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4 hours ago, Thurlam said:

I've created over a dozen mods across various games (including Oblivion) on my main acc, and I have been intending to create Skyrim mods once I have time (and SL p+ matures), but also that doesn't matter in the slightest. Nice gatekeeping tho.

@tamai assumption that you are not a mod creator was perhaps presumptuous but their points after are valid. I see no difference between a mod creator removing their mod and someone deleting a tiktok or instagram post only to find out that their old posts are being reuploaded. Also gatekeeping implies that someone is blocking access to something because they feel they have a greater right to its access than a new user, now you are assuming that their intention is not moral but mearly to deny access to it for selfish reasons.


19 hours ago, Thurlam said:

And I can't say I'm particularly keen on your righteous high-horse blame throwing, either...

If you percieve my use of the word perhaps to give possible reasons as to why mono removed SLS  as being blame throwing then that is your problem. Wheteher you are keen or not on what I have to say matters little to me.



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7 hours ago, audhol said:

@tamai assumption that you are not a mod creator was perhaps presumptuous but their points after are valid. I see no difference between a mod creator removing their mod and someone deleting a tiktok or instagram post only to find out that their old posts are being reuploaded. Also gatekeeping implies that someone is blocking access to something because they feel they have a greater right to its access than a new user, now you are assuming that their intention is not moral but mearly to deny access to it for selfish reasons.


If you percieve my use of the word perhaps to give possible reasons as to why mono removed SLS  as being blame throwing then that is your problem. Wheteher you are keen or not on what I have to say matters little to me.


That's totally different, tiktok and instagram are monetized. Freebooting/content theft is a whole different topic than software preservation. Even still, it should be well known that if you post something publicly to the internet, you should expect it to be out there forever. Especially if it's something popular that has existed publicly for years.


And no, that is not what gatekeeping means.


And all the word 'perhaps' does in that sentence is make it speculative blame throwing, which is all anyone can do because not only did MM1 suddenly delete everything, he opted not to ever even provide any sort of rudimentary explanation.

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If we get down to the nitty gritty of it all, the mod, (Possibly) from the perspective of the creator is a gift that is given as it is available. If removed, it would be treated similarily to burning art that was a reminder to a memory wanted to be forgotten. Depending on ones self at this point, it is left to the users that still have it to decide what is moral or not. For some it would be to freely distribute... For others, to cherish what they are given and hold to the mod as a reminder of a great artist. Then there are those that may take it a step further and remove the mods from their lists to respect the desicion of the creator who charged nothing for the work, allowing, true rebirth. Maybe Monoman needed this to move on with something in life. Wouldnt it be better to simply move on and let the present lead our course?

Its up to you, but until new content is created or Monoman realeases anew their work. It may be time to say goodbye to Wartimes and Survival, sad as it may be.

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7 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

3. Attitudes such as: 

May not be intended but from my POV there's a serious bang of entitlement and ungratefulness about this post. Maybe you wouldn't have these alternatives if I hadn't put in the initial effort so... you're welcome I guess? I don't know why you felt to need to say this. And to say it in this thread...



I did not intend to come across like, so apologies for having done so. I just thought honesty was the best policy. What I was trying to express was that for me the cons outweighed the pros with SLS. I also accept that the smaller, more modular mods might not exist without yours.


I hope things calm down for you soon.

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I am sad to read about your situation.


Your mods were a core ingredient in my personal modlist and I enjoyed them very much.

For that, I can not thank you enough!

Their departure will be missed.


I send my best wishes to you. Things won't be the same around here.

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28 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Right. First off. Not having a mental breakdown or anything so dramatic. Not having 'a fit'. Been removing files over a couple of weeks now. I've been asking nicely. Not been asking admins to do anything. Mostly via PM. Some people's inboxes are full.


It has been... interesting to see the reactions. Some people get it. Others are annoyed that they've been inconvenienced.




And I'm sorry but when you've contributed a fraction of what I have then you'll have an opinion that I'd actually consider. It's been a bit of an eye-opener. There's some real 'pieces of work' on this site. Some genuinely nice people too. 


- Dependencies - I'm not aware of any mods that have a hard dependency on any of my mods. Soft dependency, sure. You simply lose access to this content. 

- I got paid for these mods. Ah... No. I've never paywalled files or badgered people about it. The only reason I even had a patreon account was because I was asked about it. And I'm grateful to anyone that helped me out but if I were getting paid by the hour it'd be .0x cents per hour. In any case, I didn't mod to get paid. 


Now, I can't point to any one thing that's lead me to this but there are a number of factors as I see it: 


1. I've a strange OCD where I feel compelled to support the stuff I've created. I find it very difficult to 'disconnect'. It's my responsibility. 7000 posts, mostly support. It's exhausting on it's own. Combine this with trouble sleeping and it leads to late nights reading/refreshing threads. Unhealthy. Perhaps if there wasn't any file then maybe I could disconnect?


2. Someone mentioned modpacks. Yea, maybe a factor. Not a big one though. Handy of course for users but I think possibly damaging for long term for modding in general. Positive reinforcement/engagement is definitely down around here since it's advent. And it's not like us modders get much else for our work. I think SLS beta had ~83000 downloads. 53 'endorsements'. Nearly 1600 DLs per endorsement. Obviously a lot of auto downloading going on. The only people showing up in threads are people with problems. Problems that either A) are well known or B) are completely off the mark due to the users complete lack of knowledge. I'd also point out that a necessity to be knowledgeable about mods is what lead me to modding in the first place. Less knowledgeable people around would probably indicate less modders and less mods going forward. 


