracted and then recompressed into 7zip files of there own to be installed. i don't use any mod managers myself so i don't know which way works best. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CREDITS: note: this list of credits most likely has many errors due to the amount of crossover work that has been done. its hard to keep track of things when others are expanding upon someone elses expansion of work from a third person. AnTiWoMaAgNoT (female VampierLord mesh) Ashal (SexLab, scripting consultant) Bad Dog (mesh consultant, edited Deer/Elk penis, Steam Centurion mesh, edited sabercat penis, Dragon Priest mesh, Riekling penis?, frost giant penis) billyy (past Animations now removed, mesh & animation consultant + testing) Blaze69 (consultant for many things) blipblap (edited Hulking Draugr mesh, edited Giant body meshes, edited troll penis, Ashhopper) Chosen Clue (Ash Spawn fix) Cyndi (Benthic Lurker penis) DARKGRAY (helped with something but i can't remember what it was) Dayelyte (Animations) dentarr (original MNC mod author) Derrax (werewolf balls) diarawr (Canine penis & werewolf penis from horny dogs of skyrim) Dr Fring (female VampierLord texture) Ep1cL3w1s (Creature Framework) Flyingtoaster (Hentai Creatures) Fore (FNIS, animation consultant) FunnyBiz (Animations) Gary3 (female horse meshes) Gone (Animations, Beastiality Extras, Bear balls, Chaurus penis, spider penis, Draugr penis, Falmer penis, Gargoyle penis, Giant penis, Sabrecat penis, troll penis, VampireLord penis) h38fh2mf (did something but i can't remember what it was) jacques00 (female giant mesh, female Draugr texture) Leito86 (Creature Features, Animations, Horse penis, new bear penis, Werebear penis, Riekling penis?) llabsky (Animations) lordescobar666 (Sexlab Nude Creatures) Lost_Hawk (Female Falmer) Lugburzum (Dremora face Fix for Hentai Creatures) MadMansGun (mod maintenance, multiple edited meshes, dwarven sphere dildos, Dwarven Spider penis, Dwarven Ballista dildo, Werebear penis (based on Leito's horse penis), Frostbite Spider penis (based on Gone's Chaurus penis), Chaurus Hunter (also based on Gone's Chaurus penis), Frost Atronach, edited Dragon penis) nicholas8 (helped with race registration) Moutarde421 (female werewolf) Panicforever (Animations) PaulGreen (modifications to SLAL and enabling icewraith animation support) Pfiffy (SSE porting) ppp (helped with the Immersive Horses patch) RavenKZP (female Dog & Husky) SirNibbles (consultant, idea tester) Skullered (helped with something but i can't remember what it was) SkyMoMod (the Arch Demon in Hentai Creatures) Subject2Host (edited bear penis textures, Werebear penis based on horse penis, Rabbit penis based on skeever) Vioxsis (Goat, Horker, Hagraven, new Boar) vpoteryaev (helped with something but i can't remember what it was) Xandero (Animations) ZarthonTheVanquished (fixed some creature voice errors) Submitter MadMansGun Submitted 03/18/2018 Category Framework & Resources Requirements SexLab Framework, SLAL and other things Regular Edition Compatible No  
  5. we can imagine a special planet: one day we are sent to a planet by uc, to find out why there are a lot of Heat Leech in that planet. when we land on the planet, the locals tell us DONT go outside the room when night falls we stay at room at night, and only do some discover during the day, also as a character🤣, our gun is pretty good, that allow us kill many Heat Leech. after some days the local people start be killed, some of them are dead so strange, the stomach was ruptured, and anothers are looked like die many years, even though we just talk with them yesterday. the locals entrust us to find out what happend. we have to do something, so our character violated the rule: DONT go outside the room when night falls. at the midnight, we found a terrible thing: a lot of Heat Leech in our settlements, they are destroying everything, generator, water purifier and else. we start to kill these Heat Leech, but something happened: an unstoppable Heat Leech attack us, then we falling into coma. when we awake, we found we are in a cave, there are a lot of Heat Leech sounds us, but what's worse is that we are naked and our bellies are swollen like we are pregnant. at this moment, a Heat Leech bite our ear, while feeling pain it seems we hear some voice, an angry voice: human! you kiled so many of our kind, now you have to make up for your mistakes: as a mother, give birth to enough heat leeches. for now, as a human, we say no and try to break free, but soon the Heat Leech tell us: if you say no, our little Heat Leech will rip your belly and get out. we are so scare, to save life, we have to say yes... so in the days that follow, the Heat Leech play our body, make us wet, also they let us drink some strange water, although this water can sustain our lives, but also make us crazy: We actively asked to have sex with hot leechesan, and all to drink their semen. in the same time, every night we will born some many Heat Leech, accompanied by a strong climax, and our thinking is also quietly changing... after 3 months, we borned so many heat Leech, enough to fill several caves. one day, the Heat Leech says we can leave, even through we have indulged in this outrageous sex process, we still have a little reason, and her out of the cave. we escape the cave, find locals ettlements, the doctor want to check our body, normally we should say yes, ut somehow we refused the doctor. Every night that follows, our bodies become thirsty, we try use everything to fill the hole, but the effect is average. after a week, we recognize one thing: our body has been trained, it can't leave Heat Leech. we try to catch a Heat Leech at a night, and the Heat Leech doesn't reject, It stared at me, as if to say: Can't you bear it anymore? i put the Heat Leech into my hole, when the familiar feeling comes back, I squirted straight away. Every night that follows, i make sex with Heat Leech, even let the hot leeches go in my mouth and into my body, i am enjoy this, and completely degenerate. now sometimes your can see there are traces of bugs crawling under my skin, that's my love, Heat Leech, inside my body~, they have taken over my body, corroded my internal organs, and replaced my internal organs with these evil creatures, but I have already dedicated my body and soul to my beloved, the hot leech~
  6. Version 6.0


    Gratuitous: Nudity, Sex, Violence, Horror, and Gore! Makes Serana an Erotic Nightmare. She kills with Gore and Sex. 36 summonable NPCs, a 400+ NPC Sex/Death Cult, a Huge Macabre Sex Dungeon, Gore-Causing Creatures, Spells, and so much more! A whole Serana Trash Horror fantasy experience! XXX. Serana Dead Sexy now has over 260 addon mods!! If you haven't looked lately, its grown! Available here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589 and more in my profile https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/110156988?tab=user+files The complete official Serana Dead Sexy Nexus collection is available here: https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections/gv7h2i Gratuitous nudity, sex, violence, and gore! “Oh yes, there will be blood.” Turns your skyrim into a gory trashy horror movie with Serana as the star, and a supporting cast of 32 new summonable succubus NPCs. This is Serana like you have never seen before: more brutal than Jason, deadlier than Leatherface, sexier than Chucky, and more sadistic than Pinhead! New spells, new NPCs, new items, new enchantments, new effects, new horror. READ BELOW FOR ALL THE LATEST FEATURES "If Serana doesn't make your skin crawl…it's on too tight!" - Nazeem of Whiterun "Please do not disturb Serana. She already is." - Belethor, purveyor of general goods and family members "She'll tear your soul apart." - Aela the Huntress "She's in town with a few days to kill." - Riften Guard  So Terrifying to avoid fainting, keep repeating: "It's only a mod!..." "It's only a mod!!!..." "It's only a mod!!!" What this mod does: ---------- "Be afraid. Be very afraid." --------- Turns Serana into a sexy, gore-causing, sex-crazed death-machine. She kills her enemies with sex, if she doesn't turn their flesh inside out first. She kills in many horrifying and gruesome ways. Adds Jaw dropping combat to Serana, She is a macabre spectacle to watch. Introduces summonable succubi that are gifts from Molag Bal to his favorite plaything Serana. Succubi all have gore causing, violent spells and can sex enemies to death. Introduces a story, powerful unique enchanted weapons, new spells, and multiple unique, sexy, and varied succubi. Patches together many Serana mods so they all work together, and is compatible with Serana Dialogue Add-on Addon packs introduce: Sex dialog, Extreme gore, More content, a Depraved sex cult, a macabre death cult, gore-enabled summonable creatures, An erotic and horrifying "player home", and much much more! See images and read below for more info "Forgive me father, for I am sin." - Serana Main File: New Ultimate DELUXE Version, The Carnal Compendium V6.0 "We Have Such Sights To Show You." - Serana A carnal carnage cornucopia of deadly sex, gore, and nudity. You can now summon a multitude of depraved demonic disciples of sex and violence! They are all brutally erotic and sexy (see images). The succubi all cast different gory and horrifying spells. Full of erotic macabre deliciousness! Separately summonable groups include: Serana's Disciples of sin: 12 nude sexy busty succubi Serana's Army of Darkness: 7 alluring demon succubi Serana's Knightmares: 4 tough as nails brawler succubi Serana's pet playthings: 3 playful succubi that always crawl on all fours, and are ruthlessly deadly Serana's Blood Harem: A harem of 5 provocative vampire succubi Serana's Servant Succubus: She does a great job, but she aint right in the head. Other summonable groups available with optional addons, including creatures. Main Features: Serana and her summonable succubi cast spells that kill opponents in many gory and horrible ways 32 new summonable succubus NPCs, 400+ additional new npcs with optional addons Patches the kangmina mod (not just the replacer) with queen of the damned for ALL the Serana features, and compatible with SDA Adds succubus sex powers to Serana and her succubi, they sometimes initiate deadly sex in battle to kill their victims Their combat has to be seen to be believed, It is Jaw Dropping All succubus summoning spell tomes are in your starting inventory. Serana and some succubi now rip out hearts occasionally while attacking, with animation. Finish him! Serana's bats now occasionally strip opponents naked and eat their flesh. Spell tome for you in her inventory Serana and Succubi cast versions of Dukkhas death magic spells. See video below for effects. Serana knows the decapitation spell, spell tome for you is in her inventory. Serana comes out of the box in hellraiser armor and her succubus horns w/ physics hair and earrings Serana and Succubi.. *ahem* drip with excitement Festus Krux Inside-out Spell is used by Serana, Spell tome for you is in her inventory Succubus pet playthings crawl on all fours, like good little demons Serana and the blood harem hide their weapons for maximum sexiness Many special unique weapons with radical effects: sex, gore, or mayhem. katanas, clubs, kunai, scythes, greatswords, and more Each Succubi has different powers, specialties, outfits (well the disciples are nude), and spells Serana and succubi have multiple triggers of sexing enemies to death during battle Individually different combat for all 32 succubi, and distinct group combat tactics for each summonable group An OP fire spell you can use to kill unwanted summons or anything else, plus many more spells Sexlab enabled dialog for all succubi with Dialog addon, also for cult members and merchant. Some surprises in Serana's starting inventory, chest, and at the merchant Spell tomes, a staff, a sword, a bow, 2 handed mace, and a special journal in your starting inventory Tells the story of how Serana got these powers along with acquiring her succubi via journals A dark, erotic, and macabre "player home", The lair of Screams, available with addons Tons of nudity like every good trashy horror movie All plugins are light, just a few requirements are not, but you get a lot for those spots! It is worth it! Much Much More! 100s of hours of work and testing. See below, and the images, and the posts for more info. Optional Files to Expand the Trashy Horror Fun: Optional Sex Dialog Addon for the Carnal Compendium Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed anytime. Optional mod adds sex dialog to the Succubi, as well as new sex enabled items. Thanks to Shadowman2777 for his help on this, and for him allowing me to use his files and post it. Great guy! This also requires https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5957-zaz-animation-packs-for-se/ Get pack 8+ version 1.5 adds a new journal, changes dialog, and adds new items to Serana, her Gargoyle, and riverwood chest version 2.0 many tweaks and improvements - last full release all future tweaks will be in an addon file. Optional EXXXTREME Gore Addon for the Carnal Compendium Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed anytime. Adds Extreme Gore Enabled Weapons and effects. Even more gore! Not for the faint of heart! Requires the carnal compendium version with dialog addon. Also requires https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/12276-namiras-goat-reborn-sse/ get version 1.5 Credit to Tengma for Namiras goat and Sillius_Maximus for the port to SE. New extreme gore causing items in riverwood chest, for Serana, and for the succubi. Way over the top. If the normal version was a trashy horror movie, this makes it faces of death. Very Gory. You have been warned. Optional EXXXTRAS Addon for the Carnal Compendium Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed or upgraded anytime. Go Deeper into the depravity! New spells, items, effects and tweaks. Adds summon slave spell, which summons a different succubus slave of seranas each time. Adds seranas dark feast and seranas dark kitchen spells.. She's a killer chef! Also renames and adds weapons to make everything smoother. New story journal, and much much more. Did I mention the gore weaponized kitchen utensils? v1.5 fancies up the blood harem, fixes a bug, adds flavor text, and has the knightmares using the decapitation spell with a twist. Special weapons available from the creepy kid in dragonsreach. Also modifies the new slave spell, much better balance. Have fun! Its worth the upgrade. Safe mid playthrough. Optional EXXXTended cut Addon for the Carnal Compendium Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed or upgraded anytime. Adds A ton of new content! Largest addon yet. New NPCs, spells, items, effects and tweaks. Adds a merchent whose inventory is the stuff of nightmares. A queen of screams cult with members all over Skyrim that long to see her return. New sexlab enabled spell, thanks to shadowman2777. Succubus and serana improvements. Fixes and tons more. It's a big one. v2.0 of Exxxtended cut expands the sex cult with 200+ new NPCs all across Skyrim. Mostly in interiors, none in inns or crowded places to avoid congestion. Thoughtfully placed with performance in mind. All in sexy attire and sex dialog enabled. They all are succubus death by sex enabled. Optional EXXXpanded cults Addon for the Carnal Compendium Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed or upgraded anytime. Adds a macabre but erotic Death Cult of Molag-Bal. They are armed with gore causing weapons and are sex dialog enabled. Over 100 new erotic NPCs all across Skyrim. They have vowed to protect the Queen of Screams.. but why? Download and find out. Requires addons 1-4. Optional Director's cut Addon for the Carnal Compendium v7.5 Found under optional files, not light it has too much horror! Lets make this trashy horror show into a creature feature! A menagerie of Monstrosities, all gore enabled.. deathhounds, gargoyles, werewolves, dragons, a giant skeleton, lurkers, wolves, sabre-cats, a 50 foot succubus, ghostly steed, plus everyone's favorite trash mod monstrosity.. Doom Skull, and more! Fixes all found issues and adds new npcs, spells, staves and items. Plus lots of tweaks including new updates to the knightmares and blood harem. Lots of new summons! Skyrim has never seen horrifying creatures like these. Also adds a follower, a summonable spider and the Lair! The lair of Screams is a macabre erotic spectacle. I have never seen a "player home" quite like it. From a stripper on a pole, to friendly monsters roaming about.. Its nuts. Truly something out of a trashy horror movie. The Mistress of the lair was designed to work with Shadowman2777's https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80603. So you can make her a naughty maid and she will keep things in its current state of disorder. She is also a follower if you are interested in bringing her with you. Lots of other additions. Have fun!! Requires all previous addons 1-5 and: Succubus explosion addon *** Estrus users ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12832 ) : It appears there is an issue leading to CTD, no game start, since version 7 of the director's cut. If you intend to keep using Estrus, you will need to change a setting there: in zzEstrusUtil.ini, set: GET_FOLLOWER_FROM_OTHER_MOD OFF Optional Rise of the Lair Addon for the Carnal Compendium v2 Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed or upgraded anytime. Adds a lot to the lair. Over 60 new erotic NPCs within the lair. Also 2 new dungeon sections, a follower, new summons, more horrific furniture and more. Requires addons 1-6 (directors cut 7.5) and: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12816 *Main file B and optional file B https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/53384 *AIO - Custom UUNP Body and Outfits - Physics - v2.0.0 Optional Capstone Addon for the Carnal Compendium Adds a GIANT MENACING STONE SKULL HIDEOUT TO RIVERWOOD and a tavern full of naked women that is also a full featured player home! If you ever wanted to live in a bar full of naked girls, this mod is for you. So much, trash, gore, and nudity you will have no such thing as a "clean" save. This mod is dirty in all the right ways. Found under optional files, Way too big to be light. For the fans of this mod. Adds the Skull hideout, tavern, npcs, spells, creatures, and so much more! Requires literally ALL of the addons and optional files for this mod (yes ALL of them). I used everything. Very cool, and a lot of work. Ties everything together for the ultimate trash horror Serana experience. You and Serana have a monopoly on Riverwood, and perhaps all of Skyrim itself. Let your kingdom building OP fantasies take flight with this Trashy mod. Optional Bloodchill Manor Entrance Mover Moves the entrance to Bloodchill Cavern into the lair of screams. Includes teleport spell. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and Bloodchill manor CC. Does not interfere with quest or the manor, just moves the entrance. Compatible with bloodchill manor mods ? Light, add anytime. Optional Gallows Hall Entrance Mover Moves the entrance to Gallows Hall into the lair of screams. Includes teleport spell. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and Gallows Hall CC. Does not interfere with quest or the Hall, just moves the entrance. Compatible with Gallows Hall mods ? Light, add anytime. Can be used with Bloodchill Manor entrance mover, entrances are in different spots in the Lair. Optional Blackbone Grotto (dead mans dread) Entrance Mover Moves the entrance to Blackbone Grotto into the lair of screams. Includes teleport spell. