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Posted (edited)

Bad End: Purgatory

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Expiate Your Sins


This is a death alternative add-on for AAF Violate's Bad End feature.  When you are killed by a Bad End, you will be transported to Purgatory, where you are given a choice: accept your fate and die permanently, or endure punishment before returning to the land of the living.


Mod Features

Creepy Atmosphere!



The Restless Dead!

Absolutely not a hint of lore friendliness!


This mod gives you a short quest in a small dungeon, culminating in some BDSM action, after which you will be returned to Sanctuary.  There is an MCM to turn the mod on or off.



Enable the mod in its MCM menu

Enable Fatal Bad Ends in AAF Violate's MCM under Mod Integration Options.  You will only be sent to Purgatory if the Bad End is fatal.



When I added the Bad Ends feature to Violate, I wasn't sure how people would react to the idea of a mod like this killing their character.  So I only made the Bad Ends actually kill you if you were executed by high-level enemies, and even that could be turned off in the MCM.  To my surprise, a lot of people asked for the option to make Bad Ends always fatal.  So I added that option to the latest version of Violate.  But then @WandererZero and I were talking about it, and we agreed that it would be nice if you had the option to respawn in the world afterward, rather than being forced to reload your save.


We were inspired by Awakened - Immersive Respawn, which is another death alternative mod that lets you choose whether to respawn or stay dead.  We liked the idea, but decided it would be way more fun if you had to endure some kinky torments before being let loose upon the living again.  And so Purgatory was born.


Notes and Future Plans

The mod is pretty simple at this point, the focus for the initial release was making a cool looking environment and coming up with a reliable and aesthetically pleasing dungeon scene.  All of the BDSM action is done via AI packages and scripting, instead of using animation files.  This makes it really flexible; the scene randomly picks from two different restraints and four different torture implements, but we could add more and the mod would adapt to them.


In the future we would like to expand the range of devices and punishments, and maybe add some other action like exotic sex animations.  We are also looking into making this a real death alternative mod, which will send you to Purgatory regardless of how you die.



AAF Violate, and all its requirements.  Bad End Purgatory requires AAF Violate version 1.0 or higher.

Gray User's Bad End Animations pack which is needed to trigger Bad Ending outcomes in Violate.

The Nuka World DLC (DLCNukaWorld.esm)

The Contraptions Workshop DLC (DLCWorkshop02.esm)



@WandererZero - concept and level design

@EgoBallistic - scripting, scenes, etc

@ZaZ - BDSM assets from ZaZOut4 (used with permission)

Veav - assets from Skeleton Ball mod (used with permission)

Crimsomrider - assets from Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture mod (used with permission)

  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    AAF Violate, Nuka World, Contraptions DLC


Edited by EgoBallistic
Posted (edited)

Third party mod usage

If you would like to send the player into Purgatory in your own mod, it's very simple:


First, check whether Purgatory is loaded and enabled in its MCM:


Bool Function CheckPurgatory()
    If (Game.IsPluginInstalled("AFVPurgatory.esp"))
        Quest AFVHellPlayerQuest = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00EC25, "AFVPurgatory.esp") as Quest
        AFVHellPlayerScript = AFVHellPlayerQuest.CastAs("AFVHellPlayerQuestScript")
        Return AFVHellPlayerScript.GetPropertyValue("ModEnabled") as Bool
    Return False


Then, call the startup function when the player "dies":


    If CheckPurgatory()
        AFVHellPlayerScript.CallFunction("Startup", new Var[0])


The startup function handles the bleedout / death animation, playing the death music, fade to/from black screen, undressing the player, etc.

Edited by EgoBallistic

This mod remind me Sexout : Another Kick in the Head for Fallout New Vegas.

My game is not install, but i will give it a try for sure next time i play. Love the idea. :)

3 hours ago, Communistbelief said:

Can I post this to  sites in china, such as 9dm?

No, sorry.  The mod is only to be hosted here on Loverslab under my account.  The mod contains meshes, sounds, and textures from other authors and they have not given permission for them to be hosted elsewhere.