3. Attitudes such as: 

May not be intended but from my POV there's a serious bang of entitlement and ungratefulness about this post. Maybe you wouldn't have these alternatives if I hadn't put in the initial effort so... you're welcome I guess? I don't know why you felt to need to say this. And to say it in this thread...


4. People shitting all over 'old' mods when 'newer' ones come out utterly baffles me. I've got news for people out there. Papyrus hasn't improved since Skyrim's release. Sure SE has a couple of extra (not particularly useful) functions but if you want compatibility (which most modders do) then you're stuck with basic papyrus. PO3 extender and the like - very useful. Not game changing. My point? - The 'best' mod for something may have been made years ago. Even if this was not the case they likely served as a foundation for your newer and better mod. So... show a little respect?


5. Large mods bad. Small mods good! - Yea... Sometimes. There are efficiencies to be gained in larger mods. If you were to chop up SLS and reinstall a lot of it in parts then I'd say you are actually making things worse. Now instead of one mod tracking your cell changes you've got multiple. Congratulations, you've double/tripled the background workload (which is usually the 'heaviest' work). And if anyone doesn't know how cell change tracking works, it involves adding a permanent magic effect to the player and an invisible object following you around forever. Imagine all that invisible junk following you around. Entering/exiting combat - same sort of thing. Load game events - probably a whole lot of duplication going on. 


6. Scripters are not well regarded in the Skyrim community. At least not as well as modelers/animators. Can't really do much of interest with a model/animation without some good situations to provide context. Situations provided by a quest/script. A model/animation can be finished. Script mods require constant updates/maintenance/support. I don't really understand it. Maybe because scripts = bad is the general perception? I don't know. Maybe my perception is off. 


7. Probably the biggest. I'm feeling the walls close in on me lately (modding wise). Pretty much all of my mods have some equivalent or equivalent parts now. Sure, my mods haven't been updated in some time but I was actively working on them. Anyone paying attention to the threads would know this. It's just difficult when you're spinning 3/4 plates at the same time, including 1 complete rewrite. They don't intend it but I feel like I'm 'under siege', for want of a better expression, by these modders. And since they are many and I am one, they are capable of doing things much faster than I. I'm being 'pushed out'.


So this is the crux. Modding has become a competition and is not a fun hobby anymore. If I am to 'compete' then I'd have to give up my day job which obviously isn't an option. And if my mods or new features are to be chopped up and rehashed anyway then I really don't see the point in continuing. Or at least... continuing publicly. It's possible at this point that I would continue modding since I still have an interest in playing Skyrim and many of the things I've been working on are practically finished or close to it anyway. But then I would be modding for personal use only. That may seem selfish on the surface. And it is. But not for the reasons you're probably thinking. 


Taking modding back to being a personal thing makes modding a hobby again. No competition. No watching my mods be very publicly dissected. No endless hours of support. No adding options I'm not particularly interested in. Less compatibility issues. No aggro. No chasing people for permissions to use meshes etc. Sounds great...


A lot of the problems above are from the community itself. Something to ponder...


Just to reiterate, all this isn't against any one modder in particular. 


Taking down my files was a silent protest of the above cumulative points. This community needs to work on :

  • Respect - Respect modders work. Even if you don't like it. It took time and effort and should not be shat on by anyone. Unless it's deliberately setting PCs on fire. 
  • Gratitude - Don't want to write a review or post a positive comment? Then just click the like button. Take you one second. Otherwise the vitriol of this place will drown out the positive feedback and modding will suffer. 
  • Understanding - Develop understanding of how mods work so that you're not a part of the scripts = bad sheeple. And therefore not disrespecting modders with your lack of understanding. If you don't know something then don't state it as fact...
  • Self help - respect mod authors free time. Try to figure it out yourself. See how much time modding takes (above). Maybe you'll learn something along the way and save a modder a headache. 
  • Collaboration - Maybe instead of forking off a mod, submit changes that can be implemented. Stuff is beginning to be splintered all over the place. 



So what now? 


Got to admit, I've made a bit of a mess of things. Should have just hidden files rather than delete them. Probably will reupload them somewhere, sometime. But possibly just to a locked blog post or something. Public development is likely to stop. Permission to carry on my work is not given. Yet. Need to figure out some things. 


Thanks for that very clear and helpful explanation


Can I just say firstly the most important thing is that you should look after yourself and your own mental wellbeing.  Grinding on for the sake of it, or out of a overly conscientious sense of responsibility is not fun at all and potentially damaging in RL.  Been there, done that, and anyone out there who doesn't understand that has either never had any position of real responsibility to others, or is just an asshole


What you do now is obviously up to you, but to relieve yourself of burden whilst not dispatching all your prior efforts into the Gates of Oblivion, might I have the temerity to suggest, from the position of being a non techie who couldn't mod the addition to the game of a bar of soap, that you could, as others have done before:



1 - Leave the mods up, DEFINITELY unsupported - you'd need to be as strong minded as NOT get involved ?




