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Fallout: New Vegas mods that don't fit in any of the existing categories

48 files

  1. NVSE Extender (aka NX)

    This is a plugin for NVSE, providing new script functions for modders.
    This FOMOD install requires my custom FOMM build from right here @ loverslab. The original/vanilla FOMM will not install executable files like dll's. At least, if I remember correctly, it won't. I don't know if NMM will install them either.
    Extender Version: 18
    Released: 5-Jan-2019
    Requires NVSE 4.5.7 or later
    Project source code: nvse extender. Send myself or jaam a message here or there if you'd like to contribute to the project. We are both admins.
    What does it do?
    NVSE Extender provides additional functions available to modders. Some will provide information via the console as well. It uses the save/load notifications to save (and load!) its data whenever the game is saved.
    How do I install it?
    Download the FOMOD for the version you want and install it with FOMM. You do not need the other files, and you only need ONE fomod.
    Advanced users:
    What functions are available?
    There are many functions available. I need to redo this documention to list and explain them all.
    Current implemented function list:
    Can I include this with my mod, upload it elsewhere, etc?
    Sure. You can do whatever you want with it.
    If you screw up your players by installing an older version than they already have, you deserve a slap. If you upload it somewhere else and claim to be the author, you can field the bug reports and write the fixes, while rotting in hell.
    I'm all about letting people do whatever they want with stuff I create, but be responsible about it and don't be a dick.
    What does the future hold?
    Many other functions are planned, they are discussed in the support thread.



  2. SmallerTalk

    SmallerTalk version 1.2.6
    I have taken ownership of Prideslayer's SmallerTalk and have added a few new features to it that will, and this has been proven fairly
    extensively through testing some very hard to talk to NPC's, make SmallerTalk a replacement for SmallTalk for any mod that needs the
    functionality SmallTalk provides.
    Why use SmallerTalk instead of SmallTalk?
    SmallTalk overrides vanilla records, SmallerTalk does not.
    SmallTalk is huge and causes you to watch the entire load sequence, SmallerTalk does not.
    SmallTalk does not handle dialogues it doesn't have a replacement for, SmallerTalk does.
    SmallTalk cannot fix NPC's that have forced goodbyes, SmallerTalk can.
    SmallTalk propagates all vanilla dialogue errors fixed by community and official patches/dlc's, SmallerTalk does not.
    How SmallerTalk works:
    SmallerTalk has a non-vanilla greeting and a non-vanilla response. It hooks the use of the ActivateControl (typically the "E" key) and if the target is not
    in combat, is not a creature, is not dead and IS an actor... it performs "StartConversation player, SmallerTalkGreeting" and sets a variable that is used by the greeting as a selection criterion so the NPC uses it. It does NOT in any way alter activation so it won't mess with activation scripts nor stop standard dialogue whatsoever. What it does do is cause a conversation with an NPC who has nothing but "goodbye" flagged dialogue responses that proceeds as follows:
    NPC: What's up?
    YOU: Nothing much... and you?
    NPC: Same ol', same ol'...
    and then it does not close the dialogue. Any mods you have that hook into GREETING that would display options such as SewerSlave, SexoutSex,
    HowAbout, UseableCigarettes and other mods of that type will then display their dialogue topics.
    More Information
    NEW In 1.2.6... Prefaced all debug messages with "SmallerTalk: ".
    NEW In 1.2.5... Ability for mods to have NPCs ignored by SmallerTalk. 2 options... add NPC to SmallerTalkIgnoreList (formid list) or SmallerTalkIgnoreFaction (faction) with rank 0.
    NEW In 1.2.4... Randomized dialogue (10 random greetings and 10 random responses) available as an MCM option, default is OFF
    In 1.2.3... Conversation after companion wheel use is now an MCM option and defaults to ON
    In 1.2.2... Reverted to armor tokens so they could be set non-playable and not appear in vendor inventories.
    In 1.2.1... Fix for weapons disappearing and becoming unusable.
    In 1.2.0... PROPERLY checking for GetSleeping now
    In 1.1.9... Can set timer delay from 1 to 10 seconds in MCM screen (default = 3).
    In 1.1.8... entirely new dialogue initiation code using a dialogue token, won't stomp on vanilla dialogue that was flagged as both SayOnce and Goodbye.
    In 1.1.7... the MCM config option to disable SmallerTalk while sneaking.
    In 1.1.6... critter support with body language dialogue in place of speaking... can be disabled(default)/enabled through MCM
    Altered Companion Wheel functionality response to disregard Cass so you won't see "we done?" , you'll get the SmallerTalk greeting-response, this is
    because Cass was EXTREMELY resistant to SexoutSex dialogue.
    Some NPC AI was locking up after using SmallerTalk on them. This is an attempted fix, please let me know if you have any more AI lockup issues.
    Added double protection AI reset Token. Fixed code error.
    With MCM you can enable or disable the mod from the MCM menu.
    With MCM you can enable or disable debug messages from the MCM menu.
    MCM is NOT required by the mod but the mod does support its use.
    SmallerTalk can display debug information. Typically it can be displayed by typing "set .doDebug to 1" or turned off (default) by typing "set .doDebug to 0".
    situation with the companion wheel has a special handler... in the case
    of trading using the companion wheel, I have set SmallerTalk to NOT do
    its conversation and instead respond with "We done?" and exit the
    dialogue. This was an unintuitive use of SmallerTalk and was
    disorienting to testers so it was changed. Cass exempted from this.
    If tapping the activate key (typically the "E" key) does not start the SmallerTalk conversation or an NPC proves unwilling to start the conversation... simply hold down the activate key for 3 seconds while keeping your crosshair on the NPC and then release... that WILL initiate the SmallerTalk conversation even with the most recalcitrant NPC's who possess factions like ForceNoGreeting like wastelander template NPC's, AWOP Wastelanders, freeside generics, and such.
    Modders wishing to test SmallerTalk versioning from within their code to see if the user is using the right version can check the global value "SmallerTalkVersionNumber" and/or the mod description. The mod description will be in the form "v1.0.0" and the global will be a float such as "1.00". The two will be kept in sync with each new release as they happen.
    Feel free to provide feedback, testing results and bug reports in this thread.