Slight bug.. Bad End devices aren't be removed.

Edit: Seems to be location specific. Not happening anywhere else! :)



Purgatory is working great! Needs some lava with a small path out & skeletons (fresh) ya know.. clutter and maybe some distant screams... but a really nice base cell!

25 minutes ago, izzyknows said:

Slight bug.. Bad End devices aren't be removed.

Known bug, not really Purgatory's issue actually. 


25 minutes ago, izzyknows said:

Purgatory is working great! Needs some lava with a small path out & skeletons (fresh) ya know.. clutter and maybe some distant screams... but a really nice base cell!

I created the cell, using zUnusedCave as a starting point. My goals were as follows: 


Make sure it loads fast. 

Make sure it looks good, without sacrificing loading. 


Even at that, navmeshing some of the paths was...interesting. I didn't include lava for two reasons: it's purgatory, not hell; and I really didn't want to add anything more to the cell. I wanted people to load in fast so it was sort of seamless. That said, more is coming. We want to add some random violations, etc. We also plan for some more ambient fx. The mausoleums do have a purpose, and will be used later for things like, actors coming out for random violations, etc. Clutter wise, it's okay as is. We may add some if it's needed for proper navmeshing later on with more updates. 


That said: it's the first release. 

1 hour ago, EgoBallistic said:

No, sorry.  The mod is only to be hosted here on Loverslab under my account.  The mod contains meshes, sounds, and textures from other authors and they have not given permission for them to be hosted elsewhere.


8 minutes ago, WandererZero said:

Known bug, not really Purgatory's issue actually. 


I created the cell, using zUnusedCave as a starting point. My goals were as follows: 


Make sure it loads fast. 

Make sure it looks good, without sacrificing loading. 


Even at that, navmeshing some of the paths was...interesting. I didn't include lava for two reasons: it's purgatory, not hell; and I really didn't want to add anything more to the cell. I wanted people to load in fast so it was sort of seamless. That said, more is coming. We want to add some random violations, etc. We also plan for some more ambient fx. The mausoleums do have a purpose, and will be used later for things like, actors coming out for random violations, etc. Clutter wise, it's okay as is. We may add some if it's needed for proper navmeshing later on with more updates. 


That said: it's the first release. 

Nice! Looks awesome. Ive finally updated and testing everything slowly. I will most definitely be checking this out. Keep up the good work and thnk you


I have noticed that after about the second visit to hell, I stop receiving all XP (kills, locations etc) and the Return to the living notice or quest complete doesn't trigger. Quest does complete script wise, just no XP or notices.

A reload corrects it.

This is about the only error I see.

[07/17/2019 - 11:30:39AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"
    <unknown self>.defaultscriptfunctions.TryToSetStage() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\Scripts\DefaultScriptFunctions.psc" Line 12
    [Item 3 in container  (0001D809)].defaultrefoncontainerchangedto.TryToSetStage() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\Scripts\DefaultRef.psc" Line 30
    [Item 3 in container  (0001D809)].defaultrefoncontainerchangedto.OnContainerChanged() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\Scripts\DefaultRefOnContainerChangedTo.psc" Line 25
[07/17/2019 - 11:31:05AM] [RaiderPet] OnAnimationStart event
[07/17/2019 - 11:31:54AM] [RaiderPet] OnAnimationStart event
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:30AM] [DD]: Difficulty modifier applied: 0.062500 [setting: 9]
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:30AM] error: Property AnimationKeywords on script DD:DD_Effect_BoundAnimation attached to Active effect 1 on  (00000014) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:30AM] [DD]: Difficulty modifier applied: 0.062500 [setting: 9]
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:31AM] [DD]: Difficulty modifier applied: 0.062500 [setting: 9]
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:32AM] [DD]: Difficulty modifier applied: 0.062500 [setting: 9]
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:47AM] [RaiderPet] OnAnimationStart event
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:27AM] AFVHellPlayerQuestScript: startup
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:29AM] AFVHellDDQuestScript: removing Devious Devices
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [DD]: RemoveDevice
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [RaiderPet] DD_Unequipped event
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [DD]: RemoveDevice
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [RaiderPet] DD_Unequipped event
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [DD]: RemoveDevice
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [RaiderPet] DD_Unequipped event
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [DD]: RemoveDevice
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [RaiderPet] DD_Unequipped event
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:33AM] [RaiderPet] Player joined CaptiveFaction
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:44AM] AFVHellQuest: quest started
[07/17/2019 - 11:35:02AM] AFVHellQuest: player has reached the plateau
[07/17/2019 - 11:35:02AM] AFVHellQuest: furniture count is 2 rnd 1
[07/17/2019 - 11:36:56AM] error: Cannot equip a None item
    [ (00000014)].Actor.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
    [AFVHellPlayerQuest (7500EC25)].AFVHellPlayerQuestScript.ReEquipPipBoy() - "E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\AFVHellPlayerQuestScript.psc" Line 53
    [AFVHellQuest (75009944)].AFVHellQuestScript.OnPlayerTeleport() - "E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\AFVHellQuestScript.psc" Line 50

