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Weapons & Spells

Skyrim mods that replace or add new weapons or spells.

81 files

  1. The Forgotten Weapons of Arcanie " 3(- bis) Misc and Bows Only" (Fixé)

    Partie 3 sur 3 bis: des arcs et des outils SANS listes nivelé
    o0O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~number=plural o0o
    parties 1 et 2 sont nécessaires! Chargez le Partie 3 bis APRÈS (donc ci-dessous) Partie 1 et 2 dans votre ordre de chargement .
    Ne pas se abonner à la partie 3 en même temps de celui-ci.
    Aucune autre DLC requise
    o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o
    Ce mod ajoute 18 Swords, 23 Blunts, 13 produits agricoles, 24 et Shields . 9 Bows
    Figurent à ces objets sont constructible et peut être mis à niveau et enchanté.
    Beaucoup d'entre eux ont des bonus. armes impériales (de gladius) - Dégâts + 10% pour la course Imperial armes nordiques - Dégâts + 10% pour les Nordiques armes Khajit (épée hallebarde, et falchion ) - Dégâts + 10%, Chance de coup critique de 20% pour Khajit armes Goblin - Dégâts + 40%, Chance de coup critique de 20% pour les Orcs armes anciennes nordiques - Dégâts + 30%, Chance de coup critique de 10% pour les Nordiques (forgée seulement à Skyforge, et seulement après que vous avez reçu l'avantage "d'armes héroïques nordiques») armes d'argent (de bataille à l'épée) - Dommages aux morts-vivants et les loups-garous + 25% o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o Si vous prenez la troisième partie avec des listes adressées: armes spécifiques peut être trouvée à partir des cadavres de Forsworns (épées, marteaux, pierres, bâtons cérémoniels à deux mains). Dans des coffres (boucliers parjure). Grands Draugrs ont un très peu de chances d'obtenir les anciennes armes anciennes. Tous les autres articles peuvent être trouvés au hasard en vente sur commerçants et autres PNJ. Outils agricoles sont vendus dans Riverwood ou Markarth (forgeron et Arneilf et fils), Caravanes, Whiterun (Eorlund skyforge), Dushnik yal, Mort Kharzur, Windhelm, Solitude (Findjar Blacksmith). o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o mod original: http://anvilbay.ru/files/arcania-armory/ je ai corrigé quelques erreurs et nettoyé avec TES5Edit avant de le séparer en trois parties modèles sont basés sur des modèles du jeu Arcania ***** ********************** grâce à: -Bethesda -TESedit -mon ami Valadorn ***************** **************************** lien Mediafire pour NMM: http://www.mediafire.com/download/zv5ls4f242nt64b/Arcania_3_Sans.7z
    Upload permission:
    You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites Nexus or others without my permission!.
    mod clean içi:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=383507369



  2. The Forgotten Weapons of Arcanie 3" Misc and Bows and Lists" (FIXE)

    Partie 3 de 3: arcs et des outils Avec des listes nivelé
    o0O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nombre = o0o plusieurs
    partis 1 et 2 Sont nécéssaires! Chargeur Partie 3 APRÈS (ci-dessous Fait) Partie 1 et 2 Dans votre ordre de chargement.
    DON 'T vous Abonner à la partie 3 bis in the same Temps de Celui-ci.
    Aucune Autre DLC REQUISE
    o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~number=plural o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o
    Ce Ajouté mod 18 Swords , 23, 13 Blunts Produits Agricoles, 24 Shields et neuf arcs.
    Objets de Ces are constructible et can be mis à niveau et enchantée.
    Beaucoup d'Entre Eux Ont des primes Armes impériales (de gladius) -. Dégâts + 10% POUR LA sûr Armes impériales nordiques - Dégâts + 10% Pour les Nordiques Armes Khajit (de hallebarde épée, et falchion) - Dégâts + 10%, Chance de coup critique de 20% versez Khajit armes Goblin - Dégâts + 40%, Chance de coup critique de 20% versez armes les Orcs Ancient nordiques - Dégâts + 30%, Chance de coup critique de 10% versez les Nordiques (only forgée au Skyforge, et après only you have received Que l'avantage "d'Armes Heroiques nordiques») armes d'argent (de bataille à l'épée) - Dommages aux morts-vivants et les loups garous-+ 25% Nombre de o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = pluriel ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o Si vous Prenez Le Troisième partie Avec des listes Destinataires : armes Spécifiques can be trouvée à partir des cadavres de Forsworns (épées, marteaux, pierres, bâtons cérémoniels A deux mains). Dans des coffres (boucliers parjure). Grands Draugrs Ont très Un peu de chances d'get les anciennes armes anciennes. Tous les Autres articles may Être trouvés au hasard en vente sur commerçants et Autres PNJ. Outils agricoles Sont Vendus Dans Riverwood ous Markarth (forgeron et Arneilf et fils), Caravanes, Whiterun (Eorlund skyforge), Dushnik yal, Mort Kharzur, Windhelm, Solitude (Findjar Blacksmith). o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o mod originaux: http://anvilbay.ru/files/arcania-armory/ je intérim Quelques CORRIGE ET Erreurs nettoyé AVEC TES5Edit avant de le separer en Trois partis MODELES Sont Basés sur des modeles du jeu Arcania ***** ******************* grace à: -Bethesda -TESedit -mon ami Valadorn ********** ********** ************************ LinkMédiafire verser NMM: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ h4382o14zr1pa62 / Arcania_3_Avec.7z

