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Milking Human Kindness

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Welcome to your new home, breeder! Alternate start scenario and unique location with lightweight quests, lore-friendly stories and so many super mutants...


Hello beta testers. This is a prerelease of the first phase of what's planned to become a much larger mod. I have playtested it extensively and fixed all the bugs I encountered, but I'm certain there are plenty more for you to find. Please let me know in the support topic if you run into problems with the setting or new gameplay features. I can also try to answer specific questions there, within reason, but first make sure you've read everything on the file page and initial few support posts where frequently asked questions and known bugs will be tracked. No offense, but for now I'm not interested in your ideas on what else I could add, I already have a planned feature list longer than a behemoth's belly bat. What I need help with is improving what's already implemented, so if you're interested in doing that your assistance is most welcome.


Please be aware that this mod includes references to non-consensual sex, human bondage, extreme violence, snuff, bestiality, drug and alcohol use, forced breeding, breastmilk, fat fetishism, degrading speech, pee play, and all sorts of similarly perverted fare. Engaging in any such activities is entirely optional, but if you're easily offended by these ideas then this mod is not for you. This mod will theoretically work with a male protagonist and even alternate race mods, but it's designed around playing as a human female (sorry guys!).


So what the hell is in this?


Without giving too much away, the mod consists of a central area where super mutants are fertilizing human women the old fashioned way, and using them to incubate new super mutants. You'll also find that the Commonwealth strain super mutants have learned to harness F.E.V. based fertility hormones which improve their chances of reproducing, and they may occasionally inject you with some during sex (as well as confiscating any birth control you're carrying, you won't be needing that any more). While under the lasting effects of the drug, you and any followers will be able to move freely among super mutant camps as long as you remain naked and don't equip any weapons (the included HUD indicator can help to warn you whenever you forget you're armed or clothed).


Anything to know about installing?


Not much... it's a FOMOD package, so use a modern mod manager that can support those. You do need all the DLCs since it takes assets from most of them for added flavor, and F4SE because the game's scripting engine is somewhat limited without it. Other mods are optional. Dialogue in this mod is currently unvoiced; silent voice files are included to handle lip movement and make it skippable, but it's strongly recommended you turn on both dialogue and general subtitles from the in-game display settings.


There is no actual pregnancy mechanic included, but the scenario is meant for use with Family Planning Enhanced with its separate FPESuperMutantAddon.7z or Family Planning Enhanced Redux with Wasteland Dairy's Offspring plugin, and has some soft script integrations with either of those if present. AAF is, of course, strongly recommended (and no, I won't even attempt to explain how to install AAF) but is not strictly required to use the mod, you just won't be having any sexy-time animations without it. With AAF you'll want either Creature Resources or Ultimate AAF Patch so that greenies have appropriate sex organs and a dismemberable skeleton. Installing Mod Configuration Menu will make it possible to toggle some of the mod's features off and on, adjust settings or access debugging functions. HUDFramework is used by the optional on-screen indicator for armed and clothed states.


There's also soft integration with or support for additional mods which may enhance your experience: Unhealthy Craving, Skimpy Armor Keywords Resource, LooksMenu, Better Living Through Cumistry, Provocative Perks, TSEX, Sex Attributes, Sexual Harassment, Animated Tentacles, Commonwealth Captives, Kziitd Fetish Toolset, Real Handcuffs, Devious Devices, DD Armorbench Unlocker, Bound in Public, Advanced Needs 76, Light 'Em Up, Myopia Simulator, Get DirtyMore Ways of Washing, BYOP, CWSS, Immersive Animation FrameworkImmersive Nail Polish. Many of these integrations rely on RobCo Patcher configuration, so will activate transparently if it's installed.


Additional mods you might want to consider using with this: Chem Visuals, Alias Settlers, Alias Mutants, Behemoth Weapon Variety, Super Mutant Behemoth 4k, LC's UHD Super Mutant Hound 4kSuicider Replacement, Super Mutant Workshop, Autonomy Enhanced Redux, and Splashzone's NSFW Texture Mashup.


Conflicts with other mods?


The perks in this mod were inspired by, and are therefore mostly redundant with, Beneficial Nudity Redone (thehurtbear) and Passive Radiation loss while Nude (Modfreak). If you plan to acquire the perk books from the Colostrum Cave Adventure quest, you should probably uninstall those mods.


There are also some vanilla Fallout 4 locations where this mod adds items or characters and, while it's kept to a necessary minimum, anything altering these locations could lead to accessibility issues: Vault111Ext, WestEverettEstates01, WestEverettEstatesExt02. In particular, load plugins which include "previs" for those locations like PRP or UWBF after MilkingHumanKindness.esp if you use them, or else you'll get missing landscape in affected cells (PRP) and the bathroom in the Backyard Bunker won't be full-featured (UWBF).


For custom random events, a new stacked event branch is inserted in the story manager. This necessitated setting the child field of the vanilla game's REBranchNormalTriggers from REBranchSpecialTriggers to the new MHK_Encounters (which in turn has REBranchSpecialTriggers as its child). Any mods which add or alter random encounters will conflict if they similarly adjust the relationship between those two REBranch nodes, in which case a patch plugin may be required.


Armorsmith Extended and Equipment Crafting Overhaul remove underarmor coverage from many vanilla outfits, which causes this mod's internal nudity tracking implementation to think you're unclothed when wearing them, but optional SAKR based nudity tracking is strongly recommended (used automatically if SAKR is installed) and won't be affected by underarmor slot patching by mods like AE and ECO.


Early game quest mods like Commonwealth Slavers, Deviously Cursed Wasteland or DLYH Light Alternate Start can be problematic if you start the captive scenario for this mod without first completing any similar sorts of slavery and bondage quests that are already in progress, since you might otherwise end up stuck without the resources or freedom you need to survive. You can use them together, just be careful to plan out what order you'll play them in and don't start the scenarios for more than one at a time.