2 - Pass them on to anyone who might volunteer to progress them - like Slaverun Reloaded etc



Then you could still watch people enjoy them, but walk on by with an easy mind


And everyone could be a winner


Just my tuppenceworth


Whatever you do though, thanks for all you've done in making the game fun to play - and to try to beat ? - and, most importantly, look after yourself. 






Edited by DonQuiWho
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Thanks for the years of hard work on mods, sorry to see you go. The way people treat developers of their favourite games and mods is always so shabby :(


I don't mean this as an attack, but it does seem a bit unfair to make people who have independently been maintaining SE versions with your permission just take theirs down.


But yeah, I hope that you can find the fun again with your hobby. You've given us all some great stuff

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I understand what you're saying, and if you need to take some time and disconnect it's normal and healthy, but I think you're looking at it too negatively. Maybe it's because you only get people with problems rather than grateful people, I think you're right that a big mod with as many functions as yours is better and I personally use it instead of all the other small versions that have been emerging, and I will continue using it because this mod has become a basic thing to have when playing Skyrim, I am sorry that you have had to reach this point of dissatisfaction with the reception of your work, I just want to tell you that like me, I am sure that Many people value and use your mod daily in their Skyrim, and I'm sure many new people want to use it too, so I think what you said about uploading the content and blocking the pots sounds like a good idea for the community and for you, but I will respect whatever your decision, much love from a common user to whom you have given hours of entertainment with your mods

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2 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Right. First off. Not having a mental breakdown or anything so dramatic. Not having 'a fit'. Been removing files over a couple of weeks now. I've been asking nicely. Not been asking admins to do anything. Mostly via PM. Some people's inboxes are full.


It has been... interesting to see the reactions. Some people get it. Others are annoyed that they've been inconvenienced.




And I'm sorry but when you've contributed a fraction of what I have then you'll have an opinion that I'd actually consider. It's been a bit of an eye-opener. There's some real 'pieces of work' on this site. Some genuinely nice people too. 


- Dependencies - I'm not aware of any mods that have a hard dependency on any of my mods. Soft dependency, sure. You simply lose access to this content. 

- I got paid for these mods. Ah... No. I've never paywalled files or badgered people about it. The only reason I even had a patreon account was because I was asked about it. And I'm grateful to anyone that helped me out but if I were getting paid by the hour it'd be .0x cents per hour. In any case, I didn't mod to get paid. 


Now, I can't point to any one thing that's lead me to this but there are a number of factors as I see it: 


1. I've a strange OCD where I feel compelled to support the stuff I've created. I find it very difficult to 'disconnect'. It's my responsibility. 7000 posts, mostly support. It's exhausting on it's own. Combine this with trouble sleeping and it leads to late nights reading/refreshing threads. Unhealthy. Perhaps if there wasn't any file then maybe I could disconnect?


2. Someone mentioned modpacks. Yea, maybe a factor. Not a big one though. Handy of course for users but I think possibly damaging for long term for modding in general. Positive reinforcement/engagement is definitely down around here since it's advent. And it's not like us modders get much else for our work. I think SLS beta had ~83000 downloads. 53 'endorsements'. Nearly 1600 DLs per endorsement. Obviously a lot of auto downloading going on. The only people showing up in threads are people with problems. Problems that either A) are well known or B) are completely off the mark due to the users complete lack of knowledge. I'd also point out that a necessity to be knowledgeable about mods is what lead me to modding in the first place. Less knowledgeable people around would probably indicate less modders and less mods going forward. 


3. Attitudes such as: 

May not be intended but from my POV there's a serious bang of entitlement and ungratefulness about this post. Maybe you wouldn't have these alternatives if I hadn't put in the initial effort so... you're welcome I guess? I don't know why you felt to need to say this. And to say it in this thread...


4. People shitting all over 'old' mods when 'newer' ones come out utterly baffles me. I've got news for people out there. Papyrus hasn't improved since Skyrim's release. Sure SE has a couple of extra (not particularly useful) functions but if you want compatibility (which most modders do) then you're stuck with basic papyrus. PO3 extender and the like - very useful. Not game changing. My point? - The 'best' mod for something may have been made years ago. Even if this was not the case they likely served as a foundation for your newer and better mod. So... show a little respect?


5. Large mods bad. Small mods good! - Yea... Sometimes. There are efficiencies to be gained in larger mods. If you were to chop up SLS and reinstall a lot of it in parts then I'd say you are actually making things worse. Now instead of one mod tracking your cell changes you've got multiple. Congratulations, you've double/tripled the background workload (which is usually the 'heaviest' work). And if anyone doesn't know how cell change tracking works, it involves adding a permanent magic effect to the player and an invisible object following you around forever. Imagine all that invisible junk following you around. Entering/exiting combat - same sort of thing. Load game events - probably a whole lot of duplication going on. 


6. Scripters are not well regarded in the Skyrim community. At least not as well as modelers/animators. Can't really do much of interest with a model/animation without some good situations to provide context. Situations provided by a quest/script. A model/animation can be finished. Script mods require constant updates/maintenance/support. I don't really understand it. Maybe because scripts = bad is the general perception? I don't know. Maybe my perception is off. 


