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9 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

It is NOT because most of them are skinny and walk 2 miles+ a day to get water,

A sweeping generalisation and racial stereotyping.


9 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

The media refuses to admit that obesity, diabetes, and hypertension are the leading causes of death by COVID

Another sweeping generalisation. The media in the UK has not refused to mention it.



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11 hours ago, gregathit said:

Can you say Sweden.  No masks, no fear porn and no mass outbreaks or death. 

You keep parroting the example of Sweden.


Swedish death rate 7 times that of Australia.



As Sweden's Covid-19 infections rise, PM takes aim at 'hugs, parties'



Coronavirus Sweden: Aussie health expert in Sweden reveals truth about so-called ‘success story’



Sweden kept its country relatively open during the coronavirus pandemic, but its elderly paid a price



Covid in Sweden





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20 minutes ago, sanya56714 said:

what's the solution?without activity, the site dies..

Not to mess up a perfectly good rant with facts but:


As of the moment I am posting this there are 5226 people on the site.

As of May 30, 2019 when I put up a blog post on Lurking there were 5294 people on the site.


I would suggest that the numbers indicate that the level of activity remains the same. YOU might find it less interesting but others, well others seem to think things are as they ought to be.

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4 hours ago, Bazinga said:

First off, no one other than fearporn fanatics and the media care about case counts.  If you are under the age of 65 and don't have any underlying conditions then you likely won't even know if you have the damn coof.  The proof is all around you if you need it, in the asymptomatic folks who don't know they are "sick" and are spreading it.

4 hours ago, Bazinga said:

Just admit if you don't care if your gran dies because you were irresponsible.

If you'd bothered to read any of my previous posts in this thread or the locked coof thread you'd clearly know that isn't the case.  But hey, reading may not be your strong suit.

4 hours ago, Bazinga said:

Also young people still get sick and dying (a very slow and horrible death btw) isn't the only danger for them, even if they survive the virus has lasting effects on a number of internal organs.

Wow.  Breaking news.  What fearporn fakenews site did you get that off of I wonder?  That damn sure isn't on the cdc website because there isn't a shred of evidence of "lasting effects".  In order to have "lasting" effects, you have to have time pass.  Not enough time has passed to present ANY evidence of this.  But hey, it is great fearporn.  Masturbate away to it if that is your thing.  Me, I'll stick with boobs.

4 hours ago, Bazinga said:

And I really really hate that an issue like this that's widely researched by scientists around the world is so politicized.

Widely researched.  As in past tense?  Nope.  I'm not aware of anyone that has closed the books cause they have it figured out.  Now if you'd have said "being" widely researched I'd have agreed with you.  Politics has no business being in this.  But people are people so what can you do?

4 hours ago, Bazinga said:

That virus doesn't give a shit about muh freedom or overbearing governments, it will just kill you (or 3 to 10% of people, the more overburdened ERs get the higher the percentage ... which is a lot deadlier than the flu) no matter what you believe.

No, the coof doesn't care about much other than reproducing.  Just like every other virus.  And no, the death rate isn't in the 3-10% range.  Sorry.  Math much?  If you just took the total "reported" cases vs the number of deaths you are under 3 percent.  Except that number is complete baloney.  You didn't add in the number of folks that are asymptomatic spreaders.  That could put the number of folks that have or have had covid 10 times higher than the almost 7million "reported" cases.  Now your death rate is 0.3%  That kinda blows up your little narrative.  Sorry about that.  Now if you want to argue that the case count of those who have or have had is really just the 7million then I really have to ask why the fuck did we shut the economy down?  And to put things in perspective, you more likely to suffer a medical malpractice than die from covid (source google).  You are more 12 times more likely to get an STD than you are to die from the coof (cdc website for the source).  Median age of deaths from the coof is 78.  It just so happens that the median life expectancy in the US is 78.6.  Numbers sure are weird aren't they.  The facts remain, kids are more likely to drown than they are to die of the coof, which is why most folks are going back to school (college on down to pre-school).  