    mod içi propre:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=383493272



  3. The Forgotten Weapons of Arcanie 2 "Blunts" (FIXé)

    Partie 2 de 3: émousse (massues, marteaux de guerre, waraxes et haches)
    o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o
    La partie 1 est nécessaire! Chargez le Partie 2 APRÈS (donc ci-dessous) de la Partie 1 dans votre ordre de chargement .
    Aucune autre DLC requise
    o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o
    Ce mod ajoute 18 Swords, 23 Blunts, 13 produits agricoles, 24 Shields et 9 Arcs.
    Ces objets sont constructibles et peuvent être modernisés et enchantée.
    Beaucoup de . les ont primes armes impériales (glaive) - Dégâts + 10% pour la course Imperial armes nordiques - Dégâts + 10% pour les Nordiques armes Khajit (épée hallebarde, et falchion) - Dégâts + 10%, Chance de coup critique de 20% pour Khajit Goblin armes - Dégâts + 40%, Chance de coup critique de 20% pour les Orcs Ancient Nordic armes - Dégâts + 30%, Chance de coup critique de 10% pour les Nordiques (forgé seulement à Skyforge, et seulement après que vous avez reçu l'avantage "Héroïque nordique armes ») armes d'argent (de bataille à l'épée) - Dommages aux morts-vivants et les loups-garous + 25% o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o Si vous prenez la troisième partie avec des listes adressées: armes spécifiques peuvent être trouvées à partir de cadavres Forsworns (épées à deux mains, marteaux, de pierre, merrains de cérémonie). Dans des coffres (boucliers parjure). Grands Draugrs ont un très peu de chances d'obtenir les anciennes armes anciennes. Tous les autres articles peuvent être trouvés au hasard en vente sur commerçants et autres PNJ. Outils agricoles sont vendus dans Riverwood ou Markarth (forgeron et Arneilf et fils), Caravanes, Whiterun (Eorlund skyforge), Dushnik yal, Mort Kharzur, Windhelm, Solitude (Findjar Blacksmith). o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o mod original: http://anvilbay.ru/files/arcania-armory/ je ai corrigé quelques erreurs et nettoyé avec TES5Edit avant de le séparer en trois parties modèles sont basés sur des modèles du jeu Arcania ***** ********** grâce à: -Bethesda -TESedit -mon ami Valadorn o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o chargement permission: Lien Mediafire pour NMM: http: //www.mediafire. com / download / ach1d5vj86k6gbc / Arcania_2.7z

    Mod clean içi!..:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=383475527



  4. The Forgotten Weapons of Arcanie 1" Shields and Swords and Perks" (FIXED)

    Partie 1 de 3:. épées et de boucliers
    o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o
    La première partie peut être autonome, mais est nécessaire pour la partie 2 et 3.
    Pas de DLC nécessaire.
    o0o ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ o0o
    Ce mod ajoute 18 Swords, 23 Blunts, 13 produits agricoles, 24 Shields et 9 Arcs.
    Ces objets sont constructibles et peuvent être mis à niveau et magique.
    Beaucoup d'entre eux ont des bonus. armes impériales (de gladius) - Dommages 10 % pour Imperial course armes nordiques - Dégâts + 10% pour les Nordiques armes Khajit (hallebarde, épée et Fauchon) - Dégâts + 10%, Risques de coup critique de 20% pour Khajit armes Goblin - Dégâts + 40%, Risques de coup critique de 20% pour Orcs armes anciennes nordiques - Dégâts + 30%, Risques de coup critique de 10% pour les Nordiques (forgés seulement à Skyforge, et seulement après que vous avez reçu l'avantage "d'armes nordiques héroïque») armes Argent (de bataille à l'épée) - Dommages aux morts-vivants et loups-garous + 25% o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o Si vous prenez la troisième partie avec des listes adressées: armes spécifiques peuvent être trouvées à partir de cadavres de Forsworns (épées à deux mains, marteaux, marteaux de pierre, de cérémonie douves). Dans des coffres (boucliers parjure). Grands Draugrs ont un très peu de chances d'obtenir les anciennes armes anciennes. Tous les autres articles peuvent être trouvés au hasard en vente sur commerçants et autres PNJ. Outils agricoles sont vendus dans Riverwood ou Markarth (forgeron et Arneilf et fils), Caravanes, Whiterun (Eorlund skyforge), Dushnik yal, Mort Kharzur, Windhelm, Solitude (Findjar Blacksmith). o0o ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0) O (0o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ o0o mod original: http://anvilbay.ru/files/arcania-armory/ je ai corrigé quelques erreurs et nettoyé avec TES5Edit avant de le séparer en trois parties modèles sont basés sur des modèles du jeu Arcania ***** ******* grâce à: -Bethesda -TESedit l'ami de Valadorn ******************************** ** Téléchargez la permission: Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à télécharger ce fichier à d'autres sites ou d'autres Nexus en toutes circonstances. sans ma permission.
    et maintenant clean içi:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=383335281
    Mediafile lien est pour Nexus Mod Gestionnaire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/0bm7i3q4zctcn8n/Arcania_1 .7z



