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I have yet to test the new version, but I m looking forward to it already ?

But I have a request:


PC carried by a male NPC. 
- Carried bound like bag of potatoes over the shoulder (maybe with the NPC having his fingers on some spots)

- Carrying at the front "giant style", bound at the back of the male.

NPC carried by a mountable horse.
- Female Slave back behind the saddle or in front. So you can still sit on the horse with the PC.



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有关最新更改,请参见 这个帖子。


这个模块添加了一些新的备选启动场景,使用阿尔茨莫的LiveOtherLifeMod。许多场景还需要其他Sexlab MODS,但这些都是软需求;也就是说,您可以在没有Sexlab MODS的情况下播放这个MOD,但是如果没有安装相关的MOD,您将无法访问这些场景。




scenario list.pdf



  • 另一种开始-过另一种生活3.1.4或更高版本。这是一个很难的要求。,没有它,国防部就无法运作。
  • 板栗1.61b或更高。这是一个很难的要求。,没有它,国防部就无法运作。
  • Fuz Ro D-哦. 这是一个软要求。。没有它,国防部将工作,但无声的对话将滚动的方式太快。
  • EZ2C对话菜单和/或更好的对话控制. 这是一个软要求。这修正了普通的Skyrim错误,如果列表中有太多对话选项,就不会出现这种缺陷。








  • 如果您正在使用下列任何一个MODS,请尝试禁用它们:水罐,永恒黑暗重做,改进酒店,OBIS,创世纪,玛丽亚伊登,天边未绑定,人口密集的天空边缘。
  • 如果使用Chaurus Breeder方案,请确保激活并完全配置EC+以前你睡在拉尔床上。理想情况下,你将保存游戏,退出,并重新加载它之前,甚至与玛拉雕像交谈。
  • 在睡在Lal床之前,确保您已经完全设置了所有其他MOD的MCM设置。这对于Sexlab,Apros和发情的Chaurus来说特别重要,但是对于你所有的MODS来说都是很好的建议。
  • 确保LiveOtherLife在负载顺序中非常低,最好是在Lal MODS(如CCAS)、Bash补丁、TES 5合并补丁等之前。战利品通常,在分类这些MOD方面做得很好。
  • 如果您在开始单元格中使用了旧的保存,这可能会导致问题-尝试开始一个全新的游戏。
  • 如果您使用的是MOD组织者或其他MOD管理器,这可能是一些问题的原因。我建议手动安装只是为了安全方面。
  • 确保你在使用EZ2C更好的对话控制(或两者兼而有之)或其他用对话修复香草引擎错误的模块(注意:USKP或USLEEP不修复此bug)。如果您不想使用这样的模式,请尝试使用箭头键而不是对话框菜单中的鼠标。
  • 如果你睡在拉尔床上有一个常见的问题,屏幕就会变黑,消失,什么也没发生,试试吧。面团修复.
  • 请注意,巨无霸产品、Soul宝石烤箱、Chaurus鸡蛋饲养员、孕妇和蛋工厂场景可能需要几秒钟时间才能在Lal床上完成初始化。
  • 如果您尝试了所有这些,但仍然没有工作,那么附上一份纸莎草日志的副本(可以找到说明)。这里我会看看是否能在里面找到任何相关的东西。加载订单的副本也可能有所帮助。保持支撑螺纹清洁,请不要直接粘贴在你的文章-把它放在一个扰流板标签或附加它作为一个文本文件。


  1. 开始新的游戏。
  2. 在做任何事情之前,等待一切冷却。这可能需要一段时间,这取决于你安装了多少个MOD。一般大约一分钟左右。一个好的经验法则是等待所有的调试器通知(在屏幕左上角弹出的消息)消失。
  3. 建立实验室监控系统。
  4. 等待Sexlab完全配置,等待它的所有调试器通知消失。
  5. 拯救游戏,离开天边。
  6. 回去装货。您可能会注意到一些新的通知和MCM菜单弹出,这取决于您的mod设置。这很正常。
  7. 设置所有MCM菜单中的所有内容。
  8. 重复步骤5-7,直到一切都正确设置为止。这可能需要多个游戏保存和退出(但请参见下面的说明)。
  9. 对玛拉雕像说话,选择一个场景。
  10. 睡在拉尔床上。
  11. 玩游戏。