Mods which perform extensive setup routines when first installed can cause severe script lag, resulting in noticeable delays for actions in this mod. For best results when beginning a new playthrough, wait for any startup notifications to scroll off the screen, and maybe even explore the area around the vault for a minute or two before you interact with the safe. You might consider using Baka MaxPapyrusOps to reduce script contention and startup times, but if you're still experiencing issues with script-driven features then test with SKK Script Lag latency detector to help pinpoint the cause.


How do I start?


Find an innocuous looking safe just outside Vault 111, and you should be able to figure out the rest for yourself.


This is intended for entry-level characters fresh out of the vault so is best used in a new playthrough, ideally loading an unmodded save like Ms. Vault 111 (you'll be given options to reset your name, special stats and appearance anyway). It should also work with more seasoned characters, but probably won't be nearly as much fun. If you're carrying a lot of things in your inventory, or in companion/follower inventories, you should store it all somewhere like a settlement first; the scripted inventory transfer could take a long time to complete and make it seem like your game has frozen.


Of course, keep a save from before you installed this, and don't uninstall  it mid-play either since it does have scripts. Removing it probably won't break anything as long as you use the shutdown opion in its debugging page in MCM, but I'm not responsible when your game catches on fire. If you get stuck, check out the FAPs (Fucking Amazing Pointers) post for some possibly fun-spoiling details.




Milking Human Kindness


Welcome to your new home, breeder! No, it's not a settlement or even a workshop space, but it's stocked with all the amenities you deserve, and is suitable for long-term stays even in survival mode (so long as you don't mind the other residents). The super mutants here are non-hostile, but don't try to pet the hounds unless you want to lose a hand.


The breeding pit is outfitted with sufficient "furniture" to support all known super mutant sex animations, and an infinite supply of refreshments. As you gain access to more remote parts of this location, you'll also have a full set of workbenches at your disposal, with their inventories linked to each other and to some select workstations outside as well. There's even a doctor of sorts, should you find yourself in need of a bit of first aid or prenatal care, just don't expect any abortions!


What, you want to leave? You're free to go at any time! You'll just need to find a lot of radiation protection and a way to safely get past the the less friendly super mutants outside... Completing some of the other quests will make that a lot easier.


Colostrum Cave Adventure


This quest introduces you to a heretical sect of the Church of the Children of Atom, and rewards you with some (arguably overpowered if you don't mind the drawbacks) unique perks. Talk to the characters in the pit and look around for clues.


The perks you acquire will make extensive use of nudity tracking. While there's an internal nudity tracking system based on biped slots, SAKR's far superior nudity tracking will be used instead if installed.


Expand Your Mind, Your Holes Will Follow


Keep an eye on the "size queen" rating in your Pip-Boy, under active effects or in the perks list. You'll get occasional objectives to up your tolerance as it progresses, but the more stretched out you become the harder it will be to orgasm with "lesser" partners. Your openings will shrink back to normal over time, but you can also sometimes find drugs for sale which temporarily delay or dramatically speed up your recovery.


Advancing this quest requires AAF (it won't even start if AAF isn't present). You'll also want animation packs for super mutants, FEV hounds and behemoths to have sex with your player's gender and race. If you're playing as a human female, recent versions of Savage Cabbage's pack should be sufficient (enable super mutants, FEV hounds, behemoths, and interspecies support in its FOMOD menu), but otherwise you may need to do some animation patching work. Specifically, animations with the player and these combinations of partners are needed: one/two/three super mutants, FEV hound, FEV hound and super mutant interspecies, behemoth.


If your size queen rating is at least "experienced" you will begin to encounter mutie breeding patrols of varying sizes while wandering the Commonwealth, as well as lust-crazed muties who will hunt you from time to time. The chances of this, as well as the size of the breeding parties, are increased by a number of factors: how naked you are, how many female followers you're traveling with, pheromones as a result of Mommy-O, your size queen rating, your body fat from UC, how dirty/filthy you are with GD, and whether you're ovulating from FPE(R). Staying thinner from UC, keeping clean with GD, and taking birth control or being pregnant from FPE(R) will reduce this. Keeping your size queen rating at "curious" or "squeamish" (or turning the breeding patrol and stalker frequencies to 0 in MCM) will prevent them from appearing entirely.


A Druggie's Wet Dream


Once you've acquired a few addictions, sleeping in one of the beds in the breeding pit will lead you on a quest to discover some powerful unique and legendary weapons which compliment druggie and nudist playthroughs.


One of the weapons will give you sudden drug flashbacks, so the Chem Visuals mod provides some great additional flavor when that happens. The "exhibitionist's" legendary weapons rely on nudity tracking, so see the related notes under the Colostrum Cave Adventure quest.


This quest will send you into the Commonwealth, and it's not necessary that you complete it straight away (or at all for that matter). It's fine to leave it for later visits to the pit. If you're unable to amass enough addictions to trigger the dream, explore the cavern complex after sleeping in the brainwashing beds at least four times and you'll trigger the quest if you enter the associated area.



Credits and Permissions


All assets in Milking Human Kindness are reused from Fallout 4 or are the creation of the author, and are supplied free of charge to anyone who wishes to play. An exception is the perk images, which are modified mash-ups of artwork by Shadman, distributed under open permissions.


You're welcome to reuse any of the assets or scripts in your own creations, but don't repost this mod itself anywhere, and please let others know if you use any of its contents in creating any of your own published mods.




I could never hope to assemble a complete list of all the people whose work has inspired me either in concept or through example, nor those who have provided invaluable assistance on this journey. Nevertheless, I wholeheartedly thank the LoversLab community, all the modders who answered my endless stream of questions, and the countless mod authors whose creations titillated while showing me what's possible. Your generosity (and perversity) knows no bounds. If in doubt, fuck it; if not in doubt, get in doubt!