  5. SamGoldenDaedricLegacy (En-Fr)

    I know that other mods of this kind have been made, but the difference is the light weapons,, more new spells you can learn as well as a French-English translation, I hope this mod you please, this would have could exist without the help of my friend Valadorn: that works wonders.
    ps: all weapons are craftable in the category Daedra (having forging skills) and any forge, you can improve, delight, disenchant them for new applications on your weapons, of course it's free DLC now have fun my friends and thanks your loyalty, that motivate us too!



  6. Dark Souls Weapons - Enhanced

    This is an alteration to this mod here: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/20171-dark-souls-weapons/
    If you want this mod to work you HAVE to download that mod first, because it has all the meshes and textures in it. Without the original mod, the weapons are not likely to appear since they are not defined by the archives.
    So I did the following with this .esp:
    1.) Added gold values to each of the weapons = (Damage/2)*100
    2.) Placed the weapons into various leveled lists with the level requirement = (Value/100) Rounded to the nearest whole number.
    3.) Uploaded the file to the site in a zipped archive.
    Even with COC testing, I couldn't seem to get the items to drop. But once I checked on the black knight dude near the meadery I felt confident that the changes I made were in effect since all the items now have a cash value.
    Please tell me if the weapons are not appearing or if there is something wrong. Thank you and enjoy.



  7. Dior's Conjunration

    The original author is DiorSoul, that's his username here in LL, for some reason he was unable to post a thread so I help him held the thread, so every part of credit goes to him, not me.
    Apology for my bad English, it is not my first language, please excuse me for using google translate on responses.
    Thanks Jack Queen for her courtesy of letting me use the resources for this mod, thanks!
    This mod adds several new conjurable creatures.
    Conjuration perks will be in effect, magicka costs are reasonable, master spell is actually practical now.
    The following is a story behind this mod, I share with ones held the same passion and love to mighty conjuration!
    The following screenshots will demonstrate each type of creature available in this mod.
    -Brief description-
    This mod introduces a handful of standalone conjuration spells, they won't conflict with anything, and are under perks' influences.
    It includes: spells from Novice, Adept, Expert and Master level. Each level contains two spells.
    Conjured creatures will level with players along their journeys, and tend to keep as same level as the player is at.
    Undoubtedly each creatures has level cap, e.g. Novice creatures may not go above level 30.
    -How to obtain spells-
    Go down Midden in Winterhold College, at the front of lever table you will find a crafting manual, which contains each creature's image and recipe to craft corresponding spell tome. Drop needed ingredients in offering box, pull the lever, if done correctly the spell book should appear in the middle of the forge.
    -Requirements and Compatibilities-
    As long as you own skyrim you are good to go!
    There is no incompatibility found yet.
    -Incoming Standalone Follower-
    For those who have read through the back story, I've got some bonus for ya! This is Celine as a follower, due to languague problems I will publish it later.
    V. 1.1 fixed CurseBoss prescription
    new prescription:voidSalts *1,OreOrichalcum *1,GemRuby *1,RuinedBook*1.
    changed CurseBoss and Archdemon time
    for 5min.
    If any Chinese speakers are interested in this mod and wish to get a Chinese version. I have got you covered too! Head over the download section, you will need the DiorConjureV1.0.rar first, then download DiorCouration_Chinese.rar overwrite the main file, and you are good.



  8. Murasame Teigu

    Lore !
    Murasame Is a powerful teigu katana from the anime Akame ga kill.
    The legend say : The teigu katana Murasame can Injects a powerful cursed poison inside the victim which will kill them in seconds.
    Where and how ?
    Craftable in the skyforge with Daedric Smithing perk and Assassin's Blade perk.
    Nexus http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57389/?
    Thank you Tetsuya Tashiro for the Anime !
    Ps. Make a constante agony on essential NPC



  9. Xenic's Convenient Weapons - Standalone

    What is this?
    This mod takes weapons that were previously flagged as unplayable and makes them playable. I made duplicates in the CK for everything except the testVorpalSword. I found the testVorpalSword in the CK with 0 uses. It's worth noting that it does 10000 damage. That's enough to throw a carriage driver out of his seat with one swing. I left all the original damage values utouched with one exception, Auriels Bow Replica does 4 less damage than the real thing. I also renamed the duplicate Mirrak weapons to ___ of Tentacles.
    There should not be any conflicts with the weapons but if you find a problem with were the barrel is placed or with a weapon let me know.
    If you have any suggestions for more weapons to add please leave them here and I will look into it.
    Enjoy your new weapons.