  3. BodyMorph 1.x [Fallout NV]

    This is the continuation from THIS THREAD, separated for a matter of practicity.
    >Short summary
    BodyMorph is a framework which allows to change the aspect of in-game humans (PC and NPCs). The core handles the changes, but it doesn't do anything by itself. So, to see its effects you'll have to install specific plugins for that, which will be located in separated pages (i.e. BodyMorph Selector And RaceBodyMorph)

    >Avaiable Plugins:
    RaceBodyMorph - A fully configurable plugin to randomize npcs. Requires latest NVSE and MCM
    BodyMorph Selector - A basic tool which allows to target a NPC (or PC if noone is targeted) and edit the single bone values via hud. Requires latest NVSE, MCM and UIO
    The mod comes with custom 1st and 3rd skeleton. It is compatible with the major skeletons (Astymma, Thaunx BnB body, probably BnB extended too). It is *not compatible* with extra peculiar bones (i.e. tail or wings from Deedes' "The skeleton", resize bones of Malos' resizer - or more in general with any extra bone that I don't know, give me a holler if you need some compatibility added).
    FOR MODDERS: DO NOT RIG or DO NOT ANIMATE with this skeleton. This is not law, it's just a suggestion, this skeleton's not made to be used in that way. But you probably already know it.
    This skeleton is compatible with this mod
    Same as for the previous version. It's a FOMOD, so if you use a mod manager like FOMM you should be able to install it with a click (suggested). Alternatively, you can extract the content under Data using 7zip (not suggested)
    - Latest NVSE (5+)
    - NVSE Extender (NX)
    - MCM (maybe not mandatory but strongly recommended)
    - Lutana (Optional)
    >Compatibility and downsides:
    Mods that alter skeleton.nif could not be compatible. It's not always easy to understand if a skeleton is or is not compatible, between 2 mods, so don't forget to ask for advices to the modders who did the mods or to some user who knows about it.
    Skeleton's compatible with Sexout, it should be the same one.
    It is also compatible with BnB, it shares the same bones.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: ACTUALLY THE WHOLE LOWER BODY IS NOT ACTIVE, i.e. you can't morph thighs, or at least you can change values but you won't see any difference. This should be solved in the future, but it requires a pretty heavy patch and the introduction of a custom body replacer.
    MCM has plenty of options, but I'd want to spend few lines about the bones selections. It is strongly suggested that you deselect all the bones that don't interest you. For example, you find that shoulders are useless? then deselect them on MCM. You only want to tweak the arms on the player, while the npcs should be randomized in all the bones? then select only the arms for the player and all the bones for the npcs (options are separated on MCM). Same thing for the bones which are typical for gender (i.e. breast for fems and penis for males), selecting "Both" wouldn't make sense. In game, you won't see the effect anyway, but deselecting them on MCM is important to optimize the performances of the whole mod.



  4. RaceBodyMorph (NPC BodyMorph Randomizer) 1.0.2

    RaceBodyMorph (NPC BodyMorph Randomizer) (Could use a better name, but meh...)
    A simple BodyMorph plugin that I originally made for myself causing me to learn scripting in GECK.
    Allows randomization of NPC body morphs based on minimum and maximum values for each bones that can be set for each race and gender via the MCM.
    Use Ctrl+M to quickly access the Activation Menu.

    BodyMorph 1.1.0+, of course.
    NVSE Extender (NX).
    Mod Configuration Menu - Needed to activate and setup the plugin.
    Weighted body, like T3F Body with BnB (look in Files section).
    Weighted armors or clothing, like Bouncing Breasts Type 3 Armors.
    Or T3FBBR BnB Body Replacer + Rough Outfit Conversions.
    There are alot of changes as of version 1.0.0 (January 3, 2016). To avoid issues from updating from an earlier version, it is advised to install it with a RaceBodyMorph-free save or better yet a BodyMorph-free save, to do so:
    Disable/Uninstall BodyMorph and RaceBodyMorph from your load order, start game and save. Then install the latest version of BodyMorph and RaceBodyMorph.
    Updating RaceBodyMorph or the core BodyMorph to a new version will deactivate the mod and reset all settings on load, so be sure to use the mod's Save/Load Settings function to save time.



  5. BodyMorph Selector [FO NV]

    A small plugin for BodyMorph which allows to modify values for actors' bones (both PC and NPCs).
    You aim someone, tap the hotkey, it will blink red, then you hold the hotkey for a couple of seconds and the menu will appear in game. If you don't aim anyone, then the player will be selected (it will blink green).
    You can browse the node list with forward / backward (W / S) and change the values with left / right (A / D)
    The list of nodes is picked from the filtered list on the MCM menu, means that if you disabled "arms" you won't be able to select here too.
    When you change value, it won't be instantaneous, it requires a variable quantity of time which could be 1 second or more. You can decide to not wait for the changes and simply choose your value, i.e. if you need to pass from 0 to -10 you don't have to wait for every step, just reach -10 and wait for the last morph queued and see if you like the result.
    When you've finished, jump (default space) will quit the menu. The menu will also be force quitted if an enemy engages you while you're editing, however it's not a bad idea doing it in a calm place.
    When modifying NPCs, you can experience an issue where the morph seems not working. It's not so uncommon, it usually happens if the npc is already doing something, i.e. leaning on a wall.
    > MCM
    Enable / Disable mod: ...
    Hotkey: allows to define a new hotkey to tap / hold
    Hud aspect: will allow to configure the small hud position on the screen. It will be always centered horizontally, you only will be able to move it vertically. You can also change the font and the space among lines - this is useful for users with DarnUI or other font replacers, so they can adapt the hud to whatever font they want. All the keys to use these options are specified in a message when you click on the MCM option.
    Hold time: the amount of time you must hold the Hotkey to let the menu appear.
    Debug mode: it spams my messages on console - you should disable it if you don't have problems.
    > Install
    Use a mod manager or extract the content under Data.
    - Bodymorph 1.1.0+
    - Latest NVSE (5+)
    - UIO
    - MCM (shouldn't be mandatory but it's useful)



