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The new scripted slave gear needs to have the "SexlabNoStrip" keyword added to each piece of gear so the Sexlab Framework doesn't strip it from the player each time sex starts only to have it placed back on by the scripts for the gear.


Both the Yarl and Fang obviously tell the player to do something "now" but use the word "no" instead of "now". -- Minor typos but can be jarring when noticed.



--- For those who are wondering, I have a few things in the works for V5 of the Enforcer mod if I can just figure out why I managed to break a bunch of other things :o.

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Any suggestions as to why NPC's stop going thru their regular routines to just hang around all day listening to that creep spout on and on about Talos.


Also is the less than 24hr to return to master notice supposed to pop up every 5 seconds?   


First one I can deal with, annoying when I can't sell things, but there are other ways to make master's money. The second takes away a lot from the sense of urgency to keep on top of the days. And having to keep hitting OK every 5 seconds interferes with gameplay.

Might I suggest only two reminders, first one the 24hr warning, and the second a 1hr warning.


Fantastic mod, and a lot of fun, especially now that it doesn't actually end.

Between Zaid and Master over in CD shop time seems to fly by....lol

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--- For those who are wondering, I have a few things in the works for V5 of the Enforcer mod if I can just figure out why I managed to break a bunch of other things :o.


Would it be the possibility to have a sort of Enforcer as Standalone mod?


What would you like it to do(what sort of rules?)?

Where should it be effective(Which cities/holds/everywhere or MCM configurable)?

Should the guys be included (MCM configurable guys, gals or both?)?

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WaxenFigure, try to make it compatible with paradise halls. and you can use that Slave Trade Hold system rather then Whiterun for others to have more options This way people have more choice on mods to install.


Not sure how feasible it is though.

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WaxenFigure, try to make it compatible with paradise halls. and you can use that Slave Trade Hold system rather then Whiterun for others to have more options This way people have more choice on mods to install.


That's my biggest reason why I have so far refrained from installing it. Whiterun was always my favourite city in Skryim and I usually keep Breezehome as my player home as it's the perfect cozy little place for her. I'd love the concept of this mod, if it would just play...well...not in Whiterun.


Well, that and because (if I understand it right) beastiality cannot be disabled in this mod. That's another big reason.

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--- For those who are wondering, I have a few things in the works for V5 of the Enforcer mod if I can just figure out why I managed to break a bunch of other things :o.


Would it be the possibility to have a sort of Enforcer as Standalone mod?


What would you like it to do(what sort of rules?)?

Where should it be effective(Which cities/holds/everywhere or MCM configurable)?

Should the guys be included (MCM configurable guys, gals or both?)?


As it stands right now, Enforcer is a plugin for the Slaverun mod.

What I see as a dream mod would be the reverse, where Enforcer is the primary mod, and Slaverun is the plugin. Another framework, so to speak.


This might encourage others to write content (i.e. galgat, nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

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Agree about the framework idea.


If not framework but only standalone mod:


MCM configurable about which city, town, village (slot for "custom" location, maybe?).


MCM configurable about genders and sexual preference with default for naked women and abusing men.


MCM configurable about use or not of creatures (and maybe which ones) in the Jails.


Integration for Prison Overhaul?


Actual "mechanics" seem to be fine. Woman naked -> walks -> is seen by aroused man -> sex.  (Maybe option to "resist". A lot of possibilities after that: kill agrressor -> bounty -> escape. Fail to resist -> brutal rape -> timed damage to stamina or health or both. Succesfully resist -> reported to guards -> arrested 1 day or more.  And so on. Enslavement could be the final, worst, hardcore stage).

Player should always be able, like in SD+, to gain her freedom (real and complete freedom!).  Money amount, satisfy a X number of slaver's friends, dance X times and the have sex with customers, prostitution, mining work, sawmill work, chop wood work, and, and, and...)

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1. In Whiterun almost all NPC routes broken - my follower route completely unpredictable so I stayed her awaiting before town; some of NPCs are crowding near slave market behind cages.

2. What about 'In my time of need' quest from the origin if I want to help to Saadia? Where to find imprisoned Alik'r warrior?

