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About deadmetal

  • Birthday 03/17/1990

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  1. Hi dude I've sent you a message a few days ago, I'm looking for help with doing the same thing for my game if you could advise me?
  2. Really wish you were able to do a mod like this for skyrim too
  3. you should totally make a preset or a follower mod for siarre
  4. @TrollAutokill Just a heads up, the new "Entertain me slave!" option is present on all NPC's in the dialogue options not exclusively just for slaves
  5. @nomkaz might just be me but I dont have the option to start the quest from the statue in alternate start, didnt have that problem in the previous version
  6. is it just me or does anyone else have the issue where Submission rapidly drops to -10 despite choosing resist options and the like within the first day of enslavement or whatever? must admit ive ignored it for the past few updates as its not a huge issue but curious if im the only one or if anyone knows the cause
  7. I'll just be waiting around hoping someone will have the magic powers to convert this to SE *cough* @nomkaz *cough*
  8. STOP CHECKING THE CODE AND DO SOME HUMAN COMMUNICATION FOR ONCE! Jesus christ just send him a god damn message instead of making mountains out of molehills, maybe the way you are trying to approach it might not be possible in the game engine and he might have the solution.. He has been modding skyrim for a looooong time now, might I add SUCCESSFULLY! Rather than just say "hey I could use some help with this" you decide to look into the code instead. you are unbelievable... maybe you need some help: https://www.wikihow.com/Talk-to-People Trust me I WANT your mod to succeed! I really do! But you really are the biggest hindrance to your own mod the way you refuse to ask people for help. If I was to guess Inte ran into the same issue and he came up with the current work around which at least in SD+ case has the actors approach the outside of the cell, then be teleported a few feet into the cell, sure its not as immersive as walking in, but it fucking works
  9. I wouldn't know, but you know who would? Inte.. You know why Inte would know? Cause he's already addressed this issue with BOTH cages AND jail cell doors in multiple locations. Seriously its a simple ask and im sure he'd be more than happy to help if you did.
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