7. Probably the biggest. I'm feeling the walls close in on me lately (modding wise). Pretty much all of my mods have some equivalent or equivalent parts now. Sure, my mods haven't been updated in some time but I was actively working on them. Anyone paying attention to the threads would know this. It's just difficult when you're spinning 3/4 plates at the same time, including 1 complete rewrite. They don't intend it but I feel like I'm 'under siege', for want of a better expression, by these modders. And since they are many and I am one, they are capable of doing things much faster than I. I'm being 'pushed out'.


So this is the crux. Modding has become a competition and is not a fun hobby anymore. If I am to 'compete' then I'd have to give up my day job which obviously isn't an option. And if my mods or new features are to be chopped up and rehashed anyway then I really don't see the point in continuing. Or at least... continuing publicly. It's possible at this point that I would continue modding since I still have an interest in playing Skyrim and many of the things I've been working on are practically finished or close to it anyway. But then I would be modding for personal use only. That may seem selfish on the surface. And it is. But not for the reasons you're probably thinking. 


Taking modding back to being a personal thing makes modding a hobby again. No competition. No watching my mods be very publicly dissected. No endless hours of support. No adding options I'm not particularly interested in. Less compatibility issues. No aggro. No chasing people for permissions to use meshes etc. Sounds great...


A lot of the problems above are from the community itself. Something to ponder...


Just to reiterate, all this isn't against any one modder in particular. 


Taking down my files was a silent protest of the above cumulative points. This community needs to work on :

  • Respect - Respect modders work. Even if you don't like it. It took time and effort and should not be shat on by anyone. Unless it's deliberately setting PCs on fire. 
  • Gratitude - Don't want to write a review or post a positive comment? Then just click the like button. Take you one second. Otherwise the vitriol of this place will drown out the positive feedback and modding will suffer. 
  • Understanding - Develop understanding of how mods work so that you're not a part of the scripts = bad sheeple. And therefore not disrespecting modders with your lack of understanding. If you don't know something then don't state it as fact...
  • Self help - respect mod authors free time. Try to figure it out yourself. See how much time modding takes (above). Maybe you'll learn something along the way and save a modder a headache. 
  • Collaboration - Maybe instead of forking off a mod, submit changes that can be implemented. Stuff is beginning to be splintered all over the place. 



So what now? 


Got to admit, I've made a bit of a mess of things. Should have just hidden files rather than delete them. Probably will reupload them somewhere, sometime. But possibly just to a locked blog post or something. Public development is likely to stop. Permission to carry on my work is not given. Yet. Need to figure out some things. 

Huge thanks for explanation. I personally can totally understand your struggles and I think I get the motives.I know how much work you did, you are an absolutely outstanding modder who probably doesn't get much appreciation. The mods you made help me, a person with sadistic and masochistic desires get at least some relief in this life. My sincere gratitudes. Thank you, Monoman.

I was very shocked to see the mods disappeared and nowhere to be found. Luckily I still got SLS version on my computer from one the people who posted it here recently. It is under development, but for me it's 100% functioning finished mod that I am happy with. I don't want to mean any disrespect that's why I am not taking any attempts to upload your mods anywhere without your permission. However, I am really hoping that you could show some understanding to players and at least let us upload it anywhere and send to each other. Anyway, even it will not be me, but it will be someone else taking advantage of the sitatuation.

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4 hours ago, Monoman1 said:



Greetings monoman. I am cacophony on Discord. I created the Wabbajack modlist Licentia.

I greatly value the mods you have created over the years. I believe they provide an outlet for a certain form of dysfunction in human relationships that has become more and more common in this post-industrial age. I know they did for me. I suffer from cognitive problems that prevent me from interacting with others in a healthy way. I read an obscure forum post a long time ago that Ashal created Lover's Lab for people like me, and left up a lot of information that may not be technically accurate just so everyone would have somewhere to contribute. I always respected that, and it has informed a lot of the reasons why I maintain my own modlist. But I didn't come here to bore you with my sob story or wax poetic about the nature of mankind.

I just wanted to thank you for the time you spent working on your projects and ensure you that it has been my goal to respect mod author's rights perhaps more thoroughly than most modlist and Collection authors. I agree that automated installations reduce community engagement for individual mods, for one thing. And that it is possibly the greatest loss that a mod author sustained by his creative hobby can experience. That's not something most modlist authors are willing to admit. I don't know what to do about it, but I am sensitive to it. I would like to make clear, though, that I have always advocated that mod authors who feel strongly about mods being used in lists would have their rights respected, to the best of my ability. This is the large reason Ivy is no longer used in any of our lists because of how hostile the author is toward them. I can't speak for everyone else, but if you gave the word, I would never use one of your mods again.


I would also like to say that I suffer from some of the same compulsion to provide excellent support for my users without any sort of hostility or blame, without setting myself up as an expert or an authority or a superior figure, and it is not always a cakewalk. The same indolent, entitled, accusatory users infest my Discord server as much as they do this forum. It affects my mental health strongly at times -- repeating the same basic instructions again and again almost 24 hours a day -- because I have insomnia and mania and often find myself incapable of doing anything else. But my situation is a bit different from yours due to my compromised circumstances, I rely on my modlist support as a form of freelance technical support job that both gives me dignity and provides a small measure of extra change to support myself in difficult conditions. So I also understand where you're coming from when you say that your hobby has become more debilitating than enjoyable, and if you must step back from it, you receive no blame from me.