4 hours ago, Bazinga said:

So government restrictions might be necessary to protect people from themselves.

NO!  That is called tyranny and it isn't legal in the US.  Sorry.  Fearporn somewhere else.

4 hours ago, Bazinga said:

And there shouldn't even be a discussion about masks or vaccines. Just read the studies and shut up.

And now you just dove off the cliff into stupid.  No, masks don't work and no there are no studies that prove it.  N95 RESPERATORS do work, but they are neither widely available, nor are the general public educated in how to fit and test them.  The strongest language you can find on the cdc website about masks is they "may" limit the spread.  May.  Can I have a percent of limitation........no......not even a guess?  Oh, read the box your mask came in.  Most have disclaimers that they won't protect you from covid.  Ah well.  You can always hide in the basement I guess.  Oh...almost forgot.......you shut up. So there.  Told you.  ROFL!!!


And you are aware that covid is a virus right?  So that means a "vaccine" most likely will only be temporary "at best".  Yea......viruses mutate and all.  So if you are hiding in your basement waiting for the vaccine so you can come out.........well, you might want to stock up a whole lot more.  Cause if the virus mutates this whole show starts all over again.  Just like the regular flue.  


Edit:  And hey, some new fearporn for you:  https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200526/can-you-catch-covid19-through-your-eyes

Let's just say that your little mask actually does work.......are you wearing eye protection.  You aren't?  Well.......you could be shit out of luck.  Don't forget about your ears as well!


Save your masks for when you are coming into contact with the elderly and those who have underlying conditions.  ?

4 hours ago, Bazinga said:

Well, I guess it's their problem if people don't get the vaccine as soon as it's there. Natural selection at work and all.

I'm all for herd immunity for those of us that are under 70 and don't have any underlying conditions.  Especially since we have a 99.97% recovery rate.  Go thundering herd!!!!

4 hours ago, Bazinga said:

Still a shame, wish we could go back to trusting scientists instead of clickbaity youtubers and conspiracy theorists. This whole issue is making a lot of people look so freaking dumb it's a really depressing outlook for humanity as a whole.

This may be the one thing you and I agree on.  Except for little things like scientists actually agreeing on things.  That doesn't always happen.  Coffee is good for you, no it is bad for you and so on.  But hey, life is messy.  So don't be afraid to pitch in and have fun.  :)

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2 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

You keep parroting the example of Sweden.

Swedish death rate 7 times that of Australia.

I keep "mentioning" it because it is relevant.  The death rate for Sweden is 581 per million and they didn't lock down and aren't wearing masks.  The US did lock down and for the most part "are" wearing masks and the deaths per mil is 627.   The UK is 616.  Germany is.....wait for it...........114.  France is 483.  Numbers are just all over the place.  I think a large part of the problem is the actual counting.    Folks are trying to look at this scientifically but there is just a tiny, little, itsy, bitsy problem.  We aren't following the scientific method.  There are no universal standards and thus no control group.  We know for a fact that in the US folks that clearly died of things like running into a bridge embankment on a motorcycle should not be counted as a covid death.  Yet it was.  That is just one of the more "infamous" ones.  To really crunch the numbers we need reliable data, which is what the WHO should have been pushing instead of spending its time sucking china's dick.  That unfortunately will taint this whole thing and is why both governments and people are so confused right now.


Source:  https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?utm_campaign=homeAdUOA?Si


Oh....I almost forgot....Australia has a death rate per million 10 times higher than Taiwan.  What spin can you put on that one?  ?

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3 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

Sweden kept its country relatively open during the coronavirus pandemic, but its elderly paid a price

This they did fuck up on.  Of course the US fucked up just as bad if not worse and that is where the vast majority of the deaths came from early on.  New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and California.*  All five states disregarded early warnings from the cdc (and fucking common sense) and sent covid patients into assisted living and nursing homes.  The tragic number of deaths that resulted from such stupidity are now in the books.  Unfortunately the dumbass governors that made that idiotic decision can't be sued.   Fortunately they can be voted the hell out of office, if folks are just smart enough to do so.  Fingers crossed.