10 minutes ago, izzyknows said:

I have noticed that after about the second visit to hell, I stop receiving all XP (kills, locations etc) and the Return to the living notice or quest complete doesn't trigger. Quest does complete script wise, just no XP or notices.

A reload corrects it.

This is about the only error I see.


  Reveal hidden contents



[07/17/2019 - 11:30:39AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp0"
    <unknown self>.defaultscriptfunctions.TryToSetStage() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\Scripts\DefaultScriptFunctions.psc" Line 12
    [Item 3 in container  (0001D809)].defaultrefoncontainerchangedto.TryToSetStage() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\Scripts\DefaultRef.psc" Line 30
    [Item 3 in container  (0001D809)].defaultrefoncontainerchangedto.OnContainerChanged() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\Scripts\DefaultRefOnContainerChangedTo.psc" Line 25
[07/17/2019 - 11:31:05AM] [RaiderPet] OnAnimationStart event
[07/17/2019 - 11:31:54AM] [RaiderPet] OnAnimationStart event
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:30AM] [DD]: Difficulty modifier applied: 0.062500 [setting: 9]
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:30AM] error: Property AnimationKeywords on script DD:DD_Effect_BoundAnimation attached to Active effect 1 on  (00000014) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:30AM] [DD]: Difficulty modifier applied: 0.062500 [setting: 9]
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:31AM] [DD]: Difficulty modifier applied: 0.062500 [setting: 9]
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:32AM] [DD]: Difficulty modifier applied: 0.062500 [setting: 9]
[07/17/2019 - 11:32:47AM] [RaiderPet] OnAnimationStart event
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:27AM] AFVHellPlayerQuestScript: startup
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:29AM] AFVHellDDQuestScript: removing Devious Devices
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [DD]: RemoveDevice
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [RaiderPet] DD_Unequipped event
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [DD]: RemoveDevice
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [RaiderPet] DD_Unequipped event
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [DD]: RemoveDevice
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [RaiderPet] DD_Unequipped event
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [DD]: RemoveDevice
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:30AM] [RaiderPet] DD_Unequipped event
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:33AM] [RaiderPet] Player joined CaptiveFaction
[07/17/2019 - 11:34:44AM] AFVHellQuest: quest started
[07/17/2019 - 11:35:02AM] AFVHellQuest: player has reached the plateau
[07/17/2019 - 11:35:02AM] AFVHellQuest: furniture count is 2 rnd 1
[07/17/2019 - 11:36:56AM] error: Cannot equip a None item
    [ (00000014)].Actor.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
    [AFVHellPlayerQuest (7500EC25)].AFVHellPlayerQuestScript.ReEquipPipBoy() - "E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\AFVHellPlayerQuestScript.psc" Line 53
    [AFVHellQuest (75009944)].AFVHellQuestScript.OnPlayerTeleport() - "E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\AFVHellQuestScript.psc" Line 50



Bethesda bug. The UI is not responding or updating. Happens to all of us from time to time. Save your game, exit to Windows and then reload your save. Chances are you'll find that resolves the issue.