  10. Updated

  11. The Devastator

    Was a piece i worked on in class.. refined it, put more skill into it, and decided to share..
    Free to use, as long as you credit me



  12. Elven Dagger Replacer

    Hi all! Thought i'd share my 1st mod with everyone on LL, just a simple Elven dagger replacer because i don't like the ugly chuck of metal that Bethseda came up with for the Elven dagger.. Hope you all enjoy
    The left hand mesh is already set up if you use DSR, also if you do use DSR, you will have to go and delete the sheath.nif manually
    Future plans: make it standalone, and to add a sheathe.
    Please do not upload anywhere else, you can use my assets but please give me credit and a heads up that you are.



  13. Dark Souls Weapons

    I've ported all of the melee Dark Souls weapon meshes to Skyrim. Get the items from a temporary Black Phantom near the Meadery near Whiterun, he has all the weapons in his inventory.
    You can find a Solaire follower mod here
    Here are some more screenshots



  14. gunblade hex

    released a wip basically my plugin i've been working on for months and i still dont understand gorilla k's scripts
    current version
    gorilla ks 3 katanas all are gunblades, based on the dwarwen gunblade setup middle mouse button to shoot
    fire kata -shotgun gunblade
    Ice katana - gatling gunblade
    Lightning - Standard gunblade (uses gorilla ks testshoot spell)
    also help Gatana to get 3 unscabbarded 3 kantanas (gunblades of course) i found while hiss scabbard script was awesome.it some times was frustrating when i switched weapon only for the scabbard to remain and force the 3 katana into my hand.
    then i was like would this be awesome as 2 handed weapons
    type help
    'Ice GunBlade Gatling'-2handed ice katana
    'lightning GunBlade '-2handed lightning katana
    01FireMagnumSword - 2handed fire katana
    they all follow similar laws fire-magnun shotgun style blast, ice fores rapid fire and lightning is the standard shooting
    ive also not stoped there
    the rose sword and crainte vomirs that are hidden in the 3 katana esp are now also gunblades.
    follow the forum post
    "quick update Fixed 2handed bug"



  15. Gunbladehecks

    small project restoring gorilla k 3 katanas
    released a wip basically my plugin i've been working on for months and i still dont understand gorilla k's scripts
    current version
    gorilla ks 3 katanas all are gunblades, based on the dwarwen gunblade setup middle mouse button to shoot
    fire kata -shotgun gunblade
    Ice katana - gatling gunblade
    Lightning - Standard gunblade (uses gorilla ks testshoot spell)
    also help Gatana to get 3 unscabbarded 3 kantanas (gunblades of course) i found while hiss scabbard script was awesome.it some times was frustrating when i switched weapon only for the scabbard to remain and force the 3 katana into my hand.
    then i was like would this be awesome as 2 handed weapons
    type help
    'Ice GunBlade Gatling'-2handed ice katana
    'lightning GunBlade '-2handed lightning katana
    01FireMagnumSword - 2handed fire katana
    they all follow similar laws fire-magnun shotgun style blast, ice fores rapid fire and lightning is the standard shooting
    ive also not stoped there
    the rose sword and crainte vomirs that are hidden in the 3 katana esp are now also gunblades.



  16. Clone Player

    This mod adds a new power to the player. This power creates a clone of the player, with same stats, spells, shouts, equipment, and controlled by the AI. The clone will follow you and will dissapear in 5 minutes.
    The Clone Player power is a regular power that can be used once a day. But unlike other powers, the "Clone Player Power" will reduce your hp by 98%, and magicka and stamina by 100% (cloning yourself leaves you exhausted)
    Because of some technical limitations, the clone will take around 5-20 seconds to appear after the power is cast.
    The mod comes with a MCM menu where you can configure some parameters such as the combat style the AI will use, if the clone is talkative, etc
    Requirements: SKSE and SkyUI
    Install instructions: extract the zip file, and copy the contents to Data. Activate the ESP.
    Known issues:
    - If talk is enabled, the clone may insult the player (throw voice) or he may use the "Doovahkin" greet of greybeards. This is the reason why talk to clone is disabled by default.
    - Black face. Under some circumnstances, the clone may appear with black face. In my tests, the clone would only get a black face if i existed skyrim for a moment with alt+tab and then return to it.
    - Changing MCM options don't affect current clone. Yep, it is like that, mcm options will only affect the next clone you cast.
    - The clone takes time to appear. Yeah, as spotted above, it is a technical limitation, copying the player inventory and spells takes time. The bigger your inventory/spells, the more time it takes.
    - If you kill the clone (!), it counts as killing someone from winterhold college. Not sure if it can affect other stories. Just don't kill the clone
    - Some enemies, like giants, may send the clone flying, although he may survive.
    - Making yourself essential (by mods or console) will also make the clone essential. And viceversa.
    - If you save game with a clone active, exit game, and reenter game, the clone will revert its combat style to the default one. No problem, next clone will again have the selected combat style.
    - The clone is able to use full shouts despite you not having some words of the shout. Likewise, it can use shouts you haven't unlocked yet. These are all technical limitations again.
    Incompatibilities: I haven't tested, but since using the power takes 98% of your health, I don't know if that can affect mods that prevents death at certain % of health.
    Uninstall instructions: it is recommended that you wait for the clone to disappear. You will receive a notification "Clone disappears..." when the clone totally disappears (clone will always dissapear after 5 minutes, he may die before, but he will still exist). You can also check the active effects: if a "player cloned" effect is active, that means that the clone still exists.
    Once you are sure that the clone doesn't exist, just remove the esp.