  6. Shake The Dope Out

    D- ...do you have any jet? Jet.
    Massively expands Jet. Adding multi-dosing, comedowns, like in FO2
    - 6 Levels of Jet High (Minor buzz -> overdose)
    - 5 Levels of Jet Comedown (minor hangover -> dangerous)
    - 10 Levels of Jet Addiction (Tolerance)
    - 4 Levels of Jet Withdrawal (minor -> mind destroying)
    Taking Jet boosts you jet levels, the higher it is, the better the high. High levels give big stat bonuses, and occasionally extra perks in combat (bullet time, DR, low health regeneraton). Over time it decreases, and when it gets back to zero you get the comedown, which sets it to a negative value. You can take a load more jet then to get back up, but you can't run from the comedown forever.
    Your tolerance level (addiction) starts at 0, as you take more it increases (game days limits speed). The higher your tolerance, the lower jet boosts you, the faster it wears off, and the worse the comedowns get.
    After developing addiction and going cold turkey, withdrawal sets in at varying speeds and increasing levels, dependent on addiction level. At severe levels, expect insomnia, hallucinations and impulsively starting conversations with NPCs asking if they have jet. If they do, you may be unable to say no. You're going to have to trade something.
    Jet is very moreish, with addiction you may impulsively take jet if you have it.
    After going Cold Turkey for a while, your jet addiction level decreases slowly back to 1. It can never return to 0.
    A new chem pusher is added in Freeside, Westside and North Vegas Square.
    This mod is great for anyone who always fantasized about being a desperate hard drug fiend!
    Or... well, it is fun too. Maybe.
    NVSE 4.5.7 or later
    Sexout '84 or later
    This mod must be loaded after anything that modifies the vanilla items: Jet, Dixon's Jet, and UltraJet. (SexoutDrugging does not, so no issues there).
    It will work, although it is NV focused.



  7. Clean Quick Saves

    Reusing the same save game slots causes an increasingly severe performance drop, due to the shoddy Gamebryo engine.
    This simple mod allows you to make clean quick saves in a new slot each time, and also quick load them via keys bindable in MCM.
    Save game names are in the format "Location Date Time"
    You can use the vanilla F5 / F9 keys, just make sure to unbind them in the vanilla options or they'll both trigger at once.
    Requires MCM and NVSE 4.5+.



  8. NVSE

    This is a custom build of NVSE, required by the alpha/beta versions of the NVSE Extender.
    It will remain here until ianpatt or one of the other Silverlock guys updates the official NVSE download page with this version, or a newer version with the features from this one.
    I do extremely minor work on this myself, you can thank jaam for most of what gets done here! I'm only making the download page to keep the question/support issues about this version of NVSE in the Extender support thread to a minimum.



  9. Hairs - Races Auto - Patcher [FONV]

    24/03/2017 - Added JIP NVSE version.
    Everytime you install custom hairs or custom eyes, if you want them to be used in your favourite custom race you must open the GECK and add them in the list - basically you must patch them manually.
    This small script does it for you, everytime you load the game.
    You'll be able to load any hairstyle and eyes, and it will spread it on any race you have installed. IIl will execute when you load the game, when you'll arrive in the main menu - the game will freeze when loading the arrays, and when it has finished it will show you a message box. NOTE: if you'll open the console at this point, you'll be able to see how many eyes / hairs were added to records.
    If you have slowdowns / freezes after the message box, they're not caused by this mod. How much time it will take? it varies by some factors. It makes many operations, it can make *some thousand* operations. I tried with ARES + Mojave Delight + Mojave Delighted + Mikoto, it took about 4 seconds to load everything. Considering how big Mikoto is, it was a very fine result for me. If your loading times are too high, then consider to reduce the number of races / hairs or not use this small mod.
    The mod also provides you an item under Apparel, named [Mirror-Hairs ] and [Mirror-Eyes]. f you click on them, it will close the pipboy and after 1-2 seconds it will open the barber menu for hairs and the plastic surgeon menu for eyes, so you'll be able to change your hairstyle.
    - NVSE 5+
    - JIP NVSE
    Drop the ESP under Data and activate it. To uninstall, simply remove it and make a clean save.
    Issues and Conflicts
    Sincerely, I can't think to any possible downsides right now. Let me know if you'll have issues posting your experience on the thread.
    For hairs, maybe you could have some improper hairstyles if you play with child races, it's not made for child races. If you find any issues please use the thread to warn me.
    A note about eyes: there are some mods that introduce a new kind of eye, with a different UV. Basically, its texture can't be adapted over a vanilla eye and vice-versa. Translated in practical terms, it means that since this mod knows nothing about which model you install and it only merges them all together, you'll find yourself with some eyes that look well and some other eyes that have obviously a wrong texture over them. You can't do anything about it. To use a fantasy comparison, it's like if you install UNP body on Skyrim and then you want to use CBBE textures over it.
    Update: there are essentially a couple of issues I managed to find during further tests.
    - One is well known since always, you can read about it on some race pages too (i.e. Mojave Delight if I remember well). It is about the fact that under some circumstances you can't change eyes and hairs together. If you want to change eyes, you should first choose some vanilla hair and then change eyes and then change hair back to your custom model. I say "under some circumstances" because for Mojave Delight and its eyes / hairs it always happened to me, but on other races it doesn't, so I still can't say what's the real cause.
    - The second is a lil more strange. It's still about eyes, they cause me random freezes if I change them on the fly in game. As it is, it seems game engine related, and it depends by the kind of custom race I'm using. For example, with vanilla race and custom eyes + hairs I didnt' have problems, while on ARES I had it often.
    This, for me, means that you probably will be able to use every hair and eye you want (but keep in mind the point number One for some races) during the character creation, but changing them later could lead to problems, so save your game before changing something to avoid to loose where you arrived, because of the freeze. This also means that you probably could avoid further freezes if you swap race, but it causes other downsides, in every Bethesda game changing race resets things like attributes / skills etc.
    Also, it could be that some mods like NVAC or some specific tweaks / settings could reduce or avoid this issue, it could be nice to make further tests with these.
    hlp for NVSE 4+
    JazzIsParis for JIP NVSE
    Luthien Anarion for Lutana
    raschau on Nexus for the idea of adding eyes
    My general rule on permissions - you can do whatever you want but not for commercial use; if it's marked as Beta/WIP, then do not use it, it's better if you contact me and we cooperate; if you use something from my mods, some credit would be nice, but if you can please inherit the permissions, so that others will be able to use your mod too, mods deserve to be spreaded.