3. When I tried this mod Zaid send PC to Farkas, but in my game Farkas was not in Whiterun awaiting my hero at another place.

So i reload save before enslaving to try complete whole enslaving quest later. But now I constantly catch CTD while PC located in Dragonsearch or in The Bannered Mare...

Awaiting bugfixes. Great work.

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Would it be the possibility to have a sort of Enforcer as Standalone mod?


What would you like it to do(what sort of rules?)?

Where should it be effective(Which cities/holds/everywhere or MCM configurable)?

Should the guys be included (MCM configurable guys, gals or both?)?





There were discussion for it to have a setting for making wearing clothes a crime, similar to how Slaverun works, but it will be adjustable across different Holds.

However there was no way to "strip" NPCs so only PC will be subjected to the law.

There's also the whole "lore and immersion" thing that Slaverun sort of have going but SexCrime doesn't quite have yet.


Something along the line of both mods able to be a framework together sounds interesting, but also sounds like a lot of work :P

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SD+'s spriggan armor counts as reportable. Perhaps something can be done about that?

without naming each armor or clothing piece, doubt an except can be made for 1 piece of armor which is very high defense lootable from spriggans with enchantment bonuses on magic and stamina.

..why are we adding this as an exception above others, without a high smithing skill the defense can't be compared to other armors, a full set of spriggan quality armor is over 500 defense worn with matching perks

hell, that's 1 of my first things I aim for at my teen levels is looting spriggans for their armor, love finding the flowering spriggans, they come with full sets already

Well, the point here is that if you get the spriggan armor from SD, you can't remove it, so you'll be in constant violation of the nudity law.



I loot spriggans and flowering spriggans for wearable gear, they have no resale value and I'm able to remove the armor to go to whiterun or put on my milker, or take off the full spriggan set if a dragon attacks

the only separation or difference between what I wear and what's bound to the player during the flowering spriggan quest is indeed the quest

my opinion is any armor that gets the naked comments "how you dress at home is your business, at home...." or "by ysmir you're going to freeze to death" deserves to pass the enforcer, flowering spriggan could consider this the same as the succubus race mod from nexus labs whose transformed Or could also take it the same as the other spriggan mod right here on sexlab - hunters and vigilants become hostile"

hmmm, you're bound to a piece of armor with a quest running that influences npc and creature miasma and you're going to make a detour from removing it to stop in slaverun


Any suggestions as to why NPC's stop going thru their regular routines to just hang around all day listening to that creep spout on and on about Talos.


Also is the less than 24hr to return to master notice supposed to pop up every 5 seconds?   


First one I can deal with, annoying when I can't sell things, but there are other ways to make master's money. The second takes away a lot from the sense of urgency to keep on top of the days. And having to keep hitting OK every 5 seconds interferes with gameplay.

Might I suggest only two reminders, first one the 24hr warning, and the second a 1hr warning.


Fantastic mod, and a lot of fun, especially now that it doesn't actually end.

Between Zaid and Master over in CD shop time seems to fly by....lol

the np[c's stopping is the same issue I've seen with them stuck by the dragonsreach pond, sometimes they believe they're swimming in it or the children getting randomly spawned in 1 of the stacked cages, it's also why followers can get stuck in That area, and why so many systems ctd running this mod





--- For those who are wondering, I have a few things in the works for V5 of the Enforcer mod if I can just figure out why I managed to break a bunch of other things :o.


Would it be the possibility to have a sort of Enforcer as Standalone mod?


What would you like it to do(what sort of rules?)?

Where should it be effective(Which cities/holds/everywhere or MCM configurable)?

Should the guys be included (MCM configurable guys, gals or both?)?


the current effectiveness is perfect, mabe find some method of handling the civil war once the battle takes place in the ciie(s) affected, as for where, start spanning outwards from whiterun Or add riften, then span outward from whiterun, eventually make it everywhere (do it this way both in production of the mod so we cann playtest results as well as actually incorporate it into the mod to progressive expansion that way) - another idea could be to make the slavery's progression expand based on the progression of the war, either a quest trigger that identifies which side of the war you're on or configure that thru mcm, or could check for the custrom belts of devious regulations....even sounds like a better ending to the slaverun questline "fight for us and we'll even let you have your personal slave from that auction block over there"


Agree about the framework idea.