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and Dead Man's Dread CC. Does not interfere with the grotto, just moves the entrance. Compatible with Dead Man's Dread mods ? Light, add anytime. Can be used with Bloodchill Manor and Gallows hall entrance movers, entrances are in different spots in the Lair. Quest is truncated (you miss a fetch quest, but you can do it that way to.. just remember where the entrance is) if you go through the door and collect the captains items on the boat. Fast travel to Blackbone isle to complete the quest.. or just skip it. Optional Serana Dialog Addon Horse Replacer Changes Serana's Horse Phoenix from SDA to be like Trauma from this mod. Requires addons 1-6 and Serana Dialog Add-on. Posted with permission from Martimius. Select the name Phoenix when Serana asks. Optional Sinful Secrets Addon- Riverwood Keep The luxurious castle, with the hidden dark secret in the basement. Trash horror gold! Adds an entrance to the Lair of Screams in the basement of Riverwood keep, amongst other things. Includes teleport spell to riverwood. Requires Rise of the Lair addon and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15005. ? Light, add anytime. Can be used with Bloodchill Manor, Dead man's dread, and Gallows hall entrance movers, entrances are in different spots in the Lair. Thanks to Skyrimlazz for permission to upload and for all of their beautiful work. Optional Sinful Secrets Addon- Winterstone Castle Another luxurious castle, with a dark secret in the basement. The horror spreads! Adds lair entrance in Winterstone Castle, and more. Requires Rise of the Lair addon and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2760 Light, add anytime.? Can be used with Bloodchill Manor, Dead man's dread, and Gallows hall entrance movers, as well as Riverwood keep, all entrances are in different spots in the Lair. Optional Sinful Secrets Addon- Azura's Dawn Adds a connection from the Azura's Dawn Mansion to the Lair, includes a teleport spell, and some other additions. This was made in anticipation of the Shadowman2777 mod, which is compatible with this and adds sex dialog to the mansions npcs. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14232 and the directors cut 7.5 addon. Light, add anytime. Thanks to Antiscamp for permission to upload and for all of their beautiful work. (this one is not required for the capstone addon) Azura's Dawn Dialog addon by Shadowman2777 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/86014 Optional Horrors of the Deep Addon Adds Aquariums to the lair, and a surprise under the private chamber. Keep your succubi happy with the hobby of fishkeeping! Requires directors cut addon 7.5 and the fishing CC. Light, add anytime. Optional Evil Lair of Hydra Entrance Addon I suppose this was inevitable. Connects the Lair of Screams to the Evil Lair of Hydra. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/50666 Light, add anytime. I also recommend https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45644 for the evil lair npcs Optional Pama's Deadly Furniture Addon Adds dynamic and working deadly furniture to the Lair of Screams. Impale, cook, hang, behead, and more.. the horror intensifies. Show Nazeem how you really feel about the cloud district. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/12508-pama´s-deadly-furniture-scripts/ Light, add anytime. Thanks Pamatronic for your wonderfully horrific mod. Optional Temple of Molag Bal Entrance Addon Connects the Lair of Screams to the Temple of Molag Bal. Requires directors cut 7.5 and https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/25931-immersive-daedra-worship-temple-of-molag-bal-addon and its requirements. Light, add anytime. Thanks to ungodlytomato for the great modifications to the temple. Optional Diabloesque Decorations Addon Adds REALLY gory stuff to the Lair of Screams. Very 1970s trash horror gore. You have been warned. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and zdd_e_se from this comment on LL: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/194570-request-prison-torture-mod/#comment-3825801 Can be used with all other addons. Light, add anytime. Optional Coldhaven Connection Addon Connects the Lair to the underground town of Coldhaven. Coldhaven is really impressive. An entire full-featured underground town, complete with npcs, quests, and player homes. Its loaded with goodies. It is also wonderfully macabre and fits the theme of Serana Dead Sexy. A beautiful creation by: Brehanin. Addon Includes teleport spell and adds npcs. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22379 Light, add anytime. Optional Coldhaven Sexlab Brothel Addon Made by Shadowman2777 and posted with his permission. Adds Sexlab functionality to the courtesans at the brothel (courtesan den) in Coldhaven. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22379 Light, add anytime. Optional NSFW Old Hroldan Farm Addon Connects the lair to the excellent NSFW version of Old Hroldan Farm. Includes teleport spell. Requires Director's cut addon and https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/26210-old-hroldan-farm-nsfw/ By DarkBlade13. Light, add anytime. (this addon is not required for the capstone addon) Optional Fiendish Friends - Succubus Sarah Addon Summon a voluptuous and sultry succubus that can sex enemies to death and casts gore causing spells. She will follow you until death, and is very powerful. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87158 Optional Fiendish Friends - Lil Dead Riding Hood Addon Summon Little Vampiric Red and her wolfen friends. This little Red isn't from a fairy tale, but a nightmare. Her and her wolves have extreme gore enabled attacks and spells. She has succubus powers as well. If you see Lil Dead Red alone in the woods... run. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87206 Optional Fiendish Friends - Murder Mary Addon Summon Murder Mary and the Tortured Souls of her Victims. They cause extreme gore with their butcher knives, and will follow you until they die. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87248 Optional Fiendish Friends - Hannibelle the Cannibal Addon Summon the ruthless Hannibelle the Cannibal and the Skeletons from her last meals. All three have custom gore causing weapons and will follow you until they die. Hannibelle and her skeletons cause extreme gore via their gore enabled custom axes. Hannibelle has custom animations and dual wields her axes. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87319 Optional Fiendish Friends - Deranged Donna Addon Summon Deranged Donna to destroy your enemies. She attacks with pain causing riding crops and wooden paddles. She summons slave succubi that do the same. Oh and they sex their enemies to death.. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87461 Optional Beautiful Corpses Addon Adds hanging corpses from the mod Beautiful Corpses to the Lair of screams. Requires director's cut addon and shadowman2777s espfe version of beautiful corpses available here https://www.loverslab.com/topic/203846-shadowman2777-mods/ Can be used with all other addons. Light, add anytime. (this addon is not required for the capstone addon) Optional Fiendish Friends - Ghosts of the Gore Girls Addon Summon the four fiendish Ghosts of the horrifying Gore Girls. They all cause extreme gore with their spells and attacks. They will follow you until they die... again. Requires Director's cut addon. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87715 Optional Fiendish Friends - Dabria Daughter of Darkness Addon Summon Dabria Daughter of Darkness and her companion Dark Souls. They cause extreme gore with their weapons and Dabria can sex her enemies to death. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88012 Optional Fiendish Friends - Arachnea Mistress of Webs Addon Summon Arachnea and her three pet spiders. They all cause gore and Arachnea sexes opponents to death. Two of her pets are terrifying phantom spiders and the third is a horrifying web mother. Trashy horror fun! NSFW Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88069 Optional Fun Friends - Suzy Sunshine Addon Summon Suzy Sunshine, she will brighten your day with her smile. Her attacks cause extreme cuteness, they put her foes to sleep in a cloud of little pink hearts. Adorbs! So cute she is terrifying. Optional Sunshine the Dog Addon, he's a good boy with cuteness enabled attacks. Some April Fool's Day fun, that is no joke. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88096 Optional Fiendish Friends - Zara Princess of Plague Addon Summon Zara and her companion Plague Zombies and Wolf Zombie. All cause gore with their attacks and Zara casts a poisonous decapitation spell. She also spreads deadly plague by having killer sex with her enemies. NSFW, Trashy horror fun! Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88286 Optional Fiendish Friends - Gryh the Goblin Tamer Addon Summon Gryh an Orcish Goblin Tamer. Her three trained goblins have gore causing attacks. Gryh is a powerhouse with her strength causing extreme gore. She is also known for death by snu snu. Very NSFW, Trashy horror fun. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88320 Optional Fiendish Friends - Delano the Demon Steed Addon Conjure Delano the Demon Steed to ride, or to fight for you. Delano is extremely fast, can walk on water, is great at climbing, and causes gore with his powerful attacks. This is not your average mount. Also includes gore causing and death by sex versions of the torment sword and scourge mace. Gory trashy horror fun. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88382 Optional Fiendish Friends - Warriors of Bal Addon Adds over 50 provocative Warriors of Bal across Skyrim. They have sworn to protect Serana and her Savior. Their weapons cause gore, and they can kill with sex. Also includes a conjuration spell to summon Spectral Warriors of Bal and more! NSFW, trashy fun! Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88398 Optional Fiendish Friends - Sivas the Unliving Addon Sivas is a powerful Necromancer that also happens to be flesh deficient. She casts spells from the Necromantic Grimoire CC as well as gore causing spells. She is waiting as a follower in the Lair of Screams. Also adds a chest with all Necromantic Grimoire spells to the lair. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88414 Optional Necro Pizza Entrance Mover What really makes a succubi's mouth water? Why Pizza, of course! Moves the entrance to the very fun Necro Pizzeria by hrodeberht1, into the Lair of Screams. Also adds succubi to the pizzeria and skeleton servants to the Lair. Pizza topped with bits of the dead, served by the dead. Trash horror gold! Requires: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/84066 which is light, and the director's cut addon. This plugin is also light. (not needed for capstone) Optional Dead and Daedric Guardians Vendor Addon Adds a sexy vendor to the lair of screams undercroft, that sells the items from the mod Dead and Daedric Guardians by UserMingzi31. Requires Director's cut addon and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87897 Light, add anytime. (not needed for capstone) Optional Ghastly Goons and Gals Addon Adds skeleton and werewolf goons along with their female captives to Riverwood. Captives can be followers, goons can be pets. Captive girl followers crawl on all fours and can sex enemies to death. Goons have gore attacks. Used resources from Ambitian, whom has open permissions. Requires Director's cut addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Optional Fiendish Friends - Nerissa Terror of the Deep Addon Summon Nerissa and her two fun sized lurker companions. Nerissa can sex her enemies to death. Her lurkers cause gore with their attacks and breath weapon. Includes a spell to summon a gore causing spectral lurker as well as both gore and death by sex inducing dragonbone hammers. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88672 Optional Wicked Weapons Addon Adds a chest of gore causing (gore effect), op (fast and high damage), and death by sex (succubus effect) versions of many CC weapons to the Lair of Screams. Over 25 are added. Requires Director's cut addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88749 Optional Sinful Staves Addon Adds an evil chest of all the staves from the cc staves to the lair of Screams. Includes staff versions that cast gore causing spells and summon gore causing creatures and succubi. Requires Director's cut addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88806 Optional Stolen Booty Addon Adds cheat chests to the Lair of Screams containing just about everything. The succubi were busy while serana was asleep, they've been hording treasures for you. Chests are located all throughout the Lair. Also includes a trapdoor to the vanilla QASmoke cheat room in the lair of screams Sanctum. Requires Rise of the Lair addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88820 Optional Fiendish Friends - Madame Mayhem Addon Summon the seductive Madame Mayhem and her Gore Causing Werebears. She causes gore, mayhem, and can sex enemis to death. Includes gore, sex, and mayhem versions of the dragonbone battleaxe. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89110 Optional Fiendish Friends - Seductress of Shadows Addon Summon the Seductress of Shadows. An assassin who kills her prey with sex and shadow magic. Also adds a chest to the lair of screams containing all of her shadow magic spell tomes. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89122 Optional Fiendish Friends - Nyarla a Cosmic Horror Addon Summon Nyarla a Cosmic Horror. She kills with sex and cosmic magic. A lightshow of death and destruction. Also adds a chest to the lair of screams containing all of her cosmic magic spell tomes. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89128 Optional Arcane Accessories Chest Addon Adds a chest to the Lair Undercroft with all the stuff from the arcane accessories CC. Requires AE or the arcane accessories CC and the director's cut addon. Light, add anytime. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589 Optional Fiendish Friends - Feu the Seducer of Flames Addon Summon Feu and her scorched concubines. Feu kills with sex and fire magic. Her crispy concubines kill with gore and brutality and crawl on all fours. Also adds a chest to the lair of screams containing all of her fire magic spell tomes. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89252 Optional Staff of Gore Addon Adds a Gore causing, by area of effect, version of the Staff of Sheogorath as well as a gore causing version of the Fork of Horripilation. Items are in a chest in the Lair of Screams. Both are OP weapons and the staff can reduce a crowd into bloody lumps of flesh and bones. Gory NSFW horror fun! Requires AE or the CC Staff of Sheogorath and the Director's cut addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89625 Optional Staff of Blood Addon Adds a gore causing version of the staff of worms to the lair of screams private chamber. Also adds OP versions of the Bloodworm Helm and the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw. Gory NSFW horror fun! Requires AE or the CC Gallows Hall and the Director's cut addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89679 Optional Fiendish Friends - Petra the Pulverizer Addon Summon Petra the Pulverizer to crush your enemies. She uses stone magic, a very large club with effects, and can sex her enemies to death. Also adds a chest to the lair of screams containing all of her magic spell tomes. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89719 Optional Fiendish Friends - Matron of Massacre Addon Summon the Matron of Massacre she uses weapons made of bloody bones! Her skull mace causes gore and her shield is a horrifying corpse. She casts a gore causing flame spell and summons skeletons. Adds a mace and shield for you as well in the Lair. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90135 Optional Fiendish Friends - Nyxia Venom Addon Summon Nyxia Venom. She uses poison magic and a gore causing sword made from a spiders leg. Add another toxic friend to the Serana Dead Sexy World. Adds a spider leg sword for you as well in the Lair sanctum and on the road in riverwood. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90174 Optional Follower - Bloody Mary Addon Adds a follower to the catacombs. She drips with blood and copies your faleen NPC for appearance. Bloody good fun! Requires Armor of Screams addon. Light add anytime Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Follower - Grave Robbin' Hood Addon Adds the follower Grave Robbin' Hood to the Lair Slave Quarters. Along with her gruesome bow. She copies the appearance of your saadia NPC. Uses assets from XvomTheMad, whom has open permissions. Light, requires only directors cut. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Follower - Igor the Mad Addon Adds the follower Igor the Mad to the Lair. Along with his horrifying staves and gore causing executioners axe. Uses assets from XvomTheMad, whom has open permissions. Light, requires only directors cut. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Fiendish Friends - Anya of Armageddon Addon Summon Anya of Armageddon. She uses a custom battleaxe and casts a gore causing flame spell. Battleaxe with effects is available for you as well. Let Anya unleash hell in your game. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90262 Optional Fiendish Friends - Dark Magus Coven Addon Summon the Dark Magus Coven, each uses unique and spectacular magic. They all can cause gore with their gruesome custom swords, and can sex enemies to death. A truly terrifying trio. Let the coven serve you. Also Adds three chests to the lair containing all the spell tomes and staves for their magic. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90433 Optional Fiendish Friends - Tempest the Storm of Terror Addon Summon the evil shaman Tempest and her Acolytes of terror. They all use custom storm magic and cause gore with their custom scythes. They also sex enemies to death for their pagan rituals. Also Adds a chest to the lair containing all the spell tomes and their scythe. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90662 Optional Fiendish Friends - Lilitu the Swamp Demon Addon Summon Lilitu and her gore causing crabs. She uses custom water magic and a gore causing purple flames spell. Her sword causes gore and she can sex her enemies to death. Her spell tome is in the lair of screams slave quarters along with her sword and a tome for her death fire spell. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90673 Optional Fiendish Friends - Malia the Gatekeeper Addon Summon Malia and her Oblivion Gates. They bring forth gore causing flames. Malia's custom swords cause gore and she uses a custom flame spell. Adds a chest to the lair catacombs containing three versions of her sword, and three spell tomes. Complete carnage! Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90796 Optional The Mages Chamber Addon Adds a mage chamber to the lair catacombs, that has displays, npcs, goody chests, and 3 followers. Has a teleport spell and a spell that casts a gore causing version of the bloodskaal wave. And more! Lots of fun! Requires the myrwatch cc or ae, and the directors cut addon. Light add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional The Mages Chamber Magic Addon Gives custom magic to two chamber followers (the Seductress and the Maiden in the glass coffin) and adds chests to the mages chamber containing tomes from the required mods by Darenii: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/86292 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/85425 Also requires The mages chamber addon. Light add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Follower - Xylis the Desecrator Addon Adds the sexy follower Xylis the desecrator to the lair, along with chests of her desecration spells, blood glass armor, and blood glass weapons. She casts spells from desecration by Darenii, and has a gore causing trident. Uses assets from XvomTheMad, whom has open permissions. She copies the appearance of your Iildi NPC. Requires: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90832 and the directors cut addon. Light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional The Notice Boards Addon Adds notice board quest boards to the lair. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3218 and the directors cut addon. Light, add anytime ( I recommend you use it with this as well: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/22594-notice-me-senpai-a-notice-board-addon/ Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional The Missives Board Addon Adds a missives board to the lair undercroft. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17576 and the directors cut addon. Light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Serana No Aggro Nerf Patch Addon Use this to disable Seranas nightcloak (gore causing bats). This will stop her from aggro'ing npcs at random. Removes some of her toxic charm, but if you prefer it, here you are. Requires Director's cut. Light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Fiendish Friends - Skeleton Crew Addon Adds 6 skeleton followers to the Lair of screams. All have new gore causing spells and gore causing breath. They use all human animations.. very cool. BONUS follower Giggles the sexy Jester. Includes tomes for their new spells. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91049 Optional Master Trainer Addon I added an addon that simply moves the master trainer into the lair undercroft that can train you in literally everything. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/44078 by the talented CommanderShrekard, with his permission. also requires the director's cut. Light add anytime. He is temperamental in my game, but that is due to a few of my other personal mods. Let me know how he works for you. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Arcane Archer Chest Addon Adds a chest of stuff from the arcane archery CC to the lair, including some OP versions of arrows. Requires director's cut and the arcane archery cc or AE. Light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Unrelenting Force of Gore Shout Addon Adds a spell tome to the lair that teaches you the Unrelenting Force of Gore Shout. Fus and Roh blow the flesh off their skeletons and Dah blows them to pieces. Adds a bonus follower Fiona that uses the shout. Requires Director's cut. Light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Fiendish Friends - Mora the Wicked Addon Summon Mora and her travel size seekers. Mora uses a gore causing unrelenting force shout and a gore causing tentacle spell. Her seekers cause gore with their magic as well. Includes tomes for her spells and shout plus gore and death by sex versions of miraaks sword. NSFW trashy horror fun. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91228 Optional Fiendish Friends - Morgana the Vile Addon Summon Morgana the Vile and her four Xivilais companions. All use gore causing magic. Spell tomes for you are available in the Lair, including two new gore causing spells. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91302 Optional Fiendish Friends - Lilith Harbinger of Death Addon Summon Lilith she uses spells from the witcher signs. Includes a chest of her spell tomes in the Lair of Screams and a new gore causing spell. She will follow you until death. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91444 Optional Fiendish Friends - Ninlil the Ominous Wind Addon Summon Ninlil and her horrific deadly winds. She uses wind magic and an unrelenting force of gore shout. Her shield has special frost effects. Includes a new gore spell, and a chest of goodies in the lair. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91496 Optional Fiendish Friends - Malora the Malevolent Addon Summon Malora the Malevolent Mage. She uses spells from arcane and causes gore with her butcher knives. Adds a chest to the lair containing her spells. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92117 Optional Fiendish Friends - Sisters of Darkness Addon Summon Euryale, Namah, and their companion skeletons. All use custom magic and cause gore with their weapons. Adds a chest to the Lair Sanctum with their spells. Skeletons use human animations. NSFW Trashy horror fun! BONUS: adds skeleton follower to the lair. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93000 Optional Fiendish Friends - Mira the Thunder Witch Addon Summon Mira the Thunder Witch. She uses custom lightning magic and summons a storm golem. A macabre magic spectacle! Adds a chest with her spells to the lair catacombs. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93091 Optional Follower Addons - Sinful Strippers A series of twelve sexy followers. They all dance on stripper poles in the lair when not in use. All are quite OP and summon unique powerful creatures. Tomes to summon the creatures are available for you on the floor next to their poles. They are lots of fun! Light, add anytime. Their requirements are all light as well. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Fiendish Friends - Akuji of the Dark Realm Addon Summon Akuji and her bone creature abominations. She summons a variety of horrendous monsters, and uses both constellation and decapitation magic. She is an erotic nightmare made real. NSFW Trashy horror fun. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93273 Optional Fiendish Friends - Raven the Tormented Addon Summon Raven and the spirits that torment her. She uses gore causing shadow magic. This one is way over the top trashy horror fun! Full of surprises. Also Adds a chest with her spells to the lair catacombs. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93341 Optional Fiendish Friends - Selene the Necrolyte Addon Summon Selene and her three companion Liches. They are the masters of the undead and they are on your side. Selene uses custom gore magic and has unique summons. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93356 Optional Fiendish Friends - Dianna Druid of the Damned Addon Summon Dianna, she uses gore causing nature magic and can summon an Old God of the Hunt. She is a terrifying force of nature! Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93571 Optional Fiendish Friends - Brunhilda the Butcher Addon Summon Brunhilda and her companion skeletons. They all use arcane magic and have a giant gore causing sword. Adds a chest of goodies to the lair and two bonus skeleton followers. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94099 Optional Addon - The Death Knight Spells Addon Adds cool spells from the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31649 by Kurasa25 with his permission. My favorite feature is if you eat the frozen heart, you will auto summon three skeletons whenever you go into battle. Is light (requirement is not) Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Fiendish Friends - Fright Coven Addon Summon the coven of fright to do your bidding. All four have frightening summons, have grotesque effects, and use gore causing magic. Samara and Agatha vomit blood on their victims and use gore causing weapons. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95223 Optional Addon - Serana's Pet Dragon Gives Serana a shapeshifting (Sexy woman, shoulder dragon, big dragon) pet dragon. It sits on her shoulder, turns into a sexy woman inside and in indoor battles, and a full size dragon for outdoor battles. Make sure serana has the pet dragon ring equipped. A spare ring is in a chest next to the lair fireplace (only works for her). This addon includes everything in the no aggro patch, so if you use that, disable it. BONUS: v1.5 includes Serana's Slave Succubus, that follows Serana. Requires https://www.mediafire.com/file/x75takpaqfg9x8i/Lintra_the_Spearmaiden_SE.7z/file by triptherift and directors cut. Everything's light v 2.0 fixes an issue with an unnecessary master. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Addon - Serana's Succubus Trina Adds a sexy succubus that dutifully follows and protects Serana wherever she goes. Succubus Trina summons spooky spiders and has gore causing magic and weapons. She also has succubus powers. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95859 Optional Addon - Serana's Succubus Domina Adds a sexy shadow succubus that dutifully follows and protects Serana wherever she goes. Succubus Domina summons vampires, uses shadow magic and has gore causing weapons. She also has succubus powers. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97616 Optional Addon - Serana's Vampire Lord Transformation Serana transforms into a gore causing beast of annihilation when injured. Her vampire lord form casts gore causing spells and her attacks cause extreme gore. She's a beast! Trashy horror fun! NSFW Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97765 Optional Addon - Yuriana Mod Integration Integrates Buxom Wench Yuriana by lordkoz with his permission. Connects various locations to the lair and skull tavern and a TON more stuff. Its a big one. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/598 and the capstone addon. Light plugin. Available under optional files https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Optional Addon - The Levelers Tower Connection Connects the Lair dungeon and skull hideout to Levelers tower by WilliamSea. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2692 and the capstone addon. Light plugin. Available under optional files https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Optional Addon - The BBLS Connection Connects the lair dungeon to the Bathing Beauties or Beefcake Luxury Suite (BBLS) basement. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95197 by Migal, and the rise of the lair addon. Light plugin. Available under optional files https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Optional Addon - The Dwemer Experiments Adds cyborg Dwemer followers and a summonable group of dwemer cyborg experiments. Also adds serving wenches. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/602 custom armor version and its requirements and my capstone addon. Light plugin. Available under optional files https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Optional Addon - Zombie Girls Summon 5 gory zombie girls. They use gore versions of farm tools by JJerem and abyssal tides magic by kittytail. Requires https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/28217-toasts-guro-outfits/ v2.5 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97892 also the capstone addon. Light plugin. Available under optional files https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files AND MUCH MUCH MORE! More addons here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589 and here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/110156988 Requirements: Its a lot, but most are light, and it is so worth it! Nexus requirements Mod name Notes AMI - Armor Mod Integration - COCO Succubus Astaroth Belcebu Lilith demons followers Azura's Dawn SSE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for Azura's dawn addon Bats and Disease Get version 5 Belial Mamon Moloch demons followers Coldhaven - A Vampire City 2.1 SE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for coldhaven addon and coldhaven brothel addon Daejanggeum Decapitation Spell Diamond J - Sanguine's Mistress Dukkhas Forbidden Death Magic ESP-FE Servant Priscilla high poly follower healer- Recorder Sofia Mirai Uthgerd Lydia Serana Mjoll Aela Iona Jordis Frea replacer- Vampire form get the FOLLOWER version 01_Servant Priscilla Follower EVIL LAIR OF HYDRA SE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for Evil lair of hydra addon Festus Krex Insideout Spell The .esl version Harem - Volume 2 - SSE Get main file A and optional file A to make it .esl Harem Followers Volume 3 SSE - Custom and Default Body Option - UUNP or CBBE Textures OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for rise of the lair addon *AIO - Custom UUNP Body and Outfits - Physics - v2.0.0 Harem Followers Volume 4 SSE - Custom and Default Body Option - UUNP or CBBE Textures Get the AIO - Original UUNP Body and Outfits.. version. Harem SSE - 18 Followers by Toki7 - Default and Custom Bodies - UUNP and CBBE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for rise of the lair addon *Main file B and optional file B Hellraiser Outfit - CBBE 3BA - BHUNP 3BA Kangmina MOD Kangmina mod and the update Queen of the Damned - Deadlier Serana_SE Only the kangmina patch Riverwood Keep SE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for Riverwood keep addon Serana by Kangmina Serana Dialogue Add-On OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for SDA horse patch addon Succubus Initiation Ritual fixed Get version 6 Tabby Kitty - Huntress Valeria-Imperial female gladiator Wammy's Dread Girl - High Poly 3BA Follower or Sofia Replacer follower version Winterstone Castle SE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for Winterstone castle addon Other requirements Mod name Notes Namira's Goat Reborn v1.5 REQUIRED ONLY for extreme gore optional addon SexLab SE - Sex Animation Framework Succubus Explosion Addon REQUIRED ONLY for addon 6 Director's Cut Succubus Twins SE Link from post by Tron91 whom ported it to SE ZaZ/Zap 8+ REQUIRED ONLY for sex dialog optional addon Recommendations to use with, serana dead sexy, but are not required Serana Dialogue Add-On https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32161 Time to eat - serana https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/66886 Maximum Carnage https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/43494 Nether's Eola (fits the vibe) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57250 CREDITS: The credit goes to all the amazing mod authors who made the requirements. I just patched it all together. Minakang, Tlam99, Shadowman2777, Farodadestin, Armormodintegration, Orenjii, bl3azy, theblackfist, Toki7, bchick3, lslking1, skyrimplayer999, Pfiffy, T.ara, Tengma, Sillius_Maximus, and xxxOddxx. For their wonderful mods that made this mod possible. I'm simply patching and tying, they get the credit. A big thank you to Shadowman2777 and Tlam99 who helped me when I got stuck with technical details. Great modders who support this community! Tlam99s succubus scripts are the heart of this mod. Thanks to Martimius and Skyrimlazz for allowing my trashy mod to even touch their beautiful creations. Great mod Authors and absolutely amazing work. I also want to thank Yaninya whom has diligently playtested every version of this mod, and has helped answer questions in the posts. Without his feedback, this mod would not be what it is today. Mod is also on nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589red Driven by uncontrollable, carnivorous lust and an insatiable thirst for human fluids, the cursed Skyrim aristocrat, Princess Serana, is doomed to walk Tamriel as a ravenous vampiric succubus. Armed with irresistible allure and terrifying dark power, Serana escapes Dimhollow Crypt, her prison of a thousand years. Being hellishly compelled by evil forces to commit gruesome acts, she slaughters the people of Skyrim, sucking their life blood and absorbing her victims' sexual energies. Before long, the carnage piles up, catching the attention of Isran, leader of the Dawnguard. The Dragonborn's dreams turn into nightmares, as he invites the seductive blood-sucking creature on his adventures. Has anyone ever escaped from the clutches of Serana, the queen of screams? "...and remember, the next scream you hear may be your own!" - Isran "Their flesh is her fantasy." - Gerdur of Riverwood "If the Dragonborn doesn't wake up screaming, he won't wake up at all..." - Danica Purespring "Evil runs in the family." - Valerica "She's evil...and not just high school evil." - Ysolda  "Who will survive and what will be left of them?" - Heimskr of Whiterun "Serana will make cemeteries her cathedrals and the cities will be your tombs." - Camilla of Riverwood "Serana has a very good head on her shoulders...and another one in a dish on her desk." - Whiterun Guard A testimonial "I love Serana and she is my precious little waifu. I love adventuring through Skyrim and putting her under my protective wing as the Dragonborn. She is so cute and helpless casting her little drain life spell. I saw this mod and thought I would download it and give it a go. I didnt really read the description, but was hooked in by the pulp art thumbnail. I thought, what fun my sweet Serana would gain some new abilities that she could use to protect herself until I could come swooping in as her savior. I kind of forgot about this mod as I went through my playthrough and I set off to Dimhollow to rescue my damsel in distress. This is when things took a drastic turn from my usual romps through Tamriel with Serana. She appeared in her sarcophogus naked and then dressed in an S&M black leather getup complete with horns. My Seranas precious little love flower was exposed for all to see and it was already dripping, a lot. I thought little of it and new that with my loving guidance, I could coax her back to her sweet innocent self. I was extremely naive at this moment. We exited dimhollow and I could tell that things were off. Typically she is kneeling on the floor half dead needing my assistance after battles. Now she was surrounded by bats, blood droplets, and strange red sygils. The usual dimhollow battles she fought with ease and I felt emasculated that I may not be needed by my shy sweet little innocent princess of coldharbour. Then we encountered the bandits. I still lie awake at night and openly weep thinking about what she did to those poor souls. They were just bandits, trying to feed their families the only way they knew how. Without hesitation my little periwinkle Serana began casting strange and unusual magic that shot out red glowing orbs, I was expecting her usual ice spikes, but this struck her opponents and slowly and painfully ripped their skeletons out from the inside of their bodies and they exploded. Flesh, blood, and viscera flew everywhere. I watched in horror as Serana then reanimated those same skeletons. I realized perhaps with this mod my sweet, kind, loving Serana had perhaps actually enjoyed her time with molag-bal a little more than she was letting on. The blood and flesh seemed to excite her as in the middle of battle she began having sex with one of the bandits. My dear sweet innocent Serana was having sex with a dirty bandit! I went closer to tell her to stop, and that I was the Dragonborn whom she loved and needed. It was rough sex, very rough sex, and Serana was the obvious aggressor. My eyes started to swell with tears as my love was engaging in such lewd and carnal behaviors. She looked right at me, I swear she looked right at me as she finished and the bandit died and disintegrated underneath her. I mumbled, I forgive you and will protect you as always my love, but why, why are you doing this? That's when all hell broke loose, she summoned two succubi and a very large swarm of bats. The camp turned red with blood and body parts flew everywhere. Organs, bones, and flesh piled up throughout the camp. Some tried to run but the bats followed them, so help me god they followed them and consumed them one tiny bite at a time. I dropped my controller. My sweet, precious, helpless, and loving waifu was no more. She is now a terrifying, brutal, nymphomaniac, monster. I cried as I held my freshly broken heart... This mod has destroyed me." - dissatisfied queen of screams mod user "In an age of darkness, at a time of evil... When the world needed a hero, what it got was a bunch of psycho-killer nympho succubi." - Tolfdir, instructor at the college of winterhold Mod user quotes: Toss me a coin and fuel my modding with coffee on ko-fi :-)