  10. TTW - Mojave DC Makeover

    TTW Mojave DC Makeover
    Prettifies some FO3 NPC's using Mojave Delight resources.
    Mojave Delight Resources only. The esp is NOT required!
    A Type3 compatible body. Such as this, or TypeN. Anything that has Type3 compatible textures.

    What about TTW - Fallout 3 Redesigned? Doesn't that do the same thing?
    That covers a lot more NPC's than mine, however: I handle a lot of NPC's not touched by FO3 Redesigned. (I modified a lot of the DLC NPCs for instance.) I use both together myself. Just pick which you prefer to take precedence and either load mine last or FO3 Redesigned.
    So if the other one exists why update this?
    Any further updates to this will be NPC's not covered by FO3 Redesigned. Chiefly DLC NPCs primarily.



  11. Orphan Tycoon

    Let's not beat around the bush, everyone wants sex but not everyone wants a baby 9 months down the line. Sure, "you should have used contraception", or "couldn't you have gotten an abortion?", all too commonly, it is a bit late for that. Horror stories are whispered of babies being discarded in dumpsters or sold to cannibals, but we pretend not hear them and tell ourselves "What else can be done? It's not my problem. It can't really be that bad".
    Until now. Introducing: Orphan Tycoon
    Now you can find a new home for your unwanted little urchins, and hopefully feel a little less guilty about it.
    - Sister Assumpta can be found at the old Mormon Fort, and runs an orphanage in Freeside.
    - The Legion run orphanages in the East, and Marcus Drusus at the Fort is always interested to acquire new souls.
    Sexout Pregnancy
    NVSE 4.5 or later



  12. Creature Test Area

    description:this mod just adds a sewer grate behind goodsprings gas station that leads to an underground area populated by a few non-hostile creatures to do with as you please
    possible uses: 1.test out any changes made to the affected creatures 2.easy loot (cheater) 3.(recommended) sexout tests or "tests"
    note: with the exception of the creatures found in the thorn and the mutant, i had to create special versions of all the creatures found in the test area; i pretty much just copied the thorn creatures to make the rest
    note2:the small gecko & the coyote won't stop running away (and mysteriously dying), the cazador wasn't meant for indoor use so it'll periodically fly and clip through walls, and the spore plant wouldn't play nice so i just removed it's "weapons"
    requirements: umm... final fantasy 10... no, wait... sonic '06... no... skyrim... no... i remember now: just new vegas
    installation: just drop it in your data folder
    anybody can do whatever they want with this, a little credit would be nice though
    version 1.1:added/changed a few of them for better alignment purposes (still not perfect though)



  13. (TTW) Chargen Quest Overhaul

    Overhauls parts of the Chargen Quests in Vault 101, with the center of attention being neat goodies you can get once Amata wakes you up.
    -During Baby Steps, you're now given a child's outfit so it doesn't look so awkward when using a 1st person camera mod.
    -During Future Imperfect (where you take the GOAT), your normal haircut will now show, rather than the default hairstyle.
    -When Amata wakes you up during Escape!, there is a unique piece of equipment somewhere in your room (either clothing or a weapon), this is different for every job you're assigned as result of your GOAT exam, so be sure to pick different options every time you play



  14. TTW - Train Station Access Via Inventory

    Cheat mod that will allow you to purchase or simply take a train ticket to or from each wasteland and transport you into the train.
    Use it to verify that you've installed TTW correctly, because you have to constantly create new characters for testing or some other reason, or because you feel like being a dirty, dirty cheater.
    If you start in the Capital Wasteland, the [TTW Train Pass] is added under the Aid menu of your pip-boy after you have exited Vault 101 and the Following in His Footsteps quest has started. The DC to Goodsprings option will only display if you have completed Doc Mitchell's Ain't That a Kick in the Head quest.
    If you start in the Mojave Wasteland, the [TTW Train Pass] is added under the Aid menu of your pip-boy after you have finished Ain't that a Kick in the Head.
    NOTE: If you transport from DC to Goodsprings or from NV to Vault 101, the travel does not account for time the way that the train ride, which takes two weeks, does. It is instantaneous. Additionally, a ticket is NOT added to your inventory if you select one of these options as that you are effectively skipping the train.
    Vault Girl Images are NOT included in this mod. If you're interested, download the Complete Vault Girl Interface mod by tragiverse.



  15. Wild Wasteland Perks

    Just a fun little mod I made because I lost a bet to someone a while ago. I figured that instead of keeping this on my Nexus, I could upload it on LoversLab as well because we all appreciate a good laugh every once in a while.
    Questions you may have:
    What does this mod do, exactly?
    It replaces the descriptions of all perks and traits to something more goofy. That's all, really. There's two versions: the Vanilla and GOTY. Download Vanilla if you don't have all DLC's, download GOTY if you want all descriptions of the base game and the official DLC's to be changed.
    What's happening with the mod from here on out?
    Not much. Unless, of course, people show high demand for stuff like a TTW version, in which case I'll probably make one of those as well.
    Why nothing sex related?
    Because I can.



  16. Goodsprings Home

    This player home today will be located in Goodsprings!
    To find this gem, you just need to follow the road going to the Gas Station from the good Doctors house
    This house comes with my Usual set up. Bedroom/Kitchen/Armory!
    Fallout New Vegas
    Old World Blues DLC
    My mods are not to be released or altered in any personal way without my permission.
    Plants outside are consider stealing. Will change tomorrow. Lol forgot to change it XD



  17. Bribe The NCR To Reduce Infamy

    This is a very simple mod, but I thought someone might like it.
    When you have high infamy with the NCR, you get the rangers threatening you and warning you have 3 days to improve your reputation or they are bringing you death.
    It can be quite difficult to improve your reputation, especially if you have already done a lot of NCR quests, and lore wise, the NCR has plenty of corrupt politicians and brahmin barons exploiting the system. You can't bribe the rangers, they're too clean, but you can go to the Mojave Outpost and talk to Major Knight, who is authorised to sell treasury bonds which is essentially bribing the official justice system. They don't give you fame, but for every 1000 caps you spend, it reduces your infamy by 4%.
    NVSE v4.2 or later
    Why does it require NVSE at all? No good reason, purely to force anyone still using V2 to upgrade, since I feel that having most people still using old versions holds the modding community back