1 hour ago, WandererZero said:

Even at that, navmeshing some of the paths was...interesting.

Yah.. If ya need help with that let me know. It's a small cell and very easy to navmesh.

If you don't intend to allow followers, then only the main chamber needs navmesh. And you can use preferred pathing to control the NPC's.

Oh, and never use the auto navmesh feature. You spend more time fixing it then doing the whole thing by hand. LOL

34 minutes ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

Bethesda bug. The UI is not responding or updating. Happens to all of us from time to time. Save your game, exit to Windows and then reload your save. Chances are you'll find that resolves the issue.

Just making a quick save and loading it fixes it. But still a bug workaround is a good idea. ;)

Just now, izzyknows said:

Just making a quick save and loading it fixes it. But still a bug workaround is a good idea. ;)

There isn't one. This is a known game-engine bug. Nothing that any mod author can account for, nor prevent.

1 hour ago, izzyknows said:

[07/17/2019 - 11:36:56AM] error: Cannot equip a None item
    [ (00000014)].Actor.EquipItem() - "<native>" Line ?
    [AFVHellPlayerQuest (7500EC25)].AFVHellPlayerQuestScript.ReEquipPipBoy() - "E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\AFVHellPlayerQuestScript.psc" Line 53

When you are sent to Purgatory, the quest unequips the pip-boy slot and saves the equipment ID.  Then when you are returned to Sanctuary it re-equips the saved item.  That error means the saved item doesn't exist.  Were you not wearing a pip-boy at the time, or is it on a different equipment slot?  The error is harmless, but I'm curious how it happened.

2 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

When you are sent to Purgatory, the quest unequips the pip-boy slot and saves the equipment ID.  Then when you are returned to Sanctuary it re-equips the saved item.  That error means the saved item doesn't exist.  Were you not wearing a pip-boy at the time, or is it on a different equipment slot?  The error is harmless, but I'm curious how it happened.

Ah! Hide Pip-Boy is prolly why. because I still have it in Purgatory.

33 minutes ago, izzyknows said:

Ah! Hide Pip-Boy is prolly why. because I still have it in Purgatory.

Would hide pipboy in devious cursed wasteland also cause this issue?

1 hour ago, izzyknows said:

Ah! Hide Pip-Boy is prolly why. because I still have it in Purgatory.

Yeah that explains it.  Hide Pip-Boy changes the Pip Boy slot index from 30 to 31 (the FX slot) which makes it only visible in first person.  It also prevents my script from finding it, since it's in a different slot.


Note that this is not related to the XP display thing.  I have not been able to reproduce that even after doing six violate/bad end/purgatory cycles in a row.

26 minutes ago, MrCruelJohn said:

Would hide pipboy in devious cursed wasteland also cause this issue?

The DD pipboy hider works exactly the same way as the one from Hide Pip-Boy so yes.  Again, though, the Papyrus warning is harmless.


Purgatory removes the pip-boy purely for visual / aesthetics reasons, so using a pip-boy hider that won't hurt anything.  The mod will still work fine and won't interfere with the pip boy hider.


Any possibility to make this a solo death alternative mod so it triggers even if Violate does not? I hate the horizon death alternative, and would love to use this instead, but I have violate only trigger if I surrender manually and so sometimes I don't, and I die and allow a death alternative mod to kick in.

7 hours ago, Plaguetard said:

Any possibility to make this a solo death alternative mod so it triggers even if Violate does not?

That is one of the features I am planning to add.  I have a test build that works, it detects death and transports the player and all that, but it needs a little bit of housekeeping added to make it seamless.

18 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

That is one of the features I am planning to add.  I have a test build that works, it detects death and transports the player and all that, but it needs a little bit of housekeeping added to make it seamless.

Very awesome. I made it so Violate handles cripples surrenders and CSA handles health surrenders in order to get both to use and test this out. Looking forward to this play through!

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