  7. I have assembled a build on Skyrim, where the voice acting is English + Russian subs. I technically translated something with handles, I converted some mods into light espfe or something like that and decided to add an assembly on top of sexlab... collected with pens, digging up all sorts of resources, including loverslab, where I also translated something with pens. Question! 1. How to properly implement the sexlab into the assembly so that everything works? 2. Also, what can be corrected in mods, taking into account the fact that I don't need survival mode, hunting mode, mods from the club (it's still a hassle to translate them + new conflicts appear)? 3. How to add Austin to this assembly correctly as well? A list of plugins and a list of mods in the archive. List Plugin + Mods.zip
  8. Serana Dead Sexy - The Queen of Screams View File Gratuitous: Nudity, Sex, Violence, Horror, and Gore! Makes Serana an Erotic Nightmare. She kills with Gore and Sex. 36 summonable NPCs, a 400+ NPC Sex/Death Cult, a Huge Macabre Sex Dungeon, Gore-Causing Creatures, Spells, and so much more! A whole Serana Trash Horror fantasy experience! XXX. Serana Dead Sexy now has over 200 addon mods!! Available here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589 and more in my profile https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/110156988?tab=user+files The complete official Serana Dead Sexy Nexus collection is available here: https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections/gv7h2i Gratuitous nudity, sex, violence, and gore! “Oh yes, there will be blood.” Turns your skyrim into a gory trashy horror movie with Serana as the star, and a supporting cast of 32 new summonable succubus NPCs. This is Serana like you have never seen before: more brutal than Jason, deadlier than Leatherface, sexier than Chucky, and more sadistic than Pinhead! New spells, new NPCs, new items, new enchantments, new effects, new horror. READ BELOW FOR ALL THE LATEST FEATURES "If Serana doesn't make your skin crawl…it's on too tight!" - Nazeem of Whiterun "Please do not disturb Serana. She already is." - Belethor, purveyor of general goods and family members "She'll tear your soul apart." - Aela the Huntress "She's in town with a few days to kill." - Riften Guard  So Terrifying to avoid fainting, keep repeating: "It's only a mod!..." "It's only a mod!!!..." "It's only a mod!!!" What this mod does: ---------- "Be afraid. Be very afraid." --------- Turns Serana into a sexy, gore-causing, sex-crazed death-machine. She kills her enemies with sex, if she doesn't turn their flesh inside out first. She kills in many horrifying and gruesome ways. Adds Jaw dropping combat to Serana, She is a macabre spectacle to watch. Introduces summonable succubi that are gifts from Molag Bal to his favorite plaything Serana. Succubi all have gore causing, violent spells and can sex enemies to death. Introduces a story, powerful unique enchanted weapons, new spells, and multiple unique, sexy, and varied succubi. Patches together many Serana mods so they all work together, and is compatible with Serana Dialogue Add-on Addon packs introduce: Sex dialog, Extreme gore, More content, a Depraved sex cult, a macabre death cult, gore-enabled summonable creatures, An erotic and horrifying "player home", and much much more! See images and read below for more info "Forgive me father, for I am sin." - Serana Main File: New Ultimate DELUXE Version, The Carnal Compendium V6.0 "We Have Such Sights To Show You." - Serana A carnal carnage cornucopia of deadly sex, gore, and nudity. You can now summon a multitude of depraved demonic disciples of sex and violence! They are all brutally erotic and sexy (see images). The succubi all cast different gory and horrifying spells. Full of erotic macabre deliciousness! Separately summonable groups include: Serana's Disciples of sin: 12 nude sexy busty succubi Serana's Army of Darkness: 7 alluring demon succubi Serana's Knightmares: 4 tough as nails brawler succubi Serana's pet playthings: 3 playful succubi that always crawl on all fours, and are ruthlessly deadly Serana's Blood Harem: A harem of 5 provocative vampire succubi Serana's Servant Succubus: She does a great job, but she aint right in the head. Other summonable groups available with optional addons, including creatures. Main Features: Serana and her summonable succubi cast spells that kill opponents in many gory and horrible ways 32 new summonable succubus NPCs, 400+ additional new npcs with optional addons Patches the kangmina mod (not just the replacer) with queen of the damned for ALL the Serana features, and compatible with SDA Adds succubus sex powers to Serana and her succubi, they sometimes initiate deadly sex in battle to kill their victims Their combat has to be seen to be believed, It is Jaw Dropping All succubus summoning spell tomes are in your starting inventory. Serana and some succubi now rip out hearts occasionally while attacking, with animation. Finish him! Serana's bats now occasionally strip opponents naked and eat their flesh. Spell tome for you in her inventory Serana and Succubi cast versions of Dukkhas death magic spells. See video below for effects. Serana knows the decapitation spell, spell tome for you is in her inventory. Serana comes out of the box in hellraiser armor and her succubus horns w/ physics hair and earrings Serana and Succubi.. *ahem* drip with excitement Festus Krux Inside-out Spell is used by Serana, Spell tome for you is in her inventory Succubus pet playthings crawl on all fours, like good little demons Serana and the blood harem hide their weapons for maximum sexiness Many special unique weapons with radical effects: sex, gore, or mayhem. katanas, clubs, kunai, scythes, greatswords, and more Each Succubi has different powers, specialties, outfits (well the disciples are nude), and spells Serana and succubi have multiple triggers of sexing enemies to death during battle Individually different combat for all 32 succubi, and distinct group combat tactics for each summonable group An OP fire spell you can use to kill unwanted summons or anything else, plus many more spells Sexlab enabled dialog for all succubi with Dialog addon, also for cult members and merchant. Some surprises in Serana's starting inventory, chest, and at the merchant Spell tomes, a staff, a sword, a bow, 2 handed mace, and a special journal in your starting inventory Tells the story of how Serana got these powers along with acquiring her succubi via journals A dark, erotic, and macabre "player home", The lair of Screams, available with addons Tons of nudity like every good trashy horror movie All plugins are light, just a few requirements are not, but you get a lot for those spots! It is worth it! Much Much More! 100s of hours of work and testing. See below, and the images, and the posts for more info. Optional Files to Expand the Trashy Horror Fun: Optional Sex Dialog Addon for the Carnal Compendium Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed anytime. Optional mod adds sex dialog to the Succubi, as well as new sex enabled items. Thanks to Shadowman2777 for his help on this, and for him allowing me to use his files and post it. Great guy! This also requires https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5957-zaz-animation-packs-for-se/ Get pack 8+ version 1.5 adds a new journal, changes dialog, and adds new items to Serana, her Gargoyle, and riverwood chest version 2.0 many tweaks and improvements - last full release all future tweaks will be in an addon file. Optional EXXXTREME Gore Addon for the Carnal Compendium Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed anytime. Adds Extreme Gore Enabled Weapons and effects. Even more gore! Not for the faint of heart! Requires the carnal compendium version with dialog addon. Also requires https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/12276-namiras-goat-reborn-sse/ get version 1.5 Credit to Tengma for Namiras goat and Sillius_Maximus for the port to SE. New extreme gore causing items in riverwood chest, for Serana, and for the succubi. Way over the top. If the normal version was a trashy horror movie, this makes it faces of death. Very Gory. You have been warned. Optional EXXXTRAS Addon for the Carnal Compendium Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed or upgraded anytime. Go Deeper into the depravity! New spells, items, effects and tweaks. Adds summon slave spell, which summons a different succubus slave of seranas each time. Adds seranas dark feast and seranas dark kitchen spells.. She's a killer chef! Also renames and adds weapons to make everything smoother. New story journal, and much much more. Did I mention the gore weaponized kitchen utensils? v1.5 fancies up the blood harem, fixes a bug, adds flavor text, and has the knightmares using the decapitation spell with a twist. Special weapons available from the creepy kid in dragonsreach. Also modifies the new slave spell, much better balance. Have fun! Its worth the upgrade. Safe mid playthrough. Optional EXXXTended cut Addon for the Carnal Compendium Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed or upgraded anytime. Adds A ton of new content! Largest addon yet. New NPCs, spells, items, effects and tweaks. Adds a merchent whose inventory is the stuff of nightmares. A queen of screams cult with members all over Skyrim that long to see her return. New sexlab enabled spell, thanks to shadowman2777. Succubus and serana improvements. Fixes and tons more. It's a big one. v2.0 of Exxxtended cut expands the sex cult with 200+ new NPCs all across Skyrim. Mostly in interiors, none in inns or crowded places to avoid congestion. Thoughtfully placed with performance in mind. All in sexy attire and sex dialog enabled. They all are succubus death by sex enabled. Optional EXXXpanded cults Addon for the Carnal Compendium Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed or upgraded anytime. Adds a macabre but erotic Death Cult of Molag-Bal. They are armed with gore causing weapons and are sex dialog enabled. Over 100 new erotic NPCs all across Skyrim. They have vowed to protect the Queen of Screams.. but why? Download and find out. Requires addons 1-4. Optional Director's cut Addon for the Carnal Compendium v7.5 Found under optional files, not light it has too much horror! Lets make this trashy horror show into a creature feature! A menagerie of Monstrosities, all gore enabled.. deathhounds, gargoyles, werewolves, dragons, a giant skeleton, lurkers, wolves, sabre-cats, a 50 foot succubus, ghostly steed, plus everyone's favorite trash mod monstrosity.. Doom Skull, and more! Fixes all found issues and adds new npcs, spells, staves and items. Plus lots of tweaks including new updates to the knightmares and blood harem. Lots of new summons! Skyrim has never seen horrifying creatures like these. Also adds a follower, a summonable spider and the Lair! The lair of Screams is a macabre erotic spectacle. I have never seen a "player home" quite like it. From a stripper on a pole, to friendly monsters roaming about.. Its nuts. Truly something out of a trashy horror movie. The Mistress of the lair was designed to work with Shadowman2777's https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80603. So you can make her a naughty maid and she will keep things in its current state of disorder. She is also a follower if you are interested in bringing her with you. Lots of other additions. Have fun!! Requires all previous addons 1-5 and: Succubus explosion addon *** Estrus users ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12832 ) : It appears there is an issue leading to CTD, no game start, since version 7 of the director's cut. If you intend to keep using Estrus, you will need to change a setting there: in zzEstrusUtil.ini, set: GET_FOLLOWER_FROM_OTHER_MOD OFF Optional Rise of the Lair Addon for the Carnal Compendium v2 Found under optional files, is light, and can be installed or upgraded anytime. Adds a lot to the lair. Over 60 new erotic NPCs within the lair. Also 2 new dungeon sections, a follower, new summons, more horrific furniture and more. Requires addons 1-6 (directors cut 7.5) and: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12816 *Main file B and optional file B https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/53384 *AIO - Custom UUNP Body and Outfits - Physics - v2.0.0 Optional Capstone Addon for the Carnal Compendium Adds a GIANT MENACING STONE SKULL HIDEOUT TO RIVERWOOD and a tavern full of naked women that is also a full featured player home! If you ever wanted to live in a bar full of naked girls, this mod is for you. So much, trash, gore, and nudity you will have no such thing as a "clean" save. This mod is dirty in all the right ways. Found under optional files, Way too big to be light. For the fans of this mod. Adds the Skull hideout, tavern, npcs, spells, creatures, and so much more! Requires literally ALL of the addons and optional files for this mod (yes ALL of them). I used everything. Very cool, and a lot of work. Ties everything together for the ultimate trash horror Serana experience. You and Serana have a monopoly on Riverwood, and perhaps all of Skyrim itself. Let your kingdom building OP fantasies take flight with this Trashy mod. Optional Bloodchill Manor Entrance Mover Moves the entrance to Bloodchill Cavern into the lair of screams. Includes teleport spell. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and Bloodchill manor CC. Does not interfere with quest or the manor, just moves the entrance. Compatible with bloodchill manor mods ? Light, add anytime. Optional Gallows Hall Entrance Mover Moves the entrance to Gallows Hall into the lair of screams. Includes teleport spell. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and Gallows Hall CC. Does not interfere with quest or the Hall, just moves the entrance. Compatible with Gallows Hall mods ? Light, add anytime. Can be used with Bloodchill Manor entrance mover, entrances are in different spots in the Lair. Optional Blackbone Grotto (dead mans dread) Entrance Mover Moves the entrance to Blackbone Grotto into the lair of screams. Includes teleport spell. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and Dead Man's Dread CC. Does not interfere with the grotto, just moves the entrance. Compatible with Dead Man's Dread mods ? Light, add anytime. Can be used with Bloodchill Manor and Gallows hall entrance movers, entrances are in different spots in the Lair. Quest is truncated (you miss a fetch quest, but you can do it that way to.. just remember where the entrance is) if you go through the door and collect the captains items on the boat. Fast travel to Blackbone isle to complete the quest.. or just skip it. Optional Serana Dialog Addon Horse Replacer Changes Serana's Horse Phoenix from SDA to be like Trauma from this mod. Requires addons 1-6 and Serana Dialog Add-on. Posted with permission from Martimius. Select the name Phoenix when Serana asks. Optional Sinful Secrets Addon- Riverwood Keep The luxurious castle, with the hidden dark secret in the basement. Trash horror gold! Adds an entrance to the Lair of Screams in the basement of Riverwood keep, amongst other things. Includes teleport spell to riverwood. Requires Rise of the Lair addon and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15005. ? Light, add anytime. Can be used with Bloodchill Manor, Dead man's dread, and Gallows hall entrance movers, entrances are in different spots in the Lair. Thanks to Skyrimlazz for permission to upload and for all of their beautiful work. Optional Sinful Secrets Addon- Winterstone Castle Another luxurious castle, with a dark secret in the basement. The horror spreads! Adds lair entrance in Winterstone Castle, and more. Requires Rise of the Lair addon and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2760 Light, add anytime.? Can be used with Bloodchill Manor, Dead man's dread, and Gallows hall entrance movers, as well as Riverwood keep, all entrances are in different spots in the Lair. Optional Sinful Secrets Addon- Azura's Dawn Adds a connection from the Azura's Dawn Mansion to the Lair, includes a teleport spell, and some other additions. This was made in anticipation of the Shadowman2777 mod, which is compatible with this and adds sex dialog to the mansions npcs. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14232 and the directors cut 7.5 addon. Light, add anytime. Thanks to Antiscamp for permission to upload and for all of their beautiful work. (this one is not required for the capstone addon) Azura's Dawn Dialog addon by Shadowman2777 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/86014 Optional Horrors of the Deep Addon Adds Aquariums to the lair, and a surprise under the private chamber. Keep your succubi happy with the hobby of fishkeeping! Requires directors cut addon 7.5 and the fishing CC. Light, add anytime. Optional Evil Lair of Hydra Entrance Addon I suppose this was inevitable. Connects the Lair of Screams to the Evil Lair of Hydra. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/50666 Light, add anytime. I also recommend https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45644 for the evil lair npcs Optional Pama's Deadly Furniture Addon Adds dynamic and working deadly furniture to the Lair of Screams. Impale, cook, hang, behead, and more.. the horror intensifies. Show Nazeem how you really feel about the cloud district. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/12508-pama´s-deadly-furniture-scripts/ Light, add anytime. Thanks Pamatronic for your wonderfully horrific mod. Optional Temple of Molag Bal Entrance Addon Connects the Lair of Screams to the Temple of Molag Bal. Requires directors cut 7.5 and https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/25931-immersive-daedra-worship-temple-of-molag-bal-addon and its requirements. Light, add anytime. Thanks to ungodlytomato for the great modifications to the temple. Optional Diabloesque Decorations Addon Adds REALLY gory stuff to the Lair of Screams. Very 1970s trash horror gore. You have been warned. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and zdd_e_se from this comment on LL: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/194570-request-prison-torture-mod/#comment-3825801 Can be used with all other addons. Light, add anytime. Optional Coldhaven Connection Addon Connects the Lair to the underground town of Coldhaven. Coldhaven is really impressive. An entire full-featured underground town, complete with npcs, quests, and player homes. Its loaded with goodies. It is also wonderfully macabre and fits the theme of Serana Dead Sexy. A beautiful creation by: Brehanin. Addon Includes teleport spell and adds npcs. Requires Directors cut addon 7.5 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22379 Light, add anytime. Optional Coldhaven Sexlab Brothel Addon Made by Shadowman2777 and posted with his permission. Adds Sexlab functionality to the courtesans at the brothel (courtesan den) in Coldhaven. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22379 Light, add anytime. Optional NSFW Old Hroldan Farm Addon Connects the lair to the excellent NSFW version of Old Hroldan Farm. Includes teleport spell. Requires Director's cut addon and https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/26210-old-hroldan-farm-nsfw/ By DarkBlade13. Light, add anytime. (this addon is not required for the capstone addon) Optional Fiendish Friends - Succubus Sarah Addon Summon a voluptuous and sultry succubus that can sex enemies to death and casts gore causing spells. She will follow you until death, and is very powerful. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87158 Optional Fiendish Friends - Lil Dead Riding Hood Addon Summon Little Vampiric Red and her wolfen friends. This little Red isn't from a fairy tale, but a nightmare. Her and her wolves have extreme gore enabled attacks and spells. She has succubus powers as well. If you see Lil Dead Red alone in the woods... run. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87206 Optional Fiendish Friends - Murder Mary Addon Summon Murder Mary and the Tortured Souls of her Victims. They cause extreme gore with their butcher knives, and will follow you until they die. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87248 Optional Fiendish Friends - Hannibelle the Cannibal Addon Summon the ruthless Hannibelle the Cannibal and the Skeletons from her last meals. All three have custom gore causing weapons and will follow you until they die. Hannibelle and her skeletons cause extreme gore via their gore enabled custom axes. Hannibelle has custom animations and dual wields her axes. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87319 Optional Fiendish Friends - Deranged Donna Addon Summon Deranged Donna to destroy your enemies. She attacks with pain causing riding crops and wooden paddles. She summons slave succubi that do the same. Oh and they sex their enemies to death.. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87461 Optional Beautiful Corpses Addon Adds hanging corpses from the mod Beautiful Corpses to the Lair of screams. Requires director's cut addon and shadowman2777s espfe version of beautiful corpses available here https://www.loverslab.com/topic/203846-shadowman2777-mods/ Can be used with all other addons. Light, add anytime. (this addon is not required for the capstone addon) Optional Fiendish Friends - Ghosts of the Gore Girls Addon Summon the four fiendish Ghosts of the horrifying Gore Girls. They all cause extreme gore with their spells and attacks. They will follow you until they die... again. Requires Director's cut addon. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87715 Optional Fiendish Friends - Dabria Daughter of Darkness Addon Summon Dabria Daughter of Darkness and her companion Dark Souls. They cause extreme gore with their weapons and Dabria can sex her enemies to death. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88012 Optional Fiendish Friends - Arachnea Mistress of Webs Addon Summon Arachnea and her three pet spiders. They all cause gore and Arachnea sexes opponents to death. Two of her pets are terrifying phantom spiders and the third is a horrifying web mother. Trashy horror fun! NSFW Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88069 Optional Fun Friends - Suzy Sunshine Addon Summon Suzy Sunshine, she will brighten your day with her smile. Her attacks cause extreme cuteness, they put her foes to sleep in a cloud of little pink hearts. Adorbs! So cute she is terrifying. Optional Sunshine the Dog Addon, he's a good boy with cuteness enabled attacks. Some April Fool's Day fun, that is no joke. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88096 Optional Fiendish Friends - Zara Princess of Plague Addon Summon Zara and her companion Plague Zombies and Wolf Zombie. All cause gore with their attacks and Zara casts a poisonous decapitation spell. She also spreads deadly plague by having killer sex with her enemies. NSFW, Trashy horror fun! Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88286 Optional Fiendish Friends - Gryh the Goblin Tamer Addon Summon Gryh an Orcish Goblin Tamer. Her three trained goblins have gore causing attacks. Gryh is a powerhouse with her strength causing extreme gore. She is also known for death by snu snu. Very NSFW, Trashy horror fun. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88320 Optional Fiendish Friends - Delano the Demon Steed Addon Conjure Delano the Demon Steed to ride, or to fight for you. Delano is extremely fast, can walk on water, is great at climbing, and causes gore with his powerful attacks. This is not your average mount. Also includes gore causing and death by sex versions of the torment sword and scourge mace. Gory trashy horror fun. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88382 Optional Fiendish Friends - Warriors of Bal Addon Adds over 50 provocative Warriors of Bal across Skyrim. They have sworn to protect Serana and her Savior. Their weapons cause gore, and they can kill with sex. Also includes a conjuration spell to summon Spectral Warriors of Bal and more! NSFW, trashy fun! Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88398 Optional Fiendish Friends - Sivas the Unliving Addon Sivas is a powerful Necromancer that also happens to be flesh deficient. She casts spells from the Necromantic Grimoire CC as well as gore causing spells. She is waiting as a follower in the Lair of Screams. Also adds a chest with all Necromantic Grimoire spells to the lair. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88414 Optional Necro Pizza Entrance Mover What really makes a succubi's mouth water? Why Pizza, of course! Moves the entrance to the very fun Necro Pizzeria by hrodeberht1, into the Lair of Screams. Also adds succubi to the pizzeria and skeleton servants to the Lair. Pizza topped with bits of the dead, served by the dead. Trash horror gold! Requires: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/84066 which is light, and the director's cut addon. This plugin is also light. (not needed for capstone) Optional Dead and Daedric Guardians Vendor Addon Adds a sexy vendor to the lair of screams undercroft, that sells the items from the mod Dead and Daedric Guardians by UserMingzi31. Requires Director's cut addon and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87897 Light, add anytime. (not needed for capstone) Optional Ghastly Goons and Gals Addon Adds skeleton and werewolf goons along with their female captives to Riverwood. Captives can be followers, goons can be pets. Captive girl followers crawl on all fours and can sex enemies to death. Goons have gore attacks. Used resources from Ambitian, whom has open permissions. Requires Director's cut addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Optional Fiendish Friends - Nerissa Terror of the Deep Addon Summon Nerissa and her two fun sized lurker companions. Nerissa can sex her enemies to death. Her lurkers cause gore with their attacks and breath weapon. Includes a spell to summon a gore causing spectral lurker as well as both gore and death by sex inducing dragonbone hammers. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88672 Optional Wicked Weapons Addon Adds a chest of gore causing (gore effect), op (fast and high damage), and death by sex (succubus effect) versions of many CC weapons to the Lair of Screams. Over 25 are added. Requires Director's cut addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88749 Optional Sinful Staves Addon Adds an evil chest of all the staves from the cc staves to the lair of Screams. Includes staff versions that cast gore causing spells and summon gore causing creatures and succubi. Requires Director's cut addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88806 Optional Stolen Booty Addon Adds cheat chests to the Lair of Screams containing just about everything. The succubi were busy while serana was asleep, they've been hording treasures for you. Chests are located all throughout the Lair. Also includes a trapdoor to the vanilla QASmoke cheat room in the lair of screams Sanctum. Requires Rise of the Lair addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88820 Optional Fiendish Friends - Madame Mayhem Addon Summon the seductive Madame Mayhem and her Gore Causing Werebears. She causes gore, mayhem, and can sex enemis to death. Includes gore, sex, and mayhem versions of the dragonbone battleaxe. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89110 Optional Fiendish Friends - Seductress of Shadows Addon Summon the Seductress of Shadows. An assassin who kills her prey with sex and shadow magic. Also adds a chest to the lair of screams containing all of her shadow magic spell tomes. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89122 Optional Fiendish Friends - Nyarla a Cosmic Horror Addon Summon Nyarla a Cosmic Horror. She kills with sex and cosmic magic. A lightshow of death and destruction. Also adds a chest to the lair of screams containing all of her cosmic magic spell tomes. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89128 Optional Arcane Accessories Chest Addon Adds a chest to the Lair Undercroft with all the stuff from the arcane accessories CC. Requires AE or the arcane accessories CC and the director's cut addon. Light, add anytime. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589 Optional Fiendish Friends - Feu the Seducer of Flames Addon Summon Feu and her scorched concubines. Feu kills with sex and fire magic. Her crispy concubines kill with gore and brutality and crawl on all fours. Also adds a chest to the lair of screams containing all of her fire magic spell tomes. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89252 Optional Staff of Gore Addon Adds a Gore causing, by area of effect, version of the Staff of Sheogorath as well as a gore causing version of the Fork of Horripilation. Items are in a chest in the Lair of Screams. Both are OP weapons and the staff can reduce a crowd into bloody lumps of flesh and bones. Gory NSFW horror fun! Requires AE or the CC Staff of Sheogorath and the Director's cut addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89625 Optional Staff of Blood Addon Adds a gore causing version of the staff of worms to the lair of screams private chamber. Also adds OP versions of the Bloodworm Helm and the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw. Gory NSFW horror fun! Requires AE or the CC Gallows Hall and the Director's cut addon. light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89679 Optional Fiendish Friends - Petra the Pulverizer Addon Summon Petra the Pulverizer to crush your enemies. She uses stone magic, a very large club with effects, and can sex her enemies to death. Also adds a chest to the lair of screams containing all of her magic spell tomes. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89719 Optional Fiendish Friends - Matron of Massacre Addon Summon the Matron of Massacre she uses weapons made of bloody bones! Her skull mace causes gore and her shield is a horrifying corpse. She casts a gore causing flame spell and summons skeletons. Adds a mace and shield for you as well in the Lair. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90135 Optional Fiendish Friends - Nyxia Venom Addon Summon Nyxia Venom. She uses poison magic and a gore causing sword made from a spiders leg. Add another toxic friend to the Serana Dead Sexy World. Adds a spider leg sword for you as well in the Lair sanctum and on the road in riverwood. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90174 Optional Follower - Bloody Mary Addon Adds a follower to the catacombs. She drips with blood and copies your faleen NPC for appearance. Bloody good fun! Requires Armor of Screams addon. Light add anytime Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Follower - Grave Robbin' Hood Addon Adds the follower Grave Robbin' Hood to the Lair Slave Quarters. Along with her gruesome bow. She copies the appearance of your saadia NPC. Uses assets from XvomTheMad, whom has open permissions. Light, requires only directors cut. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Follower - Igor the Mad Addon Adds the follower Igor the Mad to the Lair. Along with his horrifying staves and gore causing executioners axe. Uses assets from XvomTheMad, whom has open permissions. Light, requires only directors cut. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Fiendish Friends - Anya of Armageddon Addon Summon Anya of Armageddon. She uses a custom battleaxe and casts a gore causing flame spell. Battleaxe with effects is available for you as well. Let Anya unleash hell in your game. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90262 Optional Fiendish Friends - Dark Magus Coven Addon Summon the Dark Magus Coven, each uses unique and spectacular magic. They all can cause gore with their gruesome custom swords, and can sex enemies to death. A truly terrifying trio. Let the coven serve you. Also Adds three chests to the lair containing all the spell tomes and staves for their magic. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90433 Optional Fiendish Friends - Tempest the Storm of Terror Addon Summon the evil shaman Tempest and her Acolytes of terror. They all use custom storm magic and cause gore with their custom scythes. They also sex enemies to death for their pagan rituals. Also Adds a chest to the lair containing all the spell tomes and their scythe. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90662 Optional Fiendish Friends - Lilitu the Swamp Demon Addon Summon Lilitu and her gore causing crabs. She uses custom water magic and a gore causing purple flames spell. Her sword causes gore and she can sex her enemies to death. Her spell tome is in the lair of screams slave quarters along with her sword and a tome for her death fire spell. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90673 Optional Fiendish Friends - Malia the Gatekeeper Addon Summon Malia and her Oblivion Gates. They bring forth gore causing flames. Malia's custom swords cause gore and she uses a custom flame spell. Adds a chest to the lair catacombs containing three versions of her sword, and three spell tomes. Complete carnage! Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90796 Optional The Mages Chamber Addon Adds a mage chamber to the lair catacombs, that has displays, npcs, goody chests, and 3 followers. Has a teleport spell and a spell that casts a gore causing version of the bloodskaal wave. And more! Lots of fun! Requires the myrwatch cc or ae, and the directors cut addon. Light add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional The Mages Chamber Magic Addon Gives custom magic to two chamber followers (the Seductress and the Maiden in the glass coffin) and adds chests to the mages chamber containing tomes from the required mods by Darenii: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/86292 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/85425 Also requires The mages chamber addon. Light add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Follower - Xylis the Desecrator Addon Adds the sexy follower Xylis the desecrator to the lair, along with chests of her desecration spells, blood glass armor, and blood glass weapons. She casts spells from desecration by Darenii, and has a gore causing trident. Uses assets from XvomTheMad, whom has open permissions. She copies the appearance of your Iildi NPC. Requires: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/90832 and the directors cut addon. Light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional The Notice Boards Addon Adds notice board quest boards to the lair. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3218 and the directors cut addon. Light, add anytime ( I recommend you use it with this as well: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/22594-notice-me-senpai-a-notice-board-addon/ Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional The Missives Board Addon Adds a missives board to the lair undercroft. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17576 and the directors cut addon. Light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Serana No Aggro Nerf Patch Addon Use this to disable Seranas nightcloak (gore causing bats). This will stop her from aggro'ing npcs at random. Removes some of her toxic charm, but if you prefer it, here you are. Requires Director's cut. Light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Fiendish Friends - Skeleton Crew Addon Adds 6 skeleton followers to the Lair of screams. All have new gore causing spells and gore causing breath. They use all human animations.. very cool. BONUS follower Giggles the sexy Jester. Includes tomes for their new spells. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91049 Optional Master Trainer Addon I added an addon that simply moves the master trainer into the lair undercroft that can train you in literally everything. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/44078 by the talented CommanderShrekard, with his permission. also requires the director's cut. Light add anytime. He is temperamental in my game, but that is due to a few of my other personal mods. Let me know how he works for you. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Arcane Archer Chest Addon Adds a chest of stuff from the arcane archery CC to the lair, including some OP versions of arrows. Requires director's cut and the arcane archery cc or AE. Light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Unrelenting Force of Gore Shout Addon Adds a spell tome to the lair that teaches you the Unrelenting Force of Gore Shout. Fus and Roh blow the flesh off their skeletons and Dah blows them to pieces. Adds a bonus follower Fiona that uses the shout. Requires Director's cut. Light, add anytime. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Fiendish Friends - Mora the Wicked Addon Summon Mora and her travel size seekers. Mora uses a gore causing unrelenting force shout and a gore causing tentacle spell. Her seekers cause gore with their magic as well. Includes tomes for her spells and shout plus gore and death by sex versions of miraaks sword. NSFW trashy horror fun. Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91228 Optional Fiendish Friends - Morgana the Vile Addon Summon Morgana the Vile and her four Xivilais companions. All use gore causing magic. Spell tomes for you are available in the Lair, including two new gore causing spells. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91302 Optional Fiendish Friends - Lilith Harbinger of Death Addon Summon Lilith she uses spells from the witcher signs. Includes a chest of her spell tomes in the Lair of Screams and a new gore causing spell. She will follow you until death. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91444 Optional Fiendish Friends - Ninlil the Ominous Wind Addon Summon Ninlil and her horrific deadly winds. She uses wind magic and an unrelenting force of gore shout. Her shield has special frost effects. Includes a new gore spell, and a chest of goodies in the lair. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91496 Optional Fiendish Friends - Malora the Malevolent Addon Summon Malora the Malevolent Mage. She uses spells from arcane and causes gore with her butcher knives. Adds a chest to the lair containing her spells. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92117 Optional Fiendish Friends - Sisters of Darkness Addon Summon Euryale, Namah, and their companion skeletons. All use custom magic and cause gore with their weapons. Adds a chest to the Lair Sanctum with their spells. Skeletons use human animations. NSFW Trashy horror fun! BONUS: adds skeleton follower to the lair. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93000 Optional Fiendish Friends - Mira the Thunder Witch Addon Summon Mira the Thunder Witch. She uses custom lightning magic and summons a storm golem. A macabre magic spectacle! Adds a chest with her spells to the lair catacombs. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93091 Optional Follower Addons - Sinful Strippers A series of twelve sexy followers. They all dance on stripper poles in the lair when not in use. All are quite OP and summon unique powerful creatures. Tomes to summon the creatures are available for you on the floor next to their poles. They are lots of fun! Light, add anytime. Their requirements are all light as well. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Fiendish Friends - Akuji of the Dark Realm Addon Summon Akuji and her bone creature abominations. She summons a variety of horrendous monsters, and uses both constellation and decapitation magic. She is an erotic nightmare made real. NSFW Trashy horror fun. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93273 Optional Fiendish Friends - Raven the Tormented Addon Summon Raven and the spirits that torment her. She uses gore causing shadow magic. This one is way over the top trashy horror fun! Full of surprises. Also Adds a chest with her spells to the lair catacombs. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93341 Optional Fiendish Friends - Selene the Necrolyte Addon Summon Selene and her three companion Liches. They are the masters of the undead and they are on your side. Selene uses custom gore magic and has unique summons. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93356 Optional Fiendish Friends - Dianna Druid of the Damned Addon Summon Dianna, she uses gore causing nature magic and can summon an Old God of the Hunt. She is a terrifying force of nature! Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93571 Optional Fiendish Friends - Brunhilda the Butcher Addon Summon Brunhilda and her companion skeletons. They all use arcane magic and have a giant gore causing sword. Adds a chest of goodies to the lair and two bonus skeleton followers. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94099 Optional Addon - The Death Knight Spells Addon Adds cool spells from the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31649 by Kurasa25 with his permission. My favorite feature is if you eat the frozen heart, you will auto summon three skeletons whenever you go into battle. Is light (requirement is not) Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Fiendish Friends - Fright Coven Addon Summon the coven of fright to do your bidding. All four have frightening summons, have grotesque effects, and use gore causing magic. Samara and Agatha vomit blood on their victims and use gore causing weapons. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95223 Optional Addon - Serana's Pet Dragon Gives Serana a shapeshifting (Sexy woman, shoulder dragon, big dragon) pet dragon. It sits on her shoulder, turns into a sexy woman inside and in indoor battles, and a full size dragon for outdoor battles. Make sure serana has the pet dragon ring equipped. A spare ring is in a chest next to the lair fireplace (only works for her). This addon includes everything in the no aggro patch, so if you use that, disable it. BONUS: v1.5 includes Serana's Slave Succubus, that follows Serana. Requires https://www.mediafire.com/file/x75takpaqfg9x8i/Lintra_the_Spearmaiden_SE.7z/file by triptherift and directors cut. Everything's light v 2.0 fixes an issue with an unnecessary master. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Under optional files Optional Addon - Serana's Succubus Trina Adds a sexy succubus that dutifully follows and protects Serana wherever she goes. Succubus Trina summons spooky spiders and has gore causing magic and weapons. She also has succubus powers. Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95859 Optional Addon - Serana's Succubus Domina Adds a sexy shadow succubus that dutifully follows and protects Serana wherever she goes. Succubus Domina summons vampires, uses shadow magic and has gore causing weapons. She also has succubus powers. NSFW Trashy horror fun! Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97616 Optional Addon - Serana's Vampire Lord Transformation Serana transforms into a gore causing beast of annihilation when injured. Her vampire lord form casts gore causing spells and her attacks cause extreme gore. She's a beast! Trashy horror fun! NSFW Light plugin. Available here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97765 Optional Addon - Yuriana Mod Integration Integrates Buxom Wench Yuriana by lordkoz with his permission. Connects various locations to the lair and skull tavern and a TON more stuff. Its a big one. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/598 and the capstone addon. Light plugin. Available under optional files https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Optional Addon - The Levelers Tower Connection Connects the Lair dungeon and skull hideout to Levelers tower by WilliamSea. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2692 and the capstone addon. Light plugin. Available under optional files https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Optional Addon - The BBLS Connection Connects the lair dungeon to the Bathing Beauties or Beefcake Luxury Suite (BBLS) basement. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95197 by Migal, and the rise of the lair addon. Light plugin. Available under optional files https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Optional Addon - The Dwemer Experiments Adds cyborg Dwemer followers and a summonable group of dwemer cyborg experiments. Also adds serving wenches. Requires https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/602 custom armor version and its requirements and my capstone addon. Light plugin. Available under optional files https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files Optional Addon - Zombie Girls Summon 5 gory zombie girls. They use gore versions of farm tools by JJerem and abyssal tides magic by kittytail. Requires https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/28217-toasts-guro-outfits/ v2.5 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97892 also the capstone addon. Light plugin. Available under optional files https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589?tab=files AND MUCH MUCH MORE! More addons here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589 and here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/110156988 Requirements: Its a lot, but most are light, and it is so worth it! Nexus requirements Mod name Notes AMI - Armor Mod Integration - COCO Succubus Astaroth Belcebu Lilith demons followers Azura's Dawn SSE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for Azura's dawn addon Bats and Disease Get version 5 Belial Mamon Moloch demons followers Coldhaven - A Vampire City 2.1 SE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for coldhaven addon and coldhaven brothel addon Daejanggeum Decapitation Spell Diamond J - Sanguine's Mistress Dukkhas Forbidden Death Magic ESP-FE Servant Priscilla high poly follower healer- Recorder Sofia Mirai Uthgerd Lydia Serana Mjoll Aela Iona Jordis Frea replacer- Vampire form get the FOLLOWER version 01_Servant Priscilla Follower EVIL LAIR OF HYDRA SE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for Evil lair of hydra addon Festus Krex Insideout Spell The .esl version Harem - Volume 2 - SSE Get main file A and optional file A to make it .esl Harem Followers Volume 3 SSE - Custom and Default Body Option - UUNP or CBBE Textures OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for rise of the lair addon *AIO - Custom UUNP Body and Outfits - Physics - v2.0.0 Harem Followers Volume 4 SSE - Custom and Default Body Option - UUNP or CBBE Textures Get the AIO - Original UUNP Body and Outfits.. version. Harem SSE - 18 Followers by Toki7 - Default and Custom Bodies - UUNP and CBBE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for rise of the lair addon *Main file B and optional file B Hellraiser Outfit - CBBE 3BA - BHUNP 3BA Kangmina MOD Kangmina mod and the update Queen of the Damned - Deadlier Serana_SE Only the kangmina patch Riverwood Keep SE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for Riverwood keep addon Serana by Kangmina Serana Dialogue Add-On OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for SDA horse patch addon Succubus Initiation Ritual fixed Get version 6 Tabby Kitty - Huntress Valeria-Imperial female gladiator Wammy's Dread Girl - High Poly 3BA Follower or Sofia Replacer follower version Winterstone Castle SE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENT - needed for Winterstone castle addon Other requirements Mod name Notes Namira's Goat Reborn v1.5 REQUIRED ONLY for extreme gore optional addon SexLab SE - Sex Animation Framework Succubus Explosion Addon REQUIRED ONLY for addon 6 Director's Cut Succubus Twins SE Link from post by Tron91 whom ported it to SE ZaZ/Zap 8+ REQUIRED ONLY for sex dialog optional addon Recommendations to use with, serana dead sexy, but are not required Serana Dialogue Add-On https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32161 Time to eat - serana https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/66886 Maximum Carnage https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/43494 Nether's Eola (fits the vibe) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57250 CREDITS: The credit goes to all the amazing mod authors who made the requirements. I just patched it all together. Minakang, Tlam99, Shadowman2777, Farodadestin, Armormodintegration, Orenjii, bl3azy, theblackfist, Toki7, bchick3, lslking1, skyrimplayer999, Pfiffy, T.ara, Tengma, Sillius_Maximus, and xxxOddxx. For their wonderful mods that made this mod possible. I'm simply patching and tying, they get the credit. A big thank you to Shadowman2777 and Tlam99 who helped me when I got stuck with technical details. Great modders who support this community! Tlam99s succubus scripts are the heart of this mod. Thanks to Martimius and Skyrimlazz for allowing my trashy mod to even touch their beautiful creations. Great mod Authors and absolutely amazing work. I also want to thank Yaninya whom has diligently playtested every version of this mod, and has helped answer questions in the posts. Without his feedback, this mod would not be what it is today. Mod is also on nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589red Driven by uncontrollable, carnivorous lust and an insatiable thirst for human fluids, the cursed Skyrim aristocrat, Princess Serana, is doomed to walk Tamriel as a ravenous vampiric succubus. Armed with irresistible allure and terrifying dark power, Serana escapes Dimhollow Crypt, her prison of a thousand years. Being hellishly compelled by evil forces to commit gruesome acts, she slaughters the people of Skyrim, sucking their life blood and absorbing her victims' sexual energies. Before long, the carnage piles up, catching the attention of Isran, leader of the Dawnguard. The Dragonborn's dreams turn into nightmares, as he invites the seductive blood-sucking creature on his adventures. Has anyone ever escaped from the clutches of Serana, the queen of screams? "...and remember, the next scream you hear may be your own!" - Isran "Their flesh is her fantasy." - Gerdur of Riverwood "If the Dragonborn doesn't wake up screaming, he won't wake up at all..." - Danica Purespring "Evil runs in the family." - Valerica "She's evil...and not just high school evil." - Ysolda  "Who will survive and what will be left of them?" - Heimskr of Whiterun "Serana will make cemeteries her cathedrals and the cities will be your tombs." - Camilla of Riverwood "Serana has a very good head on her shoulders...and another one in a dish on her desk." - Whiterun Guard A testimonial "I love Serana and she is my precious little waifu. I love adventuring through Skyrim and putting her under my protective wing as the Dragonborn. She is so cute and helpless casting her little drain life spell. I saw this mod and thought I would download it and give it a go. I didnt really read the description, but was hooked in by the pulp art thumbnail. I thought, what fun my sweet Serana would gain some new abilities that she could use to protect herself until I could come swooping in as her savior. I kind of forgot about this mod as I went through my playthrough and I set off to Dimhollow to rescue my damsel in distress. This is when things took a drastic turn from my usual romps through Tamriel with Serana. She appeared in her sarcophogus naked and then dressed in an S&M black leather getup complete with horns. My Seranas precious little love flower was exposed for all to see and it was already dripping, a lot. I thought little of it and new that with my loving guidance, I could coax her back to her sweet innocent self. I was extremely naive at this moment. We exited dimhollow and I could tell that things were off. Typically she is kneeling on the floor half dead needing my assistance after battles. Now she was surrounded by bats, blood droplets, and strange red sygils. The usual dimhollow battles she fought with ease and I felt emasculated that I may not be needed by my shy sweet little innocent princess of coldharbour. Then we encountered the bandits. I still lie awake at night and openly weep thinking about what she did to those poor souls. They were just bandits, trying to feed their families the only way they knew how. Without hesitation my little periwinkle Serana began casting strange and unusual magic that shot out red glowing orbs, I was expecting her usual ice spikes, but this struck her opponents and slowly and painfully ripped their skeletons out from the inside of their bodies and they exploded. Flesh, blood, and viscera flew everywhere. I watched in horror as Serana then reanimated those same skeletons. I realized perhaps with this mod my sweet, kind, loving Serana had perhaps actually enjoyed her time with molag-bal a little more than she was letting on. The blood and flesh seemed to excite her as in the middle of battle she began having sex with one of the bandits. My dear sweet innocent Serana was having sex with a dirty bandit! I went closer to tell her to stop, and that I was the Dragonborn whom she loved and needed. It was rough sex, very rough sex, and Serana was the obvious aggressor. My eyes started to swell with tears as my love was engaging in such lewd and carnal behaviors. She looked right at me, I swear she looked right at me as she finished and the bandit died and disintegrated underneath her. I mumbled, I forgive you and will protect you as always my love, but why, why are you doing this? That's when all hell broke loose, she summoned two succubi and a very large swarm of bats. The camp turned red with blood and body parts flew everywhere. Organs, bones, and flesh piled up throughout the camp. Some tried to run but the bats followed them, so help me god they followed them and consumed them one tiny bite at a time. I dropped my controller. My sweet, precious, helpless, and loving waifu was no more. She is now a terrifying, brutal, nymphomaniac, monster. I cried as I held my freshly broken heart... This mod has destroyed me." - dissatisfied queen of screams mod user "In an age of darkness, at a time of evil... When the world needed a hero, what it got was a bunch of psycho-killer nympho succubi." - Tolfdir, instructor at the college of winterhold Mod user quotes: Toss me a coin and fuel my modding with coffee on ko-fi :-) Submitter FunGuyScott2 Submitted 01/14/2023 Category Adult Mods Requirements https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/73589 Regular Edition Compatible No  
  9. The goal of this topic is twofold. 1. A request to user to let me know of every mod/animation pack that is related to Bestiality. 2. A repository for the same information Main: These mods are primarily focused on Bestiality Bestial Essence SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/10036-bestial-essence-se/ Untamed: https://www.loverslab.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1265342&key=1b7ad82c9d5e99add7c21391c16960a6 More Nasty Critters Special Edition: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5464-more-nasty-critters-special-edition/ Horny creatures of Skyrim Special Edition: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5465-horny-creatures-of-skyrim-special-edition/ SexLab Beastess SE - Patched: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/24579-sexlab-beastess-se-patched/ Bad Dog's Immersive Creatures SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6663-bad-dogs-immersive-creatures-se/ SexLab More Creatures SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6301-sexlab-more-creatures-se-2019-10-28/ Creature Overhaul: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/12760-creature-overhaul/ Demonic Creatures: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/15135-demonic-creatures-patch-v131-current-versionv13/ Animated Beast's Cocks(ABC): https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/7556-animated-beasts-cocksabc-for-users-le-se/ SexLab Aroused Creatures SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6022-sexlab-aroused-creatures-se-2021-05-06/ Animal Mansion Plus SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/13508-animal-mansion-plus-se/ Some Animal Mansion Thing ?‍♀️ (for SE*) (Animal Mansion 4): https://www.loverslab.com/topic/144467-animal-mansion-4-dev-thread/ FOR THE OLD GODS : A FORSWORN STORY: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8092-afs_22_test1se/ Animal SOS SE: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/119300-animal-sos-se/ LV Wildlife + MNC Patch + SLAL: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/21056-lv-wildlife-mnc-patch-slal/ SexLab Dragons V5.1: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/7900-sexlab-dragons/ Fo4 Dogmeat Miko Replacer(Animal SOS, Baka ABC Compitable): https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/14749-fo4-dogmeat-miko-replaceranimal-sos-baka-abc-compitable/ Adventures with Balazar (Balazar's Bitch): https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/29983-adventures-with-balazar-balazars-bitch-beta/ SLAL Packs: Billyys Animations for SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5330-billyys-animations-for-se/ Psyche Animation (LE/SE): https://www.mediafire.com/file/lpnejv56vzolriy/PsycheAnimation_SE_1.2.1V.7z/file BakaFactory's SLAL Animation LE / SSE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6707-bakafactorys-slal-animation-le-sse/ Anubs Animations for SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5623-anubs-animations-for-se/ Funnybizness SLAL Packs SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5716-funnybizness-slal-packs-se/ SLAL SE Animations by Sailing Rebel [SRB]: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6024-slal-se-animations-by-sailing-rebel-srb-2018-08-09/ Lords anims: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/15029-lords-anims/ Sir Nibbles Anim Pack SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5710-sir-nibbles-anim-pack-se/ SLAL SH Furniture anims SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6111-slal-sh-furniture-anims-se/ Anub C (new): https://www.loverslab.com/topic/97648-anubs-animations-for-se/page/9/?tab=comments#comment-3400491 SLAL Animation Pack by Leito SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6357-slal-animation-pack-by-leito-se/ Billyy's SLAL Animations: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3999-billyys-slal-animations-2022-9-2/ FlufyFox SLAL Pack: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/19463-flufyfox-slal-pack-closed-for-now/ K4 Anim Pack for SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5732-k4-anim-pack-for-se/ Non-SLAL Animations: ZAZ Animation Packs for SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5957-zaz-animation-packs-for-se/ ( LE / SE ) RIA (Random Invite Animations): https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/14274-le-se-ria-random-invite-animations/ SLAC DAR Invite Animation Packs: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/20721-slac-dar-invite-animation-packs/ Retextures: Bear of North Baka ABC Patch: https://arca.live/b/tullius/23662460?mode=best&target=all&keyword=bear+abc&p=1 SC - Horses: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sc-horses-35289631 More Nasty Critters / Animated Beast's Cocks Fluffworks Patch: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pbslultb4gge3cz/FluffWorks_BackUp.rar/file SC HORSE REPLACER ABC PATCH[LE/SE]: https://babofactory.blogspot.com/2021/08/sc-horse-replacer-abc-patchlese.html Other: These mods either have Bestiality in them, but is not the main focus. Or blur the line of what one might consider Bestiality EstrusForSkyrimSE_VR: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12832 Sexlab Defeat SSE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/9152-sexlab-defeat-sse/ Sexlab Defeat Baka Edition: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sexlab-defeat-1-32912602 OsmelMC Mod Tweaks (SexLab Aroused Creatures): https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/10316-osmelmc-mod-tweaks/ Estrus Chaurus, Estrus Dwemer, Estrus Spider: https://www.loverslab.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1192624 Public Whore: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/17026-public-whore/ Thief: https://mega.nz/folder/3w5hXI4C#QHwbuhMhi7EKrDkyCoJnRA or https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hBSvCEOBk5hL6ve6RnGPQDgNp_2x14wU?usp=sharing SexLab Adventures SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/9962-sexlab-adventures-se/ Sexlab Kidnapped Redux SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/10087-sexlab-kidnapped-redux-se/ SexLab Achievement SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/9916-sexlab-achievement-se/ SexLab Confabulation: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/11867-sexlab-confabulation-september-16-2020/ The Mysterious Breeding Rooms SE Voiced: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/19515-the-mysterious-breeding-rooms-se-voiced/ Devious Followers - Continued SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/11732-devious-followers-continued-se/ Slaverun Reloaded SE Beta: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6104-slaverun-reloaded-se-beta/ Artic: https://www.patreon.com/posts/artic-80942816 Sexlab Survival SE 0.662 Beta: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/15092-sexlab-survival-se/ SlaveTats All-In-One (W/Reduced Sizes) v1.1: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3334-slavetats-all-in-one-wreduced-sizes/ Skyrim Zoo Revamped: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/43974 SL Dirty Deeds Missives: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/23523-sl-dirty-deeds-missives/ Reward Your Followers v9b: https://www.loverslab.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=672844 Riding Styles 2 SE: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/18034-riding-styles-2-se-6-13-21/ Horse Riding Styles OAR: https://www.loverslab.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1805615&key=1497e4498862c10c9969491d4e63332a