注:另外,请看一看。这是个很好的建议,除非你使用的是WryebasedPatch,它标记了“Merge Patch Mods to Bash Patch”,因为这样做会欺骗Skyrim,让他们认为有些MODS在没有真正禁用的情况下已经被禁用了。当有疑问时,取消选中“合并补丁”标志时,作出一个被击打的补丁。



  • 如果您使用的任何MODS严重修改任何起始区域,您可能会遇到问题。
  • 可能发生冲突的摩托包括水罐、永恒黑暗重做和改进旅馆。这些冲突通常是无害的,但会妨碍方案的正常工作。
  • 向世界添加许多NPC的MODS,如人口密集的SkyRIM、OBIS、创世纪等,可能会与某些场景发生冲突。这些冲突通常是无害的,但可能会在拥挤的地区出现问题,或者有一些NPC会产生莫名其妙的敌意。
  • 旧版本的CCAS与SkyTEST、战斗进化、致命战斗等以及各种生物奴隶场景存在潜在冲突,导致生物具有侵略性。这个问题应该现在就解决了,但是如果你注意到敌对生物主人的问题,试着禁用那些摩托,然后重测。
  • 玛丽亚伊登,天边未绑定,和其他替代启动MODS将与拉尔,并延伸,CCAS。CCAS包括玛丽亚伊甸园场景,但两者可能不能很好地合作。警告你。插入Lal的MODS应该是完全正常的。
  • 土匪在强盗蜜罐开始时仍然会要求你收费。在不破坏与其他MOD的兼容性的情况下,我什么也做不了。
  • Skooma妓女开始:如果你使用1.0版下的任何东西,那就没有什么意义了。它工作得很好,但有些对话有点不太好。
  • 关于Chaurus Breeder情景的说明:在Lal床上睡觉之前,必须激活并完全配置EC+。这可能需要保存游戏和重新加载时,仍然在开始监狱单元格,因为EC+菜单需要一个游戏加载激活。
  • 在有抱负的法师开始时,在地板和墙壁上有一些裂缝。我无法修复它这只是一个视觉问题,根本不影响游戏。
  • 这个模块需要在加载顺序中跟随Aslal,并且应该尽可能低,当然应该低于它所引用的任何MOD。我的个人负载顺序将它放在BASH修补程序和TES 5合并补丁之前(即尽可能低)。
  • 如果您遇到了一个问题,只有几个场景出现在对话中:这是一个普通的引擎错误。我对此无能为力。但是,安装EZ2C对话菜单国防部会解决这个问题的。如果您不想这样做,您可以通过使用箭头键而不是鼠标来获得其他选项。
  • 确保您使用的是最新版本的这种模式。
  • 如果你仍然有问题,按照说明这里,请把你的纸莎草日志寄出去。这也许能帮我找出问题所在。张贴您的负载订单也可以帮助我确定任何可能的问题和解决方案。
  • 确保您已经更新了所有必要的MODS的最新版本。尤其是拉尔!
  • 确保您已经更新了所有这些MODS自己的先决条件。
  • 许多启动都需要安装特定的MODS,否则您将无法获得它们。例如,除非您安装了“孕妇”,否则您不会看到“孕妇”启动。其他MODS以一种可选的方式集成内容-例如,如果有,则生物从属场景将使用SD+。
  • 建议您将此模式尽可能低地放在您的负载订单上。这将有助于最小化冲突,也可能有助于修复“没有启动正在发生”的错误。
  • 为了尽量减少冲突、bug等,最好在开始时保存游戏,以前和玛拉雕像谈话,然后退出,然后重新装上游戏。这将有助于确保所有的MOD正确加载。
  • 它是一个好主意,保存在开始单元格,并重复使用它时,我更新这个模块。如果你这样做,对话和开始的情景都会有问题。
  • 如果您遇到了一个常见的问题,即睡在Lal床上会导致屏幕淡入黑色,然后在没有发生任何事情的情况下淡入屏幕,请尝试JDough的修复(链接).