This hits especially hard as I've been in construction for 20 plus years building assisted living and nursing homes.  A blithering idiot could figure out they were in no way equipped for being able to house both the frail elderly and those sick with covid.  They don't have the PPE, they don't have the training, they don't have the climate control systems or ability/procedures to quarantine.  It was a like putting a fox in the hen house.


*Source:  https://skillednursingnews.com/2020/06/house-hammers-governors-over-nursing-home-admission-orders-amid-covid-19-pandemic/

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The point is that Sweden is not the unqualified success you keep implying.


On a related note, the children went back to school a couple of weeks ago. Now children are being sent home in increasing numbers because of Covid like symptoms*. Uni started a week or so ago. Now positive test results of Covid are rising daily.


*Not seen any figures as to how many are actually Covid.

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Considering just how many 'conspiracy theories' are passed around these days, I am wondering why the fictionalized Hollywood version of conspiracies (super villain schemes, really)  is so prevalent in the popular imagination when they are so at odds with the genuine article. 


Real conspiracies, for example, are typically used to undermine the powerful and the well connected (a means of touching the untouchable) or individuals with roughly the same social standing as themselves whose wrath they would like to avoid  yet in fiction they are tools used those in power to maintain their power regardless of how little sense that makes.

The rich and the influential may collude but there is no need for secret plots to work against the interests of those who can not harm them in any way whatsoever.


The subjects of the conspiracies are also very complex if not convoluted when the conspiracies tried in courts across the world tend to be very simple plots to bring down a politician, to defraud an insurance company, to steal tires from a chain store's warehouse or to use a network of homeless women and drug addicts to commit steal credit cards from cars then pose as the owners of the credit cards to clean out there accounts. Okay, the last one was actually somewhat complex but it was still just theft on a grand scale rather than some body snatcher scheme.


A simple perusal of real world conspiracy cases could have dispelled this notion but hardly anyone makes the effort.

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7 hours ago, gregathit said:

If you just took the total "reported" cases vs the number of deaths you are under 3 percent.

Maybe for the US. Which might have a shitty health care system but still has a decent coverage of first class hospitals.

And these numbers aren't baloney, you are if you seriously doubt them.


Oh wait, the Washington Post is fake news, isn't it? I'm sure your very reliable QAnon sources told you so.

... Ok, that was low, sry. You also laugh at these guys, right? Right?!


moar food for thought (not that I'd suspect you to read it because you are so freaking sure but whatever):



And since you mentioned it, I will gladly renew my vaccination once or twice per year. Once per year wouldn't be new, they already do the same for the regular flu.


I won't answer to the rest of your post, because frankly I don't care about the US enough to. As I said, I'm sitting in Germany so I'm fine. ;)


It just infuriates me that you as a moderator of this forum disregard the forum rules so blatantly.

No politics, remember?

But I guess it's hard not to be political if you're a contrarian casting doubt on authorities in every possible field. Like health experts in the CDC or the overwhelming majority of virologists that have been very outspoken about how dangerous Covid19 is. Maybe not for you but for people with preexisting conditions and your elders. But who cares about them.

'Fuck you, I got mine.' - the true motto of the US.


edit: deleted end of post because I was bluffing anyway ... guess I would just log out and never come back if I see too much politics in here.

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2 minutes ago, 27X said:

60% of said deaths thereof are normalized Somalis, whom being rather strongly deficient in vitamin d, and additionally more genetically susceptible than most of the rest of the population.




ABC news is not exactly Science Central is it? The article is from May and states "anecdotal evidence emerged early in the outbreak that suggested". [My emphasis]

I couldn't see anything in the piece which mentioned a "60%" death rate. Would you care to highlight where it says it?

The only line which mentions fatalities is this one: "The country has paid a heavy price, with 3,175 fatalities from COVID-19." There is no ethnic breakdown attached to it.