If not framework but only standalone mod:


MCM configurable about which city, town, village (slot for "custom" location, maybe?).


MCM configurable about genders and sexual preference with default for naked women and abusing men.


MCM configurable about use or not of creatures (and maybe which ones) in the Jails.


Integration for Prison Overhaul?


Actual "mechanics" seem to be fine. Woman naked -> walks -> is seen by aroused man -> sex.  (Maybe option to "resist". A lot of possibilities after that: kill agrressor -> bounty -> escape. Fail to resist -> brutal rape -> timed damage to stamina or health or both. Succesfully resist -> reported to guards -> arrested 1 day or more.  And so on. Enslavement could be the final, worst, hardcore stage).

Player should always be able, like in SD+, to gain her freedom (real and complete freedom!).  Money amount, satisfy a X number of slaver's friends, dance X times and the have sex with customers, prostitution, mining work, sawmill work, chop wood work, and, and, and...)


agreed also on the framework idea, the resistance thing I've seen go buggy with aroused npc's using the lover's victim mod - npc-to-npc rapes become cat-and-mouse chases that never end, the npc yells "I submit" over and over and never gets raped, just keeps running...the whole idea of the mod is its not a rape, its the law the female is reuired to submit to them, maybe make itonly the player can resist it, but if player get caught resisting, that's a crime, But the 2 enforcer rules would no longer create a $5,000 bounty - instead it would do as brutus originally stated, if you can't abide by these rules, you'll be enslaved - at that point slavery could either be based on the framework somehow, or similar to sd+ slavery with the npc whom you refused sex as your master, or in the case of getting caught covering yourself in a nude outlawed area could skip the bounty and use quest trigger prison overhaul sequence (the the bounty was nice in theory, but in most cases it ended up a death sentence), again that's another thing death alternative somehow does or is capable of


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Talking to explain better my idea about a standalone Enforcer mod:



- Once installed, the mod must be NOT active. The activate MCM option will appear only after some MCM setups.

- The place (Town, Village, Dungeon, Custom location) choice is one of the pre requisite MCM option.

- If the player is already inside one of the listed location, the related option must be grayed out (avoiding issues, expecially with Alternate Start options).

- Other options in Setup should include: Player's enslavement yes/no, Slave females added yes/no, Jarl or Prominent Citizens (vanilla) involved yes/no, Guards involved (apart the normal crime and prison system) yes/no [This is primarly intended to guards who rape player and/or vanilla females]. Other options could be created later (I'm slow to think).


Once all options are set up and the player clicks on the "Activate" button, please create a Message Box for confirmation. (Foolproof, like I am).


To next ... (as I wrote, I'm really slow to think about those things.)

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i think this is a very interesting mod and i understand Your reasons to place it in Whiterun, but, like others, i think, on the long run its better placed in a less frequented city. Falkreath for example.


Or, if you want to stay close to Whiterun and interact with the Jarl and Belethor and others - what about Fort Greymoor?


It's big enough, got a dungeon, cages, a smithery, stables and a big yard for some slavetraders and vendors, and if i remember correctly there is only one radiant quest for the dark brotherhood that leads to this fort.


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i think this is a very interesting mod and i understand Your reasons to place it in Whiterun, but, like others, i think, on the long run its better placed in a less frequented city. Falkreath for example.


Or, if you want to stay close to Whiterun and interact with the Jarl and Belethor and others - what about Fort Greymoor?


It's big enough, got a dungeon, cages, a smithery, stables and a big yard for some slavetraders and vendors, and if i remember correctly there is only one radiant quest for the dark brotherhood that leads to this fort.


Someone said Fort Greymoor is used in the civil war quest chain. I don't know if that's true, but I agree that it has some great potential as an alternate location.