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    Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)


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FAPs (Fucking Amazing Pointers)



  • Where did all my stuff go? When you've gained your freedom, return to the starting safe to reclaim the belongings which were taken from you when you were abducted. I can't be absolutely sure some stuff won't go missing though, so you might want to stash anything important somewhere else before starting the scenario.
  • Where can I keep things? The interior cells are designed so they won't ever reset, but many of the containers still can. Store things in the workbenches if you want to be sure they won't disappear.
  • On workbench storage... Workbenches in the interior cells are connected to each other, but also to the cooking station just outside the exit ladder and the armor workbench in the nearby bunker from the vanilla game too.
  • Bathing and hygiene... If you have CWSS or BYOP installed, the showers, toilets and bath tub in the pit should be fully functional for use with mods like Get Dirty and Advanced Needs 76. The soap dispenser in the shower room returns a normal bar of soap (vanilla game junk item), which the Get Dirty and More Ways of Washing mods can both utilize for bathing. In one of the lockers you'll find an initial supply of toothbrushes for AN76 as well, and there's a larger supply you can find in a more remote part of the cavern later, but eventually you'll run out and need to start buying or making your own.
  • AAF sex scenes initiated through this mod... As long as you're naked and unarmed, you'll get an "offer your body" activation prompt for any of the unique mutie NPCs in the breeding pit, which you can use to initiate sex with them. For now you get a randomly-chosen scene involving the player character and the NPC you've approached, potentially including other available nearby NPCs for group sex, either on the ground or utilizing nearby furniture locations (corner a mutie in creative places within the main pit area and see what the game's terrible random number generator has in store for your bruised and battered flesh this time). The scene duration can be adjusted in MCM.
  • What animation packs should I use? The main one you'll want is Savage Cabbage's (In its FOMOD installer menu make sure to enable support for super mutants, FEV hounds, behemoths, and also inter-species mutant+hound combinations), with it you can have scenes on most of the furniture in the pit as well as complete all the objectives for the Expand Your Mind quest. If you have Rufgt's Mutated Lust installed that will give you even more options, and the tubes at the back of the shower room will also be usable for a few positions. Other packs with super mutant support are Leito's, Gray User's Creature Pack, BraveBunny's, and Farelle's. If anybody is aware of more I've forgotten to list, please let me know!
  • Super mutants are supposed to be sterile, how can they reproduce sexually? Super mutants created by dipping humans in Mariposa Strain FEV, and perhaps the people who drank tap water laced with the Huntersville Strain, are sterile and androgynous without genitals... but according to Fallout 4's plot, Commonwealth super mutants stem from Institute experimentation, possibly with different FEV strains than those used in West Tek's super-soldier project. In the vanilla game world you only find a handful of abandoned FEV vats at the Institute, none anywhere else, yet super mutants outside are constantly replenishing themselves. A plausible explanation is that super mutants created with older FEV samples found by the Institute aren't sterile at all, quite the opposite, so human mothers are getting unwillingly impregnated by and giving birth to new generations of horny and highly virile male super mutants. This mod attempts to fill in these sorts of backstory gaps for Commonwealth Strain FEV super mutants in a canon-compatible (if perverse and kinky) fashion.


Penalties and related mod integrations 


Your trip to the breeding pit and interactions with most NPCs and objects there will have a variety of deleterious effects on the player...


The teleport script which sends you there does these things to the player character:

  1. Sets Sex Attributes willpower score to 0 because you're under heavy influence of the knockout gas and who knows what else they injected you with while you were out cold
  2. Sets Sex Attributes spirit score to 1 so that the next aggressive sex act will probably induce PTSD for whatever race you have sex with

Dispensers and other activators, as well as invisible triggers in some spots, have differing odds of side effects:

  1. Sets the Sex Attributes mind health score to 1 so that the next orgasm will likely put the player into mind break condition if they don't recover before that happens
  2. Undresses the player
  3. Increases Sex Attributes arousal to 99 so that you'll orgasm almost immediately when a sex scene starts (unless you're numb)
  4. Heals 5 wear points for all three holes in Sex Attributes so that you're less likely to succumb to being "fucked to death" if you have that turned on
  5. Flags Sex Attributes to treat the next sex act as aggressive and also to not apply trauma

The stew dispenser is special because whatever they put in it further:

  1. Heals your baby if you're pregnant with FPE(R)
  2. Makes you fertile with FPE(R) if you're not pregnant
  3. Has a chance to trigger a Sex Attributes orgasm (100% chance when you're pregnant)
  4. Resets Sex Attributes willpower to 0 and spirit to 1 like the initial teleporter

The booze crate is special in that it can:

  1. Guarantee inflicting you with Alcoholism even if you've taken the Party Boy or Party Girl perk
  2. Prompt to switch your TSEX coping strategy to Wasteoid
  3. Eventually prompt to add the Cheap Date perk from Provocative Perks

The candy bowl is special too since it:

  1. Will eventually prompt to add the Easy Prey perk from Provocative Perks

The sofa has some special behaviors if you manage to last 20 seconds on it:

  1. The third time will prompt to make you a Sex Attributes slut (sex addiction)
  2. The fifth time will prompt to add the Shameless Flirt perk from Provocative Perks

The brainwashing beds have some special additional effects too:

  1. Removing your birth control pills and condoms
  2. Setting Sex Attributes willpower to 0, spirit to 1, mind health to 1
  3. Increasing your hypnosis level to 39.9 if it's not already so you'll be susceptible to suggestion and on your way to becoming a slave to hypnosis
  4. Adds the next Sexual Harassment hypnosis perk in sequence if you don't already have them all
  5. Depending on which dream you have it may also make you (Sex Attributes) submissive; (TSEX) masochistic, force a masturbation scene; (Better Living Through Cumistry) ingest super mutant cum; (Provocative Perks) inflict you with Abandoned Property, DubCon Enthusiast, Psychosexual, Unbridled Nymphomania

Getting naked and unarmed and then re-entering a tentacle trap you've already found:

  1. Prompts to add the possibility for tentacle sex equipping Devious Devices tentacle parasites

Repeated sex with some creatures will also prompt to add these Provocative Perks:

  1. Animal Magnetism (have sex more than once with each of Behemoths and FEV hounds)
  2. Tentacle Bait (have sex with a cumulative total of ten Animated Tentacles)

Once you reach the hospital basement maintenance area you'll have access to:

  1. A key cutter dispensing keys for Kziitd Fetish Toolset, Real Handcuffs, Devious devices
  2. A broken power armor frame that prompts to add USB Type-V from Provocative Perks
  3. All the vanilla workbenches except for power armor repair, with linked inventories
  4. A non-brainwashing bed
  5. A sink that dispenses clean drinking water
  6. AN76/BYOP/CWSS toilet and bathtub
  7. Armor and weapon display racks
  8. Bobblehead and Nuka-Cola display stands
  9. A rare Vault 101 jumpsuit
  10. A reusable Mommy-O dispenser (see Fertility Treatment Chair quest spoiler below)


The mod also includes a few unique pre-war drugs with some interesting properties...