  17. Turbosnowy's "Summon Vampire Queen"

    Summons Astrothea the Vampire Queen to aid you on your adventures. She is summoned for 24 hours so not really permanent, but long enough for you not to worry about her wandering away when in the middle of a dungeon or adventure.



    This is reuploaded using the new manager so will show up in my contents list and makes it easier for you to download via 'clicking on butan' so YAYs all round. If you already have this mod then no need to get it again.

    She comes equipped with her own outfit *, weapon** and spell list and is levelled to fit with your current adventures.

    She levels with you so each time you level and you summon her she will become stronger. She also has levelled weapons which increase in lethality about every 10 levels or so, so if you manage to summon her at lvl 20 for example and think she is weak, try her again later when you have levelled a bit and see what carnage ensues...oh yeah...

    Please say thanks if you enjoy this mod as shows some appreciation for the effort that went into making it.


    * (Kudos to Xinafay for the ballet heels)

    **(kudos to AlexScorpion for permission to use his Ninjato in this mod)


    She is essentially my player character placed in a mod to allow you to summon her for aid when required - if you dont like the way she looks them shush - not going to change as everyone single person has a different view, and changing to fit your view would just result in more requests to change etc.

    Steal the 'Nosferatasia' spell book located in Whiterun Halls of the Dead, and read it to learn the Master Level summonation spell (see pics for guidance on where it can be found).

    Please note this mod does not include the rather fine floating animation for casting master level spells as shown in the 3rd video, however if you like it and want to use it yourself, grab the mod from Skyrim Nexus here:



    WARNING: This 'Summon Vampire Queen' mod has a few pre-requisites:

    1) The latest version of SKSE (
    2) Appachi Skyhair (
    3) The latest version of HDT high heels system (
    To get the low down on instalation please visit Elewins Pumps2 on Skyrim Nexus page for detailed instructions (
    http://www.skyrim.ne....com/mods/30642), but essentially this mod has the same pre-requisites as Elewins' Pumps2 mod with an addition of needing Appachi Skyhair.
    Essentialy you will need to install SKSE, then over-write with the latest version of the HDT mod (links on Elewins pumps description page linked above and below) and as long as you have Apachii Skyhair also installed you should be golden.

    QUICK Overview of Installation:

    Step 1) Install SKSE manually from here - (
    http://skse.silverlock.org) Make sure you install in the Skyrim and not the Data directory.
    Step 2) Go Here for updates to HDT High Heels system
    http://www.skyrim.ne....com/mods/30642 and install HDT manually (overwriting all SKSE files when prompted) - links to HDT are on the description page (not in the files section). Again install in the Skyrim and not Data directory.
    Step 3) Grab Apachii Skyhair here:


    Frequently Asked Question / Comments (FAQ)

    Q1) Woa this sounds complicated!

    A1) It's worth the effort - a working high heels system for Skyrim? Yes please!

    Q2) So I need SKSE, Appachi and HDT to make this work?

    A2) Ayep, multiple esms combined to make this possible - YAY technology!

    Q3) So I got lost, what do I need again in order?

    A3) Step 1) SKSE - manually install latest version in Sktrim Directory (NOT DATA)
    Step 2) HDT - manually install latest version in Skyrim Directory (NOT DATA) find latest version in DESCRIPTION here:
    Step 3) Install Appachi Skyhair found here:
    Q4) No wai, that's like effort, just make it so I click buttan and it wurks?

    A4) Sos compadre no can do - you need all the above to make this work. Skyrim mods getting more complex after all this time, and for the better imo...

    Q5) WTF - Why so many reqs? I can make a fractal skyrim dooferlitious plastertron without any extra mods thx

    A5) To make a character have nice hair it needs Appachi, to make a character have working high heels you need SKSE, HDT and ideally SkyUI aswell for nice menu options you probably wont use.

    Q6) I did all the above and now Skyrim CTDs before I get the menu screen - WTF?

    A6) Likely reason being you missed a step or installed SKSE or HDT in the Data directory rather than the Skyrim directory or you forgot you also need Appachi Skyhair.