    (The screenshot is just to make the page more interesting, its actually from a dream in Another Kick in the Head)



  18. Wasteland Stress

    Adds a Stress mechanic to Fallout: New Vegas's Hardcore Mode.
    How it works:
    -Stress piles up every second you spend breathing. (5 Stress/second)
    -Six tiers of stress, with 2500 Stress for every tier.
    -Stress increases even faster under certain conditions (being in combat, having low health, radiation poisoning or low weapon health)
    -Stress can be decreased by either sleeping, using alcohol/relaxing chems or playing a minigame (caravan, blackjack etc.)
    -If you can't keep your stress low, you will experience debilitating side effects (the vanilla hardcore diseases are nothing compared to this.)



  19. FEEL - Facial Expression Editor (Limited *pfft*) [FONV]

    - UPDATE -
    V.4 - Added a correction on the code during the initialization.
    V.3 - REQUISITES CHANGED, check description. Introduced new check version with JIP and corrected small typo on player selection with R
    V.2 - Added a full reset. Now when you press DEL to reset the values, it should also reset your face.
    An in-game facial expression editor, if you used something like that in Skyrim then you're already used to it.
    You open an Edit mode, it goes in TFC (Fly cam), an UI with the list of phonemes appears on the screen, you choose a phoneme, you choose a value, you apply it, your character's face will change.
    So why "limited"? because after a while that you are using it, you probably will start wondering "what if..." "can you..." - well, the answer is 99% of times No. Just because what was viable was already made. And I'll add, "unfortunately", because it could have given a lot of pretty opportunities. However, while I can't change the game engine's behaviours, I can still change the "mechanics", the way I wrote the editor, if it helps the user's experience, so please drop me a line with a feedback if you have an idea to share.
    - KEYBIND -
    All the keys can be changed via MCM. Here's the default ones:
    I - Enters / Exits the Edit mode, to edit the facial expression. It also calls the TFC (flycam) if you're not on it.
    Up / Down arrow - browses through the list of the phonemes
    Left / Right arrow - decreases / increases the value of the highlighted phoneme
    Left Shift - Hold it to speed up the previous actions
    Return (the main one, not the one on the numpad) - Applies the highlighted value
    Del - Zeroes all the values (which doesn't mean it resets your facial expression v.2 should reset the face too)
    Page Up - Changes category / page .There are 3 categories: phonemes, modifiers, expressions
    Numpad numbers 1-6 - They allow to store a preset. To STORE a new preset, you must HOLD the key for a couple of seconds, until you hear a sound and a message on top right of the screen will warn you. To LOAD a preset, you must TAP the key and you'll hear a different sound, and a message on top right of the screen will warn you.
    R - cycles through the targets in the list (see later). The selected npc will have a blue cloud on it for a couple of seconds.
    - USAGE -
    I will describe the usage with an example, so you can understand part of the limits by yourself.
    - I press "I" and I go in edit mode, to change the player's expression.
    - I put my freecam in front of the face, I modify the Aah phoneme value, I press Return to apply it.
    - I don't like it, so I increase that value, I press again Return to apply it.
    - I move on another phoneme, i.e. Big Aah, I select a value, I press Enter to apply it.
    - Now I want to see how the Big Aah would show without the Aah, so I go back on the Aah, I select a zero value, I press Return to apply it.
    - I proceed in this way until I find a good expression, then I HOLD the Numpad 1 for a couple of seconds, until I hear the sound and the message tells me that it's stored.
    - Now I want to make a new expression, I press Del to zero all the values, BUT FIRST I memorize which ones I changed, i.e. Aah, Big Aah and Ooh, because I will have to go over them one by one and apply the zero pressing Return and since v.2 this should also reset my facial expression.
    - Now I stored some expressions. I prepare myself to make a screenshot, I load back the first stored expression TAPPING Numpad 1, the sound effect and the message on top right will tell me that it's loaded, but the face won't be changed - to do that, I will have to browse through every single modified phoneme and press Return to apply them.
    If you simply press I, you'll go in Edit mode and the player will be the only target.
    If you press I while having a NPC on your crosshair, you'll go in Edit mode with both the player and that npc as viable targets.
    If you press I and you are using Sexout, it will load Sexout's targets (actor A, B and C) in the list of viable targets - UNTESTED, please report issues.
    - If you Apply two values too fast, the second one will reset the previous. The necessary time for the game engine to apply it, is about a second.
    - If you Apply many values too fast, even if only the last one will be applied, every command will still be queued and will need (number of operations x 1 second) seconds to end up the queue. Queue is persistent through saves, so don't think to trick it loading a save, you just need to wait
    - A facial expression is PERSISTENT THROUGH SAVES: if you have a open mouth, you'll have to close it. If you don't, and you simply load a previous game, you still will see the mouth open.
    - A facial expression is NOT PERSISTENT if you exit the game or go back to main menu. This also clues you something important - whatever you do, you can't do any real damage, don't be scared.
    - It shouldn't clash with any mods that use Special Idles, so it should be compatible with them (i.e. Sexout)
    - It should clash with FAFF and any other mods that introduce a reset of facial expressions inside an animgroup (i.e. I can think to... uhm... animated chems or something like that). If they give you troubles, remove the added animgroups (like, mtidle etc.)
    - There could be some cases where some specific expressions don't apply - you could need a different skeleton, let's talk about it.
    - My ARES doesn't morph Eee phoneme. Didn't inspect too much the reason.
    - Last NVSE
    - JIP NVSE
    - MCM (optional but strongly recommended)
    - JIP UIO
    Extract the content under Data and activate the plugin, or use your favourite mod manager.
    I guess it's a final version, you can do whatever you want with it, if it's non-commercial / doesn't involve money.
    - CREDITS -
    hlp for NVSE
    Pelinor for MCM
    Doctasax for uMCM
    JIP for UIO and JIP NVSE
    panthercom for testing