  • Detach Gel, a topical cream containing a strong numbing agent which:
    • preserves your size queen status to prevent your holes from shrinking on their own
    • continually heals some orifice wear/damage from Sex Attributes
    • constantly removes Sex Attributes arousal during sex because you can't feel anything
  • Mommy-O, a fertility treatment injection which:
    • causes you to exude potent sex pheromones, placating super mutants as long as you remain naked and unarmed
    • constantly reapplies FPE(R) fertility, making it more likely you'll get pregnant from having intercourse
    • blocks FPE(R) abortions by instantly ending its abort quest, so doctors will feel it's unsafe to perform one on you
    • completely heals any damage and radiation your fetus has suffered each time you're injected
    • causes you to gag any time you try to take contraceptive pills, making them completely useless
    • gives you a temporary latex allergy so you're unable to use condoms
    • causes occasional hot flashes, where you reflexively unequip a random item of clothing or armor
  • Vajuvenate, a healing salve which:
    • more rapidly reduces your size queen status so you can feel sex with "lesser" partners again sooner
    • continually heals Sex Attributes orifice wear/damage

Quest Spoilers: Milking Human Kindness

  • Why? Just... why? You've been knocked unconscious and captured, added to a harem of breeding slaves in some desolate hole in the ground. Super mutants want to fuck their babies into you all day long. Why would you ever want to leave? Well, if you do get bored, this quest guides you to freedom as well as unlocking access to additional areas of the cavern complex. As the mod grows, this will become increasingly useful as an underground transitway between different areas of the Commonwealth too, but for now there is only one exit to the surface.
  • How do I get past the radiation? The typical way is to do the Colostrum Cave Adventure quest, and you'll gain a situational radiation immunity perk which you can use to stroll right through as long as you satisfy the perk's requirements. Alternatively, you can use Unhealthy Craving's Filthy Piggy perk assuming you're able to get fat and dirty in this smelly wet hole you're living in.
  • What can I do to safely get past the super mutants outside? The easiest way is to try the flushed contraceptives in the broken toilet in the last stall of the breeding pit bathroom area. You'll end up under the effects of Mommy-O, which will make all normal super mutant faction members in the game friendly to you as long as you stay naked and don't equip a weapon (you can carry weapons in your inventory, just don't equip any, that goes for grenades/mines too). Another option, if you're using FPER, is to rely on its feature which makes factions friendly to you as long as you're pregnant by them. Or you can just take your chances with Violate, you might even enjoy that, you twisted slut!
  • Where do I find the Union Pass to unlock the security gate's exit control terminal? Steal one from the inventory of any of the unique super mutant NPCs in the breeding pit. The value is set absurdly low so it shouldn't be hard, but you might want to spend some early perk points on pickpocket and sneak. If you put on clothing the mutants should stop following you around which may make it easier to sneak up on them. Or if you've completed Colostrum Cave Adventure, one of the perks may make it easier while you're naked. Also if you're smoking a Light 'Em Up cigarette, that mod gives you a slight sneak boost too.

Quest Spoilers: Colostrum Cave Adventure

  • What's with the name? It's a reference to one of (if not the) original text-based computer games, Colossal Cave Adventure (sometimes just called Adventure). Interact with the lamp on the ground by the cave entrance for a bit of an Easter egg. The flavor text when you approach the cave opening is not a reference to Adventure, but to another early computer game called Hunt the Wumpus. If you can't tell, the mod author is a bit of a classic computer game geek.
  • What's the point? There are several books (essentially perk mags) which teach you skills that imbue various resistances, immunities  and buffs depending on how naked you are. There's also a unique piece of headwear which makes you very convincing as long as you stay naked (useful for countering the speech challenge debuffs from Sex Attributes, which can otherwise make them nearly impossible). You also get access to an unending pool of healing elixer, though you have to drink it fresh directly, if you try to bottle it all you'll end up with is water.
  • How can I defeat a horde of lust-crazed ferals with no weapons or armor whatsoever? Simple, if you stay naked the super mutants from the breeding pit will follow you into Colostrum Cave and pound them into paste for you, just try to stay out of the way. If you're using Commonwealth Captives and rescue the initial captives present in the breeding pit (there are always guaranteed to be 4 when you first arrive but you can't free them until after you start looking for an exit), they can pitch in too. Alternatively, bend over and take your chances with Violate... you'll need to pickpocket the Supplicant Scriptures off Father Degeneratus but can complete the rest of the objectives as long as the ghouls remain pacified, so setting Violate's pacification timer to maximum can help with this route.
  • These perk books? Each one gives you a different but useful set of skills that compliment a skimpy or nude and slutty bimbo playstyle befitting a true Whorrior Priestess. Note these are cumulative bonuses/penalties, so for example with all three combined you'll have +2 charisma but -6 intelligence! Some of the effects are scaled by how little you're wearing, so may be partially effective even when wearing things. You don't have to take all the books (or any for that matter) but the quest won't ever complete unless you do so:
    • Flagellant (takes effect while bottomless/pantsless)
      • +5 endurance
      • -1 intelligence
      • +20 sneak
      • +20 damage resistance
      • +20 cold resistance
      • +100 health
    • Mendicant (takes effect while topless/shirtless)
      • +1 charisma
      • -2 intelligence
      • regenerate radiation damage at 0.05 rate
      • 20% harder to detect while moving
      • +20 electricity resistance
      • +20 energy resistance
    • Supplicant (takes effect while fully nude)
      • +1 agility
      • +1 charisma
      • -3 intelligence
      • immune to environmental radiation damage
      • running doesn't affect detection
      • +20 fire resistance
      • +20 poison resistance
    • If the Provocative Perks mod is installed, picking up the books also prompts to apply these perks:
      • (Flagellant) Life of the Party
      • (Mendicant) Exhibitionist Streak
      • (Supplicant) Sensitive Skin
  • Is there any reason to ever go back to Colostrum Cave after completing the quest? There are a couple... a later quest will send you there to find something if you don't spot it on your initial visit, but also the Font of Atom is quite refreshing, and will cure just about all ailments: removing some radiation, healing broken limbs, negating AN76 diseases, recovering damaged stacks in Combat Strip Lite, etc. The cell shouldn't ever reset, if you defeat all the ghouls it should be safe (as long as you're immune to radiation, that is).
  • Any other quest rewards?
    • Soon after completing the quest, Baby Factory's shop inventory will add an inexpensive utility item called Supplicate Yourself; technically a weapon but when it's activated (equipped) will immediately unequip itself and all clothing/armor and weapons/grenades, useful for adding to your favorites menu.