    Q7) I installed everything but her feet sink into the ground?

    A7) This is caused by HDT not working properly and most likely cause is Skyrim patched itself via Steam and the corresponding HDT patch is still in the works so check Elewin's page every now and then until the updated HDT link is put up.

    Q8) Can you make her outfit/shoes etc so my character can wear them plox?

    A8) I am working with Xinafay on the creation of a new mod with some new outfits of mine and some new shoes/corsets from him but still some work to do, but in short likely yes in the future.


    AlexScorpion for permission to use his ninjato from this mod -
    Xinafay for making the Ballet Heels, you are a star!


    _Wolf_ & Boomchickenz for playtesting and reporting bugs/issues so I could fix them prior to release



  18. El Pollo Diablo Spell (I got really bored)

    Demo Video

    Adds a spell tome in Belethor's General Goods, that sneaky bastard was holding out on you!
    Spell summons a chicken from hell who casts 10 random spells with a 50% chance on firestorm. Lasts 60 seconds. Afterwords the spell is removed from the player for 5 minutes and re-appears after that time period (I was lazy)
    The chicken will only start going crazy if the player was in combat on summon or if it gets into combat via normal aggro.
    The chicken cannot initiate combat with non hostiles.
    The chicken will NOT hurt non-hostiles (As far as I can tell)
    The chicken cannot zone through doors
    The chicken CAN zone through auto-load doors, which will just bug out the camera until the spell wears off
    The player character is basically just invisible and invulnerable during and constantly translating to the chicken at mach 3 so exterior zones will load fine
    The chicken controls like a chicken, it seems to have no reverse so.. yolo?



  19. Fudou Myouou Katana and Tachi

    Um this time i bring u guys another good katana/tachi by that team, and, of course, there will be more!
    just wait, click the button, and u will get another wonderful experience!
    Like the katana/tachi i uploaded days ago, this katana is also a really good one. no more than 10,000 tris,
    textures are 1Kx1,512x1,512*1024x1,256x1 made from true photos!
    In one word, have it, and u won't regret having it!
    Hoping for ur Endorsement and votes! Thanks!
    OH, this time i made a less powerful version for u! U can also adjust the damage with CK or BLABLABLA....... just do whatever u like!
    Short Introduction:
    In DLC Acalanatha/Fudou Myouou this Tachi belongs to the final boss. The Dragonborn have to slay him to get
    the strongest weapon in this DLC. Take care of ur xxx, hah!
    For it is a legendary katana so blood won't remain on it!
    How to get:
    just carft them in forge! YUMMY!
    Just use NMM to install this mod! or use launcher.
    Also use NMM to uninstall or use launcher.
    model:YYK moral cat Beat the CHIM
    textures:YYK Moral-cat
    CK:yaotong Patrick
    This is the second piece but not the final one! More is waiting to be uploaded! Just pay attention to our series! Pay attention to DLC Acalanatha/Fudou Myouou.
    AD:Bishu Osafune ju Morikage Katana and Tachi
    for more mods please visit:http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum-685-1.html
    That is all! HAVE FUN!



  20. Bishu Osafune-ju Morikage

    Bishu Osafune-ju Morikage Katana/Tachi

    MADE BY CHINA-YYK & Moral-cat

    u will see more in [WIP] DLC 不动明王(Acalanatha)

    First, thank u for endorse my Standalone Followers Boa Hancock and Aya! I wanna show my gratitude to all of u.
    These two weapons(a katana & a tachi) are made by Chinese Authors from 3DM and I an lucky to get permission from them to share this mod on Loverslab.
    I cannot say it is the best one, but what is sure that it is one of the best.
    AND, it is made according to the real one in Japan! NOT SMOETHING CREATED BY IMAGINATION!
    AND…..HOPING FOR UR Endorsement!^.^
    (Sorry I don’t know how to translate these into ENGLISH, so I don’t know whether u can read it……)
    Jūbun dai naginata, naginata-gata unokubi zō.
    Mei, bishū Osafune ju mori kage, Sadaharu roku-nen (Bizen kuni jū naga Funamori Tsugiko).
    Jinmon, Ran komi , Chōji chokuba.
    Naga, 130. 5 Cm.
    Han: 6. 5 Cm.
    This mod contains two weapons:
    -Bishu Osafune-ju Morikage Katana-(one-handed sword)
    - Bishu Osafune-ju Morikage Tachi-(two-handed sword)
    You can craft them in forge and what you need are two steel ingots
    You can also sharpen it with one steel
    AND they can be enchanted
    1. JUST USE NMM TO INSTALL ALL THE FILES for convenient to manage this mod.
    2. Unpack all the files and copy to ur game path (Example: … \Skyrim\Data),and use launcher to install it.
    use NMM to uninstall
    delete all the files u copy to game path.
    Model: CHINA-YYK Moral-cat
    Why I call it a good mod?
    1st it is made according to real one, the textures and model are made from photos.
    2ndthe model use no more than 10,000 Tris and the pinup pictures are 1K x1, 512 x1.
    In one word, all players can use this mod without worry. This is different from most katana mods for they may use lots of unnecessary tris which puts lots of pressure on ur computer.
    3rdu won’t feel it worse than ones which use 4k textures or model of 100,000+tris!BUT IT ENABLE U TO INSTALL MORE MODS U LIKE!
    FOR MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN VISIT: http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum-685-1.html
    A Famous Chinese Forum which offers many good mods!