You keep peddling this thing about vitamin D deficiency and genetics. All dark skinned people absorb less vitamin D from sunlight due to the dark skin not their genes. In Africa and similar climates it is not a problem. In northern latitudes such as Sweden it is.


"Inside Sweden's immigrant communities, anecdotal evidence emerged early in the outbreak that suggested that some — particularly those from Somalia and Iraq — were hit harder than others. Last month, data from Sweden’s Public Health Agency confirmed that Somali Swedes made up almost 5 percent of the country's COVID-19 cases, yet represented less than 1 percent of its 10 million people.

Many in these communities are more likely to live in crowded, multigeneration households and are unable to work remotely."

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42 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

ABC news

Ah, my bad I didn't realize CNBC was fact central... oh wait, they aren't.


Protip: They're a less biased source than the one you picked, and considering there are no US news sources without bias, pretty telling. But by all means if you got some fact type thing by all means. Just maybe don't try to use a chinese government source this time.


Because vitamin D is a direct factor in covid resistance no matter how much you LALALA about it. Having dark skin means less absorption and conversion to produce vitamin D, it has zero effect on how much you can take as a supplement or dietary enhancement, and the fact I have to put that in a sentence doesn't help your obtuseness in the least.

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9 minutes ago, 27X said:

Ah, my bad I didn't realize CNBC was fact central... oh wait, they aren't.


Protip: They're a less biased source than the one you picked, and considering there are no US news sources without bias, pretty telling. But by all means if you got some fact type thing by all means. Just maybe don't try to use a chinese government source this time.


Because vitamin D is a direct factor in covid resistance no matter how much you LALALA about it. Having dark skin means less absorption and conversion to produce vitamin D, it has zero effect on how much you can take as a supplement or dietary enhancement, and the fact I have to put that in a sentence doesn't help your obtuseness in the least.

So in other words your source didn't in fact mention any 60% fatality figure.


The CNBC link was one of 5 I posted. I'm not sure about the Chinese government source you are referring to.


14 minutes ago, 27X said:

Because vitamin D is a direct factor in covid resistance no matter how much you LALALA about it.

I didn't say it wasn't. I said it wasn't genetic and you as per usual have not come up with any evidence to suggest otherwise.


Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, because it helps the body use calcium from the diet. Traditionally, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with rickets, a disease in which the bone tissue doesn't properly mineralize, leading to soft bones and skeletal deformities. But increasingly, research is revealing the importance of vitamin D in protecting against a host of health problems.

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency can occur for a number of reasons:

You don't consume the recommended levels of the vitamin over time. This is likely if you follow a strict vegan diet, because most of the natural sources are animal-based, including fish and fish oils, egg yolks, fortified milk, and beef liver.


Your exposure to sunlight is limited. Because the body makes vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight, you may be at risk of deficiency if you are homebound, live in northern latitudes, wear long robes or head coverings for religious reasons, or have an occupation that prevents sun exposure.

You have dark skin. The pigment melanin reduces the skin's ability to make vitamin D in response to sunlight exposure. Some studies show that older adults with darker skin are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency.




People at risk of vitamin D deficiency

Some people will not get enough vitamin D from sunlight because they have very little or no sunshine exposure.

The Department of Health and Social Care recommends that you take a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the year if you:

  • are not often outdoors – for example, if you're frail or housebound
  • are in an institution like a care home
  • usually wear clothes that cover up most of your skin when outdoors

If you have dark skin – for example you have an African, African-Caribbean or south Asian background – you may also not get enough vitamin D from sunlight.

You should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the year.



Neither of these is screaming genetics.


99% of your posts consist of you telling people what is and what is not 'fact'. The other 1% consist of you posting links to sources which do not corroborate anything like what you have asserted.

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5 hours ago, Bazinga said:

edit: deleted end of post because I was bluffing anyway ... guess I would just log out and never come back if I see too much politics in here.

No stay this is comedy gold:

Sadly no music. Guess youtube wants to be ad friendly. But since this guy is doing the Curly dance this seems appropriate.