Quest Spoilers: Expand Your Mind, Your Holes Will Follow

  • What do I get out of this? Not much really, besides some experience for completing it. You can just ignore it if you want, though it can be a fun introduction to the size queen mechanic added by this mod. You still get the benefits (and drawbacks) of different size queen levels regardless of whether you complete this quest's objectives or not, but the idea is that they'll eventually be achieved through the course of normal gameplay if you're regularly having sex with muties (whether in the pit or anywhere around the Commonwealth). If Provocative Perks is installed, reaching the Experienced size queen rank will add the Closeted Crossbreeder perk, and will begin to add super mutants, FEV hounds and behemoths as preferred partner species for it as you progress to higher ranks. If Sex Attributes is installed, fetish traits for super mutants, canines and giants will also be added as those same ranks are reached.
  • I can't seem to get this quest to start, or any of the quest objectives to appear... This relies on your ability to achieve and maintain ever increasing size queen ratings for each objective to become available. It will be especially hard if you're using Unhealthy Craving and you're thin or emaciated, much easier if you're fat (your holes shrink back to normal much faster when you're skinny). There is a dispenser of numbing gel in a locker in the breeding pit bathroom area which can make things easier. While its effect is active your size queen status won't recede, so you can stretch up to and stay at the necessary tolerances for longer. Just don't expect to enjoy any orgasms when your bits are numb!
  • Easy mode... If you want to breeze through this, offering your body to the NPCs in the breeding pit will have a significantly increased chance of selecting a scene which satisfies your currently active objective. For a real challenge though, try completing objectives naturally through other AAF-integrated mods instead. It's doable, but some of the later objectives may take a long time to achieve the appropriate scene entirely at random. The mod keeps track of sex scenes which might satisfy future objectives though, so if you do them out of order they'll automatically complete once you reach the point where they become available.
  • How can I get the foursome to start? Since the only known SM+SM+SM+F animation is Savage Cabbage's broken bed, you need to be near one for it to happen. Luckily, there's one in the breeding pit, so if you're offering your body to the mutants while standing next to it, the animation should happen within a few attempts while the objective is active. If you're trying to complete this objective out in the Commonwealth, you'll have to get animations to fire near a broken double-bed with enough super mutants in the general vicinity and hope that you eventually get lucky.
  • Oral sex... One of the super mutants has a preference for oral sex, so offering your body to him will give you a much increased likelihood for it. This can be quite convenient if you're using Better Living Through Cumistry with its setting to only trigger effects with oral scenes, for example to slake your mutie cum addiction or satisfy hunger/thirst (woman can live on semen alone! well, with these mods anyway).
  • I took a break to do other things and lost my earlier size queen status, how can I resume quickly? After completing certain milestone objectives in the quest, Baby Factory will start to sell green dildos of increasing size. These are reusable self-unequipping armor items which, when activated, will restore your holes to the corresponding size at the cost of a little pain and temporary health damage.

Quest Spoilers: A Druggie's Wet Dream

  • How do I get this to start? If you already have or gain a few addictions (doesn't matter to what, can be cigarettes, booze, drugs, even super mutant cum!) and then sleep in one of the hypnotizing beds in the starting area of the breeding pit at least a couple of times, you'll have a dream which sets the quest up. If you're unable to get addicted to things, for example because your endurance is ungodly high, then after sleeping in the beds at least for times the quest will begin when you approach the abandoned hospital basement area of the caverns.
  • What do I get out of it? At the moment, just some more lore and a few (probably a bit overpowered) unique weapons. Two (an Exhibitionist's legendary sacrificial blade and sniper rifle) can be obtained even if you don't start this quest, so long as you know where to look. There's also a custom shotgun with a special spooge effect, but it won't appear until the quest starts.
  • Where are the weapons? This quest attaches objective markers to all of them, but for players who still can't figure it out: The Chemwhore's Moneyshot is next to the corpse in the hospital basement area of the main cavern, just upstairs from where you find the note (you can also find some spare ammo on the corpse). The Immaculate Emasculator is hanging from the atom shapes above the altar in the Font of Atom inside Colostrum Cave. The Resplendent Rapeture is sitting on  a dresser inside the Backyard Bunker under West Everett Estates (there is an box with spare ammo just to the right of the dresser too).