  10. ( LE / SE ) RIA (Random Invite Animations) View File Special Thanks to: B-Zero (DAR chance fix) Mikufan39 (DAR version RIA mod) Sailing Rebel (SexLab Aroused Creature) Requirements: SexLab Aroused Creature Dynamic Animation Replacer Preview: https://mega.nz/folder/vuAhARTb#IhUihNhzm8vyj0Oi3yH-Fg Installation: Use Mod Organiser 2 or unpack the archive into the "data" folder with replacement P.S. All animations also available in BOF Poser Submitter EVILBAKA Submitted 09/19/2020 Category Other Requires Aroused Creature, Dinamic Animation Replacer Regular Edition Compatible Yes  
  11. View File This is the Creature Framework conversion from the SE Conversion Tracking thread: Thanks go to Ep1cL3w7z for allowing me to upload this for the masses, Flowers go to LazyGirl and Tasairis for editing some scripts and making this possible. This is NOT an official version! (It seems like it will be the only one thats officially availible) If you run into problems, first make sure you have the fitting JContainers version for your SKSE version. Thanks to MadMansGun there is a full installation guide here: If you still have problems visit: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/94228-sse-conversion-tracking-mar-16-rev-8/?page=25&tab=comments#comment-2182722 SKSE can be found here: http://skse.silverlock.org/ JContainers can be found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16495 Notes: To make MNC run with the OLD CF it is better to install CF without MNC present in your loadorder. You can test if it is working with Hentai Creatures: Spawn a Husky, target it and mark it with 'N' and check if it shows up in the CF MCM puppeteer. Submitter Pfiffy Submitted 03/18/2018 Category Regular Mods Requires Jcontainers, SKSE, Regular Edition Compatible No View File
  12. Demonic Creatures MCM SE View File This is an MCM for @Thor2000 amazing Demonic Creatures! It's based off Genesis Surface Spawns & One With Nature (assets used from SE version, credit goes to lesi123 and White Shadow for their wonderful work on the original mod). What does this addon do? 1) Allows you to disable or enable "dinosaurs" without hacking the esp (may require a cell reset) * 2) Allows you to change how some demonic creatures behave with you (allied, vanilla, scared etc) ** 3) Allows you to recruit some demonic creatures and have them follow you around (SLEN recommended to build up relationship for follower dialogue to appear) ** The follower version will come later on, I already lost 2 full versions to CK (hence the v3) * Dinos are disabled by default, put a tick in the box if you want to enable em. ** Some creatures are Baliwog, Burned Skeleton, Cave Troll, Chimp, Cyrodiilian Wolf, Goblins, Grummite, Large Herbivores, Mihail Goblins, Ogres, Red Skeleton, RHino, Skaven, Snowgoblin, Triceratop Why create this addon? I was running through skyrim when I came across two fully clothed ogres from Mihails Ogres mod getting busy with bandits (via Yamete thank you @Scrab ). and the first thing I thought of like most people is "I need me some Ogre dick". So here we are but sadly they're not in Demonic Compatibility: LE - Don't know, if someone can convert it then please do just remember to give credit to thor2000 and lesi123 and White Shadow. Credits: Thor2000 (Demonic Creatures) lesi123 and White Shadow (One With Nature) ToneyCubed (Genesis Surface Spawns) Mods Used in Pictures: Metalsabres Beautiful BodySlide Demoniac CBBE 1.12se And a muscular map I can't remember but any should do! Submitter pinkfluf Submitted 07/22/2021 Category Adult Mods Requires Demonic Creatures and all it's requirements Regular Edition Compatible No  
  13. SexLab Beastess SE - Patched View File This is an all-in-one solution to fix the issues with the sabre-cat quest from SexLab Beastess - SSE Port. I pulled the patch esp from a.i.'s post from the oldrim thread. Everything else is the same, all I did was add that .esp file and thankfully everything worked perfectly. This is a full replacement, use this one instead of SexLab Beastess - SSE Port. Make sure all three plugins are enabled. Support: I claim absolutely no knowledge on the inner workings of this mod. All I did was slap other people's work together and put it in a nice, clean package for everyone. I do know that trying to uninstall this mod caused my own save file to become corrupted. So I searched for a fix instead... hence this update patch version. Luckily, I was able to recover it from a previous save (save often and in new files mod friends). Atronach Error Issue: If you can't even start the Atronach encounter (can't have sex after speaking to the creature) then the issue is *usually* that one or more of the below steps were not completed before starting: 1) Allow creature animations checked in SexLab MCM 2) Initialized Creature Framework 3) Enabled and Registered SLAL animations. 3a) This can take a long time if you have a lot of animations so go get a drink or something, do NOT leave the menu screen during this process. Prior Description (for preservation): Minor Modification Of: Submitter Discord9999 Submitted 11/19/2022 Category Adult Mods Requires SexLab Framework, Creature Framework, FNIS SSE, FNIS Creature Pack SSE, Sexlab Aroused SSE, Fuz Ro D-oh Silent Voice SSE Regular Edition Compatible No  
  14. Horny creatures of Skyrim Special Edition View File BE ADVISED: some sack of shit is using my name to re-post mods on other websites, this person is NOT me. DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING FROM THOSE OTHER SITES. I ONLY UPLOAD TO LOVERSLAB. Horny Creatures of Skyrim a Dragon & creature focused SLAL pack with bonus animated main menus and load screens. by MadMansGun special thanks to: Billyy, Blaze69, CPU, Dayelyte, Leito86, notmenotyou, Serenna187 and SirNibbles for help, advice and pointing me in the right direction. Ixum and Dravus for finding some solutions and walkarounds for animations not loading or crashing. Pfiffy for Original SSE port. 32Bit/SLE version: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2436-horny-creatures-of-skyrim/ ---------------------------------------------------------- the downloads: HornyCreaturesofSkyrim < the mod. HCOS_Bonus&Extras < 3D printable model and alternative main menus. ---------------------------------------------------------- Mod Requirements: More Nasty Critters: SE https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5464-more-nasty-critters-special-edition/ http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3524-sexlab-more-nasty-critters-install-guide/ Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE (aka: FNIS) (don't forget to download the "FNIS Creature Pack") https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3038 Suggested Load Order: (Skyrim DLC and Patch mods here) SexLab.esm SexlabAroused.esm CreatureFramework.esm (other SexLab related mod's .esm here) (All other .esm mods here) SkyUI.esp UIExtensions.esp FNIS.esp (All other .esp mods here) SexLabTools.esp MoreNastyCritters.esp HentaiCreatures.esp (only if installed) SexLabMatchMaker.esp SLAnimLoader.esp HornyCreatures.esp (other SexLab related mod's .esp here) ---------------------------------------------------------- suggested (but not at all needed) mods: SexLab Dragons (highly recommended) https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/7900-sexlab-dragons/ SexLab Werewolves Redux (highly recommended) https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/18014-sexlab-werewolves-redux/ Animation Limit Crash Fix (may not be working for AE at this time) https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/11208-animation-limit-crash-fix/ SexLab Aroused Creatures https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/6022-sexlab-aroused-creatures-se-2021-11-29/ + patch https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/10316-osmelmc-mod-tweaks/ Quite the Sperm Replacer http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/2568-sexlab-quite-the-sperm-replacer/ ---------------------------------------------------------- Animation Troubleshooting: 1. if you are using a Mod Manager ( please go with Mod Organizer 2, it's highly recommended ) make sure it's installing the files to the right location and with the right load order. a good guide for using Mod Organizer 2 can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4ZQpzf_iAE&list=PLE7DlYarj-DcLS9LyjEqOJwFUQIIQewcK 2. run/rerun the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe, if you don't the animations wont work/run. C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe WARNING: Windows (Vista/7/8/10) Security may interfere with updating/overwriting the FNIS behavior files. you may not even get a error message telling you that this has happened. make sure FNIS and your mod manager are running with administrator privileges. NOTE: try deleting "Data\meshes\actors\character\behaviors\0_master.hkx" and re-running it again, that sometimes helps. 3. when you start the game with the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) loader the list of installed mods wont get refreshed, so if you install a mod and just start the game with the loader any new mods you installed wont be fully activated. to fix this problem go to the skyrim launcher and click on "DATA FILES" and it will refresh the list of installed mods, you can now close the launch and start the game with the skse loader. note: this only apply if you are not using a mod manager 4. in game you need to go inside SexLab's Mod Control Menu (MCM) and click on "install" first before you can use SexLab. 5. make sure you have "Allow Creature Animation" checked in SexLab's MCM settings. 6. turn off "Match Creature Gender" in sexlab's MCM settings, if this setting is enabled some animations won't play, its because most creatures don't have female counterparts in skyrim by default. 7. did you forget to install the FNIS Creature Pack? install it and rerun the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe, then do steps 5 & 8 NOTE1: if you do have the Creature Pack but some creatures are just playing idle animations during sex try clicking on "De-Install Creatures" in FNIS, after it's done running click on "Update FNIS Behavior" (doing this will delete all the creature behavior files generated by FNIS and remake new ones...that is assuming you DO have the FNIS Creature Pack installed) NOTE2: try turning on the "hkx file compatibly check" in FNIS to see if you installed the wrong version/s of any animation packs. 8. you may need to reload the animations, go to the Animation Loader's MCM and then: 8.1. click on the "Disable All" button. 8.2. click on "Rebuild Animation Registry", then Wait for the message to pop up*. 8.3. click on "Reload JSON". 8.4. click on "Enable All". 8.5. click on "Count Animations" and make sure nothing is over 500, turn off some animations if they are. 8.6. click on "Register Animations", then Wait for the message to pop up*. *if you like you can press "~" on your keyboard to open the console so you can watch it Register everything, just make sure you close it before you try to click on anything. 9. if SLAL Packs are not being listed in SLAL try reinstalling/updating JContainers. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16495 or https://github.com/ryobg/JContainers/releases 10. if you are getting teleported into the air above Secunda's Kiss (giant camp at center of map) then try starting a animation in a indoor area first. it should stop happening outside after you do. 11. if you are having nonstop walking problems with the dragons try unchecking "Disable Starting Teleport" in SexLab's animation settings. 12. with some creature on creature animations you may need to use SexLab Tools for them to run correctly: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/10660-sexlab-tools-for-se-patched/ 12.1. use the MatchMaker spells to start animations: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/163-sexlab-matchmaker-updated-09172014/ 12.2. walk up to them, then look at them and press "N" on your keyboard. 12.3. click on "Control Animation". 12.4. press "H" on your keyboard. 12.5. click on the correct animation. ......or you could also try using "SexLab Utility Plus" it helps to reduce this problem: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/10316-osmelmc-mod-tweaks/ 13. if all else fails, try loading a older save file from before sexlab was installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FNIS Troubleshooting: "ERROR(9): Index was outside the bounds of the array" or "ERROR(2026): Too many animations": you may have Too many animation mods and/or SLAL Packs installed, use the "XXL" version of FNIS or uninstall some animations. "ERROR(76): Could not find a part of the path DebugData.txt": a Win10 update (or antivirus software) has forcibly turned on real time protection and it's stopping FNIS from generating/updating files. you need to disable real time protection before running FNIS, or add GenerateFNIS_for_Users.exe to the exclusions list (also you should probably add skse_loader.exe and TESV.exe as well) Crashing on loading save file: you have Too many animations installed, most people start crashing around 12000 to 14000. remove some animation mods to fix the problem, or try installing these mods to bypass the crashing point: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/11208-animation-limit-crash-fix/ https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Menu & LoadScreens: if you don't like the main menu just delete or replace* Data\meshes\interface\logo\logo.nif also the loadscreens can be easily removed with TES5Edit, just delete the loadscreen section from the esp *there are alternatives in the HCOS_Bonus&Extras.7z, the "wordwall dragonnamehere" loadscreens are non adult. or you can try this edited version of Skyrim's original: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/725/? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .___. {0,0} ___________________________________ /)__)> |creative commons, No One May Profit| -"-"- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" a song to sing as you lay dragons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CArejI2nZLg Submitter MadMansGun Submitted 03/18/2018 Category Adult Mods Requires many things, there are a few guides available. Regular Edition Compatible No  
  15. [FO4] [AAF] Themes - VanillaSexAnimations, Kinky/Aggressive and CreatureSexAnimations View File Themes allow customisation of AAF animation Packs by adding tags to installed Animation Positions. If you do not install some Themes, there will be no tags added to any relevant animations you have installed so they should not be picked by mods using the tagging system like Violate or RSE. So if you want to install an animation pack that has a mix of Human and Creature animations, this means mods can tell the difference and only pick the ones that interest you by its settings unless you manually pick them in the AAF wizard. The minimum Theme to install is Vanilla Theme which is installed automatically in the FOMOD whether you tick any other options or not. https://bitbucket.org/dagobaking/advanced-animation-framework/wiki/Guides/WhatIsAnAAFTheme The VanillaSex, KinkySex and CreatureSex Themes are now combined in the one FOMOD and only available on Lovers Lab, the Basic Theme is only needed if you use poses. The Basic and Vanilla Sex Themes are available on Nexus but may be a version behind this for a week or so. Basic Theme - Covers one of the Pose packs. Also includes new avatars for Humans and most creatures by Polistro. VanillaSex Theme - Covers all vanilla basic sex animations, Male/Female, Male/Male, Female/Female, GangBangs. Also includes new avatars for Humans and most creatures by Polistro. KinkySexTheme - Includes Vanilla sex Theme and covers Aggressive/Rough Sex, Spanking, Bondage positions and Bondage furniture animations. Also includes new avatars for Humans and most creatures by Polistro. CreatureSex Theme - Includes Vanilla sex Theme and covers all Creature Sex Animations including Aggressive ones. Also includes new avatars for Humans and most creatures by Polistro. These theme packs contain all the parts of tagData from Halstroms_TagData.XML (APT) split into each relevant theme making APT redundant. If you have APT (Halstrom_tagData.xml) also installed it will result in double tagging some animations and probably cause weirdness or bugs. Installing all the themes is the same as having the full APT. This also includes new avatars for Humans and most creatures by Polistro most have not been tested yet. This spoiler contains links to the supported Animation mods. Let me know if I've missed any too. This spoiler contains Tagging information. File versions are by date so 180510 is 10th of May 2018, not 5th of October 2018 unless you are American Requirements: AAF obviously MCM The DLC's are currently required for only the Kinky and Creature Themes until I update the FOMOD. But it can be used without them if the following files are removed. Theme_Animations_raceData_DLCRobot.xml Theme_Animations_raceData_DLCWorkShop01.xml Theme_Animations_raceData_DLCCoast.xml Theme_Animations_raceData_DLCNukaWorld.xml Installation: 3 of the files are old versions just in case there's an issue with the latest version, the files are labelled by Date 181211.0 is 2018 December 11th version 0 The VanillaSex, KinkySex and CreatureSex Themes are combined in the one FOMOD and only available on Lovers Lab. Thanks To: F4SE people Dagobaking for his help learning how this voodoo works CGI for general help and creating the FOMOD version EgoBallistic for his patience and input to mesh this into his mods and numerous sacrificial Test Minions PERMISSIONS: No Kiddie Porn usage, I don't want to be involved in any crap that hits the fan. I DO NOT support any use of my mods for kiddie porn or adult sexual situations like child pregnancy. Otherwise do whatever you want with this except selling it, Animators are free to use it themselves to replace their templates, less work for me when updates then Submitter Halstrom Submitted 12/08/2018 Category Framework & Resources Requires AAF