Perhaps you can find someone to take over for you, or perhaps you can put your mods in stasis and turn them over to a curator of some kind. I and the rest of Wabbajack hope you do, but if I were in your position, I would still feel compelled to check on how they are doing, so I understand if that is not in the cards. I wish you good fortune in the future.




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Thank you for taking the time to post that big explanation Monoman - I'm extremely thankful for your mods, I'm using almost all of them in my load order and I'd never consider removing them, the tight integration SL Survival has with all of its features makes it a mod that just couldn't be replicated in my opinion, and while fancy new mods are popping up now that aim to recreate parts of Survival's features, I don't think these are aiming to replace SLS by any means, they exist so that people who only wanted one or two features from SLS can have them and they aren't necessarily better or worse since they provide different experiences. It's unfortunate so many people have the idea that these new mods are better just for being newer, this goes for more than just mods as well.


When you try to remove your work and to distance yourself from a community it can feel horrible, I'm sorry you felt like erasing your work was the best option here. I have OCD too and I seriously relate to that need to keep things supported and "clean", after a while anything related to what you're working on can just become pure stress and trying to manage it is just impossible, since it's a constant thing you need to keep on top of - and who needs that kind of extra stress in life? It's just not worth it.


The locked thread idea sounds like the best thing for everyone if it's something you're comfortable with, and if you ever feel like updating the mods, we'd all appreciate it even if there's no support, especially since the people viewing that locked thread will be those who are already fans/users of your mods



I wish you the best with whatever you choose to do, thank you again - and don't be afraid to just call it in and keep modding to a completely private/solo thing - there's no shame at all in that regardless or what others may say

Edited by inviz.t
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5 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Sure, my mods haven't been updated in some time but I was actively working on them. Anyone paying attention to the threads would know this. It's just difficult when you're spinning 3/4 plates at the same time, including 1 complete rewrite. They don't intend it but I feel like I'm 'under siege', for want of a better expression, by these modders. And since they are many and I am one, they are capable of doing things much faster than I. I'm being 'pushed out'.

Your SLS mod, which I’d been cheering for silently (and continued to cheer for up until you removed it), hadn’t been updated in years. Nor had the SE-specific cell change enforcer CTD bug been dealt with. Hence, nor was it properly made for SE. You can have all the transparency in the world, but it’s useless if none of it appears actionable, even if it may be so.


You likely understand that much of your feelings are quite personal, and people should rightfully respect that. We can also respect your time while simultaneously respecting our own time. These two things can coexist.


When I took up BMLE, it was out of frustration of our modding scene lacking what I wanted. I simply can’t waste my own time any more, and I mod quite simply for my own enjoyment. And, frankly, I have new appreciation for your work after my work on BMLE, which has been as original as I can make it to be.


I’m unsure if you managed to see my only other post on this topic:


Ultimately, what I feel is most important is the availability of alternatives. But you do you. You can do what you want.

Edited by Gyra
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Monoman1, I have over 9k game time hours between LE and SE. Since I found LL and your mods, they have been part of my load order. That includes the big ones such as SLS, WT, and STA. It also includes many others you have created, such as MWA, BiS tweaked, SCO, etc...


The amount of enjoyment your mods added to my modded Skyrim playthroughs can not be understated. In addition to the mod content, your explanation of how the mods work, the lengthy mod descriptions, and your forum comments have taught me much over the years. Regardless of the outcome, I thank you for your creativity, hard work, and dedication to making your mods unforgettable.


I remember when I first saw Wartimes Tweaked. I didn't think it was something I would enjoy. I  must have played through that many dozens of times. I will miss seeing the work in progress you have shown over the last several months. Your continuation efforts on that is a work of art.


Thank you for years of enjoyment. I hope you will return to modding because your work has made an incredible difference.


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Thank you for that explanation. Whenever something like this happens I feel like I missed some huge thing going on publicly for weeks, but usually things escalate within a single day or even less which makes me feel like the guy in the meme. I was really excited to see a update for SLS as the last thing I saw about it was the talk about a rework and then I opened up the page trying to figure out wth happened.
I'm also a guy that rather just swallows things up, but seeing this makes me aware again that expressing yourself is something important. Good thing you got it out now.

I can relate to much of the stuff you said, I dont create mods just some drawings here and there. I do it as its my hobby and I started sharing it because, hey somebody else may enjoy the result like I do, but once you burden yourself with requests and stuff that is not part of your hobby it becomes a chore. Since I'm bad at saying no, with time I started to just drop my work as it is and people may enjoy it or not. I avoid looking at statistics or comments as the internet is as it is, some people nice, some people mean and the vast majority is like ghosts pretty much invisible. If I want to hear opinions on what I should draw I do polls as they are based on my choices alone. I can only speak for myself, but especially the polls I actually started to enjoy. There may be few people that vote, but those that do clearly like my work and are interested enough to constantly come back and vote despite my lack of interaction.

If you decide to continue to share your mods and you want to reduce your own stress about it my suggestions based on my personal experience would be just drop your mod as it is, write a few words what you think, how its going for yourself, plans or whatever else you want to share.
Lock the thread if you cant stop looking at it and keep doing your thing, maybe outsource the support, make a extra thread you dont bother with or only sometimes if you cant help it, were others that want to help or talk about your mod etc. can do so
Instead of listening to random suggestions take a few things you have in mind and do a poll if you are undecided what to work on next or because you still care what others think about an idea or whatever else. Its a lot less overwhelming and easier to work with as the amount of answers is limited by you and its in one place.