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10 hours ago, Bazinga said:

Maybe for the US. Which might have a shitty health care system but still has a decent coverage of first class hospitals.

ROFL!!!  You live in Germany, probably never been to the US and you want to call our health care system shitty.  ROFL!!!  Well, I can completely write off your opinion on pretty much everything now as woefully uniformed.  The old have a clue what you are talking about before you stake out a claim didn't dawn on you did it.  Ah well.

10 hours ago, Bazinga said:

And these numbers aren't baloney, you are if you seriously doubt them.


Um.....twitter.  If that is your "reliable source" then I have some very, very, very bad news for you my friend.  By the way, the number of deaths post he gave was for the number of deaths in which the ONLY cause of death was the coof.  Which was around 10k.  All the other deaths have 2.6 or more comorbidities.  So motorcycle accident + covid = covid death.  Starting to get it now?  Perhaps that is why the german death count per million is so low.  They might actually be counting things correctly.  Over in the US hospitals get paid by the government for covid so you can see their incentive to rack up the numbers.  Oh, and on the cdc website, if you read the footnotes, they tell you that some of the deaths counted don't have an actual test for covid confirmed.  They are "assumed" to have had covid.  So we may never truly know what the actual count is due to the piss poor standards.  Which I think is absolutely criminal behavior in my opinion.  Still, even if you assume every last one of the deaths are legit, the chance of dying is still so low that for health folks it is a non factor.  Protect the sick and elderly and move on with your life otherwise as normal.

10 hours ago, Bazinga said:

moar food for thought (not that I'd suspect you to read it because you are so freaking sure but whatever):


90% opinion nonsense, 9% data manipulated assumption and 1% fact.  Go to the CDC website and look at the age breakdowns.  If you can do basic math you can figure out the risk factor and make your own decision based on that.  FACTS not feel feels.  It isn't that I am sure of anything.  It is that I am unmoved by the opinions and wild conjecture of uneducated armchair quarterbacks.  

10 hours ago, Bazinga said:

And since you mentioned it, I will gladly renew my vaccination once or twice per year. Once per year wouldn't be new, they already do the same for the regular flu.

Count me out.  I got a flue vaccination for the first time in 20 years last fall.  2 months later I got the flue.  Fuck that noise.  I've gotten the flue on average once every 7 years.  Sick for 3-4 days and then back to normal.  Not a big deal to me.

10 hours ago, Bazinga said:

It just infuriates me that you as a moderator of this forum disregard the forum rules so blatantly.

No politics, remember?

Says the whiny dude who also feels no need to ignore forum rules and has talked about politics in his posts as well.  Did you forget that had a link to a deal about Trump?  Wow, short term memory you are rocking there.  Might want to get that checked.

10 hours ago, Bazinga said:

But I guess it's hard not to be political if you're a contrarian casting doubt on authorities in every possible field. Like health experts in the CDC or the overwhelming majority of virologists that have been very outspoken about how dangerous Covid19 is. 

Intelligent people DO DOUBT every crack pot that come along screaming the sky is falling.  Intelligent people calm that individual down and ask him to prove it.  The CDC contains more political and administrative flunkies than medical experts.  You are aware of that right.  Government run organizations in the US are sadly tainted that way.  And those "experts" are not claiming much of anything is nailed down yet.  They are still heads down, arms pumping to figure this thing out.  Again, to determine conclusively how deadly something is you MUST have all the numbers.  We don't.  We have no earthly idea how many people actually have or had covid.  Now we do know that those 70 or older and those with underlying conditions are vulnerable.  That is something we can work with to devise methods to isolate and protect them.  Beyond that.........the jury is still out.

10 hours ago, Bazinga said:

Maybe not for you but for people with preexisting conditions and your elders. But who cares about them.

That is the second time you have stated your distain for the elderly and those with underlying conditions.  Clearly you are not a very good person.  Perhaps you need some couch time with a head shrinker.  It is worrying that you feel this way.  

10 hours ago, Bazinga said:

'Fuck you, I got mine.' - the true motto of the US.