-调试器跟踪(“CCAS Quest:390抱负法师”,0)















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5 minutes ago, Nymra said:

haha, damn, was hoping for an asian mod of some sort :D

it's the translation of Content Consumers Alternate Start scenarios ... i think.

Sorry, no new kink for you. :P

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I still get some weird bugs that prevent me from using this mod in regular playthroughs...


1. When mounted the free camera does not work correctly. The mounted character is still moving, while the free camera also moves... gives me a headdache and kills the mod basically since you cannot really enjoy the looks.


2. When mounted, the camera is locked in pretty high distance. when I try to zoom closer with mousewheel, I enter first person quite fast (while still rougly 20 feet away from the character), even when I have a very low minimum distance set in my camera mod.


3. very often after dismounting the player gets stuck... even enableplayercontrols does not work. Nothing does


4. how can I get rid of a mount ones it is summoned?


5. Giant has a dick, but is also wearing his loin cloth at the same time... weird.


6. sometimes when mounting I get the wrong position. For example with the giant the character takes the blow job position even when I selected the other one.


7. Sometimes when adjusting positioning of the PC the PC changes its position (from facing downwards to facing upwards for example).



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On 6/19/2018 at 10:59 AM, Nymra said:



I still get some weird bugs that prevent me from using this mod in regular playthroughs...


1. When mounted the free camera does not work correctly. The mounted character is still moving, while the free camera also moves... gives me a headdache and kills the mod basically since you cannot really enjoy the looks.


2. When mounted, the camera is locked in pretty high distance. when I try to zoom closer with mousewheel, I enter first person quite fast (while still rougly 20 feet away from the character), even when I have a very low minimum distance set in my camera mod.


3. very often after dismounting the player gets stuck... even enableplayercontrols does not work. Nothing does


4. how can I get rid of a mount ones it is summoned?


5. Giant has a dick, but is also wearing his loin cloth at the same time... weird.


6. sometimes when mounting I get the wrong position. For example with the giant the character takes the blow job position even when I selected the other one.


7. Sometimes when adjusting positioning of the PC the PC changes its position (from facing downwards to facing upwards for example).



Based on what you've said, I'm pretty certain you are using an old version of the mod (Like, much older version).  Try uninstalling what you have installed, redownloading the mod, and trying that.

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13 hours ago, fingerscrossed said:

Based on what you've said, I'm pretty certain you are using an old version of the mod (Like, much older version).  Try uninstalling what you have installed, redownloading the mod, and trying that.

Nope, sorry. I m using the latest 3.0 version from 5th of July. 
Installation was new, nothing overwrites the mod, I also have all the dependencies. 



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13 hours ago, Nymra said:

Nope, sorry. I m using the latest 3.0 version from 5th of July. 
Installation was new, nothing overwrites the mod, I also have all the dependencies. 



In  that case, I'm a bit confused, as there is no longer a spell to summon mounts in the current version.  The problem of mounting into the wrongly selected position is there in the latest version, as with all of the updates I made I had to make some changes going forward with the mod with the new framework updates and haven't had the opportunity to update the riding menu (so it currently selects a random animation available to that mount race when using the menu).  Changing riding position while adjusting PC position is also very odd.


My guess is that you have a significantly older version of the mod that wasn't uninstalled, from back when the mod was an .esp, as keys changing riding position and spells summoning mounts were old things that shouldn't occur in the new version.  


If my guess is correct, you have two different versions of the mod installed, and when you attempt to mount the summoned creatures from the old mod with the new framework, things get particularly screwy as both mods try to do things.

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13 hours ago, SatanicSalad said:

is it possible to post this to SE?

love ur work my dude!


I don't have SE and I don't have any idea what is required to make it SE compatible.  If it's relatively quick and painless (and doesn't require me to have SE), I can consider it.

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21 hours ago, fingerscrossed said:

In  that case, I'm a bit confused, as there is no longer a spell to summon mounts in the current version.  The problem of mounting into the wrongly selected position is there in the latest version, as with all of the updates I made I had to make some changes going forward with the mod with the new framework updates and haven't had the opportunity to update the riding menu (so it currently selects a random animation available to that mount race when using the menu).  Changing riding position while adjusting PC position is also very odd.


