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Why Are We Here?


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Easy. Emotions are inner responses as a result of stimuli that have evolved over eons to help living species survive and thrive. Those responses that have worked well have been passed to the next generation and those that have not ... well, they have not. At the simplest level you can look at the "fight or flight" response. Under the proper stimuli our bodies will produce epinephrine (adrenaline). This makes physiologic changes and we have the energy we need and then can choose (hopefully appropriately) to either fight or flee, thus using up that energy. Other emotions work on the same general principle and the more "evolved" the emotions the more complex the stimuli and response are.

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The five or so people who are actually *here* aren't secretaries and security guards and bored nurses, who collectively are on vacation watching shit-tv.

The twitterdom is boring, bigwigs trying to look all "Fellow countrymen" by having their slaves tweet something....

We're in space (aka "cosmos") to drill for oil , discover gold, and watch fellow countrymen


I'm here because "Sims 4" makes me suicidal after an hour and only this place saves me from the insanity of work, sleep, sex.


Now if only everyone would come back from vacation.


I tried (I really did) to solve the "Giant sorting machine"-puzzle fucking patterns, literally, but I just felt old.

I do not understand the vast depth of that one liner.

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