  20. NX Insight (MCM NX Data Viewer)

    NX Insight
    An MCM mod that allows the user to view associated NX data of the target reference (Player if no reference under crosshair).
    NX variables to be displayed are defined inside the INI files located in "Data/Config/NXInsight/SubMenuFolder/INIFile.ini".
    Requires Lutana NVSE plugin to work.
    Directory Structure:
    - SubMenuFolder (SubMenu, MCM has a 10 submenu limit, so 10 folders are possible)
    - INI file (contains section names and NX variables to be displayed)
    Folders inside directory "Data/Config/NXInsight" will act as MCM submenus.
    There are no hard rules on organizing keys inside the INIs, just make sure you got the NX key of the NX variable you want to display right.
    See attachments in the first post for sample INIs.
    INI Format:

    SectionName = Section name
    NXKey = NX key of variable to display
    Enabled = Determines if this variable will be displayed in the MCM, set it to 1.
    Mod Configuration Menu
    NX (NVSE Extender)
    Lutana NVSE
    Having an ini file with the name "System.ini" apparently crashes the game when initialized, probably some engine level stuff conflicting, so avoid the name "System.ini".
    Attached are some INI files for BodyMorph, SOIntimacy and Spunk:



  21. Modest Start

    Modest Start
    What Does it Do?!
    Adds a non-armored patient gown from OWB to your character in the beginning so Mole Butt isn't a total pervert.
    Modifies the two headgear items in OWB to NOT hide hair.
    Doesn't modify any vanilla quests and should be compatible with just about everything.

    So... YAY! No more awkwardness in the beginning!
    Old World Blues baby!



  22. Deserted Radio Station - Couriers Home

    Welcome to the Deserted Radio Station - Couriers Home Mod
    Version 1.0
    by Morgan Riggs
    The Deserted Radio Station is my first mod for Fallout New Vegas. It is a smaller but organized and functional player home.
    The home includes the absolutely amazing mod "Sortomatic - Modders Resource" by tunaisafish and Gribbleshnibit8, for sorting equipment from your inventory to your home.
    The Radio Station is a lore friendly home with a cozy vibe to it. It is located between the strip and Vault 34 upon the hill of Vault 34.
    Other mods I've made
    WoSD - Weapons of Sex Destruction
    Boxing Gloves retexture - RENO

    When you are updating to newer versions please make sure that you equip all your stored items and move your character out of the building and area.
    This is in case of updates that could interfere with your placement of your character or storage of items.
    A lore friendly home for you character
    Fully functional equipment sorting system to sort your inventory to containers in the radio station for both the lower and upper floor. (See the Sortomatic mod for more information on how to use it)
    A nice view overlooking the strip, Helios and Lake Mead
    A map marker for fast travel
    A small quest that gives some history of the place and its previous owner
    A unique weapon found later in the quest. It is slower than the original weapon but has more of a kick to it and uses a different kind of ammo!
    A bird pet static in the radio station
    Compatibility / Requirements
    This mod is using various items and clutter from four different expansions of Fallout New Vegas it also uses Sortomatic Mod.
    Dead Money
    Old World Blues
    Honest Hearts
    Lonesome Road
    "Sortomatic - Modders Resource" by tunaisafish and Gribbleshnibit8

    If you would notice or experience any bugs please do contact me via private message or in the posting section of this page. All feedback is greatly appreciated!
    Try to get photos or video capture of the bug that you've experienced.
    Many thanks goes out to
    - tunaisafish and Gribbleshnibit8
    For making an excellent mod tunaisafish and Gribbleshnibit8, Sortomatic - Modders Resource
    - Mike Hancho
    For making some excellent mods and tutorials on youtube that actually got me started modding Fallout New Vegas
    I hope that you will enjoy this new home, and please take a moment to endorse and give me some feedback so that I can improve and become a better modder.
    mod by Morgan Riggs



