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2 hours ago, TheLadysGhost said:

How many on TS4 (not pro-Patreon whores) may have made an upload that was buried to page 6 after an hour?


IF people ever get that far.  Sometimes on the home page all ten of the New Files listed are by the same 'modder' and the 'mod' names are almost the same.  It's like that's all the site has to offer.

Edited by Kendo 2
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On 8/4/2022 at 11:33 AM, steelpanther24 said:

The occupational field I was in early in life had death rates of men to women at 100 to 1.

Probably belongs in the rant section, but this and the 'controls' you mentioned (or lack thereof) is something that I get really angry about whenever certain people insist on "equality".  These people want equality until it no longer suits them, and they'll cherry pick the stats to back up their point of argument to boot.

What's on my mind is work.  Work is ending, sort of.  I'd like to move on after literal years of being in a place that was supposed to be a minor jump-off job.  Soon, the perfect opportunity to depart will present itself, and yet the business owners keep talking as if all will just continue as is.  Uh, no folks.  It won't.  And I'm losing sleep over it at the moment.

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3 hours ago, TheLadysGhost said:

Stockholm syndrome is as it is.


I never really cared about that front page, as those looking for TS3 would click the TS3 tab. But, and I said this before, the page bombing of 3 or 4 TS4 low effort Patreon whores can remove all competiton from the first 1 or 2 pages of TS4, and then recycle their "updates" endlessly. Again, never affected me, but I do remember my first upload here. It remained on the first page of TS3 for a while. People saw it and downloaded it. That others downloaded it, encouraged a very nervous first time uploader to keep going.


How many on TS4 (not pro-Patreon whores) may have made an upload that was buried to page 6 after an hour? And face it, TS4ers are too "want it now" to take so much time from their oh so precious lives to look beyond the headlines to find the page 6 gem. 4 downloads, and the poster never bothers to upload again. But, who cares? The lights are on at LL... even if there is nobody home.


1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:


IF people ever get that far.  Sometimes on the home page all ten of the New Files listed are by the same 'modder' and the 'mod' names are almost the same.  It's like that's all the site has to offer.


1 hour ago, TheLadysGhost said:

Exactly! ?


My suggestion is that there be a thread that gives reviews and discussions of the "best" that is offered.  A simple thought, give a description and reason something is good and then post a link. It will also be a bit dirty as someone will likely try to bomb the thread but double post can a NO, NO.  it would be something that someone could browse through to see options with real comments from others about what they like and don't like about a mod.


Might not work here, but it can work "on another site" ;)  Just like the other thing that was done by me "on another site" recently for Sim's authors. The way I see it, the author can't review their own mods, only others. They can however give very brief support which then would be transferred over to their thread if more help was needed.


Me, personally, I checked around and searched for what I wanted. Once I found some authors that I liked using, or were advised using by other authors I knew, I pretty much stuck with their works for the most part only adding an occasional one when testing and checking things out.  Being impatient is a bad thing. Taking your time and reading the description and checking post out is much better in the modding scene. Ask anyone that used "Sexout Orgy" mod. ;)


P.S. What is with the site today. Typing is very unresponsive. My net upload / download is more than adequate. I was trying to type and stuff just disappeared. Kept on trying for a bit then it and what I corrected and typed a second time popped up. Strange. Haven't see that here.

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honestly with the TS4 issues i don't even shop here for mods anymore, and i'm probably not gonna host my mods here. the sims community is also ridiculously impatient as it's been mentioned here. i love nsfw sims mods and making nsfw cc and mods, and i do find a lot of helpful stuff from other creators in discussions about actually creating stuff for the game, but man. even on sites where you're required to be civil there are people that tend to get pretty nasty, but in a way so they can avoid banishment lol. the sheer entitlement of some of the people even using my own mods is insufferable

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7 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Until now I've only seen very few Products in the Markets but that for at least a few Years.

Mostly Burger made out of the larvae of some insect I've never heard  before." buffalo insects"  Don't believe the market will grow big, People either stay on meat or go over to vegan foods. Can't think of anyone deciding to make Bug Meat their go to Protein food.

Like I said, I would try it actually, just to see if it tastes good. Probably even healthier then most meat you get these days but it's too expensive compared to normal meat burger.  The thought of eating a Frog weirds  me out too tho, can't think that they are tasty, but you never know ?


Oh i see, so it isn't like tarantula meat or something? XD But yeah i see what you mean, i can't see most people attempting bug meat either simply because the concept will weird them out too much, and like you said the price is just a double nope on top. I always thought frog legs would be more jelly-like because of how translucent it looks, so trying to eat a French cuisine around frog legs would be interesting at least.