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5 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Right. First off. Not having a mental breakdown or anything so dramatic. Not having 'a fit'. Been removing files over a couple of weeks now. I've been asking nicely. Not been asking admins to do anything. Mostly via PM. Some people's inboxes are full.


It has been... interesting to see the reactions. Some people get it. Others are annoyed that they've been inconvenienced.




And I'm sorry but when you've contributed a fraction of what I have then you'll have an opinion that I'd actually consider. It's been a bit of an eye-opener. There's some real 'pieces of work' on this site. Some genuinely nice people too. 


- Dependencies - I'm not aware of any mods that have a hard dependency on any of my mods. Soft dependency, sure. You simply lose access to this content. 

- I got paid for these mods. Ah... No. I've never paywalled files or badgered people about it. The only reason I even had a patreon account was because I was asked about it. And I'm grateful to anyone that helped me out but if I were getting paid by the hour it'd be .0x cents per hour. In any case, I didn't mod to get paid. 


Now, I can't point to any one thing that's lead me to this but there are a number of factors as I see it: 


1. I've a strange OCD where I feel compelled to support the stuff I've created. I find it very difficult to 'disconnect'. It's my responsibility. 7000 posts, mostly support. It's exhausting on it's own. Combine this with trouble sleeping and it leads to late nights reading/refreshing threads. Unhealthy. Perhaps if there wasn't any file then maybe I could disconnect?


2. Someone mentioned modpacks. Yea, maybe a factor. Not a big one though. Handy of course for users but I think possibly damaging for long term for modding in general. Positive reinforcement/engagement is definitely down around here since it's advent. And it's not like us modders get much else for our work. I think SLS beta had ~83000 downloads. 53 'endorsements'. Nearly 1600 DLs per endorsement. Obviously a lot of auto downloading going on. The only people showing up in threads are people with problems. Problems that either A) are well known or B) are completely off the mark due to the users complete lack of knowledge. I'd also point out that a necessity to be knowledgeable about mods is what lead me to modding in the first place. Less knowledgeable people around would probably indicate less modders and less mods going forward. 


3. Attitudes such as: 

May not be intended but from my POV there's a serious bang of entitlement and ungratefulness about this post. Maybe you wouldn't have these alternatives if I hadn't put in the initial effort so... you're welcome I guess? I don't know why you felt to need to say this. And to say it in this thread...


4. People shitting all over 'old' mods when 'newer' ones come out utterly baffles me. I've got news for people out there. Papyrus hasn't improved since Skyrim's release. Sure SE has a couple of extra (not particularly useful) functions but if you want compatibility (which most modders do) then you're stuck with basic papyrus. PO3 extender and the like - very useful. Not game changing. My point? - The 'best' mod for something may have been made years ago. Even if this was not the case they likely served as a foundation for your newer and better mod. So... show a little respect?


5. Large mods bad. Small mods good! - Yea... Sometimes. There are efficiencies to be gained in larger mods. If you were to chop up SLS and reinstall a lot of it in parts then I'd say you are actually making things worse. Now instead of one mod tracking your cell changes you've got multiple. Congratulations, you've double/tripled the background workload (which is usually the 'heaviest' work). And if anyone doesn't know how cell change tracking works, it involves adding a permanent magic effect to the player and an invisible object following you around forever. Imagine all that invisible junk following you around. Entering/exiting combat - same sort of thing. Load game events - probably a whole lot of duplication going on. 


6. Scripters are not well regarded in the Skyrim community. At least not as well as modelers/animators. Can't really do much of interest with a model/animation without some good situations to provide context. Situations provided by a quest/script. A model/animation can be finished. Script mods require constant updates/maintenance/support. I don't really understand it. Maybe because scripts = bad is the general perception? I don't know. Maybe my perception is off. 


7. Probably the biggest. I'm feeling the walls close in on me lately (modding wise). Pretty much all of my mods have some equivalent or equivalent parts now. Sure, my mods haven't been updated in some time but I was actively working on them. Anyone paying attention to the threads would know this. It's just difficult when you're spinning 3/4 plates at the same time, including 1 complete rewrite. They don't intend it but I feel like I'm 'under siege', for want of a better expression, by these modders. And since they are many and I am one, they are capable of doing things much faster than I. I'm being 'pushed out'.


So this is the crux. Modding has become a competition and is not a fun hobby anymore. If I am to 'compete' then I'd have to give up my day job which obviously isn't an option. And if my mods or new features are to be chopped up and rehashed anyway then I really don't see the point in continuing. Or at least... continuing publicly. It's possible at this point that I would continue modding since I still have an interest in playing Skyrim and many of the things I've been working on are practically finished or close to it anyway. But then I would be modding for personal use only. That may seem selfish on the surface. And it is. But not for the reasons you're probably thinking. 


Taking modding back to being a personal thing makes modding a hobby again. No competition. No watching my mods be very publicly dissected. No endless hours of support. No adding options I'm not particularly interested in. Less compatibility issues. No aggro. No chasing people for permissions to use meshes etc. Sounds great...