  23. Writable Logbook [Fallout NV]

    NOTE on update: if you come from a previous version (especially <2.7), you could experience strange behaviours, a clean save would be necessary.
    v5.1 - Corrected an issue where a customized UI aspect could have been resetted during initialization; some slight script changes.
    V5 - Adds the possibility to use the logbook with alternative starts (i.e. Project Brazil, DUST). Automatically corrects the data, whatever the modder decided.
    V4.0 UPDATE
    IT STILL REQUIRES THE MAIN FILE (v.3) TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE IT! This is just an incremental update.
    - Groovatron compatibility granted
    - For modders: as per request, now 2 events are dispatching
    --- aLBOpenLogbook
    --- aLBCloseLogbook
    - Solved a small issue preventing TTW users who updated NV to receive their logbook
    Since ENB users can have problems in erasing characters with Backspace, I added the left arrow to erase the last character you are editing.
    Uploaded another interface file, the previous one was wrong. Not a big deal, however it was not the one intended and it was different from the pics)
    Added hotkey to open the LogBook without opening the pipboy (configurable via MCM - Default L)
    Patched for TTW, now it shouldn't be possible to cause issues forcing the logbook to appear in inventory. It will be added after the quest Escape! in DC
    Re-packaged the folders, I did a typo in the folder name, probably preventing a mod manager to install it correctly
    Corrected critical issue mainly for non-Lutana users
    I changed idea, I did a new version.
    - Added options to custom the UI, inside MCM, along with some pre-made themes. People using a custom UI graphic (i.e. Darn UI) should hopefully now be able to adapt the interface to their needs. If then a Darn UI user will send me the parameters to set MCM, I'll add it as pre-made theme for Darn UI.
    - Switched the day time back of 5 days (thank you RogueMage)
    - Added an initialization quest: now it will start after the first tutorial quest inside doc mitchell's house.
    - Corrected little script things
    - Corrected a major issue where the logbook was erased everytime you were quitting and then playing again
    - AnT is in the safe list now
    - Introduced possibility to save the logbook on a file (Thank you Luthien)
    v.2 is probably the last stable version before removing the state of Beta.
    The optional requirement of Lutana was changed from v10 to v11 (updated around 26-27th february, check Lutana's page)
    This allowed me to introduce a new function in MCM that will save the LogBook inside a file. The file will be in Data\Config\LogBook, and it will be named with the name of your character. So basically you can have more logbooks if you play with more characters at the same time.
    What the save will do:
    > It will create the file if it doesn't exist. It will overwrite the existing entries
    What the save won't do:
    > If you save the file, then you manually erase a line using R and then you save again, you won't see the difference. This because the save is not differential, it will only store new values but not erased values. So, if you erased many lines and you want to update your logbook file, simply erase it and create a new one in game using the MCM option.
    A writable Logbook for New Vegas made by Odessa and me. It will be automatically added to your inventory once you finish the first quest "Ain't that a kick in the head) in NV, or "Escape!" in TTW. You will find it under Apparel, like armors and outfits. Once you'll click on it, you will be kicked out from pipboy and after an instant it will open. From v.5, it is possible to have a LogBook via MCM, to grant compatibility with those using mods like Project Brazil or Dust.
    At start you will have only the cover, you will have to add a new page entry pressing the key N. The new page will contain the actual date, expressed as "number of days since you started the game", like a logbook. You can add a new page only once a day.
    You can browse along the pages using the four arrows or using WASD (NOTE: direct code, not controls)
    You can edit a page browsing over it and then pressing E: at that point, you will enter in EDIT mode, a green line will highlight the line you can edit. To edit the highlighted line, you can press <Enter>, a cursor will appear on the line and you will be able to write. <Enter> again will confirm your sentence. To quit EDIT mode you will press E again. You can press R to remove a line, except for the very first entry (the one named "NOTHING SO FAR" when you create a new page). You can add a new line pressing N, the line will be added just under the point where you actually are (the green hightlight line). If you press down arrow over the last line, you will automatically add a new line at the end (exactly as if you were pressing N and you were in the last position).
    To exit the logbook you must press Q in GameMode and ESC in MenuMode.
    NOTE: the keys could seem a lil hard to remember, but they are all written as description near the logbook, when you open it, so you can't make mistakes.
    GameMode vs MenuMode
    GameMode is "realtime", the game doesn't stop. It's more realistic, it will show an animation of your character pinching on the pipboy. If you are using a pipboy replacer / remover, it still shouldn't be that bad.
    Since you can be attacked, there's a safe script that will kick you out from the logbook if a creature is near you
    GameMode requires Lutana and it's a lil more script intensive.
    MenuMode is paused game, just like when you open your pipboy or you talk with someone or you sleep. No animations will be triggered nor you can't be attacked. However, in any case you won't be able to open the logbook if are already in combat or an enemy is near.
    MenuMode doesn't require Lutana and it's a lil less script intensive.
    MCM is not mandatory, however it would make easier choosing the few extra options
    1) Debug mode: flag it to check the console spam and understand something more when there are problems.
    2) I've lost my logbook: will give you another logbook if you have lost yours (because it's not considered quest item so you can drop it in a container)
    3) MenuMode: if flagged, will select MenuMode; if unflagged, will select GameMode. If Lutana is not installed, you won't be able to unflag it.
    4) AZERTY bug: this is just for those lucky ones using QWERTY but Beth was really thinking they were using AZERTY
    Manual enabling options via console:
    1) Set "xx000AE0".bDebug to 1
    2) Player.AddItem xx000ADD 1
    3) Set "xx000AE0".bLogMode to 1 >>> *** SEE NOTE BELOW!
    4) Set "xx000AE0".iKeyb to 1
    *** NOTE: setting to 1 means enabling MenuMode. DO NOT FORCE THIS VALUE TO ZERO IF YOU DON'T HAVE LUTANA!
    - NVSE v4.5+
    - JazzIsParis UIO
    - MCM (Optional)
    - Lutana (Optional) v11+.
    - 45+ fps (Optional). More it's lower and less it's smooth when you write.
    Install the requirements and then use your favourite mod manager to install this package, or unzip the content inside Data as always.
    If you are updating, please do a clean save.
    NOTE for DARNUI users, or whatever custom UI you are using: you can custom the UI alignment using the MCM options, I included a picture that shows the parameters. It's not super easy but if you can manage to make some template for Darn UI I will include them as standard templates in a future update
    Known Issues and extra notes
    Until it's Beta, Debug Mode will be enabled by default. Can be disabled via MCM or console.
    Darn UI will probably have a misplacement on the strings, due to the different size. I'll be happy to make a patch if some Darn UI user will drop me a line and will have small patience to send me a screenshot and try the patch.
    This mod can be considered free for non-commercial use only - please credit the deserving, when deserved - Any mod that contains any assets from this mod MUST SHARE the SAME policies. There are NO exceptions for this: if you don't like this rule, don't use this mod or any of its assets. Instead, if you can stand to my will and you understand that my main purpose is mods diffusion, feel free to do whatever you want with this mod and PM me if you need some help, I'll be glad to help you.
    Jaam, Luthien, JazzIsParis
    Prideslayer and Doctasax
    Video example in game




