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27 Screenshots

About This File

What this mod will do:

? Give penis morphs to all the creatures as possible to be used in AAF Animations
? Provide creature resources to be used in other mods


What this mod will not do:
? Mess with animation xmls / patch your AAF setup like One Patch does.

No big deal, just install like any regular mod and load it as last as possible.
!!!You dont want to have this installed if you already have UAP since i'm integrating all these assets in that patch already!!!

Note for Modders!!!
You'll be given an option if you are a modder or a regular user. If you choose the modder option you'll be given bodyslide files for testing purposes or to implement stuff your own.
The models are misplaced in the viewport by default, so before opening the Outfit Studio for any of them, load the equivalent skeleton first. For example, if i want to load a Mutant Hound project, so i have to first go to Bodyslide settings and load the mutant-hound-skeleton.nif

Note for Animators or AAF Authors!!!
All the creatures has the erected state as Erection 100%, so this will be the morph you want to use to make creatures erected in AAF. There are also other morphs for all creatures which are:
Erection Up
Erection Down

Scale -> For deathclaw only
Penis adjust -> Only for gorillas for now

What's New in Version 1.1.6-1



  • - Fixed issue where i replaced the skeleton.hkx file by mistake, which is supposed to have the supermutant freezing bug fixed


  • Added SAM support for Supermutants, including penis bones control. Thanks @Maxie_Alice for the files!

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