Falkreath has always made sense to me for a slave trading hub, given it's relative location to Cyrodiil; it adds the flavor of the slave trade being an international market. One difficulty with Falkreath is that Slaverun is set in a walled city with only one way in or out, and it is guarded by thugs that would keep slaves from running away. Falkreath has no walls, so someone with experience in making improvements like that to the Skyrim worldspace would have to step up to include walls around the city. It isn't impossible, but to maintain this immersive feel, a lot of work would have to be done.


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Talking to explain better my idea about a standalone Enforcer mod:



- Once installed, the mod must be NOT active. The activate MCM option will appear only after some MCM setups.

- The place (Town, Village, Dungeon, Custom location) choice is one of the pre requisite MCM option.

- If the player is already inside one of the listed location, the related option must be grayed out (avoiding issues, expecially with Alternate Start options).

- Other options in Setup should include: Player's enslavement yes/no, Slave females added yes/no, Jarl or Prominent Citizens (vanilla) involved yes/no, Guards involved (apart the normal crime and prison system) yes/no [This is primarly intended to guards who rape player and/or vanilla females]. Other options could be created later (I'm slow to think).


Once all options are set up and the player clicks on the "Activate" button, please create a Message Box for confirmation. (Foolproof, like I am).


To next ... (as I wrote, I'm really slow to think about those things.)


like that mcm setup, keeps every1 informed of its readiness state and they know how to use it to achieve what they want from it

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Everyone already knows what could happen simply reading the OP of this mod.

And even if this "should" be a roleplay game, I like to have a lot of control on what happens.


Anyhow, the options about player's enslavement could not be set, leaving the mod to rule it. The same about the "hard" way of the Law, Guards, Jails.

But the three ones first MUST be counted, by my point of view.

Talking on user's own customization, it could be a good choice to have the options about genders involved, sexual preference, creatures.


And ... not everyone feels to play "hardcore" style.

Maybe let in place options to choose about Bestiality yes/no, Slaves around yes/no (for who has cheap computers, mainly). At least.


And, finally, ALWAYS have a chance, at the end, to be "really" free. I still repeat this ad nauseam.

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After activating this mod, my game crashes after the logo disappears! I met this problem several versions before, and it keeps annoying me. Will you please fix it? Or tell me how to avoid this. Thanks!


You are missing required files. See the Original Post to find out what those are.


Alternatively, you can use LOOT to arrange your load order in case you have all of the required files installed, and you just don't have them in the right order.

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There is something I have trouble with regarding the enforcer mod. It doesn't activate until I talk to Brutus and, therefore, activate the core of Slaverun. Who here has heard, regarding issues of law, "ignorance is no excuse?" 


This is how I play: if I'm not ready to start Slaverun, I tab out of Brutus's forcegreet dialogue and continue what I was doing.


The Enforcer mod does not come to bear against the PC in these instances. It would be good to have a limited number of times that the player chooses to ignore Brutus before the Enforcer mod is applied anyway.


I hope this is a good suggestion; I know it would work for me, and I might lose track of how many times I told Brutus to get bent.

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There is something I have trouble with regarding the enforcer mod. It doesn't activate until I talk to Brutus and, therefore, activate the core of Slaverun. Who here has heard, regarding issues of law, "ignorance is no excuse?" 


This is how I play: if I'm not ready to start Slaverun, I tab out of Brutus's forcegreet dialogue and continue what I was doing.


The Enforcer mod does not come to bear against the PC in these instances. It would be good to have a limited number of times that the player chooses to ignore Brutus before the Enforcer mod is applied anyway.


I hope this is a good suggestion; I know it would work for me, and I might lose track of how many times I told Brutus to get bent.


The Enforcer mod is kind of an all or nothing mod right now. It doesn't active until or unless you have accepted the nudity law, tell Brutus off and threaten him and it will not activate.

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There is something I have trouble with regarding the enforcer mod. It doesn't activate until I talk to Brutus and, therefore, activate the core of Slaverun. Who here has heard, regarding issues of law, "ignorance is no excuse?" 


This is how I play: if I'm not ready to start Slaverun, I tab out of Brutus's forcegreet dialogue and continue what I was doing.