A lot of the problems above are from the community itself. Something to ponder...


Just to reiterate, all this isn't against any one modder in particular. 


Taking down my files was a silent protest of the above cumulative points. This community needs to work on :

  • Respect - Respect modders work. Even if you don't like it. It took time and effort and should not be shat on by anyone. Unless it's deliberately setting PCs on fire. 
  • Gratitude - Don't want to write a review or post a positive comment? Then just click the like button. Take you one second. Otherwise the vitriol of this place will drown out the positive feedback and modding will suffer. 
  • Understanding - Develop understanding of how mods work so that you're not a part of the scripts = bad sheeple. And therefore not disrespecting modders with your lack of understanding. If you don't know something then don't state it as fact...
  • Self help - respect mod authors free time. Try to figure it out yourself. See how much time modding takes (above). Maybe you'll learn something along the way and save a modder a headache. 
  • Collaboration - Maybe instead of forking off a mod, submit changes that can be implemented. Stuff is beginning to be splintered all over the place. 



So what now? 


Got to admit, I've made a bit of a mess of things. Should have just hidden files rather than delete them. Probably will reupload them somewhere, sometime. But possibly just to a locked blog post or something. Public development is likely to stop. Permission to carry on my work is not given. Yet. Need to figure out some things. 


Monoman1, I really, genuinely appreciate the explanation. I understand the need to disconnect from support, and the desire to return to an enjoyable hobby mindset.


Going forward, another option is to choose a trusted caretaker for your mods. I'm sure there are many folks, myself included, who would volunteer to do that.


I wish you all the best! ❤️

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5 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

3. Attitudes such as: 

May not be intended but from my POV there's a serious bang of entitlement and ungratefulness about this post. Maybe you wouldn't have these alternatives if I hadn't put in the initial effort so... you're welcome I guess? I don't know why you felt to need to say this. And to say it in this thread...

100% would not have been able to make the CumSwallowNeedsAddon mod or many other mods (not on this site) without Monoman. I initially learned how to mod from looking at/editing his mods (for personal use) and then as a part of SLCOE. which is why my mods kind of follow his style a bit. I would have preferred to just edit the Cum needs feature in SLS, but I simply just could not get it to compile no matter what I did. SLS is just a great mod that includes a ton of cool features, but like all modders know, the bigger a mod is the more difficult it gets to keep the correct source files installed. I made CumSwallowNeedsAddon mainly because of not being able to compile it and I could not use SLS due to the LookAt feature (as I use IFPV) and even the workaround to "disable" it did not work that well. then I kept adding support for other mods and kept adding stuff i wanted. it lacks stuff SLS provides but adds stuff it does not provide and also has some common features (even if they are edited to work a bit differently)


Monoman is free to take a break and remove his stuff just like how we are free to mod and add stuff we like. Want a feature.. learn to mod and add it in. Found a bug and the mod author is too busy or not around anymore... learn to mod and fix it. I make plenty of patches for other mods that I made for my own use. I also send those patches to the authors, hoping they pull it in. I don't like to remake the wheel, but i do want what I want... so I learned to mod and made what I want. I find it a bit crazy that modders/users get so touchy about our interactive porn game mods. like chill we are all kind of sexual deviants.. otherwise we would not be here. FFS my mod is built on the premise that you can live off cum...


like chill we are all here just trying to improve our interactive porn game. give credit where it is due... do not be a dick, and just enjoy the effort people put in to make skyrim the best interactive porn game there is. I mean modders here can't even put this crap on our resume.. like uh sooo. what is your past programming experience... well you see I made a porn game all about being a cum slut...... or when i added bug fixes to IFPV, umm I made it so when you are in IFPV and in a sex scene it looks more like the real thing when giving BJs.....

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6 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Taking down my files was a silent protest of the above cumulative points. This community needs to work on :

  • Respect - Respect modders work. Even if you don't like it. It took time and effort and should not be shat on by anyone. Unless it's deliberately setting PCs on fire. 
  • Gratitude - Don't want to write a review or post a positive comment? Then just click the like button. Take you one second. Otherwise the vitriol of this place will drown out the positive feedback and modding will suffer. 
  • Understanding - Develop understanding of how mods work so that you're not a part of the scripts = bad sheeple. And therefore not disrespecting modders with your lack of understanding. If you don't know something then don't state it as fact...
  • Self help - respect mod authors free time. Try to figure it out yourself. See how much time modding takes (above). Maybe you'll learn something along the way and save a modder a headache. 
  • Collaboration - Maybe instead of forking off a mod, submit changes that can be implemented. Stuff is beginning to be splintered all over the place. 


As a modder my only only experiences have been with modeling, I've never seen the divide between modelers and scripters you mention.  If anything I would have thought it goes the other way, I can't do much beyond modeling, and the scripting part seems like wizardry to me.  For whatever it's worth, I've always found scripting to be impressive.


I posted here a while back that I followed this thread and wartimes for all the weird tech posts and features.  You made some really cool stuff and even the stuff I don't use is fun to see.