Quest Spoilers: Fertility Treatment Chair (unmarked)

  • What's this for? Some players have remarked it's hard to find more doses of Mommy-O after using up the pre-placed ones (and before they get high enough level to start finding them on corpses). I wanted to at least give it a bit of a puzzle/scavenger hunt element so it's not too easy to unlock (but it's not all that hard either, at least for now, that may change in future versions). Once repaired and programmed, this furniture will dose you with Mommy-O any time you sit in it. If NPCs sit in it, they'll immediately become fertile assuming you have FPE(R) installed. You can find it in the uppermost part of the hospital basement area near the other discarded medical equipment.
  • Where are the repair instructions? There's a maintenance terminal downstairs; check the pending work orders, it's hard to miss.
  • Where are the replacement parts? For materials, this just needs sufficient quantities of rather a lot of crafting components. The technician's notes on the work order more or less lists them out (with some artistic license in their description), but if you try to repair the chair after you've viewed the work order you'll get a messagebox with a detailed list of what's needed and how much you have (anything that's in bold is what you're still missing or don't have enough of in your inventory). Note that the repair will not use components from the nearby workbenches, they must be in your inventory. The requirements can be satisfied from any junk that contains the necessary materials, you don't need to break them down into scrap first. Finding sufficient junk will take some work, but there is enough of everything scattered throughout the caverns if you don't want to have to leave to scavenge on the surface.
  • Where are the tools? These are unique miscellaneous items which are scattered around the basement area. Most are in the vicinity of the terminal, but the hammer is leaning up against a piece of equipment next to the remains of Mr. Randy downstairs, and the three precision drivers are around the back of the Port-A-Diner in the alcove off the sub-basement (if you have Animated Tentacles installed, you'll need to risk shokushu goukan to get them).
  • How do I fix it? Activate the chair once you have all the parts and tools. If your current intelligence score is at least 8 then you'll have no problem, otherwise it will require a luck roll. If you're unlucky, you'll waste all the components and have to scrounge more from somewhere (you get to keep the tools at least). After fixing, it still needs to be programmed though.
  • Where's the program? For now, the holotape is on the cart next to the maintenance terminal. In future versions I will probably make it harder to come by (perhaps make you insert a blank in the terminal, or send you off on another mini-quest to find a copy once I add the obstetrics wing of the hospital). Once it's in your inventory, activate the chair again to load it.


Edited by vaultbait
various additional details and explanations
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Known Bugs



  • Decals (moss, bloodstains, graffiti) in the Breeding Pit cell disappear when reentering from Colostrum Cave. Saving and exiting to the game menu, then loading again, fixes it.
  • Visiting the Breeding Pit for the first time, then loading a save from before it was visited and going there again can result in unique actors and loose items missing from the cell. Exiting the game completely before loading the save fixes it.
  • Drinking from the Font of Atom occasionally fails to clear the associated quest objective on the first try. If that happens, a second sip seems take care of it.
  • When looking at the featured view of any of the perk books, if you spin it around you'll observe the back is missing. Fixing this will probably require creation of a custom open book mesh.
  • Spooge puddles created by the Moneyshot have a lingering green mist which was meant to be white, but I can't find the bit that needs to be recolored.
  • The unique weapons for the A Druggie's Wet Dream quest sometimes have no visible mesh when picked up, and may also be impossible to equip and use. Discarding it and spawning a replacement through the console or with a tool like Mod Explorer is the easiest workaround.


Fix Coming in Next Version

  • None fixed yet from 0.9.7.


Additional Mod Conflicts and Related Problems

  • The optional Sex Attributes HUD seems to have some weird conflict with the armed/clothed HUD in MHK, causing it to just display "0" all the time; unsure whether this can be solved, but uninstalling SA's HUD addon gets MHK's working.
  • AAF NativeSync 1.1.0 breaks super mutant animations when combined with the fixed skeleton from Creature Resources or UAP (they get stuck in the idles when the scene ends). Just upgrade to the latest AAF release and uninstall NativeSync (new versions of AAF have similar fixes already). If you really must run AAF v166 with NativeSync, there is a patch in its support topic which users should apply.
  • Accepting a Sexual Harassment approach while in furniture (sitting, showering, on the toilet) can freeze the game. Exit the furniture before AAF gets called and everything works fine.
  • Sexual Harassment supports super mutants as approachers, but adds custom animations for butt slap events and struggling which lack variants for the super mutant skeleton, so the actors deform horribly when it tries to play those animations with them.
  • Anything that changes hair on the player or NPCs can result in crazy deformation during AAF scenes in interior cells. It can be worked around by saving and then loading the game after any hairstyle changes.
  • The "breeder virus STD" perk from Family Planning Enhanced Redux/Wasteland Dairy Framework has been observed causing the player to repeatedly squat and play a needle injection idle. It's best to disable the breeder virus in the FPER/WDF MCM until its author finds an opportunity to fix that issue.
Edited by vaultbait
Updated for current state in 0.9.7
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Help Wanted

Looking to help? Here are some current requests...

  • Solving the unsolved problems in the Known Bugs post above
  • Reporting new bugs and usability issues in the support topic
  • Better screenshots, the ones I slapped together were quick and terrible
  • Custom icons for the UI widget (the current text is merely a placeholder)
  • Better caricature graphics for Pip-Boy view of perks
  • Breeder BodyGen configs for additional body replacers besides FG
  • Fixing up the terrible, terrible navmeshes
  • Voice acting to swap for the silent placeholder audio
Edited by vaultbait
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Don't get too excited, the initial content is probably only about 30 minutes play time if you know exactly where to go and rush through it (not counting the lasting gameplay elements like new perks and equipment, which you can take with you of course). And you can also return as often as you like if you want to treat it as a player home. Expect more content once what's already in there seems to be stable.


Also I'm expecting there to be plenty of bugs I missed or negative interactions with other mods/configurations I don't use, so apologies in advance, but that's why I didn't call it 1.0.0.