The Enforcer mod does not come to bear against the PC in these instances. It would be good to have a limited number of times that the player chooses to ignore Brutus before the Enforcer mod is applied anyway.


I hope this is a good suggestion; I know it would work for me, and I might lose track of how many times I told Brutus to get bent.


The Enforcer mod is kind of an all or nothing mod right now. It doesn't active until or unless you have accepted the nudity law, tell Brutus off and threaten him and it will not activate.


I think it good if you what to finish some or all of the quest without interruption by the enforcer if pc character is female

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i think this is a very interesting mod and i understand Your reasons to place it in Whiterun, but, like others, i think, on the long run its better placed in a less frequented city. Falkreath for example.


Or, if you want to stay close to Whiterun and interact with the Jarl and Belethor and others - what about Fort Greymoor?


It's big enough, got a dungeon, cages, a smithery, stables and a big yard for some slavetraders and vendors, and if i remember correctly there is only one radiant quest for the dark brotherhood that leads to this fort.


Someone said Fort Greymoor is used in the civil war quest chain. I don't know if that's true, but I agree that it has some great potential as an alternate location.


Falkreath has always made sense to me for a slave trading hub, given it's relative location to Cyrodiil; it adds the flavor of the slave trade being an international market. One difficulty with Falkreath is that Slaverun is set in a walled city with only one way in or out, and it is guarded by thugs that would keep slaves from running away. Falkreath has no walls, so someone with experience in making improvements like that to the Skyrim worldspace would have to step up to include walls around the city. It isn't impossible, but to maintain this immersive feel, a lot of work would have to be done.




I do not think placing walls up around a town is much different in difficulty than placing other objects through-out a town. Also do not forget Helgan is in Falkreath hold... suits even better.


Falkreath would have been a decent choice imo... as Jarl Siddgeir is a spoiled, lazy glutton who only cares for the power and luxuries his position provide him.... lol, his steward runs his hold and his first quest is get him a meade, and think of this - to become thane you kill off the bandits he once endorsed because they no longer "pay" him.    ;) I mean he's the perfect personality for not only endorsing but having slaves.. is in vanilla lore,


The other place ... which would be perfect is Riften.. just due it's filled with shady politics, Skoma dealer, A Thieves guild extorting people, Hell, drop something of value on the street and the npc's of riften are the quickest to kill each other over it - near all Riften is like that, is how Immoral Riften is to start, beggars row and rat way, they're practically on the edge of of procured slavery as it is ... the place is just so corrupt to start and has a long history of it. 


... yet to be honest... Starting in any city would works fine but would be easier to set up a small town to stage the scope of the rest of the questing. Then you have less conflict with other quests, mods, etc...

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immerslave has incorporated the sd+ enslavement into it at game start, if you could find a way to activate it by means of getting caught by slavers and/or for not abiding by the new laws brutus informs player - once this expands past whiterun or moves to another town, this might want to be changed to a courier message, also frequent abusers of the nudity law could be punished to wear  the custom body harness that blocks the armor slot, but weapons and spell casting should be made a separate law if its law still remains, that's causing too much confusion among the players, nude palyer gets reported for covering, And frequent violators of that law could be restricted using the bindings from sd+, the difficulty of escaping or release time would then be dependant on the player's enslavement staus, for examples on release time, see the "you've managed to wriggle free of your bindings" comments from immerslave - I believe there's normally 2, first is for the armbinder and 2nd is for the ballgag, which the harness remains locked so other mods like deviously helpless could still walk up and push the ball back into your mouth, but you've worked yourself free of it for the time (that's a perfect setting for the hand bindings or armbinder if the player gets caught for the weapons or spells equipped

Edited by CliftonJD
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Is there any version that doesn't changes the Whiterun Prison? Cause i'm using Prison Overhaul, and both changes the whiterun dungeon, so when i open the door of dungeon, the game stop on load screen or cause CTD.

Most of us use Prison Overhaul, so your problem is something else. Do you have the latest PO and did you check the option in SR's MCM to turn off incompatible PO characters?

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