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Worst COVID-19 scare, how close were you to getting infected?

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Nasal swab was taken from our workplace (bank) today for testing as me and my colleagues have been working from the onset of Covid-19 without any breaks in spite of having lock-down as we have been dubbed as emergency services.


Now at home on my laptop, but the shitty thing is that I might have been exposed to Covid on two occasions in the last 8 days. Once while refueling my car at a gas station from where 4 workers were found to be infected yesterday. The second instance when an employee from the local health center visited my branch for some official work, whose ailing father has been positive for Covid-19 yesterday. Now I don't know what shit is gonna hit the fan when the results come.

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I think my nephew and I had it back in the first week of January. What ever I had,sucked.  I first felt it walking back to the house from the shed, hit me like a ton bricks. My chest,while just walking,started shaking hard(shivvers) I put both my arms up in the air cause I didn't know if I was stroking or what? Then I layed in bed for like 3 days, barely ate,took a fuckton of showers(hot) and literally did nothing else.  I was borderline braindead for those 3-4 days, I would watch tv while at same time being utterly oblivious to what was on,literally had Zero interest in anything. After like 3 or 4 days I started moving around and eating again and then a few days later felt 100%


I think if your youngish and healthyish you can easily have it and never know, I'm not that young or healthy so I felt something that wasnt good. I don't recall ever having the flu to relate it so at the end of the day I don't know what got into me but it sucked. I also have been working full time, on the road, numerous gas stations and fast foods and never got sick while US was on shutdown but I might be immune now if what I had in January was Covid. 





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1 minute ago, jfraser said:

Little too early to be using past tense, especially here in the US. XD


my wife works in a hospital, somtimes on the COVID floor. we're always concerned. 

stay safe man,you and your wife. I heard vitamin d helps, though that has been fairly mute. I also think zinc helps,with everything,which is good for me cause I love oysters,there so good. 

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You all are still doing the virus thing? :classic_blink:


In my city of about 70.000 people there were never even 20 confirmed cases. Although my daily commute does take the same route as the one to the university, that does have plenty of asian looking people attending it, i doubt there was any serious risk at any point. And said university was closed down quite quickly after the thing went pandemic.


Also this city has an airfield that had flights straight to northern Italy, but apparently most of the tourists on those flights were russian.


I did have a weird, unusually angry flu earlier this year, but that was before the virus started spreading here.


The virus, so far, has not affected my daily life in any way. Believe it or not.

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1 hour ago, NickNozownik said:

I don't think it's real, I haven't seen any of them coronas.

I believe that Covid19 is real, but I believe also, that this virus was made by humans! :classic_wink:

but the next virus is on the Start * New Swine Flu G4 Virus discovered in China *!






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May or may not have contracted it in march at a fucking walmart the one time a month I have to go there.  Wasn't the worst illness I had, but the coughing was awful.  It was constant and I couldn't get any mucus out, besides little pea sized drops.  Could never get tested though because of the "only test people who've been to China/Asia" attitude at that time.

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1 hour ago, 27X said:

O- blood type

Take zinc erry day

take D erry day

Isolating self like woah for the most part except grocery shopping or restaurant

Directly exposed on three occasions, nada.

This from the guy who said the virus didn't like sunlight while the virus is on the up in Texas, Florida and Arizona(?).

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Not sure if can read?


Also you know what else is up, like way up? People not dying from the Covid they get.


Arizona is also instituting nighttime curfews, wonder why that is. You also know what traditionally doesn't have sunlight?


Bars. Guess where most people in Florida and Texas have gotten the virus.


Do you even try to formulate coherent thoughts or does this stuff just spew out.

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First day of the Quarantine here; need to go grocery shopping. walking in the store was just packed with people. Stale air, empty shelves and over hundred people close together, prefect virus conditions. I ran out of that store and went next door to fast food joint that only had three people in it to get dinner to go.

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Never exposed to it that I know of.  I don't know anyone who caught it; I don't know anyone who knows anyone who caught it...and I'm friends with the EMS chief for my county.  The seven cases we supposedly had mysteriously cured themselves when people started asking questions.  'Who has it?  Where did they go?'  Once people started digging into who the victims were the cases ceased-to-be.

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I got frequently exposed to possible carriers when I worked on a health unit, but always took the necessary care procedures to not get infected. I'm on a regulations office now(regulations mean when tests need to be done on people, they go through the regulations office before being scheduled). Got tested on wednesday(it's been two weeks since I left the health unit) and it came up negative, thank god for that.

I worked in that health unit from the beginning of the pandemic(back in mid february) up to mid june, then got transferred to regulations. I feel much safer now. FYI, I live in Brazil. I know two brazilian streamers who had COVID and they got better. My aunt, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky, she passed away on June 2nd due to COVID-19.

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Almost 10 years ago I semi-retired to Florida from New York.


My wife and I left Florida about four months ago because I knew what was going to happen. It's Florida. Land of Inevitability. We stopped for nothing but gas, snacks, and bathroom breaks. My wife got so many comments and looks about the mask she was wearing, that I got pissed off and nearly went into one gas station to beat the shit out of the attendant for talking shit to her. Thankfully, she kept HER cool and made me rethink the potential risk of what I was about to do. I started the truck and we carried on.