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soo tested it about 45 minets 
1 no mods thats alter rad damage to radikaly (from nexus) with RMR or to big morph(at begining )
2 no FONB  becouse of it function you cant trade (MCM disable) 
3 i cant find key to gate soo cannot finish milking quest (i spend 20 mins but cant find it ) even outside the cave mb im missing something (i cheated key but quest not complete )
4 Diverse body (from nexus) have hair glith/bug (sometime) 
5 as i can see all radiation damage exept water removed by perk from atom quest (imba perk) ))))
6 disable pregnancy from Sanity Framework mod (MCM) from tentacle 
7 some time in area with tentacle my pc fly away becouse to many tentacle spawn (if i manage do it again i send screen)
8 PRP (nexus) glitch (mb load order problem ) need more test 
9 DCW not recommended(MCM seting to minimum) or disable

for first version very nice but this key ) give some info where the key)))))

PRP load order problem confirmed (gate to cave ) soo disable or place at bottom (but this is problem for all big mod from LL )

Edited by kazeha9
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45 minutes ago, kazeha9 said:

soo tested it about 45 minets 
1 no mods thats alter rad damage to radikaly (from nexus) with RMR or to big morph(at begining )
2 no FONB  becouse of it function you cant trade (MCM disable) 
3 i cant find key to gate soo cannot finish milking quest (i spend 20 mins but cant find it ) even outside the cave mb im missing something (i cheated key but quest not complete )
4 Diverse body (from nexus) have hair glith/bug (sometime) 
5 as i can see all radiation damage exept water removed by perk from atom quest (imba perk) ))))
6 disable pregnancy from Sanity Framework mod (MCM) from tentacle 
7 some time in area with tentacle my pc fly away becouse to many tentacle spawn (if i manage do it again i send screen)
8 PRP (nexus) glitch (mb load order problem ) need more test 
9 DCW not recommended(MCM seting to minimum) or disable

for first version very nice but this key ) give some info where the key)))))


They union password is on the SMs.

you have to pickpocket it.

I tried but was caught.

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FPE: CallFunctionFor : There’s no data for that actor.


Any idea what could be causing this? I thought FPE is not used by anybody by this point. Also DONT include your supermutant skeleton, since its the outdated one.

Edited by Stormer
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7 hours ago, kazeha9 said:

soo tested it about 45 minets 
1 no mods thats alter rad damage to radikaly (from nexus) with RMR or to big morph(at begining )
2 no FONB  becouse of it function you cant trade (MCM disable) 


What's FONB?


7 hours ago, kazeha9 said:

3 i cant find key to gate soo cannot finish milking quest (i spend 20 mins but cant find it ) even outside the cave mb im missing something (i cheated key but quest not complete )



You'll hear the breeders mention in idle dialogue that the super mutants carry keys to unlock it, so it'll be in their inventories.


7 hours ago, kazeha9 said:

4 Diverse body (from nexus) have hair glith/bug (sometime) 


I've noticed if you change your hair via LooksMenu (for example with the mirrors in this mod but also any other way) then some hair goes bonkers in AAF unless you save and reload after making a hair change. I'll add a mention in the known bugs list too even though there's probably not much I can do about it.


7 hours ago, kazeha9 said:

5 as i can see all radiation damage exept water removed by perk from atom quest (imba perk) ))))


Hopefully only when you're nude. Keep in mind that if you're using Armorsmith Enhanced it removes all the underarmor slots from most vanilla outfits, which makes this mod think you're naked when wearing them. The alternative is to use Skimpy Armor Keyword Resource with corresponding configuration for the outfits (I can link a RobCo Patcher config that adds SAKR keywords to vanilla outfits if that helps).


As for why it's not working when swimming, I'll look into that. I thought it did, but it's possible I cleaned up something in the supplicant perk which broke it.


7 hours ago, kazeha9 said:

6 disable pregnancy from Sanity Framework mod (MCM) from tentacle 


I've not been using Sanity Framework lately, do the tentacle traps in this interfere with it in some way?


7 hours ago, kazeha9 said:

7 some time in area with tentacle my pc fly away becouse to many tentacle spawn (if i manage do it again i send screen)


Interesting. I've been thinking about redoing that to cull the oldest tentacles in the array if it reaches a particular size so you don't end up with too many at once there.


7 hours ago, kazeha9 said:

8 PRP (nexus) glitch (mb load order problem ) need more test 


What did you observe, and more importantly where? I tried to avoid touching any previs or precombines for vanilla game locations, but since I've never used PRP with this it's possible I screwed something up. I've repeatedly rechecked those cells in FO4Edit for any sign that I might have nudged anything that could break precombines.


7 hours ago, kazeha9 said:

9 DCW not recommended(MCM seting to minimum) or disable


Thanks, I haven't used DCW but I can imagine ways it might interfere. I could add more ways to escape Devious Devices if that would help (I've been considering adding an automated key cutting dispenser machine which supplies DD and RH keys, but DD Armorbench Unlocker is the reason there are easily accessible armor workbenches everywhere).


7 hours ago, kazeha9 said:

PRP load order problem confirmed (gate to cave ) soo disable or place at bottom (but this is problem for all big mod from LL )


In the interior? I wonder why PRP would touch non-vanilla cells at all. I thought it was only rebuilt precombines and previs for vanilla game locations.

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7 hours ago, katrina.balanchuk said:

They union password is on the SMs.

you have to pickpocket it.

I tried but was caught.



There are lots of opportunities to gain experience so you can put a perk point or two into pickpocketing and/or sneak before trying that. Also I made the Union Pass easy to pickpocket by setting its value low, but you can help improve your chances by wearing clothes so the super mutants stop following you, or by having the Whore of Atom perks since one of them boosts your sneak when naked.


I suppose I could also stash a StealthBoy or bottle of CalmEx somewhere, or do like Raider Pet does and make the super mutants temporarily easier to pickpocket for a brief time after the have sex).


Also if you surrender with Violate you'll likely survive, and the NPCs will turn non-hostile again after the violation ends.


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2 hours ago, LinksSword said:

you mention soft integration with unhealthy cravings? how exactly will it be utilized here? 