  21. FOWL (From Oblivion with Lore) Artifact Weapons

    Hi there!
    This Mod adds some Weapon artifacts from the TES IV Oblivion and one from Shivering DLC.
    Name: FOWL - From Oblivion with Lore - Weapon Artifacts [WIP?];
    This MOD tries to add some favorite weapons from Oblivion and it is a good option for those who want some lore items instead of custom weapons that have no meaning in TES (nothing against that, I have plentiful of amazing non-lore stuff, don't get me wrong). I got this idea from this Mod after noticed that it lacks some stuff and decided to add some more, using UESP Wiki as reference.
    This Set adds 8 weapons and staves:
    - Staff of Indarys (Thunderbolt Enchantment);
    - Staff of the Everscamp (Conjure Familiar Enchantment);
    - Hrormir's Ice-staff (Ice Storm Enchantment);
    - Staff of Worms (Raise Zombie Enchantment);
    - Nerveshatter War-hammer - Amber version (Base Damage - 29, Shock Damage Enchantment);
    - Rugdumph's Sword (Base Damage - 24, Paralysis Enchantment);
    - Blackwater Blade (Base Damage - 8, Damage Stamina Enchantment);
    - Umbra Great-sword (Base Damage - 24, Soul Trap Enchantment);
    Umbra Great-sword taken from Here
    The textures used are from InsanitySorrow Improved Armory
    To install, just unzip and drop the data folder on the Skyrim main directory. I have installed using NMM and it worked well.
    To uninstall manually, enter in the Data folder and delete FOWLOblivionArtifacts.esp; delete also the "FOWL" folders under Data\Meshes\weapons\ and Data\Textures\weapons\ .
    To get the Set:
    - use the console;
    - pick them in a chest near Alduin's Wall in Sky Temple (see screenshots);
    - The weapon damage and enchanting values are vaguely based according to the Oblivion ones;
    - the items are not craftable or upgradable yet. I plan to make them upgradable only.
    - The staves disappear when sheathed, I am still working on this issue, but if you know how to solve this contact me please.
    Screenshots at the Download page.
    Future plans for this mod:
    - fix reported bugs;
    - probably add some more weapon artifacts depending on feedback and suggestions;
    The future development of this Mod will rely greatly with suggestions (not requests); the kind of suggestions I'm looking for are new items (only ones not used on this other mod), item stats and properties (enchants and damage) and pick location (forget quests, the best I could do is spread the items hidden around the game or equip some enemies in a fort or tower for you to fight to get them). Please PM me or reply to this MOD topic discussion, I will consider and reply to every suggestion.
    Thanks and Credits:
    InsanitySorrow for almost all the textures used;
    buddah for Mighty Umbra Sword files;
    Bethesda for the Elder Scrolls games;
    All the good modders that help improve this amazing game by creating mods, leaving great video tutorials or helping noobs like me!



  22. [Blade&Soul] Jeryong Heroic Sword

    Hi, it's my first posting to upload a mod.
    This mod adds Jeryong Heroic Sword from Blade & Soul to your game of two version, one-handed and two-handed.
    These blade's damages and other traits are exactly same with their daedric counterparts.
    so you need the daedric crafting perk to make and enhance them.
    If you prefer to get these without crafting, may enter console code help jeryong 4 to get the code to use player.additem.
    enjoy it!



  23. Turbosnowy's 'Summon Angels'

    Four angels are available now for you to learn how to summon - they will aid you on your adventures for 5 minutes assuming you have learned the spell and have the ability to master such powerful divine magic.
    Summary Video

    Guide to Summoning an Angel

    This is a reboot of one of my earliest mods for Skyrim - lost for years when I left Nexus, but now a revamped version is available once again for those who want to summon these celestial beings in their time of need...
    1st Video pretty much sums it up for you. 2nd video is a guide on how to summon them.
    Each angel has their own skills and preferred method of combat, ranging from close melee to ranged magic. All angels will level with you and have levelled weapons, which means when you gain levels and summon them again, they will be stronger, just as you have become.
    This mod requires you to have Apachii Skyhair installed - you can get this mod at this link here:
    With 4.6 million downloaders I think we can safely say this mod is quite popular - and don't worry this wont affect any hairstyles in your game apart from my angels, so you are quite safe.
    If these gals are too fluffy and umm, what's the word, 'angelic' let's say for your tastes, you can check out the evil version in my 'Fallen Angels' mod also available here.
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
    Q1 - How do I get this mod for a new house or whatever it is?
    A1 - Click on the 'Download' button on the top right of the page. Make sure is enabled in Datafiles or whatever mod manager you use.
    Q2 - How can I summon these Angels?
    A2 - Funny you should ask that - the second video walks you through it - spellbooks are found in the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun - steal them - read them - cast the spell if you are powerful enough in conjuration.
    Q3 - I want to wear those dresses - make them available!!!1111!
    A3 - Maybe - couple are availble in my existing mods already.
    Q4 - I cant cast the spell after I learned it - 'itz brokan lulzorz'
    A4 - Learn to stop sucking at magic - is quite a powerful spell so level up and stick some points in magic so you can cast it.
    Q5 - OMG this is so awful I threw my computer out the window and had to buy a new one just to tell you awful this is!
    A5 - Sweet....
    Ok Have fun out there and let me know how you get on,