Well, we left Florida because, well..... Florida (enough said), AND because 2 of our 3 sons were preparing to deploy overseas. So we drove back to New York (the hardest hit state in the nation..... for now) to help and watch over the families until they come home. When we got into New York, we went straight to my older son's house here in the Adirondacks. When we arrived, the county had 9 confirmed cases, and 0 deaths. The entire county was in lockdown. 4 months later, we now have 0 weekly cases and still 0 deaths. As Florida and other southern states get hammered. As cold as I fear it's going to start getting this October, we have no regrets. At all.


Following the advice of the medical professionals works, people. If you're in a hotspot and you're able, stay home. Your life means more than a paycheck. If you have no other choice, do everything humanly possible to avoid getting into a bad situation.


Stay safe, wear a mask, and maintain safe distance..... it's not just for your own sake, but for everyone's. And fuck all to what the idiots who refuse to do these simple things think. They won't be so concerned about their *liberties* when they're hooked up to a ventilator while OTHERS fight to save the life that they CHOSE to take for granted for the *rights* they felt were being *infringed* upon. They'll be wishing they had been wearing one of those masks you were wearing instead of pointing and laughing at you.



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I guess I'll tell my little story.


 Back in late March I had to go to an appointment that I couldn't cancel since it was important. It was a clinic in the city and I walked in to see the receptionist who was clearly sick, I mean he didn't look well at all. When I saw him I said "WTF?!" and refused to approach the counter to sign in. I said "Are you sick?" to which he replied it was "just a cold" and said I could leave if I felt like it. I didn't because I needed to get this done and signed in and went to my appointment. A day later I was sick.


All the normal symptoms of a cold for a few days- cough, fever and shit until the third day the cold was mostly gone thanks to the fever I let go and slept through. What was weird is the third day the cold was mostly gone but I felt light headed and my balance was so that I couldn't walk very well and I almost fell a couple of times. That slowly went away, but I completely lost my voice for a week- which has never happened to me before. Other than that I felt fine. So, I have no idea since I couldn't get tested. Just an FYI- I normally don't get sick like....ever. The only reason I doubt this was Covid 19 is because I never lost my sense of smell and it's safer to assume you've never had it and act accordingly (plus I think covid is much more severe). I have zero physical contact with the community around me unless there is good reason to.

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we should not be closed down, it is not polo, small pox, or any of the other really tough pandemics.  They keep posting more people have it, which is happening dur to more testing, but they never show what the death rate is in healthy people. Just try to scare people, so the can make stupid rules.  Like you can not buy seeds to plant your garden, or you can riot without a mask, but can not go to church, or local, you can walk around the grocery store with your family, but only one of you can go to the check out.


they should be putting out numbers we can trust for young and healthy vrs medical problems.  Around here, most the deaths are in nursing homes.

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4 hours ago, Arcturus7777 said:

we should not be closed down, it is not polo, small pox, or any of the other really tough pandemics.  They keep posting more people have it, which is happening dur to more testing, but they never show what the death rate is in healthy people. Just try to scare people, so the can make stupid rules.  Like you can not buy seeds to plant your garden, or you can riot without a mask, but can not go to church, or local, you can walk around the grocery store with your family, but only one of you can go to the check out.


they should be putting out numbers we can trust for young and healthy vrs medical problems.  Around here, most the deaths are in nursing homes.

that actually says everything!
mass graves in Ecuador




mass graves in Brazil




if you want i will show you pictures of young people, children, who died of Covid19. :classic_wink:
also here in Germany died children.


and one more thing, because of your * stupid rules *, which state likes to ruin itself financially?
this corona crisis is costing the states hundreds of billions!

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Both images are fake, or at least not tied to covid anyway.

A simple google search of the top image shows that it was originally taken in early February of this year.

The bottom image's earliest date I found was March 4th.


Both dates are well before the outbreak was in either country.  So once again, fear mongers and liars spreading BS.

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1 hour ago, gregathit said:

Both images are fake, or at least not tied to covid anyway.

A simple google search of the top image shows that it was originally taken in early February of this year.

The bottom image's earliest date I found was March 4th.


Both dates are well before the outbreak was in either country.  So once again, fear mongers and liars spreading BS.

You know when this is all over and we look back on it, I can only wonder what our thoughts will be in light of the actual facts about it all that we will eventually figure out simply by comparing notes. From what I'm seeing so far, the numbers don't jive. For one thing there are a lot of false-positives being reported.

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32 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

You know when this is all over and we look back on it, I can only wonder what our thoughts will be in light of the actual facts about it all that we will eventually figure out simply by comparing notes. From what I'm seeing so far, the numbers don't jive. For one thing there are a lot of false-positives being reported.

Due to the economic damage to the majority of the world who did shut down, I wonder if the facts will ever come out.  There certainly will be plenty of incentive to bury the facts rather than own up to them.  Hopefully they will come to light and we can learn from both what was done right and what was done wrong.  And that there won't be too many witch hunts on what was done wrong.  The exception being those who knowingly abused power.  Those folks need to feel the full weight of the court system rammed up their collective backsides.

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