There are a few ways. For starters, the refreshments in the pit are chosen specifically because they're in the default fat gain items lists. The super mutants and the breeders comment on the fact that you're/they're being fattened up. There will be some additional lore in the next expansion that explains the pre-war fertility drug research being done by CIT at the nearby Medford Memorial Hospital (which is where that barred door in the basement area will lead when I start working on that), and higher body fat levels led to more successful results in human trials. Unfortunately the offspring were often horribly mutated abominations, because the experimental drugs were based on an early precursor strain of FEV.


The stew and breast milk added by this mod are injected into the fat gain items list for Unhealthy Craving if you have RobCo Patcher installed, as is super mutant cum from Better Living Through Cumistry. The fertility drug and numbing gel are both similarly inserted into the fat gain effects list. It's assumed you'll get pregnant fairly quickly too, and pregnancy via FPE(R) counts as a built-in fat gain effect for Unhealthy Craving as well. If you have Unhealthy Craving installed, you'll also find a smart scale on the floor in the corner of the breeding pit bathroom area by the lockers, where you can weigh yourself (or just pick it up and take it with you). There's intentionally no junk food in the main breeding pit space, but you'll find a bit in Colostrum Cave (some canned dogfood), as well as a massive stash of Sugar Bombs in the hospital basement area once you can get past the gate and explore the cavern. It's in the cabinet next to where you find the druggie's note after the dream quest starts.


Size queen recovery rate is influenced heavily by body fat too. If you're emaciated you'll find it nearly impossible to trigger the Expand Your Mind quest objectives unless you're constantly using numbing gel (which temporarily halts the constant reduction in size queen status). Conversely, if you're really fat you may find it impossible to let your hole shrink back to normal naturally, and may have to rely on Vajuvenate for that if it becomes a problem.


Being fatter also increases the odds that super mutants will randomly dose you with fertility treatments at the start of a sex scene (not just in the breeding pit, but anywhere in the game).


I'm probably forgetting other places where I directly or indirectly added integration.


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43 minutes ago, Stormer said:

FPE: CallFunctionFor : There’s no data for that actor.


Any idea what could be causing this? I thought FPE is not used by anybody by this point.


The main quest periodically tries to start FPE(R) fertility in any human female NPCs while in the breeding pit cell. This applies to the unique breeders placed there, females placed by Commonwealth Captives, and your own companions/followers if you bring any.


I'm relying on a hacky way of calling the routine that adds fertility, basically going through the function that FPE's debug MCM features use, and unfortunately it prints a debugging notice to the screen any time the mod tries to set fertility on an NPC that lacks a pregnancy data structure (not sure why that happens occasionally, I very rarely saw it in playtesting but if it's a race against FPE adding pregnancy data to NPCs then some users may see it more often).


Longer term, I have a note in my to do list to redo this feature properly with a separate proxy quest/script for interfacing more deeply with FPE but I'll need to be careful to do it in ways that still work with FPER as well, so I punted on that for the beta version.

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I'll get to giving it a shot as soon as possible; from what I gather it should definitely be interesting!


I do have a couple of questions...


For starters, you mentioned the mod is about 30 minutes long - how long are you planning to make it? What's your end goal with it?


You also mentioned that 'player can leave at any time' - are things like this one explained in the mod or only on the mod page?


I also see you added a soft integration with a bunch of other mods (stuff that's been in my load order for ages) - what exactly did you integrate from which mod?


Finally, and this isn't related to your mod (or is it?), but how did you make all the characters in your game have different body shapes (morphs)? Just curious :)


I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this! Sadly I don't have that much free time to properly give it a shot (like I did with Unhealthy Craving), but I'll do my best to test it as thoroughly as I can! Keep up the great work!

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I've added a bunch of quest spoilers to the FAPs (second post in this topic), useful if you get stuck or want some behind the scenes trivia and ideas for alternative solutions to some challenges.

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31 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:

you mentioned the mod is about 30 minutes long - how long are you planning to make it? What's your end goal with it?


The quests included are really just a storytelling aid to introduce and help add some lore-friendly/immersive explanation for the new skills, equipment and game mechanics. If you don't look at the spoilers and fumble around, or get sidetracked with the other amusements the areas provide, it can take far longer than that (hours easily). A speed-run if you know exactly where to go is about 30 minutes.


Longer term, I don't know. I have ideas for a ton of additional content I want to add once this initial piece is stabilized and bugs ironed out. The next phase will provide more backstory on pre-war FEV-based fertility experiments which the Commonwealth muties eventually discovered buried research from, expand into a new hospital basement, fertility clinic and natal wing for Medford Memorial which will be another way out to the Commonwealth (connected to the vanilla hospital interior via a new load door), as well as probably a super mutant companion who constantly wants to get into your pants... er, I mean get you to find more unwilling subjects for their breeding efforts.



31 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:

You also mentioned that 'player can leave at any time' - are things like this one explained in the mod or only on the mod page?


Pay attention to the scattered notes, conversations and idle topics with the unique NPCs in the starting area and you'll get the general idea. The main quest for this mod will also lead you to the exit once you can reach it safely. How you deal with what's on the other side is up to you, but there are several suggestions in the FAPs if you get stuck.


31 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:

I also see you added a soft integration with a bunch of other mods (stuff that's been in my load order for ages) - what exactly did you integrate from which mod?


Far too much to try to list now, I expect to go into a lot more detail as I get time to write it all up but some of it is also rather spoiler-ey since part of the fun is discovering those interactions (or realizing them after playing for a while). Seem my (spoilered) answer a few posts back about Unhealthy Craving integration, and I already realized another feature I forgot to mention in that explanation but it's now covered in the quest spoilers section of the FAPs.


31 minutes ago, rubber_duck said:

Finally, and this isn't related to your mod (or is it?), but how did you make all the characters in your game have different body shapes (morphs)? Just curious :)


The mod includes (optional via FOMOD installer menu) BodyGen configuration for the unique NPCs, initially only for the Fusion Girl body since that's what I use, but if users contribute alternatives for their preferred body replacers I'll gladly incorporate them into future versions. I should add that to the Help Wanted post.

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