7 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Thanks. I very much believe it depends on the person to be honest. Never could see myself working a Desk Job or staying Inside in general. People working less physical work surely can tell as many nightmare storys about lazy Co Workers and Workdays as I can. ? Doing it for over a Decade now, so I can't really tell how difficult it really is if you're working Desks jobs or other Fields were your Brain gets stressed more then your Body.


In my experience, desk jobs are not comfortable unless you either find your groove (expertise based positions) or you just don't have to work as much as your subordinates (the cushy positions). I work in finance/accounting and i used to work the desk until i landed a job at a local firm which allows me to work from home for the most part but before that it was really hectic, workplace tension/drama can be overwhelming if there's a few wrong people all bunched up together in a department. Luckily i do more stuff outside of that so i have multiple avenues for income and tasks but solely working that field in an office environment for decades would've been very exhausting.


8 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Thanks ?  Learned a lot after changing most things I enjoy watching and reading to it. Learned to appreciate the original dialogues way more then most translated ones.

About the Words yeah, think of the Word Gay for example. It never was meant to describe homosexuality. The way i read it was a Word for being Happy first until it became the short definition of a sexuality. Or words like Pork. Somewhere, somehow a generation decided "We gonna use it to as another word for Sex. Because it's hilarious" At least i Hope they did  ?

The same is True for actual Names like Dick. Nobody raised an Eyebrow 20 Years ago when someone was named Dick. Now you probably going to hear at least a few stupid comments or jokes around a Dick (?)


Bruh i swear i thought about using the gay example when writing that post lmao, so we are in the Matrix after all! And the Dick thing is so right too, there shops from the 1950's time named Dick's Bistro or some shit and it's just impossible to look at it and not at least giggle, especially when you have to say it.


"Bruh where you been man?"

"I was at the Dick's Bar"




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12 hours ago, Gukahn said:

The way i read it was a Word for being Happy

Correct. When it started being a synonym for gay there was a joke - "I'm not gay but I am fairly happy-go-lucky".


Nietzsche's Die fröhliche Wissenschaft is usually translated as 'The Gay Science'. ?

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9 hours ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Oh i see, so it isn't like tarantula meat or something? XD But yeah i see what you mean, i can't see most people attempting bug meat either simply because the concept will weird them out too much, and like you said the price is just a double nope on top. I always thought frog legs would be more jelly-like because of how translucent it looks, so trying to eat a French cuisine around frog legs would be interesting at least.


No just larvae. Believe the most exotic they would try are grasshoppers. Always wanted to know how they taste since I saw someone grilling them ? 

I think to remember a Co Worker of mine once said Frogs taste a little bit like Chicken. Don't believe him tho. "Everything exotic  tastes like Chicken"


9 hours ago, Mr. Otaku said:

In my experience, desk jobs are not comfortable unless you either find your groove (expertise based positions) or you just don't have to work as much as your subordinates (the cushy positions). I work in finance/accounting and i used to work the desk until i landed a job at a local firm which allows me to work from home for the most part but before that it was really hectic, workplace tension/drama can be overwhelming if there's a few wrong people all bunched up together in a department. Luckily i do more stuff outside of that so i have multiple avenues for income and tasks but solely working that field in an office environment for decades would've been very exhausting.


See? When I have a Co Worker i can't stand anymore, I can just go to the other Side of the Field and Work there. Or "forget" them and drive to the next Garden ?

Sitting all Day can't be good for your Back either, so I believe most things I do a at least a little bit better for my physical Health . Having Stress at work is normal for me depending on the Season, but most Customers can wait a while till we have Time. Some of the more demanding Ones can be talked to pretty easy when you tell them "Something Something, Latin Word, not the Season for that" ?

And Since i am not in customer Service, I can be a little bit harsher when talking to the worst kind and get away with it.

Something someone working a Desk Job and has to have a good relationship with the People can't do.


10 hours ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Bruh i swear i thought about using the gay example when writing that post lmao, so we are in the Matrix after all! And the Dick thing is so right too, there shops from the 1950's time named Dick's Bistro or some shit and it's just impossible to look at it and not at least giggle, especially when you have to say it.


"Bruh where you been man?"

"I was at the Dick's Bar"





5 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

Correct. When it started being a synonym for gay there was a joke - "I'm not gay but I am fairly happy-go-lucky".


Nietzsche's Die fröhliche Wissenschaft is usually translated as 'The Gay Science'. ?

I just love the English language ?

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18 hours ago, Gukahn said:

About the Words yeah, think of the Word Gay for example. It never was meant to describe homosexuality. The way i read it was a Word for being Happy first until it became the short definition of a sexuality.


Well that reminded me of...



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