  24. FPS Counter [FONV]

    Short description
    A simple-but-fully-configurable in-game FPS counter, to check the framerate, mainly for statistic and debug purposes. Or to make fun of your friends with bad rigs, showing them how high your FPS counter can go.
    This counter tracks down the time a frame leasts inside an effect, so it's strictly related to script execution and nothing about graphic. However, since graphic and scripts are related on their owns, you should see similar values to those you could see (for example) with Fraps.
    MCM Options
    - Enable FPS Counter: pretty explanatory... it allows to enable/disable the mod. The first time you load the mod it's disabled by default.
    - FPS Counter Position: clicking on this option, you will be kicked out from MCM and you will be able to decide the hud position. All the controls are written on the screen once you select this option, so don't worry to remember them, however the keys are: arrows or the control movements(WASD) move the hud, speed up the hud movement keeping Run pressed (SHIFT), change the font using Activate / Reload (E/R), enable / disable the infos on the screen using Grab (Z), confirm with Jump (SPACE) or Pipboy (TAB), reset to default pressing Auto-Run (Num Lock).
    - Mode: you can choose between FPS (frames per second) or MS (milliseconds, the time every frame leasts)
    - Refresh time: this parameter could be controversial, so please be careful to its interpretation. If you are unsure, just keep it very low (0.05-0.1), as per default.
    I introduced it only to catch spikes and understand their intervals. The way the mod works is grabbing EVERY frame time and choose the smallest value among the <Refresh Time> interval. This means that if you set the max value (2 seconds) you could notice that the FPS value drastically drops down. THIS DOESN'T MEAN YOUR FPS IS THAT LOW, this means that during the interval of 2 sec. you had at least one frame with that low framerate (= a "spike").
    - Threshold: under this FPS value, the counter will become red. It's just a way to catch the low values more easily.
    - NVSE 4.6+ (note: in date 12/05/2015 it is the Beta version on Silverlock)
    >>>> It wouldn't be bad installing the most recent one, you can find it on hlp's thread on Beth forum (note: in date 12/05/2015, it is the link to v5.0 beta 1 from his Dropbox).
    - UIO
    - MCM
    Personal note about requirements: if, in general, you feel you dont' want to install requirements like the ones stated above, for whatever reason you could have ("they're not safe!", "my computer's old and slow!", "once my cousin installed it and it broke his level 50!", <insert here some other unfounded excuse>), if you love modding then you should really start to think about it seriously. Requirements like these are top-notch modding, made by professional modders, created to break the barriers of common modding, introducing new wonderful features. And this is the same for every other extension you can find around, like JIP or Lutana. In my opinion, they should be considered on the same level of VANILLA, when people make a NV installation.
    Unpack everything inside your Data folder. To uninstall, remove those few files and make a clean save.
    Please report if you have issues so that we can solve them together.
    For modders
    aFPSLowFPS event dispatched everytime it goes under the threshold value.

    hlp for NVSE
    JIP for UIO
    Pelinor for MCM
    This mod can be considered free for non-commercial use only - please credit the deserving, when deserved - Any mod that contains any assets from this mod MUST SHARE the SAME policies. There are NO exceptions for this: if you don't like this rule, don't use this mod or any of its assets. Instead, if you can stand to my will and you understand that my main purpose is mods diffusion, feel free to do whatever you want with this mod and PM me if you need some help, I'll be glad to help you.



  25. Stamina [FONV]

    - 03/06/2016: CRITICAL UPDATE - v2.5 is up; added safecrack to manually force PN values after uninstall if something goes wrong
    - 28/5/2016: CRITICAL UPDATE - v2.4 is up
    A mod that introduces a stamina / fatigue bar in the game, with its own hud on the screen, fully configurable via MCM. You'll get tired while doing normal actions, like run, sprint (if PN is installed, instead than using APs), swimming, grabbing items, wearing heavy armors or heavy weapons, shooting (because of recoil) etc. etc.
    Can be used by other mods, no need to be a requisite.
    Compatible with Project Nevada Sprint
    Fast start
    - Load the game, wait few seconds, then go on MCM and activate the mod under GENERAL(picture)
    - Go under ADVANCED and choose IMPORT (picture)
    - Whatever list of files you'll find, select ANICE.INI and load it (picture)
    - Go on MCM, under PLUGINS, check that everything is alright (picture)
    - Under ADVANCED, check that DEBUG is NOT selected (picture)
    - Play! Play!
    I had two main purposes. One was trying to introduce some mechanics that were allowing me to differentiate more the character's builds, because in my game I wasn't feeling enough differencies between a trained / strong character and an untrained / weak-but-smart character (leading to high INT as an easy choice and a better deal). The second was coming from Skyrim, and how I'm completely in love for my gameplay there (mainly based on Requiem), so I'd love to bring some of its features on NV, introducing few extra features concerning realism and immershun.
    Actually, I still make tweaks and add features, so I don't expect that everything is perfect and smooth.
    Here's an ingame test of v2.1 (the previous one), with old options based on Anice template:

    (The bar's on top right, the first one is not much visible at low resolutions when the sun is shining and I turn my ENB off to grab videos)
    The mod's prenty configurable, there's many options in MCM to tweak better the game experience.
    General aspect and basic options.
    It contains the parameters (consuption) used by the formulas in the scripts, for the interaction between the environment and the stamina bar.
    This section contains advanced tweaking. Some of these parameters shouldn't be touched if you don't really know what you are doing.
    This section shows relationships with external plugins
    Install / Uninstall
    Install requisites:
    - Latest NVSE (mandatory)
    - MCM (mandatory)
    - JIP UIO (mandatory)
    - JIP NVSE (strongly recommended)
    - Lutana.
    Then install the mod, check under PLUGINS if everything is fine, eventually check console to see if there are issues.
    To make a cleaner uninstall, go under ADVANCED, then click the option UNINSTALL. Follow instructions on the screen, save, quit, uninstall, reload that save, make a new save.
    v2.5 - I introduced a safecrack to prevent that Project Nevada AP draining isn't restored after the uninstall.
    To manually force its value, open console and write PLAYER.CIOS xx00FC2D, where xx is the number of the stamina mod in the load order.
    That ID is also written in MCM (under Plugins), if Debug mode is active. Also described during the uninstall.
    Due to the scripted nature of the mod, I strongly suggest a clean save everytime there's an update. Since most of the options can be exported, it shouldn't be too much a chore.
    - You can import / export your personal settings (templates).
    Templates are located on Data\Config\Stamina. To create a new template, simply copy paste one of these and rename it.
    Ten files is the max that will be loaded, in alphabetical order.
    - You can use a custom bar without making a replacer. Put 2 files (a foreground and a background) inside the proper folder, located in
    The files must be named with a specific prefix, see Picture. Size is 320x40.
    Ten files is the max that will be loaded, in alphabetical order.
    The fish bar I included is more like a joke.
    - For modders:
    A small example ESP is included in the download section.
    A bunch of infos in this TXT
    Credits and Permissions
    hlp for NVSE
    JIP for JIP NVSE and UIO
    Luthien Anarion for Lutuna
    Pelinor for MCM
    Adam, TommInfinite, CK for testing
    The two wondrous Daytunas' sisters of ARES, for being such kind testing scapegoats
    My general rule on permissions - you can do whatever you want but not for commercial use; if it's marked as Beta/WIP, then do not use it, it's
    better if you contact me and we cooperate; if you use something from my mods, some credit would be nice, but if you can please inherit the permissions, so that others will be able to use your mod too, mods deserve to be spreaded.
    May 2016: this mod is still updated by me



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