  24. Turbosnowy's 'Fallen Angels' Mk2

    This is a reboot of my original 'Fallen Angels' mod - quite a few changes have been made and for anyone who knows my original Mk1 version, hopefully you will think the changes are for the better.
    ------xXo0oXx------ Summary ------xXo0oXx------
    Four Fallen Angels are now available to be summoned if you are skilled and powerful enough in the Dark Arts. The spell books are located in Whiterun's 'Hall of the Dead' on the right hand side coffin as you enter.
    The fallen angels vary in how they fight - some have skills to raise dead, cast hellfire and other nasty new spells, heal themselves, use demonic bows and more - all wiill however kick ass with a crazed vengeance and a beautiful style so find the fallen angel(s) that suits your playstyle best or just like the look of.
    They will fight/accompany you for 5 minutes and then go back to whatever nefarious business they were up to before you rudely interupted them with your summonation (knitting black stockings, arranging dead flowers, ripping the spines out of extra-planar adventurers - possibly that kind of thing)
    ------xXo0oXx-------- Video --------xXo0oXx------

    ------xXo0oXx---- Requirements ----xXo0oXx------
    You will need Apachii Skyhair for this mod - available on Nexus here:
    ------xXo0oXx- The Fallen Angels -xXo0oXx------

    Suffer -
    Slinkier, very capable melee with choice of hell magic for ranged attacks and can summons/animate dead.
    Writhe -
    Hell Armoured, uses hell magic for ranged attacks and summons/animates dead.
    Twilight -
    Hell Armoured, uses hell bow for ranged attacks, melee heavy with limited self healing.
    Sin -
    Slinkier, uses hell bow for ranged attacks, melee heavy with limited self healing.
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
    Q1) How duz I download this?
    A1) There is a download button on the top right - ideally use a mod manager to install it for you once downloaded, otherwise unpack and plonk contents in your Skyrim Data directory.
    Q2) How does this differ from the original version?
    A2) I made them levelled with levelled weapons which means as you level and summon them again they will have become stronger. They start off weaker at lower levels than the original version but become stronger later - also will happily level past 80 now. I also changed the appearance despite saying I wouldn't (so hopefully you will like the new look)
    Q3) Where do I find them/How do I summon them?
    A3) WIll make a video shortly, but in essence, find the spellbooks in Whiterun's 'Hall of the Dead' - coffin top right hand side from entrance - is a small room so you should feel a bit embarrassed if you cannot find 4 large books in the open, in quite a small room.... Read the books, learn the spells, cast them ...if you can...
    Q4) I found the books and learned the spells but I cannot cast them - 'itz brokan!!1 lulz'
    A4) Quit being shit at magic - stick some points in magic, level up conjuration and you will be fine - this was always designed to be a top end spell for evil characters so don't imagine at level 1 with your trusty rusty spoon as a main weapon you should be able to summon freaking demons...
    Q5) I cast the spell but nothing happens - wtf?
    A5) It has a long cast time, so you can't just spam them in a tight spot - keep casting that spell...no don't release yet...no no still don't release....wait for it....wait for it.... ok go! BOOM 'Fallen Angel'
    If I get further queries that repeat will add to the FAQ, however knowing you lot I'll probably be hit with a deafening wall of silence until the mod disappears to page 836....
    OK that said, have fun out there and hope you enjoy the reboot!
    P.S Thanks to Thulas for the lovely banner



  25. Master Sword With Shield

    This is the first ever mod i have made for Skyrim while im tinkering and geting into all the tools needed please download it and give it a try its a 1 handed beast named the Master Sword it can be created at a forge and should be fully upgradeable, Extract from the zip then just drop into your main skyrim data folder and activate the ESP, you can find this sword & Shield at the end of Dead Mens Respite Tomb by the dragon wall look in pics for map location... please leave any feedback and suggestions as i said this is my first ever mod and all input would be much appreciated.
    No Special Requirements needed
    No DLC's Needed
    Weight = 16
    Reach = 1
    Speed = 1
    Crit Dmg = 23
    Damage = 45
    Sagger = 0.7500
    Value = 5000



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