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4 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:

Another option would be to multiply the spell cost by 200 or so for anything outside the Restoration school.  That could be done with an associated perk.  Of course there are mods that add damaging spells to the Restoration tree so you'd have to exercise restraint for things like that. 

This would be the best way to implement it in SLS, but can't really be done with a quick Tes5Edit hack, and definitely can't be done by SLD.


In the case of SLD, it's on my wish list :)

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Hey I really like the versitility of this mod, thank you for your work! The creature content is great, are there plans to keep expanding in that area?

Some ideas - Pc can get the cost of a horse down or just be offered gold by horse farmers to please their stalions due to the lack of mares in skyrim.

Asking followers or npcs if they have ever indulged a creature/ possible corruption system where they start to like it.

Extra options for your main horse or dog follower like vigilance. Such as offering them to use you as they want. They try mount you like the friend system. Offering npcs to them to get off on or asking npcs what they think about your horse/ dog follower to see if they are into that.

Just some ideas thanks again!

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I was wondering how could i go about making it so Riften is the only location that is very perverted, As in the lore riften is a very corrupt place as it is so guards abusing outsiders makes more sense there, So i was wondering if features like comments or the toll could be used in only certain locations so how.

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6 hours ago, LinksSword said:

I was wondering how could i go about making it so Riften is the only location that is very perverted, As in the lore riften is a very corrupt place as it is so guards abusing outsiders makes more sense there, So i was wondering if features like comments or the toll could be used in only certain locations so how.

You may have some success in Tes5Edit, then use the console to disable enforcers in places you don't want them.


I used to ask for SLS to support per-hold configuration, and Monoman never liked the idea of that. As he isn't making any changes now, that would be a dead-end anyway. You are limited to hacks you can apply yourself.


If Monoman took a sensible approach and tied the dialog changes to their own specific factions, you can just remove the guards from those factions where it's not appropriate for your game.


There are (likely) some trigger boxes in towns, and reducing those and moving them to where they do nothing should stop reactions when you enter town via the gate. I remember looking at how it all worked, very briefly, but it's all hazy now. Some things depend on gates loading, and presumably there are aliases being fed into scripts that you need to stop being fed in.

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2 hours ago, generic_name said:

Seems the mod scales down the height of PC? Any way to disable that?

The mod makes changes to the base races to add the disparity buff/debuff. It doesn't necessarily change the scale from vanilla race files scale. But if you had something that increased the scale of certain races that was loaded before it, it would change that scale back. 



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3 hours ago, Corsayr said:

The mod makes changes to the base races to add the disparity buff/debuff. It doesn't necessarily change the scale from vanilla race files scale. But if you had something that increased the scale of certain races that was loaded before it, it would change that scale back. 



Would changing the height in racemenu fix this?

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1 hour ago, donttouchmethere said:

Did you try it out already and does it work for any kind of equipment or only vanilla?

oh that mod? idk i suppose it says it works for all weapons armor and jewelry tbh its hard to kill things but i believe so far it went up 2 damage points ^^

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I am planning a new playthrough and now I am wondering about the impact on performance/scriptload and how customizable the features are?

Generally I try to streamline my mod setup and I don't need most of the features of this mod. More specifically, I am only interested in the cum features (addiction system + creature fondling, etc.) and the Bikini experience. All the other stuff I don't need or are provided by other mods (Slaverun, SLHH etc.).


So if I toggle off all the other stuff, what is still running (the core mod?) and is that a viable option if I want those very unique features?

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3 hours ago, hexenhaus said:

I am planning a new playthrough and now I am wondering about the impact on performance/scriptload and how customizable the features are?

Generally I try to streamline my mod setup and I don't need most of the features of this mod. More specifically, I am only interested in the cum features (addiction system + creature fondling, etc.) and the Bikini experience. All the other stuff I don't need or are provided by other mods (Slaverun, SLHH etc.).


So if I toggle off all the other stuff, what is still running (the core mod?) and is that a viable option if I want those very unique features?

it is very good at toggling features on or off. Where some have had issue is "selective toggling" 


Example Licenses 


turning that whole system off = easy

just turning off one type of license = more complicated and in some cases not fully doable to some people satisfaction.


Based on what you have said, it should have no trouble accommodating you. 



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Would it be possible to get an option to make licenses apply only to those considered female by the misogyny/disparity settings? Maybe also make it so that followers who aren't disallowed by the license settings accept contraband but not let you have it back?

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looks minimum AV breaks movement speed at least in my mod list it works initially but as soon as you get a negative speedmult it starts a laggy oscillation as scripts fight each other giving greater amounts of +/- movement speed after each oscillation eventually leaving you at 0 movement speed or 1000s of movement speed and it doesn't fix after removing the initial speed debuff(unequiping devious boots) console commands don't fix it either but as soon as i turn minimum AV off it works again 100 base speed with whatever modifiers applied correctly

also can we get a list of which Needs mods work? i don't like how the sleep works in RND or the Food spoiling which other needs mods could i use? that still work with this mod

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