I definitely agree about the large number of disrespectful posts you see in these big mod threads.  Either blatantly just rude, or lazy self help they both definitely happen and they happen a lot.  The main thing I'd point out about them though is they almost always tend to be in clumsy broken English, which means they are probably not native English speakers and are probably not trying to be rude, and/or the have very limited access to modding resources themselves.  I try to remind myself of that not because it makes seem like less of an asshole but because it gives me an layer of insulation.


I follow the YPS immersive fashion thread, Emily1673 comes and goes but there also a few regulars in that thread that help people out.  YPS is a very unstable mod and didn't get support for years, but users like Balgin have been doing tremendous work keeping things alive, I constantly see posts with downloads for updates and workarounds being posted there.  Now that Emily1673 is back a lot of those things are getting incorporated.  This sounds a lot like the community you are trying to build.


Maybe the answer is appointing a competent custodian/moderator to some of your mods.  Not a full handoff to a new developer, but instead someone dedicated to responding to all the "are you sure you didn't try to install this on skyrim SE?" level questions.  That way you can just ignore them and focus on working on the things you want to work on.  With the amount of other projects that depend on the features of mods like SLS, I'm sure you can find someone to take over the headaches.

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Well, I certainly appreciate the explanation. It was sorely needed.


Can't say I agree with the overall sentiment, and frankly I find the idea of a "silent protest" laughable (until now the public was left clueless as to your rationale), but if the TL;DR is "I did it cuz I needed to for my mental health" then I can't really argue with that. Still don't think that removing everything, disallowing modifications, requesting conversions be taken down, and then blaming nearly everyone who isn't you constitutes a particularly cool move, but you do you fam. Hope your mental health/outlook improves.

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7 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Got to admit, I've made a bit of a mess of things. Should have just hidden files rather than delete them. Probably will reupload them somewhere, sometime. But possibly just to a locked blog post or something. Public development is likely to stop. Permission to carry on my work is not given. Yet. Need to figure out some things. 

To be fair I think the general consencous was supportive of your decision. Sure some people had different views on what constitutes public domain, the accesibility/redistribution of files that were once previously available and the right of a creator to remove their work, but no-one denied your effort and contribution to the sexytime rpg  community.


You do whats best for you, your star on the boulevard of the adult modding community is already in place even if that mangy mut comes and cocks his leg on it once in a while!

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3 minutes ago, Thurlam said:

Well, I certainly appreciate the explanation. It was sorely needed.


Can't say I agree with the overall sentiment, and frankly I find the idea of a "silent protest" laughable (until now the public was left clueless as to your rationale), but if the TL;DR is "I did it cuz I needed to for my mental health" then I can't really argue with that. Still don't think that removing everything, disallowing modifications, requesting conversions be taken down, and then blaming nearly everyone who isn't you constitutes a particularly cool move, but you do you fam. Hope your mental health/outlook improves.

I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, guess I was wrong. At least I wont have to see your posts ever again.

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7 hours ago, Monoman1 said:


So what now? 


Got to admit, I've made a bit of a mess of things. Should have just hidden files rather than delete them. Probably will reupload them somewhere, sometime. But possibly just to a locked blog post or something. Public development is likely to stop. Permission to carry on my work is not given. Yet. Need to figure out some things. 


You are too good of a person for this site.


Your mods were always the best. You've got it completely wrong that "script mods" are boring, though. Been playing loverslab skyrim for a long time and the biggest challenge in doing so was always finding the mods that integrated sexlab with gameplay in a way that I found interesting. Your mods were really the only ones that properly ticked that box. And without such mods, the game always became boring or uninteresting after a short while. I think that many people appreciates this.


But I must say, with the amount of time you've spent on modding with your admitted disability to disconnect, I completely understand your decision. It must have been exhausting.


Have fun with whatever you decide to do with all that unlocked spare time.

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A lot of what @Monoman1 writes feels very familiar to me. I pretty much abandoned support for my mods several years back because I just couldn't do it anymore. I didn't exactly feel disrespected or anything, but hated being expected (mostly by myself, I suppose) to drop whatever new thing I was working on to address a report of something possibly malfunctioning in my old stuff, which was usually badly reported and so rather untraceable to begin with. Making mods is fun, but providing support just isn't. Some people manage it well, but others don't, and it's completely fine if you want to distance yourself from it. Just allow yourself to do that.


That said, I'll reiterate that posts being rude to mod makers about the concept, implementation or direction of their mod are simply not acceptable on LL. People often think that our first rule ('modders come first', 'don't be a jerk about it') is just something we say. It truly isn't, so let us know when somebody needs a good talking-to on that front.

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9 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Public development is likely to stop.


Hi Monoman,


Glad you were able to explain things to us all and I am gutted you have been pushed to your current decision but it is completely understood and I cant say I blame you given your talking points. I am also glad to hear you haven't been hacked, abducted by aliens or had a psychotic rampage of some sort, very relieved on all points.


While I didnt have a particular interested in SLS I was very invested in your edits to Wartimes which were fantastic by the way (I think I said as much on my previous username: Deadmetal until I lost the password and email..long story there).


While I am saddened by these turn of events I respect your decision and I am very pissed off that some of the spiteful little shits in the community...well they did their spiteful little shitty things I guess.


I will probably send you a private message over something shortly if you would indulge me but im sure you have probably already been bombarded by the masses with all sorts of plea's for forgiveness etc etc


Thank you for all your contributions good sir.


Glad your not dead or taken over by some malevolent force


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