Correction.......says every country in the world both now and into the known past.  Germans have ZERO room to talk.  ZERO.  Started two world wars.  How many Jews did you exterminate?  There is a little proverb about picking the log out of your own eye before you try to pick the splinter from mine.  No country is perfect.  Hell, none of them are even close to that.  So throwing around stereotypes and anti country comments is just the sign of a small mind.  Grow up and expand that mind.  You'll thank me if you do.

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13 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

The point is that Sweden is not the unqualified success you keep implying.

Um....I never stated they were an "unqualified success".  I even followed up with a post agreeing that they fucked up on the elderly treatment.  Not as badly as some of the US states, but still badly.


What I did say is they didn't lock down.  There was and still is no reason to lock down all of society.  Protect those we know are vulnerable and go back to living your life.

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4 hours ago, endersgame said:

Europe is quite literally in the middle of a second COVID 19 wave with many countries seeing record level of new daily cases compared to March.

I wrote Germany, not Europe.

We also have our fringe groups of idiots but a least they are widely ridiculed and aren't in control of our government. So let's say I'm optimistic, no matter if the case numbers in Germany will rise too or not (they already are rising but still very slowly).

1 hour ago, gregathit said:

ROFL!!!  You live in Germany, probably never been to the US and you want to call our health care system shitty.

I've been to the US. Was nice. But an awful lot of bums in your inner cities mate. As impressive as the cities I visited were that was still a little dystopian for someone from over here. But I guess you can get used to everything. Like expecting people working jobs that don't give good health insurance to go broke over hospital bills. Should have worked harder. Bootstaps and all amirite. Also n****** gonna n** amirite?

Your country is a shitshow and your electorate college is a joke but you're well off so you don't care.

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14 minutes ago, Bazinga said:

I've been to the US. Was nice. But an awful lot of bums in your inner cities mate. As impressive as the cities I visited were that was still a little dystopian for someone from over here.

So instead of investigating and understanding when you see something that is different from what you are used to, you rush to make a completely uninformed judgement.  Got it.  Seems pretty dumb to do that, but hey, whatever.

16 minutes ago, Bazinga said:

But I guess you can get used to everything. Like expecting people working jobs that don't give good health insurance to go broke over hospital bills.

The US is a capitalistic country.  You make poor choices and you reap the results of this.  You work hard and make good choices and you do well.  Need examples.  Sure.  Oprah Winfrey, Sean Combs, Nicki Minaj, Chris Gardner, Tyler Perry just to name a few that are hugely successful.*  There are lots of other cases of folks of other races that have either made the middle class or better from a very poor start.  Google is your friend.  I suggest you use it.  Making poor choices has consequences.  I'm doing pretty good right now so thank you.  My folks were dirt poor.  They invested in education for themselves and made sure I was also grounded in it.  In my youth I dumpster dived to collect aluminum cans for birthday gifts.  So your arguments hold no water at all.  I've been there and done that.  Experience beats feel feels.  Sorry.  Stick to talking about what you know.  You'll be far less embarrassed that way.



30 minutes ago, Bazinga said:

Your country is a shitshow and your electorate college is a joke but you're well off so you don't care.

That is a fine attitude for a person from a country that we helped to rebuild and then spent trillions of dollars along with blood, sweat and tears to defend from Russia.  By the way, your welcome on the wall coming down.  No need to thank us.  We know what we did.  Your thanks are not needed.  


As to our government, it is a representative republic.  It is definitely messy viewed from the outside.  However it is a brilliantly fair system.  The electoral college is utterly brilliant.  I'm sorry you don't understand it.  Perhaps you are just uniformed.  

Here is some help:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K80msVnqaHE  and https://www.nationalaffairs.com/publications/detail/in-defense-of-the-electoral-college and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Electoral_College#:~:text=Hamilton explained that the election,the principles of republican government.


Germany has a federal parliamentary republic.  It is different.  You have a Parliament.  We don't.  It is ok to be skeptical of something that you are not familiar with.  it is quite another to criticize it.


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