  16. Psyche Animation (LE/SE) (2021-12-1) View File A green hand modder of skyrim. Support You know it takes a lot of time to make animation more outstanding, sometime a little detail need to be adjusted one hour and another... I really appreciate if you support me to continue my work. https://subscribestar.adult/psycheaos https://www.patreon.com/PsycheAos Latest Version Available in Subscribestar and Patreon! Requirement SexLab Fnis SLAL Animated Beast's Cocks Animated Beast's Cocks(ABC) t.ara's mod(highly recommend) Zaz Animation Pack V8.0 plus Sexlab speed(optional) permission You can do everything by using this mod, include making video\GIF, sharing the Public Version (post a link might be better) and modifying as mod resources(Plz let me know before). If you wanna get financial income, don't forget to support me a little bit.... Thanks to: T.ara for the greatest mesh. SirNibbles for his excellent guild. factoryclose for his modder resource. MadMansGun for his incredible creatrue mod and always helping me. Q&A: Q1: What's your body Physics in that GIF? A1: CBBE-SMP+Fair Skin GT_Breat03_SMP.7z Q2: What's your enb? A2: Esc Enb. You will find that in my download page. Q3: What's your hair style? A3: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/88416 Q4: Can I get your face preset? A4: Be sure you are using racement instead of ECE. I have upload my preset here, you can download from the download page named "FacePreset.7z", use it as a normal mod, enter the game, press "~" then go to console, type "showracemenu", import my presets under "presets" folder, 2 ways you can import them, preset & head model, if you get wrong brown or eyes even scan the whole preset, just go my mod file, rename my texture name to your current one. Q5: Why penetration issue happen? A5: There is no absolutely right alignment due to different stature, different sos type\length, different size of body unless you use some short animations. The hotkey of sexlab and sos can relieve that issue, it never border me. I usually use 2 same tall people, also Sexlab hotkey to adjust the position lightly, it works permanently. Q6: Why my creature dick don't move? A6: Missing requirement: Animated Beast's cocks. Q7: Where I can see that previews? A7: https://redgifs.com/users/PsycheAos/collections Q8: Why PsycheHHH update so slowly? A8: Because he is hungry to death without support! Submitter PsycheHHH Submitted 01/08/2020 Category Animation Requires SLAL, Fnis, Animated Beast's Cocks Special Edition Compatible Yes  
  17. Vadermania [AAF animations] View File This is basically the download for this stuff here : https://www.loverslab.com/topic/83411-vadermania-fp-animations-and-stuff-wip/ I finally got to create an AAF animation pack out of atleast some of these animations. Current Content (1.1) is : - 2 Human M/F anims - 1 Dog/Human M/F anim - 2 Deathclaw/Human M/F anims - 2 FeralGhoul/Human M/F anims - 1 FEVHound/Human M/F anim - 1 Gorilla/Human M/F anim So in case it's not obvious enough : this contains bestiality Known Issues By the way i had to do he Deathclaw anims, the duration of these animations has to be smaller than 64 seconds. Not much i can do about that (yet). Submitter Vader666 Submitted 07/12/2018 Category Animation Requires Advanced Animation Framework (AAF)  
  18. AnimalMansionPlusNS_1.0_ConvertedSE View File Make sure to get all requirements listed belogh and all there requirments also READ THE DERCRIPTION THOS CONVERSION IS NOT LIKE THE ORIGINAL ANIMAL MANSION THAT ONLY NEED ZAZ AMD SEXLAB ALL BELOW REQUIREMENTS ARE 100% NEEDED FOR ALL THE NEW AND UPDATED TEXTURES AND MESHES AND SKELETONS TO PROPERLY WORK WITH OUT QUESTS BREAKING OR HAVING DARK FACE BUGS AND OTHER CTD ISSUES SICH AS JARLA LONG HOUSE also do not clean the esp file it will break mod and quests and meshes and cause the mod to be unstable and u will ctd on quests For those who dont want to read entire ppage dont ask for help or ask where mods are located as all of everything can be found needed can be found in description below and i going forward will 100% ignore and not respond to questions about where to find genderdogs patch and genderhorses patch as in description tells u where to get them both with a link and what file there in so as for all the people not nowing where to get them or how to repack them they are also available in comments section on page 4 plz read the description it will guide u through where alll requirements are plz and give a load order exaple at bottom of page for proper load order Also due to reports it seems the mod will not work on anniversary edition or SE 1.6.+ u will need to downgrade the game to 1.5.97 to use this mod Compatible skse versions are 2.0.19/2.0.20 i have tried to see if 2.0.17 will work but it will not sadly (Recomended Method) METHOD 1. best method for downgrade is using depodownloader if u dont know how to do this a guide can be found below this downgrade method will work 100% make sure to use DepotDownloader V2.5.0 as thats the latest working version for new steam 3 update if still on steam 2 ui then use v2.4.7 this guide will walk u through the steps on getting a 100% clean copy of 1.5.97 and once done i highly recommend u zip it up into a archive with 7zip no compression store only. also so u can use it again for a later mod build with out having to downgrade again as long as u dont reset your pc u wont have to do it again using this method NOTE 1: once u have finished the downgrade make sure to delete the .depodownloader Folder that is where game is after downgrade has finished as it will no longer be needed NOTE 2: This Method can be done on any version to 1.5.97 so u only have to downgrade 1 time Method 1 Guide link Step Modifications on how to downgrade game using DepotDownloader method https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/16280-howto-reinstall-skyrim-se-1597-if-you-dont-have-a-backup/ (Alternate Faster Method Optional [Not Recomended]) Method 2 also u can use the unnofical downgrade patcher method from nexus but it may or may not work properly with this method its a 50/50 chance wtih this method Note u can not safely downgrade with this method from 1.6.640 se/ae to 1.5.97 se if u use this method for best chance of safe downgrade u need to downgrade from 1.6.640 to 1.6.353 then 1.6.353 to 1.6.342 then 1.6.342 to 1.6.323 then 1.6.323 to 1.6.318 then 1.6.318 to 1.5.97 as the changes between these version are to massive to safely go strait to 1.5.97 se NOTE 2: this method u will have to do every time u make a new build unlike METHOD 1 above Method 2 link below Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Downgrade Patcher https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57618 My Next Update will be the last update to stabalize the conversion with the updated textures and meshes and new futa support and male support as of this time adding in new quests for the conversion to use and work has now been put on the lowest priority and may not happen now as multiple resources for testing and have been removed by arthmoor and aslo the fact that ive been banned from saying anything on arthmoores pages anymore beacase arthmoor just is a flat dick to all other modders on older versions of the game and makes it hard to bring old mods like this back to life First Episode of my Beta 2 release conversion Should be viewable in the next few hours on Rule34Video I Just uploaded episode 1 Once i finish making the last episodes of the beta 2 release ill be uploading it here for use as its is still in testing phase The New Beta 2 has been uploaded and is much bigger in a womping 648mb packed with bugfixes from beta 1 release and also updated the norn back to using dawnguard tint masks also the conversion now has voiced actors although u still need Fuz Ro-Doh credit to c2o0o0l8 for making the voicepack included it has been included with there permision so go and give them a thank u for there work on the voices Also the New Beta 2 version uses aroused creatures v4.12 c2o0o0l8 included voicepack found here Also the new stable release is estimated to release in about a month or 2 down the road i have alot more work to do and testing will be much slower due to the reasons stated above if u want to view the build in and get a veiw of what the quests and gameplay there can will be videos up on rule34 comming soon for a look at the mod conversion and gamplay of it my Rule34 profile can be found here https://rule34video.com/members/163624/ Just a quick notice part 2 of episode 2 of the gamplay of the conversion will be up on my rule34 page sometime next week end as I've been busy IRL with docters appointments and having teeth fixed and mouth surgery as I was in a accident a while back and had 70% of my teeth broken Also I hope u guys enjoy video when it releases this weekend episode 1 and episode 2 part 1 are now up on rule34 READ ENTIRE PAGE Before making posts on if things arent working or why all info below will help alot and make thing easier for u and me if still having issues after that then ill be glad to look into it but if u dont read and all info on page i will not respond to the post or help u until u read all info and below as wagt info that is below can help u in alot of issues u may run into and fix them on your own if needed after reading if and trying on your own and u still have issues i can help u then and would be happy to I did NOT create this mod, I merely converted mybrainhurts' mod for Special Edition, and shared it according to the permissions they gave on the original download page. I CANNOT give any perms not specified on the original upload page for this mod. If you wish to alter, edit, or otherwise make changes and upload them anywhere, please refer to the permissions on the original upload page. This mod should be considered a placeholder for when/if the original author decides to take control of it. The esp is in Form 43 still, because it bugs out the scripts if converted to Form 44. I've spent 20 hours testing out this conversion and found no errors, all quests work so far in my conversion. If you have issues it's most likely a mod conflict.but since it is curently in wip let me now if u find anything i may have missed and also this is English only unlike the others unless u want to make a tranlatied esp yourself If you enjoy this mod, go to the Author’s page and give mybrainhurts some love! after looking ate the other version of animal mansion plus NS se 1.1 and it not being updated for 3 years now and the fack that mnc v12 is no longer available anywhere i decided to make this conversion using the new mnc 15.1A for animal mansion with updated support with abc and hcos as i loved this mod and followed it for many years now i hope this helps with the new versions of mnc and also this is a wip/alpha conversion if nomkaz autheor of the original se conversion asks for this conversion to be taken down i will ablige but as for the what is in the conversion i redid the meshes and textures to fit the new skeletons and generated mipmaps for them also updated the esp and resaved the esp to add norn npc with updated daungaurd visuals instead of original skyrim varient of norn npc also updated the animations for better support with abc nad also redirected the mnc patch to match the current mnc changes and also added in support for abc and HCOS so males should be able to imterack ok now again havent tested male support but it should be ok i have tested futa and female on it for about 20 hours and no issues so far so hope this works also the origanl le scripts were also used and are still in the mod for resons i wont explain but as for scripts that were removed wee only one and that was the NA_WashBasinScript.pex script due to interactive washbasins mod not being available on se i found a few issees i didnt notice before as i was using a voicepack for animal mansion that a few quest arent picking up on fuz-ro doh so it is recomended to use a voicepack when using this conversion until i can fix that issue fuz-ro do has now ben fixed and to use the fix just replace the old esp from my conversion with the new fixed esp. new game is not required also in a later update ill upload a female only version for those that dont want to use hcos mod but that will be a while before that version comes out as in my current playthrough im set up for futa/female playstyle so on my next playthrough ill work on the female only version as i have had requests for a female only version but at the moment dont plan on making a female only version at this time as i want to get the current version finished before i start on a new version and also want to enjoy my current playthrough a bit hope u all understand sorrry for the inconvience this may cause until a female only version releases also for those havimg issues all of thes mods are 100% required for new updated textures and meshes and for this conversion to work since some had issues ill link the requirements below Requirements (100% Needed) Not Optional for current Skyrim SexLab SE (SSL) v1.63 make sure its v1.63 not version 1.65 More Nasty Critters Special/Anniversary Edition V15.1A or later NOTE: Creature framework3.0 and hentai creatures and MNC Compatibility kit on this page also SexLab Aroused Creatures SE v04.11 Horny creatures of Skyrim Special Edition V2.0A or later Animated Beast's Cocks(ABC) For users LE / SE 2.90V or later Sexlab Aroused Redux SSE Version 29 2.9 OR this version not both SexLabAroused Redux V28b SSE Modified by BakaFactory(2020 11 17)) from here look in description to find link Sexlab Approuch redux is not needed but link to other sexlab aroused version is located here READ Description to find LINK note that SexLabAroused Redux V28b SSE Modified by BakaFactory(2020 11 17)) was used in makeing this conversion but both will work either way so u can choose witch one to use For Futa Support u will want this mod installed with its requirements also Gender Bender SE SE A unp Based body is required Recommended unp based body is BHUNP V3.15 or your choice of unp based body may not work properly on bhunp versions later than 3.17 due to all the changes of bhunp after 3.17 if u wish to get a copy of bhunp version 3.15 a link can be found on my patches page here also on this page i have all my patches to make mods work with furry races from skyfurry mod and also a patch for this conversion is also located here to make this mod work with furry races also my own bodyslide presets are also located here if u want to try them they are for bhunp v3 minor Requirements ( No Longer optional) Gender Dogs this is found in mnc compatibility kits only for male and futa support genderhorses this is also found in mnc compatibility kits only for male and futa support As for the file these are in the name of the file is ModCompatibilityKitsForMNCSEv15_0.7z Note u will need to extract both the GenderDogs and genderhorses folder located in ModCompatibilityKitsForMNCSEv15_0.7z then rezip them into a arcive with 7zip to isntall with mo2 for male/futa support use also Gender Dogs patch and gender horses patch both from mnc compatibility kit can be found here minor Requirement (Only if using the two total werewolves patch) Patch for Compatibility with two total werewolves overhaul to fix head issues when using TWO TOTAL WEREWOLVES optional (Recommended for anal support) CBPC Separate Anal Collision 2.2 (CBPC 1.5.6+) for anal collitions and anal animation support and also for futa/male to redirect the vaginal collitions to anal colisions intead giving males and futa alot more animations available to them Optional for full immersion for female/futa/male use CBPC Separate Anal Collision 2.2 (CBPC 1.5.6+) found here optional for more emersion Animal Mansion Plus Voice Pack https://www.loverslab.com/topic/190657-animal-mansion-plus-voice-pack/ Example load order here Stable Modlist Final.txt Stable Modlist Final ESP Order.txt updated final ref list with a few ref prieviews of the bashed patch ssemerged patch and a look at the two total werewolves patch for this mod 100% Finalized Modlist Order.txt 100% Finalized Modlist ESP Order.txt Recomended Minamum ESM/ESP Order Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp (Other ESM Patches Like USSEp Here) SexLab.esm SexLabAroused.esm CreatureFramework.esm ZaZAnimationPack.esm (Devious Devices Related Esms Here) RaceCompatibility.esm (Other Nexus esms Here) Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm GenderBender.esm (All other Sexlab Related Esms Here) SkyUI_SE.esp MCMHelper.esp FNIS.esp FNISspells.esp UIExtensions.esp MonsterLipSync1.esp RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp ( if u dont use a race overhaul mod then put Schlongs of Skyrim.esp Here) SOSRaceMenu.esp XPMSE.esp (your unp body type of choice here) (All other nexus mods here) SexLabTools.esp MoreNastyCritters.esp SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp HentaiCreatures.esp SLAnimLoader.esp SexLabMatchMaker.esp genderhorses.esp GenderDogs.esp BakaFactoryABC.esp CBPC anus support.esp HornyCreatures.esp (all sexlab Animations Here) animal_mansion.esp (Sexlab esp mods here) (alternate start Mods here) (if u use a Race overhaul put here) (All esp/fe patches Related to race overhaul mod u use here) Schlongs of Skyrim.esp (note only have this esp here if u use a race overhaul mod) Werewolves.esp WerewolvesExtras.esp WerewolvesExtrasMTSE.esp WerewolvesHCOS.esp TWO-Animal Mansion_Patch.esp (Dynamic Patches Here) (if using SLATE or bathing in skyrim sexlab patch mod place those esp here) SexLab UtilityPlus.esp Note an example mod list and esp order with 221 mods and 180 total plugins can be found above as a download for REF purposes only do not take it as a install guide for mods Note when new female only version is relased it will have requirements posted lower in list the ruquire ments will be listed down here as of now there is no female only version that comes later once this version is finished and tested with no bugs ALSO quick note this is for skyrim se 1.5.97 not 1.6+ as 1.6+ has to many changes and also cc content wont work as the cc content conflicts with this mod original se conversion from 2020 original le mod by mybrainhurts' Recommended Load Order for Animal Mansion Converted SE 1.5.97 with CC Comtent.txt Recommended Load Order for Animal Mansion Converted SE 1.5.97.txt Submitter LTD_LoneWolf Submitted 06/09/2023 Category Adult Mods Requires Skyrim.esm,Dawngard.esm,HearthFires.esm,Dragonborn.esm,sexlab framework 1.63,sexlab aroused se,creatureframework 3.0,zaz animationpack se,unp based body,sexlab aroused creatures se 4.11,Horny creatures of skyrim se 2.0+,morenastycritters 15.1A+,ABC 2.90+ Regular Edition Compatible No