My guess is that you have a significantly older version of the mod that wasn't uninstalled, from back when the mod was an .esp, as keys changing riding position and spells summoning mounts were old things that shouldn't occur in the new version.  


If my guess is correct, you have two different versions of the mod installed, and when you attempt to mount the summoned creatures from the old mod with the new framework, things get particularly screwy as both mods try to do things.

Aaaargh, goddamnit! I activated Riding Styles ONE V 3.0 instead of Riding Styles TWO 3.0... so I actually downgraded from Riding Styles 2 V2 to Riding Styles V3.... sigh :D
Will check with the next mod profile and then report back. Forget my earlier post then :D



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1 hour ago, Nymra said:

Aaaargh, goddamnit! I activated Riding Styles ONE V 3.0 instead of Riding Styles TWO 3.0... so I actually downgraded from Riding Styles 2 V2 to Riding Styles V3.... sigh :D
Will check with the next mod profile and then report back. Forget my earlier post then :D



Lol, no worries.  It's a bit confusing, because I made the change like that (so there ended up basically being two V3.0 of the mod).

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4 hours ago, MrSuspiciousX said:

After using this my entire inventory disappears! Does it go somewhere I can't figure out?

If you are using the latest version and you have "Stash Gear" ticked in the MCM, then the inventory is removed but should be returned upon dismounting.

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Ok the horse animations work perfect. But everything else is broken regardless of how many times I reinstall. The giant leaves you character stuck in place while you control the it and dismounting drops you at the place where you tried to ride the giant. The atronach doesnt move while your character moves in the ground stuck in the bound animation. The wolf is pretty much like the atronach but you are deeper in the ground and fall in the world geometry when you dismount. Any help here?

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This is a great Mod and I really really want to see it work, but at the moment it is not working. Sure its loading, I have the McM, I have the Num- key menu, I can mount probably can also make a race (of the types allowed into a mount)


What is not working is the animation, I most of the time get the harness, most, but me well I am like 20 feet above my mount, looking like I really wish I was way down there in the harness. Yes I tried the X Y Z keys and INC? What ever INC is... Oh and shift to change directions. I just go further up up and away or way out left field (or is it right? Don't care its in the wrong direction regardless)


Please understand I know it is not this Mod, it works for many others so it has to be something I may have done. I do use immersive Horses, but when the animations were giving me the fuck you I un-installed Immersive Horses (didn't fix nada). I tried the stopquest command (according to my game rs2quest does not exist?) I always run FNIS, I have alot of animations (no not the break point yet, but I have to be careful now if I get more), I always run LOOT and if LOOT says run Tesedit (or whatever its stupid name is) I run that as well through the specific Mod that needs a spit and polish. So I am sure there is something, but I don't know what. 

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31 minutes ago, DarksideTinkerbell said:

This is a great Mod and I really really want to see it work, but at the moment it is not working. Sure its loading, I have the McM, I have the Num- key menu, I can mount probably can also make a race (of the types allowed into a mount)


What is not working is the animation, I most of the time get the harness, most, but me well I am like 20 feet above my mount, looking like I really wish I was way down there in the harness. Yes I tried the X Y Z keys and INC? What ever INC is... Oh and shift to change directions. I just go further up up and away or way out left field (or is it right? Don't care its in the wrong direction regardless)


Please understand I know it is not this Mod, it works for many others so it has to be something I may have done. I do use immersive Horses, but when the animations were giving me the fuck you I un-installed Immersive Horses (didn't fix nada). I tried the stopquest command (according to my game rs2quest does not exist?) I always run FNIS, I have alot of animations (no not the break point yet, but I have to be careful now if I get more), I always run LOOT and if LOOT says run Tesedit (or whatever its stupid name is) I run that as well through the specific Mod that needs a spit and polish. So I am sure there is something, but I don't know what. 

It's not you mate. The mode is very rough alpha so alot of it is borked. It works by itself but second you start intalling mods it gets worse and worse. I believe that as the mod author refines it or somebody picks it up to refine it it will get better. Would recomen d trying the oblivion one thou works perfect even has some funky features.

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